噪声频谱分析仪操作规程一、测量前准备1. 装电池:5节5号干电池,如果连续测定8小时以上,使用高能碱性电池。
2. 装传感器:将传感器对准前置级头子螺纹口顺时针旋紧。
3. 通电检查:开启电源开关,显示器应显示A声级,F快特性,显示模拟表针刻度,如果在左上角出现“Batt”,表示电池不足,应及时更换电池,此时显示的数据随声压而变化表示正常。
4. 声校准:将声级校准器(94dB、1kHz)配合在传声器上,开启校准器电源,声级计计权设置A或Lin,声压读数应是93.8dB,否则调节声级计右侧面灵敏度调节电位器,校准完成后取下校准器。
二、瞬时声级测量1. 打开开关,选择快慢档,所显示的数值即为瞬时声压(A声级)2. 按保持键则读数为最大声压(A声级)三、测量时间设置1. 按[定时]进入设定方式,再按[定时],测量时间依次为10s→1m→5m →10m→15m→20m→1h→8h→24h→Man→10s变化,若设定在1m时停止按键,表示自动测量时间为1分钟,其余类似。
2. 测量运行:设定好测量时间,按[运行]进入自动测量状态。
3. 读取数据:按[选择],数据依次调出显示Leq→SD→Lmax→L95→L90→L50→L10→L5→Leq四、频谱测量方法1. 手动方式[复位]→[计权]→显示“Lin”→[频率]→显示“.”表示1/1中心频率→[定时]设定测量时间→[运行]→显示“PUASE”读数为声压级2. 自动测量[复位]→[计权]→显示“Lin”→[定时]设定测量时间→连续按[频率]→直到1/1中心频率点全部选通,显示“.”→[运行]→自动测量自动记。
二、安全注意事项1. 在使用噪声测试仪之前,请确保您已仔细阅读并理解本说明书中的所有内容。
2. 请仔细研究噪声测试仪的规格和功能,并确认其适用于您的特定使用环境。
3. 在使用噪声测试仪之前,请确保您已佩戴正确的个人防护装备,以保护自己免受噪声和其他可能的危害。
4. 请避免在高温、潮湿、尘土或有爆炸性气体的环境中使用噪声测试仪。
5. 在使用噪声测试仪期间,请保持仪器和测量环境的干净整洁,以确保准确的测量结果。
6. 不要对噪声测试仪进行任何未经授权的修改或维修。
三、噪声测试仪的操作步骤1. 打开噪声测试仪的电源开关,并确保仪器已启动。
2. 在仪器的显示屏上选择所需的测量模式。
3. 根据需要选择噪声测试仪的测量范围。
4. 将噪声测试仪的麦克风部分靠近噪声源,并确保麦克风在垂直方向上与地面保持一定的距离。
5. 在确定好位置后,按下仪器上的“开始”按钮,等待噪声测试仪完成测量。
6. 测量完成后,噪声测试仪将显示测量结果。
四、噪声测试仪的注意事项1. 在使用噪声测试仪进行测量时,请避免在强烈的干扰源附近操作,以确保测量结果的准确性。
2. 请注意噪声测试仪的测量范围。
3. 在进行长时间测量时,请注意噪声测试仪的电池电量。
二、仪器准备1. 确保噪音仪处于良好的工作状态,检查仪器外观是否完好无损。
2. 检查噪音仪的电池电量,如低电量需及时更换电池。
3. 根据实际需要选择合适的测量范围和时间权重,并将仪器设置为相应的模式。
三、测量位置选择1. 根据测量目的和环境特点选择合适的测量位置。
2. 避免选择靠近噪音源或有干扰物的位置,以确保测量结果的准确性。
3. 在测量位置周围设置安全警示标志,确保他人不会干扰测量过程。
四、测量操作流程1. 将噪音仪放置在合适的位置,并确保其稳定性。
2. 打开噪音仪的电源开关,等待仪器自检完成。
3. 根据需要选择A、C、Z频率权重,并设置时间权重。
4. 按下“开始测量”按钮,噪音仪开始进行测量。
5. 在测量过程中,保持测量位置的稳定性,避免碰撞和震动。
6. 测量时间达到预设值后,噪音仪自动停止测量。
7. 记录测量结果,并进行相应的数据处理和分析。
五、注意事项1. 在测量过程中,避免触摸噪音仪的麦克风或其他敏感部件,以免影响测量结果。
2. 避免在强电磁场或高温、潮湿等恶劣环境中使用噪音仪。
3. 定期对噪音仪进行校准,确保测量结果的准确性。
4. 如遇到测量异常或仪器故障,应及时停止测量并进行维修或更换。
六、数据处理和报告1. 将测量结果导出到计算机或其他存储设备中。
2. 使用合适的软件对测量数据进行分析和处理,如计算噪音水平的平均值、最大值、最小值等。
3. 根据需要生成噪音测量报告,包括测量位置、日期、时间、测量结果等信息。
七、安全注意事项1. 在使用噪音仪进行测量时,应注意个人安全,避免触摸危险物品或接近危险区域。
2. 如需在夜间或交通繁忙的地点进行测量,应采取必要的安全措施,如佩戴反光背心、设置警示标志等。
3. 在测量过程中,如发现异常情况或存在安全隐患,应立即停止测量并采取相应的应急措施。
查找更多信息 /find/nf 2
两种主要的噪声系数测量 方法为:
● Y 因子
● 冷噪声源法
要找到有关这些方法的更多信 息,请参见应用指南 57-1,射 频和微波噪声系数测量基础, 文献编号: 5952-8255E。
为了选择适当的仪表满足您测量噪声系数的要求,有必要首先了解一些测 试噪声系数的基本原理以及与之相关的测量结果的不确定性。噪声系数测量的 不确定性不仅取决于测试设备,同时也是被测器件 (DUT) 的某些特征,例如 S 参数和噪声参数的函数。
交互作用 S 参数 抖动
使用Y因子方法,主要的误差来源是噪声源与DUT之间的失配,以及DUT 产生的噪声与测试系统之间的相互作用。如果在测试环境中增加了 ATE 网络 (在噪声源与 DUT 之间增加了一个电网络 — 主要是开关和测试电缆) 则会导 致更大的误差。使用 PNA-X 的基于源校准的冷噪声源方法,最大的误差来源 是噪声源的 ENR 的不确定性,在校准的过程中,它会影响 PNA-X 的内部噪声 接收机的测量结果。
查找更多信息 /find/nf 3
有几个关键因素会影响到整个噪声系数测量结果的不确定性。选择噪声系 数测试方案时,非常重要的一点是要选择一种能把影响整个噪声系数不确定性 诸因素中最主要因素的影响降低到最小的方法。
这些可以影响噪声系数测量结果不确定性的因素,有一部分可在仪表的技 术指标中找到,例如仪表本身测试结果的不确定性、超噪声比 (ENR) 的不确定 性和抖动等。而其它因素则取决于测试系统与 DUT 之间的相互作用。例如,由 于系统源匹配的不完善 (偏离理想的 50 欧姆),就会有两种误差来源。第一个 为失配误差,这会导致测试系统与 DUT 之间的能量传送不理想。第二个误差 源则来自于DUT内部产生的噪声与从DUT一侧看到的源匹配 (Γs) 之间的相互 作用。下图比较了 Y 因子方法与冷噪声源方法 (PNA-X 所用的方法) 之间噪声 系数测量结果的不确定性。在这个例子中放大器的噪声系数为 3 dB,增益为 15 dB,输入和输出匹配为 10 dB,其噪声参数也是比较适中的 (Fmin = 2.8 dB、 Γopt = 0.27 + j0 和 Rn= 37.4)。对于 Y 因子方法,在计算噪声系数测试结果的 不确定性时考虑了两种不同的情况: 一种情况是噪声源与DUT直接连接; 另一 种情况是在噪声源和 DUT 之间有一个电网络 — 用它来仿真自动测试系统 (ATE) 中所用到的各种开关和测试电缆,以便把它们带来的损耗在测试结果中 校准掉。在这个以 PNA-X 为例的示意中包也括了 ATE 网络。
NFA X系列噪声系数分析仪 N8973B N8974B N8975B N8976B
![NFA X系列噪声系数分析仪 N8973B N8974B N8975B N8976B](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b68df70c5727a5e9856a61f0.png)
是德科技NFA X系列噪声系数分析仪, 多点触控N8973B、N8974B、N8975B、N8976B 10 MHZ至3.6、7.0、26.5或40.0 GHzरຍጨଙ技术指标技术指标描述产品保证的参数性能。
除非另有说明,这些值仅在所述的工作频率下有效,适用于 0℃至 +55℃的温度范围。
95% 表示环境温度在 +20 至 +30°C 之间时,在 95% 的情况下有 95% 的把握预计能够达到性能容限范围(≈ 2 σ)。
典型值是指不在产品保证范围之内的其他产品性能信息,指的是在 +20℃至 +30℃的温度范围内80%的设备可以表现出 95% 的置信度的性能指标。
在下列条件下,分析仪能够达到其技术指标:–分析仪处于校准期内–除 Auto Sweep Time Rules(自动扫描时间规则)=Accy(精确)外,分析仪处于自动耦合控制下–测得信号 <10 MHz,应用直流耦合–如果分析仪是在允许的储存温度范围内但超出允许的工作温度范围的环境中存放,则在启动分析仪之前,必须将其放在允许的工作温度范围内至少两小时。
–如果 Auto Align(自动校正)设置为 normal(正常),则分析仪必须开机至少 30 分钟;如果 Auto Align 设置为 off(关闭)或 partial(部分),则必须在近期进行过校正,以避免出现告警消息;一旦告警条件从 Time and Temperature(时间和温度)变成禁用的时间长度之一,则该分析仪可能达不到相关技术指标,并且不会通知用户。
请访问以下网站,获取完整的技术指标指南:/find/NFA_X-Series_specifications频率频率范围N8973B 10 MHz 至 3.6 GHz N8974B 10 MHz 至 7.0 GHz N8975B 10 MHz 至 26.5 GHz N8976B 410 MHz 至 40.0 GHz测量带宽(标称值)N8973B 、N8974B 、N8975B 、N8976B 5 1 Hz 至 3 MHz (E24 系列增量1),4 MHz ,5 MHz ,6 MHz ,8 MHz 频率参考精度± [R Δt + T + C]R = 老化率Δt = 离上次调整的时间T = 温度稳定性C = 校准精度老化率± 0.1 ppm 2/年± 0.15 ppm/2 年温度稳定性+20°C 至 +30°C 完整温度范围± 0.015 ppm ± 0.05 ppm 可实现的初始校准精度± 0.04 ppm采样频率参考精度,剩余 FM </= (使用小于或等于符码)(0.25 Hz x N )p-p ,20 ms 内的标称值自上次校准 1 年后= ± (1 x 10-7 + 5 x 10-8 + 4 x 10-8)= ± 0 0.19 ppm频率读数精度(起始、终止、中心、游标)±(游标频率 x 频率参考精度 + 0.25% x 扫宽 + 5% x RBW + 2 Hz + 0.5 x 水平分辨率3)1. E 24 系列依照国际标准 IEC 60063 来定义。
二、噪声测试仪操作流程1. 配置测试仪器在使用噪声测试仪之前,需要确保正确配置测试仪器。
2. 准备测试场所在进行噪声测试之前,需要对测试场所进行准备工作。
3. 校准测试仪器为了确保噪声测试仪的准确性,需要在进行正式测试之前进行校准。
4. 测试点选择在进行噪声测试时,需要选择合适的测试点。
5. 初始设置进行噪声测试前,进行初始设置是必要的。
6. 开始测试开始测试时,应将噪声测试仪放置在合适的位置。
N8973ANoise Figure AnalyzersN8972A N8973A N8974A N8975A NFA Series Key SpecificationsSpecifications apply over 0°C to +55°C unless otherwise noted. Theanalyzer will meet its specifications after 2 hours of storage withinthe operating temperature range, 60 minutes after the analyzer isturned on, with Alignment running. A user calibration is requiredbefore corrected measurements can be made.Frequency RangeNFA Series:N8972A10 MHz to 1.5 GHzN8973A10 MHz to 3 GHzN8974A10 MHz to 6.7 GHzN8975A10 MHz to 26.5 GHzMeasurement Speed (nominal)8 Averages 64 AveragesN8972A:<100 ms/measurement<80 ms/measurementN8973A:<50 ms/measurement<42 ms/measurementN8974A:<70 ms/measurement<50 ms/measurementN8975A:<70 ms/measurement <50 ms/measurementMeasurement Bandwidth (nominal)N8972A:4 MHzN8973A, N8974A, N8975A:4 MHz, 2 MHz, 1 MHz, 400 kHz, 200 kHz, 100 kHzNoise Figure and Gain(Performance is dependent upon ENR of noise source used)N8972A Noise Source ENR4 – 7 dB12 – 17 dB20 – 22 dBNoise FigureMeasurement range0 to 20 dB0 to 30 dB0 to 35 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.1 dB±<0.1 dB±<0.15 dBGainMeasurement range–20 to +40 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.17 dBN8973A, N8974A and Noise Source ENRN8975A(10 MHz to 3.0 GHz) 4 – 7 dB12 – 17 dB20 – 22 dBNoise FigureMeasurement range0 to 20 dB0 to 30 dB0 to 35 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.05 dB±<0.05 dB±<0.1 dBGainMeasurement range –20 to +40 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.17 dBN8974A and N8975A Noise Source ENR(>3.0 GHz) 4 – 7 dB12 – 17 dB20 – 22 dBNoise FigureMeasurement range0 to 20 dB0 to 30 dB0 to 35 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.15 dB±<0.15 dB±<0.2 dBGainMeasurement range–20 to +40 dBInstrument uncertainty±<0.17 dBCharacteristic1Noise figure at 23ºC ±3ºC (10 MHz to 3.0 GHz)Characteristic1Noise figure at 23ºC ±3ºC (3.0 GHz to 26.5 GHz)Characteristic values are met or bettered by 90% of instruments with 90%confidence.Frequency ReferenceStandard Opt.1D5Aging±<2 ppm1/year±<0.1 ppm/yearTemperature stability±<6 ppm±<0.01 ppmSettability ±<0.5 ppm±<0.01 ppmTuning Accuracy (Start, Stop, Center, Marker)4 MHz Measurement Bandwidth (default on all models of Noise FigureAnalyzer)Frequency Error10 MHz – 3.0 GHz±<Reference error + 100 kHz3.0 GHz – 26.5 GHz±<Reference error + 400 kHz<4MHz Measurement Bandwidth (functionality not present in N8972A)Frequency Error10 MHz – 3.0 GHz±<Reference error + 20 kHz3.0 GHz – 26.5 GHz±<Reference