高中英语:Unit 2 Healthy eating 单元综合评估测试(新人教必修3)
高中英语 必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating 单元综合评估测试(含答案解析)
高中英语必修3Unit2Healthyeating单元综合评估测试(含答案解析)(100分45分钟)一.单项选择(10分)1.—__________Ireturnthedictionarywithinthreedays?—No,you__________.You_________keepitforfivedays.A.May;needn't;willB.Can;mustn't;wouldC.Must;don'thaveto;canD.Shall;can't;should2.Sir,you______besittinginthiswaitingroom.Itisforwomenandchildrenonly.A.oughtn’ttoB.can’tC.won’tD.needn’t3.Sheisalreadytwohourslate.What_________toher?A.canhavehappenedB.musthavehappenedC.shouldhavehappenedD.musthappen4.Ifyoucheatintheexam,youcouldhardly_________it.A.throwawayB.getawayC.getawayfromD.getawaywith5.Iknowhehasn’tfinishedthework,but_________,hehasdonehisbest.A.atallB.inallC.afterallD.aboveall6.Whichfoodiscalled________food,milk,sugarorbeans?A.energy-givenB.body-buildingC.energeticD.protection7.–HowwelldidJohndointhematch?--Wonderful.Ithinkwecan’thavea______playerinourfootballteam.A.goodB.wellC.betterD.best8.I’mreallytired_______Tom.Hehadme_________fortwohoursintherain.A.of,waitingB.with;waitC.of;waitedD.with;waited9.Thespeedofcarsandtrucksis_____30kilometersperhourinlargecitiesinChina.A.limitedB.limitingC.limitingtoD.limitedto10.Smokingisabadhabit.Youshould_________it.A.throwawayB.getawaywithC.getridofD.throw二.完形填空(20题30分)Everyoneneedswaterandadiet_11___healthyfoods.Thesefoodsshould_12_somefat,som efiber,alittlesaltandsoon.Peopleneedenergytolive.Theyeatallkindsoffoods_13__changeintoenergy.Ourbodiesuse different_14_ofenergy.Theenergyismeasuredincalories(卡路里).Themore_15_wetake,themorecaloriesweburn.Evenwhenyouare_16_,youareusingene rgy---about65caloriesanhour.Whileyouareatschool,orwalkinghome,yourbodyis_17_up10 0caloriesanhour.Whenplayingfootballorbasketball,youmightbeusing400caloriesanhour.On_18_Day,duringtherelayrace,youwillusemostofall,perhapsas_19_as650caloriesanho ur. TheChinesedietisconsideredtobethehealthiestintheworld.Itcontainsalotoffruitandgre envegetables.Itis_20_infiberandlowinsugarandfat.TheChineseeatlesssugarthanmany_ _21_countriesintheworld.Thatis_22_lotsofpeopleinChinahavewhiteteeth. PeopleintheWesternworlddonoteat_23_healthyfoods.Theyeattoomuchfatandsugarand don’ttake_24_exercise.Becauseofthis,they_25_veryeasily.Inorderto_26_withthequickpa ce(步伐)oftheirlifeandwork,theyeatalotoffastfood.Theyeatalotofsweets,softdrinks,potato crisps,chocolate,butterandicecreamandsoon,_27_arecalled_28_foodbysomeepicurean s(美食家).Theresultisthatmanyofthembecomefat.Inordertoavoid_29__fatand__30__itisa dvisable(明智的)toeatabalanceddietandnoteattoomanyfoodsthathaveahighcalorierating.11.A.above B.of C.at D.over12.A.include B.holdC.containD.makeup13.A.which B.what C.where D.it14.A.numbers B.amountsC.plentyD.deal15.A.exercise B.exercisesC.sportD.game16.A.sleepy B.runningC.workingD.asleep17.A.running B.addingC.burningD.wasting18.A.Children B.WorkC.SportsD.Sport19.A.much B.manyC.fewD.little20.A.poor B.lowC.richD.plenty21.A.more B.otherC.restD.others22.A.why B.becauseC.becauseofD.since23.A.so B.veryC.muchD.such24.A.anumberof B.toomuchC.massesofD.enough25.A.loseweight B.putonweightC.dieD.stayhealthy26.A.keepup B.carryonC.keeponD.goon27.A.as B.theseC.whichD.they28.A.bad B.diseasedC.healthyD.junk29.A.toget B.becomingC.tobecomeD.get30.A.keepthin B.keepfitC.staycalmD.fallill三阅读理解(2篇10题20分)A TeadrinkingwascommoninChinafornearlyonethousandyearsbeforeanyoneinEuropehadev erheardabouttea.PeopleinBritainweremuchslowerinfindingoutwhatteawaslike,mainlyb ecauseteawasveryexpensive.Itcouldnotbeboughtinshopsandeventhosepeoplewhocoulda ffordtohaveitsentfromHollanddidsoonlybecauseitwasafashionablecuriosity.Someofthe mwerenotsurehowtouseit.Theythoughtitwasavegetableandtriedcookingtheleaves.Then theyservedthemmixedwithbutterandsalt.Theysoondiscoveredtheirmistakebutmanypeo pleusedtospreadtheusedtealeavesonbreadandgivethemtotheirchildrenassandwiches. TearemainedscarceandveryexpensiveinEnglanduntiltheshipsoftheEastIndiaCompanybe gantobringitdirectfromChinaearlyintheseventeenthcentury.Duringthenextfewyearsso muchteacameintothecountrythatthepricefellandmanypeoplecouldaffordtobuyit. AtthesametimepeopleontheContinentwerebecomingmoreandmorefondoftea.Untilthe nteahadbeendrunkwithoutmilkinit,butonedayafamousFrenchladynamedMadamedeSevig nedecidedtoseewhatteatastedlikewhenmilkwasadded.Shefounditsopleasantthatshew ouldneveragaindrinkitwithoutmilk.Becauseshewassuchagreatladyherfriendsthoughttheymustcopyeverythingshedid,sotheyalsodranktheirteawithmilkinit.Slowlythishabitsprea duntilitreachedEnglandandtodayonlyveryfewBritonsdrinkteawithoutmilk.Atfirst,teawasusuallydrunkafterdinnerintheeveningNooneeverthoughtofdrinkingteain theafternoonuntiladuchess(公爵夫人)foundthatacupofteaandapieceofcakeatthreeorfouro’clockstoppedhergetting “asinkingfeeling”asshecalledit.Sheinvitedherfriendstohavethisnewmealwithherandso,tea-timewasborn. 31.WhichofthefollowingistrueoftheintroductionofteaintoBritain?A.TheBritonsgotexpensiveteafromIndia.B.TeareachedBritainfromHolland. CTheBritonswerethefirstpeopleinEuropewhodranktea.D.Itwasnotuntilthe17thcenturythattheBritonshadtea.32Thispassagemainlydiscusses_______. A.thehistoryofteadrinkinginBritainB.howteabecameapopulardrinkinBritain C.howtheBritonsgotthehabitofdrinkingteaD.howtea-timewasborn33.TeabecameapopulardrinkinBritain.A.intheeighteenthcenturyB.inthesixteenthcenturyC.intheseventeenthcenturyD.inthelateseventeenthcentury 34.PeopleinEuropebegantodrinkteawithmilkbecause______.AittastedlikemilkB.ittastedmorepleasantC.itbecameapopulardrink D.MadamedeSevingewassuchaladywithgreatsocialinfluencethatpeopletriedtocopythe wayshedranktea 35.WemayinferfromthepassagethatthehabitofdrinkingteainBritainwasmostly duetotheinfluenceof________.A.afamousFrenchladyB.theancientChineseC.theuppersocialclassD.peopleinHollandB Goodhealthisthemostvaluablethingapersoncanhave,butonecannottakegoodhealthforgra nted.Itisimportanttorememberthatthebodyneedspropercareinordertobehealthy.Ther earethreethingsthatapersoncandotohelpstayingoodshape:eatrightfood,getenoughslee p,andexerciseregularly.Propernutrition(营养)isimportantforgoodhealth.Yourbodycannotworkwellunlessitreceivestheproperkindo