























• • ProLiant DL580服务器系统A系统:6台服务器通过局域网连接恢复时间目标:即时恢复点目标:即时备份间隔:4小时预算:充裕IT专业知识:较好推荐的备份解决方案:HP Storage Mirroring软件将数据复制到MSA2000,以便在发生故障时MSA2000进行即时恢复•使用HP Data Protector软件和MSL4048磁带库进行每日的自动磁带备份,每周将磁带带至异地进行存放8/8 SAN交换机备份服务器MSL4048磁带库备份系统A时的数据流
可用资源• • HP磁带存储:− /products/storage/cn/zh/tape.asp HP Product Bulletin(HP所有产品的产品参数信息、配置规则、支持信息等):−脱机本地安装版:/HP(下载安装后更新即可)−联机在线版:(网页浏览)/products/quickspecs/productbulletin.html#intro •存储系统互操作性、兼容性认证查询:− / •存储系统方案建议选择器:− /products/storage/cn/zh/productselector/index_diskcframe.html • •产品图片库及视频库:− /Default.aspx存储产品Sizing工具:− /SWDSizerWeb/ • HP存储产品虚拟3D体验中心VPE:− /hosting/hp/partners.html User: HPStorage PW:HPnow3D
存储整合解决方案远程站点客户特征:• • • • • •系统:5台服务器通过千兆以太网LAN和TCP/IP存储网络连接恢复时间目标:几分钟恢复点目标:1小时备份间隔:12小时预算:充裕IT专业知识:适中WAN客户机HP Storage Mirroring文件/打印服务器公用局域网Exchange服务器SQL服务器TCP/IP存储网络ERP服务器推荐的解决方案:•通过All-in-One存储系统进行存储整合,实现文件共享• Data Protector Express将每个小时的数据快照复制到AiO的磁盘上•每日将最新的快照备份至磁带,且不会中断运营•使用HP Storage Mirroring软件,将AiO磁盘卷复制到远程站点AiO存储系统MSL2024磁带库共享文件夹针对生产数据的iSCSI LUN整合的数据块流量文件共享流量(CIFS/NFS



半高 c-Class 刀片

5.25” 半高 有
5.25” 全高 有
3 Gb/秒 SAS 5.25”全高
U320 SCSI, 3 Gb/秒 SAS
5.25” 全高


使用磁带库的 SAN 备份解决方案
寻找需要提高下列指标的 客户:
• 存储利用率 • 存储密度 • 存储性能
6 17
Disk agent
Media agent
Disk agent
Media agent
Media agent
Disk agent
Media agent
磁盘镜像和快照 • 采用存档的方法以便长期异地存储和检索
在线 – 3 个月的活动数据,镜像,即时恢 复 近在线 – 3 到 6 个月的活动、更快的恢复、很 少访问的数据 参考库 – 经过索引可以搜索的在线档案
近线 – 1 年活动,文件恢复,异地恢复
离线 – 5 年活动,异地存储,灾难恢复
• 划算 — 保护大量数据的最便宜方法 • 可靠 — 为备份和恢复提供可信的介质 • 可移动的便携介质 — 能够轻松在异地
• 简单 — 容易理解和实施
MSL4048 磁带库
MSL8096 磁带库
HP StorageWorks磁带库家族

hp p2000存储维护手册

hp p2000存储维护手册
2 组件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
前面板组件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 P2000 G3 FC MSA System LFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 P2000 G3 FC MSA System SFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
HP P2000 G3 FC MSA System 用户指南
部件号:590336-AA4 第一版:2011 年 7 月
法律和声明信息 © Copyright 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 机密计算机软件。拥有、使用或复制本软件须获得 HP 颁发的有效许可证。遵守 FAR 12.211 和 12.212 的商业计算机软件、计算机软件文档、商 业项目的技术数据,将根据卖方标准商业许可证授权于美国政府。 本文档所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。HP 产品与服务的唯一担保已在这些产品与服务随附的书面担保声明中阐明。此处的任何内容都不应视 作是额外的担保信息。对于本文件所含任何技术、编辑错误或遗漏,惠普公司不承担任何责任。



HP RAID 高级数据保护:一个具有成本效率的容错解决方案目录经营综合报告 (1)简介 (3)RAID 级: 功能和局限性 (3)RAID ADG 具有最佳的容错性能 (5)RAID ADG 是一个具有成本效率的解决方案 (7)性能因素 (8)选择 RAID 级 (8)小结 (9)综合报告尽管大多数客户可能不曾经历过业务收入的大幅度提高,但几乎所有客户在发展的过程中都会遇到企业数据量的激增。


HP 的 RAID 高级数据保护 (ADG) 是一个能够存储大量企业数据的、具有成本效率的容错解决方案。


HP 的 Smart Array 5300 Controller(控制器)、Smart Array Cluster Storage (群集存储)和模块化 SAN Array 1000 控制器支持 RAID ADG。

