保人Bürge m
保守僵硬konservative Erstarrung
保存,保管Aufbewahren n
保存,维持Beibehaltung f
保存一个修改过的配置文件Geändertes Profil speichern
保存语言对Sprachpaare speichern
保单在哪儿?Wo ist der Garantieschein ?
帮·乔维Bon Jovi
帮办,助手,助教,助理Assistent m
帮我个忙好吗?Willst du mir bitte einen Gefallen tun?
帮助,支援,补助费,助学金Beihilfe f
膀胱die Harnblase.
棒,条;锭,金属锭,金属块;铸块;钢坯Barren m
棒,条;拦杆,栅Barre f
半自言自语地Halb vor sich hin
伴生金属,附随金属,外来金属Begleitmetall n
.工程报价用语LCF/ALGERIE/ORAN================================目录1、土方 (1)2、下部构造 (1)3、上部构造 (1)4、圬工-抹灰 (2)5、面层 ........................................................................................................................... 2~36、防水 (3)7、木门窗 (3)8、金属门窗 ................................................................................................................... 3~49、铝合金门窗及幕墙 .................................................................................................. 4~510、暖卫洁具 .......................................................................................................... 5~7~洁具 (5)~龙头和配件...........................................................................5~6~管子 (6)~饮用水/内部消防 .............................................................................................. 6~7~排污排废 (6)11、电 ................................................................................................................... 7~10~电器设备 (7)~电线及护管 (8)~配电盘............................................................................................................. 8~10~干管 . (10)12、油漆和玻璃 ................................................................................................. 10~1113、排水 (11)14、采暖/设备设施 ............................................................................................ 11~1315、钢构造 (13)16、外部整治 (14)17、水箱/水泵 (14)Devis quantitatif et estimatif 工程数量及概算书Terrassement 土方Lot 标段、分项工程Terrassement général 一般土方工程Metre carré平方米Déca de la terre végétale 剥离腐殖土Déssouchage 除树根Désherbage 除草Terrain rocheux 多石地带、石地Terrain sablonneux 砂质土〔地段〕Terrain de toutes natures 各种类型〔土质〕场地Nivellement du terrain 场地平坦Matériel de toute nature 各种类型设备/ 物资Exécutépar 用……施工〔实施〕Exécuter manuellement 人工开挖人工或机械开挖Enceinte 内、范围内Fouille 开挖、挖槽、基坑Fouille en rigole 槽式开挖Yc toutes sujetions 包括各附属工作Fouille en trou 挖坑/洞Dressement des parois 基坑壁修整Talus 坡、边坡Jet de pelle 铁锨扔土Bonne execution 良好的〔按标准〕施工Remblai de fouille 基坑回填Au tour des constructions 建筑物四周Par couche successive 分层Avec les terres mises en dépôt 利用存土〔弃土〕Précédemment 事先、从前Damage 夯实Arrossage 浇水Transport 运输Terre excédentaire 余土La (或le) plus proche 最近的Camion basculant 自卸式卡车Chargeur/chargeuse 装载机Déchargement 卸车Majoration增加、提高价格Décharge publique 〔DP〕垃圾堆放场Plus-value 增值,追加额;加价Lot de terrassement 土方工程Epaisseur de 20 cm 20 厘米厚Metre cube 立方米Débroussage除丛枝灌木Terrain 场地、地段Terrain ordinaire 一般地段Terrain mou / meuble 软土地面(段)Terrain marécageux 沼泽土〔地〕Terrain compact 结实〔硬〕土地Aménagement du terrain 场地整治Engin mécanique 机械Exécuter par engin mécanique 机械施工〔开挖〕Exécuter manuellement ou aux engines mécaniques Main d’oeuvre人工/小工Enceinte du chantier 工地内Fouille en puit 井式开挖Fouille en tranchée 基坑〔槽式〕开挖Plus value 加价Dressement 整理、矫直Effondrement 倒塌Fondde fouille 基坑底Berge基坑两侧Mise en dépôt 弃方、存放Autour de 围绕、 ..... 的四周Couche 层Avec 带有、用、和Remblaid’emprunt借土回填Compactage 压实Réglage 调整〔修整〕Evacuation 排出、排水、运出Distance 距离Proche 近Camion 卡车Camion à benne 翻斗车Chargement 装车Foisonnement 挖方多出的土方量Sans majoration 不加价Sur un rayon de 5km 5 公里半径范围内Démolition 撤除Gros oeuvres 主体工程Infrastructure et Superstructure 下、上部构造Béton de〔或en〕fondation 根底混凝土Béton混凝土Gros béton 根底用〔粗骨料〕混凝土Béton de propreté素混凝土Fabrication制作Ciment 水泥Ciment CPF 矿渣硅酸盐水泥Dosé à X kg/m3 〔dosage〕投配量为X kg/m3Huile de décoffrage 拆模油Ferraillage / Armature / Fer à béton 钢筋Nappe 层Règle de l’art施工工艺Suivant les règles de l’art依据施工工艺Pervibration 振捣Semelle 根底板Semelle isolée 单独〔扩大〕根底Dalle flotante 浮板〔楼板〕Longrine 地梁Hérissonnage 毛石根底Moellon 毛石Duretée 硬度Hérissonner 墙面拉毛粉刷/做毛石根底Poteau 柱Voile 壳体〔剪力墙〕Poutre 梁Acrotère 女儿墙(矮的)Appui de baie〔或fenêtre〕窗台Hernie 夹砂、气泡Sujetion 附属、相关工作Plancher creux/en corps creux 空心楼板Plancher à dalle nervure 肋形楼板Hourdis/hourdage 肋间空心混凝土预制块Dalle 混凝土板Dalle de compression 受压板Dalle en marche 楼梯踏板Dalle à porte-faux en béton armé钢筋混凝土挑檐板Etaiment 支护Aciers 钢材Bois 木材Jointoiment 勾缝、嵌缝Spécifications 要求Article 条、条款Polystyrène pour joint 聚苯乙烯接缝Soubassement en béton cyclopéen 混凝土巨石挡土墙Structure 构造Réalisation 建筑、完成Béton armé〔BA〕钢筋混凝土Gros béton de rattra 粗混找平Plate-forme en béton 混凝土底基Transport à pièd d’oeuvre运至施工处、工地前Ciment CPA 硅酸盐水泥/ 一般水泥Ciment blanc 白水泥Coffrage 模板Gravier 石子Treillis soudé〔TS〕焊接钢筋网Une nappe de Treillis soudé一层焊接钢筋网Mise en oeuvre 施工、施用Béton en élévation 混凝土砌筑Pervibration dans la masse 插入振捣Semelle filante 带式根底Dalle 板、混凝土板Dalle de fondation 根底板Raidisseur 加劲板/ 受力构件Pierre sèche 干石Pierre concassée 〔粉〕碎石Duretée acceptable 可承受〔认可〕的硬度Béton en élévation 混凝土上升〔砌筑〕Avant poteau / Amorce poteau / 柱头Avant voile 壳体〔剪力墙〕头Chainage 圈梁Parapet 女儿墙〔高的〕Linteau 过梁Baie 门窗洞Plancher 楼板Plancher semi-préfabriqué半预制楼板Plancher en dalle 无梁楼板Poutrelle 小梁Dalle armé钢筋混凝土板,加筋板Dalle nervure 肋构楼板Dalle pleine 实心板Dalle flottante 浮板、楼板Fourniture et pose〔F/P〕供给(供货)和安装Nuance 钢材品种〔种类〕Joint 接缝Même 同样的Mêmes spécifications 一样的要求Légerment armé略配筋Soubassement 挡土墙Menus travaux 小工程Structure à cadre 框架构造Lot Maçonnerie et Enduit 圬工和抹灰工程Maçonnerie 圬工、砌体Truelle 抹子Dalle de revêtement 面砖Maçonnerie à joint réglé清水墙Madrier 厚木板Mur 墙Paroi 隔断墙、墙壁,墙面Brique creuse / perforée 空心砖Trou 孔Double parois 双层墙Vide d’air空气空隙Faux-plafond 吊顶Hourder/hourdé抹灰Mortier 砂浆Enduit intérieur/extérieur 内/ 外部抹灰Mise en chantier 施工、开工Mise en action 开头行动Montant 金额Sur mur 在墙上Badigeonnage 刷白,刷浆Badigeonnage à la chaux 刷石灰,刷白Platre 石膏Parois des bétons 混凝土面Isolation 隔离,绝缘Fixation 固定Raccord 连接F/P appui de fenëtre 供给和安装窗台Potager 砖砌炉灶/ 蔬菜园Scellement 固定、锚固Socle en béton 混凝土座Conduite〔conduit〕de ventillation 通风管道Souche 树根、烟囱出屋面局部Ascenseur 电梯、升降机Béton moulé混凝土浇筑的Table de travail 工作〔操作〕台Evier 洗菜盆Evier à 1〔2〕bacs 单〔双〕槽洗菜盆Paillasse 洗碗槽傍边的瓷砖台Siphon 存水弯、虹吸〔器〕Chambre froide 冷藏室Colle 胶Main courante 扶手Joint 灰缝Corniche线脚Balcon 阳台Maçon 瓦工Taloche 墁刀,托泥板Dalot 箱涵Pierre artificielle 人造石Exécution 施工、执行Mur intérieur / extérieur 内/外墙Brique 砖Brique de façade 面砖Parpaing 砌块Cloison隔断Sous plafond 天花板上Enduit 抹灰Ciment 水泥Mortier de ciemnt 水泥砂浆Enduit au mortier de ciment 抹水泥砂浆Mise en câble 铺设电缆Minium (de plomb) 铅丹Soustotal 小计〔分项合计〕S ousplafond 天花板下部Badigeonnage en ciment 刷水泥浆Badigeonnage un mur 粉刷墙壁Flint koot 弗兰科特Polystyrène expensé膨胀聚苯乙烯〔苯板〕Joint de diladation 伸缩缝Coupe 裁割Légèrement armé略配筋Couvre-joint en plastique 塑料压缝Potager de cuisine 橱灶Placard 壁橱Conduite 管道Conduite〔conduit〕de fumée 烟道〔囱〕Gaine 护套、套管、管道Monte charge 货梯Sous≠Sur在下边≠在上边Bloc cuisine 整体厨房Bac 槽Placage 镶面、贴面égouttoir 洗盆边上的沥水架Siphon de sol 地漏Chape en ciment bouchardé水泥浆粉面〔拉毛〕Garde corps 栏杆Pergola 绿廊、花棚Rejointoiement 勾缝Cimaise 挂镜线Terrasse 凉台Revêtement sol & mur 地面和墙面Pièce 房间Locaux humides 潮湿房间〔地方〕Salle de bain 〔S.D.B〕浴室、洗澡间Salon 客厅Hall 大厅、门厅Revêtement 面层、饰面Carrelage 铺方砖,铺地面Carreaux de ciment 水泥砖Mosaique 马赛克Granito 水磨石、人造石Carreau de faiance 瓷砖Carreau de mosaique 锦砖、马赛克Carreau 〔Plaque〕de platre 石膏板Dalle de béton 混凝土板Dallette de marbre 小型大理石板Plinthe 踢脚Terre 土Vernissé带釉的Claustras 石栏Habillage 蒙皮、护面、包Mono couche 单层Importation 进口Faux plafond démontable 可拆卸吊顶Anti-dérapant 防滑Formede sable 砂垫层Ponçage打磨、抛光Compact/Compacto 小型Couleur 颜色Premier choix 首选、优质Solfini 地外表〔完工地面〕Couche de surface 面层Pose de cadre de menuiserie 放置门窗框Coupe 切割Angle 角、角度Lame d’aluminium铝板Locaux techniques 技术间Salle d’eau盥洗室/ 水房Salle de douche 淋浴间Toilette / W.C. 盥洗室、厕所Chambre 卧房Revêtement de sol en... 用……铺地面Carreau 方砖Sol carrelé花砖地Parquet 木地板Carreau céramique 瓷砖Carreau de grès 陶砖Carreau vernisé釉面砖Marbre 大理石Dalle de sol 地砖A bain de mortier 使用灰浆Dallage 铺地面Terre cuite 焙烧陶土Blanc/Blanche 白色的Brique Nevada 玻璃砖Habillage des poteaux en briques 砖包柱Marche et contre marche 踏步和踢脚板Faux plafond 吊顶Feuille vinyle 乙烯树脂膜Bain de mortier 灰浆Nettoyage 清扫Lustage 抛光、上光Coulage 浇筑Choix du client 用户的选择Sol cimenté水泥地面Couche de dressage 找平层Pente d’écoulement泛水Joint fini au ciment blanc 白水泥浇缝Serrage 嵌紧、拧紧Réservation 预留、订座位Chute 废料、下脚料Etanchéité防水Alimentation en eau et assainissement 给排水Pare vapeur 防蒸汽层/ 蒸汽隔层Ecran pare-vapeur 防蒸汽层/ 蒸汽隔层Isolation 隔离、绝缘Isolation thermique 隔热层/保温层Liège 软木Liège expensé膨胀软木Joint de fractionnement en polystyrène 聚苯乙烯分割缝Film 膜Film polyane 聚烃〔类〕膜Etanchéité primaire 初级〔步〕防水Terrasse accessible 上人凉台Relevéd’étanchéité en paralumin 铝箔卷边防水Feutre bitumé油毡Couche de protection 保护层Gargouilleen plomb laminé铅皮雨落口Descente下水管〔立管〕Descente des eauxpluviales en fente 铸铁雨水管Alimentation en eau 供水Eau de gachage 伴和水Eau usée 〔E.U.〕污水Fossé边沟、排水沟Tube 管子Tube d’acier galvanisée 镀锌铁管Tuyau 管子Tuyau entérré埋〔的〕管Support 支架Tuyauteur / Plombier 管工Assainissement intérieur 内部〔室内〕下水Couvercle / Dalette 盖子Profondeur / Pf 深度Tranchée d’égout污水沟Lit de sable 砂垫层Vanne d’arret止回阀Moulé浇注的ttes sujestions 全部相关工作Etabchéité sous sol 地面面层下防水Coulée enduit bitumé浇沥青涂料Forme de pente 找坡层Etanchéité multicouche 多层防水Kraft 牛皮纸En gravions roulés 豆粒石〔保护层〕Crapaudine 滤污板/ 防污罩/ 滤栅Descente d’ordure垃圾管道Eau 水Eau potable 饮用水Eau pluviale 〔E.P.〕雨水Eaux-vannex 〔E.V.〕粪水Caniveau 排水沟、电缆沟Tube d’acie铁管Tube noir 黑铁管Tuyaiterie 管道Pièce de raccordement 连接件Collier 卡子Assainissement下水、排水Regard / Rg 检查井Busee 涵管Tranchée 沟Fouille开挖、挖槽Vanne阀Type “marocain”摩洛哥式Menuiserie〔vitrerie〕et peinture 门窗〔玻璃〕和油漆Menuiserie bois 木门窗Menuiserie métallique 钢门窗Menuiserie aluminium 铝合金门窗Porte 门Porte d’entrée principale 入口大门Porte-fenëtre 落地窗Panneau 板Vantail 门窗的扇Vantail ouvrant 开扇 A un 〔1〕vantail 单扇A deux 〔2〕双扇Fenêtre à soufflet 下悬窗,内倒窗Fenêtre uvrant à la française 法式开启窗〔内开窗〕Porte blindée 保险门〔防盗门〕Fenêtre uvrant à la anglaise 英式开启窗〔外开窗〕Porte coupe-feu 防火门Porte-fenêtre 落地窗Acajou 红木Hêtre 山毛榉Porte isoplane 夹板门Porte coulissante 推拉门Finition vernisé刷面〔清〕漆Balustre 栏杆两端的端柱Chassis 有框玻璃窗Double vitrage 双层玻璃Scellement 固定Ajustage调整Quincaillerie 五金件Main courant 扶手Verrou 插销Trappe d’acces métallique 出入口金属活门Trous creusés 挖洞Verre 玻璃Demi-double 平板玻璃Peinture 漆Peinture anti-rouille 防锈漆Vinyle 乙烯树脂Laque拉克漆Minium deplomb 铅丹Grille 护栅、栅栏Calfeutrement / calfeutrage 堵〔嵌〕缝Peinture glycérophtalique sur metal 金属涂调和漆Enduit de baseEnduit d’apprêtPeinture àl’huile broiseries Porte 〔Fenêtre〕coulissant 退拉门〔窗〕Bois rouge 红木Porte pleine 实心门Oculus 门镜Crémone 长插销Garde corps 栏杆Volet 扳窗Chassis fixe 固定窗Ferronerie 铁艺Patte à scellement 固定爪Couvre-joint 压缝条;嵌缝灰Serrure 锁Poignée 把手Baie vitrée 装有玻璃的窗口Trou 洞Vitrage Stop Sun 装阻光玻璃Verre Claire 透亮玻璃Verre matelé轧花半透亮玻璃/ 锻造玻璃Peinture àl’huile油漆Peinture anti-corrosion 防腐蚀漆Peinture au résine vinylique 乙烯基树脂涂料Peinture vinylique 乙烯漆Pré-cadre 预制框架Enduitpeliculaire 涂膜Cornière角铁Brulage à la chauxSolement 承檐;门窗框四周的灰缝Plombrie Sanitaire管卫Réseau Intérieur d’ Ince消nd防ie网路Appareil sanitaire 洁具〔卫生设备〕Receveur de douche en porcelaine 陶瓷淋浴盆Robinet mélangeur 混合水咀Pomme de douche 莲蓬头Siphon de sol 地漏Lavabo 洗脸盆EF / EC 冷水/ 热水Tablette 隔板Porte serviette 毛巾杆Siège de Wc àl’anglaise坐便器Lateral 侧向〔式〕à flotteur 浮子式abattant de cuvette 马桶盖Robinettrie 管件Vanne d’arret止回阀Mélangeur à bec en col de cygne 鹅颈混合水咀à embout visser 端部带扣Robinet à boisseau 旋塞开关Poste d’incendie消防栓Peinture en rouge 涂红漆Lance 水枪/ 消防水龙头Manomètre à cadran 盘式压力计Extincteur à CO2 二氧化碳灭火器Capacité容量Raccordement à souder 焊接连接Raccordement à souder à la brasure 钎焊连接Aménagement exérieur 外部整治Dallage périphirique 四周铺地砖Bac à fleure 花坛Terreau 富含腐植土的软土Eclairage extérieur 外部照明Conducteur isolé绝缘导线Projecteur 探照灯Electricit 电Appareillage 电器Interrupteur simple 〔double 〕alumage 单〔双〕联开关Interrupteur va et vient 双控开关Bouton poussoir 按钮Voyantlumineux 发光指示灯Prise decourant 插座Luminairecompensé管灯Porcelaine vitrifié有光泽陶瓷Flexible 软管Siphon 存水弯Grille inox 不锈钢篦子Robinet 水龙头Acier chromé铬钢Porte savon 肥皂盒Glace 镜子Réservoir de chasse d’eau冲水箱Mécanisme 机械装置Robinet d’equerre角阀Couvercle 盖Accesoires 附属件evier de cusine en inox 不锈钢洗菜盆Robinet de lavage 放水〔排泄〕阀à embouts filtetés 端部带滤网Fourreau 套Fermeture à clé用钥匙锁闭DividoirRouleau de tuyeau en caoutchouc 橡胶水龙带Clé tricroisé三叉钥匙Extincteur à eau pulvérisée 喷水式灭火器Tube d’acier sans soudure 无缝钢管Demi-raccord symétrique 对称半边管接头Finition bouchardée 抹子压面Apport de terre végétale 装上土腐植土Implantation 栽种Condélabre 路灯Piquet de terre 接地桩Avec grille 带散光栅Avec vase opaline 乳白色玻璃灯罩Type étanche 密封〔防水〕Plafonnier appliqué吸顶灯Applique 壁灯Hublot 镶入墙或顶棚内的灯Hublot étanche 密封式壁灯Applique murale 壁灯Ampoule 〔lampe〕灯泡Branchement 连接/接线Filerie et gaine电线和护套Tableauélectrique RD G C ain底e层ora配ng电e盘橙色护套〔穿线关〕Bloc autonome d’éclairage de secours 照明备用电源Tableau électrique 1o étage 2 层配电盘Boite de déviation 分线盒Partie prise de courant 插座局部Type encastré嵌入式Colonne montante 立管〔垂直总管道〕File 电线Câble de mise à la terre 接地电缆Câble 电缆En cuivre nu 裸铜线Section 截面Tablequ électrique 配电盘Partie éclairage 照明局部RDC 底层Type métallique 金属的Disjoncteur compact 小型断路器Disjoncteurdifférentiel 差动断路器Télérupteur遥控开关Bipolaire 两相Tétrapolaire 三相Chauffage / Installation 供暖/安装Radiateur en fonte 铸铁散热器3 colonnes 三柱Hauteur 712mm environ 高约712mm Purge d’air放气阀Robinet de radiateur 散热器截门Bouchon 堵头Té de réglage 调整三通Support 支座/支架Peintureanti-rouille 防锈漆Puissnace功率/力量470 kcal/h 每小时470 千卡5 éléments 5 组Au pied de colonne montante 立管底部Vanne d’isolation隔离阀Vanne d’arrêt sphérique 球形止回阀Compensateur axial 轴向补偿器Diladation 膨胀Tuyau étiré拔拉管Calorifugé包保温材料Laine minérale 矿棉Papier goudron 柏油纸Plastique 塑料Grillage网/栅/兰Chaufferie 锅炉房Chaudière 锅炉à brûleur à gaz 自然气燃烧咀Buse en PVC PVC 涵管Coffre de distribution 配电箱Coffrepied de colonne 柱底电缆箱Fusibleà couteauxDistributeurs d’étage楼层配电盘Barette de coupure 断路棒Répartiteurs de terre 地线安排器Câblage 布线éléments nécessaires 必要部件bon fonctionnement 良好运行appareil de contrôle et de réglage 制调整装置eau chaude sanitaire 洗浴用热水tôle d’acier galvanisée 镀锌铁板circulation d’eau chaude 热水循环Ballon 高压容器/ 气球Circuit 回路3 vitesses 3 速Les deux en marche 两个运行Débit 流量Hmt 总扬程Bouclage 回路Pompe de circulation 循环泵Vase d’expension膨胀水箱Prégongflé预先充气Azote 氮Capacité容量eAdoucisseur 软化剂à regénération automatique 自动再生bac à sel 盐池filtre à tamis 网式过滤器thermomètre à cadrant 指针温度计manomètre à cadrant 指针压力计indicateur de hauteur d’eau水面高度指示器électro-valve 电磁阀à 3 voie 3 路,.soupape de sécurité安全阀clapet anti-retour 止回阀conduite de fumée 烟道Bche d’eau 蓄水池Electro-pompe centrifuge 离心电动泵Pompe centrifuge multicelluaire 多极离心泵Verticale 立式/ 垂直的Eau incendie 消防水à démarrage en cascade 串联〔分级〕启动relais temporisation 延时继电器puissance absorbée 吸取功率réservoir à vessie 囊式水箱pressostat de commande des pompes 水泵压力开关démarrage à presesion 带压〔压力〕启动collecteur départ 出水总管collecteur retour 回水总管arrêt à pression 带压停顿crépine d’aspiration进气滤网refoulement 加压输送à embouts vissés 端部螺丝固定pompe d’incendie消防泵manchette anti-vibratif 减震皮碗moto pompe diesel 柴油带电泵raccord spécial 专用接头camion pompier 消防车。
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法汉公路工程分类词汇-04马丁商务法语四、构造物立面vue de face支座中心线桥墩中心线半顶板平面半底板平面l’axe de supportl’axe de pilele plan de semi-plaque de toit le plan de semi-semelle通气、排水孔le trou de ventilation et drainage本图尺寸均以厘米计。
la dimension en cm de ce plan.箱梁普通构造(一)la structure générale de poutre en cadre(1)箱梁普通构造(二)la structure générale de poutre en cadre(2)本图用于1 号桥墩。
ce plan est applicable au pile n°1桥墩普通构造la structure générale de pile桥台普通构造,la structure générale de culée施工流程示意图le schéma de circulation constructif步骤一:施工桥梁下部结构phase 1: infrastructure de poutre constructif步骤二:满堂支架现浇箱梁phase 2: support complet de poutre de coulage constructif步骤三:施工护栏及桥面铺装phase 3: montage de barrage et tablier constructif预制梁平面布置示意图le schéma en plan de poutre préfabriquée预制梁大样图le plan détaille de poutre préfabriquée本图用于0 号桥台。
