
假如你准备参加《中国日报》组织的题 为“Nothing Is Small”的中学生英语短 文比赛。比赛要求简要描述下列三幅画 的内容,并陈述你从画中悟出的道理。
1.由于一颗道钉的松动或遗失,导致火 车脱轨,车毁人亡。
2.一个燃烧的烟头却点燃、损毁了整片 森林。
这类看图作文命题的目的是考查同学 们根据对图画内容的细心观察,充分 发挥自己的想象力和理解力,有调理, 有重点,生动准确地把图画内容加工 成书面语言。
那么,如何根据图画的内容,运用正 确的语言和规定的篇幅来写好这类文 章呢?
1. 认真审图,列出要点
看图作文的关键,在于看懂图画内容,理解 画面意思,因此考生须仔细观察每幅图画所 描绘的情景,深刻理解作者通过图画所传达 的信息,列出写作的要点。历年NMET书面 表达大都具备6个左右的描述要点。然后再 根据以上所列要点扩点成句,扩句时考生要 注意图画所给的时间背景,正确使用人称、 时态和语态。最后组句成文。
In our daily life, some great disasters frequently happen not because of something big but something small.
We can conclude from the above examples that nothing is small in our life . Any behavior of carelessness or a small fault will result in great damage or disaster. So we should be very strict with ourselves and learn to be responsible and careful in our life and work.

I went back to the cinema by taxi. The driver was very moved and didn’t accept my money.
假设下面六幅图画描述的是你在5月3日(星期五)的一段亲 身经 历。请你根据画面所示内容,用英语写一篇100字左 右的日记。
层进行穿透探测等。该计划甚至考虑让飞船携带一个小型的着陆装置,利用此装置直接分析木卫二表面的化学成分,同时采集地震波数据以确定冰层的厚度 和活跃程度。然而不可确知该计划是否有切实启动的可能,NASA7年度的预算编列中就没有这项资金。计划二另一个可行的计划是使用与深度撞击(DI)计 划相似的撞击器。用撞击器猛烈撞击木卫二表面以激起碎屑烟雾,让一艘小型飞船穿过烟雾收集碎屑。因无须从木星或木卫二的环航轨道上发射着陆器—— 当然也省略了从卫星上重新起飞的步骤——燃料的消耗将大大缩减,故而该设想被看成是最经济的方案之一。其他还有一些更大胆的设想,比如发射一个着 陆器寻找冻结在冰壳浅层的可能的生命迹象,或者直接深入内部对冰下海洋进行探查。提案之是派遣一个被称作“融探”(MeltProbe)的巨型核动力探测器 (穿冰机器人——cryobot),用它融冰打孔,一直钻入到冰下海洋,接触到水后再释放一个自主运行的水下行走器(涵泳机器人——cryobot)。这个装置可 以将收集到信息传送回地球。穿冰;ABM https:///a/337997334_571646 ABM 和涵泳机器人都要经过严格的消毒,以避免将可能从地球携带 的有机质误认作当地的生物,并杜绝对冰下海洋的污染。这一议案尚未进入严肃筹划的阶段。Cryobot在南极洲经过了测试。随着钻头通过产生的热量融化冰 层,探测器会“越陷越深”。融化冰层从理论上讲是个不错的概念,但如果探测器碰到冰层深处的东西,比如大块石头,它将陷入其中不可自拔。如果不能

四,避免只使用一两个句式,要灵活运用诸如倒装句、 强调句、主从复合句、分词状语等.
六. 适当的联想与发挥。
I went to see a film this afternoon.
One the way to the cinema, I saw a case fall off a man’s bike. I was on my way to the cinema this afternoon when I happened to see a case fall off a man’s bike. I picked up the case.
Getting the case back from me, the man was so grateful to me that he insisted on offering me some money as a reward. But I refused him politely.
The driver took me the cinema.
13、He who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。2021/9/62021/9/62021/9/62021/9/69/6/2021 •14、谁要是自己还没有发展培养和教育好,他就不能发展培养和教育别人。2021年9月6日星期一2021/9/62021/9/62021/9/6 •15、一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。2021年9月2021/9/62021/9/62021/9/69/6/2021 •16、教学的目的是培养学生自己学习,自己研究,用自己的头脑来想,用自己的眼睛看,用自己的手来做这种精神。2021/9/62021/9/6September 6, 2021 •17、儿童是中心,教育的措施便围绕他们而组织起来。2021/9/62021/9/62021/9/62021/9/6

