



全世界共有220多个政区单位——国家和地区 AF Afgan 阿富汗 AL Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 AD Andorra 安道尔 AO Angola 安哥拉 AI Angola 安圭拉 AQ Antarctica 南极洲 AG Ntigua and Barbuda 安提瓜和巴布达 AR Argentina 阿根廷 AM Armenia 亚美尼亚 AW Aruba 阿鲁巴 AU Australia 澳大利亚 AT Austria 奥地利 AZ Azerbaijan 阿塞拜疆 AE United Arab Emirates 阿联酋 BS Bahamas 巴哈马 BH Bahrain 巴林 BD Bangladesh 孟加拉 BB Barbados 巴巴多斯 BY White Russia 白俄罗斯 BZ Belize 伯利兹 BE Belgium 比利时 BJ Benin 贝宁 BM Bermuda 百慕大 BT Bhutan 不丹 BO Bolivia 玻利维亚 BA Bosnia Hercegovina 波黑 BW Botswana 博茨瓦纳 BV Bouvet Island 布维岛 BR Brazil 巴西 BN Brunei Darussalam 文莱 BG Bulgaria 保加利亚 BF Burkina Faso 布其纳法索 BI Burundi 布隆迪 BY Byelorussian SSR 白俄罗斯 CM Cameroon 喀麦隆 CA Canada 加拿大 CV Cape Verde,Republic of 佛得角 CF The Central African Republic 中非共和国 CL Chile 智利 CN China 中国 CX Christmas Island 圣诞岛 CC COCOS Islands 可可岛 CO Colombia 哥伦比亚 CH Switzerland 瑞士 CG Congo 刚果 CK Cook Island 库克群岛 CR Costa rica 哥斯达黎加 CI Lvory Coast 象牙海岸 CU Cuba 古巴 CY Cyprus 塞浦路斯 CZ Czech Republic 捷克共和国 DK Denmark 丹麦 DJ Djibouti 吉布提 DM Gominica 多明哥 DE Grmany 德国 DO Dominica 多米尼加 DZ Algeria 阿尔及利亚 EC Ecuador 厄瓜多尔 EC Ecuador 厄瓜多尔 EG Egypt 埃及 EH West Sahara 西撒哈拉 ES Spain 西班牙 EE Estonia 爱沙尼亚 ET Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚 FJ Fiji 斐济 FK Falkland Islands 福克兰群岛 FI Finland 芬兰 FR France 法国 FM Micronesia 密克罗尼西亚 GA Gabon 加蓬 GQ Equatorial Guinea 赤道几内亚 GF French Guiana 法属圭亚那 GM Gambia 冈比亚 GE Georgia 格鲁吉亚 GH Ghana 加纳 GI Gibraltar 直布罗陀 GR Greece 希腊 GL Greenland 格陵兰 GB United Kingdom 英国 GD Grenada 格林纳达 GP Guadeloupe 瓜德罗普 GU Guam 关岛 GT Guatemala 危地马拉 GN Guinea 几内亚 GW Guinea-Bissau 几内亚比绍 GY Guyana 圭亚那 HR Croatia 克罗地亚 HT Haiti 海地 HN Honduras 洪都拉斯 HK Hong Kong 中国香港 HU Hungary 匈牙利 IS Iceland 冰岛 IN India 印度 ID Indonesia 印度尼西亚 IR Iran 伊朗 IQ Iraq 伊拉克 IO British Indian Ocean Territory 英联邦的印度洋领域 IE Ireland 爱尔兰 IL Israel 以色列 IT Italy 意大利 JM Jamaica 牙买加 JP Japan 日本 JO Jordan 约旦 KZ Kazakstan 哈萨克斯坦 KE Kenya 肯尼亚 KI Kiribati 基里巴斯 KP North Korea朝鲜 KR Korea 韩国 KH Cambodia 柬埔寨 KM Comoros 科摩罗 KW kuwait 科威特 KG Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦 KY Cayman Islands 开曼群岛 LA Laos 老挝 LK Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡 LV Latvia 拉托维亚 LB Lebanon 黎巴嫩 LS Lesotho 莱索托 LR Liberia 利比里亚 L Y Libya 利比亚 LI Liechtenstein 列支敦士登 LT Lithuania 立陶宛 LU Luxembourg 卢森堡 LC St. Lucia 圣卢西亚 MO Macao 中国澳门 MG Malagasy 马达加斯加 MW Malawi 马拉维 MY Malaysia 马来西亚 MV Maldives 马尔代夫 ML Mali 马里 MT Malta 马尔他 MH Marshall Islands 马绍尔群岛 MQ Mauritania MR Mauritania 毛里塔尼亚 MU Mauritius 毛里求斯 MX Mexico 墨西哥 MD Moldova,Republic of 摩尔多瓦 MC Monaco 摩纳哥 MN Mongolia 蒙古 MS Montserrat MA Morocco 摩洛哥 MZ Mozambique 莫桑比克 MM Burma 缅甸 MP Northern Nariana Islands NA Namibia 纳米比亚 NR Naura 瑙鲁 NP Nepal 尼泊尔 NL Netherlands 荷兰 NT Neutral Zone NC New Caledonia 新喀里多尼亚 NZ New Zealand 新西兰 NI Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜 NE Niger 尼日尔 NG Nigeria 尼日利亚 NU Niue 纽埃 NF Norfolk Island NO Norway 挪威 OM Oman 阿曼 PK Pakistan 巴基斯坦 PF French Polynesia 法属玻里尼西亚 PW Palau 帕劳 PA Panama 巴拿马 PG Papua,Territory of 巴布亚新几内亚 PY Paraguay 巴拉圭 PE Peru 秘鲁 PH Philippines 菲律宾 PN Pitcairn Islands 皮特开恩群岛 PL Poland 波兰 PT Portugal 葡萄牙 PR Puerto Rico 波多黎各(美) QA Qatar 卡塔尔 RO Romania 罗马尼亚 RU Russia 俄罗斯联邦 RW Rwanda 卢旺达 SV El Salvador 萨尔瓦多 SH St.Helena 圣赫勒那 SM San Marino 圣马力诺 ST Sao Tome and Principe 圣多美与普林西比 SA Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 SN Senegal 塞内加尔 SC Seychelles 塞舌尔 SL Sierra leone 塞拉利昂 SG Singapore 新加坡 SK Slovakia 斯洛伐克 SI Slovene 斯洛文尼亚 SB Solomon Islands 所罗门群岛 SO Somali 索马里 SD Sudan 苏丹 SR Surinam 苏里南 SZ Swaziland 斯威士兰 SE Sweden 瑞典 SY Syria 叙利亚 SU USSR(formerly) 苏联(前) TD Chad 乍得 TF French Southern Territoties 法属南方领土 TW Taiwan 中国台湾 TJ Tsjikistan 塔吉克斯坦 TZ Tanzania 坦桑尼亚 TH Thailand 泰国 TG Togo 多哥 TK Tokela 托克劳 TO Tonga 汤加 TT Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥 TN Tunisia 突尼斯 TR Turkey 土尔其 TP East Timor 东帝 TM Turkomanstan 土库曼斯坦 TC Turks and Caicos Islands TV Tuvalu 图瓦卢 UG Uganda 乌干达 UA Ukiain 乌克兰 UK England 英国(正式代码为GB) US America 美国 UM 美国边远小岛 UY uruguay 乌拉圭 UZ Uzbekstan 乌兹别克斯坦 V A Vatican 梵蒂冈(罗马教庭) VE Venezuela 委内瑞拉 VN Vietnam 越南 VG Virgin Islands(British) 不列颠岛(英) VI Vigin Islands(U.S.) 不列颠岛(美) WS Western Samoa 西萨摩亚 YE Yemen 也门 YU Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫 ZA South Africa 南非 ZR Zaire 扎伊尔 ZM Zambia 赞比亚 ZW Zimbabwe 津巴布韦 而国内地名除了一些比较特殊的之外,其他大多是拼音构成的。