土木建筑工程英汉词典Soil Mechanics - 土力学Structural Analysis - 结构分析Concrete - 混凝土Steel - 钢铁Reinforcement - 钢筋Foundation - 基础Geotechnical Engineering - 岩土工程Shoring - 支护Excavation - 挖掘Tunneling - 隧道工程Surveying - 测量Geology - 地质学Hydraulics - 水力学Construction Management - 施工管理Structural Engineering - 结构工程Bridge - 桥梁Highway - 公路Irrigation - 灌溉Water Supply - 供水Foundation Design - 基础设计Soil Testing - 土壤测试Construction Materials - 建筑材料Earthquake Engineering - 地震工程Environmental Impact Assessment - 环境影响评价Safety Management - 安全管理Cost Estimation - 成本估算Project Planning - 项目规划Project Management - 项目管理Building Codes - 建筑规范Risk Assessment - 风险评估Contract Administration - 合同管理Quality Control - 质量控制Concrete Technology - 混凝土技术Steel Structures - 钢结构Engineering Drawing - 工程图纸Construction Equipment - 建筑设备Slope Stability - 边坡稳定性Dams - 水坝Seismic Design - 地震设计Construction Site - 建筑工地Structural Integrity - 结构完整性Water Treatment - 水处理Sustainable Construction - 可持续建筑Architectural Design - 建筑设计Material Testing - 材料测试Quantity Surveying - 工程测量Earthworks - 土方工程Structural Rehabilitation - 结构修复Road Construction - 道路建设Facade Design - 幕墙设计Construction Methodology - 施工方法论Retaining Wall - 挡土墙Heritage Conservation - 文物保护Building Maintenance - 建筑维护Engineering Ethics - 工程伦理Construction Waste Management - 建筑废弃物管理Public Infrastructure - 公共基础设施Landscape Architecture - 景观建筑。
建筑与建筑工程词典1. 参数 (parameter)2. 基础 (foundation)3. 结构 (structure)4. 设计 (design)5. 施工 (construction)6. 施工图 (construction drawing)7. 材料 (material)8. 梁 (beam)9. 柱 (column)10. 墙 (wall)11. 地板 (floor)12. 天花板 (ceiling)13. 屋顶 (roof)14. 立面 (facade)15. 门窗 (door and window)16. 管道 (pipeline)17. 暖通 (HVAC)18. 电气系统 (electrical system)19. 消防系统 (fire protection system)20. 工期 (construction period)21. 预算 (budget)22. 工程管理 (project management)23. 质量控制 (quality control)24. 安全规范 (safety regulations)25. 环保要求 (environmental requirements)26. 建筑师 (architect)27. 工程师 (engineer)28. 建筑设计院 (architectural design institute)29. 建造商 (contractor)30. 建筑许可证 (building permit)31. 建筑施工许可证 (construction permit)32. 招标 (bidding)33. 合同 (contract)34. 联系人 (contact person)35. 竣工验收 (final inspection)36. 竣工报告 (completion report)37. 投标文件 (bid document)38. 工地 (construction site)39. 脚手架 (scaffolding)40. 装修 (interior decoration)。
土木工程英语词典土木工程英语词典第 1 页Adhesion agent 粘着剂Accelerating agent 速凝剂 Abram's rule 阿勃拉姆规则 All mesh ferrocement 无筋钢丝网水泥 Abrasion 磨耗 Allyl-Butadiene-Styrene 丙烯氰-丁二烯Accelerated strength testing 快速强度试-苯乙烯共聚树脂(ABS)验 Air pockets 鼓泡Acid resistance 耐酸性 Axial tensive property 轴心受拉性能 Adiabatic temperature rise 绝热升温 Axial compressive property 轴心受压性能Admixture 外加剂 Air impermeability 气密性 Aggregate 集料(混凝土)Abnormal Polypropylene 无规聚丙烯(APP) Air entrainment 引气(加气)Asbestos fibres 石棉纤维 Autoclave 高压釜 Asbestos insulation 石棉绝热制品 Accelerated curing 快速养护 Autoclave expansion test 压蒸法 Absorbed water 吸附水 Artificial 人造石Added water 附加水 Air entraining and water-reducingAggregate bulk density 集料松散容重 admixture 引气减水剂 Auti-corrosion Admixture 防锈剂 Active addition 活性混合材 Anisotropic materials 各向异性材料 Addition of cement 水泥混合材 Air-entrained concrete 引气混凝土 Aluminoferic cement clinker 铁铝酸盐水泥Air Entrain Admixture 引气剂熟料Aggregate porosity 集料孔隙率 Age 龄期,时期Artificial marble 人造大理石 Aluminum silicate wool 硅酸铝棉 Alite阿利特 Aluminum foil 铝箔 Alkali-aggregate reaction 碱-集料反应 Airspace insulation 封闭空气间层 Alkalies in Portland cement 波特兰水泥中Areal thermal resistance(specific thermal的碱 resistance)比热阻(热导率的倒数) Alkali-silica reaction 碱-二氧化硅反应 Absorptivity 吸收率 Anhydrite 无水石膏(硬石膏) Air permeability(Air penetration Autoclave expansion test 高压釜膨胀试验coefficient)空气渗透率 Air-entrained concrete 加气混凝土土木工程英语词典第 2 页 Brick 绝热砖 Batch mixture 配合料 Bond strength 粘结强度 Bend stress 弯曲应力 Bleeding 泌水 Bituminous paint 沥青涂料 Bitumen-determination of penetration 沥青Bituminous concrete 沥青混凝土针入度测定法 Block brick 大型砌块 Battery-mold process 成组立模工艺Blunger 搅拌器,打浆机 Bar spacing 加筋间距 Brick setting 砖砌体 Binder bonding agent 粘合剂 (brickwork)Barytes 重晶石 Brittle point of asphalt 沥青冷脆点 Batchhing 称量(配料) Broken stone 碎石 Belite 贝利特 Bubbing potential 发泡能力Biaxial behavior 双轴向性质 Building brick 建筑红砖 Blaine fineness 勃来恩,细度 Building system 建筑体系,建筑系统 Blast-furnace slag 高炉矿渣Brittle material 脆性材料 Blast-furnace slag cements 高炉矿渣水泥Blended portland cements 掺混合料的波特兰Calcium aluminate cement 铝酸钙水泥水泥Calcium aluminates 铝酸钙 Bogue equations 鲍格方程式Calcium chloride 氯化钙 Bond 粘结Calcium ferroaluminates 铁铅酸钙 Brucite 氢氧镁石(水镁石)Calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙 Bulking of sand 砂的湿胀Calcium oxide 氧化钙 Bull-float 刮尺Calcium silicate hydrate 水化硅酸钙 Board(block)insulation 绝热板Calcium silicate 硅酸钙 Bitumastic paint 沥青涂料Calcium sulfates 硫酸钙 Bituminous road materials 沥青筑路材料Calcium sulfoaluminate 硫铅酸钙 Blowing agent 发泡剂Calcium sulfoaluminate hydrates 水化硫铝Bar between mesh 加筋酸钙 Ball impact test (******强度)落球试验法Capillary voids(pores)in cement 水泥中Basic constituent 碱性组分基本成分的毛细管 Basicity 碱度,碱性土木工程英语词典第 3 页Capillary water 毛细管水 Carbonating 碳化处理 Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 Cement resistance to chemical 水泥抗化学Cavitation 混凝土中的大孔洞,空蚀作用侵蚀性Cement fineness 水泥细度 Cube size 立方体试件尺寸 Cement paste 水泥浆 Characteristic strength 特征强度 Cement soundness 水泥安定性 Coarse aggregate ratio to fine 粗集料玉细Cement specifications 水泥规范集料之比Cement strength 水泥强度 Carbonated shrinkage 碳化收缩 Cement types 水泥品种 Calcium silicate insulation 硅酸钙绝热制Ceramsite 陶粒品Chalcedony 玉髓 Cellular(foamed)glass 泡沫玻璃(多孔玻Chemically combined water 化学结合水璃)Chert 燧石(黑硅石) Composite insulation 复合绝热层 Chloride 氯化物Cold rolled steel 冷轧钢 Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶(CR) Cellularconcrete 多孔混凝土 Chord modulus 弦弹性模量 Complex accelerator based onClinker 熟料 triethanolamine 三乙醇胺复合早强剂 Coarse aggregate 粗集料 Component 组分,成分,构件 Cold-weather concreting 冷天浇筑混凝土Compliance 柔度Compacting factor test 捣实系数试验 Composite 复合,合成,复合材料Compaction(consolidation)捣实(捣固) Composite insulation 复合绝热层Compressive strength 抗压强度 Composite portland cement 复合硅酸盐水泥Computer control system 计算机控制系统 Concrete 混凝土Concrete batching plant 混凝土搅拌站 Condensed silica fume 浓缩(凝聚)的二氧Concrete composition 混凝土配合比化硅烟雾(硅粉) Concrete products 混凝土制品 Consistency 绸度 Concrete pump 混凝土输送泵 Core tests 钻芯试验 Coefficient of permeability of concrete 混Corrosion of steel in concrete 混凝土中钢凝土渗透系数筋的腐蚀Carbonated lime sand brick 碳化灰砂砖 Cost of concrete 混凝土成本土木工程英语词典第 4 页 Cracking 开裂 Cork 软木Creep 徐变 Cork insulation 软木绝热制品 Critical aggregate size 临界集料尺寸 Cellular(foamed)plastics 泡沫塑料(多孔C-S-H 水化硅酸钙塑料)Coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系Cellular(foamed)polystyrene 聚苯乙烯泡数沫塑料Conductivity 导热性 Cellular(foamed)polyurethane 聚氨脂泡沫Coefficient of shrinkage 收缩系数塑料Coefficient of permeability of concrete 混Calcium-resin insulating board 钙塑绝热板凝土收缩系数 Cellular(foamed)rubber 泡沫橡胶 Cement mortar 水泥胶砂Crescent ribbed bars 月牙肋钢筋Darby 刮尺 Concrete block 混凝土砌块D-cracking D行裂缝 Cold-drawn reinforcement bar 冷拉钢筋Deicing salts action 除冰盐作用 Cold rolled steel 冷轧钢Diatomaceous earth 硅藻土质泥土 Condensation polymerization 缩聚反应Dicalcium silicate(C2S)硅酸二钙 Critical degree of saturation 临界饱和度Dynamic modulus of elasticity 动弹性模量 Critical stress 临界压力Dolomite 白云石 Cryogenic behavior 低温性质Drying shrinkage 干燥收缩(干缩) Crystallization pressure of salts 盐的结Ductility 延性晶压力Durability 耐久性 Crystal structure and reactivity 结晶结构Durability factor 耐久性因素和活性Decoration glass 装饰玻璃 Curing 养护Decoration mortar 装饰砂浆 Civil Engineering 土木工程Deformed bar 变形钢筋,螺纹钢 Cement 水泥Defoamer 消泡剂 Crack 裂缝Dense concrete 密实混凝土 Calcium silicate insulation 硅酸钙绝热制Diatomaceous silicate 硅藻土品(Kieselguhr,diatomite) Cement mortar 水泥砂浆土木工程英语词典第 5 页Diatomite insulation 硅藻土绝热制品制品Density 密度 Expanded plastics 多孔塑料 Deformation 变形钢筋Engineering plastics 工程塑料 Degree of hardness 硬度Degree of humidity 湿度Fabriform 土工模袋False set 假凝Early-age behavior 早期性质 Feldspar 长石Ecological benefit 生态效应 Fiber-reinforced concrete 纤维增强混凝土Effective absorption 有效吸收 Final set 终凝Efflorescence 白霜 Fine aggregate 细集料 Elastic modulus 弹性模量Fineness modulus 细度模量 Electron micrographs 电子显微图 Flowing concrete 流动混凝土 Energy requirement 能量需要 Fly ash 粉煤灰Entrained air 引入的空气 Foamed slag 泡沫矿渣 Extensibility 可伸长性Formwork removal 拆模 Emerging wire 露丝 Ferromanganese 锰钢 Emerging mesh 露网 Flow of cement mortar 水泥胶砂流动度 Expanded perlite 膨胀珍珠岩 Fiber reinforced plastics 纤维增强塑料 Epoxy Resin 环氧树脂 Fiber-glass reinforced plastics 玻璃纤维Erosion 冲刷风化、剥蚀增强塑料Ettringite 钙矾石 Facebrick 饰面砖,面砖 Expanded clay and shale 膨胀粘土和页岩 Facing tile 外墙面砖 Expanded slag aggregate 膨胀矿渣集料Faience mosaic 嵌花地砖,釉陶锦砖 Expansive cement concrete 膨胀水泥混凝土 Fiber cement 纤维水泥 Expansive cement 膨胀水泥 Figured glass 压花玻璃 Expansive phenomena in concrete 混凝土中Fine sand 细砂的膨胀现象 Fineness of cement 水泥细度 Expanded vermiculite 膨胀蛭石Finishing 抹面(修整) Expanded rermiculite insulation 膨胀蛭石Flash set 闪凝(瞬间凝结)土木工程英语词典第 6 页Flexural strength 弯曲强度Gamma rays γ-射线 Flint 燧石 Gel pores 凝胶孔 Floating 刮平 Gel/space ratio 凝胶/空隙比(对强度的影Fracture toughness 断裂韧性响)Free calcium oxide 游离氧化钙 (Effect on strength) Freeze-thaw resistance 抗冻融性 Geonet 土工网Fresh concrete 新拌混凝土 Geotextile 土工格栅 Facing 面层 Geotextile 木织物 Fiber insulation 纤维绝热材料 Glass geogrid 土工复合排水材Flexible insulation 柔性绝热制品 Geomat 土工垫Frost action on aggregate 骨料受到冰冻作Gradation 级配用 Gypsum 石膏Frost action on cement paste 水泥浆受到Granulated wood 粒状棉冰冻作用 Glass geogrid 玻纤网 Future of concrete 混凝土的前景Glassfiber Reinforced Plastics 玻璃纤维Fire resistance 耐火性增强塑料Ferrocement 钢丝网水泥 Glass wool 玻璃棉 Ferrocement with skeletal bar 加筋钢丝网Granular(powder)insulation 颗粒绝热材水泥料Flexural property 受弯性能 Gap-graded aggregate 间断级配材料 Fatigue resistance 耐疲劳性 Gas concrete 加气混凝土 Forst resistance 抗冻性Glass 玻璃体Fineness modulus 细度模数(M) Giving a basic reaction 发生碱性反应Flexural rigidity 抗弯刚度(B) Giving an acid reaction 发生酸性反应Foamed concrete 泡沫混凝土 Grading 颗粒级配 Fiber board 纤维板 Grain-size refinement 级配曲线 Frost action on concrete 混凝土受到冰冻Gravel 砾石、卵石作用 Graywacke 杂砂岩Grout 薄浆(灌浆)Granite 花岗岩土木工程英语词典第 7 页Graph 图表、图解 Honeycomb 蜂窝Green concrete 新拌混凝土 Heat transfer rate 热流量 Gritly 粗砂状的Homogeneous materials 均质材料 Ground slag 矿渣粉 High-tensile reinforcing steel 高强度钢筋 Gypsum wall board 石膏墙板 High-tensile wire 高强钢丝 Gypsum concrete 石膏混凝土 High carbon steel 高碳钢High strength concrete 高强混凝土High performance concrete 高性能混凝土 Hardening 硬化Hcp 水化水泥浆的简写Heat of hydration 水化热 Igneous rocks for aggregate 作为集料的岩Heavyweight aggregate 重集料浆岩Heavyweight concrete 重混凝土 Impact strength ******强度 Hemihydrate 半水化物 Impregnation with polymers 用聚合物浸渍 High-alumina cement 高铝水泥 Initial set 初凝High-early strength cement 高早强水泥 Initial tangent modulus 初始正切模量 High-strength concrete 高强混凝土 Interlayer space in C-S-H C-S-H 中的层间空High-workability concrete 高工作性混凝土间Hot-weather concreting 热天浇筑混凝土 Interlayer water in C-S-H C-S-H中的层间水 Hydrophilic and hydrophobic 亲水与憎水 Iron blast-furnace slag 化铁高炉渣 Hydrated(portland)cement paste 已水化的Iron ores aggregate(heavyweight)铁矿石水泥浆(重集料)Hydration of portland cement 波特兰水泥的Isotropic materials 各向同性材料水化 Iron wire 低碳钢丝Hydration reaction of aluminates 铝酸盐的Impact ductility ******韧性水化 Impact strength 抗******强度 Hydration reaction of silicates 硅酸盐的Impermeability 抗渗性,不渗透性水化反应 Impermeability to water 抗渗水性,不透水Hydraulic cement 水硬性水泥性Hydraulic pressure 水压力 Impregnate 浸渍,渗透土木工程英语词典第 8 页Index of quality 品质指标,质量控制标准 Lignosulfonate 木质磺酸盐Inhomogeneous 不均匀的,多相的 Low heat Portland cement 低热波特兰水泥Initial shrinkage 早期收缩 Laboratory 实验室Initial strength 早期强度 Lean concrete 贫混凝土 Insulating layer 隔热层 Loss of slump of concrete 混凝土的坍落度Intarsia 玻璃锦砖损失Impact resistance 抗******性 Le chatelier soundness test 雷氏夹法Loss on ignition 烧失量Light weight ferrocement 轻质钢丝网水泥 Jet set cement 喷射水泥Longitudinal bar 纵筋 Jolting table 振动台 Longitudinal bar spacing 纵筋间距 Job mix 现场配合 Loose fill insulation 松散填充绝热层 Jaw crusher 颚式破碎机 Low alloy steel 低合金钢Low caron colddrawn steel 冷拔低碳钢丝Longitudinal rib 纵肋 Killed steel 镇静钢Lumber grading 木材等级 Kiln dust 窑灰,飞灰Kiln building 窑房Kiln plant 窑设备 Macrostructure 宏观结构 Kilogram calorie 千卡,大卡 Magnesium oxide 氧化镁 Knot 木节 Magnesiun salts solution effect on concreteKominuter 球磨镁盐溶液对混凝土的影响Map cracking 地图形裂纹Marcasite 白铁矿 Low PH value cement 低碱水泥Mass concrete 大体积混凝土 Laitance 浆皮Maturity concept 成熟度概念 Leaching of cement paste 水泥浆渗漏Maturity meters 成熟度测定仪 Lime cement 石灰水泥Microcracking 微裂缝 Limestone 石灰石Microsilica 微细二氧化硅(硅粉) Lightweight aggregates 轻集料Minimum crack spacing 最小裂缝间距 Lightweight concrete 轻混凝土土木工程英语词典第 9 页Microcrack 微裂 Maximum size of sand 砂的最大粒径 Modulus of deformation 变形模量(EB) Mortar consistency 砂浆绸度 Mineral wool insulation 矿棉绝热制品 Mortar strength 砂浆强度 Mineral fibres 矿棉纤维Maximum crack width 最大裂缝宽度 Masonry cement 砌筑水泥 Mix proportion by absolute volume 绝对体Mild steel 低碳钢积配合比(设计) Medium carbon steel 中碳钢 Mix proportion by loose volume 现场松散体Moisture content of wood 木材含水量积配合比(设计) Moisture 湿度水分 Mixed-in-place 现场拌和 Moisture condition 含水状态 Mix proportion by weight 重量配合比 Mocromolecule high polymer 高分子 Mixed process 混合过程Microstructure 微观结构 Mixing time 拌和时间 Mixing of concrete 矿物外加剂 Mixing water 拌和水 Mixing water 拌合用水 Modility 流动性Mix proportioning(designing)配合比(设Membreane curing 薄膜养护计) Map cracking 龟裂Mix proportions 配合比 Mastic 玛脂Modified portland cement 改性的波特兰水泥 Modulus of elasticity concrete 混凝土弹性Modulus of elasticity 弹性模量模量Modulus of rupture 挠折模量(破裂模量) Modulus of water-glass 水玻璃模数 Monosulfate hydrate 单硫酸盐水化物 Masonry mortar 砌筑砂浆 Mortar 砂浆 Maximum aggregate size 最大集料粒径 Multiaxial strength 多轴向强度Marber 大理岩Mumicipal-waste aggregate 城市废物集料 Moderate heat portland cement 中热硅酸盐Moisture absorption 吸湿率水泥(water vapour absorption) Moderate heat of hydration 中热 Moisture content of aggregate 骨料含水量 Moderate sulfate resistance 中抗硫酸盐Matrix 基材 Magnitude of self-stress 自应力 Mesh-bar placement and tying 铺网扎筋Manual plastering 手工抹浆土木工程英语词典第 10 页 NDT 非破损试验的缩写 Periclase 方镁石Neutron radiation 中子辐射 Perlite 珍珠岩Neoprene 氯丁橡胶 Permeability 渗透性 NNO water reducer NNO型减水剂Phosphate 磷酸盐 Non-hydranlic cement 气硬性水泥 Phenolic Formaldehyde 酚醛树脂(PF) Non-destructive tests 非破损试验 Placing of concrete 混凝土的浇筑 Nuclear shielding concrete 核屏蔽混凝土 Plaster of paris 建筑石膏 Normal distribution 正太分布 Polypropylene 聚丙烯(PP)Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯(PS)Polystyrene-plywood laminate 聚苯乙烯胶合Oscillating screen 振动筛木板Oscillation generator 振动器 Polyester plastics 聚酯塑料 Oscillator 振动器 Plastic veneer 塑料贴面板 Oil-well platform concrete 油井平台混凝土 Plastic-steel window 塑钢窗 Opal 蛋白石 Polyester 聚酯Overlays of concrete 混凝土覆盖层 Polyester Resin 聚酯树脂(PR)Oriented water 定向的水 Plastic shrinkage 塑性收缩 Osmotic pressure 渗透压力 Poisson's ratio 泊松比 Oven-dry aggregate 炉干骨料 Polymer concrete 聚合物混凝土(PC) Overall thermal conductance 总导热系数 Polymer-impregnated concrete 聚合物浸渍混Organosilicon 有机硅凝土(PIC)Organosilicon resin 有机硅树脂 Polymer-cement concrete 聚合物水泥混凝土Oscillate 振动,振荡(PCC)Ordinary low-alloy steel 普通低合金钢 Polymethylmethacrylate 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯Ordinary oil well cement 普通油井水泥(PMMA)Ordinary portland cement 普通硅酸盐水泥 Pore-size distrbution 孔径分布Pore-size refinement 孔径尺寸修整Prestressed ferrocement 预应力钢丝网水泥 Particle size 颗粒尺寸Plain Quality assurance 质量保证 Penetration resistance 抗贯入性Prestressed steel 预应力钢筋土木工程英语词典第 11 页Pumped concrete 泵送混凝土Pumice concrete concrete block 浮石混凝土Quick set 快凝砌块Quality 质量 Plastics 塑料Quality control 质量控制 Polythene 聚乙烯(PE)Quartz glass 石英玻璃 Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇(PVA)Quartz glass fiber 石英玻璃纤维 Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯(PVAC)Quartz sand 石英砂 Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯(PVC)Quick lime 生石灰[CaO] Polyvinyl Formal 聚乙烯醇缩甲醛(PVFO)Quartz 石英 Porosity 孔隙率Quatzite 石英岩 Portland cement 波特兰水泥Quick-taking cement 快凝水泥 Portland blast-furnace slag cement 高炉矿Quick hardening 水硬性水泥渣波特兰水泥Quench 水淬,骤冷 Portlandite 氢氧钙石Portland pozzolan cement 火山灰质波特兰水泥 Radiation shielding concrete 辐射屏蔽混Potential compound composition 潜在化合物凝土成分 Rapid setting and hardening cement 快凝Pyrite pyrrhotite 硫化铁,黄铁矿与快硬水泥Particle size distribution 粒度分布 Revibration 重新振捣 Pat test 试饼法 Rice husk ash 谷糠灰 PH-value PH值 Ready-mixed concrete 预拌混凝土Pozzolan 火山灰 Recycled-concrete aggregate 再生混凝土集Pozzolanic reaction 火山灰质反应料Preplaced aggregate concrete 预填集料混凝Regulated-set cement 调凝水泥土 Retarding admixtures 缓凝外加剂 Proportioning 配合 Retempering 重新调拌 Pulverized fuel ash 磨细粉煤灰 Roller-compacted concrete 滚筒-压实混凝Pull-out test 拔出试验土Pumice 浮石土木工程英语词典第 12 页Reinforced plastics 加筋塑料 Setting of cement paste 水泥浆的凝结Reinforcement mat 钢筋网 Special hydraulic cement 特种水硬性水泥Resistance to chemical attack of mortar 砂Specifications 规范浆耐蚀性 Specific heat 比热Rock wool 岩石棉 Specific surface area 比表面积 Rigid insulation 刚性绝热制品 Sphericity 圆度Rib height 肋高 Splitting ******* strength 劈裂抗拉强度 Rib spacing 肋间距 Standard specifications 标准规范 Ribbed bars 带肋钢筋 Standard test method 标准试验方法 Rich concrete 富混凝土 Stiffening of cement paste 水泥浆的变硬 Residue on sieve 筋余 Strain 应变Raw limestone 石灰石 Strength 强度Raw gypsum 二水石膏 Setting of concrete 混凝土的凝结Shear-bond failure 剪切粘结破坏Shear strength 剪切强度 Salt crystallization pressure 盐的结晶压Shotcreting 喷射混凝土浇筑力 Shrinkage 收缩Sand 砂 Shrinkage-compensating concrete 收缩补偿Sandstone 砂岩混凝土Saturated surface dry condition 饱和面干Sieve analysis of aggregate 集料的筛分析条件 Silica fume 硅粉Scaling 起皮,鳞片状剥落 Slag 矿渣Schmidt rebound hammer 希密特回弹仪 Slip-formed concrete 滑模混凝土Screeding 抹平 Slump cone test 坍落度锥体试验 Seawater 海水 Slump loss in concrete 混凝土中坍落度损失 Secant elastic modulus 正割弹性模量Solid/space ratio 固体?