f“fuel”(燃料).Don'teattoomuchfoodwithlotsofsugarandfat.Eatplentyoffoodshighinprotein(蛋白质),likemeat,fish,eggsandnuts.Vegetablesandfruitsareveryimportantbecausetheyprovi denecessaryvitamins(维他命)andminerals.However,don'tovereat.Itisnothelpfultobeoverweight. Gettingtheproperamountofsleepisalsoimportant.Ifyoudon'tgetenoughsleep,youfeeltire dandeasilygetangry.Youhavenoenergy.Overalongperiodoftimealittleaamountofsleepmayevenresultinachangeofpersonality(人的个性).Besuretoallowyourselffromseventoninehoursofsleepeachnight.Ifyoudo,yourbodywil lfeelstrongandrefreshed,andyourmindwillbesharp.Finally,getplentyofexercise.Exercisefirmsthebody,strengthensthemuscles,andprevent syoufromgainingweight.Italsoimprovesyourheartandlungs.Ifyoufollowaregularexercise program,youwillprobablyincreaseyourlife-span(寿命).Anykindofexerciseisgood.Mostsportsareexcellentforkeepingthebodyingoodshapes: basketball,swimming,bicycling,runningandsoonaregoodexamples.Sportsarenotonlygoodf oryourbody,buttheyareenjoyableandinteresting,too.Ifeverybody,weretoeattherightfoods,getplentyofsleepandexerciseregularly,theworld wouldbeahappierandhealthierplace.Wewouldalllivetobemucholderandwiser.36.Accordingtothepassage,_________.A.weshouldalwayskeepfitB.ifwewerehealthy,wecouldspendourdaysindoingthingswithlesssleepC.onecaneatalottostayingoodshapeD.oneneedn'ttakeanyexerciseifheishealthy37.Inordertokeepgoodhealth,___________.A.weshouldeatalotofsweetsB.oneneedsalargeamountoffatC.peopleshouldeataccordingtothefoodsnutritionD.wemusttrytosleepnowandthen38.Eatingmoreandsleepingless_____.A.cankeephealthyB.isnogoodforyouC.getsyoumoreenergyD.willkeepyourpersonality39.Thewriterexplains_______inthispassage.A.howtoeatB.theimportanceofdoingexerciseC.howtokeephealthyD.whattoeat40.Thetitleofthearticleshouldbe____.A.EatingandExercisingB.HowVitaminsWorkinMan'sBodyC.StayingHealthyD.SleepingWell四单词填空(10题10分)1.Tosucceed,wemust_____________(结合)talentwithworkinghard.2.Hehasbeenworkingforalongtime,butheisstillfullofe_____________.3.Theboyliftedthestonewithallhis____________(力量).4.Youshoulddosomer______________beforemakingthefinaldecision.5.“Youdidabadjob!”She________(叹息).6.Sheisnots_____________enoughtowearthesetighttrousers.7.Childrenarealwaysfullofc____________;theywanttoknoweverything.8.Whatwillhappenifyoudonoteatab_____________diet?9.Weneedbothcompetitionand_________________(合作).10.Pleasefindoutthefoodsthatgivefibrefor______________(消化)andhealth.五短文改错(15分)AtbeginningofthetermIintroduced1.______myteacherformyparents.Ourteacher2.______Mr.Wangaskedmyparentsofmy3.______ summerholiday.Tomyparents'opinion4.______Ihaveagoodtimewithmyclassmates.5.______ ItoldmyteacherthatIhadfinished6.______ homeworksathome.ThenIhelped7.______myfatherinthefarm.Wewentin8.______ workbythelightsofthetractors. 9.______ Fatherhadonlytwoandthreeyoungmen10.______ workingforhimatharvesttime.六.作文(15分)根据下面提示,以HealthyDiet为题写一篇100字左右的短文。
人教版高中英语必修三 Unit 2 Healthy eating 单元测试(含答案)
Unit 2 Healthy eating 单元测试姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 学号:__________一、单词拼写(共15题;共15分)1.He read quickly but did not________(领会) anything.2.Children's ________ (好奇心) with everything plays an important part in their study.3.If you don't pay the d________, we shall have to put the matter in the hands of our lawyers.4.David earns his l________ by writing articles for newspapers.5.To succeed, we must ________ (结合) talent with working hard.6.They were travelling at a speed that was double the legal________(限制).7.Mrs. Smith's weight was increasing quickly, so his husband told her to go on a d________.8.We all let out________(叹息) of relief when we heard that they were safe.9.I know that too much f________ leads to heart attack and high blood pressure, so I seldom eat meat.10.We should always c________ (结合,融合)work with pleasure.11.The old man has b________ (受益)a lot from walking after supper.12.Hydrogen ________(结合) with oxygen to form water.13.I will________(咨询) my lawyer.14.In addition, ________ (力量) training exercises should be done at least twice a week.15.All speeches were l________ (限制)to 10 minutes.二、完形填空(共20分)The requirements for high school graduation have just changed in my community. As a result, all students must 1 sixty hours of service learning, 2 they will not receive a diploma. Service learning is academic learning that also helps the community.3 of service learning include cleaning up a polluted river, working in a soup kitchen, or tutoring a student.4 a service experience, students must keep a journal and thenwrite a 5 about what they have learned.Supporters claim that there are many 6 of service learning. Perhaps most importantly, students are forced to think 7 their own interests and become8 of the needs of others. Students are also able to learn real-life skills that9 responsibility, problem-solving, and working as part of a team.10 students can explore possible careers 11 service learning. For example, if a student wonders what teaching is like, he or she can choose to work in an elementary school classroom a few afternoons each month.12 there are many benefits, opponents 13 problems with the new requirement. First, they 14 that the main reason students go to school is to learn core subjects and skills. Because service learning is time-consuming, students spend 15 time studying the core subjects. Second, they believe that forcing students to work without 16 goes against the law. By requiring service, the school takes away an individual's freedom to choose.In my view, service learning is a great way to 17 to the community, learn new skills, and explore different careers. 