


tp c lr u e a g rt ms n o d r o c mp r h e f r n e o e t o tn r t c l ,t e smu a in s f t o y i a o t l o h .I r e o a e t e p ro ma c f h i t t wo r u i g p o o o s h i l t o o l o t
L U L o— k n , HANG a XU Ja— d n I u u Z Yu n , i og
(1 eat n o o u iai n ier g , otw s Id s yU iesy X ’ h ni 0 2 hn ; .D pr met f mm nct nE gn ei C o n N r et n u t nvri , i nS a x 7 0 7 C ia h r t a 1
并通过改变业务源连接数 目、 节点 的移动速度 和业务 源的发包率等参数 分析 比较 r这些参 数对这两个协议性 能的影响 , 仿
真结果表 明 A D O V适合于 中小规模 , 业务源发包率较低 的场合 , S V适合于 网络规模 小且节点移动速度较低 的场合 。 章 DD 文
的最 后 对 全 文 进 行 了总 结 。
AD O V和 D D 路 由协议 。 了对这两种路 由协议 的性能进行 比较 , SV 为 使用 N 2 s一 网络仿真软件 , 真时选 取了分组平均递 仿
交率 、 到端 的平均时延 、 端 平均跳 数和归一化的路由协议开销这四个衡量指标对 A D O V与 D D 路 由协议进行 了性能评估 , SV
( .西北 工业 大学通信T程 系 , 1 陕西 西 安 7 0 7 10 2;
2 解放 军信 息_程大学 信息工程学院通信 T程系, . 亡 河南 郑州 400 ) 502



AODV、AOMDV和AODV-UU路由协议性能仿真与分析谢佳;徐山峰【摘要】使用NS-2(Network Simulator Version2)仿真软件,选取分组投递率、端到端平均时延、归一化路由开销和路由发现频率4个指标对按需距离矢量路由(AODV,Adhoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing)、多径按需距离矢量路由(AOMDV,AdHocOn.Demand Multipath Distance VectorRouting)和乌普萨拉大学开发的按需距离矢量路由(AODV.uu,AdHocOn.Demand Distance Vector Routingdevelopedby Uppsala University)进行了性能仿真,通过改变节点最大运动速度和业务源连接对数分析比较这些参数对3个协议性能的影响,研究结果表明了AODV—UU协议的优越性。


%The simulation soft tool NS-2 is used and chooses the packet delivery rate, average end-to-end delay, normalized routing overhead and route discovery frequency are used to evaluate the performance of Ad hoe On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) , Ad Hoe On-Demand Multipath Distance Vector Routing (AOMDV) and Ad Hoe On-Demand Distance Vector Routing developed by Uppsala University (AODV-UU). The effects of these parameters on the performance are analyzed and compared by changing the maximum velocity of the nodes and the CBR connection numbers. The research indicates that the AODV-UU protocol has better performance. The improvement on AODV-UU is also proposed.【期刊名称】《中国电子科学研究院学报》【年(卷),期】2011(006)006【总页数】5页(P592-596)【关键词】无线自组织(Ad;Hoc)网络;AODV;AOMDV;AODV-UU;NS-2【作者】谢佳;徐山峰【作者单位】中国电子科学研究院,北京100041;中国电子科学研究院,北京100041【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP3930 引言无线自组织(Ad Hoc)网络是一种特殊的无线移动通信网络。








1. GPSR(Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing):该协议通过节点的位置信息来进行数据包的路由选择,利用局部贪心算法选择下一跳节点,具有低能耗和高可靠性的优点。

2. GAF(Geographic Adaptive Fidelity):该协议根据节点的位置信息,动态调整节点的通信范围,从而实现网络中节点的负载均衡和能量均衡。

3. LAR(Location-Aided Routing):该协议通过节点的位置信息来进行数据包的路由选择,利用洪泛和反向路径设置机制来提高路由的效率和可靠性。



1. LEACH(Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy):该协议将网络节点划分为不同的簇,每个簇有一个簇头节点负责数据的聚集和转发,通过簇头节点和基站之间的通信来实现数据的传输。

2. TEEN(Threshold-sensitive Energy Efficient Sensor Network):该协议将网络节点划分为不同的阈值范围,节点根据自身能量水平选择合适的阈值范围进行数据的传输和路由选择。

3. MTE(Multicast Tree-based Energy):该协议通过构建多播树的方式进行数据传输,通过选择合适的多播树结构来实现能量的节约和路由的优化。



Performance Comparison of Typical Wireless Mesh Network Protocols Using NS2
作者: 胡汀;谢小婷
作者机构: 湖南人文科技学院,湖南娄底417000
出版物刊名: 广东广播电视大学学报
页码: 104-108页
年卷期: 2011年 第1期
主题词: 无线网状网;动态源路由;按需距离矢量路由;目的序列距离矢量路由




17网络通信技术Network Communication Technology电子技术与软件工程Electronic Technology & Software Engineering1 概述当前海上编队跨区域通信主要依靠卫星通信,数据传输架构为集中接入的分层网络形式,卫星通信的容量以及易受干扰的特性很难保障局部区域对抗条件下的通信保障任务,海上编队数据通信网络缺少弹性手段。



本文利用基于STK 和QualNet 的混合仿真方法建立了海上编队数据传输仿真场景,评估了空基通信网络传输性能。

2 研究现状2.1 美军空基通信网络分析美军提出了发展联合空中层网络(JALN )概念[1],试图将美军各军兵种所有的空中平台都纳入到一个一体化的空基网络体系,成为美军空天地一体化网络的一部分。

JALN 将提供三项核心功能[2],包括:大容量骨干网(HCB ),提供跨JOA 大批量信息传输能力以及通过地面或卫星通信接入GIG 的能力;分发/接入/距离扩展(DARE),提供专用的、可伸缩网络传输能力;转换功能:即促进HCB 和DARE 功能间网络信息和波形交换和转换的能力。


诺斯洛普•格鲁曼公司开发的战场机载通信节点(BACN )[3]是一种可扩展通信距离的机载通信中继系统,已成功部署在阿富汗等地区提供指挥控制和地面节点之间的飞行中继通信。

2.2 机载网络通信协议机载网络路由协议要求在链路变化、带宽受限等情况下,能够实现快速收敛的路由生成与路由选择策略,保持链路畅通。

“线性结构”Ad hoc网络DSR及AODV路由协议的性能

“线性结构”Ad hoc网络DSR及AODV路由协议的性能
n t o kp r o a c f R a d e w r e r n e DS n f m o AODV ‘ n a r cu e b s d o NE . Th mu ain r s l o dt a R p oo o e e i q e s u t r ' a e nOP n i r t ’ T es i lt u t s we t o e sh h DS r t c l a r b ta h nAODV r t c ln p c e e ie y fa t n a dt r u h u , DS p o o o t e r e h p o o o a k t l r c i n o g p t i d v r o h R r t c l i l l t wo s a AODV u i g l a . Usn R p o tn ir t d no n o i gDS r — t c ln o o i “ n a t cu e Ad h cn t r r p s d l e r r tr" i su o ewo k i p o o e . s
P AN L .i i1
( p r n f o ue ce c , Gul l g f r s aeT c n lg , Gul 4 4 C ia De at t mp trS in e me o C inCol e op c e h oo y i e o Ae in5 0 , hn ) i 1 0
Ab t a t Ro t gp o o o s a easg i c n a t n p ro ma c b l o e sr c: u i r t c l v in f a tmp c e f r n e nmo i Adh cn t r s I r e n e g t o t gp o n h i i o i e wo k . no d r o f dt h u i r — ti h r i r n



