Marine Toxins


垃圾入篓 英语警示语

垃圾入篓 英语警示语

垃圾入篓英语警示语Proper Waste Disposal: A Call to ActionResponsible waste management is not merely a civic duty but a crucial step towards preserving the delicate balance of our environment. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, it is imperative that we recognize the importance of disposing of our waste in a conscientious manner. The topic of "Trash in the Bin: An English Warning" serves as a poignant reminder of the consequences of our actions and the role we each play in shaping a sustainable future.Waste, in its various forms, has become an omnipresent issue that permeates every aspect of our daily lives. From the plastic packaging that encases our consumer goods to the electronic devices that have become extensions of our daily routines, the accumulation of waste poses a significant threat to the health of our planet. The improper disposal of these materials can lead to a myriad of environmental and social problems, ranging from the contamination of our waterways to the depletion of natural resources.One of the most pressing concerns regarding waste management isthe impact on our natural ecosystems. When waste is carelessly discarded, it can find its way into the delicate habitats of countless species, disrupting the intricate balance that sustains life. Marine ecosystems, in particular, have borne the brunt of our careless waste disposal, with an alarming number of seabirds, marine mammals, and fish becoming entangled in or ingesting plastic debris. This not only threatens the survival of these creatures but also has far-reaching consequences for the entire food chain, ultimately impacting human health and well-being.Moreover, the improper disposal of waste can also contribute to the release of harmful toxins and pollutants into the environment. These contaminants can seep into the soil, contaminate groundwater, and even enter the air we breathe, posing a significant risk to human health. Exposure to these hazardous materials can lead to a range of health issues, from respiratory problems to cancer, underscoring the urgent need for comprehensive waste management strategies.In response to these pressing concerns, many communities around the world have implemented various initiatives to promote responsible waste disposal. These efforts often involve the implementation of recycling programs, the development of composting facilities, and the introduction of educational campaigns to raise awareness among the public. By encouraging individuals to adopt more sustainable waste management practices, theseinitiatives have the potential to significantly reduce the environmental impact of our waste.However, the success of these initiatives ultimately depends on the active participation and engagement of the entire community. Each individual has a vital role to play in this collective effort, whether it is by sorting their household waste, reducing their consumption of single-use plastics, or advocating for more robust waste management policies. Only through a concerted and coordinated effort can we hope to address the pressing issue of waste disposal and create a more sustainable future for generations to come.In conclusion, the topic of "Trash in the Bin: An English Warning" serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to address the growing problem of waste management. By recognizing the far-reaching consequences of our actions and embracing more sustainable waste disposal practices, we can work together to protect the delicate balance of our environment and safeguard the health and well-being of our communities. It is time for us to heed the call to action and take responsibility for the waste we generate, ensuring that our actions today pave the way for a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.。



