二、产品组成HW004胎压监测系统由以下几部分组成:1. 传感器:每个轮胎都需要安装一个传感器,用于检测轮胎的胎压和温度。
2. 接收器:接收来自传感器的数据,并将其显示在仪表盘上。
3. 显示屏:显示当前各个轮胎的胎压和温度。
三、安装步骤1. 安装传感器:a. 将车辆停在平坦的地面上,并拉起手刹。
b. 使用专用工具拧下每个轮子上的气门帽。
c. 将传感器插入气门孔中,并用适当扭矩固定。
d. 重复以上步骤,直到所有轮子上都安装了传感器。
2. 安装接收器:a. 找到车辆的OBD-II接口,通常位于驾驶员座椅下方。
b. 将接收器插入OBD-II接口,并确保连接牢固。
3. 安装显示屏:a. 找到合适的位置,将显示屏固定在仪表盘上。
b. 使用提供的支架或双面胶带将显示屏固定在位置上。
四、使用方法1. 开启系统:a. 启动车辆,并等待几秒钟,直到系统自动检测到传感器并开始工作。
b. 在显示屏上,您将看到各个轮胎的胎压和温度数据。
2. 胎压警报:a. 当任何一个轮胎的胎压低于或高于设定值时,系统会发出警报音和闪烁提示。
b. 驾驶员应立即停车检查轮胎,并根据情况采取相应的措施。
3. 胎压校准:a. 如果更换了轮胎或调整了气压,请进行胎压校准以确保准确性。
b. 在显示屏上选择“设置”菜单,然后选择“校准”选项。
4. 数据保存:a. 系统将自动保存最近的胎压和温度数据,以便您随时查看历史记录。
b. 在显示屏上选择“历史”菜单,然后选择相应的选项来查看特定时间段内的数据。
五、注意事项1. 定期检查传感器和接收器的电池电量,并及时更换。
Macro I HW 4 Answer Key•1. Please explain the relationship among income, Capital (assets) and Capital value.•2Suppose c=a+b*(y-t), y = c+i, please calculate the tax multiplier, that is, if t decreases one unit, how many units will y rise?•Decreasing one unit of tax, (1) will increase b units of c, and thus will increase b units of y, (2) then will increase units of c, thus units of y, ……•Tax multiplier by decreasing one unit of t = + + +⋯=•3The Blessings of Destruction (破坏)suggests how much better off economically we all are in war than in peace. The believers see almost endless benefits in enormous acts of destruction. For instance, some of them argued that the Germans or the Japanese had a postwar advantage over the Americans because their old plants, having been destroyed completely by bombs during the war, they could replace them with the most modern plants and equipment and thus produce more efficiently and at lower costs than the Americans with their older and half-obsolete plants and equipment. Does the logic make sense in this example? Why? What is your opinion of the Blessings of Destruction?•If the Destruction is truly a blessing, then why not blow up the city?•4•(1) Comment the chart (图表) posted in the article. In particular explain why a saving rate in the US “All Population” generally above the saving rate in the “Under 35 years old” (as depicted in the chart) makes sense (or not) according to the Permanent Income Hypothesis (PIH). Why are savings rates of the “Under 35 years old” (the young) negative?•Answer:•As is predicted by the PIH/Lifetime Consumption Hypothesis, agents will smooth their consumption over periods. If the young expect their future income will be higher than the current income, they will borrow against the future to finance the current period’s consumption. On the other hand, the income of the mid-age worker will be higher than their lifetime income, hence their will save to finance their consumption when retires. Therefore, in aggregate, the young will have lower saving rate compared to the “All population”.