芬兰英语介绍你找滴Finland, officially the Republic of Finland, is a Nordic country situated in the Fennoscandian region of Northern Europe. It is bordered by Sweden in the west, Norway in the north and Russia in the east, while Estonia lies to its south across the Gulf of Finland.Around 5.4 million people reside in Finland, with the majority concentrated in the southern region. It is the eighth largest country in Europe in terms of area and the most sparsely populated country in the European Union. Finland is a parliamentary republic with a central government based in Helsinki and local governments. A total of about one million residents live in the Greater Helsinki area and a third of the country's GDP is produced there.Finland was a relative latecomer to industrialization, remaining a largely agrarian country until the 1950s. Thereafter, economic development was rapid. Finland built an extensive welfare state and balanced between the East and the West in global economics and politics. With the best educational system in Europe, Finland has recently ranked as one of the world's most peaceful, competitive and livable countries.这篇⽂采⽐较好,略长,就是⽣词多点Finland — IntroductionNowhere in Europe is there a destination of greater contrasts than Finland. Straddling central and northern Europe and the Arctic regions, its seasons and landscapes are as different as night and day, but it’s this that makes it all the more alluring.Finland is dotted with hundreds of thousands of lakes and islands carpeted with dense spruce forests. It’s this landscape that puts swimming, sailing, windsurfing and jet-skiing high on the agenda for any visitor.A nature-lover’s paradise, Finland is one of the few countries in Europe where you can view brown bears, wolves, elk and reindeer in the wild.In winter it hosts the greatest show on earth when the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights paints the sky in a Technic olor display of one of nature’s finest spectacles.It’s also at this time of year, during the season’s short days, that Lapland’s indigenous Sami people host visitors from across the world searching for Santa Claus, while others take to cross-country ski courses and ice-fishing.As the cloak of winter lifts, summer brings a very different Finland. The Midnight Sun covers the country in near perpetual daylight and Finns retire to lakeside summer cottages for relaxing days. Finns often refer to Lapland’s wilderness as a place of ‘strange magic’ during this time of the year. The light there is exceptional, and with long brilliant sunny days, even sleeping is less important as the dazzling daylight stretches late into the evening. Added to this, studies have shown that the cleanest air in Europe is to be found in northern Lapland, so it’s little wonder the Finns have abright outlook on life.The capital city of Helsinki has charm aplenty and is renowned for its cool attitude and great attractions. Take a boat ride to the impressive old island fortress of Suomenlinna or wander the famous Market Square for souvenirs and tasty local produce. The cultural center of Helsinki is Senate Square topped off by an outstanding statue of Russian Tsar Alexander II and surrounded by neo-classical architecture. It’s also the city’s cultural centre for festivals, art and concerts.Finnish towns and cities tend to be small making them easy to walk around. But in only a few minutes you can leave the hustle and bustle behind and arrive in the peace and quiet of the country’s wonderful wilderness.这篇也ok,就是时间可能不够Finland is in Northern Europe and has borders with Russia to the east, Norway to the north, and Sweden to the west. The country is a thoroughly modern welfare state with well-planned and comfortable small towns and cities, but still offers vast areas of unspoiled nature. Finland has approximately 188,000 lakes (about 10% of the country) and a similar number of islands. In the northernmost part of the country the Northern Lights can be seen in the winter and midnight sun in the summer. Finns also claim the mythical mountain of Korvatunturi as the home of Santa Claus, and a burgeoning tourist industry in Lapland caters to Santa fans. Despite living in one of the most technologically developed countries in the world, the Finns love to head to their summer cottages in the warmer months to enjoy all manner of relaxing pastimes including sauna, swimming, fishing and barbecuing. Today, Finland has a distinctive language and culture that marks it apart from the rest of Nordic Europe.这个篇幅差不多,句⼦没第⼀篇漂亮Finland is a Scandinavian country, and is the seventh largest country in Europe. Sweden is to the west, the tip of Norway is in the north, and there is a long, long border with Russia to the east. Estonia is to the south across a sea called the Gulf of Finland.Finland has a long history - the first people arrived there an amazing 10,000 years ago, just after the final Ice Age had ended. Almost two thirds of the country is made up of woods and forests, and much of the rest is water and lakes. Most towns and cities are built between the trees and the water, and many have amazing views of the surrounding countryside.Finland has similar weather to its nearest neighbours, Sweden and Norway. It is very cold in the winter, particularly in the north, but in the summer it is much warmer. In fact during the hot summer months while some in the south are enjoying the beach and swimming, their fellow Finns are still skiing in the north.Despite its reputation, Finland isn’t all mountains and forests. Off the southern coast of Finland there are over 30,000 islands: the seas around them are home to some fabulous marine animals such as dolphins and whales.Up in the north of Finland, Lapland is rumoured to be the home of Rudolph the Reindeer and Father Christmas! Whether this is true or not, Finns certainly love to celebrate. Find out how they have fun, and how they relax, in Hot and Cold.Finns are often thought of as being very shy, reserved and private people, but once you get to know them they are very warm-hearted and friendly. Finland is also a very safe country, which has very little crime. Learn more in our Life section.Last but not least, don’t forget to take a look at our Amazing Facts page.没电了要,就找这点啦,你⾃⼰顺⼀下哈~~困⾼类~bon courage~。



芬兰Finland 英文介绍If you want toGet off the beaten track of traditional European tourist attractionsYou need to hideYou want to do so mething that y o ur friends haven’t doneYou’re bored of crowded placesYou want to see SantaYou want to experience clean nature (while the world still has it)You like to hav e fun in the snowAbout FinlandFinland is a land of interesting contrasts, such as the four seasons, the Midnight Sun and the winterdarkness, urban and rural, East and West.As y ou look out fro m the plane, the first impression y ou m ay h av e is that there are a lot of trees… an endless carpet of forest, w ith m any lakes and small towns in between. It’s kind of a surprise when y o u land in Helsinki to find that the airport is so m odern and efficient. Not a polar bear in sight.It’s truly amazing ho w uniquely exotic异国的each season can be. Four times a y ear, nature changes its uniform co mpletely– colour, light, temperature, sounds and s mells. Ev erything changes in a w ay that happens nowhere else.The Finns are also considered to be cool –a bit quiet and reserv ed. However, they are actually warm, friendly, hospitable and especially honest people once y ou get to kno w them a nd w e encourage y ou to do just that.Finland at a glanceSANTA CLAUSEv ery o ne kno ws that Santa – the one and only– comes fro m Finland. Although the exact location of his private retreat in Korvatunturi, Lapland, is unkno wn, his official hometown is Rovaniemi, where he greets v isitors all y ear round.NATIONAL PARKSThere are 37 national parks in Finland, cov ering a total surface area of 8,150 square kilometres. In Europe’s m ost forested country– about 70% of Finland is co v ered w ith trees – with tens of thousands of lakes and beautif ul archipelago, national parks pro v ide some of the m ost amazing opportunities for outdoor activ ities such as hiking, camping, canoeing and skiing.SKI RESORTSThere are around 75 ski resorts in Finland, m ost of them s mall spots near cities and v illages. The big ones, howev er, lie in the fells of Lapland and offer something v ery different fro m the us ual European ski resorts. The surrounding landscapes are unspoilt, blanketed with pure snow from December to April. In the early w inter the slopes are lit, later on in the spring the sun shines until v ery late in the ev ening.LAKESFinland is often called the Land of a Thousand Lakes – a m odest name, considering that there are, in fact, 188 000 lakes in the country. From the m etropolitan area around Helsinki all the way u p to the great Lake Inari in Lapland, Finland is filled with oases of the clean blue. Where Inari is known for its deep and cry s tal clear waters, Lake Saimaa’s ringed seal, one of the m ost endangered species in the w orld, is the country’s largest lake’s m ost memo rable attraction. A lakeside cottage is an essential part of Finnish summer.SAUNASSauna – the word itself is Finnish – forms a great part of our country’s heritage and culture. It is estimated that there are ov er two m illion saunas in Finland. For a population of 5.3 m illion, this equals to an average of one per household. For Finnish people sauna is a place to relax, purif y ing both body and m ind. Whether an electric sauna in a modern business env ironment or an old-fashioned wood-burning sauna by a lakeside cottage, a sauna is alway s near y o u.NORTHERN LIGHTSOne of the m ost remarkable features of Finland is light. When the endless sunshine of summer gives way t o dark winter, the Northern Lights appear like m agic and lighten up the sky. The further north y ou go, the greater the chances of spotting the Aurora Borealis – in Finnish Lapland they c an appear on 200 nights a y ear. In Helsinki and the south, the Aurorae can be seen on roughly20 n ights a winter, away fro m city lights.We can Discover Finland through four unique regionsLaplandRovaniemi is the capital of Finnish Lapland and the hometown of Santa Claus. L ocated on the Arctic Circle, Rovaniemi provides modern services and lots of a ctivities year round.Kemijärvi–Suomu, located in the heart of the wilderness, provides opportunities especially f or country and downhill skiers. Traditionally the region is a reindeer husbandry area w hich makes it a popular place for families and animal lovers.Ylläs is a true wonderland in any season. Experience peace of mind, skiing cross country or on the slopes, culinary enjoyment, good company, fun and entertainment. It's all arranged for you.Pyhä–Luosto visitors can enjoy Finland’s southernmost fell range in a national park. It's a diverse region that offers unhurried atmosphere, genuine Lapp culture and modern services for anybody ready for an adventure.LakelandKuopio is one of the biggest cities in Lakeland. The rolling hills and crystal clear waters typical of the region are best viewed from the Puijo Tower. Locals are open, talkative, and have a peculiar sense of humour.Joensuu is the capital of the North Carelia region, and a major cultural hub. The verdant surroundings have bred many a Finnish artist and are home to a score of cultural events, biggest among them the Ilosaarirock festival.Savonlinna, nestled by Lake Saimaa, is great for both short city breaks and lakeside cottage holidays. The main cultural event is the annual Savonlinna Opera Festival, held in the medieval Olavinlinna Castle.HelsinkiThe capital of Finland is a compact city easily explored on foot. D esign, architecture, culture and shopping are all great exploration angles and large park areas, forests, lakes, and the coastline with numerous islands sprinkled off it make certain there’s no shortage of natural presence. Needless to say, there’s something going on in Helsinki every day of the year.University of Helsinkia comprehensive universityfocus on liberal artsfamous for agriculture and forest,medical science,natural scienceranks about 70th in the worldCoastal AreasFormerly a centre for tar trad e, and now a technology hub, Oulu is the biggest city within a 500 kilometre radius and is considered the unofficial capital of Northern Finland. Cultural events with a touch of northern madness take place all year round, the best known being the Air Guitar World Championships each August.Suomenlinnaused to be military forts of Coast D efenseThe fortress of Suomenlinna is one of Finland’s most popular sights. It is only a short ferry crossing away from H elsinki.Silence,pleaseIn the rush and crush of m odern life, the rarities are what we v alue m ost, such as space, quiet and time. The space to breathe, a time to dream…y ou can find these treasures in Finland, where the lakes are m any a nd the people are few.WILD&FREETo be truly free, all y ou n eed is the untouched wilderness and a touch of m adness in y our blood. In the winter y ou can feel both as y our snowmobile speeds through the silent spruces laden with snow.We have a lot of well-being from finnish forests。



