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四川师 范大 学
⒛13年 攻读硕士学位研究生
专业代码: o55101 ~
考试科 目代码: 357
专业名称: 英语笔译
考试科 目名称: 英语翻译基础
说明:(((213冫))试笞答题题题时时和,答,严可脊禁不分使抄离题用,(所本红,但试色有卷笔须答共或写题铅明内2所 笔容个答誊须题试写末题。在题序答~4题号个;纸上小,题写,在满试分题或15草0稿分纸)上的内容无效;
、vhat you read.Butifyou open your rnind as、 Ⅴidely as possible,then signs and hh1ts of al1nost impcrcepⅡ ble flneness, fron1the t、Ⅴist arihg you intρ a presence of human being unⅡ ke any other,steep
四川师范大学2018年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目代码: 824 考试科目名称:英语专业综合(本试卷共4大题13小题,满分150分)说明:(1) 试题和答卷分离,所有答题内容须写在答题纸上,写在试题或草稿上的内容无效;(2) 答题时,可不抄题,但须写明所答试题序号;(3) 答题时,严禁使用红色笔或铅笔答题。
Part One British and American Literature(50 points)I. There are 5 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence or answers the question.1.Which of the following statements about Geoffrey Chaucer is NOT correct?A. The works of Chaucer are roughly divided into two periods.B. In the first period of his writing career, Chancer wrote under the influence of the French literature.C. In the second period of his writing career, Chaucer wrote under the influence of the Italian literature.D. The Canterbury Tales gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time.2.John Bunyan was the chief Puritan writer of prose. His work The Pilgrim’s Progress is famous for the following features except .A.the old fashioned medieval form of allegory and drama B satireC a faithful panoramic reflection of 19th century D. simple and lively prose style3.As a philosophical and literary movement, flourished in New England from the 1830s to the Civil War.A. realismB. transcendentalismC. modernismD.imagism4. Walt Whitman was one of the great innovators in American literature. The poetic style he devised is now called .A. free verseB. blank verseC.epicD. sonnet5. F. Scott Fitzgerald had revealed the stridency of an age of glittering innocence in his masterpieceA. Of Mice and MenB. The Grapes of WrathC. The Portrait of A LadyD. The Great Gatsby Ⅱ. Decide whether the following statements are true or false, Write for the true one a letter T and the false one a letter F.(10 points)1.During the reign of Queen Elizabeth, the scholars in England had a keen interest in the Greek and Latin culture. There came the English Renaissance and its ideal was Humanism.2.Romanticism is related to objectivism, NOT distinctive for its high praise of imagination3. Sonnets are poems of 14 lines in each, usually in iambic pentameter with various rhyming schemes.4. Many Victorian novels were tainted by the spirit of puritanism of the Victorian age.5. Realistic writers sought to describe the wide range of experience and to present the subtleties of human personality, to portray characters who were less simply all good or all bad.6. The literature of local color, a mixture of romantic plots and realistic descriptions of things, isobservable in romantic writing.7. The literary naturalists attempted to achieve extreme frankness, presenting characters of lowsocial and economic classes who were dominated by their environment and heredity.8. The writers of the first postwar era self-consciously acknowledged that they were a "Lost Generation," devoid of faith and alienated from a civilization.9. The prevailing mood in Thomas Hardy's novels is optimistic, with a humorous and attractive side to life.10.Modernism is used to apply to the works of a group of poets, novelists, painters, and musiciansbetween 1910 and the early years of the World War Ⅱ.Ill. Match the following pairs. (10 points)1.William Shakespeare a.“ of Studies”2. John Milton b. Paradise Lost3. Francis Bacon c. The Merchant of Venice4. William Wordsworth d. Ulysses5. James Joyce e."I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”6. Edgar Alan Poe f. The Scarlet Letter7.Henry David Thoreau g.Walden8. Nathaniel Hawthorne h.The Fall of the House of Usher9.Carl Sandburg I.The Grapes of wrath10 John Steinbeck j.FogIv. Point out the figure of speech used in each of the following sentences as exemplified in the model sentence. (5 points)Example: Listen for the kettle and get ready for its boiling, (metonymy)1. He is fighting bravely on the battle field as a lion.2. His purse would not allow him that luxury.3. The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life.4. The farms were short of hands during the harvest season.5. Fate was smiling to him this time.V. Answer the following questions. (20 points)L. Make a brief comment on Thomas Hardy’s novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles.2.Make a brief comment on William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily”.Part Two Translation(40 points)Ⅰ. Directions: Translate the following passage into English. (20 points)最近,尼康退出中国,裁员两千人!很多人以为尼康是被同行打败,没想到居然是毫无相关的行业。