探讨与研究 DISCUSSION AND RESEARCHAd Hoc网络协议仿真与分析文/陈蜀波 刘 堃摘 要:Ad Hoc应用越来越广泛,本文介绍和分析了当前Ad HOC网络中的主要路由协议算法,使用网络仿真软件NS2对Ad Hoc路由协议中的DSR、AODV、DSDV协议进行了仿真分析,由此得出这几个经典协议在无线通信中的差异。

关键词: Ad Hoc;NS2;路由协议随着现代信息技术的不断发展,人们对于移动无线通信网络的研究不断升温,其中,移动自组网(Mobile Ad Hoc Network MANET)成为了研究的热点。



NS2是network Simulator 2(网络仿真器版本2)的简写,它是一个离散时间模拟器,具有开放性好、扩展性强、适用于Windows和Linux系统平台的特点,是一个出色的研究网络拓扑结构、分析网络传输性能的仿真工具[2]。

1.Ad hoc网络路由协议与传统的通信网络相比,Ad hoc网络具有以下显著特点:无中心和自组织性、动态变化的网络拓扑结构、多跳路由、无线传输、移动终端的便携性、安全性差。

Ad hoc网络的以上特点使得传统的路由协议在Ad hoc网络环境中面临巨大的挑战,通常的网络协议都是基于固定的拓扑结构设计的,难以适应拓扑结构的变化。


到目前为止,已经有相当多的Ad hoc网络路由协议标准推出。




毕业论文(设计) 题目DSR与AODV协议的比较学生姓名学号院系信息工程系专业电子信息工程指导教师二O一O年 4 月26 日目录摘要 (1)引言 (2)Hoc协议介绍 (3)DSR协议 (4)AODV协议 (5)与AODV的对比分析 (5)和AODV的仿真对比 (6)仿真模型 (6)建模层次 (7)OPNET仿真的步骤 (7)仿真结果 (8)4.仿真结果分析 (38)5.比较结论 (40)参考文献 (40)致谢 (42)ABSTRACT (43)DSR与AODV协的比较陶齐清南京信息工程大学信息工程系,南京 210044摘要:无线自组网(Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,MANET)是一种特殊的无线移动通信网络,它具有网络中的所有终端地位平等、自组织、无需事先布置任何网络设施或中心控制节点、动态变化的拓扑结构和带宽与能源受限等特点。






关键词:Ad hoc网络路由协议网络性能 OPNET仿真引言在网络迅速澎湃的今天,网络研究人员一方面不断思考的网络协议和算法,为网络发展做前瞻性的基础研究;另一方面又要研究如何人利用和整合现有的网络资源,使网络达到最高效能。
















关键字:AODV;无线自组网;路由Abstract: First of all, the paper briefly introduced the wireless network and wireless LAN knowledge of some of its main outline of the content of the lecture. Then AODV routing protocol discussed the working principle. In the final analysis of the above, on the basis of AODV routing protocol to the realization of the programme and to achieve.Keyword: AODV; Wireless network; Routing目录第一章绪论 (3)1.1课题的背景 (3)1.2无线自组网简介 (3)1.3 IEEE802.11无线局域网协议 (5)第二章AODV路由协议 (8)2.1 AODV路由协议概述 (8)2.2 AODV路由算法原理 (9)2.3 AODV术语 (9)2.4 AODV路由协议帧格式 (11)2.4.1 RREQ协议帧格式 (11)2.4.2 RREP协议帧格式 (12)2.4.3 RERR协议帧格式 (13)2.4.4 RREP-ACK (13)2.5 AODV路由协议的操作 (14)2.5.1维护序列号 (14)2.5.2路由表项和先驱表 (15)2.5.3产生路由请求 (16)2.5.4路由请求消息的控制传播 (17)2.5.5处理和转发路由请求 (17)2.5.6产生路由应答 (18)2.5.7接收和转发路由应答 (20)2.5.8单向链路上的操作 (21)2.5.9 Hello消息 (21)2.5.10维护本地连接性 (22)2.5.11 RERR消息,路由过期和路由删除 (23)2.5.12本地修复 (24)第三章 AODV路由算法模拟 (26)3.1 NS-2概述 (26)3.2模拟步骤 (27)3.3网络吞吐量模拟 (28)3.3.1 shell脚本 (28)3.3.2模拟结果 (29)3.4网络数据包时间延迟 (29)3.4.1计算延迟的awk脚本 (29)3.4.2模拟结果 (31)3.5跳数模拟 (32)3.7 RREQ广播演示 (33)3.8数据传输演示 (33)3.9掉包演示 (34)3.10本章小节 (35)总结 (36)参考文献 (37)致谢 (38)第一章绪论1.1课题的背景自从1997年IEEE802.11协议正式发布以来,无线局域网得到了快速发展,形成了一个巨大的市场。






