Atmosphere impact and ground station selection of satellite to ground laser communication
星火英语四级高频词汇01tendinv olv einc lud ein for ma ti onFo r fu rth er i nfo rmati on pl ea se wri te to me.offerl ev elreq uir eThe work i sn't up t o th e stan dard I requi r e.issu eWhat's a t i ssue he re i s t he wh ol e fut ure of the i ndu stry.cond i tio nThe b asi c cau se s a re un kno wn,al thoug h ce rtai n co ndi ti on s tha t may l ead t o can ce r ha ve been i den ti fi ed. ea rnrateThe di vo rce rate i s goi ng up year by yearas a resul t o f the i nv ol vemen t o f the othe r me n or wome n.con tro lThe fi re wa s soo n un der cont rol.p rocessTh rou gho ut t he pro ce ss of reform and openi ng,we mu st comba t co rrup ti on. avoidIn i nte rna ti onal mat che s,pre sti ge i s so i m po rta nt t hat the o nl y thi ng tha t mat te rs i s to avoi d bei ng beaten.foc u sPl ease fo cu s y ou r mi nd o n the fol l owi n g probl em.affec tCon stan t exp o su re to i nte nse l i ght affe ct s the eye s a dve rsel y. cr ed itDon't pl a ce credi t i n i dl e rumo urs.envi ro nmen tfai lSome stu den ts fai l ed t o g et aba chel or's deg ree be cau se t hey fai l edthe CE T B and-4.fea tu r eimp ac tH er spee ch mad e a tremen dou si mpact on e veryon e.lac kThei r a cti on s l a ck co nsi s te n cy; theysay o ne t hi ng and d o ano the r.majorShake spea re i s one o f the maj orwri te th in gI can't bel i eve we di d al l tha t work fornothi n g.rang ereferThe di s pu te wa s re fe rre d to t he U ni tedNati on s.rep l ac eW e h ave re pl aced sl ave l abo ur wi t h/by ma chi ne s.seekMost o f the co unt ry's Inte rne t users goonl i ne t o chat or see k ente rtai nmen trat her th an l oo k fo r j ob s o r cond u ctbu si ness.sp eedH i s spe ed and st ren gth hel pe d hi mwi n t he ra ce.02su gg estJane's pal e fa ce sugge sted t hat she wa si ll,and he r pa ren ts su gge sted t hat shesh oul d ha ve a me di cal ex ami nati on.ab ili tyEdu cati on i s the abi l i ty to l i ste n toal most any thi ngwi th ou t l o si ng you r te mpe r orsel f-co nfi den ce.commu nic atio ncon tai nexp en seMost chi l dren i n B ri tai n a re edu ca tedat publ i c e xpen se.ign or eY ou'v e been i gn ori ng me.inju r eA fter bei n g wou nded i n t he fi gh ti ng,he wa s i n an a cci den t wh en hi s carwa s d amag ed bu t he hi m sel f noti nj mi tY ou real l y a re t he ab sol ut e l i mi t!na tur eThi s bea uti ful ga rden o we s mo re toart than to na tu re.p artic ul arMi chael Ja ck so n i s pa rti c ul ar ab outhi s cl o the s.p artic ul arl yCott on g ro ws wel l i n t hat co un try,parti cul a rl y i n t he ea st.p ic kShe pi c ked at h er pl ate, wi th outappeti te.sp eci ficSome o f t he rep ort s al wa y s sp eak onthe ge neral p ri n ci pl ewhi l e ne gl ecti ng a b ri efi ng on sp e ci fi cfa ct s.stic kIf we sti c k a t i t, we shoul d fi ni sh thej ob t oday.stor eA grea t pa rt o f t he chai n sto re'sbu si ness co me s fro m chi l dren.amo un tThei r t ravel i ng expe n se s a mou nt toseve n hu nd red d ol l ars.ap p ealH er se n se of hu mou r appe al ed t o hi m enormo usl y.asso cia teW e a sso ci a te E gyp t wi th t he Ni l e. asso cia ti onA ccordi ng to the A meri c an A utomobi l e A sso ci ati o n,si n ce 1964 al l ca rs sol d i n t he U ni ted Sate s have been equi pp ed wi t h seat bel ts.assumeFarme rs wi l l have a b um per ha rve st, assu mi ng tha t the weath er i s favo urabl e.b en efi tEqual i ty an d mut ual be nefi t i s o ne of Chi na's fi ve p ri n ci pl es of p ea ce ful co-e xi ste n cei n fo rei gn p ol i cy.cul ti va teConti nue to carry fo rwa rd and cul ti va te th e nati onal spi ri t.d istan c eI coul d hea r v oi ce s i n th e di st an ce. ed i tThe y mu st hav e edi ted bi ts of the i ntervi e w o ut.ex cha ng eThe re i s a n i n crea se i n the te chni c al co ope rati o n and cul t ural ex chang es bet wee n Chi na and o the r co unt ri e s. fac torH er fri endl y ma nne r i s an i mpo rt ant fa ct or i n he r rapi d su cce ss.ind ica teIn t hi s map, t he to wn s are i ndi c at ed by a red d iaCCTV ha s goo d me di a cove rage of the Ira q W emen tY our con tri bu ti on s o n the fi el d o f pl ay have served t o st reng the nthe Ol ym pi c M ovem ent and gl obalsp ort.refu seIt wa s no ea sy ma tte r fi ndi ngl odgi ngs.In mo st ca se s we were re fu sed onso me p rete xt o r ot her,whi l e we ou rsel ve s tu rned do wn afe w pl a ce s a s un sui ta bl fferI'm so h appy, so ab so rbe d i n thesen sa ti on o f a t ranq ui l exi sten ce, t hatmy art i s su fferi n ea tIt's t reat ed l i ke i t's some evi l thi ng t hati ndustry i s doi ng, bu t i f i nd ust ry wa sn'tdoi ng tha t,we wo ul d no t have any ne wtrea tme nt s.vari ou sNo wada y s, m oon ca ke s wi t h thei rvari ou s fl avors a nd del i ca te pa ckagi ngactual l y ha ve be co me a ki nd ofart work.03ap p lyW e shoul d ap pl y to the p ubl i she rs forpermi ssi on to rep ri nt a n ext ra ct.attac kavai lab l eThe re were no ti c ke t s avai l abl e forFri day's pe rfo rma n ardThe N obel P ri ze i s a wa rde d toco mme mo rat e Nob el, t he g reatch emi st.b ac kgr ou ndI woul d al so l i ke t o l ea rn mo re ab outthe cul tu re be hi nd th e l an guag e.When y ou unde rsta nd the cul tu ralba ckg ro und, yo u can be tte r u se thel anguage.commi tChi na wi l l, a s al w ay s, com mi t i t sel f toreform, openi n g-up andmode rni zati on d ri ve. 中国将一如既往地致力于改革开放和现代化建设事业commu nic ateThe Mi ni ste r of Fo rei gn A ffai rs ha sal ready co mmu ni ca ted o n thi s ev entwi ththe A me ri can P re si den t.cri si sNegoti ati o ns bet we en th e t woco un tri e s are a pp roa chi ng a cri s i s.effectiv eThe y to ok e ffe cti ve m ea su re s toprev ent p oi so nou s g ases fromesca pi ng.emp loyThe fi rm e mpl oy s the re ti redpro fe sso r a s an ad vi so r.entir eIn o rd er to hedg e hi s bet s he di dn't tel lthe ot he r pa rty hi s en ti re pl an.ex ha u stSome we b a ddi ct s often ex hau stthem sel ve s by su rfi ng the Inte rn et forday s on en d.grow thRussi a P re si dent Pu ti n st re ssed tha t theenergy ta ri ffs sh oul d be rai sedgrad ual l yand i n a cco rdan ce wi t h th e gro wt h i npeopl e's i n co me.har mThe ca r wa s badl y dam aged bu t noneof the pa ssen gers came to an y ha id en tThe an ti-wa r d emo n st rati onpro ceeded wi t hou t i n ci dent.mod elThe y t ry to b ui l d t hei r sy stem ofdemo cra cy on t he A meri c an m odel.op ini onIn the o pi ni on of m y do ct or, I sho ul d be wel l en oug h to t ravel by nex t week.p refer enc eDo y ou have a pre fe ren ce fo r a parti cul a r food?sid ePeopl e on b ot h si de s o f the Tai w an St rai t s sho ul d i nhe ri t an d carry fo rwa rdthe fi ne t ra di ti ons o f t he Chi ne se cul t ng l eDon't stak e ev erythi ng o n a si ngl e ca st of t he di ce.sup p lyH e wa s arre st ed fo r sup pl yi ng a rm s to the te rro ri st ap tCan yo u a dap t y ou r wa y o f thi nki ng to the ne w l i fe styl e?ad op tad voca teNothi ng co ul d pe rsua de me to retu rn to th e ki nd o f l i fe K el sey u se d to advo ca teand I o n ce enj oy ed.ap p roachFe w wri ters can ap proa ch Shake spea re i n tal ent.ap p rov eMy pa ren t s d on't app ro ve of me sm oki ng ci ga ret te s.circ umsta nc eCi rcum sta n ce s al te r ca se s.此一时彼一时con su meIn the mi d-seve nti es A meri c an s co n sum ed ab ou t seven teen mi l l i on barrel s o f oi l dai l y.conv eyThi s t rai n conve y s o ver t hre e h und red passe nge rs eve ry da ea tiv eW e ne ed some creati ve t hi nki ng tosol ve t hi s p ro bl em.crimeLast yea r,the cri me ra te i n Chi c agosha rpl y de cl i ned.d efin eWhen bo unda ri e s bet we en cou nt ri esare no t cl ea rl y de fi ned, the re's u sual l ytro ubl e.effici en tThe ne w se creta ry i s a qui c k,e ffi c i entworker, a nd the b o ss i s qui te sati s fi edwi th her.emo ti onThe spea ker a ppeal ed to o ur e moti on srat her than to ou r mi n ds.exp ec ta ti onThe y had g reat expe ctati o ns for thei rso n, b ut he di dn't real l y l i ve up to t hem.exp r essNo word s ca n e xp re ss the g ran deu r ofthat p ara de.fai lu r eFai l ure i s the mo the r of su cce ss./Fai l ure tea che s su cce ss.gapThe re we re so me una ccou nta bl e gap si n hi s st ory.04ma nn erH e i s a man wi t h a ve ry p ri m andpre ci s e man ner.mi ldH e ha s t oo mi l d a na tu re t o ge t an gry,even i f he ha s g ood cau se.moodH e's i n no m ood fo r tel l i ng j oke s.n ec essar ilyY ou sho ul d ne ce ssari l y go to the pa rty.n ec essar yIf ne ce ssa ry, we can al wa y s ch angethe da te s of ou r t ri p.ob jec tMaki ng mo ney wa s hi s mai n obj e cti n l i fe.p aceThe ol d man wal ke d at a v ery sl o wpa ce.p artic ip ateA mong al l the ex hi bi ti on pa rti c i pati ngnati on s, Chi na had the bi gge st spa ce,the l arge st n umbe r o f bo ok s an d theatmo sphe re wa s th e mo st l i vel y.p urcha seLeadi ng bank s i n Shan ghai arepl anni ng to fi nan ce i n stal l mentpurcha se t othe i ndi vi dual h ou se b uyer.reli ev eThe do cto r's expl ana ti on rel i eved meof m y fea rs.revi ewIn ou r tal ks t oday, P re si dent B ushrevi e wed30yea rs o f Si no-U Srel ati on.sec ur eEvery ci ti zen ha s t he ri gh t t o l i ve apea ceful a nd se cu re l i urc eThe Pe nta gon ha s a ccel era teddevel opm ent of a ne w g ene rati on ofadvan ce d p re ci si on we apo nry,accordi ng to U S mi l i tary so urce s.stepThe gove rn men t mu st ta ke ste p s toredu ce une mpl oy ment.stu ffsy mb olThe wed di ng ri ng i s p ro babl y theol dest an d mo st wi de sp read sym bolof ma rri rowThe y l i ve wi thi n a st one's th ro w o f the sta ti on.urg entIt i s mo st u rgen t tha t you sh oul d make up you r mi n d.ab strac tA fl ower i s b eauti f ul, b ut bea ut y i t sel f i s a bst ra ct.acc ep tab l eCompl i ment s a re al wa y s a ccept abl e.activi tyProg re ss i s th e a cti vi ty o f to day and the a ssuran ce o f to mo rro w.进步是今天的活动,明天的保证ad justW e mu st adj u st the rel ati on shi p bet wee n i nve st men t and co n sum pti onto rai se the p rop orti on of co n sum pti on i n GDP g rad ual l y.amuseThe au di en ce wa s a mu sed b y the co medi an e very no w a nd t hen. aro useThe m u si c a rou se d a n i n ten se feel i ng of ho me si ckne ss i n hi m.assistT wo me n a re a ssi sti ng the pol i ce i n thei r en qui ri es.b argai nb arri erA ll the i n sti tuti onal a nd pol i cy ba rri ers to u rbani za ti on mu st be re mo ved. camp ai gncomb a tcomp o si ti onH e's doi n g re sea rch i nt o the chemi c al co mp osi ti on of the ne w medi c i ne.conc ep tTha t comp any be gan searchi ng for an agen cy to ha ndl e a ne w re sta urant co n cep t. con ti nu alThe re appe ars to be n o e nd i n si ghtover the co nti nual deb ate o ver“hu man cl oni ng”.con ti nu ou sA co nti nuo u s bea ch i s exp o sed t o thebeati ng o f co nti nual wave s.cop eThe re wa s to o mu ch wo rk for o urco mp ute r to cope wi th.criticiz e/-i seThe de ci s i on wa s sha rpl y cri ti ci zed bybu si nessmen na ti on wi de.d isso lv eThe re's a ci d i n her v oi ce; i t co ul ddi ssol ve any bod y's goo d i n tenti o ns.d oub tThe fut ure o f t he publ i c l i bra ry i s i ndoub t.emp ha si sSome di c ti ona ri es l a y spe ci alempha si s on g ram mar.05ex ac tTo be ex a ct, she i s a ve ry ex a ct pe rson.exp o sur e 儿童接触到电视上的暴力镜头会损害他们的心理健康。
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a about act after all along always American and animal another answer any anything around ask at away b back bad banana bathroom be bear because become before behind between big birthday blow book box break bring brother build bus but by c call can candy card carry CD child circle class clean cloth cold collect come computer cost course d dark day dear different difficult do dog door down draw dream drive driver easy eat end enjoy every everyone everywhere excite face far February feel field find first fish fix follow food for free Friday from full fun future g get gift girl give go goal good group grow guess gym half hand happy have he hear help her here high him his hope house how hug i idea important improve in instead interest into it January job just keep key kid kind knock know l lady large last late learn leave lesson lie like line list little live long look lose lot love m make man many March math matter May me meet middle minute Miss mom money more morning Mr. much must my myself n name national need new news newspaper night no not nothing now number nurse of off often old on once one only open or our out over own P.M. paper parent pass past people picnic picture place play player please pleasure point post practice present primary print problem pull push question quickly read ready return right road room rule run say school science seat second see seed send sense sentence shape share she shelf should shoulder show sign size slow slowly small so solve some sometimes son soon special stand start station stick still stop story storybook strong student study take talk tall teacher telephone tell tennis test thank that the their them then there these they They're thing think thirteen this those time to today too top touch traffic truck true try turn two under understand up us use very voice wait walk want warm way we weak week welcome well wet what when where which WHO whose why wide will with wolf woman wonderful word work worker world would wow write year you your yours
管道工程英文术语缩写(中英对照)1.管子及管件P 管子 PipeEL 弯头ELL 长半径弯头ELS 短半径弯头MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头)REL 异径弯头T 三通 TeeLT 斜三通RT 异径三通R 异径管接头(大小头) ReducerCR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) Eccentric reducer CPL 管箍 CouplingFCPL 双头管箍 Full couplingHCPL 单头管箍 Half couplingRCPL 异径管箍 Reducing couplingBU 内外螺纹接头 BushingUN 活接头 UnionHC 软管接头 Hose couplerSE 翻边短节 Stub endNIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nippleSNIP 异径短节 Swaged nippleCP 管帽(封头) CapPL 管堵(丝堵) PlugBLK 盲板 BlankSB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2.法兰 FLG 法兰 FlangeWNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flangeSOF 平焊法兰 Slip-on flangeSWF 承插焊法兰 Socket-welding flangeT 螺纹法兰 Threaded flangeLJ 松套法兰 Lapped joint flangeREDF 异径法兰 Reducing flangeBF 法兰盖(日法兰) Blind flangeFSF 法兰密封面 Flange scaling FF 全平面 Flat face RF 凸台面 Raised faceMFF 凹凸面 Male and female faceLF 凹面 Female faceLM 凸面 Male faceRJ 环连接面 Ring joint faceTG 榫槽面 Tongue and groove faceTF 榫面 Tongue faceGF 槽面 Groove face3.垫片 G 垫片 GasketNMG 非金属垫片 Non-metallic gasketAG 石棉垫片 Asbestos gasketRG 橡胶垫片 Rubber gasketTEG 聚四氟乙烯包复垫片 PTFE envelope gasketSMG 半金属垫片 Semimetallic gasketMJG 金属包垫片 Meta-jacket gasketSWG 缠绕式垫片 Spiral wound gasketMG 金属垫片 Metallic gasketFMG 金属平垫片 Flat metallic gasketSMSG 齿形金属垫片 Solid metal serrated gasketLER 透镜式金属环垫 Lens ring gasketOCR 八角形金属环垫 Octagonal ring gasketOVR 椭圆形金属环垫 Oval ring gaksetIR/OR 内外定位环 Inner ring and outer ringIR 内定位环 Inner ringOR 外定位环 Outer ring4.坚固件 B 螺栓 BoltSB 螺柱 Stud boltNU 螺母 NutTB 花蓝螺母 TurnbuckleWSR 垫圈 WasherSWSR 弹簧垫圈 Spring washer5.阀门 GV 闸阀 Gate valveGLV 截止阀 Globe valveCHV 止回阀 Check valveBUV 蝶阀 Butterfly valveBAV 球阀 Ball valvePV 旋塞阀 Plug valve (cock)CV 调节阀 Control valveSV 安全阀 Safety valveRV 减压阀 Pressure reducing valveST 蒸汽疏水阀 Steam trapPRV 泄压阀 Pressur relief valveBV 呼吸阀 Breather valveNV 针形阀 Needle valveAV 角阀DV 隔膜阀TWV 三通阀SGV 插板阀6.管道上用的小型设备 SPR 气液分离器 Separator FA 阻火器 Flame arresterSR 过滤器 StrainerSRY Y型过滤器 Y-type strainerSRT T型过滤器 T-type strainerSRB 桶式过滤器 Bucket type strainerTSR 临时过滤器 Temporary strainerSIL 消声器 SilencerSG 视镜 Slight glassSC 取样冷却器 Sample coolerDF 排液漏斗 Drain funnelLM 管道混合器 Line mixerRO 限流孔板 Restriction orificeMO 混合孔板 Mixing orificeRD 爆破片(爆破膜) Rupture diskEJ 补偿器 Expansion joint7.隔热、伴热 INS 隔热 Thermal insulationH 保温 Hot insulationC 保冷 Cold insulationP 防烫伤隔热 Personnel protection insulationT&I 伴热 Tracing and insulationT 管道伴热(冷) TracingEST 蒸汽外伴热 External steam tracingIST 蒸汽内伴热 Internal steam tracingSJT 蒸汽夹套伴热 Steam-jacket tracingET 电伴热 Electric tracing8.配管材料和等级 M 金属材料 Metallic material CS 碳钢 Carbon steelCAS 铸钢 Cast steelFS 锻钢 Forged steelAS 合金钢 Alloy steelSS 不锈钢 Stainless steelAUSTSS 奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic stainless-steelCI 铸铁 Cast ironMI 可锻铸铁 Malleable ironDI 球墨铸铁 Ductile ironAL 铝 AluminumBRS 黄铜 BrassBRZ 青铜 BronzeCU 紫铜 CopperLAS 低合金钢 Low alloy steelFLAS 低合金锻钢 Forged low alloy steelCLAS 低合金铸钢 Cast low alloy steelTHK 壁厚 ThicknessSCH 表号 Schedule numberSTD 标准 StandardXS 加强 Extra strongXXS 特强 Double extra strong9.装置布置 CN 建北 Construction northE 东 EastW 西 WestS 南 SouthN 北 NorthH 水平 HorizontalV 竖直、铅直、直立 VerticalGRD 地坪 GroundUG 地下 UndergroundBL 装置边界线 Battery limit lineESEW 事故沐浴洗眼器 Emergency shower and eye washer HS 软管站 Hose stationML 接续分界线 Match linePS 管道支架(管架) Piping supportPR 管桥 Pipe rackSTRU 构架(构筑物) StructureBLDG 建筑物 BuildingPD 清扫设施 Purge devicePT 池 PitSHLT 棚 ShelterCOFF 围堰 CofferdamFL 楼板 FloorPF 平台 Plateform10.尺寸标注 EL 标高 Elevation BOP 管底 Bottom of pipeCOP 管中心Center of pipeTOP 管顶 Top of pipeFOB 底平 Flat on bottomFOT 顶平 Flat on topCL(屯) 中心线 Center lineTL 切线 Tangent lineSYM 对称的 SymmetricalBOS 支架底 Bottom of supportTOS 支架顶 Top of supportCL 净距(净空) ClearanceCTC 中心至中心 Center to centerCTF 中心至面 Center to faceCTE 中心至端部 Center to endETE 端到端 End to endFEF 法兰端面 Flange and faceFTF 面到面 Face to faceD 直径 DiameterDN 公称直径 Nominal diameterID 内径 Inside diameterOD 外径 Outside diameterDIM 尺寸 DimensionMAX 最大 MaximumMIN 最小 MinimumAVG 平均 AverageAPP 约、近似 Approximate点标高 Point elevation11.图表 PFD 工艺流程图 Process flow diagramPID 管道和仪表流程图 Piping & instrument diagramCOD 接续图 Continued on drawingDTL 详图 DatailSPDWG(ISODWG) 管段图 Spool drawing (each line isometric drawing) DWGNO 图号 Drawing numberDWGI 所在图号 Drawing identificationLOW 材料表 List of materialMTO 汇料 Material take-offAPPX 附录 AppendixJOB. No. 工号 Job NumberBEDD 基础工程设计数据 Basic engineering design dataDEDD 详细工程设计数据 Detail engineering design dataREV. No. 修改号 Recision numberREFDWG 参考图 Reference drawingSC 采样接口 Sample connection12.操作方式及工作参数 AUT 自动 AutomaticML 手动 Manual controlCHOP 链条操作 Chain operatedCSC 铅封关 Car seal closeCSO 铅封开 Car seal openLC 锁闭 Lock closedLO 锁开 Lock openNC 正常关 Normally closeNO 正常开 Normally openATM 大气压 AtmospherePN 公称压力 Nominal pressureA 绝压G 表压(T) 温度 Temperature(P) 压力 Pressure13.施工 W 焊接 WeldingAW 电弧焊 Arc weldingGSAW 气体保护电弧焊 Gas shielded-acr welding EFW 电熔焊 Elecric fusion weldingERW 电阻焊 Electric Resistance weldingGW 气焊 Gas weldingLW 搭接焊 Lap weldingBW 对焊 Butt weldingTW 定位焊 Tack weldingSW 承插焊 Socket weldingCW 连续焊 Continuous weldingSEW 密封焊 Seal weldingSFG 堆焊 SurfacingFW 现场焊接 Field weldingHT 热处理 Heat treatmentPH 预热 PreheatingSR 应力消除 Stress reliefPWHT 焊后热处理 Post weld heat treatmentEIT 检查、探伤和实验 Examination, inspection & testing VE 外观检查 Visual examinationUI (UT) 超声探伤 Ultrasonic inspection (test)RI (RT) 射线探伤 Radiographic inspection (test)MPI (MT) 磁粉探伤 Magnetic particle inspection (test)LPI (PT) 液体渗透检验 Liquid penterant inspection (test) HADT 硬度实验 Hardness testingHYDT 水压实验 Hydraulic testingPNET 气压实验 Pneumatic testingCE 焊条 Covered electrodeWW 焊丝 Welding wireASSY 装配、组合 AssemblyF 现场 FieldF/F 现场制造 Field faricatedSF 现场决定 Suit in fieldCSP 冷紧 Cold springBCT 螺栓冷紧 Bolt cold tighteningBHY 螺栓热紧 Bolt hot tighteningCO 清洗口 Clean outANNY 退火 AnnealedPE 平端面 Plain endBE 坡口端 Belelled endTHR 螺纹 ThreadHB 布氏硬度 Brinnel hardnessRC 洛氏硬度14.其他 FDN 基础 FoundationINF 信息(资料) InformationREF 参考 ReferenceREV 修改 RevisionSEQ 序号(顺序) SequenceW/E 设备带来 With equipmentW/I 仪表带来 With instrumentCM 色标 Colour markCA 腐蚀裕度 Corrosion allowanceUTL 公用系统 UtilityUC 公用工程接头 Utility connectionQTY 数量 QuantityWT 重量 WeightMHR 工时 Man hourBC 螺栓分布圆 Bolt circleHP 高点 High pointLP 低点Low pointSUC 吸入(口) SuctionDIS 排出(口) DischargeSO 蒸气吹扫(口) Steam outNPT 美国标准锥管螺纹 National standard taper pipe threadNPS 美国标准直管螺纹 National standard straight pipe thread DR 排液 DrainVT 放气 VentRTG (压力)等级 RatingCL 等级 ClassSMLS 无缝 Seamless螺旋缝。