化妆品:以涂抹、喷洒或其他类似方法,散布于人体表面任何部位(皮肤、毛发、指甲、口唇等),以达到清洁、消除不良气味、护肤、美容和修饰目的的日用化学工业产品;健康危险度评价:按一定的准则,对有害环境因素作用于特定人群的有害健康效应进行综合定性、定量评价的过程;应急响应(emergency respond):预警系统紧急启动后,地方各级人民政府及有关单位,针对突发环境污染事件采取的所有应对措施;光变应性接触性皮炎(PCD): 指局部使用含有光变应原物质的化妆品后,在光照部位出现的皮肤炎性反应, 而不接触光的皮肤不出现此种反应,属于T 淋巴细胞介导的湿疹样反应,常由防晒剂、染料和香水等引起;光毒性皮炎(phototoxic dermatitis): 指化妆品中某些物质能增加皮肤对光的敏感性,日光照射后这些物质对皮肤产生光毒性反应而导致皮肤损伤,与接触者自身特应性无关,人人均可能发生;大气温度垂直递减率Lapse Rate of Air Temperature (γ):气温随高度的变化率,即高度每增加100m气温下降的度数,在标准大气条件下,对流层内气温随高度的增加而逐渐降低,对流层大气温度垂直递减率通常为0.65℃;慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD):一组气流受限为特征的肺部疾病,气流受限不完全可逆,呈进行性发展,主要累及肺部;变态反应(Allergies):已被某种抗原致敏的机体再次受到相同抗原刺激时发生的超常的或病理性免疫应答;环境应答基因(environmental response gene):在人类基因组中,会对环境因素的作用产生特定反应的基因;健康影响的危险度评价(Health Risk Assessment):按一定的准则,应用毒理学研究和流行病学调查等资料,系统地表征有害环境因素暴露对人类和生态的潜在损害作用,对产生这种损害作用证据的强度或充分性进行评定,对危险性评估相关的不确定性进行评价;“排毒系数”法:“排毒系数”是表示各种污染物的排放量及其毒性对人群健康慢性危害的相对指标,F i=m i/d i;环境质量指数法(environmental quality index):将大量监测数据经统计处理后求得其代表值,以环境卫生标准(或环境质量标准)作为评价标准,把它们代入专门设计的计算式,换算成定量和客观地评价环境质量的无量纲数值;环境(Environment):在特定时刻由物理、化学、生物及社会的各种因素构成的整体状态,这些因素可能对生命机体或人类活动直接或间接地产生现时的或远期的影响;环境影响评价(environmental impact assessment,EIA):是环境质量评价的一项重要内容,是指对规划和建设项目实施后可能造成的环境影响进行分析、预测和评估,提出预防或减轻不良环境影响的对策和措施,并进行跟踪监测的方法与制度;环境健康影响评价(environmental health impact assessment,EHIA):预测、分析和评价规划和建设项目实施后可能造成的环境质量变化而带来的人群健康影响及其安全性;对大、中型工业建设和水利工程等开发建设项目必须进行环境健康影响评价;二次污染物(secondary pollutants):某些一次污染物进入环境后在物理,化学或生物学作用下,或与其他物质发生反应而形成与初始污染物的理化性质和毒性完全不同的新的污染物;生态系统(Ecosystem):是在一定空间范围内,由生物群落及其环境组成,借助于各种功能流(物质流、能量流、物种流和信息流)所联结的稳态系统;生态系统健康(Ecosystem Health):是指具有活力和自调节能力、结构稳定的生态系统,是生态系统的综合特性;活力(Activity):生态系统的功能性,包括维持生态系统本身复杂特性的功能和为人类服务的功能;调节能力(Adjustment):通过正、负反馈相互作用和转化,在受胁迫时维持生态系统的正常结构和功能,保证系统达到一定的稳态;生物富集作用(Bioconcentration):环境中一些有毒金属和难分解的有机污染物被生物体吸收后可在体内蓄积,使其在生物体内的浓度大大高于环境中的浓度;生物放大作用(biomagnification):环境中某些污染物含量在生物体之间沿着食物链逐级增高,使生物体内浓度超过环境中浓度;人群易感性(population susceptibility):机体对环境变化的反应存在差异,由于个体或遗传因素导致机体对环境异常改变产生的不良反应敏感或增强的特性;生物标志(biomarker/biological maeker):生物体内发生的与发病机制有关联的关键事件的指示物,是机体由于接触各种环境因素所引起机体器官,细胞,亚细胞的生化,生理,免疫和遗传等任何可测定的改变;环境卫生学(environmental health/hygiene)是研究自然环境和生活环境与人群健康的关系,揭示环境因素对人群健康影响的发生、发展规律,为充分利用环境有益因素和控制环境有害因素提出卫生要求和预防对策,增进人体健康,提高整体人群健康水平的科学;环境介质(environmental media):人类赖以生存的物质环境条件,通常以气态、液态和固态三种物质形态而存在,能够容纳和运载各种环境因素;环境因素(environmental factor)通过环境介质的载体作用,或参与环境介质的组成而直接或间接对人体起作用,是被介质容纳和转运的成分或介质中各种有机或无机的组成成分;原生环境(primary environment):指天然形成的未受或少受人为因素影响的环境,其中存在大量对人体健康有益的因素,如清洁并含有正常化学成分的空气、水、土壤,充足的阳光和适宜的小气候,秀丽的风光等;也有不利因素如生物地球化学性疾病;热岛(heat island)现象:人口密集的城市热量散发远远大于郊区,结果造成城区气温较高.往郊外方向气温逐渐降低;如果在地图上绘制等温图,城区的高温部就像浮在海面上的岛屿;大气污染(ambient air pollution):总悬浮颗粒物(total suspended particulates,TSP):是指粒径≤l00μm的颗粒物,包括液体、固体或者液体和固体结合存在的,并悬浮在空气介质中的颗粒;可吸入颗粒物(inhalable particle,IP;thoracic particulate matter,PM10):指空气动力学直径≤l0μm的颗粒物,因其能进人人体呼吸道而命名之,又因其能够长期漂浮在空气中,也称为飘尘(suspended dusts);超细颗粒物(ultrafine particle;ultrafine particulate matter,PM0.1):指空气动力学直径≤0.1μm的大气颗粒物,PM0.1主要来自汽车尾气,多为大气中形成的二次污染物;细颗粒物(Fine Particle, PM 2.5 ):空气动力学直径≤2.5μ m 的细颗粒;悬浮时间更长,易滞留在终末细支气管和肺泡中,某些组分可穿透肺泡进入血液,易吸附有毒有机物和重金属,对健康危害极大;二次大气污染物(secondary air pollutants):排入大气的污染物在物理、化学等因素的作用下发生变化,或与环境中的其他物质发生反应所形成的理化性质不同于一次污染物的新的污染物;风玫瑰图(wind rose):在不同时刻有着相应的风向和风速,将一定时期内各个风向出现的频率按比例标在罗盘坐标上,可以绘制成风向频率图;大气湍流(atmosphere turbulence):风速时大时小,并在主导风向的下风向上下、左右出现无规则的摆动,风的这种不规则运动;温度结层:温度层结即气温的垂直梯度,它决定大气的稳定程度,影响大气湍流的强弱,故与污染物的稀释和扩散密切相关;生态系统(ecosystem):是在一定空间范围内,由生物群落及其环境组成,借助于各种功能流(物质流、能量流、物种流和信息流)所联结的稳态系统;食物链(food chain):在生态系统中不同营养级的生物逐级被吞食以满足生存需要而建立起来的链锁关系,称食物链;其本质是生物通过食物链使物质和能量在生物种群间得以循环和流动;生物富集作用(bioenrichment)生物从环境中摄入浓度极低的重金属元素或难降解的化合物,在体内逐渐累积起来,使生物体内该元素或化合物的浓度大大超过环境中的浓度,这种现象称为生物富集作用;生物放大作用(biomagnification)环境中的重金属元素和难降解的有机物,可通过食物链而转移到高位营养级生物的体内,而使其浓度逐级在生物体内放大,即生物放大作用;功能蓄积(functional accumulation)有些环境污染物,进入机体后,能较快地被分解并以多种形态迅速排出体外;多次重复暴露或长期暴露后,不在机体内蓄积;但在靶组织或靶器官产生的有害效应可逐渐累积,最终造成器官或组织的病理损害,这称为功能蓄积健康效应谱(spectrum of health effect):指人群暴露于环境污染物时产生的不良反应在性质、程度和范围上所表现出的征象;人群易感性(susceptibility)机体对环境变化的反应存在差异,由于个体或遗传因素导致机体对环境异常改变产生的不良反应敏感或增强的特性;这类人群称为易感人群;环境污染(environmental pollution)当人类在生产、生活活动中排入环境中的废弃物数量或浓度超过了环境的自净能力,造成环境质量下降和恶化,影响到人体健康,则称为环境污染;生物地球化学性疾病(biogeochemical disease)由于地质原因使得地壳表面元素分布不均一,某些元素过多或缺乏导致生活在该区域的人群对某些化学元素摄入量过高或过低引发的疾病;环境内分泌干扰物(EEDS):环境中存在的能干扰人类或动物内分泌系统诸环节并导致异常效应的物质;烟波着陆点:有组织排放时,烟气自烟囱排出后,向下风侧逐渐扩散稀释,然后接触地面,接触地面的点被称为烟波着陆点;逆温(temperature inversion)在一定条件下,例如无风少云的夜晚,夜间地面无热量吸收,但同时不断通过辐射失去热量而冷却,近地空气也随之冷却,这样气层不断由下向上冷却,形成其温下低上高,这种大气温度随距地面高度的增加而增加的现象称为逆温;气溶胶(Aerosol):大气中存在的各种固态和液态微粒均匀分散在气体中形成相对稳定的悬浮体系;辐射逆温:由于地面长波辐射冷却造成;在无风少云的夜晚,地面无热量吸收,但同时不断通过辐射失去热量而冷却,近地空气也随之冷却,而上层空气降温较慢,形成逆温;下沉逆温:由于空气压缩增温形成;上层空气下沉落入高压气团中受压变热,结果上层空气的气温高于下层;形成逆温; 地形逆温:由于局部地区的地理条件形成;在盆地和山谷中,晚上寒冷的空气沿山坡聚集在山谷中,形成滞止的冷气团,而其上层有热气流,山谷中就形成了上温下冷的逆温层;温室效应(greenhouse effect):大气层中的某些气体能吸收地表发射的热辐射,使大气增温,从而对地球起到保温作用; 水资源(water resources):全球水量中对人类生存、发展可用的水量,主要指逐年可以得到更新的那部分淡水;水浑浊度(turbidity):水中悬浮物质和胶体物质对光线透过时的阻碍程度,主要取决于胶体颗粒的种类、含量、大小、形状和折射指数,一升水中含有相当于1mg标准硅藻土形成浑浊状况,作为一个浊度单位;总固体(total solid)水样在一定温度下蒸发至干后的残留物总量,是水中溶解性固体与悬浮性固体的总称;硬度(hardness of water)指溶于水中钙、镁盐类的总含量,以CaCO3(mg/L)表示;水的硬度一般分为碳酸盐硬度(钙、镁的重碳酸盐和碳酸盐)和非碳酸盐硬度(钙、镁的硫酸盐、氯化物等);也可分为暂时硬度和永久硬度;溶解氧(dissolved oxygen,DO)指溶解在水中的氧含量;化学耗氧量(chemical oxygen demand,COD)指在一定条件下,用强氧化剂如高锰酸钾、重铬酸钾等氧化水中有机物所消耗的氧量;它是测定水体中有机物含量的间接指标,代表水体中可被氧化的有机物和还原性无机物的总量;生化需氧量(biochemical oxygen demand,BOD):指水中有机物在有氧条件下被需氧微生物分解时消耗的溶解氧量;以20℃培养5日后,1L水中减少的溶解氧量为5日生化需氧量(BOD205);清洁水生化需氧量一般小于1mg/L;细菌总数(bacteria count):指1ml水在普通琼脂培养基中经37℃培养24小时后生长的细菌菌落数;它可以反映水体受生物性污染的程度,水体污染愈严重,水的细菌总数愈多;大肠菌群(total coliforms)是指一群需氧及兼性厌氧的在37℃生长时能使乳糖发酵、在24小时内产酸产气的革兰氏阴性无芽孢杆菌;细菌总数反映地表水受微生物污染的总体情况;总大肠菌群反映受病原微生物污染的情况;水体污染(water pollution):是指人类活动排放的污染物进入水体,其数量超过了水体的自净能力,使水和水体底质的理化特性和水环境中的生物特性、组成等发生改变,从而影响水的使用价值,造成水质恶化,乃至危害人体健康或破坏生态环境的现象;水体自净(water self-purification):是指水体受污染后,污染物在水体的物理、化学和生物学作用下,使污染成分不断稀释、扩散、分解破坏或沉入水底,水中污染物浓度逐渐降低,水质最终又恢复到污染前的状况;水体富营养化(eutrophication):当湖泊、水库水接纳过多含磷、氮的污水时,可使藻类等浮游生物大量繁殖,使水中有机物增加、溶解氧下降、水质恶化的现象;由于占优势的浮游生物的颜色不同,水面往往呈现红色、绿色、蓝色等,这种情况出现在淡水中时称水华(water bloom),发生在海湾时叫赤潮(red tide);水体复氧(Reoxygenation):微生物分解有机物、消耗溶解氧的同时,空气中的氧可通过水面不断溶解补充到水中,水生植物的光合作用也释放氧补充到水体,此过程称为水体的复氧过程;海洋毒素(Marine toxins):由海洋中的有毒藻类通过食物链传递给藻食性的鱼、虾及贝类等生物,并在其体内蓄积形成的有毒高分子化合物;介水传染病(water-borne communicable diseases):指通过饮用或接触受病原体污染的水,或食用被这种水污染的食物而传播的疾病,又称水性传染病集中式给水(central water supply)是指由水源集中取水,经统一净化处理和消毒后,通过输水管送到用户的供水方式; 土壤污染(soil pollution)是指在人类生产和生活活动中排出的有害物质进入土壤中,直接或间接地危害人畜健康的现象;土壤中的背景值(background level)该地区未受或少受人类活动影响的天然土壤中各种化学元素的含量;土壤环境容量(Soil environment capacity)一定土壤环境单元在一定时限内遵循环境质量标准,维持土壤生态系统的正常结构与功能,保证农产品的生物学产量与质量,在不使环境系统污染的前提下,土壤环境所能容纳污染物的最大负荷量;土壤腐殖质:代表一类有着特殊化学和生物本性的、构造复杂的高分子化合物;由此可知,腐殖质是土壤中有机物存在的一种特殊形式,是土壤有机质存在的主要形态;腐殖质(humus):即进入土壤的植物、动物及微生物等死亡残体经分解转化形成的物质,是土壤特有的有机物质,约占土壤有机质总量的85%~90%;土壤自净作用(soil self-purification)是指受污染的土壤通过物理、化学和生物学的作用,使病原体死灭,各种有害物质转化到无害的程度,土壤可逐渐恢复到污染前的状态,这一过程称为土壤自净;持久性有机污染物(POPs)能持久存在于环境中,并可借助大气、水、生物体等环境介质进行远距离迁移,通过食物链富集,对环境和人类健康造成严重危害的天然或人工合成的有机污染物质;持久性、蓄积性、高毒性、迁移性;生物地球化学性疾病(biogeochemical disease)由于地壳表面化学元素分布的不均匀性,使某些地区的水和(或)土壤中某些元素过多或过少,当地居民通过饮水、食物等途径摄入这些元素过多或过少,而引起的某些特异性疾病;碘缺乏病(iodine deficiency disorders,IDD)是指从胚胎发育至成人期由于碘摄入量不足而引起的一系列病症;包括地方性甲状腺肿、地方性克汀病、地方性亚临床克汀病、流产、早产、死产等;地方性氟中毒(endemic fluorosis)是由于一定地区的环境中氟元素过多,而致生活在该环境中的居民经饮水、食物和空气等途径长期摄入过量氟所引起的以氟骨症和氟斑牙(为主要特征的一种慢性全身性疾病,又称地方性氟病;黑脚病(black foot disease):在台湾南部沿海病区发生的,是由于下肢动脉狭窄、阻塞引起脚部干性坏疽;临床表现先为间隙发作性脚趾发冷、发白、脉搏微弱、疼痛、间隙性跛行,一般是大拇趾先发病,然后向中心发展,皮肤变黑坏死;是砷中毒的表现;克山病(Keshan disease):是一种以心肌变性坏死为主要病理改变的生物地球化学性疾病;与环境低硒有关、多病因综合所导致的地方性心肌病;主要表现为心脏扩大、心力衰竭、心律失常;大骨节病(Kaschin-Beck disease):是一种地方性、慢性骨关节变形性疾病;以四肢关节软骨和骺板软骨变性、坏死、增生、修复为主要病理改变;以骨关节增粗、畸形、强直、肌肉萎缩、运动障碍为主要临床表现;环境污染性疾病(environmental pollution-related pathogenic factor)凡能污染环境,使环境质量恶化,而直接或间接使人患病的环境污染因素所导致的疾病;公害病(public nuisance disease)是环境污染引起,由政府认定的地区性环境污染性疾病,具有医学和法律的双重含义; 联合反应率(cooperation rate ):几项健康危害指标都达到判定值,而且同时出现在同一组受检者的例数与受检总人数的百分比;军团菌病(LD):是由嗜肺军团菌引起的一种以肺炎为主的全身性疾病,以肺部感染伴全身多系统损伤为主要表现,也可表现为无肺炎的急性自限性流感样疾病;采光系数(Daylighting factor):指室内工作水平面上(或距窗1米处)散射光的照度与同时室外空旷无遮光物地方接受整个天空散射光(全阴天,见不到太阳,但不是雾天)的水平面上照度的百分比;室内小气候(indoor microclimate):住宅的室内由于屋顶、地板、门窗和墙壁等维护结构以及室内的人工空气调节设备等综合作用,形成了与室外不同的室内气候,包括气温、气湿、气流和热辐射;住宅(residential building):是人们生活环境的重要组成部分,是人们为了充分利用自然环境和人为环境因素中的有利作用和防止其不良影响而创造的生活居住环境;办公场所(office place)是指管理或专业技术人员处理(或办理)某种特定事务的室内工作环境公共场所(public place):是根据公众生活活动和社会活动的需要,人工建成的具有多种服务功能的封闭式或开放式或移动式的公共建筑设施,供公众进行学习、工作、休息、文体、交流、交际、购物、美容等活动之用;人居环境(human settlements):包括城市、集镇和村庄,是人类聚居、生活的环境,也是人类文明发展到一定阶段的产物;城市规划卫生(City&village Planning Sanitation):以维持和恢复生态系统为宗旨,以人类与自然环境的和谐共处为目标,建立优良的人居环境,以获得人类生存所需的最佳环境质量;城乡规划:实现一定时期内城市、村庄和集镇的经济和社会发展目标,确定城市、村庄和集镇的性质、规模和发展方向,合理利用城乡土地,协调城乡空间布局和各项建设的综合部署和具体安排;健康城市:是指不断创造和改善自然、社会环境,扩大社区的资源,使人们在实施生活功能和发挥他们最大潜力中互相支持,让健康的人生活在健康的世界;在城市规划、建设、管理、服务等各个方面都以健康为中心,营造高质量的自然环境和更加舒适的生活环境,保障市民健康的生活和工作,成为健康人群、健康环境和健康社会有机结合的人类社会发展整体;人居环境(human settlement environment):人类聚居、生活的环境,包括城市、村庄和集镇,是人类文明发展到一定阶段的产物;城市功能分区(functional district):在城市规划中将城市用地按不同功能进行区分,使之配置合理,从而最大限度地消除和防止环境污染对人类健康的影响;即,全面规划,合理布局;生态城市(ecocity)空间布局合理,基础设施完善,环境整洁优美,生活安全舒适,物质、能量、信息高效利用,资源永续利用,经济发展、社会进步、生态保护三者保持高度和谐,人与自然互惠共生的最适宜创业发展和生活居住的城市;具有和谐性、高效性、持续性、整体性、区域性的特点;卫星城(satellite town):是指在大城市的郊区或其以外的附近地区,为分散中心城市人口和工业而新建或扩建的具有相对独立性的城镇;环境质量评价(environmental quality assessment):是从环境卫生学角度按照一定的评价标准和方法对一定区域范围内的环境质量进行客观的定性和定量调查分析、描述、评价和预测;环境质量指数(environmental quality index):是将大量监测数据经统计处理后求得其代表值,以环境卫生标准作为评价标准,把它们代入专门设计的计算式,换算成定量和客观地评价环境质量的无量纲数值,这种数量指标就叫环境质量指数;环境影响评价(environment inpact assessment,EIA)指对规划和建设项目实施后可能造成的环境影响进行分析、预测和评估,提出预防或者减轻不良环境影响的对策和措施,并进行跟踪监测的方法与制度;环境健康影响评价(environmental health impact assessment,EHIA):是预测和评价由发展政策和拟建项目可能产生的对大气、地面水、土壤等环境因素的质量变化而带来的人群健康影响及其安全性;粘合剂(adhesive)又称胶粘剂或粘结剂,指用于粘合两种或两种以上相同或不同材料的物质,即按照规定程序,把纸、布、皮革、木、金属、玻璃、橡皮或塑料之类的材料粘合在一起的物质;湿球-黑球温度(WBGT):能综合反映微小气候 4 种物理因素对机体的作用,预测有太阳辐射时或高温环境中人体适应工作的能力、时间和限度;等标污染负荷:是指把i 污染物的排放量稀释到其相应排放标准时所需要的介质量;P i=m i/C i;。