中图分类号: TP393



I. J. Computer Network and Information Security, 2013, 9, 45-50Published Online July 2013 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2013.09.06Performance Analysis of AODV, CBRP, DSDV and DSR MANET Routing Protocol using NS2SimulationAwadhesh Kumar1, Prabhat Singh2, Vinay Kumar3, Dr. Neeraj Tyagi41,2,3Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Kamla Nehru Institute of technology, Sultanpur, India 4Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MNNIT, A llahabad, India awadhesh@knit.ac.in, prabhatsingh@, vinayknit@, neerajtyagi@mnnit.ac.inAbstract —A Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of multi-hop wireless mobile nodes among which the communication is carried out without any centralized control or fixed infrastructure. MANET is a self-organized, self-configurable network having no infrastructure, and in which the mobile nodes move arbitrarily. The wireless link in the network are highly error prone and can go down frequently due to the mobility of nodes, interference and less infrastructure. Hence, because of the highly dynamic environment routing in MANET is a very difficult task. Over the last decade various routing protocols have been proposed for the mobile ad-hoc network and the most important among all of them are AODV, DSR, DSDV and CBRP. This research paper gives the overview of these routing protocols as well as the characteristics and functionality of these routing protocols along with their pros and cons and then make their comparative analysis in order to measure the performance of the network. The main objective of this paper is to compare the performance of all the four routing protocols and then to make the observations about how the performance of these routing protocols can be improved. Performance of these routing protocols are compared on the basis of various parameters such as throughput, delay and packet delivery ratio.Index Terms — Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP), Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR).I.I NTRODUC TIONOver the last decade, researchers have made various researches in the field of mobile computing especially MANETs. A Mobile ad-hoc network (MANETs) is a self-organized, arbitrarily developed network and can easily adopt in working environment. Basically, MANET is the collection of wireless mobile nodes that can interact and communicate with each other, without having the centralized and established infrastructure. MANETs have converted the dream of getting connected “anywhere and at any time” in to the reality. MANETs are useful in various application areas such as: communication in the battlefields, institutions and colleges, military areas, disaster recovery areas, law and order maintenance, traffic control areas, medical field, conferences and convocations etc. In MANET, all the nodes are mobile nodes and their topology changes rapidly. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) created a MANET working group to deal with the challenges faced during the construction of the MANET routing protocols. These protocols are basically classified in to three basic types such as: reactive (on demand), proactive (table-driven) and hybrid. One of the basic goals of the mobile ad-hoc network is to establish correct and efficient route between the mobile nodes so that communication between the sender and receiver is effective.EnablingTechnologiesNetworkingApplicationAndMiddlewareIn Proactive (table driven) routing protocols, each node maintain one or more routing table which contain information about every other node in a network. Routing tables are updated by all the nodes in order to maintain a consistent and up to date view of the network. In table driven routing protocol, continuous broadcasting of messages is done in order to establish routes and maintain them. One of the basic advantages of proactive routing protocol is that route from source to destination is easily available without any overhead, as they are independent of traffic profiles. Various proactive routing protocols are: DSDV [1], [2], DBF [3], GSR [4], W RP [5] and ZRP [6].46Performance Analysis of AODV, CBRP, DSDV and DSR MA NET Routing Protocol using NS2 SimulationIn reactive (on demand) routing protocol, creation of routes is done when it is required. When some packets are to be send from source to destination, it may invoke the route discovery mechanism to find the path to the destination. The route is valid, till the destination is reached or it is no longer be required in the future. Some of the reactive routing protocols are: DSR [1] [3], AODV [8] [6] and TORA [2].In hybrid protocol routing, we combine the benefits of both the reactive as well as proactive. Hybrid protocols are basically dependent on the network size for their functionality. The remaining portion of this paper is categorized as follows. In section 2, we will discuss the various issues and challenges faced by the MANET. In section 3, we will focus on the routing protocols such as AODV, DSR, DSDV, and CBRP. We will compare the reactive routing protocols with proactive routing protocols and understands the difference between them that affect the performance of these routing protocols. In section 4, we present the simulation of these routing protocols and compare their performance. In section 5, we analyze various results that are obtained from the simulations. Finally, we conclude the paper in section 6.II.CHA LLENGES FA CED BY THE MANETS MANETs are very much different from the wireless network infrastructures. MANETs has to face various challenges in order to achieve best Quality of Service for the underlying network. Some of these challenges are as follows:1.Unicast and multicast routing.2.Topology changes dynamically.3.Speed and network overhead.4.Limited power supply and bandwidth.5.Quality of service and secure routing.6.Scalable and energy efficient routing.These challenges are faced at the different layers of MANETs shown in the figure 2. It represents the layered architecture of the OSI model and entitled the challenges of MANETs regarding these layers.Unicast andFigure 2. Challenges are faced at the different layers ofMANETsIII.R OUTING P ROTOCOLSA.Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) Basically A ODV is the improvement of DSDV routing algorithm. It is collectively based on the combination of both DSDV and DSR. The main aim of AODV routing algorithm is to provide reliable and secure data transmission over the MANETs. In this routing protocol, route maintenance from one node to every other node is not considered in the network. Whereas in AODV, route are discovered only when they are needed as well as they are maintained only as long as they are required. The key steps used in the AODV algorithm are defined below:1.Route creation-Route creation process is initiated when thenode wants to send the data packet to the destination node but does not find the valid routeto send the packet. This process is initiated assuch: when a particular node want to send thedata packet to the destination node then, the routing table entries are checked in order to verify whether there exists a route between thesource and destination or not. If the route exists,then the packet is forwarded to the next hoptowards the destination. When the route does notexists, and then the route discovery process isinitiated. AODV starts the route discovery process using the route request (RREQ) and route reply (RREP). The source node will createthe route request packet(RREQ) containing itssequence number, its IP address , destination node sequence number, destination IP addressand broadcasting ID. Whenever the source nodeinitiates the RREQ, the broadcast ID is incremented each time. As the sequence numberis used to identify the timeliness of each datapacket and broadcast ID and the IP address identify the unique identifier for route request sothat they can uniquely identify each of the request. The data packet sends the request usingthe RREQ message and gets back the reply inthe form of RREP message if the route is discovered between the nodes. The source nodesends the RREQ packet to its neighbors as wellas set the timer in order to wait for the RREPmessage. In order to describe RREQ, reverse route entry is set up by the node in its routingtable. This enables us to know how we can forward the route reply (RREP) to the source.Moreover, a time period is associated with thereverse route entry and if this route entry is notused within the given time period then only theroute information is deleted. If in any case RREQ is lost during the transfer of packet thenthe source node again initiates route discoverymechanis m.2.Route maintenance-Route that has been created by the source nodeand destination node is being maintained as longas it is needed by the source node. Since nodesin the MANETs are mobile and if the sourcenode is in the mobile state during the activesession, it again restarts the route discoverymechanis m in order to establish new routes fromsource to destination.Otherwise, if some of the intermediate nodeor the destination node is in the mobile stateduring the active session, then the nodes initiatesthe RERR message that affects the above neighbors and the nodes. As a result of whichthese nodes forward the RERR message to thepredecessor nodes and can be continued until thesource node is reached. When RERR is receivedby the source node, then the node stop sendingthe data or it can again start the route discoverymechanis m by sending the RREQ message.Advantages-•Loop free routing.•Optional multicast.•Reduced control overhead.Disadvantages-•Bi-directional connection needed inorder to detect a unidirectional link.•Delay caused by the route discoveryprocess.B.Dynamic Source Routing (DSR)-DSR is the reactive routing protocol which is able to manage MANETs without using the periodic table update messages like proactive routing protocols does. Specially, DSR are designed to make use in multi-hop wireless ad-hoc networks. Ad-hoc network enables the network to be self-organizing and self-configuring which means that there is no need of existing network infrastructure. This protocol basically focuses on the two different phases i.e. route discovery and route maintenance. In route discovery phase, source node sends the packet to the destination node. In route maintenance phase, protocol detects when the topology of the network has changed and decides if an alternative route has been used or the route discovery protocol must be started to find the new path. Route discovery and route maintenance phase only give responses when they receive the request.Advantages-•DSR does not need the routing table for making the periodic updates. •Intermediate nodes are able to utilize the route cache information efficiently to reduce thecontrol overhead.