MultiWii MWC 飞控 连接蓝牙模块
MultiWii MWC 飞控连接蓝牙模块入手MultiWii飞控后,对每次插线调试深感头疼,后来在国外的论坛上发现一个解决办法,采用蓝牙方式连接电脑,可以摆脱线缆的束缚,自由调试,甚至可以在飞行中进行实时的PID调整,非常方便。
这个蓝牙模块想要同飞控正常通讯的话,需要将波特率设置为115200才可以,该蓝牙模块设置参数只能通过AT命令,所以要先将蓝牙模块同FTDI USB适配器连接起来,先接好硬件连接,蓝牙模块的TXD脚接USB转串口模块的的RXD 脚,RXD脚接USB转串口模块的TXD脚,注意此时先不要与电脑建立蓝牙连接,否则无法设置,按照如下的接法:然后将FTDI用USB线接入电脑,打开串口调试工具,设置FTDI的端口号,波特率默认为9600,即可开始设置蓝牙模块的参数,具体操作如下:蓝牙模块参数的设置方法发送AT指令:去掉“发送新行”前的勾,然后在字符串输入框中输入AT命令后点发送或者按回车。
Taurus SeriesMultimedia PlayersTB6Specifications Doc u ment V ersion:V1.3.2Doc u ment Number:NS120100361Copyright © 2018 Xi'an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, extracted or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Trademarkis a trademark of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd.Statementwww.novastar.techi Table of ContentsTable of ContentsYou are welcome to use the product of Xi’an NovaStar Tech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to asNovaStar). This document is intended to help you understand and use the product. For accuracy and reliability, NovaStar may make improvements and/or changes to this document at any time and without notice. If you experience any problems in use or have any suggestions, please contact us via contact info given in document. We will do our best to solve any issues, as well as evaluate and implement any suggestions.Table of Contents (ii)1 Overview (1)1.1 Introduction (1)1.2 Application (1)2 Features (3)2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playing (3)2.2 Powerful Processing Capability (3)2.3 Omnidirectional Control Plan (3)2.4 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-Mode (4)2.5 Dual-Wi-Fi Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 42.5.1 Wi-Fi AP Mode (5)2.5.2 Wi-Fi Sta Mode (5)2.5.3 Wi-Fi AP+Sta Mode (5)2.6 Redundant Backup (6)3 Hardware Structure (7)3.1 Appearance (7)3.1.1 Front Panel (7)3.1.2 Rear Panel (8)3.2 Dimensions (9)4 Software Structure (10)4.1 System Software ........................................................................................................................................104.2 Related Configuration Software .................................................................................................................105 Product Specifications ................................................................................................................ 116 Audio and Video Decoder Specifications (13)6.1 Image .........................................................................................................................................................136.1.1 Decoder (13)6.1.2 Encoder (13)6.2 Audio ..........................................................................................................................................................146.2.1 Decoder (14)6.2.2 Encoder (14)www.novastar.tech ii Table of Contents6.3 Video ..........................................................................................................................................................156.3.1 Decoder (15)6.3.2 Encoder ..................................................................................................................................................16iii1 Overview1 Overview 1.1 IntroductionTaurus series products are NovaStar's second generation of multimedia playersdedicated to small and medium-sized full-color LED displays.TB6 of the Taurus series products (hereinafter referred to as “TB6”) feature followingadvantages, better satisfying users’ requirements:●Loading capacity up to 1,300,000 pixels●Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playing●Powerful processing capability●Omnidirectional control plan●Synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode●Dual-Wi-Fi mode ●Redundant backup Note:If the user has a high demand on synchronization, the time synchronization module isrecommended. For details, please consult our technical staff.In addition to solution publishing and screen control via PC, mobile phones and LAN,the omnidirectional control plan also supports remote centralized publishing andmonitoring.1.2 ApplicationTaurus series products can be widely used in LED commercial display field, such asbar screen, chain store screen, advertising machine, mirror screen, retail store screen,door head screen, on board screen and the screen requiring no PC.Classification of Taurus’ application cases is shown in Table 1-1. Table1 Overview2 Features 2.1 Synchronization mechanism for multi-screen playingThe TB6 support switching on/off function of synchronous display.When synchronous display is enabled, the same content can be played on differentdisplays synchronously if the time of different TB6 units are synchronous with oneanother and the same solution is being played.2.2 Powerful Processing CapabilityThe TB6 features powerful hardware processing capability:● 1.5 GHz eight-core processor●Support for H.265 4K high-definition video hardware decoding playback●Support for 1080P video hardware decoding● 2 GB operating memory●8 GB on-board internal storage space with 4 GB available for users2.3 Omnidirectional Control PlanCO.,LTD.●More efficient: Use the cloud service mode to process services through a uniform platform. For example, VNNOX is used to edit and publish solutions, and NovaiCare is used to centrally monitor display status.● More reliable: Ensure the reliability based on active and standby disaster recovery mechanism and data backup mechanism of the server.● More safe: Ensure the system safety through channel encryption, data fingerprint and permission management.● Easier to use: VNNOX and NovaiCare can be accessed through Web. As long as there is internet, operation can be performed anytime and anywhere. ●More effective: This mode is more suitable for the commercial mode of advertising industry and digital signage industry, and makes information spreading more effective.2.4 Synchronous and Asynchronous Dual-ModeThe TB6 supports synchronous and asynchronous dual-mode, allowing more application cases and being user-friendly.When internal video source is applied, the TB6 is in asynchronous mode; when HDMI-input video source is used, the TB6 is in synchronous mode. Content can be scaled and displayed to fit the screen size automatically in synchronous mode. Users can manually and timely switch between synchronous and asynchronous modes, as well as set HDMI priority.2.5 Dual-Wi-Fi ModeThe TB6 have permanent Wi-Fi AP and support the Wi-Fi Sta mode, carrying advantages as shown below:●Completely cover Wi-Fi connection scene. The TB6 can be connected to throughself-carried Wi-Fi AP or the external router.●Completely cover client terminals. Mobile phone, Pad and PC can be used to login TB6 through wireless network.●Require no wiring. Display management can be managed at any time, havingimprovements in efficiency.TB6’s Wi-Fi AP signal strength is related to the transmit distance and environment.Users can change the Wi-Fi antenna as required.2.5.1 Wi-Fi AP ModeUsers connect the Wi-Fi AP of a TB6 to directly access the TB6. The SSID is “AP +the last 8 digits of the SN”, for example, “AP10000033”, and the default password “12345678”.Configure an external router for a TB6 and users can access the TB6 by connectingthe external router. If an external router is configured for multiple TB6 units, a LAN canbe created. Users can access any of the TB6 via the LAN.is2.5.2 Wi-Fi Sta Mode2.5.3 Wi-Fi AP+Sta ModeIn Wi-Fi AP+ Sta connection mode, users can either directly access the TB6 oraccess internet through bridging connection. Upon the cluster solution, VNNOX andNovaiCare can realize remote solution publishing and remote monitoring respectivelythrough the Internet.TB6 Specifications 2 Features2.6Redundant BackupTB6 support network redundant backup and Ethernet port redundant backup.●Network redundant backup: The TB6 automatically selects internet connectionmode among wired network or Wi-Fi Sta network according to the priority.●Ethernet port redundant backup: The TB6 enhances connection reliabilitythrough active and standby redundant mechanism for the Ethernet port used toconnect with the receiving card.Hardware Structure3 Hardware Structure 3.1 AppearancePanelHardware StructureNote: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.Table 3-1 Description of TB6 front panelFigure 3-2 Rear panel of the TB6Note: All product pictures shown in this document are for illustration purpose only. Actual product may vary.Table 3-2 Description of TB6 rear panelHardware StructureUnit: mm4 Software Structure4 Software Structure4.1 System Software●Android operating system software●Android terminal application software●FPGA programNote: The third-party applications are not supported.4.2 Related Configuration SoftwareT5 Product Specifications 5 Product Specifications5 Product SpecificationsAntennaTECH NOVASTARXI'ANTaurus Series Multimedia Players TB6 Specifications6 Audio and Video Decoder Specifications6Specifications6.1 Image6.1.1 DecoderCO.,LTD.6.2 AudioH.264.。
MWC multiwii MWC 说明 教程 入门
这里 有4个 功能,只启 用 其中 一个
这 是 解 释 说 明.
这个就 是没用的句子.
这个就 是有用的句子.
这里 的1060是 飞控 解锁时 的油 门最底 值. 如果 飞控 解锁,电机就 转; 可以 降低 这个值;不低 于1020. 标 准 信 号100 0~2 000us
科技 QQ群:185406936 淘 宝 店: /
这里两个 电机是指 一个在上 一个在下
6轴 模 式 , 电 机 D5和 D6, 如 果 程 序 中 开 启 A0与 A1, A0取 代 5, A1取 代 6, 如 果 不 这 样 就 需 要PPM SUM接 收 机 Jr卫 星 S.Bus信 号 输 入 才 能 使 用6轴 , 不 用PPM输 入 又 要 使 用6轴 , 就 不 能 用 云 台 增 稳 功 能 , 除 非 使 用P RO专 业 版 飞 控
启 用 这 个 可 支 持 六 轴 , 会 让 云 台 增 稳 失 效 。 要 用 云 台 增 稳 就 不 能 做6轴
/* PIN A0 and A1 instead of PIN D5 & D6 for 6 motors config and promini config This mod allow the use of a standard receiver on a pro mini (no need to use a PPM sum receiver)
2:Arduino集 成 开 发 环境。(升降程序用)
3:JAVA虚 拟 机.(GUI图形观察调试飞行器)
0 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8
Forward Voltage VF (V)
Luminous Intensity & Forward Current
f=1KHz Duty=1/10
Relative Luminous Intensity (%)
◇ Audio equipment. ◇ Instrument panels. ◇ Digital read out display.
Device Selection Guide:
Model No.
Chip Material Face Color
KWM-20571AGB KWM-20571CGB
Reverse Current
--- --- 50 µA
1. Luminous intensity is measured with a light sensor and filter combination that approximates the CIE eye-response curve. 2. The dominant wavelength (λd) is derived from the CIE chromaticity diagram and represents the single wavelength which defines the color of the device.
Date: May/16/2009
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Pure Green 62.5 25 135 5 -40°C To +85°C 260°C For 3 Seconds 260°C For 5 Seconds
Pure Green
REV NO: V.3 CHECKED: Allen Liu
DATE: MAR/16/2011 DRAWN: J.Yu
PAGE: 3 OF 6 ERP: 1101005168
Electrical / Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C
Symbol λpeak λD [1] Δλ1/2 C VF [2] IR Parameter Peak Wavelength Dominant Wavelength Spectral Line Half-width Capacitance Forward Voltage Reverse Current Device Pure Green Pure Green Pure Green Pure Green Pure Green Pure Green Typ. 555 555 30 45 2.25 2.5 10 Max. Units nm nm nm pF V uA Test Conditions IF=20mA IF=20mA IF=20mA VF=0V;f=1MHz IF=20mA VR = 5V
The Pure Green source color devices are made with Gallium Phosphide Pure Green Light Emitting Diode.
