unit 5新编实用英语课堂设计

u n i t5新编实用英语课堂设计-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Unit Five Our Weather and ClimateClass Work Design: [Three Sessions – Six Contact Hours]Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesSECTION I Talking Face to Face1 Lead-in activities:Imitating Mini-Talks1. Warm-up questions:1) Do you often listen to a weather forecast Why or why not2) What’s the use and importance of a weather forecast2. Class Activities:1. The students read the Mini-Talks after the teacher, and then try to recite them within fiveminutes in pairs.2. Ask the students to recite and perform the mini talks in class.3. The students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases and sentences frequentlyused according to the following topics with the help of the teacher. The students speak out the sentences under the guidance of the teacher, paying attention to thepronunciation and the intonation.1) Sentences for a weatherman to present weather forecasts:(1) Good morning. This is the local weather report.(2) Here is the national forecast.(3) Now le t’s look at the weather across the country.(4) Rains will be expected tomorrow from the south to the north.(5) Snow is going to continue through tomorrow in this area.(6) The weatherman says that frost is on its way.2) Sentences for talking about weather changes:A. About wind:(1) It’ll be mild, and later turn to partly cloudy, with the southeast wind.(2) Light to no winds with little changes of the temperature.(3) A little northeast wind is expected for the next two days.B. About rain:(1) Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon.(2) Tomorrow there will be light/heavy rain with a high of 30 degrees.(3) Tomorrow will be overcast with drizzle.C. About snow:(1) It’ll get colder in the afternoon with a heavy snow.(2) In the evening there’s good chance that we’ll get some snow.(3) It’ll be dull tomorrow with a light snow.D. About the temperature:(1) Today is a cloudy and cool day with a low of 12 degrees.(2) The weather will change overnight with a high temperature of zero degrees.(3) It’s going to warm up.3) Sentences about weather for starting a conversation:(1) What’s the weather like today?(2)What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?(3) What’s the weather report?(4) What’s the temperature?(5) What’s it like outside?(6) Will it be a nice day?(7) It’s nice to see the sun again.(8) Lovely day, isn’t it?(9) What do you think of the weather here?4) Sentences for talking about weather conditions and showing people’s likes or dislikes:(1) What a lovely/beautiful/awful/terrible/nice/sunny/terrible…day!(2) The heat is killing me.(4) It’s all right, but it rains a lot.(5) A perfect day to play outside.(6) It’s cold for November.(7) We are going to enjoy a lot of sunshine.Studying Weather Forecasts1. Warm-up questions:1) What can we know from a weather forecast2) Do you know the differences between Celsius and Fahrenheit2. The students read and translate the two sample dialogues under the guidance of the teacher.2 Act-out activities:Sample dialogues1. The students read the sample dialogues after the teacher, trying to imitate the teacher’spronunciation and intonation.2. Ask the students to read the sample dialogues in pairs.3. Groups work: Ask the students to categorize the useful sentences in the sample dialoguesinto two groups.1) Sentences asking questions about the weather:(1) What’s the weather like today(2) Will it be a nice day?(3) How is the weather like there?(4) What’s the temperature(5) Is that about 10 ℃2) Sentences for describing the weather conditions:(1) Today will be cold and partly cloudy with a chance of rain this afternoon.(2) Not exactly. It’s 62 ℉ and there’s a chance of rain.(3) It is warm and sunny.(4) It is 50 ℉.(5) That is cold for November.4. Group work: Each group member is supposed to talk/describe the weather conditions intheir hometowns tothe other members of the group.5. Pair work: Make a dialogue talking about the weather today. Perform it in class.6. Do Exercises 5 and 6 in pairs.3 After-class activities:1. Pair work: Each pair makes a dialogue according to the tips in one of the five tasks in Speakand Perform. There will be a class presentation in the next class period.2. Group work: Have a discussion about which seasonal weather you like best and give outthe reasons. There will be a group presentation in the next class period.3. Pay a visit to the website /show/HFh1mb5bGmCDn87W.html to watchthe video about weather conditions.SECTION II Being All Ears1 Learning Communicative Sentences1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time by looking at the corresponding Chinese version. Whilelistening to the English sentences, the students try to remember the meaning of each of the sentences they have heard. The focus here is on cross-reference of the Englishsentences and their Chinese meanings.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students torepeat the sentence during the pause.2 Handling a Dialogue1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to answer the following questionsorally:1) What was held last night?2) Why didn’t Pat go to the party last night3) What did Li Hong suggest they should do that afternoon4) What is the temperature outside now?5) What was the weather like last winter?4. Play the tape for the third time, and the students read the dialogues following the tapesimultaneously and trying to catch up the speed and simulate the speakers’ tones.5. Do the exercises in this section.3 Understanding a Short Speech/Talk1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students totake notes of the key words.SECTION III Trying Your HandPracticing Applied Writing1 Sample analysis:The teacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in weather forecasts. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT (If there is no PPT prepared, ask the students to take a dictation of the passage.). Afterwards, ask the students to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.A weather report or forecast is a very useful aid in our daily life. Knowing the usual format for giving a weather forecast helps us a lot in understanding a weather forecast in English. Figures, measurement units, graphics, weather terms, and broken short passages are often used to forecast weather conditions. In general, the language used to forecast weather should be concise, clear, familiar and vivid.2 Simulated writing:1. The students read and translate these two sample weather forecasts into Chinese.2. Do Exercises 2 and 3 in groups.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar1 The teacher gives a brief summary of the basic rules of simple past tense and present perfect tense.The simple past tense is used to refer to a past action that did not continue, while the present perfect tense is used to show actions which started in the past and are still continuing, or actions which happened in the past, but have an effect till the present.2 Do Exercises 4, 5 and 6 in groups.3 Assignment for this section:Group work: Search online about the weather forecast of the city where you are studying for the coming week and make a report with PPT. There will be a Weather Report Show in the next class period.SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 We Can Make a Difference1 Warm-up questions:1. How much do you know about the environmental problems of the world?2. What actions can we take to prevent the earth from becoming even warmer2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation and intonation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the whole passage which they don’t understand and report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and then ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.1. make a difference: to have an effecte.g. As teachers, you must believe that you can make a difference to the lives of your students.2. through with: having finished or arrived at completione.g. You would be surprised to know the number of books he managed to get through with.3. take action: to do somethinge.g. Travelers want the airlines to take action to make flying safer and more comfortable.4. care about: to be concernede.g. You are experienced in shopping online, and can you tell me what I should care about4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail:1. Paragraph 1:1) Ask the students to read this paragraph for two times individually.2) Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the paragraph into Chinese. Thenthere will be a group presentation in class.2. Paragraph 2:1) The students read this paragraph after the teacher.2) The teacher makes the following statements, and the students are required to judgewhether they are True or False.(1) In order to save energy, we should not use electricity. (False)(2) Carpooling is a way to save energy. (True)(3) People like to ride in one car together instead of driving their own car. (False)3. Paragraphs 3 and 4:1) The students read this part loudly together.2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following sentences on the blackboard or showsthem with PPT.The students are asked to fill in the missing words in the sentences without looking at the book.When electricity is used, __________are put into the air. We can help save electricity by turning off the ________, the television and the ________, etc. When we leave our computer, we should put it on _______,because it will take ________ than shutting it down for _______ it later.(Key: greenhouse gases, lights, computer, stand-by, less energy, restarting)4. Paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 8:1) The students read these four paragraphs loudly by themselves.2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following table on the blackboard or shows itwith PPT. The students are asked to complete the table.(Key: 1) Reducing greenhouse gases 2) Saving natural resources 3) Buying cool stuff)5. Paragraphs 9, 10 and 11:1) Pair work: One student reads these three paragraphs loudly, and another helps correct hisor her pronunciation. And then they change their roles to do the same work again.2) Dictation practice: The teacher reads each sentence of these three paragraphs for twotimes and the students write them down. Afterwards, the students check them up with their partners.5 Summary of the passage:1. Group work: Have a discussion to complete the following sentences with the information inthe passage. The teacher may show the following sentences with PPT or ask the students to take a dictation of them.1) Nowadays one of the big problems in the world is ________. (climate change)2) Greenhouse gases can make the Earth ________ . (even warmer)3) One of the effects of using electricity is to send _________ .(greenhouse gases into the air)4) People should take measures to save energy, such as driving less and walking more,planting ________, recycling, and buying ________, etc. (trees, cold stuff)5) Learn more knowledge about ________ , and join an environmental group to fight the________.(global warming, climate crisis)2. Groups work: Each group tries to pick out at least 5 expressions or sentences from thepassage which they think are worth remembering. Afterwards, ask some groups to write them down on the blackboard and then the whole class read them aloud in chorus.6 Suggestions for doing exercises:1. Group work for Exercises 2 and 3: Underline the useful expressions in each sentence.2. Pair work for Exercises 4 and 5: Each student writes out the sentence patterns they aregoing to use and then write out their translation. Afterwards they check up each other’s work, correcting the mistakes. At last, the whole class repeat the English translation of the sentences together.7 Assignments for this section:1. Recite the last two paragraphs of the passage.2. Group work: Search the Internet to find more ways to protect the environment in daily life.Share your ideas with other groups in the next class period.3. Preview Passage II.PASSAGE II The British Like Talking About the Weather1 Warm-up questions:1. Do you know something about weather conditions in Britain2. How do English people usually start their conversationsWhy?2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the passage which they don’t understand and then report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what may have been chosen in Language Points in Teache r’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.1. similarly ad. in a like or similar mannere.g. The Olympic athletes were similarly impressed. They spoke very highly of the challengingcourses.2. custom n.accepted or habitual practicee.g. She is very attached to old customs and habits.3. frequently ad.many times at short intervalse.g. We all know that he frequently takes an early morning swim.4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail:1. Paragraph 1:1) The students read this paragraph together.2) Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the paragraph into Chinese. Thenthere will be a group presentation in class.2. Paragraph 2:1) Ask two or three students to read this paragraph.2) Dictation practice. The teacher reads each sentence of the paragraph twice, and thestudents write them down. Afterwards, the students check them up with their partners.3. Paragraphs 3 and 4:1) The students read these two paragraphs loudly by themselves.2) Group work: Have a discussion to find the answers to the following questions:(1) What is the first reason for British people to spend much time discussing the weather(It is because the climate in Britain is interesting and variable /the weather changes frequently.)(2) What is the usual way for strangers to start a conversation in Britain(Talking about the weather.)(3) What is another reason for British people to talk about weather when they meet(It is because they are reluctant to converse about personal matters with people who are not friends.)5 Summary of the passage:1. Group work: Have a discussion to find out the topic sentence and the main idea for eachparagraph. There will be a group presentation in class.(Hint:Para. 1: The topic sentence: (The first sentence)The main idea: (Weather in Britain is changeable.)Para. 2: The topic sentence: (The first sentence)The main idea: (Some British customs are related to the weather.)Para. 3: The topic sentence: (The first two sentences)The main idea: (British people talk about weather frequently because it is interestingand changeable.)Para. 4: The topic sentence: (The last sentence)The main idea: (Talking about weather is an easy way for British people to begin theirconversations.)2. Complete the passage with the missing words. The first letter of each word is given to helpyou.The climate in Britain is very c_______. Sometimes it can be c_______, r________,w_______ and s______ all in the same day. Generally, it r_______ a lot, especially in the north and the west. Most of the time, the weather is quite m_______ never too h_______ nor tooc______. In summer, it is usually w______.(Key: changeable, cold, rainy, windy, sunny, rains, mild, hot, cold, warm)6 Suggestions for doing Exercise 7:Group work: Ask the students to prepare the Chinese translation of the sentences in Exercise 7 in groups, and there will be a group presentation in class afterwards.7 Assignments for this section:1. Recite the first paragraph of this passage.2. Pair work: Role-play the following situation. There will be a performance in the next class period.A Chinese student is going to study in Britain and he is asking a British student studying inChina about the weather conditions in Britain. The British student is happy to give theinformation.3. Preview Sections I, II and III in Unit Six.SECTION V Appreciating Culture Tips1 Understanding of the business mottoes:Ask the students to read and appreciate the logos and business mottoes.2 Group discussion:1. Which logos and business mottoes impress you mostGive your comments.2. Please list some other logos and business mottoes you are familiar with.3. Search online for more similar logos and business mottoes and exchange them in the next class period.11。

New Practical English
Unit 5 Applied Writing
I would be grateful to know the conditions under which applicants are accepted. Would you please send me an application form and the other related information? Thank you for your kind attention.
New Practical English
Unit 5 Functional Writing
3 多年来抽烟太多导致迈克呼吸困难声音嘶哑。 Mike’s difficult breathing and husky voice were the result of years of heavy smoking. 4 很多病人的焦虑源自于他们童年的经历。 Many of the patients’ anxieties stem from experiences in their childhood.
Unit 5 Trying Your Hand

She is thinking about buying a new house as the child becomes older.
eg. The students have experienced similar problems.
She has experienced a lot in her 30 years of life.
7)turn tobecome sth different
eg. If you give more heat, the water will turn to steam.
The Celsius System is used in most countries. =centigrade
the Fahrenheit System is used in western countries.
0°C=32°F 100°C=212°F
2)some terms in weather reports
2)There is a cold front fromCanadamoving down through the western states.
There be+n. +participle phrase
The present participle phrase”moving down” is the post modifier of “a cold front”.
1.Shortened sentences students meet when reading weather report.
unit 5新编实用英语课堂设计

