斐济的国际区号是+679。游客可以在当 地购买SIM卡或使用国际漫游服务。
斐济的大城市和旅游区提供Wi-Fi服务, 许多酒店和度假村也提供免费Wi-Fi。但 网络速度可能会较慢。
请注意保管贵重物品,避免在人多拥挤的地 方暴露财富。同时,夜间出行应尽量选择安 全的交通方式并告知家人或朋友。
如果遇到紧急情况,可以拨打当地紧急救援 电话或联系中国驻斐济大使馆寻求帮助。
斐济的椰子产品也是非常有名的, 从椰子水到椰子蛋糕,每一款都有 其独特的口感和风味。
每年的10月10日是斐济日,这是一个全国性的节日,庆祝斐济的独立和多元文化 。在这个节日里,你可以看到很多传统表演和庆祝活动。
每年10月的最后一天,斐济会举办盛大的印度排灯节庆祝活动,这是一个充满色 彩和活力的节日,可以看到很多传统表演和灯笼展示。
游客需持有效护照和机票,且需满足斐济政府规定的疫苗接种要求。在入境前,建议提前了解相关手续和文件要 求。
斐济的官方货币是斐济元(Fiji Dollar)。请在出国前兑换足够的斐济元,以备不时之需。
斐济的购物中心和商店提供各种商品,包括手工艺品、珠宝、当地食品和纪念品等。请注意比较价格 ,避免被高价销售。
汇报人: 日期:
• 国家概述 • 历史与文化 • 自然景观 • 旅游热点 • 美食与特色活动 • 实用信息与建议
在南太平洋,有一个由322个岛屿组成的国家︰斐济( Fiji )。
现代医学研究证实:杏仁每100克含蛋白质35克左右,含脂肪50克左右,还含有丰富的铁、锌、钙、钾、磷、硒等矿物质和丰富的维生素A、维生素C、维生素E、维生素B17 等。
斐济风景英语介绍作文Fiji, a paradise in the South Pacific, boasts stunning landscapes that captivate the hearts of travelers from around the world. From pristine beaches to lush rainforests, Fiji offers a diverse range of natural beauty waiting to be explored.One of the most iconic features of Fiji is its crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches. With over 300 islands,Fiji is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Picture-perfect white sands, gently swaying palm trees, and vibrant coral reefs make Fiji's coastline a haven for sun-seekers and water enthusiasts alike. Whether you're looking to relax on the beach, snorkel amongcolorful marine life, or try your hand at surfing the legendary waves, Fiji's beaches offer endless opportunities for adventure and relaxation.In addition to its stunning beaches, Fiji is blessedwith lush rainforests teeming with exotic flora and fauna.Trekking through Fiji's verdant forests offers a chance to immerse oneself in nature and discover the richbiodiversity of the islands. From vibrant orchids and towering ferns to playful monkeys and rare bird species, Fiji's rainforests are a paradise for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. Guided tours provide an opportunity to learn about Fiji's unique ecosystem and conservation efforts aimed at preserving its natural heritage for future generations to enjoy.For those seeking cultural experiences, Fiji offers a vibrant blend of indigenous traditions and modern influences. The Fijian people are known for their warm hospitality and rich cultural heritage, which is evident in their music, dance, and cuisine. Visitors can participate in traditional ceremonies, such as the kava ceremony, where they can sample the local drink made from the root of the kava plant and partake in storytelling sessions that showcase Fiji's oral traditions. Additionally, Fiji's bustling markets and local villages offer a glimpse into everyday life and provide an opportunity to purchase handmade crafts and souvenirs crafted by local artisans.Beyond its natural beauty and cultural heritage, Fiji also offers a range of adventurous activities for thrill-seekers. From zip-lining through the rainforest canopy to jet skiing across azure waters, Fiji's adrenaline-pumping attractions cater to adventurers of all ages. Scuba diving enthusiasts can explore vibrant coral reefs and underwater caves teeming with marine life, while hikers can conquer rugged mountain trails that offer panoramic views of the surrounding islands.In conclusion, Fiji's breathtaking landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and adventurous spirit make it a truly enchanting destination for travelers seeking an unforgettable experience. Whether you're relaxing on a pristine beach, exploring a lush rainforest, or immersing yourself in Fijian culture, the islands of Fiji offer endless opportunities for discovery and adventure. Come and experience the magic of Fiji for yourself and create memories that will last a lifetime.。
Kids Club
nd Activities
Mana serves exciting daily
activities beginning with cultural shows all the way to fun nightime entertainment. The activities change daily which
Giving you the best scenery, the most beautiful memories, the most excellent tourism services is our goal .
of forum and community action.
About our Company
Different colorful canoe will carry us to the depths of the heaven, in which ,we can gorget the time ,our worries and enjoy ouselves.
