





( )1.Which photo is Jeff’s family photo?A B C( )2.How does Tina usually go to school?A B C( )3. What does Mr. Smith like drinking every day?A B C( )4. What does Wang Ping want to be?A B C( )5. What are there in the park?A B CB)听对话,每段对话听两遍。


( )6.What’s Mary’s last name?A. CooperB. BrownC. Smith听第二段对话,回答第7题。

( )7.Who wants eggs ?A. Tom’s Mother.B. Tom’s Father.C. Tom.听第三段对话,回答第8题。

( )8. What does Jack’s brother do?A. A driver.B. A teacher.C. A doctor.听第四段对话,回答第9题。

( )9.What’s Bill’s telephone number?A. It’s 81640073.B. It’s 81642037C. It’s 81642073听第五段对话,回答第10题。

( )10.How much is a notebook?A. Three dollars.B. Four dollars.C. Six dollars.听第六段对话,回答第11-12题。

( )11.What’s Mrs. Smith doing??A. Writing a letter.B. Reading a letter.C. Writing a book.( )12.Where does Jane study?A. England.B. China.C. American听第七段对话,回答第13-15题。



中山市纪中三鑫双语学校七年级下学期线上测试(三)语文试题班级:姓名:基础满分:80分时间:70分钟考试时间:4月23日晚19:10—20:20 20:30前提交到钉钉家校本监考人:父母大人一、积累运用(24分)1.古诗文名句默写。










(5分)(1)但到zēng wù她的时候,——例如知道了谋死我那隐鼠的却是她的时候,就叫她阿长。


(3)他一手拿着布,一手攥着钱,zhì bèn 地转过身子。

(4)虽然这些都很wēi bù zú dào ,但他做得很认真。

(5)我似乎遇着了一个霹雳,全体都zhèn sǒng 起来。










新世纪教育网 精品资料版权所有@新世纪教育网2012年秋学年七年级(上)半期考试历史参考答案一、选择题(每小题3分,共60分)1、A2、A3、A4、B5、C6、A7、B8、A9、D 10、A 11、B 12、B 13、D 14、A 15、C 16、B 17、B 18、A 19、D 20、B二、材料解析题(21题20分,22题14分,23题6分)21.(20分)(1)分封制(2分)。


















新世纪教育网 精品资料版权所有@新世纪教育网。

初中数学 广东省中山市民众中学、三鑫双语学校等七年级上学期期中联考数学考试题考试卷及答案

初中数学 广东省中山市民众中学、三鑫双语学校等七年级上学期期中联考数学考试题考试卷及答案

xx学校xx学年xx学期xx试卷姓名:_____________ 年级:____________ 学号:______________题型选择题填空题简答题xx题xx题xx题总分得分一、xx题(每空xx 分,共xx分)试题1:下列数阵是由50个偶数排成的.(1)在数阵中任意做一个类似于(1)中的框,设其中最大的一个数为x,那么其他3个数怎样表示?(2)如果四个数的和是172,能否求出这4个数?(3)四个数的和可以是300吗?如果能,请分别求出这四个数;如果不能,为什么?试题2:如图,在一长方形休闲广场的四角都设计一块半径相同的四分之一圆的花坛,若圆形的半径为米,广场长为米,宽为米。


评卷人得分试题3:一件商品每件成本a元.(1)按成本增加50%定出价格出售,则每件售价是多少元?(2)在(1)的条件下,出现了库存积压,需降价出售,现按(1)中售价的打八折出售,则现售价多少元?每件还能盈利多少元?试题4:已知A=3b2﹣2a2+5ab,B=4ab﹣2b2﹣a2(1)化简:4A﹣3B;(2)当a=2,b=﹣1时,求4A﹣3B的值.试题5:画一条数轴,用数轴上的点把下列有理数-(-2),-0.5,∣-4∣,0, +表示出来,并用“<”把它们连接起来。

试题6:某工厂第一车间有人,第二车间比第一车间人数的少30人,如果从第二车间调出10人到第一车间,那么:(1)两个车间共有多少人?(2)调动后,第一车间的人数比第二车间多多少人?试题7:先化简,再求值:,其中.试题8:计算:试题9:数与数之间的关系非常奇妙.例如:①,②,③,……根据式中所蕴含的规律可知第n (n ≥1,n为整数)个式子是试题10:数轴上,点A(表示整数a)在原点左侧,点B(表示整数b)在原点右侧.若|a﹣b|=2012,且点A到原点O的距离是点B到原点O距离的3倍,则a+2b的值为试题11:已知长方形的周长为4a+2b,其一边长为a﹣b,则另一边长为试题12:计算:=试题13:若与的和是一个单项式,则+ n=_____试题14:在月球表面,白天阳光垂直照射的地方温度高达127℃,夜晚温度可降到﹣183℃,则月球表面昼夜温差为试题15:.数a、b、c在数轴上对应的位置如下图,化简的结果是()A. B. C. D.试题16:下列各组数中,结果相等的是()A.与 B.与 C.与 D.与试题17:今天数学课上,老师讲了多项式的加减,放学后,小明回到家拿出课堂笔记,认真的复习老师课上讲的内容,他突然发现一道题:(﹣x2+3xy﹣y2)﹣(﹣x2+y2)=﹣x2+4xy﹣y2阴影的地方被钢笔水弄污了,那么空格中的一项是()A.﹣7xy B.+7xy C.﹣xy D.+xy试题18:若、互为相反数,、互为倒数,的绝对值为2,则代数式的值为()A. B.3 C. D.3或试题19:下列各式正确的是()A.B.C. D.试题20:下列说法正确的是()A.负数没有倒数B.正数的倒数比自身小C.任何有理数都有倒数D.倒数等于本身的数是﹣1或1试题21:国家游泳中心“水立方”是北京奥运会场馆之一,外层膜的展开面积约为260000平方米,将260000用科学记数法表示应为()A.0.26×106 B.26×104 C.2.6×105 D.2.6×106试题22:如果,那么-3m+3n-7的值是()A.-22B.-8C.8D.22试题23:单项式的系数与次数分别是()A. -2, 6B.2, 7C., 6D., 7试题24:下列一组数:-1,0,-3,2.其中负数有()个A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4试题25:如图,数轴上点A、C对应的数分别为a、c,且a、c满足 ,点B对应的数为-3,(1)求a、c的值(2)点A,B沿数轴同时出发向右匀速运动,点A速度为2个单位长度/秒,点B速度为1个单位长度/秒,若运动时间为t秒,运动过程中,当A,B两点到原点O的距离相等时,求t的值;(3)在(2)的条件下,若点B运动到点C处后立即以原速返回,到达自己的出发点后停止运动,点A运动至点C处后又以原速返回,到达自己的出发点后又折返向点C运动,当点B停止运动时,点A随之停止运动,在此运动过程中,A,B 两点同时到达的点在数轴上表示的数是(说明:直接在横线上写出答案,答案不唯一,不解、错解均不得分,少解、漏解酌情给分)试题1答案:1)x-14 x-12 x-2(2分)(2)能求出来,分别是36、38、48、50(要有过程)(3分)(3)先求出四个数分别为68、70、80、82,再说理这样的方框不能框出这四个数,这样的四个数和不可能为300.解:(1)(平方米)(4分)(2)27000-25π(平方米) (5分)(结果没保留π的酌情给分)试题3答案:(1)1.5a (元) (3分) (2)(元) (2分) (元) (2分)试题4答案:(1)-18(3分)试题5答案:画数轴3分,表示数2分,用“<”比较大小2分试题6答案:(2)试题7答案:(3分) 原式=18 (3分)试题8答案:14试题9答案:试题10答案:-503试题11答案:A+2B1/3试题13答案: 11试题14答案:试题15答案: A试题16答案: D试题17答案: C试题18答案: B试题19答案: C试题20答案: D试题21答案: C试题22答案: A试题23答案: DB试题25答案:(3) -2 ,0 ,(3分)(本小题不解、错解均不得分,少解、漏解酌情给分)。