18 , I don't believe you should force people to help others — the 19 to help must come from the heart. I think the best 20 is one that gives students choices: a student should be able to choose sixty hours of independent study or sixty hours of service. Choice encourages both freedom and responsibility and as young adults, we must learn to handle both wisely.1. A. spend B. gain C. complete D. save2. A. and B. or C. but D. for3. A. Subjects B. Ideas C. Procedures D. Examples4. A. With B. Before C. During D. After5. A. diary B. report C. note D. notice6. A. courses B. benefits C. challenges D. features7. A. beyond B. about C. over D. in8. A. careful B. proud C. tired D. aware9. A. possess B. apply C. include D. develop10. A. Gradually B. Finally C. Luckily D. Hopefully11. A. through B. across C. of D. on12. A. So B. Thus C. Since D. While13. A. deal with B. look into C. point out D. take down14. A. argue B. doubt C. overlook D. admit15. A. much B. full C. less D. more16. A. cost B. pay C. care D. praise17. A. contribute B. appeal C. attend D. belong18. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Besides D. However19. A. courage B. desire C. emotion D. spirit20. A. decision B. purpose C. solution D. result三、阅读理解(共2题;共16分)(一)Let's face it. No one drinks diet sodas for the taste. People drink diet sodas in the hope that it will help them lose weight or at least keep them from gaining it. Yet it seems to have exactly the opposite effect, according to a new study.Researchers from the University of Texas said those who drank two or more diet sodas a day had waist size increases that were six times greater than those who didn't drink diet sodas. "What we saw was that the more diet sodas a person drank, the more weight they were likely to gain,"said Sharon Fowler.The study was based on data from 474 participants in a large, ongoing research project, where the participants were followed for nearly 10 years.While the findings are surprising, they also offer some explanations.Nutrition expert, Melanie Rogers, who works with overweight patients in New York, has found that when patients are switched from regular to diet sodas, they don't lose weight at all. "We weren't seeing weight loss necessarily, and that was confusing to us,"said Rogers.So why would diet soda cause weight gain? No one knows for sure yet, but it could be that people think they can eat more if they drink diet sodas, and so over-compensate for the missing calories.A related study found some sweeteners (甜味剂) raised blood sugar levels in some mice. "Data from this and other potential studies suggest that the promotion of diet sodas and artificial sweeteners may be risky,"said Helen P. Hazuda, professor at the University of Texas's school of medicine. "They may be free of calories, but not of consequences."(1)People drink diet sodas to ____________.A.enjoy its tasteB.stay in fashionC.achieve weight lossD.gain more energy(2)The new study suggests that drinking diet sodas ____________.A.causes people to become heavierB.helps people to be healthierC.makes people much thinnerD.offers people more calories(3)We can learn from the passage that ____________.A.regular sodas make people lose more weightB.diet soda drinkers tend to eat more foodC.diet sodas do help reduce caloriesD.most blood diseases come from diet sodas(4)The underlined word "They"in the last paragraph probably refers to "____________".A.sweetenersB.diet sodas and artificial sweetenersC.sodasD.diet soda drinkers and sweetener takers(二)There are lots of insects that farmers hate. But there also are some they like. They protect crops against damage from other insects. A good example is the lady beetle, which is also known as the ladybug(瓢虫).Lady beetles are a natural control for aphids(蚜虫). Lady beetles are red, orange or black. They often have black spots, though some have light colored spots. Different kinds of lady beetles have different numbers of spots. There are lady beetles with four, five, seven and fourteen spots.Many of the well-known kinds of lady beetles come from Asia or Europe. They now are common throughout the United States.American scientists imported one kind of lady beetle, the multicolored Asian lady beetle, as early as 1916. They released them as an attempt to control some kinds of insects. Over the years, the beetle has become established, possibly helped by some that arrived with imported plants on ships.Experts say over 450 kinds of lady beetles are found in North America. Some are native to the area. Others have been brought from other places. Almost all are helpful to farmers.The Asian lady beetles now in the United States probably came from Japan. The Asian lady beetle eats aphids that damage crops like soybeans, fruits and berries.In the southern United States, Asian lady beetles have reduced the need for farmers to use reskilling poisons on pecan trees. This popular tree nut suffers from aphids and other pests that the lady beetles eat.But some people say the Asian lady beetle has itself become a pest. They worry that the ladybeetles may eat their late autumn fruit crops.Experts say Asian lady beetles may appear in large numbers in some years. But they say the insects are too helpful to be considered as pests.(1)What do ladybugs look like?()A.All kinds of ladybugs are of the same color.B.Most of them are red, orange or black.C.They each have the same number of spots on them.D.Most of them have fourteen spots.(2)Asian ladybugs have been in the United States for______.A.nine decadesB.hundreds of yearsC.half a centuryD.a century(3)According to the passage the following statements are supported EXCEPT________.A.there are more than 450 kinds of ladybugs in North America, including native onesB.only some imported ladybugs are helpful to the local plantsC.soybeans, fruits and berries are favorites of aphids.D.pecan trees are common in the south of America(4)According to the experts, ladybugs are________.A.more helpful than considered as petsB.more pests than helpful insectsC.helpful as well as destructiveD.are more destructive than helpful四、任务型阅读(共5分)Food will become healthier and the food choices will become smarter and promote healthy eating once your kitchen is well organized.________They also give you a head start to start establishing a kitchen that encourages you to eat quality food.Keep fresh spices and herbs within reachable distance. When you add fresh herbs to your food, you can make it not only healthy but also delicious, which will help you in actively avoiding unhealthy foods like salt, butter, etc. These foods are known to raise the deliciousness. This is whyit is hard for us to let it go initially.