三一文库()/演讲致辞/英语演讲稿英语公开课演讲稿goodmorningorafternoon,everybody!iamgladtomeet youhereandatthemoment.thanksforsparingyourprec ioustimetolistentomyspeechabouthowtolearnengli sh.ihopeyoucouldunderstandmyenglishteachingapp roachesandidea,andhopeicouldbringyouandyourchi ldrendelightforlearningenglishandprogressineng lish.theimportanceofenglishworldwide1、over337millionpeoplespeakenglishastheirfirstla nguge.2、about350millionpeoplespeakenglishasasecondlang uage.3、inthetoptenofworldlanguages,englishoccupiesthe 3rdplace.4、englishisalsothefavoredlanguageofscience,comme rce,andairlinecompanies.5、over80%oftheworldselectronicallysavedinformati onisinenglish.englishistheworldsleadinginternationallanguage .itistheprincipallanguagespokeninbritain,theus a,canada,australia,newzealand,andsomeothercoun triessuchasugandaandbotswana.about320millionpeoplespeakenglishastheirfirstlanguage-aboutthes amenumberasspanish,butlessthanmandarinchineseo rhindi.englishisofficiallyspokenin:unitedkingdom,usa, canada,austrlia,zimbabwe,southafrica,newzealan d,philippines,singapore,hongkong,belize,jamaic a,guyana,americansamoa,anguilla,antigua,bahama s,barbados,belau,bermuda,botswana,britishindia noceanterritory,britishvirginislands,britishwe stindies,brunei,cameroon,cookislands,dominica, ethiopia,falklandislands,fiji,gambia,ghana,gib raltar,grenada,guam,ireland,jersey,kenya,kirib ati,lesotho,liberia,malawi,malta,mauritius,mic ronesia,midwayislands,namibia,nauru,nigeria,ni ue,norfolkisland,pakistan,pitcairn,puertorico, samoa,seychelles,sierraleone,solomonislands,so malia,st.helena,st.kitts-nevis,st.lucia,st.vin centandthegrenadines,swaziland,tokelau,tonga,trinidadandtobago,u.s.virginislands,uganda,vanu atu,wakeisland,andzambia.thetotalnumberofenglishspeakersintheworldisest imatedtobeabout460million-secondonlytomandarin chinese.englishisthesecondlanguageofindia,sout hafricaandmanypartsofafricaandasia.but–moreandmore-itisalsothelanguageofinternational commerce,ofbusiness,ofdiplomacyandoftourism.on eoutoffiveoftheworldspopulationhavesomedegreeo fcompetencyinenglish.themajorityofinternationaltradeandcommerce,and mostinternationalcommunications,useenglish.the importanceofamericaninternationacorporationsha spositionedenglishastheinternationallanguageofbusiness;andhollywoodandthemusicindustryhavema kesurethatisstaysthheprincipallanguagefortheme diaandshowbiz.two-thirdsofscientiststhroughouttheworldreadin english.75%ofthemailintheworldiswritteninengli sh,and80%oftheinformationstoredelectronicallyi sinenglish.mostusersoftheinternetdosoinenglish .bytheyearXX,itisestimatedthanmorethan1,100,000 ,000peoplewillbelearningenglish.abainenglishisasoundbasisformanycareersinteach ing,indiplomacy,ininternationalbusiness,injour nalism.sowecanseethattheenglishlanguageisgrowingbothi npopularityandopportunity.inchina,englishisahi ghlysoughtafterskill,andthosewhopossessithaven umerouschoicesandopportunitiestotakeadvantageo f.tomakeuseofthelimitlessresourcesavailable,an dtotakeadvantageofnewopportunitiesaschinabecom esapowerfulworldplayer,englishskillsareabsolut elyvital.bygraspingtheskillaofenglish,andgraspingthemwe ll,youwillmakeawholeworldofbusiness,informationandentertainmentavailabletoourself.learningen glishisyourkeytopersonaldevelopmentandopporuni ty.二十一世纪是英汉双语并驾世界舞台的世纪学好英语是为了让世界更好地了解中国英语已成为我们强国的武器和工具用流利英语来改写人生,成就卓越超过3.37亿的人口把英语作为他们的第一语言大约3.5亿的人口把英语作为他们的第二语言在世界排名前十名的语言中,英语排名第三英语是科学、商务和航空公司使用最多的语言八成的电子信息都有使用英语进行存储英语是世界上主要的国际语言。
由一堂英语公开课看 高职教育现代 课程观
朱 燕 ( 紫琅职 业技术 学院 应用外语 系 江 苏南通 2 6 0 ) 2 0 2 摘 要 : 目前 , 高职 院校 都 在 进 行教 学改 革 , 倡现 代 课程 观 。 过 对一 堂 英 语公 开 课 的 分析 , 对“为 什 么要教 ” “ 什 么” “ 提 通 在 ,教 . 怎 么教 ”、 教 的 结果 如 何 ” 方 面 , 讨 科 学教 学 、 高教 学效 果育改革 中 图分 类 号 : 1 G7 2 文 献标 识 码 : A 文章 编 号 : 7 -3 9 ( 0 ) zb 一0 8 —0 1 2 7 1 2 1 o ( ) 1 9 1 6 o
1 课程 目标 与课 程内容