•Bandwidth saving because it does not require any HELLO messages.Disadvantages-•Route maintenance protocol does not locally repair the broken link.•This protocol is only been efficient for less than 200 nodes in MANETs.•There is small time delay if the beginning of the new connection takes place.C.Destination- Sequenced Distance VectorRouting-The DSDV algorithm is basically the amendments made in distributed bellman ford algorithm, which provides loop free routes. It gives us the single path from source to destination using distance vector routing protocol. In order to reduce the amount of overhead in a network two types of updates packets are transferred i.e. full dump and incremental packet. Full dump broadcasting carry all the routing information while the incremental dump broadcasting will carry information that has changed since last full dump irrespective of the two types, broadcasting is done in the network protocol data unit(NPDU). Full dump requires multiple NPDU’s whereas incremental dump requires one NPDU’s tofit in all the information. Incremental update packets are sent more easily and frequently than the full dump packets. DSDV introduces the large amount of overhead to the network due to the requirement of periodic update messages. Hence, this protocol is not suitable for the large network because large portionof the network bandwidth is used for the updating of messages.1.Management of the routing table-The routing table for each and every nodeconsists of a list of all available nodes, their nexthop to the destination, their metric and asequence number generated by the destinationnode. With the help of the MANETs, routingtable is used to send the data packets. Routingtable can be kept consistent with thedynamically changing topology of ad-hocnetwork by periodically updating the routingtable with some s mall changes in the network.Hence, mobile nodes provide their routinginformation by broadcasting the routing tableupdate packet. The metric of the update packetstarts with the initial value of one for one hopneighbors and goes on incremented with eachforwarding node. The receiving node updatestheir routing tables if the sequence number ofthe update is greater than the current node orequal to the current node. Fluctuations in therouting table are minimized by delaying theadvertisement of routes until we find the bestroute.2.Changes in the topology-DSDV responds to the broken links by authorizing all the routes that contain this link.The routes are immediately assigned a metric aswell as the incremented sequence number.Physical and data link layer components areused to detect the broken links or if the nodedoes not receive broadcast packets from its neighbors node. Then, immediately the detecting node will broadcast an update packetand inform all the other nodes about the broadcasting mechanism. Route will again bereestablished when the routing table is broadcasted by the node.Advantages-•Guarantees loop free path.•Count to infinity problem is reduced inDSDV.•With incremental updates, we can avoid extra traffic.•DSDV maintain the best possible pathinstead of maintaining the multiplepaths to the destination this reduces theamount of space in the routing table.Disadvantages-•It does not support the multipathrouting.•Difficult to determine the delay for theadvertisement of routes.•Unnecessary advertising of routing information can result in the wastage ofbandwidth.D.Cluster Based Routing Protocol (CBRP)-It is a reactive and on demand routing protocol in which nodes are divided in to theclusters. This protocol uses the clustering structure for the routing procedures. Clusteringis defined as the phenomenon that divides thenetwork in to the interconnected sub networks.Each cluster has the cluster head which acts asthe coordinator in sub networks. Each clusterhead has the base station within its cluster sothat it can communicate with other cluster heads.This is the reactive routing protocol which is tobe used in MANETs. The protocol divides thenodes in to the number of clusters in a distributed manner. Each cluster contains thecluster head which contain the cluster information. Four possible states for the nodesare as follows: CLUSTERHEA D, GATEWA Y,NORMA L and GATEWA Y. Initially all thenodes are in the isolated state. Each nodemaintain the NEIGHBOR table, wherein theinformation about the other neighbor nodes arestored whereas, cluster heads maintain anothertable wherein the information about the otherneighbor cluster head is stored [13].IV.S IMULATIONThe main goal of the simulation is to analyze the performance of different MANETs routing protocol. The simulation is being performed by the NS2 simulator. It is the software that provides the simulations of wireless networks and open source software. In our simulation, we consider a network of 5 nodes that are placed randomly within a 360000m2 areas and operating over 300 seconds. In this, multiple run with different node speed and number of nodes are calculated for each scenarios and collected data is averaged further in order to understand the performance of different routing protocols. For calculating the performance of different routing protocol, we require both qualitative as well as quantitative metrics. Some of the quantitative metrics are used to compare the performance of different routing protocols which are as follows:A.Throughput- It basically defines as ratio of thenumber of packets delivered to the total numberof packets sent.B.Packet delivery ratio- It is the ratio of totalnumber of packets successfully delivered to thedestination nodes to the total number of packetssend by the source nodes. It basically describesthe percentage of packets that reach the destination.C.Minimum and maximum delay- Minimum delayis the minimum time taken by the packets toreach the next node and maximum delay ismaximum time taken by the packets to reach thenext node.D.Average End to End delay- It is the total timetaken by all the packets to reach the destination. work parameters- In this, simulation time isthe time taken during the simulation run that istime between the starting of simulation and endof the simulation. Network size basicallydetermines the number of the nodes used and thearea occupied by the network. The number ofnodes used in this simulation is 5.V.S IMULATION R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONSAs seen in the figure-3, if the mobility increases AODV gives the maximum throughput, DSDV, DSR and CBRP throughput is decreased with the increase in node speed.Figure 3. Average Throughput vs SpeedIn figure-4 if node speed increases, average delay of AODV decreases while in DSDV, DSR and CBRP average delay increases with the increase in the node speed. It means packet delivery takes the less time as the node speed increases in AODV.Figure 4. Average Delay vs SpeedIn figure-5,as the mobility increases, the packet delivery ratio of AODV and DSDV decreases while it increases in DSR and CBRP. Hence in terms of packet delivery ratio, CBRP is better among all the four routing protocols.Figure 5. Packet Delivery Ratio vs SpeedVI.C ONCLUSIONSThis paper provides the detailed study of various routing protocols which are proposed for the mobile ad-hoc networks and also provide the classification of these routing protocols on the basis of their routing strategy. In this paper we have presented AODV, CBRP, DSR and DSDV and study their features, differences and characteristics. The performance of these routing protocols is analyzed with NS2 simulator with scenario of5 nodes. The observations are made with variation in network mobility. After various analysis of network in different situations, we comes at the conclusion that AODV performs better than DSR, DSDV, and CBRP in terms of throughput and average delay while CBRP is proved to be better in terms of packet delivery ratio. Allin all, by analyzing all the parameters, we come at the conclusion that the AODV routing protocol is better.R EFERENCES[1]. David B. Johnson and David A. Maltz. Dynamicsource routing in ad hoc wireless networks. Technicalreport, Carnegie Mellon University, 1996.[2]. Mehran Abolhasan, Tadeusz Wysocki, and ErykDutkiewicz. A review of routingprotocols for mobilead hoc networks. Technical report, Telecommunication and Information Research Institute, University of Wollongong, Wollongong,NSW 2522; Motorola Australia Research Centre, 12Lord St., Botany, NSW 2525, Australia,2003.[3]. Xiaoyan Hong, Kaixin Xu, and Mario Gerla. Scalablerouting protocols for mobile ad hoc networks. 2002. [4]. Integration of mobile ad-hoc networks, EU projectDAIDA LOS, Susana Sargento, Institute of Telecommunications.[5]. Mobile Ad Hoc Networking: An EssentialTechnology for Pervasive Computing Jun-Zhao SunMediaTeam, Machine Vision and Media Processing Unit. [6]. C. Siva Ram Murthy and B. S. Manoj, “Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, Architectures and Protocols”, Second Edition, Low price Edition, Pearson Education, 2007. [7]. International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey (IJCSES) Vol.1, No.1, August 2010 “ANA LYZING THE MANET VARIATIONS, CHALLENGES, CAPACITY AND PROTOCOL ISSUES” G. S. Mamatha1 and Dr. S. C. Sharma [8]. Jochen Schiller. Mobile Communications. Addison-Wesley, 2000.Awadhesh Kumar , graduated (B.E.) in 1999 from G.B. Pant Engineering, Puari (Garhwal) and completed his Post Graduation (M.Tech.) from Gautam Buddh Technical University, Lucknow U.P. and pursuing hi s research from MNNIT, Allahabad. Presently he is working as an AssociateProfessor in the Computer Sc.& Engg. Dept., Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur U.P. .Prabaht Singh graduated from Priyadarshini College of Computer Sciences, greater noida, Uttar Pradesh in Computer Science & Engineering in 2010. He is pursuing M.Tech in the department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur (Uttar Pradesh).Vinay Kumar graduated Uttar Pradesh Technical University, inComputer Science & Engineering in 2010. He is pursuing M.Tech in the department of Computer Science & Engineering, Kamla Nehru Institute of Technology, Sultanpur (Uttar Pradesh).Dr. Neeraj Tyagi is working as Professor in the department of Computer Science &Engineering, MNNIT, Allahabad(Uttar Pradesh), India. His teaching and research interests including ComputerNetworks, Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, wireless Networks and Operating Systems. He joined the department of Computer Science & Engineering in 1989 at MNNIT,Allahabad and he has Also worked in Warman International- Australia, G.E (Capital) - U.S.A, ElectronicData Systems- U.S.A during 1999-2001.。