空隙比 Sedimentary rocks for aggregate 作为集料Solid-state hydration 固态水化的沉积岩 Soundness 安定性Segregation 离析 Spacing-factors of entrained air 引入空气Self-stressing cement 自应力水泥的间距因素土木工程英语词典第 13 页Structural lightweight concrete 结构轻混Saturation capacity 饱和含水量凝土 Saturation point 饱和点 Structure(microstructure)of concrete 混Stearic acid 硬脂酸凝土的(微观)结构 Surface-active agents 表面活性剂 Structures (concrete)in photographs 混凝Synthetic resin binder 树脂粘结剂土结构照片 Synthetic lightweight aggregate 人造轻集Sulfate attack 硫酸盐侵蚀料Sulfate resisting cement 抗硫酸盐水泥 Shotereting process 喷浆工艺Sulfates in portland cement 波特兰水泥中Scaling 麻面的硫酸盐 Surface dusting 表面起砂 Sulfides and sulfate aggregate 硫化物与硫Sandwich 夹层酸盐集料 Shrinkage crack 收缩裂缝 Standard sand 标准砂 Stressedcrack 受力裂缝 Strength of cement mortar 水泥胶砂强度 Special steel 特种钢 Strength grade of cement 水泥强度等级 Sawdust concrete 锯屑混凝土Spiral reinforcement 螺纹钢筋 Softening point test 软化点试验 Stirrup 箍筋 Solidification 凝固作用 Struture lightweight concrete 结构用轻混Stress 应力凝土 Stress intensity factor 应力强度因素 Specimen 试件 Stress-strain curve 应力-应变曲线 Self-stressing concrete 自应力混凝土 Surface moisture 表面水 Sand grading 砂的级配 Splitting strength 劈裂强度 Sand grading curve 砂的级配曲线 Splitting failure 劈裂破坏 Sand grading standard region 砂的级配标准Standard error 标准误差区 Stand sieve 标准筛 Self-stressing ferrocement 自应力钢丝网水Static modulus 静弹性模量泥 Steam curing 蒸汽养护 Self-stressing cement mortar 自应力水泥砂Strength grading 强度级别浆 Strength of cube 立方体强度 Shear steel 剪切钢筋 Strength at 28 days 28天强度土木工程英语词典第 14 页Stress concentration 应力集中面干集料Styrene Butadiene Rubber 丁苯橡胶(SBR)Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene 苯-丁-苯乙烯Tangent modulus of elasticity 正切弹性模Sulphoaluminate cement clinker 硫铝酸盐熟量料Temperature effects 温度效应 Surface energy 表面能Tensile strain 拉伸应变 Surface hardness 表面强度Tensile strain capacity 拉伸应变能力 Surface ******* 表面张力Tensile strength 拉伸强度(抗拉强度) Sand-lime brick 灰砂砖Test methods 试验方法 Saturated aggregate 饱和水集料Thermal conductivity 导热性 Superplasticized admixture 超塑化外加剂Thermal expansion coefficient 热膨胀系数 Surface area 表面积Thermal shrinkage 热收缩 Strength of aggregate 集料强度Truckmixing 卡车搅拌 Strength of cylinders 圆柱体强度Total water/cement ratio 总水灰比 Supersulphated cement 石膏矿渣水泥Trial mixes 试拌合物 Setting time of concrete 混凝土的凝结时间The particle grading 颗粒级配 Standard of concrete 混凝土强度Tough aggregate 韧性集料 Standard deviation 标准差Timber 木材 Structure high density concrete 结构高表Thermal insulation material 保温材料观密度混凝土Test sieve 试验筛 Steel-fibre concrete 钢纤维混凝土Through-solution hydration 通过溶液的水化 Set retarder admixture 缓凝剂Time of set 凝结时间 Set retarding and water-reducing admixture Tobermorite gel 莫来石凝胶缓凝减水剂Topochemical hydration 局部水化 Superplasticizer admixture 高效减水剂Toughness 韧性 Superplasticized concrete 超塑性混凝土Transition zone 过渡区 Setting time 凝结时间Transporting concrete 混凝土输送 Sulphonated formaldehyde melamine 磺化甲Tricalcium aluminate 铝酸三钙醛三聚氰胺Tricalcium silicate 硅酸三钙 Saturated and surface-dry aggregate 饱和土木工程英语词典第 15 页 Triethanolamine 三乙醇胺 Ultrasonic pulse velocity 超声脉冲速度 Testing of material 材料试验 Unixial compression behavior 单轴向受压状Testing sieve shaker 试验用振动筛分机况Test load 试验负荷 Ultimate creep 极限徐变 Test method 试验仪表Ultimate strain 极限应变 Test report 试验报告 Unlimited swelling gel 无限膨胀凝胶 Test result 试验结果 Units of measurement 计量单位Tetracalcium aluminate hydrate 水化铝酸四Unit weight 单位重量钙 Ultimate gation 极限伸长值 Texture of wood 木材纹理 Ultimate principles 基本原理 Theories of cement setting and hardening 水Ultrasonic inspection 超声波样份泥凝结硬化理论 Uncombined CaO 游离CaO Thermal contraction 热收缩Thermal diffusivity 热扩散性Vander Wale force 范德华力 Thermosetting plastics 热固性塑料Vebe test 维勃试验 Technical manual 技术规范Vermiculite 蛭石 Test method of ferrocement panels inVery high early strength cement 超高早强flexure 钢丝网水泥板受弯试验方法水泥 Transverse barspacing 横筋间距Vibration 振动,振捣 Thermo plastics 热塑性塑料Vicat apparatus 维卡仪 Transverse rib 横肋Void in hydrated cement paste 水化水泥浆Transverse bar 横筋中的孔隙 Temperature shrinkage 温度收缩Volcanic glass 火山玻璃 Thermal insulation material 绝热材料Vinsol resin 松香皂树脂 Thermal insulation properties 保温性能Vapor pressure 蒸汽压力 Thermal insulating concrete 绝热混凝土Variegated glass 大理石纹 Thermal insulating plaster(ThermalVeneer 墙面砖、饰面砖 insulating mortar)绝热砂浆Vesicular structure 多孔结构Vicat needle 维卡仪土木工程英语词典第 16 页Viscometer 粘度仪 Water retentivity 保水性 Viscosity 粘度粘滞性Water storage 在水中养护 Viscosity of asphalt 沥青粘滞性 Water repellent 疏水的、不吸水的、憎水的 Voids ratio 孔隙率 Water resistance 抗水性Vibro-moulding process 振动成型工艺 Water vapor 水蒸汽Vibrating stamping process 震动模压工艺 Wearability 耐磨性Vibrating vacuum-dewater process 振动-真Weather resistance 耐候性空脱水工艺 Workability 可加工性 Vacuum insulation 真空绝热 Wood-preserving process 木材防腐处理 Vapour barrier,water vapour retarder 隔Work done by impact ******功汽层 Weighting error 称量误差 Vibrating table 振动台 Workabilityloss of with time 和易性随时Voids detection 空隙的测定间损失V-B test(vebe test)维勃证 Workability of ready-mixed concrete 预拌混凝土和易性Workability of light-weight concrete 轻混Water 水凝土和易性Water/cement ratio 水灰比 Water-reducing admixture 普通减水剂 Water-reducing admixture 减水剂 Water-proofing 防水的 Water tightness 水密性、不透水性 Water-proofing admixture 防水剂 Water content 用水量 Wire rope 钢绞线Water requirement 需水量 Workability measurement 和易性测量 Water-lightness 透水性 Wire mesh 钢丝网Water-reducing retaders 缓凝减水剂 Welded mesh 焊接网White cement 白水泥 Wood wool slab 木丝板 Windsor probe 温莎探针Water content(moisture content)含水率Winter concreting 混凝土冬季浇筑(湿度)Workability 工作性(工作度) Water absorption 吸水率 Wetting agents 温润剂 Wet screening 湿法筛分,湿筛析 Water solubility 水溶性 Wetting and drying 潮湿与干燥土木工程英语词典第 17 页 Workability control 和易性控制Workability definition 和易性定义Yield limit 屈服极限 Water pepellent admixture 防水剂Yield point 屈服点 Water requirement for normal consistency ofYield strength 屈服强度 cement paste 水泥净浆标准绸度用水量Yield stress 屈服应力 Water proofing compound 防水化合物Yield of steel 钢材的屈服X-ray diffiraction analysis X射线衍射分析Zones for sand grading 砂级配区 X-ray phase analysis X射线相分析Zeta-potential ζ-电位 X-rayogram X射线图式Zone of heating 预热带 X-ray spectrometer X射线光谱仪。
A Type Wooden Ladder A字木梯A-frame A型骨架A-truss A型构架Aando n;废弃Abandoned wel l;废井Aberration of needl e;磁针偏差Abnormal pressur e;异常压力abnormally high pressur e;异常高压Abor t;中止abrasio n;磨损Abrasion surfac e;浪蚀面abrasive cut-off machin e;磨切机Abrasive Cutting Whee l;拮碟abrasive grinding machin e;研磨机Abrasive Grinding Whee l;磨碟abrasive particl e;磨料颗粒Absolute addres s;绝对地址Absolute altitud e;绝对高度Absolute dampin g;绝对阻尼Absolute deviatio n;绝对偏差Absolute flying heigh t;绝对航高Absolute gravit y;绝对重力absolute permeabilit y;绝对渗透率absolute porosit y;绝对孔隙率absolute temperatur e;绝对温度absorbabilit y;吸收性吸附性absorptio n;吸收abutmen t;桥墩abutting en d;邻接端acceleratio n;加速acceleration lan e;加速车道Acceleration of gravit y;重力加速度acceleration peda l;加速器踏板accelerato r;催凝剂加速器催化剂acceptance criteri a;接受准则acces s;通路通道access doo r;检修门通道门access lan e;进出路径access pane l;检修门access poin t;入口处出入通道处access ram p;入口坡道斜通道access roa d;通路通道access shaf t;竖井通道access spiral loo p;螺旋式回旋通道access staircas e;通道楼梯access ste p;出入口踏步access tunne l;隧道通道accessible roo f;可到达的屋顶accessor y;附件配件acciden t;事故意外accidental collaps e;意外坍塌accommodat e;装设容纳accredited private laborator y;认可的私人实验室accumulato r;储压器蓄电池accuracy limi t;精度限制acetylene cylinde r;乙炔圆筒Acetylene Hos e;煤喉Acetylene Regulato r;煤表acid plan t;酸洗设备酸洗机acid pum p;酸液泵acid tan k;酸液缸acidic roc k;酸性岩acoustic couplan t;声耦合剂acoustic couple r;声音藕合器音效藕合器acoustic linin g;隔音板acoustic scree n;隔声屏Acoustic wav e;声波acrylic pain t;丙烯漆料(压克力的油漆)acrylic shee t;丙烯胶片(压克力的胶片)active corrosio n;活性腐蚀active earth pressur e;主动土压力active faul t;活断层active oxidatio n;活性氧化actual plot rati o;实际地积比率actuato r;促动器唧筒激发器adap t;改装adapto r;适配器承接器转接器additio n;增设加建additional building work s;增补建筑工程additional horizontal forc e;额外横向力additional pla n;增补图则(附加的平面图) additional ven t;加设通风口additiv e;添加剂Addres s;地址adhesiv e;黏结剂胶黏剂adhesive forc e;附着力Adhesive Glu e;万能胶Adhesive Reflective Warning Tap e;反光警告贴纸adi t;入口通路坑道口adjacent constructio n;相邻建造物adjacent leve l;相邻水平adjacent sit e;相邻基地adjacent stree t;相邻街道adjoining are a;毗邻地区adjoining buildin g;毗邻建筑物adjoining lan d;毗邻土地adjoining structur e;毗邻构筑物adjustabl e;可调校Adjustable Wrench Spanne r;昔士adjuste r;调节器adjustmen t;调校调整Administrative Lawsui t;行政诉讼Administrative Remed y;行政救济admixtur e;掺合剂外加剂advance directional sig n;前置指路标志方向预告标志advance earthwork s;前期土方工程advance warning sig n;前置警告标志advance work s;前期工程aeratio n;曝气aeration tan k;曝气池aeria l;天线Aerial mappin g;航空测图aerial photograp h;航测照片Aerial photograph y;航照定位aerial rapid transit syste m;高架快速运输系统aerial ropewa y;高架缆车系统aerial vie w;鸟瞰图aerofoi l;翼型aeroso l;悬浮微粒喷雾aerospher e;大气圈affi x;贴附aftercoole r;后冷却器afterfilte r;后过滤器aftershoc k;余震agen t;作用剂代理人aggradatio n;堆积aggregat e;骨材集料碎石aggregate are a;总面积aggregate gradin g;骨材级配aggregate superficial are a;表面总面积aggregate usable floor spac e;总楼地板空间agitato r;搅拌器搅动机air bleedin g;放气(空气渗出)air blowe r;鼓风机air brak e;气压制动器Air chambo r;气室air circui t;空气回路air circuit breake r;空气断路器air cleane r;空气滤清器air compresso r;空气压缩机air compressor governo r;空气压缩机调压器air conditionin g;空气调节air cooled chille r;风冷式冷却机air coole r;空气冷却器air cooling syste m;空气冷却系统风冷系统air coupling valv e;空气联接阀air curtain fa n;风帘风扇air cylinde r;气缸气筒air dampe r;风闸气流调节器air distribution syste m;配气系统air distributo r;空气分配器air drye r;空气干燥器air duc t;通风管道气槽air entrained cemen t;加气水泥伴沬水泥air entraining agen t;输气剂air exhaus t;排气口air filte r;空气滤器风隔隔尘网air filter chambe r;空气过滤室air flowmete r;风量计空气流量计air ga p;气隙air gril l;空气格栅air inle t;进风口进气孔air inlet louve r;进气百叶air inlet por t;进气口air intak e;进风口进气孔入气口air intake duc t;进风槽air intake filte r;进气过滤器air isolating coc k;空气隔断旋塞air line breathing apparatu s;气喉型呼吸器具air line straine r;进气管道隔滤器air outle t;出风口air outlet grill e;空气出口栅格air particl e;空气粒子air passag e;风道air pipe/ pipewor k;通气管送气管air pisto n;空气活塞air pressure gaug e;气压表air pressure switc h;气压闸air pressurization syste m;空气加压系统air receive r;空气储存器air reservoi r;储气缸air restricto r;空气节流器air shuttle valv e;阻气阀air spraye r;喷涂器air sprin g;空气弹簧air straine r;空气隔滤器空气滤网air supply outle t;供气出口air supply valv e;供气阀air tan k;空气箱air valv e;进出气阀放气阀air valve pi t;进出气阀井放气阀井air vent coc k;通风管旋塞air ventilato r;空气通风器air-operated dampe r;气动风闸airshaf t;通风竖井airtight cove r;气密盖airy dry varnis h;风干清漆alar m;警报警报器alarm bel l;警报钟alarm buzze r;警报器alg a;藻类Alidad e;照准仪alidat e;照准仪alig n;对准调直定线alignment (road) 路线准线(特指道路中线的位置与方向) alignment plan (road) 路线平面图alkali-silica reactio n;碱硅反应alkaline aggregate reactio n;碱性集料反应alkaline eart h;碱性土alkaline pum p;碱液泵alkaline tan k;碱液缸alkalinit y;碱度all-purpose roa d;混合车道综合车道alle y;巷allowable loa d;容许载重容许荷载Allowable pressur e;容许压力allowable stres s;容许应力allo y;合金alloy steel ba r;合金钢筋条alluvial deposi t;冲积土层冲积物alluvial plai n;冲积系alteratio n;更改改建改动Alternating curren t;交流电alternating current (a. c.) 交流电alternative desig n;替代设计alternative rout e;替代路线alternato r;交流发电机Altimete r;高度计Altitud e;高度地平纬度海拔Altitude correctio n;高度修正Altitude erro r;高度误差Altitude-tint legen d;高程表Aluminium Flat Ba r;铝扁条aluminium tap e;铝卷尺aluminum bridg e;铝桥Aluminum Shee t;花铝板ambe r;琥珀amber flashing ligh t;黄色闪光灯Ambien t;周围ambient pressur e;周围压力ambient temperatur e;环境温度周围温度amendmen t;修订amenitie s;市容建筑设施康乐设施amenity are a;美化市容地带amenity railin g;美观栏杆ammete r;电流表安培计Ammonium nitrat e;硝酸铵Amortisseu r;减震器Amortizatio n;减震Amper e;安培(电流单位)ampere (A) 安培(电流量单位) Ampere's la w;安培定律amplificatio n;放大增强Amplifie r;放大器amplitud e;幅振幅Amplitude anomal y;振幅异常Analo g;模拟Analog signa l;模拟信号Analogu e;模拟ancho r;锚锚竿支撑anchor bearin g;锚承锚座anchor bol t;锚栓anchor plat e;锚碇板anchorag e;锚碇碇泊区抛锚区锚固anchorage lengt h;锚固长度anchoring strengt h;锚固强度ancillary buildin g;附属建筑物ancillary facilitie s;附属设施ancillary installatio n;附带装置ancillary work s;附属工程angle cutte r;角铁切割机angle iron bracke t;角铁支架角铁托架Angle of declinatio n;偏角Angle of depressio n;俯角Angle of di p;倾角Angle of elevatio n;仰角angle of emergenc e;出射角angle of incidenc e;入射角angle of inclinatio n;倾斜角angle of internal frictio n;内摩擦角angle of polarizatio n;偏极角angle of reflectio n;反射角Angle of refractio n;折射角angle of rotaio n;旋转角angle prob e;斜探头angular velocit y;角速度annealin g;退火annunciation lam p;警示灯annunciato r;传播器呼唤器anod e;阳极anode voltag e;阳极电压Anomal y;异常antenn a;天线Anthracit e;红基煤anti-corrosion pain t;防腐蚀油漆anti-creep devic e;防溜装置Anti-grease Rubber Glove s;防油胶手套anti-lift rolle r;防升滚轮anti-oxidizing pain t;抗氧化漆anti-rust pain t;防锈漆anti-skid cheque r;防滑格纹anti-skid devic e;防滑装置anti-skid dressin g;防滑钢沙anti-skid materia l;防滑物料anti-sli p;防滑动防空转防打滑anti-static chai n;抗静电链anti-static tyr e;抗静电轮胎anti-stripping agen t;防剥剂anti-syphonage pip e;反虹吸作用管anti-tip rolle r;防倾侧滚轮anti-vibration mountin g;防震装置anti-vibration pa d;防震垫anticlin e;背斜Antitermite Pain t;白蚁油anvi l;铁砧apertur e;隙缝壁孔ape x;顶apparatu s;仪器装置器具器材applianc e;用具装置设备applied coverin g;外加覆盖物applied loa d;外施荷载(应用的负荷)approac h;进路引道接驳道路引桥approach channe l;进港航道引渠approach ram p;引道坡approach roa d;引道进路approach spee d;来车速度approach tape r;楔形引道路段approach viaduc t;高架引道approved materia l;经核准的物料approved pla n;经核准的图则appurtenanc e;附属物apro n;跳板护板停机坪ar c;电弧arc contac t;电弧触点arc runne r;电弧滚环arc weldin g;电弧焊接arc h;拱弓形拱门arch bridg e;拱桥architec t;建筑师Architect Registration Examinatio n;建筑师注册考试(A.R.E) architectura l;建筑学architectural decoratio n;建筑装饰architectural projectio n;建筑上的伸出物Architectur e;结构area traffic control syste m;区域交通控制系统argon arc weldin g;氩气焊armatur e;电枢arrangemen t;排列布置arra y;数组arresting assembl y;止动装置art pape r;铜版纸arterial highwa y;干线道路arterial traffi c;干线交通article of agreemen t;合约细则Articulatio n;清晰度Artifact s;人工产品Artificial illuminatio n;人工照明Artificial intelligenc e;人工智能artificial lightin g;人工照明as-built drawin g;竣工图则as-constructed drawin g;竣工图则asbestos abatement work s;石棉拆除工程asbestos cemen t;石棉水泥asbestos gaske t;石棉垫料aseismic regio n;无震区ash pi t;排渣槽灰坑asphal t;沥青asphalt distributo r;沥青喷洒机asphalt pave r;沥青铺筑机asphalt roofin g;沥青屋面asphaltic coatin g;沥青涂层asphaltic concret e;沥青混凝土asphalto s;地沥青aspirato r;吸气器assemblag e;组合物assembl y;装置组合assessmen t;评估associated work s;相关工程相关设施Assorted Clot h;各色布仔Assorted Rubber Glove s;杂色胶手套Asymptot e;渐近线at-grade pedestrian crossin g;地面行人过路处at-grade signal controlled junctio n;交通灯控制地面路口atmospheric distillatio n;常压蒸馏atmospheric pressur e;大气压力常压atmospheric temperatur e;常温atomization air fa n;雾化空气风扇(喷雾空气风扇) attachmen t;附件附属物attenuatio n;衰减audible signa l;音响讯号audible warnin g;音响警号Auger Bi t;长身小林式钻咀Auror a;极光Aurora australi s;南极光Aurora boreali s;北极光authoritie s;权限authorit y;主管当局authorized office r;获授权人员authorized perso n;获授权人认可人士核准人士authorized work s;获授权进行的工程批准进行的工程Auto-Marking Gauge ST-7521N自动墨斗automatic (spark)ignition devic e;自动(火花)点火装置Automatic contro l;自动控制automatic control switc h;自动控制开关automatic operatio n;自动操作automatic releas e;自动脱扣automatic voltage regulato r;自动调压器automatic weather statio n;自动气象站Automatic zero se t;自动归零automation equipmen t;自动化设备Automobil Putt y;原子灰auxiliary control pane l;辅助掣板(附加的控制仪表板) auxiliary equipmen t;辅助设备auxiliary feedwater pum p;辅助给水泵auxiliary feedwater tan k;辅助给水箱auxiliary plan t;辅助厂房auxiliary syste m;辅助系统auxiliary water pum p;辅助水泵average compressive stres s;平均压应力average strengt h;平均强度Averagin g;平均Axe Handl e;斧头柄axial fa n;轴流式风扇axial forc e;轴向力axial loa d;轴向载重轴向荷载axial stres s;轴向应力Axis of absciss a;横坐标轴Axis of ordinat e;纵坐标轴axis of referenc e;参考轴axis of rotatio n;旋转轴axis of symmetr y;对称轴axle bearin g;车轴轴承(车轴啤令)Azimuth bearin g;方位角azimuth compas s;方向罗盘Azimuthal angle s;方位角Back azimut h;反方位角back-fir e;逆火back-up are a;后勤地区辅助埸地backfil l;回填回填土backfill materia l;回填物料background nois e;背景噪音backing plat e;垫板背板Backsigh t;后视Bad dat a;不良资料Bad eart h;接地不良baffl e;隔板挡板baffle plat