采用大型磁盘阵列的企业和机构应该考虑使用 RAID ADG,因为它能够允许最多两个驱动器同时故障,而不会导致系统停机或数据丢失。

它能够安全地保护最多由56个磁盘驱动器组成的阵列,容错性能优于 RAID 5,部署成本低于 RAID 1。

HP RAID 高级数据保护由于电子商务和传统应用的发展,例如事务处理、企业资源规划和决策分析等,客户需要面对和处理的数据量越来越大。


对于这些客户来说,RAID 比将数据存储在单独的硬盘驱动器上具有更高的性能和容错特性。

RAID 将一组磁盘驱动器组合起来共同完成存储功能,从操作系统的观点来看,就像一个单一的物理磁盘驱动器。


HP OpenView Storage Data Protector 5.1 企业数据保护与灾难恢复

HP OpenView Storage Data Protector 5.1 企业数据保护与灾难恢复

HP OpenView Storage Data Protector 5.1 softwareprovides enterprise data protection and disaster recovery,ensuring recovery from any disruption. Data Protector inte-grates a variety of techniques to eliminate planned downtime ranging from online backup and backup of open files to zero-downtime, zero-impact backup. The software provides industry-leading instant recovery, and several disaster recovery alternatives to eliminate unplanned down-time,allowing recovery of entire data centers in minutes. Data Protector enables organizations to reduce costsby automating routine tasks, thus maximizing the effective-ness of data protection staff. It gives you enterprise functionality at an entry-level price. Data Protectorsoftware scales from a single server to a distributedenterprise, covering an extensive range of heterogeneous applications, operating environments and storage configurations all in a single solution. Key features and benefits Controllable:•Efficient: offers ease of deployment and use with single consistent GUI across platforms and functions •Affordable: offers value-for-price with operational efficiencies for faster ROI; tailored to decrease overhead and costs•Automated:eliminates operator involvement by application-aware automation, e.g., built in software distribution•Manageable: allows central management, scheduling and cataloging of protection features•Integrated: includes the “manager-of-managers” feature that controls multi-site or global operations •Comprehensive: through the HP OpenView software infrastructure provides enterprise-wide management capabilities with a service-oriented environment Resilient:•Available:increases information availability by eliminating backup and recovery windows •Comprehensive: offers comprehensive approaches for disaster tolerance and disaster recovery •Reliable: provides full cluster-awareness, designed for 24 x 7 protection, including online protection of backup environment Extensible:•Open:supports a broad range of hosts, applications, storage, and protection approaches, allowing you to grow as your needs grow•Flexible:offers a simple and modular structure, broad compatibility with platforms, operating systems,libraries, disks and topologies•Scalable:offers the most scalable product in the market with a single solution for small, medium and large enterprisesHP OpenView Storage Data Protector 5.1 softwareWhat’s newEnhanced functional capabilities for more control•Adds point and click GUI for the restore of Oracle8 and Oracle9i databases: administrators can select all or individual RMAN restore options from the GUI freeing them from dealing with the Oracle RMAN Command Line Interface•Offers simplified Microsoft®Exchange single Mailbox/ Mail restore: Mailbox users can select all or individual mailboxes for single backup and restore; copy individual objects, e.g., single mails, from the backup to the current mailbox•Offers simplified SAN auto-configuration wizard: automatically detects and configures the backup drives in the SAN on all desired SAN attached systems. The new “group by devices” and “group by hosts” views allow optimized shared device access•Allows single backup specification: enabling administra-tors to schedule different protection times for different backup instances using the same data definition. Disk and tape backup can now be scheduled within the same backup specification•Enables use of external encryption capabilities for enhanced securityIncreased resilience with recovery from any disruption; from instant recovery to site or system disaster recovery •Eliminates backup windows for HP StorageWorks EVA customers with the industry’s first fully-integrated out-of-the-box zero-downtime backup solution for the HP StorageWorks EVA array•Eliminates recovery windows for EVA customers by integrating its instant recovery capability to enable the recovery of even terabytes of application data inminutes, not the hours it would normally take to restore this amount of data from tape•Incorporates latest Microsoft Windows®Server 2003 backup features into customer’s environments; fully integrates Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Serviceto streamline backup of open files, databases and applications; incorporates support for Microsoft Automated System Recovery•Expands the coverage of its unique disk-image delivery recovery approach and now includes AIX and HP Tru64 environments, recovering complete systems with minimal administrator time•Simplifies preparations for offsite disaster recovery by enabling automated media copy as part of the protec-tion process•Supports Microsoft 2-8 node Cluster Server including the Network Load Balancing (NLB) to increase availability of application running on Microsoft Windows 2003•Improves the availability of data through support of multi-pathing software (HP StorageWorks Secure Path, HP StorageWorks Auto Path, EMC PowerPath), to eliminate single point-of-failure of SAN componentsIncreased extensibility which scales from singleserver to enterprise•Incorporates comprehensive protection of emergingIA-64 platforms (local, network and SAN-based): Windows Server 2003 on IA-64; HP-UX 11.23 onIA-64); Linux on IA-64 (Redhat, SuSE, Debian – network-based protection)•Adds support for applications, operating and storage environments: DB2 online backup for IBM AIX and HP-UX; OpenVMS backup; Windows Server 2003 online backup of Oracle9i, SQL Server 2000; ZDB Backup on Windows Server 2003 for Oracle, Exchange, SQL, and SAPHP OpenView Storage Data Protector 5.1 software puts you in control with automated routine tasks — you get maximum protection at the lowest cost.AccessoriesOrdering informationPart numberDescriptionStarter packs andWindows Solaris HP-UX management extensionsB6961AA B6951DA B6951AA Starter pack LTU, media and manuals (includes cell manager)B6961BA B6951CA B6951BA LTU onlyB6966AA B6956AAB6956AAManager-of-manager LTU, 1x starter packFor any platform B6960MA Media kitB6960LA Starter pack, manuals B6960EAFunctional extensionsSingle server editionWindows Solaris HP-UX B7030AA B7020DA B7020AA Single server edition LTU, media and manuals B7030BA B7020CA B7020BA LTU onlyB7031AAB7021DAB7021AAUpgrade to starter packDrive and library extensionsWindows, NetWare,SAN, NAS Linux (local attach)UNIX B6953AA B6963AA B6953AAAdditional drive LTU (first drive included in starter pack)For any platform B6957BA Extended library LTU, 1x 61-250 slotsB6958BAExtended library LTU, 1x unlimited slots(libraries under 60 slots included in starter pack)Online backup and WindowsUNIX recovery extensionsB6965BA (incl. Linux)B6955BAOn-line backup LTU, 1x app. serverB7033AA Windows open file backup LTU, 1x server B7033BA Windows open file backup LTU, 1x 10 servers B7034AAWindows open file backup LTU, 1x 5 workstations B7035AA (incl. NetWare)Windows open file backup LTU, 1x enterprise serverDisk-based protectionHP XPNewNDMPand compatible HP EVA/VA EMC Symmetrix B7023CA B7025CA B6959CAZero downtime backup LTU (ZDB), 1x TB B7026CA B7028AAInstant recovery LTU (requires ZDB), 1x TB B7022BAB7027AA*Direct backup LTU (*requires ZDB), 1x TBHP OpenView Storage Media Operations provides tracking and management of offline storage media, such as magnetic tapes, resulting in more reliable backups, faster data recovery, improved staff efficiency, and reduced costs.Product number Product nameDescriptionB7100AAStorage Media Operations License to use Media Operations for up to 2,000 media pieces (one management entry level LTU only server, unlimited clients)B7101AAStorage Media Operations License to use Media Operations for up to 10,000 media pieces (one enterprise level LTU only management server, unlimited clients)B7102AAStorage Media Operations License to use Media Operations for unlimited media pieces (one management unlimited media LTU only server, unlimited clients)B7128AAStorage Media Operations Combined installation, administration and user guidesmanual setB7129AA Storage Media Operations Distribution media (CD)distribution CDWhat’s included Warranty and supportFor more information Data Protector software starter pack includes: License for a management system; unlimited number of backup agents (clients) on any platform; one backup drive license; built in media management; library sharing between multiple systems and/or management systems; cluster support; SAN support (with the Cell Manager for HP-UX, Solaris); disaster recovery alternatives; service-driven management through integrations into HP OpenView software; sophisticated reporting (in Data Protector GUI and via web); libraries with up to 60 slots (including robotic control – for control of tape drives and tape library systems); Customer Care Standard (5x8 unlimited telephone support, timely product upgrades, direct access to eCare. First-year included with each OpenView software product)Customer Care Standard (5 x 8 unlimited telephone support, timely product upgrades, direct access to eCare. First-year included with each HP OpenView software product). Coverage is upgradeable to 24x7 telephone support by purchasing Customer Care Extended. Both Standard 8x5 or Extended 24x7 Customer Care include unlimited telephone support during coverage hours, software update service, and access to eCare. Software Update Service proactively sends all major and minor software updates to the customer contact registered with the product. Our web-based eCare adds the following benefits:Customers wanting a more personalized or mission critical offering can also order the following premier services:•Customer Care Advantage: Proactive support for software management servers. Provides technical account advocate to proactively maintain customers’ software management server(s). Benefits: Proactively prevents problems and reduces risks of unplanned downtime. Minimizes customers’ support overhead. Designed for: Enterprise customers whose business is IT-dependent. Require proactive support to ensure stability and availability of software management servers.•OpenView Premier and Critical Premier: Personalized service for software management environments. Provides named software engineer to partner with customer to manage their environments in the most cost-effective and efficient way. All of CCA benefits, plus: Named contact for reactive and proactive support activities. Trusted relationships, personalized knowledge and attention to customer needs. Maximizes customers’ ROI in HP management software. Reduces risks of IT crisis. Minimizes customers’ support and operational overhead. Designed for: Enterprise customers with business critical IT (extreme IT dependency). Require personalized support relationship to operate, manage, and evolve complex, business critical software environments.For a complete list visit: /hps/storageHP OpenView Storage Data Protector software Implementation Service and Zero Downtime Backup Implementation Service offered through HP ConsultingFor more information on HP OpenView Storage Data Protector software, contact any of our worldwide sales offices or visit: /go/dataprotector© 2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Microsoft and Windows are a trademark of Microsoft Corpo-ration in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.。