1.认知无线Ad-hoc网络中的按需路由协议 [J], 郭飞燕;成艳真
2.基于NS2的Ad-Hoc网络路由协议仿真 [J], 江国星;张怡轩
3.基于NS2的Ad-Hoc网络路由协议仿真与分析 [J], 赵健;孙俊锁
4.Ad Hoc网络中三种典型路由协议的仿真分析与比较 [J], 周杰
5.基于NS2的Ad-Hoc网络典型路由协议的研究与仿真 [J], 周学威






关键词:Ad-hoc自组网;AODV;按需式路由协议;1. Ad-hoc自组网介绍Ad-hoc自组网是不依赖于预定义基础设施的自治网络,可以随时随地快速建立网络连接。










2.1反应式路由协议反应式路由协议通过向节点发送路由请求 (RREQ) 数据包来按需查找路由。







基于OPNET的AODV路由协议性能分析作者:程凤周歌来源:《科技视界》 2013年第13期程凤1 周歌2(1.中国人民武装警察部队山东省总队通信站,山东济南 250102;2.中国人民武装警察部队工程大学研究生管理大队,陕西西安 710086)【摘要】本文介绍了移动自组网(MANET)中应用较为广泛的AODV路由协议,采用OPNET软件进行建模仿真,比较分析了AODV路由协议在不同数目的移动节点的网络中的性能,仿真结果表明,随着移动节点数目增加,吞吐量、网络负载及时延均呈上升趋势。



1 AODV(Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Algorithm)简介AODV是按需路由协议,根据业务需求建立和维护路由,包括路由发现和路由维护两个过程。





移动 Ad Hoc 网络中 AODV 和DSR 路由协议的性能对比

移动 Ad Hoc 网络中 AODV 和DSR 路由协议的性能对比

移动 Ad Hoc 网络中 AODV 和DSR 路由协议的性能对比张大亮;陈涛;黄琳【摘要】先介绍了移动Ad Hoc网络中的AODV路由协议和DSR路由协议的工作原理,并且分析其特点。



%This paper firstly introduces the working principle of AODV and DSR routing protocol and analyses their characters . Then conducts the simulation which is focused on the packet traffic and delay by using OPENT software .In conclusion makes the analysis of the simulation results .【期刊名称】《湖北师范学院学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2013(000)001【总页数】4页(P35-38)【关键词】AODV;DSR;Ad Hoc【作者】张大亮;陈涛;黄琳【作者单位】湖北师范学院计算机科学与技术学院,湖北黄石 435000;湖北师范学院计算机科学与技术学院,湖北黄石 435000;湖北师范学院计算机科学与技术学院,湖北黄石 435000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN929.520 引言Ad hoc网络以其自组织性,其路由不能采用传统的internet路由算法。



1 DSR(Dynamic Source Routing)路由协议DSR(动态源路由协议)是一种按需路由协议。







关键词:移动分布式多跳无线网,AODV,DSR,路由协议1.引言近年来,随着通信技术的发展,人们对于网络更大的移动性的要求使得MANET(Mobile Ad hoc Networks)成为整个社会研究的热点,尤其MANET中的路由问题受到广泛关注。




2.MANET及其路由协议2.1 MANET综述MANET(Mobile Ad hoc Network)是一组自治的移动节点或终端的集合,这些节点之间通过形成一个多跳的临时性无线自治网络以无中心的方式来维持通信,即节点间的通信不需要固定基站的转接。




2.2 MANET路由协议分类根据发现路由的驱动模式的不同,MANET的路由协议大致可以分为表驱动路由协议和按需路由协议。



基于 OPNET 的 AODV 与 DSR 协议的性能分析

基于 OPNET 的 AODV 与 DSR 协议的性能分析

基于 OPNET 的 AODV 与 DSR 协议的性能分析冯兰兰;王亚芳【期刊名称】《通信电源技术》【年(卷),期】2015(032)002【摘要】Ad Hoc 网络是由一组带有无线收发装置的移动节点组成的一个无线移动通信网络,它不依赖于预设的基础设施而临时组建,节点利用自身的无线收发设备交换信息,当相互之间不在通信范围内时,可以借助其他中间节点中继来实现通信。

文中分析了 Ad Hoc 网络中 AODV 和 DSR 路由协议的优缺点,然后利用OPNET 网络仿真软件搭建仿真模型,分别在10个和30个通信节点的小规模网络环境下,对 AODV 和 DSR 协议的性能进行了初步分析,为以后的研究提供依据。

%Ad Hoc network is a wireless mobile communication network with a set of mobile nodes containing wireless sending and receivingdevice,which is set up temporarily without depending on the preset infrastructure.The mobile node utilizes its own wireless sending and receiving device to exchange information.When two nodes are beyond the communica-tion range of each other,they can realize communication with the aid of the relay nodes between them.A comprehensive a-nalysis of advantages and disadvantages of AODV and DSR,two typical Ad Hoc network routing protocols,is presented in the article,and then simulation model is built using OPNET network simulation software.In the small-scale network envi-ronment of 10 and 30 communication nodes,performance ofAODV and DSR is preliminarily analyzed,which can provide a basis for future research.【总页数】3页(P94-96)【作者】冯兰兰;王亚芳【作者单位】河北科技大学研究生学院,河北石家庄 050000;河北科技大学研究生学院,河北石家庄 050000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN915【相关文献】1.基于OPNET的DSR路由协议的性能分析 [J], 应俊;吴哲夫;乐孜纯2.基于NS2的AODV/DSR Ad Hoc路由协议的性能分析 [J], 吴亮明;石玉;吕俊川3.基于OPNET的TORA与AODV协议的性能分析 [J], 陈晓明;李珊君4.基于OPNET的AODV路由协议性能分析 [J], 程凤;周歌5.AODV和DSR无线移动网络路由协议性能分析 [J], 李志方; 马宏伟因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。