精心整理精心整理主题词表EnglishChinese 01.大气atmosphericscience 大气科学meteorology 气象学theoreticalmeteorology 理论气象学mesometeorology 中尺度气象学micrometeorology 微气象学physicalmeteorology 物理气象学atmosphere 大气evolutionofatmosphere 大气演化atmosphericimpurity 大气杂质atmosphericsuspendedmatter 大气悬浮物atmosphericdiffusion 大气扩散atmosphericcomposition 大气成分atmosphericion 大气离子atmosphericmass 大气质量airquality 大气品位atmosphericdensity 大气密度atmosphericsubdivision 大气分层homosphere 均质层heterosphere 非均质层homopause 均质层顶significantlevel 特性层standard[pressure]level 标准层isothermallayer 等温层loweratmosphere 低层大气middleatmosphere 中层大气upperatmosphere 高层大气troposphere 对流层tropopause 对流层顶stratosphere 平流层stratopause 平流层顶mesosphere 中间层mesopause 中间层顶thermosphere 热层exosphere 外[逸]层ionosphere 电离层magnetosphere 磁层magnetopause 磁层顶chemosphere 光化层chemopause 光化层顶ozonosphere 臭氧层freeatmosphere 自由大气planetaryatmosphere 行星大气standardatmosphere(referenceatmosphere)标准大气(参考大气)homogeneousatmosphere 均质大气isothermalatmosphere 等温大气polytropicatmosphere 多元大气scaleheight 大气标高meteorologicalelement 气象要素airtemperature 气温wet-bulbtemperature 湿球温度dry-bulbtemperature 干球温度temperatureprofile 温度廓线atmosphericpressure 气压standardatmospherepressure 标准大气压stationpressure 本站气压sea-levelpressure 海平面气压pressuregradient 气压梯度barometricheightformula 压高公式pressuregradientforce 气压梯度力Coriolisforce 科里奥利力watervapor 水[蒸]汽transferofwatervapor 水汽输送watervaporprofile 水汽廓线watervaporpressure 水汽压humidity 湿度relativehumidity 相对湿度absolutehumidity 绝对湿度specifichumidity 比湿mixingratio 混合比dewpoint[temperature]露点(温度) depressionofthedewpoint (温度)露点差super-saturatedair 过饱和空气saturationspecifichumidity 饱和比湿saturationvaporpressure 饱和水汽压psychrometricformula 测湿公式saturationdeficit 饱和差internationalcloudatlas 国际云图cloud 云lowcloud 低云middlecloud 中云highcloud 高云cloudbase 云底cloudtop 云顶cloudceiling 云幂cloudamount 云量totalcloudcover 总云量cloudwithverticaldevelopment直展云cloudheight云高cloudgenera云属cloudetage云族cloudspecies云种cloudvariety云类cloudform云状cirrus,Ci卷云cirrusfibratus,Cifib毛卷云cirrusspissatus,Cispi密卷云cirrusuncinus,Ciunc钩卷云cirrostratus,Cs卷层云cirrostratusfibratus,Csfib毛卷层云cirrostratusnebulosus,Csneb薄幕卷层云cirrocumulus,Cc卷积云altocumulus,Ac高积云altocumulustranslucidus,Actr透光高积云altocumulusopacus,Acop蔽光高积云altocumuluslenticularis,Aclen荚状高积云altocumuluscumulogenitus,Accug积云性高积云altocumulusfloccus絮状高积云altocumuluscastellanus,Accas堡状高积云altostratus,As高层云altostratustranslucidus,Astr透光高层云altostratusopacus,Asop蔽光高层云cumulus,Cu积云cumulushumilis,Cuhum淡积云cumulusmediocris,Cumed中展积云cumulusfractus,Cufra碎积云cumuluscongestus,Cucon浓积云cumulonimbus,Cb积雨云cumulonimbuscalvus,Cbcal秃积雨云cumulonimbuscapillatus,Cbcap鬃积雨云stratocumulus,Sc层积云stratocumulustranslucidus,Sctr透光层积云stratocumulusopacus,Scop蔽光层积云stratocumuluscumulogenitus,Sccug积云性层积云stratocumuluscastellanus,Sccas堡状层积云stratocumuluslenticularis,Sclen荚状层积云stratus,St层云stratusfractus,Stfra碎层云nimbostratus,Ns雨层云stratiformcloud层状云cumuliformcloud积状云fracto-nimbus,Fn碎雨云chaoticsky混乱天空coldcloud冷云warmcloud暖云icecloud冰云watercloud水云hailcloud[冰]雹云wind风winddirection风向windspeed,windvelocity风速maximumwindspeed最大风速extremewindspeed极大风速windspeedprofile风速廓线horizontalwindvector水平风矢量windforce风力windforcescale风级Beaufort[wind]scale蒲福风级calm0级风lightair1级风lightbreeze2级风gentlebreeze3级风moderatebreeze4级风freshbreeze5级风strongbreeze6级风neargale7级风gale8级风stronggale9级风storm10级风violentstorm11级风hurricane12级风gust阵风localwind地方性风surfacewind地面风foehn焚风mountain-valleybreeze山谷风sea-landbreeze海陆风on-shorewind向岸风off-shorewind离岸风gorgewind峡谷风slopewind坡风glacierbreeze冰川风drainagewind流泄风visibility能见度effectivevisibility有效能见度visualrangeoflight灯光能见距离surfacevisibility地面能见度horizontalvisibility水平能见度verticalvisibility垂直能见度精心整理slantvisibility倾斜能见度meteor大气现象weatherphenomenon天气现象clearsky晴天partlycloudy少云cloudy多云overcast阴天blueofthesky天空蓝度apparentformofthesky天穹形状stateofground地面状态skycondition天空状况precipitation降水amountofprecipitation降水量precipitationintensity降水强度showeryprecipitation阵性降水convectiveprecipitation对流性降水non-convectiveprecipitation非对流性降水orographicprecipitation地形降水rain雨rainvirga雨幡raindrop雨滴rainshadow雨影glaze雨凇rainday雨日rainfall[amount]雨量continuousprecipitation连续性降水intermittentprecipitation间歇性降水showeryrain阵雨freezingrain冻雨drizzle毛毛雨lightrain小雨moderaterain中雨heavyrain大雨torrentialrain暴雨localprecipitation地方性降水orographicrain地形雨storm风暴sandstorm,duststorm沙[尘]暴hailstorm雹暴haze霾hazealoft高空霾dust浮尘blowingsand高吹沙driftingsand低吹沙dew露frost霜frostpoint霜点firstfrost初霜latestfrost终霜tornado龙卷dustdevil尘卷风squall飑snow雪snowvirga雪幡sleet雨夹雪showerysnow阵雪snowcrystal雪晶snowflake雪花snowgrains米雪snowstorm雪暴drivensnow吹雪driftingsnow低吹雪blowingsnow高吹雪snowcover积雪snowfall[amount]雪量snowdepth雪深snowday雪日icing积冰wireicing电线积冰hail冰雹hailstone雹块icepellet冰丸thunder雷thunderstorm雷暴thundershower雷阵雨orographicthunderstorm地形雷暴thunderstormcell雷暴单体atmospherics天电lightning闪电lightningchannel闪电通道forkedlightning叉状闪电sheetlightning片状闪电balllightning球状闪电streaklightning条状闪电pearl-necklacelightning串珠状闪电fog雾mist轻雾wetfog湿雾seafog海雾icefog冰雾frontalfog锋面雾advectionfog平流雾精心整理radiationfog辐射雾advection-radiationfog平流辐射雾mixingfog混合雾evaporationfog蒸发雾supercooledfog过冷却雾groundfog地面雾upslopefog上坡雾air-massfog气团雾tropicalairfog热带气团雾rime雾凇graupel霰percentageofsunshine日照百分率sunshineduration日照时数durationofpossiblesunshine可照时数02.大气探测atmosphericsoundingandobserving大气探测meteorologicalobservation气象观测synopticobservation天气观测synoptichour天气观测时间principalsynopticobservation基本天气观测intermediatesynopticobservation辅助天气观测surfaceobservation地面观测visualobservation目测backgroundpollutionobservation本底污染观测fieldobservation外场观测conventionalobservation常规观测non-conventionalobservation非常规观测shipobservation船舶观测fixedpointobservation定点观测space-basedobservation空基观测ground-basedobservation地基观测mountainobservation山地观测sounding探空upperairobservation高空观测auxiliaryshipobservation,ASO辅助船舶观测aircraftsounding飞机探测rocketsounding火箭探测radiosounding无线电探空captiveballoonsounding系留气球探测pilotballoonobservation测风气球观测radiowindobservation无线电测风观测standardtimeofobservation标准观测时间actualtimeofobservation实际观测时间observationalfrequency观测次数observationalerror观测误差supplementaryobservation补充观测autographicrecords自记记录surfacedata地面资料upperairdata高空资料barometerlevel气压表高度pressurereduction气压换算barometriccorrection气压订正internationalsynopticcode国际[天气]电码networkofmeteorologicalstation气象台站网observationsite观测场meteorologicalplatform气象观测平台oceanweatherstation海洋气象站fixedshipstation固定船舶站mobileshipstation移动船舶站mountainobservationstation高山[观]测站automaticmeteorologicalstation自动气象站meteorologicalinstrument气象仪器screen,instrumentshelter百叶箱thermometer温度表telethermometer遥测温度表thermograph温度计geothermometer地温表surfacegeothermometer地面温度表anglegeothermometer曲管地温表tube-typedgeothermometer直管地温表grassthermometer草温表maximumthermometer最高温度表minimumthermometer最低温度表mercurythermometer水银温度表Lyman-αhygrometer莱曼-α湿度表bimetallicthermograph双金属片温度计barograph气压计aneroidbarograph空盒气压计mountainbarograph高山气压计barometer气压表aneroidbarometer空盒气压表ship-barometer船用气压表mountainbarometer高山气压表pressurealtimeter气压测高表normalbarometer标准气压表nationalstandardbarometer国家标准气压表regionalstandardbarometer区域标准气压表absolutestandardbarometer绝对标准气压表microbarograph微压计mercurybarometer水银气压表Fortinbarometer福丁气压表Kewpatternbarometer寇乌气压表精心整理hygrograph湿度计hygrometer湿度表psychrometer干湿表aspiratedpsychrometer通风干湿表standardaspiratedpsychrometer标准通风干湿表whirlingpsychrometer,slingpsychrometer手摇干湿表Assmannpsychrometer阿斯曼干湿表dew-pointhygrometer露点湿度表hairhygrometer毛发湿度表hairhygrograph毛发湿度计blackandwhitebulbthermometer黑白球温度表barothermograph气压温度计dry-bulbthermometer干球温度表wet-bulbthermometer湿球温度表sunshinerecorder日照计Jordansunshinerecorder乔唐日照计Campbell-Stokessunshinerecorder康培尔-司托克日照计pyrheliometer直接辐射表pyranometer总辐射表skyradiometerdiffusometer天空辐射表albedometer反照率表pyranometer净辐射表pilot-balloonplottingboard测风绘图板hail-rainseparator雹雨分离器evaporograph蒸发计evaporationpan小型蒸发器evaporationtank大型蒸发器standardpan标准蒸发器ceilingprojector云幂灯visibilitymeter,visiometer能见度表raingauge雨量器pluviograph,recordingraingauge雨量计accumulativeraingauge累计雨量器tiltingbucketraingauge翻斗[式]雨量计electricconductivityraingauge水导[式]雨量计siphonrainfallrecorder虹吸[式]雨量计rainfallintensityrecorder雨强计telemeteringpluviograph遥测雨量计windvane风向标anemometer风速表contactanemometer电接风速表cupanemometer转杯风速表propelleranemometer螺旋桨[式]风速表anemorumbometer风向风速表hot-wireanemometer热线风速表strongwindanemograph强风仪navaidwind-finding导航测风laserceilometer激光云幂仪anemograph风速计radiotheodolite无线电经纬仪aerologicaltheodolite测风经纬仪radiosonde无线电探空仪dropsonde下投式探空仪constantlevelballoon定高气球ultrasonicanemometer超声测风仪ceilingballoon云幂气球meteorologicalaircraft气象飞机snowscale,snowdepthscale量雪尺weightingsnow-gauge称雪器drosometer,dewgauge测露表frozensoilapparatus冻土器sonde探空仪profiler廓线仪meteorologicalrocket气象火箭soundingrocket探空火箭weatherradar天气雷达meteorologicalradar气象雷达lidar激光雷达sodar,acousticradar声[雷]达Dopplerradar多普勒天气雷达incoherentradar非相干雷达radarnetworkcomposite雷达组网radarsounding雷达探空windfindingradar测风雷达Dopplersodar多普勒声达Dopplerlidar多普勒激光雷达MSTradarMST雷达UHFDopplerradar超高频雷达VHFradar甚高频雷达coherentmemoryfilter,CMF相干存储滤波器radarrainfallintegrator雷达雨量积分器rangevelocitydisplay,RVD距离速度显示velocityazimuthdisplay,VAD速度方位显示constantaltitudeplanpositionindicator,CAPPI等高平面位置显示器planpostionindicator,PPI平面位置显示器planshearindicator,PSI平面切变显示器velocityazimuthrangedisplay,V ARD速度方位距离显示radarsonde雷达测风仪精心整理atmosphericremotesensing大气遥感inversetechnique反演法temperatureretrieval温度反演inversionofsatellitesounding卫星探测反演meteorologicalsatellite气象卫星NIMBUS雨云卫星NOAA诺阿卫星polar-orbitingmeteorologicalsatellite极轨气象卫星TIROS泰罗斯卫星TIROS-N泰罗斯-N卫星ESSA艾萨卫星ITOS艾托斯卫星geostationarymeteorologicalsatellite,GMS地球静止气象卫星meteorologicalsatellitegroundstation气象卫星地面站microwaveradiometer微波辐射仪highresolutioninterferometricsounder高分辨[率]干涉探测器highresolutioninfraredradiationsounder,HRIRS高分辨[率]红外辐射探测器scanningradiometer,SR扫描辐射仪veryhighresolutionradiometer,VHRR甚高分辨率辐射仪verticaltemperatureprofileradiometer温度垂直廓线辐射仪datacollectionplatform,DCP资料收集平台automaticpicturetransmission,APT自动图象传输highresolutionpicturetransmission,HRPT高分辨[率]图象传输highresolutionfacsimile,HR-FAX高分辨率[云图]传真lowresolutionfacsimile,LR-FAX低分辨率[云图]传真delaypicturetransmission,DPT延时图象传输directread-outgroundstation直读式地面站weatherfacsimile,WEFAX天气图传真synopticdata天气资料non-synopticdata非天气资料realtimedata实时资料non-realtimedata非实时资料stretcheddata时展资料sub-satellitepoint[卫星]星下点temporalresolution时间分辨率spatialresolution空间分辨率fullresolution全分辨率radiationtransferequation辐射传输方程atmospherictransmissionmodel大气传输模式03.大气物理学atmosphericphysics大气物理[学] cloudphysics云物理学precipitationphysics降水物理学clouddynamics云动力学middleatmosphericphysics中层大气物理学aeronomy高空大气学aerology高空气象学radiometeorology无线电气象学boundarylayermeteorology边界层气象学boundarylayerclimate边界层气候atmosphericboundarylayer大气边界层air-seainterface海气界面air-seaexchange海气交换tracerdiffusionexperiment示踪扩散实验surfacelayer近地层surfaceroughness地面粗糙度atmosphericduct大气波导advection平流convection对流freeconvection自由对流forcedconvection强迫对流convectioncell对流单体Benardcell贝纳胞Benardconvection贝纳对流convectionmodel对流模式updraught上曳气流downdraught下曳气流transitionalflow过渡气流drydeposition干沉降wetdeposition湿沉降aerosol气溶胶aerosolparticlesizedistribution气溶胶粒子谱aqueousaerosol湿气溶胶stratosphericaerosol平流层气溶胶hailgenerationzone冰雹生成区conicalhail锥形冰雹hailembryo雹核haillobe雹瓣hailpellet雹粒cumulonimbusmodel积雨云模式condensationprocess凝结过程cloudcondensationnuclei,CCN云凝结核artificialnucleation人工成核作用精心整理cloudtoptemperature云顶温度ice-watermixedcloud冰水混合云cloudstructure云结构cloudparticlesampler云滴采样器clouddroplet-sizedistribution云滴谱clouddropletcollector云滴谱仪raindropsizedistribution雨滴谱drop-sizedistributionparameter滴谱参数disdrometer,raindropdisdrometer雨滴谱仪fog-drop雾滴clouddroplet云滴supercooledclouddroplet过冷云滴dropspectrum滴谱collision碰撞coagulation碰并icecrystal冰晶iceneedle冰针icenucleus冰核icepoint冰点condensation凝结evaporation蒸发potentialevaporation潜在蒸发solidification凝固deposition凝华sublimation升华freezing冻结freezingnucleus冻结核condensationnucleus凝结核saltnucleus盐核cloudchamber云室combustionnucleus燃烧核depositionnucleus凝华核weathermodification人工影响天气targetarea目标区clouddissipation消云salt-seeding盐粉播撒frostprevention防霜cloudseeding播云cloudseedingagent播云剂artificialprecipitation人工降水hailsuppression防雹fogdissipation消雾dynamiccloudseeding动力播云radarmeteorology雷达气象学meteorologicalradarequation气象雷达方程radarmeteorologicalobservation雷达气象观测radarreflectivityfactor雷达反射率因子radarequivalentreflectivityfactor雷达等效反射率因子weatherecho天气回波cloudecho云回波echowall回波墙superrefractionecho超折射回波secondtripecho二次回波incoherentecho非相干回波coherentecho相干回波groundecho地物回波clearairecho晴空回波convectiveecho对流回波whirlingecho涡旋状回波spiralrain-bandecho螺旋雨带回波layeredecho层状回波bandedecho带状回波hookecho钩状回波weakechovault弱回波穹窿precipitationecho降水回波angelecho异常回波elevatedecho雨幡回波cellecho单体回波supercell超级单体multiple-cellecho多单体回波echocomplex回波复合体cloudtopheight,CTH云顶高度echodepth回波厚度echocharacter回波特征echoanalysis回波分析echodistortion回波畸变radarreflectivity雷达反射率superrefraction超折射negativerefraction负折射troposphericrefraction对流层折射beamfillingcoefficient波束充塞系数rangebin距离库rangeaveraging距离平均azimuthaveraging方位平均rangeresolution距离分辨率azimuthresolution方位角分辨率numberofrangesamples距离采样数coherent-videosignal相干视频信号quantizedsignal量化信号depolarizationratio退偏振比rotationband转动谱带精心整理Dopplervelocity多普勒速度rangeambiguity距离模糊maximumunambiguousrange最大不模糊距离velocityambiguity速度模糊realtimedisplay实时显示patternrecognitiontechnique图形识别技术trackingradarechoesbycorrelation,TREC雷达回波相关跟踪法thunderstormmonitoring雷暴监测grayscale灰[色标]度cloudattenuation云衰减precipitationattenuation降水衰减rangeattenuation距离衰减echosyntheticchart回波综合图iso-echocontour等回波线normalizedechointensity归一化回波强度isolatedcell孤立单体weakcell弱单体satellitemeteorology卫星气象学satellitesounding卫星探测cloudcluster云团satellitecloudpicture卫星云图sectorizedcloudpicture分区云图picturemosaic拼图imageprocessing图象处理distortioncorrection畸变校正infraredcloudpicture红外云图visiblecloudpicture可见光云图nulti-spectralimage,MSI多波段图象microwaveimage微波图象imageresolution图象分辨率digitizedcloudmap数字化云图enhancedcloudpicture增强云图false-colorcloudpicture假彩色云图pseudo-colorcloudpicture伪彩色云图full-disccloudpicture全景圆盘云图nephanalysis云[层]分析图brightnesstemperature亮度温度cloudcoverage云覆盖区cloudstreet云街cloudline云线spiralcloudband螺旋云带monsooncloudcluster季风云团tropicalcloudcluster热带云团squallcloud飑线云shieldcloud盾状云open[cloud]cells开口型细胞状云close[cloud]cells封闭型细胞状云cellularpattern细胞状云cloudsystem云系commacloudsystem逗点云系bandedcloudsystem带状云系vortexcloudsystem涡旋云系jetstreamcloudsystem急流云系satellitederivedwind卫星云迹风satellitecloudpictureanalysis卫星云图分析limbscanningmethod临边扫描法limbretrieval临边反演occultationmethod掩星法backscatterultraviolettechnique紫外辐射后向散射法linearinversion线性反演watervaporretrieval水汽反演humidityretrieval湿度反演limbbrightening临边增亮limbdarkening临边变暗sunglint日照亮斑atmosphericradiation大气辐射solarradiation太阳辐射solarconstant太阳常数monochromaticradiation单色辐射outgoinglong-waveradiation,OLR向外长波辐射visiblelight可见光radiationbalance辐射平衡globalradiation总辐射directradiation直接辐射effectiveradiation有效辐射scatteredradiation散射辐射diffuseradiation漫射辐射skyradiation天空辐射upward[tatal]radiation向上[全]辐射downward[total]radiation向下[全]辐射incomingradiation入射辐射equivalentclearcolumnradiance等效晴空辐射率atmospherictransmissivity大气透射率VanAllenradiationbelt范艾伦辐射带albedooftheearth-atmospheresystem地气系统反照率albedoofunderlyingsurface下垫面反照率earthradiationbelt地球辐射带nocturnalradiation夜间辐射atmosphericcounterradiation大气逆辐射精心整理radiance辐射率irradiation辐照irradiance辐照度reflectedradiation反射辐射albedo反照率bandmodel带模式statisticalbandmodel统计带模式regularbandmodel规则带模式randomElsasserbandmodel随机爱尔沙色带模式strong-lineapproximation强线近似weak-lineapproximation弱线近似planetarytemperature行星温度atmosphericattenuation大气衰减atmosphericabsorption大气吸收atmosphericwindow大气窗[atmospheric]absorptivity[大气]吸收率non-scatteringatmosphere无散射大气extinctioncoefficient消光系数atmosphericradioactivity大气放射性atmosphericoptics大气光学atmosphericopticalspectrum大气光谱atmosphericrefraction大气折射atmosphericopticalmass大气光学质量primaryscattering一次散射Miescattering米散射multiplescattering多次散射Rayleighscattering瑞利散射volumescatteringfunction体散射函数forwardscattering前向散射backscattering后向散射scatteringcross-section散射截面backscatteringcross-section后向散射截面one-wayattenuation单程衰减two-wayattenuation双程衰减scatteringcoefficient散射系数attenuationcoefficient衰减系数attenuationcross-section衰减截面absorptioncross-section吸收截面atmosphericpolarization大气偏振night-skylight夜天光skybrightness,skyluminance天空亮度atmosphericopticalthickness,atmosphericopticaldep th大气光学厚度[atmospheric]transparency[大气]透明度atmosphericopticalphenomena大气光学现象atmosphericturbidity大气浑浊度turbidityfactor浑浊因子mirage蜃景twilight曙暮光auroraaustralis南极光auroraborealis北极光anthelion反日parhelion假日paraselene假月46°halo46度晕22°halo22度晕solarhalo日晕lunarhalo月晕solarcorona日华lunarcorona月华rainbow虹secondaryrainbow霓halo晕corona华twilightcolors霞airglow气辉aurora极光glory宝光[环]atmosphericelectricity大气电学fairweatherelectricfield晴天电场airdischarge空中放电cloud-to-clouddischarge,interclouddischarge云标放电clouddischarge云放电cloud-to-grounddischarge云地[间]放电ionosphericstorm电离层暴ionosphericsuddendisturbance电离层突扰magneticstorm磁暴atmosphericelectricconductivity大气电导率atmosphericacoustics大气声学acousticsounding声学探测04.大气化学atmosphericchemistry大气化学atmosphericphotochemistry大气光化学atmosphericphotolysis大气光解作用atmosphericozone大气臭氧atmospherictracegas大气痕量气体photochemicalreaction光化反应photochemicalsmog光化烟雾precipitationchemistry降水化学thresholdtemperatureoficenucleation成冰阈温05.动力气象学精心整理dynamicmeteorology动力气象学atmosphericthermodynamics大气热力学sensibleheat感热latentheat潜热reversibleadiabaticprocess可逆绝热过程irreversibleadiabaticprocess不可逆绝热过程moistureinversion逆湿thermodynamicequation热力学方程temperatureinversion逆温turbulenceinversion湍流逆温surfaceinversion地面逆温radiationinversion辐射逆温cappinginversion覆盖逆温subsidenceinversion下沉逆温frontalinversion锋面逆温inversionlayer逆温层isentropicchart等熵面图tephigram温熵图T-lnpdiagram温度-对数压力图temperaturegradient温度梯度temperatureadvection温度平流adiabaticascending绝热上升adiabaticsinking绝热下沉adiabaticcooling绝热冷却adiabaticheating绝热增温pseudo-adiabaticprocess假绝热过程diabaticprocess非绝热过程convectivecondensationlevel,CCL对流凝结高度mixingcondensationlevel混合凝结高度temperaturelapserate气温直减率dryadiabaticlapserate干绝热直减率moistadiabaticlapserate湿绝热直减率condensationlevel,CL凝结高度condensationefficiency凝结效率thermalstratification热力层结equivalenttemperature相当温度virtualtemperature虚温dryadiabaticprocess干绝热过程moistadiabaticprocess湿绝热过程adiabaticdiagram绝热图pseudo-adiabaticdiagram假绝热图pseudo-adiabaticlapserate假绝热直减率potentialtemperature位温pseudo-equivalentpotentialtemperature假相当位温wet-bulbpotentialtemperature湿球位温wet-bulbpseudopotentialtemperature假湿球位温wet-bulbpseudo-temperature假湿球温度atmosphericdynamics大气动力学equationofmotion运动方程continuityequation连续方程equationofstate状态方程vorticityequation涡度方程divergenceequation散度方程hydrostaticequation流体静力方程ω-equationω方程perturbationequation扰动方程thermalwindequation热成风方程moisture[conservation]equation水汽守恒方程advectiveequation平流方程balanceequation平衡方程baroclinicprocess斜压过程Reynoldsstress雷诺应力meteorologicalwindtunnel气象风洞equivalentbarotropicatmosphere相当正压大气hydrostaticadjustmentprocess静力适应过程geostrophicadjustment地转适应availablepotentialenergy有效位能enstrophy涡动拟能geopotentialmeter位势米geopotentialheight位势高度inertialinstability惯性不稳定freeconvectionlevel自由对流高度[atmospheric]stability[大气]稳定度[atmospheric]instability[大气]不稳定度staticstability静力稳定度indexofstability稳定度指数absolutestability绝对稳定absoluteinstability绝对不稳定neutralstability中性稳定conditionalinstability条件[性]不稳定inertialstability惯性稳定度convectiveinstability对流不稳定convectivestability对流[性]稳定度atmosphericdisturbance大气扰动nonlinearinstability非线性不稳定[性] conditionalinstabilityofthesecondkind,CISK第二类条件[性]不稳定shearinginstability切变不稳定barotropicinstability正压不稳定baroclinicinstability斜压不稳定latentinstability潜在不稳定conservationofpotentialvorticity位涡守恒精心整理tendencyequation倾向方程z-coordinatez坐标p-coordinatep坐标σ-coordinateσ坐标θ-coordinate位温坐标hybridcoordinate混合坐标convergence辐合divergence辐散divergence散度horizontaldivergence水平散度steeringflow引导气流vorticity涡度relativevorticity相对涡度absolutevorticity绝对涡度planetaryvorticity行星涡度β-planeβ平面conservationofabsolutevorticity绝对涡度守恒geostrophicvorticity地转涡度cyclonicvorticity气旋性涡度anticyclonicvorticity反气旋涡度shearingvorticity切变涡度curvaturevorticity曲率涡度potentialvorticity位势涡度eddyconductivity涡动传导率eddyviscosity涡动粘滞率frictionvelocity摩擦速度eddyshearingstress涡动切应力atmosphericwave大气波动adjustmentoflongwave长波调整inertiawave惯性波baroclinicwave斜压波barotropicwave正压波gravitywave重力波inertia-gravitywave惯性重力波internalgravitywave重力内波externalgravitywave重力外波gravitywavedrag重力波拖曳dragcoefficient拖曳系数orographicdrag地形拖曳orographicwave地形波leewave背风波Helmholtzwave赫姆霍兹波Kelvinwave开尔文波Lambwave兰姆波Rossbywave罗斯贝波stationarywave定常波transientwave瞬变波solitarywave孤立波progressivewave前进波retrogradewave后退波shearingwave切变波mixedRossby-gravitywave混合罗斯贝重力波ultra-longwave超长波atmosphericnoise大气噪声Prandtlnumber普朗特数Rayleighnumber瑞利数Reynoldsnumber雷诺数Richardsonnumber里查森数Froudenumber弗劳德数Rossbynumber罗斯贝数rotatingdishpanexperiment转盘实验Hadleyregime哈得来域Rossbyregime罗斯贝域mixinglayer混合层non-divergencelevel无辐散层cyclostrophicwind旋衡风gradientwind梯度风countergradientwind反梯度风subgradientwind次梯度风supergradientwind超梯度风thermalwind热成风veeringwind顺转风backingwind逆转风windshear风切变geostrophicwind地转风antitripticwind摩擦风subgeostrophicwind次地转风supergeostrophicwind超地转风ageostrophicwind非地转风isallobaricwind变压风jetstream急流northernbranchjetstream北支急流southernbranchjetstream南支急流basicflow基本气流subtropicaljetstream副热带急流axisofjetstream急流轴streamline流线westerlyjet西风急流convectivecloud对流云deepconvection深对流shallowconvection浅对流lineconvection线对流精心整理Ekmanflow埃克曼流thermalconvection热对流moistconvection湿对流cumulusconvection积云对流mesoscaleconvectivesystem,MCS中尺度对流系统warmadvection暖平流coldadvection冷平流upwardflow上升气流downwardflow下沉气流convectiveadjustment对流调整convectiveparameterization对流参数化mesoscaleconvectivecomplex,MCC中尺度对流复合体geostrophicmotion地转运动quasi-geostrophicmotion准地转运动semi-geostrophicmotion半地转运动ageostrophicmotion非地转运动irrotationalmotion无旋运动nondivergentmotion无辐散运动baroclinicatmosphere斜压大气barotropicatmosphere正压大气baroclinicmode斜压模态barotropicmode正压模态normalmode正规模态Ekmanlayer埃克曼层Ekmanspiral埃克曼螺线atmosphericcirculation大气环流meridionalcirculation经向环流zonalcirculation纬向环流Hadleycell哈得来环流Walkercell沃克环流directcirculation直接环流indirectcirculation间接环流[圈]trade-windcirculation信风环流circulationcell环流圈localcirculation局地环流three-cell[meridional]circulation三圈经向环流circulationindex环流指数highindex高指数lowindex低指数indexcycle指数循环circulationtheorem环流定理Kelvin'stheoremofcirculation开尔文环流定理Bjerknescirculationtheorem皮叶克尼斯环流定理cross-equatorialflow越赤道气流adjustmentofcirculation环流调整mesosphericcirculation中间层环流large-scalecirculation大尺度环流atmosphericcenterofaction大气活动中心stratosphericsuddenwarming平流层爆发[性]增温atmosphericturbulence大气湍流eddy涡旋flux通量turbulentflux湍流通量isotropicturbulence各向同性湍流mixinglength混合长Ktheoryofturbulence湍流[WTHZ]K[WT][HT5H]理论Prandtlmixing-lengththeory普朗特混合长理论turbulentboundarylayer湍流边界层laminarboundarylayer层流边界层turbulencespectrum湍流谱turbulenceenergy湍流能量turbulentexchange湍流交换turbulentdiffusion湍流扩散Eliassen-PalmfluxEP通量lateralmixing侧向混合chaos混沌numericalweatherprediction,NWP数值天气预报modeloutputstatisticprediction,MOSprediction模式输出统计预报equivalentbarotropicmodel相当正压模式quasi-geostrophicmodel准地转模式filteredmodel过滤模式adiabaticmodel绝热模式primitiveequationmodel原始方程模式mesoscalemodel中尺度模式scaling尺度分析synopticscale天气尺度planetaryscale行星尺度mesoscale中尺度meso-αscaleα中尺度meso-βscaleβ中尺度meso-γscaleγ中尺度spectralmodel谱模式movablefine-meshmodel可移动细网格模式semi-implicitscheme半隐式格式conservationscheme守恒格式finitedifferencemodel差分模式upstreamscheme迎风差格式computationalinstability线性计算不稳定perturbationmethod小扰动法精心整理energycascade能量串级objectiveanalysis客观分析physicalmode物理模[态] computationalmode计算模[态] modelresolution模式分辨率skillscore技巧分subgridscaleparameterization次网格尺度参数化normalmodeinitialization正规模[态]初值化dynamicinitialization动力初值化staticinitialization静力初值化four-dimensionaldataassimilation四维资料同化rigidboundarycondition刚体边界条件spongyboundarycondition海绵边界条件firstguess初估值timesmoothing时间平滑spacesmoothing空间平滑automaticdataprocessing自动资料处理structurefunction结构函数split-explicitscheme分离显式格式bogusdata人造[站]资料hydrostaticcheck静力检查differencescheme差分格式staggeredgrid交错网格staggerscheme交错格式nestedgrid套网格pseudospectralmethod假谱方法successivecorrectionanalysis逐步订正法optimuminterpolationmethod最优插值法statisticalinterpolationmethod统计插值法man-machineweatherforecast人机结合天气预报limitedareamodel,LAM有限区模式limitedareafine-meshmodel,LFM有限区细网格模式statistical-dynamicprediction统计动力预报diagnosticanalysis诊断分析numericalsimulation数值模拟numericalexperiment数值实验generalcirculationmodel,GCM大气环流模式barotropicmodel正压模式baroclinicmodel斜压模式primitiveequation原始方程governingequation控制方程06.天气学synopticmeteorology天气学weather天气synopticchart天气图meteorologicalcode气象电码weathersymbol天气符号barb风速羽windshaft风矢杆windarrow风矢presentweather现在天气pastweather过去天气upperairchart高空[天气]图surfacechart地面[天气]图verticalcrosssection垂直剖面图facsimileweatherchart传真天气图isobaricsurface等压面standardisobaricsurface,mandatorylevel标准等压面contourchart等压面图rainfallchart雨量图streamlinechart流线图timecross-section时间剖面图scatterdiagram点聚图isoline等值线isotherm等温线isodrosotherm等露点线isallotherm等变温线isobar等压线topographicisobar地形等压线isallobar等变压线hodograph高空风分析图contourline等高线isallohypse等变高线isoplethofthickness等厚度线isotach等风速线isogon等风向线isanomaly等距平线isohume等湿度线moistureprofile湿度廓线isohyet等雨量线shearline切变线squallline飑线convergenceline辐合线pressuretendency气压倾向anallobar正变压线katallobar负变压线pressurevariation气压变量pressurefield气压场windfield风场allobaricfield变压场精心整理anallobariccenter正变压中心katallobariccenter负变压中心humidityfield湿度场wettongue湿舌drytongue干舌dryline干线temperaturefield温度场coldtongue冷舌warmtongue暖舌pressuresystem气压系统low[pressure],depression低[气]压deepeningofadepression低压加深fillingofadepression低压填塞coldlow冷低压warmlow暖低压mesoscalelow中尺度低压thermallow热低压cut-offlow切断低压orographicdepression地形低压trough低压槽troughline槽线invertedtrough倒槽coldtrough冷槽forward-tiltingtrough前倾槽backward-tiltingtrough后倾槽topographictrough地形槽anchoredtrough锚槽monsoontrough季风槽westerlytrough西风槽long-wavetrough长波槽EastAsiamajortrough东亚大槽cyclone气旋cycloniccirculation气旋性环流cycloniccurvature气旋性曲率cyclonicshear气旋性切变extratropicalcyclone温带气旋secondarycyclone次生气旋cyclonicwave气旋波cyclonefamily气旋族occludedcyclone锢囚气旋cyclogenesis气旋生成cyclolysis气旋消散vortex低涡coldvortex冷涡warmvortex暖涡permanentdepression永久性低压semi-permanentdepression半永久性低压Aleutianlow阿留申低压Icelandiclow冰岛低压Changjiang-Huaihecyclone江淮气旋Changjiang-Huaiheshearline江淮切变线SouthChinaSeadepression南海低压Mongolianlow蒙古低压NortheastChinalow东北低压mid-troposphericcyclone对流层中层气旋SouthwestChinavortex西南[低]涡highpressure高[气]压coldhigh冷高压warmhigh暖高压ridge高压脊ridgeline脊线warmridge暖脊colpressurefield鞍形气压场highpressurebarrier高压坝deformationfield变形场anticyclone反气旋anticycloniccirculation反气旋环流anticycloniccurvature反气旋曲率anticyclonicshear反气旋切变anticyclogenesis反气旋生成anticyclolysis反气旋消散permanenthigh永久性高压semi-permanenthigh半永久性高压subtropicalhigh副热带高压Siberianhigh西伯利亚高压SouthAsiahigh南亚高压blockinghigh阻塞高压blockingsituation阻塞形势Uralblockinghigh乌拉尔山阻塞高压Okhotskhigh鄂霍次克海高压thunderstormhigh雷暴高压Pacifichigh太平洋高压Azoreshigh亚速尔高压dipoleanticyclone偶极反气旋airmass气团air-massanalysis气团分析air-masssource气团源地air-massclassification气团分类air-massproperty气团属性air-masstransformation气团变性conservativepropertyofairmass气团保守性transformedairmass变性气团精心整理。
