unit3 summary




Unit 1 Fresh StartI first began to wonder what I was doing on a college compus anyway when my parents drove off . My plan was to keep my ears open and my mouth shut .The next morning , I found my first class and marched in . But I was in the wrong building . After class , I went to the cafeteria , I stepped in a large puddle of ketchup and my rear end met the floor . It ended with my first day of college class . I was very frustrated . But later , a composed and very confident football player let me realized I had been taking myself far too seriously .So I gave up trying to act my way through college and began not acting at all . Three years after graduation , I’m still making mistakes , and I’m even being forgiven for a few .Unit 2 Tranny of the UrgentHave you ever wished for a thirty-hour gay ? We seemed have a lot of things undone . But would a thirty-hour day really solve the problem ? Prolongation of time doesn’t really solve the problem . We find ourselves working more and enjoying it less . Our dilemma goes deeper , it’s basically the problem of priorities . Sometimes we have left undone and we have done those things which we shouldn’t have done . It’s the problem of priorities . Some urgent things devour our energy . Then we recall the important tasks pushed aside . We realize we’ve become slaves to the “ tyranny of the urgent ” .Unit 3 Chinese FoodChinese and Western have the different attitudes toward food . Most of chinese pay more attention to the food , but the western is different . For them , food is quite simply a fuel . Chinese think the eating is one of the most important things in life : to eat with the capital E . In fact , chinese food is the only truly international food . How did this come about ? The reasons included that the chinese went to work in North America , and the population pressure in HongKong . But root is that the western are interested in chinese food . There is no doubt that the traditional high-quality chinese meal is a serous matter , the preparation is detailed , and the enjoyment must therefore match it . Chinese food is an expression of basic assumptions about life itself .Unit 4 Why I Want a WifeI’m a wife , but I want a wife . With a wife , I can go back to college , leaving my wife to take care of the house and my children . I want a wife who will take care of my physical needs . She is supposed to the house clean , cook the meals every day , and do the grocery shopping . I want a wife who will take care of the details of my social life . When my friends are invited to our home , she should prepare a special meal and make them feel comfortable . I want a wife who will satisfy my sexual needs , of course , she will not demand sexual attention when I don’t feel like it . And I want the liberty to replace my present wife with another one . A wife can do so many things , who wouldn’t want a wife ?Unit 5 The Company ManPhil was a company man , a workaholic , a prefect tape A . He worked himself to death at 3:00 am Sunda y morning . He worked six days a week , over ten hours a day . He didn’t like to exercise , so he was overweight . He was too busy to share any time with his wife and children . As a result , he was very distant from them . One of his sons said : “ my fath er and I only boardhere .” Most company loved him and they thought that if he could have lived for another five years , he would have been naturally moved to the top spot . Phil was dead , his company could run without him , but he left his wife and children behind , and threw them into a helpless condition .Unit 7 The ChaserAlan Austen wanted to buy some love portion from the old man to win a girl's heart . In the very beginning , he is very nervous . The old man showed him a portion called a life-cleaner , however , it's very expensive . But the old man told him the love portion is not as expensive as that . If the girl drinks it , she will be changed altogether , she will want to be everything to him . She will take care of him , and she will worry about him . Alan is very happy to hear that , because that is what he wants . Finally , Alan thanks the old man and leaves here .Unit 8 Fun , Oh Boy . Fun . You Could Die from ItFun is hard to have , fun is a rare jewel . As a matter o f fact : “ is it fun ?” becomes the questions that overshadows all other questions . When the pleasures got to be the main things , the fun fetish was sure to follow . Everything is supposed to be fun in their eyes . In order to have fun , they start to look for more and more thrilling ways to supply it . Big occasions were supposed to be fun . The correct way is to treat fun reverently , so you may have some fresh fun now and then .Unit 9 One Becoming a Better StudentAs students , we expect a great deal from our teachers . As a teacher , I begun to see that is really impossible to teach by these expectations . Many factors come together to make a fine student . Such people are tremendously curious , and they have the better discipline . To be a student is to take risks . Successful students don't expect to be spoon-fed , but take their own initiative . To learn , is to open oneself . There are several advice to the good students : Be attentive ; Be seen ; Be on time ; Be consistent ; Listen with your whole body ; you have the right to disagree ; and last , let your teacher know much you appreciate him or her .。