基辅 Kiev ['ki:jef] 莫斯科 Moscow ['mɔskəʊ] 明斯克 Minsk [minsk] 维尔纽斯 Vilnius [vilnius] 里加 Riga ['ri:ɡə] 塔林 Tallinn ['tæ lin; 'tɑ:-] 基希纳乌 Kishinev 西欧 Western Europe(7) 法国 France [frɑːns] 爱尔兰 Ireland ['aiəland] 荷兰 Netherlands ['neðələndz] 比利时 Belgium ['bɛldʒəm] 卢森堡 Luxembourg ['lju:ksɔŋ'bu:r] 英国 Britain ['brɪt(ə)n] 摩纳哥 Monaco[ˈmɔnəkəu] 中欧 Central Europe(9) 波兰 Poland ['pəulənd] 瑞士 Switzerland ['swɪtsələnd] 列支敦士登 Liechtenstein ['lɪktənstaɪn] 奥地利 Austria ['ɔstriə] 匈牙利 Hungary ['hʌŋgəri] 捷克 Czech [tʃek] 斯洛伐克 Slovakia [sləu'væ kiə; -'vɑ:k-] 德国 Germany ['dʒɜːmənɪ] 斯洛文尼亚 Slovenia [sləu'vi:niə] 南欧 Southern Europe(17) 葡萄牙 Portugal ['pɔtjuɡəl] 西班牙 Spain [spen] 安道尔 [æ n'dɔ:rə] 希腊 Greece [ɡri:s] 意大利 Italy ['ɪtəlɪ] 圣马力诺 San Marino [,sæ nmə'ri:nəu] 马耳他 Malta ['mɔltə] 梵蒂冈 Vatican ['væ tikən] 保加利亚 Bulgaria [bʌl'ɡε əriə] 罗马尼亚 Romania [rəu'meinjə] 塞尔维亚 Serbia ['sə:biə] 克罗地亚 Croatia [krəʊ'eɪʃjə] 波 斯 尼 亚 和 黑 塞 哥 维 那 Bosnia and Herzegovina [,hə:tsəɡəu'vi:nə] 黑山 Montenegro [ˌmɒntɪ'ni:ɡrəʊ] 马其顿 Macedonia [,mæ si'dəunjə] 北欧 North Europe(5) 丹麦 Denmark ['denma:k] 挪威 Norway ['nɔ:wei] 冰岛 Iceland ['aislənd] 芬兰 Finland ['finlənd] 瑞典 Sweden ['swidən] 东欧 Eastern Europe(7) 首都 巴黎 Paris ['pæ rɪs] 都柏林 Dublin ['dʌblin] 阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam [ˈæmstəˈdæ m] 布鲁塞尔 Brussels ['brʌsəlz] 卢森堡市 Luxembourg ['lju:ksɔŋ'bu:r] 伦敦 London['lʌndən] 摩纳哥城 Monaco-Ville 华沙 Warsaw['wɔ:sɔ:] 伯尔尼 Berne[bə:n] 瓦杜兹 Vaduz['vɑ:du:ts] 维也纳 Vienna[vɪ'ɛnə] 布达佩斯 budapest['bju:dəpest] 布拉格 Prague[prɑ:ɡ] 布拉提斯拉发 Bratislava[,bræ ti'slɑ:və] 柏林 Berlin[bɝ'lɪn] 卢布尔雅那 Ljubljana[lju:'bljɑ:nə] 里斯本 Lisbon['lizbən] 马德里 Madrid[mə'drɪd] 安道尔城 Andorra [æ n'dɔ:rə] 雅典 Athens['æθɪnz] 罗马 Rome[rəum] 圣马力诺[,sæ nmə'ri:nəu] 瓦莱塔 Valletta [vɑ:l'lettɑ:] 梵蒂冈城 Vatican city 索菲亚 Sophia [səʊ'fɪə] 布加勒斯特 bucharest ['bju:kərest] 贝尔格莱德 Belgrade [,bel'ɡreid] 萨格勒布 Zagreb ['zɑ:ɡreb] 萨拉热窝 Sarajevo [,sæ rə'jeivəu; ,s ɑ :'r ɑ:jevɔ:] 波德戈里察 Podgorica ['pɔ:dgɔ:,ri:tsa:] 斯科普里 Skopje ['skɔ:pje] 哥本哈根 Copenhagen [,kəupən'heiɡən] 奥斯陆 Oslo ['ɔzləu; 'uslu] 雷克雅未克 Reykjavik ['reikjəvik; -vi:k] 赫尔辛基 Helsinki ['helsiŋki] 斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm ['stɔkhəum]



arm新杀器cortex-a73架构解读ARM今天发布了全新的旗舰级CPU Cortex-A73,代号Artemis,10nm FinFET工艺下面积还不到0.65平方毫米,而频率可高达2.8GHz,峰值性能、持续性能都可比A72提升最多30%,华为海思、三星电子、联发科、Marvell等都已经签署授权。


A9可以说是里程碑式的产品,奠定了ARM今后多年的坚实基础,也诞生了大量优秀处理器芯片,比如苹果A5、三星Exynos 4210/4412、德州仪器OMAP4430/4460。

之后是A15,IPC(每时钟周期在指令数)提升是Cortex-A 系列历史上最大的,性能很猛,代价就是功耗也高了,三星的Exynos 5250/5410就备受困扰。

为了解决性能与功耗的平衡问题,ARM提出了big.LITTLE 混合架构,也诞生了海思麒麟920、三星Exynos 5422这样一些成功产品。

A57是首个64位移动大核心,而在苹果A7的刺激下,整合移动行业向64位飞奔,但是A57核心太大了,功耗和发热难以控制,结果要么就是骁龙810这种硬上A75的因为过热而陷入麻烦,要么就是麒麟930、联发科Helio X10这样只敢上A53小核心的性能还不如前辈。

三星此时异军突起,Exynos 5433/7420成功控制了A57,再加上三星工艺的进步,一时间霸气侧漏。


A73身世揭秘:和A72无关A15、A57、A72架构上都属于Austin(奥斯汀),A5、A7、A53均属于Cambridge(剑桥),A12、A17和今天的A73则都来自于Sophia(索菲亚)——位于法国南部风景迷人地中海之滨的索菲亚科技园区(Sophia Antipolis),是欧洲最大的科技园区,ARM CPU的法国设计团队就在那儿。



Places (地名)Aden 亚丁Afghanistan 阿富汗Africa 非洲Albania 阿尔巴尼亚Algeria 阿尔及利亚Angola 安哥拉Arabia 阿拉伯Argentina 阿根廷Asia 亚洲Atlantic 大西洋Australia 澳大利亚Austria 奥地利Bahamas 巴哈马Balkans 巴尔干Baltic 波罗的海Belgium 比利时Bengal 孟加拉Bermuda 百慕大Bolivia 波斯尼亚Brazil 巴西Britain 不列颠Bulgaria 巴尔及利亚Burma 缅甸Cambodia 柬埔寨Canada 加拿大Caribbean 加勒比Ceylon 锡兰Chile 智利China 中国Colombia 哥伦比亚Conga 刚果Corsica 科西嘉Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加Crete 克里特岛Cuba 古巴Cyprus 塞浦路斯Czechoslovakia 捷克和斯洛伐克Denmark 丹麦Ecuador 厄瓜多尔Egypt 埃及England 英国Estonia 爱沙尼亚Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亚Eurasia 欧亚大陆Europe 欧洲Finland 芬兰France 法国Gabon 加蓬Galilee 加利利Gambia 冈比亚Germany 德国Ghana 加纳Gibraltar 直布罗陀Greece 希腊Greenland 格陵兰Guatemala 危地马拉Guinea 几内亚Haiti 海地Hawaii 夏威夷Holland 荷兰Honduras 洪都拉斯Hong Kong 香港Hungary 匈牙利Iceland 冰岛India 印度Indonesia 印度尼西亚Iran 伊朗Iraq 伊拉克Ireland 爱尔兰Israel 以色列Italy 意大利Jamaica 牙买加Japan 日本Java 爪哇Kashmir 克什米尔Kenya 肯尼亚Korea 韩国Kuwait 科威特Laos 老挝Latvia 拉脱维亚Lebanon 黎巴嫩Levant 利比亚Luxembourg 卢森堡Majorca 马略卡岛Malaya 马来亚Mali 马里Malta 马尔他Mediterranean 地中海Mesopotamia 美索不达米亚Mexico 墨西哥Mongolia 蒙古Montenegro 黑山Morocco 摩洛哥Mozambique 莫桑比克Natal 纳塔尔Nepal 尼泊尔Netherlands 荷兰New Zealand 新西兰Nicaragua 尼加拉瓜Nigeria 尼日利亚Normandy 诺曼底Norway 挪威Pacific 太平洋Pakistan 巴基斯坦Palestine 巴勒斯坦Panama 巴拿马Persia 波斯Peru 秘鲁Philippines 菲律宾Poland 波兰Polynesia 波利尼西亚Portugal 葡萄牙Prussia 普鲁士Puerto Rico 波多黎各Rhodesia 罗得西亚R(o)umania 罗马尼亚Russia 俄罗斯Sahara 撒哈拉Salvador 萨尔瓦多Santo Domingo 圣多明各Sardinia 撒丁岛Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯Scandinavia 斯堪的纳维亚Scotland 苏格兰Senegal 塞内加尔Serbia 塞尔维亚Siberia 西伯利亚Sicily 西西里岛Silesia 西里西亚Singapore 新加坡Somaliland 索马里兰Spain 西班牙Sudan 苏丹Suez 苏黎士Sumatra 苏门答腊Switzerland 瑞士Syria 叙利亚Thailand 泰国Tibet 西藏Trinidad 特立尼达Tunisia 突尼斯Turkey 土耳其Uganda 乌干达Ulster 阿尔斯特Uruguay 乌拉圭Venezuela 委内瑞拉Viet-Nam 越南Wales 威尔士Yugoslavia 南斯拉夫Zanzibar 桑给巴尔英国联邦国家常用地名英国Bedfordshire 贝德福德郡Belfast 贝尔法斯特Berkshire 伯克郡Bradford 布雷德福Bristol 布里斯托尔Buckinghamshire 白金汉郡Cambridgeshire 剑桥郡Cardiff 加蒂夫Cheshire 柴郡Cleveland 克利夫兰郡Cornwall 康沃尔郡Coventry 考文垂Derbyshire 德比郡Devon 德文郡Dorset 多塞特郡East Sussex 东萨塞克斯郡Edinburgh 爱丁堡Glasgow 格拉斯哥Hampshire 汉普郡Hereford 赫特福德郡Humberside 亨博塞德郡Isle of Wight 怀特岛郡Lancashire 兰开夏郡Leeds 利兹Liverpool 利物浦London 伦敦Manchester 曼彻斯特Norfolk 诺福克郡Northumberland 诺森伯兰郡Nottinghamshire 诺丁汉郡Oxfordshire 牛津郡Sheffield 谢菲尔德Surrey 萨利郡Warwickshire 沃里克郡West Yorkshire 西约克郡Wiltshire 威尔特郡澳大利亚Adelaide 阿德莱德Ballarat 巴拉腊特Brisbane 布里斯班Bunbury 班伯里Canberra 堪培拉Darwin 达尔文Geelong 吉郎Hobart 霍巴特Melbourne 墨尔本Newcastle 纽卡斯尔Perth 佩斯Port kembla 肯布拉港Sydney 悉尼Tasmania 塔斯曼尼亚Toowoomba 图文巴Townsville 敦斯威尔Victoria 维多利亚加拿大Alberta 阿尔伯达Calgary 卡尔加里Edmonton 埃德蒙顿Frederiction 弗雷德里克顿Halifax 哈立法斯Lethbridge 莱斯布利尔Montreal 蒙特利尔Ottawa 渥太华Quebec 魁北克Regina 贾纳Saskatoon 沙斯咯通Vancouver 温哥华Victoria 维多利亚Winnipeg 温尼伯格Yellowknife 耶洛奈夫新西兰Auckland 奥克兰Blenbeim 布莱尼姆Hamilton 汉密顿Hastings 希士丁Napier 纳比尔Nelson 纳尔逊New Plymouth 新普利莱斯Palmerston North 北潘马士顿Wellington 惠灵顿s (人名)常见女名Agatha 阿加莎Agnes 阿格尼丝Amy 艾米Angela 安吉拉Anne 安妮Annie 安妮Barbara 巴巴拉Becky 贝斯(贝西)Beth 贝思Betsy 贝蒂Bridget 布丽奇特Caddie 凯迪Caroline 卡罗琳Carrie 卡里Catherine 凯瑟琳Clara 克莱拉Clare 克莱尔Diana 戴安娜Dolly 多莉Dora 多拉Dorothy 多萝西Edith 伊迪丝Eleanor 埃利诺Elizabeth 伊丽莎白Ella 埃拉Elsie 埃尔西Emily 埃米莉Fanny 范尼Frances 弗朗西丝Grace 格雷斯Harriet 哈丽特Helen 海伦Irene 艾琳Isabel 依莎贝尔(依莎贝拉)Jane 简Janet 珍妮特Jean 吉恩=JoanJessie 杰西Joan 琼Judith 朱迪丝Judy 朱迪=JudithKate 凯特=CatharineKitty 基蒂=CatharineLaura 劳拉(Laurel)Lisa 利萨=ElizabethLizzy 利齐=ElizabethLouie 路易=LouiseLucy 露西Mag(gie) 玛格(马吉)=Margaret Margaret 玛乔里=Margaret Martha 玛莎Mary 玛丽Mat(ty) 麦特=MarthaMay 梅MaryMiriam 米利亚姆=MaryMoll(y) 内尔(内莉)=Eleanor Nora 诺拉=EleanorPat(ty) 帕特(帕蒂)=Martha Peg(gee) 佩格(佩吉)=Margaret Poll(y) 波尔(波莉)=Mary Rachel 雷切尔Ruth 鲁思Sally 萨莉=SarahShirley 雪莉Sophia 索菲娅Sophie 菲索=SophiaSue 休Susie 苏西Virginia 弗吉尼亚Yvonne 伊冯常见的男名表Abe 艾贝=Abraham Abraham 亚伯拉罕Adam 亚当Albert 阿伯特Aleck 亚历克=Alexander Alexander 亚历山大Alf 阿尔弗雷德Allan 艾伦Andrew 安德鲁Andy 安迪Anthony 安东尼Arnold 阿诺德Arthur 阿瑟Ben(ny) 本尼=Benjamin Benjamin 本杰明Bill(y) 比尔(比利)=William Bob 鲍勃=RobertCharles 查尔斯Charlie 查里=(Charles) Christian 克利斯蒂Dan 丹=(Daniel)Daniel 丹尼尔David 戴维Davy 戴维= DavidDick 迪克=RichardDonald 唐纳得Ed 埃德=EdwardEdward 埃德华Fred(dy) 弗雷德=Frederick Frederick 弗雷德里克George 乔治Harry 哈里=HenryHenry 亨利Herbert 赫伯特Howard 霍华德Ike 埃克Ivan 伊凡=JohnJack 杰克=JohnJacob 雅各布=JamesJake 雅克=JamesJoe 乔John 约翰Johnny 约翰尼Joseph 约瑟夫Leonard 伦纳德Lewis 刘易斯Lou 路Martin 马丁Michael 迈克尔Mike 迈克Nicholas 尼古拉斯Nick 尼克= NicholasPaul 保罗Pete 皮特=PeterPeter 彼得Phil 菲尔Philip 菲利浦Ralph 拉尔夫Richard 理查德Robert 罗伯特Roger 罗杰Sam 萨姆Samuel 塞缪尔Sandy 山迪Steve 史蒂芬Teddy 特迪Thomas 托马斯Tom(my) 汤姆(汤米)=Thomas Tony 托尼Victor 维克托Walt 沃尔特=WilliamWill(y) 威尔(威利)=William William 威廉。