广东省中山市民众中学、三鑫双语学校等七年级生物上学期期中联考试题 新人教版

广东省中山市民众中学、三鑫双语学校等七年级生物上学期期中联考试题 新人教版


请把答案涂在答题卡上)1.下列属于生物的是A .钟乳石B .咸鸭蛋C .生石花D .电脑病毒2. 下列关于生物的特征,判断正确的是A.所有生物都是由细胞构成的B.“种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆”这句话描述了生物的变异现象C.生物都能制造自身所需的有机物D. 植物可吸收氧气,呼出二氧化碳 3.下列活动中不属于调查的是A .对照图片,找出马和驴在外形上的不同之处B .对全校学生的视力进行检查并统计C .我国的森林资源每五年清查一次D .土地资源普查4.在《调查我们身边的生物》活动中,某兴趣小组调查到了以下生物:玉米、鸭、猪、哈八狗。

如果按照用途,可将它们依次分为A . 植物、动物B .作物、家禽、家畜、宠物C .水生生物、陆生生物D .生产者、消费者5.对于一只生活在田野里的蝗虫来说,影响它的生态因素就是:A .田野里的植物和蛇、蛙等动物B .阳光、空气、土壤、温度、水等因素C .A 选项和B 选项的总和D .A 选项和B 选项之和再加上田野里的其它蝗虫6.下列几种现象,主要受阳光因素影响的是A .仙人掌的叶变成刺B .东北三省的参农将人参种在密林下C .盐碱地农作物产量不高D .苹果主要分布在我国的北方7.“螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后”描述了生物之间的什么关系?A .竞争关系B .寄生关系C .捕食关系D .合作关系8.右图为两棵植物,其中,甲植物分布的环境是A .湿润地区B .干旱地区C .寒冷地区D .温暖地区9.科学探究过程的一般顺序是①发现问题,提出问题 ②做出假设 ③得出结论 ④设计实验 ⑤表达交流 ⑥完成实验.A .①②③④⑤⑥B .①②④⑥③⑤C .①②⑤④⑥③D .①②③⑥④⑤10.下表为某同学探究“温度对鼠妇生活的影响”的实验设计,但不完善,对其修改正确的是A .左右两侧应分别为湿土和干土B .左右两侧都应该保持20℃C .左右两侧都应该保持阴暗环境D .左右两侧的鼠妇数量可以不同11.下列属于生态系统的是A .岐江河中的鲫鱼B .孙文公园中的阳光、土壤、空气等无机环境C .长江水库中的所有生物D .五桂山林区12.生活着水生植物和动物,还有其他小生物的水族箱是一个生态系统,它是由( )组成A .植物、动物、细菌和真菌B .生产者、分解者、消费者C .非生物部分和生物部分D .阳光、空气、水13.下列正确的一条食物链是A.太阳→青草→昆虫→蛙→蛇B.青草→昆虫→蛙→蛇C.青草→昆虫→蛙→蛇→真菌D.昆虫→蛙→蛇14.如图表示某淡水生态系统的食物网简图,下列有关叙述中,正确的是A .该食物网中有五条食物链B .该食物网获得能量最多的生物是鸟C .蝌蚪与水蚤之间只存在捕食关系D .该食物网中动物体内的物质和能量归根到底都来自藻类15.在某生态系统中存在的生物,其体内存留的有机汞(有毒物质)如下表,由这些生物组成的食物链是A .D→B→C→E→A B.D→E→B→C→A C.A→C→E→B→D D.A→E→C→B→D16.在天然的草原生态系统中,狼由于某种疾病而大量死亡,在较长时间内与鹿群数量变化相符合的曲线是17.下列关于生物圈的叙述中,不正确的是A .生物圈包括大气圈的底部、水圈的全部、岩石圈的表面B .生物圈是地球上所有生物与其生存环境的整体C .生物圈就是地球上的所有生物D .生物圈是地球上所有生物的家18.具有涵养水源、保持水土功能,有“绿色水库”“地球之肺”之称的是A 、淡水生态系统B 、海洋生态系统C 、森林生态系统D 、草原生态系统19.某陆地使用农药DDT ,而远在南极洲的动物身上也发现了该农药,这种现象说明了A .DDT 的挥发性很强B .南极动物曾去过施药地区C .人类的活动对环境的影响具有全球性D .考察队将DDT 带到南极20.下列哪一项说明了生物影响环境?A .大树底下好乘凉B .仙人掌的叶退化成刺状C .旗形树的树冠像一面旗帜D .人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开21.用显微镜观察植物细胞的临时装片的同一部位,应选择下列哪种目镜和物镜的组合在视野中看到的细胞数目最多A .目镜10×;物镜10× B.目镜15×;物镜15× C.