3rd Day
Mana 度假村 Mana Resort
Key Word:
In the FIJIs special transparent(透明的) water, you can appreciate various kinds of tropical fish(热带鱼) and colorful coral which will let you feel that you were trapped in a xanadu sort(世外挑源);
● 斐济是世界上最热门的旅游度假地之一,斐济热情的人民和多彩的文化吸引着来自世界各地度假 者和旅行者,前来探访美丽的海岸,浪漫的岛屿,茂密的热带雨林,以及色彩斑斓的珊瑚礁。
● 斐济同时也拥有世界上第二大不断延伸的珊瑚礁(仅次于澳大利亚昆士兰州的大堡礁),这对于 那些爱好游泳、潜水的游客具有很大吸引力。
● 斐济的宪法规定了三个语言为官方语言,分别是英语、斐济语和印度斯坦语(Hindustani)。其 中,英语由英国殖民者所引入,印度斯坦语是居住在斐济的印度族裔的主要语言,而斐济语则是 斐济本民族的语言。据斐济宪法规定,斐济公民有权利使用其中任何一种语言同政府机构沟通, 需要的话政府应及时提供翻译人员。由于斐济受英国殖民统治超过一百年,英语成为了斐济本民 族和印度族裔最常用的语言。不同族群间沟通一般是用英语,政府机构、教育机构、金融和法律 机构也一般以英语为主。
● 气候特征
● 斐济气候属热带海洋性气候,全年冷热适中,气温一般保持22~32℃之间。每年5~10月盛行凉 爽 的 东 南 信 风 , 是 一 年 中 相 对 干 燥 的 季 节 ; 雨 季 则 从 11 月 持 续 到 次 年 4 月 , 其 间 风 向 多 变 , 气 温 最高可达35℃左右,湿度较大。
● 旅游内容 ● 斐济的旅游活动内容包括游览自然文化景点、内陆漂流、航海、深海钓鱼、帆板船、冲浪、浮潜、
● 斐济主要以西餐为主,在苏瓦、楠迪也有为数不少的中餐馆和印度餐馆。当地人的椰汁鸡、椰汁 鱼、木薯、芋头等也别有风味,游客可以体验多种餐饮风味。
● 斐济人在饮食嗜好注重讲究吃海产品,注重菜肴的丰盛。一般口味较重、喜油大,爱甜味。主食 以米为主,也乐于品尝面类食品。副食特别喜欢海龟肉、鱼等海产品,也爱吃猪肉、鸡等肉类; 蔬菜喜欢芋头、木薯、山药、西红柿、葱头等;调料爱用椰油、胡椒、姜、葱等。制法对烤、炸、 煎等烹调方法制作的菜肴偏爱。中餐喜爱中国的京菜、鲁菜、闽菜。菜谱很欣赏大拼盘、北京烤 鸭、三彩大虾、炸蛎黄、干焗鸡块、叉烧肉、生煎金华火腿、白妙响螺、荔枝肉、干烧鱼等风味 菜肴。水酒最爱饮“卡瓦酒”,也喜欢果汁、可可、咖啡等饮料。果品爱吃香蕉、椰子、菠萝等 水果、干果最爱吃杏干等。
斐济美食英语介绍作文Fiji, with its vibrant culture and stunning natural beauty, offers a delightful array of culinary delights. From fresh seafood to tropical fruits, Fijian cuisine is a fusion of flavors influenced by Indian, Chinese, and indigenous Fijian cooking techniques. Let's delve into the savory world of Fijian gastronomy.Introduction to Fijian Cuisine。
Fijian cuisine is deeply rooted in the traditions ofthe islands, reflecting the diverse cultural heritage ofits people. One of the key components of Fijian cooking is the abundant use of fresh, locally sourced ingredients. The tropical climate ensures an abundance of fruits, vegetables, and seafood, which form the basis of many traditional dishes.Seafood Delicacies。
Being an island nation, Fiji is blessed with an abundance of fresh seafood. From succulent prawns to delectable fish, seafood plays a central role in Fijian cuisine. One of the most beloved seafood dishes is kokoda, a traditional Fijian ceviche made with raw fish marinatedin coconut cream, lime juice, and chili peppers. It's a refreshing and flavorful dish that perfectly captures the essence of Fijian coastal living.Lovo: The Fijian Feast。
Speaking of islands, Fiji, people first thought was water, blue sky, food Regency, but do you know ? In addition to these, Fiji, with its world famous “cancer-free country”, “longevity country” title is also a great relationship. Fiji, the South Pacific island nation , where people have never suffered from cancer, is found the only country without cancer in the world so far. Scientists found that this is because of its unique eating habits: they like to eat buckwheat(荞麦), almonds(杏仁) and dried apricots(杏干).
The last piece of pure land of human Cancer-free State Longevity States
Fiji 斐 济
Fiji , in the southwest Pacific Centre, the South Pacific region's transportation hub. Across the Eastern , the Western Hemisphere(半球), which runs through the 180 degree longitude(经度), which is the world's most East and also is the most west country.