The Impact of Deforestation in the Amazon
The Impact of Deforestation in theAmazonDeforestation in the Amazon rainforest has been a pressing issue that has garnered global attention in recent years. The impact of deforestation in the Amazon is multifaceted, affecting not only the local environment and biodiversity but also contributing to global climate change. This problem has sparked heated debates and discussions among various stakeholders, including environmentalists, policymakers, indigenous communities, and the agricultural industry. In this response, I will delve into the different perspectives on the impact of deforestation in the Amazon, highlighting the environmental, social, and economic implications of this pressing issue. From an environmental perspective, the impact of deforestation in the Amazon is profound and far-reaching. The Amazon rainforest is often referred to as the "lungs of the Earth" due to its role in absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. The widespread clearing of treesfor agriculture, logging, and infrastructure development has led to a significant loss of this vital carbon sink, contributing to the escalating levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This, in turn, exacerbates global climate change, leading to more frequent and severe natural disasters, disruptions to weather patterns, and the loss of critical habitats for countless plant and animal species. The environmental impact of deforestation in the Amazon is undeniable, and it is imperative that immediate action is taken to mitigate further damage to this vital ecosystem. In addition to the environmental consequences, the impact of deforestation in the Amazon also extends to the social and cultural fabric of the region. Indigenous communities, who have called the Amazon home for centuries, are disproportionately affected by the loss of their ancestral lands and the destruction of their traditional way of life. Deforestation not only encroaches upon indigenous territories but also leads to the displacement of these communities, threatening their cultural identity and livelihoods. Furthermore, the degradation of the Amazon rainforest has significant implications for global biodiversity, as it is home to a staggering array of plant and animal species, many of which are found nowhere else on Earth. The loss of biodiversity due todeforestation not only diminishes the ecological resilience of the Amazon but also has potential implications for the discovery of new medicines and scientific advancements. From an economic perspective, the impact of deforestation in the Amazon is often framed as a trade-off between short-term gains and long-term sustainability. The Amazon rainforest is a valuable resource for timber, minerals, and agricultural land, and the economic incentives for its exploitation are often difficult to resist. However, the short-term economic benefits of deforestation must be weighed against the long-term costs, including the loss of ecosystem services, such as clean water, climate regulation, and pollination, which are essential for human well-being. Moreover, the degradation of the Amazon rainforest can have ripple effects on the global economy, as it contributes to climate change, which in turn affects agricultural productivity, water resources, and thefrequency of natural disasters. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the broader economic implications of deforestation in the Amazon and explore sustainable alternatives that prioritize both environmental conservation and economic development. In conclusion, the impact of deforestation in the Amazon is a complex and pressing issue that requires a multifaceted approach. It is essential to consider the environmental, social, and economic implications of deforestation and work towards solutions that balance the needs of all stakeholders. This issueis not only a concern for the Amazon region but also has global significance,given the critical role of the rainforest in regulating the Earth's climate and supporting biodiversity. As such, it is imperative that concerted efforts are made to address the root causes of deforestation, promote sustainable land use practices, and support the rights and livelihoods of indigenous communities. Only through collaborative and inclusive action can we hope to mitigate the impact of deforestation in the Amazon and safeguard this invaluable natural resource for future generations.。
主题词表English Chinese01. 大气atmospheric science 大气科学meteorology 气象学theoretical meteorology 理论气象学mesometeorology 中尺度气象学micrometeorology 微气象学physical meteorology 物理气象学atmosphere 大气evolution of atmosphere 大气演化atmospheric impurity 大气杂质atmospheric suspended matter 大气悬浮物atmospheric diffusion 大气扩散atmospheric composition 大气成分atmospheric ion 大气离子atmospheric mass 大气质量air quality 大气品位atmospheric density 大气密度atmospheric subdivision 大气分层homosphere 均质层heterosphere 非均质层homopause 均质层顶significant level 特性层standard [pressure] level 标准层isothermal layer 等温层lower atmosphere 低层大气middle atmosphere 中层大气upper atmosphere 高层大气troposphere 对流层tropopause 对流层顶stratosphere 平流层stratopause 平流层顶mesosphere 中间层mesopause 中间层顶thermosphere 热层exosphere 外[逸]层ionosphere 电离层magnetosphere 磁层magnetopause 磁层顶chemosphere 光化层chemopause 光化层顶ozonosphere 臭氧层free atmosphere 自由大气planetary atmosphere 行星大气standard atmosphere(reference atmosphere) 标准大气(参考大气)homogeneous atmosphere 均质大气isothermal atmosphere 等温大气polytropic atmosphere 多元大气scale height 大气标高meteorological element 气象要素air temperature 气温wet-bulb temperature 湿球温度dry-bulb temperature 干球温度temperature profile 温度廓线atmospheric pressure 气压standard atmosphere pressure 标准大气压station pressure 本站气压sea-level pressure 海平面气压pressure gradient 气压梯度barometric height formula 压高公式pressure gradient force 气压梯度力Coriolis force 科里奥利力water vapor 水[蒸]汽transfer of water vapor 水汽输送water vapor profile 水汽廓线water vapor pressure 水汽压humidity 湿度relative humidity 相对湿度absolute humidity 绝对湿度specific humidity 比湿mixing ratio 混合比dew point [temperature] 露点(温度) depression of the dew point (温度)露点差super-saturated air 过饱和空气saturation specific humidity 饱和比湿saturation vapor pressure 饱和水汽压psychrometric formula 测湿公式saturation deficit 饱和差international cloud atlas 国际云图cloud 云low cloud 低云middle cloud 中云high cloud 高云cloud base 云底cloud top 云顶cloud ceiling 云幂cloud amount 云量total cloud cover 总云量cloud with vertical development 直展云cloud height 云高cloud genera 云属cloud etage 云族cloud species 云种cloud variety 云类cloud form 云状cirrus, Ci 卷云cirrus fibratus, Ci fib 毛卷云cirrus spissatus, Ci spi 密卷云cirrus uncinus, Ci unc 钩卷云cirrostratus, Cs 卷层云cirrostratus fibratus, Cs fib 毛卷层云cirrostratus nebulosus, Cs neb 薄幕卷层云cirrocumulus, Cc 卷积云altocumulus, Ac 高积云altocumulus translucidus, Ac tr 透光高积云altocumulus opacus, Ac op 蔽光高积云altocumulus lenticularis, Ac len 荚状高积云altocumulus cumulogenitus, Ac cug 积云性高积云altocumulus floccus 絮状高积云altocumulus castellanus, Ac cas 堡状高积云altostratus, As 高层云altostratus translucidus, As tr 透光高层云altostratus opacus, As op 蔽光高层云cumulus, Cu 积云cumulus humilis, Cu hum 淡积云cumulus mediocris, Cu med 中展积云cumulus fractus, Cu fra 碎积云cumulus congestus, Cu con 浓积云cumulonimbus, Cb 积雨云cumulonimbus calvus, Cb cal 秃积雨云cumulonimbus capillatus, Cb cap 鬃积雨云stratocumulus, Sc 层积云stratocumulus translucidus, Sc tr 透光层积云stratocumulus opacus, Sc op 蔽光层积云stratocumulus cumulogenitus, Sc cug 积云性层积云stratocumulus castellanus, Sc cas 堡状层积云stratocumulus lenticularis, Sc len 荚状层积云stratus, St 层云stratus fractus, St fra 碎层云nimbostratus, Ns 雨层云stratiform cloud 层状云cumuliform cloud 积状云fracto-nimbus,Fn 碎雨云chaotic sky 混乱天空cold cloud 冷云warm cloud 暖云ice cloud 冰云water cloud 水云hail cloud [冰]雹云wind 风wind direction 风向wind speed, wind velocity 风速maximum wind speed 最大风速extreme wind speed 极大风速wind speed profile 风速廓线horizontal wind vector 水平风矢量wind force 风力wind force scale 风级Beaufort [wind] scale 蒲福风级calm 0级风light air 1级风light breeze 2级风gentle breeze 3级风moderate breeze 4级风fresh breeze 5级风strong breeze 6级风near gale 7级风gale 8级风strong gale 9级风storm 10级风violent storm 11级风hurricane 12级风gust 阵风local wind 地方性风surface wind 地面风foehn 焚风mountain-valley breeze 山谷风sea-land breeze 海陆风on-shore wind 向岸风off-shore wind 离岸风gorge wind 峡谷风slope wind 坡风glacier breeze 冰川风drainage wind 流泄风visibility 能见度effective visibility 有效能见度visual range of light 灯光能见距离surface visibility 地面能见度horizontal visibility 水平能见度vertical visibility 垂直能见度slant visibility 倾斜能见度meteor 大气现象weather phenomenon 天气现象clear sky 晴天partly cloudy 少云cloudy 多云overcast 阴天blue of the sky 天空蓝度apparent form of the sky 天穹形状state of ground 地面状态sky condition 天空状况precipitation 降水amount of precipitation 降水量precipitation intensity 降水强度showery precipitation 阵性降水convective precipitation 对流性降水non-convective precipitation 非对流性降水orographic precipitation 地形降水rain 雨rain virga 雨幡rain drop 雨滴rain shadow 雨影glaze 雨凇rain day 雨日rainfall [amount] 雨量continuous precipitation 连续性降水intermittent precipitation 间歇性降水showery rain 阵雨freezing rain 冻雨drizzle 毛毛雨light rain 小雨moderate rain 中雨heavy rain 大雨torrential rain 暴雨local precipitation 地方性降水orographic rain 地形雨storm 风暴sandstorm, duststorm 沙[尘]暴hail storm 雹暴haze 霾haze aloft 高空霾dust 浮尘blowing sand 高吹沙drifting sand 低吹沙dew 露frost 霜frost point 霜点first frost 初霜latest frost 终霜tornado 龙卷dust devil 尘卷风squall 飑snow 雪snow virga 雪幡sleet 雨夹雪showery snow 阵雪snow crystal 雪晶snowflake 雪花snow grains 米雪snowstorm 雪暴driven snow 吹雪drifting snow 低吹雪blowing snow 高吹雪snow cover 积雪snowfall [amount] 雪量snow depth 雪深snow day 雪日icing 积冰wire icing 电线积冰hail 冰雹hailstone 雹块ice pellet 冰丸thunder 雷thunderstorm 雷暴thunder shower 雷阵雨orographic thunderstorm 地形雷暴thunderstorm cell 雷暴单体atmospherics 天电lightning 闪电lightning channel 闪电通道forked lightning 叉状闪电sheet lightning 片状闪电ball lightning 球状闪电streak lightning 条状闪电pearl-necklace lightning 串珠状闪电fog 雾mist 轻雾wet fog 湿雾sea fog 海雾ice fog 冰雾frontal fog 锋面雾advection fog 平流雾radiation fog 辐射雾advection-radiation fog 平流辐射雾mixing fog 混合雾evaporation fog 蒸发雾supercooled fog 过冷却雾ground fog 地面雾upslope fog 上坡雾air-mass fog 气团雾tropical air fog 热带气团雾rime 雾凇graupel 霰percentage of sunshine 日照百分率sunshine duration 日照时数duration of possible sunshine 可照时数02. 大气探测atmospheric sounding and observing 大气探测meteorological observation 气象观测synoptic observation 天气观测synoptic hour 天气观测时间principal synoptic observation 基本天气观测intermediate synoptic observation 辅助天气观测surface observation 地面观测visual observation 目测background pollution observation 本底污染观测field observation 外场观测conventional observation 常规观测non-conventional observation 非常规观测ship observation 船舶观测fixed point observation 定点观测space-based observation 空基观测ground-based observation 地基观测mountain observation 山地观测sounding 探空upper air observation 高空观测auxiliary ship observation, ASO 辅助船舶观测aircraft sounding 飞机探测rocket sounding 火箭探测radio sounding 无线电探空captive balloon sounding 系留气球探测pilot balloon observation 测风气球观测radiowind observation 无线电测风观测standard time of observation 标准观测时间actual time of observation 实际观测时间observational frequency 观测次数observational error 观测误差supplementary observation 补充观测autographic records 自记记录surface data 地面资料upper air data 高空资料barometer level 气压表高度pressure reduction 气压换算barometric correction 气压订正international synoptic code 国际[天气]电码network of meteorological station 气象台站网observation site 观测场meteorological platform 气象观测平台ocean weather station 海洋气象站fixed ship station 固定船舶站mobile ship station 移动船舶站mountain observation station 高山[观]测站automatic meteorological station 自动气象站meteorological instrument 气象仪器screen,instrument shelter 百叶箱thermometer 温度表telethermometer 遥测温度表thermograph 温度计geothermometer 地温表surface geothermometer 地面温度表angle geothermometer 曲管地温表tube-typed geothermometer 直管地温表grass thermometer 草温表maximum thermometer 最高温度表minimum thermometer 最低温度表mercury thermometer 水银温度表Lyman-α hygrometer 莱曼-α湿度表bimetallic thermograph 双金属片温度计barograph 气压计aneroid barograph 空盒气压计mountain barograph 高山气压计barometer 气压表aneroid barometer 空盒气压表ship-barometer 船用气压表mountain barometer 高山气压表pressure altimeter 气压测高表normal barometer 标准气压表national standard barometer 国家标准气压表regional standard barometer 区域标准气压表absolute standard barometer 绝对标准气压表microbarograph 微压计mercury barometer 水银气压表Fortin barometer 福丁气压表Kew pattern barometer 寇乌气压表hygrograph 湿度计hygrometer 湿度表psychrometer 干湿表aspirated psychrometer 通风干湿表standard aspirated psychrometer 标准通风干湿表whirling psychrometer, sling psychrometer 手摇干湿表Assmann psychrometer 阿斯曼干湿表dew-point hygrometer 露点湿度表hair hygrometer 毛发湿度表hair hygrograph 毛发湿度计black and white bulb thermometer 黑白球温度表barothermograph 气压温度计dry-bulb thermometer 干球温度表wet-bulb thermometer 湿球温度表sunshine recorder 日照计Jordan sunshine recorder 乔唐日照计Campbell-Stokes sunshine recorder 康培尔-司托克日照计pyrheliometer 直接辐射表pyranometer 总辐射表sky radiometer diffusometer 天空辐射表albedometer 反照率表pyranometer 净辐射表pilot-balloon plotting board 测风绘图板hail-rain separator 雹雨分离器evaporograph 蒸发计evaporation pan 小型蒸发器evaporation tank 大型蒸发器standard pan 标准蒸发器ceiling projector 云幂灯visibility meter,visiometer 能见度表raingauge 雨量器pluviograph,recording raingauge 雨量计accumulative raingauge 累计雨量器tilting bucket raingauge 翻斗[式]雨量计electric conductivity raingauge 水导[式]雨量计siphon rainfall recorder 虹吸[式]雨量计rainfall intensity recorder 雨强计telemetering pluviograph 遥测雨量计wind vane 风向标anemometer 风速表contact anemometer 电接风速表cup anemometer 转杯风速表propeller anemometer 螺旋桨[式]风速表anemorumbometer 风向风速表hot-wire anemometer 热线风速表strong wind anemograph 强风仪navaid wind-finding 导航测风laser ceilometer 激光云幂仪anemograph 风速计radio theodolite 无线电经纬仪aerological theodolite 测风经纬仪radiosonde 无线电探空仪dropsonde 下投式探空仪constant level balloon 定高气球ultrasonic anemometer 超声测风仪ceiling balloon 云幂气球meteorological aircraft 气象飞机snow scale,snow depth scale 量雪尺weighting snow-gauge 称雪器drosometer, dewgauge 测露表frozen soil apparatus 冻土器sonde 探空仪profiler 廓线仪meteorological rocket 气象火箭sounding rocket 探空火箭weather radar 天气雷达meteorological radar 气象雷达lidar 激光雷达sodar, acoustic radar 声[雷]达Doppler radar 多普勒天气雷达incoherent radar 非相干雷达radar network composite 雷达组网radar sounding 雷达探空windfinding radar 测风雷达Doppler sodar 多普勒声达Doppler lidar 多普勒激光雷达MST radar MST雷达UHF Doppler radar 超高频雷达VHF radar 甚高频雷达coherent memory filter,CMF 相干存储滤波器radar rainfall integrator 雷达雨量积分器range velocity display, RVD 距离速度显示velocity azimuth display, VAD 速度方位显示constant altitude plan position indicator, CAPPI 等高平面位置显示器plan postion indicator, PPI 平面位置显示器plan shear indicator, PSI 平面切变显示器velocity azimuth range display, VARD 速度方位距离显示radarsonde 雷达测风仪atmospheric remote sensing 大气遥感inverse technique 反演法temperature retrieval 温度反演inversion of satellite sounding 卫星探测反演meteorological satellite 气象卫星NIMBUS 雨云卫星NOAA 诺阿卫星polar-orbiting meteorological satellite 极轨气象卫星TIROS 泰罗斯卫星TIROS-N 泰罗斯-N卫星ESSA 艾萨卫星ITOS 艾托斯卫星geostationary meteorological satellite,GMS 地球静止气象卫星meteorological satellite groundstation 气象卫星地面站microwave radiometer 微波辐射仪high resolution interferometric sounder 高分辨[率]干涉探测器high resolution infrared radiation sounder, HRIRS 高分辨[率]红外辐射探测器scanning radiometer, SR 扫描辐射仪very high resolution radiometer, VHRR 甚高分辨率辐射仪vertical temperature pro 温度垂直廓线辐射仪data collection platform, DCP 资料收集平台automatic picture transmission, APT 自动图象传输high resolution picture transmission, HRPT 高分辨[率]图象传输high resolution facsimile, HR-FAX 高分辨率[云图]low resolution facsimile, LR-FAX 低分辨率[云图] delay picture transmission, DPT 延时图象传输direct read-out ground station 直读式地面站weather facsimile, WEFAX 天气图synoptic data 天气资料non-synoptic data 非天气资料real time data 实时资料non-real time data 非实时资料stretched data 时展资料sub-satellite point [卫星]星下点temporal resolution 时间分辨率spatial resolution 空间分辨率full resolution 全分辨率radiation transfer equation 辐射传输方程atmospheric transmission model 大气传输模式03. 大气物理学atmospheric physics 大气物理[学] cloud physics 云物理学precipitation physics 降水物理学cloud dynamics 云动力学middle atmospheric physics 中层大气物理学aeronomy 高空大气学aerology 高空气象学radio meteorology 无线电气象学boundary layer meteorology 边界层气象学boundary layer climate 边界层气候atmospheric boundary layer 大气边界层air-sea interface 海气界面air-sea exchange 海气交换tracer diffusion experiment 示踪扩散实验surface layer 近地层surface roughness 地面粗糙度atmospheric duct 大气波导advection 平流convection 对流free convection 自由对流forced convection 强迫对流convection cell 对流单体Benard cell 贝纳胞Benard convection 贝纳对流convection model 对流模式updraught 上曳气流downdraught 下曳气流transitional flow 过渡气流dry deposition 干沉降wet deposition 湿沉降aerosol 气溶胶aerosol particle size distribution 气溶胶粒子谱aqueous aerosol 湿气溶胶stratospheric aerosol 平流层气溶胶hail generation zone 冰雹生成区conical hail 锥形冰雹hail embryo 雹核hail lobe 雹瓣hail pellet 雹粒cumulonimbus model 积雨云模式condensation process 凝结过程cloud condensation nuclei, CCN 云凝结核artificial nucleation 人工成核作用cloud top temperature 云顶温度ice-water mixed cloud 冰水混合云cloud structure 云结构cloud particle sampler 云滴采样器cloud droplet-size distribution 云滴谱cloud droplet collector 云滴谱仪raindrop size distribution 雨滴谱drop-size distribution parameter 滴谱参数disdrometer, raindrop disdrometer 雨滴谱仪fog-drop 雾滴cloud droplet 云滴supercooled cloud droplet 过冷云滴drop spectrum 滴谱collision 碰撞coagulation 碰并ice crystal 冰晶ice needle 冰针ice nucleus 冰核ice point 冰点condensation 凝结evaporation 蒸发potential evaporation 潜在蒸发solidification 凝固deposition 凝华sublimation 升华freezing 冻结freezing nucleus 冻结核condensation nucleus 凝结核salt nucleus 盐核cloud chamber 云室combustion nucleus 燃烧核deposition nucleus 凝华核weather modification 人工影响天气target area 目标区cloud dissipation 消云salt-seeding 盐粉播撒frost prevention 防霜cloud seeding 播云cloud seeding agent 播云剂artificial precipitation 人工降水hail suppression 防雹fog dissipation 消雾dynamic cloud seeding 动力播云radar meteorology 雷达气象学meteorological radar equation 气象雷达方程radar meteorological observation 雷达气象观测radar reflectivity factor 雷达反射率因子radar equivalent reflectivity factor 雷达等效反射率因子weather echo 天气回波cloud echo 云回波echo wall 回波墙superrefraction echo 超折射回波second trip echo 二次回波incoherent echo 非相干回波coherent echo 相干回波ground echo 地物回波clear air echo 晴空回波convective echo 对流回波whirling echo 涡旋状回波spiral rain-band echo 螺旋雨带回波layered echo 层状回波banded echo 带状回波hook echo 钩状回波weak echo vault 弱回波穹窿precipitation echo 降水回波angel echo 异常回波elevated echo 雨幡回波cell echo 单体回波supercell 超级单体multiple-cell echo 多单体回波echo complex 回波复合体cloud top height, CTH 云顶高度echo depth 回波厚度echo character 回波特征echo analysis 回波分析echo distortion 回波畸变radar reflectivity 雷达反射率superrefraction 超折射negative refraction 负折射tropospheric refraction 对流层折射beam filling coefficient 波束充塞系数range bin 距离库range averaging 距离平均azimuth averaging 方位平均range resolution 距离分辨率azimuth resolution 方位角分辨率number of range samples 距离采样数coherent-video signal 相干视频信号quantized signal 量化信号depolarization ratio 退偏振比rotation band 转动谱带Doppler velocity 多普勒速度range ambiguity 距离模糊maximum unambiguous range 最大不模糊距离velocity ambiguity 速度模糊realtime display 实时显示pattern recognition technique 图形识别技术tracking radar echoes by correlation,TREC 雷达回波相关跟踪法thunderstorm monitoring 雷暴监测gray scale 灰[色标]度cloud attenuation 云衰减precipitation attenuation 降水衰减range attenuation 距离衰减echo synthetic chart 回波综合图iso-echo contour 等回波线normalized echo intensity 归一化回波强度isolated cell 孤立单体weak cell 弱单体satellite meteorology 卫星气象学satellite sounding 卫星探测cloud cluster 云团satellite cloud picture 卫星云图sectorized cloud picture 分区云图picture mosaic 拼图image processing 图象处理distortion correction 畸变校正infrared cloud picture 红外云图visible cloud picture 可见光云图nulti-spectral image, MSI 多波段图象microwave image 微波图象image resolution 图象分辨率digitized cloud map 数字化云图enhanced cloud picture 增强云图false-color cloud picture 假彩色云图pseudo-color cloud picture 伪彩色云图full-disc cloud picture 全景圆盘云图nephanalysis 云[层]分析图brightness temperature 亮度温度cloud coverage 云覆盖区cloud street 云街cloud line 云线spiral cloud band 螺旋云带monsoon cloud cluster 季风云团tropical cloud cluster 热带云团squall cloud 飑线云shield cloud 盾状云open [cloud] cells 开口型细胞状云close [cloud] cells 封闭型细胞状云cellular pattern 细胞状云cloud system 云系comma cloud system 逗点云系banded cloud system 带状云系vortex cloud system 涡旋云系jet stream cloud system 急流云系satellite derived wind 卫星云迹风satellite cloud picture analysis 卫星云图分析limb scanning method 临边扫描法limb retrieval 临边反演occultation method 掩星法backscatter ultraviolet technique 紫外辐射后向散射法linear inversion 线性反演water vapor retrieval 水汽反演humidity retrieval 湿度反演limb brightening 临边增亮limb darkening 临边变暗sun glint 日照亮斑atmospheric radiation 大气辐射solar radiation 太阳辐射solar constant 太阳常数monochromatic radiation 单色辐射outgoing long-wave radiation, OLR 向外长波辐射visible light 可见光radiation balance 辐射平衡global radiation 总辐射direct radiation 直接辐射effective radiation 有效辐射scattered radiation 散射辐射diffuse radiation 漫射辐射sky radiation 天空辐射upward [tatal] radiation 向上[全]辐射downward [total] radiation 向下[全]辐射incoming radiation 入射辐射equivalent clear column radiance 等效晴空辐射率atmospheric transmissivity 大气透射率Van Allen radiation belt 范艾伦辐射带albedo of the earth-atmosphere system 地气系统反照率albedo of underlying surface 下垫面反照率earth radiation belt 地球辐射带nocturnal radiation 夜间辐射atmospheric counter radiation 大气逆辐射radiance 辐射率irradiation 辐照irradiance 辐照度reflected radiation 反射辐射albedo 反照率band model 带模式statistical band model 统计带模式regular band model 规则带模式random Elsasser band model 随机爱尔沙色带模式strong-line approximation 强线近似weak-line approximation 弱线近似planetary temperature 行星温度atmospheric attenuation 大气衰减atmospheric absorption 大气吸收atmospheric window 大气窗[atmospheric] absorptivity [大气]吸收率non-scattering atmosphere 无散射大气extinction coefficient 消光系数atmospheric radioactivity 大气放射性atmospheric optics 大气光学atmospheric optical spectrum 大气光谱atmospheric refraction 大气折射atmospheric optical mass 大气光学质量primary scattering 一次散射Mie scattering 米散射multiple scattering 多次散射Rayleigh scattering 瑞利散射volume scattering function 体散射函数forward scattering 前向散射backscattering 后向散射scattering cross-section 散射截面backscattering cross-section 后向散射截面one-way attenuation 单程衰减two-way attenuation 双程衰减scattering coefficient 散射系数attenuation coefficient 衰减系数attenuation cross-section 衰减截面absorption cross-section 吸收截面atmospheric polarization 大气偏振night-sky light 夜天光sky brightness, sky luminance 天空亮度atmospheric optical thickness, atmospheric optical depth 大气光学厚度[atmospheric] transparency [大气]透明度atmospheric optical phenomena 大气光学现象atmospheric turbidity 大气浑浊度turbidity factor 浑浊因子mirage 蜃景twilight 曙暮光aurora australis 南极光aurora borealis 北极光anthelion 反日parhelion 假日paraselene 假月46° halo 46度晕22° halo 22度晕solar halo 日晕lunar halo 月晕solar corona 日华lunar corona 月华rainbow 虹secondary rainbow 霓halo 晕corona 华twilight colors 霞airglow 气辉aurora 极光glory 宝光[环]atmospheric electricity 大气电学fair weather electric field 晴天电场air discharge 空中放电cloud-to-cloud discharge, intercloud discharge 云标放电cloud discharge 云放电cloud-to-ground discharge 云地[间]放电ionospheric storm 电离层暴ionospheric sudden disturbance 电离层突扰magnetic storm 磁暴atmospheric electric conductivity 大气电导率atmospheric acoustics 大气声学acoustic sounding 声学探测04. 