Unit1‎ Mr. Doher‎t y Build‎s His Dream‎LifeThe passa‎ge mainl‎y talke‎d about‎the dream‎life of the autho‎r with his famil‎y on a farm, where‎t heautho‎r could‎write‎and live.The autho‎r viewe‎d his life in the count‎r y as a self-relia‎n t and satis‎f ying‎one, but somet‎imes the good life would‎get very hard. On the first‎winte‎r, the autho‎r was fond of every‎minut‎e inste‎a d with his famil‎y, which‎they would‎never‎forge‎t, while‎the follo‎w sprin‎g broug‎h t two flood‎s, which‎made them amaze‎d.After‎quitt‎i ng his job, the autho‎r’s incom‎e was reduc‎e d, but he and his famil‎y were able to manag‎e to get by. Besid‎e s, he ran a farm and benef‎ited more from it. A toler‎a nce for solit‎u de and a lot of energ‎y had made it possi‎b le for thefamil‎y to enjoy‎their‎life in the count‎r y.What’s more, they also had found‎the lifes‎tyle that they prefe‎r red in this place‎.Unit 2The Freed‎o m Giver‎sThe passa‎ge mainl‎y talke‎d about‎ three‎perso‎ns, Josia‎h Henso‎n,John Parke‎r and Levi Coffi‎n, whowere the giver‎s of freed‎o m for black‎slave‎s in the Ameri‎c an histo‎ry.Besid‎e s, the autho‎r prais‎e d the explo‎i ts of civil‎-right‎s heroe‎s who helpe‎d slave‎s trave‎l the Under‎g roun‎d Railr‎o ad to freed‎o mby citin‎g more examp‎l es. What’s more, it was high time to honor‎the heroe‎s who helpe‎d liber‎a te slave‎s by forgi‎n g the Under‎g roun‎d Railr‎o ad in theearly‎civil‎-right‎s strug‎g les in Ameri‎c a.After‎winni‎n g his own freed‎o m from slave‎r y, John Parke‎r helpe‎d other‎slave‎s to escap‎e north‎to Canad‎a andfreed‎o m.Suppo‎r ted by a stron‎g relig‎i ous convi‎c tion‎,the white‎man Levi Coffi‎n riske‎d himse‎l f to helpmany black‎slave‎s to escap‎e. At last,by trave‎l ing the Under‎g roun‎d Railr‎o ad, Josia‎h Henso‎n reach‎e d his desti‎n atio‎n and becam‎e free.Unit 3The Land of the LockThe passa‎ge mainl‎y talke‎d about‎the land of lock, which‎happe‎n ed in Ameri‎c an.When the autho‎r was young‎, it was the local‎custo‎m for peopl‎e to leave‎the front‎door at night‎but didn’t close‎it,and none of them carri‎e d keys. Howev‎e r, nowad‎a ysthose‎days were over, and the era of leavi‎n g the front‎door on the latch‎has drawn‎to a close‎. What a great‎chang‎e was that no locki‎ng had been repla‎c ed by dead-bolt locks‎, secur‎ity chain‎s, elect‎r onic‎alarm‎syste‎ms and so on. There‎f ore, the lock becam‎e the new symbo‎l of Ameri‎c a. What’s more, a new atmos‎p here‎of fear and distr‎u st had crept‎into every‎aspec‎t of daily‎life. As a resul‎t, secur‎i ty devic‎e s, in varie‎d forms‎, were put to use. In locki‎n g their‎ fears‎out, they becam‎e priso‎n ers of their‎ own makin‎g.Unit 4 Was Einst‎e in a Space‎Alien‎The passa‎ge mainl‎y talke‎d about‎Alber‎t Einst‎e in, whowas a young‎husba‎n d and fathe‎r with a bushy‎hair. In order‎t o suppo‎r t his young‎ famil‎y,with a poor sleep‎, he had to work hard at the Paten‎t Offic‎e so that he was very tired‎. For which‎, he felt all the press‎u re and respo‎nsibi‎lity. Howev‎e r, aimin‎g to relax‎himse‎lf, he made aston‎i shin‎g achie‎v emen‎t s in physi‎c s and thus revol‎u tion‎i zed the field‎with five paper‎s about‎spare‎time, which‎were of great‎impac‎t on all over the world‎. Becau‎s e of his suppe‎r intel‎ligen‎c e and the contr‎ibuti‎o n to the socie‎t y, the Unite‎d Natio‎n s decla‎r ed 2005 as his mirac‎le year.What’s more, his disco‎v erie‎s were attri‎b utab‎l e to his imagi‎n atio‎n, quest‎i onin‎g,disre‎g ard const‎a ntly‎ for autho‎r ity, power‎s of conce‎n trat‎i on, and inter‎e st in scien‎c e.In fact, he was not a space‎alien‎,but just a commo‎n perso‎n.Unit 5Three‎Thank‎-You Lette‎r sThe passa‎ge mainl‎y talke‎d about‎ the autho‎r’s three‎speci‎a l lette‎r s, bywhich‎h e wante‎d to celeb‎r ate the true meani‎n g of Thank‎s givi‎n g. OnThank‎s givi‎n g Day 1943, as a young‎coast‎g uard‎s man at sea, heworke‎d as a cook. While‎he was going‎to think‎about‎Thank‎s givi‎n g, he came up with the idea of expre‎s sing‎his grati‎t ude to peopl‎e who had helpe‎d himbefor‎e.There‎f ore, he wrote‎three‎thank‎-you lette‎r s to three‎perso‎ns, his fathe‎r, the Rev. Nelso‎n and his grand‎m othe‎r.At a mail call, he got three‎lette‎r s in reply‎, which‎drove‎him to think‎deepl‎y.After‎he retir‎e d from the Coast‎Guard‎, he still‎never‎forgo‎t these‎lette‎r swhich‎gave him an insig‎h t into expre‎ssing‎appre‎c iati‎o n for one’s effor‎t s. Furth‎e rmor‎e, he wishe‎d every‎o ne to find the good and then prais‎e it.Unit 6The Last LeafThe passa‎ge mainl‎y t alke‎d about‎the last leaf, which‎Johns‎y gave a sight‎to after‎she got the pneum‎onia and lived‎in the hospi‎t al. She looke‎d out the windo‎w and count‎e d the leave‎s on an old ivy vine. Furth‎e rmor‎e, she made up her mind to end her life when the last leaf fell. When she saw the last leaf still‎ cling‎to the vine after‎ two night‎s’ rain and wind, she decid‎e d not to give up her life. In fact, the last leaf, calle‎d a maste‎r piec‎e by Behrm‎a nwho riske‎d his life paint‎ing it there‎the night‎that the last leaf fell, was actua‎lly paint‎e d onto the wall. Howev‎e r, becau‎s e it looke‎d so real that she could‎have never‎imagi‎n ed that it was faked‎. In a deepe‎r sense‎, it saved‎her life.unit 1 Mr. Doher‎t y Build‎s His Dream‎LifeIn Ameri‎c a many peopl‎e have a roman‎t ic idea of life in the count‎r ysid‎e. Many livin‎g in towns‎dream‎of start‎i ng up their‎own farm, of livin‎g off the land. Few get round‎to putti‎n g their‎dream‎s into pract‎i ce. This is perha‎p s just as well, as the life of a farme‎r is far from easy, as Jim Doher‎t y disco‎v ered‎when he set out to combi‎n e being‎a write‎r with runni‎n g a farm. Never‎t hele‎s s, as he expla‎i ns, he has no regre‎t s and remai‎n s enthu‎s iast‎i c about‎his decis‎i on to chang‎e his way of life.在美国,不少人对乡‎村生活怀有‎浪漫的情感‎。



Section ⅤSummary and WritingⅠ重点词汇1.engine n. 引擎;发动机→engineer n. 工程师2.identity n. 身份;特征→identify v. 确认;鉴定;说明身份3.convenient adj. 方便的→convenience n. 方便4.benefit n. 益处;优势v. 受益...nefit from ... 从……中受益5.distance n. 距离→distant adj. 远处的→in_the_distance 在远处6.inspire v. 鼓舞;激励→inspire sb. to_do sth. 鼓励某人做某事→be inspired by...... 受到……的鼓舞7.access n. 通道vt. 进入→access to 通向……的通道8.function n. 作用;功能vi. 起作用→function as sth./sb. 起……作用9.press vt. 按;压→pressure n. 压力;要求→under pressure 被迫;承受着压力10.rude adj. 粗鲁的;粗野的→rudely adv. 粗鲁地;突然地11.particular adj. 特指的;特别的→specific (同义词)→in particular 尤其;特别12.make_fun_of 取笑→play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人13.familiar adj. 熟悉;通晓→be familiar with 对……熟悉14.keep (...) in mind 牢记→memorize vt. 记忆;记住15.case n. 箱;盒;情况,案件→in case 万一,如果Ⅱ教材原句1.So I use a nonsense name for_my_net_identity.(P27)所以我就用了一个毫无意义的名字作为我的网络身份。



unit 1 summaryWhat are the most important ___issues_____ for students today? Is the university ___campus_____ really such a different place compared to what it was 40 years ago?For the students in the 1960s, going to college was the most ___exciting and stimulating___ experience of their life. They took part in __protests__and launched _strikes__against the establishment with their new and ______passionate_ commitment to freedom and justice. Going to college also meant their first __taste___ of real freedom. They could discuss the meaning of life, read their first ____forbidden____ book and see their first indie film.In contrast, the students today don’t have the ___passion_____ for college life that they used to. Today, college is seen as a kind of small town from which people are __keen___ to escape. Instead of the __heady____ atmosphere of freedom which students in the 1960s discovered, students today are much more ___serious___. College has become _____a means to an end____, an opportunity to improve their __prospects__ of being competitive in the __employment___ market, and not an end ___in itself__.But in spite of all this, the role of the university is the same as it always has been. It is the place where students have the __opportunity__ to learn to think for themselves.unit 2 summaryEmpathy,onceknown as motor mimicry,originates fromphysical imitatiion of others’distress, which thenarousesthe same feelings in oneself. Children seem tofeel otherchildren’s pain and discomfort fromthe day they areborn--much earlier than they realize they existasindividuals. By one year old, they start to learn themisery is someone else’s but still seem confused about what todo. At around two and a half years,children may growout of motor mimicrywhen they are able todifferentiate their own feelings from others’ feelings, so they are ableto use other means to comfort others. At the same time,theirempathic concernbegins todifferfrom one toantoher.unit3 summaryIdentity theft refers to stealing information about someone that makes it possible to use their bank account or credit card. With an informal and conversational tone the author persuades readers into actions against the threats of identity fraud in our daily life. According to the author we make t he thieves’ job easy by leaving our mails unprotected, using ball pens for checks and forms, throwing documents containing our personal information in the trash, leaving our computer on and so on. So we should look for different ways to protect ourselves and change our mindset. Identity crime is very likely to happen at any time, to any of us. We can take precautions to improve the chances of avoiding this crime, though it will never go away.unit4 summaryWhat exactly is news? The objective importance and the historical, international significance of an event is not enough. It is the odd, unexpected and human nature that made news like 9/11 memorable and newsworthy. So is immediacy which refers to the nearness of the event in time.When it comes to immediacy, those media like TV, radio and Internet have an enormous advantage over the press. However, no matter what form it may take, all the media more or less covertly, influence the public. That is the so- called power of the media.In the new millennium, maybe the press or TV are not going to disappear overnight, butthe power of the media may be eroded or at least devolved to ordinary people.Unit 11 On university campuses in Europe, mass socialist or communist movements gave rise to increasingly violent clashes between the establishment and the college students, with their new and passionate commitment to freedom and justice. 在欧洲的大学校园里,大学生以新的姿态和激情地投入到自由和正义的事业中去,大规模的社会主义或共产主义运动引发了他们与当权者之间日益升级的暴力冲突。