•(2) Comment the following paragraphs. Does the “risk aversion” provide a falsifiable (可证伪的) explanation for the increased saving rate of the under 35 years old.•Answer: Cannot be falsifiable, when people invoke changes in preferences is typically because they do not know how to think about a problem–ad hoc changes in preferences can match any choice pattern observed in the data so they truly explain nothing.•5: which bond would you expect to pay a higher interest rate?•Essentially, there are two reasons why interest exists, except for inflation and transaction cost (risk)•Impatience•Opportunity to investment•In reality, Inflation, transaction cost, regulations, and etc. will complicate the interest rates.•a. a bond of the U.S. government or a bond of an Eastern European government•Treasury bonds (国债)is backed by the government’s credibility, or is backed by future tax.•Tax is closely related with the conditions of the economy.•East Europe:•一般有地理和政治两种划分方法:•政治上:东欧指二战结束后的冷战期间的社会主义阵营各国,包括前述所有位于欧洲的前苏联加盟共和国,还包括波兰、捷克、斯洛伐克、匈牙利、罗马尼亚、保加利亚、塞尔维亚、黑山、马其顿、波黑、克罗地亚、斯洛文尼亚、阿尔巴尼亚。
3、管井降水设计参数的确定3.1、井距:10米;3.2、管井降水井深度计算:计算公式:H w=H w1+ H w2+ H w3+ H w4+ H w5+ H w6 =5.05+0.5+9*0.25+0.5+1.5+0.5=10.3米为安全起见,本工程按12米埋深设计。
hw-4问题1A production isoquant is a locus of combinations of inputs that are equally profitable.问题2If there are constant returns to scale, then doubling the amount of any input will exactly double the amount of output.问题3If the value of the marginal product of factor x increases as the quantity of x increases, and the value of the marginal product of x is equal to the wage rate, then the profit maximizing amount of x is being used.问题4If a profit-maximizing competitive firm has constant returns to scale, then its long run profits must be zero.问题5If the production function is f(x1; x2) = min(x1; x2); then the cost function is c(w1; w2; y) =min(w1; w2)y.问题6A competitive, cost-minimizing firm has the production function f(x; y) = x + 2y and uses positive amounts of both inputs. If the price of x doubles and the price of y triples, then the costs of production will more than double.问题7The production function representsThe quantity of input necessary to produce a given level of output.The various recipes for producing a given level of output.The minimum amounts of labor and capital needed to produce a given level of outputThe set of all feasible combinations of inputs and outputs.问题8The production set representsThe set of all technically feasible combinations of inputs and outputs.The technically efficient combinations of inputs and outputs.The maximum output the firm can produce from a given level of inputs.The minimum amounts of inputs necessary to produce a given level of output.问题9A firm has the production function, f(x; y) = 20x3/5y2/5. The slope of the firm's isoquant at the point (x; y) = (80; 10) is: (Pick the closest one.)-8.-1.50.-0.67.-0.19.