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1.My grandparents had passed away before I was born, so I never got to learn what the world was like ________ their eyes.

A.beyond B.between C.under D.through 2.The key to success is to start where you are, not when things get better, not if things were different, nor if you had what ________ else has.

A.nobody B.somebody C.everybody D.anybody 3.— What a pity that Kobe Bryant has died in a terrible accident!

— Yes. But the work he has done ________ encouraging us.

A.will keep B.would keep C.has kept D.had kept 4.— Jim, never throw objects from the building. Even a small object ________ cause serious injuries, or death, when dropped from a great height.

— OK, I won't do that, mum.

A.must B.should C.may D.need

5.________ you start worrying, do what you can about the problem right now. If there's nothing to do, just let it go.

A.Whoever B.Whatever C.Whenever D.Wherever 6.— I'm impressed with Jim Hawkins in Treasure Island. He knows what matters and what he should ________.

— Yes, he doesn't make himself live only for money.

A.put up B.give up C.set up D.cheer up 7.Tao Yuanming's simple and direct writing was different from the writing style of his time. He was ________ the rules.

A.too brave to break B.too brave to follow C.brave enough to break D.brave enough to follow

8."Don't go to Wuhan ________ it's really necessary," Zhong Nanshan, a famous expert said to the public. But he rushed to Wuhan by train to fight against the virus.

A.unless B.when C.since D.although 9.—Dad, I've tried my best but I still can't solve these problems.

—Don't worry, my son. No one is ________ and everyone fails from time to time.

A.successful B.confident C.perfect D.excellent 10.The latest report Food Security in China shows the government's success in feeding its growing ________ and its plans to improve food quality.

A.pollution B.population C.production D.pronunciation 11.The old lady next door asked Henry to help her fix the window yesterday. Henry didn't feel well, but she was too old to fix it herself, so he ________.

A.remained B.regretted C.allowed D.agreed 12.— Li Yan is worried about her father who has joined the medical team to Russia.

— What a brave hero! I wonder ________.

A.how long he has been to Russia B.how soon he'll return from Russia C.how many times he has been in Russia D.whether he has gone to Russia before 13.— I want to help Joey with Chinese, since he has just moved here from America.

— ________, Joey's mother is a Chinese, so he speaks Chinese well.

A.Don't teach fish to swim B.Don't try to run before you walk C.Don't burn the candle at both ends D.Don't put all your eggs in one basket 14.— You mean you'll never be late again. Can I trust you?

— ________, Ms. Green. This is the last time I have come late.

A.No kidding B.With pleasure C.Of course not D.You have my word

Wednesday Sunny

Today we had PE, so the first thing I did when I got outside was sneak off (偷偷摸摸) to the basketball court to see if the Cheese was still there. And sure enough, it was.

That piece of Cheese has been sitting on the blacktop since last spring. I 15 it must have dropped out of someone's sandwich or something. After a couple of days, the Cheese started getting all moldy (发霉的) and nasty. Nobody would play basketball on the court where the Cheese was, 16 it was the only court that had a hoop (篮筐) with a net.

Then one day, this kid named Darren Walsh touched the Cheese with his 17 , and that's 18 started this thing called the Cheese Touch. It's basically like the Cooties. If you get the Cheese Touch, it 19 with you until you pass it on to someone else.