Unit Five Our Weather and ClimateClass Work Design: [Three Sessions – Six Contact Hours]Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesSECTION I Talking Face to Face1 Lead-in activities:Imitating Mini-Talks1. Warm-up questions:1) Do you often listen to a weather forecast? Why or why not?2) What’s the use and importance of a weather forecast?2. Class Activities:1. The students read the Mini-Talks after the teacher, and then try to recite them withinfive minutes in pairs.2. Ask the students to recite and perform the mini talks in class.3. The students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases and sentences frequentlyused according to the following topics with the help of the teacher. The students speak out the sentences under the guidance of the teacher, paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.1) Sentences for a weatherman to present weather forecasts:(1) Good morning. This is the local weather report.(2) Here is the national forecast.(3) Now le t’s look at the weather across the country.(4) Rains will be expected tomorrow from the south to the north.(5) Snow is going to continue through tomorrow in this area.(6) The weatherman says that frost is on its way.2) Sentences for talking about weather changes:A. About wind:(1) It’ll be mild, and later turn to partly cloudy, with the southeast wind.(2) Light to no winds with little changes of the temperature.(3) A little northeast wind is expected for the next two days.B. About rain:(1) Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon.(2) Tomorrow there will be light/heavy rain with a high of 30 degrees.(3) Tomorrow will be overcast with drizzle.C. About snow:(1) It’ll get colder in the afternoon with a heavy snow.(2) In the evening there’s good chance that we’ll get some snow.(3) It’ll be dull tomorrow with a light snow.D. About the temperature:(1) Today is a cloudy and cool day with a low of 12 degrees.(2) The weather will change overnight with a high temperature of zero degrees.(3) It’s going to warm up.3) Sentences about weather for starting a conversation:(1) What’s the weather like today?(2)What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?(3) What’s the weather report?(4) What’s the temperature?(5) What’s it like outside?(6) Will it be a nice day?(7) It’s nice to see the sun again.(8) Lovely day, isn’t it?(9) What do you think of the weather here?4) Sentences for talking about weather conditions and showing people’s likes or dislikes:(1) What a lovely/beautiful/awful/terrible/nice/sunny/terrible…day!(2) The heat is killing me.(4) It’s all right, but it rains a lot.(5) A perfect day to play outside.(6) It’s cold for November.(7) We are going to enjoy a lot of sunshine.Studying Weather Forecasts1. Warm-up questions:1) What can we know from a weather forecast?2) Do you know the differences between Celsius and Fahrenheit?2. The students read and translate the two sample dialogues under the guidance of the teacher.2 Act-out activities:Sample dialogues1. The students read the sample dialogues after the teacher, trying to imitate the teacher’spronunciation and intonation.2. Ask the students to read the sample dialogues in pairs.3. Groups work: Ask the students to categorize the useful sentences in the sample dialoguesinto two groups.1) Sentences asking questions about the weather:(1) What’s the weather like today?(2) Will it be a nice day?(3) How is the weather like there?(4) What’s the temperature?(5) Is that about 10 ℃?2) Sentences for describing the weather conditions:(1) Today will be cold and partly cloudy with a chance of rain this afternoon.(2) Not exactly. It’s 62 ℉ and there’s a chance of rain.(3) It is warm and sunny.(4) It is 50 ℉.(5) That is cold for November.4. Group work: Each group member is supposed to talk/describe the weather conditions in theirhometowns tothe other members of the group.5. Pair work: Make a dialogue talking about the weather today. Perform it in class.6. Do Exercises 5 and 6 in pairs.3 After-class activities:1. Pair work: Each pair makes a dialogue according to the tips in one of the five tasks inSpeak and Perform. There will be a class presentation in the next class period.2. Group work: Have a discussion about which seasonal weather you like best and give outthe reasons. There will be a group presentation in the next class period.3. Pay a visit to the website to watch the video about weather conditions.SECTION II Being All Ears1 Learning Communicative Sentences1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time by looking at the corresponding Chinese version.While listening to the English sentences, the students try to remember the meaning of each of the sentences they have heard. The focus here is on cross-reference of the English sentences and their Chinese meanings.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the studentsto repeat the sentence during the pause.2 Handling a Dialogue1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to answer the following questionsorally:1) What was held last night?2) Why didn’t Pat go to the party last night?3) What did Li Hong suggest they should do that afternoon?4) What is the temperature outside now?5) What was the weather like last winter?4. Play the tape for the third time, and the students read the dialogues following the tapesimultaneously and trying to catch up the speed and simulate the speakers’ tones.5. Do the exercises in this section.3 Understanding a Short Speech/Talk1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the studentsto take notes of the key words.SECTION III Trying Your HandPracticing Applied Writing1 Sample analysis:The teacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in weather forecasts. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT (If there is no PPT prepared, ask the students to take a dictation of the passage.). Afterwards, ask the students to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.A weather report or forecast is a very useful aid in our daily life. Knowing the usual format for giving a weather forecast helps us a lot in understanding a weather forecast in English. Figures, measurement units, graphics, weather terms, and broken short passages are often used to forecast weather conditions. In general, the language used to forecast weather should be concise, clear, familiar and vivid.2 Simulated writing:1. The students read and translate these two sample weather forecasts into Chinese.2. Do Exercises 2 and 3 in groups.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar1 The teacher gives a brief summary of the basic rules of simple past tense and present perfect tense.The simple past tense is used to refer to a past action that did not continue, while the present perfect tense is used to show actions which started in the past and are still continuing, or actions which happened in the past, but have an effect till the present.2 Do Exercises 4, 5 and 6 in groups.3 Assignment for this section:Group work: Search online about the weather forecast of the city where you are studying for the coming week and make a report with PPT. There will be a Weather Report Show in the next class period.SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 We Can Make a Difference1 Warm-up questions:1. How much do you know about the environmental problems of the world?2. What actions can we take to prevent the earth from becoming even warmer?2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation and intonation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the whole passage which they don’t understand and report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and then ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.1. make a difference: to have an effect. As teachers, you must believe that you can make a difference to the lives of your students.2. through with: having finished or arrived at completion. You would be surprised to know the number of books he managed to get through with. 3. take action: to do something. Travelers want the airlines to take action to make flying safer and more comfortable.4. care about: to be concerned. You are experienced in shopping online, and can you tell me what I should care about?4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail:1. Paragraph 1:1) Ask the students to read this paragraph for two times individually.2) Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the paragraph into Chinese. Thenthere will be a group presentation in class.2. Paragraph 2:1) The students read this paragraph after the teacher.2) The teacher makes the following statements, and the students are required to judge whetherthey are True or False.(1) In order to save energy, we should not use electricity. (False)(2) Carpooling is a way to save energy. (True)(3) People like to ride in one car together instead of driving their own car. (False)3. Paragraphs 3 and 4:1) The students read this part loudly together.2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following sentences on the blackboard or showsthem with PPT.The students are asked to fill in the missing words in the sentences without looking at the book.When electricity is used, __________are put into the air. We can help save electricity by turning off the ________, the television and the ________, etc. When we leave our computer, we should put it on _______,because it will take ________ than shutting it down for _______ it later.(Key: greenhouse gases, lights, computer, stand-by, less energy, restarting)4. Paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 8:1) The students read these four paragraphs loudly by themselves.2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following table on the blackboard or shows it withPPT. The students are asked to complete the table.(Key: 1) Reducing greenhouse gases 2) Saving natural resources 3) Buying cool stuff)5. Paragraphs 9, 10 and 11:1) Pair work: One student reads these three paragraphs loudly, and another helps correcthis or her pronunciation. And then they change their roles to do the same work again.2) Dictation practice: The teacher reads each sentence of these three paragraphs for twotimes and the students write them down. Afterwards, the students check them up with their partners.5 Summary of the passage:1. Group work: Have a discussion to complete the following sentences with the informationin the passage. The teacher may show the following sentences with PPT or ask the students to take a dictation of them.1) Nowadays one of the big problems in the world is ________. (climate change)2) Greenhouse gases can make the Earth ________ . (even warmer)3) One of the effects of using electricity is to send _________ .(greenhouse gases into the air)4) People should take measures to save energy, such as driving less and walking more, planting________, recycling, and buying ________, etc. (trees, cold stuff)5) Learn more knowledge about ________ , and join an environmental group to fight the ________.(global warming, climate crisis)2. Groups work: Each group tries to pick out at least 5 expressions or sentences from thepassage which they think are worth remembering. Afterwards, ask some groups to write them down on the blackboard and then the whole class read them aloud in chorus.6 Suggestions for doing exercises:1. Group work for Exercises 2 and 3: Underline the useful expressions in each sentence.2. Pair work for Exercises 4 and 5: Each student writes out the sentence patterns they aregoing to use and then write out their translation. Afterwards they check up each other’s work, correcting the mistakes. At last, the whole class repeat the English translation of the sentences together.7 Assignments for this section:1. Recite the last two paragraphs of the passage.2. Group work: Search the Internet to find more ways to protect the environment in dailylife. Share your ideas with other groups in the next class period.3. Preview Passage II.PASSAGE II The British Like Talking About the Weather1 Warm-up questions:1. Do you know something about weather conditions in Britain?2. How do English people usually start their conversations? Why?2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the passage which they don’t understand and then report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what may have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.1. similarly ad. in a like or similar manner. The Olympic athletes were similarly impressed. They spoke very highly of the challenging courses.2. custom n.accepted or habitual practice. She is very attached to old customs and habits.3. frequently ad.many times at short intervals. We all know that he frequently takes an early morning swim.4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail:1. Paragraph 1:1) The students read this paragraph together.2) Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the paragraph into Chinese. Thenthere will be a group presentation in class.2. Paragraph 2:1) Ask two or three students to read this paragraph.2) Dictation practice. The teacher reads each sentence of the paragraph twice, and thestudents write them down. Afterwards, the students check them up with their partners.3. Paragraphs 3 and 4:1) The students read these two paragraphs loudly by themselves.2) Group work: Have a discussion to find the answers to the following questions:(1) What is the first reason for British people to spend much time discussing the weather?(It is because the climate in Britain is interesting and variable /the weather changes frequently.)(2) What is the usual way for strangers to start a conversation in Britain?(Talking about the weather.)(3) What is another reason for British people to talk about weather when they meet?(It is because they are reluctant to converse about personal matters with people who are not friends.)5 Summary of the passage:1. Group work: Have a discussion to find out the topic sentence and the main idea for eachparagraph. There will be a group presentation in class.(Hint:Para. 1: The topic sentence: (The first sentence)The main idea: (Weather in Britain is changeable.)Para. 2: The topic sentence: (The first sentence)The main idea: (Some British customs are related to the weather.) Para. 3: The topic sentence: (The first two sentences)The main idea: (British people talk about weather frequently because it isinteresting and changeable.)Para. 4: The topic sentence: (The last sentence)The main idea:(Talking about weather is an easy way for British people to begintheir conversations.)2. Complete the passage with the missing words. The first letter of each word is given tohelp you.The climate in Britain is very c_______. Sometimes it can be c_______, r________, w_______ and s______ all in the same day. Generally, it r_______ a lot, especially in the north and the west. Most of the time, the weather is quite m_______ never too h_______ nor too c______. In summer, it is usually w______.(Key: changeable, cold, rainy, windy, sunny, rains, mild, hot, cold, warm)6 Suggestions for doing Exercise 7:Group work: Ask the students to prepare the Chinese translation of the sentences in Exercise 7 in groups, and there will be a group presentation in class afterwards.7 Assignments for this section:1. Recite the first paragraph of this passage.2. Pair work: Role-play the following situation. There will be a performance in the next class period.A Chinese student is going to study in Britain and he is asking a British student studyingin China about the weather conditions in Britain. The British student is happy to give the information.3. Preview Sections I, II and III in Unit Six.SECTION V Appreciating Culture Tips1 Understanding of the business mottoes:Ask the students to read and appreciate the logos and business mottoes.2 Group discussion:1. Which logos and business mottoes impress you most? Give your comments.2. Please list some other logos and business mottoes you are familiar with.3. Search online for more similar logos and business mottoes and exchange them in the next class period.。

《新编实用英语综合教程》第五单元教学设计一、基本信息本单元课程标题:Unit Five Brands and Advertisements教学目标:1.能力目标:(1)对第五单元课文I中难度较大的词以及重点词、句的讲解与分析,帮助学生理解课文,培养学生正确翻译文章段落的能力;(2)培养学生独立完成课后练习的能力;(3)掌握正确的写作技巧。
一、组织教学I. Introduction:1. Everyday, we can see many kinds of advertisements, including some English advertisements. on thenewspapers, books TV, etc. We have to read them correctly in order to get necessary information.Therefore, we should have the ability to read them.2. When we need to sell something or have some information to release, the most effective way is towrite an advertisement. So, we need to master how to write advertisement.II: Recognize some famous brands and trademarks.Key: 1.Nike 耐克a famous sports cloth company2.NBA 美国职业篮球联赛National Basketball Association3.Montagut 梦特娇a famous shoes brand4.FedEx 联邦快递公司Federal Express5.Audi 奥迪Germany car6.P&G 宝洁公司a big company of washing material二、开始新课:Passage One Elsie the CowI. Important Words1.present v. give or hand over sth to sb 献给,送e.g.: (1) We presented our teacher with a bunch of flower/presented a bunch of flower to our teacher.(2) The school authorities presented the outstanding students with honorary certificates.2.recognize v. be able to identify (so/sth that one has seen, heard, etc before)认出,识别e.g.: (1) I recognized my former classmate immediately though we have been separated for a long time.(2) Mothers possess the instinct to recognize their babies.3.represent v. stand for, to be a symbol or equivalent of sb/sth 代表,象征e.g.: (1) The pigeon represents peace.(2) What does X represen t in this equation?4.amuse v. make laugh or smile.逗某人发笑e.g.: (1) We were all amused by the joke.(2) He has tried every way to amuse that poor girl.5.soar v. go up high quickly 急速上升e.g.: (1)The fighter soared into the air with a loud noise.(2)Prices began to soar at the news that the war was coming.6. promote v publicize (sth) in order to sell it 促销e.g. (1) TV ads are one of the most effective ways to promote new products.(2) Nowadays college students must learn how to promote themselves.,7. require v. call for as obligatory or appropriate, demand 要求e.g.: (1) All passengers are required to show their tickets.(2) The rules requires us all to be present.8. appear v. come into sight; be seen; seem, look 出现,看起来,似乎e.g. (1) A car appeared over the bill.(2)He appears well this morning.(3) It appears that he will win.II. Explanation of Difficult Sentences.1.(Para 2)To celebrate Elsie’s 60th birthday, Manhattan will be the site of the celebration, complete with a barn, white picket fence, hay and of course, the world’s most popular cow, Elsie.Analysis: To celebrate Elsie’s 60th birthday is an infinitive phrase to express the purpose of the sentence. complete with is a prepositional phrase to modify the site of the celebrationTranslation: 为了庆祝埃尔西的60岁生日,蔓哈顿将作为庆典现场,有牛舍,白色的栅栏,干草,当然还有全世界最受人喜爱的奶牛----- 埃尔西。