我 将 从 一 节 公开 课 的 视 角 来 具 体 分 析 高 职 教 育 现 代 课 程 观 。 点 从 “ 什 么 要 重 为 教 ” “ 什 么 ” “ 么教 ” “ 、教 、怎 、 教的 结 果 如 何 ” 几 个 方 面 来 讨 论 。 开 课 上 师 生 全 部 用 英 公 语进行交 流。 1 1课程 目标 . ‘ 此 次 英 语 公 开 课 的 内容 为 “ 运 会 ” 奥 , 知 识 目标 为 : 学 生 掌 握 奥 运 会 的 基 本 信 让 息 ; 力 目标 为 : 生 能 对奥 运 会 形 成 自己 能 学 的 看 法 。 感 目标 为 : 发 学 生 的 爱 国 热 情 激 情 , 系奥运 。 心 1 2课程 内容 . 课程 内容包 括奥运 会的 基本信 息 、 奥 运 会 对 中 国 以 及 世 界 的 影 响等 , 后 学 生 最 还讨 论 了2 0 年 奥 运 会 的 利 弊 问题 。 08
— —
由一 节英 语 公 开课 引发 的 思 考
季 娟
( 苏省 南京树人 国际 学校 , 1 0 8 江 20 0 )
前一段 时 间, 我在 另一 所 学校借 班 上 了
生活状况 , 出“ sdt” 引 u e 的用法 。 o
节英语公开课 , 教学内容为牛津英 语 8 B第
起 来 。在参 考各 种 教学 资料 的基 础上 , 照 对
新课程对 英语语 法 课 的要求 , 我精 心 设计 了
如下教学过程 : () 1 通过欣赏一幅美丽 的图片 , 引出眼睛
Masi v shsnw b tll e i e j .W h tmae r l o o a k sD
五单元 的语法 , 主要讲 述“ sdt ,e sdt, ue b e o u o
s…ta,uh ta” o htsc… ht 的用 法 。研 读 教材 , 我
发现 , 该课主要 以 O B S医生 自愿者——D RI r Ma 的生活 工作 的变 化 为 主要 内容 , A 以 my
() 3 通过对 比 D 以前工作 的舒适 和 rMa 现在工作的艰苦 , 激起学 生 的好奇 心 , 通过 提
问 :I D sdt w rigi OR I? 引 “s r Maue okn B S ” o n 出“ eue o gs ” b sdt d i t 的用 法 。 o n h
回答 , 而 引 出 “ O ta…”和 “ uh 从 S… h t sc…
ta ” h t 的用 法 。 …
( ) 据 已有知识 , 2根 回答 S i e hr y的第 一 l
个 问题 : rMa 到 国际飞 行 眼科 医院工作 D 在
记一节英语公开课作文英文回答:My public speaking class was an insightful and empowering experience that helped me develop my communication skills and gain confidence in front of an audience. The course materials covered foundational principles, such as audience analysis, speech organization, and delivery techniques. I was also introduced to various types of speeches, including informative, persuasive, and special occasion speeches.One of the most valuable aspects of the class was the emphasis on practice. We regularly engaged in speech exercises, simulations, and group discussions to hone our speaking abilities. I learned the importance of preparation, pacing, and using effective vocal and body language to convey my message. Feedback from the instructor and classmates was invaluable in identifying areas for improvement.Beyond technical skills, the class also fostered a supportive and collaborative atmosphere. I appreciated the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with fellow students who shared a passion for communication. Together, we explored diverse perspectives, provided constructive feedback, and encouraged each other's growth. The class not only enhanced my public speaking abilities but also cultivated my interpersonal and leadership skills.I am grateful for the knowledge and skills I gained in my public speaking class. It has made me a more confident and effective communicator. I am eager to apply the lessons learned to various aspects of my personal and professional life. I believe that the ability to communicate effectively is a crucial asset that will serve me well in the future.中文回答:在公开演讲课中,我获得了宝贵的见解和能力,这让我提高了我的沟通技巧,增强了我在观众面前的自信心。
英语公开课万能的经典开场白英语讲课开场白(通用5篇)英语讲课开场白篇1Hello,everyone!Im very happy to see you here.What about you?Do you know who I am?If you want to know more about me ,I think you must learn English well and speak English well. Now I think we must decide who will introduce himself to othersfirst,you or me?lets play a game, and decide whose turn will be the first one.(Then play a game and introduce oneself to each other.)英语讲课开场白篇2千万不要因为你的学生听不懂英语就来个中文的开场白,你要从一开始就让你的学生习惯于听英语,如果学生不懂,你可以尽量通过体态语,动作,表情等让学生理解你的话,但尽量不说中文,就仿佛你是一名外籍教师来中国上课时一样,让学生对英语产生更浓厚的兴趣。
一走上讲台,你就说:“Hello! Boys and girls!”“Class begins.”等来组织教学,然后自我介绍,“(I’m Mr…(或I’m Miss…)”学生听不懂没关系,用手势,表情,再通过反复演练让他们理解。
相关 听力训练 ; 要求学生 在小组 内对我提 出的问题 , 进行讨 论, 增加 学生动 口的机会 ; 最后合作解决 , 让每个学生都有发 表 白己看法的机会 。这样可 以增加学生间的练习机会 , 增大
就完美了。 二 、 学 生发 展 的 反 思 对
d nigh pi 。te l e bai h i f ta. 生 对 于 ac apl h yae cl rt g te e i 1 n y e n r sv 学
图 片 有 了 整 体 的 认 识 后 ,笔 者 设 计 了 问 题 Whc sy u i i or h
tv u t p cu e a o f e itr ?W h n i i W h o y u l e i S c ? i e s t ? y d o i t O mu h k
Wh twl yu d n ta dy a i o o o t a?让 他 们 互 相 提 问 两 组 图 片 , l h
思” 反思有利于教师深入开展教学研 究 , 。 形成 自己的教学风
格 , 向专 家 型教 师 发 展 。笔 者 以 20 0 9年 一 堂 牛 津 英 语 7 A U i 3 It rt 讹 公 开 课 来 阐述 对 教 学 实 践 进 行 的 反 nt ne a d g e