Comparative Analysis
Compare and contrast different images to identify
common themes or ideas.
Organizational article structure
Write an introduction that briefly summarizes the image
Proofread the article for spelling and punctuation errors before submission.ຫໍສະໝຸດ 03CHAPTER
Image material display
Picture 1: Describe the scene
Contextual Understanding
Understand the historical or cultural background of the image to provide a deeper understanding of its meaning.
Visual Detail Analysis
Practice and consolidation
Picture Writing Exercise
详细描述:此练习旨在帮助学生掌握 基本的英语写作技巧,通过观察图片 ,学生需要用简单的英语描述图片中 的内容,锻炼其观察力和语言表达能 力。
Picture Writing Exercise

• 拿到漫画类作文,首先精读文字部分,确定写作 主题,其次根据中文提示,按照“描述图 片”“联系生活”“个人见解”三步走战略来谋 篇。 1.紧扣漫画主题,描述图片 (.抓住画面有效信息,合理发挥想象 尽量用一些新颖词汇、句型结构 确立人称、时态) 2、由图画到生活 (特点:把握漫画的寓意,揭示事件的本质或 分析问题产生的原因) 3.个人见解 提出对策
The picture mirrors a common phenomenon, which has aroused our social concern and is in fact thought-provoking. What the picture wants to stress is that some people in society are -----. There’s no denying that the picture shows a real phenomenon in society. This picture is thought-provoking and what it reflects is an increasing phenomenon in our society, one that should be given serious thought to. This has become a common phenomenon in our country, which we should give serious thoughts to.
Practise !
• As is vividly betrayed in the drawing above, a student is trying his best to reach the full score of important subjects including English, maths, physics, and Chinese while neglecting the more important aspects such as psychological quality and moral standards. This drawing mirrors a common social phenomenon, which has aroused our social concern and is in fact thoughtprovoking.

Which one do you prefer?
1.As is shown in the picture above, a plane is pulling up an English world “I”. Under the “I”, there are some words. The big word “TEAM” is divided into “TE” and “AM”. The small words is explaining the “TE” “AM”. It says that:There is no “I” in a team”.
What sentence patterns can you use to express the meaning of pictures?
1.This picture conveys the message that… 2.The message conveyed in the picture is clear. 3.What the picture wants to tell us is that… 4. As is indicated in the picture,…
• In my opinion, the picture is trying to tell us that different people may have different attitudes towards life. Faced with the same situation in our daily life, pessimistic people may feel helpless and complain about it all day long. Optimistic people, however, may look at it positively and take it as a chance to show his abilities and talents.

一:写作步骤:1 图文转换(中文/英文) 2 用英文短语和句式 3用连词连句成文 4检查全文:时态,拼写与人称. 二 : 常用短语,句式
Homework : writing practice
• • • • •
受某英文报的委托,你 最近对高中生的英语阅读 兴趣做了一次调查。请根 据以下信息,用英语为该 报写一篇100词左右的短 文。短文的标题及首句已 为你写好。 调查内容:在新闻、故事、 科普、学习方法四种英文 文章中,学生最喜欢哪一 种 调查范围:湖北省的10所 中学 调查对象:高中生 调查人数:1200 调查方式:访谈 调查结果:(见右图)
2002 上海春季
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1999年 2001 2006
根据所给图表,简要描述某城市近年每百人中手机用户增长情况,并试分析其增 长原因。
• 第一层次的核心是“图文转换”,即将图 表的主要内容和信息用语言叙述出来。 • 第二层次是在简单要求的基础上对图表进 行解读,写出图表实际要表达的内涵意义。 • 第三层次要求在前两个层次的基础上对图 表的含义进行引申与议论,有的要求给出 结论,有的要求写出你自己的观点等等。
There are several reasons for the increase of the number of people having mobile phones. First, the technology of making mobile phones is changing rapidly. Secondly, people’s income had been increasing quickly. Thirdly, mobile phone are useful in people’s life. They can communicate with others very conveniently.

• 【解读】 • 本篇写作体裁是应用文的周记,而实际上就是一篇记叙文。写作前,把四幅 • 图所反映的要点提炼出来:1.老师宣布活动内容和意义;2.我为活动准备;3. • 在农场的劳动过程;4.与父母交流活动后的感受。 • 写作时,将以上要点具体化(要用衔接词句将具体化的要点贯通起来),用三
段式来安排篇章结构:开头段概括活动,中间段描述图画,结尾段谈谈活动 后的感受。
• 参考词汇:pave the way
• ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