Unit 5 Our weather and ClimateI.Teaching objectives1.Enlarge vocabulary related to weather and climate.2.Get some tips about the use of basic sentence structures.3.Practice writing: describe the weather in form of weather forecast.4.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well.5.Practice to understand easy weather forecast.6.Practice to talk about the weather.II. Key points1.Master the vocabulary about weather and climate.2. Understand the passages3. Practice writing: describe the weather in form of forecast.4. Practice to talk about the weather and understand easy weather forecast.III. Difficult points1. Get some tips about the use of basic sentence structures.2. Practice writing a short weather forecast.3. Appreciate passages and complete exercises well.IV. Teaching methodology1.Task-based language teaching2.Direct methodV. Teaching proceduresSection I Talking Face to FaceImitating Mini-Talks1.Work in pairs. Practice the following mini-talks about greeting and introducing people.Acting out the Tasks2.Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.Key for reference:1.Task: Ask for Mark’s comments on the weather.2.Task: Ask about and describe the weather at this time of year.3.Task: Ask Mr. Green about the weather condition tomorrow and plan an activity.4.Task: Talk about the change of the weather from long rainy days.5.Task: Complain about a cold day.Studying Weather Forecasts3.A weather forecast id a statement that tells the public what the weather condition is going to be. We need to watch weather forecasts on TV or hear them over the radio every day.It is part of our life.Read the following samples of weather forecasts carefully and try to use the information to practice short dialogues.Following Sample Dialogues4.Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.Putting Language to Use5.Mr. Parks is talking about the weather of two places in the United States with her students.Read aloud the following dialogue with your partner by putting in the missing words.6.There is going to be s sports meet tomorrow.Bob is worried about the weather and you are talking about it. Fill in the blanks according to the clues given in the brackets. Then act it out with your partner.1.Listen to 10 sentences for workplace communication cross-referenced with their Chinese translations.Script: (e.g) 1. It look likes rain.2. Is it going to be fine this weekend?3. There is a chance of snow this evening.4. Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon.5. What’s the temperature today?2.Listen to the following sentences for workplace communication in Column A and match each one with its Chinese version in Column B.3.Listen to 6 sentences for workplace communication and choose their right responses.Handling a Dialogue4.Listen to a dialogue and decode the message by finding out the correct choices in the brackets according to what you have heard.Understanding a Short Speech/Talk5.Now listen to a short speech/talk and fill up the blanks according to what you have heard.The words in brackets will give you some hints.6.Listen to the speech/talk again and complete the information in Column A with the right choices in Column B.Section III Trying Your HandPracticing Applied Writing1.Read the following two samples of weather report and learn to write your own.2.Translate the following weather forecast into Chinese, using the data bank in the Workbook for reference.3.Write an English weather report according to the information given in Chinese. Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar4.Analyze the following sentences to see what tense they belong to .5.Correct the errors in the following sentences.6.Translate the following sentences into English.Keys for the exercise:1)The weather was terrible yesterday. In fact, it has been awful.2)She has worked in this office for five years.3)I paid a visit to the Great Wall last year and had a very good time there.4)We have never spoken to each other since we quarreled last time.5)Turn down the TV a bit, the weather forecast hasn’t begun yet.Write and Describe a PictureWrite a short passage of about 100 words to tell a story or about an event related to the picture given below. Some useful words and phrases have been provided to help you.Section IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage onermation Related to the Reading Passagenguage Points:3.Explanation of Difficult Sentences1)(para.1) Climate change may be a big problem,but there are many little things we can do to make a difference.Analysis: May can be used to introduce concession in putting forward an argument. 2)(para.1) As we have learned, these greenhouse gases trap energy in the atmosphere and make the Earth warmer.Analysis:As is often used to introduce an indicator of the information source, such as as we have learned. Similar structure are:as the saying goes,as everyone knows, as you know,as you put it,etc.3)(para.3)By turning off lights, the television,and the computer when you are through with them, you can help a lot.Analysis: By is followed by a gerund, introducing a prepositional phrase of manner.Note,by is not necessarily always translated as “通过”.4)(para.8)One of the ways to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that we put into the air is to buy pro ducts that don’t use as much energy.Analysis:Two That-clauses are used to serve as post-modifiers of nouns:the first one is that we put into the air, modifying greenhouse gases;The second that-clause is that don’t use as much energy, modifying products. Note: In translation, the noun phrase products that use as much energ y can simply be translated into”节能产品”, instead of “不消耗那么多能量的产品”.B. Important Words1)trap:v store(energy, gas or water,etc.)so that it cannot escape.2)Stand-by:n. Readiness for duty.3)Absorb:v. Take in,sack up (liquid,heat,knowledge,etc.)4)Membership: n. Being a member of (an organization)5)Swell:v. (number or amounts) grow bigger; expand.4. Passage Translation5. Read and Think: Answer the following questions according to the passage.6. Read and Complete1)Complete each of the following statements with words or phrases from thepassage.2)Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below, changing theform if necessary.7. Read and Translate8. Read and SimulatePassage twoInformation Related to the Reading Passagenguage Points:A.Explanation of Difficult Sentences1)(para.1) The most important thing to remember about the weather in Britain is that it often changes.Analysis: To remember about ...is the post modifier of the sentence subject the most important thing, and that introduces the complement clause.2)(para.1)As it is not very common in Britain to have long periods when the weather stays the same day after day, the kind of weather you get will depend not only on the time of year, but also on the luck.Analysis: Within the as-clause of reason, there is a relative clause introduced by when and modifying periods. And in its main clause, there is another relative clause you get modifying weather, with the relative that omitted.3)(para.2) For example, the opportunities for people to meet outside depend a lot on the weather, so you won’t see people meeting or spending time together outdoors asmuch as you do in hotter countries.Analysis:for people to meet outside modifies opportunities.Both meeting or spending time together are the object complement of verb see, and do refers to see...4)(para.3) Foreigners are often amused that the British people spend so much time discussing the weather.Analysis:That is often used to introduce a clause which gives the cause or the effect of an adjective, just like amused in this case.5)(para.4) Another reason is that the British people are reluctant to converse about personal matters with people who are not friends.Analysis:Here that introduces a subject-complement clause, in which a relative who-clause modified people.6)(Para.4) A comment on a nice day or a personal complaint about the rain is an easy way to break the ice.Analysis:Note that when or is used to coordinate two subjects, the verb must agree with the subject after or. To break the ice is an infinitive clause modifying an easy way.B. Important Words1)depend: v. A.change according to(no passive)B. Need someone or something for help or to be able to live.2)opportunity:n. A favorable moment or occasion (for doing sth.)3)Outdoors:ad. In the open air4)Amuse:v. Make someone laugh;cause laughter in5)Climate: n. The average conditions at a particular place over a period of year.6)Discuss:v. Talk about7)Variable:a. Changeable, not steady8)Reluctant:a. Unwilling and therefore perhaps slow to act.9)Converse:v. Talk informally10)Personally:a. Belonging or relating to a particular person, not to others11)Social:a.relating to leisure activities that involve meeting other people12)Comment:v. Make a remark, give an opinion2.Passage Translation3.Read and Judge: True/False4.Read and Translate: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1)the most important thing to remember about British is the weather.2)People in Britain can enjoy the lovely weather most of the year.3)British people tend to talk about weather quite a lot.4)It is quite common in Britain for people to comment on a rainy day or an lovely day at a bus stop.5)The eating habits of people in Britain have a lot to do with the weather conditions there.6)The best we may use to describe the weather in Britain is “predictable”.7)The variable weather explains why British people talk a lot about it.8)Talking about weather is an inoffensive way to begin a conversation with a stranger in Britain.Section V Appreciating Culture Tips (Open.)。

Unit Five Our Weather and ClimateTeaching Time: 8 periodsTeaching Objectives: Ss Should Learn to:1. Understand weather forecasts;2. Talk about weather;3. Write a weather report;4. Know about celsius and fahrenheitKey &Difficult Points:1. Understand weather forecasts profoundly;2.Talk about weather to start a conversation;3. Basic sentence structuresTeaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesSECTION I Talking Face to FaceLead-in activities:Imitating Mini-Talks1. Warm-up questions:1) do you often listen to a weather forecast? Why or why not?2) What is the use and importance of a weather report?2. Class Activities:1).Read the mini-talks,try to recite them;2) Ask the students to recite and perform the mini talks in class.3) The students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases and sentences frequentlyused according to the following topics with the help of the teacher. The students speak out the sentences under the guidance of the teacher.SECTION II Being All Ears1 Learning Sentences for Workplace Communicaiton1)Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2) Listen to the tape for the first time.The focus here is on cross-reference of the Englishsentences and their Chinese meanings.3) Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do exercises in this section.4)Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to repeatthe sentence during the pause.2 Handling a Dialogue1)Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2)Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3)Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to answer the following questions orally:4)Play the tape for the third time, and the students read the dialogues, following the tape simultaneously and trying to catch up the speed and simulate the speakers’ tones.5)Do the exercises in this section.3 Understanding a Short Speech/Talk1)Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2)Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3) Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.4)Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to takenotes of the key words.SECTION III Trying Your HandPracticing Applied Writing1 Sample analysis: T eacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in weather forecasts. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT (If there is no PPT prepared, ask the students to take a dictation of the passage). Afterwards, ask the students to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.2Simulated writing:1)The students read and translate the sample weather forecasts with the help of the teacher.2)Do Exercises 2, 3 and 4 in groups.SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 We can Make a Difference1 Warm-up questions: What is the consequences of global warming?2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation and intonation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the whole passage which they don’t understand and report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and then ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups.Key Language Points in Teacher’s Book1) trap:store---so that it cannot escape. Eg: A filter can trap dust from the air.2)stand-by:readiness for duty.Eg: The soldiers are on stand-by, ready to set out at any time.3)stuff:things. Eg: There is a lot of stuff about in today’s newspaper.4)membership:being a member of an organization. eg:He lost his membership card and was denied access.5)swell:grow bigger. Eg: The population swelled during that time.4 Understanding the passage in detail:1)Paragraph 1:Group work: Give the students 3 minutes to prepare the translation of the firstparagraph, and then an oral class presentation is required.2)Paragraph 2: Ask one or two students to read this paragraph.3)Paragraph 3: 1) Pair work: One student reads this paragraph loudly, and another helps correcthis or her pronunciation. And then they change their roles to do the same work again. 2) Work together to summarize the general idea of Para. 3, and then present it in class.5 Summary of the passage Group work: The students have a discussion of the main idea of the passage. The students’ ideas may vary, and the teacher gives his or her own idea.6 Assignments for this section: 1. Recite Paragraphs 2 and 3 2. Preview Passage II.PASSAGE II The British Like Talking About the Weather1 Warm-up activities: How do the British generally start their coversations?2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage and get its general idea.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:Choose language points in Language Points in Teacher’s Book4 Understanding the passage in detail:Paragraph 1: 1) The students read this paragraph together.2) Dictation practice: The teacher reads each sentence of the paragraph for or three times accordingto the students’ English level, and the students write them down. Afterwards, the students check up them with their partners.Paragraph 2:1) Ask two or three students to read the paragraph individually.2) Pair work: One student asks about 2 or 3 specific questions about Paragraphs 2, and the otherone gives the answers. Then the students exchange their roles to do the same work again. The rest of the passage: 1) The students read this part following the teacher.2) Group work: The teacher draws the following table on the blackboard (or shows it withPPT), and then asks the students to have a group discussion for matching the greeting sentences in Column A with the countries they are spoken in Column B. In the end, the whole class try to pronounce the greeting words in different languages.5Summary of the passage:1)Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the passage into Chinese.2)Groups work: Each group tries to pick out at least 5 expressions or sentences from thepassage witch they think are worth remembering. Afterwards, ask some groups to write them down on the blackboard and ask the whole class to read them aloud.6 Assignments for this section:Read the passage again.。
《新编实用英语》教案第二册unit 5