e;遮挡板baffle wal l;遮挡墙balance tan k;调节池均衡槽balance weigh t;平衡锤balanced loa d;平衡载重balance r;平冲器Balancin g;平差Balancing a surve y;测量平差balancing pipelin e;平衡水管balcon y;露台ball bearin g;滚珠轴承Ball Caste r;平底波辘Ball Peen Hammer w/handl e;圆头锤Ball Point Hex Key Set (extra-long) 加长波头套庄六角匙ball valv e;浮球阀球形阀波阀ball-and-socket join t;球窝接头ballas t;道碴bamboo bridg e;竹桥Bamboo Broo m;竹扫把Bamboo Handle Toilet Brus h;竹柄鲍鱼刷bamboo scaffoldin g;竹枝棚架band brak e;带式制动器band clam p;带夹banshee alar m;尖啸警报ba r;铁枝杆巴(压力量单位)bar tendo n;钢筋Barbed Wir e;有棘铁线barging are a;驳运地点barrac k;营房barre l;管筒芯管barrett e;方形桩barricad e;路障障碍物barrie r;栏栅护栏障碍物屏障barrier bloc k;路障barrier gat e;路闸barrier plat e;阻挡板Basal plan e;基面bascule bridg e;开合式活动吊桥base cours e;路面下层承重层路基层base fram e;基架base insulato r;基架绝缘器Base leve l;基准面base ma p;底图base plat e;底板垫板base sealin g;底部密封胶base sla b;平底板base suppor t;底座支架Base temperatur e;基础温度baselin e;基线底线基准线baseline programm e;基线计划basemen t;地库地窖地下室Basi n;盆地batching plan t;混凝土混和机配料厂bathmete r;深度计Batter leve l;测斜器batter pil e;斜桩batter y;蓄电池battery acid leve l;电池酸位battery cell vol t;蓄电池电压Battery Cell s;电芯battery charge r;电池充电器battery electric locomotiv e;电力机车battery electrolyt e;电池电解液battery-powered devic e;电池推动装置bauxit e;铝土beaco n;闪光指示灯bea d;焊珠bea m;横梁beam (or girder) bridg e;梁式桥Beaman ar c;贝门弧bearin g;支座支承承座轴承(啤令) 方向角Bearing angl e;方位角bearing capacit y;承载力bearing forc e;承重能力承载能力bearing pa d;支承垫片承重垫片bearing pil e;支承桩bearing pi n;支承栓钉bearing plat e;支承垫板bearing stres s;支承应力bearing surfac e;支承面beddin g;底层层理bedroc k;基层岩behaviou r;性能状况Belisha beaco n;斑马线灯黄波灯bellow po t;气囊气囊筒belly ban d;安全带bel t;带皮带belt conveyo r;带式输送机belt guar d;皮带护罩belt tensio n;皮带拉力ben d;弯角弯位路弯弯管bending forc e;弯曲力bending stres s;弯曲应力Benkelman beam tes t;贝克曼梁试验bentonit e;膨润土berm channe l;斜水平台渠bert h;停泊处碇泊位beve l;斜角斜面bia s;偏移Bias magneti c;磁偏bill of quantitie s;工料清单binde r;黏合料bisectri x;等分线bi t;钻头bitume n;沥青bitumen coatin g;沥青外衬(沥青护膜) bitumen fel t;沥青纸bitumen linin g;沥青衬里Bitumen Pain t;腊青油Bitumen Pape r;腊青纸bituminous concret e;沥青混凝土bituminous macada m;沥青碎石bituminous waterproof membran e;沥青防水膜Black Canvas Hos e;黑色帆布喉Black Iron Pipe (Class B) B级黑铁喉Black Rubber Glove s;黑胶手套Black Steel Strappin g;黑铁皮Black Welding Glas s;黑玻璃blad e;剪刀叶片blank flang e;盲板法兰盲板凸缘管口盖板blanking plat e;封板blast-furnac e;鼓风炉blast-furnace slag cemen t;炉渣水泥blastin g;爆石爆破bleed nippl e;放气嘴减压嘴bleed off pip e;溢流管bleed scre w;放气螺钉减压螺钉bleedin g;泌浆(混凝土) 泌水性(混凝土) blended cemen t;混合水泥blending contro l;混合控制blindin g;补路石砂(填充表面孔隙的细石) blind s;百叶窗block pla n;楼宇平面图(地盘图)blow dow n;放水放气blow down valv e;放泄阀排水阀blowe r;吹风机鼓风机Blue Pencil #1276蓝铅笔Blue Powde r;蓝淀粉bobbi n;绕线管Body belts w/cert. 救生绳连证书bogi e;转向架boiler roo m;锅炉房boiling poin t;沸点bollar d;护柱系船柱bollard ligh t;安全岛指示灯bollard plint h;护柱柱基护柱基座bolste r;承枕横撑bol t;螺栓Bolt Cutte r;蛇头剪Bolts and Nut s;螺丝类bon d;黏结黏合契约bond coa t;黏合层bond strengt h;黏合强度bond stres s;黏合应力boo m;吊杆booster pum p;增压泵booster pumping statio n;增压抽水站booster transforme r;增压变压器booster water pum p;增压水泵增压抽水机borated water storage tan k;含硼水贮存箱border lin k;边境连接道路border terminu s;过境终站bor e;钻孔内孔bored pil e;螺旋钻孔桩bored tunne l;钻挖的隧道borehole lo g;钻孔纪录boric aci d;硼酸borin g;钻探冲孔boring machin e;钻探机镗床borrow are a;采泥区采料区BOT(Build-Operate Transfer) 兴建营运转移bottlenec k;樽颈狭窄段bottom heav e;底部隆bottom laye r;底层bottom plat e;底板bottom simulating reflector (BSR) 海底仿拟反射器bottom-hole pressur e;井底压力boulde r;巨砾boundar y;分界线界线box bridg e;箱型桥box culver t;盒形排水渠盒形暗渠箱形暗渠方形去水渠box girde r;箱形大梁brac e;撑杆支撑braced structur e;受横向支撑的结构bracin g;支撑bracing structur e;支撑结构bracke t;托架支架brai d;编织电缆brak e;制动器brake horse powe r;制动马力brake linin g;制动器摩擦衬片brake peda l;剎车踏板brake syste m;制动系统brake tes t;制动器试验brake teste r;制动系统测试器braking distanc e;制动距离剎车距离branch circui t;分支电路branch pipe/ pipewor k;支管分支喉管Brass Calipe r;铜身卡尺Brass Flat Ba r;铜扁条brass gate valv e;黄铜闸阀Brass Padlock w/ke y;同匙铜锁Brass Straight Nozzl e;消防铜射咀brass wire brus h;铜丝刷break pressure tan k;减压配水缸箱水压调节池breake r;轧碎机碎石机隔断器开关闸断路器保险掣breaking strengt h;抗断强度breakthroug h;击穿breakwate r;防波堤breathe r;通气孔呼吸器breather valv e;通气阀breathing apparatu s;呼吸器具bric k;砖brick bridg e;砖桥Brick Reinforcemen t;砖墙网Brick Reinforcement Mes h;砖网brick work s;砌砖工程brickwor k;砖块bridg e;桥梁bridge abutmen t;桥台bridge cran e;桥式吊机bridge dec k;桥面板桥板桥面bridge girde r;桥大梁bridge pie r;桥墩bridgework s;桥梁工程Bright spo t;亮点Brightnes s;亮度Brown Pape r;鸡皮纸BS916 Hex Bolts & Nuts BS916英制六角螺丝带母(丝闩)bubble accumulato r;气泡贮存器Bubble effec t;气泡效应bucket conveyo r;斗式输送机bucklin g;压曲压弯buckling loa d;压曲临界荷载buffe r;缓冲缓冲器减震器buffer are a;缓冲地区build, operate and transfer (BOT)franchise 「建造、营运及移交」专营权builder' s lif t;施工用升降机buildin g;建筑物大厦building are a;建筑面积building conditio n;楼宇状况building constructio n;建筑物建造建筑营造building desig n;建筑物设计建筑设计building envelop e;建筑物外壳building frontag e;建筑物正面building lan d;屋地屋子建筑用地building materia l;建筑物料building pla n;建筑图则Building Plannin g;建筑计划building service s;建筑设备building sit e;屋宇建筑地盘工地Building Technolog y;建筑技术building work s;屋宇建筑工程楼宇建筑工程bulk densit y;容积密度bulk excavation work s;大型挖掘工程bulk modulu s;体积弹性系数bulldoze r;推土机铲泥车bump (road) 限速路面突块bumpe r;缓冲器防撞器防撞杠bunc h;捆扎bun d;壆田基堤壆bund wal l;壆墙bundled are a;堤壆保护区buoyant forc e;浮力burglar alarm syste m;防盗警报系统buried concret e;埋入地下的混凝土burne r;燃烧器炉头burstin g;爆裂bus interchang e;巴士转车处bus stop shelte r;巴士站遮盖物bus terminu s;巴士总站bus-ba r;导电条母线(汇流条)bus-couple r;母线联接bus h;轴衬(杯士)butt fusion weldin g;对头熔接butt weldin g;对焊butterfly coc k;蝶形旋阀butterfly gat e;蝶形闸butterfly valv e;蝶形阀buttres s;支墩buzze r;蜂音器蜂鸣器by-pas s;绕道支路支管旁通管by-pass valv e;旁通阀Byt e;字节ca b;小室驾驶室cabine t;小室贮存柜cabl e;电缆cable channe l;电缆沟电缆槽cable condui t;电缆管cable couple r;电缆耦合器Cable Cutte r;威也钳cable draw pi t;电缆沙井铺缆井cable duc t;电缆管道cable glan d;电缆密封套cable join t;电缆接头cable laying wago n;电缆敷设车cable lea d;电缆引线cable rout e;电缆路线cable supported viaduc t;悬索高架桥cable suspension bridg e;钢索吊桥cable trenc h;电缆槽cable troug h;电缆坑cable trun k;电缆干线cable tunne l;电缆隧道cable-stayed bridg e;斜拉桥斜张桥cag e;机厢caisso n;沉箱caisson ca p;沉箱盖caisson foundatio n;沉箱地基沉箱基础caisson pie r;沉箱墩caisson pil e;沉箱桩caisson retaining wal l;沉箱挡土墙caisson wal l;沉箱墙Calibrat e;校准Calibrating devic e;校准器calibratio n;校准Calibration constan t;校准常数Calibration instrumen t;校准仪caliper measur e;测径calorie (cal) 卡路里(热量单位) calorific valu e;热值calorifie r;加热器ca m;凸轮cambe r;拱度(成弧形)candela (cd) 烛光(发光强度单位) canister respirato r;罐型防毒面具canop y;雨遮cantileve r;悬臂cantilever bea m;悬臂梁cantilever bridg e;悬臂桥cantilever cran e;悬臂吊机cantilever footin g;悬臂基脚cantilever foundatio n;悬臂地基cantilever suppor t;悬臂支架canva s;帆布canvas bel t;帆布带ca p;帽盖Capacitanc e;电容capacitance mete r;电容表Capacitivit y;电容率capacito r;电容器capacit y;容量载客量capacity control valv e;容量控制阀Capillarit y;毛细作用Capillary pressur e;毛细压力capital work s;基本建设工程基建工程carbon brus h;碳刷Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishe r;二氧化碳灭火筒carbon pil e;碳柱carbon rin g;碳环carbon stee l;含碳钢carbon stri p;碳条carbonatio n;碳化carbonation dept h;碳化深度carbonation proces s;碳化过程carbonhydrat e;碳水化合物carborundu m;金刚砂carburetto r;化油器气化器cargo handling are a;货物装卸区Carpenter Hammer w/handl e;木工锤Carpenter Penci l;木工笔carriagewa y;行车道carriageway markin g;行车道标记Carr y;进位carrying capacit y;运载量载重量承载能力Cartesian coordinate s;笛卡儿坐标直角坐标cartridg e;子弹弹药筒cartridge operated too l;弹药推动的工具cartridge type respirato r;滤罐型呼吸器筒型防毒面具(猪咀)casin g;套管cast iro n;铸铁生铁cast iron conducto r;铸铁导管Cast Iron Electrod e;铸铁焊支cast iron pip e;铸铁管(生铁管)cast-in anchorag e;浇注锚固cast-in-plac e;灌注现场浇筑cast-in-place (CIP) 场铸式cast-in-situ concrete uni t;现场浇筑混凝土构件casting basi n;预制品工场Castor with stoppe r;棚架辘casualty tea m;意外事件小组cat ladde r;便梯爬梯catalytic actio n;催化作用catc h;挡片制止器扣掣门扣catch fa n;扇形防护网架catch fenc e;拦截围墙catch platfor m;坠台Catche r;抓贝catchment are a;集水区引集范围catchpi t;排水井集水坑截流井catchwater channe l;集水槽catenary wir e;吊索cathod e;阴极cathode ray tube (CRT) 阴极射线管cathodic protectio n;阴极保护catwal k;跳板轻便梯轻便栈桥caul k;填缝Caulking Gu n;油灰鎗caulking materia l;填隙料causewa y;堤道(长堤)caution sig n;警告标志caver n;洞穴cavit y;中空部分穴cavity wal l;空心墙ceilin g;天花板ceiling sla b;天花板ceiling suspension hoo k;天花吊celestial eqquato r;天球赤道Celestial equato r;天体赤道Celestial pol e;天极cel l;电池cellular offic e;分格式办公室cemen t;水泥cement conten t;水泥含量cement morta r;水泥沙浆cement plaste r;水泥灰泥cement renderin g;水泥荡面(水泥刷面)cement sand mi x;水泥沙浆cementitious conten t;水泥成分Center of curvatur e;曲率中心Center of gravit y;重心Centesimal graduatio n;百分度centi (c) 厘(百分之一)Centigrad e;百分度摄氏温度Centimeter-gram-second syste m;公分-公克-秒单位制central divide r;中央分隔栏central dividing stri p;中央分隔带central lin e;中线central media n;中央分隔带central power-driven machin e;中央动力机械Central processing uni t;中央处理机central profile barrie r;中央纵向护栏central reserv e;中央预留带central spa n;中跨距(中心跨距)centre lan e;中行车线(中央车道)centre lin e;中心线centre line of stree t;街道中心线centrifugal filte r;离心过滤器centrifugal forc e;离心力centrifugal loa d;离心荷载centrifugal pum p;离心泵centripetal forc e;向心力ceramic til e;瓷砖certificat e;证明书certificate of inspectio n;检查证明书certificate of registratio n;注册证明书登记证明书certificatio n;核证Certification Standard s;建筑师的认证标准certified cop y;经核证文本certif y;核证cesspoo l;污水池chai n;链chain bloc k;滑车吊链链动滑轮(链滑车)Chain Sa w;电动链锯chainag e;丈量长度里程距离chainlink fenc e;扣环围栏铁网围栏Chal k;粉笔Chalk Brus h;粉刷chambe r;小室间隔chamfe r;去角(斜角)位斜削chandelie r;水晶灯change-over switc h;转换开关change-over valv e;转换阀channe l;沟渠线糟槽渠道频道channel cove r;槽盖Channel wav e;槽波channelization (traffic) (交通)导流channelizing islan d;导行岛channelizing lin e;导行线Chaos theor y;混沌论Characte r;特性字符Characteristi c;特性特征characteristic strengt h;特征强度Charg e;炸药电荷Char t;图表chart datu m;海图基准面chart recorde r;图表记录器chassi s;车身底盘chec k;查核check bloc k;挡块check join t;止回接头check mechanis m;制动装置check plat e;垫板挡板check rai l;护轮轨check scre w;止动螺钉check valv e;止回流阀chemical actio n;化学作用chemical dosin g;化学剂量chemical grou t;化学灌浆Chemical Material s;化工物料类chemical propert y;化学特性chemical refus e;化学垃圾chemical tes t;化学测试chemical s;化学品chequered plat e;网纹板chill plat e;冷却板chilled air fa n;冷风风扇chilled water pum p;冷冻水泵chille r;冷冻机chiller plan t;致冷设备制冷设备chimne y;烟沟烟chimney copin g;烟囱盖顶chimney stac k;烟囱Chinese In k;大墨汁Chinese Pe n;毛笔Chipping Hammer w/handl e;敲锈锤chipping s;碎屑破片chise l;凿chlorid e;氯化物chloride conten t;氯化物含量chloride diffusio n;氯化物扩散chloride extractio n;除氯chloride io n;氯离子chloride ion conten t;氯离子含量chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) 氯化聚氯乙烯chlorinated wate r;加有氯气的水chlorinato r;加氯器choppe r;斩波器截波器chuna m;灰泥土批荡chut e;溜槽滑道槽管ciffusion coefficien t;扩散系数circui t;电路环道circuit breake r;断路保险掣circular footin g;圆基脚circular roa d;环回道路Circular Saw Blade (Carbide Tipped) 40T钻石介木碟circulating water pum p;循环水泵circulation mod e;循环模式circumferential roa d;环回道路civil work s;土木工程claddin g;骨架外墙覆盖层clai m;声称申索索偿clam p;夹钳claplock cable clam p;拍扣式电缆线夹clas t;碎屑岩粒Clathrat e;天然气水化合物Claw Hammer w/handl e;羊角锤cla y;黏土clay field pip e;瓦管Clay Picks Hea d;番钉头Clay Picks w/handl e;番钉连柄Cleane r;洁厕得cleaning ey e;清理孔Cleaning Pa d;快洁布cleaning ro d;清理棒cleansin g;洁净clear effective lengt h;净有效长度clear heigh t;净高clear openin g;净开口clear spac e;净空间clear spa n;净跨距clear widt h;净宽度clearanc e;相距空间(净空)clearance gaug e;测隙规clearance spac e;间隙空间clea t;夹具clevis U形夹clien t;委托人climb form techniqu e;提升模板技术climbing lan e;爬坡车道climofunctio n;气候因素Clinographic curv e;坡度曲线Clinomete r;测斜器cli p;小夹close fitting cove r;紧合封盖close fitting s;紧合配件close-boarded platfor m;密合封板平台Close-u p;闭合closed are a;禁区closed circuit television (CCTV) 闭路电视closed en d;不能通行的一端closed positio n;闭合的位置Closed travers e;闭合导线Closing erro r;闭合误差closur e;封闭Closure erro r;闭合误差cloverleaf interchang e;四叶式交汇处蝶式交汇处clutc h;离合器co-ordinato r;统筹人Coagulatio n;凝结Coa l;红基煤coal-tar epox y;环氧煤焦油coarse aggregat e;粗骨料coarse screenin g;粗筛Coast lin e;海岸线Coastal deposit s;海岸堆积coatin g;保护层涂层coating materia l;涂盖物质coc k;旋塞旋阀Coconut Brush Broo m;椰衣扫Code addres s;编码地址Code languag e;代码语言code of practic e;工作守则操作守则code reade r;读码器Coded dat a;编码数据Coded messag e;编码信息Code r;编码器编码员Codin g;编码译码Coding rul e;编码规则coefficien t;系数Coefficient of correctio n;校正系数Coefficient of correlatio n;对比系数Coefficient of dampin g;阻尼系数coefficient of elasticit y;弹性系数coefficient of expansio n;膨胀系数Coefficient of extensio n;伸延系数coefficient of internal frictio n;内摩擦系数coefficient of linear expansio n;线性膨胀系数coefficient of refractio n;折射系数Coefficient of safet y;安全系数coefficient of thermal diffusio n;热扩散系数coefficient of transmissibilit y;可传性系数cofferda m;围堰坝cohesive forc e;黏合力凝聚力coi l;线圈簧圈盘管cold millin g;刨去路面旧沥青cold reduced steel wir e;冷轧钢丝cold solvent weldin g;冷冻溶剂焊接cold storag e;冷藏库collaps e;坍塌collapsible cantilever platfor m;可折悬臂平台collapsible gat e;折闸colla r;护圈束套套环Collateral dat a;附属数据colle t;套爪筒夹Collimate d;平行Collimatio n;瞄准平行校正collimation axi s;视准轴collimation erro r;视准误差collimation lin e;视准线collimation plan e;视准面collimato r;视准仪Collisio n;碰撞Collision zon e;板块碰撞带colluvial deposi t;崩积土层Color cod e;色码Color displa y;彩色展示Color plate s;色版Color processin g;彩色处理Color Rag s;什布仔Color sensatio n;色感Coloratio n;着色彩色colour cod e;色码colour light signa l;颜色灯号coloured cemen t;颜色水泥colum n;柱column ca p;柱帽column footin g;柱基脚column fram e;柱架column hea d;柱头Combinatio n;组合Combination Plie r;平咀钳Combination Slip-Joint Plie r;鲤鱼钳Combination Wrenc h;令梗Combination Wrench Se t;套庄令梗combined dead loa d;组合恒载combined effec t;混合效应combined footin g;联合基脚combined loa d;合并载重combustible good s;可燃物品combustible materia l;可燃烧物料combustio n;燃烧combustion chambe r;燃烧室commencement of operatio n;开始操作commercial buildin g;商业建筑物commercial comple x;商场commercial lan d;商业用地commercial us e;商业用途commissionin g;启用投产投入服务开始使用开始运作commitmen t;承担common corrido r;公用走廊Common mod e;同型common par t;公用部分Common Round Iron Nail s;普通圆铁钉common us e;共同使用common waste pip e;共用废水管communal facilitie s;公用设施communication channel/ lin k;通讯渠道communication syste m;通讯系统commutato r;整流器commute r;通勤者compacted concret e;压实混凝土compactio n;压实夯实compaction pil e;压实桩compaction tes t;压实测试compartmen t;分隔室compartment wal l;分隔墙Compas s;罗盘Compass azimut h;罗盘方位角Compass bearin g;罗盘方位Compass declinatio n;磁偏角compatibilit y;相配相容compensating valv e;补偿阀compensatio n;补偿补偿金competent perso n;符合资格人士有资格人士Compile r;编绎程序complemen t;补充设备Complement addres s;补码地址Complement angl e;余角Complementary angl e;余角complete function tes t;全面功能试验complete fusio n;完全熔接complete overhau l;全面大修completed work s;已完成的工程complianc e;遵从composite bea m;组合梁composite buildin g;综合用途建筑物composite pil e;混合桩composite sandwich constructio n;复合夹层结构composite steel plat e;复合钢板composite wal l;组合墙compositio n;成分compoun d;场地合成物comprehensive detail s;全面细节整体细节comprehensive development are a;综合发展区comprehensive redevelopment are a;综合重建区comprehensive transport interchange facilitie s;综合交通交汇设施comprehensive transport stud y;整体运输研究compressed ai r;压缩空气compressed air tunnelling metho d;压缩空气开挖隧道法compressed ga s;压缩气体Compressibilit y;压缩系数compressing too l;压挤工具compressio n;压缩compression join t;承压接缝compression loa d;压缩荷载compression reinforcemen t;受压钢筋compression tes t;抗压测试compressional anticlin e;挤压背斜compressional fol d;挤压褶皱compressive failur e;压缩塌毁压缩毁坏compressive strengt h;抗压强度compressive stres s;抗压应力compresso r;压缩机computer aided design (CAD)facilitie s;电脑辅助设计设施computer graphic s;电脑绘图Computer languag e;计算器语言computerized automatic concrete cube crushing machin e;电脑化混凝土立方块压力试验机concav e;凹形concealed pipin g;隐藏喉管。
