引言WDM是“Windows驱动程序模型”的简称,即“Windows Driver Model”。
实际上它是一系列集成在操作系统之中的常规系统服务集,用于简化硬件驱动程序的编写,并保证它们在Windows 98/Me/2000中的二进制兼容,WDM(Windows Driver Model)模型是从WinNT3.51和WinNT4的内核模式设备驱动程序发展而来的。
WDM主要的变化是增加了对即插即用、电源管理、Windows Management Interface(WMI)、设备接口的支持。
WDM模型的主要目标,是实现能够跨平台使用、更安全、更灵活、编制更简单的Windows 设备驱动程序。
WDM 首先在Windows98中实现,在Windows2000中得到了进一步的完善,并在后续开发的Windows操作系统中都将存在,比如Windows Me和Windows XP。
微软在通过WDM 模型的引入,希望减轻设备驱动程序的开发难度和周期,逐渐规范设备驱动程序的开发,应该说,WDM将成为以后设备驱动程序的主流。
USB技术的全称是通用串行总线,是英文Universal Serial Bus的缩写。
它是一种应用在PC领域的新型接口技术,虽然USB2.0已经被广泛应用,但是初始的Windows 2000是支持USB1.0协议的,如果希望支持USB2.0协议,需要在微软网站上下载升级包。
本毕业设计的目的是希望对Windows 2000操作系统体系结构和驱动程序开发以及调试等方面的问题有一个比较深入的了解,对USB协议和USB体系有做一个比较深入的了解。
USB驱动程序的编写采用WDM 驱动程序
![USB驱动程序的编写采用WDM 驱动程序](
USB驱动程序的编写采用WDM 驱动程序。
WDM 驱动程序是一些例程的集合,它们被动地存在,等待主机系统软件(PnP 管理器、I/O 管理器、电源管理器等)来调用或激活它们。
一个WDM 驱动程序的基本组成包括以下5个例程:(1)驱动程序入口例程:处理驱动程序的初始化。
(2)即插即用例程:处理PnP 设备的添加、删除和停止。
(3)分发例程:处理用户应用程序发出的各种 I/O 请求。
包含文件:ezusbsys.c, ezusbsys.h,ezusbsys.rc, resource.h, version.h, makefile,sources)在ezusbsys.c文件中,包含了上述五个例程:ezusbsys.h中定义了各种数据结构还有各种IOCTL控制码,用于不同数据的读写。
Ezusbsys.c 中实现了各种驱动例程。
驱动程序入口例程:NTSTATUSDriverEntry(IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject,IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath){NTSTATUS ntStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;PDEVICE_OBJECT deviceObject = NULL;DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE] = Ezusb_Create; DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE] = Ezusb_Close;//分发例程DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL] = Ezusb_ProcessIOCTL;//即插即用例程DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_PNP] = Ezusb_DispatchPnp;//电源管理例程DriverObject->MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_POWER] = Ezusb_DispatchPower;//设备添加例程DriverObject->DriverExtension->AddDevice = Ezusb_PnPAddDevice;//卸载例程DriverObject->DriverUnload = Ezusb_Unload;return ntStatus;}在原有框架下,主要实现了的代码段在于ezusbsys.c文件中的如下例程:NTSTATUSEzusb_Read_Write( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT fdo, IN PIRP Irp )在该例程中实现对大数据块的读写控制和实现。
程 中 的关键技 术 。
关键 词 : 嵌入 式 ; L i n u x ; U S B ; 驱动 开发 中图分 类号 : T P 3 1 6 文献标 识码 : A
De v e l o p me n t o f US B Dr i v e r Ba s e d o n Em b e d d e d Li n u x S y s t e m
L I C h u n - b o , C HE N We i - f e n g , L A I X u e - j i n
( C h e n g d u U n i v e r s i t y o f T e c h n o l o g y , C h e n g d u 6 1 0 0 5 9 , C h i n a )
Abs t r a c t : The a p pl i c a t i o n s o f Emb e d de d L i n ux s y s t e m a r e mo r e a n d mo r e wi de l y , i t s f u n c t i o ns a r e a l s o mo r e a n d mo r e
H O S T) 、 U S B设 备 ( U S B D E V I C E) 、 U S B 集 线 器
哑 I … ● I _ l C 【 l h 】 i n 国 a I n 集 t e g r 成 a t e d 电 C i r 路 c u i t
————— 珏 斗 。 ]I
嵌入式 L i n u x系统下的 US B驱动程序开发
De i n o i ePr g a Ba e n US I t ra eDe i e sg fDrv o r m s d o B n e f c v c
TU a g mi g, EIY u g o DUAN o J , I W n — n W o .u , Da — u L ANG ic e g ZHANG e z i XI n J— h n , Xu - h , E Cu
O 引 言
US ( iesl e a u )ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 用 串行 总 线 已成 B Unv ra r l s Si B
文 章 编 号 : 10 — 5 6 ( 0 7 50 8 — 3 0 6 1 7 2 0 )0 —0 9 0
2 0 , 12 , 0 7 Vo . 6 No 5 .
基 于 US B接 口设 备 的驱 动程 序 设计
涂 望 明 ,魏友 国,段 道聚 ,梁季 程 ,张 学 志 ,谢存
( 武汉 军 械士 官 学校 火控 雷 达教 研 室 ,湖北 武 汉 4 0 7 ) 3 05 摘 要 :采用 P I B 2芯 片的基 于 US D US D1 B接 口设 备驱 动程 序 ,模 型 最上 层 的 函数驱 动 程序 ,管理 应 用程 序 与较 低 级总 线驱 动 程序 间的通 信 。底 层 的总 线驱 动程 序 ,管 理 函数驱 动程 序 与设 备硬 件 间通信 。中 间的过 滤 器驱 动程 序 , 辅 助 函数 驱 动 程序 与 总线 驱动 程序 .US B设 备 函数驱 动 程序 与 总 线驱 动程 序 ,使 用 I0信 息 包处 理 US / B的 通信 . 同 时 ,根据 US 通信 协议 ,使 用 Dr eWok 的 工具 模块 进 行 WDM 设备 驱 动程 序 的开 发 . B i r rs v 关键 词 :US B接 口;设备 驱 动程 序 ;P I B 2芯 片;Dr eWok D US D1 i r rs v
种 例 程 的指 针 等 。其 相关 代码 如下 :
H ̄插 即用例 程人 口 l l J D i r be t > r eE tni > d D v e : r eO jc - D i r xe s n- A d ei v v o c
口。而要 实 现U B 件 设备 与 主机 间 稳定 的数 据 S硬
传 输 ,则 不 可避 免 的要 编 写适 合U B 件要 求 的 S硬
驱 动 程序 。为此 ,本 文结 合 实 例 ,论 述 了U B S 设
备 驱动 程序 的具 体实 现机 制和 开发 方法 。
示 是其 体 系结构 图。
/ R 发送 给下 层 的U B / 将U B S 总线 驱动 程序
D i r bet > aoF n t n【R _ _ R — r eO jc 一 M jru c o I P MJC E v i
A E =D v rae T] rC et;
nSa s sC l S D fo ub tt u =U b a U B I( , r); t l d
4 U B 备 驱 动 程 序 的 实现 S设
驱 动程 序 是一 些例 程 的集 合 ,它 一般 被 动地 存 在 ,以等 待 主 机 系统 软 件 (n 管 理 器 、I PP / O管 理 器 、 电源管 理器 1来 调用 。典 型 的U B 备 驱 S设 动 程序 主要 包 括若 干 例程 ,其 中有 驱 动程 序入 口
31 I P 求包 . R 请
个U B S 系统 的分 层 结 构 。 图 中 ,功 能层 负 责 实 现
U B 备 的特 定 功能 。该 层 不 需 要 理 解U B 体 S设 S具
Silicon Labs USB 驱动程序定制 - AN220说明书
![Silicon Labs USB 驱动程序定制 - AN220说明书](
AN220: USB Driver Customization Many of Silicon Labs' USB devices require device drivers to oper-ate within Windows. Default driver installers are provided for these devices. However, if the devices are customized with a non-default VID and/or PID, the drivers must also be customized. This application note provides a tool that creates custom driver installers for Windows to match a device's configuration. This tool also provides additional driver and installation options, such as silent install.The following drivers are available in this tool:• A Virtual COM Port Driver is available for the CP210x device family.• A WinUSB driver is available for the CP2130 device.•Direct Access Drivers(formerly called USBXpress) are available for the CP210x, C8051F32x, C8051F34x, C8051F38x, C8051T32x, C8051T62x, and EFM8UBx de-vice families.This document describes the steps necessary to customize the Windows device driver installation using the Custom USB Driver Installation Wizard.KEY POINT•Use the Custom USB Driver Installation Wizard to create a custom Windows driver installer with your unique VID/PID and installation options.APPLICABLE DEVICES•CP210x•CP2130•C8051F32x•C8051F34x•C8051F38x•C8051T32x•C8051T62x•EFM8UBxCustomizing Driver Installations 1. Customizing Driver InstallationsThe driver installation is customizable by modifying certain sections of the hardware installation files (.inf). The strings contained in the .inf files affect what is displayed in the “Found New Hardware Wizard” dialogs, Device Manager, and the Registry. The changes to the VID and PID in the driver installation should match the VID and PID contained in the EPROM/FLASH of your product. See “AN721: USBXpress™ Device Configuration and Programming Guide” for more information on changing the VID and PID for your product. Note: Any changes to the Windows installation .inf files will require new Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) tests.2. Using the Custom USB Driver Installation WizardThe Custom USB Driver Installation Wizard generates a custom driver installation for distribution to end-users. This customized installa-tion consists of modified .inf files, optional installation support files, and driver files for Windows 7/8/8.1/10.The optional installation executable provided can be used to copy driver files and register a device on a PC before or after the device has been connected. It will also add an entry in the add/remove programs listing. When the device is connected to the PC for the first time, the drivers will be installed with little interaction from the user.Note: A customized installation does not contain certified drivers for Windows 7/8/8.1/10. Certification must be performed by Microsoft for the new driver installation. Uncertified drivers cannot be installed in Windows 7/8/8.1/10 except under certain testing conditions.To run the Custom USB Driver Installation Wizard, open CustomUSBDriverWizard.exe, which is included in the down-load. The figure below shows the first screen of the Custom USB Driver Installation Wizard. Choose the type of driver installation de-sired. For detailed instructions on creating a custom driver installation, see 3. Creating a Custom Driver . This description goes through the process of customizing a CP210x driver. The process for creating a Direct Access (USBXpress) driver or CP2130 driver is the same as this description, only select “USBXpress WinUSB Driver Installation” or "CP2130 WinUSB Driver Installation" on the starting screenof the wizard, respectively.Figure 2.1. Driver Installation SelectionUsing the Custom USB Driver Installation Wizard3. Creating a Custom DriverThis section describes how to create a custom driver. To begin, choose the type of installation to customize: “Virtual COM Port Driver Installation”, “USBXpress WinUSB Installation”, or "CP2130 WinUSB Driver Installation". Differences between the three installations are noted, but a sample CP210x