Unit FiveAT A RESTAURANTLearning Objectives:This unit is to teach us how to order food in a restaurant. We should learn how to read the menus, book dinner, order menus and master the useful sentences and expressions on this topic; Learn to talk about food and restaurant service in English. Try to write and translate English menus.Teaching Procedures:Many people like to eat large meals at restaurants, not only in China but in foreign countries too. But it varies from country to country on the eating habits. Do you know how to order food and how to communicate with the waiter (or waitress) at a restaurant? This unit can help you get a rough idea about restaurant English .Section ITalking Face to FaceThe topic area of Talking Face to Face in this unit is ordering a table and food at a restaurant with the focus on the patterns for expressing how to make and take order at a restaurant.Menu1. Present the Samples of menusMany Americans like to eat a large meal at a restaurant. Now let's look at the menu of a restaurant and try to use it to practice two short dialogues.Sample 12. Topic-related sentence expressions1) Reserve a tableI want to make a reservation for three people for this evening at 6:30.I’d like to reserve a table for tomorrow evening at 7 o’clock. It’s for five. I’s like a non-smoking section .2) Order menusAre you ready to order? /May I take your order ?We’d like some specialties. Can you recommend some ?What would you like to drink?I also like a chef’s salad .What would you like for dessert ?I’d like something typically Chinese .Let’s go Dutch .3. Practice the Two Dialogues According to the SamplesFollow the Samples: Dialogue 1 & Dialogue 24. Act OutFinish the tasks according to the models given2.Put in UseSection IIBeing All EarsWords and expressions related in the listening materials1) hold up 2)hate to do sth 3)speed up 4) doggie 5) eat out 6) catch one’s eyes 7)get one’s attentionSection IIIMaintaining a Sharp EyePassage I1. Text-related InformationEating habitsThe eating habits vary greatly from culture to culture. For example, Americans prefer to eat fatty, greasy, fried and sweet food, and they like snacks too. That is why America is probably the fattest country in this world. We Chinese people like a real meal that includes vegetables, meat and rice, whereas in the US, a meal could be a bag of cookies or French fries, very greasy. So, likes or dislikes with regard to food vary greatly in different countries. What is disgusting to one person can be a delicacy to another. Sometimes we need to change our eating habits. If we move or travel to anew place with a different culture, our favorite meat, fruit and vegetables may not be available to us. As a result, we have to eat what is different from the food we are used to. Slowly, this strange food may become familiar to us. Our tastes may change, too, and we begin to enjoy eating the food that used to seem unusual to us.2. Words and Expressions-- escape: vi. to find a way out ; get out ye.g. The prisoners escaped by break a hole in the wall.People quickly escaped from their house when the earthquake wasfelt .We escaped to a quieter place to enjoy our holiday.-- project: vi. 伸出, 突出,设想自已处身于(into)vt. 计划, 规划,投掷, 抛出; 发射,投影, 上映, 使突出, 使凸出,预言,e.g. Project yourself into her condition , maybe you can understand her.The government is projecting a new dam.Please project a slide on the screen.He projected the weather for the coming week.--suspect: v. to believe to exist or be true; think likely 猜疑,怀疑e.g. we suspect that he was lost, even before we were told.They suspect him of murder-- deposit v. to put down 放下,放置to place in a bank or sage place 储蓄;存放e.g. He deposited a pile of files before me.Don’t leave so much cash at home, deposit it in the bank.--permission n. an act of permitting; agreement; consent 允许; 同意,准许e.g. Without our manager’s permission, I can’t let you in.Did he give you permission to take that?-- whereupon: adv.于是, 因此e.g. His department was shut down, whereupon he returned to London.He didn’t understand the point, whereupon I had to expl ain it further.The soldier refused to surrender, whereupon the army captured him.-- mood: n.心情;情绪e.g. The beautiful sunny morning put him in a happy mood.Don’t talk with him, he is not in his mood today.-- acknowledge 承认、表示感谢、表明已收到e.g. He was acknowledged as one of America’s finest writers.The president stood up to acknowledge the cheers of the crowd.I acknowledge the truth of your statement.-- scene: 吵闹、景象、场面e.g. They caused a scene at the supermarket.The family reunion scene was the best part of the play.-- taste v. 品尝, 辨味, (of)有 ...味道, 领略n. 味道;欣赏力,鉴赏力e.g. I don’t like the taste of fresh fish.She has a very good taste in clothes.He insisted on pouring the wine for a guest to taste.This soup tastes nice.-- embarrass v. 使尴尬e.g. It embarrasses me even to think about it.She had been too embarrassed to ask her friends to lend her somemoney.--be accustomed to …in the habit of 习惯于e.g. I’m not accustomed to getting up so early.He quickly accustomed to the new life at school.--to follow through … to complete; carry out exactly to the end 彻底执行,贯彻到底e.g. We’ll follow through our experiment with his scientific directions.Follow through, you’ll succeed.Structures and patterns1.would rather 宁愿; 宁可e.g. I would rather go early and get home before it get dark.I would rather to go home than go shopping with her.2. There is something wrong with…坏了,出了毛病了e.g. we thought there must be something wrong with you because wehadn’t heard from you for quite a long time.There is something with my computer , would you please help me check it over.3.must + have done 表示对过去发生的事情的推测She must have finished it earlier if she didn’t get a bad cold.Difficult Sentences-- I escaped but projected myself into an even worse situation for I chose what seemed to be the best restaurant in Toledo, where I announced quickly and in a clear voice that I wanted the tourist menu. (Para. 1)Analysis: This is a complex sentence. “f or” here is used as a conjunction introducing a clause of reason. “what seemed to be the best restaurant in Toledo” is used as the object of “chose”; “where I announced quickly and in a clear voice that I wanted the tourist menu” is a non-restrictive relative clau se modifying “the best restaurant”. The where-clause again has a that-clause as its object.e.g. This did not offend me in the least, for I knew that a man in hisposition could have little time to spare.-- ... but of the twenty-nine dishes thus available, twenty-six carried a surcharge if ordered on the tourist menu. (Para. 2)Analysis: The adjective available is used here as an attributive post-modifying “the twenty-nine dishes”. This adjective usually follows the noun or noun phrase it modifies. “i f ordered” is the ellipsis of “if they are ordered”.e.g. I’m afraid I don’t have the shoes available in your size.She asked me not to say anything until asked.-- Technically, one could order a dinner that would cost the price advertised by the government, but if he did so he would have two soups, one cheap fish and no dessert. (Para. 2)Analysis: “Technically” here means according to the exact details of the rules and that-clause is a relative clause modifying “a dinner”; and “advertised by the government” is a past participle phrase modifying “the price”. “If he did so” can be paraphrased as “if the tourist ordered a dinner at the price advertised by the government”.e.g. Technically, your proposal is against the law.It is a question that needs careful consideration.He is a man loved by us all.-- “With your permission, sir,” I said, waiting for him to acknowledge me. (Para. 6)Analysis: “With your permission” is used to ask somebody to permit something. Here it means “May I be allowed to say a few words / to say about it?”e.g. With your permission, I’ll leave now.-- ... it was exactly the way it should have been by Toledo standards.(Para. 7)Analysis: “It should have been by Toledo standards” is used as a relative claus e modifying the way. Here “in which” is omitted. The subjunctive mood “should have been” shows that it is a subjective supposition.e.g. H e hated the way (in which) she talked.-- Special taste produced by hanging the bird without refrigeration, and much enjoyed by Spanish hunters and countrymen. (Para. 7) Analysis: This is an elliptical sentence which can be paraphrased as “The special taste was made by hanging ... ”. In this sentence, “produced by” and “enjoyed by” are two past participle phrases used to modify “special taste”.e.g. The fried chicken served by this fast-food restaurant has a specialtaste.-- ... but it was truly awful and I must have made a face, for the Englishman reached over,... (Para. 9)Analysis: “must have done (some thing)” is used to express a guess of something done in the past.e.g. He must have succeeded in the exam, for he is always smiling today.3. ExercisesPassage II1.Translate the passage paragraph by paragraph2.Do the exercisesSection IVTrying Your HandApplied Writing1.Explain the Format of Menu2.Pay Attention to the Difference between Chinese Dishes and EnglishDishes3.Learn to Write a Menu According to the SamplesSample 1Sample 2Sentence Writing1. Grammar RulesRelative Clause (Refer to the Workbook for Relative Clause.)2. Exercises。
新编实用英语教程Unit 5

Unit | Five
Unit | Five
Following Sample Dialogues
4 Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.
Unit | Five
Unit | Five
Putting Language to Use
5 Mrs. Parks is talking about the weather of two places in the United States with her students. Read aloud the following dialogue with your partner by putting in the missing words. How is the weather Mrs. Parks: 1 ____________________ in California? Student A: It's always warm.
B) It's noisy. D) It's wet. B) No problem. D) It's popular there. B) There is a chance of rain. D) That's terrible. B) How about you? D) Yes, it is. B) Thank you. D) That's nothing. B) Many thanks. D) What does the weatherman say?
Unit | Five
Key: 1-f, 2-h, 3-i, 4-j, 5-g, 6-c, 7-e, 8-d, 9-a, 10-b

新编实用英语综合教程1-5教案教案首页教案序次17 课题Unit 5 Talking About the Weather(1)课型□理论□讨论□习题□实验■技能训练□设计□实习授课时间授课班级周次星期节次日期教学效果教学目标设计学会用英语表达天气预报;能谈论天气变化;能流利地读出两个主题对话。
参看学生练习册(Workbook P60,70 ),计划2学时完成。
教法选择互动教学法(听与说的互动);角色表演法Interactive Teaching Method; role-play重点难点分析1.Understanding the forecast of global or local weather conditions2.Talking about weather changes (temperature, wind, rain, snow, etc.)3.Talking about the weather to start a conversation4.Making comments on weather conditions and showing your likes or dislikes5.Key words and expressions: weather report, a chance of, get cooler, changeable,clear and lively, quite a warm day, temperature,take an umbrella with教具选用Tape-recorder/Multi-medium/Language Lab.课堂组织主板书设计Unit FiveSectionⅠ& Section ⅡLanguage Points:1.Centigrade / Celsius / Fahrenheit2.forecast n./v. predict—prediction—predictable—predictably3.improve—improvement4.weather / climate5.variable—various—vary—variety6.suffer from7.show--shower知识点及时间分配序号知识点时间◆Pre-teachingReview ---- Unit 4Lead-in ---- weather forecast◆While-teachingFollow the Samples ---- Talking About the Weather TodayTalking About the Weather in New YorkBeing all ears ---- Dialogue & Passage◆Post-teachingSummaryHomework---P72. Put in Use12’75’2’作业布置计划布置实际布置Ex.1-3,P72.Ex.3,P72.课后自评教案内容教学提示备课内容(教学设计、知识点、课堂组织、教学方法等)Section ⅠTalking Face toFace参看学学·练练·考考(Workbook P60,P70)Section ⅡBeing All EarsUnit Five: Talking About the Weather(1)(Note:★---focal point,▲--- difficult point)Ⅰ.IntroductionThe topic area of Talking Face to Face in this unit is to talk about the weather. The focus is on the patterns that are appropriate for getting or giving information about weather conditions for the daily activities or arrangements.Ⅱ.Lead-in: business cards1.Warm-up questions◇Do you often listen to a weather forecast? Why or why not?◇What’s the use and importance of a weather forecast?2. Students read and translate the business cards under the guidance of the teacher.Ⅲ. Sample Dialogues1. Warm-up questions◇Do you often talk about the weather and the weather forecast?◇Do you know how to describe the weather in English?2. Students read the sample dialogues after the teacher and try to find out the useful sentences and expressions for talking about the weather in the dialogues.3. Students practice the dialogues in groups.4. Give students several minutes to prepare short conversations in pairs by simulating the five small dialogues.5. Students role-play the similar situations they create consulting the five small dialogues, first in groups, and then in front of the class.Ⅳ. Assignments for this section:﹡Pair work: Talk about/Describe the weather conditions in your hometown to other members of the group.﹡Students do Put-in-Use exercises in groups in groups by reading out loud all the three dialogues they have completed.Ⅴ. Listening Practice1.Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2.Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book. 3.Play the tape with a pause after each sentence for the second time and ask the students to take notes of the key words.Dialogue The General Idea of the Passagekey 4.Play the tape for the third time, and ask the students to simultaneously repeat while they are listening.5.Do all the exercises in this section.Ⅵ.Script(Pat Alex comes by to see Li Hong. They talk about the party last night and about the weather.)Li Hong: Hi, Pat! Why didn't you go to the party last night?Pat: Because it was so cold and rainy.Li Hong: That's too bad! It was a really good party. Hey, why don't wego for a walk this afternoon, Pat? I need some exercise.Pat: Go for a walk? But it's so cold out.Li Hong: Cold out? What's the temperature?Pat: About 13 °C.Li Hong: 13 °C That's not cold. Just wait until winter.Pat: Why?Li Hong: Well ... it snows a lot and sometimes it's very cold. Last winterit was 7 degrees below zerofor three weeks. And it waswindy, too.Pat: That sounds awful!Li Hong: It wasn't all that bad. The sun was out almost every day.play in the fresh air, aummer vacation, hot and unconfortable, in summertime, go skating on the ice, begin to grow, a new year begins, are changing color, fall from the trees, in the air教案首页教案序次18 课题Unit 5 Talking About the WEather(2)课型■理论□讨论□习题□实验□技能训练□设计□实习授课时间授课班级周次星期节次日期教学效果教学目标设计·牢记Passage 1 中所出现的生词和短语,理解课文大意,学会用英语表述天气状况。
新编实用英语教案Unit 5

1.1.maintain a close relationship with others
e the relative pronouns What and Which
2. In you opinion, what is a friend? What does friendship mean to you? What do you think are the most important factor that can keep a long-lasting close relationship with youfriend
I’m not
Oh, you and me
hand in hand to everywhere
be my friend, oh friend
We are forever friends
Oh baby
You give me all the love I need
You are the one
Forever Friend
You give me your loving
I believe in what we are
I don’t know where I would be
Without you stayingwith me
Sometimes, I’m lost in
You will take me all the way
Talk about relationships among various people

教案首页课堂组织教案内容Dialogue The General Idea of the Passagekey 4.Play the tape for the third time, and ask the students to simultaneously repeat while they are listening.5.Do all the exercises in this section.Ⅵ.Script(Pat Alex comes by to see Li Hong. They talk about the party last night and about the weather.)Li Hong: Hi, Pat! Why didn't you go to the party last night?Pat: Because it was so cold and rainy.Li Hong: That's too bad! It was a really good party. Hey, why don't wego for a walk this afternoon, Pat? I need some exercise.Pat: Go for a walk? But it's so cold out.Li Hong: Cold out? What's the temperature?Pat: About 13 °C.Li Hong: 13 °C That's not cold. Just wait until winter.Pat: Why?Li Hong: Well ... it snows a lot and sometimes it's very cold. Last winterit was 7 degrees below zero for three weeks. And it was windy, too.Pat: That sounds awful!Li Hong: It wasn't all that bad. The sun was out almost every day.play in the fresh air, aummer vacation, hot and unconfortable, in summertime, go skating on the ice, begin to grow, a new year begins, are changing color, fall from the trees, in the air教案首页课堂组织教案内容教案首页课堂组织教案内容教案首页课堂组织教案内容。

新编实用英语综合教程2--Unit-5-Food-culture教案Unit 5 Food Culture Unit GoalsWhat you should learn to do1.Choose a table2.Order from a menu3.Take an order4.Enquire about and recommend foods and drinks5.Pay the billWhat you should know about1.Western and Chinese food2.The way to make a toast speech at a wedding3.Adverbial clausesSection I Talking Face to Face1.Imitating Mini-Talks2.Acting out the Tasks3.Studying Email Information on the Internet4.Following Sample Dialogues5.Putting Language to UseSection II Being All Ears1.Learning Sentences for Workplace Communication2.Handling a Dialogue3.Understanding a Short Speech / TalkSection III Trying your Hand1.Practicing Applied Writing2.Writing Sentences and Reviewing GrammarSection IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 :Information Related to the Reading PassageLikes or dislikes with regard to food vary greatly from culture to culture. What is disgusting to one person can be a delicacy to another. Sometimes we need to change our eating habits. If we move or travel to a new place with a different culture, our favorite meat, fruit and vegetables may not be available to us. As a result, we have to eat what is different from the food we are used to. Slowly, this strange food may become familiar to us. Our tastes may change, too, and we begin to enjoy eating the food that used to seem unusual to us.Text Blogs on FoodBlog One2014/5/14Best Places to Eat in Beijing and ShanghaiThis will be our first time in Beijing and Shanghai. One of the best things about traveling is all the different foods you get to try. There is Chinese food in the US, but it’s not nearly as good as the food in China! Plus there are lots of things you can’t get in the US.Now we are wondering about what people who actually live in Shanghai and Beijing think are the best places to eat?If you can leave a message below that would be great. Amy2014/5/15You’ve got to have Beijing Duck at Quan Ju De ( 全聚德). You’re not a vegetarian right? LOL. Have a nice time in Beijing.2014/5/18Must go places for eating: I guess the only thing I would recommend is the Xiaolong Bao in Yu Garden ... uh ... it’s a little bit cliché... but it is still the signature dish of Shanghai ... apart from that, you can find every kind of dishes of regional flavor there ... god bless.Ming Tao2014/5/20Its a pity u stay in Hangzhou only a few hours, flying guys! Xuehe20014/5/28Hi! It was really nice meeting you today at the bar! Hope you enjoyed your stay here in Shanghai so far ... and you can try Shanghainese cuisine some time ... or maybe some snacks at the City God’s Temple (Chenghuang Miao in Chinese). They’re really one of a kind.Blog Twoby Chang Weng, from MalaysiaFunny, Isn’t It?Tuesday morning, I over-slept, while all the bosses were coming.Fortunately I was not coming late, just having no time to da bao my lunch.Me: Qiu Jun, I did not “da bao”today. If you go out for lunch,remember to bring me together.Qiu Jun: Ok, A Weng. I’ll go out for lunch later on.(Few minutes just before the lunch hour.)Qiu Jun: A Weng, let’s go for lunch now.Uncle Zhou: Today we bring A Weng to the sea.Me: Sea? (Sure? Qiu Jun and me don’t know how to swim!)Qiu Jun: Good idea.Me: Oh ... (These 2 bosses must have something secret in their plan.)Few minutes after sitting inside Qiu Jun’s car, huh, we are really reaching the sea.Oh, actually they target on the Sunrise Seafood Restaurant, which is just located besides our company, but we need to turn a big round only to reach there.Hmm, this restaurant is quite good, “floating”on top of the sea. An unlimited sea-view.Uncle Zhou treats us to lunch there. Wow, we finish almost all the ordered food. I feel surprised that I do not recommend food over here. Hehe, I cannot tell my mother, or else she will call me immediately with blar blar blar.Mum, don’t worry, I did not eat any meat, see, my plate is empty. Language Points1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences1. (Blog 1 –Amy) Now we are wondering about what people who actually live in Shanghai and Beijing think are the best places to eat?Analysis: This is a complex sentence. In this sentence what people who actually live in Shanghai and Beijing think are the best places to eat is an object clause of the preposition about, and who are ctually live in Shanghai and Beijing is used as an attributive clause modifying people.Translation: 现在我们想知道,真正住在上海和北京的居民认为什么地方的东西最好吃。