error + 20% of measurementbandwidthParts Per Million (10e-6)1086421050010001500200025003000Frequency (MHz)NoiseFigure(dB)8911112Frequency (MHz)NoiseFigure(dB)3388347756517418833818791871721956118112724136814492153761626171451829189131879716812156522419233342421251225986265Noise Figure AnalyzersN8972A N8973A N8974A N8975AGeneral SpecificationsDimensionsWithout handle: 222 mm H x 375 mm W x 410 mm D With handle (max): 222 mm H x 409 mm W x 515 mm D Weight (typical, without options)N8972A:15.3 kg N8973A:15.5 kg N8974A:17.5 kg N8975A:17.5 kgData Storage (nominal)Internal drive: 30 traces, states or ENR tables Floppy disk: 30 traces, states or ENR tablesPower RequirementsOn (line 1): 90 to 132 V rms, 47 to 440 Hz, 195 to 250 V rms, 47 to 66 Hz Power consumption: <300 W Standby (line 0): <5 W Temperature RangeOperating: 0ºC to +55ºC Storage: –40ºC to +70ºCHumidity RangeOperating: Up to 95% relative humidity to 40ºC (non-condensing)Altitude range: Operating to 4,600 meters Calibration Interval1-year minimum recommendedElectromagnetic CompatibilityComplies with the requirements of the EMC directive 89/336/EEC. This includes Generic Immunity Standard EN 50082-1:1992 and Radiated Interference Standard CISPR 11:1990/EN 55011:1991, Group 1 Class A.The conducted and radiated emissions performance typically meets CISPR 11:1990/EN 55011:1991 Group 1 Class B limits.Warranty3-Year warranty as standardKey LiteratureNoise Figure Analyzers, NFA Series, Brochure, p/n 5980-0166ENoise Figure Analyzers, NFA Series, Data Sheet, p/n 5980-0164ENoise Figure Analyzers, NFA Series, Configuration Guide, p/n 5980-0163EFundamentals of RF and Microwave Noise Figure Measurements, App note 57-1, p/n 5952-8255E Noise Figure Measurement Accuracy, App note 57-2, p/n 5952-370610 Hints for Making Successful Noise Figure Measurements, p/n 5980-0228E N8972A and N8973A, NFA Series, Noise Figure Analyzer ProgrammingExamples, p/n 5968-9498EOrdering InformationN8972A 10 MHz to 1.5 GHz NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer N8973A 10 MHz to 3.0 GHz NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer N8974A 10 MHz to 6.7 GHz NFA Series Noise Figure Analyzer N8975A 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz NFA Series Noise Figure AnalyzerAll options, other than those marked with *, can be ordered at any time for use with an instrument.Frequency ReferenceN897xA-1D5NFA series high stability frequency reference*Calibration DocumentationN897xA-A6J NFA series ANSI Z540 compliant calibration with test data*AccessoriesN897xA-1CP NFA series rackmount and handle kit N897xA-UK9NFA series front panel coverN897xA-1FP NFA series calibration, performance verification and adjustment softwareDocumentationA hard copy and CD version of the English language Quick Reference Guide, User’s Guide, Programmers Reference, and Calibration andPerformance Verification Manual are included with the NFA as standard.Selections can be made to change the localization of the manual set or to delete the hardcopy.N897xA-AB0NFA series manual set for Taiwan – Chinese localization N897xA-AB1NFA series manual set – Korean localization N897xA-AB2NFA series manual set – Chinese localization N897xA-ABE NFA series manual set – Spanish localization N897xA-ABF NFA series manual set – French localization N897xA-ABZ NFA series manual set – Italian localization N897xA-ABD NFA series manual set – German localization N897xA-ABJ NFA series manual set – Japanese localization N897xA-0B0Delete hardcopy manual set*Note: The localized options will include a localized version of the Quick Reference Guide and User Guide, and an English language version of the Programmers Reference, and Calibration and Performance Verification Manual.Additional DocumentationN897xA-0B1NFA series manual set (English version)N897xA-0B2NFA series user manual (English version)N897xA-0BF NFA series programmers reference (English version)Service Options:Warranty and Service Standard warranty is 3 years. For warranty and service of 5 years, please order R-51B-001-5F: “3 year Return-to Agilent warranty extended to 5 years” (quantity = 1).Calibration 2For 3 years, order 36 months of the appropriate calibration plan shown below. For 5 years, specify 60 months.R-50C-001Standard calibration plan*R-50C-002Standard compliant calibration plan*Options not available in all countries。
安捷伦公司N8973噪声指数分析仪使用说明二○○三年四月目录1. 噪声系数基本概念.............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2. 主要功能:.......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.1噪声系数测量 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
.................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.5双迹显示可同时显示下列任何两个噪声参数:....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
Agilent U8903A音频分析器数据手册说明书
![Agilent U8903A音频分析器数据手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5aff82446fdb6f1aff00bed5b9f3f90f77c64d72.png)
Agilent U8903A Audio AnalyzerMake an Audible DifferenceData SheetCapabilities• Select generator, analyzer, graph, and sweep modes with one-button access • Measure at DC and from 10 Hz to 100 kHz • Characterize signal-to-noise ratio, SINAD, IMD, DFD, THD+N ratio, THD+N level, crosstalk, and more • Apply weighting functions, standard filters, and custom filters • Stimulate the device with high-quality signals and arbitrary waveforms • View numerical and graphical displays of measurement results • Connect to a PC through GPIB, LAN/LXI C, and USB interfaces • Code compatible with HP8903B • 2 in 1 screen (generator and analyzer in the same display screen)Whether listening to mono, stereo, or surround, the human ear knows what sounds good. Measuring “how good,” however, can be a challenge. The Agilent U8903A audio analyzer helps you measure and quantify audio performance in applications such as wireless audio, analog components and ICs, and consumer audio.Across the audio spectrum and beyond, this scalable, single-unit solution provides versatile measurement functions, diverse test signals, and powerful analysis capabilities.The U8903A audio analyzer combines the functionality of a distortion meter, SINAD meter, frequency counter, AC voltmeter, DC voltmeter, and FFT analyzer with a low-distortion audio source. On the bench or in a test system, its accu-racy and versatility helps you make an audible difference in your end product.LXI class C certified1981Table 1. Comparison of frequency range and accuracyFrequency range DC and 10 Hz to 100 kHz20 Hz to 100 kHz Frequency accuracy 5 ppm (0.0005%)0.004%Table 2. Comparison of accuracy and ranges in AC and DC level measurementsAC voltage input range0 V to 140 Vrms 0.3 mVrmsto 300 VrmsAC accuracy± 1%± 4%DC voltage input range0 to ± 200 V 4 to 300 VDC accuracy± 1%± 1%Table 3. Comparison of range and residual THD+N measurements Frequency range10 Hz to 100 kHz20 Hz to 100 kHzResidual THD+N (signal distortion) at 80 kHz BW ≤ –101 dB (at 1 kHz, 1 Vrms),20 Hz to 20 kHz–80 dB (or 15 µV),20 Hz to 20 kHzAccuracy± 0.5 dB (< 20 kHz)± 0.7 dB (< 100 kHz)± 1 dB (20 Hz to 20 kHz)± 2 dB (20 to 100 kHz)Figure 1. The new U8903A audio analyzer (left) offers numerous improvements over the widely used HP 8903B (right). Replace your 8903B and addnext-generation capabilitiesFor nearly two decades, the HP 8903Bprovided unparalleled