问题10If there is perfect certainty, a competitive firm will necessarily:seek to maximize its immediate profits rather than long run returns because otherwise it will go broke.maximize the ratio of the present value of its sales to the present value of its costs.equalize its profits in all periods.None of the above.问题11A competitive, profit-maximizing firm uses two inputs a and b. Its production function is F(a; b) = a1/2+b1/2. Its output sells for $5 per unit. The price of input a is $1 per unit. If the price of output rises to $6 per unit but factor prices do not change,it will increase its purchases of factor a by 11/4 units.it will increase its purchases of factor a by 9/4 units.it will increase its purchases of factor a by 3/4 units.问题12The production function is f(x1; x2) = x11/2 x21/2. If the price of factor 1 is 8 and the price of factor 2 is 4, in what proportions should the firm use factors 1 and 2 if it wants to maximize profits?x1 = x2x1 = 2x2x1 = 0.50x2x1 = 4x2问题13You decide to purchase a new car for 18, 000. Upon driving the car off of the lot, the resale value of the car falls to 15, 000. After purchasing the car, the 18, 000 represents a(n)Opportunity cost.Implicit cost.Sunk cost.Non-sunk cost.问题14When a firm uses inputs in a fixed proportion, the cost minimizing combination of capital and laborOccurs when the firm uses either all workers or all machines.Occurs when the firm uses equal amounts of workers and machines.Occurs where the ratio of marginal productivities equals the ratio of the input prices.Occurs at the corner point on the isoquant.问题15Suppose at the firm’s current long-run combination of capital and labor that MPK = 15, MPL = 10, r = 8, and w = 3. The firmIs currently minimizing total cost in the long run.Could lower cost by increasing the usage of capital and decreasing the usage of labor.Could lower cost by increasing the usage of labor and decreasing the usage of capital.Cannot lower cost without also lowering the level of output.问题16Consider a production function Q = min{2L, 5K}. Suppose that the prices of labor and capital are w = 2 and r = 1 respectively. Find the optimal way to produce Q = 50 units of output and the resulting cost.问题17For each production function below, put an I, C or D in the first brackets column if the productionfunction exhibits increasing, constant or decreasing returns to scale. Put an I, C or D in the second (third) bracket, depending on whether the marginal product of factor 1 (factor 2) is increasing, constant or decreasing, as the amount of that factor along is varied. Put a Y or N in the forth bracket, depending on whether the product function exhibits diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution.(a) 0.5x1x22. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )(b) x12/3x22/3. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )(c) x11/4x23/4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )问题18The production function of a firm in Los Angeles is f(x)=4x1/2, x denotes the input. If the price of the product is $100 and one unit of x costs $50,(a) to maximize its profits, what’s the quantity of inputs? How about the quantity of products and profits?(b) if the government impose a tax of $20 per unit of products on the firm, but subsidize $10 per unit of inputs, what’s the new quantity of inputs, products as well as profits?(c) if the government impose a 50% proportional tax on the total profits, what’s the profit-maximization quantity of products, what about the profits after taxation?问题19Prenella raises peaches. Her output is Q = f(L, T) = L1/3T1/3 bushels of peaches, where L is the number of units of labor she uses and T is the number of units of lands she uses. Suppose the costs of using each unit of labor and land are wL = 8 and wT = 1 respectively. Find the optimal way to produce Q = 8 units of output and the resulting cost.问题20score the presentation on 4/15 (Chap 15 Market Demand)group 3黄自玮问题21score the presentation on 4/18 (Chap 16 Equilibrium)group 9许菲问题22score the presentation on 4/25 (Chap 18 Technology)group 11王雨舟问题23score the presentation on 4/29 (Chap 19 Profit Maximization)group 4陶金泽问题24score the presentation on 5/2(Chap 20 Cost Minimization)group 6吴迪。
自顶向下的集成测试就是按照系统层次结构 图,以主程序模块为中心,从顶层控制(主控模 块)开始,自上而下按照深度优先或者广度优先 策略,对各个模块一边组装一边进行测试。
1. 以主模块为被测试模块,主模块的直接下属模块 则用桩模块来代替。 2. 采用深度优先或宽度优先策略,用实际模块替换 相应的桩模块(每次仅替换1个或少量几个), 它们的直接下属模块则用桩模块来代替,与已测 试的模块或子系统集成为新的子系统。 3. 对新形成的子系统进行测试。 4. 若所有的模块都已集成到系统中,则结束集成, 否则转步骤2。
自底向上集成 自底向上集成是从系统层次结构图的最底层模 块开始按照层次结构图,逐层向上进行组装和集 成测试的方式。
自底向上集成测试的步骤: 1. 为最底层模块开发驱动模块,对最底层模块进行 测试; 2. 用实际模块替换驱动模块,与其直属子模块集成 为一个子系统; 3. 为新形成的子系统开发驱动模块,对该子系统进 行测试; 4. 若该子系统已对应为主控模块,则结束集成,否 则转步骤2;
单元测试的目的 验证代码能否达到详细设计的预期要求。
由于一个模块或一个方法(Method)并不是一 个独立的程序,在考虑测试它时要同时考虑它和外 界的联系,因此要用到一些辅助模块,来模拟与所 测模块相联系的其他模块。一般把这些辅助模块分 为两种: 1、驱动模块(driver):相当于所测模块的主程序。 2、桩模块(stub):用于代替所测模块调用的子 模块。 那么,所测模块和与它相关的驱动模块及桩模 块共同构成了一个“测试环境”。
资料:HW4 参考答案
HW 4 答案1.假设某种商品的供应量是定值,无法增加,请问这种的商品的供给弹性是什么?答:供给弹性为02.一场风暴毁掉了大半的玉米地。
a. 教师指定的教材或推理小说推理小说更富有弹性,替代品多b.贝多芬乐曲唱片或一般古典音乐唱片市场界定:贝多芬乐曲唱片更富有弹性。
c.未来六个月内乘坐地铁或未来五年内乘坐地铁时间影响,有更多的选择----长期更有弹性地面交通没有好的替代品---也许长期会更缺乏弹性d.麦根可乐(root beer)或水从替代品的角度看,麦根可乐更具弹性5.某商品价格变动使得其需求量下降了 30%,而该商品的销售总收入上升了 15%。
缺乏弹性dR dP =Q+P∗dQdP=Q(1+PQ∗dQdP)=Q(1−|E P|)6.上个月,咖啡杯的均衡价格陡然上升,但是均衡数量还和以前一样。
甲丙有可能符合现象7.玛利亚决定总是将她收入的 1/3 用于购买衣服。
a.她对衣服的需求收入弹性为多少?收入弹性为1b.她对衣服的需求价格弹性为多少?价格变化,总支出不变,需求的价格弹性 -1c.如果玛利亚的品味(tastes)变化了,她决定总是将收入的 1/4 用于购买衣服,她的需求曲线将怎样变化?她的需求收入弹性和需求价格弹性现在分为多少?需求减少,收入弹性1,价格弹性-1.8.甲和乙一人开一辆车到加油站加油。
发射电路用来发射38KHz的红外载波,将编码后的地址码、数据码、同步码随同载波一起发射出去;接收电路接收到有效信号,经过处理、解码后变成所需的电信号(当解码芯片PT2272接收发送过来的信号时,VT脚输出一个正脉冲,与此同时,相应的数据脚也输出高电平),通过HEF4013BP 控制继电器的吸合和断开。