2 本機特點3 安全注意事項 安裝方法 功能操作4 各部名稱5 65 安裝步驟 5 安裝場所6 功能選擇7 時間及星期設定8 CD唱片的使用9 CD/MP3唱片的播放10 搜尋特定歌曲片段10 搜尋特定樂曲11 重複播放12 程序播放記憶13 清除程序播放記憶14 +10選曲功能14 音量調整15 顯示幕對比度15 耳機的使用16 睡眠功能17 鬧鐘功能22 免責聲明1 保養方法1 故障排除 緊急處理方法 關於售後服務892021在使用本機之前,應仔細閱讀下列事項及使用說明,閱後並請妥為收存,以備將來參考:本機請勿置於雨中、濕氣中或避免陽光直射及遠離其他會產生熱能的裝置。
WS1N 精品系列产品使用说明书
为胜智控WS1N精品系列产品使用说明书--V1.1适用于以下型号:WS1N-20MR/MT-K-BWS1N-24MR/MT-K-BWS1N-28MR/MT-K-BWS1N-30MR/MT-K-BWS1N-32MR/MT-K-B产品目录第一章产品概述 (1)1.1产品概述 (1)1.2基本参数 (1)1.3使用环境及安装方式 (1)第二章产品展示 (2)2.1产品主要硬件说明 (2)2.2产品正面效果图................................2-3第三章电气设计参考.. (4)3.1电源及功耗 (4)3.2232通讯口说明 (4)3.3485通讯口说明 (5)3.4输入内部等效电路与接线说明 (6)3.5输出内部等效电路与接线说明.....................6-83.6模拟量输入说明 (8)3.7模拟量输出说明 (9)3.8产品接线图...................................9-10第四章编程参考 (11)4.1应用环境 (11)4.2元件号的分配和功能概要 (11)4.3特殊元件说明..................................11-124.4指令列表....................................12-144.5此版本不支持指令列表, (14)第五章常见问题及解决方案 (15)第六章保修条款 (15)第一章产品概述1.1产品概述·WS1N AC220V 系列,采用ARMCortex-M332位MISC 内核芯片,运算速度快,存储空间大。
·下载速度为9.6Kbps/19.2Kbps;直接使用三菱GX Developer 或者GX Works2编程、下载、调试、监视(不支持监控写入).·默认采用DC 24V 供电,可选择直接AC220V 交流供电(需联系客服改);输出继电器均不打开条件下,静态电流30MA;每打开一路增加13MA 电流,如1-24mr 输出继电器全打开后电流为160MA(3.84W)。
磊科NW711路由器怎么设置其实关于新购买的或恢复出厂设置后的磊科NW711路由器的设置方法是很简单的,为了更好的帮助大家掌握此方法,下面是店铺给大家整理的一些有关磊科NW711路由器设置图文教程,希望对大家有帮助!磊科NW711路由器设置图文教程第一步、正确安装磊科NW711无线路由器在磊科NW711无线路由器通电的情况下,用一根网线来连接路由器上的任意一个LAN(1/2/3/4)接口与计算机,用另一根网线连接ADSL Modem(猫)或者光纤猫与路由器WAN口。
注意问题:(1)、ADSL Modem(猫),光纤猫和入户网线是目前国内宽带接入的三种方式,大家根据自己的接入方式选择一种即可。
第二步、设置电脑IP地址(自动获取IP地址)在对磊科NW711无线路由器进行设置之前,需要先把电脑的IP 地址设置为自动获得,如下图所示;一般情况电脑IP地址默认就是自动获取,不过为了保险起见,建议大家检查设置一下;如果不知道怎么设置,可以参考教程:>> 电脑自动获取IP地址的设置方法第三步、磊科NW711无线路由器上网设置1、登录设置界面:在浏览器的地址栏中输入192.168.1.1,然后按下键盘上的回车键(Enter)。
(如果输入192.168.1.1后,打不开设置页面,请点击阅读教程:Netcore磊科路由器192.168.1.1打不开怎么办? )2、在跳转的登录页面中,“用户名”后面输入:guest,在“密码”后面输入:guest,然后点击“确定”。
Dual OutputSingle OutputBlock DiagramMIW1100-Series power modules are low-profiledc-dc converters that operate over input voltage ranges of4.5-9VDC, 9-18VDC, 18-36VDC and 36-75VDC and provide precisely regulated output voltages of 5V, 12V, 15V, {12V and {15V.The -40] to +71] operating temperature range makes it ideal for data communication equipments, mobile battery driven equipments, distributed power systems, telecommunicationequipments, mixed analog/digital subsystems, process/machinecontrol equipments, computer peripheral systems and industrial robot systems.The modules have a maximum power rating of 3W and a typical full-load efficiency of 81%, continuous short circuit, 60mA output ripple, built-in filtering for both input and output minimizes the need for external filtering.y MTBF > 1,000,000 Hoursy EMI Complies With EN55022 Class A y Short Circuit Protectiony SMT Technologyy Industry Standard Pinout y I/O Isolation 500VDC y 2:1 Input Rangey High Efficiency up to 81%Key FeaturesSingle and Dual Outputs3 Watts 2 :1 Wide Input Range DC/DC ConvertersMIW1100 SeriesTOTAL POWER INT'L8177{10{100{15MIW11458177{12.5{125{12MIW114481772020015MIW114381772525012MIW1142771038160600548( 36 ~ 75 )MIW114181154{10{100{15MIW113581154{12.5{125{12MIW1134811542020015MIW1133811542525012MIW11327715516260600524( 18 ~ 36 )MIW113180313{10{100{15MIW112580313{12.5{125{12MIW1124803132020015MIW1123803132525012MIW112276302032960600512( 9 ~ 18 )MIW112174811{10{100{15MIW111574811{12.5{125{12MIW1114748112020015MIW1113748112525012MIW111270100408576060055( 4.5 ~ 9 )MIW1111% (Typ.)mA (Typ.)mA (Typ.)mA (Typ.)mA mA VDC VDC@Max. Load @No Load @Max. Load Min.Max.EfficiencyReflected Ripple Current Input CurrentOutput CurrentOutput VoltageInput VoltageModel NumberModel Selection GuideEN55022 Class AConducted EMIFree-Air Convection Cooling%95---Humidity ]+125-40Storage Temperature ]+90-40CaseOperating Temperature ]+71-40Ambient Operating Temperature Unit Max.Min.Conditions ParameterEnvironmental SpecificationsExceeding these values can damage the module. These are not continuous operating ratings.mW2,500---Internal Power Dissipation]260---Lead Temperature (1.5mm from case for 10 Sec.)VDC 100-0.748VDC Input ModelsVDC 50-0.724VDC Input ModelsVDC 25-0.712VDC Input Models VDC 11-0.75VDC Input Models Input Surge Voltage( 1000 mS )Unit Max.Min.ParameterNote :1. Specifications typical at Ta=+25], resistive load,nominal input voltage, rated output current unless otherwise noted.2. Transient recovery time is measured to within 1%error band for a step change in output load of 75%to 100%.3. Ripple & Noise measurement bandwidth is 0-20MHz.4. These power converters require a minimum output loading to maintain specified regulation.5. Operation under no-load conditions will not damage these devices; however they may not meet all listed specifications.6. All DC/DC converters should be externally fused at the front end for protection.7. Other input and output voltage may be available,please contact factory.8. Specifications subject to change without notice.Absolute Maximum RatingsMIW1100 SeriesK Hours------1000MIL-HDBK-217F @ 25], Ground BenignMTBFKHz ---300---Switching Frequency pF 500------100KHz,1VIsolation Capacitance M[------1000500VDC Isolation Resistance VDC ------550Flash Tested for 1 SecondIsolation Test Voltage VDC ------50060 SecondsIsolation Voltage Unit Max.Typ.Min.Conditions ParameterGeneral SpecificationsContinuousOutput Short Circuit%/]{0.02{0.01---Temperature Coefficient %{5{3---Transient Response Deviation uS 500300---25% Load Step Change Transient Recovery Time %------120Over Power Protection mV rms.15------Ripple & Noise (20MHz)mV P-P 100------Over Line,Load & Temp Ripple & Noise (20MHz)mV P-P 6045---Ripple & Noise (20MHz)%{0.5{0.2---Io=10% to 100%Load Regulation %{0.5{0.2---Vin=Min. to Max.Line Regulation %{2.0{0.5---Dual Output Balance LoadOutput Voltage Balance %{2.0{0.5---Output Voltage Accuracy Unit Max.Typ.Min.ConditionsParameterOutput SpecificationsPi FilterInput FiltermW 15001000---Short Circuit Input Power A 1------All ModelsReverse Polarity Input Current 3422---48V Input Models1711---24V Input Models 8.56.5---12V Input Models 43.5---5V Input Models Under Voltage Shortdown36241648V Input Models1812824V Input Models 974.512V Input Models VDC 4.543.55V Input Models Start VoltageUnitMax.Typ.Min.Model ParameterInput SpecificationsNote: # For each output .uF10001000200020002000Maximum Capacitive Load Unit {15V #{12V #15V 12V 5V Models by Vout Capacitive LoadMIW1100 Series135mA Slow - Blow Type350mA Slow - Blow Type700mA Slow - Blow Type1500mA Slow - Blow Type48V Input Models 24V Input Models 12V Input Models 5V Input Models Input Fuse Selection GuideInput Voltage Transient RatingMIW1100 SeriesMIW1100 SeriesTest ConfigurationsInput Reflected-Ripple Current Test SetupLin (4.7uH) and Cin (220uF, ESR < 1.0[ at 100 KHz) to simulate source impedance.Capacitor Cin, offsets possible battery impedance.Current ripple is measured at the input terminals of the module, measurement bandwidth is 0-500 KHz.Peak-to-Peak Output Noise Measurement TestUse a Cout 0.47uF ceramic capacitor.Scope measurement should be made by using a BNC socket, measurement bandwidth is 0-20 MHz. Position the load between 50 mm and 75 mm from the DC/DC Converter.Design & Feature ConsiderationsMaximum Capacitive LoadThe MIW1100 series has limitation of maximum connected capacitance at the output.The power module may be operated in current limiting mode during start-up, affecting the ramp-up and the startup time.For optimum performance we recommend 1000uF maximum capacitive load for dual outputs and 2000u F capacitive load for single outputs.The maximum capacitance can be found in the data .Overcurrent ProtectionTo provide protection in a fault (output overload) condition,the unit is equipped with internal current limiting circuitry and can endure current limiting for an unlimited duration. At the point of current-limit inception, the unit shifts from voltage control to current control. The unit operates normally once the output current is brought back into its specified range.Input Source ImpedanceThe power module should be connected to a low ac-impedance input source. Highly inductive source impedances can affect the stability of the power module.In applications where power is supplied over long lines and output loading is high, it may be necessary to use a capacitor at the input to ensure startup.Capacitor mounted close to the power module helps ensure stability of the unit, it is recommended to use a good quality low Equivalent Series Resistance (ESR < 1.0[ at 100KHz) capacitor of a 8.2uF for the 5V input devices, a 3.3uF for the 12V input devices and a 1.5uF for the 24V and 48V devices.A good quality low ESR capacitor placed as close as practicable across the load will give the best ripple and noise performance.To reduce output ripple, it is recommended to use 3.3uF capacitors at the output.MIW1100 SeriesMIW1100 Series Thermal ConsiderationsMany conditions affect the thermal performance of the power module, such as orientation, airflow over the module and board spacing. To avoid exceeding the maximum temperature rating of the components inside the power module, the case temperature must be kept below 90°C.The derating curves are determined from measurements obtained in an experimental apparatus.Units are encapsulated in a low thermal resistance molding compound which has excellent chemical resistance and electrical properties in high humidity environment and over a wide operating temperature range.The encapsulant and outer shell of the unit have UL94V-0 ratings. The leads are golden plated for better soldering.NC: No Connection+Vin+Vin24-Vout NC 23Common NC 22Common -Vout 15+Vout +Vout 14UL94V-0:Flammability-Vin -Vin 13-Vin -Vin 1212.4g :Weight +Vout +Vout 11Common -Vout 10Non-Conductive Black Plastic :Case Material Common NC 3-Vout NC 2 1.25*0.8*0.4 inches+Vin +Vin 131.8*20.3*10.2 mm :Case Size Dual OutputSingle OutputPin Physical CharacteristicsPin ConnectionsConnecting Pin PatternsTop View ( 2.54 mm / 0.1 inch grids )Mechanical DataMIW 1100 Series。