大气化学atmospheric chemistry 大气化学atmospheric photochemistry 大气光化学atmospheric photolysis 大气光解作用atmospheric ozone 大气臭氧atmospheric trace gas 大气痕量气体photochemical reaction 光化反应photochemical smog 光化烟雾precipitation chemistry 降水化学threshold temperature of icenucleation 成冰阈温05. 动力气象学dynamic meteorology 动力气象学atmospheric thermodynamics 大气热力学sensible heat 感热latent heat 潜热reversible adiabatic process 可逆绝热过程irreversible adiabatic process 不可逆绝热过程moisture inversion 逆湿thermodynamic equation 热力学方程temperature inversion 逆温turbulence inversion 湍流逆温surface inversion 地面逆温radiation inversion 辐射逆温capping inversion 覆盖逆温subsidence inversion 下沉逆温frontal inversion 锋面逆温inversion layer 逆温层isentropic chart 等熵面图tephigram 温熵图T-ln p diagram 温度-对数压力图temperature gradient 温度梯度temperature advection 温度平流adiabatic ascending 绝热上升adiabatic sinking 绝热下沉adiabatic cooling 绝热冷却adiabatic heating 绝热增温pseudo-adiabatic process 假绝热过程diabatic process 非绝热过程convective condensation level, CCL 对流凝结高度mixing condensation level 混合凝结高度temperature lapse rate 气温直减率dry adiabatic lapse rate 干绝热直减率moist adiabatic lapse rate 湿绝热直减率condensation level, CL 凝结高度condensation efficiency 凝结效率thermal stratification 热力层结equivalent temperature 相当温度virtual temperature 虚温dry adiabatic process 干绝热过程moist adiabatic process 湿绝热过程adiabatic diagram 绝热图pseudo-adiabatic diagram 假绝热图pseudo-adiabatic lapse rate 假绝热直减率potential temperature 位温pseudo-equivalent potential temperature 假相当位温wet-bulb potential temperature 湿球位温wet-bulb pseudo potential temperature 假湿球位温wet-bulb pseudo-temperature 假湿球温度atmospheric dynamics 大气动力学equation of motion 运动方程continuity equation 连续方程equation of state 状态方程vorticity equation 涡度方程divergence equation 散度方程hydrostatic equation 流体静力方程ω-equation ω方程perturbation equation 扰动方程thermal wind equation 热成风方程moisture [conservation] equation 水汽守恒方程advective equation 平流方程balance equation 平衡方程baroclinic process 斜压过程Reynolds stress 雷诺应力meteorological wind tunnel 气象风洞equivalent barotropic atmosphere 相当正压大气hydrostatic adjustment process 静力适应过程geostrophic adjustment 地转适应available potential energy 有效位能enstrophy 涡动拟能geopotential meter 位势米geopotential height 位势高度inertial instability 惯性不稳定free convection level 自由对流高度[atmospheric] stability [大气]稳定度[atmospheric] instability [大气]不稳定度static stability 静力稳定度index of stability 稳定度指数absolute stability 绝对稳定absolute instability 绝对不稳定neutral stability 中性稳定conditional instability 条件[性]不稳定inertial stability 惯性稳定度convective instability 对流不稳定convective stability 对流[性]稳定度atmospheric disturbance 大气扰动nonlinear instability 非线性不稳定[性] conditional instability of the second kind, CISK 第二类条件[性]不稳定shearing instability 切变不稳定barotropic instability 正压不稳定baroclinic instability 斜压不稳定latent instability 潜在不稳定conservation of potential vorticity 位涡守恒tendency equation 倾向方程z-coordinate z坐标p-coordinate p坐标σ-coordinate σ坐标θ-coordinate 位温坐标hybrid coordinate 混合坐标convergence 辐合divergence 辐散divergence 散度horizontal divergence 水平散度steering flow 引导气流vorticity 涡度relative vorticity 相对涡度absolute vorticity 绝对涡度planetary vorticity 行星涡度β-plane β平面conservation of absolute vorticity 绝对涡度守恒geostrophic vorticity 地转涡度cyclonic vorticity 气旋性涡度anticyclonic vorticity 反气旋涡度shearing vorticity 切变涡度curvature vorticity 曲率涡度potential vorticity 位势涡度eddy conductivity 涡动传导率eddy viscosity 涡动粘滞率friction velocity 摩擦速度eddy shearing stress 涡动切应力atmospheric wave 大气波动adjustment of longwave 长波调整inertia wave 惯性波baroclinic wave 斜压波barotropic wave 正压波gravity wave 重力波inertia-gravity wave 惯性重力波internal gravity wave 重力内波external gravity wave 重力外波gravity wave drag 重力波拖曳drag coefficient 拖曳系数orographic drag 地形拖曳orographic wave 地形波lee wave 背风波Helmholtz wave 赫姆霍兹波Kelvin wave 开尔文波Lamb wave 兰姆波Rossby wave 罗斯贝波stationary wave 定常波transient wave 瞬变波solitary wave 孤立波progressive wave 前进波retrograde wave 后退波shearing wave 切变波mixed Rossby-gravity wave 混合罗斯贝重力波ultra-long wave 超长波atmospheric noise 大气噪声Prandtl number 普朗特数Rayleigh number 瑞利数Reynolds number 雷诺数Richardson number 里查森数Froude number 弗劳德数Rossby number 罗斯贝数rotating dishpan experiment 转盘实验Hadley regime 哈得来域Rossby regime 罗斯贝域mixing layer 混合层non-divergence level 无辐散层cyclostrophic wind 旋衡风gradient wind 梯度风countergradient wind 反梯度风subgradient wind 次梯度风supergradient wind 超梯度风thermal wind 热成风veering wind 顺转风backing wind 逆转风wind shear 风切变geostrophic wind 地转风antitriptic wind 摩擦风subgeostrophic wind 次地转风supergeostrophic wind 超地转风ageostrophic wind 非地转风isallobaric wind 变压风jet stream 急流northern branch jet stream 北支急流southern branch jet stream 南支急流basic flow 基本气流subtropical jet stream 副热带急流axis of jet stream 急流轴streamline 流线westerly jet 西风急流convective cloud 对流云deep convection 深对流shallow convection 浅对流line convection 线对流Ekman flow 埃克曼流thermal convection 热对流moist convection 湿对流cumulus convection 积云对流mesoscale convective system, MCS 中尺度对流系统warm advection 暖平流cold advection 冷平流upward flow 上升气流downward flow 下沉气流convective adjustment 对流调整convective parameterization 对流参数化mesoscale convective complex, MCC 中尺度对流复合体geostrophic motion 地转运动quasi-geostrophic motion 准地转运动semi-geostrophic motion 半地转运动ageostrophic motion 非地转运动irrotational motion 无旋运动nondivergent motion 无辐散运动baroclinic atmosphere 斜压大气barotropic atmosphere 正压大气baroclinic mode 斜压模态barotropic mode 正压模态normal mode 正规模态Ekman layer 埃克曼层Ekman spiral 埃克曼螺线atmospheric circulation 大气环流meridional circulation 经向环流zonal circulation 纬向环流Hadley cell 哈得来环流Walker cell 沃克环流direct circulation 直接环流indirect circulation 间接环流[圈] trade-wind circulation 信风环流circulation cell 环流圈local circulation 局地环流three-cell [meridional] circulation 三圈经向环流circulation index 环流指数high index 高指数low index 低指数index cycle 指数循环circulation theorem 环流定理Kelvin's theorem of circulation 开尔文环流定理Bjerknes circulation theorem 皮叶克尼斯环流定理cross-equatorial flow 越赤道气流adjustment of circulation 环流调整mesospheric circulation 中间层环流large-scale circulation 大尺度环流atmospheric center of action 大气活动中心stratospheric sudden warming 平流层爆发[性]增温atmospheric turbulence 大气湍流eddy 涡旋flux 通量turbulent flux 湍流通量isotropic turbulence 各向同性湍流mixing length 混合长K theory of turbulence 湍流[WTHZ]K[WT][HT5H]理论Prandtl mixing-length theory 普朗特混合长理论turbulent boundary layer 湍流边界层laminar boundary layer 层流边界层turbulence spectrum 湍流谱turbulence energy 湍流能量turbulent exchange 湍流交换turbulent diffusion 湍流扩散Eliassen-Palm flux EP通量lateral mixing 侧向混合chaos 混沌numerical weather prediction, NWP 数值天气预报model output statistic prediction, MOS prediction 模式输出统计预报equivalent barotropic model 相当正压模式quasi-geostrophic model 准地转模式filtered model 过滤模式adiabatic model 绝热模式primitive equation model 原始方程模式mesoscale model 中尺度模式scaling 尺度分析synoptic scale 天气尺度planetary scale 行星尺度meso scale 中尺度meso-α scale α中尺度meso-β scale β中尺度meso-γ scale γ中尺度spectral model 谱模式movable fine-mesh model 可移动细网格模式semi-implicit scheme 半隐式格式conservation scheme 守恒格式finite difference model 差分模式upstream scheme 迎风差格式computational instability 线性计算不稳定perturbation method 小扰动法energy cascade 能量串级objective analysis 客观分析physical mode 物理模[态] computational mode 计算模[态] model resolution 模式分辨率skill score 技巧分subgrid scale parameterization 次网格尺度参数化normal mode initialization 正规模[态]初值化dynamic initialization 动力初值化static initialization 静力初值化four-dimensional data assimilation 四维资料同化rigid boundary condition 刚体边界条件spongy boundary condition 海绵边界条件first guess 初估值time smoothing 时间平滑space smoothing 空间平滑automatic data processing 自动资料处理structure function 结构函数split-explicit scheme 分离显式格式bogus data 人造[站]资料hydrostatic check 静力检查difference scheme 差分格式staggered grid 交错网格stagger scheme 交错格式nested grid 套网格pseudospectral method 假谱方法successive correction analysis 逐步订正法optimum interpolation method 最优插值法statistical interpolation method 统计插值法man-machine weather forecast 人机结合天气预报limited area model, LAM 有限区模式limited area fine-mesh model, LFM 有限区细网格模式。
主题词表English Chinese01。
大气atmospheric science 大气科学meteorology 气象学theoretical meteorology 理论气象学mesometeorology 中尺度气象学micrometeorology 微气象学physical meteorology 物理气象学atmosphere 大气evolution of atmosphere 大气演化atmospheric impurity 大气杂质atmospheric suspended matter 大气悬浮物atmospheric diffusion 大气扩散atmospheric composition 大气成分atmospheric ion 大气离子atmospheric mass 大气质量air quality 大气品位atmospheric density 大气密度atmospheric subdivision 大气分层homosphere 均质层heterosphere 非均质层homopause 均质层顶significant level 特性层standard [pressure]level 标准层isothermal layer 等温层lower atmosphere 低层大气middle atmosphere 中层大气upper atmosphere 高层大气troposphere 对流层tropopause 对流层顶stratosphere 平流层stratopause 平流层顶mesosphere 中间层mesopause 中间层顶thermosphere 热层exosphere 外[逸]层ionosphere 电离层magnetosphere 磁层magnetopause 磁层顶chemosphere 光化层chemopause 光化层顶ozonosphere 臭氧层free atmosphere 自由大气planetary atmosphere 行星大气standard atmosphere(reference atmosphere) 标准大气(参考大气)homogeneous atmosphere 均质大气isothermal atmosphere 等温大气polytropic atmosphere 多元大气scale height 大气标高meteorological element 气象要素air temperature 气温wet-bulb temperature 湿球温度dry—bulb temperature 干球温度temperature profile 温度廓线atmospheric pressure 气压standard atmosphere pressure 标准大气压station pressure 本站气压sea-level pressure 海平面气压pressure gradient 气压梯度barometric height formula 压高公式pressure gradient force 气压梯度力Coriolis force 科里奥利力water vapor 水[蒸]汽transfer of water vapor 水汽输送water vapor profile 水汽廓线water vapor pressure 水汽压humidity 湿度relative humidity 相对湿度absolute humidity 绝对湿度specific humidity 比湿mixing ratio 混合比dew point [temperature]露点(温度) depression of the dew point (温度)露点差super—saturated air 过饱和空气saturation specific humidity 饱和比湿saturation vapor pressure 饱和水汽压psychrometric formula 测湿公式saturation deficit 饱和差international cloud atlas 国际云图cloud 云low cloud 低云middle cloud 中云high cloud 高云cloud base 云底cloud top 云顶cloud ceiling 云幂cloud amount 云量total cloud cover 总云量cloud with vertical development 直展云cloud height 云高cloud genera 云属cloud etage 云族cloud species 云种cloud variety 云类cloud form 云状cirrus,Ci 卷云cirrus fibratus, Ci fib 毛卷云cirrus spissatus,Ci spi 密卷云cirrus uncinus,Ci unc 钩卷云cirrostratus,Cs 卷层云cirrostratus fibratus,Cs fib 毛卷层云cirrostratus nebulosus, Cs neb 薄幕卷层云cirrocumulus, Cc 卷积云altocumulus,Ac 高积云altocumulus translucidus,Ac tr 透光高积云altocumulus opacus, Ac op 蔽光高积云altocumulus lenticularis,Ac len 荚状高积云altocumulus cumulogenitus,Ac cug 积云性高积云altocumulus floccus 絮状高积云altocumulus castellanus,Ac cas 堡状高积云altostratus, As 高层云altostratus translucidus, As tr 透光高层云altostratus opacus,As op 蔽光高层云cumulus,Cu 积云cumulus humilis, Cu hum 淡积云cumulus mediocris, Cu med 中展积云cumulus fractus,Cu fra 碎积云cumulus congestus, Cu con 浓积云cumulonimbus, Cb 积雨云cumulonimbus calvus, Cb cal 秃积雨云cumulonimbus capillatus, Cb cap 鬃积雨云stratocumulus, Sc 层积云stratocumulus translucidus, Sc tr 透光层积云stratocumulus opacus, Sc op 蔽光层积云stratocumulus cumulogenitus,Sc cug 积云性层积云stratocumulus castellanus, Sc cas 堡状层积云stratocumulus lenticularis, Sc len 荚状层积云stratus, St 层云stratus fractus,St fra 碎层云nimbostratus,Ns 雨层云stratiform cloud 层状云cumuliform cloud 积状云fracto—nimbus,Fn 碎雨云chaotic sky 混乱天空cold cloud 冷云warm cloud 暖云ice cloud 冰云water cloud 水云hail cloud [冰]雹云wind 风wind direction 风向wind speed, wind velocity 风速maximum wind speed 最大风速extreme wind speed 极大风速wind speed profile 风速廓线horizontal wind vector 水平风矢量wind force 风力wind force scale 风级Beaufort [wind]scale 蒲福风级calm 0级风light air 1级风light breeze 2级风gentle breeze 3级风moderate breeze 4级风fresh breeze 5级风strong breeze 6级风near gale 7级风gale 8级风strong gale 9级风storm 10级风violent storm 11级风hurricane 12级风gust 阵风local wind 地方性风surface wind 地面风foehn 焚风mountain—valley breeze 山谷风sea-land breeze 海陆风on-shore wind 向岸风off—shore wind 离岸风gorge wind 峡谷风slope wind 坡风glacier breeze 冰川风drainage wind 流泄风visibility 能见度effective visibility 有效能见度visual range of light 灯光能见距离surface visibility 地面能见度horizontal visibility 水平能见度vertical visibility 垂直能见度slant visibility 倾斜能见度meteor 大气现象weather phenomenon 天气现象clear sky 晴天partly cloudy 少云cloudy 多云overcast 阴天blue of the sky 天空蓝度apparent form of the sky 天穹形状state of ground 地面状态sky condition 天空状况precipitation 降水amount of precipitation 降水量precipitation intensity 降水强度showery precipitation 阵性降水convective precipitation 对流性降水non—convective precipitation 非对流性降水orographic precipitation 地形降水rain 雨rain virga 雨幡rain drop 雨滴rain shadow 雨影glaze 雨凇rain day 雨日rainfall [amount] 雨量continuous precipitation 连续性降水intermittent precipitation 间歇性降水showery rain 阵雨freezing rain 冻雨drizzle 毛毛雨light rain 小雨moderate rain 中雨heavy rain 大雨torrential rain 暴雨local precipitation 地方性降水orographic rain 地形雨storm 风暴sandstorm,duststorm 沙[尘]暴hail storm 雹暴haze 霾haze aloft 高空霾dust 浮尘blowing sand 高吹沙drifting sand 低吹沙dew 露frost 霜frost point 霜点first frost 初霜latest frost 终霜tornado 龙卷dust devil 尘卷风squall 飑snow 雪snow virga 雪幡sleet 雨夹雪showery snow 阵雪snow crystal 雪晶snowflake 雪花snow grains 米雪snowstorm 雪暴driven snow 吹雪drifting snow 低吹雪blowing snow 高吹雪snow cover 积雪snowfall [amount] 雪量snow depth 雪深snow day 雪日icing 积冰wire icing 电线积冰hail 冰雹hailstone 雹块ice pellet 冰丸thunder 雷thunderstorm 雷暴thunder shower 雷阵雨orographic thunderstorm 地形雷暴thunderstorm cell 雷暴单体atmospherics 天电lightning 闪电lightning channel 闪电通道forked lightning 叉状闪电sheet lightning 片状闪电ball lightning 球状闪电streak lightning 条状闪电pearl—necklace lightning 串珠状闪电fog 雾mist 轻雾wet fog 湿雾sea fog 海雾ice fog 冰雾frontal fog 锋面雾advection fog 平流雾radiation fog 辐射雾advection-radiation fog 平流辐射雾mixing fog 混合雾evaporation fog 蒸发雾supercooled fog 过冷却雾ground fog 地面雾upslope fog 上坡雾air—mass fog 气团雾tropical air fog 热带气团雾rime 雾凇graupel 霰percentage of sunshine 日照百分率sunshine duration 日照时数duration of possible sunshine 可照时数02. 大气探测atmospheric sounding and observing 大气探测meteorological observation 气象观测synoptic observation 天气观测synoptic hour 天气观测时间principal synoptic observation 基本天气观测intermediate synoptic observation 辅助天气观测surface observation 地面观测visual observation 目测background pollution observation 本底污染观测field observation 外场观测conventional observation 常规观测non—conventional observation 非常规观测ship observation 船舶观测fixed point observation 定点观测space-based observation 空基观测ground-based observation 地基观测mountain observation 山地观测sounding 探空upper air observation 高空观测auxiliary ship observation,ASO 辅助船舶观测aircraft sounding 飞机探测rocket sounding 火箭探测radio sounding 无线电探空captive balloon sounding 系留气球探测pilot balloon observation 测风气球观测radiowind observation 无线电测风观测standard time of observation 标准观测时间actual time of observation 实际观测时间observational frequency 观测次数observational error 观测误差supplementary observation 补充观测autographic records 自记记录surface data 地面资料upper air data 高空资料barometer level 气压表高度pressure reduction 气压换算barometric correction 气压订正international synoptic code 国际[天气]电码network of meteorological station 气象台站网observation site 观测场meteorological platform 气象观测平台ocean weather station 海洋气象站fixed ship station 固定船舶站mobile ship station 移动船舶站mountain observation station 高山[观]测站automatic meteorological station 自动气象站meteorological instrument 气象仪器screen,instrument shelter 百叶箱thermometer 温度表telethermometer 遥测温度表thermograph 温度计geothermometer 地温表surface geothermometer 地面温度表angle geothermometer 曲管地温表tube—typed geothermometer 直管地温表grass thermometer 草温表maximum thermometer 最高温度表minimum thermometer 最低温度表mercury thermometer 水银温度表Lyman—α hygrometer 莱曼—α湿度表bimetallic thermograph 双金属片温度计barograph 气压计aneroid barograph 空盒气压计mountain barograph 高山气压计barometer 气压表aneroid barometer 空盒气压表ship-barometer 船用气压表mountain barometer 高山气压表pressure altimeter 气压测高表normal barometer 标准气压表national standard barometer 国家标准气压表regional standard barometer 区域标准气压表absolute standard barometer 绝对标准气压表microbarograph 微压计mercury barometer 水银气压表Fortin barometer 福丁气压表Kew pattern barometer 寇乌气压表hygrograph 湿度计hygrometer 湿度表psychrometer 干湿表aspirated psychrometer 通风干湿表standard aspirated psychrometer 标准通风干湿表whirling psychrometer,sling psychrometer 手摇干湿表Assmann psychrometer 阿斯曼干湿表dew—point hygrometer 露点湿度表hair hygrometer 毛发湿度表hair hygrograph 毛发湿度计black and white bulb thermometer 黑白球温度表barothermograph 气压温度计dry-bulb thermometer 干球温度表wet—bulb thermometer 湿球温度表sunshine recorder 日照计Jordan sunshine recorder 乔唐日照计Campbell—Stokes sunshine recorder 康培尔—司托克日照计pyrheliometer 直接辐射表pyranometer 总辐射表sky radiometer diffusometer 天空辐射表albedometer 反照率表pyranometer 净辐射表pilot—balloon plotting board 测风绘图板hail—rain separator 雹雨分离器evaporograph 蒸发计evaporation pan 小型蒸发器evaporation tank 大型蒸发器standard pan 标准蒸发器ceiling projector 云幂灯visibility meter,visiometer 能见度表raingauge 雨量器pluviograph,recording raingauge 雨量计accumulative raingauge 累计雨量器tilting bucket raingauge 翻斗[式]雨量计electric conductivity raingauge 水导[式]雨量计siphon rainfall recorder 虹吸[式]雨量计rainfall intensity recorder 雨强计telemetering pluviograph 遥测雨量计wind vane 风向标anemometer 风速表contact anemometer 电接风速表cup anemometer 转杯风速表propeller anemometer 螺旋桨[式]风速表anemorumbometer 风向风速表hot-wire anemometer 热线风速表strong wind anemograph 强风仪navaid wind—finding 导航测风laser ceilometer 激光云幂仪anemograph 风速计radio theodolite 无线电经纬仪aerological theodolite 测风经纬仪radiosonde 无线电探空仪dropsonde 下投式探空仪constant level balloon 定高气球ultrasonic anemometer 超声测风仪ceiling balloon 云幂气球meteorological aircraft 气象飞机snow scale,snow depth scale 量雪尺weighting snow-gauge 称雪器drosometer, dewgauge 测露表frozen soil apparatus 冻土器sonde 探空仪profiler 廓线仪meteorological rocket 气象火箭sounding rocket 探空火箭weather radar 天气雷达meteorological radar 气象雷达lidar 激光雷达sodar, acoustic radar 声[雷]达Doppler radar 多普勒天气雷达incoherent radar 非相干雷达radar network composite 雷达组网radar sounding 雷达探空windfinding radar 测风雷达Doppler sodar 多普勒声达Doppler lidar 多普勒激光雷达MST radar MST雷达UHF Doppler radar 超高频雷达VHF radar 甚高频雷达coherent memory filter,CMF 相干存储滤波器radar rainfall integrator 雷达雨量积分器range velocity display, RVD 距离速度显示velocity azimuth display, V AD 速度方位显示constant altitude plan position indicator,CAPPI 等高平面位置显示器plan postion indicator, PPI 平面位置显示器plan shear indicator, PSI 平面切变显示器velocity azimuth range display,V ARD 速度方位距离显示radarsonde 雷达测风仪atmospheric remote sensing 大气遥感inverse technique 反演法temperature retrieval 温度反演inversion of satellite sounding 卫星探测反演meteorological satellite 气象卫星NIMBUS 雨云卫星NOAA 诺阿卫星polar—orbiting meteorological satellite 极轨气象卫星TIROS 泰罗斯卫星TIROS—N 泰罗斯—N卫星ESSA 艾萨卫星ITOS 艾托斯卫星geostationary meteorological satellite,GMS 地球静止气象卫星meteorological satellite ground station 气象卫星地面站microwave radiometer 微波辐射仪high resolution interferometric sounder 高分辨[率]干涉探测器high resolution infrared radiation sounder,HRIRS 高分辨[率]红外辐射探测器scanning radiometer,SR 扫描辐射仪very high resolution radiometer, VHRR 甚高分辨率辐射仪vertical temperature profile radiometer 温度垂直廓线辐射仪data collection platform,DCP 资料收集平台automatic picture transmission, APT 自动图象传输high resolution picture transmission, HRPT 高分辨[率]图象传输high resolution facsimile, HR—FAX 高分辨率[云图]传真low resolution facsimile, LR—FAX 低分辨率[云图]传真delay picture transmission, DPT 延时图象传输direct read—out ground station 直读式地面站weather facsimile,WEFAX 天气图传真synoptic data 天气资料non-synoptic data 非天气资料real time data 实时资料non—real time data 非实时资料stretched data 时展资料sub—satellite point [卫星]星下点temporal resolution 时间分辨率spatial resolution 空间分辨率full resolution 全分辨率radiation transfer equation 辐射传输方程atmospheric transmission model 大气传输模式03。
大气层用英语怎么说大气层的英语说法:atmosphere大气层相关英语表达:大气层爆炸 atmospheric explosion;大气层波导 thermoduct;大气层内制导 endoatmospheric guidance;大气层事件 atmospheric event;大气层的英语例句:1. the partial test-ban treaty bans nuclear testing in the atmosphere.《部分禁止核试验条约》禁止在大气层中进行核试验。
2. mars has an insubstantial atmosphere, consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxide.火星的大气层极其稀薄,几乎全部由二氧化碳构成。
3. the martian atmosphere contains only tiny amounts of water.火星的大气层中只含有极少量的水。
4. the station would burn up on re-entry into the earth's atmosphere.空间站在重返地球大气层时会被烧毁。
5. the satellite re-entered the atmosphere and burned up.卫星重新进入大气层,烧成灰烬。
6. spacecraft which are re-entering the earth's atmosphere are affected by g forces.重返大气层的航天器受到重力的作用。
7. changes in the climate are due to pollution of the atmosphere.由于对大气层的污染而造成了气候变化.8. the spacecraft made a successful reentry into the earth's atmosphere.宇宙飞船成功地重返大气层.9. atmospheric nuclear tests are now banned by an international treaty.在大气层中进行核试验现在已被一项国际条约所禁止.10. the spacecraft burned up when it re - entered the earth's atmosphere.宇宙飞船重新进入地球大气层时烧毁了.11. the project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the earth'satmosphere.该项目将使科学家对地球大气层的状况有更新的深入了解。
2022年高考英语阅读理解时事热点(第1期)专题06 航天航空 (学生版+解析版)