八年级上册英语unit3知识点总结Unit 3 Knowledge Summary for Grade 8 EnglishUnit 3 in the Grade 8 English curriculum covers a range of topics related to language use and communication. The following knowledge summary provides an overview of the key concepts and skills that students should master in this unit.1. VocabularyStudents will learn a range of new vocabularies related to everyday life, including family, education, health, and leisure activities. These vocabularies will significantly expand their communicative ability in English, increase their understanding of culture, and ultimately, help them use English more proficiently.2. GrammarIn Unit 3, students will focus on mastering different grammar concepts. These concepts include the use of the present simple and present continuous tenses, the correct use of adjectives, adverbs, andprepositions, and the formation of question forms. Students will also study common irregular verbs in English.3. Reading and WritingThe reading and writing skills students will learn in Unit 3 will help them become more critical readers and more effective writers. Students will learn how to analyze texts and identify the main ideas and themes in different types of texts. They will also learn how to use supporting evidence to reinforce their writing. Additionally, students will practice writing various forms of writing, including opinion pieces, descriptive writing, and persuasive writing.4. Speaking and ListeningIn Unit 3, students will also improve their speaking and listening skills. They will learn how to communicate effectively in a range of everyday situations, such as ordering food or asking for directions. They will also learn how to listen actively and ask questions to clarify information.5. CultureIn this unit, students will gain an understanding of cultural differences. They will learn about different customs, traditions, and values that exist in different parts of the world. They will also learn how these cultural differences can impact communication and how to communicate effectively across different cultures.In conclusion, Unit 3 in the Grade 8 English curriculum covers a range of essential language concepts that will help students develop their English skills further. Knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, speaking, listening, and culture will provide students with the necessary tools to communicate effectively in English, ultimately helping them succeed in their future studies and careers.。



七年级上册英语unit3课堂笔记以下是一份七年级上册英语Unit 3的课堂笔记:一、重点单词:subject:主题、科目lesson:课程、教训practice:练习、实践sentence:句子vocabulary:词汇spelling:拼写punctuation:标点符号paragraph:段落summary:摘要、概要grammar:语法二、重点短语:listen to the tape:听录音read the textbook:读课本do the exercises:做练习copy the new words:抄写新单词learn by heart:牢记read aloud:朗读pay attention to:注意、关注learn…by…:通过…学习…take notes:做笔记look up the word in a dictionary:在词典中查找单词三、重点句型:1、How do you study for a test? 你怎样为考试做准备?2、I usually study by working with a group. 我通常通过小组合作来学习。

3、It helps me to learn better. 它能帮助我学得更好。

4、What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的科目是什么?5、I like English best because it’s easy for me. 我最喜欢英语,因为对我来说它很容易。

6、The teacher said that the earth goes around the sun. 老师说地球绕着太阳转。

7、What do you think of the suggestion? 你对这个建议怎么看?8、It’s a good way to improve your English. 这是提高英语水平的一个好方法。



“The End of Something", written by Ernest Hemingway, is a short story about two young people who witness how time can change the world and the people in it.Firstly, the essay describes a town which once very prosperous due to the lumbering, then as time goes by, there were no more logs to make lumber, the mill almost become ruins. Secondly, two lovers, Nick and Marjorie row along the shore. They watch the view, talk and fish to eat. Their relationship used to be flourished. But in the present of the story, Nick and Marjorie have grown apart, they cannot relate as much to each other anymore. At last, Marjorie left; leaving Nick alone, thus led to the theme “the end of something”.The broken mill represents Nick and Marjorie's broken relationship. All what has happened due to the time, things can be changed by the time while we are not aware of. So what should we do? In my opinion, we should cherish all the things around us and make the most used of them. It is not empty words, but must into action, and only in this way can we not regret it when the things leave away from us.The author began the article by telling the experience of waking in the morning and finding him practically ignorant of anything. The author felt pitiable yet not necessarily so depressed about his current store of knowledge .He began to count what he knows and what he is ignorant of. However, it suddenly occurred to him that he is not the only one who is ignorant because no one can know everything, and it is no need for doing that. He is happy that he may be the only one who can face up to the ignorance.Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn, and it is the ignorance that leads us to learn more. As it is said that he must be very ignorant for he answers every questions he is asked.,so we should continue to learn to compensate for our ignorance instead of being overwhelmed by it.Unit 3 Exercise is a state of mind “A sound mind in a sound body is a short, but full description of a happy state in this world”. Nowadays research suggests that there is deep link between body and mind health in order to achieve happy state of mind.In this way, exercise is a state of mind.The author used scientists’ experiments as evidence to show that exercise has exerted great effects on people’s mind health. Regular exercise can improve mood, decrease anxiety and relieve depression. On the other hand, exercise is under genetic control. Genes can influence people’s responses to exercise. In the end, the author advises us to form the habit of exercise. And you needn’t speed too much time on it. Continuing exercise is good to your body and mind health.From the article, we all learn that only a person with regular exercise can have a physical and spiritual health and can overcome pressure and make himself perfection. Whoever finds the starter motor, the genetic wellspring of motivation, he will have found a key to good health. So, just do it from now on.Summary and Comment (unit4)The article begins with the faith that people in American used to believe that “opportunity is the crux of the American ideal”, which makes people think that with hard work and self-determination, they are sure to succeed and realize their dreams. But in recent yearsthe traditional doctrine of “American dream”is seriously challenged, with regard to the economic development. Most important of all, the economic mobility in America is getting lower and lower as compared to any other western country. At last, the rich people stay rich while poor people stay poor, and the effective way may be to improve education, which will definitely have a great effect on economic mobility across generations.It is no doubt that America is a developed country, with its developed economy and service business, but it has many problems together, even more serious than the developing country, so we may not only see its prosperity but also should realize its defect. Everything has two sides, and we should not be confused by its surface.Summary and Comment (unit5)The article firstly questioned how to define the “evil”, and what’s the humanist understand about “evil”. Then the author distinguishes creative and destructive potentials, and then finds social forces that may activate destructive potentials. In the end, with such what’s aboutevil, the author concludes the text by offering some how as to teaching our children about evil.It is probably safe to say that language has a pair of words expressing good and evil. But what really is good, and what really is evil? The answer may vary from people to people, and culture to culture. Actually, the evil and good are relative, they could not exist without each other, there is no absolutely bad man, and also no saint. As boys and girls, we are taught to do good, not evil. To prevent evil, we cannot only attend to our self, but also think about others’feeling, always put yourself into other’s shoes, if it hurt you, it may hurt other person, too. So we should turn our destructive impulse into creativity, to help others in need.。


UNIT 4 1. work in corporate America In today’s American jobs are not what they used to be.Not long ago,when a father was asked about his job he could answer in terms that a child could come to grips with.Nowadays,when the parent take his offspring to his place of business in glass buildings that are really incomprehensive to children.What’s more,it’s safe bet that even grown men have trouble visualizing what other men does in their jobs with his day.Therefore,it’s not difficult to imagine a poor child may answer”mulling over” after it beats me the mysteries of work,when his friends asks him of his father’s job.
3.2the mystery of Girl with a Pearl Earring The painting Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer’s masterworks.It shows a striking young woman wearing an exotic costume and a turban,peering over her shoulder straight out at the viewer.As the name implies,it uses a pearl earring for a focal point.It has been referred to as the Mona Lisa of the north,because,like Leonardo da Vinci’s painting,it appears to be a simple likeness of a woman with an enigmatic smile,yet which contains levels of meanings and questions.So much mystery in the painting contributes to its worldwide popularity and generates a thoroughly rewarding novel and a well-composed film.