%By using NS2 network simulation software, the network topology including 100 nodes is set up randomly. Three performance indicators of three kinds of routing protocols, such as packet end-to-end delay, jitter and throughput, are compared and analyzed with each other under the condition of static nodes, slowly moving nodes and fast moving nodes. The simulation results show that DSDV has certain advantages in large scale and topology infrequently changing networks, and the performance of AODV and DSR are better than DSDV in large scale and topology frequently changing networks.【总页数】2页(P239-240)【作者】王娜【作者单位】西安邮电大学,西安710121【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP393.04【相关文献】1.基于节点密度的Ad Hoc网络路由协议性能分析 [J], 袁培燕;张浩;李腊元2.不同无线传播环境下移动自组网路由协议DSP的性能分析 [J], 李方军3.基于节点能量的Ad hoc网路由协议性能分析 [J], 李鹏;刘宇4.基于节点移动性的ZRP路由协议的性能分析 [J], 胡中栋;黄小岭;史海平;5.基于邻居覆盖信息和节点移动速度的无线自组网多播方案 [J], 鲁顶柱; 高静; 董守斌因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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I.J. Information Technology and Computer Science, 2014, 07, 24-31Published Online June 2014 in MECS (/)DOI: 10.5815/ijitcs.2014.07.04Comprehensive Experimental Performance Analysis of DSR, AODV and DSDV Routing Protocol for Different Metrics Values withPredefined ConstraintsZafar MehmoodDepartment of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, PakistanEmail: zafar.mehmood@.pkDr. Muddesar IqbalDepartment of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, PakistanEmail: m.iqbal@.pkXingheng WangSchool of Computing, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley Campus, Paisley, Scotland, UKEmail: xinheng.wang@Abstract− A Mobile Adhoc Network is a multi-hop self-configuring network without any fixed infrastructure. Due to mobility of nodes, dynamic topology and highly dynamic environment, designing and implementing stable routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networking is a major challenge and a critical issue. This paper analyses the performance analysis of on demand routing protocol, Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Adhoc on Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) and table driven protocol, Destination-Sequenced Distance Vectoring (DSDV) using a network simulator NS2. Different types of test scenario have designed with fixed number of nodes but varying mobility. Different performance metric values like, throughput, delay, normalized network load, end to end delay, dropped packets, packets delivery ratio have been observed. The experimental results have been analysed and recommendation based on the obtained results has been proposed about the significance of each protocol in different scenarios and situations. The simulation results show that both protocols are good in performance in their own categories. We believe that findings of this paper will help the researcher to find the best protocol under predefined condition with varied mobility. We believe that this research will help the researcher to identify and further investigate any particular metrics value of AODV, DSR and DSDV.Index Terms—Mobile Adhoc Networks, Ad Hoc On Demand Routing Vector (AODV), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV), network simulator NS-2.I.I NTRODUCTIONMobile Adhoc Network (MANET) is a multi-hop self-configuring network without any fixed infrastructure of wireless devices (nodes, computer) connected by wireless links. Mobile Adhoc networking is broadly categorized into two types: Reactive Routing Protocols and Proactive Routing Protocols. AODV (Adhoc on Demand Distance Vector) [1], DSR (Dynamic Source Routing) [2] and DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance Vectoring) [3] are major mobile Adhoc network (MANET) routing protocols that has been investigated and researched for many years. MANET does not require centralized command and control. Thus the network is suitable for applications requiring rapid deployment. The most prominent applications of mobile Adhoc networking protocol is military communication network in: battle fields, different types of rescue operation in emergency, under sea operations, monitoring different environmental changes and effects and space study. Because of its “in-the-air” arrangement quality and reasonably minimal cost of installation, Mobile Adhoc Networks are also used in different applications due to its reasonable installation price than its infrastructure counterparts. [4]In past many researchers have performed the experimental analysis of table driven protocol and on demand routing protocol by analyzing their throughput, packet delivery ration, end to end delay and normalized routing load based on different predefined constrains. In paper [5], table driven protocol DSDV, and On Demand Routing protocol AODV and DSR has been analyzed with the fixed mobility and increasing number of nodes to compare throughput, delay, normalized routing load, number of sent packets. The result shows that in less dense environment DSR shows better performance than AODV and DSDV, but with increasing number of nodes AODV slightly changed his behavior and shows better result than DSR and DSDV by measuring throughputs, packet delivery ration, number of sent and received packets, but end to end delay is still better in DSR even in more dense situation. Paper [6] shows performance investigation of DSDV, AODV and DSR underpredefined constraints to evaluate end to end delay, packet delivery ratio and throughput. The result and graph shows that DSDV and DSR shows better performance in term of throughput as compared to AODV in less dense situation, but when the number of nodes increases, AODV protocol change drastically and show its suitability for large environment.In paper [7] table driven protocol DSDV, source base routing, DSR and table base routing AODV are compared under predefined constrains like 100 nodes, with 10 m/s mobility, varying pause time between 0 to 50 seconds and different terrain area of 100 * 100, 1000 * 1000 meters. Simulation result shows that DSR shows more optimal behavior in terms of throughput in terrain area of 100 * 100 meter than 1000 * 1000 m. Result for AODV shows the same optimal behavior in small terrain area under the same condition, but comparison for both AODV and DSR for 100 * 100 meter and 1000 * 1000 meter terrain area with same condition, DSR Routing Protocol shows better performance for 100 * 100 meter terrain area than 1000 * 1000 meter terrain area for DSR and 100 * 100 meter terrain area and 1000 * 1000 meter terrain area for AODV.Paper [8] highlights performance analysis for the metrics values numbers of packets receive vs. nodes, throughput vs. nodes and packets dropped vs. nodes for different routing protocols, DSR, AODV and DSDV. This paper shows that Received packets for DSR are more significant in number than AODV and DSDV with varying numbers of nodes and fixed simulation time. DSR and OLSR shows much better transfer time than AODV and DSDV. Analysing throughput vs. node DSR shows slightly better performance than AODV and DSDV, and AODV shows better result in terms of packets receiving than DSDV. Analysis of packets dropped vs. nodes reflects that in DSR less number of packets is dropped due to its source based routing nature than AODV and DSDV.The main objective of this research paper is to compare and analyse the performance of DSDV, AODV and DSR, [9], by comparing metrics values like throughput, packet delivery ratio, number of sent and received packets, end to end delay, normalized routing load, number of dropped data packets and number of dropped bytes under predefined constraints, like simulation area, fixed number of nodes, constant pause time, 900 seconds simulation time, 512 bytes packets size, 15 number of connections, maximum packets size is 50 with varying mobility of nodes from 5 m/s to 35 m/s. The novelty of this paper is to provide a complete and thorough comparison of AODV, DSR and DSDV for their different performance parameters under predefined constraints, while in past research papers either the two or three routing protocols are compared for their few performance parameters which just highlight which protocol is best in terms of throughput, normalized routing load, delay and packet delivery ratio under defined constraints. In this paper we include 8 different performance metric values on the basis of these different matric values we can conclude that which protocol is best for a particular metric value under particular scenarios at one placeThe remainder of paper is organized in the following sections. Section 2 covers working mechanism of reactive and proactive routing protocols. Different mobile Adhoc routing protocol are discussed in section 3. Section 4 highlight the Proactive Protocol, DSDV, and Reactive Protocol, AODV and DSR in detail, in section 5 we described the methodology, which shows simulation tool, in our case that will be NS2 environment, simulation parameter and Metrics values used in our work simulation, Section 6 demonstrate the result and analysis, section 7 present conclusion, section 7 contained references.II.R OUTING P ROTOCOLS FOR A DHOC N ETWORKSIn mobile Adhoc networking, routing means exchange/ transfer of information or statistics from one node to another; the node may be a device or a computer. The main objective of routing is to find and maintain routes between source and intended destination in a highly dynamic environment where network topology varies more frequently. Mobile Adhoc routing protocols are classified into two sub types, unicast routing and multicast Adhoc routing protocols. In Unicast routing protocol, forwarding means that one source node transmit data and control packets to a single destination