customization is shown in the figures. Next, determine if an installation executable should be generated (see 3.5 Installation String Options and 3.8 Generation Directory for more information on the generated installer), and click Next.3.1 Driver Certification WarningThe first screen is the warning explaining that the generated driver installation will not be certified. (See figure below.) Click Next to begin customizing your driver installation.Figure 3.1. Driver Certification Warning3.2 Operating System SelectionThe first step in the customization utility (shown in the figure below) is to specify the operating system for which the custom driver is being generated.Figure 3.2. Operating System Selection3.3 String and File Name CustomizationThe next step in the customization utility (shown in Figure 3.3 String and File Customization on page 6) is to specify your preferred strings and filenames. Each field is described in further detail below.3.3.1 Company Name (Long Name for .inf File Entries)The company name appears in the .inf file entries and has a maximum length of 255 characters.3.3.2 Company Abbreviation (Short Name for .inf File Entries)The abbreviation appears in the .inf file entries and has a maximum length of 31 characters.3.3.3 File Name for .infThis field allows for specification of a unique name for the .inf file. The maximum length of this string is eight characters. The generated file will be named xxxxxxxx.inf.Figure 3.3. String and File Customization3.4 VID, PID, and Device Name CustomizationThe next step in the customization utility (shown in Figure 3.4 VID and PID Customization on page 7) allows multiple VID/PID combi-nations in one driver. This entry is also where the Device Name, which appears in Windows Device Manager, is specified. An example for Windows 7 is shown in Figure 3.6 Windows 7 Device Manager Example on page General Device Installation NameThis field is the general description of device installation. This will not appear in Device Manager, but will show up during installation if the user is prompted for a disk.The Device List allows multiple VID and PID combinations to be added to one driver. Current devices can be edited by double-clicking an entry.Figure 3.4. VID and PID CustomizationTo add a new entry, click the Add button. A new dialog box (shown in Figure 3.5 Add VID/PID/Device Name to Installation on page 8) will appear with the following options.3.4.3 Device TypeThis specifies which device is being customized. If the VCP driver for the CP2105 Dual UART Bridge is being customized, two interface names will appear. Likewise, if the VCP driver for the CP2108 Quad UART Bridge is being customized, four interface names will ap-pear. Otherwise, only one interface name will appear.3.4.4 VIDAllows specification of a new vendor ID (VID).3.4.5 PIDAllows specification of a new product ID (PID).This string will be displayed in Device Manager under the Ports or USB tab. If the VCP driver is being customized for a multiple-inter-face bridge device, one string will be displayed per interface.Figure 3.5. Add VID/PID/Device Name to InstallationFigure 3.6. Windows 7 Device Manager ExampleIf an installer is not being generated, then skip to 3.9 Option Verification.3.5 Installation String OptionsThe next step in the customization process is to specify options for the driver installer. The driver installer will allow for a device to be installed before or after a device has been connected to the PC. If this is run before a device is plugged in, drivers will already be regis-tered for devices that belong to that installation. If a device is already plugged in, the installer will rescan the bus for any devices for that installation. This section covers adding the installer's strings and is shown in Figure 3.7 Installation Strings on page 10. The driver installer and its corresponding setup.ini file are explained in further detail in “AN335: USB DRIVER INSTALLATION METHODS”.3.5.1 Product NameThis is the string that identifies the product installation in the Add/Remove Programs listing. The string shows up as “<Product Name String> (Driver Removal)” for easy identification.3.5.2 Name for Installation FileThis is will be the name of the installation executable and shows up as “<InstallName>.exe”.Figure 3.7. Installation Strings3.6 Device OptionsThe next step in the customization utility (shown in 3.6.2 Selective Suspend Support) is to configure the serial enumeration and selec-tive suspend options.3.6.1 Serial Enumeration SupportThis allows Windows to “enumerate” a device(s), such as serial mice or an external modem, connected to the CP210x . If your device always presents data to the PC (such as a GPS device), then disable this to prevent false serial enumerations.3.6.2 Selective Suspend SupportEnabling this feature will put the device to sleep if it has not been opened for a time longer than the specified Timeout Value. This is used to save power on the PC and is recommended unless your CP210x needs to be powered if a handle to the device is not opened.Figure 3.8. Device Options3.7 Installation OptionsSpecific options for the GUI should now be specified.3.7.1 Display GUI Window during InstallCheck this option when using the generated Installer as a stand-alone application. The Installer will display several GUI windows during the installation process. Uncheck this option to run the Installer in Quiet Mode. When running in Quiet Mode, no GUI will be displayed. This is useful when using another application to launch this Installer.3.7.2 Copy Files to Target Directory during Install:Check this option if a copy of the drivers will be needed on the hard drive. This is useful when installing the drivers from a CD. Uncheck this option if copies of the driver files are not needed on the hard drive.3.7.3 Target DirectorySelects the hard drive location that will contain a copy of the driver files. The default location is C:\Program Files\Silabs\MCU\CP210x for the VCP Driver and C:\ProgramFiles\Silabs\MCU\USBXpress for the USBXpress driver. If the “Display GUI window during Installa-tion” option is selected, this path can be changed during installation by clicking the Browse button. However, if the “Display GUI window during Installation” option is not selected, then the default directory is always used unless a directory is specified through the command line. This option is ignored if the “Copy Files to Directory during Setup” option is not selected.Note: The Target Directory must be different for each product released.3.7.4 Display GUI Window during UninstallCheck this option when using the generated Uninstaller as a stand-alone application. The Uninstaller will display several GUI windows during the uninstall process. Uncheck this option if the Uninstaller will be launched by another application. The Uninstaller then runs in Quiet Mode. When running in Quiet Mode, no GUI will be displayed.3.7.5 Remove Files from Target Directory during UninstallCheck this option if the files copied to the Target directory should be removed upon uninstallation. This option is ignored if the “Copy Files to Directory during Setup” option is not selected.Figure 3.9. Installation Options3.8 Generation DirectoryThe next step in the customization utility is to specify where this custom driver’s installation files will be generated. The default directory for a VCP driver is C:\Silabs\MCU\CustomCP210xDriverInstall, and the default for a USBXpress Driver is C:\Silabs\MCU\CustomUSBX-pressDriverInstall. However, a different directory can be selected or created. This step is shown in the figure below.Note: This is not an actual installation of the drivers. This is simply a directory to output all installation files needed for the installation. These files can be added to a CD or OEM installation for distribution to the end-user.Figure 3.10. Generation Directory3.9 Option VerificationThe final step in the customization utility is to review all of the selected options. If anything needs to be changed, the Back button can be used to go back to previous pages to change items. Once all options have been verified, press Finish to create the customized driver files. This step is shown in the figure below.Figure 3.11. Option VerificationCustomizing Driver Installations, macOS (Mac OS X) 4. Customizing Driver Installations, macOS (Mac OS X)If the VID or PID is changed from the default factory settings, contact Silicon Laboratories Support (https:///support) to obtain drivers that incorporate the new values. Mac OS X requires that the drivers be compiled with the values that will be used by the production CP210x device.Revision History 5. Revision HistoryRevision 1.1Jun, 2021•Updated the title of AN335.