中 , 者 利 用 视 频 引 起 学 生 注 意 , 活 地 处 理 听 力 材 料 , 成 笔 灵 完
这 一 主 题 对 教 材 进 行 整 合 、 设 计 。 其 中 有 两 个 特 别 环 节 :一 是 谚 语 竞 赛 ,在 展 示 中 外 文 化 差 异 的 同时 ,教 会 学 生 如 何 积 累 英 语 学 习 策 略 。 二 是 进 行 小 组 分 层 合 作 ,就 课 文 出现 的 多 种 英 语 学 习方 法 进 行 判 断 ,取 其 精 华 、 弃 其 糟 粕 ,并 提 出 改 进
教 学 内容 :仁 爱 版 英 语 九 年 级 ( )第 三 单 上
元 En l h ru d h wol 第 三 个 话 题 C u gi ao n te s r d ol d
y u ie o g v ¥ n ̄ a vi o ho ol d ce n w t l a n o e r En l h gi s
是 教 师 揣 摩 ,学 生 只 是 陪 衬 ,是 接 受 者 ,主 体 是 教
师 。 在 新 课 标 理 念 下 的 语 文 教 学 更 应 该 突 出 以 学 生 为 主体 ,把 课 堂 的 时 间 尽 量 留 给 学 生 ,想 方 设 法 让
他 们 贴 近 作 品 、 用 思 维 敲 击 语 言 ,经 过 对 作 品 文 字 的 涵 咏 、 品 味 、 感 悟 、 体 验 ,达 到 深 入 作 品 意 境 、 与作 者 相 知 相 亲 的程 度 ,在 理 解 作 者 思 想 感 情 的 同 时 提 高 对 语 言 的 分析 能 力 ,培 养 语 感 ,丰 富 审 美 经 验 。 而 解 读 意 象 , 同样 也 要 突 出 学 生 的 主 体 地 位 , 以学 生 解读 为主 。 “ 摩 语 言 ”和 “ 读 意 象 ”又 应 注 重 方 法 指 揣 解
因此 , 笔者认为准备一节公开课 , 需要注意以下几点 : 首先 , 要有充分 的准备 。 在开课前不断与 同科 目的教 师一起 磨科 , 认真研读教 材、 挖掘教材 、 反复修改教案 、 不断调整教学 设
计。 在思想上一定要重视 , 要给大家展示 自己最精彩的一节课 , 不 能把公 开课 当做完任务 , 随便应付 。 只有这样才能切 实改 进 自己
或说话 , 甚 至放弃对这 门学科的学习。 另外 , 这节课 的教学设计 目标清 晰 , 重、 难点处理得 当。教师 的 目标 设 计 一 直 以学 生 为 中 心 , 充分发 挥学生的作用 , 让 他 们 去 分考虑到学生可能存在 的困难 , 在重 、 难点的突破上有层 次、 有梯 度, 铺垫很 到位 。 鸭式” 的教 学方 法。 课堂教学 的转 型需要教师把英语教学更 多地 视为一个学生主动进行 言语 实践活动的过程 。 因此 , 英语教师应
下有效地完成 了本节课 的学习任务 , 更 可贵 的是心灵得到了净化 ,
情感得到了升华 。
的课堂教学 , 并利用公开课促进教师的专业 发展 。
其次 , 教师 的教学设计要有针对性 , 要符合学 生的学 习实际。
笔者所在 学校的高中生源较弱 , 我们经常说学生 基础差 , 课
堂上 不能与教师互动 , 不 能与教师很好地配合 。 从这 节组 内公开 课笔者观察到 , 该教师教学 活动 的设计却始终能吸引学生的学习
教师要通过多种途径引导学生从被动地接受 中走 出来 , 让学生 自 主动参与 , 完成本节课 的教学任务 。 而且 , 在教学设计 时 , 教师充 主 学 习 。 第 四, 教学手段应丰富多彩 、 创造性地将传统与现代结合 。 随
着 网络资源 的丰富 , 教师可选择 的教学 资源越来 越多 , 这无疑为
关键词 : 初 中英语 ; 写作教 学; 写作技巧 ; 以读促 写
中图分类号 : G 6 3 3 . 4 1 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 9 — 0 1 0 X ( 2 0 1 3) 0 2 — 0 0 3 4 — 0 4
篇发言稿呼吁全校同学Байду номын сангаас同保护环境 , 从我做起。 内容应
包括 :
英语写作一直是学生很畏惧的事情, 师生往往都“ 谈 写色变” 。 学生害怕, 是因为他们觉得难写, 甚至 无从下手; 教师讨厌, 是因为学生写作错误多, 批改写作费时又费力,
1 . 经常骑 自行车或走路上学 , 父母骑车或走路上班。
2 . 节约用水, 用电; 不把污水倒入河中。 不乱扔垃圾。
文 科 教 学 探 索
电 一 蒂蒸 薄
王 娟 娥
熊 景纛
( 玉环县城关第 三初级 中学 ,浙江 台州 3 1 7 6 0 0 )
英语教师公开课的自我介绍1hi, good afternoon everyone!my name is xxx i am from overseas chinese middle school of xxx is really a great honor to have this opportunity for an interview . i would like to answer whatever you may raise , and i hope i can make a good performance today let me introduce myself briefly .i am xxx yea rs old . i graduated from “xxx university”in xxx . and then i got a higher degree in“ xxx university ” in xxx . i have worked for xxx years since i graduated from the university i have been a headteacher for xxx years .being a teacher is tired but excited . having taught for so many years , i think i am experienced in teaching field . i have ever got much honor in teaching , but still i think i need a new environment to challenge myself .i am open-minded , quickly thoughs and skillful in searching for information on internet . i can operate computer well . in my spare time, i have broad interests as reading ,surfing the internet ,enjoying music ,writing some articles on my blog and even chatting with foreign friends online if possible .i always believe working hard can bring us more opportunities . to be the best one is a little bit hard. but “trying all my best ” always can cheer me up succeed or fail is not the only thing . its in how we face and invaluate ourselves is thechance we take , and this is what weve worked for all our lives . shining like a shooting star at night , and always smile at life ve got to give it all . someday when we turn back for what the footprint we have left , time will record the victory in our heart . so “ try all my best ” --- this is the motto of mine .ok !so much k you !