图1 PT2262管脚图表1 PT2262管脚说明名称管脚说明A0-A11 1-8、10-13 地址管脚,用于进行地址编码,可置为“0”,“1”,“f”(悬空),D0-D5 7-8、10-13 数据输入端,有一个为“1”即有编码发出,内部下拉Vcc 18 电源正端(+)Vss 9 电源负端(-)TE 14 编码启动端,用于多数据的编码发射,低电平有效;OSC1 16 振荡电阻输入端,与OSC2所接电阻决定振荡频率;OSC2 15 振荡电阻振荡器输出端;Dout 17 编码输出端(正常时为低电平)图2 PT2272管脚图表1 PT2272管脚说明名称管脚说明A0-A11 1-8、10-13 地址管脚,用于进行地址编码,可置为“0”,“1”,“f”(悬空),必须与2262一致,否则不解码D0-D5 7-8、10-13 地址或数据管脚,当做为数据管脚时,只有在地址码与2262一致,数据管脚才能输出与2262数据端对应的高电平,否则输出为低电平,锁存型只有在接收到下一数据才能转换Vcc 18 电源正端(+)Vss 9 电源负端(-)DIN 14 数据信号输入端,来自接收模块输出端OSC1 16 振荡电阻输入端,与OSC2所接电阻决定振荡频率;OSC2 15 振荡电阻振荡器输出端;VT 17 解码有效确认输出端(常低)解码有效变成高电平(瞬态)2.集成电路HEF4013BPHEF4013BP是双D触发器HEF4013BP管脚图及功能表如图3所示。
FA是灵活接入(Flexible Access)的英文缩写;“16”表示典型应用中,每个ONU(即光纤网络单元,Ntwork Unit的缩写)提供1~16个E1。
torch中nc4hw4 nchw 转换
torch中nc4hw4 nchw 转换在PyTorch中,张量的形状通常表示为(N, C, H, W),其中N是批次大小,C是通道数,H是高度,W是宽度。
然而,在某些情况下,张量的形状可能需要转换为(N, C/4, H/2, W/2, 4),这被称为nc4hw4格式。
要将张量从nc4hw4格式转换为nchw格式,可以使用以下步骤:1.将张量reshape为(N, C/4, H/2, W/2, 4)的形状。
2.将张量transpose为(N, 4, C/4, H/2, W/2)的形状。
3.将张量reshape为(N, C, H, W)的形状。
以下是一个示例,演示如何将张量从nc4hw4格式转换为nchw格式:import torch# 创建一个nc4hw4格式的张量x = torch.randn(1, 16, 14, 14, 4)# 将张量转换为nchw格式x = x.reshape(1, 4, 16, 7, 7)x = x.transpose(1, 2)x = x.reshape(1, 16, 14, 14)# 打印张量的形状print(x.shape)输出:torch.Size([1, 16, 14, 14])如你所见,张量的形状已从(1, 16, 14, 14, 4)转换为(1, 16, 14, 14)。
电气工程基础 HW4-1答案
1. 一台SFL-15000/110 型双绕组变压器,额定容量为15MVA ,额定变比为110/11kV ,其试验参数为P k =133kW ,P 0=50kW ,U k %=10.5,I 0%=3.5。
解:1)已知S N =15MVA ,高压侧额定电压U N =110KV 归算至高压侧的各参数如下:223322223360225022133*110*10*107.152415%110*0.105*84.71001550*10*10 4.13*10110% 3.515** 4.339*10100100110K N T N k N T N T N N T N P U R S U U X S P G S U I S B S U ------⋅===Ω===Ω======等值电路2)高压侧额定电压U N =110+2*2.5%KV=115.5KV223322223360225022133*115.5*10*107.8855715%115.5*0.105*93.381751001550*10*10 3.748*10115.5% 3.515** 3.9356*10100100115.5K N T N k N T N T N N T N P U R S U U X S P G S U I S B S U ------⋅===Ω===Ω======2. 与普通变压器相比,自耦变压器有哪些优缺点?答:在大型超高压电力系统中,多数采用由自耦变压器来联接两个电压级的电力网,自耦变压器具有消耗材料少、投资低、损耗小等优点,得到广泛的应用。
3. 有一台 OSFPSL 1-120000/220 型的三相自耦变压器,变比为220/121/38.5kV ,容量比为120/120/60MVA ,U k( Ⅰ - Ⅱ )%=9.57,U k(Ⅰ - Ⅲ )%=17.1,U k( Ⅱ - Ⅲ)%=11.18,P k(Ⅰ -Ⅱ )=324kW ,P k(Ⅰ-Ⅲ)=299kW , P k(Ⅱ-Ⅲ)=340kW ,I 0﹪=0.106,求等值电路。
HW494 HW495 HW496 HW497 HW498 HW499 HW500 HW501 HW502 HW503 HW504 HW505 HW506 HW507
角岩化 安山变质岩 角页岩 变质岩 片麻岩 黑云母斜长片麻岩 黑云母片岩 角闪石片岩 阳起石片岩 硅质岩 变质安山岩 千枚岩 石英绢云母千枚岩 构造片状岩
HW047 页状灰岩 HW247 辉斑玄武岩 HW447 HW048 豹皮状灰岩 HW248 凝灰玄武岩 HW448 HW049 薄层灰岩 HW249 安山玄武岩 HW449 HW050 白云质灰岩 HW250 细壁岩 HW450 HW051 砂质泥灰岩 HW251 超基性侵入岩 HW451 HW052 硅质泥灰岩 HW252 纯橄榄岩 HW452 HW053 白云岩 HW253 橄榄岩 HW453 HW054 泥质白云岩 HW254 角闪岩 HW454 HW055 石灰华 HW255 辉岩 HW455 HW056 磷块岩 HW256 超基性喷出岩 HW456 HW057 铝土层 HW257 苦橄岩 HW457 HW058 锰矿层 HW258 集块熔岩 HW458 HW059 黄铁矿 HW259 角砾熔岩 HW459 HW060 铁矿层 HW260 集块角砾熔岩 HW460 HW061 煤层 HW261 凝灰熔岩 HW461 HW062 石膏层 HW262 熔集块岩 HW462 HW063 岩盐 HW263 熔角砾岩 HW463 HW064 泥岩 HW264 熔凝灰岩 HW464 HW065 硅质条带泥灰岩 HW265 熔角砾凝灰岩 HW465 HW066 中厚层灰岩 HW266 熔结集块岩 HW466 HW067 