Unit1 Mr.DohertyBuildsHis Dream LifeThe passage mainly talked aboutthe dreamlife of the author withhis f amily on a farm,where the author couldwrite andlive. The author viewed his lifeinthe country as a self-reliantandsatisfying one, butsometimes the good life wouldget very hard.On the first winter,the author was fond ofevery minuteinsteadwith his family,which theywould neverforget,whilethefollow spring brought twofloods,which made them amazed. After quitting his job, the author’sincomewasreduced,but he and his family were ableto manage to ge tby. Besides,he ran a farm andbenefited more fromit.A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy had madeitpossible for thefamilyto enjoy theirlife in the country. What’s more, theyalsohad found the lifestylethat theypreferredinthisplace.Unit 2 The Freedom GiversThepassage mainly talked aboutthreepersons,Josiah Henson,John Parker andLevi Coffin,who were the givers of freedom forblack slave sin the American history. Besides, the authorpraised the exploitsof civil-rightsheroes who helped slavestravel the Underground Railroad to freedom byciting more examples.What’s more, it was high time tohonorthe heroes who helped liberate slavesby forgingthe Underground Railroadin theearly civil-rights struggles in America. After winning his own freedomfrom slavery,John Parker helpedotherslaves to escape no rth to Canadaand freedom.Supportedby astrongreligiousconviction, thewhite manLeviCoffin risked himself to help manyblack slaves toescape. At last,by traveling the UndergroundRailroad,Josiah Henson reached his destinationand became free.Unit3TheLand ofthe LockThe passage mainly talkedabouttheland of lock,whichhappe ned inAmerican. When the author wasyoung,itwas the localcust omforpeople to leavethe front door at nightbut didn’t close it, an dnoneof them carried keys. However,nowadays thosedays wereover, andthe era of leaving the front dooron thelatchhas drawn to a close.What a greatchange was that no locking had been replacedby dead-bolt locks, securitychains,electronic alarm systems and so o n. Therefore, the lock became the new symbol of America. What’s more, a newatmosphere offear and distrust hadcrept into every aspect ofda ily life.As a result, security devices,in varied forms,were put touse.In locking theirfears out, theybecame prisoners of theirow nmaking.Unit 4 WasEinstein a Space AlienThe passage mainlytalked aboutAlbert Einstein,who was a youn ghusband andfatherwith abushyhair. In order to supporthisyoung family, with a poor sleep,hehad towork hard at thePatentO ffice so thathe was very tired. For which, he feltallthe pressure and responsibility. However,aimingtorelaxhimself, he madeastonish ing achievementsin physics and thus revolutionized the field with fivepapers about spare time,which were of great impact on all over the world.Becauseof his supper intelligenceand the contribution to the society,the United Nations declared 2005as his miracle year.What’smore,hisdiscoveries were attributable to his imagination, questioning,disregard constantlyfor authority, powers ofconcentration,and interest in science.In fact, hewas not a space alien,but just a commonperson.Unit5Three Thank-YouLettersThe passagemainlytalked aboutthe author’s three specialletters,by which he wanted tocelebrate thetrue meaning ofThanksgivi ng.On ThanksgivingDay 1943, as a young coastguardsmanat sea, he worked asacook. While he was going to think about Thanksgiving,he cameup withthe ideaofexpressing his gratitudetopeople who ha dhelpedhim before. Therefore,he wrotethreethank-you letters to three persons,his father,the Rev. Nelson and his grandmother. At amail call,he got three letters in reply,whichdrovehimto think deeply.A fter he retired from the Coast Guard, hestill never forgot theseletters whichgave himan insightinto expressing appreciation for one’sefforts. Furthermore, he wishedeveryone to find the good andthenpraiseit.Unit 6 The Last LeafThe passagemainly talked about the last leaf, which Johnsy gave a sightt oafter she got the pneumonia and livedin the hospital. She lookedout the window and counted the leaves onan old ivyvine. Furthermore, shemade up her mind to end her lifewhen the last leaf fell.Whenshe saw the last leaf stillclingto the vine after twonights’ rainand wind,she decided not togive up her life. In fact,thelast leaf,calle da masterpieceby Behrmanwhorisked his life painting it therethe night thatthe lastleaffell, wasactually painted ontothe wall.Howe ver,becauseit looked so realthat she could have neverimagined that it was faked. In a deeper sense,it savedherlife.unit 1Mr.Doherty BuildsHisDream LifeIn America manypeoplehave a romanticidea oflife in thecount ryside.Many livingintownsdreamof starting up their own farm,of livingoff the land.Few get round to putting their dreams into practice. This isperhapsjust aswell, as the lifeofafarmer is farfrom easy, as Jim Doherty discovered when he set out to combine being a writerwith running afarm. Nevertheless, as he explains,hehas no regrets andremains enthusiasticabout his decisionto change hisway oflife.在美国,不少人对乡村生活怀有浪漫的情感。



八年级下册英语一到三单元总结作文Unit 1-3 SummaryIn the second semester of eighth grade English, we covered units 1-3, which focused on different aspects of language learning such as grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills. In this summary, I will go over the key concepts and topics we learned in these units.Unit 1: Past, present and futureIn unit 1, we learned about different verb tenses and how to use them correctly in sentences. We practiced using the past, present, and future tenses in both simple and continuous forms. We also learned about time expressions that are commonly used with each tense, such as "yesterday" for the past tense and "tomorrow" for the future tense. This unit helped us improve our ability to talk about events that happened in the past, are happening now, or will happen in the future.Unit 2: Travel and adventureUnit 2 focused on vocabulary related to travel and adventure. We learned new words and phrases to describe different modes of transportation, types of accommodation, and popular tourist destinations. We also practiced using adjectives to describeplaces and experiences, as well as prepositions to talk about location and direction. In addition, we discussed different types of travel experiences, such as backpacking, camping, and sightseeing. This unit broadened our vocabulary and helped us communicate more effectively about travel-related topics.Unit 3: CommunicationUnit 3 emphasized the importance of effective communication skills in English. We learned about different ways to express opinions, make suggestions, agree or disagree with others, and give reasons for our thoughts and actions. We also practiced using a variety of conversation strategies, such as asking for clarification, giving feedback, and expressing feelings and emotions. In addition, we learned about common idiomatic expressions and phrases that are commonly used in everyday conversations. This unit improved our ability to engage in meaningful and productive discussions with our classmates and teachers.Overall, units 1-3 in the eighth-grade English curriculum helped us enhance our language skills in grammar, vocabulary, and communication. We learned how to use different verb tenses correctly, expand our travel-related vocabulary, and communicate effectively in various situations. These unitsprovided a solid foundation for our continued language learning and development in the future.。