•Replaced the AN144 with the AN721.•Updated Figure 3.2.Revision 1.0August, 2018•Converted to new Appnote format.•Updated screenshots to match the current release of the customization tool.•Added references to CP2130 driver.•Updated Windows versions to currently supported versions 7/8/8.1/10.•Updated references to USBXpress drivers to mention the current name "Direct Access Drivers."•Added EFM8UBx devices to supported device list.Revision 0.7•Added CP2108 to Relevant Devices list.Revision 0.6•Added support for C8051F38x, C8051T32x, and C8051T62x devices.•Updated Figures 1 through 12.Revision 0.5•Added support for CP2104 and CP2105.•Added support for Windows 7.•Updated all screen shots of the AN220 software.•Updated explanations of AN220 software.Revision 0.4•Updated diagrams and wording to reflect 4.1 and later versions of the Custom Driver Wizard.•Updated to include documented support of C8051F34x devices.•Updated to reflect Vista support.Revision 0.3•Updated figures and customization description to reflect version 3.4 and later of the Custom Driver Wizard.•Removed USBXpress specific customization description. Version 3.4 and later contains the same process for customizing both VCP and USBXpress driver installations.•Removed preinstaller explanations and added descriptions on how the new Driver Installer is used.Revision 0.2•Added CP2103 to Relevant Devices on page 1.Revision 0.1•Initial revision.Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USAIoT Portfolio/IoTSW/HW/simplicityQuality /qualitySupport & Community/communityDisclaimerSilicon Labs intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software imple-menters using or intending to use the Silicon Labs products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and “Typical” parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Labs reserves the right to make changes without further notice to the product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Without prior notification, Silicon Labs may update product firmware during the manufacturing process for security or reliability reasons. Such changes will not alter the specifications or the performance of the product. Silicon Labs shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the infor -mation supplied in this document. This document does not imply or expressly grant any license to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products are not designed or authorized to be used within any FDA Class III devices, applications for which FDA premarket approval is required or Life Support Systems without the specific written consent of Silicon Labs. A “Life Support System” is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Labs products are not designed or authorized for military applications. Silicon Labs products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons. Silicon Labs disclaims all express and implied warranties and shall not be responsible or liable for any injuries or damages related to use of a Silicon Labs product in such unauthorized applications. Note: This content may contain offensive terminology that is now obsolete. Silicon Labs is replacing these terms with inclusive language wherever possible. For more information, visit /about-us/inclusive-lexicon-projectTrademark InformationSilicon Laboratories Inc.®, Silicon Laboratories ®, Silicon Labs ®, SiLabs ® and the Silicon Labs logo ®, Bluegiga ®, Bluegiga Logo ®, Clockbuilder ®, CMEMS ®, DSPLL ®, EFM ®, EFM32®, EFR, Ember ®, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, “the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers”, Ember ®, EZLink ®, EZRadio ®, EZRadioPRO ®, Gecko ®, Gecko OS, Gecko OS Studio, ISOmodem ®, Precision32®, ProSLIC ®, Simplicity Studio ®, SiPHY ®, Telegesis, the Telegesis Logo ®, USBXpress ® , Zentri, the Zentri logo and Zentri DMS, Z-Wave ®, and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Labs. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Hold-ings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders.。
Windows下的USB驱动程序 简单框架
![Windows下的USB驱动程序 简单框架](
设备非自然弹出 USB设备对应操作
来自: 即插即用管理器
USB设备读写 USB设备热插拔 USB设备初始化
பைடு நூலகம்
Windows下的USB驱动程序 简单框架
a 尽快结束IRP并逐个取消掉 b 标记设备扩展当前状态为“停止”
设备关闭前 USB驱动程序对应操作
a 强迫结束并取消 所有未完成的读写IRP b 标记设备状态为被拔掉
设备正常弹出前 USB驱动程序对应操作
a 强迫结束并取消 所有未完成的读写IRP b 标记设备状态为被拔掉
USB物理总线驱动(PDO) 解释 转化 请求
USB Host 或 USB Hub驱动
PDO完成了大部分工作, 封装了USB协议细节
描述处理事务(Transaction)的端点 接口描述符
自下而上 (除端点描述符 可以为0个之外)
设置 IRP_MJ_READ / IRP_MJ_WRITE 派遣函数 调用 API 进行 ReadFile / WriteFile
驱动程序 应用程序
Ln x g iu  ̄ 动程序 的架构 , 分析 了US B设备 的用途与角 色, 出 了US 给 B程序 的设计 和开发 实现 。
关键词 :Ln x i ;US u B;设备 ;驱动程序 ;程序设 计 中图分类号 : P 1 T 39 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 :0 6 8 2 (0 1 O — 7 0 1 0 — 2 8 2 1 )7 3 — 2
究了 US B驱动程序的实现技术 。
每 次只能有 一个配 置是可 用的 , 而一旦 该配置 激活 , 的接 里面
口和端 口就 都可 以同时使 用 。主机 根据 设备发过 来的描述 符
1 Ln x 动 程序 基础 iu 驱
设备驱动程序是 操作系统 内核和机器 硬件之间 的接 口, 为
中来判 断用的是哪个配置或 哪个 接 口等等 , 而这些描述字 符通
点, 已被广泛应用在 P C机及嵌入式 系统上 。
般称作 为缺 省管道 。对于 同样性质 的一组 端 口的组 合叫作
在已经研制的家庭网关中,P C U通过自带的U B S 接口控制 接 口, 如果—个设备包含不 止 —个接 口, 就可以称之为复合设备。 U B设备 。本 文介 绍了 Lnx S i 驱动 程序的架构 和总线 , 点研 u 重 同理 , 于同样类型 的接 口的组合可 以称之 为配置。但是 对
对设备进行初始化, 使设备投入运行和退出服务; 把数据从内核 主机用主, 副协议来 与外 部U B设备通讯 。U B上的通汛主要 S S 传送到设备和从设备接受数据; 检测和处理设备出现的错误等 。 两个方 向进行 : 一个是 主机 到设备的下行方 向 ,一个是设备到
Lnx 统的设 备一般 分为字 符设备 、 设备 和网络 设备 主机的上行方 向 , i 系 u 块 不支持设 备间的直接通 讯。依 靠不同的设备 三种 。字符 设备是 指存取 时没有缓 存的设 备 。块 设备 的读 写 类 型 , S U B主 要 有 四 种 数 据 传 输 方 式 : 制 ( n o) 中断 : 控 c t 1、 or
事实上,本实验开发的驱动程序应该能够适用于所有基于Bulkonly传输协议的USB大容量存储设备(USB Mass Storage),比如USB移动硬盘和USB外置光驱,USB闪存盘(U 盘)只是其中的一种。
实验基础和思路在教材中P130,讲解了如何编写一个Ramdisk块设备驱动程序(sbull.c),称为radimo;在文献《Linux Device Drivers》讲解了如何编写一个USB设备驱动程序,并以Linux源代码中的usb-skeleton.c为例。
int result = usb_register(&usb_kbd_driver);/*注册USB键盘驱动*/
if (result == 0) /*注册失败*/
return result;
7. 编写模块卸载函数(每个驱动都会有一个卸载函数,由 module_exit 调用):
/*若同时只按下1个按键则在第[2]个字节,若同时有两个按键则第二个在第[3]字节,类推最多 可有6个按键同时按下*/ for (i = 2; i < 8; i++) { /*获取键盘离开的中断*/
if (kbd->old[i] > 3 && memscan(kbd->new + 2, kbd->old[i], 6) == kbd->new + 8) {/* 同时没有该KEY的按下状态*/
if (usb_kbd_keycode[kbd->old[i]]) {
input_report_key(kbd->dev, usb_kbd_keycode[kbd->old[i]], 0); } else
info("Unknown key (scancode %#x) released.", kbd->old[i]); }
/* Terminating entry */
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (usb, usb_kbd_id_table);/*指定设备 ID 表*/
4. 定义 USB 键盘结构体:
/** $Id: usbkbd.c,v 1.27 2001/12/27 10:37:41 vojtech Exp $** Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Vojtech Pavlik** USB HIDBP Keyboard support*//** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or* (at your option) any later version.** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the* GNU General Public License for more details.** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ** Should you need to contact me, the author, you can do so either by* e-mail - mail your message to <>, or by paper mail:* Vojtech Pavlik, Simunkova 1594, Prague 8, 182 00 Czech Republic*/#include <linux/kernel.h>#include <linux/slab.h>#include <linux/module.h>#include <linux/input.h>#include <linux/init.h>#include <linux/usb.h>#include <linux/usb_input.h>/** Version Information*/#define DRIVER_VERSION ""#define DRIVER_AUTHOR "Vojtech Pavlik <>"#define DRIVER_DESC "USB HID Boot Protocol keyboard driver"#define DRIVER_LICENSE "GPL"MODULE_AUTHOR(DRIVER_AUTHOR);MODULE_DESCRIPTION(DRIVER_DESC);MODULE_LICENSE(DRIVER_LICENSE);static unsigned char usb_kbd_keycode[256] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 30, 48, 46, 32, 18, 33, 34, 35, 23, 36, 37, 38,50, 49, 24, 25, 16, 19, 31, 20, 22, 47, 17, 45, 21, 44, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 28, 1, 14, 15, 57, 12, 13, 26,27, 43, 43, 39, 40, 41, 51, 52, 53, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,65, 66, 67, 68, 87, 88, 99, 70,119,110,102,104,111,107,109,106,105,108,103, 69, 98, 55, 74, 78, 96, 79, 80, 81, 75, 76, 77, 71,72, 73, 82, 83, 86,127,116,117,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193,194,134,138,130,132,128,129,131,137,133,135,136,113, 115,114, 