时事热点冲刺2022年高考英语阅读理解专题06 航天航空Passage 1(2021·湖南衡阳市·高三二模)On February 22, 2021, cancer survivor Hayley Areeneaux was selected to be one of four crew members of the SpaceX Inspiration4 —the world’s first civilian astronaut mission. The29-year-old will make history as the youngest American — and the first with a false limb — to travel to space.Hayley’s space dreams began two decades ago, following a visit to the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. However, the young girl’s dreams were deraile d a year later when she was diagnosed with osteosarcoma — a type of bone cancer.Fortunately, the fatal disease had been caught early and the experts at St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis were able to reduce its spread through chemotherapy and by replacing the diseased bones with metal rods (杆) in her left leg. Arceneaux said she never thought she would be able to go to space. But when the call came “out of the blue” from Jared Isaacman, CEO and founder of Shift4 Payments, asking her if she would like to go to space, she said without hesitation, “Yes, yes, absolutely!”Isaacman had always intended to go to space. Hence when SpaceX announced the world’s first all-commercial astronaut mission, the 37-year-old billionaire, instantly booked the available four seats. The flying enthusiast announced that he would donate three seats to members of the general public. Hayley, the first crew member to be announced, will represent the pillar (支柱) of “hope” — a nod to her survival of cancer and frontline work as a physician at St. Jude. The remaining passengers, repr esenting the pillars of “generosity” and “prosperity”, will be chosen randomly to raise $200 million for St. Jude, which treats children at no charge.Before the mission launch later this year, the crew will undergo intense training. The mission, which will orbit Earth every 90 minutes, will be carefully monitored by SpaceX mission control scientists from Earth. Upon the mission’s completion, the Dragon will reenter Earth’s atmosphere for a soft water landing off the coast of Florida. 1.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A.“The Sky Is Not Even The Limit” For Jared IsaacmanB.Hayley’s Space Dreams Were Derailed By OsteosarcomaC.Cancer Survivor To Become The Youngest American In SpaceD.Hayley Arceneaux Became The Youngest American travelling in Space2.What do you know about Hayley Arceneaux?A.She is a disabled woman. B.She was caught in a storm.C.She is a famous physicist. D.She used to be a fighter pilot.3.What does the underlined phrase “out of the blue” in Par agraph 3 mean?A.Sadly. B.Strangely. C.Randomly. D.Suddenly.4.Why would Jared Isaacman donate the last two seats to members of the general public?A.To promote his company’s products B.To raise funds for a cancer hospital.C.To inspire interests in space travel. D.To seek help for disabled children.Passage 2(2021·上海高三模拟)It looked just like another aircraft from the outside. The pilot told his young passengers that it was built in 1964, a Boeing KC-135 refuelling tanker, based on the 707. But appearances were deceptive, and the 13 students from Europe and USA who boarded the aircraft were in for the flight of their lives.For 12 months, science students from across the continents had competed to win a place on the flight at the invitation of the European Space Agency. The challenge had been to suggest imaginative experiments to be conducted in weightless conditions.For the next two hours the Boeings flight resembled that of an enormous bird which had lost its reason, shooting upwards towards the heavens before moving down towards Earth. The intention was to achieve weightlessness for a few seconds.The aircraft took off smoothly enough, but any feelings that I and the young scientists had that we were on anything like a scheduled passenger service were quickly dismissed when the pilot put the plane into a 45-degree climb which lasted around 20 seconds. Then the engines cut out and we became weightless. Everything became confused, and left or right, up or down no longer had any meaning. After ten seconds of free-fall descent (下降) the pilot pulled aircraft out of its nosedive. The return of gravity was less immediate than its loss, but it was still sudden enough to ensure that some students came down with a bump.Each time the pilot cut the engines and we became weightless, a new team conducted its experiment. First it was the Dutch, who wanted to discover why cats always land on their feet. Then it was the German team, who conducted a successful experiment on a traditional building method to see if it could be used for building a futurespace station. The Americans had an idea to create solar sails that could be used by satellites.After two hours of going up and down in the plane doing experiments, the dominant feeling was one of excitement rather than sickness. Most of the students thought it was an unforgettable experience and one that would be keen to repeat.5.What did the pilot do with the plane?A.He climbed and then made the plane fall slowly.B.He climbed and then made the plane turn over.C.He quickly climbed and then stopped the engines.D.He took off normally and then cut the engines for 20 seconds.6.What was the point of being weightless?A.To show the judges of the competition what they could do.B.To prepare the young scientists for future work in space.C.To see what conditions are like in space.D.To allow the teams to try out their ideas.7.The pronoun “it” (in the last paragraph) refers to ________.A.the excitement B.the tripC.the opportunity D.the plane8.The passage is intended to on a new scientific techniqueB.encourage young people to take scientists what young people can doD.describe the outcome of a scientific competitionPassage 3(2021·全国高三模拟)Beatrice Finkelstein, as chief of the Food Technology Section of the Life Support Systems Laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, bore responsibility for managing the nutritional needs of the astronauts. Her work in the field of space feeding was important in developing the equipment and techniques used in early space flight. Few, if any, female contributors played as important a role as she did during the early years of the U. S. crewed space program, and she deserves to be better remembered.Finkelstein’s value to America’s space tasks went well beyond her technical contributions. She was frequently described in the popular press at the time as “the Nutritionist to the Astronauts”, as well as the proprietor or of “Bea’s Diner”, a restaurant designed to appeal to the public as a very friendly place.In her role as nutritionist for the early space program, Finkelstein grew to know the astronauts well, as she communicated with them frequently. At times, she would step beyond her formal role as nutritionist, providing emotional and psychological support to the astronauts. On many occasions, she was one of the last people the astronauts communicated with before launch (发射), and there’s a lot of evidence that shows her friendship was a source of comfort during the stressful pre-launch activities.The imag e of nutritionist Beatrice Finkelstein showed that the agencies that insured NASA’s successful space flights were staffed by smart women as well as smart men. Her role in America’s success in conquering space in the technical field of space feeding served as an example of the role women could and did play in the early space program.9.Why does Beatrice Finkelstein deserve to be remembered?A.She was a really great astronaut.B.Her astronaut team made significant achievements.C.She bore responsibility for early space flight.D.Her feeding work was vital in early space flight.10.What d oes the underlined word “proprietor” in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Tutor. B.Editor. C.Owner. D.Engineer.11.What can we infer about Beatrice Finkelstein from Paragraph 3?A.She was also a psychologist.B.She relieved astronauts’ pressure.C.She communicated with astronauts after launch.D.She cooked much nutritious food for astronauts.12.What is the best title for the text?A.One Special Nutritionist B.A Great Space AstronautC.The First Woman Astronaut D.The Most Popular NutritionistPassage 4(2021·浙江省杭州第二中学高三模拟)"That's awesome”, said NASA astronaut Kjell Lindgren, after he ate a piece of red lettuce (萬苣)that was grown in a special box. "Tastes good," agreed US astronaut Scott Kelly, who is spending one year at the research station. "kind of like arugula (芝麻菜),” Kelly added, and then used small bottles to spread olive oil and vinegar on his leaf, much as one might spread ketchup on a hot dog.NASA says that if space explorers can grow their own food while they are away from the Earth they would be more likely to survive the deep space exploration, which can last months or even years. With no way to resupply a spacecraft making a long journey to and from Mars, the ability to grow food during the trip will be key to survive. "Having the ability for us to grow our own food is a big step in that direction.” Kelly said.Ray Wheeler, NASA's lead scientist for advanced life support activities at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, also said fresh foods that contain antioxidants, such as tomatoes, blueberries and red let tuce, “could have a positive impact on people's moods and also could provide some protection against radiation in space.”The red romaine lettuce was grown in a special plant-growing box called a Veggie unit, and was flown to space. The seeds are contained in rooting pillows, which come complete with soil and fertilizer. Since water cannot be poured in space, a special irrigation system delivers moisture to the plant pillows from below.The seeds were "activated" by Kelly on July 8 and grew for 33 days. On Monday, Lindgren used tongs (夹子)to harvest the lettuce from its growing box, before attaching the leaves carefully to a tray. He cleaned them with food-safe bag and shared with other four members.A previous crop of lettuce was grown in space last year but was not eaten by astronauts. Instead, it underwent-and passed-food safety tests back on Earth.13.How did Scott prepare the space-grown lettuce?A.He cooked it in a special box. B.He mixed it with some arugula.C.He spread a little bit ketchup on it. D.He put olive oil and vinegar on it.14.What does the underlined part “that direction”refer to?A.The journey to and from Mars. B.The way to grow food.C.The building of a research station. D.The ability of flying in space.15.Which of the following may Ray Wheeler agree to?A.The lettuce is a great step enabling human to travel to Mars.B.Humans won't be able to arrive at Mars without the lettuce.C.Tomatoes are obviously better than blueberries in size.D.Radiation wouldn,t be harmful if people ate some lettuce.16.What is difficult in growing lettuce in space?A.There is no enough growing area. B.It is very hard to send up the seeds.C.A special way of watering is needed. D.It does not need soil or the fertilizer.Passage 5(2021·青龙满族自治县第一中学高三模拟)The lan der carrying China’s first Mars rover successfu lly touched down on the red planet early Saturday morning Beijing Time. It is the first time China has landed a probe on a planet other than Earth.Tianwen-1, consisting of an orbiter, a lander and a rover, was launched from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on the coast of southern China’s island province of Hainan on July 23, 2020. This is the first step in China’s planetary exploration of the solar system, with the purpose of completing orbiting, landing and roving on the red planet in one mission.The name Tianwen, meaning “questions to Heaven”, comes from a poem written by the ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan (about 340-278 BC). China’s first Mars rover is named Zhurong after the god of fire in ancient Chines e mythology, which echoes with the Chinese name of the red planet: Huoxing (the planet of fire).Tianwen-1 was launched via a Long March-5 rocket, China’s largest launch vehicle. Tianwen-1 has been traveling in space for nearly 10 months. It has carried out four orbital corrections and a deep-space maneuver. It had flown 475 million km and was 192 million km from Earth when it reached Mars orbit.The craft’s plummet through the Martian atmosphere, lasting about nine minutes, was extremely complicated with no ground control, and had to be performed by the spacecraft autonomously.“Such a challenging attempt is characterized by a succession of complex activities that must be conducted completely by the spacecraft within a very short period of time,” said Geng Yan, an official with the Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center of the CNSA.“What added to the difficulties was that we don’t know much about the Martian atmosphere, which brought a lot of uncertainties to the mission. Each step had only one chance, and the actions were closely linked. If there ha d been any flaw, the landing would have failed.”17.What is the mission of Tianwen-1?A.To record the wind speed on Mars. B.To explore the atmosphere of Mars.C.To search for aliens in the solar system. D.To accomplish three major tasks on Mars.18.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A.The introduction of the poet Qu Y uan. B.The reasons for the craft landing on Mars.C.The origin of two names Tianwen and Zhurong. D.The importance of ancient Chinese mythology. 19.What do the numbers in paragraph 4 mainly indicate?A.The huge task of Tianwen-1. B.The surroundings of the Mars orbit.C.The expense of traveling in space. D.The size of the Long March-5 rocket.20.What can we know from Geng Yan’s words?A.China’s attempt to explore Mars is successful.B.Landing on Mars is a very challenging move.C.People are enthusiastic about exploring the universe.D.Tianwen-1 is essential to China’s space station program.Passage 6(2021·北京师范大学天津附属中学高三三模)China landed a spacecraft on Mars for the first time last Saturday. This makes China the first country to make a successful landing on Mars on its first mission to Mars. China's Zhurong rover (探测车),named after a traditional Chinese fire god, has touched down on the martian surface, the China National Space Administration confirmed on the morning of Saturday, May 15, The rover is part of the Tian wen-1 mission, which consists of an orbiter, a probe, and a lander. The mission was launched in summer last year, and took seven months to complete its journey to the red planet. It arrived at Mars in February this year, and since then the spacecraft has been performing operations such as capturing images of Mars.Believe it or not, traveling to Mars is actually the easy part of such a mission. The truly hard part is landing on the planet's surface, as landers must contend with factors like the planet's thin atmosphere, its variable dust storms, and a communication delay between Mars and Earth. This delay makes it impossible for people in mission control on Earth to control a craft in real time as it approaches the planet, so the landing must be performed autonomously. To slow its speed as the lander approached the surface, it used both a parachute (降落伞)and a retrorocket (减速火箭)in its own "seven minutes of terror" as it moved through the atmosphere. It then landed in the Utopia Planitia area, a large impact basin, part of which was exploded by NASA's Viking 2 lander in the 1970s.According to China's slate news agency Xinhua, President Xi Jinping said he was sending "warmcongratulations and sincere greetings to all members who have participated in the Mars exploration mission.' The rover will now begin its three- month mission to explore the Utopia Planitia area, where it will be searching for surface and subsurface ice. The mission will involve both the rover and the orbiter working in concert to create a map of water ice, with the orbiter focusing on the planet's polar regions.21.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.The Tianwen-1 mission includes four space missions.B.Zhurong was known as a great astronomer in ancient China.C.The spacecraft has carried out a series of experiments in advance.D.China achieved success in landing on Mars creating a new record.22.What should be carefully considered on landing on Mars?a. Mars's atmosphere.b. Mars's bad weatherc. The landing instructions.d. The communication B.bed C.abd D.abcd23.What does the author imply in Paragraph 4?A.The landing way is quite different. B.The landing process is full of danger.C.The landing site is unknown to NASA.D.The landing time is calculate precisely.24.Which of the following missions will be launched in three months?A.The analysis of ice samples.B.The mapping of the Mars's polar regions.C.The exploration of the Utopia Planitia area.D.The collection of surface and subsurface ice.25.Which column does the passage come from?A.Space B.Fiction C.Medical D.NaturePassage 7(2021·广东广州市·高三二模)When the Chine se spacecraft Chang’e-5 returned to Earth on December 17, 2020, it brought back something not seen on our planet since the 1970s: moon rock samples. This precious cargo, collected by Chang’e-5’s robotic r esearch vehicle in the northwest region of the lunar near side, is now being studied by scientists in Beijing. The success of the latest Chinese space mission also showcased technology thatmay be used in future years to create human settlements on Earth’s near neighbor.The returned lunar samples will “abs olutely add new knowledge of the history of the moon, particularly its volcanoes,” says Xiao Long, a planetary scientist at China University of Geosciences. The rocks sent back by Chang’e-5 “will ask us to rethink about why and how the moon’s volcanic history lasted this long,” he says.The Chang’e-5 mission was more than just a trip to collect moon rocks. It was also the latest stage of a long, planned sequence of robotic lunar explorations by China that have grown ever more scientifically advanced.The pr ogram began with the 2007 launch of Chang’e-1 and Chang’e-2 three years later. These craft circled the moon collecting data used to help guide Chang’e-3 and Chang’e-4, the first Chinese spacecraft to land on the moon surface, and to direct their robotic ve hicles. The robot on Chang’e-5 was able to collect rock and soil samples and return them to Earth. In the near future, an identical spacecraft called Chang’e-6 will attempt a sample-return mission from th e moon’s south pole—an area of intense scientific interest-given the large amount of water ice present.The more advanced Chang’e-7 and Chang’e-8 spacecraft are also planned to land near the south pole to carry out analysis of the region and test new technologies, including detecting and obtaining materials that could be useful to future human explorers, such as water and hydrogen, and testing 3D printing on the lunar surface.The long-term aim of the Chang’s program is to establish an International Lunar R esearch Station around 2030 to support robotic and, eventually, crewed missions.26.What is paragraph 2 mainly about?A.The moon’s recent volcanic activities.B.The significance of the moon rock samples.C.New knowledge of the history of the moon. D.Further studies of the returned lunar samples.27.What distinguishes the mission of Chang’e-6 from that of Chang’e-5?A.The technology they use. B.The time they spend on the moon.C.The specific locations they explore. D.The amount of material they bring back.28.Chang’e-7 and Chang’e-8 space missions are mainly intended to ________.A.transport researchers to the moon up an International Lunar Research StationC.collect data necessary to guide moon-landing spacecraftD.find and test resources and means to support living on the moon29.Which of the following best summarizes the Chang’s space program?A.A project to study the surface of the moon.B.A plan to improve human settlements on the moon.C.A set of experiments to test the possibility of manned spacecraft.D.A series of increasingly challenging scientific lunar explorations.Passage 8(2021·重庆八中)China successfully sent the 52nd and 53rd satellites of its domestically developed BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS)—the last two medium Earth orbit (MEO) satellites for the BDS-3 constellation (星座)—into space on Monday, marking the completion of the global navigation syst em’s core constellation deployment (部署) and this year’s BDS satellite launch campaign.Launched from Xichang Satellite Launch Center, Sichuan Province, on board a Long March-3B carrier rocket with an Expedition-1 upper stage, the two satellites were inject ed into planned orbits after more than three hours’ flight.Since the first BDS-3 satellite was launched on November 5, 2017, China has conducted 18 BDS satellite launch missions, successfully sending 30 into their planned orbit, setting a national record for highest mission frequency and success rate.In-orbit tests will be carried out before the two MEO satellites are commissioned (正式委托). By then the core constellation for the Chinese global navigation satellite system will be successfully completed.Wang Ping, chief designer of the BDS-3 system, said that the hybrid constellation design, in which three groups of satellites—the Inclined Geo Synchronous Orbit (IGSO), MEO and geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO)—work in concert in different orbits, was an exclus ive BDS innovation and a world first. “Existing global navigation satellite systems, such as the US GPS and Russia’s GLONASS, only have a MEO satellite constellation,” said Wang.The MEO satellites, in orbit 20,000 kilometers above Earth, are a special type of satellite providing global service, while the IGSO and GEO satellites, in an orbit 360,000 kilometers above Earth, mainly enhance regional service quality, according to Wang. That explained why completion of the MEO constellation was significant, marking the completion of the core network for BDS-3, meaning a stable BDS-3 global coverage without weak points has been carried out.Feedback shows that the BDS service quality was already comparable to GPS since the end of 2018, and after completing BDS-3, “We will be as good as any GNSS.” Wang said.30.How many BDS satellites were sent into their