allwinner technology co. , ltd. - mt6572 - 3g mode
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Vishay SemiconductorsVLMW711.Little Star ®1 Watt Power SMD LED WhiteFEATURES•Super high brightness surface mount LED •High flux output; typical 50 lumens •120° viewing angle•Compact package outline(L x W x H) of 6.0 x 6.0 x 1.5 mm •Ultra low height profile - 1.5 mm•Designed for high current drive; up to 350 mA •Low thermal resistance; R thJP = 18 K/W•Qualified according to JEDEC moisture sensitivity level 2a•Compatible to IR reflow soldering•Little Star ® are class 1M LED products. Do not view directly with optical instrument •Component in accordance to RoHS 2002/95/ECand WEEE 2002/96/EC•Automotive qualified AEC-Q101•ESD-withstand voltage: up to 2 kV according to JESD22-A114-B20784DESCRIPTIONThe VLMW711. is one of the most robust and light efficient LEDs in the market. With its extremely high level of brightness and the ultra low high profile, which is only 1.5 mm are highly suitable for both conventional lighting and specialized application such as automotive signal lights, traffic lights, channel lights,tube lights and garden lights among others.PRODUCT GROUP AND PACKAGE DATA •Product group: LED•Package: SMD Little Star •Product series: power•Angle of half intensity: ± 60°APPLICATIONS •Automotive: exterior applications, e.g.: fog-lamp,rear mirror lighting, etc. •Communication: FlashLED•Industry: white goods (e.g.: oven, microwave, etc.) •Lighting: garden light, architecture lighting, general lighting, etc.PARTS TABLEPARTCOLOR, LUMINOUS INTENSITY(at I F = 350 mA)LUMINOUS FLUXCORRELATION BETWEEN LUM. FLUX/LUM. INTENSITY(at I F = 350 mA)TECHNOLOGYVLMW711ADAF-GS08White, I V = (14000 to 28500) mcd 39000 to 97000 mlm InGaN VLMW711AE-GS08White, I V = (18000 to 22400) mcd52000 to 71000 mlmInGaNVishay SemiconductorsVLMW711.Note:Not designed for reverse operation 1) Tamb = 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedNote:1) Tamb = 25°C, unless otherwise specified2) Forward voltages are tested at a current pulse duration of 1 ms and a tolerance of ± 0.05 VNote:Luminous intensity is tested at a current pulse duration of 25 ms and an accuracy of ± 11 %.The above type numbers represent the order groups which include only a few brightness groups. Only one group will be shipped on each reel (there will be no mixing of two groups on each reel).In order to ensure availability, single brightness groups will not be orderable.In a similar manner for colors where wavelength groups are measured and binned, single wavelength groups will be shipped in any one reel.In order to ensure availability, single wavelength groups will not be orderable.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS 1) VLMW711.PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOLVALUE UNIT Forward current I F 350mA Power dissipation P tot 1.4W Junction temperature T j + 120°C Surge current t < 10 µs, d = 0.1I FM 1000mA Operating temperature range T amb - 40 to + 100°C Storage temperature range T stg - 40 to + 100°C Thermal resistance junction/pinR thJP18K/WOPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1) VLMW711., WHITEPARAMETERTEST CONDITIONPART INCLUDED TYPES SYMBOL MIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Luminous intensityI F = 350 mAVLMW711ADAF VLMW711ADI V 1400018000mcd VLMW711AE I V 1800022400mcd VLMW711AFI V 2240028500mcd VLMW711AEI V 1800022400mcdChromaticity coordinate x acc. to CIE 1931I F = 350 mA x 0.33Chromaticity coordinate y acc. to CIE 1931I F = 350 mA y 0.33Angle of half intensity I F = 350 mA ϕ± 60deg Forward voltage 2)I F = 350 mA V F 3.0 3.6 4.0V Temperature coefficient of V F I F = 350 mA TC VF - 3mV/K Temperature coefficient of I VI F = 350 mATC IV- 0.4%/KLUMINOUS INTENSITY/FLUX CLASSIFICATION WHITEGROUP LUMINOUS INTENSITY I V (MCD)LUMINOUS FLUX φV (MLM)CORRELATION TABLE STANDARDMIN. MAX. MIN.MAX.AD 14000180003900052000AE 18000224005200071000AF22400285007100097000Vishay SemiconductorsVLMW711.Note:Chromaticity coordinate groups are tested at a current pulse duration of 25 ms and a tolerance of ± 0.01.TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICST amb= 25°C, unless otherwise specifiedCHROMATICITY COORDINATED GROUPS FOR WHITE SMD LEDX Y X10.2780.2430.2900.2650.2900.3100.2780.288X20.2900.2650.3030.2860.3030.3310.2900.310X30.3030.2860.3150.3080.3150.3530.3030.331Y10.3150.3080.3280.3300.3280.3750.3150.353Y20.3280.3300.3400.3510.3400.3960.3280.375Y30.3400.3510.3530.3730.3530.4180.3400.396Figure 1. Relative Luminous Flux vs. Forward Current Figure 2. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Forward CurrentVishay SemiconductorsVLMW711.Figure 3. Forward Current vs. Forward VoltageFigure 4. Coordinates of Color GroupsFigure5. Relative Spectrale EmissionFigure 6. Relative Luminous Intensity vs. Angular DisplacementVLMW711.Vishay Semiconductors in millimetersTAPING DIMENSIONSVLMW711.Vishay SemiconductorsPACKAGE DIMENSIONS/SOLDERING PADS DIMENSIONS in millimetersSOLDERING PROFILE(acc. to J-STD-020C)Vishay SemiconductorsVLMW711.BAR CODE PRODUCT LABELEXAMPLE:A)Type of componentB)Manufacturing plantC)SEL - selection code (bin):e.g.:DA=code for luminous intensity group5=code for color groupD)Batch:200707 = year 2007, week 07PH19 = plant codeE)Total quantityDRY PACKINGThe reel is packed in an anti-humidity bag to protect the devices from absorbing moisture during transportation and storage.FINAL PACKINGThe sealed reel is packed into a cardboard box. A secondary cardboard box is used for shipping purposes.RECOMMENDED METHOD OF STORAGEDry box storage is recommended as soon as the aluminum bag has been opened to prevent moisture absorption. The following conditions should be observed, if dry boxes are not available:• Storage temperature 10°C to 30°C• Storage humidity ≤ 60 % RH max.After more than 672 h under these conditions moisture content will be too high for reflow soldering.In case of moisture absorption, the devices will recover to the former condition by drying under the following condition:192 h at 40°C + 5°C/- 0°C and < 5 % RH (dry air/nitrogen) or96 h at 60°C + 5°C and < 5 % RH for all device containers or24 h at 100°C + 5°C not suitable for reel or tubes. An EIA JEDEC standard JESD22-A112 level 2a label is included on all dry bags.ESD PRECAUTIONProper storage and handling procedures should befollowed to prevent ESD damage to the devicesespecially when they are removed from the antistaticshielding bag. Electro-static sensitive devices warninglabels are on the packaging.VISHAY SEMICONDUCTORS STANDARDBAR CODE LABELSThe Vishay Semiconductors standard bar code labelsare printed at final packing areas. The labels are oneach packing unit and contain Vishay Semiconductorsspecific data.ACBDE20613VLMW711.Vishay SemiconductorsOZONE DEPLETING SUBSTANCES POLICY STATEMENTIt is the policy of Vishay Semiconductor GmbH to1.Meet all present and future national and international statutory requirements.2.Regularly and continuously improve the performance of our products, processes, distribution and operatingsystems with respect to their impact on the health and safety of our employees and the public, as well as their impact on the environment.It is particular concern to control or eliminate releases of those substances into the atmosphere which are known as ozone depleting substances (ODSs).The Montreal Protocol (1987) and its London Amendments (1990) intend to severely restrict the use of ODSs and forbid their use within the next ten years. Various national and international initiatives are pressing for an earlier ban on these substances.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH has been able to use its policy of continuous improvements to eliminate the use of ODSs listed in the following documents.1.Annex A, B and list of transitional substances of the Montreal Protocol and the London Amendments respectively.2.Class I and I I ozone depleting substances in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 by the EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) in the USA.3.Council Decision 88/540/EEC and 91/690/EEC Annex A, B and C (transitional substances) respectively. Vishay Semiconductor GmbH can certify that our semiconductors are not manufactured with ozone depleting substances and do not contain such substances.The I EC/EN standards require that the desired classification Accessible Emission Limit shall not be exceeded in “Normal” and “Single Fault Conditions”. This product is in Compliance with the requirement in CEN/IEC/EN60825-1 to ensure that required classifications are not exceeded in single fault conditions.We reserve the right to make changes to improve technical designand may do so without further notice.Parameters can vary in different applications. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by the customer. Should the buyer use Vishay Semiconductors products for any unintended or unauthorized application, the buyer shall indemnify Vishay Semiconductors against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal damage, injury or death associated with suchunintended or unauthorized use.Vishay Semiconductor GmbH, P.O.B. 3535, D-74025 Heilbronn, GermanyDisclaimer Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网。
dBm/Hz - -136 - 869MHz to 894MHz
Harmonics 2fo Harmonics 3fo
-30 -35
Input Impedance
VSWR - 1.5:1 -
Ruggedness-No damage
VSWR - 10:1 - Pout<28dBm, all phases
l Single mode CDMA wireless handsets l Dual mode AMPS/CDMA wireless handsets
463-020, KOREA
Fax: 82-31- 714-6576
Last Update 12/30/04
Future Communications Integrated circuit Inc.