工程机械英汉词典Aangle dozer 角推土机articulated hauler 关节式运输车articulated truck 关节式运输车asphalt finisher 沥青铺路机auger boring 钻孔扩孔auger drill 螺旋钻auger machine 螺旋机auger mixer 螺旋搅拌机auger unit 螺旋装置Bbackhoe 装有后铲的挖掘机backhoe loader 装有后铲装置的装载机ballast regulator 铺砟车battering ram 撞箍beacon 照明设备bell crane 铃式吊车belt conveyor 皮带输送机bell drill 钟凿bell driver 钟形凿机belt loader 皮带装载机belt machine 台带机block making machine 砌块机blower machine 风机boat loader 装船机boom crane 伸缩式起重机boom pump 泵车breaker machine 破碎机bucket machine 铲斗机bucket elevator 斗式提升机bucket dredger 铲斗挖泥机bucket crane 铲斗吊车buldozer 推土机Ccable carving machine 钢丝绳铣cable crane 缆索吊车cable distributor 电缆分配器cable layer 电缆敷设机cable reel holder 电缆卷筒收卷架cable stripper 电缆剥离机cable trencher 电缆沟挖机cabin pressurisation system 驾驶室通风系统cage tower 篮塔cam bridge 机架cement mixer 水泥搅拌机cement spraying machine 喷水泥机chain drag 传送链cherry picker 拾樱桃机chipper machine 切碎机clamshell excavator 双臂挖土机clicer machine 刺激机clutch machine 机械离合器cold header 冷挤压机cold mill 冷轧机cold re-roll mill 冷轧机cold recycle machine 冷再生机cold set machine 冷卷机coldsplice machine 组装机concrete agitating lorry 搅拌搅拌车concrete bucket 混凝土斗concrete core drill 混凝土中心钻concrete cutting machine 混凝土切割机concrete leveling rocker 混凝土水平摇摆机concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌机concrete paving machine 混凝土铺路机concrete paver 混凝土铺路机concrete pump 混凝土泵concrete trowel 混凝土磨光机concrete vibrator 混凝土振动器construction elevator 施工电梯construction hoist 施工吊车container handling machine 集装箱装卸机continuous miner 连续开采机control cabin 控制室control chart 控制图conveyer 转运机conveyor 传送机core drill machine 中心钻机crawler crane 履带式起重机crane 起重机crane with magnet 吸铁吊车crane with pile driving unit 打桩起重机crawler air drill 履带式空气钻机crawler base 履带底盘crawler carrier 履带式传力车crawler diesel 履带式内燃动力机crawler douser 履带推土机crawler dumper 履带自卸车crawler excavator 履带式挖土机crawler loader 履带装载机crawler pile driver 履带式打桩机crush bucket 破碎铲crushing cone 破碎圆锥体crushing machine 碎石机curb and gutter paver 路坎和排水沟铺路机cutoff machine 切断机cutter 斩口机cutter machine 切料机cutter tool 刀具机cutting machine 切割机cyclone classifier 旋风分离机Ddangle drill 示摆钻derric cranes 台式起重机diamond core bit 钻头diamond-ddeck machinery 金刚石大版机械diesel engine 柴油机diesel piling rig 柴油桩工机digger 挖土机ding °lift truck 顶升叉车discuter bucket 扁圆斗discuter machine 扁圆机disperser machine 分散机ditching machine 排水机docket machine 履带机double armored trim crosome machine 双筒防护钻芯机dragline excavator 铲斗挖泥机drain layer 排水机dredger 挖泥机dry concrete mixing plant 干混凝土拌合站dump truck 自卸货车dumper 自卸车Eearth auger 土压机earth work excavator 土方挖掘机electric cablelift 电缆吊机electric drill 电钻electric power shovel 电力挖土机electric tamping machine 电动夯实机elec.-heating asphalt melting plant 电加热式热拌沥青设备elevator elevator 升降机Etna-O-Matic wine bottle filler 安塔防变态酒瓶灌装机ervt buckle press 电视机械exavator 挖掘机external com vibrator 外振动器external wall lifter 外墙提升机Ffeeder auto machine 鹅卵石机fiber cutter 氢切割机fiber glass cable applicator 玻璃纤维电缆应用机fiber glass mat machine 玻璃纤维基布机fiber optic cable laying machine 光缆敷设机fibre cutter 传送机fibre-glassmultiplane cutter 搏车机filler loader 填料机finish machine 木工机finish road machine 清路机finish roller 木工机flanger cutter 切辑机flanger machine 边削机flange machine 边削机flange-planer cutter 扁道机flashing machine 切辑机floater elevatr 刮渣提升机foam generator 发泡器foam making machine 发泡机foam smoke generator 发泡发烟器folding machine 折叠机fonding machine 制坯机frequency machine 频率控制机fused camshaft machine 烧结凸轮机Ggantry crane 门式起重机garden loader 花园装载机gas cutter 气切机gas flexible bar 芆活棒gras tractor 草坪拖拉机grader 平地机granite-edge grinding machine 冲石机gravel loader 砂石装载机grinder 研磨机grinding machine 磨光机grouting unit 浆浇机gyratory compressor 旋压式压缩机Hhammer mill 锤式破碎机handling machine 搬运机harvester 收割机haul truck 运输车heat aging oven 热老化炉heat exchanger 散热器heat injector heating machine 热喷粉机heat sealer 发热封口机heater 蒸汽加热器helicopter carrier 直升机航空母舰helicopter hoist 直升机绞盘hog concrete paver 混凝土铺路机hog sorter machine 格槽筛选机hoisting machine 起重机hydraulic breaker 液压打桩机hydraulic core drill 液压中心钻hydraulic crane 液压起重机hydraulic demount system 液压拆卸系统hydraulic drill 液压钻机hydraulic excavator 液压挖掘机hydraulic hammer 液压锤hydraulic hose assembly machine 液压软管组装机Iimpact wrench 击打扳手incline conveyor 斜向输送机incubator 孵化器induatrial compressor 工业压缩机industrial vacuum cleaner 工业吸尘器injection mould machine 注塑机integrated pulverizer 粉碎机interbal panel lifter 内墙板提升机internal wall lifter 内墙板提升机iron crimper 熨平机ironer 熨烫机ironer machine 熨烫设备Jjack hammer 高压锤jetting machine 冲洗机joint cutter 接头切割机joint milming machine 接头镗削机joint tie-in machine 接把锁joint truck 接头车joint welding machine 接头焊接机Kknapping machine 尖创机knhoting machine 打结机knitting machine 编织机Lland plane 段翅机land profiling machine 段平整机laser cutting machine 激光切割机lath cutter 雕铣机lifting machine 提料机lithotripter 破石机loader 装载机locating bit 定位钻头lost wax machine 阉蜡机lubricant treating machine 润滑油处理机Mmagnetic base drill 磁座钻magnicizer 氮合物除铁机mandibulating machine 打腋manual bin beading machine 手动成筒机manual electric pedal lift 手动电踏板提升机manual leather partition machine 手工制作分区机manual lift truck 手动叉车manual partition machine 手动分区机manual weaving machine 手工织布机manufactured sand recovery 砂石机material lift 搬运机measuring machine 测量机mechanical arm 机械手臂mechanical crane 机械起重机mechanical drill 机械钻机mechanical loader 机械装载机mechanized coal mine 机械化煤矿mesh machine 网架机metal bending machine 金属弯曲机metal cold 金属冷弯机milling machine 铣床mining machine 采矿机miter saw 斜切锯mixing machine 搅拌机mobile crane 移动起重机motor-based drill 电机基钻机multi-blade gang saw 多片切割机Nnitrogen charge machine 氮气压机nut cleaner 螺帽清洁机nut distributor 螺母分配器Ooil drilling platform 石油钻探平台oil refining machine 石油精炼机oil rig 钻机ore bucket 柑桶Ppallet truck 托盘车panel calibrating machine 面板校准机parametal concrete paver 花式混凝土铺路机paver 铺路机paver tamper 铺路机夯实机paving machine 铺路机pavement breaker 铺路机pay loader 装载机peiforator 喷孔机percussion core drill 击拆机photolabelling machine 照相标记机pillaring machine 开采机pile driver 打桩机pile driving machine 打桩机pipe bending machine 弯管机pipe crane 管道起重机pipe cutting machine 管子切割机pipe laying machine 管道铺设机pipe reslator 管道翻滚机pipe threading machine 管道螺纹机pipe winding machine 管子绕线机piston hammer 活塞锤pitching machine 掼浪机planetary mixer 双螺旋搅拌机plate drilling machine 钢板钻孔机plater machine 凉油机platform hoist 平台起重机platform leavator 平台提升机platform scale 营业台秤platform truck 平台车ploduuct etning machine 刈种机pneumatic breaker 气动打击机pneumatic drill 气钻机polishing machine 抛光机portable drilling machine 便携式钻机power pendant lift 动力吊车primary crusher 主破碎机pull frame 拉架pump truck 水泵车punching machine 冲孔机Qquick coupler 快速连接器Rrake 母子混合锯机ramming compactor 压实机rapid charger 快速充电器rear-mounted pump 雄段式邮送泵rebar bender 钢筋弯曲机rebar cutter 钢筋切割机reel handler 卷筒搬运机refuse compactor 垃圾压车resonance drill 共振钻机rifle barrel drilling machine 枪管钻孔机rig 油田钻机road header 钻头机road leveller 路面平整机road machinery 路面机械road marking machine 路面标线机road roller 道路压路机road scraper 道路刮刀road sweeper 道路扫净机robine gun 凤尾枪rock crusher 石碎机rock driller 打钻机rock grizzly 筛石机rock sifter 石碎筛rock splitter 岩石割裂机rotary drilling machine 旋挖钻机rotary pump 旋转泵rubber cutting press 橡胶剪切机rubber granulator 橡胶颗粒机rubber molder 橡胶成型机rubber hammer 橡胶锤safeguarding coupler 控制器sand blasting machine 喷砂机sand sending machine 输砂机sand shaker 筛砂机scissors 柳鞅scrap lifter 金属剩料提升机scrap silver smelter 废银熔炉scraper 刮刀screening machine 筛选机shearing machine 剪切机shield machine 掘进盾构机shingle machine 沙瓦机shovel loader 铲斗车side-dump loader 侧倾装载机side-loading forklift 侧装载叉车silo unloader 筒仓卸料机slitting machine 裁板机slotted machine 槽机slugger machine 加工机smoother 铺路机soil pump 土泵solar power plant 太阳能发电站sorting machine 筛选机souabot 龙门熨平机spare swing ansle rotor 干激元平行旋转轴speedy tensioner 速度张力调节器spreader 施肥器sprinkler 灌漑机stamp mill 雕饰机starer retractable belt wheel 卷取式传动带轮station pump 站点泵steaming machine 蒸。
adjoining structure 毗邻构筑物
adjustable 可调校
Adjustable Wrench Spanner 昔士
adjuster 调节器
adjustment 调校;调整
Administrative Lawsuit 行政诉讼
aerial ropeway 高架缆车系统
aerial view 鸟瞰图
aerofoil 翼型
aerosol 悬浮微粒;喷雾
aerosphere 大气圈
affix 贴附
aftercooler 后冷却器
afterfilter 后过滤器
aftershock 余震
agent 作用剂;代理人
air duct 通风管道;气槽
air entrained cement 加气水泥;伴沬水泥
air entraining agent 输气剂
air exhaust 排气口
air filter 空气滤器;风隔;隔尘网
air filter chamber 空气过滤室
air flowmeter 风量计;空气流量计
acid plant 酸洗设备;酸洗机
acid pump 酸液泵
acid tank 酸液缸
acidic rock 酸性岩
acoustic couplant 声耦合剂
acoustic coupler 声音藕合器;音效藕合器
acoustic lining 隔音板
acoustic screen 隔声屏
access door 检修门;通道门
access lane 进出路径
土木建筑工程词典1. 混凝土:一种由水、水泥和骨料(如砂、石子)混合搅拌而成的坚固建筑材料。
2. 结构:指建筑物或构筑物的骨架系统,能够承受荷载并分散到基础上。
3. 基础:建筑物承受荷载的地面部分,通常采用混凝土或钢筋混凝土构造。
4. 施工:指建筑工程实施的过程,包括勘察设计、材料采购、现场施工等环节。
5. 吊装:使用起重设备将建筑材料、设备等物件从地面升至预定高度的操作过程。
6. 钢筋:一种具有高强度和耐腐蚀性能的金属材料,常用于钢筋混凝土结构中。
7. 桥梁:用于跨越水域、地势起伏等障碍物的建筑物,通常由桥面、桥墩和桥台等组成。
8. 导线:电力输送线路中用于导电的部件,通常由铜、铝等导电材料制成。
9. 地基处理:改善或增强建筑物地下基础的工程措施,包括土体加固、地下水处理等。
10. 塔吊:用于在建筑工地上进行高空建筑和吊装作业的起重设备。
11. 隔墙:用于隔离、分隔空间的墙体,通常采用砖石、石膏板、轻钢龙骨等材料建造。
12. 深基坑:挖掘较深、周围土壤支护需求较高的土木工程。
13. 纵横比:指建筑物或构筑物在平面上的长宽比。
14. 浇筑:将混凝土或其他建筑材料倒入模具,并通过震动、振捣等方式使其充分均匀地填充。
15. 地基沉降:指建筑物地基因荷载作用或土壤特性等原因而产生的下沉现象。
16. 隧道:用于穿越山脉、河流等地下通道的工程设施,通常由隧道壁、顶板和地基构成。
17. 顶棚:位于建筑物顶部或空间内部的覆盖层,用于保护建筑和划分空间。
18. 护坡:用于保护土方工程边坡的防护结构,通常采用混凝土、石材等材料建造。
19. 斜拉桥:一种通过斜拉索将桥梁主梁与桥跨连接的特殊桥型,具有较高的结构美观性和抗风能力。
20. 设计:根据工程需求和规范,制定出建筑物的结构、功能和外观等方面的方案和图纸。
absorptance absorptiometer absorption absorption absorption absorption absorption absorptivity
abstract abstraction
1.提要,简介,文摘2.引出,提取3.抽象的,理论的 1.提要,简介,2.引出,提取3.抽象4.分离,发散 heat~散热,热量发散
abs.visc.=absolute viscosity aburton abut abutment abutting abvolt abysmal abyss abyssal abyssalpelagic AC=account current AC=air condense AC=air-cooled AC=alternating current AC=anticorrosion AC=anti-corrosive AC=area under cut-up AC=centerline plane area up to the waterline AC=collier AC=cushion area A.C.=aftercastle A.C.=alternating component A/C=air compressor A/C=air conditioning A/C=alter course to--Ac=actinium Ac=altocumulus Ac=calculated altitude aC=abcoulomb ac=accumulator ac=aircraft a/c=account ACA=American Communications Associations ACA=automatic circuit analyzer
A A&C.P.=anchors and chains a.a.r.=against all AB=anchor bolt ababac aback abacus abaft abampere abandoner abandonment abase abate abatement A-battery ABB=air-blast circuit breaker ABB=automatic back bias abbreviation ABC=automatic bandwidth control risks 锚与锚链试验合格 综合险,保全险 锚栓,系紧螺栓 (前缀)(厘米-克-秒CGS电磁制单位)绝对,电磁 坐标网,列线图 1.向后2.逆帆.3.停船4.使船向后退 1.顶板,冠板2.算盘3.列线图 在船尾部,在---后面,向船尾;~the beam在船正横以后(的方向) (A)电磁安培(CGS电磁制电流单位,=10安培=1毕奥) 放弃者,弃船者;SHIP~弃船船员, 1.弃船,放弃.2.(商)委付(将残余保险物权转移给保险人以领取全部赔偿金额)3.放弃货载4.(油)废井 1.落帆.2.降旗 1.减退(指潮或水位),缓和(指风)2.废除,撤消3.减价,还价 1.减退(指潮或水位),缓和(指风) ,抑制2.作废,撤消3.减价,减税;NOISE ~噪声抑制,消声;~OF TAXES 丝极电池,甲电池 空气吹弧断路器 自动反馈偏压 缩写,略语,简号2.(数)约分,简化 自动带宽控制 自动偏压补偿 自动偏压控制 自动 二进制电子计算机,自动二进制电脑 锅炉自动控制 自动亮度控制 自动亮度对比控制,自动亮度反差调整 电磁库仑(CGS电磁制电荷单位,=10库仑=1毕奥秒) (美国船级社船级标志)驾驶室遥控无人机舱(注明无人时限) (美)前沿基地浮船坞 在船上,去船上 下死点后 正横(与船的中线面成直角),横向;OBJECT~物标正横;WIND~横风 1.像差2.光行差3.偏差,反常 电磁法拉(CGS电磁制电容单位=10-9法拉) 电磁亨利(CGS电磁制电感单位=10-9亨利) 1.忍受(风浪),坚持顶浪2.等待(其它船)3.(商行船被风浪所阻(海损用词) 性能,能力 ~of righting(船舶)扶正能力,复原能力;~to deposit weld熔敷焊接能力;~to self-stow自收藏能力(的); absorbing~吸收能力;accelerating~加速性能; adaptive~自适应能力;adhesive~粘着性; armour-penetrating~穿甲性;cargo-carrying~载货性能,载货能力; climbing~(垫)爬坡能力;course-chanhing~改(变)航(向)性(能);转首性(能) course-keeping~航向保持能力;cutting~切削能力;decoupling~去耦能力;digging~挖掘能力; emission~放射能力;energy absorption~能量吸收能力;flow~流通能力; fuse antivibration~引信搞振能力;initial turning~初转能力;interchange~互换性; load-carrying~载重能力;maneuvering (manoeuvring)~操纵性,机动性 maximum turning~最大回转性能;mud~泥泞地区通过能力;oxidizing~氧化能力; pumping~泵吸姓;range~航程,航行距离;reducing~还原能力;resolving~分辨能力,鉴别力,解算能 力;seagoing~适(于)航(海)能力,航海性能;seak and kill~对目标的搜索杀伤能力 seakeeping~耐波性,适航性;spotting~落点能力(把货物送到货舱任一点的能力);station-keeping~定位能 力 stopping~停止能力;submerged self-ascending~潜水自升能力;turning~旋回能力;wetting~亲水性; turning~with large rudder angle 大舵角回转性能;weight-carrying~载重能力;yaw checking~纠(正航) 向能力 减税
cavity wall 空 心墙
ceiling 天花板
ceiling slab 天 花板
ceiling suspensi on hook
celestia l eqquator 天球赤道
Celestia l equator 天体赤道
Celestia l pole 天极
cell 电 池
cellular office 分格式办 公室
chemical grout 化 学灌浆
Chemical Material s 化工物 料类
chemical property 化学特性
chemical refuse 化学垃圾
chemical test 化 学测试
chemical s 化学品
chequere d plate 网纹板
chill plate 冷 却板
circulat ing water pump 循 环水泵
central dividing strip 中 央分隔带
central line 中 线
central median 中央分隔 带
central powerdriven machine 中央动力 机械
Central processi ng unit 中央处理 机
central profile barrier 中央纵向 护栏
cement 水泥
cement content 水泥含量
cement mortar 水泥沙浆
cement plaster 水泥灰泥
cement renderin g 水泥荡 面(水泥 刷面)
cement sand mix 水泥沙浆
cementit ious content 水泥成分
Center of curvatur e 曲率中 心
* 主要施工工艺 锅炉本体与配件 锅炉本体与配件 锅炉本体与配件 ** 锅炉本体与配件 * 锅炉本体与配件 * * * * 砌筑材料 机械与工具 * * * 锅炉一般用语 锅炉一般用语 ** * 主要施工工艺 * * * * * 砌筑材料 * 锅炉一般用语 锅炉一般用语 主要施工工艺 砌筑材料 * * * * * 主要施工工艺 砌筑材料 主要施工工艺 主要施工工艺 机械与工具 ** 锅炉分类 锅炉分类
英文对照 Spray coating Water feeder Water treated Ventilation Equipment E type midspeed coal milling Safety valve Safety stop device Safety relief valve safety device Babbitt metal apron self-loading scraper slagging-off Cinguefoil brick Grille screen semi-opened impeller pusher furnace semispherical combustion chamber 1/2 Width Half-bat Wrap pipe Journal sticking Pop-in crack phenomenon Bainite Austempering Standard scraper Parallel operation Parallel operation test Glass cotton thin walled half bearing Lamina Made-up water Make-up-expanding Uncertain sized refractory Partial annealing, incomplete annealing Walking beam furnace Scratching Overall material utilization factor Residual gas Lateral lay Lateral quoin brick Measure temperature dot Measure pressure dot Staff with level mark Flashboard Superhigh pressure boiler Supercritical pressure boiler
1-pin connector;1针插座,1芯连接器a lot;非常,很多a-blade;A形刀片[铲刀]a-frame;A形机架a-frame mounting bolt;A形机架安装螺栓a-frame pin;A形机架销a/c and heating service manual;空调器和加热器维修手册a/c compressor;空调压缩机a/c compressor repair tool group;空调压缩机修理工具组a/c hose;空调器软管a/c recovery and recycling cart;空调器抢修和定期检修用车a/c side;空调器一侧a/f;空气/燃油比aa;原子吸收分光光度法aaac;空气-空气后冷(器) abbreviate;简略,缩写abbreviation;简略,缩写(词) ability;能力,技能able;能够,有能力的abnormal;反常的,异常的abnormal condition;异常状态abnormal cooling system;异常的冷却系统abnormal engine control switch signal;异常的发动机控制开关信号abnormal wear;不正常磨损abnormally;反常地,异常地abrasion;擦伤,磨损,磨蚀abrasion resistance;摩擦阻力abrasion-resistant;抗磨(能力) abrasive;研磨料,磨蚀剂,磨蚀的abrasive cleaner;磨屑清除器abrasive dust;磨屑abrasive element;研磨元件abrasive grit;磨料abrasive material;磨料abrasive particle;磨损粒子abrupt;突然的,不连续的,粗暴的abs;美国海运局absence;缺少,没有,不存在absolute;绝对的,完全的,确实的absolute zero;绝对零度absorbency;吸收能力,吸墨性absorber;减振器,阻尼器,滤波器absorber module;减振装置absorption;吸收abuse;误用,滥用abutment;邻[连,相]接,支座,接合点ac adapter;交流插座[头],交流接续器ac adapter module;交流插座组件ac air starter;交流空气起动器ac compressor;交流压缩机ac converter;交流转换器[变频器]ac current;交流电ac current probe;交流电探头ac input;交流电输入端ac meter module;交流电表组件ac meter module voltmeter scale selection;交流电表组件电压标度选择ac nominal phase-phase potential transformer;交流标定相-相检测变压器ac phase-phase;交流相-相(相移)ac potential transformer;交流检测变压器[电压互感器]ac power;交流电;ac power source;交流电源;ac rectifier terminal交流整流器接线器ac schematic;交流电路图ac signal generator;交流信号发生器ac single-phase power;交流单相电源ac supply voltage;交流供给电压ac volt;交流伏特ac voltage;交流电压ac voltage signal;交流电压信号ac voltmeter;交流电压表ac volts mode;交流电压模式[方式]ac winding;交流绕组ac/dc;交流/直流ac/dc clamp-on ammeter;交直流夹钳式电流表acc;燃烧自动控制,加速度,储存器,累加器accel.;加速,加速器accelerated wear;加速磨损acceleration;加速度acceleration control group;加速控制组件acceleration lever;加速手柄acceleration rate;加速率acceleration rate limit;加速率极限accelerator;加速器accelerator cable;加速器电缆accelerator circuit;加速器电路accelerator control;加速器控制accelerator control lever;加速器控制[操纵]杆accelerator control linkage;加速器控制杆件[系统]accelerator control linkage adjustment;加速器控制杆件的调整accelerator control operation;加速器控制装置的运转[工作]accelerator control optical switch;加速器控制光学开关accelerator control switch;加速器控制开关accelerator control switch group;加速器控制开关组件accelerator control test;加速器控制测试accelerator harness connector;加速器线束连接器accelerator jet;加速器喷嘴accelerator lever;加速器手柄accelerator lever nut;加速器手柄螺母accelerator linkage;加速器杆件accelerator linkage adjustment;加速器杆件调整accelerator lock;加速器锁[止动器]accelerator pedal;加速器踏板accelerator pedal control;加速器踏板控制accelerator pedal lever;加速器踏板杠杆accelerator pedal linkage;加速器踏板杆件accelerator pedal stop bolt;加速器踏板限位螺栓accelerator pump;加速器油泵accelerator pump jet;加速器油泵喷嘴accelerator pump rod;加速器油泵连杆accelerator pump system;加速器油泵系统accelerator rod;加速器连杆accelerator stop bolt;加速器限位螺栓accelerator treadle;加速器踏板accelerometer;加速仪accelerometer adapter;加速仪接头accept;接受,承认,同意acceptability;可接受性,合格,满意acceptable;可接受的,容许的,合格的,满意的acceptable condition;合适的情况[条件、环境]acceptable cooling system protection;合格的冷却系统保护acceptable engine ground;合格的发动机接地acceptable ground;合格的接地acceptable level;合适的水准[水位]acceptable limit;合适的极限[界限]acceptable oil level;合适的油位acceptable ring groove tool;适用的环槽加工工具[刀具、仪具]acceptable water;;适用水acceptance;接受,验收,承认accepted way;通用的方法access;接近,进入,通路access and exit procedure;进退程序access area;进入区access cover;检视盖access door;检视门access hole;;检视孔access ladder;登梯access panel;检视面板[台]access plate;检视板access plug;检视螺塞access port;检视孔[口]access system;存取[检视]系统accessibility;可接近性,(新仪表使用前的)检查步骤[方法]accessible;可接近的,可通过的,允许的accessible