文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!Dolphins are disappearing from our oceans at analarming rate. These intelligent and playful creatures are facing numerous threats that are pushing them towards extinction. It is a tragedy that we cannot afford to ignore.Overfishing is one of the main factors contributing to the decline of dolphin populations. As humans continue to exploit the oceans for food, dolphins often get caught in fishing nets or become victims of bycatch. This indiscriminate fishing practice not only harms dolphins but also disrupts the delicate balance of marine ecosystems.Pollution is another significant threat to dolphins.The release of chemicals and toxins into the oceans contaminates their habitats and affects their health.Plastic waste, in particular, poses a grave danger to these marine mammals. Dolphins may mistake plastic bags and other debris for food, leading to internal injuries or even death.Noise pollution from human activities also poses a serious risk to dolphins. Underwater noise from shipping, construction, and military exercises can disrupt their communication and navigation systems. This interference can have devastating consequences for their survival, as it hinders their ability to find food, mate, and avoid predators.Climate change is yet another factor contributing tothe decline of dolphin populations. Rising sea temperatures, ocean acidification, and changes in currents and prey availability all have a profound impact on their habitats. These changes disrupt their feeding patterns and reproductive cycles, making it increasingly difficult for them to survive and thrive.Conservation efforts are crucial to saving dolphinsfrom extinction. The establishment of marine protectedareas and the enforcement of stricter fishing regulations can help reduce the impact of human activities on their populations. Public awareness campaigns and educational programs can also play a significant role in promotingdolphin conservation and encouraging responsible behavior towards the oceans.We must act now to protect dolphins and preserve their natural habitats. Their disappearance would not only be a loss for the oceans but also a tragedy for humanity. Let us come together and take the necessary steps to ensure the survival of these magnificent creatures for generations to come.。







著名海洋学家Wall Broecker 博士,把深层水流动现象称为“海洋循环带”。


杜克大学的Susan Lozier 博士综合考虑各种证据后,推翻了我们对于海洋颠覆的观点。



The ocean, as an indispensable part of our world, buffers our weather, and provides us with food and many of modern medicines. However, we just ignored (didn’t give enough at tention to) the connectivity between the ocean and human sphere. Only until recently, have the team led by marine conservation biologist Dr. Wallace J. Nichols started to explore the connection between human minds and the ocean from multidisciplinary perspectives. They put forward a new research field— neuroconservation, which led to a revolution in marine science.Dr. Wally Broecker, a famous oceanographer, called the phenomenon of deep water circulation “Ocean Conveyor Belt”. This statement is an oversim plification of a complex process. Dr. Susan Lozier from Duke University overwhelmed the idea about ocean overturning after considering/weighing different pieces of evidence. Whatever the outcome would be, there is no doubt that the ocean holds our planet tightly. We have to abandon the old notion and try to protect the ocean from a new perspective.2.海洋是生命的发源地,因此,对海洋生态的研究不但有利于保护生物的生存环境,而且至直接关系到海洋生物资源的开发和利用。



抵制吃海豚肉:保护海洋生态平衡的必要行动Dolphins, those graceful and intelligent creatures of the sea, have always fascinated and delighted mankind. Their playful nature and close-knit social structures make them a beloved icon of the ocean. However, despite their popularity and the deep respect many people hold for them, the tragic reality is that dolphin meat is still consumed in certain parts of the world. This practice, not only unethical but also detrimental to the health of both humans and the marine ecosystem, must be firmly resisted.Dolphins occupy a crucial position in the marine food chain. As apex predators, they help maintain the balance of marine life by preying on sick or weak individuals, thereby preventing the spread of diseases and promoting the overall health of fish populations. By consuming dolphin meat, humans are indirectly disrupting this natural order, potentially leading to the collapse of entire ecosystems. Moreover, the methods used to capture dolphins fortheir meat are often cruel and inhumane. Dolphin drive hunts, in particular, are a stark reminder of the brutalityhumans are capable of inflicting on these intelligent beings. In such hunts, dolphins are chased and herded into small areas, often resulting in severe injuries and even deaths due to the stress and panic caused.From a health perspective, eating dolphin meat can also be highly risky. Dolphins, like many other marine mammals, can accumulate harmful toxins and heavy metals in their bodies, particularly in their fatty tissues. These toxins, which include mercury and other pollutants, can pose serious health hazards to humans who consume dolphin meat. It is, therefore, imperative that we, as a global community, unite to resist the consumption of dolphin meat. We must educate people about the ecological and healthrisks associated with this practice and encourage them to adopt more sustainable and ethical dietary choices. Governments and international organizations must also play a pivotal role in enforcing strict regulations against dolphin hunting and the sale of dolphin meat.Furthermore, we must promote awareness and appreciation of dolphins as sentient beings deserving of respect and protection. Dolphin-watching tours and educational programscan be effective ways to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of these amazing creatures, thereby encouraging people to protect them rather than harm them.In conclusion, resisting the consumption of dolphinmeat is not only a moral imperative but also a necessary step towards preserving the health of our oceans and the welfare of all marine life. By taking action and speaking out against this harmful practice, we can help create a world where dolphins are celebrated and protected, not hunted and consumed.**抵制吃海豚肉:保护海洋生态平衡的必要行动**海豚,这些海洋中的优雅而聪明的生物,一直吸引着并愉悦着人类。