2013年四川师范大学外国语学院358俄语翻译基础考研真题及详解I. Переведитеследующиетермины, аббревиатурыиименасобственные(30 баллов).1. Срусскогоязыканакитайский(15 баллов).1) ЮНЕСКО【答案】联合国教科文组织2) ВВЦ【答案】全俄展览中心3) Биржатруда【答案】劳务市场4) СПИД【答案】艾滋病5) глобализация【答案】全球化6) ЕдинаяРоссия【答案】统一俄罗斯党7) ФедеральноеСобрание【答案】联邦会议8) ФСБ【答案】联邦安全局9) СоветФедерации【答案】联邦委员会10) МВД【答案】内务部11) Интерфакс【答案】国际文传通讯社12) ИТАР-ТАСС【答案】俄罗斯新闻通讯社13) ОРТ【答案】俄罗斯公共电视台14) ЕС【答案】欧盟15) Каспийскоеморе【答案】里海2. Скитайскогоязыканарусский(15 баллов).16) 欧洲经济共同体【答案】Европейскоеэкономическоесообщество17) 上海合作组织【答案】Шанхайскаяорганизациясотрудничества18) 欧元【答案】евро19) 世贸组织【答案】Всемирнаяторговаяорганизация20) 国际红十字会【答案】Международныйкрасныйкрест21) 国家发展和改革委员会【答案】Государственныйкомитетпоразвитиюиреформам22) 对外贸易部【答案】министерствовнешнейторговли23) 西湖【答案】озероСиху24) 特别行政区【答案】особыйадминистративныйрайон25) 国内生产总值【答案】валовойвнутреннийпродукт26) 股份公司【答案】акционернаякорпорация27) 注册资本【答案】зарегистрированныйкапитал28) 白皮书【答案】«Белаякнига»29) 川剧【答案】сычуаньскаяопера30) 南海【答案】Южно-КитайскоемореII. Переведитеследующиетексты(120 баллов).1. Срусскогоязыканакитайский(60 баллов).Мыговорилиотом, чемзанятьсвободныечасы, ноотдыхнеобходимиврабочеевремя. Известно, чтоучеловекапослевыполненияработывтечениеопределенноговременинаступаетутомление. Егонеобходимоснятьилихотябыослабить, чтобыононеперешловболезненноесостояние- переутомление. Величинаэтого‘‘определенноговремени’’, послекоторогонаступаетутомление, зависитотмножествафакторов- опыта, возраста, условийтруда, характераработы, заинтересованностивнейит.д. Новсежеестьнекиесредниеданные, так, первоклассникимогутнапряженноработатьвтечение25-30 минут, студентвузаможетслушатьлекцию1.5 часа, старшеклассникможетнапряженноработатьнадкнигой45-50 минут, всеэтиданныеоченьприблизительны, ноионипозволяютнамопределитьобщую"схемуотдыха".Ослабитьутомление, накопившеесязанебольшойпромежутоквремени, помогаеткраткийотдыхвтечениеработы. Утомлениезаденьснимаютсвободныйвечериночь, зарабочуюнеделю- выходныедни. Ивсежеполностьюутомлениенебудетснято. Организмутребуетсяиболеезначительныйотдых, емунужно“отдохнуть”отработы—дляэтогопредназначенотпускиликаникулы.Отдыхвтечениерабочегодняопределяетсяхарактеромтруда, тем, какиеорганыилисистемывпервуюочередьвовлечены(参与) врабочийпроцесс. Так, придлительнойнапряженнойзрительнойработе, полезна“гимнастикадляглаз”. Наконвейерныхлиниях(流水线) примонотонной(单调的) работерекомендуетсянекотороевремяпосмотретьнаспокойноплавающихваквариуме(鱼缸) рыбок, зеленыерастенияит.д. - ивотнапряжениеуженемногоослабло.Людям,профессиякоторыхсвязанасвовлечениемвработумелкихмышц(肌肉) кистидояркам(挤奶工), машинисткамилипервоклассникамнужнаспециальнаягимнастикаимассаждлярукипосле2 часовнапряженнойработы. Напеременеиливперерывмеждулекциямижелательновыйтиизпомещения, подвигатьсянасвежемвоздухе, аеготемвременемпроветрить.Авообще-тоточныйрецептнавсеслучаижизнидатьоченьтрудно: скольколюдей, столькопривычек, вкусов, жизненныхобстоятельств, даи。
考研英语-358(总分100, 做题时间90分钟)Section Ⅰ Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Karl Von Linne (or Linnaeus, as he is widely known) was a Swedish biologist who devised the system of Latinised scientific names for living things that biologists use to this day. When he cameto (1) people into his system, he put them into a group called Ho mo--and Linne' s hairless fellow humans are still known biologically as Homo sapiens. (2) the group originally had a second member, Homo troglodytes. It lived in Africa, and the pictures show it to be covered (3) hair.Modern (4) are not as generous as Linne in welcoming other species into Man' s lofty (5) , and the chimpanzee is nowreferred to (6) Pan troglodytes. But Pan or Homo, there isno (7) that chimps are humans' nearest living relatives, and that if the secrets of what makes humanity special are ever tobe (8) , understanding why chimps are not people, nor people chimps, is a crucial part of the process. That, in turn, means looking at the DNA of the two species, (9) it is here thatthe (10) must originate.One half of the puzzle has been (11) for several years: the human genome was published in 2001. The second has now been added, with the announcement in this week's Nature (12) the chimpanzee genome has been sequenced as well. For thoseexpecting (13) answers to age-old questions (14) , the publication of the chimp genome may be something of an (15) There are no immediately obvious genes--present in one, but not the other--that account for such characteristic human (16) as intelligence or even hairlessness. And (17) there is a gene connected with language, known as FOXP2, it had already been discovered. But although the **parison of the two genomes (18) by the members of the Chimpanzee Sequencing and Analysis Consortium, the multinational team that generated the sequence, did not (19) any obvious nuggets of genetic gold, it does at least show where to lookfor (20) .1.SSS_SINGLE_SELA show upB turn upC resort toD tarn to该题您未回答:х该问题分值: 0.5答案:B[选项与释义] [A]show up出现[B]turn up(尤指偶然地)(被)找到,(被)发现[C] resort to求助于[D]turn to求助于,查阅[考点解析] 本题是一道语意逻辑推导题,让考生在主语“comparison”和宾语“any obvious nuggets”(有价值的东西)之间填入一个适当的谓语动词。