status item;可接近状态细目accessory;附件,附属[辅助]设备accessory air circuit;辅助空气循环accessory cable;附件电缆accessory circuit;附件[辅助]电路accessory drive;附件[副]传动(装置)accessory drive belt;附件[辅助]传动带accessory drive gear;附件[辅助]传动齿轮[装置]accessory drive gear retaining nut;附件[辅助]传动齿轮固定螺母accessory drive group;附件[辅助]传动组件accessory drive housing;附件[辅助]传动箱件accessory drive shaft;附件[辅助]传动轴accessory equipment;附属[辅助]设备accessory group bearing;附属[辅助]组件轴承accessory item;附件细目accessory kit;附件[辅助]工具包accessory load;附件负载,附加负载accessory module;附件[辅助]装置accessory position;附件位置accessory switch;附件开关accident;事故,偶发故障accidental;意外的,偶然的accidental discharge;故障放电accidental disengagement;意外分离accidental movement;意外移动accidental starting;意外起动accidental transmission engagement;传动系统意外接合accommodate;调节,(使)适应accompany;伴随,与同时发生accompanying illustration;附图accordance;一致accumulated clearance;累计间隙accumulated debris;积聚残渣accumulated distance;累计距离accumulated flow;累计流量accumulated grease;积聚润滑脂accumulated information;汇集信息accumulated mud;积聚淤泥accumulated oil;积聚机油accumulated water;积聚水accumulating arm;增力臂accumulation;蓄能(器)accumulator;蓄能器accumulator bladder;蓄能器气囊accumulator bleed down orifice;蓄能器放气孔accumulator bleed valve;蓄能器放气阀accumulator cap;蓄能器盖accumulator case;蓄能器箱体accumulator charge;蓄能器充气accumulator charge passage;蓄能器充气道accumulator charge pressure;蓄能器充压accumulator charging;蓄能器充压accumulator charging cycle;蓄能器充压循环accumulator charging equipment;蓄能器充压设备accumulator charging pressure;蓄能器充压压力accumulator charging time;蓄能器充压时间accumulator charging valve;蓄能器充气阀accumulator charging valve cycle;蓄能器充气阀循环accumulator charging valve switch;蓄能器充气阀开关accumulator circuit;蓄能器管路accumulator clamp;蓄能器夹accumulator control;蓄能器控制器accumulator cylinder;蓄能器缸筒accumulator gas valve;蓄能器气门accumulator gas valve core;蓄能器气门芯accumulator group;蓄能器组accumulator hydraulic line;蓄能器液压管accumulator indicator;蓄能器指示器accumulator inlet;蓄能器进口accumulator kit;蓄能器工具包accumulator location;蓄能器位置accumulator mount;蓄能器安装accumulator nitrogen charge;蓄能器充氮accumulator oil pressure;蓄能器油压accumulator piston;蓄能器活塞accumulator piston seal;蓄能器活塞密封accumulator port;蓄能器口accumulator precharge;蓄能器预充accumulator precharge pressure;蓄能器预充压力accumulator precharge pressure/temperature relationship;蓄能器预充压力/温度关系accumulator pressure;蓄能器压力accumulator pressure indicator;蓄能器压力指示器accumulator pressure switch;蓄能器压力开关accumulator pressurizing valve;蓄能器压力阀accumulator relief valve;蓄能器安全阀accumulator replacement;蓄能器更换accumulator solenoid valve;蓄能器电磁阀accumulator solenoid valve group;蓄能器电磁阀组accumulator spool;蓄能器线圈accumulator spring;蓄能器弹簧accumulator testing;蓄能器试验accumulator valve;蓄能器阀accumulator/oil separator;蓄能器机油分离器accuracy;精度accuracy check;精度检查accurate;准确的,精密的accurately;准确地,精密地acetone;丙酮acid;酸acid neutralization;酸中和acid solution;酸溶液acidity;酸性[度,味] acknowledge;承认,证实,感谢acknowledge/silence input;确认/停响输入acknowledge/silence switch;确认/停响开关acm;交流表模块acm terminal;交流模式端线acorn nut;半圆头螺母acre;英亩acrylic;聚丙烯的acs;自动控制开关act;作用,动作,表现,确实的,实际的acting;作用的,有效的action;行动,活动,作用action alarm;故障警报器action light;故障灯action limit;有效极限activate;触发,启动activated;激活的activated position;触发位置activated shoe type brake;自动增力蹄式制动器activated shutdown relay;触发的关停继电器activated shutdown solenoid;触发的关停电磁线圈activation;触发,活化activation point;触发点activator;激励器,抖动器active;主动的,有效的,现行的active code;有效法规,有效码active diagnostic code;自行诊断代码active diagnostics;自行诊断active fault;现有故障,起作用的故障active zone;活动区,作用区activity;活动性,能动性actual;实际的,现实的,有效的actual engine rpm;发动机实际转速actual engine speed;发动机实际速度actual fuel consumption;实际燃油耗量actual gear indicator;实际档位指示器actual gear indicator display;实际档位指示器显示actual level;真实液面actual load;真实负载actual lobe lift;凸轮实际升程actual measurement;实测actual overspeed rpm;实际超速转速actual pressure;有效压力actual rack position;实际齿条位置actual reading;实际读数actual remanufactured cost;实际重新加工成本actual spec;现行规格[说明书,规范]actual steering relief valve setting;转向安全阀调定actual stroke position;行程实际位置actual system pressure;有效系统压力actual timing;有效正时actual timing advance;正时实际提前actual timing dimension;正时实际尺寸actual trip point;有效跳闸[断路]点actual vehicle speed;车辆实际速度actuate;开动(机器等),激发actuated;受操纵,待激发actuating;主动开动,驱动actuating chamber;驱动腔actuating cylinder;驱动[油,气]缸actuating disc;驱[主]动盘actuating lever;启动[操纵]杆actuating pin;驱动销actuating piston;驱动活塞actuating plunger;驱动柱塞actuating relay;驱动继动[电]器actuating sleeve;驱动套actuation;活动[开,驱,启]动actuation circuit;驱动电路actuation cylinder;驱动油[气]缸actuation lever;工作手柄,操纵杆actuation pressure;工作压力actuation temperature;工作温度actuator;致动[促动,激励,调节]器actuator adjustment;致动器调节actuator amperage;致动器安培数actuator angle;致动器转角actuator arm;致动器臂actuator assembly;致动器总成actuator base;致动器基座actuator body;致动器机体actuator chamber;致动器腔actuator change;更换致动器actuator check;检查致动器actuator coil;致动器线圈actuator coil resistance;致动器线圈电阻actuator coil resistance check;致动器线圈电阻检查actuator compensation;致动器补偿(器)actuator compensation adjustment;致动器补偿器调整actuator compensation potentiometer;致动器补偿电位计actuator connector;致动器接头actuator control;致动器控制actuator cylinder;致动器油[气]缸actuator decrease;致动器降速actuator drive;致动器驱动actuator drive mechanism;致动器驱动机构actuator drive shaft;致动器传动轴actuator feedback signal;致动器反馈信号actuator feedback voltage;致动器反馈电压actuator housing;致动器壳体actuator increase;致动器增速actuator lead;致动器引线actuator lead resistance check;致动器引线电阻检查actuator lever;致动器(操纵)杆actuator linkage;致动器杆件[联杆组]actuator oil;致动器润滑[机,液压]油actuator oil drain;致动器机油排放actuator oil level;致动器机油油位actuator oil pressure;致动器机油压力actuator oil pressure output check;致动器机油输出压力检查actuator oil supply;致动器机油供给(器)actuator oil supply port;致动器机油供给口actuator output shaft;致动器输出轴actuator output shaft position;致动器输出轴位置actuator piston;致动器活塞actuator piston rod;致动器活塞杆actuator plate;致动器板actuator pointer;致动器指针[指示器]actuator position;致动器位置actuator potentiometer;致动器电位计actuator pressure;致动器压力actuator rod;致动器杆actuator rotor;致动器转子actuator shaft;致动器轴actuator solenoid;致动器电磁线圈actuator solenoid coil;致动器电磁线圈绕阻[螺线管]actuator specification;致动器技术规格actuator specifications chart;致动器技术规格表actuator spool;致动器线圈[柱塞]actuator spool deadband width;致动器线圈[柱塞]死区幅度actuator spring;致动器弹簧actuator stem;致动器芯柱actuator system;致动器系统actuator terminal shaft;致动器端轴actuator terminal shaft lever;致动器端轴杠杆actuator terminal shaft position;致动器端轴位置actuator travel;致动器行程actuator valve;致动器阀actuator voltage;致动器电压actuator voltage check;致动器电压检查actuator wire;致动器导线acute;尖的,锐角的,剧烈的,高音的acv;交流电压,adaptability;适应性[能力],可[合]用性,灵活性adaptable;可适应的,适[通]用的,善于适应环境的adapter arm;适配[连接]器臂adapter assembly;适配器[接头,插座]总成adapter block;适配器体adapter bolt;适配螺栓adapter bore;适配孔adapter brace;适配撑臂adapter bracket;适配支架adapter cable;插座电缆adapter cable assembly;插座电缆总线adapter dog tooth;连接器接合齿adapter flange;连接器法兰adapter gasket;连接器衬垫adapter group;适配器[连接器]组件adapter head;适配头adapter hex flange;适配六角形法兰[凸缘]adapter hose;适配软管adapter housing;适配壳adapter kit;适配工具包[组件] adapter lock;适配锁adapter mounting bolt;适配安装螺栓adapter nose;适配前缘adapter nut;适配螺母adapter part;适配零件adapter plate;适配板adapter ring;适配环,接合环adapter sleeve;适配套筒,连接套管adapter splined shaft;适配花键轴adapter tube;适配管adc;模-数转换器add;加,增加,加法,附录,补充add oil mark;添加机油记号add up;合计added;增[追]加的added cost;附加成本added force;附加力added length;附加长度added load;附加负载added precaution;格外注意added proof;附加证据added spring;附加弹簧added strength;附加强度added weight;附加重量adding;加,接长addition;加[法,成],添加,添加剂additional;附[追,外]加的,补充的,辅助的,更多的additive;[相,附,增]加的,加添的,辅助的,添加剂additive package;额外包装,添加剂包additive system;辅助系统additive truck;辅助货车address;地址adherence;附着(力),坚持,固执adhesion;粘[附]着,附着(力) adhesive;附着力,粘合剂,附着的,粘性的adhesive sealant;粘性密封剂[层] adjacent;邻近的adjacent crankshaft counterweight;相邻曲轴平衡块adjacent cylinder;相邻气(油)缸adjoining cylinder;毗邻气(油)缸adjoining gear;毗邻齿轮adjoining hole;邻接孔adjoining pump;邻接泵adjustable;可调[整,节,准]的,可核准的adjustable armrest;可调扶手adjustable boom;可调吊臂adjustable bypass valve;可调旁通阀adjustable cooldown time;可调冷却[退火]时间adjustable electromagnetic transducer;可调电磁传感器adjustable end play;可调轴向[端]间隙adjustable engine speed setting;可调发动机速度调定adjustable exhaust bypass valve;可调排气旁通阀adjustable fitting;可调配合adjustable fitting group;可调配合组件adjustable lifting beam;可调起重梁adjustable pin;可调销轴adjustable relief valve;可调安全阀adjustable restrictor orifice;可调阻尼器孔adjustable ripper;可调裂土器adjustable seat group;可调座位组件adjustable sequence valve;可调顺序阀adjustable spanner wrench;可调开脚[插头]扳手adjustable speed droop;可调速度降adjustable steering column;可调转向柱adjustable stop;可调限位挡铁adjustable time period;可调时间间隔adjusted;经过调整的adjusted belt tension;调整皮带紧度[张力]adjusted rod;可调连杆adjusted rod assembly;可调连杆总成adjusted seat belt;座位安全带调节adjusted specification;调整技术规格adjusted value;调整值adjuster;调节器adjuster arm;调节器臂adjuster assembly;调节器总成adjuster cover;调节器盖adjuster cylinder;调节器油[气]缸adjuster mounting bolt;调节器固定螺栓adjuster nut;调节器螺母adjuster plug;调节器螺塞adjuster roller bracket;调节器滚子保持架adjuster screw;调节器螺丝[钉]adjusting;调整,调节adjusting bolt;调整螺栓adjusting bracket;调整托架adjusting bracket bolt;调整托架螺栓adjusting bracket lock bolt;调整托架锁定[固紧]螺栓adjusting bracket nut;调整托架螺母adjusting collar;调整卡圈adjusting disc;调整圆盘adjusting function;调整功能adjusting instruction;调整说明adjusting knob;调整按钮,旋钮adjusting locknut;调整防松[固紧]螺母adjusting mechanism;调整机构adjusting module;调整装置[模件]adjusting nut;调整螺母adjusting nut lock;调整螺母锁定装置[锁片]adjusting pin;调整销adjusting plate;调整板adjusting plate bolt;调整板螺栓adjusting plate group;调整板组件adjusting potentiometer;调整电位计adjusting procedure;调整步骤adjusting pulley;调整皮带轮adjusting rate;调整率adjusting ring;调整环adjusting ring lock;调整环锁定器adjusting rod;调整连杆adjusting rod assembly;调整连杆总成adjusting rod locknut;调整连杆防松[止动]螺母adjusting screw;调整螺钉adjusting screw hex;调整六角螺钉adjusting screw locknut;调整螺丝防松[止动]螺母adjusting screw locknut design;调整螺丝防松[止动]螺母的设计adjusting screw side;调整螺丝侧adjusting shaft;调整轴adjusting sleeve;调整套筒adjusting specification;调整技术规格adjusting specifications form number;调整技术规格类型号adjusting specifications module;调整技术规格模数adjusting strap;调整系带adjusting stud;调整螺柱adjusting technique;调整技术adjusting tool;调整工具adjusting wheel;调整轮adjusting wrench;调整扳手adjustment access hole;调整用检视孔adjustment access plate;调整用检视板adjustment assembly;调整总成adjustment assembly mount shaft;调整总成悬挂轴adjustment bar;调整棒adjustment bolt;调整螺栓adjustment chart;调整图表adjustment check;调整检查adjustment dial;调整刻度盘[控制盘]adjustment dimension;调整尺寸adjustment group;调整组件adjustment guide block;调整导轨(块)adjustment information;调整资料adjustment knob;调整按钮[旋钮]adjustment lever;调整杠杆adjustment link;调整连杆[链节]adjustment lock;调整锁定器adjustment locknut;调整止动螺母adjustment mark;调整记号[标记]adjustment mechanism;调整机构adjustment method;调整方法adjustment nut;调整螺母adjustment pin;调整销adjustment plate;调整板adjustment plug;调整螺塞adjustment plunger;调整柱塞adjustment potentiometer;调整电位计adjustment procedure;调整步骤adjustment range;调整范围adjustment reading;调整读数adjustment rheostat;可调变阻器;调整变阻器adjustment ring;调节环adjustment rod;调节杆adjustment rod end;调节杆端部adjustment rod pin;调节杆销adjustment screw;调整螺钉adjustment screw chart;调整螺钉图表[卡]adjustment screw cover;调整螺钉盖adjustment screw locknut;调整螺钉止动螺母adjustment screw nut;调整螺钉螺母adjustment section;调整部分adjustment setting;调整的调定adjustment shaft;调整轴adjustment shim;调整垫圈[片]adjustment spindle;调整主轴[心轴]adjustment spring;调整弹簧adjustment stop;调整限位挡铁adjustment tool;调整工具adjustment wheel;调整轮adjustment yoke bracket;调整叉臂架adjustments section;调整部分[截面]adsorption;吸附(作用),表面吸收adt;调整,解除保险延时计时器adt front frame;调整前机[车]架advance;先进,先期,提前advance signal pressure;压力提前信号advance signal timing;正时提前信号advance timing component;正时提前部件advance timing groove;正时提前槽口advance unit;先进单元;提前装置advanced;先进的,先期的,在前面advanced diagnostics;早期诊断advanced signal;提前信号advantageous;占优势的,有利的,便利的adverse;相反的,有害的adverse condition;不利情况[条件] adverse ground condition;不利的地面情况advice;劝告,意见,通知advisable;可劝告的advise;劝告,建议aec motor;发动机转速自动调节马达aec pressure;发动机转速自动调节压力aec pressure switch;发动机转速自动调节压力开关[继电器]aec relay;发动机转速自动调节继电器aec relay system;发动机转速自动调节继电器系统aec switch;发动机转速自动调节开关aec switch system;发动机转速自动调节开关系统aec switch system problem;发动机转速自动调节开关系统问题aec system;发动机转速自动调节系统aeis;自动乙醚喷射系统aeration;通风,充气,吹风,松散aerodynamic;空气动力学的aerodynamic drag;气动阻力aerodynamic efficiency;空气动力效率aerodynamically;空气动力性aerosol;悬浮微粒,烟雾剂aerosol container;烟雾剂容器aeta control;牵引力自动电子加力控制aeta control bar;牵引力自动电子加力控制杆aeta control box;牵引力自动电子加力控制箱aeta control valve;牵引力自动电子加力控制阀aeta hydraulic control valve;牵引力自动电子加力液压控制阀aeta switch;牵引力自动电子加力开关aeta system;牵引力自动电子加力系统aeta test;牵引力自动电子加力试验aeta test mode switch;牵引力自动电子加力试验模式开关aeta test switch;牵引力自动电子加力试验开关aeta valve;牵引力自动电子加力阀affected;受了影响的,起了作用的affected circuit line relief valve;起了作用的液压管路安全阀affected code;起作用的规范[程,章,则]affected component;起作用的部件affected control valve;起作用的控制阀affected control valve compensator spool;起作用的控制阀补偿线圈affected cylinder;起作用的油[气]缸affected cylinder piston seal;起作用的缸筒活塞密封affected gear;起作用的齿轮aft movement;尾部的运动,尾部位移after bottom center;在下止点后after failure overhaul;故障后大修after failure overhaul option;故障后选择性大修after failure repair;故障后修理after market shutdown device;售后停车装置after top center;在上止点后aftercooled diesel engine;后冷柴油发动机aftercooled engine;后冷发动机aftercooler;后冷却器aftercooler air chamber;后冷器进气腔aftercooler air chamber drain;后冷器进气腔排放aftercooler chamber;后冷器室(腔) aftercooler circuit;后冷器线(管)路aftercooler condensate;后冷器冷凝aftercooler condition;后冷器状态aftercooler coolant;后冷器冷却剂[液] aftercooler coolant temperature;后冷器冷却剂[液]温度aftercooler cooling system;后冷器冷却系统aftercooler core;后冷器芯aftercooler core assembly;后冷器芯总成aftercooler core leakage;后冷器芯泄漏aftercooler core retaining screw;后冷器芯固定螺钉aftercooler core tube;后冷器芯管aftercooler cover;后冷器盖aftercooler cover assembly;后冷器盖总成aftercooler drain;后冷器排放(口)aftercooler efficiency;后冷器效率aftercooler group;后冷器组件aftercooler hose;后冷器软管aftercooler housing;后冷器壳aftercooler inlet line;后冷器输入管路aftercooler inlet pipe;后冷器输入管aftercooler leakage;后冷器泄漏aftercooler operation;后冷器运转[工作]aftercooler outlet elbow;后冷器出口弯头aftercooler outlet line;后冷器出口管路aftercooler pump;后冷器泵aftercooler radiator;后冷器散热器aftercooler system;后冷器系统aftercooler system leakage;后冷器系统泄漏aftercooler temperature;后冷器温度aftercooler water;后冷器水aftercooler water inlet tube;后冷器进水管aftercooler water outlet tube;后冷器出水管aftercooler water pump;后冷器水泵aftercooler water tube;后冷器水管aftercooling system;后冷系统aftermarket;售后afternoon;下午afterward;后来,以后,向后ag;农业,农用ag tractor;农用拖拉机ag tractor transmission;农用拖拉机变速箱[传动系]ag tractor undercarriage;农用拖拉机行走装置again;再,此外age;时代,使用期限agent;代理人,动用,试剂,工具agent cylinder;作用剂缸agent cylinder actuator lever;作用剂缸致动器杠[操纵]杆agent cylinder compartment cover;作用剂油缸室盖agent dispersion nozzle;作用剂扩散喷嘴aggregate mix;(混凝土)骨[集]料混合aggregate size;(混凝土)骨[集]料粒径agitate;搅动,摇动agitator;搅拌器agree;同意,答应agreement;同意,一致,协议agricultural;农业(用)的;耕作的agricultural agent;农业代理办[代理商]agricultural and material handlingapplication;农业和物资装卸[管理]应用agricultural tractor;农用拖拉机ahead;在前,提前aid;援助,帮助,助手,助力,辅助装置[工具]air;空气air activated shoe type brake;气动蹄式制动器air aftercooled engine;空气后冷发动机air aftercooler core;空气后冷器芯air aftercooler test group;空气后冷器试验组件air bleed;放气,抽气air bleed calibration;放气校正air bleed line;放气管线air bleed opening;放气口air bleed passage;放气通路air bleed tube;放气管air bleed valve;放气阀air blower motor reset;鼓风机[增压器]马达[电机]重新调定air boost;空气增压air booster;空气增压器air brake;气压制动air brake chamber;气压制动室air brake chamber threaded rod;气压制动室螺杆air brake connector;气压制动连接器air brake nut;气压制动螺母air brake sleeve;气压制动套筒air brake system;气压制动系统air breather;通气孔,通气孔air bubble;气泡air cam;空压机凸轮air camshaft;空压机凸轮轴air carbon arc;气流保护碳弧air carbon arc torch;气流保护碳弧炬[枪]air chamber;气腔air chamber body;气腔体air chamber linkage;气腔杆件air chuck;气动卡盘[具]air chuck adapter;气动卡盘[具]连接器air circuit;气动管路[气回路]air circulation;空气循环air cleaner;空气滤清器air cleaner adapter;空气滤清器连接器air cleaner assembly;空气滤清器总成air cleaner body;空气滤清器体air cleaner chamber;空气滤清器室air cleaner clamp kit;空气滤清器夹紧工具air cleaner cover;空气滤清器盖air cleaner cover assembly;空气滤清器盖总成air cleaner cup assembly;空气滤清器杯盖总成air cleaner differential gauge;空气滤清器压差表air cleaner differential pressure;空气滤清器压差air cleaner element;空气滤清器滤芯air cleaner filter element;空气滤清器滤芯air cleaner group;空气滤清器组件air cleaner housing;空气滤清器壳air cleaner housing cover;空气滤清器壳盖air cleaner housing support;空气滤清器壳支承[底座]air cleaner indicator;空气滤清器指示器air cleaner inlet;空气滤清器进口air cleaner line;空气滤清器管路air cleaner main element;空气滤清器主滤芯air cleaner mounting group;空气滤清器安装组件air cleaner oem;空气滤清器原设备制造厂air cleaner outlet;空气滤清器出口air cleaner pipe;空气滤清器管子air cleaner