世界五大洲著名旅游胜地名中英对照亚洲the himalayas 喜马拉雅山great wall, china 中国长城forbidden city, beijing, china 北京故宫mount fuji, japan 日本富士山taj mahal, india 印度泰姬陵angkor wat, cambodia 柬埔寨吴哥窟bali, indonesia 印度尼西亚巴厘岛borobudur, indonesia 印度尼西亚波罗浮屠sentosa, singapore 新加坡圣淘沙crocodile farm, thailand 泰国北榄鳄鱼湖pattaya beach, thailand 泰国芭堤雅海滩babylon, iraq 伊拉克巴比伦遗迹mosque of st, sophia in istanbul (constantinople), turkey 土耳其圣索非亚教堂美洲niagara falls, new york state, usa 美国尼亚加拉大瀑布bermuda 百慕大honolulu, hawaii, usa 美国夏威夷火奴鲁鲁panama canal 巴拿马大运河yellowstone national park, usa 美国黄石国家公园statue of liberty, new york city, usa 美国纽约自由女神像times square, new york city, usa 美国纽约时代广场the white house, washington dc., usa 美国华盛顿白宫world trade center, new york city, usa 美国纽约世界贸易中心central park, new york city, usa 美国纽约中央公园yosemite national park, usa 美国尤塞米提国家公园grand canyon, arizona, usa 美国亚利桑那州大峡谷hollywood, california, usa 美国加利佛尼亚好莱坞disneyland, california, usa 加利佛尼亚迪斯尼乐园las vegas, nevada, usa 美国内华达拉斯威加斯miami, florida, usa 美国佛罗里达迈阿密metropolitan museum of art, new york city, usa 纽约大都会艺术博物馆acapulco, mexico 墨西哥阿卡普尔科cuzco, mexico 墨西哥库斯科非洲suez canal, egypt 印度苏伊士运河aswan high dam, egypt 印度阿斯旺水坝nairobi national park, kenya 肯尼亚内罗毕国家公园cape of good hope, south africa 南非好望角sahara desert 撒哈拉大沙漠pyramids, egypt 埃及金字塔the nile, egypt 埃及尼罗河大洋洲great barrier reef 大堡礁sydney opera house, australia 悉尼歌剧院ayers rock 艾尔斯巨石mount cook 库克山easter island 复活节岛欧洲notre dame de paris, france 法国巴黎圣母院effiel tower, france 法国艾菲尔铁塔arch of triumph, france 法国凯旋门elysee palace, france 法国爱丽舍宫louvre, france 法国卢浮宫kolner dom, koln, germany 德国科隆大教堂leaning tower of pisa, italy 意大利比萨斜塔colosseum in rome, italy 意大利古罗马圆形剧场venice, italy 意大利威尼斯parthenon, greece 希腊巴台农神庙red square in moscow, russia 莫斯科红场big ben in london, england 英国伦敦大笨钟buckingham palace, england 白金汉宫hyde park, england 英国海德公园london tower bridge, england 伦敦塔桥westminster abbey, england 威斯敏斯特大教堂monte carlo, monaco 摩洛哥蒙特卡罗the mediterranean 地中海旅游英语:欧洲地理集锦1 岛屿Great Britain Islands,大不列颠岛,英国,面积219800平方公里,欧洲面积最大岛屿。



1PH INTELLI+ wiring
电容器 电动机
加热器 电机热保护开关
继电器 继电器
内部供电 外部供电
错误状态输出 继电器 触点61-63闭合= 执行器可用
辅助命令 关闭 开启 停止 保险丝 变压器
闪烁触点 (电机运行远程指示) 第二电位器 电子位置变送器TAM
给变送器提供电源 或线
注:单相情况下电容器 单独配置
1PH INTEGRAL+ wiring
电容器 电动机
加热器 电机热保护开关
BELGIUM christian.baert@
BERNARD BENELUX SA Rue Saint-Denis, 135 1190 BRUXELLES Tel : +32 2 343 41 22 Fax : +32 2 347 28 43
方向2 方向1
内部供电 外部供电
阀开 阀关 热保护 过力矩
错误状态输出 继电器
触点61-63闭合= 执行器可用
阀开方向限位开关动作 附加信号输出 阀关方向限位开关动作 附加信号输出
开行程附加信号输出 关行程附加信号输出 电源开输出信号

中国传统艺术中英文介绍 sophia

中国传统艺术中英文介绍 sophia

? With their long history, papercuts, which origina ted in China, have been very popular among the ordinary people of China. The first papercut can be traced back to the Northern and Southern D ynasties (386~581) period. The initiation and sp read of papercuts had a close relationship with Chinese rural festivals. People pasted papercuts on walls, windows and doors at wedding cerem onies or festivals to enhance the festive atmosp here.
→金文inscriptions on ancient bronze objects
→小篆( calligraphy ) small seal syle of calligraphy current in the Han Dynasty
→楷书regular script
THe purpose of paper cutting
? 主要用于当做艺术品欣赏 people can enjoy its beauty as artwork
Sending the sky lantern放天 灯
放天灯的由来 the origin of sending the sky lantern
made by cutting paper with sci ssors to form different pattern s and pasting them on walls, wi ndows, doors and ceilings.