________, it becomes much easier to form good eating habits.Keep all your healthy items close at hand. Place all the low-calorie snacks easy to reach so that your first response is to grab something healthy when you have a hunger pang.________. They can be accessed only when you are facing extreme desire. This way, you can avoid the evil thought of grabbing one every time you enter the storeroom.Keep all your small appliances (电器) handy.________, chances are that they will end up at the back of the cabinet, never to be used again. Bring out all your small appliances like a juicer that has been eating dirt in your storage cupboards.________. Remove all the items from the fridge and clean it properly. You can also organize it in such a way that all your healthy food and produce are in the front and the other items are at the back.A. Keep your fridge organizedB. Make your fridge easy to cleanC. You can also add an iPad station in the kitchenD. These ideas will be helpful in better organizing your kitchenE. But once there are tastier and healthier alternatives within reachF. When you have to put in far too much effort to locate the small itemsG. You can also hide all your chocolates in a place where they are not visible to you五、翻译(共14分)1. 我们应该努力保持生态平衡,否则我们会受到大自然的惩罚。
AThe food we eat seems to have a great effect on our health.Although science has made big steps in making food more fit to eat, it has, at the same time, made many foods unfit to eat.Some research has shown that perhaps 80% of human illness is related to food and 40% of cancer is related to food as well.That food is related to illness is not a new discovery.In 1945, some researchers realized that things commonly used to keep colour in meats and other food additives(添加剂)caused cancer.Yet, these additives remain in our food, and it is difficult to know which things on the wrappings(包装)of foods are helpful or harmful.The additives which we eat are not all so direct.Farmers often give penicillin to their animals, and because of this, penicillin has been found in the milk of cows.Sometimes similar things are supplied to animals not for their health, but just to make a profit.The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to get a higher price o n the market.Although some countries have tried to control such things, the practice continues.【语篇解读】本文告诉我们要特别注意自己所吃的食物。
unit 2 Healthy eating单元测试卷(答案解析版本)
Unit 2 Healthy eating过关卷班级___________ 姓名___________ 学号____________ 分数____________(考试时间:90分钟试卷满分:120分)注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。
2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
ABUS SERVICENew York City — Brennan, New Jersey(Trip time: 30 minutes each way )Timetable●Buses leave the Railway Station, New York 7:00 a.m. and every half-hour thereafter(此后) until 11:30 p.m. (7 days a week).●Buses leave Brennan Station 20 minutes before and after every hour from 6:20 a.m. to 10:40 p.m. (7 days a week ).●Evening rush hours(5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.) buses leave the Railway Station, New York every 15 minutes (Monday —Friday).●Holidays: buses leave every hour on the hour time, each direction.All tickets must be bought at Window 12, the Railway Station, New York, or at the Brennan Station Window before boarding buses.1. What time does a bus leave New York for Brennan every Thursday?A. 10:20 a.m.B. 6:30 a.m.C. 6:45 p.m.D. 4:40 p.m.2. Which is the latest bus you should take from Brennan if you have to arrive at the Railway Station, New York before 4:00 p. m. on Monday?A. The 3:20 p. m busB. the 3:00 p. m busC. The 3:30 p. m busD. The 3:40 p. m bus3. What time does a bus leave Brennan for New York on Christmas Day?A. 1:00 p. mB. 9:40 a. mC. 3:15 p. mD. 8:30 a. m【文章大意】本文是广告。
Unit 2 Healthy eating姓名:_____________ 班级:___________ 学号:____________ 得分:_____________第Ⅰ卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1.What will the woman drink probably?A.Cold water. B.Orange juice.C.Tea.答案: C2.How is the man going there?A.By bus. B.By train.C.By plane.答案: B3.When did the woman get up?A.Half an hour ago. B.An hour ago.C.Two hours ago.答案: B4.What color Tshirt will the man try on?A.Blue. B.Black.C.Red.答案: C5.What day is it today?A.Wednesday. B.Thursday.C.Friday.答案: A第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
6.Which sport does the man play most often?A.Football. B.Basketball. C.Tennis.答案: A7.What books does the woman like reading now?A.Adventure novels. B.Historical novels. C.Children’s novels.答案: C听第7段对话,回答第8至9题。
单元测试卷(二)Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AThink about how many ways there are for you tocommunicate today. You can send a letter or pick up thephone and make a call.But today, one of the most popularways to communicate is called Instant Messaging (IM). Inany instant messaging system, you type a little text message on your computer, press the “Send” button, and your message instantly shows up on your friend's screen.But how does it work?Actually, the whole process is very cool.In the 1980s, you could sit down at a computer at any big university.Up to 100 people would be logged in and share the computers because these computers were very expensive. You could type a command to send an instant message to anyone logged in the same computer. It felt like everyone was connected together no matter where they were sitting.Today, you can communicate with anyone in the world. All you need is an instant messaging program installed on your computer.There are many programs to choose from.AOL's instant messenger is probably the most popular right now.MSN has one.Google has Google Talk.When you're ready, you create an account.Next, you need to figure out the IM names your friends use.Add their IM names to your IM program.Click on the friend you want to talk to and then type away.When you click“Send”, your friend gets the message instantly.But behind the scenes, amazing things are happening.Your IM program is communicating with a computer, called a server, which could be just down the road or even in some other cities.All your friends' computers are communicating with a server, too.Your computer is constantly chatting with it to make everything happen.The network called the Internet makes it all possible.1.What could be the best title of the passage?A.Different Ways of CommunicationB.The Easiest Way to Talk to a FriendC.How to Send Instant MessagesD.Development of Communication【解析】标题归纳题。
