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Unit 3 Work and Workforce

Part I Warming up

Section A

Tape script:

1. Psychologis t

Maybe the biggest challenge for me is listening to people talk all about their problems. At the end of the day, I’m usually pretty worn out. At times, it can be depressing as well. On the other hand, I do see patients making real progress. It’s great to see someone really turn their life around and get on top of a problem that they thought they never could deal with.

2. Comp counselor

As a camp counselor, it’s difficult to find a way to get through to kids with problems and win their trust. Sometimes kids are very suspicious and find it hard to trust an adult—even a young adult. So getting them to open up is the hardest part. Once you’ve done that, they almost become different people. One of the things I find most rewarding is seeing kids develop confidence and a sense of self-worth. It’s especially great to see that happen in a kid who started out the summer with low self-esteem.

3. Firefighter

It sounds pretty obvious, but in my job, the biggest challenge is going into a burning building that’s full of smoke when you can barely see a few inches in front of you. It’s really difficult—especially when you know where are people in there, and it’s your job to get them out. Once you do get someone out safely, then you feel really great and you forget about the dangerous the work is.

Section B

Tape script:

1. Justin

What do I hope I’ll have achieved by the time I’m 30? Well, I hope I’ll have made a successful career in the music industry. Right now, I play in a band and I’d love to be able to do that professionally. I plan to form a group of my own in a few years. Once we get known, we’ll record an album—and make music videos, of course —and try to break into the music scene in a big way.

2. Sophia

I plan to be a doctor. When I’ve graduated from med school and finished with my interning, I want to work overseas for a few years. I’ll probably work in a developing country with an organization like UNICEF. After that, I’ll come back home and work in a hospital. I don't really care if I make a lot of money or not, but I do want to work somewhere where I feel I can make a difference.

3. Rachel

I’m planning to be a model. I’ve already had some modeling experience, and after I graduate, I’m going to see if I can get a job with an agency in New York or Los Angeles. I’ll probably work as a model for then years or so, and then I hope to start a modeling agency or my own.

Section C

Tape script:

Job Interview

R—Receptionist S—Steve B—Boush

R: Good morning. How can I help you?

S: I have an appointment with the personal director Mr. Boush.

R: Will you take a seat and I’ll see if he is free yet.

S: Thank you.


R: Mr. Li, Mr. Boush will see you now. His office is down the hall to your left.

S: Thank you.

(Steve introduces himself)

S: Mr. Boush, I’m Steve Li.

B: Well, hello, Mr. Li.

(Extends his hand—they shake hands.)

I t’s early and you’ve come a long way just for an interview.

S: Yes, sir. We read your ad in the paper and my aunt said that this is a very reputable firm and since I want to be a lawyer someday we thought this job would give me a good start.

B: I see. Of course you realize it will be dull for a while. You wouldn't get to practice law right off.

S: Oh, I realize that, sir.

B: It would be mostly filling, tracking things down and looking things up. All sorts of odd jobs—delivering things to the court house, and bringing things that the lawyers forgot. Even running down to get them a sandwich now and then.

S: I wouldn’t mind that, sir. At least I could get the feel of a law office.

B: What kind if a lawyer do you want to be, Steve?

S: A corporation layer, sir. I’m good at figures.

B: Oh! That’s interesting. We can always use a good head for math around here. What grade are you in?

S: I’ll be a senior next year.

B: And what law school do you plan to go to?

S: Harvard, sir.

B: Well, that’s setting your mark high enough. You realize this job doesn't pay very much, don't you?

S: Yes, sir, but I can get by and like my aunt said I can wait another year before I buy

a car. Experience and education are more important, now.

B: Well, Steve, if you are smart enough to figure that out you are smart enough for this job. When can you come to work?

S: Right now, sir! You mean it?

B: Yes, you’ve got yourself a job but take a couple of days to get located and find your way around, then come in Wednesday morning at eight sharp.

S: Yes, sir! And thank you, sir! I’ll be here!

( Later on the phone)