大英3课文SummaryUNIT 11.1 catching crabsIn the fall of our final year,our mood changed.The relaxed atmosphere had disappeared, and peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Meanwhile,at the back of everyone’s mind was what we would do next after graduation. As for me,I wanted to travelandto be a writer.Though my fatherwanted me to go to law school,and follow his path,he finally supported what I wanted .Then by watching crabs,my father told me not to be pulled back by others.1.2We are all dyingLife is short.We never quite know when we will died.So there’s no need to putour dreams aside until the right time arrives.Now is the time to do what we want to do. Make the best of our short stay and fill our life with the riches on offer so that when the r eaper arrives,we’ve achieved much instead of regrets.UNIT 22.1supermanThe extract from Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreamsis a combination of Sylvia Plath’s real life and imaginary life in her childhood.In the real life,Plath was a winner of the prize for drawing the best signs,lived by an airport and had an Uncle who bore resemblance to Superman.In herimagination,the airport was her Mecca and Jerusalem because of her flying dreams.Superman fulfilled her dream.David Stirling,a bookish boy,also worship Superman.During the recess He and the author played Superman games during the spare time and they have a sense of superiority.And they also found a stand-in.2.2cultual childhoodsHistorically,childhood has undergone enormous transformations in children’s responsibilities and parental expectations.Culturally,childhood is socially constructed.The interplay of history and cultural leads to different understanding of childhood,therefore, it is advisable not to impose ideas from one culture to understand childhood in another culture. UNIT 33.1how we listenFor the sake of clarify,we divide the process of listening to music into three planes.Firstly,the sensuous plane.It is a kind of brainless but attractive state of mind engendered by the the pure music.Secondly,the expressive plane.It is when we believe each piece of music has a theme,which mirrors a different world of feeling.Thirdly,the musical plane.It is the ability to experience different musical elements,such as melodies,the rhythms,the harmonies,the tone colors etc.We usually listen to music on all three planes.3.2the mystery of Girl with a Pearl EarringThe painting Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of Dutch painter Johannes Verme er’s masterworks.It shows a young woman,peering over her shoulder straight out at the viewer.As the name implies,it uses a pearl earring for a focal point.It has been referred to as the Mona Lisa of the north,it appears to be a simple likeness of a woman with an mysterious smile.So much mystery in the painting contributes to its worldwide popularity and generates anovel and film.UNIT 44.1work in corporate AmericaIn today’s American jobs are not what they used to be.Not long ago,whena father was asked about his job he could answer,While nowadaysthe parent are really incomprehensive.What’s more,even grown men have trouble visualizing what other men does in their jobs.Therefore,it’s easy to imagine a child may confused when his friends asks him of his father’s job.4.2our supposedly exciting times are really rather dullLiving in a world of unprecedented and dazzling change,there are never been anything quite like it.However,we are just ignorant of/about deeper historical patterns,take globalization for example,from historical context point of view,the world is almost meaningless.We simply do not live in aage of great technological innovation for all our enthusiasm about internet and iPod.With staggering 90 percent of all web traffic is local,we are always b e told the Internet has “opened up”the world.As the Chinese curse runs “May you live in interesting times”,it can bring chaos and anxiety in the in the wake.UNIT 55.1dinner at Joanne’sWhen a young black man arrives in a crowded and expensive restaurant,the head waiter makes him sit in the least comfortable place,even though a table has been booked for him and a “Ms Rogers”. When Ms Rogers arrives,the waiter realizes that she is a well-known Senator; and Ms Roger realizes that her friend has been treated badly because of the color of his skin.The waiter realizes his mistake too,and tries to make up for it,but it’s too late.5.2we theyThe writer uses stories about doing business between Swedes and Saudis to illustrate the differences between an individualist and a collectivist approach to business. They have different concepts of the role of personal relationships in business. The Swedes believe the business is done with a company while the Saudis think it should be done with a person they know and trust.Then the writer compares the characteristics of the collectivist and those of the individualist.In the most collectivist societies,the families are usually extended families while in the individualist societies,nuclear families are prevalent. Peo ple consider themselves as part of a “we”group or in-group in the collectivist societies.In contrast, the individualist think of themselves as “I”,their personal identity which is distinct from other people’s. A practical and psychological dependence relationship develops between the person and the in-group in the collectivist societies. However, rarely do people depend on a group in the individualist societies.UNIT 66.1 Last man downThe text from Last Ma Down offers an eyewitness account of defining historical event of 9/11 attack from the perspective of Richard Picciotto, a firefighter; his story is that of a man, a hero,and a tragic event that inspired the nation. His recount isn’t one of death and destruction, but a celebration of life and it’s unpred ictable nature.6.2 Eleanor RooseveltThe passage offers a hero who contrasts with brave firefighters. This time she is a woman of power and previlege who still wanted to devote herself to the success she believed in.Living in a male-dominated world, Eleanor Roosevelt showed growing concern for women’s issues, along with those for labor issues,youth and civil rights issues.Eleanor created new First Lady profile. She held a press conference for the female only. She was a great supporter for FDR, her wheel-bound husband, whose career as the US president offered her opportunity to come into her own.After FDR’s departure, she still held public posts to use her power to her beliefs.Anna Eleanor Roosevelt never ran on a par with men, she set the place.。

多维教程熟谙 Unit 3 文章分析 段落大意 summary

多维教程熟谙  Unit 3 文章分析 段落大意 summary

3. Lecture on the word study of, esp. boldfaced words and some difficult points to move the obstacles in language 4. Group work combining with individual work on the exercises to consolidate the ss‘ learning I. Text analysis A. Macro-analysis 1. Style: Narration interspersed with comment 2. Coherence: logical connection [1]. Textual / Topic theme: Americans‘ automotive tastes and values [2]. Structure / Plan of the text

c. ant.: love, like, hate; overwrought, newfangled, etc. d. hyponyms: e.g. machine, automobile, car, Buick, Ford, Chrysler, Pontiac, Cadillac, chariots, wheels, etc. e. collocation: e.g. be well off, lend credence to, rise up, etc. 2. grammatical connection a. tenses: largely simple present, simple past & present perfect b. non-finite verbs: e.g. hard won…[par.2], to move…[par.4], permitting…. [par.5], hopping…,wheeling…[par.6], etc. c. subordinate clauses: e.g. attr.-cl. by (when), who, that, where; adv.-cl. by after,

高中英语人教版必修三 Unit3 Summary

高中英语人教版必修三 Unit3 Summary

Unit 3 Summary
Henry was an American businessman. One day he had an accident in a 1.bay. 2.Luckily(luck) he 3.was spotted(spot) and saved by a ship for England. He arrived in London by earning his 4.passage without pay. One day as he 5.was
wandering(wander) on the pavement, to 6.his surprise, an unbelievable thing happened. Two 7.wealthy(wealth) brothers gave him a million pound bank note because they had made a
8.bet . They wanted to find out
9.whether a man (with a million pound bank note)could 10.survive a month in London.
Unit 3 Summary