目镜15×;物镜10× D.目镜5×; 物镜40×22.在透明玻片上写“6>9”,放在显微镜下观察所看到的物像是A .9>6B .6<9C .9<6D .6>923.下图是小玲同学使用显微镜的四个操作步骤,正确的操作顺序是:A.①→②→③→④ B.②→①→③→④ C.②→③→①→④ D.②→①→④→③24.下列哪位科学家用自制的显微镜观察软木薄片,发现了细胞?A.施莱登B.达尔文C.孟德尔D.罗伯特·虎克25.小明用刀片刮取少许黄瓜果肉,均匀涂抹在载玻片的水滴中,这样制成的玻片标本属于A.临时切片B.永久装片C.临时装片D.临时涂片26.在用显微镜观察植物细胞质流动时,若视野太暗,无法观察清楚,应采取的措施是A.换用平面反光镜 B.调节细准焦螺旋C.调节遮光器上的光圈 D.换用倍数大的物镜27.下图表示“制作洋葱鳞片叶表皮细胞临时装片”实验的部分操作步骤,按照实验操作过程,将①一④实验步骤进行排序,正确的是28.在制作人的口腔上皮细胞临时装片时,常用0.9%的生理盐水,其作用是A.分散口腔上皮细胞 B.保持细胞的形态 C.防止细胞死亡 D.杀死细胞29.未成熟的葡萄吃起来是酸的,这种酸性的物质主要存在于A.细胞壁 B.细胞膜 C.液泡 D.细胞核30. 用显微镜进行观察的材料必须是A.新鲜的 B.完整的 C.薄而透明的 D.干燥的31.下列属于人口腔上皮细胞和洋葱鳞片叶内表皮细胞所共有的结构是①细胞壁②细胞膜③细胞质④细胞核⑤叶绿体⑥液泡⑦线粒体.A.①③⑤⑥ B.①③⑤⑦ C.②④⑥⑦ D.②③④⑦32.显微镜下观察人体口腔上皮细胞,发现染色最深的结构是A.细胞膜 B.细胞核 C.线粒体 D.细胞质33.细胞所含的下列物质中,属于有机物的是①水②无机盐③蛋白质④糖类⑤脂类⑥核酸A.①②③④ B.②③④⑤ C.③④⑤⑥ D.①②⑤⑥34.菠菜浸泡在清水中,清水不变色;用开水浸泡菠菜后,水会变成绿色。



科目:语文年级:初一考试时间:120分钟总分:100分一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列词语中,字形、字音完全正确的是()A. 潜伏沧桑漫步B. 精湛祛邪赛跑C. 暮气沉沉漫不经心脚踏实地D. 毛茸茸鸦雀无声拼搏2. 下列句子中,没有语病的是()A. 这篇文章生动地描绘了我国农村的巨大变化。

B. 为了这次比赛,他付出了很多,包括时间和精力。

C. 他的学习成绩一直名列前茅,这得益于他的勤奋和努力。

D. 由于天气原因,原定于昨天的活动被推迟到了今天。

3. 下列词语中,与“千锤百炼”意思相近的是()A. 千辛万苦B. 千锤百炼C. 千头万绪D. 千辛万苦4. 下列句子中,修辞手法运用正确的是()A. 月亮像一个大玉盘,挂在天空中。

B. 他学习起来像一台永动机,不知疲倦。

C. 这本书的内容丰富,让人百读不厌。

D. 他的笑容像阳光一样温暖。

5. 下列词语中,与“画龙点睛”意思相近的是()A. 突破口子B. 胸有成竹C. 一针见血D. 一帆风顺6. 下列句子中,标点符号使用正确的是()A. 他喜欢听音乐、看书、看电影。

B. 他问我:“你什么时候回家?”C. 他笑了,说:“没问题!”D. 我问:“你为什么迟到?”他回答:“因为起床晚了。

”7. 下列词语中,与“一鼓作气”意思相近的是()A. 一鼓作气B. 一心一意C. 一帆风顺D. 一丝不苟8. 下列句子中,没有语病的是()A. 通过这次活动,我们学到了很多知识,也收获了友谊。

B. 她不仅学习好,而且性格开朗。

C. 我们要珍惜时间,努力学习,争取早日实现自己的梦想。

D. 因为他的努力,终于取得了优异的成绩。

9. 下列词语中,与“豁然开朗”意思相近的是()A. 豁然开朗B. 心旷神怡C. 欣喜若狂D. 意气风发10. 下列句子中,修辞手法运用正确的是()A. 月亮像一个大玉盘,挂在天空中。

B. 他学习起来像一台永动机,不知疲倦。

C. 这本书的内容丰富,让人百读不厌。





你学得愉快、收获丰厚吗?鼓起你的勇气,拿起手中的笔,放飞你的思维,细心而认真地答卷,将你的收获展示出来,让我们共同分享你的喜悦吧! 加油!一、单项选择题:(共25小题,每小题3分,共75分。

每题给出的四个选项中只有唯一答案符合题意)1. 我们要了解远古居民的生活状况,下列最有信服力的证据是A.神话传说 B.专家采访录 C.史书记载 D.考古发掘物2.据考古报道,安徽发现的繁昌人距今约有180万年。