Power Amplifier Module for CDMA/AMPS
Supply Voltage (Vcc)
Mode Control Voltage (VMODE)
Reference Voltage (VREF)
RF Input Power (RF IN)
Pout = 31dBm Pout = 28dBm Pout = 16dBm
Moxa AWK-1137C 工业无线客户端说明书
P/N: 1802011370011 *1802011370011*AWK-1137CQuick Installation GuideMoxa AirWorksEdition 2.0, August 2017Technical Support Contact Information/supportMoxa Americas:Toll-free: 1-888-669-2872 Tel: 1-714-528-6777 Fax: 1-714-528-6778 Moxa China (Shanghai office): Toll-free: 800-820-5036 Tel: +86-21-5258-9955 Fax: +86-21-5258-5505 Moxa Europe:Tel: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0 Fax: +49-89-3 70 03 99-99 Moxa Asia-Pacific:Tel: +886-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231 Moxa India:Tel: +91-80-4172-9088 Fax: +91-80-4132-10452017 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.OverviewThe AWK-1137C industrial Wi-Fi client meets the growing need for faster data transmission speeds and wider coverage by supporting IEEE 802.11n technology with a net data rate of up to 300 Mbps. TheAWK-1137C combines two adjacent 20 MHz channels into a single 40 MHz channel to deliver a potent combination of greater reliability and more bandwidth. The AWK-1137C can operate on either the 2.4 or the 5 GHz band and is backward compatible with existing 802.11a/b/g deployments.Hardware SetupThis section covers the hardware setup for the AWK-1137C. Package ChecklistMoxa’s AWK-1137C is shipped with the following items. If any of these items is missing or damaged, please contact your customer service representative for assistance.• 1 AWK-1137C wireless client• 2 2.4/5 GHz omni-directional antennas: ANT-WDB-ARM-0202 •DIN-rail kit•Quick installation guide (printed)•Warranty cardPanel Layout of the AWK-1137C1.System LEDs: SYS, WLAN,LAN1, LAN2, and SERIALN1: 10/100 BaseT(X) RJ45portN2: 10/100 BaseT(X) RJ45port4.RS-232/422/485 DB9 serial port5.3-pin terminal block(ground/-/+)6.M3 screw holes for antennabracket7.Antenna B RP-SMA8.Antenna A RP-SMA9.3-pin maintenance port forengineers10.Reset button11.Screw holes for DIN-railmounting kit12.Screw holes for wall-mountingkitMounting DimensionsUnit = mm (inch)DIN-Rail MountingThe aluminum DIN-rail attachment plate comes attached to the back panel of the AWK-1137C when you take it out of the box. If you need to reattach the DIN-rail attachment plate to the AWK-1137C, make sure the stiff metal spring is situated towards the top, as shown in the figures below:STEP 1:Insert the top of the DIN rail into the slot just below the stiff metal spring.STEP 2:Gently push the device towards the DIN rail until the DIN-rail attachment unit snaps into place as shown below:To remove the AWK-1137C from the DIN rail, reverse steps 1 and 2.Wall Mounting (Optional)For some applications, it may be more convenient to mount the AWK-1137C to a wall, as illustrated below: STEP 1:Remove the aluminum DIN-rail attachment plate from theAWK-1137C, and then attach thewall-mounting plates with M3 screws, as shown in the adjacent diagrams.STEP 2: Mounting the AWK-1137C to a wall requires two screws. Use the AWK-1137C device, withwall-mounting plates attached, as a guide to mark the correct locations of the two screws. The heads of the screws should be less than 6.0 mm in diameter, and the shafts should be less than 3.5 mm in diameter, as shown in the figure on the right.Do not drive the screws in all the way—leave a space of about 2 mm to allow room for sliding the wall-mounting panel between the wall and the screws.NOTE Test the screw head and shank size by inserting the screws into one of the keyhole-shaped apertures of the wall-mounting plates before they are fixed to the wall.STEP 3a:Once the screws are fixed into the wall, insert the two screw heads through the large opening of the keyhole-shaped apertures, and then slide theAWK-1137C downwards, as indicated to the right. Tighten the two screws for added stability.STEP 3b:Alternatively, insert four screwsdirectly through the AWK-1137C into the wall.WARNING•This equipment is intended to be used in a Restricted Access Location, such as a dedicated computer room where only authorized service personnel or users can gain access. Such personnel must be instructed about the fact that the metal chassis of the equipment is extremely hot and may cause burns.• Service personnel or users have to pay special attention and take special precautions before handling this equipment. •Only authorized, well-trained professionals should be allowed to access the Restricted Access Location. Access should be controlled by the authority responsible for the location with a lock and key or a security identity system.•External metal parts are hot!! Pay special attention or use special protection before handling this equipment.Wiring RequirementsYou should also pay attention to the following items: •Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices. If power wiring and device wiring paths must cross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point.NOTE Do not run signal or communications wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. To avoid interference, wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately.•You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire todetermine which wires should be kept separate. The rule of thumb is that wiring with similar electrical characteristics can be bundled together.• Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.• It is strongly advised that you label wiring to all devices in the system when necessary.Grounding the Moxa AWK-1137CGrounding and wire routing help limit the effects of noise due to electromagnetic interference (EMI). Run the ground connection from the ground screw to the grounding surface prior to connecting devices.Installing Cable Extended Antennas for Outdoor ApplicationsIf the antenna or the AWK device is installed outdoors or in an open-air setting, proper lightning protection is required to prevent direct lightning strikes on the AWK device. In order to prevent coupling currents from nearby lightning strikes, a lightning arrester should be installed as part of your antenna system. Ground the device, antenna, as well as the arrester properly to provide maximum outdoor protection for the device.Arrester Accessories•SA-NMNF-01: Surge arrester, N-type (male) to N-type (female) •SA-NFNF-01: Surge arrester, N-type (female) to N-type (female) Wiring the Redundant Power InputsThe top two pairs of contacts of the 10-contact terminal block connector on the AWK-1137C’s top panel are used for the AWK-1137C’s two DC inputs. The top and front views of the terminal block connector are shown below:STEP 1: Array Insert the negative/positive DC wires into theV-/V+ terminals.STEP 2:To keep the DC wires from pulling loose, use asmall flat-blade screwdriver to tighten thewire-clamp screws on the front of the terminalblock connector.STEP 3:Insert the plastic terminal block connectorprongs into the terminal block receptor, which islocated on the AWK-1137C’s side panel.NOTE Input Terminal Block (CN1) is suitable for wire size range of 12-28 AWG (3.31-0.0804 mm²) and a torque value of 4.5 lb-in(0.51 Nm)Using the Reset ButtonThe Reset button is used to load the factory default settings. Use a pointed object to hold the Reset button down for five seconds to load the factory defaults.Activating AeroMag FunctionPush the Reset Button five times to activate AeroMag. To deactivate it again, push the Reset Button three times.Installing the Antenna-Locking ClampUse the antenna-locking clamp to secure the antennas to the AWK-1137C for added stability when you install the device in a high-vibration environment.STEP 1: Slide the clamps into the antenna port. STEP 2:Use screws to fix the clamps to the side panel of the AWK-1137C asshown below:Communication Connections10/100BaseT(X) Ethernet Port ConnectionThe 10/100BaseT(X) ports located on the AWK-1137C’s front panel are used to connect to Ethernet-enabled devices.The pinouts for both the MDI (NIC-type) and MDI-X (HUB/switch-type) ports as shown below:MDI Port Pinouts MDI-X Port Pinouts8-pin RJ45Pin Signal 1 Tx+ 2 Tx- 3 Rx+ 6 Rx-Pin Signal 1 Rx+ 2 Rx- 3 Tx+ 6 Tx-RS-232/422/485 Serial PortThe AWK-1137C has 1 RS-232/422/485 serial port with DB9 connectorfor serial-to-WLAN connectivity. The pin assignments for the serial ports are shown below: PinRS-232RS-422/485(4W) RS-485 (2W) 1 DCD TxD-(A) – 2 RxD TxD+(B) –3 TxD RxD+(B) Data+(B)4 DTR RxD-(A) Data-(A)5 GND GND GND6 DSR – –7 RTS – –8 CTS – – 9–––LED IndicatorsThe front and side panel of the Moxa AWK-1137C contains several LED indicators. The function of each LED is described in the table below: LED Color State DescriptionSYS GreenOn System start up complete and thesystem is in operationBlinking +Beeps(Interval: 1second)Device has been located by theWireless Search UtilityRedOn System is booting or a system bootingerror has occurredBlinking(Interval: 0.5second)IP address conflictBlinking(Interval: 1second)Cannot obtain an IP address from theDHCP serverWLAN Green On(RSSI > 35)WLAN interface has connected Blinking Data communication via WLAN Amber On(RSSI < 35)WLAN interface has connected Blinking Data communication via WLANLAN1Green On Ethernet LAN 1 interface hasconnectedBlinking Data communication via Ethernet LAN1LAN2Green On Ethernet LAN 2 interface hasconnectedBlinking Data communication via Ethernet LAN2Serial Amber Blinking Data Transmission via serial data port SpecificationsWLAN InterfaceStandards IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n for Wireless LANIEEE 802.11i for Wireless SecurityIEEE 802.3 for 10BaseTIEEE 802.3u for 100BaseT(X)IEEE 802.1Q VLANSpread Spectrum and Modulation (typical) •DSSS with DBPSK, DQPSK, CCK•OFDM with BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM •802.11b: CCK @ 11/5.5 Mbps, DQPSK @ 2 Mbps, DBPSK @ 1 Mbps•802.11a/g: 64QAM @ 54/48 Mbps, 16QAM @ 36/24 Mbps, QPSK @ 18/12 Mbps, BPSK @9/6 Mbps•802.11n:64QAM@***************** Mbps (multiple rates supported)WLAN InterfaceOperating Channels (central frequency) US:• 2.412 to 2.462 GHz (11 channels)• 5.180 to 5.240 (4 channels)• 