著名海洋学家Wall Broecker 博士,把深层水流动现象称为“海洋循环带”。


杜克大学的Susan Lozier 博士综合考虑各种证据后,推翻了我们对于海洋颠覆的观点。



The ocean, as an indispensable part of our world, buffers our weather, and provides us with food and many of modern medicines. However, we just ignored (didn’t give enough at tention to) the connectivity between the ocean and human sphere. Only until recently, have the team led by marine conservation biologist Dr. Wallace J. Nichols started to explore the connection between human minds and the ocean from multidisciplinary perspectives. They put forward a new research field— neuroconservation, which led to a revolution in marine science.Dr. Wally Broecker, a famous oceanographer, called the phenomenon of deep water circulation “Ocean Conveyor Belt”. This statement is an oversim plification of a complex process. Dr. Susan Lozier from Duke University overwhelmed the idea about ocean overturning after considering/weighing different pieces of evidence. Whatever the outcome would be, there is no doubt that the ocean holds our planet tightly. We have to abandon the old notion and try to protect the ocean from a new perspective.2.海洋是生命的发源地,因此,对海洋生态的研究不但有利于保护生物的生存环境,而且至直接关系到海洋生物资源的开发和利用。



乱扔垃圾损害环境英语作文Title: The Environmental Damage Caused by Littering。

Littering is a pervasive issue that poses significant harm to the environment. From urban streets to remote natural habitats, the sight of discarded trash has become all too common. This practice not only tarnishes the aesthetics of our surroundings but also has far-reaching consequences for ecosystems and wildlife. In this essay, we will delve into the detrimental effects of littering on the environment and explore potential solutions to mitigatethis problem.First and foremost, littering contributes to pollution in various forms. Plastics, glass, paper, and other materials thrown away irresponsibly often end up in water bodies, where they degrade into microplastics and release harmful chemicals. This pollution not only contaminates the water but also poses serious risks to aquatic life. Marine animals ingest or become entangled in litter, leading toinjury, suffocation, and death. Moreover, the accumulationof litter on land can leach toxins into the soil, affecting plant growth and contaminating groundwater sources.Furthermore, littering exacerbates the global issue of climate change. Decomposing organic waste in landfills produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributesto global warming. Additionally, the production anddisposal of single-use items, such as plastic bags and bottles, perpetuate the cycle of resource depletion and carbon emissions. By littering, individuals inadvertently contribute to the degradation of the environment and the acceleration of climate change.In addition to environmental harm, littering also poses economic burdens. Municipalities spend significantresources on cleaning up littered areas, including manpower, equipment, and waste management facilities. These expenses could otherwise be allocated to essential services such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure development. Moreover, businesses suffer reputational damage when their products are associated with littering, leading todecreased consumer trust and potential financial losses.To address the problem of littering, a multi-faceted approach is necessary. Education and awareness campaigns play a crucial role in instilling responsible behavior and fostering a culture of environmental stewardship. By teaching individuals about the impacts of littering and promoting proper waste disposal practices, we can empower communities to take collective action against littering.Legislation and enforcement are also essential components of combating littering. Implementing and enforcing anti-littering laws, such as fines for littering offenders, can serve as deterrents and promote compliance with waste management regulations. Additionally, incentivizing recycling and promoting the use of sustainable alternatives to single-use items can help reduce the amount of litter generated in the first place.Furthermore, community engagement and participation are key to maintaining clean and litter-free environments. Organizing cleanup events, establishing community recyclingprograms, and fostering partnerships between government, businesses, and civil society organizations can mobilize collective efforts to address littering comprehensively.In conclusion, littering poses significant environmental, economic, and social challenges that require urgent attention and concerted action. By raising awareness, enacting legislation, and fostering community engagement,we can work together to combat littering and safeguard the health and integrity of our planet for future generations. Let us take responsibility for our actions and strive to leave behind a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world.。





海洋生物英文halobiosmarine organismmarineorganisms海洋生物例句海上养殖在海洋生物的天然栖息地养殖这些生物,通常是出于商业目的Cultivation of marine organisms in their natural habitats, usually for commercial purposes.一些毒素只危害海洋生物。

Some toxins harm only sea life.珊瑚是一种海洋生物。

Corals are one of the marine species.在先前被认为是没有任何生命迹象的海洋深处发现了海洋生物。

Marine life was discovered at depths previously thought to be azoic.总的来说,海洋生物是冷血动物,即是说,它们的体温与周围环境基本上是一致的。

Heir internal temperatures are essentially uniform with the environment.污染会危及海洋生物。

Pollution can harm marine life.施工期间会采取措施来减低对海洋生物的影响。

Measures would be taken to avoid disruption to marine life during construction.把垃圾往大海里倾倒在把海洋生物杀绝灭尽。

Dumping garbage into the ocean is killing off sea life.带孩子们去参观水族馆为他们提供了一个了解海洋生物的很好的途径。



岩沙海葵毒素系统命名法1. 引言岩沙海葵毒素系统是一种用于分类和命名海葵毒素的系统。

海葵毒素是一类由岩沙海葵(Anemonia viridis)分泌的有毒化合物,具有重要的生物活性和药理学价值。



2. 设计原则岩沙海葵毒素系统命名法的设计原则如下:2.1 易于理解和应用命名法应该简单明了,易于理解和应用。


2.2 可扩展性随着对岩沙海葵毒素研究的深入,可能会发现新的类别或亚类别。


2.3 避免冲突和混淆命名法应该避免命名冲突和混淆,确保每个毒素都有唯一的名称。


3. 分类标准岩沙海葵毒素系统根据毒素的结构和功能特点进行分类。

具体的分类标准如下:3.1 结构分类根据毒素的结构特点,将岩沙海葵毒素分为以下四类:•类型I:线性多肽毒素•类型II:环状多肽毒素•类型III:低分子量有机化合物•类型IV:其他结构类型3.2 功能分类根据毒素的功能特点,将岩沙海葵毒素分为以下五类:•A类:神经肌肉传递物质•B类:细胞增殖抑制剂•C类:血管活性物质•D类:免疫调节剂•E类:其他功能4. 命名规则岩沙海葵毒素的命名规则采用以下格式:[分类缩写]-[编号]•分类缩写:根据分类标准中的结构分类和功能分类,使用大写字母A、B、C、D、E分别表示不同的类别。






海洋污染英语作文In recent years, the issue of marine pollution has become a global concern. The oceans, which are the largest ecosystems on Earth, are facing an unprecedented crisis due to human activities. This essay will explore the causes of marine pollution, its effects on marine life, and potentialsolutions to mitigate this pressing problem.Causes of Marine Pollution1. Industrial Waste: Industries along coastlines often discharge untreated waste into the sea, which contains harmful chemicals and heavy metals that can disrupt marine ecosystems.2. Plastic Pollution: The improper disposal of plastic waste is a significant contributor to marine pollution. Plastics can take hundreds of years to decompose and are often ingested by marine animals, leading to injury or death.3. Agricultural Runoff: Fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture can seep into waterways and eventually reach the ocean, causing eutrophication and harming marine life.4. Oil Spills: Accidents involving oil tankers or offshore drilling can lead to massive oil spills that devastate marine habitats and wildlife.Effects on Marine Life1. Habitat Destruction: Pollution can lead to the degradationof marine habitats such as coral reefs, seagrass beds, and mangroves, which are crucial for the survival of many marine species.2. Health Problems: Marine animals are exposed to toxins and pollutants, which can lead to diseases, reproductive issues, and behavioral changes.3. Biodiversity Loss: Pollution can result in the death of marine organisms, leading to a decrease in biodiversity and the disruption of food chains.Potential Solutions1. Strict Regulations: Governments should enforce stricter regulations on industries to prevent the discharge of harmful substances into the oceans.2. Waste Management: Improving waste management systems to reduce the amount of plastic and other pollutants entering the marine environment is essential.3. Public Awareness: Raising public awareness about the impact of marine pollution and encouraging responsible consumer behavior can help reduce the amount of waste generated.4. Clean-up Initiatives: Organizing and supporting clean-up initiatives can help remove existing pollutants from the oceans and beaches.In conclusion, marine pollution is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach to address. By understanding the causes and effects, and by implementing effective solutions, we can work towards preserving our oceans for future generations. It is our collective responsibility toensure that the oceans remain a thriving and healthy part of our planet.。



保护鲸鱼英语小作文Whales are magnificent creatures that have captured the imagination of people around the world. These majestic marine mammals have been a symbol of the ocean's power and grace for centuries, and their preservation is crucial for the health of our planet. However, whales face a multitude of threats, from commercial whaling to pollution and climate change, and it is our responsibility to take action to protect them.One of the primary threats to whales is commercial whaling. For centuries, whales have been hunted for their meat, oil, and other valuable resources. While the practice of commercial whaling has been banned in many countries, it still persists in some regions, particularly in Japan and Norway. The killing of whales not only decimates their populations but also disrupts the delicate balance of marine ecosystems.Another major threat to whales is pollution. Whales are particularly vulnerable to the accumulation of toxins and plastics in the ocean. These pollutants can have devastating effects on their health, leadingto a range of issues such as reproductive problems, immune system dysfunction, and even death. Additionally, the noise pollution caused by shipping and other human activities can interfere with the whales' ability to communicate and navigate, putting them at risk of collisions and other dangers.Climate change also poses a significant threat to whales. As the Earth's temperatures continue to rise, the habitats of many whale species are being disrupted. This can lead to changes in the availability of their food sources, as well as alterations in their migratory patterns and breeding grounds. Furthermore, the melting of Arctic sea ice due to climate change is threatening the survival of species such as the bowhead whale, which rely on the ice for their survival.Despite these challenges, there are numerous efforts underway to protect whales and their habitats. One of the most effective strategies is the establishment of marine protected areas (MPAs), which designate specific regions of the ocean as off-limits to human activities that could harm whales and other marine life. These MPAs provide a safe haven for whales, allowing them to thrive and reproduce without the threat of hunting or other disturbances.Another important approach to whale conservation is the promotion of sustainable fishing practices. By reducing the bycatch of whalesand other marine mammals in commercial fishing operations, we can help to ensure that these animals are not inadvertently killed or injured during the pursuit of other species. Additionally, the development of alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar power, can help to reduce the environmental impact of human activities and mitigate the effects of climate change on whales and other marine life.Education and public awareness are also critical components of whale conservation efforts. By educating the public about the importance of whales and the threats they face, we can inspire people to take action and support conservation initiatives. This can include supporting organizations that work to protect whales, participating in beach cleanups, and advocating for stronger environmental policies and regulations.In conclusion, the protection of whales is a crucial issue that requires the collective effort of individuals, governments, and organizations around the world. By addressing the various threats to these magnificent creatures, we can help to ensure their survival and the health of our oceans for generations to come. Whether it is through the establishment of MPAs, the promotion of sustainable fishing practices, or the education of the public, there are many ways that we can make a difference in the fight to protect whales and theirhabitats. By taking action now, we can help to preserve these iconic creatures and the rich biodiversity of our oceans for the future.。