这样,中国人类的历史又得向前推进了A.10万年 B.20万年 C.100万年 D.120万年3. 2008北京奥运会吉祥物是五个具有民族特色的福娃。


看到这个可爱的福娃,我们应该感谢制造这种彩陶的A.北京人 B.河姆渡原始居民 C.半坡原始居民 D.大汶口原始居民4. 2009年11月,被确认为我国发现的最早人工栽培水稻地区之一的苏州草鞋山遗址又有新的考古发现,进一步丰富了其文化内涵。

在下列远古人类中,也已经种植水稻的是A.元谋人 B.山顶洞人 C.半坡人 D.河姆渡人5. 在我国古代的神话传说中有“神农氏教民播种五谷”、“黄帝教民养蚕缫丝”。

这些神话传说反映出中华文明的核心是A.农耕文明 B.海洋文明 C.神话传说 D.游牧文明6. 中国古代部落联盟首领的“禅让”顺序正确的一项是A.尧、禹、舜 B.舜、禹、尧 C.禹、舜、尧 D.尧、舜、禹、7. 祭祀祖先是中华民族的传统习俗。


你知道“人文初祖”是A.禹B.尧C.黄帝D.舜8.一位新同学在作自我介绍时说:“我的姓和中国历史上第一个王朝的名称是一样的”,他姓A.商B.秦C.夏D.周9.下列反映西周历史的电影场景,明显不符合史实的是A.周王使用青铜器祭祀 B.奴隶使用铁农具劳动生产C.王宫中摆放着玉器 D.已经有了五谷的农作物10.文物是鲜活的历史。



A.The man can ’t read the new books. B. The man should not take out the books.
三. (
C. The man may come to read the books the next day. 听短文。选出一个能完成句子的最佳选项,短文听两遍。
五、单项选择 (本大题有 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)
( ) 26.
Smiths went to Shenzhen Sports Center to play
A.The, /
B. A, the
C. The, the
D. A, a
( ) 27. Jenny can ’t find ________ key. _______ asked _______for help.
A. To buy clothes
B. To see a film
听第二段对话回答第 7 小题。
C. To swim
( ) 7.What time will the plane arrive in Beijing?
A.At 7:30
B. At 8:40
听第三段对话回答第 8 小题。
( ) 8.When was Kim leaving?
A.To buy a book. B.To book a room C.To buy a new room from the Rose Hotel.
听第五段对话回答第 10 小题。
( ) 10.What do you know from the dialogue?
A.The man has never seen Mount Emei. B. The man has visited Mount Emei. C. The man is going to Mount Emei. 听第六段对话回答第 11-12 小题。 ( ) 11.Who is the girl looking for?