新编实用英语教案unit5第一篇:新编实用英语教案unit5Unit 5Our weather and Climate I.Teaching objectives1. vocabulary related to weather and climate.Get some tips about the use of basic sentence structures.Practice writing: describe the weather in form of weather forecast.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well.Practice to understand easy weather forecast.Practice to talk about the weather.II.Key points 1.Master the vocabulary about weather and climate.2.Understand the passages 3.Practice writing: describe the weather in form of forecast.4.Practice to talk about the weather and understand easy weather forecast.III.Difficult points 1.Get some tips about the use of basic sentence structures.2.Practice writing a short weather forecast.3.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well.IV.Teaching methodology1.Task-based language teaching2.Direct method V.Teaching procedures Section I Talking Face to Face Imitating Mini-Talks 1.Work in pairs.Practice the following mini-talks about greeting and introducing people.Acting out the Tasks 2.Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.Key for reference: 1.Task: Ask for Mark’s comments on the weather.2.Task: Ask about and describe the weather at this time of year.3.Task: Ask Mr.Green about the weather condition tomorrow and plan an activity.4.Task: Talk about the change of the weather from long rainy days.5.T ask: Complain about a cold day.Studying Weather Forecasts 3.A weather forecast id a statement that tells the public what the weather condition isgoing to be.We need to watch weather forecasts on TV or hear them over the radio every day.It is part of our life.Read the following samples of weather forecasts carefully and try to use the information to practice short dialogues.Following Sample Dialogues4.Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.Putting Language to Use5.Mr.Parks is talking about the weather of two places in the United States with her students.Read aloud the following dialogue with your partner by putting in the missing words.6.There is going to be s sports meet tomorrow.Bob is worried about the weather and you are talking about it.Fill in the blanks according to the clues given in the brackets.Then act it out with your partner.1.Listen to 10 sentences for workplace communication cross-referenced with their Chinese translations.Script:(e.g)1.It look likes rain.2.Is it going to be fine this weekend?3.There is a chance of snow this evening.4.Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon.5.What’s the temperature today?2.Listen to the following sentences for workplace communication in Column A and match each one with its Chinese version in Column B.3.Listen to 6 sentences for workplace communication and choose their right responses.Handling a Dialogue4.Listen to a dialogue and decode the message by finding out the correct choices in the brackets according to what you have heard.Understanding a Short Speech/Talk5.Now listen to a short speech/talk and fill up the blanks according to what you have heard.The words in brackets will give you some hints.6.Listen to the speech/talk again and complete the information in Column A with the right choices in ColumnB.Section III Trying Your Hand Practicing Applied Writing 1.Read the following two samples of weather report and learn to write your own.2.Translate the following weather forecast into Chinese, using the data bank in the Workbook for reference.3.Write an English weather report according to the information given in Chinese.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar 4.Analyze the following sentences to see what tense they belong to.5.Correct the errors in the following sentences.6.Translate the following sentences into English.Keys for the exercise: 1)The weather was terrible yesterday.In fact, it has been awful.2)She has worked in this office for five years.3)I paid a visit to the Great Wall last year and had a very good time there.4)We have never spoken to each other since we quarreled last time.5)Turn down the TV a bit, the weather forecast hasn’t begun yet.Write and Describe a Picture Write a short passage of about 100 words to tell a story or about an event related to the picture given below.Some useful words and phrases have been provided to help you.Section IV Maintaining a Sharp Eye Passage onermation Related to the Reading Passagenguage Points:3.Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1)(para.1)Climate change may be a big problem,but there are many little things we can do to make a difference.Analysis: May can be used to introduce concession in putting forward an argument.2)(para.1)As we have learned, these greenhouse gases trap energy in the atmosphere and make the Earth warmer.Analysis:As is often used to introduce an indicator of the information source, such as as we have learned.Similar structure are:as the saying goes,as everyone knows, as you know,as you put it,etc.3)(para.3)By turning off lights, the television,and the computerwhen you are through with them, you can help a lot.Analysis: By is followed by a gerund, introducing a prepositional phrase of manner.Note,by is not necessarily always translated as “通过”.4)(para.8)One of the ways to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that we put into the air is to buy products that don’t use as much energy.Analysis:Two That-clauses are used to serve as post-modifiers of nouns:the first one is that we put into the air, modifying greenhouse gases;The second that-clause is that don’t use as much energy, modifying products.Note: In translation, the noun phrase products that use as much energy can simply be translated into”节能产品”, instead of “不消耗那么多能量的产品”.B.Important Words 1)trap:v store(energy, gas or water,etc.)so that it cannot escape.2)Stand-by:n.Readiness for duty.3)Absorb:v.Take in,sack up(liquid,heat,knowledge,etc.)4)Membership: n.Being a member of(an organization)5)Swell:v.(number or amounts)grow bigger;expand.4.Passage Translation 5.Read and Think: Answer the following questions according to the passage.6.Read and Complete1)Complete each of the following statements with words or phrases from the passage.2)Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below, changing theform if necessary.7.Read and Translate 8.Read and Simulate Passage two Information Related to the Reading Passage nguage Points: A.Explanation of Difficult Sentences 1)(para.1)The most important thing to remember about the weather in Britain is that it often changes.Analysis: To remember about...is the post modifier of the sentence subject the most important thing, and that introduces the complement clause.2)(para.1)As it is not very common in Britain to have longperiods when the weather stays the same day after day, the kind of weather you get will depend not only on the time of year, but also on the luck.Analysis: Within the as-clause of reason, there is a relative clause introduced by when and modifying periods.And in its main clause, there is another relative clause you get modifying weather, with the relative that omitted.3)(para.2)For example, the opportunities for people to meet outside depend a lot on the weather, so you won’t see people meeting or spending time together outdoors as much as you do in hotter countries.Analysis: for people to meet outside modifies opportunities.Both meeting or spending time together are the object complement of verb see, and do refers to see...4)(para.3)Foreigners are often amused that the British people spend so much time discussing the weather.Analysis: That is often used to introduce a clause which gives the cause or the effect of an adjective, just like amused in this case.5)(para.4)Another reason is that the British people are reluctant to converse about personal matters with people who are not friends.Analysis:Here that introduces a subject-complement clause, in which a relative who-clause modified people.6)(Para.4)A comment on a nice day or a personal complaint about the rain is an easy way to break the ice.Analysis:Note that when or is used to coordinate two subjects, the verb must agree with the subject after or.To break the ice is an infinitive clause modifying an easy way.B.Important Words1)depend: v.A.change according to(no passive)B.Need someone or something for help or to be able to live.2)opportunity:n.A favorable moment or occasion(for doing sth.)3)Outdoors:ad.In the open air 4)Amuse:v.Make someone laugh;cause laughter in 5)Climate: n.The average conditions at aparticular place over a period of year.6)Discuss:v.Talk about 7)Variable:a.Changeable, not steady 8)Reluctant:a.Unwilling and therefore perhaps slow to act.9)Converse:v.Talk informally 10)Personally:a.Belonging or relating to a particular person, not to others 11)Social:a.relating to leisure activities that involve meeting other people 12)Comment:v.Make a remark, give an opinion 2.Passage Translation 3.Read and Judge: True/False 4.Read and Translate: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1)the most important thing to remember about British is the weather.2)People in Britain can enjoy the lovely weather most of the year.3)British people tend to talk about weather quite a lot.4)It is quite common in Britain for people to comment on a rainy day or an lovely day at a bus stop.5)The eating habits of people in Britain have a lot to do with the weather conditions there.6)The best we may use to describe the weather in Britain is “predictable”.7)The variable weather explains why British people talk a lot about it.8)Talking about weather is an inoffensive way to begin a conversation with a stranger in Britain.Section V Appreciating Culture Tips(Open.)第二篇:新编实用英语教案案首新编实用英语教案案首课程名称:新编实用英语Unit 1一、基本信息单元标题:unit1 Invitations 项目训练名称:Speaking And Writing 教学目标与要求: 1.能力目标:After learning this, the students should learn to make an oral invitation and write an invitation card or a letter for personal invitation or official occasions..They also can give a reply to an oral invitation and awritten invitation 知识目标:The words, the phrases and sentences about the invitations.二、学习重点与难点:1.The new words and phrases2.The sentences about the invitations3.The invitation cards or letters三、课时安排:2课时四、教法设计:讲授法、谈话法、讨论法、读书指导法、练习法五、教学用具:新编实用英语教案内容一、教学方法及建议:本单元设计利用任务驱动、情景模式教学,课堂上以学生活动为主,以锻炼学生分析问题,尝试解决问题、总结问题,最后真正解决问题的能力为目标,教师适当的引导,达到培养职业能力为主的目的。

