
英语教案一uninl5Studyskills上课英语教案一uninl5Studyskills上课Lesson57教学设计方案St epi: Reading:I). MainfactsFindouttherighttopicsentenceforeachparagraph.Paragraph 1 ________ P aragraph2 ___Paragraphs _________ P aragraph4 ___Par agraph5 ________ P aragraph6 ____II). Fu rtherreadin g1.Whichi sthemostimp ortanttipth eauthorwant stogiveusin thepassage?A.Threewa ysofreading ・Enjoyour reading・C . Howtodecid ewhattoread ・D. Howtog uesstheunkn ownwords・2.“Itsenoug htodipintoi tandreadbit shereandthe re. ” Theunde rlinedphras eintheabove sentencecan bereplacedb y _______ ・A. p utintoB. tas teC. swall owD. chewand digest3.W hencorninga crossanewo rdinreading , we _______ ・A.shouldn everturntoa, dietionaryf orhelpB.h avetoguessi tsexactmean ingfromthec ontext(上下文)C.cangets omehints (提示)fromthesit uationandre peatedexamp lesinthetex tD.neednt payanyatten tiontoit4 ・ Thefollowi ngtipsEXCEP T _________ c anhelpyoude cidewhether abookiswort hchewingand digesting・A.tomakesu rethebookis theoneyouca neasilyread andundersta ndE.to get anideao fthe organizatio nofthebookC.toreadth efirstfewch aptersverys lowlyandCar efullyD.t oseewhether thebookwill interestyou ornot5. "B utnotallthe storiesbelo ngtothiscla ss. ”Theunde rlinedwordi ntheabovese ntencehasth esamemeanin gastheonein “____________ ”A. Ihavebe entwiceatth eFrenchclas satMorris" s ・Alimat tercanbediv idedinto3cl asses:compo unds, mixtur esandelemen ts.C. Heha saprejudice (偏见)against theEnglishmiddleclass.D.Areyoui nthefirst—y earclassort hesecond-yearclass?6 . Aninterest ingmagazine , whichyouma yreadinadoc torswaiting room, belong stothebooks for ___________ ・A. swallo wingB・ tasti ngC. chewi nganddigest ingD・ Aamp:B7.Whichof thefollowin gisWRONG?A. 0urhobbie scansometim eshelptodec idewhattore ad.B.Itis suggestedin thepassaget hatweshould useadiction arywhennece ssary.C・ I fyouchewand digestabook , itjustmean sthatyourea ditveryslow ly.D.Read ingcannoton lyhelptoimp roveourEngl ishbutalsoe nlargeourkn owl edge ・>Keys:l・B2・B3・C4. C5. B6. D7. CStepI I. Languagep oints:I)L earntheword sbytheconte xt:1.S ome booksaretob etasted, oth erstobeswallowed, andso mefewtobech ewedanddige sted・2.Ot herbooksare forreadings lowlyandcarefully. Ifit isabookonas ubjectthaty ouareintere st edin,youw illwa ntto “c hewanddiges tit”・3.Fo rexample, yo umightpicku patravelboo kandreadafe wpagesbefor egoingtosle ep.Itisenou ghtodipinto itandreadbi tshereandthere・Inaword , thisis “tas ting” ・2)T hechemistry teacherdipp edafingerin tothecupand showedittot heclass・ The n, heputafin gerinhismou th, tastedit andsmiled・(Lesson6ofBo okl)II) Pu tthefollowi ngintoChine se,payingattentiontoth eunderlined part・(1)I amgoingtose llthisoldca r, andbuyane wone・(2)I tsturnedawf ullychilly, andlthinkit sgoingtorai n.(3)Theb ooksyouborr owedfromthe libraryaret obereturned beforejuly5 th.(4)T he trainistoar riveinBeiji ngatl0:25pm ・(5)ImetC hristineint hedoorwayju stasshewasa bouttogoawa y.(6)John nywasaboutt osaysomethi ngmoreabout theproblem, buthechecke dhimself・2.tu rnto/be long to/dipi nto/comeacr oss/pickup(7)W henour TVsetbroke, therepairma ncameinhistruckto ______ i t _____ .(8)________________________________ Theymetafter5years , and _______________________ t heirfrien dshipasifth erehadbeenn ointerrupti on.(9)___________________________________________ Two -thirdsofth emembersint heclub __________________ ___ theweal thyclass・(10)l eantsa yIknowa.grea. tdealaboutA mericanhist ory. Ihaveju st _____________ o neortwobook sonthesubje ct・(ll)Ea chstudent_ _________ a finger _________ them ixtureandsu ckedit. Them ixturetaste dterrible・(12)Afterh eleftuniver sityEricbec ameateacher , butlater ________ j ourna lism(新闻业)・(13) ________________ Franka ssuredmetha tiflevernee dedfinancia lhelplcould always him・(14 ) I ________ t hisbookinan oldbookstor eonFourthAv enue, solgot itquitebych ance・3.in aword/inoth erwords/abo veall/atthe sametime/su chas/andsoo n(15)Theb andplayedal ltheevening -. Beethoven andWagner _________ ・(1 6)Animalsth atgnaw(咬、啃), ____________ m ice,rats, rabbit sandweasels , arecalledr odents (啮齿动物)・(17)Mar tinissmart, politeandwe 11-behaved・_________ , h eisadmirabl e.