HP StorageWorks D2D2T数据保护系统说明书

HP StorageWorks D2D2T数据保护系统说明书

Table of Contents03 • The need for comprehensive data protection 04 • The current state of data protection 06 • Two stages of protection07 • HP StorageWorks D2D130 Backup Systemwith an integrated HP Ultrium 920 Tape Drive 09 • Better backup made simple10 • More reliable, thanks to proven HP technology 11 • Two technologies, one affordable solution 12 • Delivering better business outcomesDisk-to-Disk-to-Tape (D2D2T)The new standard for comprehensive data protectionWhatever your business may be, it takes enormous amounts of data every day to stay up and running. That’s why large businesses are no longer the only organizations that face sophisticated data protection challenges — backup and recovery has become a top IT priority for businesses of all sizes.And it’s no wonder, when 50 percent of companies that lose their data go out of business immediately, and 90 percent do not survive for more than two years after such a loss 1. As a result, every company needs advanced data protection features with high levels of availability and recovery.The need for comprehensive data protectionNo matter the size of their business, IT managers all have the same goals for protecting their business data:• Long-term data protection that meets all regulatory requirements• Rapid data accessibility and recovery in the event of server failure• Server backups that are started and completed as planned• Protection against all types of disastersUntil now, there were only two data protectionoptions: tape-based backup and disk-based backup. Each has its advantages.1Based on research from Baroudi Bloor International, Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Journal, December 2005.Conventional thinking about data protection often leads IT managers to the same question:Should I back up our data with disk or tape? Tape has long been the de facto standard for server backup, but disk-to-disk (D2D) backup offers some substantial advantages over tape backup, most importantly the ability to retrieve lost data much more quickly from backups that are stored off-site. Still, tape storage retains its place as the foundation of a good data protection strategy because of its transportability, scalability and long-term storage capability.Unfortunately, the “tape or disk?” question assumes that disk and tape are competing technologies, and oversimplifies the challenges of data protection. Alternative thinking by HP knows that disk and tape are complementary technologies that work together to help any size business meet the challenges of data protection.In other words, a data protection solution that doesn’t involve any tradeoffs between disk and tape. The problem is, one single solution didn’t exist… until now.Tape-based data protection• Size. Tape media is compact relative to itsenormous storage capacity — making it easy to transport for off-site storage.• Longevity. With a shelf life of up to 30 years, tape is a proven medium for long-term storage and archiving.• Scalability. Tape is removable, so capacity is effectively infinitely scalable.• Low cost. On a cost–per–GB basis, tapemedia costs a fraction of comparable hard disk drive capacity.Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of each:Disk-based data protection• Quick file restoration. In the event of server failure, the accessibility of disk storage leads to full data restoration in minutes.• Backup automation. With backup applicationsoftware, disk storage can easily be configured for automated backup of multiple servers.• Storage consolidation. Backup data for multiple servers can be consolidated on a single network-attached disk array.When the question is “disk or tape?”the best answer is both.As the industry leader in storage and dataprotection, HP is proud to present the next levelof data protection: Disk-to-Disk-to-Tape (D2D2T).Our featured offering is the HP StorageWorksD2D130 Backup System, with an integrated HPStorageWorks Ultrium 920 Tape Drive. It bringsyou data protection without compromise.Together, they provide all the benefits of diskwith the disaster recovery protection of tape. Sobusinesses of all sizes get the short-term speed andrecovery benefits of disk with the long-term storagereliability of tape.D2D2T data protection solutions from HP feature:• A utomated backup to take the manual labor outof daily backup, cut the costs of data protectionand increase reliability.Two stages of protection• A consolidated, integrated solution to lowerthe complexity, and the cost, of your backupinfrastructure. Consolidate daily backup from upto six servers onto a single disk-based device.• S implified implementation and managementwith a simple three-step setup and browser-basedmanagement application. You can even use yourexisting backup software, so there’s no need toretrain your staff.• D ependability with proven HP ProLiant server andHP LTO tape technology, so you can rest assuredthat your system will run smoothly with minimaloversight.• A ffordable data protection thanks to cost-efficientstorage methods and low-cost software options, toreduce management and other expenses.• H P’s leadership in data storage technology, so youcan feel confident in your data protection solution.The result? Comprehensive data protection optimizedfor the full lifecycle of business data.(1) HP StorageWorks D2D130 Backup System(2) HP StorageWorks Ultrium 920 Tape Drive(1)(2)HP D2D130 Backup System• Up to 180GB/hour transfer rate• Supports up to 6 servers• 2.25TB useable capacity• iSCSI network connectivity“Hands-free” daily backupAutomating the backup process simplifies your data protection processes. Implementing unattended daily backup is especially good for businesses with limited IT resources.More reliable backupsBackups happen when they should, day in and day out. Automation also makes your data protection processes more dependable by reducing the risksof human error and problems associated with tape hardware and media, the two biggest causes of failed backups. Consolidated backupsFor less than the cost of a single LTO autoloader, you can consolidate backup data for up to six servers on one D2D disk. This gives you the option of consolidating your tape backups as well. Faster restoresDisk-based data protection provides online access to your backup data, allowing lost or corrupted files to be restored in minutes rather than hours or days. This means you can get your end users up and running quickly after data loss, reducing downtime and its impact on productivity.Faster backup for multiple serversBacking up six servers simultaneously to a disk instead of one after the other to a tape drive or autoloader means that all backups get completed within your backup window..HP Ultrium 920 Tape Drive• 120MB/sec data transfer with 2:1 compression • Accepts 800 GB LTO tape cartridges• Ultra320 SCSI and 3Gb/sec SAS interfacesHigh capacityThe HP LTO Ultrium 920 Tape Drive stores up to 800GB of data on a single data cartridge using 2:1 compression. High–capacity drive reduces the costs associated with data protection by requiring fewer data cartridges to complete backups.Dynamic data rate matchingAllows you to scale your backup capacity without increasing the number of backup windows. The HP Ultrium 920 Tape Drive matches the throughput of the host, ranging from 20MB/sec to 60MB/sec (native).Easy integrationThe Ultrium 920 Tape Drive has a half-height form factor allowing for installation into all standard 5.25-inch media bays.Software compatibilitySupports backup and archiving software applications from HP, CA, VERITAS, Yosemite, Legato, Tivoli and many more. For a complete list, click here.Management and diagnostics software included Tape drive management, performance optimization and troubleshooting are made simple using the HP StorageWorks Library and Tape Tools application that is included with the HP Ultrium 920 Tape Drive. Meet compliance standardsThe Ultrium 920 Tape Drive supports WORM (Write-Once, Read-Many) tape media for meeting the toughest data archiving compliance regulations. Server compatibilityQualified on HP ProLiant, Integrity, 9000, NonStop and AlphaServers platforms, as well as many servers from other leading vendors such as Dell, IBM and Sun.The HP D2D2T solution is designed for simplified implementation and management, so it’s easy to install and easy to use. And it provides worry-free backup for up to six servers.• D2D2T comes preconfigured for backup, so you can install it in under an hour. Plus, HP’s D2D2T solutions work with your existing backup software, letting you protect up to six servers with just one HP StorageWorks D2D Backup System.• Automation takes the manual labor out of daily backup, as no one has to remember to change the backup tapes each day or to start the backup for each server. Use your software to set your backup schedule, and then forget it. You can use your existing backup software without retraining your staff, or use the HP Data Protector Express software included with the D2D Backup System.Better backup made simple• When your users need to recover a lost file, you can retrieve it quickly and easily from the online backup data. There are no tapes to locate and bring back from off-site storage, cutting down the time it takes to restore a user’s data from hours or days to minutes.• As an integrated solution, the HP Ultrium LTO-3 Tape Drive works seamlessly with the HP StorageWorks D2D130, so you can back up to tape at any time, without slowing down the network.• Using the D2D Backup System for daily backup means fewer tape cartridges to store and track. You may be able to reduce backup to tape to a weekly event, creating a weekly full backup to tape to meet off–site, disaster recovery and archiving requirements while reducing your overall expenditures on tape media.“The HP D2D2T system works right across the network and we just kept the program we’ve been using for years. All in all, it was a simple transition that’s already saving us a lot of time and money.”Khristine Jacobsen, IT Director, Myrtue Medical CenterHP is a leader in both tape- and disk-based data protection technologies, providing trusted hardware and software solutions for companies of all sizes. HP’s integrated D2D2T solutions combine rigorously tested hardware such as ProLiant Server technology and HP’s leading LTO Ultrium Tape Drive platform to deliver high performance with high reliability.More reliable, thanks to proven HP technologyThe HP StorageWorks D2D130 Backup System works with your backup software application to:• Fully automate daily backup jobs• Increase the reliability of your backups by reducing the risk of human error that oftenoccurs when managing daily backup to multiple tape devices• Easily restore lost or corrupted files from online backups within minutes• Give you a virtually maintenance-free system, with no disk defragmentation, virus protection or security patching requiredMeanwhile, the HP StorageWorks Ultrium 920 Tape Drive is the highest-capacity, fastest-performance half-height tape drive in the StorageWorks family based on HP’s third–generation LTO technology.“Going with the D2D2T system from HP eased our worries about moving to disk backup by giving our clients the best of both worlds. And like all HP solutions, the installation was very straightforward and it just works.”Roger Crawford, Senior Engineer, Heartland Technology SolutionsIt may seem counterintuitive, but comprehensive data protection with D2D2T provides two-stages of protection at significantly less cost than many tape - or disk-only solutions (as compared to other preconfigured Disk–to–Disk–to–Tape solutions). • Back up as many as six servers simultaneously, so you get the backup efficiency of six LTO-2/3 autoloaders for less than the price of one. • Store daily backups on disk and perform weekly backups to tape to save on tape media purchases.Two technologies, one affordable solution• Leverage your current investment in LTO tape drive hardware and software infrastructure while reducing the resources needed to support it.• Get comprehensive and cost-effective protection by combining disk with tape. For long-term storage, tape remains effective and inexpensive and requires up to 25 percent less power than disk-based storage. And by reducing complexity, consolidating hardware and automating manual processes, D2D2T from HP delivers immediate ROI for your business.“The D2D2T solution from HP helped us dramatically improve our data backup and recovery speed while still being able to have a tape copy to move to a secure off-site spot. We definitely need both types of protection — business continuity and disaster recovery.”Brian Campbell, IT Director, Barker ImplementAlternative thinking from HP focuses on delivering technologies that help you compete and thrive in challenging business environments.With D2D2T data protection from HP , your business is more responsive to short-term data problems without sacrificing the long-term security you need. And it helps you reduce complexity and costs.For more information on how you can take advantage of 1.9% HP Financial Services Leasing Offer and bring comprehensive data protection to your business with HP D2D2T, call us at 1.866.885.4238, or visit http://www.hp.ca/d2d2t .Delivering better business outcomesTwo stages of data protection. Two ways to learn more.Watch our video to see how a two-stage D2D2T solution from HP gives you comprehensive data protection without compromises: http://www.hp.ca/d2d2t Read the newly published white paper for expert analysis of the ROI benefits of Disk-to-Disk-to-Tape data protection. Written by Mike Karp, Senior Storage Analyst at Enterprise Management Associates (EMA). http://www.hp.ca/d2d2t。