pipe assembly;空气滤清器管子总成air cleaner pressure differential;空气滤清器压差air cleaner red indicator;空气滤清器红指示器air cleaner restriction gauge;空气滤清器阻力表air cleaner service indicator;空气滤清器维护指示器air cleaner service indicator diaphragm;空气滤清器维护指示器膜片air cleaner service indicator line;空气滤清器维护指示器管线air cleaner support;空气滤清器底座air cleaner tube;空气滤清器管air clutch;气动离合器air collector;空气收集器air compartment;气室(通风室)air compressor;空气压缩机(空压机) air compressor air inlet tube;空压机进气管air compressor belt;空压机传动带air compressor coolant outlet tube;空压机冷却液出口管air compressor crankshaft;空压机曲轴air compressor cylinder head;空压机缸盖air compressor drive gear;空压机驱动齿轮[装置]air compressor governor;空压机调速器air compressor group;空压机组件air compressor idler belt;空压机中间传动带air compressor idler belt pulley;空压机中间传动带轮air compressor line;空压机管路air compressor mount;空压机的安装air compressor mounting group;空压机固定组件air compressor operation;空压的运转[工作]air compressor outlet hose;空压机出口软管air compressor pulley;空压机带轮air compressor shaft nut;空压机轴螺母air conditioned area;空调区air conditioner;空调器air conditioner arrangement;空调器布置air conditioner assembly;空调器总成air conditioner belt;空调器传动带air conditioner case;空调器箱air conditioner clutch;空调器离合器air conditioner coil;空调器盘管air conditioner component;空调器部件air conditioner compressor group;空调器压缩机组件air conditioner compressor pulley;空调器压缩机带轮air conditioner condenser;空调器冷凝器air conditioner control;空调器操纵[控制]air conditioner coupling;空调器联轴器air conditioner desiccant;空调器干燥剂air conditioner dryer;空调器干燥器air conditioner evaporator core;空调器蒸发器芯air conditioner failure;空调器故障air conditioner filter;空调器滤清器air conditioner fitting;空调器配件air conditioner group;空调器组件air conditioner hose connection;空调器软管接头air conditioner lines group;空调器管路组件air conditioner refrigerant;空调器制冷剂air conditioner switch knob;空调器开关按钮air conditioner system;空调器系统air conditioner system service;空调器系统的维护air conditioner temperature control;空调器温度控制air conditioner temperature control knob;空调器温度控制按钮air conditioner thermostatic switch;空调器恒温开关air conditioner v-belt;空调器三角带air conditioner valve cap;空调器阀瓣[阀门室盖罩]air conditioning;空调air conditioning circuit;空调线路[管路,回路]air conditioning compressor;空调压缩机air conditioning compressor belt;空调压缩机传动带air conditioning compressor pulley;空调压缩机带轮air conditioning compressor repair toolgroup;空调压缩机修理工具组件air conditioning condenser core;空调冷凝器芯air conditioning control;空调控制(器)air conditioning control knob;空调控制按(旋)钮air conditioning control switch;空调控制开关air conditioning control switch knob;空调控制开关按(旋)钮air conditioning control system;空调控制系统air conditioning dryer;空调干燥器air conditioning electrical system;空调电器系统air conditioning evaporator core;空调蒸发器芯air conditioning fan;空调风扇air conditioning line;空调管路air conditioning operation;空调运转[工作]air conditioning reset;空调复位[重调]air conditioning service;空调维护air conditioning service tool;空调维修工具air conditioning service tooling;空调维修工具air conditioning switch;空调开关air conditioning system;空调系统air conditioning system operation;空调系统的工作[运转]air conditioning test kit;空调系统试验成套工具air conditioning tool group;空调工具组air conditioning variable;空调变量air consumption;空气耗量air control group;空气控制组件air control valve;进气控制阀air control valve group;进气控制阀组件air cooler;空气冷却器air cooler core;空气冷却器芯air cylinder;气缸air cylinder group;气缸组件air cylinder piston;气缸活塞air cylinder rod;气缸活塞杆air damper;空气阻尼器air damper switch;空气阻尼器开关air diaphragm;气膜,气动隔板air distribution system;进气分配系统air drain valve;放气阀air dryer;空气干燥器air dryer body;空气干燥器体air dryer check valve;空气干燥器单向阀air dryer equipped machine;空气干燥器配套机械air dryer housing;空气干燥器壳air dryer purge valve;空气干燥器净化阀air dryer relief valve;空气干燥器安全阀air duct;气管,通风道air ducting and gasket connection;气道和衬垫接头air exhaust system;排气系统air filter;空气滤清器air filter assembly;空气滤清器总成air filter differential pressure;空气滤清器压差air filter differential pressure gauge;空气滤清器压差表air filter element;空气滤清器滤芯air filter element indicator;空气滤清器滤芯指示器air filter group;空气滤清器组件air filter housing;空气滤清器壳air filter indicator;空气滤清器指示器air filter indicator lamp;空气滤清器指示器灯air filter restriction indicator;空气滤清器阻塞指示器air filter sensor;空气滤清器传感器air filter service indicator;空气滤清器维修指示器air filter system;空气滤清器系统air filtering system;空气滤清系统air flow;气流,空气流量air flow force;气流力,空气动力air flow louver;气流栅格,放气孔[窗]air flow pattern;气流模式air flow reading;气流读数air flow restriction;气流阻力,节流air flow restriction device;气流节流机构air flow schematic;气流简图air flow speed;气流速度air flow temperature;气流温度air free hydraulic oil;无气液压油air gap;空气(间)隙;气隙air gauge;气压表,气动量仪,空气压力表air horn;气喇叭,气压警报器air horn compressor;气喇叭压缩机air horn solenoid;气喇叭电磁线圈air horn solenoid valve;气喇叭电磁阀air horn switch;气喇叭开关air horn valve;气喇叭阀air hose;送气软管air indicator;送气指示器air induction and exhaust system;进气和排气系统air induction system;进气系统air inflated earthmoving tire;充空气的推土机轮胎air inflated machine tire;充空气的机器轮胎air inflated tire;充空气的轮胎air inflation;充(空)气air inlet;空气进口air inlet adapter;进气接头air inlet component;进气部件air inlet elbow;进气弯头air inlet end;进气端air inlet heater;进气加热器air inlet heater wiring group;进气加热器导线组件air inlet hood screen;进气罩滤网air inlet hose;进气软管air inlet housing;进气壳air inlet leak;进气泄漏air inlet line;进气管路air inlet manifold;进气岐管air inlet manifold system;进气岐管系统air inlet opening;进气孔[口]air inlet passage;进气通道air inlet pipe;进气管air inlet piping;进气接管air inlet piping damage;进气接管损坏air inlet port;进气口air inlet pressure;进气压力air inlet restriction;进气阻力air inlet screen;进气滤网air inlet section;进气部分air inlet selection switch;进气选择开关。
软件工程WBS词典引言软件工程WBS(Work Breakdown Structure)是软件项目管理的重要工具之一。
词典以下是软件工程WBS词典的一部分内容,仅供参考:1. 项目管理1.1 项目规划描述:包括制定项目计划、确定项目资源和进度等核心内容。
1.2 项目风险管理描述:对项目风险进行辨识、评估、分析和应对,确保项目能够按时、按质、按量交付。
1.3 项目沟通管理描述:进行项目相关的沟通活动,包括内部沟通和外部沟通,以保证项目工作的正常进行。
2. 需求分析和设计2.1 需求收集与分析描述:与用户、业务代表等进行沟通、收集需求,进行需求分析和整理。
2.2 系统设计描述:基于需求分析的结果,进行系统设计,包括架构设计、模块设计等。
2.3 界面设计描述:设计系统的用户界面,包括界面原型设计、用户交互设计等。
3. 软件开发3.1 编码描述:根据系统设计的结果进行编码实现,包括程序编写、单元测试等。
3.2 软件测试描述:对编码完成的软件进行测试验证,包括单元测试、集成测试等。
3.3 软件版本管理描述:进行软件版本的控制和管理,确保软件的版本更新和发布的可追溯性。
4. 项目交付与维护4.1 部署描述:将开发完成的软件部署到实际的运行环境中,进行安装和配置。
4.2 培训与启动描述:向用户和管理员提供软件使用培训,确保软件的正常启动和使用。
4.3 运维与支持描述:对已交付的软件进行维护和支持,包括漏洞修复、功能更新等。
1. Hull 船体。
2. Propeller 螺旋桨。
3. Rudder 舵。
4. Bulkhead 隔舱壁。
5. Ballast 压载水。
6. Bilge 船底积水。
7. Keel 龙骨。
8. Bow 船头。
9. Stern 船尾。
10. Draft 吃水深度。
11. Freeboard 舷高。
12. Anchor 锚。
13. Cargo 货物。
14. Deck 甲板。
15. Engine room 机舱。
16. Shipyard 造船厂。
17. Deadweight 载重量。
18. Double hull 双壳船。
19. Port 港口。
20. Starboard 右舷。
新英汉 建筑工程词典
![新英汉 建筑工程词典](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cdf8824117fc700abb68a98271fe910ef02dae57.png)
新英汉建筑工程词典1. design [n.]:设计;设计方案- The architectural design of the building is modern and innovative.(建筑的设计造型现代且富有创新。
)2. construction [n.]:建筑;建筑工程- The construction of the bridge will begin next month.(桥梁的建设将于下个月开始。
)3. foundation [n.]:基础;地基- The engineers are preparing to lay the foundation for the new building.(工程师们正准备为新建筑物打好地基。
)4. concrete [n.]:混凝土- The construction workers poured concrete into the forms to create the walls.(建筑工人将混凝土倒入模具中以制作墙体。
)5. steel [n.]:钢材;钢铁- Steel beams are often used to provide structural support in large buildings.(钢梁常被用于提供大型建筑物的结构支撑。
)6. foundation excavation [n.]:地基开挖- The foundation excavation is complete, and we are ready to start pouring the concrete.(地基开挖工作已完成,我们准备开始浇筑混凝土了。
)7. scaffolding [n.]:脚手架- The workers assembled the scaffolding around the exterior of the building.(工人们在建筑物外围组装脚手架。
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词汇"A" Book 根簿;地籍册"All Services" service [Land Registry] 综合服务〔土地注册处〕"broad brush" approach 广义划分方法;概括分组方法"chai tong" 斋堂"chi tong" 祠堂"dau chung" 斗种〔计算新界农地面积的传统单位〕"frozen" land “冻结”土地"fung shui" area 风水区"fung shui" specialist 风水师;堪舆师"hau to" “后土”"heung" [formed by villages] 乡〔由多个村组成〕"intelligent" building “智慧型”大厦"kam tap" house 金塔;金塔屋"kam tap" house 金塔;金塔屋"kam tap" shelter 金塔;金塔屋"kam tap" shelter 金塔;金塔屋"kun" [Taoist monastery] 道观"kun" [Taoist monastery] 道观"luen fu" 暖符"No Duplication" Rule 不准双重租用单位的规定"pai lau" 牌楼"pocket" park 小型公园"red" area [squatter area] “红色”区域〔寮屋区〕"sand paper" lease “沙纸”契"shell" concept “空壳”类型"slip form" construction method “活动板模”建筑方法"soft" construction “软性”建筑方法"to yuen" [Taoist monastery] 道院"tong" 堂"tso" 祖"tso"/"tong" property 祖/堂物业"tsz" [Buddhist Monastery] 寺"tun fu" ceremonial fee 趸符仪式费用"tun fu" 趸符"V" zone 乡村式发展用途区"yellow" area [squatter area] “黄色”区域〔寮屋区〕a block 空心块a frame a 型框架a line 支座反力影响线abaciscus 嵌饰abacus 栏杆小柱顶abamurus 扶壁abat jour 灯罩abat vent 遮阳帘abbrasive wheel 磨盘abbreviated tender system 简易招标程序aberration 偏差ability 能力ablation 磨蚀酌ablution facility 沐浴设施abode 住宅above finished floor level [AFFL] 楼面竣工标高以上above ground structure 地面建筑物abrasion concrete 磨蚀性混凝土abrasion hardness 耐磨硬度abrasion proof 耐磨的abrasion resistance 耐磨性abrasion test 磨耗试验abrasion tester 磨耗试验机abrasion value 磨耗值abrasion 磨耗abrasive aggregates 耐磨骨料abrasive disk 磨盘abrasive paper 研磨纸abrasive tile 粗面瓷砖abrasive 磨料abridged notation 简化符号abs plastic abs塑料absentee landowner 在外土地业权人absentee owner 非自住业主;在外业主absentee principal tenant 非住在楼宇内的主租客;非住在楼宇内的二房东absolute deformation 绝对变形absolute displacement 绝对位移absolute error 绝对误差absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute owner 经确定业权的业主absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute priority 绝对优先资格absolute temperature 绝对温度absolute title 经确定的业权absolute value 绝对值absolute viscosity 绝对粘度absolute weight 绝对重量absorbed water 吸附水absorbent filter 吸收剂滤器absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收器absorbing ability 吸收能力absorbing ceiling 吸声天花板absorbing medium 吸收性介质absorbing well 吸渗水井absorption basin 消力池absorption chamber 吸声室absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption factor 吸收率absorption index 吸收指数absorption of heat radiations 热辐射的吸收absorption of sound 声音吸收absorption spectrum 吸收频谱absorption test 吸收试验absorption 吸收absorptive capacity 吸收能力absorptive forms 吸收性模壳abstraction of heat 散热abutment deformation 桥台变形;拱座变形abutment pressure 桥台压力;拱座压力abutment wall 拱座墙;翼墙;桥座abutment wall 桥台墙abutment 桥台;拱座abutment 桥台;拱座;对接接斗abutting buildings 邻接房屋abutting end 邻接端abutting joint 对接abutting structure 毗邻构筑物abutting tenon 毗连榫舌abyssinien well 管井ac circuit 交羚路academic city 科学城academy of architecture 建筑学会academy 研究院acanthus 叶形装饰accelerant 促进剂accelerated ageing 加速老化accelerated cement 快凝水泥accelerated curing of concrete 混凝土的加速养护Accelerated Landslip Preventive Measures Project 加速防止山泥倾泻计划accelerated test 加速试验accelerated weathering 加速风蚀accelerating admixture 速凝剂accelerating curing 加速养护accelerating test 加速试验accelerator 促进剂acceptable accommodation 适中居所acceptance of tender 采纳投标书acceptance of work 工程验收acceptance rate [Home Ownership Scheme] 认购率〔居者有其屋计划〕acceptance rate of new allocation 接受新配单位的比率acceptance threshold 认购率下限access balcony 过道access bend 检修弯管access corridor block 向街走廊式大厦access door 检修门access door 检修门;通道门access for residents 居民通道access hole 检查孔access ladder 通道竖梯access lane 进出路径access panel 检修门access plug and cap 检修孔塞和孔盖access point 入口处;出入通道处access ramp 接坡道access ramp 入口坡道;斜道;斜通道access road 进路access road 通路;通道access shaft 竖井通道access spiral loop 螺旋式回旋通道access staircase 通道楼梯access step 上落踏板;出入踏板access to the site 地盘出入口;工地出入口access to work 地盘施工处通路;工地施工处通路access tunnel 进口隧道access tunnel 通道隧道access 入口access 通道;出入口accessible roof 可到达的屋顶;有通道的屋顶accessory building 辅助建筑物accident loading condition 意外载荷条件accident prevention regulations 技术安全规程accident prevention 事故预防accidental loading 偶然荷载Accommodation for Small Households--Assessment of Supply and Demand 小家庭公屋供求评估accommodation generation rate 住户房屋需求衍生率Accommodation Regulations 《政府产业管理及有关事务规例》accommodation value 楼面价accommodation 办公地方;住所;居所;单位accommodations 居住设施accordion door 折迭门accordion partition 折隔屏Accredited Safety Auditor 检定安全稽核员accumulation of heat 蓄热accumulation 积蓄accuracy of fixing 固定准确度accuracy of measuring 计量准确度accuracy正确度accurate adjustment正确蝶accurate ajusting正确蝶accurate measurement正确测量acetylene cutting machine 氧割机acetylene regulator 乙炔调节器;“煤表”acetylene welding 乙炔焊achromatic color 无彩色acid brick 酸性砖acid proof brick 耐酸砖acid proof cement 耐酸水泥acid proof floortile 耐酸地板瓷砖acid proof paint 耐酸涂料acid proof paper 耐酸纸acid proofing mortar 耐酸灰浆acid resistance 耐酸性acid resistant brick 耐酸砖acid resistant floor 耐酸地板acid resistant steel 耐酸钢acid resisting concrete 耐酸混凝土acid resisting mortar 耐酸灰浆acid 酸acidproof concrete 耐酸混凝土acidproof construction 耐酸构造acoustic absorptivity 吸声率acoustic analysis 声学分析acoustic conductivity 声导率acoustic design 声学计算acoustic dispersion 声射散acoustic disturbance 声干扰acoustic field 声场acoustic filter 滤声器acoustic frequency 声频acoustic instrument 声学仪器acoustic investigation 声学研究acoustic lens 声透镜acoustic lining 隔音板acoustic load 声负载acoustic material 吸声材料acoustic measurement 声学测量acoustic power 声功率acoustic pressure 声压acoustic radiator 声辐射体acoustic resistance 声阻acoustic resonance 声共振acoustic screen 隔音屏acoustic seal 防声封条acoustic shadow 声影区acoustic signal 声信号acoustic sounding 回声测深acoustic velocity 声速acoustic wave 声波acoustical board 吸声板acoustical ceiling 吸声天花板acoustical fiberboard 吸声纤维板acoustical insulation 隔声acoustical lining 吸音隔板acoustical plaster 吸声灰膏acoustical resistance 声阻acoustical screen 隔音板acoustical tile 吸声砖acoustics of building 建筑声学acoustics 声学acquisition order 征用令Acquisition Section [Lands Department] 土地征用组〔地政总署〕acquisition team [Lands Department] 土地征用小组〔地政总署〕acquisition 征用;收购acre 英亩acryl resin 丙烯酸尸acrylic coat 丙烯涂料acrylic lacquer 丙烯酸清漆acrylic paint 丙烯漆料;丙烯酸漆acrylic rubber 丙烯酸橡胶acrylic sheet 丙烯酸片;丙烯胶片actinic glass 光化玻璃actinograph 日光能量测定器actinometer 露光计actinometry 光能测定action principle 酌原理activated adsorption 活化吸附activated alumina 活性氧化铝activated carbon filter 活性炭滤池activated mortar 活化灰浆砂activated sludge 活性污泥activating agent 活化剂activation 活性化activator 活化剂active carbon 活性炭active corrosion 活性 蚀active earth pressure 织土压力active earth pressure 主动土压力active fault 活断层;活动断裂active material 活性材料active recreation area 动态康乐用地active recreation facility 动态康乐设施active residential solar heating system 能动式住宅太阳热取暖系统active to passive ratio 动态与静态设施比例activity area 活动区activity duration 工字续时间activity of cement 水泥活性activity space 活动场地activity time 工字续时间activity 活性actual building cost 实际造价actual construction time 实际建筑期限actual cost rent 实际成本租金actual damage 实际损坏actual dimension 实际尺寸actual load 有效载荷actual plot ratio 实际地积比率actual size 实际大小actual strength 实际强度acute angle 锐角acute arch 尖拱Ad Hoc Committee on Housing for the Elderly [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 高龄人士住所专责Ad Hoc Committee on Private Domestic Property Ownership by Public Rental Housing Tenants 公屋住户拥adapt 改装;改建addition compound 掺加化合物addition 扩建;加建;加入户籍additional building works 增补建筑工程additional building 附加房屋additional fixture 固定附 物additional horizontal force 额外横向力additional load 附加载荷additional premium 补缴地价additional rehousing criterion 附加安置资格additional services 追加供给additional vent 加设通风口additions policy 加户政策additive cement 附加物水泥additive method 加色法additive 掺合料adequate housing 适当居所adequately housed 居住面积足够的;有适当居所的adhesion agent 粘结剂adhesion factor 粘着系数adhesion stress 粘结力adhesion 附着adhesive ability 附着能力adhesive failure 脱胶adhesive force 附着力adhesive power 附着力adhesive 粘着剂adhesiveness 粘着性adiabatic cooling 绝热冷却adiabatic curing 绝热养护adit opening 平洞口adit 入口;通路;坑道口adjacent accommodation 厢房adjacent building 相邻建筑物adjacent construction 相邻建造物adjacent ground 相邻土地adjacent land 相邻土地adjacent of window 窗棂adjacent site 相邻地盘adjacent street 相邻街道adjacent unit 相连单位adjoining area 毗邻地区adjoining building 邻屋adjoining building 毗邻建筑物adjoining land 毗邻土地adjoining occupier 毗邻占用人adjoining owner 毗邻拥有人adjoining structure 毗邻构筑物adjudication fee 评估契据费用adjustable ball hinge 可第球铰链adjustable grille 可雕子窗adjustable spanner 可靛手adjustable wrench 可靛手adjusted net fill 已蝶的净填土adjusted replacement cost 经调整重置成本adjuster for window 窗开关蝶器adjuster 蝶器adjusting device 蝶装置adjusting valve 第阀adjusting wedge 蝶楔块adjustment of mixture 混合物组份的第adjustment 蝶administration building 行政办公楼administrator of estate 遗产管理人admissible concentration 容许浓度admissible value 容许值admission pipe 吸气管admission valve 进气阀admixture effects 掺合剂效应admixture 掺合料admixture 外加剂;搀和剂adobe brick 风干砖坯adobe construction 干打垒结构adsorbate 吸附物adsorbed water 吸附水adsorbent 吸附剂adsorption 吸附advance