(18) ______________________________________ Bru cedidpassth ehistoryexa m; _____________________ hed idntknowthe subjectvery welL(19) Quiteafewti psaregiveno nhowtobeane fficientrea der, but ______ wemustenj oyourreadin g.(20) You rperformanc edidntmeeto urdemand — _ , you failed.Ke ys: (7)picku p (8)pickedup (9)belongt o (10) dipped into (11) dippedinto(1 2)turnedto(13)turnto(1 4)cameacros s (15) andsoo n (16) suchas (17) inaword (18) atthesa. metime(19)a boveall(20) inotherword sStepIII. Cl ozetest:D oyoureadnew spapersregu larly?Newsp aperarticlees7someclue sabouttheco ntents.On ceyouhavech osen8articl etoread, yousi important eofallages23toeveryoneat5youpartiereareproba restyoumost andinterest inginformat ionforpeopl ,notallinfo rmationisof ・ Fortunatel cularlywant blycertains y, findingth toread4notd ectionsofth ofarticlesa esectionsth ifficult. Th epaper5intendthepicturwillfindthe important9i nformationl Othekeyfact sinthefirst fewparagrap hs. Theremai nder (其余的部分)ofmostartic lesgivesl1. Thesedetail sareusualyl2becausethe yl3valuable supportingi deastohelpt hereaderl4t hekeyfactsb etter・ Somet imestheyare simplyhuman -interest (人类感兴趣的)detaiIs,15backgr oundinforma tionorquote s (弓丨用)frompe opleinthene wsstory.R ememberthis importantdi fferencel6a fiction(小storyandane wsstory:the endingofafi ctionstoryis impor taritp art. Itisnec essarytorea donlyfa.rl8inthearticle tounderstan dl9hashappe ned・ Thedeta ilsareforpe ople20aremo reintersted inthatsubje ct.1.A. co verB. keepC・ recordD. con tain2.A. W hateverB・ Ot herwiseC・ Ho weverD. Beca use3. A. in terestB. int erestingC・ i nterestedD・important4.A. isB. beCar eD. does5.A. whatB. tha tCitD. reall y6.A. Abov eallB・ Inawo rdC・ BesideD . Apartfromt hat7.A. gi veB・ givesC・ makeD・ makes8.A. aB. anC. theD. \9.A commonB・ ord inaryC・ gene ralD・ detail ed10.A wit hB. intoC. fo rD. and11.A factsB. det ailsC・ mater ialD・ things12.A. incl udingB. incl udedC・ usedD . found13.A providedB・ providesC・ p rovidingD・ p rovide14.A. understan dB. readC・ se eD. improve15.A sothat B. suchasC・ i nsteadofD・ i nspiteof1 6. A. ofB. fro mC. betweenD . among17.A. theB. /C. aD. an18.A. be hindB・ enoug hC・ deepD・ qu ickly19.A・ whatB. that C. whichD・ wh ose20.Awh atB. whoC. wh omD. whenLes son58教学设计方案Step I. Readi ng:I) : Searc hforanswers :1.Whatar ethetwomean ingsoftheph rase u listen ingskills^ ?2.Howcanw ebecomegood listeners?I I)・ Fastread ing1.Thep hrase "listeningskills” isabout_________ ・A.thetw otypesoflis teningtoafo reignlangua geB.thear tsoflisteni ngtopeoplea ndlearninga foreignlang uageC.dif ferentparts oftheChinesecharacte rtingD. howt omakeotherp eoplelisten toyoua,ttent ively2.W h ichofthefol lowingisNOT correctabou tbeingagood listener?A.Youshould listenwithc ompleteatte ntionandres pect・E. Yo ushouldntwa tchTVwhilet alkingwitho thers・C・ Y oucangivene cessaryadvi cetoyourfri endsintroub le.D.Dont cutinwhenot hersaretalk ing・3.Int heviewofthe writer, wesh ouldnt ____________ w hiletalking inagroup・A.taketurnsto listenask anyquestion sC.lookatth espeakerD.s peakatthesa metime4.W henyourfrie ndistelling abouthergra ndma? sdeath ,youshould _________________ ・A . askhowshew asfeelingat themomentB.giveherad viceonhowto getoveritC.speakabou tasimilarex perienceD . justlisten toherquietl yandattenti vely5.The sentence U ndividedatt ention' isan othersignof respect v mea nsthat ___________ ・A. you shouldappea rtobelisten ingB.youmay half-listenC.youshou ldlistenwit hcompleteat tentionD.youmustlook atthespeake rKeys: 1. B2. C3. D4. D5. CStepII. Lan guagepoints :I)Therea retwomeanin gsofthephra se u listenin gskills v . On ereferstoth etypeoflist eningpracticewhichwedo whenlearnin gaforeignla nguage・ Them orewepracti se,thebette rwegetatlis teningtospe echinaforei gnlanguage・ Theothermea ningisabout theartofbei ngagoodlist enertoother people・II) L anguagefocu s1.Weallk nowthat, _____________ , thes ituationinAfghanistanw illgetworse ・A. ifnotd ealtcareful lywithB・ i fdealtwithnotcarefullyC.ifnotca refullydeal twithD.if dealtwithca refullynot2.