5.260 to 5.320 (4 channels)• 5.500 to 5.700 GHz (8 channels, excluding5.600 to 5.640 GHz)• 5.745 to 5.825 GHz (5 channels)EU:• 2.412 to 2.472 GHz (13 channels)• 5.180 to 5.240 GHz (4 channels)• 5.260 to 5.320 GHz (4 channels)• 5.500 to 5.700 GHz (11 channels)JP:• 2.412 to 2.484 GHz (14 channels)• 5.180 to 5.240 GHz (4 channels)• 5.260 to 5.320 GHz (4 channels)• 5.500 to 5.700 GHz (11 channels)Security •SSID broadcast enable/disable•Firewall for MAC/IP/Protocol/Port-basedfiltering•64-bit and 128-bit WEP encryption•WPA/WPA2-Personal and Enterprise (IEEE802.1X/RADIUS, TKIP, and AES) Transmission Rates •802.11b: 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps•802.11a/g: 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps•802.11n: 6.5 to 300 Mbps (multiple ratessupported)Transmitter Power 802.11b:•Typ. 26±1.5 dBm @ 1 Mbps•Typ. 26±1.5 dBm @ 2 Mbps•Typ.26±**************•Typ. 25±1.5 dBm @ 11 Mbps802.11g:•Typ. 23±1.5 dBm @ 6 to 24 Mbps•Typ. 22±1.5 dBm @ 36 Mbps•Typ. 20±1.5 dBm @ 48 Mbps•Typ. 19±1.5 dBm @ 54 Mbps802.11n (2.4 GHz):•Typ. 23±1.5 dBm @ MCS0/8 20 MHz,•Typ. 17±1.5 dBm @ MCS7/15 20 MHz•Typ. 23±1.5 dBm @ MCS0/8 40 MHz,•Typ. 17±1.5 dBm @ MCS7/15 40 MHz802.11a:•Typ. 23±1.5 dBm @ 6 to 24 Mbps•Typ. 21±1.5 dBm @ 36 Mbps•Typ. 20±1.5 dBm @ 48 Mbps•Typ. 18±1.5 dBm @ 54 Mbps802.11n (5 GHz):•Typ. 23±1.5 dBm @ MCS0/8 20 MHz,•Typ. 18±1.5 dBm @ MCS7/15 20 MHz•Typ. 23±1.5 dBm @ MCS0/8 40 MHz,•Typ. 18±1.5 dBm @ MCS7/15 40 MHzNOTE Based on regional regulations, the maximum transmission power allowed on UNII bands is restricted in the firmware, as indicatebelow.US EU JP2.4 GHz 26 dBm 18 dBm 18 dBm5 GHz (UNII-1) 23 dBm 23 dBm 23 dBm5 GHz (UNII-2) 23 dBm 23 dBm 23 dBm5 GHz (UNII-2e) 23 dBm 23 dBm 23 dBm5 GHz (UNII-3) 23 dBm -- --Receiver Sensitivity •802.11b:-89 dBm @ 1 Mbps, -89 dBm @ 2 Mbps**************,-88dBm@11Mbps•802.11g:-88 dBm @ 6 Mbps, -88 dBm @ 9 Mbps-88 dBm @ 12 Mbps, -87 dBm @ 18 Mbps-84 dBm @ 24 Mbps, -81 dBm @ 36 Mbps-77 dBm @ 48 Mbps, -75 dBm @ 54 Mbps•802.11n (2.4 GHz):-70 dBm @ MCS7 20 MHz,-70 dBm @ MCS15 20 MHz,-64 dBm @ MCS7 40 MHz,-65 dBm @ MCS15 40 MHz•802.11a:-90 dBm @ 6 Mbps, -88 dBm @ 9 Mbps-87 dBm @ 12 Mbps, -85 dBm @ 18 Mbps-81 dBm @ 24 Mbps, -78 dBm @ 36 Mbps-74 dBm @ 48 Mbps, -73 dBm @ 54 Mbps•802.11n (5 GHz):-69 dBm @ MCS7 20 MHz,-70 dBm @ MCS15 20 MHz,-64 dBm @ MCS7 40 MHz,-66 dBm @ MCS15 40 MHzProtocol SupportGeneral Protocols Proxy ARP, DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, IP, ICMP, SNTP,TCP, UDP, RADIUS, SNMP, DHCP, VLAN InterfaceDefault Antennas 2 dual-band omni-directional antennas, 1.8 dBi,RP-SMA (male)RP-SMA (female), 500 V insulationConnector for ExternalAntennasLAN Ports 2, RJ45, 10/100BaseT(X) auto negotiation speed,F/H duplex mode, and auto MDI/MDI-XconnectionSerial Port 1, RS-232/422/485, DB9 male connector Reset PresentLED Indicators SYS, WLAN, LAN1, LAN2, SerialPhysical CharacteristicsHousing Metal, providing IP30 protectionWeight 470 g (1.03 lb)Dimensions 77.1 x 115.5 x 26 mm (3.035 x 4.55 x 1.024 in)Installation DIN-rail mounting (standard),wall mounting (optional)Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)Wide Temp. Models: -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F) Storage Temperature -40 to 85°C (-40 to 185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5% to 95% (non-condensing)Power RequirementsInput Voltage 9 to 30 VDCInput Current 1.3A@9VDC, 0.39A@30VDC, 0.49A@24VDCConnector 3-pin removable terminal block, 500 V insulation Power Consumption 11.7 WReverse Polarity ProtectionPresentStandards and CertificationsSafety UL 60950-1, EN 60950-1EMC EN 61000-6-2/61000-6-4, EN 55032/55024 EMI CISPR 22, FCC Part 15B Class BEMS IEC 61000-4-2 ESD: Contact 8 kV; Air 15 kVIEC 61000-4-3 RS: 80 MHz to 1 GHz: 10 V/mIEC 61000-4-4 EFT: Power 2 kV; Signal 1 kVIEC 61000-4-5 Surge: Power 2 kV; Signal 1 kVIEC 61000-4-6 CS: 10 VIEC 61000-4-8Radio EN 301 489-1/17, EN 300 328, EN 301 893, MIC,FCC ID SLE-1137C, WPC, ANATEL, KC, RCM,SRRCNote: Check Moxa’s website for the most up-to-date certification status. ReliabilityMTBF 1,125,942 hrsWarrantyWarranty Period 5 yearsDetails See /support/warranty.aspxNOTE For installation flexibility, you may select either antenna A or antenna B on the top panel. Make sure the antenna connectionmatches the antennas configured in the AWK-1137C webinterface.To protect the connectors and RF module, all radio ports shouldbe terminated by either an antenna or a terminator. We stronglyrecommend using resistive terminators for terminating theunused antenna ports.Federal Communications Commission Interference StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.Software SetupThis section covers the software setup for AWK models in general. How to Access the AWKBefore installing the AWK device (AWK), make sure that all items in the package checklist are provided in the product box. You will also need access to a notebook computer or PC equipped with an Ethernet port. •Step 1: Select a suitable power source and plug in the AWK.The AWK can be powered by DC power ranging from 12 VDC to 48 VDC .• Step 2: Connect the AWK to the notebook or PC via the AWK’sLAN port.The LED indicator on the AWK’s LAN port will light up when a connection is established.NOTE If you are using an Ethernet-to-USB adapter, follow theinstructions in the user’s manual provided with the adapter.•Step 3: Set up the computer’s IP addressChoose an IP address for the computer that is on the same subnet as the AWK. Since the AWK’s default IP address is, and the subnet mask is, set the IP address to192.168.127.xxx, where xxx is a value between 1 and 252. •Step 4: Access the homepage of the AWK.Open your computer’s web browser and typehttp:// in the address field to access the AWK’s homepage. Log in using the following default username andpassword:Default Username: adminDefault Password: moxaClick the Login button to access the homepage of the AWK device. First-Time Quick ConfigurationAfter successfully accessing the AWK, refer to the appropriate subsection below to quickly set up a wireless network.NOTE Ensure that there are no IP address conflicts when you configure more than one AWK on the same subnet.Point-to-Multipoint Scenario (AP/Client Mode)Configuring the AWK as an AP•Step 1: Set the operation mode of the AWK to AP mode.NOTE The default operation mode for the AWK is AP.•Step 2: Set up your own SSID.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup and click Edit to set the SSID.NOTE The default SSID is MOXA.•Step 3: Set the RF type and Channel for the AWK.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup.We recommend that you choose the RF type 5 GHz for a relative clean medium with minimum interference.For the Channel setting, we recommend that you choose a channel other than the default channel to avoid interference.Click Submit to apply the changes and restart the AWK in AP mode to complete the configuration process.Configuring the AWK as a Client•Step 1: Set the operation mode of the AWK to Client mode.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→Operation Mode, set the operation mode to Client, and then click Submit to apply the change.•Step 2: Link to an existing SSID.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup and click Site Survey to select an existing SSID, or directly enter anexisting SSID in the text field.•Step 3: Set the RF type and Channel settings for the AWK.On the Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup page, edit the RF type and Channel settings.Click Submit to apply the changes, and restart the AWK in client mode to complete the configuration process.Point-to-Point Scenario (Master/slave mode)Configuring the AWK as a Master•Step 1: Set the operation mode of the AWK to Master mode.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→Operation Mode, set the operation mode to Master, and then click Submit to apply the change. •Step 2: Set up your own SSID.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup and click Edit to set the SSID.•Step 3: On the Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup page edit the RF type and Channel settings.Click Submit to apply the changes, and restart the AWK in master mode to complete the configuration process.Configuring the AWK as a Slave•Step 1: Set the operation mode of the AWK to Slave mode.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→Operation Mode, set the operation mode to Slave, and then click Submit to apply the change.•Step 2: Link to an existing SSID.Go to Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup and click Site Survey to select an existing SSID, or directly enter anexisting SSID in the text field.•Step 3: Set the RF type for the AWK.On the Wireless LAN Setup→WLAN→Basic WLAN Setup page edit the RF type setting.Click Submit to apply the changes, and restart the AWK in slavemode to complete the configuration process。
Moxa AWK-1137C 产品说明.pdf_1704853324.9260411说明书