1.What does the woman like collecting best?A. Stamps.B. Coins.C. Train tickets.2.Why doesn't the man go swimming with his friends?A. He can't swim.B. He is learning how to swim.C. He is afraid of swimming.3.How did the woman know about the fire?A. She read about it.B. She witnessed it.C. She saw it on TV.4.What most probably is the man?A. An employer.B. An interviewer.C. An employment office clerk.5.How did the woman come to the city?A. On foot.B. By bus.C. By driving.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What season is it most likely now?A. Spring.B. Summer.C. Winter.7.Where does the woman work now?A. At a radio station.B. In a bank of America.C. In a wedding company.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。
高中英语 Unit 2 Healthy eating单元测试卷 新人教版
人教版高中英语必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating单元测试卷第一节听力(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听第1段材料,回答第1至2题。
1.What does the woman order at the beginning?A.A piece of cake. B. An apple pie. C.A cup of tea.2.W hat’s the man’s favorite drink?A. Some coffee.B. A cup of tea.C. Some apple juice.听第2段材料,回答第3至5题。
3. How many people stay at home to spend their vacation now?A. 90%. B.40%. C.50%.4. Why does the woman say that people are becoming more and more mobile?A.They like camping now. B.They spend their holiday with their friends. C.They are traveling a lot.5. Why do more and more people go camping now?A. The seaside has lost its attractions.B. People are eager to get close to nature.C.The mountains are more beautiful than the seaside.听第3段材料,回答第6至8题。
6.What does the man think about the car?A.It’s like a candy.B. It’s really nice. C. It’s new.7.If you drive the car at high speed, it won’t remain_________ .A.bumpy B. smooth C. safe8. Where will the two speakers drive to?A.The highway. B. Anywhere the man likes. C. The mall.听第4段材料,回答第9至11题。
高一英语必修3单元测评: Unit2 Healthyeating 含解析 精品
单元测试(满分120分Ⅰ.单项选择(15分A.was bornC.though born答案:C though的意思是“尽管,虽然”,引导让步状语从句,当状语从句的主语和主句主语一样,并且从句谓语为系动词时,可以省略从句中的主语和系动词部分。
2.Every two months,his father asked his son to visit the museum in order to__________his interestA.developB.growC.build答案:A develop the capability/interest of sb.意为“激发……的潜能/兴趣”,为固定用法,由题意可知,A项正确。
3.——No, __________.A.a bitB.not a bitC.a little答案:B固定用法:not a bit意为“一点也不”;not a little意为“非常,很”。
本题含义通过No 可以得知:“你介意我吸烟吗?”“不,一点也不。
A.get;by C.receive;of答案:B“赢得尊重”用earn respect;“用……方法”用in...way。
A.is;areB.is;isC.are;is答案:A family表示家庭的整体概念时用作单数;表示家庭里的所有成员时用作复数。
6.Don’t be afraid of asking for help __________it is neA.unlessB.sinceC.although答案:D根据句子意思“当需要帮助时,你不要害怕请求帮助”可判断出,此题需要用when引导时间状语从句。
7.——Thanks,I’m glad youA.matchesB.meetsC.agrees with答案:A match的意思为“与某物相匹配”;meet的意思为“应付,满足要求”;agree with的意思为“适合于……的健康或体质;合……的胃口”;go with的意思为“随……一起走;在有……的情况下能行”。
高中英语 Unit 2 Healthy eating单元综合测试 新人教版必修3
Unit 2 Healthy eating 单元测试(人教版必修3,课标通用)(满分:150分时间:120分钟)第Ⅰ卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Boss and employee.B.Shop assistant and customer.C.Manager and waitress.Text 1W:Do you need any help?M:Yes,do you have these shoes in size 6?W:I'm not sure.We may be out of stock.答案 B2.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In the street. B.In an office.C.In a KFC.Text 2M:How do you feel after today's windowshopping?W:Same as you,I'm hungry and thirsty.Let's go to a KFC for some fast food. M:Good idea.I'm dying for a cola.答案 A3.How much does the man pay for his tickets?A.100. B.500. C.1,000.Text 3M:I want to buy five tickets from Hong Kong to Singapore.How much is it?W:It's100 per ticket.M:If I buy five tickets,could you give me a discount?W:I am sorry.答案 B4.When will the man go to Australia for his holiday?A.October. B.November. C.Not decided yet.Text 4W:When are you going to Australia for your holiday?M:It's up in the air.I'm thinking of November.W:If I were you,I would prefer October because it's neither hot nor cold then. 答案 C5.How does the conversation take place?A.Over the Internet. B.On the phone.C.Face to face.Text 5W:Hello,this is Helen.Is that Bruce?M:Yes.What can I do for you?W:If you would,please give me some ideas about my program.M:Sorry,Helen.I'm afraid I can't talk long.I have to go to a meeting now.I'll get back to you.答案 B第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
高中英语 unit2 healthy eating单元测评(含解析) 新人教版必修3
单元测评(二) Unit 2 Healthy eating(时间:90分钟满分:110分)第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.More and more people have realized that ________ good health depends on ________ balanced diet and plenty of rest and exercise.A. /; aB. the; aC. the; /D. /; /答案与解析 A health为抽象名词,前面不用冠词; a balanced diet是习惯搭配,意思是“均衡的饮食”。
2.The professor has just finished writing a book and it ________ before long.A. will publishB. will be publishedC. publishesD. is published答案与解析 B 由before long可知publish是将来要发生的动作,且it (a book)与publish 之间是被动关系,故选will be published。
3.Only Edward can lift that heavy stone because he is a man with great ________.A. forceB. sizeC. energyD. strength答案与解析 D force和strength都表示力量,但是侧重点不同。
4.— Hello, Mr. Wang. Must we wear the school uniforms tomorrow?— You ________. Only on Mondays. Tomorrow is Tuesday.A. don't have toB. mustn'tC. should have toD. must答案与解析 A 由答语中的Only on Mondays. Tomorrow is Tuesday可知,明天我们没有必要穿校服。