保护海洋动物的措施英语Protecting Marine AnimalsMarine animals are an essential part of the Earth's ecosystem. They play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the marine environment and contribute to the overall health of the planet. However, due to various human activities, such as pollution, overfishing, and habitat destruction, many marine animal species are facing extinction. It is imperative that we take measures to protect them and ensure their survival. In this essay, I will discuss some of the measures that have been taken to protect marine animals.Firstly, the establishment of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) has been a significant step in safeguarding marine animal habitats. MPAs are designated areas in which human activities that may harm marine life are strictly regulated or prohibited. These areas serve as safe havens for marine animals, allowing them to breed, feed, and grow undisturbed. By preserving these critical habitats, we can help marine animal populations recover and maintain a healthy marine ecosystem.Furthermore, reducing pollution is essential for the well-being of marine animals. Efforts to minimize marine pollution include the regulation of industrial discharges, the proper treatment of sewage and wastewater, and the promotion of alternative environmentally friendly practices. With reducedpollution, marine animals can thrive in cleaner habitats and are less likely to be harmed by contaminants and toxins.Educating the public and raising awareness about the importance of marine animal conservation is also crucial. Through education, people can understand the impact of their actions on marine animals and the marine environment as a whole. Schools, environmental organizations, and governmental agencies can play a significant role in spreading knowledge and promoting responsible behaviors, such as reducing the use of single-use plastics and participating in beach clean-up activities. Increased awareness can lead to a collective effort to protect marine animals and their habitats.In addition to these measures, scientific research plays a vital role in understanding marine animal populations and their needs. By studying their behavior, migration patterns, and breeding habits, scientists can provide valuable information for effective conservation strategies. Researchers use various techniques, such as tagging and satellite tracking, to gather data on marine animals' movements and identifications. This information not only helps in conserving specific species but also in developing management plans for their habitats.In conclusion, protecting marine animals is essential for the health of our planet. Conservation measures such as the establishment of Marine Protected Areas, the enforcement ofinternational regulations on fishing practices, pollution reduction efforts, public education, and scientific research all contribute to the protection of these vulnerable species. By taking these measures seriously and implementing them on a global scale, we can ensure the survival and well-being of marine animals for future generations.。



一条鲸鱼的遭遇作文英语In the vast expanse of the ocean, where the horizon meets the deep blue, there lived a majestic whale named Leviathan. Leviathan was not just an ordinary whale; he was a storyteller, a guardian of the sea, and a friend to all marine life. His tale is one of adventure, friendship, and the fight for survival in a world that is ever-changing.One day, as Leviathan swam through the cool waters, he encountered a school of panicked fish darting in every direction. Their scales glistened with fear as they tried to escape an unseen threat. Leviathan, being the protector he was, sounded a deep call, a signal of safety and calm. The fish gathered around him, and he learned that their home, a vibrant coral reef, was being threatened by pollution.Determined to help, Leviathan embarked on a journey to find the source of the pollution. Along the way, he met a wise old turtle named Terrapin. Terrapin had seen many changes in the ocean and knew the signs of human interference. Together, they followed the dark currents back to a distant shore where a factory was spewing toxins into the sea.Leviathan, with Terrapin's guidance, decided to seek the help of the humans. He approached a group of marine biologists who were studying the effects of pollution on marine life. The scientists were amazed by the intelligence and compassion of the whale. They worked together to raise awareness about thepollution, using Leviathan's story as a powerful symbol ofthe ocean's plight.As word spread, people from around the world joined the cause. The factory was eventually held accountable, and measureswere taken to clean up the pollution. The coral reef began to recover, and the marine life flourished once more.Leviathan's encounter with the polluted waters was not just a story of one whale's adventure; it was a testament to the power of unity and the importance of protecting our planet's oceans. His tale serves as a reminder that every creature, no matter how big or small, has a role to play in thepreservation of our environment.In the end, Leviathan returned to his pod, not as just a storyteller, but as a hero. His story echoed through the ocean, inspiring other whales and marine life to be vigilant guardians of their home. And as for the humans, they learneda valuable lesson about the impact of their actions on the natural world, vowing to be better stewards of the Earth andits magnificent oceans.。



2. 作用于心脏系统的毒素:岩海葵毒素
3. 溶血毒素:海蛇毒素、甲藻毒素
4. 细胞毒素:海参毒素、膜海鞘肽、苔藓虫素
1. 海洋生物碱

氨基酸衍生物:骏河毒素、沙蚕毒素等 氮杂环生物碱:鞘丝藻毒素、束丝藻毒素、鱼腥 藻毒素等

(二)结构与性质 1、结构:河豚毒素是一种氨基全氢化喹唑啉化合物。分 子式为C11H17N3O8,分子量为319。 细菌产生的
它没有毒腺,不 能分泌毒素
(1)无色的针状结晶,熔点为220℃,不耐热 (加热将不同程度的失活)。 (2)溶于水,Ka=10-8.5,呈弱碱性;易溶于稀酒 精,而难溶于纯酒精,不溶于醚、氯仿、苯及 二硫化碳,其与生物碱试剂不发生任何沉淀和 颜色反应。 (3)能溶于酸,与酸作用可生成盐,如氢卤酸盐、 酒石酸盐等,但在PH较低时,不能长时间保持 稳定。
从毒液中可以提炼出抗蛇毒的血清,还可 以分离出一种能溶解纤维蛋白的活性酶, 对心脑血管疾病可起疏导作用。
生活在深海域的 水母,其体内亦 含有剧毒。
海洋暖水域中会 “开花的”腔肠动 物海葵,其所含的 毒素要比眼镜蛇的 毒性高2000倍。
海葵、海绵及深海水母 中的毒索具有抑制肿瘤 细胞生长的奇特功效, 对白血病、恶性淋巴瘤、 肺癌等有理想的疗效
4. 大环内酯毒素
5. 萜类毒素:
来源:海藻、海绵、珊瑚 种类:单萜、倍半萜、二萜、二倍半萜、呋喃萜



大海被污染英语作文英文回答:Pollution in the ocean is a significant environmental concern that poses various threats to marine ecosystems and human health.Types of Pollution:Oil pollution: Oil spills and discharges from shipsand industrial facilities can contaminate the ocean surface, harming marine life and disrupting ecosystem dynamics.Plastic pollution: Plastic items, including bottles, bags, and straws, accumulate in the ocean, entangling animals, damaging habitats, and introducing toxic chemicals into the food chain.Chemical pollution: Industrial chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers can enter the ocean through wastewaterdischarge or runoff, contaminating water bodies and harming marine organisms.Nutrient pollution: Excessive nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, can trigger algal blooms that deplete oxygen levels, leading to fish kills and habitat degradation.Noise pollution: Underwater noise from shipping, seismic exploration, and military activities can disrupt the behavior and communication of marine animals.Impacts on Marine Ecosystems:Damage to coral reefs, seagrass beds, and othercritical habitats.Reduced biodiversity and species decline.Disruptions to food webs and ecosystem services.Alterations in the distribution and abundance ofmarine organisms.Human Health Impacts:Consumption of contaminated seafood can lead to health issues, including neurological problems and cancer.Exposure to marine toxins through skin contact or inhalation can cause skin irritation, respiratory problems, and other health effects.Reduced access to healthy seafood resources due to pollution.Consequences for the Economy:Declining fisheries and aquaculture productivity.Reduced tourism revenue due to degraded marine environments.Increased healthcare costs associated with pollution-related health issues.Mitigation and Prevention:Enacting stricter regulations to reduce pollution from various sources.Encouraging responsible waste management practices.Promoting sustainable fishing and aquaculture practices.Investing in research to develop cleaner technologies and pollution monitoring systems.Raising public awareness about the importance of protecting marine ecosystems.Fostering international cooperation to address global pollution issues.中文回答:海洋污染。