AWK-1137C SeriesIndustrial 802.11a/b/g/n wireless clientFeatures and Benefits•IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n compliant client•Comprehensive interfaces with one serial port and two Ethernet LAN ports •Millisecond-level Client-based Turbo Roaming 1•Easy setup and deployment with AeroMag •2x2MIMO future-proof technology•Easy network setup with Network Address Translation (NAT)•Integrated robust antenna and power isolation •Anti-vibration design•Compact size for your industrial applicationsCertificationsIntroductionThe AWK-1137C is an ideal client solution for industrial wireless mobile applications.It enables WLAN connections for both Ethernet and serial devices,and is compliant with industrial standards and approvals covering operating temperature,power input voltage,surge,ESD,and vibration.The AWK-1137C can operate on either the 2.4or 5GHz bands,and is backwards-compatible with existing 802.11a/b/g deployments to future-proof your wireless investments.The Wireless add-on for the MXview network management utility visualizes the AWK's invisible wireless connections to ensure wall-to-wall Wi-Fi connectivity.Industrial Ruggedness•Integrated antenna and power isolation designed to provide 500V insulation protection against external electrical interference •-40to 75°C wide operating temperature models (-T)available for smooth wireless communication in harsh environmentsMobility-oriented Design•Client-based Turbo Roaming 1for <150ms roaming recovery time between APs •MIMO technology to ensure transmitting and receiving capability while on the move •Anti-vibration performance (with reference to IEC 60068-2-6)Easy Integration•Semi-automatically configurable to reduce deployment cost•AeroMag support for error-free setup of your industrial applications’basic WLAN settings •Various communication interfaces for connecting to different types of devices •One-to-many NAT to simplify your machine setupWireless Network Management With MXview Wireless•Dynamic topology view shows the status of wireless links and connection changes at a glance •Visual,interactive roaming playback function to review the roaming history of clients•Detailed device information and performance indicator charts for individual AP and client devices1.The Turbo Roaming recovery time indicated herein is an average of test results documented,in optimized conditions,across APs configured with interference-free 20-MHz RF channels,WPA2-PSK security,and default Turbo Roaming parameters.The clients are configured with 3-channel roaming at 100Kbps traffic load.Other conditions may also impact roaming performance.For more information about Turbo Roaming parameter settings,refer to the product manual.SpecificationsWLAN InterfaceWLAN Standards802.11a/b/g/n802.11i Wireless SecurityModulation Type DSSSOFDMMIMO-OFDMFrequency Band for US(20MHz operating channels) 2.412to2.462GHz(11channels)5.180to5.240GHz(4channels)5.260to5.320GHz(4channels)25.500to5.700GHz(11channels)25.745to5.825GHz(5channels)Frequency Band for EU(20MHz operating channels) 2.412to2.472GHz(13channels)5.180to5.240GHz(4channels)5.260to5.320GHz(4channels)25.500to5.700GHz(11channels)2Frequency Band for JP(20MHz operating channels) 2.412to2.484GHz(14channels)5.180to5.240GHz(4channels)5.260to5.320GHz(4channels)25.500to5.700GHz(11channels)2Wireless Security WEP encryption(64-bit and128-bit)WPA/WPA2-Enterprise(IEEE802.1X/RADIUS,TKIP,AES)WPA/WPA2-PersonalTransmission Rate802.11b:1to11Mbps802.11a/g:6to54Mbps802.11n:6.5to300MbpsTransmitter Power for802.11a23±1.5dBm@6to24Mbps21±1.5dBm@36Mbps20±1.5dBm@48Mbps18±1.5dBm@54MbpsTransmitter Power for802.11n(5GHz)23±1.5dBm@MCS0/820MHz18±1.5dBm@MCS7/1520MHz23±1.5dBm@MCS0/840MHz18±1.5dBm@MCS7/1540MHzTransmitter Power for802.11b26±1.5dBm@1Mbps26±1.5dBm@2Mbps26±1.5dBm@5.5Mbps25±1.5dBm@11MbpsTransmitter Power for802.11g23±1.5dBm@6to24Mbps22±1.5dBm@36Mbps20±1.5dBm@48Mbps19±1.5dBm@54MbpsTransmitter Power for802.11n(2.4GHz)23±1.5dBm@MCS0/820MHz17±1.5dBm@MCS7/1520MHz23±1.5dBm@MCS0/840MHz17±1.5dBm@MCS7/1540MHzTransmitter Power2.4GHz26dBm18dBm18dBm5GHz(UNII-1)23dBm23dBm23dBm5GHz(UNII-2)23dBm23dBm23dBm5GHz(UNII-2e)23dBm23dBm23dBm2.DFS(Dynamic Frequency Selection)channel support:In AP mode,when a radar signal is detected,the device will automatically switch to another channel.However,according to regulations,after switching channels,a60-second availability check period is required before starting the service.5GHz(UNII-3)23dBm––Note:Based on regional regulations,the maximum transmission power allowed on the UNII bands is restricted in the firmware,as indicated above.Receiver Sensitivity for802.11a(measured at5.680 GHz)Typ.-90@6Mbps Typ.-88@9Mbps Typ.-87@12Mbps Typ.-85@18Mbps Typ.-81@24Mbps Typ.-78@36Mbps Typ.-74@48Mbps Typ.-73@54Mbps Note3Receiver Sensitivity for802.11n(5GHz;measured at 5.680GHz)Typ.-69dBm@MCS720MHz Typ.-70dBm@MCS1520MHz Typ.-64dBm@MCS740MHz Typ.-66dBm@MCS1540MHz Note3Receiver Sensitivity for802.11b(measured at2.437 GHz)Typ.-89dBm@1Mbps Typ.-89dBm@2Mbps Typ.-89dBm@5.5Mbps Typ.-88dBm@11MbpsReceiver Sensitivity for802.11g(measured at2.437 GHz)Typ.-88dBm@6Mbps Typ.-88dBm@9Mbps Typ.-88dBm@12Mbps Typ.-87dBm@18Mbps Typ.-84dBm@24Mbps Typ.-81dBm@36Mbps Typ.-77dBm@48Mbps Typ.-75dBm@54MbpsReceiver Sensitivity for802.11n(2.4GHz;measured at2.437GHz)Typ.-70dBm@MCS720MHz Typ.-70dBm@MCS1520MHz Typ.-64dBm@MCS740MHz Typ.-65dBm@MCS1540MHzWLAN Operation Mode Client,Client-Router,Slave,SnifferAntenna External,2/2dBi,Omni-directionalAntenna Connectors2RP-SMA femaleEthernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)2Standards IEEE802.3for10BaseTIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)IEEE802.1Q for VLAN TaggingEthernet Software FeaturesManagement DHCP Server/Client,HTTP,IPv4,LLDP,SMTP,SNMPv1/v2c/v3,Syslog,TCP/IP,Telnet,UDP,Proxy ARP,VLAN,Wireless Search Utility,MXview,MXview Wireless,MXconfig Routing Port forwarding,Static Route,NATSecurity HTTPS/SSL,RADIUS,SSHTime Management NTP Client,SNTP Client3.Due to a limitation in the receiver sensitivity performance for channels153and161,it is recommended to avoid using these channels in your critical applications.FirewallFilter ICMP,MAC address,IP protocol,Port-basedSerial InterfaceConnector DB9maleSerial Standards RS-232,RS-422/485,RS-232/422/485Operation Modes Disabled,Real COM,RFC2217,TCP Client,TCP Server,UDP Data Bits5,6,7,8Stop Bits1,1.5,2Parity None,Even,Odd,Space,MarkFlow Control None,RTS/CTS,XON/XOFFBaudrate75bps to921.6kbpsSerial Data Log256KBSerial SignalsRS-232TxD,RxD,RTS,CTS,DCD,GND,DTR,DSRRS-422Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDRS-485-2w Data+,Data-,GNDRS-485-4w Tx+,Tx-,Rx+,Rx-,GNDLED InterfaceLED Indicators SYS,LAN1,LAN2,WLAN,SerialInput/Output InterfaceButtons Reset buttonPhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalIP Rating IP30Dimensions77.1x115.5x26mm(3.04x4.55x1.02in)Weight470g(1.03lb)Installation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit)Power ParametersInput Voltage9to30VDCPower Connector1removable3-contact terminal block(s)Power Consumption11.7W(max.)Reverse Polarity Protection SupportedEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:0to60°C(32to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN61000-6-2/-6-4,EN55032/24EMI CISPR22,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:8kV;Air:15kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFRadio EN300328,EN301489-1/17,EN301893,FCC ID SLE-1137C,ANATEL,MIC,NCC,SRRC,WPC,KC,RCMRoad Vehicles E mark E1Safety EN60950-1,UL60950-1Vibration IEC60068-2-6MTBFTime1,125,942hrsStandards Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x AWK-1137C Series wireless clientInstallation Kit1x DIN-rail kitAntenna2x2.4/5GHz antennaDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardDimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name Band Standards Operating Temp. AWK-1137C-EU EU802.11a/b/g/n0to60°C AWK-1137C-EU-T EU802.11a/b/g/n-40to75°C AWK-1137C-JP JP802.11a/b/g/n0to60°C AWK-1137C-JP-T JP802.11a/b/g/n-40to75°C AWK-1137C-US US802.11a/b/g/n0to60°C AWK-1137C-US-T US802.11a/b/g/n-40to75°C Accessories(sold separately)AntennasANT-WDB-ONF-07097dBi at2.4GHz or9dBi at5GHz,N-type(female),dual-band,omnidirectional antennaANT-WDB-ANM-03063dBi at2.4GHz or6dBI at5GHz,N-type(male),omnidirectional antennaANT-WDB-ONM-070707dBi at2.4GHz and07dBi at5GHz,N-type(male),dual-band omnidirectional antennaANT-WDB-ANM-05025dBi at2.4GHz or2dBI at5GHz,N-type(male),omnidirectional antennaANT-WDB-ARM-022dBi at2.4GHz or2dBi at5GHz,RP-SMA(male)omnidirectional rubber-duck antennaANT-WDB-ARM-02022dBi at2.4GHz or2dBi at5GHz,RP-SMA(male),dual-band,omnidirectional antennaANT-WDB-PNF-101110dBi at2.4GHz and11dBi at5GHz,N-type(female),dual-band directional antennaMAT-WDB-CA-RM-2-0205 2.4/5GHz,ceiling antenna,2/5dBi,MIMO2x2,RP-SMA-type(male)MAT-WDB-DA-RM-2-0203-1m 2.4/5GHz,desktop antenna,2/3dBi,MIMO2x2,RP-SMA-type(male),1m cableMAT-WDB-PA-NF-2-0708 2.4/5GHz,panel antenna,7/8dBi,MIMO2x2,N-type(female)ANT-WSB5-PNF-1616dBi at5GHz,N-type(female),single-band directional antennaANT-WSB-PNF-12-0212dBi at2.4GHz,N-type(female),single-band directional antennaANT-WSB-AHRM-05-1.5m5dBi at2.4GHz,RP-SMA(male),omnidirectional/dipole antenna,1.5m cableWireless Antenna CablesA-CRF-RFRM-J1-60RP-SMA(male)to RP-SMA(female)with JSF-141cable,0.6mA-CRF-RFRM-R4-150RF magnetic base,RP-SMA(male)to RP-SMA(female)RG-174/U cable,1.5mA-CRF-RMNM-L1-300N-type(male)to RP SMA(male)LMR-195Lite cable,3mA-CRF-RMNM-L1-600N-type(male)to RP SMA(male)LMR-195Lite cable,6mA-CRF-RMNM-L1-900N-type(male)to RP SMA(male)LMR-195Lite cable,9mSurge ArrestorsA-SA-NFNF-020to6GHz,N-type(female)to N-type(female)surge arresterA-SA-NMNF-020to6GHz,N-type(male)to N-type(female)surge arresterWireless AdaptersA-ADP-RJ458P-DB9F-ABC01DB9female to RJ45connector for the ABC-01SeriesWireless Terminating ResistorsA-TRM-50-NM50-ohm termination resistor with N-type male connectorWall-Mounting KitsWK-35-01Wall-mounting kit with2plates(35x44x2.5mm)and6screws©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Feb25,2022.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
Moxa AWK-1131A 产品说明书