2020-2021学年中山市纪中三鑫双语学校高三英语期末考试试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThough online ordering is popular in the UK today,hands­on experience still attracts many buyers' attention.Oxford StreetLondon is a shoppers' paradise,and most visitors head for Oxford Street.Halfway along is Selfridges,one of the world's first department stores where the architecture and window dressing impress you even before you go in.There are at least four other major stores on this street,plus Europe's largest music shop.In December the atmosphere is especially festive because of the Christmaslights which are always lighted by a politician,a great sportsman,or a super star.Kensington High StreetA fashionable area for shopping is Kensington High Street.One of its department stores even has a roof garden—good for relaxing between purchases.There's also an organic food superstore.Borough MarketYou can't visit London without going to a supermarketOne of the oldest and best for food is probably Borough Market on the south bank of the Thames.Get off the underground at London Bridge and wander among fresh fish stalls,bakeries,and fruit and vegetable sellers.You can also buy specialities to take away,like cheeses,pork pies,mustard and chutney.More places for bargainsPortobello Road Market on a Saturday is your best choice for jewelry or collector's items.It's a shortwalk from the underground station at Notting Hill Gate and you never know what you will find.For clothes,Camden Market is the place.It gets a little crowded at the weekends,though.Convent Garden Market offers great experience for the simple pleasure of looking at jewelry and gifts.1.Oxford Street becomes special in December for ________.A.the wonderful window dressingB.the Europe's largest music shopC.the lights lighted by a famous personD.many bargains to choose from2.To enjoy food,you can goto ________.A.Camden MarketB.Borough MarketC.Kensington High StreetD.Portobello Road Market3.Where is this passage probably taken from?AA science book. B.A traveler's journal.C.A news report.D.A trip guide.BIt’s 13:30 and 28-year-old Marten Pella 's smart phone starts pinging, a signal that it’s time for us to stop working around his living room table and instead start our workout routine together. A cartoon character wearing bright red shorts on video begins instructing us to do star-jumps and sit-ups around his apartment.Pella, a research assistant at Stockholm University, is part of the Hoffice movement, which invites workers-freelancers(自由职业者)or full-time employees who can do their jobs remotely—to work at each other’s homes to increase productivity and enjoy an active social life.Those attending Hoffice events advertised on Facebook are typically asked to work silently in 45-minute blocks, before taking short breaks together to exercise, or simply chatting over a coffee. In addition, each participant shares daily objectives with the rest of the group upon arrival, and is invited to report back on whether or not they have achieved them at the end of the day.“Often when I am alone, I can work focused for a couple of hours but then I’m easily distracted(分心).The help of others makes me so much more disciplined.” says Pella, who attends Hoffice events as both a guest and a host. Lunches mean networking and connecting with new contacts. “People are coming from really different areas and have different professions so there can be really interesting discussions,” he says.The Hoffice movement has grown quickly since it was founded in 2014 by Swedish psychologist Christofer Franzen, now 37. He had been giving lectures on the benefits of collective(集体的)intelligence, but realised he was spending most of his own time working alone at his kitchen table. “I wanted to test more structured home co-working with friends in similar situations,” he says.Franzen says that holding events in houses and apartments creates a unique atmosphere, because there’s a sense of community and desire to contribute. He’s looking for ways to expand the social value of Hoffice, bymatching up members with relevant skills to share and even encouraging jobseekers to join its gatherings.4. Where is Pella when his smart phone starts pinging?A. In his own home.B. In his office.C. In another person’s home.D. At Stockholm University.5. What do people attending Hoffice events do first when they meet?A. Watch an exercise video.B. Work silently for 45 minutes.C. Tell each other their daily plans.D. Report what they have achieved.6. What does Franzen really mean by saying “friends in similar situations”?A. They usually work alone.B. They often give lectures.C. They study collective intelligence.D. They have to work at a kitchen table.7. What is the best title for the text?A. Sharing Comfortable WorkplacesB. A New Way to Make New FriendsC. Benefits of Collective IntelligenceD. Working from Others’ HomesCIn the world of Chinese archaeology(考古学), a sign of a dig's importance is the sight of Zhou Mingsheng at work. A field technician who has worked at archaeological sites all aroundChina. Master Zhou iscredited with the gentlest touch in his profession. Born into a farming family, he is a “national-level craftsman” with a talent for using simple tools to get relics(遗物) that wouldcrumblein other hands, says his current boss, Wang Xu, director of an archaeological site at Shuanghuaishu, a Neolithic(新石器时代的) settlement near the Yellow River in the central province of Henan.It is not beauty that attracts visitors to Shuanghuaishu. At 5,300 years old, the settlement is the work of a culture too simple to have left behind many buried treasures. The single most precious find, to date, is a finger-length sculpture of a silkworm. Nor is the setting lovely: an area surrounded by deafening insects, between a highway and two power stations. Rather, the site's importance is historical. For since the birth of Chinese archaeology in the 1920s, it has been inseparable from claims thatChinahas the oldest unbroken civilisation on Earth.Leading archaeologists say that the site has the right combination of location, age and distinctive cultural elements to be the capital of an early Chinese kingdom. That would make it a bridge betweenChina's writtenhistory and the era of the Yellow Emperor, who is said to rule over these central plains almost 5,000 years ago, though many foreign scholars doubt his existence. Chinese media call the site proof ofChina's 5,000 years of history.Foreigners complain about a lack of written records, Mr. Wang notes. Perhaps they are missing symbols that will one day be understood, for instance in patterned pottery. Outsiders “can't keep using Western standards to apply to Chinese ruins,” he argues.8. What does the underlined word “crumble” in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Break.B. Start.C. Wait.D. Shine.9. Why does Shuanghuaishu attract visitors?A. It has appealing scenery.B. It has various precious treasures.C. It is of great historical significance.D. It is easily accessible.10. What is Mr. Wang's attitude towards foreigners’ view?A. Unconcern.B. Disapproving.C. Supportive.D. Not mentioned.11. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Chinese history amazes the world.B. Chinese archaeology catches on.C. China follows its tradition.D.Chinadigs its past.DA team of researchersfrom theUniversityofColorado Boulderhave created a revolutionary type of robotic muscles. They are strong and flexible at the same time, can feel the movements they perform and, whenever they suffer damage, they can self-heal. However, what is best about them is probably the fact that they are extremely cheap to manufacture.The robotic muscles have been called actuators, and have drawn inspiration from real-life muscles. By creating robots equipped with this kind of actuators, researchers would allowthem to perform movements just like human muscles.To make the robotic muscles work, they filled some flexible material with electrodes(电极)and with liquid and oil. Then, they applied some electricity, and the liquid and oil started moving around the electrodes and powered them. This way, the robotic muscles started contracting and relaxing just like real muscles, but a lot quicker.Researchers also took inspiration from the variety of human muscles, and created more types of actuators, each of them performing a different movement. They called these robotic muscles HASEL ( Hydraulically-AmplifiedSelf-healing Electrostatic). However, they are superior to biological muscles as they are stronger, faster, and more flexible.Even the researchers were amazed they could develop such technology. Eric Acome, the author of one of the studies, explained what is unique about the robotic muscles.“The ability to create electrically powered soft actuators that lift a gallon of water at several times per second is something we haven't seen before.”These muscles are special because they are also self-healing. This property is given by the liquid placed inside of them, which also gives them a lot more advantages than those mechanisms (机械)using solids. In the end, the material which keeps the liquid, the oil and the electrodes is extremely cheap. It is a type of polymer (聚合物)similar to the one used for potato chips bags, and can be manufactures for only 10 cents.12. What can we learn about actuators?A. They can heal on their own.B. They are biological muscles.C. They can not move like human muscles.D. They are slower to react than real muscles.13. What do actuators use to directly power electrodes?A. Solids.B. Liquid and oil.C. A type of polymer.D. Potato chips bags.14. What is the last paragraph mainly about?A. The origin of actuators.B. The opinions on actuators.C. The advantages of actuators.D. The significance of actuators.15. In which part of a newspaper will the textmost probably appear?A. Health.B. Culture.C. Education.D. Technology.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。



小升初测评试卷学校: 班级: 姓名:一、选择题(每小题2分,共16分)1、下面几何体中,是圆锥体的是( )A B C D2、下面两数的比中,能与3:4组成比例的是( )A 0.6:0.8B 4131: C 20:12 D 8:6 3、圆的半径和它的周长比是( )A 1:πB 2:πC 1:2πD 2π:14、10克盐溶于100克水中,盐占盐水的( )A 81B 91C 101D 111 5、“一种产品原价50元,现价比原价降低了5元,求降低了百分之几”解决这一问题的正确列式是( )A 100%505⨯B 100%5505⨯+C 100%5505⨯-D 100%55045⨯+ 6、下列计算正确的是( )A 32321=÷B 23243=÷C 23132=÷D 13443=÷ 7、多项式1+2xy-3xy ²的次数及最高次项的系数分别是( )A 3,-3B 2,-3C 5,-3D 2,38、下列说法正确的是( )A x 2+1是二次单项式B −m 2的次数是2,系数是1C -23πab 的系数是-23D 数字0也是单项式二、填空题(每小题3分,共计24分)1、把125%化成分数是( )2、解比例x653 ,则x= 3、小亮身高160厘米,表妹的身高1.2米,则小亮的身高:表妹的身高=4、一个直角三角形的两条直角边的长分别为6厘米和8厘米,绕它的直角边所在的直线旋转所形成几何体的体积是 立方厘米。