—Wecould havewalkedt othisFrench restaurant; itwassonear ・一Yes・ Ata xi ______ a tallnecessa ry.A. wasntB ・ hadntbeenC . wouldntD. w ontbe3.Iw ouldgladlyp ay ____________ for theunusuals tampbecause itisofgreat valuetomyco llection.A. twiceasmu chB・ twiceso muchC. twi ceasmuchasD ・ somuchtwic e4.Thefil msmadebyWal tDisney ____________ alloverth eworld.A. isusedtosho wB・ isusedto showingC. used to besho wnD. used tos how5.Prin tedonthepac kageareafew words: “Comp laints, _______ , aretobe addressedto themanageme nt. ”A. ifsonbsp;B. ifa nyC. however D. inotherwo rds6.LiYa ng,thefound erofCrazyEn glish, saysthathecopies itdown ________ _heconiest oabeautiful sentence・A. unlessB. whi leC. becauseD. everydine7.Iknowth eteacherwas ___________ Jac kwhenshespo keofabright boyinourcla ss.A. turn ingtoB. corn ingacrossC. referring toD・ picking up8.Since Joewas67itd idnotseem_ _______________ that hewouldcont inuelongint hatposition ・A. probablyB. possiblyC . likelyD. im possible9 ・ Thenewly-w edcouplehav ebeen _______ anewhouse, b uttheonesth eyveseenhav eallbeentoo expensive・A. looking^ boutB・ looki ngoutforC ・ lookingint oD. lookingf orwardto1 0. Hisdescri ptionofthea ccidentdisa grees ___________thatoftheo therwitness (目击者).A. o nB. withC・ to D. about11 .Aminorcare lessnessalm ost _____________ _himthecha, nceofenteri ngthefamous university.A. costB. p ayC・ tookD. m ade12.The Shanghaiese aremakinggr eateffortstobeautifyth ecity _________ moreoversea scompanieswillcome・A. i nordertoB. s oastoC. soth atD. asaresu It13.0wen sentane~mai Ito __________ tha thewasoffto Americawith Glen.A. sa yB. speakC・ t alkD・ tellof14. Ihavet riedtokeepy ouradvicein mindwhen _________ _____ thisy earsreport・A. towriteB. writingC. tobewritingD. written15. IfRebecc ahadstarted atnineo" clo ck,she _________ ___ inLondo nbyelevenoc lock.A. mu stbeB・ could havebeenC . shouldbeD. oughttohave beenKeys: 1. C2. A3. A4・C5. B6. D7. C8 . C9. BIO. Bll . A12. C13. Al 4. B15. D Step III: Writing :Theartof beingagoodl istener.。
高三英语教案:unin15 Study skills 上课

高三英语教案:unin15 Study skills 上课Lesson Plan: Unite 15 - Study SkillsObjective:- To introduce and practice various study skills that will help students improve their learning and academic performance.- To enable students to actively engage in effective study techniques and strategies. - To provide opportunities for students to apply study skills in real-life situations. Materials Needed:- Whiteboard or blackboard- Markers or chalk- Handouts with study suggestions and tipsProcedure:1. Warm-up (5 minutes):- Begin the lesson by asking students to share their favorite study method or technique.- Write their responses on the board, creating a list of different study strategies.2. Introduction (10 minutes):- Present the importance of effective study skills and how they can help students succeed in their academic endeavors.- Explain that while everyone has their own preferred study methods, it is important to explore and try different techniques to find what works best for individual learning styles.3. Vocabulary Activity (10 minutes):- Introduce relevant vocabulary words related to study skills, such as note-taking, time management, active reading, etc.- Ask students to brainstorm examples and definitions for the given words.- Write the definitions on the board and encourage students to use these words throughout the lesson.4. Presentation of Study Skills (15 minutes):- Introduce and explain different study skills, such as:- Note-taking techniques: Cornell Method, Mind Maps, etc.- Effective time management: prioritizing tasks, creating study schedules, etc.- Active reading strategies: highlighting, annotating, summarizing, etc.- Memorization tips: flashcards, mnemonic devices, repetition, etc.- Discuss each study skill in detail, providing examples and explaining when and how to apply them.5. Group Discussion (10 minutes):- Divide students into small groups and assign each group a study skill to discuss and analyze.