含砾砂岩 HW267 熔结角砾岩 HW467 HW068 含砾石英砂岩 HW268 熔结凝灰岩 HW468 HW069 含角砾砂岩 HW269 集块岩 HW469 HW070 石带灰岩 HW271 凝灰岩 HW471 HW072 含砾泥质板岩 HW272 岩屑凝灰岩 HW472 HW073 硅质泥质板岩 HW273 沉集块岩 HW473 HW074 含砾凝灰岩 HW274 沉火山角砾岩 HW474 HW075 安山凝灰岩 HW275 沉凝灰岩 HW475 HW076 砂砾层 HW276 交代式花岗岩 HW476 HW077 含钙硝质粉砂质泥岩 HW277 混合花岗岩 HW477 HW078 含钙硝质泥质粉砂岩 HW278 斑纹状混合岩 HW478 HW279 粗面集块岩 HW479 HW280 片麻状黑云母花岗岩 HW480 HW281 角闪岩 HW481 HW282 斜长角闪岩 HW482 HW283 黑云角闪岩 HW483 HW284 英安流纹质角砾岩 HW484 HW285 黑云角闪斜长岩 HW485 HW286 闪长玢岩 HW486 HW287 角砾安山岩 HW487 HW288 熔岩 HW488 HW289 其它花岗岩 HW489 HW490 HW491 HW492 HW493
第六条 家庭日常生活中产生的废药品及其包装物、废杀虫剂和消毒剂及其包装物、废油漆和溶剂及其包装物、废矿物油及其包装物、废胶片及废像纸、废荧光灯管、废温度计、废血压计、废镍镉电池和氧化汞电池以及电子类危险废物等,可以不按照危险废物进行管理。
制造工程基础作业4:金属塑性成型II1. 一台水压机最大锻压能力为1,000,000N ,圆柱形工件的直径为30mm ,高度30mm ,材料的强度系数B=950MPa ,硬化指数n=0.14,请计算工件在这台设备上高度方向上的最大减小量是多少? 假设摩擦系数μ=0.1。
参考答案要点:可以先假设镦粗后h/D<0.5(计算之后不满足,再设定h/D>=0.5) 则得到等式:求解上面方程可以得到h 值。
但该方程没有解析解,可以使用MATLAB 求取数值解,或者逐渐逼近求解。
h = 19.2mm ,△h = 10.8 mm2. 下图所示的冲裁件厚度为2mm ,材料的剪切强度为256MPa ,计算在冲裁加工时所需要的冲裁力?如果这个冲裁件的断面比较粗糙,塌角也比较大,你分析一下为什么,并提出解决措施。
202600001(1(ln 341(1(ln )1034n f n h D F K YS B D h h D h h B D h h h μπμπ==+=+=参考答案:冲裁力:原因是:冲裁模间隙过大,产生二次拉裂,使断面粗糙,塌角大。
选择板料弯曲半径时,需要校核弯曲时的最大拉应力(在外侧),要求小于金属的抗拉强度(确定最小半径的步骤:根据真实抗拉强度计算允许的最大真实应变,再计算允许的最大标称应变,最后根据几何关系计算最小弯曲半径)撤除弯曲件的外载荷后,由于弹性变形的存在,弯曲件的弯曲程度发生变化,称为弯曲回弹;应该小于60度,由于弯曲回弹会使最终角度大于模具角度4. 比较落料和拉深工序的凹凸模结构及间隙有什么不同,为什么会有这些不同?参考答案:落料模:刃口锋利,间隙较小,因落料加工要求以剪切变形为主拉深模:刃口有圆角,防止拉裂,间隙较大,以拉深变形为主N KLt F b561026.110256002.019.03.1⨯=⨯⨯⨯⨯==τ。
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【课本知识点回顾】Unit 6 Topic 1 练习一、短语互译1.在二楼_on second floors ________2.在我卧室的旁边_near my bedroom3.在书房里_in the study __________4.在房子的前面_in front of house ______5.在门的后面 _behind the door ____6.在桌子上_on the desk ____7.在桌子下面 _under the desk8.在树上_in/on the tree ____9.在河上_on the river10.在河的中央 _in the center of the river _11.在教室的后部at the back of the classroom12.在院子的左面_on the left of the yard13.在院子的右面_on the right of the yard14.在墙壁上on the wall ______15.在抽屉里面 _in the drawer ____16.玩耍宠物狗 _play with dog _____17.玩游戏__play games ________ 18.玩电脑_play on the computer ______19.洗车_wash car__________20.读书_read book _________________21.谈论什么_talk about ________22.与某人交谈 _talk about with sb.______23.看一看…_look about ____24.把它们放在这儿__put them about _25.把它们放在一边(收拾好)put them away26.把它穿上_put it on ___________27.照看_look after ________28.多少飞机_how many plans ______29.多少水_how much water ______30.只有一点点食物_only a little food __31.只有几个苹果_only a few apple ____32.我和我父亲 _my father and I ____33.非常高兴收到你的来信_very glad to getyour come letter ___________________练习二、There be 句型语法专项练习1、用there be连接句子,并翻译例句:(a red car, in front of the house) There is a red car in front of the house.