(结果保留π)5、在地铁车站中,从站台到地面有一架向上的自动扶梯,小强乘坐扶梯时,如果每秒向上迈一级台阶,那么他走过20级台阶后到达地面;如果每秒向上迈两级台阶,那么走过30级台阶到达地面,从站台到地面有 级台阶。



广东省中山市中山纪念中学三鑫双语学校七年级生物上学期期中考试试题 人教新课标版

广东省中山市中山纪念中学三鑫双语学校七年级生物上学期期中考试试题 人教新课标版

七年级生物试题一、选择题(每小题只有一个正确答案,每题2分,共60分)1.下列物体中不是生物的是A.冬眠的蛇 B.病毒 C.咸鸭蛋 D.休眠的种子2. “离离原上草,一岁一枯荣”。

这种生命现象说明生物体具有的特征是A.应激性 B.能生长和繁殖 C.能排出体内的废物 D.能呼吸3.探究“光对鼠妇生活的影响”过程中,主要应用A.观察法 B.实验法 C.测量法 D.调查法4.下列各项中,能看做一个生态系统的是A.一片草原上所有的马、羊 B.一个池塘中所有的鲫鱼C.一块农田中的阳光、土壤、空气等无机环境 D.一条河流中所有的生物及其中的无机环境5.用显微镜的一个目镜分别与4个不同倍数的物镜组合观察临时装片,形成清晰物像时,每一物镜与载玻片的距离如下图示。

在一个视野中看到的细胞数目最多的是6.用解剖针挑取少许番茄果肉制成的玻片标本叫做A.临时装片 B.临时涂片 C.临时切片 D.永久涂片7.使用显微镜进行观察,镜筒下降时,眼睛要注视:A、目镜B、物镜C、反光镜D、镜筒8.下列四组生物中,能生活在同一生态系统中的是A.猎豹和猕猴 B.莲花和海带 C.丹顶鹤和仙人掌 D.玉米和大豆9.夹竹桃上下相邻的叶片互不遮挡,能使每片叶都尽可能多地接受阳光的照射。

这种现象说明A.环境能适应生物 B.环境不能影响生物 C.生物能适应环境 D.生物不能影响环境10.麦田中的小麦与杂草的关系是A.捕食 B.合作 C.竞争 D.寄生11.科学探究的一般过程的排列顺序是①发现问题并提出问题②作出假设③表达交流④制订计划⑤实施计划⑥得出结论A.①②③④⑤⑥ B.①②④⑤⑥③ C.①②④③⑤⑥ D.①②④⑤③⑥12.在一个由林木、植食昆虫、食虫鸟组成的森林生态系统中,如果食虫鸟被大量捕杀,植食昆虫的数量变化可以用下图中的哪个曲线图来表示?13.“测量不同植被环境的空气温度和湿度”的探究实验中,对每个实测地点要测量3个数据,但记录的是这3个数据中的A.最大值B.最小值C.平均值D.任意一个14.长期生活在干旱环境中的植物,其形态方面会出现一系列的适应性特征。