HP 数据保护解决的方案huawei

HP 数据保护解决的方案huawei

B7030AA/BA B7031AA
B7020AA/BA B7021AA
B7020DA/CA B7021DA
All platforms B6960LA
B6960MA All platforms
B6961AA B6961BA
B6961DA B6961CA
Windows, NetWare, Linux
零宕机备份及瞬间恢复 Zero Downtime Backup
& Instant Recovery
• 磁带库共享(Library Share)、 系统裸机灾难恢复(System Bare Metal Disaster Recovery) 等功能无需另外购买专门使用许 可.
HP Data Protector 软件
现状: 备份管理已成为成本高昂的 一大难题。与预算有关的重 要问题包括虚拟化、缩短备 份时间、急剧增长的信息以 及苛刻的合规性要求。
全世界有 41,000 个客户和一半的财富 500 公 司都在使用 HP Data Protector 软件,通过该 软件可显著降低成本并获得宝贵的业务优势。 在品质和客户满意度排名第一*
Drive LTU Library LTU
1x drive 1x 61-250/unlimited slots 1x upgrade to unlimited slots
2. Manager of Managers
Manager of Managers LTU
1x system
3. Backup to Disk 3 Advanced Backup to Disk LTU 1x TB/10x TB/100x TB

HP 数据保护解决方案

HP 数据保护解决方案

Data Protection业务需求如何保证计算机系统连续不断的运行,保护企业中最宝贵的数据资产,成为企业稳定发展的关键。



















具体措施包括以下几个方面:1. 数据中心的保护:建立安全的数据中心,采用视频监控、门禁系统等措施,确保只有授权人员能够进入数据存储区域,防止未经授权的人员接触存储设备。

