
Birth Certificate
Full name of baby:XXXFemale Date of birth: XXX am May. XXX XXX
Issuing organization (seal)
Name of facility: XXXXX Hospital
Birth Certificate No.: XXXXX Date of Issue: XXXXXX
“The Medical Certificate of Birth”is formulated according to“The law of the People’s Republic of China on Maternal and Infant Health Care”. It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother of guardian, cannot be sold, lent or altered in private.And it is referred to upon civil registration.
National Emblem
The Chinese equivalent

出生医学证明英文模板预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制BIRTH CERTIFICATEFull name of baby: Chen Zhengyu Male Date of birth: 20:53, 25 Oct. 1998 Place of birth: Nantou T ownship, Nanshan County (District), Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province Gestation (week): 41 weeks Health status: well Weight: 3550 g Height: 51.0 cmFull name of mother: Zheng Yanxia Age: 23 Nationality: China Nationality: HanIdentity card NO.: 422423*********Full name of father: Chen Wenkai Age: 29 Nationality: China Nationality: HanIdentity card NO.: 439004*********Type of Place: General HospitalName of facility: Shenzhen Nanshan People’s HospitalBirth No.: 440021324 Date of Issue: 25 Dec. 1998 Ministry of He alth of the People’s Republic of China (stamped)Issuing organization (seal): Special Stamp of Shenzhen Nanshan People’s H ospital for Birth Certificate of Nanshan, Shenzhen“The Medical Certificate of Birth” is formulated according to “The laws of the people’s Republic of china on Maternal and infant Health Care”. It is a legal medical certificate of people born in the People’s Republic of China. It is taken care of by the Newborn baby’s father and mother of guardian, Can not be sold, lent, or altered in private. And it is referred to upon civil registration.”。

出生医学证明BIRTH CERTIFICATE《出生医学证明》根据《中华人民共和国母婴保健法》制定;是在中华人民共和国境内出生人口的法定医学证明;由新生儿父母或监护人妥善保管,不得出卖,转让出借和私自涂改;申报出生登记时必须出示此证明。
新生儿姓名XX男女出生日期XX年X月XX日XX时XX分“TheMedicalCertificateofFull name of the babyMaleFemaleDate of BirthYearMonthDayHourMinuteBirth” is formulated accordingto"The Law ofthePeople's出生地XX省XX市XX区出生孕周`XX周RepublicofChinaonPlace of BirthProvinceCityCounty (District)Gestation (week) WeekMaternalandInfantHealthCare".Itisalegalmedical健康状况良好一般差体重XX 克身长XX公分certificateofpeopleborninHealth statusWellNormalWeakWeightgHeightcmthePeople'sRepublicofChina.Itistakencareof by母亲姓名XXX年龄XX国籍XX民族XXthenewbornbaby'sparentsFull name of motherAgeNationalityorguardian.Itcannotbe身份证号XXXXsold,lentoralteredinIdentity card No.private.Anditisreferredtoupon civil registration.父亲姓名XXX年龄XX国籍XX民族XXFull name of FatherAgeNationality身份证号XXXXIdentity card No.出生地点分类医院妇幼保健院家庭其他___Type of placeGeneral HospitalMCH hospitalHomeOther ___出生证编号Xxxxxx签发日期XX年XX月XX日签证机构(盖专用章)Birth certificate No.Date of IssueYear MonthDayIssue Organization (seal)。

NOTARIAL CERTICICATEThis is to certify that XXXX(姓名),XXXX(性别male 男/ Female 女),was born on XX(月份),XX (日期),XXXX(年)in XXXX(城市名),XXXX(省)。
His /Her(她或他)father is XXXX(名字)and His /Her(她或他)mother is XXXX。
声明人:XXXX年XX月XX日STATEMENTI,the undersigned XXX ,XXXX(性别male 男/ Female 女),was born on XX (月份)XX(日期),XXXX(年),ID card No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, now residing in XXXX (城市), XX (省).I am the father(父亲/mother母亲) of XXXX(名字) (born on XXX月份XX日期, XXXX年, ID card No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX), and now I hereby solemnly declare that I give my consent to my wife/husband(妻/夫) XXXX(名) ( born on XX月XX 日, XXXX年, ID Card No. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) taking our son/daughter (儿子或女儿) XXXX (名字) to Europe for you.I ensure that the above statement is the presentation of my true meaning. I shall bear any economic and legal responsibility arising from any violation of the statement.XXXX(签字)XXXX 年月日期此公正翻译仅供参考,具体以当地公证处翻译为准!。

下面是一份标准格式的出生证明书通译文本,以英语为例:Birth Certificate TranslationDocument Information:Document Type: Birth CertificateOriginal Language: ChineseTranslated Language: EnglishTranslation Details:Translation Date: [Date of Translation]Translator: [Translator's Name]Translation Method: Human TranslationTranslation Accuracy: Accurate TranslationDocument Content:Birth CertificateName: [Name]Date of Birth: [Date of Birth]Place of Birth: [Place of Birth]Gender: [Gender]Father's Name: [Father's Name]Mother's Name: [Mother's Name]Registration Number: [Registration Number]Translation:Birth CertificateThis is to certify that [Name], born on [Date of Birth], in [Place of Birth], is amale/female. The father's name is [Father's Name] and the mother's name is [Mother's Name]. The registration number of this birth certificate is [Registration Number].Certification:I, [Translator's Name], hereby certify that this is a true and accurate translation of the original birth certificate from Chinese to English.[Translator's Name][Translator's Signature][Date of Translation]Please note that this translation is for informational purposes only and does not replace the original document. If there are any discrepancies or errors in this translation, please refer to the original document in Chinese.If you have any further questions or require additional translations, please feel free to contact me.Best regards,[Translator's Name]。

英文版出生证明表格英文版出生证明表格Application for the Birth Certificate英文出生證明書申請單Please fill out the following items for your application請填妥下列各項All names must be as the same as shown on your I.D.s or passports.請務必與護照上相同,並以英文正楷填寫。
1. How many copies do you need? NT$20xx年) __________5. Full Name of Father父親姓名__________________________________________________6. Full Name of Mother母親姓名__________________________________________________7. Baby's (Mother's) hospital no.孩子或母親的病歷號碼______________Pay at Payment desk of number 16 (請至中正樓一樓作業組16號窗口繳費)Birth certificate (08) TY Zi, NO. 1230 *出生证明书及编号This is to certificate that Zhang Xiaoping (male) was born on September 8, 1988, at Shenyang, Liaoning Province, P.R. China. His gather is Zhang Lin, and his mother is Li Chun.Shenyang Notify Public OfficeLiaoning ProvinceThe people’s republic of china (seal)Notary: (signature)May 18, 2019先前,一些共和党人称奥巴马可能并非生于美国,因而质疑他的执政合法性。