versatility andperformance in audio applications.The U8903A builds on the legacy ofthe 8903B by offering faster single-point measurements (0.4 sec versus3.0 sec) as well as a wider frequencyrange, expanded performance, andgreater functionality (Tables 1, 2, and3). With the U8903A, you can con-figure measurements faster throughits graphical user interface (GUI)and one-button selection of majoroperating modes. The color screenlets you view dual-parameter displaysfrom one or two channels as wellas graphical displays of sweeps, fre-quency spectra, and more (Figure 1).To makes the transition easy, thenext-generation replacement for theHP 8903B audio analyzer featuresa built-in code emulator whichautomatically converts 8903B R2D2code directly into SCPI commandsused by the U8903A. The Agilentapplication note Migrating Code fromthe 8903B to U8903A (5990-4135EN)and the U8903A Programming Guide(U8903-90027) provide additionalresources to assure you get the mostfrom this new class of audio analyzer.23Measure and analyze essential audio parametersWith the U8903A, you can measure below, across, and above the audio spectrum with its 10 Hz to 100 kHz frequency range and built-in DC mea-surements. Its dual input channels let you perform stereo audio, frequency response, wireless and component tests—all at a single-channel price.Easily characterize parameters such as signal-to-noise ratio, SINAD, intermodulation distortion (IMD), different-frequency distortion (DFD), total harmonic distortion (THD+N ratio, THD+N level), crosstalk, and more. Additional measurementcapabilities include AC level, DC level, frequency count, frequency spectrum, and FFT analysis (Figure 2).For all measurements, you canapply weighting functions as well aslow-pass, high-pass, and standardFigure 2. Perform FFT analysis with up to 32 Kpoints and a wide selection ofinformative graphing functions Figure 3. Apply an extensive selection of filters, including a variety of weightingfunctionsFigure 4. Utilize high-quality test signals that provide low distortion and low noise levelFigure 5. 2 in 1 screen generator and analyzer in the same display screenAddress Challenging Audio Applicationsfilters (Figure 3). You can also create custom filters using MATLAB ® and other applications, and upload them through the analyzer’s USB port.Filters and weighting functions can be applied one, two, or three at a time.U8903A also provides a 2 in 1 screen, which simultaneously displays the generator and analyzer information (Figure 5). This allows the user to change the generator (source) setting while monitoring the analyzer results in real time.Generate high-quality test signalsThe built-in, dual-channel signal gen-erator lets you stimulate your device with a variety of high-quality signals: sine (–105 dB noise floor), square, rectangular, noise (Gaussian andrectangular), two-tone, and multi-tone (up to 60) (Figure 4). To simulate com-plex and real-world signals, you can also create arbitrary waveforms with up to 16,384 points and at 312.5 kHz sampling rate.The output voltage range is 0 V to 8 V rms with 1% accuracy. For unbal-anced connections, you can select 50 or 600 Ω output impedance.Easily perform manual and automated testsOne-button access makes it easy to select the four main operating modes: analyzer, generator, graph, and sweep. The 5.7-inch color display provides numeric readouts as well as graphical views of analog sweeps, FFT spectra, and more.For PC-based control on the bench or in a test system, the U8903A includes GPIB, LAN/LXI C, and USB interfaces.4Take a Closer LookFront panelPlug-and-play USB 2.0 connectivityFront-panel output on/off button for DUT protectionQuick buttons for graphical analysisOne-button access to analyzer, generator, and sweep modes5.7-inch color displaySoftkeys for easy function selectionDual-channel generator outputs and analyzer inputs with XLR connectorsFigure 6. U8903A audio analyzer, front viewRear panelGPIB, LAN/LXI C, and USB interfacesFigure 7. U8903A audio analyzer, rear view5Advance Measurement TestingGeneral audio testingThe U8903A provides essentialmeasurement capabilities that enable efficient analysis of audio amplifiers and other devices in the audio chain. For example, the analyzer includes balanced and unbalanced outputs and inputs. It also provides a wide selection of filters and enhances your flexibility by making it easy to upload customized filters. With an array of sweep functions and flexible data display formats for each measure-ment, you’ll be ready to address a wide range of challenging audio applications.Balanced inputsIn the quest for higher output power, many audio amplifiers use bridged output stages. Such amplifiers can be difficult to characterize because their outputs cannot be grounded. To test these devices, the usual approach has been to use a balanced, calibrat-ed isolation transformer connected to an analyzer with an unbalanced input.The widely used HP 8903B eliminated the need for a transformer, but it was still necessary to float the analyzer input before connecting the bridged device and making measurements. With the U8903A, you simply make a balanced connection with an XLR connector and make measure-ments—no floating required.Standard and custom filtersA selection of built-in filters simplifies audio measurements by providing weighting networks required by inter-national standards. These include CCIR, CCIR/ARM, and CCIT weighting filters; a C message filter; and an ANSI “A” weighting filter. In addition to the standard filters, you can create custom filters using applications such as MATLAB or Agilent VEEand upload the filters through theAmplifier testingGenerator outputAudio amplifierAnalyzer inputFigure 8. Audio testing using the U8903AFigure 9. Use a single button to access the swept measurement modeanalyzer’s USB port. The U8903A also includes selectable 15, 20, and 30 kHz low-pass filters to reject unwanted, out-of-band signals and noise.Display scaling and formatting U8903A gives you flexible control over data displays. For example, you can choose volts, millivolts, dBm into 600 Ω (or other resistance values), or watts for AC level measurements, and select percent or dB for distortion measurements.Swept measurementsWith its internal audio source and precise digital control, the U8903A can perform automatic swept mea-surements of frequency response, distortion, and signal-to-noise. For example, to check the frequencyresponse of an active filter, only a few steps are required. After connecting the device and setting the required source level, simply enter the start and stop frequencies, and then press the “Sweep” key (Figure 9).6Transmitter and receiver testingThe U8903A includes severalmeasurement features that simplify the testing of the transceivers used in devices such as car radios,telephones, mobile radios, broadcast radios, FM tuners, and television. The U8903A can handle all of these applications when combined with a modulating signal generator for receiver testing and a signal analyzer for transmitter testing (see diagrams on next page).True-RMS detectionTo accurately characterize signals with high noise content, true-RMS detection is required. The U8903A employs true-RMS detection for all signals with crest