2. 网络设备的安全:加强对网络设备的管控,确保防火墙和安全设备的正常运行,并进行定期的安全检查和维护。

3. 服务器的安全:服务器是数据存储的核心组件,应采取防火墙、入侵检测系统和加密等措施,保护服务器不受攻击和未经授权访问。

4. 存储介质的保护:重要数据的存储介质应采用加密技术,防止数据被窃取或篡改。



以下是一些常用的访问控制措施:1. 用户权限管理:对不同的用户或用户组设置不同的访问权限,确保数据只能被授权的人员访问。


2. 强化身份验证:采用双因素身份验证(如密码+验证码、指纹识别等)可以增加访问系统的难度,防止黑客通过暴力破解等方式获取权限。

3. 定期审计和监控:对系统和数据进行定期的审计和监控,及时发现异常访问和操作行为,防止未经授权的数据访问。



以下是几种常用的数据加密措施:1. 数据传输加密:在数据传输的过程中,采用SSL/TLS等加密协议对数据进行加密传输,防止中间人攻击和数据窃取。

1 hp OpenView 数据保护器5.1平台与集成支持矩阵说明书

1 hp OpenView 数据保护器5.1平台与集成支持矩阵说明书

hp OpenView storage data protector 5.1Platform & Integration support matricesVersion: 1.8 Edition date: March 8, 2004NOTE: For the following Data Protector components, only those “DataProtector component-Operating System” combinations are supported for which the corresponding Operating System version is supported by the respective vendors.Data Protector componentsupported operating systems Cell Manager• Windows NT 4.06 •Windows XP PRO •Windows 2000 •Windows 2003 (32-bit) •HP-UX 11.03, 11.113,5, 11.20 1,3,5 • Solaris 7, 8 & 9Installation Server • Windows NT 4.06• Windows XP PRO• Windows 2000• Windows 2003 (32-bit)• HP-UX 11.03, 11.113,5, 11.20 1,3,5• Solaris 7, 8 & 9Graphical User Interface 7 • Windows XP HE 2• Windows XP PRO• Windows XP 64-bit• Windows NT 4.0• Windows 2000• Windows 2003 (32-bit)• HP-UX 11.03, 11.113,5, 11.201,3,5 • Solaris 7, 8Managers-of-Managers (MoM) • Windows NT 4.0• Windows 2000• Windows XP PRO•Windows 2003 (32-bit) •HP-UX 11.03, 11.113,5, 11.201,3,5 •Solaris 7, 8 & 9 Backup Device Server (media agent), including robotic control •Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 •Windows XP PRO, XP (64-bit) •Windows 2003 (32-bit) •Windows 2003 (64-bit) •Novell NetWare 4.22, 5.12, 6.02, 6.52, 13 •HP-UX (PA-RISC) -- 11.03, 11.113,5, • HP-UX (IA64) -- 11.201,3,5, 11.223,5, 11.233, 5, 101Supported in Compatibility Mode 2 Push installation not possible, need to be installed locally•Tru64 5.xx •OpenVMS 7.3-1 •Sun Solaris 4 2.6, 7, 8, 9 •MPE/iX 6.02, 6.52, 7.02, 7.52 • Linux (32-bit) : Redhat 7.x, 8.xRedHat Enterprise Linux -- Advanced Server 2.18, 9SuSe Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 8 9United Linux 1.0 9Linux SuSe 7.x, 8.xLinux Debian 3.0• Linux (64-bit) : Red Hat Enterprise Linux – Advanced Server 2.18, 9SuSe Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 8 9 United Linux 1.0 9 Backup Device Server(media agent), withoutrobotic controlThe above list plus the following: • IBM AIX 4.3.x, 5Lver.5.1, 5.2 • SNI Sinix 5.4.3, 5.4.4 • SCO OpenServer 5.0.5, 5.0.6 Backup Agents (disk agents) •Windows NT 4.0 •Windows 982 •Windows ME 2 •Windows 2000 •Windows XP HE 2 •Windows XP PRO •Windows XP 64-bit •Windows 2003 (32-bit) •Windows 2003 (64-bit) •Novell NetWare 4.22, 5.12, 6.02, 6.52, 12 •HP-UX (PA-RISC) -- 11.03, 11.113,5 •HP-UX (IA64) --11.201,3,5, 11.223,5, 11.233, 5, 11 •HP MPE/iX 6.02, 6.52, 7.02, 7.52 •Sun Solaris 42.6, 7, 8, 9 •IBM AIX 4.3.x, 5Lver.5.1, 5.2 •SGI IRIX 6.4, 6.5 •SNI Sinix 5.4.3, 5.4.4 •SCO OpenServer 5.0.5, 5.0.6, 5.0.7 •SCO Unixware 7.x •Tru64 Unix 4.0x, 5.xx •Open VMS 7.3-1, 7.3--2 • Linux (32-bit) : Red Hat 6.x, 7.x, 8.x Red Hat Enterprise Linux -- Advanced Server 2.18, 3.08SuSe Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 8United Linux 1.0SuSe 6.x, 7.x, 8.xCaldera OpenLinux 2.4x, 3.1.1Debian Linux 2.2r3, 3.0• Linux (64-bit) : RedHat 7.xRed Hat Enterprise Linux – Advanced Server 2.18, 3.08SuSe Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 8United Linux 1.0SuSE 7.xDebian Linux 3.0• Additional UNIX platforms via NFS (on unix systems)• Additional platforms via shared disks3 NIS+ is supported in a DNS environment4 For Solaris – SunOS version compatibility, please refer to the SunOS support matrix5 HP-UX 11.11 is HP-UX 11i version 1.0.HP-UX 11.20 is HP-UX 11i version 1.5.HP-UX 11.22 is HP-UX 11i version 1.6HP-UX 11.23 is HP-UX 11i version 2.06 Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server is not supported as a Cell Manager7 In case of Reflection X, version 9 & above are supported8 Includes support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Workstation and EnterpriseServer where applicable9 To utilize this feature, the patches PHSS_29146/DPSOL_00030 are required.10 To utilize this feature the following patches are required:1.PHSS_29139 (for HP-UX Cell Manager)/ DPSOL_00023 (for Solaris Cell Manager)2.PHSS_29417 (for HP-UX Installation Server)/DPSOL_00041 (for Solaris InstallationServer)11 To utilize this feature the following patches are required:PHSS_29139 (for HP-UX Cell Manager)/ DPSOL_00023 (for Solaris Cell Manager)12 To utilize this feature the patch DPWIN_00039 is required13 To utilize this feature the Site Specific Patch (SSP) SSPNW510_006 is required. Pleasecontact your local support contact for the patch. The official patch will be released later.operating system supported processor platformHP-UX PA-RISC (HP-UX 11.0, 11.11)IA-64 (HP-UX 11.20, 11.22, 11.23)Windows1IA-32 and AMD (for 32-bit Windows)IA-64 (for 64-bit Windows)Linux IA-32 and AMD (for 32-bit Linux)IA-64 (for 64-bit Linux)Sun Solaris SPARC1 The Windows NT 4.0 Backup Agent (disk agent) is also supported on Alpha Systems.NOTE: For the following integration matrix, only those combinations of Applications & Operating Systems are supported that are supported by the respective vendors.databases supported versionsOracle (32-bit)7 (including Oracle Parallel Server & RAC)4•Oracle 8.0.x/Recovery Manager : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0Solaris 2.6 (32-bit), 7 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.x•Oracle 8.1.x/Recovery Manager : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), 11.11(32 & 64-bit)Solaris 7, 8 & 9 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.x, 5.1, 5.2Windows NT 4.0, Windows2000Linux - Red Hat Distribution 6.x , 7.xSuSe 8.x•Oracle 9i/Recovery Manager : Solaris 7, 8 & 9 (32 & 64-bit)Linux (32-bit) – Red Hat 7.x , 8.xRed Hat Advanced Server 2.11, 3.01 SuSE 7.x, 8.xSuSe Linux Enterprise Server 8Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000Windows 2003 (32-bit)•Oracle 10g/Recovery Manager : Windows 2000, Windows 2003 (32-bit)Oracle (64-bit)7 (including Oracle Parallel Server & RAC)4•Oracle 8.0.x/Recovery Manager : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit)•Oracle 8.1.x/Recovery Manager : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11(64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 & 9 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (64-bit)AIX 5.1 (64-bit), 5.2 (64-bit)Tru64 5.xx•Oracle 9i/Recovery Manager : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)HP-UX 11.22 (64-bit), 11.23 (64-bit)9Solaris 7, 8 & 9 (64-bit)Windows 2003 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (64-bit), AIX 5.1 (64-bit), 5.2 (64-bit)Tru64 5.xxRHEL Adv. Sever 2.1 (64-bit)1, 10, 3.0 (64-bit)1, 10 SuSe Linux Enterprise Server 8 (64-bit)10•Oracle 10g/Recovery Manager : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Informix (32-bit) •Informix 7.24 : HP-UX 11.0 (32-bit)Sinix 5.4.3Solaris 7 (32-bit)•Informix 7.3x : 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), 11.11 (32 & 64 bit)Sun Solaris 2.6 (32-bit), 7 & 8 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.xWindows NT 4.0Windows 2000•Informix IDS 9.2x : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Solaris 7, 8 (32 & 64-bit)Windows 2000•Informix IDS 9.3x : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Solaris 2.6 (32-bit), Solaris 7, 8 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.x (32 & 64-bit)Windows 2000•Informix IDS 9.40 : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Solaris 7, 8 & 9 (32 & 64-bit)Windows2000•Informix XPS 8.2x : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)•Informix XPS 8.3x : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Informix (64-bit) •Informix 7.31 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.x (64-bit)•Informix IDS 9.2(0,1)6 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.x (64-bit)Tru64 5.xx (64-bit)•Informix IDS 9.3x : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.x(64-bit)Tru64 5.xx (64-bit)•Informix IDS 9.40 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Solaris 7, 8 & 9 (64-bit)Tru64 5.xx•Informix XPS 8.2x : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit)•Informix XPS 8.3x : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Sybase (32-bit) •Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.0 : HP-UX 11.0, 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (32 & 64-bit)Windows 2000Windows NT 4.0•Sybase Adaptive Server 12.5 : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000Sybase (64-bit) •Sybase Adaptive Server 11.9.3 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Solaris 7, 8 (64-bit)•Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.0 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)•Sybase Adaptive Server 12.5 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)Microsoft SQL Server (32-bit) •Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 : Windows NT 4.0 •Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 : Windows 2000 •Microsoft SQL Server 2000 : Windows 2000•Microsoft SQL Server 2000 : Windows 2003(32-bit)Microsoft SQL Server (64-bit)•Microsoft SQL Server 2000 : Windows 2003 (64-bit)Microsoft Exchange Server (including Single Mailbox Restore) •Microsoft Exchange Server 5.0 : Windows NT 4.0 8•Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 : Windows NT 4.0 •Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 : Windows 2000•Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 : Windows 2000•Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 : Windows 2000 SP3Windows 2003 (32-bit)IBM DB2 (32-bit) •IBM DB2 UDB 7.2x : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (32 & 64-bit), AIX 5.1, 5.2 (32 & 64-bit)•IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 : HP-UX 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (32 & 64-bit), AIX 5.1, 5.2 (32 & 64-bit)RHEL Advanced Server 2.1 (32-bit)12SuSe Linux Enterprise Server 8 (32-bit)12IBM DB2 (64-bit) •IBM DB2 UDB 7.2x : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (64-bit), AIX 5.1 (64-bit), 5.2 (64-bit)•IBM DB2 UDB 8.1 : HP-UX 11.11 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (64-bit), AIX 5.1 (64-bit), 5.2 (64-bit)Lotus Notes, Lotus Domino (including Single Mailbox backup & Restore) •Lotus Domino/Notes R5 : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit), HPUX 11.11 (32 & 64-bit) AIX 4.3.xWindows NT 4.0, Windows 2000SAPDB5•SAPDB version 7.3x : HP-UX 11.0, 11.11Windows NT4.0, Windows2000Linux – Red Hat 7.x-- SuSe 7.x•SAPDB version 7.4x : HP-UX 11.0, 11.11Windows NT4.0, Windows2000Linux – Red Hat 7.x, 8.x-- SuSe 7.x, 8.xSAP 2 (32-bit) •SAP R/3 3.1x : HP-UX 11.0 (32-bit)AIX 4.3.x (32-bit)Windows NT 4.0•SAP R/3 4.0 : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.xWindows NT 4.0•SAP R/3 4.5, using RMAN mode : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000•SAP R/3 4.5, using backint mode : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)AIX 4.3.xSolaris 2.6 (32-bit), 7, 8 (32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0•SAP R/3 4.6x, using RMAN mode : HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)HP-UX 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000Solaris 7 & 8 (32 & 64-bit)•SAP R/3 4.6x, using backint mode: HP-UX 11.0 (32 & 64-bit)HP-UX 11.11 (32 & 64-bit)Linux Suse 7.x, 8.xAIX 4.3.x, 5.1, 5.2Solaris 7, 8(32 & 64-bit)Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000•SAP 4.7, using backint & RMAN mode: Windows 2000Windows 2003 (32-bit)Linux SuSe 8.xRed Hat Advanced Server 2.1•SAP Brtools 6.10, using backint & RMAN mode: Windows NT4.0Windows 2000Windows 2003(32-bit)Linux Suse 7.xRed Hat Advanced