AWK-1131A SeriesEntry-level industrial IEEE802.11a/b/g/n wireless AP/clientFeatures and Benefits•IEEE802.11a/b/g/n AP/client support•Millisecond-level Client-based Turbo Roaming1•Integrated antenna and power isolation•5GHz DFS channel supportCertificationsIntroductionThe AWK-1131A industrial wireless AP/client meets the growing need for faster data transmission speeds by supporting IEEE802.11n technology with a net data rate of up to300Mbps.The AWK-1131A is compliant with industrial standards and approvals covering operating temperature, power input voltage,surge,ESD,and vibration.The two redundant DC power inputs increase the reliability of the power supply.The AWK-1131A can operate on either the2.4or5GHz bands and is backwards-compatible with existing802.11a/b/g deployments to future-proof your wireless investments.The Wireless add-on for the MXview network management utility visualizes the AWK's invisible wireless connections to ensure wall-to-wall Wi-Fi connectivity.Improved Higher Data Rate and Channel Capacity•High-speed wireless connectivity with up to300Mbps data rate•MIMO technology to improve the capability of transmitting and receiving multiple data streams•Increased channel width with channel bonding technology•Supports flexible channel selection to build up wireless communication system with DFSSpecifications for Industrial-grade Applications•Redundant DC power inputs•Integrated isolation design with enhanced protection against environmental interference•Compact aluminum housing,IP30-ratedWireless Network Management With MXview Wireless•Dynamic topology view shows the status of wireless links and connection changes at a glance•Visual,interactive roaming playback function to review the roaming history of clients•Detailed device information and performance indicator charts for individual AP and client devicesSpecificationsWLAN InterfaceWLAN Standards802.11a/b/g/n802.11i Wireless SecurityModulation Type DSSSOFDMMIMO-OFDMFrequency Band for US(20MHz operating channels) 2.412to2.462GHz(11channels)5.180to5.240GHz(4channels)1.The Turbo Roaming recovery time indicated herein is an average of test results documented,in optimized conditions,across APs configured with interference-free20-MHz RF channels,WPA2-PSK security,and default Turbo Roaming parameters.The clients are configured with3-channel roaming at100Kbps traffic load.Other conditions may also impact roaming performance.For more information about Turbo Roaming parameter settings,refer to the product manual.5.260to5.320GHz(4channels)25.500to5.700GHz(11channels)25.745to5.825GHz(5channels)Frequency Band for EU(20MHz operating channels) 2.412to2.472GHz(13channels)5.180to5.240GHz(4channels)5.260to5.320GHz(4channels)25.500to5.700GHz(11channels)2Frequency Band for JP(20MHz operating channels) 2.412to2.484GHz(14channels)5.180to5.240GHz(4channels)5.260to5.320GHz(4channels)25.500to5.700GHz(11channels)2Wireless Security WEP encryption(64-bit and128-bit)WPA/WPA2-Enterprise(IEEE802.1X/RADIUS,TKIP,AES)WPA/WPA2-PersonalTransmission Rate802.11b:1to11Mbps802.11a/g:6to54Mbps802.11n:6.5to300MbpsTransmitter Power for802.11a23±1.5dBm@6to24Mbps21±1.5dBm@36Mbps20±1.5dBm@48Mbps18±1.5dBm@54MbpsTransmitter Power for802.11n(5GHz)23±1.5dBm@MCS0/820MHz18±1.5dBm@MCS7/1520MHz23±1.5dBm@MCS0/840MHz17±1.5dBm@MCS7/1540MHzTransmitter Power for802.11b26±1.5dBm@1Mbps26±1.5dBm@2Mbps26±1.5dBm@5.5Mbps25±1.5dBm@11MbpsTransmitter Power for802.11g23±1.5dBm@6to24Mbps21±1.5dBm@36Mbps19±1.5dBm@48Mbps18±1.5dBm@54MbpsTransmitter Power for802.11n(2.4GHz)23±1.5dBm@MCS0/820MHz18±1.5dBm@MCS7/1520MHz23±1.5dBm@MCS0/840MHz17±1.5dBm@MCS7/1540MHzTransmitter Power2.4GHz26dBm18dBm18dBm5GHz(UNII-1)23dBm21dBm21dBm5GHz(UNII-2)23dBm21dBm21dBm5GHz(UNII-2e)23dBm23dBm23dBm5GHz(UNII-3)23dBm––Note:Based on regional regulations,the maximum transmission power allowed onthe UNII bands is restricted in the firmware,as indicated above.Receiver Sensitivity for802.11a(measured at5.680 GHz)Typ.-90@6Mbps Typ.-88@9Mbps Typ.-88@12Mbps Typ.-85@18Mbps Typ.-81@24Mbps Typ.-78@36Mbps2.DFS(Dynamic Frequency Selection)channel support:In AP mode,when a radar signal is detected,the device will automatically switch to another channel.However,according to regulations,after switching channels,a60-second availability check period is required before starting the service.Typ.-74@48MbpsTyp.-72@54MbpsNote:Due to a limitation in the receiver sensitivity performance for channels153and 161,it is recommended to avoid using these channels in your critical applications.Receiver Sensitivity for802.11n(5GHz;measured at 5.680GHz)Typ.-69dBm@MCS720MHzTyp.-71dBm@MCS1520MHzTyp.-63dBm@MCS740MHzTyp.-68dBm@MCS1540MHzNote:Due to a limitation in the receiver sensitivity performance for channels153and 161,it is recommended to avoid using these channels in your critical applications.Receiver Sensitivity for802.11b(measured at2.437 GHz)Typ.-93dBm@1Mbps Typ.-93dBm@2Mbps Typ.-93dBm@5.5Mbps Typ.-88dBm@11MbpsReceiver Sensitivity for802.11g(measured at2.437 GHz)Typ.-88dBm@6Mbps Typ.-86dBm@9Mbps Typ.-85dBm@12Mbps Typ.-85dBm@18Mbps Typ.-85dBm@24Mbps Typ.-82dBm@36Mbps Typ.-78dBm@48Mbps Typ.-74dBm@54MbpsReceiver Sensitivity for802.11n(2.4GHz;measured at2.437GHz)Typ.-70dBm@MCS720MHz Typ.-69dBm@MCS1520MHz Typ.-67dBm@MCS740MHz Typ.-67dBm@MCS1540MHzWLAN Operation Mode Access point,Client,SnifferAntenna External,2/2dBi,Omni-directionalAntenna Connectors2RP-SMA femaleEthernet InterfaceStandards IEEE802.3for10BaseTIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)IEEE802.3ab for1000BaseT(X)IEEE802.1X for authentication10/100/1000BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)1Ethernet Software FeaturesManagement DHCP Server/Client,DNS,HTTP,IPv4,LLDP,Proxy ARP,SMTP,SNMPv1/v2c/v3,Syslog,TCP/IP,Telnet,UDP,VLAN,Wireless Search Utility,MXview,MXview Wireless,MXconfigSecurity HTTPS/SSL,RADIUS,SSHTime Management SNTP ClientFirewallFilter ICMP,MAC address,IP protocol,Port-basedSerial InterfaceConsole Port RS-232,8-pin RJ45LED InterfaceLED Indicators PWR,FAULT,STATE,SIGNAL,WLAN,LANInput/Output InterfaceButtons Reset buttonPhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalIP Rating IP30Dimensions58x115x70mm(2.29x4.53x2.76in)Weight307g(0.68lb)Installation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit)Power ParametersInput Current0.56A@12VDC,0.14A@48VDCInput Voltage12to48VDCPower Connector1removable4-contact terminal block(s)Power Consumption 6.96W(max.)Reverse Polarity Protection SupportedEnvironmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:0to60°C(32to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F)Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN55032/24EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:4kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-6CS:3VIEC61000-4-8PFMFRadio EN300328,EN301489-1/17,EN301893,FCC ID SLE-WAPN008,MIC,NCC,RCM,SRRC,WPC,KC,RCM,ANATELSafety EN60950-1,UL60950-1Vibration IEC60068-2-6MTBFTime749,476hrsStandards Telcordia SR332WarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x AWK-1131Series wireless AP/clientInstallation Kit1x cap,plastic,for RJ45port1x DIN-rail kitAntenna2x2.4/5GHz antennaDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardDimensionsOrdering InformationModel Name Band Standards Operating Temp. AWK-1131A-EU EU802.11a/b/g/n0to60°C AWK-1131A-EU-T EU802.11a/b/g/n-40to75°C AWK-1131A-JP JP802.11a/b/g/n0to60°C AWK-1131A-JP-T JP802.11a/b/g/n-40to75°C AWK-1131A-US US802.11a/b/g/n0to60°C AWK-1131A-US-T US802.11a/b/g/n-40to75°C Accessories(sold separately)AntennasANT-WDB-ONF-07097dBi at2.4GHz or9dBi at5GHz,N-type(female),dual-band,omnidirectional antennaANT-WDB-ANM-03063dBi at2.4GHz or6dBI at5GHz,N-type(male),omnidirectional antennaANT-WDB-ONM-070707dBi at2.4GHz and07dBi at5GHz,N-type(male),dual-band omnidirectional antennaANT-WDB-ANM-05025dBi at2.4GHz or2dBI at5GHz,N-type(male),omnidirectional antennaANT-WDB-ARM-022dBi at2.4GHz or2dBi at5GHz,RP-SMA(male)omnidirectional rubber-duck antennaANT-WDB-ARM-02022dBi at2.4GHz or2dBi at5GHz,RP-SMA(male),dual-band,omnidirectional antennaANT-WDB-PNF-101110dBi at2.4GHz and11dBi at5GHz,N-type(female),dual-band directional antennaMAT-WDB-CA-RM-2-0205 2.4/5GHz,ceiling antenna,2/5dBi,MIMO2x2,RP-SMA-type(male)MAT-WDB-DA-RM-2-0203-1m 2.4/5GHz,desktop antenna,2/3dBi,MIMO2x2,RP-SMA-type(male),1m cableMAT-WDB-PA-NF-2-0708 2.4/5GHz,panel antenna,7/8dBi,MIMO2x2,N-type(female)ANT-WSB5-PNF-1616dBi at5GHz,N-type(female),single-band directional antennaANT-WSB-PNF-12-0212dBi at2.4GHz,N-type(female),single-band directional antennaANT-WSB-AHRM-05-1.5m5dBi at2.4GHz,RP-SMA(male),omnidirectional/dipole antenna,1.5m cableWireless Antenna CablesA-CRF-RFRM-J1-60RP-SMA(male)to RP-SMA(female)with JSF-141cable,0.6mA-CRF-RFRM-R4-150RF magnetic base,RP-SMA(male)to RP-SMA(female)RG-174/U cable,1.5mA-CRF-RMNM-L1-300N-type(male)to RP SMA(male)LMR-195Lite cable,3mA-CRF-RMNM-L1-600N-type(male)to RP SMA(male)LMR-195Lite cable,6mA-CRF-RMNM-L1-900N-type(male)to RP SMA(male)LMR-195Lite cable,9mSurge ArrestorsA-SA-NFNF-020to6GHz,N-type(female)to N-type(female)surge arresterA-SA-NMNF-020to6GHz,N-type(male)to N-type(female)surge arresterWireless AdaptersA-ADP-RJ458P-DB9F-ABC01DB9female to RJ45connector for the ABC-01SeriesWireless Terminating ResistorsA-TRM-50-RM50-ohm terminating resistor with RP-SMA male connectorWall-Mounting KitsWK-51-01Wall mounting kit with2plates(51.6x67x2mm)and6screws©Moxa Inc.All rights reserved.Updated Aug17,2022.This document and any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Moxa Inc.Product specifications subject to change without notice.Visit our website for the most up-to-date product information.。
爱家無線網路攝影機 IC-7113W 的安裝指南说明书
IC-7113W愛家無線網路攝影機包裝內容IC-7113W安裝指南 壁架底座電源變壓器網路線螺絲LED指示燈硬體安裝請按照下面的說明以確保您的攝影機已正確連接並安裝就緒。
3.請使用您的手機或平板,依您其作業系統至Google Play或Apple AppStore搜尋〝EdiLife〞APP,然後下載並安裝。
4.請在啟動EdiLife之前,先前往您手機或平板電腦的Wi-Fi設定,並連接到您網路攝影機預設的無線名稱SSID (EdiView.Setup **),最後兩碼**即為您的網路攝影機所獨有的MAC 位址的最後兩碼。
5.接著點選執行EdiLife (如下左圖示) 後,點擊視窗畫面右上方的+圖示(如下右圖示)。
若您未看到您想要連線的無線網路攝影機,請點擊右上角的”重新整理” 圖示。
7.為了安全考量,請您務必輸入新的裝置名稱和密碼[8碼以上英文及數字組合] 方可進行下一步驟。
接著,請點選(確認) 以繼續。
當你看到"設定成功" 畫面後已正確完成設定,再按下"完成" 圖示以繼續,或等待數秒自動繼續。
Edimax IC-7113W 720p HD网络摄像头说明书