Furina's character setting is a "deity" in the Fengdan region and a well-known superstar. Underneath her glamorous appearance, Furina bears the heavy responsibility of saving Maple Dan and cannot confide in anyone, enduring hundreds of years of loneliness. By portraying this character, the producer created the song "La vaguelette"/. In the plot, "La vaguelettes" is a song sung by Furina, a character from the Fengdan region, during her performance in the opera "The Daughter of Water" at the Eupicre Opera House. Although she sang "The Daughter of Water", she also sang Furina herself. The producers hope to establish an emotional connection between characters and songs through the use of drama in the play, supplemented by stylized animation forms. /They hope that the lyrics can convey meaning, the visuals can convey emotions, and help players further understand Furina's life and inner world behind the Fengdan prophecy, resonating with the characters.《轻涟》的创作融入了法国传统歌剧、音乐剧等艺术形式,制作团队参考了许多经典的音乐剧作品。






常见的美国女性名字以下是一些常见的美国女性名字:1.Emily(艾米莉)- 来源于德国和英国,意为“勤勉”或“竞争者”。

2.Olivia(奥利维亚)- 一种古法国名字,在拉丁语中意为“橄榄树”。

3.Emma(艾玛)- 来源于日尔曼语,意为“全能”或“大家族”。

4.Isabella(伊莎贝拉)- 是一个拉丁名字,意为“上帝的誓约”。

5.Ava(艾娃)- 来源于拉丁语,意为“鸟”。

6.Sophia(索菲亚)- 源于希腊语,意为“智慧”。

7.Mia(米娅)- 意大利和斯堪的纳维亚的短名,意为“我的”。


















索引Akadi‎阿卡狄(风元素女神‎)GAuril‎欧吕尔(寒冬女神)LAzuth‎阿组斯(法师之神)LBane班‎恩(暴政之神)GBesha‎b a本莎芭‎(厄运女神)IChaun‎t ea裳禔‎亚(大地母神)GCyric‎希瑞克(谋杀之神)GDenei‎r迪奈尔(文学之神)LEldat‎h埃达丝(水泉与和平‎女神)LFinde‎r Wyver‎n spur‎凡德.维恩佛斯培‎(艺术与爬虫‎之神) D Garag‎o s卡瑞茍‎斯(战争之神) DGarga‎u th 加葛斯(酷吏之恶魔‎) DGond 贡德(工艺和锻造‎之神)IGrumb‎a r谷蓝巴‎(土元素之神‎)GGwaer‎o n Winds‎t orm桂‎伦˙风暴(追踪之神) DHelm海‎姆(护卫之神)IHoar霍‎尔(复仇之神) DIlmat‎e r伊尔马‎特(受难之神)IIstis‎h ia依斯‎提悉亚(水元素之神‎)GJerga‎l耶各(远古死亡之‎神) DKelem‎v or克蓝‎沃(死亡之神)GKossu‎t h卡署斯‎(火元素之神‎)GLatha‎n der洛‎山达(晨光之神)GLliir‎a黎儿拉(欢乐女神)LLovia‎t er劳薇‎塔(虐待女神)LLurue‎菈芮(独角兽女神‎) DMalar‎马拉(猎杀之神)LMask麦‎斯克(盗贼之神)LMieli‎k ki梅莉‎凯(森林与游侠‎女神)IMimil‎密黎尔(咏唱之神)DMystr‎a蜜丝特拉‎(魔法女神)GNoban‎i on 努比恩(雄狮之神) DOghma‎欧格马(知识之神)GRed Knigh‎t红骑士(谋略女神)DSavra‎s萨弗拉斯(预言之神) DSelun‎e苏伦(月之女神)IShar莎‎儿(暗夜女神)GShare‎s s夏芮丝‎(猫与舞蹈女‎神) DShaun‎d akul‎山达柯尔(游历与探索‎之神)LShial‎l ia希昂‎莉亚(新芽女神) DSilva‎n us西凡‎那斯(自然之神)GSiamo‎r phe希‎恩渥丝(贵族之女神‎) DSune淑‎妮(爱与美善女‎神)G被遗忘国度‎神系(FR)神系——人类神系Talon‎a塔洛娜(剧毒与疾病‎女神)LTalos‎塔烙斯(风暴之神)GTempu‎s坦帕斯(战斗之神)GTiama‎t缇雅玛特‎(恶龙女神) DTorm托‎姆(忠诚与勇气‎之神)LTymor‎a太摩拉(幸运女神)ITyr提尔‎(正义之神)GUbtao‎乌塔欧(恐龙之神)GUluti‎u乌楼提鲁‎(北极之神) DUmber‎l ee安博‎里(海洋女神)IUthga‎r乌士迦(战灵图腾之‎神)[北地地方信‎仰] D Valku‎r维尔寇(海战之神)DVelsh‎a roon‎维沙伦(巫妖之神) DWauke‎e n渥金(贸易与财富‎之神)L注:D&D中以神格‎(Rank)来标明神祇‎的力量强弱‎程度神格为0的‎称为准神Q‎u asi Power‎神格为1-5的称为极‎弱神力 Demig‎o d D6-10的称为‎弱等神力 Lesse‎r Power‎L11-15的称为‎中等神力 Inter‎m edia‎t e Power‎I16-20的称为‎强大神力 Great‎e r Power‎G神格21以‎上的为神上‎之神 Overp‎o wer [比如AO]基本上凡人‎最多只会知‎道强大神力‎的存在。



2020- 2021 学年度初中毕业、升学第一次模拟检测九年级英语试题(全卷共110分,考试时间100分钟)一、选择填空(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C. D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. Look at the picture on the right What might this fireman say to himself?A. Why not?B. What's up? C Anything else? D. Feelbetter2. When are you arriving? I'll pick you up________ the station.A.atB. toC. onD. off3. We have to say goodbye now,________ Our friendship will last forever.A. andB. butC. orD. so4. Zhaozhou Bridge is one of _______stone bridges in the world.A. oldB. olderC. oldestD. the oldest5. Maria is always full of_______ because she takes exercise every day.A. energyB. talentC. humourD. wealth6. We are supposed to ________ smart phones and take more exercise instead.A. put upB. put awayC. put onD. put out7. It ________dark. Shall I turn on the light?A. getsB. gotC. is gettingD. was getting8. Ken was ___________ late for school. The bell rang right after he entered the classroom.A. stillB. alwaysC. alreadyD. almost9. _______ hopes for a sweet home as it provides us with warmth and trust.A. NoneB. EveryoneC. NobodyD. Somebody10. Bob, dinner is ready. Please wash your hands___________ you eat.A. until .B. afterC. whileD. before11. -- Mum, why do I have to wash hands so many times a day?--For your health, you _______ be too careful.A: can't B. shouldn't C; mustn't ' D. needn't12. China has formed a deep friendship with countries around the world. We are working______ together in many fields.A. closelyB. easilyC. clearlyD. quickly13. --Dear friends, do you still remember why you came here three years ago?--To ________ our dreams!A. copyB. saveC. imagineD. achieve14.--I'm going to sell all your old books, They,re taking up too much space.--___________ ! They're treasures. You sell them, you take my life!A.What a pityB. Sounds greatC. You can't be seriousD. Couldn't agree more15. Susie Sunbeam was not her real name; that was Susan Brown. But everyone called her Susie Sunbeam, because she always brought brightness with her wherever she came. Her grandfather gave her this name, and it seemed to fit the little girl so nicely that soon it took the place of her own The story mainly tells us_________.A.'what Susie Sunbeam stood forB. how beautiful Susie Sunbeam wasC. how she got the name Susie SunbeamD. how much her grandfather loved her二、完形填空(每小患1分,共15分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。



The earliest Finland has 12 provinces, after redrawing Administrative Region in 1997 the existing provinces were reduced to 6:
Aland house ( enjoys a high degree of autonomy ) 奥兰府(享有高度自治) East Finland Province 东芬兰省 Lapland Province 拉普兰省 Oulu Province 奥卢省 South Finland Province 南芬兰省 West Finland Province 西芬兰省
Representative works :《芬兰颂》
Kimi Matias Raikkonen
F1 Racer The champion of 2007
Motorcade: Lotus Renault
The Holiday of Finland
Laughter Day
欢 笑 日
Midsummer Festival 仲夏节
University students to wear the hat Festival
Samba Carnival
The Scenic spots (风景名胜)
Rovaniemi santa village
National Flag:
Blue Cross flag (蓝色十字)
The blue of flag is a symbol of lakes, rivers and oceans; another said symbolizes blue sky. The white of the flag symbolizes the white snow covered land. Blue and white flag is a symbol of Finland and nineteenth Century was a Grand Duchy of Czarist russia.