- In their groups, students should:- Share their understanding of the assigned study skill.- Reflect on its benefits and potential challenges.- Brainstorm specific situations where this study skill would be useful.- Discuss how their study skill could be improved or adapted for different subjects or learning styles.6. Group Presentations (10 minutes):- Each group presents their assigned study skill to the class, summarizing their discussions and sharing their findings.- Encourage other students to provide additional insights or ask questions.7. Application Activity (15 minutes):- Distribute handouts with study suggestions and tips.- Ask students to select one or two study skills they find most interesting or useful.- In pairs or individually, students should choose a current topic or subject they are studying and apply their selected study skills to the material.- Monitor and provide guidance if necessary.8. Wrap-up (5 minutes):- Have a brief class discussion about the application activity.- Ask students to share their experiences and thoughts on the effectiveness of the study skills they practiced.- Emphasize the importance of regularly using and refining these study skills to improve learning and academic success.Optional Extension Activities:- Assign a short homework task where students have to reflect on their study habits, identify areas for improvement, and create a personalized study plan.- Invite a guest speaker, such as a successful university student or a teacher, to share their own study skills and experiences.- Conduct a follow-up lesson to review and reinforce the study skills discussed in this lesson, allowing students to share their progress and challenges.。

英语教案一uninl5Studyskills听力完形英语教案一uninl5Studysk订Is听力完形StepIlistening:ListeningCassetteUnit15・ Listentothetext2-3timesandfinishingfillingtheblanks・ It ,sagoodwayofpractisinglistening・ListeningTextStudyskills :WritingI nthistalkat eachergives advicetostu dentsaboutw ritingcompo sitions.T heimportant pointtoreme mberisthate veryonecanl earntowrite wel LWhen youhavetowr iteacomposi tion, thefir stthingtodo iswritedown allyouridea sasquicklya spossible・I ftheideasdo n,tcometoyo uquicklytry askingyours elfsomeques tions:When? Where?Who?W hat?Why?Ify oucantalkov eryourideas withapartne r. Youcandot hisinEnglis horChinese ', itdoesn,tm atter・Nex t,seewhicho ftheideasar econnected, andputthemi nthebestord er. Atthisst age, crossoutanyideaswh ichdon' tfit in. Youwilla lwayshavemo rethanenoug hideasforyo urcompositi on.Somest udentsthink thatyouhave towritealon・Infact, thi sisn , tneces sary. Timeisshor t.Now checktheplanforyourcom position.Isnintroducee xamplestosh owwhatyoume an.olong?Areth eideasconne ctedtogethe r?Next ・ as kforanother personurcompositi ontoyourtea cheroranoth skthemtopoi ntoutanythi ngthatcould beimproved.Finally, c orrectyourw orkandwrite outyourcomp ositionasec ondtime.gintroductionatthebegi nningofyourcomposition ittoolongor tooshoTt?Doyouneedmore informationibrary. Doyo lear?Itismo?Ifso, youma uneedmoreex reinterestiyneedtogoto amplestomak ngforyourreyourschooll eyourideasc aderifyouca.Nowri efinished,r ing ・teyourfirsteaditthroug ompositionccomposition hagainandch lear?Areany.Whenyouhav eckthespell sentencestosopi niori. Showyoerstudent ・ AW henitcomest otheexam, yo umaynotbeab letogothroughalItheses tages・Butat leastyoucan followthisprogramme:Fi rst一ideas, t hen一plan, th en一write・St epll:完形填空Inl982, Mark Thatcher, th esonofMrsTh atcher, wasr eportedmiss ingintheSah araDesertwh ilecompetin gintheGrand PrixMotorra cefromParis toDaker・ Thi ssadnews, so unexpected, shookthelca lmandunhurr iedpolitici anoffherbal ance・ Though shedidherbe stto2asifno thinghadhap penedandmad eherpublica ppearancesa susual, peop lecouldnotf ailtonotice thatshewasn olongertheo ldself-assu red(自信心)pri meministerw hoalwayshad everythingu nder3・ Insteadshebadbec omeaverysad motherwhowa sunabletore coverfromhe r4.Oneday ,whenshewas to5atalunch party, arepo rtercaughth eroffhergua rdbybringin gupthe6ofhe rmissingson again. Shewa stotallymen tallynbsp ;7fortheque stionandlos ther8・ Tearswererolling downhereyes 9shesobbing ly (哭泣着)toldthereporter thattherewa sstillnonew sofMarkandthatshewasve rylOabouthi HI. Shesaidth atallthecountriesconce rnedhadprom isedtodothe irbesttohelpherfindher son. Withtha tshelldownc ompletelyan dsobbedsile ntlyforquit eawhile・ Gra duallyshel2 downandstar tedtospeaka splanned・ It wasaveryl3s cenewhichex posedanewsi deofMrs・ Tha tcher,sl4 th epublicdono tusuallysee ,sopeoplebe gantol5abou tthelronWom ansmotherly love, afeeli ngl6iscommo ntoallhuman race・ LaterM arkreturned safeandl7to hismotherss ide,good-hu mouredandal lsmilesasus uall8nothin gunusualhad 19happened. ThelronWoma n, however, b rokedownaga inandwas20s obbingforthesecondtime・1.A. seld omB・ quiteC・ usuallyD・ fr equently 答案:C2.A. talk B. pretendC. seemD. look 答案:B3.A. he lpB. control C. oppressio nD. power介词短语undercon trol意为“在控制之下"。

person’s opinion.Showyourcompositiontoyourteacheroranotherstudent.Askthemtopointoutanythingcouldbe improved.Whenit comestothe exam, youmaynotabletogo throughallthese stages.Butatleastyoucanfollowthis programme: Firstideas,then—plan,then—write.Studyskills_高三英语教案一、本单元的语言知识主要有:1.remindsb.ofsth.2.fixadatefor…3.on作“关于;论及”的用法4.“be+tobe+过去分词”表示“有必要做某事”、“有可能做某事”或“按计划做某事”的用法5.Dipinto表示“随便翻阅;浏览”的用法6.not作部分否定的用法7.V-ing作伴随状语的用法8.inword9.shut up10.above all11.here andthere12.once again13.lookfor14.inreply(to…)/replyto15.indifferentways16.taketurns二、本单元应掌握的日常交际用语有:l.I’dto…2.Would youliketo…3.Will you come to…?4.Ihadnoidea+从句。
高三英语教案:unin15 Study skills

高三英语教案:unin15 Study skillsTitle: Uni15 Study SkillsLevel: High School Grade 3Objectives:1. To develop effective study skills for high school students.2. To improve note-taking techniques.3. To enhance time management and organizational skills.4. To develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.5. To increase overall academic success.Materials:1. Whiteboard/markers or blackboard/chalk.2. Handouts for note-taking practice.3. Sample study schedules and time management tools.4. Multimedia resources (optional).5. Laptops/device (optional).Warm-up: (10 minutes)Ask students to share their current study habits and techniques. Discuss with the class the importance of having effective study skills in high school and beyond. Highlight the benefits of improving study skills, such as better grades, reduced stress, and improved understanding of the subject matter.Introduction: (5 minutes)Explain the objectives of the lesson and how it will help students become better learners. Emphasize the importance of developing good study skills in preparation for college or future careers.Procedure:1. Note-taking Techniques: (15 minutes)- Discuss the importance of effective note-taking.- Teach different note-taking techniques, such as Cornell method, outlining, and mind mapping.- Provide examples and model the techniques on the board.- Hand out practice exercises for students to apply the different techniques.2. Time Management and Organization: (20 minutes)- Discuss the importance of managing time effectively and being organized.- Present different strategies and tools for managing time, including creating study schedules and using to-do lists.- Have students create a study schedule tailored to their own needs and discuss the benefits of sticking to the schedule.3. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: (15 minutes)- Explain the significance of critical thinking and problem-solving skills in academic success and beyond.- Provide examples of critical thinking exercises and problem-solving scenarios.- Discuss strategies for analyzing and solving problems effectively.4. Practical Application and Reflection: (15 minutes)- Assign students a topic or concept to study independently using the note-taking techniques discussed.- Have them apply time management strategies to plan their study time.- After studying, ask students to reflect on their experience using the new study skills and techniques.- Encourage them to share their challenges and successes with the class.Conclusion: (5 minutes)Summarize the key points discussed in the lesson. Reinforce the importance of consistently applying effective study skills to achieve academic goals. Encourage students to continue practicing and refining these skills beyond the classroom.Homework:Assign students to review their study schedule and make any necessary adjustments. Also, have them practice the note-taking techniques on a provided reading or topic.。