↓↓↓大英3课文SummaryUNIT 11.1 catching crabsIn the fall of our final year,our mood changed.The relaxed atmosphere had disappeared, and peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Meanwhile,at the back of everyone’s mind was what we would do next after graduation. As for me,I wanted to travel,and I wanted to be a writer.I braced myself for some resistance to the idea from my father,who wanted me to go to law school,and follow his path through life.However,he supported what I wanted but he made me think about it by watching the crabs.The cage was full of crabs. One of them was trying to escape,but each time it reached the top the other crabs pulled it back.In the end it gave up lengthy struggle to escape and started to prevent other crabs from escaping.By watching crabs,my father told me not to be pulled back by others,and to get to know himself better.1.2We are all dyingLife is short.We never quite know when we become coffin dwellers or trampled ash in the rose garden of some local ceremony.So there’s no point in putting our dreams on the back burner until the right time arrives.Now is the time to do what we want to do. Make the best of our short stay and fill our life with the riches on offer so that when the reaper arrives,we’ve achieved much instead of regrets.UNIT 22.1supermanThe extract from Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams by Sylvia Plath is a combination of her real life and imaginary life in her childhood.In the real life,Plath was a winner of the prize for drawing the best Civil Defense signs,lived by an airport and had an Uncle who bore resemblance to Superman.In her imagination,the airport was her Mecca and Jerusalem because of her flying dreams.Superman fulfilled her dream at the moment.David Stirling,a bookish boy,also worship Superman.During the recess at school,he and the author played Superman pared with their school-mates who played the routine games,they felt they were outlaws but had a sense of windy superiority.They also found a stand-in,Sheldon Fein, who later invented tortures.2.2cultual childhoodsHistorically,childhood has undergone enormous transformations in terms of children’s responsibilities and parental expectations.Culturally,childhood is socially constructed.The interplay of history and cultural leads to different understanding of childhood,consequently it is advisable not to impose ideas from one culture to understand childhood in another culture.UNIT 33.1how we listenFor the sake of clarify,we split up the process of listening to music into three hypothetical planes.Firstly,the sensuous plane.It is a kind of brainless but attractive state of mind engenderedby the mere sound appeal of the music.Secondly,the expressive plane.It is when we believe each piece of music has a theme,which mirrors a different world of feeling,such asgaiety,sadness.Thirdly,the musical plane.It is the ability to experience different musical elements,such as melodies,the rhythms,the harmonies,the tone colors etc.We usually listen to music on all three planes.3.2the mystery of Girl with a Pearl EarringThe painting Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of Dutch painter Johannes V ermeer’s masterworks.It shows a striking young woman wearing an exotic costume and a turban,peering over her shoulder straight out at the viewer.As the name implies,it uses a pearl earring for a focal point.It has been referred to as the Mona Lisa of the north,because,like Leonardo da Vinci’s painting,it appears to be a simple likeness of a woman with an enigmatic smile,yet which contains levels of meanings and questions.So much mystery in the painting contributes to its worldwide popularity and generates a thoroughly rewarding novel and a well-composed film.UNIT 44.1work in corporate AmericaIn today’s American jobs are not what they used to be.Not long ago,when a father was asked about his job he could answer in terms that a child could come to grips with.Nowadays,when the parent take his offspring to his place of business in glass buildings that are really incomprehensive to children.What’s more,it’s safe bet t hat even grown men have trouble visualizing what other men does in their jobs with his day.Therefore,it’s not difficult to imagine a poor child mayanswer”mulling over” after it beats me the mysteries of work,when his friends asks him of his father’s job.4.2our supposedly exciting times are really rather dullLiving in a world of unprecedented/dazzling change,there are never been anything quite likeit.However,we are just ignorant of/about deeper historical patterns,take globalization for example,from historical context point of view,the world is almost meaningless.We simply do not live in a age of great technological innovation for all our enthusiasm about internet and iPod.With staggering 90 percent of all web traffic is local,we are always be told the I nternet has “opened up”the world.As the Chinese curse runs “May you live in interesting times”,it can bring chaos and anxiety in the in the wake.UNIT 55.1dinner at Joanne’sWhen a young black man arrives in a crowded and expensive restaurant,the head waiter makes him sit in the least comfortable place,even though a table has been booked for him and a “Ms Rogers”.When Ms Rogers arrives,the waiter realizes that she is a well-known Senator; and Ms Roger realizes that her friend has been treated badly because of the color of his skin.The waiter realizes his mistake too,and tries to make up for it,but it’s too late.5.2we theyThe writer uses stories about doing business between Swedes and Saudis to illustrate the differences between an individualist and a collectivist approach to business. They have different concepts of the role of personal relationships in business. The Swedes believe the business is donewith a company while the Saudis think it should be done with a person they know and trust.Then the writer compares the characteristics of the collectivist and those of the individualist.In the most collectivist societies,the families are usually extended families while in the individualist societies,nuclear families are prevalent. People consider themselves as part of a “we”group or in-group in the collectivist societies.In contrast, the individualist think of themselves as “I”,their personal identity which is distinct from other people’s. A practical and psychological dependence relationship develops between the person and the in-group in the collectivist societies. However, rarely do people depend on a group in the individualist societies.UNIT 66.1 Last man downThe text from Last Ma Down offers an eyewitness account of defining historical event of 9/11 attack from the perspective of Richard Picciotto, a firefighter; his story is that of a man, a hero,and a tragic event that inspired the nation. His recount isn’t one of death and destruction, but a celebration of life and it’s unpredictable nature.6.2 Eleanor RooseveltThe passage offers a hero who contrasts with brave firefighters. This time she is a woman of power and previlege who still wanted to devote herself to the sucess she believed in.Living in a male-dominated world, Eleanor Roosevelt showed gro wing concern for women’s issues, along with those for labor issues,youth and civil rights issues.Eleanor created new First Lady profile. She held a press conference for the female only. She was a great supporter for FDR, her wheel-bound husband, whose career as the US president offered her opportunity to come into her own.After FDR’s departure, she still held public posts to use her power to her beliefs.Anna Eleanor Roosevelt never ran on a par with men, she set the place.。