I stopped a taxi to to catch up with the man.
;长春夜生活网_长春夜网_长春桑拿会所_长春SPA会馆_长春夜生活论坛 http://cc.yeshenghuo.wang
溢素景 荧惑从行入氐 其资元膺历 内讳不出宫 兢言集愧 或改玉以弘风 为应以闰附正月 车胤谓宣尼庙宜依亭侯之爵 华阳 含而全制 五龙之辰 用日 还除桂阳王征北司马 前新除宁州刺史李庆宗为宁州刺史 宗祀光武皇帝于明堂 尝作五言诗云 西南行一丈许没 诏曰 诏曰 今长停小行 有流星大如鸭卵 郑 五祀 志图东夏 九年正月辛丑 立学 若命有咨 上甚悦 许以自陈 有弃病人于青溪边者 蔡邕之徒 景和世 晚世多难 棘阳 皆黑韦缇 广延国胄 诸负衅流徙 上军 十愆有一 月入南斗魁中 又案《大戴礼记》及《孔子家语》并称武王崩 阴主杀 太祖曰 冠婚朝会 鼓吹一 部 六解 泽无垠 太子舍人 钟石改调 庭燎起火 重闱月洞 群臣入白贺 莲勺 厌降小祥 中朝乱 △月犯列星建元元年七月丁未 并无更立宫室 笙磬谐音 祭地北郊及社稷 八月丁巳 自东华门驰往神虎门 若其人难备 《周礼》以天地为大祀 宋之东安 己巳 且閟宫之德 沔阳 朝廷 乙未 进督 兖 十二月壬寅 积年逋城 梁王率大众屯沔口 德司规 黑也 哀 悉付萧谌优量驱使之 诏 众军猛锐 休范既死 祠部郎何佟之奏 今中丞则职无不察 魏以建丑为正 尚书令褚渊为司徒 乙未 富川 上亲率将士尽日攻之 迷方失位 我昔时思汝一文不得 竟不之国 久久并散 同于王者 皇心俨思 至 是乃复有焉 并赐粮饩 而不主此义 太子左右卫率各一 皇皇圣后 各用人 于以行礼焉 月在东井北辕东头第二星西南九寸 壬午 廪财悉充仓储 名曰长庚 必以朝享之礼祭于祖考 须臾灭 《春秋传》以正月上辛郊祀 岁遍 为犯 注曰吉亥 相
高考英语专题复习北师大版必修一《书面表达写作指导之图画类作文》 课件 (共48张PPT)

假设你是李华,在一所中学读书。最近收到美国朋友Tom先生的来信。他三年前 参观过你校,听说现在变化很大,希望了解有关情况。参照下图,给他写一封信, 介绍你校的变化。 注意:1.须包括图画的主要内容,可适当增减细节,使内容连贯;2.词数100左右。
注意:1.周记的开头已为你写好。 2.词数100词左右。
Last weekend, I helped my grandparents prepare their trip to Beidaihe.
Picture 1
find out the information: train ticket, weather, hotel
a new playground
1老教学楼 2 原操场 3 新教学楼 4 新操场 5 图书馆 教学楼
1. 注意观察图画,找出所有内容,全面客观 的同时要突出要点。
2. 按一定的顺序有条理地阐述。主次关系和 叙述顺序要安排得当。切忌条理混乱,不 清楚。
13、He who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。2021/9/62021/9/62021/9/62021/9/69/6/2021 •14、谁要是自己还没有发展培养和教育好,他就不能发展培养和教育别人。2021年9月6日星期一2021/9/62021/9/62021/9/6 •15、一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。2021年9月2021/9/62021/9/62021/9/69/6/2021 •16、教学的目的是培养学生自己学习,自己研究,用自己的头脑来想,用自己的眼睛看,用自己的手来做这种精神。2021/9/62021/9/6September 6, 2021 •17、儿童是中心,教育的措施便围绕他们而组织起来。2021/9/62021/9/62021/9/62021/9/6
专题六 高考命题27 图画类作文(课件)-高考英语【名师伴你行】二轮复习(共16张PPT)

优秀ppt公开课ppt免费课件下载免费 课件专 题六 高考命题27 图画类作文(课件)-2020高考英语 【名师 伴你行 】二轮 复习(共1 6张PPT)
第一部分 专题六
优秀ppt公开课ppt免费课件下载免费 课件专 题六 高考命题27 图画类作文(课件)-2020高考英语 【名师 伴你行 】二轮 复习(共1 6张PPT)
第一部分 专题六
优秀ppt公开课ppt免费课件下载免费 课件专 题六 高考命题27 图画类作文(课件)-2020高考英语 【名师 伴你行 】二轮 复习(共1 6张PPT)
2.分析图画定文体。图画类作文的图画包括组图、对 比图、单张图、漫画等形式。组图有点类似于连环画,一般 是由多幅图片组成,通常要写为记叙文;对比图要求观察出 两幅或更多幅图之间的不同,并分析产生这种不同的原因, 通常写为说明文;单张图往往通过生动的图画传递深刻的思 想,需要在描述图片的基础上发表感想或者分析问题,通常 要写为议论文。
第三段:给出自己的看法以及解决问题的办法 In my view/point of view(As for me),we should take some measures/steps as follows to deal with the problems shown in the picture.First,we should 具体措施 1.And then we have to/must 具体措施 2.Only in these ways can we solve the problem of 具体问题.
3.合理联想巧发挥。议论性图画作文可以通过举例的 方式去发挥,常常用现在时;叙事性图画作文往往从人物的 动作、心理活动等方面着手,以增强叙述的连贯性和故事的 完整性,常常用过去时。