factor less than three. In addition, quasi-peak detec-tion (CCIR 468-4) and peak-to-peak detection are also available through softkey selections.Built-in filtersThe U8903A includes a variety of essential filters for transmitter and receiver testing. Its CCITT, CCIR, and C-message weighting filters meet international standards for receiver testing. For transmitter testing, the seven-pole 400 Hz high-pass filter provides better than 40 dB rejection of signals up to 250 Hz, letting you measure transmitter audiodistortion to 1% without disabling squelch signals.For even greater flexibility, you can apply custom filters created using applications such as MATLAB and Agilent VEE. Once you’ve uploaded a filter via the U8903A’s USB port, it can be applied to your measurements through a softkey selection. In all, you can apply up to three filters at a time.SINAD and THD+N measurementU8903A gives you the flexibility to lock down the generator frequency under the Frequency Lock features. With this feature, users can set the generator frequency in order to tell the location of the fundamental signal. In this case, users have the flexibility to lock the external source’s fundamental frequency to make SINAD and THD+N measurements more accurately because the mea-surements are based on the actual source fundamental signal rather than the detected fundamental signal. Sometimes the other order signal and noise is stronger than the actual source fundamental signal which will impact the measurement reading.Reference/relative measurements This features allows users to perform measurement on level, frequency, and ratio based on the selected impedance value, frequency, or ratio reference value. This simplifies manual data measurement and data collection because the calculations are automatically generated inside the equipment in real time. This fea-ture provides users with the flexibility to decided which signal sources to perform Signal-to-Noise (SNR) mea-surement without solely depending on the U8903A generator source. SINAD measurementsCommonly used to test FM receivers, SINAD measurements must be made repeatedly when checking receiver sensitivity or adjacent-channel selectivity. To smooth out the typi-cally noisy signals that are present during receiver testing, the analyzer’s SINAD mode employs extra filtering circuits. These are optimized for high speed and excellent repeatability: the U8903A provides distortion and SINAD measurements with an acqui-sition time of less than 1.5 seconds and a measurement rate of greater than two reading per second after locking.Signal-to-noise ratioTo characterize signal quality in AM receivers, the U8903A can automatically make the necessary signal-to-noise ratio measurements. It does this by monitoring the incoming AC signal level while turning its low-distortion source on and off.The U8903A provides the average point features which allows users to set the number of readings used for averaging. The display value will be the averaged value based on the number of points selected. This allows users to analyze noisy signals using an increased number of average points for greater accuracy.7Figure 10. Receiver testing using the U8903AGenerator outputModulated signalAnalyzer inputTwo-way Signal generatorReceiver testingTransmitter testingFigure 11. Transmitter testing using the U8903A and a spectrum analyzerGenerator outputModulated signalSpectrum analyzerTransmitter and receiver testing8CharacteristicsPower consumption 250 VA Power requirements • 100 to 240 V ac • 47 to 63 Hz Operating environment• Operating temperature from 0 to 55 °C• Relative humidity at 20 to 80% RH (noncondensing)• Altitude up to 3000 m • Pollution degree 2•Installation category IIStorage compliance –55 to 75 °C (23 to 167 °F)Safety complianceCertified with:• IEC 61010-1:2001/EN61010-1:2001 (2nd Edition)• Canada: CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-04• USA: ANSI/UL 61010-1:2004EMC compliance• IEC 61326-1:2005/EN 61326-1:2006• Canada: ICES-001:2004• Australia/New Zealand: AS/NZS CISPR11:2004Dimensions (W x D x H)425.6 mm x 405.0 mm x 133.6 mm (16.76 inches x 15.94 inches x 5.25 inches)Weight < 8.5 kg (< 18.74 lb) (without cards)Warranty• One year for U8903A• Three months for standard-shipped accessories (see page 13)SpecificationsThe following specifications are based on performance with 30 minutes of warm-up time and a temperature from 0 to 55 °C, unless stated otherwise.Generated waveformSine, dual sine, variable phase, square, noise (Gaussian and rectangular), arbitrary, DC, multitone, SMPTE IMD (1:1, 4:1, and 10:1), DFD (IEC 60118/IEC 60268)Sine, dual sine, and variable phaseFrequency Range Accuracy Resolution5 Hz to 80 kHz 5 ppm 0.1 HzOutputRange (balanced) Range (unbalanced/common) Amplitude accuracy Amplitude resolution 0 V to 16 V rms 0 V to 8 V rms ± 1%1 μV rms (limited to five digits of resolution)Flatness20 Hz to 20 kHz 5 Hz to 80 kHz ± 0.01 dB ± 0.1 dBTHD + N at 1 kHz, 1 V rms , 20 Hz to 20 kHz bandwidth ≤ –95 dB (at 23 °C ± 5°C)≤ –92 dB (from 0 to 55 °C)Dual sine ratio range 0 to 100 dB Phase –180 ° to 179.99 °SweepFrequency, amplitude, phaseOutput levelRangeAmplitude accuracy –11.3 to 11.3 V ± 1.5%9Output characteristic Connection typeBalancedUnbalancedCommon mode XLR BNC XLRImpedanceBalanced Unbalanced 100, 600 Ω50, 600 ΩOutput current limit (typical)50 mA Maximum output power into 600 ΩBalanced (600 Ω) Unbalanced (600 Ω)20 dBm 14 dBmCrosstalk20 Hz to 20 kHz 20 to 80 kHz ≤ –101 dB (at 23 °C ± 5 °C)≤ –99 dB (from 0 °C to 55 °C)≤ –85 dBInput characteristics Connection typeBalanced Unbalanced XLR BNCCoupling DC, AC Measurement bandwidthLow High 30 kHz 100 kHzInput ranges400 mV to 140 VrmsMeasurement range< 1 μV1 to 140 VrmsMaximum rated input200 Vp for altitude up to 3,000 m (1.86 miles) ImpedanceBalanced Unbalanced 200 kΩ100 kΩFlatness20 Hz to 20 kHz 20 to 100 kHz ± 0.01 dB2 (at 23 °C ± 5 °C)± 0.012 dB3 (from 0 °C to 55 °C)± 0.1 dB (at 23 °C ± 5 °C)± 0.15 dB (from 0 °C to 55 °C)CMRR≤ 20 kHz (input range ≤ 6.4 V)≤ 20 kHz (input range > 6.4 V)≥ 70 dB4≥ 40 dB4Crosstalk20 Hz to 20 kHz≤ –101 dBInput protection Overload protection for all ranges, onscreen warning message on the front panel1. Defined by 24-bit measurement.2. ± 0.01 dB – 0.001 dB/Hz below 50 Hz.3. ± 0.012 dB – 0.001 dB/Hz below 50 Hz.4. When AC coupled, CMRR will deteriorate at low frequencies.10Range10 Hz to 100 kHz Minimum input 1 mV (S/N > 40 dB) Accuracy 5 ppm Resolution 6 digitsGraph modeSize/acquisition length256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768Window Rectangular, Hann, Hamming, Blackman-Harris, Rife-Vincent 1 and 3, Flattop Amplitude accuracy (flattop window)± 0.1 dB (± 1.2%)Display modeTime domainFrequency domain Normal, interpolate, peak, absolute value Displays highest FFT bin between graph pointsAudio filtersLow pass filter• 15 kHz low pass• 20 kHz low pass• 30 kHz low pass• User-defined1High pass filter• 20 Hz high pass• 100 Hz high pass• 400 Hz high pass• User-defined1Weighting filter• A-weighting (ANSI-IEC “A” weighted, per IEC Rec 179)• CCIR 1K weighted (CCIR Rec. 468)• CCIR 2K weighted (Dolby 2K)• C-Message (C-Message per IEEE 743)• CCITT (ITU-T Rec. O.41, ITU-T Rec. P.53)• User-defined11. User-defined filters can be uploaded