英语教师公开课的自我介绍2Please allow me to introduce myself in a minute. My name is Han Meimei, graduated from Normal University Department of English majors. I am steady, practical, diligent, hard-working. During the school I actively participated in various activities. And for three consecutive years Iworked as a member of the English association in our school. My business English writing is good, and I have a brief English teaching experience.In class, I encourage students to voice their opinions and to approach to the way of learning English, because I think that learning is a kind of personalized process. Everyone should become a critical thinker in my class, I want to be a good teacher in the true sense .I am not the traditional teacher. I believe in my classroom English teaching reform. I hope I can do something to change the present situation of English teaching.Finally, I hope that my personal expertise in English teacher post will contribute to the cause of education.Hello ,everybody.My names xxx,Im from xxx.Its really a fantacy place,people there are very friendly and helpful.Therere also some places of interests in my hometown,I love it and hope that you can visite it someday.I was graduated from xx School/University,its also a nice school.Therere 3 people in my family,you know,my parents and I.We love each other and live a happy life.I usually playballgames in my spare time,and I think Im good at basketball.My dream is to play a basketball game with my idol--Kobe one day. :) So,you see,Im really an easygoing gal.Thats all,thank you.英语教师公开课的自我介绍3Good morning. I am glad to be here for this interview. First let me introduce myself. My name is -- . I come from --,the capital of vince. I graduated from the partment of niversity in July,20--.In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate e--amination while I have been teaching n NO.--School and I was a head--teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you . I am open--minded,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngsters.I like reading books,especially those about equently I e--change with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition,during my college years,I was once a Net--bar technician.So,I have a comparatively good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our country’s team.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning .Of course,if I am given a chance to study this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance .英语教师公开课的自我介绍4Good morning , I am glad to be here for this interview . First let me introduce myself. My name is DengAnLiang, 22 Years old.I come from --iaoGan City HuBei Province . I study in China Three Gorges University .And my major is Computer Science AndTechnology .I have many interests such as reading books 、watch movies and play ping--pong, but I most interested in Programming , especially web programming . During my four years in university , I build many websites .In grade one , I write my first personal homepage ,which gives me great pleasure . Later I use wordpress to build my personal blog , and when I learn PHP by myself ,I used it to write my own blog program . Though I did not make any money by my site , I think it is very meaningful , because it help me to build self--confidence .In grade two and grade three , I entered our school’s qiming--ing studio, at where I learnt many useful things ,such as team spirit . I think it is important to learn from others ,and we should help each other during the project .At the end of grade three , I decided to take the National Graduate Entrance E--amination . When asked about why I want to be a graduate student ,at least I have two answers . First , I think I need to learn more . In university I learnt too much languages but did not learn deep enough even in one subject. I think if I was a graduate student I can learn something deeply and be e--pert in some subject . Second , I think I will have a brilliant future if I can be a graduate student , I can have good salary and make my parents happy , and my life will be more smooth .That’s all , thank you very much!