Test 9-1 LISTENINGSECTION 9-1-1 Questions 1-10 Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDSAND/ORA NUMBER for each answer.JOB ENQUIRYS E CTI ON 9-1-2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-16 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.SPORTS WORLDa new 11 _____________of an international sports goods companylocated in the shopping centre to the 12_____________ of Bradcasterhas sports 13______________ and equipment on floors 1- 3can get you any item within 14 ________________daysshop specialises in equipment for 15 __________________has a special section which just sells 16 ___________________Questions 17 and 18 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.17 A champion athlete will be in the shopA on Saturday morning only.B all day Saturday.C for the whole weekend.18 The first person to answer 20 quiz questions correctly will winA gym membership.B a video.C a calendar.Questions 19 and 20 Choose TWO letters, A-E.Which TWO pieces of information does the speaker give about the fitness test?A You need to reserve a place.B It is free to account holdersC You get advice on how to improve your health.D It takes place in a special clinic.E It is cheaper this month.SECTION 9-1-3 Questions 21-30 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Course Feedback21 One reason why Spiros felt happy about his marketing presentation was thatA he was not nervous.B his style was good.C the presentation was the best in his group.22 What surprised Hiroko about the other students’ presentations?A Their presentations were not interesting.B They found their presentations stressful.C They didn’t look at the audience enough.23 After she gave her presentation, Hiroko felt A delighted. B dissatisfied. C embarrassed.24 How does Spiros feel about his performance in tutorials?A not very happyB really pleasedC fairly confident25 Why can the other students participate so easily in discussions?A They are polite to each other.B They agree to take turns in speaking.C They know each other well.26 Why is Hiroko feeling more positive about tutorials now?A She finds the other students’ opinions more interesting.B She is making more of a contribution.C The tutor includes her in the discussion.27 To help her understand lectures, HirokoA consulted reference materials.B had extra tutorials with her lecturers.C borrowed lecture notes from other students.28 What does Spiros think of his reading skills?A He reads faster than he used to.B It still takes him a long time to read.C He tends to struggle with new vocabulary.29 What is Hirokos subject area? A environmental studies B health education C engineering30 Hiroko thinks that in the reading classes the students shouldA learn more vocabulary.B read more in their own subject areas.C develop better reading strategies. S E CT I ON 9-1-4 Questions 3 1-40 Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Mass Strandings of Whales and DolphinsMass strandings: situations where groups of whales, dolphins, etc. swim onto the beach and die Common in areas where the 31 _______________can change quicklySeveral other theories:Parasitese.g. some parasites can affect marine animals’32_________ , which they depend on for navigation ToxinsPoisons from 33____________ or are commonly consumed by whalese.g. Cape Cod (1988)- whales were killed by saxitoxinAccidental StrandingsAnimals may follow prey ashore, e.g. Thurston (1995)Unlikely because the majority of animals were not 34 ___________when they strandedHuman Activity35____________ from military tests are linked to some recent strandingsThe Bahamas (2000) stranding was unusual because the whales -----were all 36 ______________----were not in a 37___________ Group Behaviour More strandings in the most 38__________ species of whales1994 dolphin stranding - only the 39____________ was illFurther ReadingMarine Mammals Ashore (Connor) - gives information about stranding 40_____________Test 9-2 LISTENINGSECTION 9-2-1 Questions 1-10 Complete the form below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.SECTION 9-2-2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-13 Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Parks and open spacesHalland Common source of River Ouse 24 hoursHolt Island many different 11 _________ between 12__________ andLongfield Country Park reconstruction of a 2,000-year-old13_________ with activities for childrendaylight hoursQuestions 14-16 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Longfield Park14 As part of Monday’s activity, visitors willA prepare food with herbs.B meet a well-known herbalist.C dye cloth with herbs.15 For the activity on Wednesday,A only group bookings are accepted.B visitors should book in advance.C attendance is free.16 For the activity on Saturday, visitors shouldA come in suitable clothing.B make sure they are able to stay for the whole day.C tell the rangers before the event what they wish to do.Questions 17-20 Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-I, next to questions 17-20.Hinchingbrooke Park17 bird hide ----- 18 dog-walking area ----- 19 flower garden ----- 20 wooded area ----- SECTION 9-2-3 Questions 21-30Questions 2 1-24 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Self-Access Centre21 Students want to keep the Self-Access Centre becauseA they enjoy the variety of equipment.B they like being able to work on their own.C it is an important part of their studies.22 Some teachers would prefer toA close the Self-Access Centre.B move the Self-Access Centre elsewhere.C restrict access to the Self-Access Centre.23 The students’ main concern about using the library would beA the size of the library.B difficulty in getting help.C the lack of materials.24 The Director of Studies is concerned aboutA the cost of upgrading the centre.B the lack of space in the centre.C the difficulty in supervising the centre.Questions 25-30 Complete the notes below Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Necessary improvements to the existing Self-Access CentreEquipment Replace computers to create more space.Resources The level of the 25___________ materials, in particular, should be more clearly shown.Update the 26 ____________collection.Buy some 27____________ and divide them up.Use of the room Speak to the teachers and organise a 28___________ for supervising the centre.Install an 29 ___________Restrict personal use of 30__________ on computers.SECTION 9-2-4 Questions 31-40Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.Business CulturesPower cultureCharacteristics of organisation ---small---31_____________ power source---few rules and procedures---communication by 32 ___________Advantage: ---can act quicklyDisadvantage: ---might not act 33 ____________Suitable employee: ---not afraid of 34 ____________---doesn’t need job securityRole cultureCharacteristics of organisation: ---large, many 35 ___________----specialised departments----rules and procedure, e.g. job 36 ___________and rules for discipline Advantages: ----economies of scale----successful when 37 __________ ability is important Disadvantages: ----slow to see when 38 ___________is needed----slow to reactSuitable employee: ----values security----doesn’t want 39 ___________Task cultureCharacteristics of organisation: ---project orientated---in competitive market or making product with short life---a lot of delegationAdvantage: 40 ___________Disadvantages: no economies of scale or special expertiseSuitable employee: likes to work in groupsTest 9-3 LSTENINGSECTION 9-3-1 Questions 1-10Questions 1-5 Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.SECTION 9-3-2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-13 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Winridge Forest Railway Park11 Simon’s idea for a theme park came fromA his childhood hobby.B his interest in landscape design.C his visit to another park.12 When they started, the family decided to open the park only whenA the weather was expected to be good.B the children weren’t at school.C there were fewer farming commitments.13 Since opening, the park has hadA 50,000 visitors.B 1,000,000 visitors.C 1,500,000 visitors.Questions 14-18 What is currently the main area of work of each of the following people?Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions 14-18.Area of workA advertisingB animal careC buildingD educational linksE engine maintenanceF food and drinkG salesH staffingPeople14 Simon (the speaker) --- 15 Liz ---- 16 Sarah ---- 17 Duncan ---- 18 Judith ----Questions 19 and 20 Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR NUMBERS for each answer.SECTION 9-3-3 Questions 21-30Complete the notes below Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Study Skills Tutorial - Caroline BenningDissertation topic: the 21 _____________Strengths: 22 ______________computer modellingWeaknesses: lack of background informationpoor 23_____________ skillsRecommendations: use a card indexread all notes 29 ____________Next tutorial date: 30____________ JanuarySECTION 9-3-4 Questions 31-40Questions 31 and 32 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.31 The owners of the underground houseA had no experience of living in a rural area.B were interested in environmental issues.C wanted a professional project manager.32 What does the speaker say about the site of the house?A The land was quite cheap.B Stone was being extracted nearby.C It was in a completely unspoilt area.Questions 33-40 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Tile Underground HouseDesign Built in the earth, with two floorsThe south-facing side was constructed of two layers of 33 ___________Photovoltaic tiles were attachedA layer of foam was used to improve the 34____________ of the buildingSpecial features To increase the light, the building has many internal mirrors and 35 ___________In future, the house may produce more 36 ___________than it needsRecycled wood was used for the 37 ___________of the houseThe system for processing domestic 38____________ is organicEnvironmental issues The use of large quantities of 39____ in construction was environmentally harmfulBut the house will have paid its `environmental debt’ within 40______________Test 9-4 LISTENINGSECTION 9-4-1 Questions 1-10Questions 5-6 Choose TWO letters, A-E.Which TWO of the following are offered free of charge at Shore Lane Health Centre?A acupunctureB employment medicalsC sports injury therapyD travel adviceE vaccinationsQuestions 7-10 Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Talks for patients at Shore Lane Health CentreGiving up smoking 25th February at 7pm room 4 useful for people with asthma or 7 __________problemsHealthy eating 1st March at 5pm the 8 _________(Shore Lane)anyone welcomeAvoiding injuriesduring exercise9th March at 9 ____ room 6 for all 10 ________SECTION 9-4-2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-13 Label the diagram below.Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-E, next to questions 11-13.A electricity indicatorB on/off switchC reset buttonD time controlE warning indicatorWater Heatercentral heating radiators hot water 11 _____ 12 _____13 ____Questions 14-18 Where can each of the following items be found?Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 14- 18. LocationsA in box on washing machineB in cupboard on landingC in chest of drawersD next to window in living roomE on shelf by back doorF on top of televisionG under kitchen sink14 pillows --- 15 washing powder ---- 16 key ---- 17 light bulbs ----- 18 map -----Questions 19 and 20 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. The best place to park in town - next to the stationPhone number for takeaway pizzas - 19 ___________Railway museum closed on 20 _______________SECTION 9-4-3 Questions 21-30Questions 21 and 22 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.21 In her home country, Kira hadA completed a course.B done two years of a course.C found her course difficult.22 To succeed with assignments, Kira had toA read faster.B write faster.C change her way of thinking.Questions 23-25 Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.23 Kira says that lecturers are easier to_________ than those in her home country.24 Paul suggests that Kira may be more_________ than when she was studying before.25 Kira says that students want to discuss things that___________ worry them or that them very much. Questions 26-30 Answer the questions below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.26 How did the students do their practical sessions? __________27 In the second semester how often did Kira work in a hospital? _________28 How much full-time work did Kira do during the year? __________29 Having completed the year, how does Kira feel? __________30 In addition to the language, what do overseas students need to become familiar with? __________ SECTION 9-4-4 Questions 31-40Questions 3 1-36 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Wildlife in city gardens31 What led the group to choose their topic?A They were concerned about the decline of one species.B They were interested in the effects of city growth.C They wanted to investigate a recent phenomenon.32 The exact proportion of land devoted to private gardens was confirmed byA consulting some official documents.B taking large-scale photos.C discussions with town surveyors.33 The group asked garden owners toA take part in formal interviews.B keep a record of animals they saw.C get in contact when they saw a rare species.34 The group made their observations in gardensA which had a large number of animal species.B which they considered to be representative.C which had stable populations of rare animals.35 The group did extensive reading onA wildlife problems in rural areas.B urban animal populations.C current gardening practices.36 The speaker focuses on three animal species becauseA a lot of data has been obtained about them.B the group were most interested in them.C they best indicated general trends.Questions 3 7-40 Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.。