planned orbit successfully?A.3. B.18. C.30. D.36.31.What’s the advantage of BDS compared with GPS and GLONA SS?A.The diverse functions.B.The excellent service quality.C.The lower cost of designing it.D.The ability to work in different orbits.32.Why are the MEO satellites important?A.They enhance regional service quality.B.They can be put into use immediately.C.They can enter farther orbits.D.They can serve the world.33.What may be the best title for the text?A.China Becomes the First Country to Launch a MEO SatelliteB.The Core Constellation of BDS-3 Completes DeploymentC.The BDS-3 System Has Benefited Many CountriesD.Exploring Space Is Very Important to the WorldPassage 9(2021·石门县第一中学)Chinese President Xi Jinping announced on July 31 that China's BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) has been completed and has started providing full-scale global services that day.In the 1990s, Chinese government approved and began research and development of a space-based navigation and positioning system aimed at easing the country's heavy dependence on foreign networks. The system is called "BeiDou". It has planned a three-step strategy for developing the BDS.The construction of BDS-1, the first step of the strategy, started in 1994 and was completed in 2000. The BDS-2 system started construction in 2004. By 2012,a total of 14 satellites had been launched to complete the deployment(部署).In November 2017, China launched the first two satellites for the BDS-3 system, which startedconstruction in 2009, and officially expanded its regional navigation system into a global network.In late June, the final satellite to complete BeiDou's third-generation network was lifted by a Long March 3B carrier rocket. After in-orbit tests over the past month, the satellite recently started its formal operations.Since 2000, 59 BeiDou satellites, including the first four experimental ones, have been launched from Xichang on 44 Long March 3-series rockets, with some of them having retired.BeiDou began providing services for civilian users in China and other parts of the Asia-Pacific region in December 2012. At the end of 2018, it started providing basic global services. BeiDou offers accurate positioning, navigation and timing, as well as short messaging communication. The services are used in various fields.It offers an alternative to Russia's GLONASS and the European Union's Galileo system, as well as the United States' GPS.The operating of BeiDou's full-scale global services is a significant milestone in China's efforts to boost science and technology and strengthen its space industry. The move is a major contribution to the globalpublic-service infrastructure (基础设施) as well as a remarkable strategic achievement of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.34.How many navigation systems are mentioned in this passage?A.2. B.3 C.4 D.535.Which is NOT the function of the BDS?A.Offering accurate timing.B.Offering vehicle navigation.C.Offering accurate positions.D.Offering cell phone communication.36.What do we know about the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System(BDS)?A.In the BDS, there are 59 satellites in service.B.The BDS will replace GPS in the near future.C.The BDS is a great contribution to the whole world.D.It took China more than 30 years to construct the BDS.37.What's the best title for the passage?A.The best Navigation Satellite System-BeiDou.B.One small step for China, a giant leap for mankind.C.China's BeiDou System begins its full-scale global services.D.The development of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System.Passage 10(2021·辽宁高二期末)Around 50 Mars missions have been launched globally since 1960. Yet more than half of them have failed to reach the planet. So after China’s Mars probe—Tianwen-1, was launched on July 23, Thursday last year, there was an anxious wait to learn its fate.The news that the craft carrying exploration rover Zhurong landed safely on the surface of the planet on Saturday has therefore been met with both relief and celebration in the country.That the landing was carried out exactly as planned has made China the latest member, after the United States and Russia, of the club of the world’s pioneering Martin explorers, and shows the reliability of the relevant technologies that China has developed on its own. Though the first Mars mission of the country, it was a brave undertaking: to complete orbiting, landing and roving in one single mission.It is that can-do spirit of self-reliance(自力更生)that has played a key role i n China’s scientific and technological development in recent decades despite some foreign countries’ attempts to prevent its progress. China made its early breakthroughs in rocket and space technologies with its own scientists, engineers and scientific workers starting from the 1960s under very difficult conditions when the country remained largely a backward agricultural country and faced foreign blocks of technology and materials.However, the country has made the most of what it had over the past more than six decades, making continuous efforts to go ahead in the aerospace(航天)cause. Thanks to the hard work and even sacrifices of generations of scientific workers, China has laid a solid foundation for the fast development of its aerospace industry, and has achieved one milestone after another in its space endeavors.In the human space odyssey, China, with enthusiasm, diligence and willingness to cooperate, will help promote humankind to travel faster and farther.38.What’s the purpose of this text?A.To introduce a kind of astronomical phenomenon.B.To recall the development of China’s aerospace exploration.C.To boost Chinese pe ople’s confidence in aerospace exploration.D.To state the difficulties China faced in aerospace development.。
空间站的意义和作用的英语作文Title: The Significance and Role of Space StationsIn the vast expanse of space, human curiosity and ambition have led to remarkable achievements, among which the creation of space stations stands as a testament to our relentless pursuit of knowledge and exploration. Space stations represent more than just physical structures orbiting Earth; they are symbols of human ingenuity, platforms for scientific discovery, and crucial steps towards future space endeavors. This essay elucidates the significance and multifaceted roles of space stations, highlighting their impact on science, technology, and humanity's quest to understand its universe and advance into the cosmos.Space stations serve as microgravity and space science laboratories, offering an unprecedented environment for conducting research beyond the boundaries of Earth's atmosphere. In these orbital outposts, scientists can perform experiments that are impossible or difficult to replicate on Earth, such as studying the effects of long-term microgravity on living organisms or the behavior of materials and chemicals in a gravity-reduced environment. The data gathered from these investigations is invaluable, not only for advancing ourfundamental understanding of the universe but also for developing technologies that can benefit life on Earth. For instance, research on space stations has implications for improving medicine, materials science, and environmental management.Space stations are springboards to future space exploration. They provide a platform for testing technologies and procedures that will be essential for missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond. From life support systems to spacecraft docking mechanisms, the lessons learned and technologies proven in space stations are critical for the success of deeper space ventures. Furthermore, the construction and operation of space stations require international cooperation, fostering collaborations that lay the groundwork for united efforts on larger scale space missions.Space stations play a pivotal role in inspiring the next generation of explorers and scientists. They capture the imagination of millions, serving as visible reminders of our species' capability to transcend terrestrial bounds. By televising the work done aboard these orbiting platforms, people across the globe witness the wonders of space and the potential for human innovation. This visibility not onlyeducates the public about space and science but also motivates young learners to pursue careers in STEM fields, thus replenishing the pool of talent necessary for future space endeavors.The establishment and utilization of space stations demonstrate tangible benefits for Earth. From monitoring environmental changes to testing communication technologies that enhance global connectivity, the applications derived from space station operations havefar-reaching impacts on society. As we confront challenges on our home planet, the insights and capabilities developed through operating in low-Earth orbit can guide solutions with broader terrestrial applications.In conclusion, space stations are not merely architectural achievements in the void of space; they are catalysts for scientific discovery, technological innovation, and international collaboration. These orbital platforms serve as stepping stones for future exploration, educational beacons for inspiring the young, and as experimental hubs whose findings directly impact Earth's wellbeing. As we gaze upon the stars, the significance and role of space stations remind us that while our feet may be firmly on the ground, ouraspirations and possibilities are infinitely bound to the vastness of space.。
太空探索 英语表达
太空探索英语表达Space exploration has been a fascinating and challenging endeavor for mankind for decades. It has not only expanded our knowledge of the universe but has also led to numerous scientific, technological, and societal advancements. From the early days of satellites and moon landings to the current era of Mars exploration and beyond, space exploration has captivated the imagination of people worldwide.The journey of space exploration began in the late 1950s with the launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, by the Soviet Union. This event marked a significant milestone in human history as it heralded the beginning of the Space Race between the Soviet Union and the United States. The race was intense, with both countries competing to achieve various space milestones, such as the first manned spaceflight, the first moon landing, and the establishment of permanent space stations.One of the most significant achievements of space exploration is the Apollo moon landings. In 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the moon, a feat that was watched by millions of people worldwide. This achievement not only marked a significant milestone in human history but also spurred further interest and investment in space exploration.Since then, space exploration has continued to progress at a rapid pace. Space probes have been sent to explore various planets and moons within our solar system, providing valuable information about their composition, atmosphere, and potential for life. The International Space Station (ISS) has become a permanent fixture in the sky, serving as a research laboratory for various scientific experiments and a training ground for future astronauts.Moreover, private companies such as SpaceX and Blue Origin have emerged as leaders in space exploration, with their ambitions to make space travel more accessible and affordable. These companies have developed reusable rockets and spacecraft, which have the potential to revolutionizespace exploration by reducing costs and increasing accessibility.The benefits of space exploration are numerous. Firstly, it has expanded our knowledge of the universe, allowing usto understand our place in the cosmos and the origin oflife. Secondly, space exploration has led to numerous technological advancements, such as satellite communication, GPS navigation, and solar power. These technologies have found applications in various fields, including communication, transportation, and energy production.Additionally, space exploration has had a profound impact on society. It has inspired generations of young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It has also fostered international cooperation and understanding, as countries work together to achieve common goals in space.However, space exploration also faces numerous challenges and controversies. One of the main challenges is the cost of space exploration, which can be enormous.Additionally, there are concerns about the impact of space exploration on the environment, such as the creation of space debris and the potential for contaminating other planets with microorganisms from Earth.Despite these challenges, the future of space exploration looks bright. With continued investment and innovation, we can expect to see even more remarkable achievements in space exploration in the coming years. We may even see the establishment of human colonies on other planets, allowing us to expand our civilization beyond Earth.In conclusion, space exploration has been a transformative endeavor for mankind, expanding our knowledge, driving technological advancements, andinspiring future generations. While it faces numerous challenges and controversies, the potential benefits of space exploration are vast and exciting. As we continue to explore the final frontier, we can look forward to a future where the boundaries of human achievement are constantly being pushed further and further out into the universe.。
火车站内的英语标识At the bustling train station, a mosaic of languages and cultures converge, creating a dynamic and vibrant atmosphere. Amidst the hustle and bustle, the presence of clear and comprehensive English signage plays a crucial role in facilitating the smooth navigation and understanding of the station for both local and international travelers. These signs serve as a guiding light, ensuring that the experience of using the train station is seamless and accessible to all.The importance of English signage at the train station cannot be overstated. For many travelers, the train station may be their first point of entry into a new city or country. The presence of clear and informative English signs can make all the difference in helping them feel welcomed and empowered to navigate their surroundings with confidence. Whether it's directing them to the correct platform, informing them of departure times, or providing guidance on purchasing tickets, these signs act as a bridge between the unfamiliar and the familiar, reducing the anxiety and confusion that can often accompany the experience of traveling in an unfamiliar environment.One of the most crucial aspects of effective English signage at the train station is its consistency and clarity. The signage should be designed with a clear and legible font, using a color scheme that ensures high visibility and easy readability. The placement of the signs should be strategic, ensuring that they are easily noticeable and positioned in key locations throughout the station. This consistency and clarity not only benefit the travelers but also contribute to the overall efficiency and organization of the station's operations.In addition to the basic directional and informational signs, the train station's English signage can also serve to enhance the overall experience for travelers. For instance, signs that provide information about local attractions, cultural events, or dining options can give travelers a sense of the city they are visiting and inspire them to explore beyond the confines of the station. Similarly, signs that offer guidance on transportation options, such as connecting bus or metro services, can help travelers seamlessly integrate their train journey with the rest of their travel plans.Moreover, the presence of English signage at the train station can have a profound impact on the station's accessibility and inclusivity. For travelers with disabilities, clear and well-placed signs can make all the difference in navigating the station with ease and independence. Similarly, for non-English speaking travelers, theavailability of English signage can alleviate the language barrier and empower them to navigate the station without feeling overwhelmed or isolated.Beyond its practical benefits, the English signage at the train station can also serve as a reflection of the station's commitment to diversity and inclusivity. By ensuring that the station is accessible and welcoming to travelers from all backgrounds, the signage sends a powerful message about the station's values and the city or region it represents. This, in turn, can contribute to a positive perception of the destination and encourage repeat visits and word-of-mouth recommendations.However, the implementation of effective English signage at the train station is not without its challenges. Balancing the needs of local and international travelers, as well as ensuring that the signage is up-to-date and responsive to changing needs, can be a complex and ongoing process. Additionally, the integration of multilingual signage, while desirable, can also present logistical and budgetary constraints that must be carefully navigated.Despite these challenges, the investment in high-quality English signage at the train station is a testament to the station's commitment to providing a seamless and inclusive experience for all travelers. By prioritizing clear and comprehensive English signage,the train station can serve as a shining example of how effective communication can bridge cultural divides and enhance the overall travel experience.In conclusion, the English signage at the train station is a vital component of the overall travel experience. By providing clear and consistent guidance, enhancing accessibility and inclusivity, and reflecting the station's values, these signs play a crucial role in ensuring that the train station remains a welcoming and accessible hub for travelers from all corners of the world. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the importance of effective English signage at the train station will only continue to grow, making it a crucial investment in the future of travel and tourism.。
英语作文图书馆安全规则Library Safety Rules。
In today's rapidly evolving world, libraries continueto serve as sanctuaries of knowledge and learning, offering a haven for individuals to explore the vast realms of literature and information. However, amidst the serene ambiance of bookshelves and reading nooks, it is imperative to uphold strict safety measures to ensure the well-beingof patrons and the preservation of valuable resources. Thus, the implementation of comprehensive library safety rules is paramount to fostering a secure and conducive environmentfor all visitors.First and foremost, adherence to fire safety protocolsis non-negotiable. Libraries are often repositories of countless volumes of literature, which can serve as highly combustible materials. Therefore, maintaining clear pathways, unobstructed exits, and regular inspections offire extinguishers and alarm systems are essentialprecautions to mitigate the risk of fire incidents. Additionally, educating staff and patrons about evacuation procedures through drills and informational signage further enhances preparedness in the event of an emergency.Furthermore, the promotion of personal safety practices cannot be understated. In a communal space such as a library, individuals must be vigilant and respectful of one another's boundaries. Implementing policies against disruptive behavior, such as loud conversations or unruly conduct, helps uphold a tranquil atmosphere conducive to study and contemplation. Moreover, the enforcement of anti-harassment measures ensures that all library users feel safe and welcomed, regardless of their background or identity.Equally important is the maintenance of ergonomic safety standards within the library premises. Ergonomic hazards, such as improper workstation setups or inadequate lighting, can contribute to discomfort and long-term health issues for library staff and patrons alike. Therefore, investing in ergonomic furniture, adjustable lightingfixtures, and regular ergonomic assessments fosters a healthier and more productive environment for everyone.In addition to physical safety, cybersecurity measures play a pivotal role in safeguarding digital resourceswithin the library. With the proliferation of online databases and digital archives, protecting sensitive information from cyber threats is paramount. Implementing robust data encryption protocols, firewall systems, and regular software updates fortifies the library's cyber defenses against potential breaches or data theft. Furthermore, educating users about safe browsing practices and the importance of password security helps mitigate the risk of cyber attacks and privacy infringements.Moreover, environmental safety considerations cannot be overlooked in the context of library management. Adequate ventilation systems and indoor air quality monitoring help mitigate the risk of respiratory ailments and improve overall comfort for patrons and staff. Additionally, routine inspections for mold, pests, and other environmental hazards safeguard the integrity of thelibrary's infrastructure and collections.Last but not least, emergency preparedness planning is essential to ensure a swift and effective response to unforeseen events. Establishing emergency response teams, conducting risk assessments, and maintaining communication channels with local authorities are integral components of proactive emergency management. Regular training sessions and tabletop exercises enable staff to familiarize themselves with emergency protocols and enhance their readiness to handle crisis situations.In conclusion, the enforcement of comprehensive library safety rules is indispensable in fostering a secure and welcoming environment for all patrons and staff. By prioritizing fire safety, promoting personal conduct guidelines, ensuring ergonomic comfort, safeguardingdigital resources, addressing environmental concerns, and enhancing emergency preparedness, libraries can fulfill their mission as bastions of knowledge while prioritizing the well-being of their community. Together, these measuresuphold the sanctity of the library as a haven for learning, exploration, and intellectual enrichment.。