UNIT1 Why read fastMay be the most obvious and practical answer to the question “why read fast?”is to save yourself time and money. However many readers worry that when they read fast they will miss the meaning so they read word by word these readers stick to some false ideas about reading fast .First ,fast readers understand and remember less than slow readers .Second ,only very bright people can read fast. Third, rapid reading is satisfactory for only easy or unimportant material. Fourth, rapid readers cannot relax and enjoy their reading. Fifth, perhaps rapid reading is valuable, but it will take years to retain a slow reader. You will read more effectively and save much more time if you can avoid these false ideas.In increasing your speed, you must not lose sight of the fact that you read different material for different purposes .You should not always read very fast .Remember to change you speed.As far as I concerned, reading is very important to everyone, especially, for our English major students .we must increase our reading speed and read more books to wide our horizons.UNIT3 Single without wordsThe article first introduced “snap judgments ”, opinions which are formed suddenly, seemingly on no sound basis at all ; if taken seriously ,have usually been considered signs of immaturity or lack of sense .Because people assume that “you are what you say you are ,“they do a lot of talking in order to become acquainted with each other. And then the article explained some signals without words .As behavioral sciences develop, however, researchers find that the importance of speech has been overestimated. We communicate a great deal with our bodies .Two of the most “telling”forms of behavior are driving a car and playing games. Like many other forms behavior ,how you dress tells a lot about you and also significant are the ornaments a person wears .Some studies have shown that there is a correlation between a person’s color preferences and his personality .Another indicator of a person’s character is said to be found in his preferences in architecture and furniture .There’s wealth of information there if you know how to “read” it. So perhaps snap judgements are not so unsound after all.Unit6 Vocabulary ChangeThis article show us the methods of vocabulary change .The first method is borrowing. Borrowing is a way of adding new vocabulary items to a large language. The first way of borrowing is the contact between speakers of a language and speakers of another language. Then, another large group of words came into English as a result of contact through invasion, in this case the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.Various kinds of words were borrowed into English. Several points can be made about the Normal Conquest .The kinds of contact speakers have with each other may often be judged from the particular items that are borrowed. Of course ,Latin and Greek have provided English with the richest resource for borrowing more formal learned items .Borrowing are also assimilated to different degress.And the other method of vocabulary change is narrowing and widening .One process involves narrowing the meaning of a word so that the word achieves a more restricted meaning over the course of time .The opposite process is widening of meaning. In this process a word achieves amore general meaning.Unit 8 Women in education, sports and mediaWhile the right of women in the world of politics and work and the position of women in the family are the focus of the American women's movement today, feminist have many other concerns which indicate the widespread effects that the movement has had on contemporary life.Education, sports and media are some special areas of concern.Education:Sex bias, 1 until in the middle of 1970's courses open to only boys or girls 2 more money were spent on sports for boys than girls 3 career advice often encouraged girls to train for "acceptable" occupationsSome segregation eliminated by Title IXInequlity remains,1 context in use 2 realistic advice be unavailable3 complaints on bias be ignoredEnforcement of Title is still a continuing problem.Sports:build physical endurance and coordination skillsSex bias, devotion to activities involved men and boys exclusivelySolutions: Title IX partly excellent great sportswomenResults:media attention increased more money offered more spectators parents' views on coaching girlsMedia:shape role and attitudesStereotype:media controlled by men,women be accessorywomen presented as housewives,sex-objectsThere have been changes,however,as feminists work to overcome this stereotypeing.Recognizing the existence of millions of women working outside the home and are gearing ads toward them. Questions:briefly1.Hard physical work:coal worker,carpenter,oil exploiting2.Social ,school,family ,their views strong competing3.Housewives,weakers,sex-objects,consumers ........yes,these ads really reinforce existing stereotypes.Unit 10 A Cross-Cultural Context: Americans, Germans, and EnglishThe Americans, the Germans, and the Engl ish share significant portions of each other’s cultures, but at many points their cultures clash .Cultural differences usually misunderstood as unskillfulness, ill manner, or lack of interest on the part of the other person.Germans and IntrusionsFirst of all, it is necessary to refer to two basic American patterns which Americans therefore tend to treat as universal. First, there is a commonly accepted, invisible boundary around any two or three people in conversation. In this way, privacy is granted. The second pattern has to dowith the exact point at which a person is experienced as actually having crossed a boundary and entered a room. There are many spatial definitions. None of them is valid in northern Germany. In every instance where the American would consider himself outside he has already entered the German’s territory. So there are some conflicts between these two patterns into focus.The EnglishOne of the basic reasons for this wide difference are that in the United States we use space as a way of classifying people and activities. Whereas ,in England it is the social system that determines who you are. In addition to class distinctions, there are differences between the English and ourselves in how space is assigned.Unit 11LibraryThe definition of library and the author described the use of contemporary library, the most common kinds of libraries and many specialized libraries.Classification systems and the catalog of libraries. Most libraries use one of three major classification systems: the Dewey Decimal System, the universal decimal classification and a system developed by the library of congress. Due to these systems , all works can be easily located by readers. library’s own card catalog is only one of the many forms in which catalog and bibliograohic. Large libraries own the national union catalog (NUC)and specialized libraries may own to specialized catalogs. Cataloging and classifying are expensive processes.The history of the libraries. The earliest ancient libraries ,the earliest large Greek library l served as links between libraries in the middle ages were established in monasteries throughout Europe, and in catherals that served as links between the monasteries and universities. The history of library in china experienced many dynasties, such as qin , han ,sui ,song. In Europe , the advent of printing brought down the cost of books and private libraries became more common.The first u.s. public library was opened in Salisbury in 1803.most countries have now established their own national libraries.Two large libraries, one in Beijing and the other in Taipei.The trend of library . the trend of library policy is clearly toward the ideal of making all information available inexpensively and quickly to all people. In addiction ,preservation extends beyond familiar maintenance and responsibilities.Unit 13 The interaction of body and mindThe text is divided into two parts .The first part is the concept of psychosomatic illness and the second part is the reality of psychosomatic illness .Mind and body are not separate ; one affects and is affected by the other .Physical symptoms, which reflect anxiety, may occur over a prolonged period. The symptoms may seem mysterious and threatening, because the patient is unaware of their cause. Almost any symptom can have its origin in emotional stress and the development of bodily symptoms is only one manifestation of anxiety. Sometimes a person subconsciously develops an illness as a way of handling a desperate need. Patients with psychosomatic illness are likely to be neglected and a patient with psychosomatic illness may be confused with a malingerer, one who deliberately pretends illness in order to achieve some secondary gain. Condemnation of patient with psychosomatic illness can persist despite intellectual understanding of theories about its causes.Unit 14Charles Darwin and the evolutionary theoryCharles Darwin (1809-1882), the man whose name is associated with the revolutionary theory of biological evolution, was a son of a prosperous Shropshire physician. Darwin’s only enthusiasms were for hunting and natural history. He was sent to Christ’s College, Cambridge, to prepare for a career in the church. In the years at Cambridge, however, he continued his passion for natural history and collecting. While at Cambridge, Darwin met two great teachers, the biologist john Stevens Henslow and the geologist Adam Sedgwick. They played important roles in his life. Henslow recommended Darwin for the job as unpaid naturalist aboard HMS Beagle. And then he met Robert Fitzroy , the captain of the Beagle and the voyage of the Beagle was the turning point in Darwin’s life. When he returned to England, he came to know Sir Charles Lyell and Alfred Russel Wallace. In the following year, Darwin published his own book and the theory of evolution was at last before the public essentially in its modern form.。



人教版九年级英语unit3知识点总结Unit 3 Knowledge Summary of the People's Education Edition Ninth Grade EnglishIn the ninth grade English curriculum, Unit 3 focuses on everyday activities, communication, and talking about future plans. This unit covers various grammar points, vocabulary, and phrases that are important for students to understand and practice. Let's delve into the key points of Unit 3.1. Present Continuous Tense:One of the essential grammar points in Unit 3 is the present continuous tense. It is used to describe actions happening at the moment of speaking or temporary activities taking place around the time of speaking. For example, "I am watching a movie" or "They are studying for the upcoming exam." It is formed by using the verb "to be" (am, is, are) followed by the verb in its -ing form.2. Vocabulary related to activities:Unit 3 introduces a wide range of vocabulary related to activities, such as sports, hobbies, and leisure time. It includes words like swimming, dancing, playing chess, painting, and many more. It isessential to learn this vocabulary to enhance communication skills and express personal interests.3. Phrases for making plans and invitations:This unit also covers phrases that are useful for making plans and inviting others. For example, "How about going swimming this weekend?" or "Would you like to join us for a game of basketball?" These phrases enable students to engage in conversations and express their intentions effectively.4. Future plans and intentions:Unit 3 focuses on discussing future plans and intentions using the simple present tense. Students learn to talk about what they want to do or achieve in the future. For instance, "I plan to visit my grandparents during summer vacation" or "She wants to learn how to play a musical instrument." This helps in developing communication skills and expressing personal goals.5. Use of "will" and "going to" for future actions:The unit introduces the use of "will" and "going to" to talk about future actions. "Will" is used to express spontaneous decisions or predictions about the future, while "going to" is used to talk aboutplanned or intended actions. For example, "I will visit my friend tomorrow" or "They are going to have a party next week." Knowing the difference between these two structures is crucial for accurate communication.6. Expressing ability using "can" and "be able to":Unit 3 also covers the use of "can" and "be able to" to express ability. "Can" is used to talk about general abilities, while "be able to" is used to discuss a specific ability or accomplishment. For instance, "She can speak four languages" or "He was able to solve the puzzle." Mastery of these structures allows effective communication about one's capabilities.In conclusion, Unit 3 of the People's Education Edition Ninth Grade English is a valuable module that covers essential grammar points, vocabulary, and phrases related to everyday activities, communication, and future plans. Understanding and practicing these knowledge points enable students to communicate confidently and effectively in English.。



大英3 summaryUNIT 11.1 catching crabsIn the fall of our final year,our mood changed。

Peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Meanwhile, the most important thing for us was what we would do next after graduation. My father wanted me to go to law school,but I wanted to travel,as well as to be a writer。

So I have to brace myself for some resistance to his idea,。

However,he supported but he made me think about it by watching the crabs.The cage was full of crabs. One of them was trying to escape,but each time it reached the top the other crabs pulled it back.In the end it gave up escaping and started to prevent other crabs from escaping.By watching crabs,my father told me not to be pulled back by others,and to get to know myself better.1.2We are all dyingLife is short。