英语教师公开课的'自我介绍5Good morning, my name is jack, it is really a great honor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like to answer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good performance today, eventually eoll in this prestigious universityin september. now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 years old,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am curruently a senior student at beijing -- uni.my major is packaging engineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time on study,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease. and i have acquired basic knowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and in practice. besides, i have attend several packaging e--hibition hold in Beijing, this is our advantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory and company.Through these i have a deeply understanding of domestic packaging industry. compared to developed countries such as us, unfortunately, although we have made e--traordinary progress since 1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess, unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard. but i have full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keep the growth pace still. i guess you maybe interested in the reason itch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i would like to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i like my major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master degree here i will combine law with my former education.i will work hard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of my years study in department of p&p, my character?i cannot describe it well, but i know i am optimistic and confident. sometimes i prefer to stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, i like to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favorite pastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online. through college life,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment. by the way, i was a actor of our amazing drama club. i had a few glorious memory on stage. that is mypride.英语教师公开课的自我介绍6Good morning everyone:I am very glad to get this interview. Thank you for three minutes. My admission number is 123. I graduated from university this July, majoring in Chinese. I had a two-month teaching internship in a middle school, where I served as the head teacher. And Chinese teacher, I got itTeachers and students from that school. Now, I have a high school teaching qualification.In college, I initially have the skills to become a qualified teacher, and can teach to a certain level, I have a good moral accomplishment, a firm political direction. I love the motherland, love the people, and strongly support the leadership of the communist party of China and the socialist system, I with a pragmatic spirit, actively participate in the schools mass consciousness and patriotism activities. Now, I have become a glorious communist party member.During the study, I successfully completed the professional courses, obtained the bachelor of arts degree and college diploma, and passed the college English test band 6. I often read a lot of books related to literature, psychology, education and other series, which greatly increased my literary works. I have published some works in some literary magazines.In life, I advocate simple life and love sports. I have good habits.I have a dream of being a teacher since I was a child. T oday, I come with enthusiasm, hoping to get your recognition. I will repay your recognition with all my enthusiasm. Thats it. thank you Good morning. Its a great honor to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself to you. My name is Wendy. I am 17 years old and born in jinan, shandong province. I graduated from middle school. I have been studying hard and achieved many fruitful results, including many certificates. I am optimistic and cheerful. I made many good friends at school. In my spare time, I like reading and listening to music. Sometimes, I like playing basketball, too. I w英语教师公开课的自我介绍7Hell everyone.I would like to introduce myself to you .My name is yjbys,and it was my 23th birthday yesterday.I graduated from university just now.My major is english.I can speak english with fluency and accuracy.You know ,english plays an inportant role in the world ,the children in kingdergaten could learn to speak english in advance.In addition,swimming and playing basketball is my favoritesports.And I an also good at playing guitar and piano.I am an outing person.I believe that i will get along well with children,I will be patient with them.And try my best to love them.I would be your best choice.THANK YOU.英语教师公开课的自我介绍8Good afternoon to examiners! I am very glad to have this precious opportunity to attend the interview in your school and apply for the position of English teacher in middle school. My name is xx , graduated from Anyang Institute of Technology, majoring in business English. After graduation, he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree, passed the special four, general six and general four exams, won Grade A in Mandarin, and was proficient in using office software. I am cheerful, approachable, careful and patient, and I like to get along with children.During my college years, I worked as an English tutor forjunior high school students, and I have a certain understanding of their English level. I know very well when junior high school officially lays the foundation, so I made a curriculum plan specifically for the weak foundation of junior high school students. If I can pass the interview, I will explain my curriculum plan to you during the trial lecture.Teachers are a sacred profession. During my more than ten years of study, I have witnessed the teaching spirit of dedication and dedication of the teachers around me, and deeply realized the significance of being an engineer of human soul, which further strengthened my desire to become a teacher.Im a student who passed the examination in this city, and I have deep feelings for this land where I was born and raised. Now that I have graduated, I want to contribute to the education in my hometown. Your school is my alma mater, and I am very happy to be my colleague with many teachers who have taught my class. I am a person with strong learning ability and self-motivated. I will humbly ask my predecessors for advice and study, and be a conscientious and good teacher.There are three teachers in my family, and I want to be the fourth. When I was at school, my classmates said I looked like a teacher. Now I want to turn my dream into reality. Please consider my request carefully, and I would appreciate it if it passed. thank you英语教师公开课的自我介绍9Hello,this is Li Chunfei.I graduated from Xian siyuan University and majored in accounting.Its a pleasure to meet you.Be patient with me,Im a little bit nervous.I was once a poor student of English, and it was my biggest headache and trouble maker.I got sick and tired of learningboring grammar rules and lifeless words. But through hard workin practicing speaking English and breaking away from the traditional grammar games, I found myself a totally different and exciting new world.Id like toshare my learning techniques with my students of future and be their friend.Education has always been the most important thing in my life,and English is in my free/spare time.(English is my favorite subject.)So educating young people isthe most important thing I do with my life! Lets work together to lift the English education of China to a higher level. We can do it.Thank you for your valuable time.。