Server 2.1•SAP Brtools 6.20, using backint & RMAN mode: Windows 2000Windows 2003 (32-bit)Linux SuSe 8.xRed Hat Advanced Server 2.1 SAP 2 (64-bit) •SAP R/3 4.0 : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit)•SAP R/3 4.5, using backint and RMAN mode : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit)•SAP R/3 4.6x, using backint mode : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11(64-bit)•SAP R/3 4.6x, using RMAN mode : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), HP-UX 11.11(64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)Tru64 5.xx (64-bit)AIX 4.3.x (64-bit)•SAP 4.7, using backint & RMAN mode : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit), 11.11(64-bit)HP-UX 11.23 (64-bit)11Solaris 8 & 9 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (64-bit)AIX 5.1 (64-bit), 5.2 (64-bit)Tru64 5.xx (64-bit)•SAP Brtools 6.10, using backint & RMAN mode : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit)HP-UX 11.11(64-bit)Solaris 7 & 8 (64-bit)Tru64 5.xx (64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (64-bit), 5.x (64-bit)•SAP Brtools 6.20, using backint & RMAN mode : HP-UX 11.0 (64-bit)HP-UX 11.11(64-bit)HP-UX 11.23 (64-bit)11Solaris 8 & 9 (64-bit)AIX 4.3.3 (64-bit)AIX 5.1(64-bit), 5.2 (64-bit)Tru64 5.xx (64-bit)Baan IV 3•Baan IV on Oracle, Informix, and Microsoft SQL Server (see versionsabove)1 Includes support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced Workstation and Enterprise Server2Data Protector uses the official SAP backup/restore API (BRTOOLS), which is available only in conjunction with the Oracle database. Therefore, Data Protector support is only dependent on the SAP brtools version (as supported by SAP in combination with various SAP Kernels) but is independent of the Oracle version.3Baan users with Oracle, Informix, or Sybase databases can back up their application data by following the instructions for the integration of Data Protector and theirdatabase in the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector 5.1 Integration Guide.4 This is true for the platforms on which Data Protector has Cluster support. The whitepaper for procedure for Installing/Configuring Data protector in a Oracle 9i RAC on HP-UX is available at the following location:/sso/searchdocs?prod=DATAPRO&ct=TW P5 This is a white paper based solution. The whitepaper is available in the“Product_Information\Whitepapers & Service Deployment” directory on the Data Protector CD.6 Chain restore is not working for Informix ODS 9.20.FC1 (64-bit) and earlier versions.7 Oracle 9i covers all released versions of Oracle 9.x.x.x8 Single Mailbox Restore is not supported for Exchange 5.09 To utilize this feature the following patches are required:PHSS_29139 (for HP-UX Cell Manager)/ DPSOL_00023 (for Solaris Cell Manager)1 0 To utilize this feature the following patches are required:PHSS_29863 (for HP-UX Installation Server)/ DPSOL_00047 (for Solaris Installation Server)1 1 To utilize this feature the following patches are required:PHSS_29864 (for HP-UX Installation Server)/ DPSOL_00048 (for Solaris Installation Server). SAP patch is dependent on CORE patch PHSS_29867 or DPSOL_00049.1 2 To utilize this feature the following patches are required:PHSS_29875 (for HP-UX Installation Server)/ DPSOL_00053 (for Solaris Installation Server)Following are the details of the Openview Applications that can be integrated with Data Protector. This integration however is an application level integration & not a database level integration unless specifically mentioned by means of a footnote.application supported versionsHP OpenView Operations UNIX and WINDOWS •OVO/Unix Management Server English and Japanese :OVO/Unix 6.0 including Service Navigator 6.x is supported on HP-UX 11.0, Solaris 8OVO/Unix 7.10 including Service Navigator 7.x is supported on HP-UX 11.0, 11.11, Solaris 8•OVO/Unix Managed Node (= Data Protector Cell Server) :OVO/Unix Agent 6.xx : HP-UX 11.0, 11.11, 11.20Solaris 8, Solaris 9Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000Win XP PRO (32bit)OVO/Unix Agent 7.10 : HP-UX 11.0, HP-UX 11.11, 11.20Solaris 8, Solaris 9Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000,Win XP PRO (32bit)•OVO/Windows Management Server English and Japanese : OVO/Windows 7.1 is supported onWin 2000 Server/ Advanced Server /Data Center•OVO/Windows Managed Node (= Data Protector Cell Server) :OVO/Windows 7.1 Agent: HP-UX 11.0, 11.11, 11.20Solaris 8Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000,Win XP PRO (32bit)•OV Performance Agent on OVO/Unix or OVO/Windows Managed Node(= Data Protector Cell Server) :OVO Performance Agent C.03.70 : HP-UX 11.0, 11.11OVO Performance Agent C.03.75: Solaris 8, Solaris 9OVO Performance Agent C.03.65 : Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000,Win XP PRO (32bit)HP OpenView ManageX •HP OpenView ManageX 3.5, 4.0, 4.2 : Windows 4.0Windows 2000HP OpenViewOmniStorage•HP Openview Omnistorage 3.12 : HP-UX 11.0HP Openview Network Node Manager1 •HP Openview Network Node Manager 6.2 :11.0Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000HP OpenView Service Desk •HP OpenView Service Desk 4.5 : Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000HP OpenView Reporter •HP OpenView Reporter 3.0 : Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000HP OpenView SIP •HP OpenView SIP 3.0 : HP-UX 11.0, 11.11Windows NT 4.0, Windows 20001Data Protector integrates with the Solid database in Network Node Manager for an online backup of the database.5array type supportedHP StorageWorks XP 1•HP StorageWorks Business Copy XP/Continuous Access XPEMC 2•EMC TimeFinder/SRDFHP StorageWorks Virtualarray3•HP Storageworks Business Copy VAHP StorageWorks EVA4 •HP StorageWorks Vsnap/Snapclone/Snapshots1Please refer to the “hp OpenView Storage Data protector 5.1 Zero Downtime (Split-mirror) backup & Instant Recovery support matrix for HP StorageWorks Disk Array XP”for further details on the integration.2Please refer to the “hp OpenView Storage Data Protector 5.1 EMC split-mirror backup integration” for further details on the integration.3 Please refer to the “hp OpenView Storage Data Protector 5.1 Zero Downtime Backup& Instant Recovery support matrix for HP StorageWorks Virtual Array” for further details on the integration.4 Please refer to the “hp OpenView Storage Data Protector 5.1 Zero Downtime Backupsupport matrix for HP StorageWorks Enterprise Virtual Array” for further details on the integration.5 This support is true if Zero Downtime Backup feature is used. If the Zero Downtimebackup is not used, then there is no limitation for the supported arrays. In such a case the hardware would be transparent to Data Protector.application agents supported databases / integrationsHP OpenView Storage Data Protector Open File Manager •HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Open File Manager 8.x :Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000NetWare 4.x, 5.x, 6.0 •HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Open File Manager 9.0 :Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000Windows XPNetWare 4.x, 5.x,Netware 6.0, 6.5 •HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Open File Manager 9.1 :Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000Windows 2003(32-bit) Windows XPNetWare 4.x, 5.x,Netware 6.0, 6.5cluster software supported cluster software versionHP MC/ServiceGuard HP MC/ServiceGuard 11.xx : HP-UX 11.0HP MC/ServiceGuard 11.xx : HP-UX 11.11HP MC/ServiceGuard 11.xx : HP-UX 11.22HP MC/ServiceGuard 11.xx : HP-UX 11.23Microsoft Cluster Server Microsoft Cluster Server : Windows NT 4.0Windows 2000Windows 2003 (32-bit)1Windows 2003 (64-bit)Tru64 Cluster2 TruCluster version 5.x (Disk Agent & Oracle Support only) : Tru64 5.xx Veritas Cluster Server Veritas Cluster Server 1.3 (Disk Agent Support only) : Solaris 7 & 8Veritas Cluster Server 2.0 (Disk Agent Support only) : Solaris 7 & 8 Netware Cluster Netware Cluster Services 1.6 : Netware 6.0Netware Cluster Services 1.7 : Netware 6.5OpenVMS Cluster3 OpenVMS Cluster (Disk Agent & Media Agent support)1 Installation of Cell Manager in a cluster and push installation of different clientsProblem1: Win2003 gives only Read access to Everyone. As a consequence,DP51\Omniback\Config\Install is empty because Omni_Info is not created. As a result Data Protector has problems. At this stage Data Protector needs to be uninstalled, file share permissions need to be fixed and Data Protector needs to be reinstalled.Workaround: To avoid this prior to installing Data Protector in a MS Cluster, a HP Data Protector cluster group containing the future DP51 folder as File Share resource type needs to be created. Then alloperations to Everyone (or at least the accounts that will write in this folder or subfolders) must be granted.Problem2: When trying to push client from cluster IS, installation fails with message:[Critical] [110:1024] Cannot start Data Protector bootstrap service on the remote client:[5] Access is denied.Problem is that on Windows 2003 the ANONYMOUS LOGON has to be explicitly granted to the underlying file resources and share. In Data Protector IS installation phase this is missing.Workaround: Give ANONYMOUS LOGON full control(security) over IS share \\<ClusterName>\omniback, after that push installation is successful.2 The document describing the procedure of installing and configuring Data Protectorin a Tru64 Cluster is available at the following URL:/sso/searchdocs?prod=DATAPRO&ct=TWP3Installation & Configuration information (in DP environment) available in HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Installation and Licensing guide.operating system file systemsWindows NT •NTFS 1.1•FAT•CIFSWindows 2000•NTFS 3.0(Including Image Backup)•FAT16, FAT32•CIFSWindows 98 •FAT•VFAT•FAT32•CIFSWindows XP Pro/2003 •NTFS 3.1(Including Image Backup)•FAT16, FAT32•CIFSWindows XP 64/2003 •NTFS 3.1 (Including Image Backup of MBR disksonly)•FAT16, FAT32•CIFSNovell NetWare •NetWare FSsupported namespaces: MAC, NFS, OS/2 (longnamespace), DOS•NSS1HP-UX •HFS (Including Rawdisk)•NFS•LOFS (Loopback FS)•VxFS (Including Rawdisk)•DCE DFSSolaris2•UFS•NFS•PC FS (MSOS compatible FS)•HSFS•VxFS3•Tmp FS•LOFS (Loopback FS)IBM AIX2•AIX physical FS “oaix”•JFS (Journaling FS)SGI IRIX2•EFS (Extent File System)•XFS (IRIX Journaling FS)SNI Sinix2•HSFS (High Sierra FS)•UFS (UNIX File System)•VxFSSCO OpenServer2•HTFS (High Throughput FS)•DTFS•S51K•S52KSCO Unixware2•memfs•s5•sfs (Note: ACLs are not backed up andrestored.)•ufs•bfs•vxfs (Note: ACLs are not backed up andrestored.)Tru64 UNIX2•UFS (UNIX FS)•AdvFS (Advanced File System)Linux (Red Hat, SuSe, Caldera & Debian)2•ext3, ext2, ext, minix, xiafs, ReiserFS1Novell NetWare NSS is supported with the following limitations:•The new NSS volumes on NetWare 5.x allow creation of deep directory structures (deeper than 100). Data Protector can back up only to a depth of100.•NetWare 5.x NSS volumes allow 8 TB file size, but the maximum file size that Data Protector backs up is 4 GB.NetWare 5.x has an NSS_ADMIN volume on every system with NSS volumes present.This is a special read-only volume that contains information about NSS volumeconfiguration. NSS_ADMIN is not backed up.2 Raw Disk Backup is supported. On Tru64, this is not true if LSM is present3 VxFS attributes backup is only supported for Solaris 2.6operating system file system number of ACL entries(basic/extended) Windows NT NTFS UnlimitedWindows NT FAT Not Applicable Windows 2000 NTFS UnlimitedWindows XP Pro NTFS UnlimitedWindows XP 64 NTFS Unlimited512Novell Netware NetWare FS (MAC, NFS, OS/2,DOS) 1Novell Netware NSS UnlimitedHP-UX HFS 3/16HP-UX VxFS (10.x, 11.x) 4/17 (JFS 3.3)IBM AIX AIX (Physical FS ‘oaix’) 1024 (4096 bytes)1Limited with Data Protector record size and SMS API.。