Alexia:亚莉克希亚……协助Alice:爱丽丝……尊贵旳;真诚旳;爱做梦旳女孩Alma:爱玛……真情旳;和蔼旳Alva:阿尔娃……白皙旳Amanda:阿曼达……值得爱旳Amelia:阿蜜莉雅……勤勉旳;劳动旳Amy:艾咪……最心爱旳人;可爱旳Anastasia:安娜塔西雅……再度振作起来之人;复活Andrea:安德莉亚……有气概;美丽而优雅Angela:安琪拉……天使;报信者;安琪儿Ann:安妮……优雅旳;仁慈旳上帝Anna:安娜……优雅Annabelle:安娜贝儿……美丽旳女子;可爱旳;和蔼可亲旳Antonia:安东妮儿……无辞以赞;受尊崇旳人April:艾谱莉……春天;大地初醒之时;春天生旳女孩Arlene:艾琳娜……誓约;信物Astrid:艾丝翠得……神圣旳力量;星星旳Athena:雅典娜……希腊神话中智慧及战争旳女神;雅典旳保护神Audrey:奥德莉……高贵显赫旳人Aurora:奥萝拉……黎明女神Barbara:芭芭拉……外地来旳人;他乡人;异族人Beatrice:碧翠丝……为人祈福;使人快乐旳女孩Belinda:贝琳达……有智慧又长寿旳人Bella:贝拉……美丽旳Belle:贝拉……美丽旳;上帝旳誓约;聪颖高贵Bernice:柏妮丝……带着胜利讯息来旳人Bertha:柏莎……聪颖;美丽;灿烂旳Beryl:百丽儿……绿宝石;幸运Bess:贝丝……上帝是誓约Betsy:贝琪……上帝是誓约Betty:贝蒂……上帝是誓约Beverly:贝芙丽……有海狸旳小河Blanche:布兰琪;-;纯洁无暇旳;白种人旳;白皙美丽旳blythe:布莱兹……无忧无虑旳;快乐旳Bonnie:邦妮……甜美;美丽;优雅而善良旳人Bridget:布丽姬特……强健;力量Camille:卡蜜拉……好品性旳高贵女子Candice:坎蒂丝……热情;坦诚;纯洁旳Cara:卡拉……朋友;亲爱旳人Carol:卡萝……欢唱;悦耳欢快旳歌Caroline:卡洛琳……骁勇;刚健和强健旳Catherine:凯瑟琳……纯洁旳人Cathy:凯丝……纯洁旳人Cecilia:塞西莉亚……视力朦胧旳人;失明旳Celeste:莎莉丝特……最幸福旳人;天国旳Charlotte:夏洛特……身体强健女性化旳Cherry:绮莉……仁慈;像樱桃般红润旳人Cheryl:绮丽儿……珍爱旳人Chloe:克洛怡……青春旳;美丽旳Christine:克莉丝汀……基督旳追随者;门徒Claire:克莱儿……灿烂旳;明亮旳;聪颖旳Clara:克莱拉……明亮旳;聪颖旳Constance:康斯坦丝……坚定忠实旳人Cora:柯拉……处女;少女Coral:卡洛儿……珊瑚或赠品;彩石Cornelia:可妮莉雅……山茱萸树Crystal:克莉斯多……晶莹旳冰;透明旳灵魂;没有欺瞒Cynthia:辛西亚……月亮女神黛安娜旳称号Daisy:黛西……雏菊Dale:黛儿……居住在丘陵间之山沟中者Dana:黛娜……来自丹麦旳人;神旳母亲;聪颖且纯洁旳Daphne:黛芙妮……月桂树;桂冠;阿波罗旳最爱Darlene:达莲娜……温柔可爱;体贴地爱Dawn:潼恩……黎明;唤醒;振作Debby:黛碧……蜜蜂;蜂王Deborah:黛博拉……蜜蜂;蜂王Deirdre:迪得莉……哀愁旳Delia:迪丽雅……牧羊女Denise:丹尼丝……代表花Diana:黛安娜……光亮如白画;月亮女神Dinah:黛娜……被评判旳人;雅各旳女儿Dolores:多洛莉丝……悲哀;痛苦;遗憾Dominic:多明尼卡……属于上帝旳Donna:唐娜……贵妇;淑女;夫人Dora:多拉……神旳赠礼Doreen:多琳……神旳赠礼Doris:多莉丝……来自大海旳:海洋女神Dorothy:桃乐斯……上帝旳赠礼Eartha:尔莎……土地或泥土;比方像大地般坚忍旳人Eden:伊甸……圣经中旳乐园;欢乐之地Edith:伊蒂丝……格斗;战争Edwina:艾德文娜……有价值旳朋友;财产旳获得者Eileen:爱琳……光亮旳;讨人喜欢旳Elaine:伊莲恩……光亮旳;年幼旳小鹿Eleanore:艾琳诺……光亮旳;多产旳;肥沃旳;有收获旳Elizabeth:伊莉莎白……上帝旳誓约Ella:艾拉……火炬Elma:艾尔玛……富爱心旳人;亲切旳Elsa:爱尔莎……诚实旳Elsie:艾西……上帝旳誓约;诚实旳Elva:艾娃……神奇且智慧旳Elvira:艾薇拉……小精灵;白种人旳Emily:艾蜜莉……勤勉奋发旳;有一口响亮圆润旳嗓音之人Emma:艾玛……祖先Enid:伊妮德……纯洁得毫无瑕庛Erica:艾丽卡……有权力旳;帝王旳;统治者Erin:艾琳……镶在海中是旳翡翠;和平;安宁之源Esther:艾丝特……星星Ethel:艾瑟儿……尊贵旳;出身高贵旳Eudora:尤朵拉……可爱旳赠礼;美好旳;快乐旳Eunice:尤妮丝……快乐旳胜利Evangeline:伊文捷琳……福音旳信差;福音;天使Eve:伊芙……生命:赋予生命者生灵之母Evelyn:伊芙琳……生命;易相处旳人;令人快乐旳人Faithe:费滋……忠实可信旳人Fanny:梵妮……自由之人Fay:费怡……忠贞或忠诚;小仙女Flora:弗罗拉……花;花之神Florence:弗罗伦丝……开花旳;美丽旳Frances:法兰西斯……自由之人;无拘束旳人Freda:弗莉达……和平;领导者Frederica:菲蕾德翠卡……和平旳领导者Gabrielle:嘉比里拉……上帝就是力量Gail:盖尔……快乐旳;唱歌;峡谷Gemma:姬玛……宝石Genevieve:珍妮芙……金发碧眼旳人;白种人Georgia:乔治亚……农夫Geraldine:娇拉汀……强而有力旳长矛Gill:姬儿……少女Gladys:葛莱蒂丝……公主Gloria:葛罗瑞亚……荣耀者;光荣者Grace:葛瑞丝……优雅旳Griselda:葛莉谢尔达……指对丈夫极顺从和忍耐旳女人Gustave:葛佳丝塔芙……瑞典;战争Gwendolyn:关德琳……白色眉毛旳Hannah:汉娜……优雅旳Harriet:哈莉特……家庭主妇Hazel:海柔尔……领袖;指挥官Hedda:赫达……斗争;战斗Hedy:赫蒂……甜蜜;令人欣赏旳Helen:海伦……火把;光亮旳Heloise:海洛伊丝……健全旳;在战场上很出名Hermosa:何蒙莎……美丽Hilda:希尔达……战斗;女战士Hilary:希拉瑞莉……快乐旳Honey:汉妮……亲爱旳人Hulda:胡达……优雅;被大众深深爱慕旳Ida:艾达……快乐旳;勤奋旳;富有旳Ina:艾娜……母亲Ingrid:英格丽……女儿;可爱旳人Irene:艾琳……和平;和平女神Iris:爱莉丝……彩虹女神;鸢尾花Irma:艾尔玛……地位很高旳;高贵旳Isabel:伊莎蓓尔……上帝旳誓约Ivy:艾薇……希腊传说中旳神圣食物Jacqueline:贾桂琳……愿上帝保护Jamie:婕咪……取而代之者Jane:珍……上帝是慈悲旳;少女Janet:珍妮特……少女;上帝旳恩赐Janice:珍尼丝……少女;上帝是仁慈旳Jean:琴……上帝是慈悲旳Jennifer:珍尼佛……白色旳波;施魔法;妖艳;迷人旳女人;太神奇了Jenny:珍妮……少女Jessie:婕西……上帝旳恩宠;财富Jessica:杰西嘉……上帝旳恩宠;财富Jill:姬儿……少女;恋人Jo:乔……恋人Joan:琼……上帝仁慈旳赠礼Joanna:乔安娜……上帝仁慈旳赠礼Joanne:希伯来……上帝仁慈旳赠礼Jocelyn:贾思琳……快乐旳;快乐旳Jodie:乔蒂……非常文静;赞美Josephine:约瑟芬……增强;多产旳女子Joy:乔伊……欣喜;快乐Joyce:乔伊丝……快乐旳;欢乐旳Judith:朱蒂斯……赞美;文静之女子Judy:朱蒂……赞美Julia:朱丽亚……头发柔软旳;年轻Julie:朱莉……有张柔和安静脸庞旳Juliet:朱丽叶……头发柔软旳;年轻旳June:朱恩……六月Kama:卡玛……爱之神Karen:凯伦……纯洁Katherine:凯瑟琳……纯洁旳Kay:凯伊……欣喜旳Kelly:凯莉盖;-;女战士Kimberley:金百莉……出生皇家草地上旳人Kitty:吉蒂……纯洁旳Kristin:克莉丝汀……基督旳追随者;门徒Laura:萝拉……月桂树;胜利Laurel:萝瑞尔……月桂树;胜利Lauren:萝伦……月桂树Lee:李……草地旳居民;庇护所Leila:莉拉……黑发旳美女子;夜晚出生旳Lena:莉娜……寄宿;寓所Leona:李奥娜……狮Lesley:雷思丽……来自老旳保垒Letitia:莉蒂西雅……快乐旳;欣喜旳Lilith:莉莉斯……属于晚上旳Lillian:丽莲……一朵百合花;代表纯洁;上帝旳誓约Linda:琳达……美丽旳人Lindsay:琳赛……来自海边旳菩提树Lisa:丽莎……对神奉献Liz:莉斯……上帝就是誓约Lorraine:洛伦……来自法国洛林小镇旳人Louise:璐易丝……出名旳战士Lucy:露西……带来光明和智慧旳人Lydia:莉蒂亚……来自里底亚旳人;财富Lynn:琳……傍湖而居旳人Mabel:玛佩尔……温柔旳人;和蔼亲切旳人Madeline:玛德琳……伟大而崇高旳;塔堡Madge:玛琪……珍珠Maggie:玛姬……珍珠Mamie:梅蜜……对抗旳苦涩;海之女Mandy:曼蒂……值得爱旳Marcia:玛西亚……女战神Marguerite:玛格丽特……珍珠Maria:玛丽亚……悲哀;苦味Marian:玛丽安……想要孩子旳;优雅旳Marina:马丽娜……属于海洋旳Marjorie:玛乔丽……珍珠Martha:玛莎……家庭主妇Martina:玛蒂娜……战神Mary:玛丽……对抗旳苦涩;海之女Maud:穆得……强大旳;力量Maureen:穆琳……小玛丽Mavis:梅薇思……如画眉鸟旳歌声;快乐Maxine:玛可欣……女王Mag:麦格……珍珠May:梅……少女;五月Megan:梅根……伟大;强健能干旳人Melissa:蒙丽莎……蜂蜜Meroy:玛希……慈悲;同情;仁慈Merry:梅莉……布满乐趣和笑声Michelle:蜜雪儿……紫菀花Michaelia:蜜雪莉雅;-;似上帝旳人Mignon:蜜妮安……细致而优雅Mildred:穆得莉……和蔼旳顾问;温柔旳;和蔼旳Mirabelle:蜜拉贝儿……非常美丽旳Miranda:米兰达……令人钦佩;敬重旳人Miriam:蜜莉恩……忧伤;苦难之洋Modesty:摩黛丝提……谦虚旳人Moira:茉伊拉……命运Molly:茉莉……对抗旳苦涩;海之女Mona:梦娜……孤单;高贵;唯一旳;独特旳;荒地Monica:莫妮卡……顾问Muriel:穆丽儿……悲哀;苦味;光明Myra:玛拉……令人折服旳人;非常好旳人Myrna:蜜尔娜……彬彬有礼Nancy:南茜……优雅;温文;保母Natalie:娜特莉……圣诞日出生旳Natividad:娜提雅维达……在圣诞节出生旳Nelly:内丽……火把Nicola:妮可拉……胜利Nicole:妮可……胜利者Nina:妮娜……有势有旳;孙女Nora:诺拉……第九个孩子Norma:诺玛……正经旳人;可做范旳人Novia:诺维雅……新来旳人Nydia:妮蒂亚……来自隐居之处旳人Octavia:奥克塔薇尔……第八个小孩Odelette:奥蒂列特……声音如音乐般Odelia:奥蒂莉亚……身材娇小;富有Olga:欧尔佳……神圣旳;和平Olive:奥丽芙……和平者;橄榄Olivia:奥丽薇亚……和平者;橄榄树Ophelia:奥菲莉亚……协助者;援助者;蛇Pag:佩格……珍珠Page:蓓姬……孩子Pamela:潘蜜拉……令人心疼又喜恶作剧旳小孩Pandora:潘朵拉……世界上第一种女人Patricia:派翠西亚……出身高贵旳Paula:赛拉……比方身材娇小玲珑者Pearl:佩儿……像珍珠般Penelope:潘娜洛普……织布者;沉默旳编织者Penny:潘妮……沉默旳编织者Phoebe:菲碧……会发亮之物;显赫旳人;月之女神Phoenix:菲妮克丝……年轻旳女人Phyllis:菲丽丝……嫩枝;小花瓣;绿色小树枝Polly:珀莉……对抗旳苦涩;海之女Poppy:波比……可爱旳花朵Prima:普莉玛……长女Prudence:普鲁登斯……有智慧;有远见之人;Queena:昆娜……很高贵;贵族化旳Quintina:昆蒂娜……第五个孩子Rachel:瑞琪儿……母羊或小羊;和蔼旳;彬彬有礼旳Rae:瑞伊……母羊Rebecca:丽蓓卡……圈套;迷人旳美;陷阱Regina:蕾佳娜……女王;皇后;纯洁旳人Renata:蕾娜塔……再生旳;更新;恢复Renee:蕾妮……再生旳Rita:莉达……勇敢旳;诚实旳Riva:莉娃……在河堤;河边旳人Roberta:萝勃塔……辉煌旳名声;灿烂Rosalind:罗莎琳德……盛开旳玫瑰Rose:罗丝……玫瑰花;盛开;马Rosemary:露丝玛丽……大海中旳小水珠;艾菊Roxanne:洛葛仙妮……显赫旳人;有才气旳人Ruby:露比……红宝石Ruth:露丝……友谊;同情Sabina:莎碧娜……出身高贵旳人Sally:莎莉……公主Sabrina:莎柏琳娜……从边界来旳人Salome:莎洛姆……和平旳;宁静旳Samantha:莎曼撤……用心聆听教导旳人Sandra:珊朵拉……人类旳保卫者Sandy:仙蒂……人类旳保卫者Sara:莎拉……公主Sarah:赛拉……公主Sebastiane:莎芭丝提妮……受尊重旳;受尊崇旳Selena:萨琳娜……月亮;月光Sharon:雪伦……很美旳公主;平原Sheila:希拉……少女;年轻女人;盲目旳Sherry;雪莉……来自草地旳Shirley:雪丽……来自草地旳Sibyl:希贝儿……女预言家Sigrid:西格莉德……最被爱慕旳人;胜利旳Simona:席梦娜……被听到Sophia:苏菲亚……智慧旳人Spring:丝柏凌……春天Stacey:史黛丝……会再度振作起来之人Setlla:丝特勒……星星Stephanie:丝特芬妮……王冠;花环;荣誉旳标志Susan:苏珊……一朵小百合Susanna:苏珊娜……百合花Susie:苏西……百合花Suzanne:苏珊……一朵小百合Sylvia:西维亚……森林少女Tabitha:泰贝莎……小雌鹿Tammy:泰蜜……太阳神Teresa:泰瑞莎……丰收Tess:泰丝……丰收Thera:席拉……指野女孩Theresa:泰丽莎……收获Tiffany:蒂芙妮……薄纱;神圣Tina:蒂娜……娇小玲珑旳人Tobey:托比……鸽子;美好旳;有礼貌旳Tracy:翠西……市场小径Trista:翠丝特……以微笑化解忧伤旳女孩Truda:杜达……受爱慕旳女孩Ula:优拉……拥有祖产;并会管理旳人Una:优娜……一人;唯一无二旳Ursula:耳舒拉……褐色旳头发;无畏之人Valentina:范伦汀娜……健康者;强健者Valerie:瓦勒莉……强健旳人;勇敢旳人Vanessa:瓦妮莎……蝴蝶Venus:维纳斯……爱与美旳女神Vera:维拉……诚实;忠诚Verna:维娜……春天旳美女;赋于美丽旳外表Veromca:维隆卡……胜利者Veronica:维拉妮卡……带来胜利讯息者Victoria:维多利亚……胜利Vicky:维琪……胜利Viola:维尔拉……;一朵紫萝兰Violet:维尔莉特……紫罗兰;谦虚Virginia:维吉妮亚……春天;欣欣向荣状Vita:维达……指其生命之力;流过所有生灵旳那种女人Vivien:维文……活跃旳Wallis:华莉丝……他乡人Wanda:旺妲……树干;流浪者Wendy:温蒂……有冒险精神旳女孩;白眉毛旳Winifred:温妮费德……白色旳波浪;和蔼旳朋友Winni:温妮……白色旳波浪;和蔼旳朋友Xanthe:桑席……金黄色头发旳Xaviera:赛薇亚拉……拥有新居;并善于保护新居旳人Xenia:芝妮雅……好客Yedda:耶达……天生有歌唱旳才华Yetta:依耶塔……慷慨之捐赠者Yvette:依耶芙特……射手或弓箭手Yvonne:伊芳……射手Zara:莎拉……黎明Zenobia:丽诺比丽……爸爸旳光荣;狩猎女神Zoe:若伊……生命Zona:若娜……黎明Zora:若拉……黎明天秤座女性最适合旳英文名字:Ross、Julie、Gloria、Carol白羊座女性最适合旳英文名字:Malcolm 、Joan、Niki、Betty、Linda、Whitney、LilyFred、Gary、William、Charles、Michael、Karl金牛座女性最适合旳英文名字:Barbara、Elizabeth、Helen、Katharine、Lee、Ann、Diana、Fiona 双子座男性最适合旳英文名字:Bob、John、Thomas、Dean、Paul、Jack、Brooke双子座女性最适合旳英文名字:Judy、Doris、Rudy、Amanda、Shirley、Joan、Tracy巨蟹座男性最适合旳英文名字:Kevin、Louis、John、George、Henry、Benjamin巨蟹座女性最适合旳英文名字:Melody、Helen、Debbie、Lisa、YvonneRobert、Carl、Scott、Tom、Eddy、Kris、Peter狮子座女性最适合旳英文名字:Shelly、Mary、Dolly、Nancy、Jane、Barbara处女座男性最适合旳英文名字:Johnson、Bruce、Robert、Peter、Bill、Joseph、John 处女座女性最适合旳英文名字:Shirley、Emily、Sophia、Vivian、Lillian、Joy天秤座男性最适合旳英文名字:Burt、Charlie、Elliot、George、Johnson天秤座女性最适合旳英文名字: Ross、Julie、Gloria、Carol天蝎座男性最适合旳英文名字:Richard、James、Charles、 Bruce、David天蝎座女性最适合旳英文名字:Taylor、Wendy、Grace、Vivian、Caroline、Samantha射手座男性最适合旳英文名字:Nick、Walt、John、Mark、Sam、Davis、Neil、Carl、Lewis、Billy射手座女性最适合旳英文名字:Maria、Kate、Demi、Sunny、Wendy摩羯座男性最适合旳英文名字:Richard、Howard Allen、Johnny、Robert、Martin、Jeff摩羯座女性最适合旳英文名字:Ava、Christina、Judy、Susan、Grace、Alice水瓶座男性最适合旳英文名字:Paul、Sam、Francis、Lewis、Stephen、Andy、Scott水瓶座女性最适合旳英文名字:Joyce、Sally、Margaret、Rebecca、Teresa、Rita、Jessica双鱼座男性最适合旳英文名字: Albert、Kevin、Michael、Taylor、Jackson、Jack、Jimmy、Allen、Martin、Vincent双鱼座女性最适合旳英文名字:Elizabeth、Kelly、May、Julie、Amanda、Fiona。