高三英语第十五单元Studyskills(学习技能)_高三英语教案lt;/#83cript科目英语年级高三文件high3unit15.doc标题Studyskills(学习技能)章节第十五单元关键词高三英语第十五单元内容一、教法建议单元双基学习目标Ⅰ.词汇学习enlarge,remindsbof,fixadatefor,appreciate,long-term,encouragementⅡ.交际英语Invitationsandresponses(邀请与应答)发出邀请时可以说:1.Willyoueto…?2.Wouldyouliketodo?3.I’dliketoinviteyouto…4.AreyoufreeonSunday?5.Ifyou’renotdoinganythingonMondaymorning,wouldyouliketodo…6.We’dlikeyoutojoinus.7.Dojoinmeforacoffee.8.We’rehavingadanceonSunday.Ihopeyouwille.9.Wouldyoudomethepleasureof attendingourwedding(婚礼)?=Maywehavethepleasureofyourpanyatourwedding?10.I’dverymuchlikeyoutoetoourdinnerparty.接受邀请时常用:1.Yes,I’dloveto.2.Yes,that’sverykind/niceofyou.3.I’dloveto,but…4.Hownice!5.I’dliketo…,but….Thankyouallthesame.Ⅲ.语法学习复习和归纳句子的成分——谓语;复习情态动词和实义动词的时态。
高三英语教案:unin15 Study skills

高三英语教案:unin15 Study skills 教学目标1.了解研究技能的重要性2.掌握使用研究技能的方法3.提高学生在研究和写作过程中的自信心和能力教学重点1.研究方法:如何找到有用的材料并进行有效的阅读2.写作技巧:如何整理文章结构、语法和词汇教学难点1.如何有效地利用学校、图书馆等资源进行研究2.如何推动学生主动并有序地进行研究与写作教学过程第一节课•导入(10分钟):老师向学生介绍本节课将要讲述的内容——研究技能的重要性和方法•讲解(20分钟):老师讲解如何有效地搜索信息,以及如何进行系统的阅读。

二、教学重点与难点.重点词汇dipinto,loooutfor,referto,getat,respect,enlarge,dig est,eacross.重点句型)Iaginethatyouhavefoundagoodstory,and,hatiseven oreiportant,thetietoenjoyit.)Donotstartaboounlessyoucanseefrothefirstfepage sthatitisoneyoucaneasilyreadandunderstand.)Theoreepractise,thebetteregetatlisteningtospee chinaforeignlanguage.)Thenitillbesoeoneelse'sturn..语法谓语、情态动词和实义动词的时态)Ifhees,Iilllethino.)you'realaysaingthesaeistae.)Ididn'texpecttoeetyouhere.)IfyouhavefinishedreadingtheagazinebeforeIleave ,pleasegiveitbactoe.)Hesuddenlyreeberedthathehadn'tlocedthedoor.)Thegroundiset.Itusthaverainedlastnight.)Giveoretie,ecouldfinishit..日常交际用语)ouldyoulieto…?2)I'dlietoinviteyouto…3)Havedinnerithus,illyou?4)yes,I'dloveto…5)I'dloveto,but…三、难点讲解.Iaginethatyoueacrossthissentenceinaboo.eacross碰到,遇到。

二、教学重点与难点1.重点词汇1. a handful of2. tear down3. turn away4. now that引导状语从句5. take possession of6. have an effect on7. make agreements with8. become know as…9. deal with _. in turn _. in the rush2.重点句型1)Today Native Americans e_press their anger over this business deal.2)This is because the surface of the earth is not flat but round.3)Now that they could ride horses, it became easier to hunt the bison.4)This in return had an effect on the food supply for wolves.3.语法复习和归纳句子的成分——主语1)The first settlers on the plains were farmers.2)The killing of the bison changed the whole wild life of the plains.3)Whether he will come or not is unknown.4)To see is to believe.5)The learned should be respected.教学建议教学教法:进入高三下学期的学习,基本进入了全面备考状态。
高三英语教案:unin15 Study skills教学目标

高三英语教案:unin15 Study skills教学目标一、教学目标通过本次教学,让学生了解以下内容:1.了解各种学习策略和技能的定义和目的。
高三 unit15 study skills 教学教案

▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█▉▊▋▌精诚凝聚 =^_^= 成就梦想 ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█▉▊▋▌▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ■ ▓点亮心灯 ~~~///(^v^)\\\~~~ 照亮人生 ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ■ ▓Book 3 Unit 15Lesson 57I. Presentation: As students, you have read a number of books up to now. But how to read a book? Perhaps it is not an easy question to answer. Today Francis Bacon will give us some useful advice.II. Listen to the tape, then find out all the topic sentences in each paragraph.II. Read it by yourselves, “ What are the three method of reading which are described?” “How to understand each of them?” III. sum up the main idea: Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. There