1011Guide étape par étape : protection des données.Par Alan RaddingLorsque des leaders informatiques abordent le sujet de la protection des données,la taille de l’entreprise concernée n’entre pas en ligne de compte. « Les entreprises de taille moyenne ont le même besoin de protéger leurs données que les grandes entreprises ; simplement, elles ont moins de ressources pour le faire », explique Mike Karp, analyste en chef chez Ptak, Noel & Associates. « Si les données sont mises en péril ou deviennent inaccessibles pour une raison ou pour une autre, l’entreprise, quelle qu’elle soit, se retrouve très vite dans une impasse. La question est de savoir combien de temps vous pouvez continuer à travailler sans l’accès à vos données », poursuit-il.La réponse : quelques heures, pas plus, suggère M. Karp. Une journée ou plus sans accès à ses principales données soulève des questions quant à la survie possible de l’entreprise. De plus, dans certainssecteurs, l’entreprise est soumise à des réglementations l’obligeant à protéger certaines de ses données.« La protection des données implique forcément la sauvegarde de ces données, généralement sur bande et désormais sur disque », souligne Greg Schulz, analyste en chef chez StorageIO. Cependant, la sauvegarde des données présente, pour les entreprises de taille moyenne, certains défis spécifiques. Elle a toujours impliqué un processus compliqué, nécessitant souvent des compétences informatiques spécialisées et des coûts supplémentaires. Lavirtualisation des serveurs, une pratique de plus en plus répandue, complique également la protection des données, de même que les contraintes imposées par les pouvoirs publics concernant la confidentialité de certaines données spécifiques. Les analystes du secteur s’accordent généralement sur un processus en 6 étapes pour la protection des données. Les entreprises de taille moyenne ne suivront pas systématiquement toutes ces étapes. Mais au moins, elles doivent savoir quoi faire et connaître les différents choix possibles.Besoin de produits de protection des données ?Produits Dell de récupération et de protection des données pour les entreprises de taille moyenne.Produits basés sur disqueDes solutions de protection permanente des données et de sauvegarde sur disques amovibles.Produits à bandesDes solutions de sauvegarde fiables pour de gros volumes de données et un archivage à long terme.www.dell.fr/entreprise/disk-backupwww.dell.fr/entreprise/tape-backup。