node. In Multicast routing protocols a source node may wish to transit the same data or control packet to more than on destination. Unicast routing protocol are further sub divided into proactive, reactive and hybrid routing protocols [5] [9].2.1.Proactive Routing ProtocolsThe Proactive Routing Protocols maintain the rout information proactively. Every node maintained information about network and frequent topological structure in their respective routing table. A periodic update message is required to keep the routing table consistent and updated after every significant change in the network structure and nodes positions. Among many proactive routing protocols, DSDV is one of the most prominent table driven routing protocol.2.1.1.Destination-Sequenced Distance VectoringDSDV is one of the earliest prominent routing MANET protocols proposed for mobile Adhoc networking. In DSDV a routing table is sustained at every station/ node in the network having shortest path information to the entire neighbour’s node and the first node on the shortest path to every other node. Within the network data and control packets are transmitted from one node/station to other node/station by using routing table which store at each node.Every station/ node in the network preserves record of all neighbouring routes. Since all tables driven routing protocol are proactive in nature, their routing table must be updated. To maintain the consistency of routing table each station/node of the network exchanges its routing table with all its neighbour nodes from time to time afterparticular intervals or any significant topological change observed in the network [5] [10]. A random sequence number is maintained by each entry in the routing table originated by destination node, if this sequence number is even it means link is alive, and if link is broken sequence number is set to be odd. Destination node set the sequence number and then exchanged with the source node. The major goal of proactive routing protocol is to find path with least hop count to the destination [11]. Due to proactive nature, DSDV requires continues update of routing table, so if there is no communication taking place between the nodes, it still requires battery power and bandwidth. That’s why it is not suitable for highly dynamic networks [12].2.2.Reactive Routing ProtocolsReactive Routin g Protocol is also called “On-Demand Routing Protocol”, reactive routing protocol establishes a path when actually it desires to communicate with another node in the network. Reactive routing protocol uses the techniques of distance vector routing algorithm, where vectors are used to store and maintain information about the cost (number of hop count and other resources) and route to the intended destination node. AODV and DSR are the most prominent routing protocols of reactive routing protocols.2.2.1.Dynamic Source RoutingReactive routing protocols, as compared to proactive routing protocols are entirely on-demand routing protocol, on- demand routing protocol, DSR is mainly functioned using route discovery and route maintenance. In DSR, when two nodes want to communicate with the intended destination node, it first checks its rout table for any available route to the destination, if it is available and valid it starts sending the data packets, and if there is no available route in the source node route cache, the source node initiates process for route discovery (RREQ) to find a route to the target destination node. The source node initiates and locally broadcasts a route request (RREQ) packet, having the following header: the intended destination and a unique identifier/sequence number from the source node. Each intermediate node after receiving the RREQ performs three actions, 1. Is it an intended destination node by comparing the destination IP address with its own, if yes generate route reply (RREP), 2. By comparing he sequence number, the intermediate node decides whether it has recently seen this request? If yes simply discard the RREQ packet, 3. if not, then simply the intermediate node appends its information to the packet header and rebroadcast the RREQ. The same process will be continue until the RREQ reaches to the destination node, when the RREQ arrives at destination a reverse process RREP (route reply) is started back to the source node. RREP packet includes a copy of accumulated list of address of the all the intermediate nodes from the RREQ packet. After receiving the source node, the source node caches the new route from the RREP packet and store in its route cache for future use and to transmit the data packets to its target destination. [11] [13] [14] [15]Route maintenance process is taking place if the source node facing some problem in transmitting the data packets along a specified path to the target, if that link/ path has damaged. For example if the source node want to communicate with the target destination, due to the mobility of nodes and topological changes in the network topology, the two nodes may move too far apart, leave or join the network. Since DSR is source routing, during the packet transmutation/sending process, the source node lists in the packet header the complete sequence/order of node through which the packet has to be travelled, each intermediate node on the route forward the packet to its neighbours listed in the packet header, and wait for the conformation, conformation can be carried out by different methods, like a network layer acknowledgment, passive acknowledgment, or link-layer acknowledgment, after transmission if the sending node does not receive any conformation, it retransmit the packet to the next node for a limited number of time, and if still the node is not acknowledged, the node generate route error (RERR) to the initiator/ source node of the packet, which is a signal of link failure from itself to the next node. The source node than updated its route table and route cache by removing this link and broadcasting to the entire network that the specific link is no more valid for transmission, the source node than check its route cache for another route to the destination, if available it start using this route, otherwise it generate a new RREQ to find a path to the indented destination. [5] [11]2.2.2.Adhoc On Demand Distance VectorReactive routing protocol, AODV is completely on-demand routing protocol like DSR which forms a route on demand when a sending node/station desire a route to the destination. The main difference between AODV and DSR is their source routing features. In DSR everything is included in the packet header which is necessary for transmission. AODV is derived from both DSR and DSDV; AODV use RREQ properties and route maintenance procedures from DSR and sequence number, hop by count, and periodic update from DSDV routing protocol. AODV operates on the functionality of distance vector technology. Opposite to the DSR, in AODV each node/station maintains a routing table which contains routing information to all the nodes in the network. When a source node/initiator want to communicate with another node in the network, first the source node checks its routing table. If there is no route available for the intended destination, it will broadcast, but that broadcast will be an IP limited broadcast. Every node in the limit of hop count of source node will receive the RREQ message and will create the route back to the source node through the path they get from the RREQ [16]. The route request packet header contains the following information: Source node IP address, broadcast id, current sequence number, and the most current sequence number for the destination. The intermediate receiver node can take one of the following actions, if it is the intended target node, it initiates route reply process (RREP) to the source node with matching sequence number greater or equal to that contained in the RREQ packet header, if not then theintermediate node will rebroadcast to next hop count limit, all the nodes/stations in the broadcast range retain trajectory of the RREQ’s source IP address and b roadcast id. After some time if the same node receives RREQ, it will be discarded if it has been processed earlier. If the source node receives a RREP message from another node, if this route reply packet is holding a greater sequence number or same sequence number as it records from the earlier RREP, it may bring up to date its direction-finding information and record the latest better path for future transmission [11]. When a RREP is sent to the source node, all the nodes along the path keep records of this route to the destination through this packet. The source node will use any active link for transmission of data to the destination, a link will be considered active if it is used for transmitting data or controlled traffic by a node to any other node beside the path. In case of link failure in the active route, the upstream mobile node generates a RRER message to the source node, that this link is no more available for transmission. The source node then re-initiate the route discovery. Since in AODV a node may receive multiple RREQ and RREP, there may be a chance of looping, to avoid routing loop a fresh route will be used for transmission, for that purpose a destination sequence number will be used. Sequence number will only by changed by the host in monotonically growing mode. A route will be considered fresh enough if it contains a larger sequence number or equal sequence number with minimum hop count, both RREQ and RREP will carry the sequence number. To avoid the stale/old path the RREP packets will contains larger or equal sequence number to the one that are listed in corresponding RREQ packet. If