单元综合评估二(Unit 2)时间:120分钟满分:150分第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.What does Ray think of his first day at work?A.Interesting.B.Boring.C.Exciting.2.What's the time now?A.7:10. B.7:20. C.7: 40.3.Where are they talking?A.In the library. B.At the boy's home. C.At the woman's home.4.What is the man probably?A.A hotel staff. B.A restaurant waiter. C.A shop assistant.5.How many questions were there in the test?A.4. B.7. C.10.第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.Who is Sara?A.Alisa's classmate. B.The woman's teacher.C.The woman's friend.7.What will the woman probably do next?A.Do her homework. B.Take a photo of flowers.C.Introduce the man to Sara.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。
高一英语必修3单元测评: Unit2Healthyeating 含解析
英语人教新课标版必修3Unit2Healthy eating单元测评(总分:150分时间:120分钟)一、听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.Where is the woman?A.In a hospital.B.At work.C.In her office.2.What does the woman suggest?A.He should go to see the movie.B.He ought to work on his paper.C.He shouldn't write about the movie.3.Whom should Harry go to see?A.A scientist. B.A repairman. C.A doctor.4.Where does the dialogue probably take place?A.In a factory. B.In a hospital. C.In a store.5.Where does this conversation most probably take place?A.In an operating room. B.In a doctor's office. C.On the telephone.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
Unit 2 Healthy eating(时间:90分钟满分:110分)第一部分阅读理解(共两节;满分30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
AHave you ever told yourself that you're going to go on a healthy diet? It started off great, but after a couple of days when you saw a huge piece of your favorite chocolate cake sitting on the table, you couldn't help but go back to your old not-so-healthy eating habits. It's like a cycle actually, and it does happen to most of us — a healthy diet for a couple of weeks, a not-so-healthy one for the next, and then back to eating the healthy one. It just goes round and round. So, what exactly do we need to do so that we can maintain a healthy diet? For this, we're going to look into some ways that will allow us to eat a healthy diet while enjoying every meal.Eating a healthy diet is not as hard as it looks. It starts with learning what you should eat, and how you should do so. Knowing the results of every food you eat is also imperative. Say, for example, you eat a lot of salty foods today. Knowing what will happen to you in ten years' time, which, in this case, could be a kidney disorder, will actually let you think more clearly today before going on with that eating habit of yours.The first step that you should do is to set in your mind that this healthy diet is going to be successful. This is going to be a process, and it should be done step by step, little by little. You really don't need to keep on counting the calories that you've obtained for you'll just end up frustrated. First, think of the foods that you love. For now, think only of the healthy ones. Surely there's a vegetable or a fruit that you love to eat. Next, look for recipes, simple ones that contain these foods. Gradually start from there and you will come to appreciate the other nutritious foods as well.These simple steps will definitely perk you up(使你振奋) and make you start that healthy diet again. And if you do it right, it will last longer than what you have expected.语篇解读本篇文章的话题与健康饮食有关,主要讲了我们如何既能健康饮食,又能每一顿饭都吃得津津有味。
Unit 2 Healthy eating第Ⅰ卷第一部份阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。
AIn the last 500 years nothing about people—not their clothes,ideas or languages—has changed as much as what they drink was first made from the seeds of the cacao (可可) tree by South American Spanish introduced it to the rest of the world during the although it was very expensive,it quickly became London,shops where chocolate drinks were served became important still exist potato is also from the New the 1600s,the Spanish brought it from Peru to Europe,where it soon was widely became so dependent on it that thousands of Irish people starved (挨饿) when the crop failed during the years of 1845~1846,and thousands more were forced to go to live in America.There are many other foods that have traveled from South America to the Old some others went in the opposite is now the world’s largest grower of coffee,and coffee is an important crop in other South American it is native to was first made into a drink by Arabs during the to an Arabic story,coffee was discovered when a goat keeper named Lakdi noticed that his goats were eating red fruits on a coffee tried one and experienced the “wideawake (完全清醒的)” feeling that one third of the world’s popu lation now starts the day with.1.According to the passage,which of the following changed more than others? A.Clothes. B.Ideas.C.Languages. D.Foods.答案 D解析细节理解题。
高一英语同步练习:必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating单元综合评估测试(100分 45分钟)一. 单项选择(10分)1.—__________I return the dictionary within three days?—No, you __________.You _________keep it for five days.A. May。
willB. Can。
wouldC. Must。
don't have to。
canD. Shall。
should2. Sir, you ______ be sitting in this waiting room. It is for women and children only.A. oughtn’t toB. can’tC. won’tD. needn’t3. She is already two hours late. What _________to her?A. can have happenedB. must have happenedC. should have happenedD. must happen4. If you cheat in the exam, you could hardly _________ it.A. throw awayB. get awayC. get away fromD. get away with5. I kn ow he hasn’t finished the work, but _________, he has done his best.A. at allB. in allC. after allD. above all6. Which food is called ________ food, milk, sugar or beans?A. energy-givenB. body-buildingC. energeticD. protection7. – How well did John do in the match?--Wonderful. I think we can’t have a ______ player in our football team.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best8. I’m really tired _______ Tom. He had me _________ for two ho urs in the rain.A. of, waitingB. with。
高中英语 Unit 2 Healthy eating单元质量评估(含解析) 新人教版必修