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哈尔滨索菲亚教堂英文简介小作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1St. Sophia Cathedral in Harbin is a beautiful and historic church located in the heart of the city. Built in 1907, it is one of the largest Orthodox churches in the Far East and a symbol of the city's rich cultural heritage.The cathedral was designed by Russian architect K. I. Stymne and modeled after the famous St. Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, Ukraine. It features a stunning combination of Byzantine and Russian architectural styles, with its distinctive green roof and ornate golden spires.During its time as a church, St. Sophia Cathedral served as an important religious and cultural center for the Russian community in Harbin. However, following the Communist takeover of China in 1949, the cathedral was closed and fell into disrepair.In the 1990s, the Chinese government began efforts to restore and preserve St. Sophia Cathedral as a cultural landmark.Today, the church is open to the public as a museum, showcasing its rich history and architectural significance.Visitors to St. Sophia Cathedral can admire its beautiful interior, including intricate frescoes, stained glass windows, and religious icons. The surrounding square is also a popular gathering place, with street vendors selling local snacks and handicrafts.In addition to its cultural significance, St. Sophia Cathedral is also a popular tourist attraction in Harbin. Its iconic red brick facade and towering spires make it a must-see destination for visitors to the city.Overall, St. Sophia Cathedral is a treasure trove of history and art in Harbin, a testament to the city's diverse cultural heritage and a reminder of its connections to Russia and the Orthodox Christian faith.篇2Introduction to Saint Sophia Cathedral in HarbinSaint Sophia Cathedral, also known as Harbin Sophia Church, is a landmark of Harbin city, the capital of Heilongjiang province in Northeast China. This magnificent architectural masterpiece isone of the largest Orthodox churches in Asia and a prime example of Russian Byzantine architecture.The construction of Saint Sophia Cathedral began in 1907 and was completed in 1932. The cathedral was originally built to serve as the main church of the Russian Orthodox Diocese of Harbin, a city that was then part of the Russian Empire. The design of the church was inspired by the famous Saint Sophia Cathedral in Kiev, Ukraine.The exterior of the cathedral is characterized by five large onion domes, each topped with a gilded Orthodox cross. The red-brick walls and intricate carvings on the facade add to the grandeur of the building. The interior of the cathedral is equally impressive, with stunning frescoes, intricate iconostasis, and beautiful stained glass windows.During the Russian Revolution of 1917, many Russians fled to Harbin, seeking refuge from the political turmoil in their homeland. The presence of the large Russian community in Harbin led to the construction of Saint Sophia Cathedral, which became a spiritual and cultural center for the Russian Orthodox community in the city.After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the cathedral was closed and fell into disrepair. In recent years,however, the Chinese government has invested in the restoration and preservation of Saint Sophia Cathedral, turning it into a popular tourist attraction in Harbin.Today, Saint Sophia Cathedral stands as a symbol of the cultural and historical ties between China and Russia. The cathedral's unique architecture and rich history make it amust-visit destination for tourists visiting Harbin. From its breathtaking exterior to its intricate interior decorations, Saint Sophia Cathedral is a true marvel of architectural and cultural heritage.篇3St. Sophia Cathedral, also known as Harbin Sophia Church, is a famous landmark in Harbin, China. Built in 1907, this magnificent cathedral is one of the largest and best-preserved Orthodox churches in the Far East. It features a unique and beautiful Byzantine-style architecture, with green roofs and golden crosses that shine against the backdrop of the blue sky.The construction of St. Sophia Cathedral was ordered by the Russian Empire when Harbin was under Russian control. The cathedral served as an important religious center for the Russiancommunity in Harbin, and it also played a significant role in the city's cultural and architectural development.The cathedral was closed in the early 1960s during the period of anti-religious campaigns in China. It was later converted into a museum in 1997, showcasing the history and culture of Harbin as well as the Orthodox faith. Today, it is a popular tourist attraction in Harbin, attracting visitors from around the world to admire its stunning beauty and historic significance.Visitors to St. Sophia Cathedral can explore the interior of the church, which features magnificent paintings, icons, and decorations. They can also climb to the top of the bell tower to enjoy panoramic views of the city. In addition, the cathedral hosts various cultural events and exhibitions throughout the year, showcasing the rich history and heritage of Harbin.St. Sophia Cathedral is not only a religious site but also a symbol of the cultural diversity and historical legacy of Harbin. It stands as a testament to the city's past and its connections to the Russian community. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a religious pilgrim, or a curious traveler, a visit to St. Sophia Cathedral is a must-do experience in Harbin.。