there are several paths with the same sequence number the shortest path will be used for transmission [5] [17] [18].III.M ETHODOLOGYTo perform our required performance analysis we use a network simulation tool, NS-2, list of parameters under which performance can be analysed, metrics value, which will be analysed and simulation set up.3.1 Simulation ToolsDesigning and constructing a model of real system and conducting experiments on this model to analyse the behaviour of system or to evaluate the system for different strategies is called simulation, to analyse the behaviour of different routing protocol of wired and wireless network different simulator are being used by the researcher according to their requirements, like NS-2, NS-3, OPNET and OMNet ++. Here in this research paper we use NS-2 network simulator. To study the dynamic nature of wireless communication we need event driven simulator. NS2 is a very good event driven simulation tools that can be used to simulate wired and wireless network functions and protocols. Different C++ classes implemented in NS-2 are using for creation different network components like number of nodes in the network, different types of queues, link between the nodes etc. all the network components are created, plugged and configured in NS-2 from TCL [19] [20].3.2 Metrics ValueTo evaluate the performance of proactive routing protocol, DSDV and reactive routing protocols, AODV and DSR, we evaluate the following metrics values. Throughput:Throughput is measured as, average of successful message delivery over a network. It is measured as the ratio of the amount of received data to the total simulation time.Delay (end to end delay): Delay is the time taken by a bit of data to move across the network. The average end to end delay is calculated by taking the sum of all packets sent and received divided by total number of packets.Packet delivery ratio: Packet delivery ratio is the ratio of packets generated by CBR resources and the number of delivered data packets to the destination. Normalized routing load: Ratio of the total number of routing packets transmitted from the source node to data packets delivered at destination. Each hop wise transmission of routing packets is calculated one transmission.Number of dropped packets: A packet is buffered if the destination is not known when it is arrived in a network layer otherwise it is forwarded to the destination.A packet is lost when buffered becomes full or time limit to store the packet in the buffer exceeds.3.3 Simulation SetupIn this paper we tested the packet delivery ratio, throughput, normalized routing load, average end to end delay, no of dropped packets, no of dropped bytes, no of sent packets and the number of received packets using AODV, DSR and DSDV routing protocol with self-created scenarios where the total number of nodes are 50 uses 15 connections, pause time is 50, traffic type CBR, maximum packet size used in simulation is 512 Bytes, and the mobility varied starting from 5 m/s, 10 m/s,15 m/s, 20 m/s,25 m/s,30 m/s,35 m/s in 1000 * 1000 meter terrain area. Two ray ground propagation is used in wireless channel with Omni antenna and 802-11 Mac Type. The simulation is taken to be of 900 seconds.Fig. 1. Simulation parameterIV. S IMULATION R ESULTHere in this section we compare and analyse the result of all the three protocols comprehensively, by comparing the following metrics values, ratio of packet delivery friction, end-to-end delay, the number of sent packets, number of received packets, normalized routing load, number of dropped data packets, number of dropped data bytes and throughput We display all the results in the form of graphs. In the following section we discuss each graph result to highlight the performance of AODV, DSR and DSDV.Fig. 2. Mobility versus throughputUnder the following constraints of performance parameter, when number of nodes are 50, mobility varies from 5 to 35 m/s, pause time 50 sec, packet size 512 bytes and simulation time is 900 sec, The Fig. 2 highlights that DSR have most consistent throughput than AODV and DSDV due to its source base routing, whereas AODV show better performance than DSDV. With the increasing mobility throughput of DSDV isgreatly reduces because of more flooding.Fig. 3. Delay v/s MobilityUnder the following constraints of performance parameter, when number of nodes are 50, mobility varies from 5 to 35 m/s, pause time 50 sec, packet size 512 bytes and simulation time is 900 sec, it is concluded in Fig. 3 that DSDV have more Delay than DSR and AODV, because of its proactive nature DSDV requires to establish routes between nodes prior to communication. In AODV and DSR, DSR shows better performance than AODV in delay property due to its aggressive use ofroute cache.Fig. 4. Packet delivery frictions vs. MobilityFig. 4 highlights simulation results for packet delivery ratio using NS-2 simulator. When the number of nodes are 50, mobility varies from 5 to 35 m/s, pause time 50 sec, packet size 512 bytes and the simulation time 900 sec.Fig. 4 shows that DSR is more stable and consistent in packets delivery. Throughput and packet delivery ratio are correlated to each other. Since DSR is source base routing and using route cache mechanism due to which multiple routes are available in case of link failure, where AODV maintains only on entry for a route in its route table. With the changing mobility there is no change in packet delivery ratio for DSR, while comparing AODV and DSDV result shows that AODV is more prominentthan DSDV.Fig. 5. Normalized routing load v/s MobilityUnder the following constraints of performance parameter, when number of nodes are 50, mobility varies from 5 to 35 m/s, pause time 50 sec, packet size 512 bytes and simulation time is 900 sec, it is concluded from the Fig. 5 that normalized routing load is minimum in DSR as compared to AODV and DSDV, whereas DSDV shows better result for NRL then AODV.Under the following constraints of performance parameter, when number of nodes are 50, mobility varies from 5 to 35 m/s, pause time 50 sec, packet size 512 bytes and simulation time is 900 sec, a conclusion can be drawn from Fig. 6 that No of dropped packet (bytes) ration is very less in DSR then AODV and DSDV, whereas DSDV dropped more packets (bytes) than AODV, because in both the protocols with greatermobility all the nodes in the network may leave or join the network, by losing discovered path and excessive hello messages, where as in AODV the destination replies only once to the request arriving first and ignores the rest and the routing table maintains at most one entryper destination.Fig. 6. No. of dropped data (bytes) v/s MobilityFig 7. Number of dropped packets v/s MobilityUnder the following constraints of performance parameter, when number of nodes are 50, mobility varies from 5 to 35 m/s, pause time 50 sec, packet size 512 bytes and simulation time is 900 sec, it is concluded from the Fig. 7 that DSR shows better performance than AODV and DSDV, whereas DSDV show poor performance then AODV. But when mobility getting increases from 30 to 35 m/s, DSDV behaviour drasticallychanges and shows better performance than AODV.Fig. 8. No of sent packets v/s MobilityUnder the same constrained defined in Fig.7, Fig. 8 give the following results, Average sending packets rate of DSR is slightly better than AODV and DSDV routing protocols, because DSR using route cache mechanism which improve the route discovery process, and AODV inherits route discovery process from DSR, which causes significant improvement in sending packets. DSDV sending rate suddenly decrease at highest mobility leveldue to table driven approach.Fig. 9. No of received packets v/s MobilityUnder the same constrained defined in previous figures Fig. 9 highlights that amount of packets received by destination varies for all routing protocols, with varying mobility. The values of received data packets values are more stable for DSR as compared to AODV and DSDV. As mobility increases amount of received packets in AODV protocol increases but in the case of the DSDV when mobility reaches 30 m/s it shows very poor performance by receiving packets.V.C ONCLUSIONAfter plotting graph and tables now we are able to discuss, conclude and analyse the performance of table driven routing protocol, DSDV and on demand routing protocol, AODV and DSR. We analyse the following metrics values, packet delivery ratio, throughput, normalized routing load, average end to end delay, no of dropped packets, no of dropped bytes, no of sent packets and the number of received packets are evaluated according to varied mobility. Different self-created scenario files are used in the simulation; each scenario with different mobility time e.g. with 5 m/s, 10 m/s up to 35 m/s mobility Our study provides the most favourable result because it is fully based on simulation and analysis. With the help of tables and graphs every case explains the evaluation of parameter of three protocols AODV, DSDV and DSR. We draw graph and table for each metrics value, packet delivery ratio, throughput, normalized routing load, average end to end delay, no of dropped packets, no of dropped bytes, no of sent packets and the number of received packets for all the three protocols. Every protocol has its advantages and disadvantages. Our graphs and tables show that on demand routing protocol, AODV and DSR performed well and provide better results as compared to table driven protocol, DSDV. While comparing AODV and DSR, result shows that, DSR outclass AODV in number of received packets, number of dropped packets, number of dropped bytes, normalized routing load, DSR is more consistent and shows better packet delivery ratio than。