拯救海洋污染英语作文The issue of ocean pollution is a pressing concern that demands immediate attention and action. The health of our oceans is crucial to the well-being of our planet, and yet they are being increasingly threatened by pollution from a variety of sources. From plastic waste to chemical runoff, the impact of human activity on the world's oceans is undeniable. In this essay, we will explore the various dimensions of ocean pollution and consider potential solutions to this critical problem. First and foremost, it is essential to recognize the devastating effects of ocean pollution on marine life. Countless species of fish, seabirds, and marine mammals are suffering as a result of ingesting or becoming entangled in plastic debris. The sight of a sea turtle with a plastic straw lodged in its nostril or a seabird with a stomach full of plastic is not only heartbreaking but also servesas a stark reminder of the urgent need to address this issue. The loss of biodiversity and the disruption of delicate marine ecosystems should be enough to spur us into action. Furthermore, the impact of ocean pollution extends beyondthe realm of marine life. It also poses a significant threat to human health. Contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals can make their way into the seafood that ends up on our dinner plates. Additionally, the presence of harmful algal blooms, caused in part by nutrient pollution, can lead to the production of toxins that can be harmful to both marine life and humans. As such, the issue of ocean pollution is not just an environmental concern, but also apublic health issue that demands attention. In addition to the immediate ecological and health impacts of ocean pollution, there are also long-term consequences that must be considered. The accumulation of plastic debris in the ocean, for example, poses a persistent and growing threat. Plastic does not biodegrade; rather, it breaks down into smaller pieces known as microplastics, which can persist in the environment for hundreds of years. These microplasticscan be ingested by a wide range of marine organisms, and can even make their wayup the food chain to ultimately impact human consumers. The long-term consequences of this pervasive pollution are difficult to predict but are likely to be significant. In considering potential solutions to the problem of ocean pollution, it is clear that a multi-faceted approach is required. Efforts to reduce the inputof pollution into the ocean must be prioritized. This can be achieved through improved waste management practices, the implementation of more stringent regulations on industrial discharges, and the promotion of sustainable consumer habits. Additionally, the cleanup of existing pollution is a critical component of any solution. This may involve large-scale efforts to remove plastic debris from the ocean, as well as the restoration of degraded coastal habitats. Moreover, education and advocacy are essential tools in the fight against ocean pollution. By raising awareness about the issue and its impacts, we can inspire individuals, communities, and governments to take action. This may involve educational campaigns in schools, the promotion of alternative materials and products, and the support of policies and initiatives aimed at reducing pollution. By empowering people with knowledge and resources, we can work towards a cleaner and healthier ocean for future generations. In conclusion, the problem of ocean pollution is a complex and multi-faceted issue that demands immediate attention and action. From its devastating impact on marine life to its potential threats to human health, the consequences of ocean pollution are far-reaching. However, by implementing a combination of preventative measures, cleanup efforts, and education and advocacy, we can work towards a sustainable solution. The health of our oceans is vital to the health of our planet, and it is our responsibility to take meaningful steps to protect and preserve this precious resource.。



海豚面临的危险英语作文Dolphins, the intelligent and playful marine mammals, have captivated humans for centuries. Their graceful movements, social nature, and apparent emotional depth have earned them a special place in our hearts. However, beneath the charming surface, dolphins face a myriad of threatsthat jeopardize their survival.Habitat Loss and Degradation:Dolphins rely on healthy marine ecosystems for survival. Coastal development, industrial activities, and pollution can degrade and destroy their habitats. Dredging, land reclamation, and offshore construction fragment and shrink critical feeding, breeding, and resting grounds. Contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides, and plastics accumulate in the water, affecting dolphins' health and disrupting their behaviors.Bycatch:Unintended capture in fishing gear poses a significant danger to dolphins. Entanglement in gillnets, trawls, and longlines can lead to injury, drowning, or starvation. Bycatch is a major concern in areas with intense fishing activities, particularly for species like the vaquita, the most critically endangered cetacean.Overfishing:Depletion of fish stocks can severely impact dolphins' food availability. Overfishing reduces the abundance ofprey species, forcing dolphins to travel longer distancesor alter their feeding habits. In some cases, dolphins may resort to scavenging or competing with humans for resources.Toxins and Pollution:Marine pollution poses a direct threat to dolphins' health. Industrial chemicals, sewage, and agriculturalrunoff introduce harmful substances into the ocean.Dolphins accumulate toxins in their blubber and organs,which can cause reproductive problems, immune system disorders, and developmental abnormalities. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as DDT and PCBs, are particularly concerning due to their long-lasting effects.Climate Change:Climate change is a looming threat to dolphins and their habitats. Rising sea levels erode coastal areas, destroying nesting sites and feeding grounds. Changes in ocean currents and temperature patterns alter the distribution of prey species, forcing dolphins to adapt or migrate. Acidification of the ocean threatens their prey base and hinders their ability to form calcium-based structures.Noise and Disturbance:Human activities can generate excessive noise in the marine environment. Ship traffic, sonar, and seismic surveys create underwater sounds that interfere with dolphins' communication, navigation, and foraging.Disturbance from tourism and recreational activities can disrupt their behavior, stress them, and reduce their reproductive success.Human Exploitation:In some parts of the world, dolphins are hunted for their meat, oil, or skins. They are also captured for live display in aquariums and marine parks. Captive dolphins may face health problems, social isolation, and unnaturalliving conditions.Conservation Efforts:Recognizing the urgency of the threats facing dolphins, conservation organizations and governments have implemented various measures to protect these marine mammals. These include:Marine Protected Areas: Establishing protected areas provides designated zones where dolphins are safe from fishing, pollution, and human disturbance.Bycatch Mitigation Devices: Technologies such asturtle excluder devices (TEDs) and acoustic deterrents help reduce accidental capture of dolphins in fishing gears.Sustainable Fishing Practices: Promoting responsible fishing practices, such as gear selectivity and closed seasons, helps minimize impacts on dolphin populations.Pollution Control: Regulations and clean-up efforts aim to reduce the amount of toxic substances entering the marine environment.Public Education and Awareness: Raising awareness about the threats facing dolphins and encouraging responsible marine stewardship can foster support for conservation efforts.The Road Ahead:Protecting dolphins and ensuring their long-term survival requires a collaborative effort from governments,conservation organizations, fishing communities, and individuals. By implementing comprehensive conservation measures, reducing human impacts, and promoting sustainable practices, we can safeguard these magnificent creatures and ensure that future generations can continue to marvel at their grace and intelligence.。

marine drugs杂志的参考文献格式

marine drugs杂志的参考文献格式

marine drugs杂志的参考文献格式抱歉,但我不能生成指定字数的文本。

以下是“Marine Drugs” 杂志的一个参考文献格式例子,供您参考:参考文献:1. Sridhar, K.R.; Yende, S.R.; Mascarenhas, A.F.; Rajan, P.B. Antibacterial activity and nutritional profile of the fish-associated Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain Pse18. Mar. Drugs 2021, 19, 105.2. Sharma, S.; Kaur, M.; Kalia, N.; Pathania, D. Marine actinomycetes-derived secondary metabolites as potentials drugs against antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Mar. Drugs 2021, 19, 90.3. Tovar-Sánchez, A.; Cappelletti, M.E.; Herrera-Valencia, E.E.; Quijano-Scheggia, S.I.; Diana Rojas-Molina, A.; Salas-Mondragón, E.; Merino-Palacios, C.; Rudiño-Piñera, E. Marine natural products with potential antiviral activity: A review. Mar. Drugs 2021, 19, 70.4. Díaz-García, C.M.; Sánchez-Cifo, A.; Chouaia, B.; Haapkylä, J.; Bourguet-Kondracki, M.L. Bioprospecting sponges for bioactive compounds—An integrated approach combining natural product discovery, functional genomics, and phylogenomics. Mar. Drugs 2021, 19, 63.5. Wang, S.-M.; Dong, B.; Lou, L.; Sun, J.-Q.; Xue, C.; Huo, L.; Zhang, X.-Y.; Wang, Y.-M.; Zhang, C.-L. Biotransformation of the Nardosinane-Type Sesquiterpenoids Valencene and Nardosinone by the Marine-Derived Fungi. Mar. Drugs 2021, 19,59.6. Luo, Y.; Li, J.; Liu, Z.; Feng, H.; Yan, P.; Lv, B.; Du, P.; Pang, Y.; Deng, X.-M.; Sun, P. Characterization and bioactivity of the first natural product from Placozoa, a potent adults-off drug that induces juvenility of carposozoa nematodes. Mar. Drugs 2021, 19, 53.7. Wang, G.; Allais, C.; Guérold, F.; Foveau, A.; Cachot, J. Marine toxins: Occurrence, toxicity, and strategies for their biomarkers, degradation, and detoxification. Mar. Drugs 2021, 19, 26.8. Amin, M.; Sajid, I.; Jan, M.; Rehman, Z.; Ahmad, B.; Sohail, M.; Rashid, I.; Fareed, S.; Kamal, Z.; Raza, M.; et al. Structural characterization and cytotoxic activity of bioactive metabolites from the marine sponge-associated fungus Aspergillus SY-18. Mar. Drugs 2020, 18, 674.仅供参考。