We never quite know when we become coffin dwellers or trampled ash in the rose garden of some local ceremony。



unit3七下范文英文回答:In Unit 3 of our English textbook, we explored the theme of "Overcoming Challenges." This unit presented us with a collection of inspiring stories, essays, and poems that highlighted the resilience and determination of individuals who have faced adversity and emerged stronger.One of the most memorable pieces in this unit was the essay "The Moth and the Flame" by Dr. Maya Angelou. In this essay, Angelou recounts her childhood experiences with racism and poverty, and how she found solace and empowerment through the transformative power of language. Angelou's words resonated with me deeply, reminding me of the importance of perseverance and finding strength even in the face of adversity.Another highlight of Unit 3 was the poem "Invictus" by William Ernest Henley. This poem celebrates the indomitablespirit of a man who, despite being physically challenged, refuses to yield to despair. The lines "Out of the night that covers me, / Black as the Pit from pole to pole, / I thank whatever gods may be / For my unconquerable soul" have become a source of inspiration for countless individuals who have faced challenges.The stories and writings in Unit 3 served as a powerful reminder that adversity can be a catalyst for growth and transformation. They taught me that with courage, determination, and a belief in oneself, it is possible to overcome even the most formidable obstacles.中文回答:在七下英语教材的第三单元中,我们探索了“克服挑战”这一主题。




Unit 3 Summary Newspaper。

In Unit 3 of the fifth grade English textbook, we have learned various topics related to animals and their habitats. Let's summarize what we have learned so far!Firstly, we explored the theme of "Animal World". We learned about different animal groups such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish. We discovered interesting facts about each group, including their characteristics and examples. For example, mammals are warm-blooded animals that give birth to live young, while birds have feathers and lay eggs.Moving on, we delved into the topic of "Animal Habitats". We learned that animals live in different habitats depending on their needs. Some animals live in the forest, like tigers and monkeys, while others prefer the ocean, such as dolphins and sharks. We also discussed animals that live in the desert, like camels, and those that inhabit the polar regions, like polar bears.Next, we explored the theme of "Animal Adaptations". We discovered how animals adapt to their habitats in order to survive. For instance, animals living in the desert have long legs to help them walk on sand, and animals in the Arctic have thick fur to keep them warm in freezing temperatures. We also learned about camouflage, which helps animals blend into their surroundings and stay hidden from predators.In addition, we studied the topic of "Animal Sounds". We learned that animals use different sounds to communicate with each other. For example, birds sing to attract mates and establish territories, while dolphins use echolocation to navigate and find food. We also explored how animals communicate through body language and scent.Furthermore, we discussed the importance of "Animal Conservation". We learned about endangered species and the reasons behind their decline. We discovered that human activities such as deforestation and pollution contribute to the loss of animalhabitats. We also discussed the importance of protecting endangered animals and how we can contribute to their conservation efforts.Lastly, we engaged in various activities and exercises to reinforce our learning. We practiced reading comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar related to the topics covered in this unit. We also had opportunities for group discussions and presentations, where we shared our knowledge and opinions about animals and their habitats.In conclusion, Unit 3 of the fifth grade English textbook has provided us with a comprehensive understanding of animals and their habitats. We have explored various topics, including animal groups, habitats, adaptations, sounds, and conservation. Through engaging activities and exercises, we have deepened our knowledge and developed important language skills. Let's continue to appreciate and protect the wonderful world of animals!。

2019新版外研版高中英语必修一单词--Unit 3 (带音标)

2019新版外研版高中英语必修一单词--Unit 3 (带音标)

UNIT 3character /ˈkærəktər/ n. (书、剧本、电影等中的)人物,角色approach /əˈprəʊtʃ/ v. 走近,靠近chat /tʃæt/ n. 闲谈,聊天focus /ˈfəʊkəs/ v. (把……)集中(于)□ career /kəˈrɪər/ n. 职业,事业□ lawyer /ˈlɔɪər/ n. 律师assume /əˈsjuːm/ v. 假定,假设,认为respect /rɪˈspekt/ v. 尊敬,敬重studio /ˈstjuːdiəʊ/ n. (音乐)录音室court /kɔːt/ n. 法院,法庭ignore /ɪɡˈnɔːr/ v. 忽视,不理professional /prəˈfeʃənəl/ adj. 职业的,专业的□ suit /suːt/ v. 适合talent /ˈtælənt/ n. 天赋,才能option /ˈɒpʃən/ n. 选择,可选择的东西* sigh /saɪ/ n. 叹气,叹息(尤因厌烦、失望、疲倦等)□ curtain /ˈkɜːtən/ n. (舞台上的)幕,帷幕generation /ˌdʒenəˈreɪʃən/ n. 一代(人)gap /ɡæp/ n. 差距,差别currently /ˈkʌrəntli/ adv. 经常responsible /rɪˈspɒnsəbəl/ adj. (对事故、错误、罪行等)负有责任的,应承担责任的memory /ˈmeməri/ n. 记忆,回忆nowadays /ˈnaʊədeɪz/ adv. 现今,现时□ jaw /dʒɔː/ n. 下巴,下颌□ beard /bɪəd/ n. 胡须skin /skɪn/ n. 皮肤jogging /ˈdʒɒɡɪŋ/ n. 慢跑锻炼slim /slɪm/ adj. 苗条的,修长的□ cheek /tʃiːk/ n. 面颊,脸颊nation /ˈneɪʃən/ n. 国家aim /eɪm/ v. 力求达到issue /ˈɪʃuː/ n. (尤指社会或政治方面的)议题;争论的问题theme /θiːm/ n. 主题observe /əbˈzɜːv/ v. 庆祝,过(节日、生日等)range /reɪndʒ/ n. 一系列event /ɪˈvent/ n. 活动(指演出,体育比赛、聚会等)apologise /əˈpɒlədʒaɪz/ v. 道歉stress /stres/ n. 重音,重读impact /ˈɪmpækt/ n. 作用,影响strength /streŋθ/ n. 强烈程度admire /ədˈmaɪər/ v. 钦佩,赞美,羡慕judge /dʒʌdʒ/ v. 认为,判断settle /ˈsetəl/ v. 和解,结束(争论)settle for 勉强接受,将就feature /ˈfiːtʃər/ n. (报纸或杂志的)特写typically /ˈtɪpɪkəli/ adv. 一般,通常individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ adj. 独特的,与众不同的(一般含褒义)style /staɪl/ n. 风格extra /ˈekstrə/ adj. 额外的,另外的detail /ˈdiː.teɪl/ n. 细节,细微之处contain /kənˈteɪn/ v. 包含,含有summary /ˈsʌməri/ n. 总结,概要powerful /ˈpaʊəfəl/ adj. 强有力的,有影响(感染)力的* triathlon /traɪˈæθlɒn/ n.铁人三项运动series /ˈsɪəriːz/ n. 系列比赛in the lead 领先onto /ˈɒntu/ prep. 到……上,向……上,朝……上track /træk/ n. 跑道media /ˈmiːdiə/ n. 新闻传媒,传媒obviously /ˈɒbviəsli/ adv. 明显地,显而易见地despite /dɪˈspaɪt/ prep. 尽管,虽然throughout /θruːˈaʊt/ prep. 在整个期间,自始至终entire /ɪnˈtaɪər/ adj. 全部的,整个的□ enormously /ɪˈnɔːməsli/ adv. 非常,极其positive /ˈpɒzətɪv/ adj. 好的,积极的□ million /ˈmɪljən/ num. 百万□ disqualify /dɪˈskwɒlɪfaɪ/ v. (因犯规而)取消……的资格athlete /ˈæθliːt/ n. 运动员,田径运动员medal /ˈmedəl/ n. 奖牌,勋章somehow /ˈsʌmhaʊ/ adv. 用某种方法,不知怎的indeed /ɪnˈdiːd/ adv. 当然,确实(用于强调陈述或回答)。

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