drainage diversion 前期排水渠改道advance earthwork 前期土方工程;预造土方工程advance letting 提早出租advance possession licence 提前移交土地牌照advance reclamation works 早期填海工程advance works 前期工程;早期工程advanced allocation scheme 提前配屋计划advanced allocation system 提前配屋制度advanced contract 前期合约adverse geological condition 不良地质情况adverse possession 逆权管有adverse slope 反坡adverse title to land 相逆土地业权Advisory Committee on Appearances of Bridges and Associated Structures 桥梁及有关建筑物外观谘询委员Advisory Committee on Private Building Management 私人楼宇管理谘询委员会Advisory Council on the Environment 环境问题谘询委员会advisory engineer 顾问工程师advisory letter [slope maintenance] 劝喻信〔斜坡维修〕Advisory Note on Buried Services 《检查地下设施须知》adz 手斧ae concret 加气混凝土aerated cement block 充气水泥块aerated concrete 加气混凝土aerated spillway 真空式溢吝aeration basin 曝气池aeration skylight 通风天窗aeration tank 曝气池aeration 通气aerial bracket 天线托架aerial cable 天线电线aerial cableway 架空死aerial camera 航空摄影机;空中摄影机aerial mast 天线杆aerial photogrammetry 航空摄影测量;空中摄影测量aerial photograph interpretation [API] 航空照片判释;航空照片解译aerial photograph 航摄照片;航空照片aerial photographic survey 航空摄影测量aerial photography 航空摄影;空中摄影aerial pipe crossing 架空管横越aerial survey 航空测量aerial survey 航空测量;空中测量aerial view 鸟瞰图;航测图aerobic treatment 好气处理aerocrete 加气混凝土aerodrome 飞机场aerodynamic instability 空气动力不稳定性aerodynamic resistance 空气动力阻力aerofilter 空气过滤器aerograph 喷涂器aeroport 机场aerosol paint 气溶胶涂料affiliated village 附属乡村;属村afflux 岭affordability criterion 负担能力准则Affordability Schedule 负担能力表affordability threshold 负担能力界限afforestation construction 造林工程afforestation of city 城市绿化A-frame A形骨架after air filter 二次空气过滤器after cooler 二次冷却器after hardening 后期硬化after heater 后热器after purification 后净化after-repair guarantee 售后修葺保证期age allowance limit 楼龄减额上限age hardening 时效硬化age limit 楼龄上限age of entitlement 换地权益龄期age strength relation 龄期强度关系age-dating 测年;测定年代ageing test 老化试验ageing 老化Agency Management Scheme 物业代管计划agent for occupier 占用人代理人;租户代理人agent for owner 拥有人代理人;业主代理人agent 附加剂agent-managed Home Ownership Scheme estate 由物业管理公司代管的居者有其屋计划屋苑agglomerate foam concrete 烧结矿渣泡沫混凝土agglomerating furnace 烧结炉agglomeration 烧结aggloporite 烧结骨料aggregate abrasion value 石料的耐磨值aggregate base 骨料基层aggregate batcher 骨料计量机aggregate batching plant 集料计量装置aggregate bin 集料斗aggregate blending 集料拌合aggregate cement ratio 集料水泥比aggregate coated panel 骨料涂层的镶板aggregate exposure 骨料外露aggregate gradation 骨料级配aggregate grading 砂石级配;骨料级配aggregate impact value 石料的冲击强度值aggregate lime content 砂石的石灰含量;骨料的石灰含量aggregate preparation plant 集料配备厂aggregate production plant 集料配备厂aggregate size 集料粒度aggregate structure 砂石结构;骨料结构aggregate superficial area 表面总面积aggregate usable floor space 总实用楼面空间aggregate weighing batcher 集料重量配料器aggregate 骨料aggregate 砂石;骨料;碎石aggregate-to-cement ratio 砂石与水泥比例;砂灰比aggregate-to-lime ratio 砂石与石灰比例aggregation 凝聚aggressive water 侵蚀性水aging proof agent 防老化剂agitating truck 混凝土搅拌汽车agitation tank 搅拌槽agitation 搅拌agitator 混合器搅拌装置;循环泵Agreement and Conditions of Sale 卖地协议及条件agreement for a Government lease 政府租契协议;政府租契合约agreement for construction 建筑合同agreement of lease 租赁契约agreement to surrender 交还土地协议agreement 一致agricultural buildings 农业建筑agricultural development area 农业发展区agricultural dwelling house 农地住屋;农舍agricultural land 农地;耕地agricultural lot 农地地段agricultural priority area 农业优先区agricultural resite area 农业用途迁置区agricultural status 农地性质agricultural tenancy 农地租赁;农地租约agricultural town 农业城镇agricultural use 农业用途agricultural warehouse 农用贮物室agro cement batcher 集料水泥配料器air blast 鼓风air breakwater 气动防波堤air brick 空心砖air brush 气刷air bubble 气泡air bulking 空气胀air camera 航空摄影机;空中摄影机air change rate 换气率air change 换气air channel 风道air chimney 通风管air chute 通风道air circulation 空气循环air cleaner 空气净化器air cock 气开关air collector 空气收集器air compressor 空气压缩机air conditioned building 设有空气第的房屋air conditioner 空气第机air conditioning load 空气第负荷air conditioning plant 空气第设备air conditioning room 空气第室air conditioning unit 空气第装置air conditioning 空气第air conditions 空气状态air content 含气量air conveying 风力输送air cooled condenser 空冷式冷凝器air cooler 空气冷却器air cooling system 空气冷却系统;风冷系统air cooling 空气冷却air curtain fan 风帘风扇air curtain 风帘;风闸air curtain 空气帘air cylinder 气缸;气筒air damper 空气第阀air damper 气闸;调节风门air dehumidification 空气干燥air demand 需要风量air detraining admixture 去除空气外加剂air diffuser 空气扩散器air diffusion aeration 空气扩散式曝气air diffusion 空气扩散air digger 空气式挖掘机air discharge grille 排气格栅air distribution system 配气系统air distribution 配风air distributor 空气分配器air door 通气门air draft 吸风air drain 气槽air dried lumber 气干材air drill hammer 风锥钻air dryer 空气干燥器air drying 空气干燥air duct 风槽;通风管道;气槽air duct 通气管道air entrained agent 加气剂air entrained cement 加气水泥;伴 水泥air entrained concrete 加气混凝土air entraining admixture 加气掺合剂air entraining cement 掺加气剂的水泥air entrainment test 夹杂空气量试验air entrainment 夹杂空气air exhaust opening 排气口air exhaust 排气air exhaust 排气口air filter chamber 空气过滤室air filter 空气过滤器air filter 空气过滤器;风隔;隔尘网air filtration 空气过滤air float 气动泥刀air flow meter 空气量计air flow switch 气撂电器air flow 气流air free concrete 密实混凝土air gap 空隙air gap 气隙air hammer 空气锤air handling unit 空气第装置air handling unit 鲜风柜;空气处理装置air hardening mortar 气硬灰浆air hardening of cement 水泥空气硬化air heater 空气加热器air heating 热风供热air hoist 气压提升机air humidification 空气加湿air humidifier 空气湿润器air humidity 空气湿度air hydraulic jack 气液千斤顶air infiltration 气渗air inflow 进气air inlet louvre 进气百叶窗air inlet port 进气口air inlet 进气孔air insulation 空气绝缘air intake duct 进气槽;进风槽air intake filter 进气过滤器air intake shaft 进气竖井air intake 进气口;进风口air jacket 空气套air leakage factor 漏气系数air leakage 漏气air lift pump 压缩空气杨水泵air lift 压缩空气杨水泵air line strainer 进气管道隔滤器air lock 气闸air monitoring 大气监测air mortar 加气灰浆air outlet grille 出风口格栅air outlet 出风口air outlet 排风口air output 送风量air passage 风道air permeability factor 空气渗透因数air pipe line 空气管路air pipe 通气管;送气管air placed concrete 喷注混凝土air placer 混凝土气力压送机air placing machine 混凝土气力压送机air pollution control 大气污染控制air preheater 空气预热器air pressure 空气压力air pressurization system 空气加压系统air purification 空气净化air purifier 空气净化器air quality impact assessment 空气质素影响评估air quality setback 因空气质素而把建筑物后移air receiver 压缩空气箱air register 电器air requirement 需要风量air reservoir 贮气缸air resistance 空气阻力air restrictor 空气节流器air riveting hammer 空气铆锤air sampling 空气采样air setting refractory cement 气凝性耐火水泥air setting refractory mortar 气凝性耐火灰浆air space ratio 空隙比air strainer 空气隔滤器;空气滤网air supply grille 送风格栅air supply outlet 供气出口air supply plant 送气装置air supply system 送风系统air supply 供给空气air supported structure 气璃承结构物air survey 航空测量;空中测量air tamper 风动打夯机air temperature 气温air test 气压试验air throw 气炼射距离air tight concrete 气密混凝土air tight construction 气密构造air tight door 气密门air tight seal 气密air tight test 气密性试验air to air heat recovery unit 空气空气热交换式热回收组合机组air to air system 空气空气式空档统air to water heat exchanger 空气水热交换器air to water system 空气水第系统air tool 气动工具air treatment 空气处理air trowel 气动泥刀air trunking 通风槽air ventilator 空气通风器air ventilator 通风孔air vessel 压缩空气箱air void [soil] 空气孔隙;气隙〔泥土〕air voids 孔隙air volume control 风量第air water heat pump 空气水热力泵air winch 风动绞车airborne noise 空传噪声air-conditioner hood 冷气机遮檐air-conditioning and refrigeration installations [public works category] 空调及制冷装置〔公共工程类Air-Conditioning Inspector 空气调节督察air-conditioning system 空气调节系统air-handling unit room 风柜房airless spray unit 真空喷涂装置airless spraying 真空喷涂airport facilities 飞机场设施airshaft 通风竖井airslide conveyor 气滑式输送机airstrip 飞机跑道airview 鸟瞰图airy dry varnish 风干清漆aisle 通道alabaster 雪花石膏alarm bell 警钟alarm buzzer 警报器alarm system 警报系统alarming apparatus 警报装置alienate [land] 让与〔土地〕alienation period 让与期;转让期alienation restriction period 让与权的限制期;转让限制期alienation restriction 让与权的限制;转让限制aligning 对准alignment plan [road] 路线平面图alignment survey 定线测量alignment 定线;线向;路线alignment 对准alkali aggregate expansion 碱脱色alkali discoloration 因碱脱色alkali resistance 耐碱性alkali resistant glass fiber 抗碱玻璃纤维alkaline soil 碱性土壤alkaliproof paint 耐碱油漆alkali-resisting primer 耐碱底漆alkyd paint 醇酸涂料all air heat pump 全空气式热力泵all air system 全空气式系统all brick building 全砖建筑all concrete frame 全混凝土框架all flanged tee 法兰三通all glass facade 全玻璃门面all in aggregate 天然混合集料all metal building 全金属建筑物all metal construction 全金属结构all outside air system 全外部空气第系统all position electrode 全位置焊条all purpose excavator 万能挖土机all purpose insulation 万能绝缘材料all purpose road 混合交通道路all purpose room 多用途房all socket cross 全带承窝的十字接头all veneer construction 全胶合板构造all welded steel structure 全焊接钢结构all wood construction 全木的建筑物allege 墙的较薄部分alley 狭径alley 巷alligator shears 杠杆式剪床alligator wrench 管扳手alligatoring 龟皱裂Allocation and Standards of Vacant Flats Committee [Hong Kong Housing Authority] 空置单位编allocation condition 分配条件;拨地条件allocation number 拨地编号allocation of flats 编配居住单位allocation plan 拨地图则;批地图allocation range 编配幅度;编配范围allocation standard 编配标准allowable bearing capacity 容许承载力allowable bearing pressure 容许支承压力allowable bearing value 容许承载力allowable error 容许误差allowable load 容许负载;容许载荷allowable load 容许荷载allowable noise level 容许噪声电平allowable pile bearing load 单桩容许荷载allowable preressure 容许承载力allowable pressure 容许压力allowable settlement 容许沉降量allowable soil pressure 容许土压力allowable stress design 容许应力计算allowable stress 容许应力allowable stress 容许应力;预计可承受的压力allowable stresses method 容许应力法allowance for corrosion loss 预留锈蚀量allowance 容差alloy steel bar 合金钢筋条alloy steel 合金钢alloy 合金alluvial clay 冲积黏土alluvial deposit 冲积土层;冲积物alluvial deposit 冲积物alluvial sand 冲积沙alluvial silt 冲积粉土alluvial soil 冲积土;淤积土alluvium 冲积物;冲积层alteration and addition 改建及加建alteration work 改建工程alteration 改动;改建alteration 更迭Alterations, Additions and Improvements Committee 改建、加建暨改善工程委员会alternate bay construction 隔仓施工法alternate bending strength 交变弯曲强度alternate depths 共轭深度alternate design 比较设计alternate strength 交变荷重强度alternating bending test 反复弯曲实验alternating load test 交替荷载试验alternating load 更迭载荷alternating loading 更迭载荷alternating stress cycle 交变应力周期alternating stresses 交变应力alternative route 替代路线altimeter 测高仪altitude valve 水位控制阀altitude 高度alumina cement 高铝水泥alumina 氧化铝aluminium alloy plate 铝合金板aluminium alloys 铝合金aluminium cell ceiling 铝格天花板aluminium coated fabric 镀铝结构aluminium coated sheet steel 镀铝薄钢板aluminium foil 铝箔aluminium paint 铝涂料aluminium panel 铝板aluminium powder 铝粉aluminium primer 铝粉底漆;“木铝丹”aluminium rope-operated laundry-drying rack 铝质拉绳式晒衣架aluminium tape 铝带aluminium trim 铝材装饰aluminium window 铝窗aluminium 铝aluminized coating 铝涂层aluminizing 镀铝aluminous fire brick 铝质耐火砖aluminous sand 铝土砂amber 琥珀ambetti 装饰窗玻璃ambient air 四周空气ambient conditions 环境条件ambient medium 四周介质ambient noise 环境噪声ambient temperature 四周温度amendment 校正amenities 市容建筑;康乐设施;康乐设备amenities 舒适amenity area 美化市容地带amenity planting strip 美化市容种植地带amenity railing 美观栏杆amenity strip 美化市容地带American Concrete Institute 美国混凝土学会American Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM] 美国试验及材料标准学会ammonia 氨amorphous materials 无定形材料amorphous structure 无定形结构amortization area 定期终止区amortization notice 定期终止通知书amortization period 终止期;摊还期amortization 定期终止;摊还;分期摊还amortization 折旧amount of evaporation 蒸发量amount of precipitation 降水量amount of rainfall 雨水量amount 总值ampere 安培amphibious shovel 两栖铲土机amphibious site 水陆建筑场地amphitheater 半圆形露天剧场amplification 增幅amplitude of ground motion 地面地震振动振幅amplitude of stress 应力幅度amplitude of vibration 振幅amplitude 振幅amusement center 娱乐中心amusement park 公共游乐场analyser 分析器analysis by successive approximations 逐步渐近法分析analysis of sections 截面解析analysis of structures 结构分析analysis of truss joints 桁架结点分析analysis of trusses 桁架解析analysis of water 水质分析analysis table 分析项目表analysis 分析analytic method 解析方法ancestral grave 祖坟ancestral hall 祠堂;宗祠ancestral house 祖屋ancestral property 祖业ancestral temple 祠堂;宗祠anchor bearing plate 锚承压板anchor bearing 锚承;锚座anchor block 锚块anchor bolt 锚定螺栓anchor bolt 锚栓;“爆炸螺丝”anchor cone 锚锥anchor device 锚固装置anchor ice 底水anchor load monitoring 地锚桩基负荷检查anchor maintenance clause 地锚桩基保养条款anchor male cone 锚式套管anchor nut 地脚螺母anchor pile 锚桩anchor plate 锚板anchor plate 锚定板anchor rod 锚杆anchor rod 锚杆anchor tenant 有名气的商户;可招徕顾客的商户anchor tie 锚拉杆anchor wall 锚定墙anchor wall 锚定墙anchor 锚定杆;锚;锚杆支撑anchor 锚固anchorage bond stress 锚定粘结应力anchorage by bond 靠粘接锚固anchorage device 锚具anchorage length 锚固长度anchorage length 锚固长度anchorage of reinforcement 钢筋锚具anchorage pier 锚墩anchorage zone 锚固区域anchorage 碇泊处;锚地;锚固anchored bulkhead 锚定挡土板anchored force 锚固力anchored retaining wall 锚固挡土墙anchored sheet pile wall 锚定板桩墙anchored type ceramic veneer 锚固型陶瓷面砖anchoring strength 锚固强度anchoring 锚固ancient architecture 古代建筑ancillary accommodation 附属地方ancillary beach use 海滩附带用途ancillary building 辅助建筑物ancillary building 附属建筑物ancillary car park 附设停车场ancillary commercial facility 附属商业设施ancillary facilities block 附属设施大厦;服务设施大厦ancillary facility 附属设施;配套设施ancillary office 附属写字楼ancillary premises 附属房产ancillary service 附设服务;附属设备ancillary structure 附属构筑物ancillary works 附属工程ancone 托架andesite 安山岩anechoic chamber 消声室anemograph 自动风速计anemometer 风速计anemoscope 风向计angle bar 角铁angle bar 角铁angle bead 角条angle bending machine 弯曲机angle brace 角撑angle bracket 角铁托angle bracket 角形托架;角钢撑架;“狗臂架”angle brick 角砖angle buttress 转角扶壁angle capital 角柱柱头angle change 角变angle cleat 角钢夹板angle cleat 连接角钢;短角钢angle clip 角钢夹板angle collar 环套角钢angle cutter 角铁切割机angle fillet 角钢嵌条;三角焊缝angle fillet 三角形盖板angle float 角镘刀angle frame 角钢框angle hiptile 屋脊瓦angle iron bracket 角铁托架;角铁支架angle iron frame 角钢构架angle iron 角钢angle joint 隅接angle lighting luminaire 斜照型照闷angle loads method 角荷载法angle of a roof 屋顶角angle of alteration 偏离角angle of bank 倾斜角angle of bend 弯头角度angle of curvature 曲率角angle of deviation 偏差角angle of displacement 位移角angle of external friction 外摩擦角angle of fall 塌落角angle of friction 摩擦角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾角angle of inclination 倾斜角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角angle of internal friction 内磨擦角angle of reflection 反射角angle of refraction 折射角angle of repose 静止角;休止角angle of repose 自然倾斜角angle of roof 屋顶斜角angle of rotation 转动角angle of rupture 破裂角angle of scattering 散射角angle of shear 剪切角angle of shear 剪切角angle of shearing resistance 抗剪角angle of slide 滑动角angle of slope 倾斜角angle of torsion 扭转角angle post 角支柱angle probe 斜探头angle rafter 角椽angle strut 角钢撑angle tee y 型分支angle valve 角阀angle 角angledozer 斜铲推土机angular aggregate 棱角骨料angular deformation 角变形angular displacement 角位移angular distortion 角度变形angular velocity 角速度angular 棱角anhydrite cement 无水石膏水泥anhydrite 无水石膏anhydrous gypsum 无水石膏animal glue 动物胶anisotropic consolidation 各向不等压固结;各向异性固结annex block 附翼大厦annex restaurant 附连酒楼annex school 附连学校annex 附属建筑annex 附属建筑物annual contribution to rent 每年拨出的租金津贴annual flood 年最大量annual instalment of premium 按年摊缴的地价annual letting value 年租值annual maintenance programme 每年度保养计划annual mean 年平均annual range of temperature 全年气温变化annual rent 每年租金;年租annual runoff 年径流annual storage reservoir 年第水库Annual Summary 19XX-19XX [Rating and Valuation Department] 《年报19XX-19XX》〔差饷物业估价annular girder 环形梁annular vault 筒形拱顶annulet 圆箍线anodic coating 阳极敷层anodized aluminium window 电镀膜铝窗;阳极氧化膜铝窗anta 壁角柱ante chamber 前厅antefix 瓦檐饰antenna mast 天线杆antenna 天线antenna 天线anteport 外大门anti drumming coating 隔声盖层anti skinning agent 防结皮剂anti vibration mounting 抗振机座anti-burglary bar 防盗铁栏;防盗铁栅;防盗窗花;“疏子”anti-burglary grille 防盗铁栏;防盗铁栅;防盗窗花;“疏子”Anticipatory Housing Scheme 提早安置计划anticline 背斜;背斜层anticorrosion additive 抗腐添加剂anti-corrosion paint 防蚀漆;防 油anticorrosive agent 防腐剂anticorrosive coating 防腐涂饰anticorrosive compound 防腐剂anticorrosive paint 防蚀涂料anticorrosive protection 腐蚀防止anti-creep device 防溜装置antidazzle visor 遮阳板anti-desiccant spray 抗干燥喷剂antifoam additive 抗泡添加剂antifouling paint 防污涂料antifreeze admixture 防冻附加剂antinoise paint 消声涂料anti-nuisance provision 禁止滋扰规定antioxidant 抗氧化剂anti-oxidizing paint 抗氧化漆antireflective coating 抗反射涂层anti-rust paint 防锈漆antirusting agent 防锈剂antirusting paint 防锈油漆antisag agent 抗垂剂antiseepage cofferdam 防渗围堰antiseismic construction 抗震结构antiseptic paper 防腐纸antiseptic 防腐剂anti-siphon bottle trap 反虹吸瓶型气隔anti-siphon P-trap 反虹吸直嘴;反虹吸P形气隔anti-siphon trap 反虹吸气隔anti-siphonage pipe 反虹吸管anti-skid chequer 防滑格纹anti-skid device 防滑装置anti-skid dressing 防滑钢砂anti-skid facility 防滑设施anti-skid material 防滑物料antislip paint 防滑漆anti-slip 防滑动;防空转;防打滑anti-stripping agent 防剥剂。