Unit Five Our Weather and ClimateClass Work Design: [Three Sessions – Six Contact Hours]Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesSECTION I Talking Face to Face1 Lead-in activities:Imitating Mini-Talks1. Warm-up questions:1) Do you often listen to a weather forecast Why or why not2) What’s the use and importance of a weather forecast2. Class Activities:1. The students read the Mini-Talks after the teacher, and then try to recite them withinfive minutes in pairs.2. Ask the students to recite and perform the mini talks in class.3. The students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases and sentences frequentlyused according to the following topics with the help of the teacher. The students speak out the sentences under the guidance of the teacher, paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.1) Sentences for a weatherman to present weather forecasts:(1) Good morning. This is the local weather report.(2) Here is the national forecast.(3) Now le t’s look at the weather across the country.(4) Rains will be expected tomorrow from the south to the north.(5) Snow is going to continue through tomorrow in this area.(6) The weatherman says that frost is on its way.2) Sentences for talking about weather changes:A. About wind:(1) It’ll be mild, and later turn to partly cloudy, with the southeast wind.(2) Light to no winds with little changes of the temperature.(3) A little northeast wind is expected for the next two days.B. About rain:(1) Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon.(2) Tomorrow there will be light/heavy rain with a high of 30 degrees.(3) Tomorrow will be overcast with drizzle.C. About snow:(1) It’ll get colder in the afternoon with a heavy snow.(2) In the evening there’s good chance that we’ll get some snow.(3) It’ll be dull tomorrow with a light snow.D. About the temperature:(1) Today is a cloudy and cool day with a low of 12 degrees.(2) The weather will change overnight with a high temperature of zero degrees.(3) It’s going to warm up.3) Sentences about weather for starting a conversation:(1) What’s the weather like today(2)What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow(3) What’s the weather report(4) What’s the temperature(5) What’s it like outside(6) Will it be a nice day(7) It’s nice to see the sun again.(8) Lovely day, isn’t it(9) What do you think of the weather here4) Sentences for talking about weather conditions and showing people’s likes or dislikes:(1) What a lovely/beautiful/awful/terrible/nice/sunny/terrible…day!(2) The heat is killing me.(4) It’s all right, but it rains a lot.(5) A perfect day to play outside.(6) It’s cold for November.(7) We are going to enjoy a lot of sunshine.Studying Weather Forecasts1. Warm-up questions:1) What can we know from a weather forecast2) Do you know the differences between Celsius and Fahrenheit2. The students read and translate the two sample dialogues under the guidance of the teacher.2 Act-out activities:Sample dialogues1. The students read the sample dialogues after the teacher, trying to imitate the teacher’spronunciation and intonation.2. Ask the students to read the sample dialogues in pairs.3. Groups work: Ask the students to categorize the useful sentences in the sample dialoguesinto two groups.1) Sentences asking questions about the weather:(1) What’s the weather like today(2) Will it be a nice day(3) How is the weather like there(4) What’s the temperature(5) Is that about 10 ℃2) Sentences for describing the weather conditions:(1) Today will be cold and partly cloudy with a chance of rain this afternoon.(2) Not exactly. It’s 62 ℉ and there’s a chance of rain.(3) It is warm and sunny.(4) It is 50 ℉.(5) That is cold for November.4. Group work: Each group member is supposed to talk/describe the weather conditions in theirhometowns tothe other members of the group.5. Pair work: Make a dialogue talking about the weather today. Perform it in class.6. Do Exercises 5 and 6 in pairs.3 After-class activities:1. Pair work: Each pair makes a dialogue according to the tips in one of the five tasks inSpeak and Perform. There will be a class presentation in the next class period.2. Group work: Have a discussion about which seasonal weather you like best and give outthe reasons. There will be a group presentation in the next class period.3. Pay a visit to the website to watch the video about weather conditions.SECTION II Being All Ears1 Learning Communicative Sentences1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time by looking at the corresponding Chinese version.While listening to the English sentences, the students try to remember the meaning of each of the sentences they have heard. The focus here is on cross-reference of the English sentences and their Chinese meanings.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the studentsto repeat the sentence during the pause.2 Handling a Dialogue1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to answer the following questionsorally:1) What was held last night2) Why didn’t Pat go to the party last night3) What did Li Hong suggest they should do that afternoon4) What is the temperature outside now5) What was the weather like last winter4. Play the tape for the third time, and the students read the dialogues following the tapesimultaneously and trying to catch up the speed and simulate the speakers’ tones.5. Do the exercises in this section.3 Understanding a Short Speech/Talk1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the studentsto take notes of the key words.SECTION III Trying Your HandPracticing Applied Writing1 Sample analysis:The teacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in weather forecasts. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT (If there is no PPT prepared, ask the students to take a dictation of the passage.). Afterwards, ask the students to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.A weather report or forecast is a very useful aid in our daily life. Knowing the usual format for giving a weather forecast helps us a lot in understanding a weather forecast in English. Figures, measurement units, graphics, weather terms, and broken short passages are often used to forecast weather conditions. In general, the language used to forecast weather should be concise, clear, familiar and vivid.2 Simulated writing:1. The students read and translate these two sample weather forecasts into Chinese.2. Do Exercises 2 and 3 in groups.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar1 The teacher gives a brief summary of the basic rules of simple past tense and present perfect tense.The simple past tense is used to refer to a past action that did not continue, while the present perfect tense is used to show actions which started in the past and are still continuing, or actions which happened in the past, but have an effect till the present.2 Do Exercises 4, 5 and 6 in groups.3 Assignment for this section:Group work: Search online about the weather forecast of the city where you are studying for the coming week and make a report with PPT. There will be a Weather Report Show in the next class period.SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 We Can Make a Difference1 Warm-up questions:1. How much do you know about the environmental problems of the world2. What actions can we take to prevent the earth from becoming even warmer2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation and intonation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the whole passage which they don’t understand and report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and then ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.1. make a difference: to have an effect. As teachers, you must believe that you can make a difference to the lives of your students.2. through with: having finished or arrived at completion. You would be surprised to know the number of books he managed to get through with. 3. take action: to do something. Travelers want the airlines to take action to make flying safer and more comfortable.4. care about: to be concerned. You are experienced in shopping online, and can you tell me what I should care about4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail:1. Paragraph 1:1) Ask the students to read this paragraph for two times individually.2) Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the paragraph into Chinese. Thenthere will be a group presentation in class.2. Paragraph 2:1) The students read this paragraph after the teacher.2) The teacher makes the following statements, and the students are required to judge whetherthey are True or False.(1) In order to save energy, we should not use electricity. (False)(2) Carpooling is a way to save energy. (True)(3) People like to ride in one car together instead of driving their own car. (False)3. Paragraphs 3 and 4:1) The students read this part loudly together.2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following sentences on the blackboard or showsthem with PPT.The students are asked to fill in the missing words in the sentences without looking at the book.When electricity is used, __________are put into the air. We can help save electricity by turning off the ________, the television and the ________, etc. When we leave our computer, we should put it on _______,because it will take ________ than shutting it down for _______ it later.(Key: greenhouse gases, lights, computer, stand-by, less energy, restarting)4. Paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 8:1) The students read these four paragraphs loudly by themselves.2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following table on the blackboard or shows it withPPT. The students are asked to complete the table.(Key: 1) Reducing greenhouse gases 2) Saving natural resources 3) Buying cool stuff)5. Paragraphs 9, 10 and 11:1) Pair work: One student reads these three paragraphs loudly, and another helps correcthis or her pronunciation. And then they change their roles to do the same work again.2) Dictation practice: The teacher reads each sentence of these three paragraphs for twotimes and the students write them down. Afterwards, the students check them up with their partners.5 Summary of the passage:1. Group work: Have a discussion to complete the following sentences with the informationin the passage. The teacher may show the following sentences with PPT or ask the students to take a dictation of them.1) Nowadays one of the big problems in the world is ________. (climate change)2) Greenhouse gases can make the Earth ________ . (even warmer)3) One of the effects of using electricity is to send _________ .(greenhouse gases into the air)4) People should take measures to save energy, such as driving less and walking more, planting________, recycling, and buying ________, etc. (trees, cold stuff)5) Learn more knowledge about ________ , and join an environmental group to fight the ________.(global warming, climate crisis)2. Groups work: Each group tries to pick out at least 5 expressions or sentences from thepassage which they think are worth remembering. Afterwards, ask some groups to write them down on the blackboard and then the whole class read them aloud in chorus.6 Suggestions for doing exercises:1. Group work for Exercises 2 and 3: Underline the useful expressions in each sentence.2. Pair work for Exercises 4 and 5: Each student writes out the sentence patterns they aregoing to use and then write out their translation. Afterwards they check up each other’s work, correcting the mistakes. At last, the whole class repeat the English translation of the sentences together.7 Assignments for this section:1. Recite the last two paragraphs of the passage.2. Group work: Search the Internet to find more ways to protect the environment in dailylife. Share your ideas with other groups in the next class period.3. Preview Passage II.PASSAGE II The British Like Talking About the Weather1 Warm-up questions:1. Do you know something about weather conditions in Britain2. How do English people usually start their conversations Why2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the passage which they don’t understand and then report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what may have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.1. similarly ad. in a like or similar manner. The Olympic athletes were similarly impressed. They spoke very highly of the challenging courses.2. custom n.accepted or habitual practice. She is very attached to old customs and habits.3. frequently ad.many times at short intervals. We all know that he frequently takes an early morning swim.4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail:1. Paragraph 1:1) The students read this paragraph together.2) Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the paragraph into Chinese. Thenthere will be a group presentation in class.2. Paragraph 2:1) Ask two or three students to read this paragraph.2) Dictation practice. The teacher reads each sentence of the paragraph twice, and thestudents write them down. Afterwards, the students check them up with their partners.3. Paragraphs 3 and 4:1) The students read these two paragraphs loudly by themselves.2) Group work: Have a discussion to find the answers to the following questions:(1) What is the first reason for British people to spend much time discussing the weather(It is because the climate in Britain is interesting and variable /the weather changes frequently.)(2) What is the usual way for strangers to start a conversation in Britain(Talking about the weather.)(3) What is another reason for British people to talk about weather when they meet(It is because they are reluctant to converse about personal matters with people who are not friends.)5 Summary of the passage:1. Group work: Have a discussion to find out the topic sentence and the main idea for eachparagraph. There will be a group presentation in class.(Hint:Para. 1: The topic sentence: (The first sentence)The main idea: (Weather in Britain is changeable.)Para. 2: The topic sentence: (The first sentence)The main idea: (Some British customs are related to the weather.) Para. 3: The topic sentence: (The first two sentences)The main idea: (British people talk about weather frequently because it isinteresting and changeable.)Para. 4: The topic sentence: (The last sentence)The main idea:(Talking about weather is an easy way for British people to begintheir conversations.)2. Complete the passage with the missing words. The first letter of each word is given tohelp you.The climate in Britain is very c_______. Sometimes it can be c_______, r________, w_______ and s______ all in the same day. Generally, it r_______ a lot, especially in the north and the west. Most of the time, the weather is quite m_______ never too h_______ nor too c______. In summer, it is usually w______.(Key: changeable, cold, rainy, windy, sunny, rains, mild, hot, cold, warm)6 Suggestions for doing Exercise 7:Group work: Ask the students to prepare the Chinese translation of the sentences in Exercise 7 in groups, and there will be a group presentation in class afterwards.7 Assignments for this section:1. Recite the first paragraph of this passage.2. Pair work: Role-play the following situation. There will be a performance in the next class period.A Chinese student is going to study in Britain and he is asking a British student studyingin China about the weather conditions in Britain. The British student is happy to give the information.3. Preview Sections I, II and III in Unit Six.SECTION V Appreciating Culture Tips1 Understanding of the business mottoes:Ask the students to read and appreciate the logos and business mottoes.2 Group discussion:1. Which logos and business mottoes impress you most Give your comments.2. Please list some other logos and business mottoes you are familiar with.3. Search online for more similar logos and business mottoes and exchange them in the next class period.。

5.Section II: Being All Ears (43minutes)
Pre-listening: predict the content of each listening material with all possible information;While listening: let the students listen to the dialogues and the passage at least one time before doing the exercises; ask them to take notes;Post-listening: do some oral English activities and written work. These steps aim to help the students cultivate good listening strategies.

Unit Five Our Weather and ClimateTeaching Time: 8 periodsTeaching Objectives: Ss Should Learn to:1.Understand weather forecasts;2.Talk about weather;3.Write a weather report;4.Know about celsius and fahrenheitKey &Difficult Points:1. Understand weather forecasts profoundly;2.Talk about weather to start a conversation;3. Basic sentence structuresTeaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesSECTION I Talking Face to FaceLead-in activities:Imitating Mini-Talks1.Warm-up questions:1)do you often listen to a weather forecast? Why or why not?2)What is the use and importance of a weather report?2.Class Activities:1).Read the mini-talks,try to recite them;2)Ask the students to recite and perform the mini talks in class.3)The students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases and sentences frequentlyused according to the following topics with the help of the teacher. The students speak out the sentences under the guidance of the teacher.SECTION II Being All Ears1 Learning Sentences for Workplace Communicaiton1)Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2)Listen to the tape for the first time.The focus here is on cross-reference of the Englishsentences and their Chinese meanings.3)Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do exercises in this section.4)Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to repeatthe sentence during the pause.2 Handling a Dialogue1)Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2)Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3)Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to answer the following questions orally:4)Play the tape for the third time, and the students read the dialogues, following the tape simultaneously and trying to catch up the speed and simulate the speakers ’tones.5)Do the exercises in this section.3 Understanding a Short Speech/Talk1)Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2)Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3) Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.4)Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to takenotes of the key words.SECTION III Trying Your HandPracticing Applied Writing1 Sample analysis: Teacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in weather forecasts. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT (If there is no PPT prepared, ask the students to take a dictation of the passage). Afterwards, ask the students to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.2 Simulated writing:1)The students read and translate the sample weather forecasts with the help of the teacher.2)Do Exercises 2, 3 and 4 in groups.SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 We can Make a Difference1Warm-up questions: What is the consequences of global warming?2Guided reading aloud of the passage: The students read the passage individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students ’pronunciation and intonation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the whole passage which they don ’tunderstand and report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and then ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. Key Language Points in Teacher ’ s Book1) trap:store---so that it cannot escape. Eg: A filter can trap dust from the air.2)stand-by:readiness for duty.Eg: The soldiers are on stand-by, ready to set out at any time.3)stuff:things. Eg: There is a lot of stuff about in today’s newspaper.4)membership:being a member of an organization. eg:He lost his membership card andwas denied access.5)swell:grow bigger. Eg: The population swelled during that time.4Understanding the passage in detail:1)Paragraph 1: Group work: Give the students 3 minutes to prepare the translation of the firstparagraph, and then an oral class presentation is required.2)Paragraph 2: Ask one or two students to read this paragraph.3)Paragraph 3: 1) Pair work: One student reads this paragraph loudly, and another helps correcthis or her pronunciation. And then they change their roles to do the same work again. 2) Work together to summarize the general idea of Para. 3, and then present it in class.5Summary of the passage Group work: The students have a discussion of the main idea of the passage. The students’ideas may vary, and the teacher gives his or her own idea.6Assignments for this section: 1. Recite Paragraphs 2 and 3 2. Preview Passage II.PASSAGE II The British Like Talking About the Weather1 Warm-up activities:How do the British generally start their coversations?2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage and get its general idea.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:Choose language points in Language Points in Teacher ’ s Book 4Understanding the passage in detail:Paragraph 1: 1) The students read this paragraph together.2) Dictation practice: The teacher reads each sentence of the paragraph for or three times accordingto the students ’English level, and the students write them down. Afterwards, the students check up them with their partners.Paragraph 2: 1) Ask two or three students to read the paragraph individually.2)Pair work: One student asks about 2 or 3 specific questions about Paragraphs 2, and the otherone gives the answers. Then the students exchange their roles to do the same work again.The rest of the passage: 1) The students read this part following the teacher.2)Group work: The teacher draws the following table on the blackboard (or shows it with PPT),and then asks the students to have a group discussion for matching the greeting sentences in Column A with the countries they are spoken in Column B. In the end, the whole class try to pronounce the greeting words in different languages.5 Summary of the passage:1)Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the passage into Chinese.2)Groups work: Each group tries to pick out at least 5 expressions or sentences from thepassage witch they think are worth remembering. Afterwards, ask some groups to write them down on the blackboard and ask the whole class to read them aloud.6Assignments for this section:Read the passage again.。
unit 5新编实用英语课堂设计