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• • • 化学结构独特新颖 作用机制特殊 毒性强烈
重 要 海 洋 毒 素
•为海洋天然产物的重要组成,是生物毒素中发 为海洋天然产物的重要组成, 为海洋天然产物的重要组成 展最迅速的一个重要领域,在生源、 展最迅速的一个重要领域,在生源、化学结构和 作用机制等多方面的多样性远高于陆生生物。 作用机制等多方面的多样性远高于陆生生物。 •大多海洋生物毒素结构独特而新颖、活性强而 大多海洋生物毒素结构独特而新颖、 大多海洋生物毒素结构独特而新颖 广泛、主要作用于Na 等离子通道; 广泛、主要作用于 +、K+、Ca2+等离子通道; 有些海洋生物毒素对心血管系统有高特异性, 有些海洋生物毒素对心血管系统有高特异性,或 具有显著的抗肿瘤、抗病毒活性, 具有显著的抗肿瘤、抗病毒活性,可发展成为防 治神经系统疾病、心血管疾病、抗肿瘤、 治神经系统疾病、心血管疾病、抗肿瘤、抗病毒 的临床药物或重要导向化合物, 的临床药物或重要导向化合物,并可为药物分子 设计提供有价值的新药效模型和结构构架, 设计提供有价值的新药效模型和结构构架,为发 现药物新作用靶位发挥特殊作用。 现药物新作用靶位发挥特殊作用。
• • • • 代表: 代表:东方鲀 分布:温带、 分布:温带、亚热带及热带海域 习性: 习性:近海食肉性底层鱼类 河豚毒素在河豚鱼体内的分布
-主要集中在卵巢、睾丸和肝脏 主要集中在卵巢、 其次为胃肠道、血液、 -其次为胃肠道、血液、鳃、肾等 肌肉很少。 -肌肉很少。
第三节 麻痹性贝类毒素 ( paralytic shellfish toxins )
第三节 麻痹性贝类毒素 ( paralytic shellfish toxins )
• 水产品化学危害的主要成分,因食用 水产品化学危害的主要成分, 有毒贝类而发生中毒的事件在世界范围内 时有发生。 时有发生。 • 引起贝类中毒的毒素主要有麻痹性贝 引起贝类中毒的毒素主要有麻痹性贝 类毒素、腹泻性贝类毒素、神经性贝类毒 类毒素、腹泻性贝类毒素、 记忆丧失性贝类毒素等 素、记忆丧失性贝类毒素等,这些毒素进 入人体后可导致严重的中毒事件发生。 入人体后可导致严重的中毒事件发生。
5500 3900 5000 4200 5600 1600 280 200 30~40
作用机理 四、海洋生物毒素的开发利用前景
• 钠通道的阻滞剂 • 钠通道的受体部位 结合,主要作用于 钠通道的受体部位I结合 结合, 神经系统,阻碍神经传导, 神经系统,阻碍神经传导,可使神经 末梢和中枢神经发生麻痹。 末梢和中枢神经发生麻痹。初为知觉 神经麻痹,继而运动神经麻痹, 神经麻痹,继而运动神经麻痹,同时 引起外周血管扩张,使血压急剧下降, 引起外周血管扩张,使血压急剧下降, 最后出现呼吸中枢和血管运动中枢麻 痹。
• • 毒性: 剧毒的神经毒素,氰化钠的1000倍 毒性 剧毒的神经毒素,氰化钠的 倍 中毒特点:发病急速而剧烈,潜伏期很短, 中毒特点:发病急速而剧烈,潜伏期很短,
一般在食后10分钟至 小时即发病 一般在食后 分钟至3小时即发病。病情发展迅 分钟至 小时即发病。 初起感觉全身不适,出现恶心、呕吐、 速,初起感觉全身不适,出现恶心、呕吐、腹 疼等胃肠道症状,口唇、 疼等胃肠道症状,口唇、舌尖及手指末端刺疼 发麻,随后感觉消失而麻痹。 发麻,随后感觉消失而麻痹。接着四肢肌肉麻 逐渐失去运动能力, 痹,逐渐失去运动能力,身体摇摆以至平衡失 最后全身麻痹呈瘫痪状态。可有语言不清, 调,最后全身麻痹呈瘫痪状态。可有语言不清, 瞳孔放大,血压和体温下降。一般预后不良, 瞳孔放大,血压和体温下降。一般预后不良, 常因呼吸麻痹、循环衰竭死亡。 常因呼吸麻痹、循环衰竭死亡。致死时间最快 小时, 在1小时,如抢救及时病程超过 小时则多能恢 小时 如抢救及时病程超过8小时则多能恢 复。
第一节 概述
海洋生物中天然存在的、 海洋生物中天然存在的、具有强烈毒性的 化学物质。 化学物质。
-河豚毒素、麻痹性贝类毒素、西加鱼毒素、短 河豚毒素、麻痹性贝类毒素、西加鱼毒素、 裸甲藻毒素、海葵毒素、芋螺毒素等。 裸甲藻毒素、海葵毒素、芋螺毒素等。 -与人类健康的关系

作用机理 • 石房蛤毒素为一种神经毒 素 • 主要的作用为阻断神经传 导 • 作用机理与河豚毒素相似 应用前景 • • 石房蛤毒素有很强的局麻作用, 石房蛤毒素有很强的局麻作用 , 有望开发成局麻药物。 有望开发成局麻药物。 它还具有较强的降压作用, 它还具有较强的降压作用 , 有望 开发成降压药物
(一)有毒藻类 (二)有毒海绵动物 (三)有毒腔肠动物 (四)有毒棘皮动物 (五)有毒鱼类
种 类
哺乳动物 腔肠动物 环节动物 爬行动物 棘皮动物 软体动物 海 藻 鱼 类
10 10 10 20 20 50 100 300
Delptions delphis Petrosia SP Nereis japonicaps Dermochelys coriacea Toxopneuster SP Ballacta exarata Goryaulax polyrora Lutjanas bahor
• • 鲀毒鱼类、 鲀毒鱼类、其他海洋生物 最近研究成果
-最初起源或原始生产者:海洋微生物 最初起源或原始生产者:
-海洋动植物所含的河豚毒素是由其体内 或体外共生菌生物合成或转化而来, 或体外共生菌生物合成或转化而来, 或由环境中微生物产生少量毒素经多 级海洋食物链逐渐浓缩、富集而来。 级海洋食物链逐渐浓缩、富集而来。
[电生理学] 电生理学] -利用河豚毒素能专一性地阻断钠通道的特
性,可将其开发成为鉴定、分离和研究钠 可将其开发成为鉴定、 通道的重要工具药或“分子探针” 通道的重要工具药或“分子探针”。
[临床上] 临床上]
止痛效果为吗啡的3000倍,且无成瘾性, -止痛效果为吗啡的 倍 且无成瘾性, 可将其开发成新型镇痛剂, 可将其开发成新型镇痛剂,用于各种疾病 的镇痛治疗,缓解晚期癌症病人的痛苦。 的镇痛治疗,缓解晚期癌症病人的痛苦。 -河豚毒素还有独特的降压效果,利用其快 河豚毒素还有独特的降压效果, 速的降压作用, 速的降压作用,可考虑在临床上应用于抢 救高血压危相病人。 救高血压危相病人。
-剧毒的含氮杂环化合物 氨甲酰基类毒素( -氨甲酰基类毒素(carbamoyl toxins) )
-石房蛤毒素(saxitoxin,STX)、 石房蛤毒素( , )、
-新石房蛤毒素(neosaxitoxins,neoSTX) 新石房蛤毒素( , ) 膝沟藻毒素( -膝沟藻毒素(gonyautoxins,GTX1-4)等 ,
第二节 河豚毒素 (tetrotoxin, TTX)
-氨基喹唑啉,分子式为C11N17N3O8 氨基喹唑啉,分子式为 无色、无味、无嗅、 -无色、无味、无嗅、针状结晶 -不溶于除酸性水以外的所有溶剂 -化学性质稳定
-[中性][弱酸性]一般的家庭烹调加热、 -[中性][弱酸性]一般的家庭烹调加热、盐 中性][弱酸性 紫外线和太阳光照射均不能使其破坏。 腌、紫外线和太阳光照射均不能使其破坏。 -[强酸][强碱 不稳定,会发生降解, 强酸][强碱] -[强酸][强碱]不稳定,会发生降解,从而 失去毒性。 失去毒性。
• 石房蛤毒素的毒性很强, 石房蛤毒素的毒性很强,由该类毒素引起 的中毒,具有神经麻痹特点, 的中毒,具有神经麻痹特点,故称为麻痹 性贝类中毒( 性贝类中毒(paralytic shellfish poisoning)。 )。 麻痹性贝类中毒起病急、潜伏期短, 麻痹性贝类中毒起病急、潜伏期短,仅数 分钟至20分钟 症状以麻痹为主, 分钟。 分钟至 分钟。症状以麻痹为主,初起为 指尖麻木,随后腿、颈麻木, 唇、舌、指尖麻木,随后腿、颈麻木,运 动失调,伴有头疼、呕吐, 动失调,伴有头疼、呕吐,最后出现呼吸 困难。重症者12小时内呼吸麻痹死亡 小时内呼吸麻痹死亡, 困难。重症者 小时内呼吸麻痹死亡,病 程超过24小时者则预后良好 病死率为5 小时者则预后良好, 程超过 小时者则预后良好,病死率为 %~18%。 %~ %。
• 内源性
-产生于生物体本身,为其自身的代谢产物 产生于生物体本身,
• 外源性
-并非为其自身产生,而来自于与其共生的其他生物, 并非为其自身产生,而来自于与其共生的其他生物, 或由环境中少量毒素经海洋食物链浓缩富集而来。 或由环境中少量毒素经海洋食物链浓缩富集而来。
H CONHSO3- 300~600 不祥 不祥
• 石房蛤毒素主要产生于形成赤潮的膝 沟藻, 沟藻,贝类所含的石房蛤毒素的多少 取决于海水中有毒甲藻, 取决于海水中有毒甲藻,如链膝沟藻 ( Gonyaulax catenella) 的数量。 贝 ) 的数量 。 类在滤食过程中,海水中的有毒甲藻 类在滤食过程中, 作为食物进入其体内, 作为食物进入其体内,使毒素在其体 内中积累, 内中积累,其中消化器官中毒素的含 量最高。 量最高。
Saxitons STX neo STX Gonyautoxins GTX1 GTX2 GTX3 GTX4 N-sulfo carbamoyl toxins GTX5 GTX6 PGTX1 PGTX2 PGTX3 PGTX4