through standard I/O connections.Figure 12. “A”weighting filter frequency responseFigure 13. CCIR-2K weighting filterFigure 14. CCIR-1K filter and CCIR-2K filter frequency responseFigure 15. CCITT filter frequency response“A” weighting filter frequency responseR e s p o n s e (d B )Frequency (Hz)“A” Weighting Filter (ANSI-IEC “A” weighted, per IEC Rec. 179)Deviation from ideal response:±0.1 dB at 1 kHz±0.5 dB, 20 Hz to 10 kHz ±1.0 dB, at 10 to 20 kHzR e s p o n s e (d B )Frequency (Hz)CCIR-2K weighting filter (Dolby 2K)Deviation from ideal response: same as listed previously under CCIR-1K weighting filterC-Message weighting filter (C-Message per IEEE 743)Deviation from ideal response:±0.1 dB, at 1 kHz±1.0 dB, 60 Hz to 5 kHz R e s p o n s e (d B )R e s p o n s e (d B )CCIR-1K filter and CCIR-2K filter frequency response CCITT filter frequency responseFrequency (Hz)Frequency (Hz)CCIR-1K weighting filter (CCIR Rec. 468)Deviation from ideal response:±0.1 dB, at 6.3 kHz±0.2 dB, at 6.3 to 7.1 kHz ±0.4 dB, at 7.1 to 10 kHz ±0.5 dB, at 200 Hz to 6.3 kHz±1.0 dB, at 31.5 to 200 kHz, 10 to 20 kHz±2.0 dB, at 20 to 31.5 kHzCCITT message weighting filter (ITU-T Rec. 0.41, ITU-T Rec. P.53)Deviation from ideal response:±0.2 dB, at 800 Hz±1.0 dB, at 300 Hz to 3 kHz ±2.0 dB, at 50 Hz to 3.5 kHz ±3.0 dB, at 3.5 to 5 kHzStop point–180 ° to 179.99 °1. This range is applicable for sine wave only.Ordering InformationU8903-1A7ISO17025 Compliant Calibration Test Data U8903A-A6J ANSI Z540 Compliant Calibration Test Data R-50C-011-3Agilent Calibration - 3 yearsR-50C-011-5Agilent Calibration - 5 yearsR-51B-001-3C Return to Agilent Warranty - 3 yearsR-51B-001-5C Return to Agilent Warranty - 5 years/find/audioanalyzerAgilent Email Updates/find/emailupdatesGet the latest information on theproducts and applications you select. LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and the Web inside your test systems. Agilentis a founding member of the LXI consortium.Agilent Channel Partnersw w /find/channelpartners Get the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience.Agilent Advantage Services is com-mitted to your success throughoutyour equipment’s lifetime. We sharemeasurement and service expertiseto help you create the products thatchange our world. To keep you com-petitive, we continually invest in toolsand processes that speed up calibra-tion and repair, reduce your cost ofownership, and move us ahead ofyour development curve./quality/find/advantageservicesFor more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications orservices, please contact your local Agilentoffice. The complete list is available at:/find/contactusAmericasCanada (877) 894 4414Brazil (11) 4197 3500Mexico 01800 5064 800United States (800) 829 4444Asia PacificAustralia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100Europe & Middle EastBelgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40Denmark 45 70 13 15 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700**0.125€/minuteGermany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 9276201For other unlisted Countries:/find/contactusRevised: October 14, 2010Product specifications and descriptionsin this document subject to changewithout notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2010, 2011Printed in USA, February 16, 20115990-3831ENMATLAB is a U.S. registered trademark of The Math Works, Inc.。
噪声系数分析仪的安全操作规程1. 使用前的准备工作在进行仪器的使用之前,需要完成以下的准备工作:•安装:将噪声系数分析仪放在平稳的地面上,由专业人员完成固定和接线的操作。
2. 使用过程中的安全操作在仪器使用过程中,需要注意以下的安全操作规程:•启动:按照操作说明书的要求进行启动操作,不得随意更改任何设置。
3. 维护保养噪声系数分析仪保养工作应遵循以下规程:•日常检查:每日开机、关闭及使用前应检查仪器的操作情况、仪器的工作状态是否正常及检查是否有毛刺等损伤的情况。
噪声系数分析仪的保养流程1. 日常清洁定期进行清洁工作,避免灰尘、油污等外部影响对仪器的影响。
2. 定期校准根据实验要求定期对噪声系数分析仪进行校准,保证仪器的稳定性和准确性。
1. 仪器外观及基本组成环境噪音测试仪器外观如图1所示,主要由控制面板、显示屏、测量麦克风、电源接口等组成。
2. 仪器准备工作- 将电源线插入仪器的电源接口,并将另一端插入稳定的电源插座。
- 打开仪器开关,待仪器启动完毕后,显示屏将显示出相关信息。
3. 测试前的设置- 按下菜单按钮,进入测试参数设置菜单。
- 根据实际测试环境的要求,设置合适的测试模式、时间间隔、频率范围等参数。
- 通过调整麦克风的位置和角度,确保其能够准确捕捉到环境中的噪音。
4. 开始测试- 按下启动按钮,仪器将开始自动采集环境噪音数据。
- 在测试过程中,您可以通过观察显示屏上的实时数据,了解当前环境的噪音水平情况。
5. 测试结果的保存与导出- 当您需要保存测试结果时,按下保存按钮,仪器将会将数据保存到内部存储器或外部设备中(如U盘)。
- 如果需要导出数据进行进一步的处理与分析,连接仪器与电脑并通过相应的软件进行导出操作。
注意事项:- 在进行测试时,保持测试环境尽量安静,避免人员和噪音源干扰。
- 仪器应放置在平稳的地面上,并尽量远离振动源。
- 在测试使用过程中,注意保护仪器免受撞击、水激光以及其他可能损坏仪器的物质。
技巧:- 为了提高测试的准确性,建议在同一测试点进行多次测试,然后取平均值作为最终的测试结果。
- 可以通过调整仪器的灵敏度来适应不同场景下的测试需求。
- 在进行长时间测试时,可以利用仪器的定时功能,以便在测试完成后自动关闭仪器,节省能源。
Agilent NFA系列噪声分析器配置指南说明书
![Agilent NFA系列噪声分析器配置指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/03e932787275a417866fb84ae45c3b3566ecdd64.png)
AgilentN8972A, N8973A, N8974A, N8975A NFA Series Noise Figure AnalyzersConfiguration GuideThis configuration guide will assist withoptimization of an NFA series noise figureanalyzer for specific applications.Models• N8972A noise figure analyzer (10 MHz to 1.5 GHz)• N8973A noise figure analyzer (10 MHz to 3.0 GHz)• N8974A noise figure analyzer (10 MHz to 6.7 GHz)• N8975A noise figure analyzer (10 MHz to 26.5 GHz) 1981NFA series noise figure analyzersN8972A 10 MHz to 1.5 GHz NFA series noise figure analyzerN8973A 10 MHz to 3.0 GHz NFA series noise figure analyzerN8974A 10 MHz to 6.7 GHz NFA series noise figure analyzerN8975A 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz NFA series noise figure analyzerStandard NFA seriesnoise figure analyzers include:• A flexible and intuitive user interface•Easy measurement setup•Low instrument uncertainty•Color graphical display of noise figure and gain versus frequency•Enhanced PC and printer connectivity•SNS series noise source compatible•Ability to automatically upload ENR calibrationdata from SNS series noise sources•Local oscillator control through second dedicated GPIB•3-year warranty as standardUpgrading a modelAll options other than those marked with *, can be ordered at any time for use with an instrument.Noise sources(required to make noise figure measurements)The Agilent SNS Series of noise sources are recommended for use with the Agilent NFA. These noise sources work in conjunction with the NFA Series analyzers to simplify measurement set-up and improve accuracy.Frequency range:N4000A nominal ENR 6dB 10MHz to 18GHzN4001A nominal ENR 15dB 10MHz to 18GHzN4002A nominal ENR 15dB 10MHz to 26.5GHzThe new SNS Series of noise sources are designed specifically for use with the NFA Series of noise figure analyzers. The new noise sources cover the majority of applications with a range of frequencies, ENR and also coaxial connector types.Unique calibration data is stored electronically inside the SNS and is automatically downloaded when connectedto the Agilent noise figure analyzer. The SNS Series also has the capability to measure it’s own temperature so that compensation can be applied to it’s calibration. These features will lead to more reliable measurements.Other compatible noise sources include the Agilent 346 (co-axial) series and the 347 (waveguide) series. Compatible local oscillatorsThe NFA Series noise figure analyzers support the use ofa local oscillator as part of your measurement setup, if you are making measurements on frequency translating devices or making measurements our of one standard frequency range of your noise figure analyzer. SCPI compatible signal generators are recommended, but users may also use their own custom command set.Please note: Care must be