2019-2020学年中山市纪中三鑫双语学校高三英语上学期期末考试试题及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ALocated in the beautiful Sichuan Basin, Chongqing is a magical 8D city. The natural history and cultural scenery of the area provide children with learning opportunities because they can enjoy the many wonders of this area.Fengjie Tiankeng Ground JointTiankeng Diqiao Scenic Area is located in the southern mountainous area of Fengjie County. The Tiankeng pit is 666 meters deep and is currently the deepest tiankeng in the world. The scenic spot is divided into ten areas including Xiaozhai Tiankeng, Tianjingxia Ground, Labyrinth River, and Longqiao River. There are many and weird karst cave shafts, and countless legends haunt them.Youyang Peach GardenYouyang Taohuayuan Scenic Area is a national forest park, a national 5A-level scenic spot, and a national outdoor sports training base. Located in the hinterland of Wuling Mountain. The Fuxi Cave in the scenic spot is about 3,000 meters long, with winding corridors, deep underground rivers, and color1 ful stalactites. The landscape is beautiful.Jinyun Mountain National Nature ReserveJinyun Mountain is located in Beibei District of Chongqing City, about 45 kilometers away from the Central District of Chongqing City. The nine peaks of Jinyun Mountain stand upright and rise from the ground. The ancient trees on the mountain are towering, the green bamboos form the forest, the environment is quiet, and the scenery is beautiful, so it is called "Little Emei". Among them, Yujian Peak is the highest, 1050 meters above sea level; Lion Peak is the most precipitous and spectacular, and the other peaks are also unique.Chongqing People's SquareChongqing's Great Hall of the People, one of the landmarks of Chongqing, gives people the deepest impression than its magnificent appearance resembling the Temple of Heaven. It also uses the traditional method of central axis symmetry, with colonnade-style double wings and a tower ending, plus a large green glazed roof, large red pillars, white railings, double-eave bucket arches, and painted carved beams.1.How deep is the Tiankeng Ground Joint?A.666mB.3,000mC.45kmD.1050m2.Which of the following rocks can you see in Youyang Peach Garden?A.LimestoneB.StalactiteC.MarbleD.Quartzite3.Which attraction is closest to downtown Chongqing?A.Fengjie Tiankeng Ground JointB.Jinyun Mountain National Nature ReserveC.Chongqing People's SquareD.Youyang Peach GardenB“My P.E. teacher taught me maths.”It has been a common joke for years but when a P.E. teacher applied for the head-teacher job, many parents worried that “the joke could come true”. Some parents asked, “Does the P.E. teacher know maths and English?If not, how is he supposed to tutor the students?” But there were still parents who believed P.E. teachers had more time to discipline the students since they didn’t have many classes.This concern is actually a “subject bias”, that is, choosing a P.E. teacher as the head-teacher is not good for the students’ grades since he doesn’t know Chinese, maths, or English. It is acceptable for Chinese teachers, maths teachers and English teachers to be head-teachers because these subjects are important to entrance exams and scores. Such a concern reflects parents’ anxiety in the current educational environment, which tends to link the head-teacher’s responsible subject with the facts whether the school cares about the class and the children’s performances in the subject.Many people care about their kids’ academic performances only. They don’t care about their kids’ P.E. performance at all. Even if kids have P.E. classes, parents care little. P.E. teachers are in humble position and their classes are often occupied by other teachers. Of course, if students, P.E. performance is related to grades and entrance exams, parents won’t mind “a P.E. teacher being the head-teacher”.At the moment, P.E. is gradually included in entrance exams.In terms of high school entrance examination,Guangzhouwill launch a new high school entrance exam which includes P.E. performance and Health examination in 2021, raising the score to 70 points.In terms of the college entrance examination, universities having the right of independent enrollments added P.E. tests to their entrance exams in 2019. This practice is seen as an important signal that the assessment of physical fitness and athletic ability, which are important aspects of a student’s overall quality, may be included inthe college entrance examination in the future.We hope that it’s a trend for P.E. teachers, music teachers and art teachers to become head-teachers.4. By saying “My P.E. teacher taught me maths”, what does the author intend to show us?A. It is just a joke that seldom happened in reality.B. P.E. teachers hardly assist students in maths.C. P.E. teachers are good at teaching maths..D. Parents doubt the ability of P.E. teacher.5. We can infer from paragraph 2 that a P.E. teacher .A. is of little benefit for students’ academic performanceB. is humbler than Chinese, math or English teachersC. reflects whether the school cares about the classD. gets unfairly judged due to the current educational system6. Why doesGuangzhouraise proportion of P.E. performance in high school entrance examination?A. To raise students’ awareness of physical health.B. To call on parents to pay attention to P.E. teachers.C. To test the overall ability of high school students.D. To make P.E. teachers equal with other teachers.7. What opinion does the author hold towards P.E. teachers working as head-teachers?A. Neutral.B. Unexpected.C. Supportive.D. Critical.CIt was New Year time, but I wasn’tlooking forward to it. That winter, my mother and my stepfather moved our family toSouthern California. My brother and I were leaving our ruralAlabamabehind. This would be our first New Year away fromAlabama. My mother took toCalifornialike a swan to a royal lake. My athletic little brother, Paul, was keyed up at a climate that allowed him to go to the beach whenever he wanted.I, however, was a fat child with heavy southern pronunciation. My first day in the new class, I introduced myself in a low voice. The moment I opened my mouth to speak, the whole class burst into laughter, “He talks funny.” It was so frustrating that I went to place a call to Granny Smith after school, who was my biggest support, But I didn’t get through.On Sunday evening, the phone rang. It was Granny. She often took advantage of the discounted long-distancerates on Sundays. She said she’d shipped a New Year package. Sure enough, it arrived. Surprised at the box, large enough to hold a small refrigerator, we eagerly tore it open. The smell of Granny’s house filled the room: a combination of fried meat, sausages, furniture polish and decorations. Her house was tiny and always filled withtackyholiday decorations and homemade food before New Year. But in my childhood eyes, it was precious and fantastic.There were countless tins and containers. We open hem to discover piles of holiday treats. She even included our traditional candy bats. The box was as bottomless as a magical box. There, beneath all these, was familiar holiday.Every New Year that we spent inCalifornia, the postal service would call and say our package was arrived. Over the years, many treasures arrived in the box. For me, it’s always been the best part of the holiday.8. How did the author’s brother feel when they were moving toCalifornia?A. Indifferent.B. Joyful.C. Appreciative.D. Disappointed.9. Why did the author’s classmates laugh at him?A. He spoke in a low voice.B. He made a humorous talk.C. He looked overweight.D. He had a strong accent.10. What does the underlined word “tacky” probably mean?A. Suitable.B. Expensive.C. Cheap.D. Attractive.11. Which of the following can be the best title of the text?A. Granny’s Care PackageB. An UnforgettableHolidayC. Our Move toCaliforniaD. A Telephone Call from GrannyDPablo Picasso was born on October25 inMalaga. Spain in 1881. Taking after his father, Picasso shared apassion(热爱)for painting and art. Even though he wasn't the best student in school, Picasso excelled at drawing. Noticing his amazing talent, Picasso's father, an artist, taught him everything he knew. Before long, Picasso could paint and draw much better than his father. With this rich talent, Picasso paid less and less attention to his schoolwork and spent the majority of his day sketching and drawing in notepads and sketchbooks.When he was a little bit older, Picasso moved twice and was accepted into two fine art programs. However, he didn't care very much for the special techniques they taught and often wandered the streets by himself drawing the scenes around him. After moving to these two places, Picasso moved back home toBarcelonaand decided that he would develop new techniques of art and painting based on what he saw.Later, Picasso decided to move toParis,France, where he began perfecting his own techniques of painting, drawing and other forms of art. His drawings. paintings, and an included pieces about sadness, poverty, classics and self-portraits. One of his major types of work is calledcubism(立体派),which includes art with all sizes of geometric shapes together on the piece of an. This type of art is very important because no other artists had come up with the idea before. Picasso decided to try something new, and as a result, cubismis widely accepted today as a classic style of art.Picasso inspires us to always be thinking. He tells us to think outside the box and come up with fresh new ideas that can change the world. He surely plays a significant role in the art field.12. What do we know about Picasso as a student at school?A. He hated doing his homework.B. He was very proud of his talent.C. He showed great talent for drawing.D. He was often praised by his teacher.13. What did Picasso's father do when he found Picasso's gift?A. He tried his best to help Picasso.B. He blamed Picasso for his laziness.C. He asked Picasso to finish his work on time.D. He encouraged Picasso to do better at school.14. What was Picasso's attitude towards the special techniques at that time?A. He thought highly of them.B. He took no interest in them.C. He was confused about them.D. He was concerned about them.15. What does the author tell us in the last two paragraphs?A. Picasso has great faith in art.B. Picasso has changed the world a lot.C. Picasso can do anything he wants to.D. Picasso is a highly creative artist.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