0, 0, 0,121, 0, 89, 93,124, 92, 94, 95, 0, 0, 0,122,123, 90, 91, 85, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 29, 42, 56,125, 97, 54,100,126,164,166,165,163,161,115,114,113,150,158,159,128,136,177,178,176,142,152,173,140};struct usb_kbd {struct input_dev *dev;struct usb_device *usbdev;unsigned char old[8];struct urb *irq, *led;unsigned char newleds;char name[128];char phys[64];unsigned char *new;struct usb_ctrlrequest *cr;unsigned char *leds;dma_addr_t cr_dma;dma_addr_t new_dma;dma_addr_t leds_dma;};static void usb_kbd_irq(struct urb *urb, struct pt_regs *regs){struct usb_kbd *kbd = urb->context;int i;switch (urb->status) {case 0: /* success */break;case -ECONNRESET: /* unlink */case -ENOENT:case -ESHUTDOWN:return;/* -EPIPE: should clear the halt */default: /* error */goto resubmit;}input_regs(kbd->dev, regs);for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)input_report_key(kbd->dev, usb_kbd_keycode[i + 224], (kbd->new[0] >> i) & 1);for (i = 2; i < 8; i++) {if (kbd->old[i] > 3 && memscan(kbd->new + 2, kbd->old[i], 6) == kbd->new + 8) { if (usb_kbd_keycode[kbd->old[i]])input_report_key(kbd->dev, usb_kbd_keycode[kbd->old[i]], 0);elseinfo("Unknown key (scancode %#x) released.", kbd->old[i]);}if (kbd->new[i] > 3 && memscan(kbd->old + 2, kbd->new[i], 6) == kbd->old + 8) { if (usb_kbd_keycode[kbd->new[i]])input_report_key(kbd->dev, usb_kbd_keycode[kbd->new[i]], 1);elseinfo("Unknown key (scancode %#x) pressed.", kbd->new[i]);}}input_sync(kbd->dev);memcpy(kbd->old, kbd->new, 8);resubmit:i = usb_submit_urb (urb, SLAB_ATOMIC);if (i)err ("can't resubmit intr, %s-%s/input0, status %d",kbd->usbdev->bus->bus_name,kbd->usbdev->devpath, i);}static int usb_kbd_event(struct input_dev *dev, unsigned int type,unsigned int code, int value){struct usb_kbd *kbd = dev->private;if (type != EV_LED)return -1;kbd->newleds = (!!test_bit(LED_KANA, dev->led) << 3) | (!!test_bit(LED_COMPOSE, dev->led) << 3) |(!!test_bit(LED_SCROLLL, dev->led) << 2) | (!!test_bit(LED_CAPSL, dev->led) << 1) |(!!test_bit(LED_NUML, dev->led));if (kbd->led->status == -EINPROGRESS)return 0;if (*(kbd->leds) == kbd->newleds)return 0;*(kbd->leds) = kbd->newleds;kbd->led->dev = kbd->usbdev;if (usb_submit_urb(kbd->led, GFP_ATOMIC))err("usb_submit_urb(leds) failed");return 0;}static void usb_kbd_led(struct urb *urb, struct pt_regs *regs){struct usb_kbd *kbd = urb->context;if (urb->status)warn("led urb status %d received", urb->status);if (*(kbd->leds) == kbd->newleds)return;*(kbd->leds) = kbd->newleds;kbd->led->dev = kbd->usbdev;if (usb_submit_urb(kbd->led, GFP_ATOMIC))err("usb_submit_urb(leds) failed");}static int usb_kbd_open(struct input_dev *dev){struct usb_kbd *kbd = dev->private;kbd->irq->dev = kbd->usbdev;if (usb_submit_urb(kbd->irq, GFP_KERNEL))return -EIO;return 0;}static void usb_kbd_close(struct input_dev *dev){struct usb_kbd *kbd = dev->private;usb_kill_urb(kbd->irq);}static int usb_kbd_alloc_mem(struct usb_device *dev, struct usb_kbd *kbd){if (!(kbd->irq = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL)))return -1;if (!(kbd->led = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL)))return -1;if (!(kbd->new = usb_buffer_alloc(dev, 8, SLAB_ATOMIC, &kbd->new_dma)))return -1;if (!(kbd->cr = usb_buffer_alloc(dev, sizeof(struct usb_ctrlrequest), SLAB_ATOMIC, &kbd->cr_dma)))return -1;if (!(kbd->leds = usb_buffer_alloc(dev, 1, SLAB_ATOMIC, &kbd->leds_dma)))return -1;return 0;}static void usb_kbd_free_mem(struct usb_device *dev, struct usb_kbd *kbd){if (kbd->irq)usb_free_urb(kbd->irq);if (kbd->led)usb_free_urb(kbd->led);if (kbd->new)usb_buffer_free(dev, 8, kbd->new, kbd->new_dma);if (kbd->cr)usb_buffer_free(dev, sizeof(struct usb_ctrlrequest), kbd->cr, kbd->cr_dma);if (kbd->leds)usb_buffer_free(dev, 1, kbd->leds, kbd->leds_dma);}static int usb_kbd_probe(struct usb_interface *iface,const struct usb_device_id *id){struct usb_device *dev = interface_to_usbdev(iface);struct usb_host_interface *interface;struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *endpoint;struct usb_kbd *kbd;struct input_dev *input_dev;int i, pipe, maxp;interface = iface->cur_altsetting;if (interface->desc.bNumEndpoints != 1)return -ENODEV;endpoint = &interface->endpoint[0].desc;if (!(endpoint->bEndpointAddress & USB_DIR_IN))return -ENODEV;if ((endpoint->bmAttributes & USB_ENDPOINT_XFERTYPE_MASK) != USB_ENDPOINT_XFER_INT)return -ENODEV;pipe = usb_rcvintpipe(dev, endpoint->bEndpointAddress);maxp = usb_maxpacket(dev, pipe, usb_pipeout(pipe));kbd = kzalloc(sizeof(struct usb_kbd), GFP_KERNEL);input_dev = input_allocate_device();if (!kbd || !input_dev)goto fail1;if (usb_kbd_alloc_mem(dev, kbd))goto fail2;kbd->usbdev = dev;kbd->dev = input_dev;if (dev->manufacturer)strlcpy(kbd->name, dev->manufacturer, sizeof(kbd->name));if (dev->product) {if (dev->manufacturer)strlcat(kbd->name, " ", sizeof(kbd->name));strlcat(kbd->name, dev->product, sizeof(kbd->name));}if (!strlen(kbd->name))snprintf(kbd->name, sizeof(kbd->name),"USB HIDBP Keyboard %04x:%04x",le16_to_cpu(dev->descriptor.idVendor),le16_to_cpu(dev->descriptor.idProduct));usb_make_path(dev, kbd->phys, sizeof(kbd->phys));strlcpy(kbd->phys, "/input0", sizeof(kbd->phys));input_dev->name = kbd->name;input_dev->phys = kbd->phys;usb_to_input_id(dev, &input_dev->id);input_dev-> = &iface->dev;input_dev->private = kbd;input_dev->evbit[0] = BIT(EV_KEY) | BIT(EV_LED) | BIT(EV_REP);input_dev->ledbit[0] = BIT(LED_NUML) | BIT(LED_CAPSL) | BIT(LED_SCROLLL) | BIT(LED_COMPOSE) | BIT(LED_KANA);for (i = 0; i < 255; i++)set_bit(usb_kbd_keycode[i], input_dev->keybit);clear_bit(0, input_dev->keybit);input_dev->event = usb_kbd_event;input_dev->open = usb_kbd_open;input_dev->close = usb_kbd_close;usb_fill_int_urb(kbd->irq, dev, pipe,kbd->new, (maxp > 8 ? 8 : maxp),usb_kbd_irq, kbd, endpoint->bInterval);kbd->irq->transfer_dma = kbd->new_dma;kbd->irq->transfer_flags |= URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP;kbd->cr->bRequestType = USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE;kbd->cr->bRequest = 0x09;kbd->cr->wValue = cpu_to_le16(0x200);kbd->cr->wIndex = cpu_to_le16(interface->desc.bInterfaceNumber);kbd->cr->wLength = cpu_to_le16(1);usb_fill_control_urb(kbd->led, dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(dev, 0),(void *) kbd->cr, kbd->leds, 1,usb_kbd_led, kbd);kbd->led->setup_dma = kbd->cr_dma;kbd->led->transfer_dma = kbd->leds_dma;kbd->led->transfer_flags |= (URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP | URB_NO_SETUP_DMA_MAP);input_register_device(kbd->dev);usb_set_intfdata(iface, kbd);return 0;fail2:usb_kbd_free_mem(dev, kbd);fail1:input_free_device(input_dev);kfree(kbd);return -ENOMEM;}static void usb_kbd_disconnect(struct usb_interface *intf){struct usb_kbd *kbd = usb_get_intfdata (intf);usb_set_intfdata(intf, NULL);if (kbd) {usb_kill_urb(kbd->irq);input_unregister_device(kbd->dev);usb_kbd_free_mem(interface_to_usbdev(intf), kbd);kfree(kbd);}}static struct usb_device_id usb_kbd_id_table [] = {{ USB_INTERFACE_INFO(3, 1, 1) },{ } /* Terminating entry */};MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (usb, usb_kbd_id_table);static struct usb_driver usb_kbd_driver = {.name = "usbkbd",.probe = usb_kbd_probe,.disconnect = usb_kbd_disconnect,.id_table = usb_kbd_id_table,};static int __init usb_kbd_init(void){int result = usb_register(&usb_kbd_driver);if (result == 0)info(DRIVER_VERSION ":" DRIVER_DESC);return result;}static void __exit usb_kbd_exit(void){usb_deregister(&usb_kbd_driver);}module_init(usb_kbd_init);module_exit(usb_kbd_exit);。
usb 转串口驱动程序
![usb 转串口驱动程序](