taken when specifying a local oscillator, as factors such as phase noise, spectral purity and noise floor of the signal generator may affect noise figure measurements. Filtering may therefore be required on some models of signal generators to enable accurate noise figure measurements to be made. Compatible printersA supported printer is defined as one that is equipped with a parallel interface and accepts printer control language (PCL) level 3 or 5. Purchase an IEEE 1284 compliant printer cable to enable the printer to be used.For further informationAgilent NFA Series – noise figure analyzer applicationand product information is listed below.Key literaturePlease visit the Agilent noise figure analysis web site for on-line access to literature or contact your local Agilent sales office or representative.NFA Series - Noise Figure Analyzers, Brochure,literature number 5980-0166ENFA Series - Noise Figure Analyzers,Technical Specifications, literature number 5980-0164E NFA Series – Noise Figure AnalyzerProgramming Examples,literature number 5968-9498E Fundamental of RF and Microwave Noise Figure Measurements, Application Note 57-1,literature number 5952-8255ENoise Figure Measurement Accuracy ApplicationNote 57–2, literature number 5968-4545E10 Hints for Making Successful Noise Figure Measurements, Application Note 57-3,literature number 5980-0288ESNS Series – Noise Sources, Product Overview,literature number 5988-0081ENKey web resourcesFor the latest information on our noise figure solutions, visit our web page at:/find/nfFor the latest news on the component test industry,visit our web page at:/find/component_testFor on-line manuals, visit our web page at:/find/manualsFundamentals of Noise Figure Measurements Net Seminar (archived version)3Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement Support, Services, and AssistanceAgilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while mini-mizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them success-fully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the prod-uct. Two concepts underlie Agilent’s overall support policy: “Our promise” and “Your Advantage.”Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choos-ing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product operation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabilities, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase accord-ing to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems effi-ciently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration,extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional engineering services. 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Keysight NFA X-Series 噪声分析仪多触屏产品参数说明书
![Keysight NFA X-Series 噪声分析仪多触屏产品参数说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/885d1aba4bfe04a1b0717fd5360cba1aa8118c39.png)
NFA X-Series Noise Figure Analyzer, Multi-touch N8973B, N8974B, N8975B, N8976B10 MHz to 3.6, 7.0, 26.5, or 40.0 GHzSpecificationsSpecifications describe the performance of parameters covered by the product warranty. These values are only valid for the stated operating frequency, and apply over 0°C to +55°C unless otherwise noted.95th percentile values indicate the breadth of the population (approx. 2 s) of perfor- mance tolerances expected to be met in 95 percent of the cases with a 95 percent confidence, for any ambient temperature in the range of +20°C to +30°C. In addition to the statistical observations of a sample of instruments, these values include the effects of the uncertainties of external calibration references. These values are not warranted. These values are updated occasionally if a significant change in the statistically observed behavior of production instruments is observed.Typical describes additional product performance information that is not covered by the product warranty. It is performance beyond specifications that 80 percent of the units exhibit with a 95 percent confidence level over the temperature range of +20°C to +30°C. Typical performance does not include measurement uncertainty.Nominal values indicate expected performance, or describe product performance that is useful in the application of the product, but are not covered by the product warranty.The analyzer will meet its specifications when:•It is within its calibration cycle•Under auto couple control, except when Auto Sweep Time Rules = Accy•Signals measured <10 MHz have DC coupling applied•The analyzer has been stored at an ambient temperature within the allowed operat- ing range for at least two hours before being turned on; if it had previously been stored at a temperature range inside the allowed storage range, but outside the allowed operating range•The analyzer has been turned on at least 30 minutes with Auto Align set to normal, or, if Auto Align is set to off or partial, alignments must have been run recently enough to prevent anAlert message; if the Alert condition is changed from Time and Temperature to one of thedisabled duration choices, the analyzer may fail to meet specifications without informing theuserFor the complete specifications guide, visit:/find/NFA_X-Series_specificationsFrequencyN8973B 10 MHz to 3.6 GHzN8974B 10 MHz to 7.0 GHzN8975B 10 MHz to 26.5 GHzN8976B410 MHz to 40.0 GHzN8973B, N8974B, N8975B, N8976B5 1 Hz to 3 MHz (in E24 series increments1), 4 MHz, 5 MHz, 6 MHz, 8 MHzAccuracy ± [RΔt + T + C]Aging rate ± 0.1 ppm2/year± 0.15 ppm/2 yearsTemperature stability +20°C to +30°CFull temperature range ± 0.015 ppm± 0.05 ppmR = aging rateΔt = time since last adjustmentT = temperature stabilityC = calibration accuracyAchievable initial calibration accuracy± 0.04 ppmExample frequency reference accuracy, Residual FM </= (use less than or equal to symbol)(0.25 Hz x N) p-p in 20 ms nominal1 year since last adjustment = ± (1 x 10-7 + 5 x 10-8 + 4 x 10-8) = ± 0 0.19 ppmFrequency readout accuracy (start, stop, center, marker) ± (marker frequency x frequency refe rence accuracy + 0.25% x span +5% x RBW + 2 Hz + 0.5 x horizontal resolution3)1. The E24 series is defined by international standard IEC 60063. E24 is a preferred series of numbers, with each number beingapproximately 10% larger than the previous number. It is commonly used for the labeling of 5% tolerance resistors, capacitors, etc.2. Parts per million (10-6)3. Horizontal resolution is span/(sweep points – 1).4. The N8976B ships with 346CK40. The 346CK40 has superior match above 26 GHz, which leads to better uncertainty.5. IQ analyzer (basic) mode has up to 25 MHz analysis BW.Note: The NFA X-Series noise figure analyzer is more than a dedicated noise figure analyzer. Eachmodel has full featured spectrum analyzer and IQ analyzer (basic) modes. The analyzer is specified to44 GHz when in SA or IQ analyzer modeNoise figure, gain, and uncertaintyExample DUT uncertainties1Without a PreampWith a USB Preamp2When combined with the U7227A/C/F preamp, the NFA X-Series noise figure analyzer offers improved uncertainty over the previous NFA-A in all of the above hypothetical cases.1. These uncertainties assume a measurement made with a N8975B at 1 GHz with a N4000A noise source and a non-frequency-converting DUT. The DUT is assumed to have an input/output match of 1.5 VSWR.2. Assuming a