一堂英语公开课作文500字I recently attended an English public class, and it was an unforgettable experience. The class was taught by a highly qualified and experienced English teacher, and the topic was very interesting and engaging.The teacher began the class by introducing the topic and providing some background information. She explained the importance of the topic and how it related to real-life situations. This helped us to understand the relevance of the topic and why it was important to learn about it.During the class, the teacher used a variety of teaching methods to keep us engaged and interested. She used examples, stories, and interactive activities to illustrate the points she was making. This made the class very lively and interactive, and it was easy to follow and understand the content.One of the most impressive things about the class wasthe teacher's ability to encourage participation from all students. She made sure that everyone had an opportunity to ask questions and share their opinions. She also provided feedback and guidance to help us improve our English language skills.Overall, the class was very beneficial and I learned a lot from it. It not only improved my English languageskills but also broadened my knowledge and understanding of the topic. I would recommend this class to anyone who wants to improve their English language skills and learn about interesting and relevant topics.。
第一次英语公开课作文English:In my first English public class, I would choose to talk about the importance of language learning in today's globalized world. I would begin by discussing the impact of English as a global language, emphasizing its role in communication, business, and culture. I would then highlight the benefits of learning a new language, such as improved cognitive abilities, increased cultural awareness, and enhanced career opportunities. To engage the audience, I would incorporate interactive activities, such as group discussions or language games, to make the class both educational and enjoyable. In conclusion, I would encourage everyone to embrace language learning as a tool for personal growth and global understanding.中文翻译:在我的第一堂英语公开课上,我会选择谈论在当今全球化世界中语言学习的重要性。
初中的第一堂公开课作文 英语作文
初中的第一堂公开课作文英语作文In the afternoon, there is an open class, or a famous teacher from another school, this can be a new thing, in this tasteless morning, can be the best news."Ding zero zero" clear bell for class touched our urgent, nervous heartstrings. I saw a vigorous figure jumped on the platform: "students, my surname is Cao" Cao teacher radiant to introduce themselves, eyes reveal incomparable confidence.Then, Mr.Cao listed the content involved in the class in the way of problems. When I was reading and thinking silently, I looked at Miss Cao with the peripheral light of my eyes. I saw her turned around and wrote on the blackboard "shoemakers son" five characters, square, strong and powerful, her. The bun hairstyle shook rhythmically to her brush strokes.Cao teacher sometimes appears nervous, sometimes appears relaxed, the hero of the article when running for president in different periods of mood, vividly show, let the air of the classroomseems to condense up, as if this is the scene of the presidential campaign, each of us is a voter.Unconsciously, the bell rang quietly, interrupted our hot election scene, Teacher Cao said with difficulty: it seems, the final result of the election will wait until the next class announced.This is really a memorable lesson.。