are some more good advice on reading. That is, first, read a chapter quickly to get a general idea. Second, do not stop every time you come to a new word or phrase. Last, decide what to read. IV . Language points:Lesson 58I. Read the text by themselves, then do EX1. on P82. II. Listen to the tape, questions:1. What does “listening skills ” mean?2. How to understand the Chinese character ting ?3. What are the tips on becoming a good listener? III. Find out some useful expressions to deal with:Book 3 Unit 15 1. some few in the past few years 2. dip into : look through dip … into … 3. read bits here and there4. in a word in other words in word = by word of mouth 口头上in words 用语言 have a word with = have a few words with = have a talk with have words with = quarrel with Word came that ….消息传来…5. be on holiday on business on fire on sale on duty on one ’s way to6. if so7. reading tips8. every time each time + sentence ….9. come to come to dinner / party come to believe / understand …开始达到(境界) come to an end when it comes to ( doing ) sth 当涉及到 come over to (an ) idea comes to sb 想到(主意) the bill comes to (帐单)总计a. I have come to believe that his story is true.b. When it comes to cooking, he is actually better at it than I.c. It came to her suddenly that she had been wrong all the time.d. The bill came to 30 yuan.come across come after come from come on come roundcome along : appear, arrive come about :happen come out 太阳出现;花朵发芽,开花;书出版 come up (芽)长出地面;日出;发生 e. I will let you know if anything important comes up / about. 10. quite often11. an article of clothing 物件 an article of shirt / sock 12. look out for sth13. enlarge one ’s knowledge 拓宽知识面 14. refer toa. What I said just now wasn ’t referring to you.b. I know the teacher was referring to Jack when he spoke of a bright boy. 15. a sign of respect16. look over your shoulder17. listen with complete attention / respect show / have respect to / for sb 18. run around inside one ’s head19. take turns to do / at doing do sth by turns / in turn out of turn it ’s one ’s turn to do 20. interrupt disturba. Don ’t interrupt me while I am working.b. He interrupted his work to have lunch.c. I ’m sorry to interrupt you, but there is someone to see you. 21. remind sb of sth remind sb to do sth remind sb that 22. talk through : discuss thoroughly。
unin15 Study skills教学目标

unin15 Study skills 教学目标 一、本单元的语言知识主要有 1 2… 3 作关于;论及的用法 4++过去分词表示有必要做某事、有可能做某事或按计划做某事的用 法 5.表示随便翻阅;浏览的用法 6.作部分否定的用法 7.-作伴随状语的用法 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.…/ 15. 16.二、本单元应掌握的日常交际用语有.’… 2.… 3.…? 4.+从句。
三、本单元在语法方面主要复习和系统和总结行为动词和情态动词的 时态,归纳了句中谓语构成的基本形式四、 英文书信是本单元在书面表达方 面的教学要求。
因为这种题型能比较客观和综合地反映学生的阅读理解能力和书面 表达能力。
教学建议 1 是+动词不定式被动式结构,这种结构意为某事应当、必须如何,常 用在通知和说明书里。
如 此药一日三次,饭后服。
6 你上周借的收录机应当于五月六日前归还。
如 他看来不可能从你这儿得到它。
3 意为喜欢,欣赏;感激;理解等。
如 ’’ 那正是因为你不会欣赏音乐。
4 意为主动提供的职位,帮助等。
如 你应该收下人家主动提供的帮助。
5 短语动词意为理解,领会,掌握。
如 要弄懂每一个英语成语的意思是不容易的。
如 这个村庄很难到达。
6 切勿混淆和 属于+,,+主语结构,是倒装语序。

二、教学重点与难点1.重点词汇1. a handful of2. tear down3. turn away4. now that引导状语从句5. take possession of6. have an effect on7. make agreements with8. become know as…9. deal with 10. in turn 11. in the rush2.重点句型1)Today Native Americans express their anger over this business deal.2)This is because the surface of the earth is not flat but round.3)Now that they could ride horses, it became easier to hunt the bison.4)This in return had an effect on the food supply for wolves.3.语法复习和归纳句子的成分——主语1)The first settlers on the plains were farmers.2)The killing of the bison changed the whole wild life of the plains.3)Whether he will come or not is unknown.4)To see is to believe.5)The learned should be respected.教学建议教学教法:进入高三下学期的学习,基本进入了全面备考状态。

no one作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数。
ﻭnobody是不定代词,只能用于人,常与no one互换.none和noone常用于简略答语中,none用来回答“Howmany…”,而noone常用来回答“**…”,如:一Howmanypicturesarethereonthewall?ﻭ墙上有几幅画?ﻭ-None。
instead与instead彼此不能“代替”ﻭinstead是副词,一般单独使用;instead of是介词短语,后面要接宾语,如:ﻭThegirldoesn’ttapen.Giveherapencilinstead.ﻭ那个女孩不要钢笔,给她一支铅笔吧。
ﻭ在句中instead的动作是被“取”的,即要做的;而instead of后面的动作是“舍”,即不做的。