U7227A/C/F External USB Preamp is not warranted, does not include measurement uncertainty, and isvalid only at room temperature (approximately 23°C).Noise figure‹ 10 MHz10 MHz to internal preamplifier’s frequency limit1 Uncertainty calculator1See note1Internal and external preamplification recommended1Noise source ENR Measurement range Instrument uncertainty4 to 6.5 dB0 to 20 dB ± 0.02 dB12 to 17 dB0 to 30 dB ± 0.025 dB20 to 22 dB0 to 35 dB ± 0.03 dBGainInstrument uncertainty1DUT Gain range = –20 to +40 dB‹ 10 MHz See note110 MHz to 3.6 GHz ± 0.15 dB› 3.6 GHz ± 0.11 dB additional1 95th percentile, 5 minutes aftercalibratio nInstrument noise figureuncertaintySee the noise figure table abov eInstrument gain uncertainty See the gain table aboveInstrument noise figure See graphs of “Nominal instrument noise figure”; noisefigure is DANL + 176.24 dB (nominal)1. Note on DCcoupling1Instrument input match See graph: nominal VSWR. Note on DC coupling1Optional NFE improvement/internal Cal1See “Displayed average noise level (DANL) (with noisefloor extension) improvement” in the Option NFE -Noise floor extension chapter.1User calibration Best uncertainties; noise figure uncertainties calculator appliesUncalibrated Worst uncertainties; noise of the analyzer input acts as a second stage noise on the DUTInternal calibration Available with Option NFE. Good uncertainties without the need of reconnecting the DUT and running acalibration. The uncertainty of the analyzer input noise model adds a second-stage noise power to theDUT that can b e positive or negative. Running the noise figure uncertainty calculator will usually show thatinternal calibration achieves 90% of the possible improvement between the uncalibrated and usercalibration states.1. Refer to NFA X-Series specifications guide for footnote details2. Online uncertainty calculator at /find/nfuc or use the instrument’s built-in calculator.Nominal instrument noise figure, N8973B, N8974B, N8975BInternal Preamp noise figureFrequency Noise figure (nominal)100 kHz to 3.6 GHz 8 dB + (0.001112 * freq in MHz) nominal3.6 GHz to 8.4 GHz 9 dB nominal8.4 GHz to 13.6 GHz 10 dB nominal> 13.6 GHz DANL + 176.24 dB nominalMeasurement uncertainty is usually dominated by the uncertainty of the noise source, meaning that the instrument’s noise figure is negligible for most measurements. For situations when this noise figure becomes non-negligible (i.e. low-gain, low-noise DUTs), the included U7227 Series USB preamp provides extra measurement reliability.DANL (N8973B, N8974B, N8975B)1Frequency Specification Typical10.0 MHz to 2.1 GHz –161 dBm–163 dBm2.1 GHz to 7.0 GHz –160 dBm–162 dBm7.0 GHz to 13.6 GHz –160 dBm –163 dBm13.5 GHz to 17.1 GHz –157 dBm –160 dBm17.0 GHz to 20.0 GHz –155 dBm–159 dBm20.0 GHz to 26.5 GHz –150 dBm–156 dBmDANL (N8976B)110.0 MHz to 1.2 GHz –164 dBm–165 dBm1.2 GHz to2.1 GHz –163 dBm–164 dBm2.1 GHz to3.6 GHz –162 dBm –163 dBm3.5 GHz to 20.0 GHz –160 dBm –162 dBm20.0 GHz to 26.5 GHz –158 dBm–160 dBm26.4 GHz to 34.0 GHz –156 dBm–159 dBm33.9 GHz to 40.0 GHz –153 dBm –155 dBm Preamp noise figure and gain2Frequency 10 MHz to 4 GHz100 MHz to 26.5 GHz 2 GHz to 50 GHzNoise figure 10 MHz to 100 MHz: < 5.5 dB100 MHz to 4 GHz: < 5 dB 100 MHz to 4 GHz: < 6 dB 4 GHz to 6 GHz: < 5 dB6 GHz to 18 GHz: < 4 dB 18 GHz to 26.5 GHz: < 5 dBGain 10 to 100 MHz: > 16 dB100 MHz to 4 GHz: > 17 + 0.5F dB100 MHz to 26.5 GHz: > 16.1 + 0.26F dB 2 GHz to 50 GHz: > 16.5 + 0.23F dB Averaging Up to 10,000 measurement results* “F” signifies frequency in GHz1. Preamp on, input terminated, sample or average detector, log averaging, 0 dB input attenuation, IF Gain = High, +20°C to +30°C.2. See U7227A/C/F Data Sheet for list of specificationsRF inputN8973B, N8974B, N8975B Type-N female, 50 Ω nominalN8976B 2.4 mm male, 50 Ω nominalInput VSWR10 MHz to 3.6 GHz < 1.2:1 nominal 1.2:1 nominal3.6 GHz to 26.5 GHz < 1.9:1 nominal 1.5:1 nominal26.5 GHz to 44.0 GHz N/A < 1.8:1 nominalN8973B, N8974B, N8975B Type-N female, 50 Ω nominalN8976B 2.4 mm male, 50 Ω nominalLocal measurement and display update rate 11 ms (90/s)Remote measurement and LAN transfer rate 6 ms (167/s)Marker peak search 5 msCenter frequency tune and transfer (RF)22 msCenter frequency tune and transfer (µW)49 msMeasurement/mode switching 75 msAmplifier Includes any non-frequency-converting device (e.g. amplifiers, attenuators, filters, etc) Downconverting DUT With fixed or variable IF.Instrument capable of controlling an external LO via GPIB, LAN, or USBUpconverting DUT With fixed or variable IF.Ins trument capable o f controlling an external LO via GPIB, LAN, or USBSystem downconverter Allows the use of an external downconverting mixer as part of the measurement system.Instrument capable of controlling an external LO via GPIB, LAN, or USB MeasurementType4U multitouchOutput format Graphical, table of values, or meter modeDisplay channels 2Number of markers 4Limit lines Upper and lower for each of 2 channelsNoise figure Noise figure (F dB), or as a ratio (F)Gain Gain (G dB)Y-factor Y-factor (Y dB)T effective Effective noise temperature in KelvinP hot Relative power density in dBP cold Relative power density in dBFront panelProbe powerVoltage/current +15 Vdc ± 7 % at 150 mA max nominal-12.6 Vdc ± 10 % at 150 mA max nominal USB 2.0 portsMaster (2 ports) Standard Connector Output current Compatible with USB 2.0 USB Type-A female 0.5 A nominalMaster (1 port)High power Connector Output current Compatible with USB 2.0 USB Type-A Female 1.0A nominalRear panel connectivity10 MHz out Connector Output amplitude Frequency BNC female, 50 Ω nominal≥ 0 dBm nominal10 MHz ± (10 MHz x frequency reference accuracy)Ext ref in ConnectorInput amplitude range Input frequency Frequency lock range BNC female, 50 Ω nominal–5 to 10 dBm nominal10 MHz nominal± 5 x 10-6 of specified external reference input frequencyTrigger 1 and 2 inputs Connector Impedance Trigger level range BNC female> 10 kΩ n ominal –5 to 5 VTrigger 1 and 2 inputs Connector Impedance Trigger level range BNC female50 Ω nominal 5 V TTL nominalMonitor output Connector Format Resolution BVGA compatible, 15-pin mini D-SUBXGA (60 Hz vertical sync rates, non-interlaced) analog RGB 1024 x 768Noise source drive +28 V (pulsed)Connector BNC femaleSNS Series noise source connector For use with Keysight SNS Series noise sources USB 2.0 portsMaster (3 ports) Standard Connector Oupt current Compatible with USB 2.0 USB Type-A female 0.5 A nominalSlave (1 port) Standard Connector Output current Compatible with USB 2.0 USB Type-B female 0.5 A nominalGPIB interface Connector GPIB codes GPIB mode IEEE-488 bus connectorSH1, AH1, T6, SR1, LR1, PP0, DC1, C1, C2, C3, C28,DT1, L4, C0 Controller or deviceLAN TCP/IP interface Standard Connector 1000 Base-T RJ45 EthertwistGeneral SpecificationsOperating 0 to 55°CStorage –40 to 70°CComplies with the essential requirements of the European EMC Directive as well as current editions of the following standards (dates and editions are cited in the Declaration of Conformity):•IEC/EN 61326-1 or IEC/EN 61326-2-1•CISPR 11 Group 1, Class A•AS/NZS CISPR 11:2002•ICES/NMB-001This ISM device cmplies with Canadian ICES-001Get appareil ISM est conforme à la norme NMB-001 du CanadaComplies with European Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC•IEC/EN 