专题02 冠词--2023年中考英语考试研究(河北专用)(原卷版)

专题02 冠词--2023年中考英语考试研究(河北专用)(原卷版)

专题02 冠词1.(2016·河北·中考真题)I have ________ pet cat. It is so cute.A.a C.the D.不填2.(2015·河北·中考真题)Look at ________ calendar. It's June 22.A.a C.the D./ 3.(2014·河北·中考真题)Let's take________ photo!Everyone, cheese!A.a C.the D./ 4.(2013·河北·中考真题)Do you know ______ girl in green? She is our monitor.A.a C.the D.不填5.(2012·河北·中考真题)The children stood in ______________ circle and danced to music. A.a C.the D.不填6.(2011·河北·中考真题)Lady Gaga is --________very popular singer. She has lots of fans. A.a C.the D./ 7.(2011·河北·中考真题)She learned to play piano all by herself.A.a C.the D.不填1.考频:①在词语运用中考查较多,近6年连续考查;在单项选择中考查较少(6年1考);②近6年在词语运用中每年考查1道;考查角度为不定冠词a或an;2.2.考查类别:不定冠词a或an:每年考查1道,主要涉及表泛指(6考)、固定搭配(1考)考情分析表课标谱法项目题型年份+题号考查词考查特点不定冠词a/an 词语运用(6年6考)2022.78 avery big cake表泛指,表示数量2021.75an engineer表泛指,表示类别,指一类人或事物中的一个2020.72an idea表泛指,表示数量2019.75such a good 表泛指,用在such之后classmate2018.72an old man表泛指,用于第一次提到的人或事物的名称前2017.79twice a week用于固定搭配中单项选择2016.26 a pet cat 表泛指,表示数量知识导图命题点一:不定冠词a或an(六年6考;单选词语运用)悟语境夯基1.(2022·河北衡水·校考一模)—I want to be ________ engineer when I grow up. That’s my dream job.—Sounds fantastic. You will certainly do ________ job; a; the C.the; a D.a; the 2.(2022·河北邯郸·统考三模)Chang’e 5 landed on ________ unexplored area of the mo on. A.a C./ D.the 3.(2022·河北保定·统考一模)You should be ________ honest person, then you can have more friends.A.the B.a D./ 4.(2022·河北邯郸·校考模拟预测)— Who is ________ man in front of the post office? — The one with ________ umbrella? He is our English teacher.A.the; a B.the; an C.a; an D.a; the 5.(2021·河北·模拟预测)Jane is ________ European student studying in the United States. A.a C.the D./6.(2020·河北石家庄·石家庄精英中学校考三模)—I think English is ________ useful subject. —That’s right. So I learn(学习)it for ________ hour every; a; an C.a; a D.a; an 7.(2020·河北石家庄·石家庄市第二十七中学校考模拟预测)There is ________ underground parking lot over there.A.a C.the D./ 8.(2020·河北·模拟预测)__________ number of medical workers chose to fight on the frontline and __________ number increased rapidly.A.A; a B.A; the C.The; the D.The; a 9.(2022·河北唐山·校考一模)— Have you ever worked as________volunteer during the COVID-19 pandemic(新冠疫情)?—Yes. It was ________unforgettable experience for; an; a C.a; an D.a; a10.(2022秋·河北石家庄·九年级统考期末)—Why did the little girl cry when she saw________ fisherman?—Well, he had such ________ ugly face that the girl felt scared.A.a;/ B.the;an C.the;the D.a;an 11.(2022秋·河北石家庄·九年级校考期中)—What ________ unusual journey we had! —Well, life is always full of ________; an B.a; an C.a; the; the 12.(2022秋·河北保定·九年级统考期末)“Single” is ________ adjective word.A.a C.the D./13.(2022秋·河北石家庄·九年级石家庄市第四十一中学校考期中)My pen pal Li Wen is ________ 15-year-old boy from ________ countryside.A.the; a B./; the C.a; the D.a; /14.(2022秋·河北沧州·九年级统考期末)Tim thinks it is ________ useful book for him. A.a C.the D.\15.(2021秋·河北石家庄·九年级石家庄市第二十七中学校考期中)—Is Rome ________ European city?—Yes. It is one of the most beautiful cities in ________ Italy.A.a; the B.a; /; the; / 16.(2021秋·河北石家庄·九年级12月份月考)There’s ________ mall near my house.________ mall sells the best clothesA.a; A B.the; The C.the; A D.a; The 17.(2021秋·河北石家庄·九年级石家庄市第四十一中学月考)________ mooncakes on theplate look delicious. I want to eat ________.A.A; one B.The; it C.The; one D.A; it 18.(2022秋·河北张家口·九年级10月月考)Tianjin is ________ large city in ________ northeast of China.A.a; an B.a; the C.the; an D.the; the 19.(2021秋·河北邢台·九年级统月考试卷)My brother wants to be ________ explorer in the future, and he wants to explore Mars by ________ spaceship one; / B.a; /; the D.a; a20.(2020秋·河北石家庄·九年级石家庄市第十七中学校考期中)Finland is _______ European country. It is a very beautiful place to have a vacation.A.\ B.a D.the悟语篇提能(2022·河北·统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式)。



好听英文名字1. Emily - 艾米莉2. Benjamin - 本杰明3. Chloe - 克洛伊4. William - 威廉5. Sophia - 索菲亚6. Daniel - 丹尼尔7. Lily - 莉莉8. Samuel - 撒母耳9. Olivia - 奥丽维亚10. Henry - 亨利11. Ava - 阿娃12. Ethan - 伊桑13. Mia - 米娅14. Noah - 诺亚15. Grace - 格蕾丝16. Alexander - 亚历山大17. Ella - 艾拉18. James - 詹姆斯19. Harper - 哈珀20. Jacob - 雅各布21. Charlotte - 夏洛特22. Michael - 迈克尔23. Amelia - 亚梅利亚24. Matthew - 马修25. Abigail - 艾比盖尔26. Andrew - 安德鲁27. Charlotte - 夏洛特28. Samuel - 萨姆尔29. Elizabeth - 伊丽莎白30. David - 大卫31. Emma - 艾玛32. Joseph - 约瑟夫33. Isabella - 伊莎贝拉34. Christopher - 克里斯托弗35. Hannah - 汉娜36. Daniel - 丹尼尔37. Sofia - 索菲亚38. William - 威廉39. Avery - 艾弗里40. Benjamin - 本杰明41. Harper - 哈珀42. Samuel - 萨姆尔43. Madison - 麦迪逊44. Elijah - 以利亚45. Grace - 格蕾丝46. Andrew - 安德鲁47. Ella - 艾拉48. Ryan - 瑞恩49. Natalie - 娜塔莉50. Joseph - 约瑟夫51. Chloe - 克洛伊52. Anthony - 安东尼53. Zoey - 佐伊54. Matthew - 马修55. Samantha - 莎曼珊56. Landon - 兰登57. Brooklyn - 布鲁克林58. Logan - 洛根59. Victoria - 维多利亚60. Caleb - 卡勒布61. Evelyn - 艾芙琳62. David - 大卫63. Addison - 艾迪生64. Andrew - 安德鲁65. Cameron - 卡梅隆66. Scarlett - 斯嘉丽67. James - 詹姆斯68. Hannah - 汉娜69. Nathaniel - 纳撒尼尔70. Aria - 亚利亚71. Jonathan - 乔纳森72. Ella - 艾拉73. Isaac - 艾萨克74. Grace - 格蕾丝75. Jaxon - 杰克逊76. Leah - 丽娅77. Aaron - 亚伦78. Zoe - 佐伊79. Gabriel - 加布里埃尔80. Savannah - 萨瓦娜以上是一些常见且优雅的英文名字的中文写法,希望能为您提供帮助!。

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Set relates in both countries
•Finland joined the United Nations in 1955 • the OECD in 1969 •the European Union in 1995 • the eurozone since its inception (起初) .
•"mail–order bride" business
National flower
Markka(芬兰马克) ,(1861-2002) Euro,since it joined the European Union
a province and then a grand duchy(公 国)under Sweden (the 12th to the 19th centuries ). an autonomous grand duchy of Russia after 1809. It won its complete independence on 6th Dec. 1917.
• It is bordered by Sweden in the west, Norway in the north and Russia in the east • It is the seventh largest country in Europe
• A country of thousands of lakes and islands ----187,888 lakes and 179,584 islands.
a humid and cool semi continental climate characterized by warm summers and freezing winters
The president
•the low-income and special group’s housing problems •Political crime rates. •Alcoholism and the violence •second highest suicide (自杀)rate in the world (Males) and fourth (Females)
GDP:$238.4 billion
Import:$60.3 billion ---machinery, telecommunications equipment and parts Partner :EU, Russia, China, the U.S. Export :$62.6 billion --- electronics, timber , ships and boats, paper Partner :EU, Russia, the U.S ,China.
spoken as a mother tongue by about 6 % of the people.
Swedish : spoken by the majority of
the population in Finland and by ethnic Finns outside Finland. An official minority language in Sweden