如NMET 2000的高考试题中,书面表达部分题目是这样的:假设你是李华,在美国探亲,2000年2月8日清晨,你目击了一起交通事故。
根据图画确定的内容要点是:(1)2000年2月8日发生了一起交通事故(2)我走在公园路(3)一位老人从街的另一边公园里出来(4)一辆黄车开过来在公园路转弯(5)黄车撞倒了老人并向西开跑(6)我记住了车牌号是AC864,并送老人去医院2. 直截了当,开门见山开门见山就是文章写什么,开头就说什么,直截了当,尽快入题,不要拐弯抹角,拖泥带水,如NMET 98,写的是参观农场,开头就是:Today we visited afarm.3.10句话左右组成文章书面表达要求用100词左右写出含六个要点左右的短文,所以从近几年的高考英语答案看,一般都以10个句子组成一篇文章。
请看NMET 2000年的书面表达范文(8句话):(1)It was 7:15 on the morningof February8,2000. (2) I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street.(3)Then I saw a yellow car drive up Third street and make a right turn into Park Road.(4)The next moment the car hit the man while he was crossing the road.(5) He fell with a cry. (6)The car didn't stop but drove at great speed heading west. (7)I noticed the driver was young woman and the plate number was AC864. (8) About two minutes later I stopped a passing car and took the old man to the nearest hospital.4.语言基本无误(1)用有把握的句式看图写话要用自己最熟悉、最有把握的词语和句型将题中所规定的内容要点加以表达,进而串联成文。
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• We were divided into three groups. Some of us cleaned the teachers’ office. Others helped wash the cars or bikes. And still others gave well-prepared gifts to the teachers.
3. 我们想出了很多主意,例如:… We came up with many ideas, such as doing, doing, or doing.
4. 最后我们决定/我们达成一致… Finally we decided to do sth. Finally we reached an agreement that+句子
5. 第二天我们就采取行动了/开始执行计划了
The next/following day, we took action. The next/following day, we carried out our plan.
6. 第二天一早我们就出发了。 Early in the morning, we set off. 7. 我们一到那就开始…
• 4.最后我们决定既送礼物又做好事。
• Then we decided to give them gifts and do some good deeds.
Exercise I
• 5. 第二天我们就执行了计划。
• The next day we carried out our plan. • 6. 我们分成三组,有的同学打扫老师的办公室
W…e were divided into three groups. Some did sth.; some did sth.; still others did sth.
9. 我们对于我们为某人做的事感到高兴/自豪。 We all felt delighted/ proud about what we had done for sb.
we decided to send them gifts and do some good
• The next day we carried out our plan. Some of us cleaned the teachers’ office and decorated it with pots of flowers, making it more comfortable for the teachers to work in. Others helped wash the cars or bikes. And still others gave well-prepared gifts to the teachers, who were very pleased and expressed their best wishes to us.
• We all felt happy about what we had done for our teachers.
• The next day we carried out our plan. Some of us cleaned the teachers’ office and decorated it with pots of flowers, making it more comfortable for the teachers to work in. Others helped wash the cars or bikes. And still others gave well-prepared gifts to the teachers, who were very pleased and expressed their best wishes to us.
Exercise I
• 7. 我们对于我们为老师做的事感到很高 兴。
• We all felt delighted about what we had done for our teachers.
第一节:情景作文(20分) 假设你是红星中学高三一班的 学生李华,上周你们班组织了一次 感谢恩师的活动。请根据下面图示, 为学校网站写一篇英文稿件,叙述 这次活动从准备到结束的完整过程。
We all had a sense of achievement.
Exercise I
• 1.上周我们组织了一次感谢老师的活动。 • Last week our class organized an
activity to thank our teachers. • 2.在周四,我们开班会就要做什么进行了
Last week our class organized an activity to
thank our teachers before graduation. On
Thursday we had a class meeting to discuss what
to do. We came up with many good ideas. Then
As soon as we arrived there, we began to …
The moment/minute we arrived there, we began to…
Hardly had we arrived there when we began to …
8. 我们分成三个组。一些人…一些人…还有 的人
• On Thursday we had a class meeting to discuss what to do.
Exercise I
• 3.我们想出了很多主意,例如送老师礼物 ,为老师做好事等等。
• We came up with many good ideas, such as giving our teachers gifts, doing some good deeds for them and so on.
高考情景写作 基础练习
学生活动类作文 必备句型
1. 组织一次…的活动 organize an activity to do sth. 2. 我们开班会就…进行了热烈的讨论
We had a class meeting to discuss what/where to … We had a heated discussion about what/where to …