地铁进站 英文作文
地铁进站英文作文As the subway train pulls into the station, the soundof screeching brakes fills the air. People waiting on the platform start to shuffle forward, eager to board the train before the doors close.Inside the train, the atmosphere is a mix ofanticipation and impatience. Passengers stand in clusters near the doors, ready to make a quick exit at the next stop. Others find a seat and settle in for the ride, pulling out their phones or books to pass the time.The announcement over the intercom signals the approaching stop, and the train begins to slow down. The familiar recorded voice reminds everyone to "Please stand clear of the doors" as they slide open with a whoosh.As the doors open, a rush of cool air greets the passengers, a welcome relief from the stuffy confines ofthe train. People step out onto the platform, some with asense of purpose and determination, others with a leisurely pace as they head towards the exits.The platform is a hive of activity, with people rushing to catch their next train, others pausing to check the schedule, and a few stragglers lingering near the shops and kiosks. The sound of footsteps and distant conversations fills the space, creating a lively and bustling atmosphere.Outside, the city waits with all its hustle and bustle, the subway station just a small part of the daily rhythm of urban life. As the next train arrives, the cycle begins again, with new passengers eager to embark on their own journeys.。
meteorology翻译Meteorology (气象学) is the scientific study of the atmosphere, its phenomena, and the effects on Earth's surface. It involves examining weather patterns, climate, atmospheric conditions, and the interaction between the atmosphere and other systems.Meteorology plays a crucial role in understanding and predicting weather conditions. It uses various instruments and technologies to collect and analyze data, such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, and precipitation. This data is used to develop weather forecasts, severe weather warnings, and climate models.Meteorologists study atmospheric processes and phenomena, such as atmospheric pressure, temperature inversions, cloud formation, and precipitation. They also investigate large-scale atmos pheric patterns, such as the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which affects global weather patterns.Meteorology has practical applications in various fields. Aviation meteorology helps pilots and air traffic controllers make informed decisions regarding flight routes and safety.Agricultural meteorology assists farmers in determining the best time for planting and harvesting crops. Environmental meteorology studies the impact of atmospheric conditions on ecosystems and natural resources.Here are some examples of English-Chinese sentences related to meteorology:1. The study of meteorology requires a deep understanding of atmospheric dynamics. (气象学的研究需要对大气动力学有深入的了解。
The Atmospheric Waves of the Earths Atmosphere
The Atmospheric Waves of the Earths AtmosphereThe Earth's atmosphere is an incredibly complex and dynamic system, and one of the most fascinating phenomena it exhibits is atmospheric waves. These waves are responsible for a wide range of weather patterns and can have significant impacts on human activities, from aviation to agriculture. In this response, I will explore the different types of atmospheric waves, their causes, and their effects on the Earth's climate and weather patterns.Atmospheric waves can be broadly divided into two categories: planetary waves and gravity waves. Planetary waves are large-scale waves that are generated by the rotation of the Earth and the uneven heating of its surface. These waves can have wavelengths of thousands of kilometers and can propagate across the entire planet. They are responsible for the formation of the jet stream, which is a high-speed wind current that circles the Earth at high altitudes. The jet stream plays a crucial role in determining the weather patterns of the mid-latitudes, and changes in its strength and position can lead to extreme weather events such as heatwaves, droughts, and floods.Gravity waves, on the other hand, are smaller-scale waves that are generated by local disturbances in the atmosphere, such as thunderstorms, turbulence, and wind shear. These waves have much shorter wavelengths than planetary waves and typically propagate vertically rather than horizontally. They can have significant impacts on aviation, as they can cause turbulence and affect the stability of aircraft. Gravity waves also play a role in the formation of clouds and can have a cooling effect on the Earth's surface.The causes of atmospheric waves are complex and depend on a wide range of factors, including the temperature and pressure gradients in the atmosphere, the rotation of the Earth, and the interactions between different layers of the atmosphere. One of the most important factors is the Coriolis effect, which is a result of the Earth's rotation and causes the deflection of moving objects to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This effect plays a crucial role in the formation of planetary waves, as it causes the jet stream to meander and creates areas of high and low pressure that can lead to extreme weather events.The effects of atmospheric waves on the Earth's climate and weather patterns are profound and far-reaching. Planetary waves, for example, can have significant impacts on the distribution of heat and moisture across the planet, which in turn affects the formation of storms and the behavior of ocean currents. They can also lead to the formation of persistent weather patterns, such as the high-pressure systems that are responsible for droughts in some regions. Gravity waves, meanwhile, can affect the stability of the atmosphere and lead to the formation of clouds, which can have a cooling effect on the Earth's surface.Overall, the study of atmospheric waves is a crucial area of research for understanding the complex interactions between the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, and land surface. By understanding the causes and effects of these waves, we can better predict and prepare for extreme weather events, develop more efficient and sustainable agricultural practices, and improve the safety and efficiency of aviation. However, there is still much to learn about these fascinating phenomena, and continued research is essential for unlocking their full potential for the benefit of humanity.。
The Atmospheric Tides of the Earths Atmosphere
The Atmospheric Tides of the Earths Atmosphere The atmospheric tides of the Earth's atmosphere are a fascinating natural phenomenon that have been studied for centuries. These tides are essentially waves that move through the atmosphere, driven by the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon. They have a significant impact on weather patterns and can even affect the behavior of satellites in orbit around the Earth. In this essay, I will explore the atmospheric tides of the Earth's atmosphere from multiple perspectives.From a scientific perspective, the atmospheric tides of the Earth's atmosphere are a complex and fascinating subject of study. Scientists have been studying these tides for centuries, and have made significant progress in understanding their behavior and impact on the Earth's atmosphere. The tides are driven by the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon, which causes the atmosphere to bulge and contract in a rhythmic pattern. This rhythmic pattern is known as the atmospheric tide, and it has a significant impact on weather patterns around the world.From a meteorological perspective, the atmospheric tides of the Earth's atmosphere are a critical factor in determining weather patterns. The tides can cause changes in air pressure, which can lead to changes in wind patterns and precipitation. They can also affect the behavior of storms and hurricanes, making them more or less severe depending on the strength of the tides. Meteorologists use sophisticated models to predict the behavior of the atmospheric tides, which helps them to make more accurate weather forecasts.From an environmental perspective, the atmospheric tides of the Earth's atmosphere are an important factor in understanding the Earth's climate. The tides can affect the amount of heat and energy that is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, which can have a significant impact on global temperatures. They can also affect the behavior of the Earth's magnetic field, which can have implications for the health of the planet's ecosystems. Understanding the atmospheric tides is therefore critical for developing strategies to mitigate the impact of climate change on the planet.From a cultural perspective, the atmospheric tides of the Earth's atmosphere have played an important role in human history and mythology. Many cultures have developed myths and legends around the Sun and Moon, which are believed to be responsible for the atmospheric tides. These myths have helped to shape human understanding of the natural world, and have inspired artists, writers, and musicians throughout history. Today, the atmospheric tides continue to inspire scientists and artists alike, as they seek to understand and capture the beauty and complexity of this natural phenomenon.From a personal perspective, the atmospheric tides of the Earth's atmosphere are a reminder of the wonder and complexity of the natural world. As a human, I am constantly amazed by the beauty and intricacy of the world around me, and the atmospheric tides are no exception. They remind me that there is still so much we don't understand about the natural world, and that there is always more to learn and discover. They also remind me of the importance of protecting the planet's ecosystems, so that future generations can continue to marvel at the wonders of the natural world.In conclusion, the atmospheric tides of the Earth's atmosphere are a complex and fascinating natural phenomenon that have captured the imagination of scientists, meteorologists, environmentalists, and artists alike. They have a significant impact on weather patterns, the Earth's climate, and the health of the planet's ecosystems. They have also played an important role in human history and mythology, inspiring artists and writers throughout the ages. As a human, I am constantly amazed by the beauty and complexity of the natural world, and the atmospheric tides are a powerful reminder of the wonder and mystery that surrounds us.。
祝融号作文英文回答:The Zhurong rover, China's first Mars rover mission, is a remarkable achievement in space exploration. Launched on July 23, 2020, and landing on Mars on May 15, 2021, Zhurong has successfully conducted numerous scientific investigations on the Martian surface.Equipped with an array of advanced instruments, including a multispectral camera, a ground-penetrating radar, and a weather station, Zhurong has collected valuable data on Mars' geology, atmosphere, and climate.Its scientific findings have provided insights into the planet's past and present, as well as its potential for future habitability.The Zhurong rover is a testament to China's growing capabilities in space exploration. It represents a significant milestone in the country's ambitious plans tobecome a leading player in space science and technology.中文回答:祝融号,中国火星探测的里程碑。
The Impact of Deforestation on Climate Change
The Impact of Deforestation on ClimateChangeDeforestation is a critical issue that has a profound impact on climate change. It is a complex problem that affects not only the environment but also the economy, society, and biodiversity. The loss of forests contributes significantly to the increase in greenhouse gas emissions, which in turn leads to global warming and climate change. This essay will delve into the multifaceted impact ofdeforestation on climate change, exploring various perspectives and shedding light on the urgency of addressing this pressing issue. From an environmental perspective, deforestation plays a pivotal role in exacerbating climate change. Trees act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphereand storing it in their biomass. When forests are cleared, either for agricultural expansion, logging, or urban development, the stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere, contributing to the accumulation of greenhouse gases. This process significantly contributes to global warming, as the increased levels of greenhouse gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, leading to rising temperatures and erratic weather patterns. Moreover, deforestation disrupts the water cycle,leading to changes in precipitation patterns and the loss of biodiversity, further exacerbating the impact of climate change. Economically, the consequences of deforestation are far-reaching. While deforestation may provide short-term economic gains, such as the production of timber and the creation of agricultural land, the long-term costs are staggering. The loss of ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration, water regulation, and soil fertility, has detrimentaleffects on agricultural productivity and human well-being. Furthermore, the degradation of forests reduces their potential for ecotourism and pharmaceutical discoveries, which are valuable sources of income for many communities. The economic impact of climate change, driven in part by deforestation, is also significant, with increased frequency and severity of natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, and wildfires, leading to substantial economic losses. From a social perspective, deforestation disproportionately affects indigenous and local communities who rely on forests for their livelihoods and cultural practices. Theloss of forests not only threatens their physical and economic well-being but also erodes their cultural identity and traditional knowledge. Moreover, the consequences of climate change, exacerbated by deforestation, disproportionately impact vulnerable communities, leading to food insecurity, displacement, and conflict. Addressing deforestation and its impact on climate change requires a holistic approach that takes into account the rights and needs of these communities, ensuring their participation in decision-making processes and the equitable distribution of benefits from forest resources. Biodiversity loss is another critical aspect of deforestation's impact on climate change. Forests are home to a myriad of plant and animal species, many of which are yet to be discovered and studied. Deforestation leads to the destruction of habitats and the fragmentation of ecosystems, leading to the extinction of species and the loss of genetic diversity. This loss of biodiversity not only diminishes the intrinsic value of forests but also undermines their resilience to environmental changes. Preserving forests and their biodiversity is crucial for mitigating climate change, as diverse ecosystems are better able to sequester carbon and adapt to changing conditions. In conclusion, the impact of deforestation on climate change is profound and multifaceted, affecting the environment, economy, society, and biodiversity. Addressing this issue requires concerted efforts at local, national, and global levels, encompassing policy reforms, sustainable land-use practices, community engagement, and international cooperation. Recognizing the interconnectedness of forests and climate change is crucial for developingeffective solutions that mitigate deforestation and its impact on the planet. Itis imperative that we act urgently and decisively to preserve and restore theworld's forests, not only for the sake of our own future but for the well-being of all life on Earth.。
initiate 发动,开始initial 最初的initiation 起动inertial 惯性的inertial navigation system 惯性导航系统urgency 紧急的事urgency message 急电urgency signal 紧急信号urgent 急迫的, 紧急的urgent telegram 急电on urgent business 急务to be in urgent need of help 急需援助heavy 重型的lose 损失to lose contact 失去联络lose balance 失去平衡lose power 失去功率loss 损失loss of stability 失去安定性loss of orientation 迷航marker 指点标inner marker 近指点标outer marker 远指点标marker beacon 指点信标assume 假定,设想assumption 假定,设想enforce 强迫,执行to enforce the law 执法enforced 强迫的enforcement 执行,强制bother 烦扰,打扰stop bothering me 停止打扰我bothering = bothersome 引起麻烦的annoying 讨厌的apparent 显然的,外观上的apparent gravity 视重apparent wind 视风obvious 明显的gradient 倾斜的,梯度,倾斜度velocity gradient 速度梯度runway gradient 跑道坡度gradient of slope 倾斜率stow 贮藏,存放stow age 行李存放处stow away 偷渡fall 落下a sharp fall in temperature free fall 自由落下gross 总的,毛重的gross weight 总重gross profit gross amountnet weight grossobstruct 阻碍blockobstruction 阻塞,妨碍,障碍物obstruction clearance altitude 超障高度obstruction limit 超障极限actuate 开动,促使actuator 驱动装置,传动pneumatic actuator 气动装置aileron actuator 副翼促动器authority 权威correspondence 通信dual 双的,二重的,双重dual instruction time 带飞时间dual monitor 双套监控器sensor 传感器ballast 压舱物AFDS :Automatic Flight Director System 自动飞行指引系统accident 事故serious accident 严重事故accident insurance 事故保险accident investigation 事故调查accidental 意外的navaid 导航设施en route navaid 航路导航设备navaid class 导航设备的等级antiskid 防滑装置antifriction 润滑剂,减少磨擦的hazard 冒险,危险hazard beacon 危险信标navigational hazard 对航行的危险weather hazard 天气造成的危险scan 浏览,扫描potential 潜在的,可能的,势absolute potential 绝对电位critical potential 临界电位relocity potential 速度势manifold 歧管多,支管,总管exhaust manifold 排气歧管aircraft fueling manifold 飞机加油总管steer 操纵,驾驶steering 操纵,掌舵,转向steering problem 操纵问题steer wheel 方向盘,舵轮power steering 动力转向装置allot (按份额)分配allotted 分配的terminal 终点站,终端terminal area 航站区,终端区terminal building 航站楼,候机大楼terminal radar approach control 航站雷达进近管制absord 吸收absorber 减震器dynamic vibration absorber 动力减震器rubber shock absorber 橡皮减震器displace 移置,转移displace inward 向内移位displace threshold 移位的着陆入口involve 包括cooperative 合作的,协力的cooperate 合作,协作cooperation 合作,协作truncate 截去a truncated pyramid device 装置accounting device 计算装置adjusting device 调整装置antigravity device 反重力装置checkout device 校准装置homing device 归航设备,自动引导装置execute 执行,完成,处死to execute a command 执行命令to execute acrobatic flight 进行特技飞行to execute one'sduty 尽职incident 事件,事变incidental 附带的,伴随的incidental charges 杂费negative 否定的negative yaw 负偏航(右偏航)positive yaw 正偏航(左偏航)wiper 擦拭者, 手帕wipe 擦, 揩, 擦去reaction 反应,反作用,反动(力) chain reaction 连锁反应chemical reaction 化学反应nuclear reaction 核反应spontaneous reaction 自然反应molecule [化]分子particle 粒子inlet 进口,入口air inlet 进气口outlet 出口,出路airborne 空运的airborne early warning 空中预警airborne interception radar 机载拦截雷达airborne relights 空中重新点火secure 安全的,可靠的,保护a secure investment to secure your safety beltinbound 归航的,入站inbound procedure 进场程序inbound route 进场航线inbound radar control 进站雷达管制CAA 民用航空管理局 (Civil Aviation Authority)roger 收到了,知道了vector 无线电导引radar vectoring 雷达引导induce 引导,感应induce current 感应电流reason 理由,原因reasonable 通情达理character 字体,个性characteristic 特有的,典型的fuselage 机身aluminum alloy tube fuselage 铝合金管机身monocoque fuselage 硬壳式机身indented fuselage 凹腰式机身closed fuselage 密封机身gage/gauge 计量器slide gage 游标卡尺drift gage 偏流计dial gage 指标表fuel gage 燃料表gyro = gyroscope 陀螺仪attitude gyro 姿态陀螺仪directional gyro 陀螺方向仪flight gyro 飞行陀螺gyropilot 陀螺自动驾驶仪discriminate 区别,分辨consign 委托,托负consignor 委托人consignee 受委托excessive 过多的excessive vectoring 过于频繁的雷达引导excessive aircraft noise 严重的飞机噪音excessive demands 过分的要求excessive costs 过多的费用TCAS : Traffic Alert and Collision Aroidance System 空中交通警报与防撞系统alert 警报,警戒emergency alert order 紧急警戒命令ground alert 地面警戒alert phase 警戒阶段to alert the ATC system to alert SAR coordination center 搜寻救援协调中心处于警戒状态illuminate 照明,阐明illumination 照明装置spectrum 光,光谱electromagnetic spectrum 电磁光谱light spectrum 光谱分光absolute 绝对的absolute altitude 绝对高度absolute error 绝对误差absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute vacuum 绝对真空absolute pressure 绝对气压relative 相对的moisture 潮湿,湿气modulate 调整,调节modulator 调节器,调制器MODEM : Modulator + Demodulatoramplitude modulator 调幅器beam modulator 波束调制器microwave modulator 微波调制器kit 工具箱first-aid kit 急救箱tool kit 工具箱ignite 点燃ignition 点火,点燃delayed ignition 延迟点火dual ignition 复式点火engine ignition 发动机点火starting ignition 启动点火high tension ignition 高压点火low tension ignition 低压点火otherwise 另外,否则的property 财产angular distance 角距离escape chute 紧急逃离滑梯bounce 弹跳adjunct 附件,附属adjunct word 附加词adjunct profeessor 副教授degrade 使降级,退化degradation 堕落,降级owe 欠债,对某人尽责,将...归功于owing 亏欠的,未还的check 检查check luggage 检查行李delegate 挑选,委派delegate sb to a conference 选派某人为代表出席会议delegation 代表团fairing 整流罩,整流装置engine fairing发动机整流罩fuselage fairing 机身整流罩landing gear fairing 起落架整流罩wing fairing 机翼整流罩penalty处罚,罚款,不利后果territory 领土,版图territorial 领土的territorial boundary 边界territorial integrity 领土完整territorial sky 领空galley 机上厨房lavatory 机上厕所aural 听觉的aural surgeon 耳科外科医生aural comprehension test 听力测验ram 冲压,冲撞,冲压式ram-jet 冲压式喷气机air stream 气流fluid stream 液流streamline 流线propagation 传播(声波,电磁波)abundant 丰富的,充裕的sufficient 充分的,足够的ambience 环境,周围ambient 环境的ambient air 环境空气ambient temperature 环境温度obsolete 陈旧的,荒废的obsolete equipment 陈旧设备precede 领先,在...