* Prolific PL2303 USB to serial adaptor driver** Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Greg Kroah-Hartman (greg@)* Copyright (C) 2003 IBM Corp.** Original driver for 2.2.x by anonymous** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version * 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.** See Documentation/usb/usb-serial.txt for more information on using this * driver**/#include <linux/kernel.h>#include <linux/errno.h>#include <linux/init.h>#include <linux/slab.h>#include <linux/tty.h>#include <linux/tty_driver.h>#include <linux/tty_flip.h>#include <linux/serial.h>#include <linux/module.h>#include <linux/moduleparam.h>#include <linux/spinlock.h>#include <linux/uaccess.h>#include <linux/usb.h>#include <linux/usb/serial.h>#include "pl2303.h"/** Version Information*/#define DRIVER_DESC "Prolific PL2303 USB to serial adaptor driver"static int debug;#define PL2303_CLOSING_WAIT (30*HZ)#define PL2303_BUF_SIZE 1024#define PL2303_TMP_BUF_SIZE 1024struct pl2303_buf {unsigned int buf_size;char *buf_buf;char *buf_get;char *buf_put;};static struct usb_device_id id_table [] = {{ USB_DEVICE(PL2303_VENDOR_ID, PL2303_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(PL2303_VENDOR_ID, PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_RSAQ2) },{ USB_DEVICE(PL2303_VENDOR_ID, PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_DCU11) },{ USB_DEVICE(PL2303_VENDOR_ID, PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_RSAQ3) },{ USB_DEVICE(PL2303_VENDOR_ID, PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_PHAROS) },{ USB_DEVICE(PL2303_VENDOR_ID, PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_ALDIGA) },{ USB_DEVICE(PL2303_VENDOR_ID, PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_MMX) },{ USB_DEVICE(PL2303_VENDOR_ID, PL2303_PRODUCT_ID_GPRS) },{ USB_DEVICE(IODATA_VENDOR_ID, IODATA_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(IODATA_VENDOR_ID, IODATA_PRODUCT_ID_RSAQ5) },{ USB_DEVICE(ATEN_VENDOR_ID, ATEN_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(ATEN_VENDOR_ID2, ATEN_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(ELCOM_VENDOR_ID, ELCOM_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(ELCOM_VENDOR_ID, ELCOM_PRODUCT_ID_UCSGT) },{ USB_DEVICE(ITEGNO_VENDOR_ID, ITEGNO_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(ITEGNO_VENDOR_ID, ITEGNO_PRODUCT_ID_2080) },{ USB_DEVICE(MA620_VENDOR_ID, MA620_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(RATOC_VENDOR_ID, RATOC_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(TRIPP_VENDOR_ID, TRIPP_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(RADIOSHACK_VENDOR_ID, RADIOSHACK_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(DCU10_VENDOR_ID, DCU10_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(SITECOM_VENDOR_ID, SITECOM_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(ALCATEL_VENDOR_ID, ALCATEL_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(SAMSUNG_VENDOR_ID, SAMSUNG_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(SIEMENS_VENDOR_ID, SIEMENS_PRODUCT_ID_SX1) },{ USB_DEVICE(SIEMENS_VENDOR_ID, SIEMENS_PRODUCT_ID_X65) },{ USB_DEVICE(SIEMENS_VENDOR_ID, SIEMENS_PRODUCT_ID_X75) },{ USB_DEVICE(SIEMENS_VENDOR_ID, SIEMENS_PRODUCT_ID_EF81) },{ USB_DEVICE(SYNTECH_VENDOR_ID, SYNTECH_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(NOKIA_CA42_VENDOR_ID, NOKIA_CA42_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(CA_42_CA42_VENDOR_ID, CA_42_CA42_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(SAGEM_VENDOR_ID, SAGEM_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(LEADTEK_VENDOR_ID, LEADTEK_9531_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(SPEEDDRAGON_VENDOR_ID, SPEEDDRAGON_PRODUCT_ID) }, { USB_DEVICE(DATAPILOT_U2_VENDOR_ID, DATAPILOT_U2_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(BELKIN_VENDOR_ID, BELKIN_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(ALCOR_VENDOR_ID, ALCOR_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(WS002IN_VENDOR_ID, WS002IN_PRODUCT_ID) }, { USB_DEVICE(COREGA_VENDOR_ID, COREGA_PRODUCT_ID) },{ USB_DEVICE(YCCABLE_VENDOR_ID, YCCABLE_PRODUCT_ID) }, { USB_DEVICE(SUPERIAL_VENDOR_ID, SUPERIAL_PRODUCT_ID) }, { USB_DEVICE(HP_VENDOR_ID, HP_LD220_PRODUCT_ID) },{ } /* Terminating entry */};MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(usb, id_table);static struct usb_driver pl2303_driver = {.name = "pl2303",.probe = usb_serial_probe,.disconnect = usb_serial_disconnect,.id_table = id_table,.suspend = usb_serial_suspend,.resume = usb_serial_resume,.no_dynamic_id = 1,.supports_autosuspend = 1,};#define SET_LINE_REQUEST_TYPE 0x21#define SET_LINE_REQUEST 0x20#define SET_CONTROL_REQUEST_TYPE 0x21#define SET_CONTROL_REQUEST 0x22#define CONTROL_DTR 0x01#define CONTROL_RTS 0x02#define BREAK_REQUEST_TYPE 0x21#define BREAK_REQUEST 0x23#define BREAK_ON 0xffff#define BREAK_OFF 0x0000#define GET_LINE_REQUEST_TYPE 0xa1#define GET_LINE_REQUEST 0x21#define VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST_TYPE 0x40#define VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST 0x01#define VENDOR_READ_REQUEST_TYPE 0xc0#define VENDOR_READ_REQUEST 0x01#define UART_STATE 0x08#define UART_STATE_TRANSIENT_MASK 0x74#define UART_DCD 0x01#define UART_DSR 0x02#define UART_BREAK_ERROR 0x04#define UART_RING 0x08#define UART_FRAME_ERROR 0x10#define UART_PARITY_ERROR 0x20#define UART_OVERRUN_ERROR 0x40#define UART_CTS 0x80enum pl2303_type {type_0, /* don't know the difference between type 0 and */ type_1, /* type 1, until someone from prolific tells us... */HX, /* HX version of the pl2303 chip */};struct pl2303_private {spinlock_t lock;struct pl2303_buf *buf;int write_urb_in_use;wait_queue_head_t delta_msr_wait;u8 line_control;u8 line_status;enum pl2303_type type;};/** pl2303_buf_alloc** Allocate a circular buffer and all associated memory.*/static struct pl2303_buf *pl2303_buf_alloc(unsigned int size){struct pl2303_buf *pb;if (size == 0)return NULL;pb = kmalloc(sizeof(struct pl2303_buf), GFP_KERNEL);if (pb == NULL)return NULL;pb->buf_buf = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);if (pb->buf_buf == NULL) {kfree(pb);return NULL;}pb->buf_size = size;pb->buf_get = pb->buf_put = pb->buf_buf;return pb;}/** pl2303_buf_free** Free the buffer and all associated memory.*/static void pl2303_buf_free(struct pl2303_buf *pb){if (pb) {kfree(pb->buf_buf);kfree(pb);}}/** pl2303_buf_clear** Clear out all data in the circular buffer.*/static void pl2303_buf_clear(struct pl2303_buf *pb){if (pb != NULL)pb->buf_get = pb->buf_put;/* equivalent to a get of all data available */}/** pl2303_buf_data_avail** Return the number of bytes of data available in the circular * buffer.*/static unsigned int pl2303_buf_data_avail(struct pl2303_buf *pb){if (pb == NULL)return 0;return (pb->buf_size + pb->buf_put - pb->buf_get) % pb->buf_size;}/** pl2303_buf_space_avail** Return the number of bytes of space available in the circular* buffer.*/static unsigned int pl2303_buf_space_avail(struct pl2303_buf *pb){if (pb == NULL)return 0;return (pb->buf_size + pb->buf_get - pb->buf_put - 1) % pb->buf_size; }/** pl2303_buf_put** Copy data data from a user buffer and put it into the circular buffer.* Restrict to the amount of space available.** Return the number of bytes copied.*/static unsigned int pl2303_buf_put(struct pl2303_buf *pb, const char *buf,unsigned int count){unsigned int len;if (pb == NULL)return 0;len = pl2303_buf_space_avail(pb);if (count > len)count = len;if (count == 0)return 0;len = pb->buf_buf + pb->buf_size - pb->buf_put;if (count > len) {memcpy(pb->buf_put, buf, len);memcpy(pb->buf_buf, buf+len, count - len);pb->buf_put = pb->buf_buf + count - len;} else {memcpy(pb->buf_put, buf, count);if (count < len)pb->buf_put += count;else /* count == len */pb->buf_put = pb->buf_buf;}return count;}/** pl2303_buf_get** Get data from the circular buffer and copy to the given buffer.* Restrict to the amount of data available.** Return the number of bytes copied.