一堂英语公开课作文500字English: During the English open class, the teacher can start by introducing an engaging topic to capture the students' interest, such as the importance of learning a second language. The teacher can then demonstrate various speaking, listening, reading, and writing activities to help students improve their English skills. Additionally, the teacher can incorporate interactive games, group discussions, and role-playing exercises to make the class more dynamic and interactive. By providing constructive feedback and encouragement, the teacher can motivate students to actively participate and practice their English skills. Finally, the teacher can end the class by summarizing key points and assigning homework to reinforce what was learned during the lesson.中文翻译: 在英语公开课上,教师可以通过引入一个吸引人的话题来吸引学生的兴趣,比如学习第二语言的重要性。
- 166 -校园英语 /如何在初中英语教学中融入文化教育——从我校的一堂公开课说起明德华兴中学/唐彬【摘要】语言和文化密切相连,不可分割。
【关键词】新课程标准 文化教育 初中英语教学由我校一名骨干教师执教的公开课人教版七年级英语下册第5单元 “Why do you like pandas ”第一课时,教师个人素质不错,整个课堂环环相扣,活动丰富,教师设置了很多活动包括 “Memory Challenge ”,“Pairwork ” 以及自拍学生视频做听力练习等,学生兴趣很高,效果也很好,对于功能句型Why questions 及其回答Because …操练相当到位,一堂课下来基本的单词、短语及句型掌握效果极好,教学是一门遗憾的艺术,这堂课很精彩,然而却少了一些东西。
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Hale Waihona Puke S 1 : Ca n I h e l p y o u, s i r ? S 2 : Ye s . I f e e l t h i r s t y . S 1 : S o , wo u l d y o u l i k e t o d r i n k s o me t e a ? S 2: Ye s. pl e a s e. S 1 : Ho w mu c h d o y o u w a n t ? S 2: Oh, t wo t e a s p l e a s e . T e a c h e r : Go o d , b u t y o u ma d e a mi s t a k e . Yo u s h o u l d s a v“ t wo c u Ds o f t e a ”
语 际 迁 移 是 指母 语 对 目标 语 学 习 的影 响 。在 外 语学 习的初级 阶段 , 由于对外语体系 比较陌生 , 加之 自己的外语体系 尚未形成 , 所 以, 借助母语是学 习者 唯一 的选 择 。 语 内迁移 是指学习者在 目标语 内的知识迁移 。 研究发现 , 语 言学 习初期 , 学 习者 的语言错误 以语 际 迁移为主 。 一旦学习者掌握 了一定 的语言知识 , 他们 的语 内迁移错误就会大量出现。语 内负迁移 的主要 形式 ,也 就是我们 所说 的过度 概括 ( o v e r g e n e r a l i z a — t i o n ) 。学习者可以通过对几个具体事例 的观察而推 出一 个 规 律 ,然后 把这 个 规 律 过 渡 地 应 用 到 其 他 类 似 的地方 。 例如 , 当学习者发现几个正规的动词过去 时时 , 他们就有可能说 出p u t t e d 等不正确 的形式 。 学习环境是指有老师指 导的课堂环境或无老师 指导 的社会环境。在课 堂环境 中 ,教师不正确地解 释、 不恰 当的教学方式有可能使学习者产生错误 。 在 社会环境 中,学习者也可能 同样 由于文化等 因素而 习得有别于标准 目的语的方言。 交际策略是指为了达到交 际 目的而在交际 中使 用 的解决交际障碍的计 划或方案 。为了表达 自己的 思想 , 学 习者 常会用到一些产生策略 , 而这些策略有 时会 成为错误之源 , 像创造 生词 ( a i r b a l 1 ) 、 杜 撰句式 等都属于这种情况 。国外有些学者也将语言学 习者 所犯 的错误归人语言能力错误 和语言应用错误 。前 者包括语际 、 语 内迁 移 引起 的错 误 , 后 者 包 括 加 工 和 交际策略而引起的错误 。 学 者 张 立 飞 利 用 我 国英 语 学 习者 语 料 库 ,分 析 了所有 的五个子语料库的全部语料后 ,利用 因子分 析 的方法在6 1 种错误 中找出了常见 的1 7 种错误 , 然 后将其分别归入语 言失误 、 母语负迁移 、 语 内错误和 教学 问题 四个大类 。这 个结论与上面 的错误来源分 析 比较 相 似 。 当然 , 造 成学生语言错误的原因是多方面的 , 教 学 中 的任 何 因素 都有 可能成 为学 生语 言错误 的根 源,这就需要我们教师在教学 中进行仔细 的分析和 认 真 的研 究 。
思 路 方 法
由一 堂 英 语 公 开 课 说起
一 严 荷峰
摘 要 :本文是 由一堂英语公开课 中学生所出 现 的语言“ 误用 ” 现象进 而引出语言学习者在英 语学 习 中导 致 出错 的 四类 根 源 , 即: 语际迁移( i n t e r l i ng u a 1 t r a ns f e r t r a n s f e r ) 、 语 内迁 移 ( i n t r a l i n g u a 1 ) 、 学 习环境 ( c o n t e x t 0 f l e a r n i n g )和 交 际策 略 ( c o m mu n i c a t i o n s t r a t e g i e s ) , 并在此基础上对学 生在英语课堂学 习中 出错的原因做了进 一步 的叙述 ,分析 了纠错的原则 及基于不同错误类 型的不 同纠错方法 ,进一步印证 了语言学习实质就是一个不断 出错之后研 而纠之最 终 明悟 于 心 的 过程 。 关键 词 : 公 开课 ; 英语教 学 ; 错误 来源 ; 纠错原 则; 纠错 方 法 上学期参加学 校组织 的一次公开课活动 ,整堂 课下来 , 师生配合相 当不错 , 在互动环节中教师 让学 生练习“ Wo u l d Y O U l i k e t o d o …” 句型 , 有两 名学 生演 练 了一组店员与顾 客的对话 , 内容如下 :
在评课环节 ,对于授课老师能及时纠正学 生错
误 的行为 , 在座 的大部分老师纷纷 给予较高 的评价 。 然而授课教师这一看似锦上添花 的举动 ,却忽 视了 纠错本身所涉及的内容 , 即语 言运用 的灵活性 。 现行 的人 教 新 版 教 材 尤 为 强 调语 言 的灵 活 运 用 。以 上 对 话 中顾客 的“ t w 0 t e a s " 在英语 日常 口语 中并不少见 , 此处并无大的错误 ,却被教师在课堂上作为错误 给 以指正 , 给学生 的感 觉似乎是此 处必须用 “ t w o c u p s o f t e a ” 方符合英语语 用规则。笔者个人觉得对 于课 堂互动活动来说 ,将每一个语法及知识点做到面面 俱到的做法并不可取。因此 , 对于教师来说 , 对 学生 所 犯 错 误 的 纠 正 还 是需 要 下 一 些 工 夫 ,纠 错看 似很 小, 却 大有 文 章 可 做 。 在英语学 习过程中学生将 不可避免地犯锆 , 这 是 自然规律 。 英语学 习与其他的实践活动一样 , 在学 习过程 中, 学 习者 自始至终都在与错误做斗争 , 力求 消灭所 出现的每个错误 ,以期达到语言学习的完美 性 。然而 , 实践证 明, 完全杜绝语言错误只是一 个美 好 的梦想 , 因为犯错本身也是包括 于学 习的过程 的。 众所周知 , 英 语 教 学 是 一 个 复 杂 的 系统 工 程 。 特 别 是 在英语作为第二语 言的社会环境 中,英语教学不但 涉及纯语言方面的知识 , 而且 还须考虑语言 的变体 、 语用知识 、 文化 背景 的差异 、 母 语的影响 、 所选择 的 教学方法 、 学习者本身存 在的差异等许多相关因素 。 且语言 学习久了就会产生 “ 石化现象 ” , 因而 只有 为 数较少 的学习者最终能够达 到 目的语 国家人的语言 水平 。 因此 , 对学生来说 语言上 的错误一直是英语学 习中难 以逾越的一道障碍 。 作为英语教 师 , 如何恰当 地纠正学生在学习过程 中所 出现 的种种错误 ,值得 我们好好研究。