Unit Five Our Weather and ClimateClass Work Design: [Three Sessions – Six Contact Hours]Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesSECTION I Talking Face to Face1 Lead-in activities:Imitating Mini-Talks1. Warm-up questions:1) Do you often listen to a weather forecast? Why or why not?2) What’s the use and importance of a weather forecast?2. Class Activities:1. The students read the Mini-Talks after the teacher, and then try to recite them within five minutesin pairs.2. Ask the students to recite and perform the mini talks in class.3. The students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases and sentences frequently usedaccording to the following topics with the help of the teacher. The students speak out the sentences under the guidance of the teacher, paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.1) Sentences for a weatherman to present weather forecasts:(1) Good morning. This is the local weather report.(2) Here is the national forecast.(3) Now let’s look at the weather across the country.(4) Rains will be expected tomorrow from the south to the north.(5) Snow is going to continue through tomorrow in this area.(6) The weatherman says that frost is on its way.2) Sentences for talking about weather changes:A. About wind:(1) It’ll be mild, and later turn to partly cloudy, with the southeast wind.(2) Light to no winds with little changes of the temperature.(3) A little northeast wind is expected for the next two days.B. About rain:(1) Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon.(2) Tomorrow there will be light/heavy rain with a high of 30 degrees.(3) Tomorrow will be overcast with drizzle.C. About snow:(1) It’ll get colder in the afternoon with a heavy snow.(2) In the evening there’s good chance that we’ll get some snow.(3) It’ll be dull tomorrow with a light snow.D. About the temperature:(1) Today is a cloudy and cool day with a low of 12 degrees.(2) The weather will change overnight with a high temperature of zero degrees.(3) It’s going to warm up.3) Sentences about weather for starting a conversation:(1) What’s the weather like today?(2)What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?(3) What’s the weather report?(4) What’s the temperature?(5) What’s it like outside?(6) Will it be a nice day?(7) It’s nice to see the sun again.(8) Lovely day, isn’t it?(9) What do you think of the weather here?4) Sentences for talking about weather conditions and showing people’s likes or dislikes:(1) What a lovely/beautiful/awful/terrible/nice/sunny/terrible…day!(2) The heat is killing me.(4) It’s all right, but it rains a lot.(5) A perfect day to play outside.(6) It’s cold for November.(7) We are going to enjoy a lot of sunshine.Studying Weather Forecasts1. Warm-up questions:1) What can we know from a weather forecast?2) Do you know the differences between Celsius and Fahrenheit?2. The students read and translate the two sample dialogues under the guidance of the teacher.2 Act-out activities:Sample dialogues1. The students read the sample dialogues after the teacher, trying to imitate the teacher’spronunciation and intonation.2. Ask the students to read the sample dialogues in pairs.3. Groups work: Ask the students to categorize the useful sentences in the sample dialogues into twogroups.1) Sentences asking questions about the weather:(1) What’s the weather like today?(2) Will it be a nice day?(3) How is the weather like there?(4) What’s the temperature?(5) Is that about 10 ℃?2) Sentences for describing the weather conditions:(1) Today will be cold and partly cloudy with a chance of rain this afternoon.(2) Not exactly. It’s 62 ℉ and there’s a chance of rain.(3) It is warm and sunny.(4) It is 50 ℉.(5) That is cold for November.4. Group work: Each group member is supposed to talk/describe the weather conditions in theirhometowns tothe other members of the group.5. Pair work: Make a dialogue talking about the weather today. Perform it in class.6. Do Exercises 5 and 6 in pairs.3 After-class activities:1. Pair work: Each pair makes a dialogue according to the tips in one of the five tasks in Speak andPerform. There will be a class presentation in the next class period.2. Group work: Have a discussion about which seasonal weather you like best and give out the reasons.There will be a group presentation in the next class period.3. Pay a visit to the website /show/HFh1mb5bGmCDn87W.html to watch the videoabout weather conditions.SECTION II Being All Ears1 Learning Communicative Sentences1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time by looking at the corresponding Chinese version. While listeningto the English sentences, the students try to remember the meaning of each of the sentences they have heard. The focus here is on cross-reference of the English sentences and their Chinese meanings.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to repeat thesentence during the pause.2 Handling a Dialogue1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to answer the following questions orally:1) What was held last night?2) Why didn’t Pat go to the party last night?3) What did Li Hong suggest they should do that afternoon?4) What is the temperature outside now?5) What was the weather like last winter?4. Play the tape for the third time, and the students read the dialogues following the tapesimultaneously and trying to catch up the speed and simulate the speakers’ tones.5. Do the exercises in this section.3 Understanding a Short Speech/Talk1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to take notesof the key words.SECTION III Trying Your HandPracticing Applied Writing1 Sample analysis:The teacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in weather forecasts. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT (If there is no PPT prepared, ask the students to take a dictation of the passage.). Afterwards, ask the students to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.A weather report or forecast is a very useful aid in our daily life. Knowing the usual format for giving a weather forecast helps us a lot in understanding a weather forecast in English. Figures, measurementunits, graphics, weather terms, and broken short passages are often used to forecast weather conditions. In general, the language used to forecast weather should be concise, clear, familiar and vivid.2 Simulated writing:1. The students read and translate these two sample weather forecasts into Chinese.2. Do Exercises 2 and 3 in groups.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar1 The teacher gives a brief summary of the basic rules of simple past tense and present perfect tense.The simple past tense is used to refer to a past action that did not continue, while the present perfect tense is used to show actions which started in the past and are still continuing, or actions which happened in the past, but have an effect till the present.2 Do Exercises 4, 5 and 6 in groups.3 Assignment for this section:Group work: Search online about the weather forecast of the city where you are studying for the coming week and make a report with PPT. There will be a Weather Report Show in the next class period.SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 We Can Make a Difference1 Warm-up questions:1. How much do you know about the environmental problems of the world?2. What actions can we take to prevent the earth from becoming even warmer?2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation and intonation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the whole passage which they don’t understand and report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and then ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.1. make a difference: to have an effecte.g. As teachers, you must believe that you can make a difference to the lives of your students.2. through with: having finished or arrived at completione.g. You would be surprised to know the number of books he managed to get through with.3. take action: to do somethinge.g. Travelers want the airlines to take action to make flying safer and more comfortable.4. care about: to be concernede.g. You are experienced in shopping online, and can you tell me what I should care about?4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail:1. Paragraph 1:1) Ask the students to read this paragraph for two times individually.2) Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the paragraph into Chinese. Then there willbe a group presentation in class.2. Paragraph 2:1) The students read this paragraph after the teacher.2) The teacher makes the following statements, and the students are required to judge whether theyare True or False.(1) In order to save energy, we should not use electricity. (False)(2) Carpooling is a way to save energy. (True)(3) People like to ride in one car together instead of driving their own car. (False)3. Paragraphs 3 and 4:1) The students read this part loudly together.2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following sentences on the blackboard or shows them withPPT.The students are asked to fill in the missing words in the sentences without looking at the book.When electricity is used, __________are put into the air. We can help save electricity by turning off the ________, the television and the ________, etc. When we leave our computer, we should put it on _______, because it will take ________ than shutting it down for _______ it later.(Key: greenhouse gases, lights, computer, stand-by, less energy, restarting)4. Paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 8:1) The students read these four paragraphs loudly by themselves.2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following table on the blackboard or shows it with PPT. Thestudents are asked to complete the table.(Key: 1) Reducing greenhouse gases 2) Saving natural resources 3) Buying cool stuff)5. Paragraphs 9, 10 and 11:1) Pair work: One student reads these three paragraphs loudly, and another helps correct his or herpronunciation. And then they change their roles to do the same work again.2) Dictation practice: The teacher reads each sentence of these three paragraphs for two times andthe students write them down. Afterwards, the students check them up with their partners.5 Summary of the passage:1. Group work: Have a discussion to complete the following sentences with the information in thepassage. The teacher may show the following sentences with PPT or ask the students to take a dictation of them.1) Nowadays one of the big problems in the world is ________. (climate change)2) Greenhouse gases can make the Earth ________ . (even warmer)3) One of the effects of using electricity is to send _________ .(greenhouse gases into the air)4) People should take measures to save energy, such as driving less and walking more, planting________, recycling, and buying ________, etc. (trees, cold stuff)5) Learn more knowledge about ________ , and join an environmental group to fight the ________.(global warming, climate crisis)2. Groups work: Each group tries to pick out at least 5 expressions or sentences from the passagewhich they think are worth remembering. Afterwards, ask some groups to write them down on the blackboard and then the whole class read them aloud in chorus.6 Suggestions for doing exercises:1. Group work for Exercises 2 and 3: Underline the useful expressions in each sentence.2. Pair work for Exercises 4 and 5: Each student writes out the sentence patterns they are going to useand then write out their translation. Afterwards they check up each other’s work, correcting the mistakes. At last, the whole class repeat the English translation of the sentences together.7 Assignments for this section:1. Recite the last two paragraphs of the passage.2. Group work: Search the Internet to find more ways to protect the environment in daily life. Shareyour ideas with other groups in the next class period.3. Preview Passage II.PASSAGE II The British Like Talking About the Weather1 Warm-up questions:1. Do you know something about weather conditions in Britain?2. How do English people usually start their conversations? Why?2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention tocorrecting the students’ pronunciation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the passage which they don’t understand and then report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what may have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.1. similarly ad. in a like or similar mannere.g. The Olympic athletes were similarly impressed. They spoke very highly of the challenging courses.2. custom n.accepted or habitual practicee.g. She is very attached to old customs and habits.3. frequently ad.many times at short intervalse.g. We all know that he frequently takes an early morning swim.4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail:1. Paragraph 1:1) The students read this paragraph together.2) Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the paragraph into Chinese. Then there willbe a group presentation in class.2. Paragraph 2:1) Ask two or three students to read this paragraph.2) Dictation practice. The teacher reads each sentence of the paragraph twice, and the students writethem down. Afterwards, the students check them up with their partners.3. Paragraphs 3 and 4:1) The students read these two paragraphs loudly by themselves.2) Group work: Have a discussion to find the answers to the following questions:(1) What is the first reason for British people to spend much time discussing the weather?(It is because the climate in Britain is interesting and variable /the weather changes frequently.)(2) What is the usual way for strangers to start a conversation in Britain?(Talking about the weather.)(3) What is another reason for British people to talk about weather when they meet?(It is because they are reluctant to converse about personal matters with people who are not friends.)5 Summary of the passage:1. Group work: Have a discussion to find out the topic sentence and the main idea for each paragraph.There will be a group presentation in class.(Hint:Para. 1: The topic sentence: (The first sentence)The main idea: (Weather in Britain is changeable.)Para. 2: The topic sentence: (The first sentence)The main idea: (Some British customs are related to the weather.) Para. 3: The topic sentence: (The first two sentences)The main idea: (British people talk about weather frequently because it is interestingand changeable.)Para. 4: The topic sentence: (The last sentence)The main idea: (Talking about weather is an easy way for British people to begintheir conversations.)2. Complete the passage with the missing words. The first letter of each word is given to help you.The climate in Britain is very c_______. Sometimes it can be c_______, r________, w_______ and s______ all in the same day. Generally, it r_______ a lot, especially in the north and the west. Most of the time, the weather is quite m_______ never too h_______ nor too c______. In summer, it is usually w______.(Key: changeable, cold, rainy, windy, sunny, rains, mild, hot, cold, warm)6 Suggestions for doing Exercise 7:Group work: Ask the students to prepare the Chinese translation of the sentences in Exercise 7 in groups, and there will be a group presentation in class afterwards.7 Assignments for this section:1. Recite the first paragraph of this passage.2. Pair work: Role-play the following situation. There will be a performance in the next class period.A Chinese student is going to study in Britain and he is asking a British student studying in Chinaabout the weather conditions in Britain. The British student is happy to give the information.3. Preview Sections I, II and III in Unit Six.SECTION V Appreciating Culture Tips1 Understanding of the business mottoes:Ask the students to read and appreciate the logos and business mottoes.2 Group discussion:1. Which logos and business mottoes impress you most? Give your comments.2. Please list some other logos and business mottoes you are familiar with.3. Search online for more similar logos and business mottoes and exchange them in the next class period.。