HP MSA 2040存储维护保养手册一、机房注意事项:保证机房的磁场、温度、湿度、腐蚀性气体、易燃气体等要求。

●计算机前后左右应有足够的散热空间●机房应避免阳光之射●机房不可铺设地毯已防静电●湿度要求:40%-60% 最佳55%●温度要求:20-25度,最佳22度●机房最大温度变化率:10度/每小时●北方气候干燥建议使用加湿器●机房含尘量:机房应保持清洁空气中大于0.5MICRON的杂质在每立方英尺不多余45000个,若空气灰质太多很容易造成资源读写错误及磁盘机中磁盘或读写磁头损毁●机房颤动度:机房颤动度不高于0.5G,机房产生颤动的机器避免放在一起,因颤动是机器内部的机械部分、接头、主板接触部分造成松动,而造成机器不正常●磁场杂波干扰:机房附近的无线电杂波干扰应低于0.5V/M(频率范围从14KHz-1GHz)●电源要求:电压、频率变动范围,电压203-228V,频率50+/-0.5Hz;瞬间变动电压不超过220V+/- 15%,且必须在0.5秒内恢复至220V,计算机内部系统必须在0.06秒钟恢复正常;总谐波不高于5%;所需电力,主机系统及外设和网络设备所需功率至少增加30%,以便将来扩充;地线系统必须保证和任何导线完全隔离和绝缘,接地线的线径不小于 3.5mm,接地线不是零线,必须和零线分开;电源插座符合中国国标;电源配线中空调和计算机不能使用单位同一电源;保证计算机有可靠的电源和UPS,建议配备发电机组。













HP存储备份方案的优势HP存储备份方案采用先进的技术和创新的解决方案,具有以下优势:1. 高可靠性和可扩展性HP的存储备份方案可为企业提供高度可靠的数据保护。



2. 高效的数据备份和恢复速度HP存储备份方案使用先进的数据备份和恢复技术,可以快速备份和恢复大量数据。


3. 多层次的数据安全保护HP存储备份方案提供了多层次的数据安全保护措施,确保数据的机密性和完整性。


4. 易于管理和操作HP存储备份方案提供了直观的管理界面和丰富的管理工具,使得备份和恢复操作变得简单和方便。


5. 综合的服务支持HP作为一家全球领先的技术公司,提供了完善的售前咨询、售后服务和技术支持。



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跨所有平台的日常备份 能够及时保存/恢复数据,满足服务级别协议 (SLA) 的要求 不能满足备份窗口要求 文件恢复较慢 IT资源可用性以及攀升的管理费用 高性能多路数据磁盘备份 ,满足更窄备份窗口的要求 简化 复杂、混合系统的管理 磁盘上保留的备份数据是原来的20倍,保证 数据即时可用,从而支持快速文件恢复 降低成本——最多能够减少70%的软件升级费 用,推迟额外存储空间的购买,降低每GB的 存储成本
广域 网 (WAN)

企业级横向扩展 存储(磁盘和磁带)
简化 复制
备份设备 长期存档
灾难恢复 站点
• •
关键任务数据保护 即时数据恢复
文件 服务器 虚拟 服务器
• • •
~ ~
太多系统故障 解决方案过于复杂 可扩展性及其成本
选择惠普,享受全面 业务保护
©2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 本文所含信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。
• • •
当前存在的存储问题 应该怎样数据保护 正确匹配您的环境需要

数据保护: 惠普支持
• 备份和恢复策略 • 数据保护策略
• 数据丢失防范策略 • 重复/复制策略
• 数据备份、复制和归档 转 • 远程备份服务 换服务 • 复制,故障切换和故障恢 复转换服务
惠普首选合作伙伴 • 惠普专业服务

• 惠普咨询服务 • 惠普现场服务
Unix/Linux 服务器 Windows 服务器
• • •
虚拟化 环境
• • • •
从单一平台 进行 管理
灾难恢复和 ROBO 保护
• •
故障恢复——将数据送 至异地,从数据中心以外 远程办公室——在数据中心集中备份远程 办公室的数据
• 备份和恢复 • 复制,故障切换 和故障恢复 • 重复数据删除 • 磁带和介质集成 • 数据保护 战略
正确的 数据保护策略对于每家公司的 IT 基础设施都是至 关重要的——惠普可以提供
• 存储和恢复影响分析 • 存储备份改造
• 复制影响分析 • 磁带分析 • 高可用性评估

–数据可用性——业务连续性解决方案 –数据保护——备份与恢复解决方案 –数据保留——归档解决方案
• •
后续会晤以了解您的具体问题 明确您的具体需求
集群 镜像,快照和系统冗余 磁盘备份, 带重复数据删除和复制功能 磁带备份和归档
较高 成本
惠普磁盘系统和 软件
HP LTO Ultrium 磁带机, 自动加载磁带机 和磁带库
惠普 StoreOnce 备 份系统
惠普 VLS 备份系 统 较低 成本
HP Data Protector 和所有主流备份应用程序
即使是“没有遇到任何问题”——如果惠普能够让您的数据保护工作 更简单,更便宜,同时帮助您避免 未来可能出现的数据方面的损失呢?
满足多种业务服务级协议(SLA)需 求,保证业务连续性以及系统正常运 行时间? 如果在做到这些的同时,还能够帮您的员 工从数据管理负担中解脱,并且降低您的 经营预算呢?
业务创新 资源只剩
整个企业的数据保护开销越来越大,包括远程办公室和地区数 据中心
资料来源: 惠普研究部门
Basel II
错误的数据管理方案将增加法律诉讼方面的风险。 全世界的相 关法律超过100,000条。
个人每人每天使用 34GB 数据
每部电影后期制作会 产生12PB的数据
每秒生成 40 TB的数据
“我们每两天生成的信息量相当于从人类文明起源直到2003年 生成的信息总量那么多”—谷歌公司CEO埃里克· 施密特。
70% 的资源消耗在
运营和维护中 数据孤岛 低效 复杂
备份 更多数据,降低存储成本?
保护您全部有价值数据以防范灾难的 发生——随时随地的保护? 可靠的远程办公室备份和灾难恢复? 安心归档数据以释放存储空间并支持 数据保留?
异想天开? 我们不这么认为。
2010 年共计发送 6.1 万亿条短消息文本
磁盘备份 采用重复数据 删除 磁带备份
低 成本

几小时到几天 主存储 快照
磁盘备份 重复数据删除
磁盘或磁带 存档
备份应用=HP Data Protector
价格昂贵 地区办公室
磁盘阵列 电子邮件服务器
分支 机构
灾难恢复 站点
IT支出优先次序暗示我们需要做出改变 • 管理数据增长(24%) • 信息安全工作(24%)
客户数据库 ERP 系统
电子邮件服务器 Web 内容 办公文档 个人的多媒体演示文档 3 个月的旧电子邮件
上次 交易
高 成本 集群 镜像, 快照和系统 冗余 磁盘备份 和复制
数据丢失 — 恢复点目标 (RPO)
磁盘存储系统P2000/MSA, P4000/LeftHand, P6000/EVA, P9000/XP和3PAR StoreOnce 备份系统,具有重复 数据删除功能 带重复数据删除和复制功能的 StoreOnce 备份系统 磁盘存档系统 X9000 + 存档 软件 磁带机/磁带库
日常备份和恢复 异地灾难恢复 主动存档 长期异地存档
• • •

服务器和 存储

• •
可靠的长期保留 降低耗电和散热费用
包含磁盘和磁带存储层的融合平台,支持在线和离 线归档
• 改进数据备份和
(2011年1月)企业战略集团 针对611名IT经理进行的调查
业务保护 应该是怎样的
业务连续性 备份 灾难恢复 存档
使用单一平台进行 管理 磁盘备份 采用重复数据删除 重复数据删
Exchange 服务器
• • •
应用服务器, 采用磁盘镜像 备份副本
更易于管理 更可靠的解决方案 高效的虚拟化存储
企业 横向扩展 存储池
备份系统 采用重复数据删除

• •
磁盘备份 (源)
磁盘备份 (目标)
• •
主动存档: 迁移冷数据以释放主存储 法规遵从存档: 数据保留多年 数据保留的成本 存档的管理开销 文件恢复时间较慢 在数据创建完成90天以后,95%的数据不 会被再次访问
• •
异地服务或高带宽数据复制的费用 消除磁带处理 自动化和简单化 降低成本——使用较低的带宽链路 降低风险,提高可靠性 提供高可用数据备份
数据中心 服务器 从单一平台 进行 管理 磁盘备份
• • • • •