unin15 Study skills教学目标

unin15 Study skills教学目标一、本单元的语言知识主要有:1. remind sb. of sth.2. fix a date for…3. on作“关于;论及”的用法4. “be + to be + 过去分词”表示“有必要做某事”、“有可能做某事”或“按计划做某事”的用法5.Dip into表示“随便翻阅;浏览”的用法6.not作部分否定的用法7.V-ing作伴随状语的用法8.in a word9.shut up10.above all11.here and there12.once again13.look out for14.in reply(to…)/reply to15.in different ways16.take turns二、本单元应掌握的日常交际用语有:l.I’d love to…2.Would you like to…3.Will you come to…?4.I had no idea + 从句。
教学建议1. are to be tasted/swallowed/chewed and digested 是be + 动词不定式被动式结构,这种结构意为某事应当、必须如何,常用在通知和说明书里。
如:This medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals. 此药一日三次,饭后服。
Such men are to be pitied. 这种人应当得到怜悯。
This form is to be filled in in pencil. 此表须用铅笔填写。
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unin15Studyskills上课_高三英语教案2.“It’senoughtodipintoitandreadbitshereandthere.”The underlined phraseinthe above sentence canbe replaced by______.A.putinto B. tasteC. swallowD. chew and digest3. Whencorning acrossanewwordin reading,we_______.A.should neverturntoa dictionary forhelpB.haveto guessitsexact meaning fromthe context(上下文)C.canget some hints (提示) fromthe situation and repeated examples intextD. needn’t payany attention toit4.The followingEXCEPT _________ canhelpyou decide whetherabookisworth chewing and digesting.A.tomake surethebookistheoneyoucan easily readand understandB.togetanideaofthe organization ofthebookC.readthefirstfew chapters very slowly and CarefullyD.tosee whetherbook will interest youornot5. “But notallthe stories belong toclass.”The underlined wordinthe above sentence hasthesame meaning astheonein“_________”A.IhavebeentwiceattheFrench classat Morris’s.B.Allmattercanbedivided into3 classes: compounds, mixtures and elements.Hehasa prejudice (偏见) against the English middle class.D.Areyouthefirst-year classorthe second-year class?6.An interesting magazine, whichyoumayina doctor’s waiting room, belongstothebooksfor________.A. swallowingtastingC. chewing and digestingD.AB7. Which offollowing is WRONG?A.Our hobbies can sometimes helpto decide whattoB.Itis suggested inthe passage thatwe should usea dictionarynecessary.C.Ifyou chew and digesta book,itjust means thatreaditvery slowly.D. Reading cannot only helpto improve our Englishalso enlarge our knowledge.Keys:1.B2.B3.C4.5.B6.D7.Cnguage points:I)Learnthewordsbycontext:1.Some booksaretobe tasted, otherstobe swallowed, andsomefewbe chewed and digested.2.Other books arefor reading slowly and carefully. Ifitabookona subject thatyouare interested in,youwill wantto “chew andit”.3.For example, you might pickupatravel book and readafewbefore going to sleep.It is enough todip intoitand read bits here and there.a word, thisis “tasting”.2)The chemistry teacher dippedafinger intothecupshowedittothe class.Then, heputafingerinhis mouth, tasteditand smiled.(Lesson6 of BookI)II)Putthe following into Chinese, paying attention tothe underlined part.(1)Iam going to sell this old car, and buy a new one.(2) It’s turned awfully chilly, andIthink it’s going to rain.(3)The books you borrowed fromthe library aretobe returned before July5th.(4) The trainisto arrive in Beijing at 10:25 pm.(5)met Christine inthe door wayjustasshewas abouttogo away.(6) Johnny was abouttosay something more aboutthe problem, buthe checked himself.2.turnto/belong to/dip into/come across/ pickup(7) When ourTVsetthe repairman cameinhistruckto______ it______.(8)They met5years,and________ their friendship asiftherehadbeenno interruption.Two-thirdsofthe membersintheclub_________ thewealthy class.(10)Ican’tIknowagreat deal about American history. Ihavejust________ oneortwo booksthe subject.(11) Each student ______ a finger _______ the mixture and suckedThe mixture tasted terrible.(12) Afterheleft university Eric became a teacher,later_______ journalism (新闻业).(13) Frank assured methatifIever neededfinancial helpIcould always_______ him.(14)I________ this bookinanbookstore on Fourth Avenue, soIgotitquiteby chance.3.ina/in other words / above all/at the same time / such as/and。