(在房屋前面有一辆红色的小车)1)some boats, on the river__there are some boats on the river _____________________________________2)so many books, in my study__there are so many books in my study ___________________________________3) a football, under the bed__there is a football under the study ________________________________________4) a photo of my family, on the wall, last year__there was a photo of my family on the wall last year ________________________5) a study, next to my bedroom__there is a study next to my bedroom _____________________________________6) a football game, yesterday, between Class Two and Class Three__there was a football game yesterday between class tow and class three ______2、用there be和have的适当形式填空。
1.There is a kite in the tree.2.I think you have a very good English teacher.3.There are 28 girls in my class.4.Are there any rulers and a pen on the desk?5.Jim has one sister and two brothers.3、there be的句型转换1)There are some flowers in the garden.(变为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答和否定回答)_are there any flowers in the garden ?____Yes,there are /no there aren’t _2)There was a computer in my study two days ago.(同上)_was there a computer in my study tow days ago. Yes,there was /no there wasn’t __3)There is some money in the purse. (提问) _what’s in the purse ____4)There was something wrong with her eyes.(否定句) therewasn’t anything wrong with her eyes. _________________________5)There is only one tree near the house.(提问)_ howmany trees near the house. __________________________________6)There are seven days in a week.(同上)_how many days in a week _____7)There are lots of books in our library. (同上)__how man books in our library __8)There is a knife over there. (同上) _what’s over there _____________9)There is a little milk in the glass. (同上)_how much milk in the glass ______4、翻译下列句子(there be动词)1)在我们学校有很多学生。
_lots of students in our school ______________________2)在照片的附近有一把吉他。
_there is a guitar near the photo ______________3)在昨天晚上有一场大雨。
_there was a heavily rain yesterday _________________4)在你的书房里有许多树吗?_are there so many trees in your study?_________5)在河里有鱼吗?_are there fishes in the river _______________________________6)在树上有几只鸟儿在唱歌。
_how many birds singing in the tree _____________7)在图书馆里有20个同学在看书。
_there are twenty students reading books in the library8)在墙壁上有什么?_what’s on the wall ______________________________9)在抽屉里有什么?_what’s in the drawer ______________________________10)在中国有很多大河、高山(high mountains)和平原(plains). _there are so many big river ,highmountains and plains in China _______________________________11)在桌子上有一盏台灯和许多书。
_there is a lamp and so many books on the desk12)房子前面有一辆小汽车。
_there is a car in front of house _______________________13)在杯子里只有一点水。
_there is a little water in the the glass __________________14)我能为你做点什么吗?_are there something I can help you ?______________15)你们班有多少学生?_how many students in your class ________________16)桌子上放着什么?_what’s on the desk __________________________________17).你的钱包里有多少钱?_how much money in your purse ________________。