*/static unsigned int pl2303_buf_get(struct pl2303_buf *pb, char *buf,unsigned int count){unsigned int len;if (pb == NULL)return 0;len = pl2303_buf_data_avail(pb);if (count > len)count = len;if (count == 0)return 0;len = pb->buf_buf + pb->buf_size - pb->buf_get;if (count > len) {memcpy(buf, pb->buf_get, len);memcpy(buf+len, pb->buf_buf, count - len);pb->buf_get = pb->buf_buf + count - len;} else {memcpy(buf, pb->buf_get, count);if (count < len)pb->buf_get += count;else /* count == len */pb->buf_get = pb->buf_buf;}return count;}static int pl2303_vendor_read(__u16 value, __u16 index,struct usb_serial *serial, unsigned char *buf){int res = usb_control_msg(serial->dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(serial->dev, 0), VENDOR_READ_REQUEST, VENDOR_READ_REQUEST_TYPE,value, index, buf, 1, 100);dbg("0x%x:0x%x:0x%x:0x%x %d - %x", VENDOR_READ_REQUEST_TYPE, VENDOR_READ_REQUEST, value, index, res, buf[0]);return res;}static int pl2303_vendor_write(__u16 value, __u16 index,struct usb_serial *serial){int res = usb_control_msg(serial->dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(serial->dev, 0), VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST, VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST_TYPE,value, index, NULL, 0, 100);dbg("0x%x:0x%x:0x%x:0x%x %d", VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST_TYPE, VENDOR_WRITE_REQUEST, value, index, res);return res;}static int pl2303_startup(struct usb_serial *serial){struct pl2303_private *priv;enum pl2303_type type = type_0;unsigned char *buf;int i;buf = kmalloc(10, GFP_KERNEL);if (buf == NULL)return -ENOMEM;if (serial->dev->descriptor.bDeviceClass == 0x02)type = type_0;else if (serial->dev->descriptor.bMaxPacketSize0 == 0x40) type = HX;else if (serial->dev->descriptor.bDeviceClass == 0x00) type = type_1;else if (serial->dev->descriptor.bDeviceClass == 0xFF) type = type_1;dbg("device type: %d", type);for (i = 0; i < serial->num_ports; ++i) {priv = kzalloc(sizeof(struct pl2303_private), GFP_KERNEL);if (!priv)goto cleanup;spin_lock_init(&priv->lock);priv->buf = pl2303_buf_alloc(PL2303_BUF_SIZE);if (priv->buf == NULL) {kfree(priv);goto cleanup;}init_waitqueue_head(&priv->delta_msr_wait);priv->type = type;usb_set_serial_port_data(serial->port[i], priv);}pl2303_vendor_read(0x8484, 0, serial, buf);pl2303_vendor_write(0x0404, 0, serial);pl2303_vendor_read(0x8484, 0, serial, buf);pl2303_vendor_read(0x8383, 0, serial, buf);pl2303_vendor_read(0x8484, 0, serial, buf);pl2303_vendor_write(0x0404, 1, serial);pl2303_vendor_read(0x8484, 0, serial, buf);pl2303_vendor_read(0x8383, 0, serial, buf);pl2303_vendor_write(0, 1, serial);pl2303_vendor_write(1, 0, serial);if (type == HX)pl2303_vendor_write(2, 0x44, serial);elsepl2303_vendor_write(2, 0x24, serial);kfree(buf);return 0;cleanup:kfree(buf);for (--i; i >= 0; --i) {priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(serial->port[i]);pl2303_buf_free(priv->buf);kfree(priv);usb_set_serial_port_data(serial->port[i], NULL);}return -ENOMEM;}static int set_control_lines(struct usb_device *dev, u8 value){int retval;retval = usb_control_msg(dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(dev, 0),SET_CONTROL_REQUEST, SET_CONTROL_REQUEST_TYPE,value, 0, NULL, 0, 100);dbg("%s - value = %d, retval = %d", __func__, value, retval);return retval;}static void pl2303_send(struct usb_serial_port *port){int count, result;struct pl2303_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);unsigned long flags;dbg("%s - port %d", __func__, port->number);spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);if (priv->write_urb_in_use) {spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);return;}count = pl2303_buf_get(priv->buf, port->write_urb->transfer_buffer,port->bulk_out_size);if (count == 0) {spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);return;}priv->write_urb_in_use = 1;spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);usb_serial_debug_data(debug, &port->dev, __func__, count,port->write_urb->transfer_buffer);port->write_urb->transfer_buffer_length = count;port->write_urb->dev = port->serial->dev;result = usb_submit_urb(port->write_urb, GFP_ATOMIC);if (result) {dev_err(&port->dev, "%s - failed submitting write urb,"" error %d\n", __func__, result);priv->write_urb_in_use = 0;/* TODO: reschedule pl2303_send */}usb_serial_port_softint(port);}static int pl2303_write(struct tty_struct *tty, struct usb_serial_port *port,const unsigned char *buf, int count){struct pl2303_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);unsigned long flags;dbg("%s - port %d, %d bytes", __func__, port->number, count);if (!count)return count;spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);count = pl2303_buf_put(priv->buf, buf, count);spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);pl2303_send(port);return count;}static int pl2303_write_room(struct tty_struct *tty){struct usb_serial_port *port = tty->driver_data;struct pl2303_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);int room = 0;unsigned long flags;dbg("%s - port %d", __func__, port->number);spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);room = pl2303_buf_space_avail(priv->buf);spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);dbg("%s - returns %d", __func__, room);return room;}static int pl2303_chars_in_buffer(struct tty_struct *tty){struct usb_serial_port *port = tty->driver_data;struct pl2303_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);int chars = 0;unsigned long flags;dbg("%s - port %d", __func__, port->number);spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);chars = pl2303_buf_data_avail(priv->buf);spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);dbg("%s - returns %d", __func__, chars);return chars;}static void pl2303_set_termios(struct tty_struct *tty,struct usb_serial_port *port, struct ktermios *old_termios) {struct usb_serial *serial = port->serial;struct pl2303_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);unsigned long flags;unsigned int cflag;unsigned char *buf;int baud;int i;u8 control;dbg("%s - port %d", __func__, port->number);/* The PL2303 is reported to lose bytes if you change serial settings even to the same values as before. Thuswe actually need to filter in this specific case */if (!tty_termios_hw_change(tty->termios, old_termios)) return;cflag = tty->termios->c_cflag;buf = kzalloc(7, GFP_KERNEL);if (!buf) {dev_err(&port->dev, "%s - out of memory.\n", __func__);/* Report back no change occurred */*tty->termios = *old_termios;return;}i = usb_control_msg(serial->dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(serial->dev, 0),GET_LINE_REQUEST, GET_LINE_REQUEST_TYPE,0, 0, buf, 7, 100);dbg("0xa1:0x21:0:0 %d - %x %x %x %x %x %x %x", i, buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4], buf[5], buf[6]);if (cflag & CSIZE) {switch (cflag & CSIZE) {case CS5:buf[6] = 5;break;case CS6:buf[6] = 6;break;case CS7:buf[6] = 7;break;default:case CS8:buf[6] = 8;break;}dbg("%s - data bits = %d", __func__, buf[6]);}baud = tty_get_baud_rate(tty);dbg("%s - baud = %d", __func__, baud);if (baud) {buf[0] = baud & 0xff;buf[1] = (baud >> 8) & 0xff;buf[2] = (baud >> 16) & 0xff;buf[3] = (baud >> 24) & 0xff;}/* For reference buf[4]=0 is 1 stop bits *//* For reference buf[4]=1 is 1.5 stop bits *//* For reference buf[4]=2 is 2 stop bits */if (cflag & CSTOPB) {buf[4] = 2;dbg("%s - stop bits = 2", __func__);} else {buf[4] = 0;dbg("%s - stop bits = 1", __func__);}if (cflag & PARENB) {/* For reference buf[5]=0 is none parity *//* For reference buf[5]=1 is odd parity *//* For reference buf[5]=2 is even parity *//* For reference buf[5]=3 is mark parity *//* For reference buf[5]=4 is space parity */if (cflag & PARODD) {buf[5] = 1;dbg("%s - parity = odd", __func__);} else {buf[5] = 2;dbg("%s - parity = even", __func__);}} else {buf[5] = 0;dbg("%s - parity = none", __func__);}i = usb_control_msg(serial->dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(serial->dev, 0),SET_LINE_REQUEST, SET_LINE_REQUEST_TYPE,0, 0, buf, 7, 100);dbg("0x21:0x20:0:0 %d", i);/* change control lines if we are switching to or from B0 */ spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);control = priv->line_control;if ((cflag & CBAUD) == B0)priv->line_control &= ~(CONTROL_DTR | CONTROL_RTS);elsepriv->line_control |= (CONTROL_DTR | CONTROL_RTS);if (control != priv->line_control) {control = priv->line_control;spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);set_control_lines(serial->dev, control);} else {spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);}buf[0] = buf[1] = buf[2] = buf[3] = buf[4] = buf[5] = buf[6] = 0;i = usb_control_msg(serial->dev, usb_rcvctrlpipe(serial->dev, 0),GET_LINE_REQUEST, GET_LINE_REQUEST_TYPE,0, 0, buf, 7, 100);dbg("0xa1:0x21:0:0 %d - %x %x %x %x %x %x %x", i,buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4], buf[5], buf[6]);if (cflag & CRTSCTS) {if (priv->type == HX)pl2303_vendor_write(0x0, 0x61, serial);elsepl2303_vendor_write(0x0, 0x41, serial);} else {pl2303_vendor_write(0x0, 0x0, serial);}/* FIXME: Need to read back resulting baud rate */if (baud)tty_encode_baud_rate(tty, baud, baud);kfree(buf);}static void pl2303_close(struct tty_struct *tty,struct usb_serial_port *port, struct file *filp){struct pl2303_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);unsigned long flags;unsigned int c_cflag;int bps;long timeout;wait_queue_t wait;dbg("%s - port %d", __func__, port->number);/* wait for data to drain from the buffer */spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);timeout = PL2303_CLOSING_WAIT;init_waitqueue_entry(&wait, current);add_wait_queue(&tty->write_wait, &wait);for (;;) {set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);if (pl2303_buf_data_avail(priv->buf) == 0 ||timeout == 0 || signal_pending(current) ||port->serial->disconnected)break;spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);timeout = schedule_timeout(timeout);spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);}set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);remove_wait_queue(&tty->write_wait, &wait);/* clear out any remaining data in the buffer */pl2303_buf_clear(priv->buf);spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);/* wait for characters to drain from the device *//* (this is long enough for the entire 256 byte *//* pl2303 hardware buffer to drain with no flow *//* control for data rates of 1200 bps or more, *//* for lower rates we should really know how much */ /* data is in the buffer to compute a delay *//* that is not unnecessarily long) */bps = tty_get_baud_rate(tty);if (bps > 1200)timeout = max((HZ*2560)/bps, HZ/10);elsetimeout = 2*HZ;schedule_timeout_interruptible(timeout);/* shutdown our urbs */dbg("%s - shutting down urbs", __func__);usb_kill_urb(port->write_urb);usb_kill_urb(port->read_urb);usb_kill_urb(port->interrupt_in_urb);if (tty) {c_cflag = tty->termios->c_cflag;if (c_cflag & HUPCL) {/* drop DTR and RTS */spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);priv->line_control = 0;spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);set_control_lines(port->serial->dev, 0);}}}static int pl2303_open(struct tty_struct *tty,struct usb_serial_port *port, struct file *filp){struct ktermios tmp_termios;struct usb_serial *serial = port->serial;struct pl2303_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);int result;dbg("%s - port %d", __func__, port->number);if (priv->type != HX) {usb_clear_halt(serial->dev, port->write_urb->pipe);usb_clear_halt(serial->dev, port->read_urb->pipe);} else {/* reset upstream data pipes */pl2303_vendor_write(8, 0, serial);pl2303_vendor_write(9, 0, serial);}/* Setup termios */if (tty)pl2303_set_termios(tty, port, &tmp_termios);/* FIXME: need to assert RTS and DTR if CRTSCTS off */dbg("%s - submitting read urb", __func__);port->read_urb->dev = serial->dev;result = usb_submit_urb(port->read_urb, GFP_KERNEL);if (result) {dev_err(&port->dev, "%s - failed submitting read urb,"" error %d\n", __func__, result);pl2303_close(tty, port, NULL);return -EPROTO;}dbg("%s - submitting interrupt urb", __func__);port->interrupt_in_urb->dev = serial->dev;result = usb_submit_urb(port->interrupt_in_urb, GFP_KERNEL);if (result) {dev_err(&port->dev, "%s - failed submitting interrupt urb,"" error %d\n", __func__, result);pl2303_close(tty, port, NULL);return -EPROTO;}return 0;}static int pl2303_tiocmset(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file,unsigned int set, unsigned int clear){struct usb_serial_port *port = tty->driver_data;struct pl2303_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);unsigned long flags;u8 control;if (!usb_get_intfdata(port->serial->interface))return -ENODEV;spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);if (set & TIOCM_RTS)priv->line_control |= CONTROL_RTS;if (set & TIOCM_DTR)priv->line_control |= CONTROL_DTR;if (clear & TIOCM_RTS)priv->line_control &= ~CONTROL_RTS;if (clear & TIOCM_DTR)priv->line_control &= ~CONTROL_DTR;control = priv->line_control;spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);return set_control_lines(port->serial->dev, control);}static int pl2303_tiocmget(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file){struct usb_serial_port *port = tty->driver_data;struct pl2303_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);unsigned long flags;unsigned int mcr;unsigned int status;unsigned int result;dbg("%s (%d)", __func__, port->number);if (!usb_get_intfdata(port->serial->interface))return -ENODEV;spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);mcr = priv->line_control;status = priv->line_status;spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);result = ((mcr & CONTROL_DTR) ? TIOCM_DTR : 0)| ((mcr & CONTROL_RTS) ? TIOCM_RTS : 0)| ((status & UART_CTS) ? TIOCM_CTS : 0)| ((status & UART_DSR) ? TIOCM_DSR : 0)| ((status & UART_RING) ? TIOCM_RI : 0)| ((status & UART_DCD) ? TIOCM_CD : 0);dbg("%s - result = %x", __func__, result);return result;}static int wait_modem_info(struct usb_serial_port *port, unsigned int arg) {struct pl2303_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);unsigned long flags;unsigned int prevstatus;unsigned int status;unsigned int changed;spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);prevstatus = priv->line_status;spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);while (1) {interruptible_sleep_on(&priv->delta_msr_wait);/* see if a signal did it */if (signal_pending(current))return -ERESTARTSYS;spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);status = priv->line_status;spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);changed = prevstatus ^ status;if (((arg & TIOCM_RNG) && (changed & UART_RING)) || ((arg & TIOCM_DSR) && (changed & UART_DSR)) ||((arg & TIOCM_CD) && (changed & UART_DCD)) ||((arg & TIOCM_CTS) && (changed & UART_CTS))) {return 0;}prevstatus = status;}/* NOTREACHED */return 0;}static int pl2303_ioctl(struct tty_struct *tty, struct file *file,unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg){struct usb_serial_port *port = tty->driver_data;dbg("%s (%d) cmd = 0x%04x", __func__, port->number, cmd);switch (cmd) {case TIOCMIWAIT:dbg("%s (%d) TIOCMIWAIT", __func__, port->number);return wait_modem_info(port, arg);default:dbg("%s not supported = 0x%04x", __func__, cmd);break;}return -ENOIOCTLCMD;}static void pl2303_break_ctl(struct tty_struct *tty, int break_state) {struct usb_serial_port *port = tty->driver_data;struct usb_serial *serial = port->serial;u16 state;int result;dbg("%s - port %d", __func__, port->number);if (break_state == 0)state = BREAK_OFF;elsestate = BREAK_ON;dbg("%s - turning break %s", __func__,state == BREAK_OFF ? "off" : "on");result = usb_control_msg(serial->dev, usb_sndctrlpipe(serial->dev, 0),BREAK_REQUEST, BREAK_REQUEST_TYPE, state,0, NULL, 0, 100);if (result)dbg("%s - error sending break = %d", __func__, result);}static void pl2303_shutdown(struct usb_serial *serial){int i;struct pl2303_private *priv;dbg("%s", __func__);for (i = 0; i < serial->num_ports; ++i) {priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(serial->port[i]);if (priv) {pl2303_buf_free(priv->buf);kfree(priv);usb_set_serial_port_data(serial->port[i], NULL);}}}static void pl2303_update_line_status(struct usb_serial_port *port,unsigned char *data,unsigned int actual_length){struct pl2303_private *priv = usb_get_serial_port_data(port);unsigned long flags;u8 status_idx = UART_STATE;u8 length = UART_STATE + 1;u16 idv, idp;idv = le16_to_cpu(port->serial->dev->descriptor.idVendor);idp = le16_to_cpu(port->serial->dev->descriptor.idProduct);if (idv == SIEMENS_VENDOR_ID) {if (idp == SIEMENS_PRODUCT_ID_X65 ||idp == SIEMENS_PRODUCT_ID_SX1 ||idp == SIEMENS_PRODUCT_ID_X75) {length = 1;status_idx = 0;}}if (actual_length < length)return;/* Save off the uart status for others to look at */spin_lock_irqsave(&priv->lock, flags);priv->line_status = data[status_idx];spin_unlock_irqrestore(&priv->lock, flags);wake_up_interruptible(&priv->delta_msr_wait);}static void pl2303_read_int_callback(struct urb *urb){struct usb_serial_port *port = urb->context;unsigned char *data = urb->transfer_buffer;unsigned int actual_length = urb->actual_length;int status = urb->status;int retval;dbg("%s (%d)", __func__, port->number);switch (status) {case 0:/* success */break;case -ECONNRESET:case -ENOENT:case -ESHUTDOWN:/* this urb is terminated, clean up */。
摘 要 :为 了配 合 US B驱 动 程 序 的 开发 ,首 先 详 细 阐 述 了微 软 所提 倡 的 WDM 驱 动 模 型 。 并 以 L C 3 8为例i 具 包 ,开发 US r rtdo工 v B设 备 驱 动 程 序 的 过程 和 US 驱 动 程 序 的调 用过 程 。利 用 Dr eWok 发 驱 动程 序 B i r rs开 v 快 捷 方便 ,必 将 有 着 广 阔 的应 用 前 景 。 关 键 词 :WDM 驱 动 模 型 ;D DK;Dr eSu i;US 驱 动 i rtdo v B
程 序 负责 的 工 作有 :枚举 总 线 上 的 设 备 ;向操 作 系 统 报 告 总 线上 的动 态事 件 ; 响应 即插 即用 和 电源 管理 的 I /O 请 求 ; 管理 总线上 的设备 。 总线驱动程序创建一个物理设备对象 来 代 表 它 发现 的 设备 。 发 现 总 线 上 的 所 有 设 备 和 检 测 设 备添 即 加 或 者 删 除 ,创 建 物 理 设 备 对 象 P DO; 功能驱动程序 处理 设备 的 I / O请求包 (R ) I P ,负责创 建 功 能设 备对象 F DO; 其 他 层 的 驱 动 程 序 是 一 些 过 滤 程 序 ( ie Dr e) 对 应 的 设 备 对 象 是 过 滤 器 设 备 。 安 装硬 件 Fl r i r, t v