Unit Five Our Weather and ClimateClass Work Design: [Three Sessions – Six Contact Hours]Suggested Teaching Procedures and Class ActivitiesSECTION I Talking Face to Face1 Lead-in activities:Imitating Mini-Talks1. Warm-up questions:1) Do you often listen to a weather forecast? Why or why not?2) What’s the use and importance of a weather forecast?2. Class Activities:1. The students read the Mini-Talks after the teacher, and then try to recite them within five minutesin pairs.2. Ask the students to recite and perform the mini talks in class.3. The students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases and sentences frequently usedaccording to the following topics with the help of the teacher. The students speak out the sentences under the guidance of the teacher, paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.1) Sentences for a weatherman to present weather forecasts:(1) Good morning. This is the local weather report.(2) Here is the national forecast.(3) Now let’s look at the weather across the country.(4) Rains will be expected tomorrow from the south to the north.(5) Snow is going to continue through tomorrow in this area.(6) The weatherman says that frost is on its way.2) Sentences for talking about weather changes:A. About wind:(1) It’ll be mild, and later turn to partly cloudy, with the southeast wind.(2) Light to no winds with little changes of the temperature.(3) A little northeast wind is expected for the next two days.B. About rain:(1) Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon.(2) Tomorrow there will be light/heavy rain with a high of 30 degrees.(3) Tomorrow will be overcast with drizzle.C. About snow:(1) It’ll get colder in the afternoon with a heavy snow.(2) In the evening there’s good chance that we’ll get some snow.(3) It’ll be dull tomorrow with a light snow.D. About the temperature:(1) Today is a cloudy and cool day with a low of 12 degrees.(2) The weather will change overnight with a high temperature of zero degrees.(3) It’s going to warm up.3) Sentences about weather for starting a conversation:(1) What’s the weather like today?(2)What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?(3) What’s the weather report?(4) What’s the temperature?(5) What’s it like outside?(6) Will it be a nice day?(7) It’s nice to see the sun again.(8) Lovely day, isn’t it?(9) What do you think of the weather here?4) Sentences for talking about weather conditions and showing people’s likes or dislikes:(1) What a lovely/beautiful/awful/terrible/nice/sunny/terrible…day!(2) The heat is killing me.(4) It’s all right, but it rains a lot.(5) A perfect day to play outside.(6) It’s cold for November.(7) We are going to enjoy a lot of sunshine.Studying Weather Forecasts1. Warm-up questions:1) What can we know from a weather forecast?2) Do you know the differences between Celsius and Fahrenheit?2. The students read and translate the two sample dialogues under the guidance of the teacher.2 Act-out activities:Sample dialogues1. The students read the sample dialogues after the teacher, trying to imitate the teacher’spronunciation and intonation.2. Ask the students to read the sample dialogues in pairs.3. Groups work: Ask the students to categorize the useful sentences in the sample dialogues into twogroups.1) Sentences asking questions about the weather:(1) What’s the weather like today?(2) Will it be a nice day?(3) How is the weather like there?(4) What’s the temperature?(5) Is that about 10 ℃?2) Sentences for describing the weather conditions:(1) Today will be cold and partly cloudy with a chance of rain this afternoon.(2) Not exactly. It’s 62 ℉ and there’s a chance of rain.(3) It is warm and sunny.(4) It is 50 ℉.(5) That is cold for November.4. Group work: Each group member is supposed to talk/describe the weather conditions in theirhometowns tothe other members of the group.5. Pair work: Make a dialogue talking about the weather today. Perform it in class.6. Do Exercises 5 and 6 in pairs.3 After-class activities:1. Pair work: Each pair makes a dialogue according to the tips in one of the five tasks in Speak andPerform. There will be a class presentation in the next class period.2. Group work: Have a discussion about which seasonal weather you like best and give out the reasons.There will be a group presentation in the next class period.3. Pay a visit to the website http://v.ku6./show/HFh1mb5bGmCDn87W.html to watch the videoabout weather conditions.SECTION II Being All Ears1 Learning Communicative Sentences1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time by looking at the corresponding Chinese version. While listeningto the English sentences, the students try to remember the meaning of each of the sentences they have heard. The focus here is on cross-reference of the English sentences and their Chinese meanings.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to repeat thesentence during the pause.2 Handling a Dialogue1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to answer the following questions orally:1) What was held last night?2) Why didn’t Pat go to the party last night?3) What did Li Hong suggest they should do that afternoon?4) What is the temperature outside now?5) What was the weather like last winter?4. Play the tape for the third time, and the students read the dialogues following the tapesimultaneously and trying to catch up the speed and simulate the speakers’ tones.5. Do the exercises in this section.3 Understanding a Short Speech/Talk1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the tape for the first time without looking at the book.3. Play the tape for a second time, and ask the students to do the exercises in this section.4. Play the tape for the third time with a pause after each sentence, and ask the students to take notesof the key words.SECTION III Trying Your HandPracticing Applied Writing1 Sample analysis:The teacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in weather forecasts. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT (If there is no PPT prepared, ask the students to take a dictation of the passage.). Afterwards, ask the students to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.A weather report or forecast is a very useful aid in our daily life. Knowing the usual format for giving a weather forecast helps us a lot in understanding a weather forecast in English. Figures, measurementunits, graphics, weather terms, and broken short passages are often used to forecast weather conditions. In general, the language used to forecast weather should be concise, clear, familiar and vivid.2 Simulated writing:1. The students read and translate these two sample weather forecasts into Chinese.2. Do Exercises 2 and 3 in groups.Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar1 The teacher gives a brief summary of the basic rules of simple past tense and present perfect tense.The simple past tense is used to refer to a past action that did not continue, while the present perfect tense is used to show actions which started in the past and are still continuing, or actions which happened in the past, but have an effect till the present.2 Do Exercises 4, 5 and 6 in groups.3 Assignment for this section:Group work: Search online about the weather forecast of the city where you are studying for the coming week and make a report with PPT. There will be a Weather Report Show in the next class period.SECTION IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage 1 We Can Make a Difference1 Warm-up questions:1. How much do you know about the environmental problems of the world?2. What actions can we take to prevent the earth from becoming even warmer?2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention to correcting the students’ pronunciation and intonation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the whole passage which they don’t understand and report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and then ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.1. make a difference: to have an effecte.g. As teachers, you must believe that you can make a difference to the lives of your students.2. through with: having finished or arrived at completione.g. You would be surprised to know the number of books he managed to get through with.3. take action: to do somethinge.g. Travelers want the airlines to take action to make flying safer and more comfortable.4. care about: to be concernede.g. You are experienced in shopping online, and can you tell me what I should care about?4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail:1. Paragraph 1:1) Ask the students to read this paragraph for two times individually.2) Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the paragraph into Chinese. Then there willbe a group presentation in class.2. Paragraph 2:1) The students read this paragraph after the teacher.2) The teacher makes the following statements, and the students are required to judge whether theyare True or False.(1) In order to save energy, we should not use electricity. (False)(2) Carpooling is a way to save energy. (True)(3) People like to ride in one car together instead of driving their own car. (False)3. Paragraphs 3 and 4:1) The students read this part loudly together.2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following sentences on the blackboard or shows them withPPT.The students are asked to fill in the missing words in the sentences without looking at the book.When electricity is used, __________are put into the air. We can help save electricity by turning off the ________, the television and the ________, etc. When we leave our computer, we should put it on _______, because it will take ________ than shutting it down for _______ it later.(Key: greenhouse gases, lights, computer, stand-by, less energy, restarting)4. Paragraphs 5, 6, 7 and 8:1) The students read these four paragraphs loudly by themselves.2) Meanwhile, the teacher writes down the following table on the blackboard or shows it with PPT. Thestudents are asked to complete the table.(Key: 1) Reducing greenhouse gases 2) Saving natural resources 3) Buying cool stuff)5. Paragraphs 9, 10 and 11:1) Pair work: One student reads these three paragraphs loudly, and another helps correct his or herpronunciation. And then they change their roles to do the same work again.2) Dictation practice: The teacher reads each sentence of these three paragraphs for two times andthe students write them down. Afterwards, the students check them up with their partners.5 Summary of the passage:1. Group work: Have a discussion to complete the following sentences with the information in thepassage. The teacher may show the following sentences with PPT or ask the students to take a dictation of them.1) Nowadays one of the big problems in the world is ________. (climate change)2) Greenhouse gases can make the Earth ________ . (even warmer)3) One of the effects of using electricity is to send _________ .(greenhouse gases into the air)4) People should take measures to save energy, such as driving less and walking more, planting________, recycling, and buying ________, etc. (trees, cold stuff)5) Learn more knowledge about ________ , and join an environmental group to fight the ________.(global warming, climate crisis)2. Groups work: Each group tries to pick out at least 5 expressions or sentences from the passagewhich they think are worth remembering. Afterwards, ask some groups to write them down on the blackboard and then the whole class read them aloud in chorus.6 Suggestions for doing exercises:1. Group work for Exercises 2 and 3: Underline the useful expressions in each sentence.2. Pair work for Exercises 4 and 5: Each student writes out the sentence patterns they are going to useand then write out their translation. Afterwards they check up each other’s work, correcting the mistakes. At last, the whole class repeat the English translation of the sentences together.7 Assignments for this section:1. Recite the last two paragraphs of the passage.2. Group work: Search the Internet to find more ways to protect the environment in daily life. Shareyour ideas with other groups in the next class period.3. Preview Passage II.PASSAGE II The British Like Talking About the Weather1 Warm-up questions:1. Do you know something about weather conditions in Britain?2. How do English people usually start their conversations? Why?2 Guided reading aloud of the passage:The students read the passage after the teacher for the first time, trying to imitate the teacher’s pronunciation and intonation, and then read it in class individually. The teacher should pay attention tocorrecting the students’ pronunciation.3 Explanation of difficult words and expressions:The students are required to have a discussion in groups to pick out the difficult words and expressions in the passage which they don’t understand and then report them to the class. The teacher will demonstrate the usage of those chosen points, and ask the students to make up at least two sentences with them in groups. In this passage, apart from what may have been chosen in Language Points in Teacher’s Book, the following points are encouraged to be chosen and practiced on.1. similarly ad. in a like or similar mannere.g. The Olympic athletes were similarly impressed. They spoke very highly of the challenging courses.2. custom n.accepted or habitual practicee.g. She is very attached to old customs and habits.3. frequently ad.many times at short intervalse.g. We all know that he frequently takes an early morning swim.4 Teaching suggestions for understanding the passage in detail:1. Paragraph 1:1) The students read this paragraph together.2) Group work: The students have a discussion to translate the paragraph into Chinese. Then there willbe a group presentation in class.2. Paragraph 2:1) Ask two or three students to read this paragraph.2) Dictation practice. The teacher reads each sentence of the paragraph twice, and the students writethem down. Afterwards, the students check them up with their partners.3. Paragraphs 3 and 4:1) The students read these two paragraphs loudly by themselves.2) Group work: Have a discussion to find the answers to the following questions:(1) What is the first reason for British people to spend much time discussing the weather?(It is because the climate in Britain is interesting and variable /the weather changes frequently.)(2) What is the usual way for strangers to start a conversation in Britain?(Talking about the weather.)(3) What is another reason for British people to talk about weather when they meet?(It is because they are reluctant to converse about personal matters with people who are not friends.)5 Summary of the passage:1. Group work: Have a discussion to find out the topic sentence and the main idea for each paragraph.There will be a group presentation in class.(Hint:Para. 1: The topic sentence: (The first sentence)The main idea: (Weather in Britain is changeable.)Para. 2: The topic sentence: (The first sentence)The main idea: (Some British customs are related to the weather.) Para. 3: The topic sentence: (The first two sentences)The main idea: (British people talk about weather frequently because it is interestingand changeable.)Para. 4: The topic sentence: (The last sentence)The main idea: (Talking about weather is an easy way for British people to begintheir conversations.)2. Complete the passage with the missing words. The first letter of each word is given to help you.The climate in Britain is very c_______. Sometimes it can be c_______, r________, w_______ and s______ all in the same day. Generally, it r_______ a lot, especially in the north and the west. Most of the time, the weather is quite m_______ never too h_______ nor too c______. In summer, it is usually w______.(Key: changeable, cold, rainy, windy, sunny, rains, mild, hot, cold, warm)6 Suggestions for doing Exercise 7:Group work: Ask the students to prepare the Chinese translation of the sentences in Exercise 7 in groups, and there will be a group presentation in class afterwards.7 Assignments for this section:1. Recite the first paragraph of this passage.2. Pair work: Role-play the following situation. There will be a performance in the next class period.A Chinese student is going to study in Britain and he is asking a British student studying in Chinaabout the weather conditions in Britain. The British student is happy to give the information.3. Preview Sections I, II and III in Unit Six.SECTION V Appreciating Culture Tips1 Understanding of the business mottoes:Ask the students to read and appreciate the logos and business mottoes.2 Group discussion:1. Which logos and business mottoes impress you most? Give your comments.2. Please list some other logos and business mottoes you are familiar with.3. Search online for more similar logos and business mottoes and exchange them in the next class period.。
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Unit 5 Our weather and ClimateI.Teaching objectives1.Enlarge vocabulary related to weather and climate.2.Get some tips about the use of basic sentence structures.3.Practice writing: describe the weather in form of weather forecast.4.Appreciate passages and complete exercises well.5.Practice to understand easy weather forecast.6.Practice to talk about the weather.II. Key points1.Master the vocabulary about weather and climate.2. Understand the passages3. Practice writing: describe the weather in form of forecast.4. Practice to talk about the weather and understand easy weather forecast.III. Difficult points1. Get some tips about the use of basic sentence structures.2. Practice writing a short weather forecast.3. Appreciate passages and complete exercises well.IV. Teaching methodology1.Task-based language teaching2.Direct methodV. Teaching proceduresSection I Talking Face to FaceImitating Mini-Talks1.Work in pairs. Practice the following mini-talks about greeting and introducing people.Acting out the Tasks2.Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.Key for reference:1.Task: Ask for Mark’s comments on the weather.2.Task: Ask about and describe the weather at this time of year.3.Task: Ask Mr. Green about the weather condition tomorrow and plan an activity.4.Task: Talk about the change of the weather from long rainy days.5.Task: Complain about a cold day.Studying Weather Forecasts3.A weather forecast id a statement that tells the public what the weather condition is going to be. We need to watch weather forecasts on TV or hear them over the radio every day.It is part of our life.Read the following samples of weather forecasts carefully and try to use the information to practice short dialogues.Following Sample Dialogues4.Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.Putting Language to Use5.Mr. Parks is talking about the weather of two places in the United States with her students.Read aloud the following dialogue with your partner by putting in the missing words.6.There is going to be s sports meet tomorrow.Bob is worried about the weather and you are talking about it. Fill in the blanks according to the clues given in the brackets. Then act it out with your partner.1.Listen to 10 sentences for workplace communication cross-referenced with their Chinese translations.Script: (e.g) 1. It look likes rain.2. Is it going to be fine this weekend?3. There is a chance of snow this evening.4. Today will be cool and partly cloudy, with a chance of rain this afternoon.5. What’s the temperature today?2.Listen to the following sentences for workplace communication in Column A and match each one with its Chinese version in Column B.3.Listen to 6 sentences for workplace communication and choose their right responses.Handling a Dialogue4.Listen to a dialogue and decode the message by finding out the correct choices in the brackets according to what you have heard.Understanding a Short Speech/Talk5.Now listen to a short speech/talk and fill up the blanks according to what you have heard.The words in brackets will give you some hints.6.Listen to the speech/talk again and complete the information in Column A with the right choices in Column B.Section III Trying Your HandPracticing Applied Writing1.Read the following two samples of weather report and learn to write your own.2.Translate the following weather forecast into Chinese, using the data bank in the Workbook for reference.3.Write an English weather report according to the information given in Chinese. Writing Sentences and Reviewing Grammar4.Analyze the following sentences to see what tense they belong to .5.Correct the errors in the following sentences.6.Translate the following sentences into English.Keys for the exercise:1)The weather was terrible yesterday. In fact, it has been awful.2)She has worked in this office for five years.3)I paid a visit to the Great Wall last year and had a very good time there.4)We have never spoken to each other since we quarreled last time.5)Turn down the TV a bit, the weather forecast hasn’t begun yet.Write and Describe a PictureWrite a short passage of about 100 words to tell a story or about an event related to the picture given below. Some useful words and phrases have been provided to help you.Section IV Maintaining a Sharp EyePassage onermation Related to the Reading Passagenguage Points:3.Explanation of Difficult Sentences1)(para.1) Climate change may be a big problem,but there are many little things we can do to make a difference.Analysis: May can be used to introduce concession in putting forward an argument. 2)(para.1) As we have learned, these greenhouse gases trap energy in the atmosphere and make the Earth warmer.Analysis:As is often used to introduce an indicator of the information source, such as as we have learned. Similar structure are:as the saying goes,as everyone knows, as you know,as you put it,etc.3)(para.3)By turning off lights, the television,and the computer when you are through with them, you can help a lot.Analysis: By is followed by a gerund, introducing a prepositional phrase of manner.Note,by is not necessarily always translated as “通过”.4)(para.8)One of the ways to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that we put into the air is to buy pro ducts that don’t use as much energy.Analysis:Two That-clauses are used to serve as post-modifiers of nouns:the first one is that we put into the air, modifying greenhouse gases;The second that-clause is that don’t use as much energy, modifying products. Note: In translation, the noun phrase products that use as much energ y can simply be translated into”节能产品”, instead of “不消耗那么多能量的产品”.B. Important Words1)trap:v store(energy, gas or water,etc.)so that it cannot escape.2)Stand-by:n. Readiness for duty.3)Absorb:v. Take in,sack up (liquid,heat,knowledge,etc.)4)Membership: n. Being a member of (an organization)5)Swell:v. (number or amounts) grow bigger; expand.4. Passage Translation5. Read and Think: Answer the following questions according to the passage.6. Read and Complete1)Complete each of the following statements with words or phrases from thepassage.2)Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below, changing theform if necessary.7. Read and Translate8. Read and SimulatePassage twoInformation Related to the Reading Passagenguage Points:A.Explanation of Difficult Sentences1)(para.1) The most important thing to remember about the weather in Britain is that it often changes.Analysis: To remember about ...is the post modifier of the sentence subject the most important thing, and that introduces the complement clause.2)(para.1)As it is not very common in Britain to have long periods when the weather stays the same day after day, the kind of weather you get will depend not only on the time of year, but also on the luck.Analysis: Within the as-clause of reason, there is a relative clause introduced by when and modifying periods. And in its main clause, there is another relative clause you get modifying weather, with the relative that omitted.3)(para.2) For example, the opportunities for people to meet outside depend a lot on the weather, so you won’t see people meeting or spending time together outdoors asmuch as you do in hotter countries.Analysis:for people to meet outside modifies opportunities.Both meeting or spending time together are the object complement of verb see, and do refers to see...4)(para.3) Foreigners are often amused that the British people spend so much time discussing the weather.Analysis:That is often used to introduce a clause which gives the cause or the effect of an adjective, just like amused in this case.5)(para.4) Another reason is that the British people are reluctant to converse about personal matters with people who are not friends.Analysis:Here that introduces a subject-complement clause, in which a relative who-clause modified people.6)(Para.4) A comment on a nice day or a personal complaint about the rain is an easy way to break the ice.Analysis:Note that when or is used to coordinate two subjects, the verb must agree with the subject after or. To break the ice is an infinitive clause modifying an easy way.B. Important Words1)depend: v. A.change according to(no passive)B. Need someone or something for help or to be able to live.2)opportunity:n. A favorable moment or occasion (for doing sth.)3)Outdoors:ad. In the open air4)Amuse:v. Make someone laugh;cause laughter in5)Climate: n. The average conditions at a particular place over a period of year.6)Discuss:v. Talk about7)Variable:a. Changeable, not steady8)Reluctant:a. Unwilling and therefore perhaps slow to act.9)Converse:v. Talk informally10)Personally:a. Belonging or relating to a particular person, not to others11)Social:a.relating to leisure activities that involve meeting other people12)Comment:v. Make a remark, give an opinion2.Passage Translation3.Read and Judge: True/False4.Read and Translate: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1)the most important thing to remember about British is the weather.2)People in Britain can enjoy the lovely weather most of the year.3)British people tend to talk about weather quite a lot.4)It is quite common in Britain for people to comment on a rainy day or an lovely day at a bus stop.5)The eating habits of people in Britain have a lot to do with the weather conditions there.6)The best we may use to describe the weather in Britain is “predictable”.7)The variable weather explains why British people talk a lot about it.8)Talking about weather is an inoffensive way to begin a conversation with a stranger in Britain.Section V Appreciating Culture Tips (Open.)。