61010-1 3rd Edition•Canada: CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1-12•U.S.A.: UL 61010-1 3rd EditionAcoustic noise emissionLpA < 70 dBOperator positionNormal positionPer ISO 7779Samples of this product have been type tested in accordance with the Keysight Environmental Test Manual and verified to be robust against the environ- mental stresses of storage, transportation, and end-use; those stresses include, but are not limited to, temperature, humidity, shock, vibration, altitude, and power line conditions; test method are aligned with IEC 60068-2 and levels are similar to MILPRF-28800F Class 3.Voltage and frequency 100 to 120 V, 50/60/400 Hz220 to 240 V, 50/60 HzPower consumptionOn Standby 350 W maximum 20 WResolution 1280 × 768, WXGASize 269 mm (10.6 in.) diagonal (nominal)Find us at Page 11Find us at Page 12 This information is subject to change without notice. © Keysight Technologies, 2016-2018, 2020, Published in USA, November 24, 2020, 5992-1270EN Learn more at: For more information on Keysight Technologies’ products, applications or services,please contact your local Keysight office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactusGeneral Specifications (continued) Data storageInternal External ≥ 160 GB nominal (removable solid -state drive) Supports USB 2.0 compatible memory devicesInternal External≥ 160 GB nominal (removable solid -state drive) Supports USB 2.0 compatible memory devices Weight (without options)Net18 kg (40 Ibs) nominal Shipping 30 kg (66 Ibs) nominalDimensionsHeight177 mm (7.0 in) Width426 mm (16.8 in) Length 368 mm (14.5 in)WarrantyThe NFA noise figure analyzer is supplied with a standard 1-year warrantyCalibration cycleThe recommended calibration cycle is two years: calibration services are available through Keysight service centers。
三、噪音仪的操作步骤1. 准备工作a. 确保噪音仪已充电或连接电源。
b. 检查噪音仪的传感器是否清洁,如有污垢应及时清理。
c. 打开噪音仪的电源开关,待仪器启动完成后进行下一步操作。
2. 设置测量参数a. 使用噪音仪的菜单或按钮,进入参数设置界面。
b. 根据实际需求,设置噪音仪的测量范围、时间权重、频率权重等参数。
c. 确认参数设置无误后,保存设置并退出设置界面。
3. 进行测量a. 将噪音仪的传感器放置在待测噪音源附近,确保传感器与噪音源之间的距离符合测量要求。
b. 按下噪音仪的测量按钮,开始进行噪音测量。
c. 在测量过程中,保持噪音仪的稳定,避免受到外界干扰,如敲击、摇晃等。
4. 结果处理与记录a. 噪音仪在测量过程中会实时显示噪音水平的数值,注意观察并记录测量结果。
b. 若需要对测量结果进行统计和分析,可将噪音仪连接至计算机,并使用相应的软件进行数据处理。
c. 完成测量后,及时保存测量数据,并进行必要的数据备份。
四、噪音仪的注意事项1. 操作人员应熟悉噪音仪的使用方法和操作规程,确保操作正确。
2. 在进行测量前,应检查噪音仪的状态和传感器的清洁程度,确保测量结果准确可靠。
3. 避免将噪音仪暴露在高温、潮湿或有腐蚀性气体的环境中,以免损坏仪器。
4. 噪音仪的传感器应与待测噪音源保持一定距离,避免传感器受到噪音源直接接触而产生误差。
5. 在测量过程中,应保持噪音仪的稳定,避免受到外界干扰,如敲击、摇晃等。
6. 定期对噪音仪进行校准和维护,确保仪器的准确性和可靠性。
五、噪音仪的维护与保养1. 定期对噪音仪进行校准,确保测量结果的准确性。
安全操作规程1. 操作前准备在操作前,应检查噪声分析仪是否处于正常状态,随时保持仪器的清洁和整洁,保证采样传感器的灵敏度。
2. 使用范围噪声分析仪只能用于测量声音强度和频率相关的数据,不可用于其他用途。
3. 测量前准备在进行实际测量前,应先进行预热,并进行零点校准。
4. 操作流程安装好传感器后,调整好测量范围和滤波器设置,开启设备并进行测量。
5. 设备保养在设备使用过程中,应注意设备的维护和保养,定期清洗仪器表面,保证传感器的灵敏度和精度。
保养规程1. 清洁保养噪声分析仪在使用之前、使用过程中和使用之后都应进行清洁保养,以保证仪器表面的整洁和传感器的灵敏度与精度。
2. 滤波器更换为保证噪声分析仪的测量精度,可对滤波器进行定期更换。
3. 日常维护在仪器使用过程中,应定期进行日常维护。
4. 设备存储噪声分析仪在长期存放前,应先将其清洁干净,并进行防潮防尘处理。
三、噪音仪的操作步骤1. 准备工作a. 确保噪音仪电池电量充足或者接入稳定的电源。
b. 检查噪音仪的传感器是否干净无尘,并进行必要的清洁。
c. 确保噪音仪的存储空间足够,可以存储所需的测量数据。
2. 打开噪音仪a. 按下噪音仪的电源按钮,等待仪器启动。
b. 在仪器启动后,根据仪器的菜单提示进行相应的设置。
3. 进行校准a. 将噪音仪放置在一个已知噪音水平的环境中。
b. 按照仪器的校准流程,进行校准操作。
c. 校准完成后,记录校准结果,并确保校准结果在合理范围内。
4. 进行测量a. 根据需要选择合适的测量模式,如A计权、C计权等。
b. 将噪音仪放置在待测噪音源附近,确保传感器与噪音源之间的距离适当。
c. 按下测量按钮,开始进行噪音测量。
d. 在测量过程中,保持噪音仪的稳定,避免外界干扰。
5. 结束测量a. 在测量时间达到预设值或者测量目的达到后,按下住手按钮,结束测量。
b. 将测量数据保存到噪音仪的存储设备中,并记录相关信息,如测量时间、地点等。
6. 数据处理与分析a. 将噪音仪连接到计算机或者挪移设备上,将测量数据导入相应的数据处理软件。
b. 根据需要,对测量数据进行滤波、平均等处理,得到准确的噪音水平结果。
c. 对测量结果进行分析,制作相应的报告或者图表。
四、噪音仪的注意事项1. 在操作噪音仪时,应佩戴适当的防护设备,如耳塞、防噪头盔等,以保护听觉健康。
2. 在进行测量时,应尽量避免有干扰物存在,如大风、机器运转等,以免影响测量结果的准确性。
你的數位式噪音計提供自動或 4 種從40 到 130dB 範圍的手動等級,且精準度達到0.1dB。
此量計允許你切換快速或慢速回應及加上A 及 C 加權,並提供最大值鎖定的功能。
此量計 D 提供 AC 類比輸出。
1. 按下【ON/OFF】鍵,啟動噪音計,開始時出現"18:8.8"全螢幕字樣,並從99.9倒數至0,這時此量計將開始量測目前的噪音量,將麥克風指向所欲量測的聲音來源時,螢幕左邊出現SPL(音壓位準)右邊出現dB字樣。
你可因應各種不同的應用及標準,選擇快速或慢速回應時間,例如 : 大部份與OSHA相關的測試都是使用慢速回應時間及A加權。
按下【WEIGHTING A/C 】鍵去切換A加權及C加權,小字樣的A或C將顯示在螢幕的右邊用來指示目前的模式。
按下【ON/OFF 】鍵去啟動噪音計。
當量測噪音時,按下【MAX HOLD 】鍵去鎖定住最大的讀值,小字樣的【MAX HOLD 】將會顯示出此時所顯示的數字將保持不變,直到偵測到更高的讀值,但注意bar 的條碼仍會繼續紀錄隨時的讀值。
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安捷伦公司N8973噪声指数分析仪使用说明二○○三年四月目录1. 噪声系数基本概念.............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2. 主要功能:.......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.1噪声系数测量 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
.................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.5双迹显示可同时显示下列任何两个噪声参数:....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
.............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.7与A GILENT现有噪声源完全兼容,例如346(现用)和347系列。
.... 错误!未定义书签。
5英寸软盘驱动器,............................. 错误!未定义书签。
3. 性能指标:.......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.1工作环境:温度0℃~55℃,湿度<95%,海拔:<4500米.................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.2频率范围:10MH Z~3GH Z .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.3测量带宽:4MH Z、2MH Z、1MH Z、400KH Z、200KH Z、100KH Z ...... 错误!未定义书签。
3.4频率稳定度:重复性:±<2PPM/YEAR ...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.5温度稳定性:±<6PPM................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3.6噪声系数测量范围:0~35D B ..................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.7增益测量范围:-20D B~+40D B ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.8最大平均点数:999 .................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.9测量速度:<50MS ......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.10最大保护输入电平:±20V DC;+15D B M ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.11输入SWR:<1.9:110MH Z-1GH Z;<2.0:11GH Z-3GH Z ............................. 错误!未定义书签。
3.12增益误差:<0.29D B .................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.13噪声系数误差:<0.05D B(当使用6D B ENR时) ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4. 面板按键说明: .................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4.1前面板............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
4.2后面板............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.3显示说明........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
5进行基本测量........................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
5.1输入ENR(超噪比)数据............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
5.2输入频率:.................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5.3设定带宽:(默认带宽为4MH Z)欲更改带宽值....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5.5校准:............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
5.6测量结果显示: ............................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
6、前面板键说明..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
6.1M EASURE(测量键)..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
6.2D ISPLAY (显示).................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
6.3C ONTROL (控制)................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
6.4S YSTEM(系统)................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
7. 举例...................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1. 噪声系数基本概念信噪比:在电路某一特定点上的信号功率与噪声功率之比,称为信号噪声比,简称信噪比。
用符号P s/P n(或S/N)表示。
放大器噪声系数是指放大器输入信号噪声功率比P si/P ni与输出端噪声功率比P so/P no的比值。
N F=(P si/P ni)/( P so/P no)=输入端信噪比/输出端信噪比用分贝数表示:N F(dB)=10lg{(P si/P ni)/( P so/P no) }它表示信号通过放大器后,信号噪声比变坏的程度。