The Edimax IC-7113W 720p HD Pan and Tilt Wi-Fi network camera is a versatile monitoring device ideal for monitoring your home, shop or factory during the daytime and at night. With Edimax Plug-n-View technology, no complicated setup is required and you can easily connect the camera to the cloud and monitor remotely from a smartphone, tablet or laptop.The IC-7113W features a motion & sound detection system, two-way audio, built-in microphone & speaker, built-in lullaby, temperature & humidity sensor and a microSD/SDHC card slot. Motion and sound-triggered recording ensure that you capture any unusual activity and the wireless user interface allows for easyinstallation and monitoring. And with the EdiLife app, the fully-featured IC-7113W enables your smartphone or tablet to transform into a baby or mobile monitor.Smart HD Wi-Fi Pan/Tilt Network Camerawith Temperature & Humidity Sensor, Day & NightIC-7113WPlug-n-View for Easy 24/7 Remote Monitoring Edimax Plug-n-View technology makes it easy for you to keep an eye on your yard, garage, shop, factory or other assets wherever you go. With Plug-n-View technology you can connect your network camera to the cloud in a few simple steps and access it remotely with a smartphone, tablet, or computer no matter where you are.Night VisionWith a light sensor, image sensor and eight infrared LEDs the IC-7113W is well equipped to meet indoor security and surveillance needs - even in low-light and night-time conditions. And with automatic ICR (IR Cut Filter Removal), infrared light is filtered out during the day time (while allowed to pass at night) ensuring exceptional video color quality at all times.2-Way AudioBuilt-In LullabyMotion & Sound DetectionmicroSD SlotTemperature & Humidity DetectionFree EdiLife viewer app for iPhone & Android phonesFree AppEdiLife8 IR LEDs Light SensorImage Sensor & ICRwith Temperature & Humidity Sensor, Day & NightIC-7113WMotion Detection Triggered RecordingThe powerful built-in multi-area motion detection system ensures that you have evidence of any unusual activity. You can pre-define multiple areas in the monitored range for motion detection; and when motion is detected in the specified areas, the network camera will produce video footage of the event immediately – storing the data on amicroSD/SDHC card or sending it automatically to email or FTP.Sound Detection Triggered RecordingThe IC-7113W also features sound detection capabilities with a built-in microphone. When sound is detected, the network camera will take video footage of the event immediately in the same manner as with motion detection, and store the files locally on a microSD/SDHC card or send to email and FTP. Integrated sound offers a furthur level of security than motion-detection and visual imaging alone, providing critical real-time or post-event information about a situation, particularly in scenarios where events occur outside the camera’s field of vision. The sounds of baby crying, dog barking, breaking windows, doors or anything else suspicious can still be registered even in situations where the event can’t be seen.Image Sensor for Motion DetectionMotorized Pan & TiltWith the ability to pan ±355 degrees and tilt ±120 degrees, the IC-7113W gives you a wider viewing angle than the average network camera. You can control the camera’s pan and tilt remotely via a web browser and smartphone app.Tilt ± 120o Pan ± 355oPush Notifications with Video AlertsPush notifications are triggered by sound or motion detection, and when a detection system is triggered the IC-7113W additionally sends video alerts to email or microSD card. If the camera ever goes offline, push notifications are also sent when the camera comes back online to keep users informed about any unusual activity. Microphone for Sound DetectionIC-7113WTwo-Way AudioThe network camera incorporates a speaker and microphone for two-way audio support, so you can remotely communicate at the camera’s location such as comforting a baby with mom’s voice or activating a deterrent alarm - a vital, cost-saving and potentially even life-saving additional security tool. The speaker volume can be controlled by the smartphone app or web-based UI.Built-In LullabyPlay the built-in lullaby using the smartphone app or web-based UI to soothe your child to sleep. Additional lullabies, songs, bedtime stories, or even a pre-stored recording of mom’s voice on the external microSD card can also be played through the network camera speaker to the kids. The speaker volume can be controlled by the smartphone app or web-based UI.Acoustic Echo CancellationThe IC-7113W’s Acoustic Echo Cancellation feature ensures crisp and clear sound quality during two-way audio communications. Industry standard echo-cancelling technology usually found in telephony and VoIP systems provides a new level of sound quality for home network cameras and allows you to listen, talk and communicate remotely with the camera’s location without sound quality issues causinginterruptions or difficulty. When trusted with home security or checking on your child, the IC-7113W performs at the highest level and lets your hear exactly what’s going on.Mama!Baby!2-Way Audio!Hey!2-Way Audiowith Temperature & Humidity Sensor, Day & NightSOFTWARE FEATURES•Easy remote monitoring via iPhone, iPad, Android, PC & Mac •High-speed H.264 & MJPEG video compression•Push notifications with video alerts when motion & sound is detected, for better awareness than snapshots alone•Push notifications for temperature & humidity alerts when above or below preset levels•Save event videos to microSD card, FTP or email •Pre & post-recording on motion detection•Viewer software to access 16 network cameras simultaneously •Manual, scheduled or cycled recordingHigh Quality VideosThe IC-7113W is built with a wide F2.0 lens which covers an impressive diagonal viewing angle of 78 degrees. With a megapixel CMOS sensor, the network camera is able to capture 720p (1280 x 720) videos at 30 frames per second .MicroSD/SDHC Card Slot for Local StorageA built-in microSD/SDHC card slot supports cards up to 32GB for local storage and backup.*Minimum 8GB capacity microSD recommended. Less than 2GB capacity is not supported.Temperature & Humidity Detection and AlertsBuilt-in temperature and humidity sensors can sense the surrounding environment and provide a live view of the environment’s status in the smartphone app or web -based UI. When the temperature or humidity is too high or too low, the network camera can also send out alerts through smartphone push notifications or emails,ensuring the most comfortable environment for you and your family.IC-7113WThree Steps forEasy Smartphone SetupPower on network camera.Download the EdiLife app from the App Store or Google Play.Pair the camera with your app & Wi-Fi and watch a live stream from anywhere!MicroSD/SDHC Card SlotKeep An Eye On What You Care About The Most, Anywhere & AnytimePush Notifications & Video AlertsMotion DetectionSound DetectionTemperature & Humidity Sensorwith Temperature & Humidity Sensor, Day & NightFunction Management InterfaceEasy remote monitoring via iPhone, iPad, Android, PC & Mac Pan ±355 degrees and tilt ±120 degrees viewing angle Supports dynamic DNS service IR filter embeddedBuilt-in microphone and speakerfor two-way audioMotion/sound detection recording and alerts to microSD/SDHC card, email and FTP Built-in lullabyMicroSD/SDHC card slot for local storage EdiView Finder (Windows/Mac) 16-channel viewer Web management interface Firmware upgradable iPhone & iPad viewer app Android viewer app Ethernet (RJ-45) port Power jackReset/WPS buttonAntenna x 2 (1 external & 1 internal)MicroSD/SDHC card slot Light sensor Microphone SpeakerTemperature and humidity sensor IR LEDs: 8 LED indicatorsVideo Video Settings Supported ProtocolsHigh-speed H.264 & MJPEG video compression 1280 x 720 up to 30 fps 640 x 360 up to 30 fps 320 x 176 up to 30 fps Resolution: HD (1280 x 720), VGA (640 x 360), QVGA (320 x 176), Frame rate: 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 fps IPv4, HTTP, TCP, ICMP, RTSP, RTP, UDP, RTCP, SMTP, SNTP, FTP, DHCP, ARP, DNS, PPPoEStandards RF Output Power IR LEDsFast Ethernet IEEE 802.3/802.3u Wireless IEEE 802.11b/g/n 11b: 16dBm –18dBm 11g: 14dBm –16dBm11n: 11dBm –13dBmIR LEDs for night illumination up to 15 feet Memory Operating Conditions Power8MB flash 128MB SDRAM 0–40°C Humidity: 10–90% RH (non-condensing) 12V DC x 1A Dimensions Weight Certifications 128 (L) x 112m (W) x 116 (H) mm 251g FCC,CEIC-7113WTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS APPLICATION DIAGRAMHARDWARE INTERFACECopyright © 2015 Edimax Technology Co. Ltd. All rights reserved.Wi-Fi RouterInternetIC-7113WWi-Fi Network CameraOfficeBabyActual viewing resolution and frame rate depend on connection speed.Maximum performance, actual data rates, and coverage will vary depending on network conditions and environmental factors. Product specifications and design are subject to change without notice.with Temperature & Humidity Sensor, Day & NightSpeakerMicrophone8 IR LEDsLight Sensor & ICR Image SensorEthernet Port*12V DC PortWPS/ResetMicroSD/SDHC card slotWi-Fi AntennaTemperature & Humidity SensorSupports passive PoE 12V, 1A*Works with passive PoE injector and 12V power.LEDIndicators。
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The Blue source color devices are made with GaN on SiC Light Emitting Diode. Static electricity and surge damage the LEDS. It is recommended to use a wrist band or anti-electrostatic glove when handling the LEDs. All devices, equipment and machinery must be electrically grounded.
Note: 1. θ1/2 is the angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 the optical centerline value.
Electrical / Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C °
T-1 3/4 (5mm) ROUND LED LAMP
REV NO: V.1 CHECKED : Allen Liu
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Selection Guide
P ar t N o . Dic e L en s Ty p e Iv (m c d ) @ 20 m A Min . W7113MBTK BLUE (GaN) BLUE TRANSPARENT 36 Ty p . 65 V i ew i n g An g l e 2θ 1 / 2 16°
Sy m b o l λ peak λD ∆λ1/2 C VF IR P ar am et er Peak Wavelength Dominate Wavelength Spectral Line Half-width Capacitance Forward Voltage Reverse Current Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue D ev i c e Ty p . 430 466 60 100 4.0 4.7 10 Max . Un its nm nm nm pF V uA Tes t Co n d it io n s I F =20mA I F =20mA I F =20mA V F =0V;f=1MHz I F =20mA V R = 5V
Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA=25°C °
P ar am et er Power dissipation DC Forward Current Peak Forward Current [1] Reverse Voltage Operating / Storage Temperature Lead Solder Temperature [2]
Package Dimensions
Notes: 1. All dimensions are in millimeters (inches). 2. Tolerance is ±0.25(0.01") unless otherwise noted. 3. Lead spacing is measured where the lead emerge package. 4. Specifications are subject to change without notice.
REV NO: V.1 CHECKED : Allen Liu
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REV NO: V.1 CHECKED : Allen Liu
Notes: 1. 1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width. 2. 2mm below package base.
B lu e 105 30 150 5 -40°C To +85°C 260°C For 5 Seconds
Un its mW mA mA V
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