广东省中山市民众中学、三鑫双语学校等2014-2015学年七年级地理上学期期中联考试题 新人教版

广东省中山市民众中学、三鑫双语学校等2014-2015学年七年级地理上学期期中联考试题 新人教版

某某省某某市民众中学、三鑫双语学校等2014-2015学年七年级地理上学期期中联考试题一、单项选择题(共50小题,每小题2分,共100分)1.下列关于地球的描述,错误的是()A、地球是一个两极稍扁的不规则球体C、地球表面并不均一D、地球的平均半径为6371千米2.在日常生活中,能够说明地球是球体的自然现象()A、太阳东升西落B、远去的船只船身比桅杆先消失C、水往低处流D、日食3.在地球仪上,最长的纬线圈的纬度是()A、90°N B、°SC、40°S D、°N4.下列关于经纬线的表述正确的是()°N——北极圈 B、0°经线——日界线C、90°N——北极点D、180°经线——东西半球分界线5.一个人站在北极点上,他的前后左右都是()A、东方B、南方C、西方D、北方6.甲地在(45°E,60°N),乙地在(20°W,25°S),则甲地位于乙地的()A、东南面B、西南面C、东北面D、西北面读右图,回答7—10题:7.图中关于A点经纬度的判读,正确的是()A、80°E,140°NB、140°E,80°SC、80°W,140°SD、140°W,80°S8.图中B地位于C地的什么方向()A、东北B、西北C、东南D、西南9.图中位于东半球的是()A、A点B、B点C、C点D、D点10.图中位于热带的是()A、A点B、B点C、C点D、D点读下图,完成11—13小题。




2021–2021 学年三鑫双语初一年级第一次段考英语试卷一. 对话理解。

(本大题共 25 小题,每小题 1 分,共 25 分)A.听单句话,根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的选项回答问题,每小题听一遍。

(本大题共 5 小题,每小题1 分,共 5 分)( )1. Where is the map?A.On the sofa.B. On the chair.C. On the desk.( )2. What’s your telephone number?A. 666-1822B. 888-1266C. 666-1288A. At 7:00.B. At 8:00.C. At 17:00.( )4. When is your birthday?A. October 23.B. May 18.C. June 5.( )5. How much is the hat?A. 9 dollars.B. 6 dollars.C. 6 pounds.B.听对话(本大题共10 题,每题1 分,共10 分)根据所听的内容,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,对话读两遍。

听第一段对话,回答第 6 小题。

( )6. What’s Cindy’s favorite color?A. Black.B. White.C. Purple.听第二段对话,回答第 7 小题。

( )7. Does Ken like tomatoes?A. No, he doesn’t.B. We don’t know.C. Yes, he does.听第三段对话,回答第 8 小题。

( )8. Who teaches Dave science?A. Miss ZhangB. Mr ZhangC. Mrs. Zhang听第四段对话,回答第 9 小题。

( )9. What does Jim like eating?A. Oranges.B. Bananas.C. Apples.听第五段对话,回答第 10 小题。

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A.﹣1 B.1 C. D.﹣
A.42.3×104 B.4.23×102 C.4.23×105 D.4.23×106
3.如果单项式x2y m+2与x n y的和仍然是一个单项式,则m、n的值是()
A.m=2,n=2 B.m=﹣1,n=2 C.m=﹣2,n=2 D.m=2,n=﹣1
A.2x2﹣3xy﹣1是二次三项式 B.﹣x+1不是单项式
C.﹣πxy2的系数是﹣π D.﹣22xab2的次数是6
A.若x=y,则x+5=y+5 B.若a=b,则ac=bc
C.若x=y,则 = D.若 = (c≠0),则a=b
A.b﹣a B.2b﹣2a C.﹣2a D.2b
A. B.C. D.
A.12 B.10 C.8 D.7
A.互相重合 B.互相平行 C.互相垂直D.无法确定
11.计算72°35′÷2+18°33′×4= °′″.
13.如果关于x的方程 = 与 =x+4 +2|m|的解相同,那么m的取值是.
14.如果(a﹣2)2+|b+1|=0,那么a+b= .
15.如图,C 、D 、E 、F 为线段AB 上顺次排列的4个动点(不与A 、B 重合),图
中共有 条线段.若AB=8.6cm ,DE=1cm ,图中所有线段长度之和为56cm ,则
线段CF 长为 cm .
16.如图,把长方形ABCD 沿EF 对折,若∠1=50°,则∠AEF 的度数等于 .
(1)﹣22÷(﹣2)2+(﹣3)2×(﹣ ) (2)解方程:
32254-=-+x x
18.先化简,再求值:4x 2y ﹣[6xy ﹣2(4xy ﹣2)+2x 2y]+1,其中x=﹣ ,y=1.
(1)若第1次输入的数为2,则第1次输出的数为1,那么第2次输出的数为 ;
若第1次输入的数为12,则第5次输出的数为 .
(3)是否存在输入的数x ,使第3次输出的数是x ?若存在,求出所有x 的值;
20.化简求值:3a 2b ﹣2[2ab 2﹣(2ab ﹣a 2b )+ab]+3ab 2,其中(a ﹣b )2+|ab ﹣2|=0.
24.将一副直角三角板如图1摆放在直线AD上(直角三角板OBC和直角三角板MON,∠OBC=90°,∠BOC=45°,∠MON=90°,∠MNO=30°),保持三角板OBC 不动,将三角板MON绕点O以每秒10°的速度顺时针旋转,旋转时间为t秒(1)当t= 秒时,OM平分∠AOC?如图2,此时∠NOC﹣∠AOM=________;(2)继续旋转三角板MON,如图3,使得OM、ON同时在直线OC的右侧,猜想∠NOC与∠AOM有怎样的数量关系?并说明理由;
①当t= 秒时,OM平分∠AOC?