驱 动 程 序 完 成 不 同 的操 作 ,不 同层 之 间 可 以 互 相 调 用 , 在
设备 时操作系 统的即插 即用管理器 按照设备驱 动程序 的要 求构造设备的对象 , 首先是最 底层 的总线驱动程序检测 到实
际 的物 理 设 备 ,创 建 物 理 设 备对 象 P DO,然 后 , 即插 即用 管理器查询注册表 , 按注册表信 息依次 加载过滤驱动程序和
1. 理解USB规范USB规范定义了设备之间的通信协议、设备类型和描述符格式等方面。
2. 选择操作系统平台不同操作系统对USB设备驱动程序的要求有所不同。
3. 设置开发环境设置开发环境包括安装必要的工具和库。
这可能需要安装USB 开发工具包或编译器。
4. 创建USB描述符USB描述符是描述设备功能和配置的数据结构。
5. 实现USB端点USB端点是设备与计算机之间的数据传输通道。
6. 处理USB事件驱动程序需要处理各种USB事件,例如设备插入、拔出和配置更改。
7. 使用USB堆栈操作系统提供USB堆栈,为驱动程序提供与底层USB硬件接口的抽象层。
8. 调试驱动程序调试USB设备驱动程序需要专门的工具和技术。
9. 测试驱动程序在不同环境和条件下全面测试驱动程序至关重要。
10. 提交并分发驱动程序开发完成后,需要向操作系统供应商提交驱动程序以进行认证和分发。
文章编号:1009-8119(2005)04-0040-03基于WDM的USB驱动程序设计赵娟1 仲顺安1 郭磊2(1.北京理工大学信息科学技术学院,北京 1000812.石家庄陆军参谋指挥学院教育技术专业,石家庄 050064)摘要简单介绍了USB的特性。
关键词 USB设备,WDM,操作系统,驱动程序The Implementation of the USB Driver Based on WDMZhao Juan Zhong Shun'an Guo LeiAbstrct The attribute of the USB is descripted in the paper. For developing usb driver, the mechanism of kenerl management and the privilege level of applications in window2000 are introduced in the paper. An example of the driver handling USB transfer programmed by using C++ with the help of the driverstudio is given. Keyword USB device,WDM,OS,Driver1 引言USB,全称是Universal Serial Bus(通用串行总线),它是由Compaq、Microsoft、Intel、IBM等七家公司共同开发的,旨在解决日益增加的PC外设与有限的主板插槽和端口之间的矛盾而制定的一种串行通信的标准,自1995年在Comdex上亮相以来已广泛地为各PC厂家支持。
关键词: WDM、USB总线、驱动程序一, W DM驱动模型介绍为了方便用户进行WINDOWS平台的驱动程序开发,Microsoft于1996年宣布了一种适用于当前广泛使用的WIN2000及WINDOWS XP操作系统的Win32驱动程序模型。
这个驱动模型就是WDM(Windows Driver Model)——WINDOWS驱动模型。
处于堆栈最底层的设备对象称为物理设备对象(physical device object),或简称为PDO。
在设备对象堆栈的中间某处有一个对象称为功能设备对象(functional device object),或简称FDO。
在FDO的上面和下面还会有一些过滤器设备对象(filter device object)。
位于FDO上面的过滤器设备对象称为上层过滤器,位于FDO下面(但仍在PDO 之上)的过滤器设备对象称为下层过滤器。
而且WDM驱动程序还可以支持WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation),通过WMI,用户可以控制驱动程序的某些行为和属性。
usb设备驱动程序usb gadget driver(4)
![usb设备驱动程序usb gadget driver(4)](
USB设备驱动程序-USB Gadget Driver(4) Gadget 功能层Gadget功能层完成USB设备的具体功能,其表现的形式各不相同,如键盘、鼠标、存储和网卡等等。
一、数据结构首先需要实现usb_composite_driver函数集:static structusb_composite_driver zero_driver ={ .name ="zero", .dev =&device_desc, .strings =dev_strings, .bind =zero_bind, .unbind =zero_unbind, .suspend =zero_suspend, .resume =zero_resume, }; 二、主要函数这个模块的实现就是这么简单:static int __init init(void){ returnusb_composite_register(&zero_driver); }module_init(init); static void __exit cleanup(void){ usb_composite_unregister(&zero_driver);} Bind函数是功能层需要实现与设备层关联的重要函数:static int __init zero_bind(struct usb_composite_dev *cdev) { int gcnum;struct usb_gadget *gadget = cdev->gadget; //Gadget设备int id; /* Allocate string descriptor numbers ... note that string * contents can be overridden by the composite_dev glue.*/ /*分配字符串描述符的id,并赋值给设备描述符中字符串索引*/ id = usb_string_id(cdev); strings_dev[STRING_MANUFACTURER_IDX].id = id; device_desc.iManufacturer = id; id =usb_string_id(cdev); istrings_dev[STRING_PRODUCT_IDX].id = id;device_desc.iProduct = id; id =usb_string_id(cdev);strings_dev[STRING_SERIAL_IDX].id = id;device_desc.iSerialNumber = id; /*设置挂起后,设备自动恢复的定时器*/setup_timer(&autoresume_timer, zero_autoresume, (unsigned long) cdev); /*核心代码,实现功能*/ if (loopdefault){ loopback_add(cdev, autoresume != 0); //数据简单回显功能if (!gadget_is_sh(gadget))sourcesink_add(cdev, autoresume != 0); } else{ sourcesink_add(cdev, autoresume != 0); if(!gadget_is_sh(gadget))loopback_add(cdev, autoresume != 0); } /*初始化设备描述符*/ gcnum =usb_gadget_controller_number(gadget); if (gcnum >= 0)device_desc.bcdDevice = cpu_to_le16(0x0200 + gcnum);else { device_desc.bcdDevice = cpu_to_le16(0x9999); } return 0; } /*增加数据简单回显功能*/ int __init loopback_add(struct usb_composite_dev *cdev, bool autoresume) { int id;/*获取字符串描述符id索引*/id = usb_string_id(cdev);strings_loopback[0].id = id;loopback_intf.iInterface = id;loopback_driver.iConfiguration = id;/* support autoresume for remote wakeup testing */if (autoresume)sourcesink_driver.bmAttributes |=USB_CONFIG_ATT_WAKEUP;/* support OTG systems */ if (gadget_is_otg(cdev->gadget)){loopback_driver.descriptors = otg_desc;loopback_driver.bmAttributes |=USB_CONFIG_ATT_WAKEUP;} returnusb_add_config(cdev, &loopback_driver); //增加一个配置} /*loopback配置*/ static struct usb_configuration loopback_driver = { .label = "loopback", .strings = loopback_strings, .bind = loopback_bind_config, .bC onfigurationValue =2, .bmAttributes =USB_CONFIG_ATT_SELFPOWER,/* .iConfiguration = DYNAMIC */ }; 将增加配置的usb_add_config函数中会调用其bind函数,即loopback_bind_config函数,来分配这个配置所需要的资源。
mtb usb驱动程序
![mtb usb驱动程序](
mtb usb驱动程序MTB USB驱动程序摘要本文档介绍了MTB(Mountain Bike)USB驱动程序的基本知识,并提供了相关信息和指导,以帮助用户安装和使用MTB USB驱动程序。
MTB USB驱动程序是一种允许计算机系统与MTB设备之间进行通信的软件。
1. 简介MTB USB驱动程序是一种允许计算机系统与MTB设备进行通信的软件。
MTB USB驱动程序通常由MTB设备制造商提供,并需将其安装在计算机上,以便实现设备与计算机之间的通信。
2. 安装步骤以下是安装MTB USB驱动程序的基本步骤:1)确定驱动程序版本:在安装MTB USB驱动程序之前,确保在制造商的官方网站上获取最新版本的驱动程序。
2)下载驱动程序:从制造商的官方网站上下载适用于您的操作系统的MTB USB驱动程序。
4)连接设备:在安装MTB USB驱动程序之后,使用USB线缆将MTB设备与计算机连接。
3. 常见问题解决方案3.1 驱动程序无法安装如果您遇到无法安装MTB USB驱动程序的问题,请检查以下几点:1)确认系统兼容性:确保您的操作系统与驱动程序的兼容性。
3.2 设备无法被识别如果您的MTB设备无法被计算机正常识别,请尝试以下解决方案:1)检查连接:确保MTB设备正确连接到计算机,并且USB线缆没有损坏或松动。
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USB驱动程序编写linux下usb驱动编写(内核2.4)——2.6与此接口有区别2006-09-15 14:57我们知道了在Linux 下如何去使用一些最常见的USB设备。
USB骨架在Linux kernel源码目录中driver/usb/usb-skeleton.c为我们提供了一个最基础的USB驱动程序。
因为每一个不同的协议都会产生一个新的驱动程序,所以就有了这个通用的USB驱动骨架程序,它是以pci 骨架为模板的。
一些比较典型的驱动可以在上面发现,同时还介绍了USB urbs的概念,而这个是usb驱动程序中最基本的。
Linux USB 驱动程序需要做的第一件事情就是在Linux USB 子系统里注册,并提供一些相关信息,例如这个驱动程序支持那种设备,当被支持的设备从系统插入或拔出时,会有哪些动作。
所有这些信息都传送到USB 子系统中,在usb骨架驱动程序中是这样来表示的:static struct usb_driver skel_driver = {name: skeleton,probe: skel_probe,disconnect: skel_disconnect,fops: &skel_fops,minor: USB_SKEL_MINOR_BASE,id_table: skel_table,};变量name是一个字符串,它对驱动程序进行描述。
probe 和disconnect 是函数指针,当设备与在id_table 中变量信息匹配时,此函数被调用。
即需要usb_unregister 函数处理:static void __exit usb_skel_exit(void){/* deregister this driver with the USB subsystem */usb_deregister(&skel_driver);}module_exit(usb_skel_exit);当usb设备插入时,为了使linux-hotplug(Linux中PCI、USB等设备热插拔支持)系统自动装载驱动程序,你需要创建一个MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE。
代码如下(这个模块仅支持某一特定设备):/* table of devices that work with this driver */static struct usb_device_id skel_table [] = {{ USB_DEVICE(USB_SKEL_VENDOR_ID,USB_SKEL_PRODUCT_ID) },{ } /* Terminating entry */};MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE (usb, skel_table);USB_DEVICE宏利用厂商ID和产品ID为我们提供了一个设备的唯一标识。
当系统插入一个ID 匹配的USB设备到USB总线时,驱动会在USB core中注册。
驱动程序中probe 函数也就会被调用。
usb_device 结构指针、接口号和接口ID都会被传递到函数中。
static void * skel_probe(struct usb_device *dev,unsigned int ifnum, const struct usb_device_id *id)驱动程序需要确认插入的设备是否可以被接受,如果不接受,或者在初始化的过程中发生任何错误,probe函数返回一个NULL值。
我们创建一个缓冲用来保存那些被发送给usb 设备的数据和那些从设备上接受的数据,同时USB urb 被初始化,并且我们在devfs子系统中注册设备,允许devfs用户访问我们的设备。
注册过程如下:/* initialize the devfs node for this deviceand register it */sprintf(name, skel%d, skel->minor);skel->devfs = devfs_register(usb_devfs_handle, name,DEVFS_FL_DEFAULT, USB_MAJOR,USB_SKEL_MINOR_BASE + skel->minor,S_IFCHR | S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR |S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH,&skel_fops, NULL);如果devfs_register函数失败,不用担心,devfs子系统会将此情况报告给用户。
当然最后,如果设备从usb总线拔掉,设备指针会调用disconnect 函数。
/* remove our devfs node */devfs_unregister(skel->devfs);现在,skeleton驱动就已经和设备绑定上了,任何用户态程序要操作此设备都可以通过结构所定义的函数进行了。
在open函数中MODULE_INC_USE_COUNT 宏是一个关键,它的作用是起到一个计数的作用,有一个用户态程序打开一个设备,计数器就加一,例如,我们以模块方式加入一个驱动,若计数器不为零,就说明仍然有用户程序在使用此驱动,这时候,你就不能通过rmmod命令卸载驱动模块了。
/* increment our usage count for the module */MOD_INC_USE_COUNT;++skel->open_count;/* save our object in the file's private structure */file->private_data = skel;当open完设备后,read、write函数就可以收、发数据了。
在skel_write中,一个FILL_BULK_URB函数,就完成了urb 系统callbak和我们自己的skel_write_bulk_callback之间的联系。
read 函数与write 函数稍有不同在于:程序并没有用urb 将数据从设备传送到驱动程序,而是我们用usb_bulk_msg 函数代替,这个函数能够不需要创建urbs 和操作urb函数的情况下,来发送数据给设备,或者从设备来接收数据。
usb_bulk_msg函数当对usb设备进行一次读或者写时,usb_bulk_msg 函数是非常有用的; 然而, 当你需要连续地对设备进行读/写时,建议你建立一个自己的urbs,同时将urbs 提交给usb子系统。
MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT宏会被用到(和MOD_INC_USE_COUNT刚好对应,它减少一个计数器),首先确认当前是否有其它的程序正在访问这个设备,如果是最后一个用户在使用,我们可以关闭任何正在发生的写,操作如下:/* decrement our usage count for the device */--skel->open_count;if (skel->open_count <= 0) {/* shutdown any bulk writes that might begoing on */usb_unlink_urb (skel->write_urb);skel->open_count = 0;}/* decrement our usage count for the module */MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT;最困难的是,usb 设备可以在任何时间点从系统中取走,即使程序目前正在访问它。