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Unit 1 Starting College Life

Lecturer: Liu Jun

Teaching Objectives:

Students (Ss) will be able to:

●Understanding the main idea

●Introduce themselves or others in a conversation.

●Explain the language styles of the passages.

●Mastering the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.

●Understand and talk about college life.

Teaching Focus:

●Vocabulary: initial, pursue, objective, graduation, essential, advice, discipline, sacrifice,

opportunity certificate, approach, explore, tear apart etc.

●The importance of beginning in college and life

●Applied writing: Business Card

Time Allotment:

Teaching Methods:


●Group discussion

●Questions and answers



Teaching Procedure:

1st Period

1.Introduction of this course

Welcome to College of Law & Business of Hubei University of Economics. I'm your English teacher of this term. College life is a new experience for you. College life is different from the life in your high school. You will find more time to kill by yourself. So the first thing you should do is to know how to study by yourself. College days will be the golden time in your life. There

is a saying, “God will help those who help themselves.” This first unit we are going to learn some tips for you to begin your college life.

Introduction of This Course:

Teaching objects:

Students in the Vocational and Three-year Colleges

Teaching ideas:

Focus on application

Teaching Material

Practical English for Vocational Colleges

Class Hours:


Hours Distribution


Hours Distribution of in a week


1st Year


2nd Year


3rd Year

课程类别Courses Classified序号No.课程名称Course Name总学时Total Hours理论教学Theoretical Teaching实践教学Practical Teaching学分Credits第1学期1st Semester第2学期2nd Semester第3学期3rd Semester第4学期4th Semester第5学期5th Semester第6学期6th Semester 大学英语一

College English I



College English II


大学英语三College English III 646444

Public Basic Courses大学英语四

College English IV


The Term Grade Evaluation Scheme

Final Examination 60%

Attendance 10%

Classroom Performance 30%

2.Warming-up Activities:

1) Group discuss/ pair work

When confident high school students enter college, a whole new life is in front of you, a new battlefield to conquer…

Video 1: Colorful College life

Discuss the following questions with your partners:

•Where are you from?

•What are your expectations of college life?