(湖北专用)高中英语 Unit 2+Healthy eating单元质量评估新人教版必修3(120分钟150分)第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分)第一节(共5小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. Why did the man return early from his holiday?A. Because he didn’t plan the holiday very well.B. Because he had an important conference.C. Because he had some trouble.2. What does the man suggest the woman’s father should do?A. Stop smoking.B. Smoke less.C. See a doctor.3. How will the speakers go home probably?A. By bus.B. By subway.C. On foot.4. What does the man suggest?A. The woman should be more careful next time.B. They should try to think of a solution.C. They should come downstairs.5. What is the dialogue about?A. The woman hated to work with the man here.B. The woman didn’t like the culture here.C. The woman wanted to experience a new culture.第二节(共15小题; 每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
Unit 2 Healthy eating 单元质量评估
单元质量评估(二)(Unit 2)(120分钟150分)第一卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)听下面5段对话。
1. Why will the man go to the station?A. To meet a girl on Flight 276 from London.B. To catch Flight 276.C. To see a girl off.2. How will the man send the computer?A. By ship.B. By mail.C. By truck.3. What does the woman think of the lecture?A. Popular.B. Boring.C. Interesting.4. What does the man advise Mary to do?A. Be angry with his son.B. Listen carefully to his son.C. Be calm and patient.5. What is the man’s attitude to the radio announcer?A. He believes what the announcer says.B. He thinks that the announcer is very good at her work.C. He doesn’t have a good opinion of the announcer.第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
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高一英语同步练习:必修3 Unit 2 Healthy eating单元综合评估测试(100分45分钟)一. 单项选择(10分)1.—__________I return the dictionary within three days?—No, you __________.You _________keep it for five days.A. May; needn't; willB. Can; mustn't; wouldC. Must; don't have to; canD. Shall; can't; should2. Sir, you ______ be sitting in this waiting room. It is for women and children only.A. oughtn’t toB. can’tC. won’tD. needn’t3. She is already two hours late. What _________to her?A. can have happenedB. must have happenedC. should have happenedD. must happen4. If you cheat in the exam, you could hardly _________ it.A. throw awayB. get awayC. get away fromD. get away with5. I kn ow he hasn’t finished the work, but _________, he has done his best.A. at allB. in allC. after allD. above all6. Which food is called ________ food, milk, sugar or beans?A. energy-givenB. body-buildingC. energeticD. protection7. – How well did John do in the match?--Wonderful. I think we can’t have a ______ player in our football team.A. goodB. wellC. betterD. best8. I’m really tired _______ Tom. He had me _________ for two ho urs in the rain.A. of, waitingB. with; waitC. of; waitedD. with; waited9. The speed of cars and trucks is _____ 30 kilometers per hour in large cities in China.A. limitedB. limitingC. limiting toD. limited to10. Smoking is a bad habit. You should _________ it.A. throw awayB. get away withC. get rid ofD. throw二.完形填空(20题30分)Everyone needs water and a diet _11___ healthy foods. These foods should _12_ some fat, some fiber, a little salt and so on.People need energy to live. They eat all kinds of foods _13__change into energy. Our bodies use different _14_ of energy. The energy is measured in calories(卡路里). The more _15_we take, the more calories we burn. Even when you are_16_, you are using energy---about 65 calories an hour. While you are at school, or walking home, your body is _17_up 100 calories an hour. When playing football or basketball, you might be using 400 calories an hour. On _18_ Day, during the relay race, you will use most of all, perhaps as _19_ as 650 calories an hour.The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest in the world. It contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is _20_ in fiber and low in sugar and fat. The Chinese eat less sugar than many__21_ countries in the world. That is _22_ lots of people in China have white teeth.People in the Western world do not eat _23_healthy foods. They eat too much fat and sugar and don’t take _24_ exercise. Because of this, they _25_ very easily. In order to _26_ with the quick pace(步伐) of their life and work, they eat a lot of fast food. They eat a lot of sweets, soft drinks, potato crisps, chocolate, butter and ice cream and so on, _27_are called _28_ food by some epicureans(美食家). The result is that many of them become fat. In order to avoid_29__ fat and __30__ it is advisable(明智的) to eat a balanced diet and not eat too many foods that have a high calorie rating.11. A. above B. of C. at D. over12. A. include B. holdC. containD. make up13. A. which B. what C. where D. it14. A. numbers B. amountsC. plentyD. deal15. A. exercise B. exercisesC. sportD. game16. A. sleepy B. runningC. workingD. asleep17. A. running B. addingC. burningD. wasting18. A. Children B. WorkC. SportsD. Sport19. A. much B. manyC. fewD. little20. A. poor B. lowC. richD. plenty21. A. more B. otherC. restD. others22. A. why B. becauseC. because ofD. since23. A. so B. veryC. muchD. such24. A. a number of B. too muchC. masses ofD. enough25. A. lose weight B. put on weightC. dieD. stay healthy26. A. keep up B. carry onC. keep onD. go on27. A. as B. theseC. whichD. they28. A. bad B. diseasedC. healthyD. junk29. A. to get B. becomingC. to becomeD. get30. A. keep thin B. keep fitC. stay calmD. fall ill三阅读理解(2篇10题20分)ATea drinking was common in China for nearly one thousand years before anyone in Europe had ever heard about tea.People in Britain were much slower in finding out what tea was like, mainly because tea was very expensive. It could not be bought in shops and even those people who could afford to have it sent from Holland did so only because it was a fashionable curiosity. Some of them were not sure how to use it. They thought it was a vegetable and tried cooking the leaves. Then they served them mixed with butter and salt. They soon discovered their mistake but many people used to spread the used tea leaves on bread and give them to their children as sandwiches.Tea remained scarce and very expensive in England until the ships of the East India