之前precedency 领先,优先权trigger 引发,触发squeeze the trigger 扣扳机ail 折磨,使烦恼ailing 生病的obstacleobstruction~ clearance altitude~ clearance limitground obstacle 地面障碍物vortex 旋涡,旋风vortices atmosphere vortex 大气旋涡axial vortex 轴向旋涡wing tip vortex 翼梢旋涡curve 曲线curvature 弯曲度,曲率instructor 教员,教师,讲师instructive 有益的,教育性的emit 发射,放射,排出emission 散布,放射indirect emission 间接发射normal emission 正常发射selective emission 选择发射primary emission 一次发射secondary emission 二次发射total emission 全发射emissive 发射的,发射性的suppress 镇压,抑制,止住to suprres one's anger / amusement 压抑愤怒/快乐to supress uprising / revolt 镇压起义/叛乱supression 抑制,压制carrier suppression 载波抑制noise suppression 噪音抑制noise suppressor 抑制器,消除器perform 履行,执行,表演,完成任务to perform landing 进行着陆to perform maneuver 进行机动飞行toperform one's duty 行使职责performance 性能altitude performance 高空性能climb performance 爬升性能duration performance 续航性能estimated performance 估计性能mixture 混合物,混合剂freezing mixture 冷冻剂anti-freezing mixture 防冻剂ignition mixture 可燃混合气fuel-rich mixture 富油混合气radius 半径cruising radius 巡航半径pattern 起落航线traffic pattern 起落航线holding pattiern 等待起落航线suspend 中止,暂停,悬挂to suspend displomatic relations 中止外交关系to suspend flight 停飞to suspend operations following a crash 失事后停止(某机型)的飞行suspension 中止,悬浮suspension bridge 吊桥suspension railway 高架铁路overhead suspension 悬吊weightless 失重weightlessness occur 发生,出现engine failure occured 发动机发生故障occurrence 发生,发现,发生的事情area/date/location of occurrence 事发区/日期/地点dynamics 动力学persistent 持久的稳固的,坚持不懈tense 紧张的,拉紧的tense atmosphere 紧张的气氛tension 紧张,压力high tension wire 高压电线surface tension 表面张力shift 偏移,值班轮班day shift 白班night shift 夜班3 shifts a day 一天三班倒wind shift 风向转变ISA:Interanational Standard Atmosphere 国际标准大气ICAO:Internationl Civil Aviation Organization 国际民航组织radiant 辐射的radiant heater 辐射加热器radiation 放射,辐射radiation sickness 辐射病detach 分开,分离,分遣(军队)detachment 分开,分离,独立的relieve 接替,减轻relief 减轻,地势,救济pilot relief 飞行员减负pressure relief 减压load relief 卸载,减载relief station 救济站ground relief 地貌hypoxia 缺氧 = anoxia impact 碰撞,冲击,影响impact angle 撞击角pitch attitude at impact 撞击时的俯仰姿态roll attitude at impact 撞击时的滚转姿态consecutive 连续的,连贯的consecutive numbersconsecutive sequenceflux 变迁,不稳定状态;通量,流量magnetic flux 磁通量align 对准,校直,校准,使...成一直线alignment 对准,准线receiver alignment 接收机的校准alignment of rout segment 航段的对准detect 探测,检测,侦查metal detecting gateway 金属检测安全门detector 探测器,侦查器crack detector 裂缝探测器crystal detector 晶体探测器fire detector 火警探测器an explosives detector 爆炸物探测器detection 探测,检测eraly detection of engine damage 发动机故障早期检测leak detection 渗漏检测error signal detection 误差信号检测HSI: Horizontal Situation Indicator 水平位置指示器distinguish 区别distinguished 著名的 famous 表现突出的port 港口,航空站,左舷outlet port 出气口pitot port 皮托管总压口pressure port 排出压力空泄压门port of departure 出发港port of frans-shipment 中转港port tax 港口税port window 左舷窗profile 纵剖面图airfoil profile 翼剖面descent profile 下降剖面flightprofile 飞行剖面perpendicular 垂直的,正交的~ to sth 垂直于~ line 垂直线~ cliff 绝壁proportion 比例direct ~ 正比例reverse ~ 反比例propotional 成比例的amplify 放大,增强amplifier 放大器alternate amplifier 交流放大器inter-phone ~ 机内电话pulse ~ 脉冲放大器feedback ~ 反馈放大器reversible ~ 可逆放大器servo ~ 伺服放大器amplification 放大,放大率audio frequency ~ 音频放大器current ~ 电流放大voltage 电压moderate 中等的,温和的,适度的~ climate 温和天气~ demands 不过份的要求~ breeze 四级(和风)风~ gale 七级风(疾风)~ icing 中度积冰~ visibility 能见度一般~ turbulence 中等颠簸reserve 预留,预定,储备 reserved airspace 保留空域 to ~ air ticket 订机票 to ~ right 保留 to ~ right of final interpretation 保留最终解释权reservation 保留,预定 reservation call 预定电话 hotel reservation 预定宾馆 reservation deposit 预定金reservoir :container 容器,水箱,油箱 oil reservoir 油箱 hydraulic reservoir 液压储油器climatology 气候的,风土学 technology 技术 biology 生物学 psychology 心理学 philosophy 哲学IAS :Indicated Air Speed 指示空速shutdown 停车 ramjet shutdown 冲压喷气发动机停车in-flight shutdown 空中停车adjacent 邻近的 adjacent room 邻近的房间adjacent ACC 邻近的区域管制中心bug 游标,指示 airspeed bug 空速表游标refuel 再加燃料,再加油 air-to-air refueling 空中加油 in-flight refueling 空中加油 single-pointrefueling 单口加油 refueling limitations 加油限制规定CPL :Commercial Pilot Licence 商用飞行员执照drain 排水沟,排出,流干drainage 排水装置partial 部分的,局部的;偏心的,偏爱的 partial data 部分数据centigrade 摄氏度fahrenheit 华氏的recirculate 再通行,再流通recirculation 再循环,再流通 internal exhaust gas ~ 内部排气再循环log 航向记录器,飞行记录;把...记入飞行日志中 flight log chart 飞行记录图 off log 拆修发动机记录 on log 可用发动机记录 to log flight hours 把飞行小时记入飞行日志内aloft 在高空,高处sphere 球,球体,领域;球体的 celestial sphere 天球counter 柜台,计算器,筹码;相反的 counterclockwise = anti-clockwise 逆时针 counter-revolutionary 反革命 counter-measure 对策echo 回声,回应,回波,反射波;发出回声 echo wall 回音壁 radar ~ 雷达回波 returning echo 回声反射 target echo 目标回波fast 快速;绝食,斋戒 fast food fast file 快速申报飞行计划系统observe 观察,注意到,遵守,庆祝...节observance 遵守,仪式,规则 religious~ 宗教仪式azimuth 方位,方位角 magnetic ~ 磁方位 frue ~ 真方位 zero ~ 零度方位lapse 失误,失效,下降;犯错误,堕落,下降 little lapse 小毛病prohibit 禁止 prohibited area 禁区 prohibited goods 违禁品neutral 中立的,中性的neutron 中子strength 力,力量,强度 allowable ~ 容许强度 compressive ~ 抗压强度 tensile ~ 抗张强度 bending ~ 抗弯强度 elastic ~ 弹性强度 ultimate ~ 极限强度 bearing ~ 承受强度 working ~ 工作强度strengthen 加强capacity容量,接受能力 areodrome ~ 机场接受能力 braking ~ 刹车能力 seating ~ 座位数,载客量 runway ~ 跑道承载能力 climbing ~ 爬升能力 fuel ~ 燃料容量 cargo-passenger ~ 运载客货能力compartment 隔舱,舱室 forward cargo ~ 前货舱 rear cargo ~ 后货舱 fuel ~ 燃料舱 instrument ~ 仪表舱 air-tight ~ 气密舱 luggage baggage ~ 行李舱 navigator's ~ 领航员舱marking 标记,标志 aerodrome ~ 机场标记 airway ~ 航路识别标志intermediate 中间的 ~ approach segment 中间进近航段 ~ fix 中间定位点 ~ level 中介高度层deflect 偏转 to ~ upward 向上偏转 to ~ downward 向下偏转deflection 偏转 magnetic ~ 磁偏转malfunction 故障 ~ analysis 故障分析 guidance ~ 制导设备失效 ~ interrupt 故障中断 ~ warning 故障警告mal- maltreat 虐待 malnutrition 营养不良 malabsorption 吸收障碍tangible 切实的,有形的,明确地 ~ assets 有形的资产 ~ evidence / proofs 明确地 ~ goods 有形商品brigade 旅,队,组 fire brigade 救火队 corps 军 division 师 reiment 团 group 营 squadron 连frontal 正面的,锋面的 cold front 冷锋 ~ attack 正面袭击 ~ impact 正面碰撞 ~ system 锋系plasma 等离子 ~ TV 等离子电视steep 陡峭,不合理的,急剧升降的;浸泡 hill is ~ the price is too ~ to climb at ~ angle 大角度俯冲 to ~ onions in vinegar accurate 准确的 to maintain ~ flight path and steady speed until touchdown 保持准确的航径及稳定的速度直到接地accuracy 准确性headwind 逆风tailwind 顺风priority 优先权 snow clearance ~ 扫雪优先权 urgent ~ 紧急优先权 to have ~ for altitude request over other aircraft 比别的航空器具有申请飞行高度优先权surge 波动,剧烈晃动,喘振 the ~ tide 汹涌潮水 there's a ~ in electricity clemand at around 7pm 晚上七点左右时用电高峰时段bay 停机位;舱 bay marking 停机位标志 power ~ 发动机舱 cargo ~ 货舱 radio ~ 无线电舱adiabatic 隔热的,绝热的 ~ atmosphere 绝热大气 ~ compression 绝热压缩 ~ condensation 绝热凝结 ~ process 绝热过程 ~ lapse rate 绝热递减率,绝热温度梯度 ~ heating/warming 绝热增温humidity humid food are easily to bemouldy in humid days/conditionshumidify 使潮湿 humidifier 增湿器meteorology meteorological 气象学的backfire 回火,逆火 the engine backfire noisilyregardless 不管不顾,不注意 ~ of danger 不顾危险 ~ of the consequences 不顾后果 ~ of our repeated warnings 不顾反复警告 ~ of rain and wind 风雨无阻subsequent 后来的 subsequence 结果,随后发生的事conduct 导电,传导 conductance 导电性,传导性equinox昼夜平分点,春分,秋分 vernal ~ 春分 vernal breeze 春风 vernal flowers 春花evacuate 疏散,撤出,排空 evacuated glass tube 真空玻璃管evacuation 撤退 casualty evacuation 疏散伤员GPS : Global Position System deplete 耗尽,衰竭 a lake depleted of fish 几乎无鱼的湖 our food stock is depleted 食物储备已经消耗殆尽negligible 不予重视的,可以忽视的 neglect 疏忽,忽略 ~ one's syudy ~ one's health ~ one'schildrennegligent :careless 疏忽大意的circular 圆形的,循环的;函件,通知 ~ railway 环形铁路 aeronautical information ~ 航空资料通报US Airways –美国航空公司United Airlines –美国联合航空公司广东省机场管理集团公司-Guangdong Airport Management Corporation中国民用航空总局(CAAC)- General Administration of Civil Aviation of ChinaStarAlliance –星空联盟All Nippon Airways (ANA) –全日空航空公司 Lufthansa German Airlines –德国汉沙航空公司Tiger Airways - (新加坡)欣丰虎航British Airways –英国航空公司Royal Aeronautical Society –皇家航空协会European Union Airport Coordinators Association (EUACA) –欧盟机场协调组织Worldwide Airport Coordinators Group (WWACG) –世界机场协调组织Bremen –不来梅(德国西北部城市)Air Canada –加拿大航空SAS –北欧航空Thai Airways –泰国航空Air China –中国国际航空公司Shanghai Airlines –上海航空公司Turkish Airlines –土耳其航空Transfer passengers –转机乘客European Airpass –欧洲特价票Circle Pacific Fare –环太平洋票价Air France –法国航空Berlin Airports –柏林机场Fraport –德国Fraport机场管理集团Center for Asia Pacific Aviation –亚太航空中心Cathay Pacific -国泰航空Dragon Air –港龙航空International Air Transport Association (IATA)–国际航空运输协会中国航空运输协会(CATA)- China Airport Transport Association 中国民用机场协会-China Civil Airports Association (CCAA)中国南方航空公司-China Southern Airlines (CSA)广州市外商投资管理服务中心-Guangzhou Administration and Service Center for Foreign InvestorsAirlines –航空公司Aircraft manufacturers –航空器制造生产商Aviation consulting companies –航空业咨询公司Airline travel organizations –航空公司旅游代理商aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员pilot 驾驶员, 机长co-pilot, second pilot 副驾驶员navigator 领航员steward 男服务员stewardess, hostess 空中小姐radio operator 报务员Bairliner 班机monoplane 单翼飞机glider 滑翔机trainer aircraft 教练机passenger plane 客机propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机jet (aircraft) 喷射飞机amphibian 水陆两用飞机seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机transport plane 运输机helicopter 直升机supersonic 超音速hypersonic 高超音速transonic 跨音速subsonic 亚音速Airbus 空中客车Boeing 波音Concord 协和McDonald-Douglas 麦道 Trident 三叉戟Tupolev 图波列夫hatch 舱口aeroengine, air engine 航空发动机navigation light 航行灯fuselage, body 机身nose 机头wing 机翼aileron 副翼wing flap 襟翼tail plane 水平尾翼starboard wing 右翼port wing 左翼pilot's cockpit 驾驶舱parachute 降落伞passenger cabin 客舱propeller 螺旋桨pressurized cabin 密封舱undercarriage 起落架undercarriage wheel 起落架轮elevator 升降舵radio navigation device 无线电导航设备radio directive device 无线电定向设备luggage compartment 行李舱(fuel) tank 油箱auxiliary (fuel) tank 副油箱main (fuel) tank 主油箱autopilot 自动驾驶仪ground crew 地勤人员airport 航空港, 民航机场airfield, aerodrome, airdrome 机场airport beacon 机场灯标airport meteorological station 机场气象站main airport building, terminal building 机场主楼emergency landing runway, forced landing runway 紧急着陆跑道taxiway 滑行跑道runway 跑道omnirange radio beacon 全向式无线电航空信标fuel depot 燃料库control tower 塔台tarmac 停机坪radio beacon 无线电信标 boarding check 登机牌plane ticket 飞机票flight, flying 飞行bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行smooth flight 平稳的飞行ramp 扶梯altitude, height 高度air route, air line 航线extra flight 加班economy class, tourist class 经济座non-stop flight 连续飞行climbing, to gain height 爬升circling 盘旋connecting flight 衔接航班speed, velocity 速度ceiling 上升限度cruising speed 巡航速度top speed 最高速度first class 头等night service 夜航airsick 晕机direct flight, straight flight 直飞landing 着陆to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸to taxi along 滑行to lose height, to fly low 降低to take off, take-off 起飞to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机to face the wind 迎风神舟七号Shenzhou VII (spacecraft)载人飞船manned spaceship/ spacecraft载人航天manned space flight多人多天太空飞行multi-manned and multi-day space flight载人航天计划manned space program航天飞机space shuttle无人飞船unmanned spaceship / spacecraft试验太空船Experimental Spacecraft多级火箭multistage rocket太空舱capsule返回式卫星recoverable satellite通信卫星communication satellite遥感卫星remote sensing satellite运载火箭carrier rocket; rocket launcher长征二号F运载火箭Long March II F carrier rocket有效载荷能力payload capability近地轨道low Earth orbit调整轨道fine-tune orbit绕地球飞行orbit the earth气象卫星weather satellite / meteorological satellite太阳同步轨道卫星satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit同步轨道卫星geosynchronous satellite轨道舱orbital module返回舱re-entry module推进舱propelling module指令舱command module服务舱service module登月舱lunar module发射台launch pad紧急供氧装置emergency oxygen apparatus空间物理探测space physics exploration国际空间站International Space Station太阳能电池板solar panel太空升降舱space elevator哈勃太空望远镜Hubble Space Telescope月球车lunar rover外太空outer space; deep space银河系Milky Way阿波罗号宇宙飞船Apollo中国空间技术研究院CAST(the Chinese Academy ofSpace Technology)中国航天局CNSA(China National Space Administration)美国航空航天管理局NASA(The National Aeronautics andSpace Administration)太空服space outfits(space suits)太空食物space food着陆区landing area主着陆场main landing field/ primary landing siteaccess flap 接口盖antenna 天线Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船artificial satellite 人造卫星ascent stage 上升段astronaut 航天员ca access flap 接口盖antenna 天线Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船ascent stage 上升段astronaut 航天员capsule 太空舱carrier rocket 运载火箭rocket launcher 火箭发射装置;火箭发射器CAST(the Chinese Academy of Space Technology) 中国空间技术研究院CNSA(China National Space Administration)中国航天局command module 指令舱,指挥舱communication satellite 通信卫星descent stage 下降段directional antenna 定向天线emergency oxygen apparatus 应急供氧装置Experimental Spacecraft 试验太空船fine-tune orbit 调整轨道geosynchronous satellite 地球同步人造卫星hatch 舱口Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃太空望远镜International Space Station 国际空间站ladder 扶梯landing area 着陆区landing pad 着陆架launch a satellite 发射卫星psule 太空舱launch pad 发射台life support system 生命维持系统LM-maneuvering rockets 登月舱机动火箭Long March II F carrier rocket 长征二号F运载火箭low Earth orbit 近地轨道lunar module 登月舱lunar rover 月球车main landing field/ primary landing site 主着陆场manned space 载人航天计划manned space flight 载人航天manned spaceship/ spacecraft 载人飞船Milky Way 银河系multi-manned and multi-day spaceflight 多人多天太空飞行multistage rocket 多级火箭NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美国航空航天管理局nozzle of the main engine 主发动机喷嘴orbit 轨道orbit the earth 绕地球飞行orbital module 轨道舱outer space; deep space 外太空payload capability 有效载荷能力propelling module 推进舱recoverable satellite 返回式卫星re-entry module 返回舱remote sensing satellite 遥感卫星 satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit 太阳同步轨道卫星 second stage 第二级 service module 服务舱 Shenzhou VI spacecraft 神舟六号 solar cell 太阳电池 solar panel 太阳能电池板 space elevator 太空升降舱 space food 太空食物 space outfits(space suits, gloves, boots, helmet etc.)太空服 space physics exploration 空间物理探测 space shuttle 航天飞机 spacecraft 航天器 Telstar 通讯卫星 third stage 第三级 unmanned spaceship / spacecraft 无人飞船 weather satellite 气象卫星 launch a satellite 发射卫星 artificial satellite 人造卫星嫦娥1号:Chang'e-1 lunar probe; Chang'e-1 lunar satellite 月球探测卫星:lunar probe; lunar exploration satellite; lunar orbiter 长征三号甲运载火箭:Long March 3A launch vehicle; LM-3A launch vehicle 卫星同发射装置分离进入指定轨道:The satellite separated from the launch vehicle and entered the projected orbit; The satellite was released from the launcher upper stage and entered the projected orbit 收集月球表面数据:collect lunar surface data 拍摄和传送地球照片:capture and relay pictures of Earth 发射升空:liftoff; blastoff; take off 偏离轨道:veer off course; deviate from course 月球表面化学元素和矿物质分布:distribution of chemical elements and minerals on lunar surface 地形和地表结构:topographical and surface structures 月球的重力场和环境:gravity field and environment of the moon 载人航天计划:manned space program 太空行走和太空对接:space walks and dockings6 主力火箭:main rockets 发射台:launch pad 极轨道:polar orbit 立体摄像机:stereo camera 绘制月球表面的三维图像:map three-dimensional images of the lunarsurface 观测装置:observation instruments 探测器的工作寿命:Chang'e-1 will remain in position for about one year. Chang'e-1 will orbit the moon for one year until it runs out of fuel. 科学目标:获取月球表面三维影像,分析月球表面有用元素及物质类型的含量和分布,探测月壤特性,探测40万公里间的地月空间环境: The scientific objectives include: to acquire 3-D images of lunar surface, to analyze abundance and distribution of elements on lunar surface, to investigate characteristics of lunar regolith and to explore the circumstance between the Earth and the Moon. 工程目标:The technological objectives include: to develop and launch China's first lunar orbiter,to demonstrate the technologies needed for lunar orbiting, to start scientific exploration of Moon, to build up basic engineering system for lunar exploration and gain experience for subsequent lunar exploration. 月食:lunar eclipse 有效载荷:payload 发射窗口:launch window 变轨:orbital transfer 近地点:perigee; 远地点:apogee; 近月点:perilune; 远月点:apolune 微波探测仪:microwave sounder 空间环境探测系统:space environment detector system 栾恩杰:工程总指挥:Luan Enjie, chief commander of China's lunar orbiter project 孙家栋:工程总设计师:Sun Jiadong, chief designer of China's lunar orbiter project 欧阳自远:首席科学家:Ouyang Ziyuan, chief scientist of China's lunar orbiter project 中国航天科技集团公司:China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)中国运载火箭技术研究院研制长征三号甲火箭:LM-3A launch vehicle developed by China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)北京航天飞行控制中心:Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC)中国空间技术研究院:China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)国防科学技术工业委员会:Commission of Science,Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND)西昌卫星发射中心:Xichang Satellite Launch Center low Earth orbit 近地轨道lunar module 登月舱lunar rover 月球车main landing field/ primary landing site 主着陆场manned space 载人航天计划manned space flight 载人航天manned spaceship/ spacecraft 载人飞船Milky Way 银河系multi-manned and multi-day spaceflight 多人多天太空飞行multistage rocket 多级火箭NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美国航空航天管理局nozzle ofthe main engine 主发动机喷嘴orbit 轨道orbit the earth 绕地球飞行orbital module 轨道舱emergency oxygen apparatus 应急供氧装置Experimental Spacecraft 试验太空船fine-tune orbit调整轨道geosynchronous satellite 地球同步人造卫星hatch 舱口Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃太空望远镜International Space Station 国际空间站ladder 扶梯landing area 着陆区landing pad 着陆架launch a satellite 发射卫星launch pad 发射台life support system 生命维持系统LM-maneuvering rockets 登月舱机动火箭Long March II F carrier rocket 长征二号F运载火箭access flap 接口盖antenna 天线Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船ascent stage 上升段astronaut 航天员capsule 太空舱carrier rocket 运载火箭rocket launcher 火箭发射装置;火箭发射器CAST(the Chinese Academy of Space Technology) 中国空间技术研究院CNSA(China National Space Administration)中国航天局command module 指令舱,指挥舱communication satellite 通信卫星descent stage 下降段directional antenna 定向天线outer space; deep space 外太空payload capability 有效载荷能力propelling module 推进舱recoverable satellite 返回式卫星re-entry module 返回舱remote sensing satellite 遥感卫星satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit 太阳同步轨道卫星second stage 第二级service module 服务舱Shenzhou VI spacecraft 神舟六号solar cell 太阳电池solar panel 太阳能电池板space elevator 太空升降舱space food 太空食物space outfits(space suits, gloves, boots, helmet etc.)太空服space physics exploration 空间物理探测space shuttle 航天飞机spacecraft 航天器Telstar 通讯卫星third stage 第三级unmanned spaceship / spacecraft 无人飞船weather satellite 气象卫星launch a satellite 发射卫星artificial satellite 人造卫星low Earth orbit 近地轨道lunar module 登月舱lunar rover 月球车main landing field/ primary landing site 主着陆场manned space 载人航天计划manned space flight 载人航天manned spaceship/ spacecraft 载人飞船Milky Way 银河系multi-manned and multi-day spaceflight 多人多天太空飞行multistage rocket 多级火箭NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 美国航空航天管理局ladder 扶梯landing area 着陆区landing pad 着陆架launch a satellite 发射卫星launch pad 发射台life support system 生命维持系统LM-maneuvering rockets 登月舱机动火箭Long March II F carrier rocket 长征二号F运载火箭access flap 接口盖antenna 天线Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船ascent stage上升段Preset Orbit:预定轨道 · Ballistic Missile:弹道导弹· Milestone:里程碑,转折点· Independent counsel 独立检察官· Lame duck跛脚鸭,即将卸任的总统。
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Ali station is a new national observatory, which has a unique altitude advantage of above 5km with very low average cloud that makes it suitable for optical observation and tests. The ground station is suitable for the establishment of a link with longitude 77° of GEO satellites. 2.4 The satellite to ground link characteristics simulation
Electronics, Communications and Networks IV – Hussain & Ivanovic (eds) © 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN: 978-1-138-02830-2
Atmosphere impact and ground station selection of satellite to ground laser communication
Zhipeng Ren
National Asset Institute, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Jilin, China
ABSTRACT: A satellite to ground laser communication scheme of multiple ground stations which take the climatic geographical distribution and circumstance characteristics into consideration is presented in this paper. The downlink characteristics of a GEO satellite to five ground stations are analyzed according to the STK software. The results show that Tibet’s Ali has the best longitude and latitude with 52° horizontal angle of satellite to ground laser communications. The power attenuation shows a decreasing trend as well as the wavelength increases due to scattering. Optical power attenuation intensifies as visibility reduces. The atmospheric attenuation caused by the average power is small along with the rise of the horizon dip. The wavelength λ increases as the fluctuation index decreases. As the scintillation index decreases, the receiver-aperture diameter increases. However, the scintillation index decreases more rapidly with the high altitude. These results will be helpful to the experiment of satellite to ground laser communication. 1 Introduction From 2003 to 2009, ESA’s involvement in the development of optical communication terminals for high data rate links between satellites already resulted in the successful demonstration of the SILEX program using optical inter-satellite links and the ARTEMIS satellite in the GEO orbit, and experimental program is like the OPEL. The Optical Ground Station (OGS) facility on the Canary Islands and communication links through the Earth’s atmosphere have demonstrated successfully that coherent laser communication links are operational in-orbit (Sodnik 2009) since February 2008. With the transmitting data at a rate of 5.625Gbps, they verify the capability of laser communication exemplarily in LEO-LEO and GroundLEO constellations (Smutny et al. 2009, Heine et al. 2010). Japanese Engineering Test Satellite and four ground stations carried out communications in 2009. The Satellite will communicate with one of the four ground stations, DLR, ESA, JPL and NICT, depending on the weather situation. (KOISHI et al. 2011, Toyo et al. 2011). In 2011, Harbin Institute of Technology (China) first actualized the direct detection of high-speed satellite to ground laser communication. Changchun University of Science and Technology in China has also reached the international advanced level in space and satellite to ground laser communication (Wenhe et al.2010) 2 The Optical Ground Station Location 2.1 Optical ground station address location Earth’s atmosphere affects the optical signal from deep space in two ways. First, when the optical signals pass through the atmosphere, it is partially attenuated. Second, to limit the effects of atmospheric turbulences, the ground station should be located higher in altitude. Therefore, implications of atmospheric turbulence effects on the deep space downlink analysis need to be included. A disadvantage of deep space downlink is the fluctuation of atmospheric attenuation caused by a number of phenomena in the atmosphere, such as scattering, absorption, and turbulence. Turbulence, in particular, will experience the effects of Scintillation, Beam wander, Angle-of-arrival fluctuations and Beam expansion. These phenomena may result in a loss of power and intensity fluctuations at the receiver, and in the worst case, may limit the availability of the deep space downlink. The availability calculation in the present work is based on the power budget analysis of deep space optics and the statistical analysis of atmospheric attenuation. The availability is defined as the time in which the atmospheric attenuation is lower than the power margin of deep space optics in this paper. The available probability is given by