Company began to bring it direct from China early in the seventeenth century. During the next few years so much tea came into the country that the price fell and many people could afford to buy it.At the same time people on the Continent were becoming more and more fond of tea.Until then tea had been drunk without milk in it, but one day a famous French lady named Madame de Sevigne decided to see what tea tasted like when milk was added.She found it so pleasant that she would never again drink it without milk. Because she was such a great lady her friends thought they must copy everything she did, so they also drank their tea with milk in it. Slowly this habit spread until it reached Englandand today only very few Britons drink tea without milk.At first, tea was usually drunk after dinner in the evening No one ever thought of drinking tea in the afternoon until a duchess (公爵夫人) found that a cup of tea and a piece of cake at three or four o’clock stopped her getting “a sinking feeling”as she called it. She invited her friends to have this new meal with her and so, tea-time was born.31.Which of the following is true of the introduction of tea into Britain?A. The Britons got expensive tea from India.B. Tea reached Britain from Holland.C The Britons were the first people in Europe who drank tea.D.It was not until the 17th century that the Britons had tea.32This passage mainly discusses _______.A.the history of tea drinking in Britain B.how tea became a popular drink in BritainC.how the Britons got the habit of drinking teaD.how tea-time was born33.Tea became a popular drink in Britain.A.in the eighteenth centuryB.in the sixteenth centuryC.in the seventeenth centuryD. in the late seventeenth century34.People in Europe began to drink tea with milk because______.A it tasted like milkB.it tasted more pleasantC.it became a popular drinkD.Madame de Sevinge was such a lady with great social influence that people tried to copy the way she drank tea35.We may infer from the passage that the habit of drinking tea in Britain was mostlydue to the influence of________.A.a famous French ladyB. the ancient ChineseC.the upper social classD. people in HollandBGood health is the most valuable thing a person can have, but one cannot take good health for granted. It is important to remember that the body needs proper care in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to help stay in good shape: eat right food ,get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.Proper nutrition (营养) is important for good health. Your body cannot work well unless it receives the proper kind of “fuel”(燃料).Don't eat toomuch food with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods high in protein (蛋白质) ,like meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are very important because they provide necessary vitamins (维他命) and minerals. However, don't overeat. It is not helpful to be overweight.Getting the proper amount of sleep is also important. If you don't get enough sleep, you feel tired and easily get angry. You have no energy. Over a long period of time a little a amount of sleep may even result in a change of personality (人的个性).Be sure to allow yourself from seven to nine hours of sleep each night. If you do, your body will feel strong and refreshed, and your mind will be sharp.Finally, get plenty of exercise. Exercise firms the body, strengthens the muscles, and prevents you from gaining weight. It also improves your heart and lungs. If you follow a regular exercise program, you will probably increase your life-span (寿命).Any kind of exercise is good. Most sports are excellent for keeping the body in good shapes: basketball, swimming, bicycling, running and so on are good examples. Sports are not only good for your body, but they are enjoyable and interesting, too.If everybody, were to eat the right foods, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly, the world would be a happier and healthier place. We would all live to be much older and wiser.36. According to the passage,_________.A .we should always keep fitB. if we were healthy , we couldspend our days in doing things with less sleepC. one can eat a lot to stay in good shapeD. one needn't take any exercise if he is healthy37.In order to keep good health, ___________ .A. we should eat a lot of sweetsB. one needs a large amount of fatC. people should eat according to the foods nutritionD. we must try to sleep now and then38. Eating more and sleeping less_____.A. can keep healthyB. is no good for youC. gets you more energyD. will keep your personality39.The writer explains _______in this passage.A. how to eatB. the importance of doing exerciseC. how to keep healthyD. what to eat40.The title of the article should be____ .A. Eating and ExercisingB. How Vitamins Work in Man's BodyC. Staying HealthyD. Sleeping Well四单词填空(10题10分)1. To succeed, we must _____________(结合) talent with working hard.2. He has been working for a long time, but he is still full of e_____________.3. The boy lifted the stone with all his ____________(力量).4. You should do some r______________ before making the final decision.5. “You did a bad job!”She ________(叹息).6. She is not s_____________ enough to wear these tight trousers.7. Children are always full of c____________; they want to know everything.8. What will happen if you do not eat a b_____________ diet?9. We need both competition and _________________(合作).10. Please find out the foods that give fibre for ______________(消化) and health.五短文改错(15分)At beginning of the term I introduced1.______my teacher for my parents. Our teacher2.______ Mr. Wang asked my parents of my3.______ summer holiday. To my parents' opinion4.______I have a good time with my classmates.5.______I told my teacher that I had finished6.______ homeworks at home. Then I helped7.______my father in the farm. We went in8.______work by the lights of the tractors.9.______ Father had only two and three young men10.______ working for him at harvest time.六. 作文(15分)根据下面提示,以Healthy Diet为题写一篇100字左右的短文。