其中最大的两个岛是维提岛(VITI LEVU,面积10429平方公哩)和瓦努阿岛(VANUA LEVU,面积5556平方公哩),大约有三份之一的岛屿有人居住。
斐济的英文介绍,要中英文对照的[ 标签:斐济, 英文, 中英文 ] 匿名 2011-04-17 11:20要中英文对照的那种,谢谢满意答案好评率:50%An island country of the southwest Pacific Ocean comprising about 320 islands. The islands were discovered by the Dutch navigator Abel Tasman in '43 and visited by Capt. James Cook in 774. Annexed by Great Britain in 874, they became independent in 970. Suva, on the island of Viti Levu, is the capital. Population, '8',000.斐济:太平洋西南部的一个岛国,由大约320个小岛组成。
人口'8',000The population of Fiji is mostly made up of native Fijians, people of mixed Polynesian (partly Tongan) and Melanesian ancestry (54.3%), andIndo-Fijians (38.1%), descendants of Indian contract labourers brought to the islands by the British in the nineteenth century. The percentage of the population of Indian descent has declined significantly over the last two decades due to migration for various reasons. There is also a small but significant group of descendants of indentured labourers from Solomon Islands.About 1.2% are Rotuman —natives of Rotuma Island, whose culture has more in common with countries such as Tonga or Samoa than with the rest of Fiji. There are also small, but economically significant, groups of Europeans, Chinese and other minorities.Relationships between ethnic Fijians and Indo-Fijians at a political level have often been strained, and the tension between the two communities has dominated politics in the islands for the past generation. The level of tension varies between different regions of the country. There are also good indications of racial harmony with the recognition of cultural and religious holidays by all races in Fiji.[edit] CultureFiji's culture is a rich mosaic of indigenous, Indian, Chinese and European traditions. Culture is made up of many aspects, being social polity, traditions, language, food, costume, belief system, architecture,arts, craft, music, dance and sports.The indigenous culture is very much an active and living culture, and is a part of everyday life for the Majority of the population. However, it has evolved with the introduction of vibrant and old cultures like the Indian and Chinese cultures, as well as a large influence from European culture, and various cultures from the Pacific neighbor's of Fiji; the Tonga and Rotuma cultures are the most dominant of these. The Culture of Fiji is shown in its traditions and hierarchy, its language and has created a unique communal and national identity.。
Fiji斐济江西赖丽霞1Ni sa bula,welcome to Fiji.2Fiji is one of the world s top five honeymoon destinations according to a travel poll (民意调查).This heartfelt greeting is your warm invitation to visit an undiscovered paradise!More than any⁃thing else,Fiji is a unique destination,a SouthPacific tropical island paradise of charm and cul⁃tural diversity.Its miles of unspoiled beaches,sparkling lakes and shining sunsets offer an experience you ll never forget.3From giant mountains to tiny atolls (环礁),Fiji s 300tropical islands are as richly varied as the diverse friendly colourful people who live on them.They equally welcome the couple in search of privacy or the group on the trip of a lifetime.4Yearround warm weather,a stressfree environment and worldclass facilities with firstclass service make Fiji as near as possible to a paradise —a truly great escape.5There are top five things to do in Fiji.You can dive on large coral reefs.You can visit a traditional Fijian village.You can swim in the warm and crystalclear water.You may be amazed as fire walkers trek across the pits of red hot stones.And you can also visit the Yasawa Islands by sea.6There are about 900,000people on the Fiji Islands —the majority of whom live on the two larger islands.Fiji is 12hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.A government value added tax is applied to all goods and services supplied.Now you have found a paradise!Fiji enjoys the perfect climate all year round.Reading Check1.What can we learn from the travel poll in paragraph 2?A.Fiji is a unique workdestination.B.Fiji is suitable for those newly married couples.C.There live friendly colourful people in Fiji.D.Fiji is one of the world s top five destinations.2.What can you do in Fiji according to the text?A.Visit a bird paradise.B.Go skating on the Yasawa Islands.C.Wander around a local village.D.Swim in the cold and clear water.3.What does the underlined word“trek”in paragraph5probably mean?A.Walk.B.Jump.C.Fire.D.Climb.4.What can be inferred about Fiji from the last paragraph?A.Fiji is12hours ahead of Beijing Time.B.December is the hottest season in Fiji.C.You have to pay tax for all services you get in Fiji.D.All of the people live on the two larger islands in Fiji.Ø语篇解码根据一项旅游民意调查,斐济是世界五大蜜月旅行目的地之一。
Philippines: A Geographical OverviewThe Philippines, an archipelago of more than 7,100 islands, is a beautiful and diverse country located in Southeast Asia. Spanning across a total area of approximately 300,000 square kilometers, it boasts a rich cultural heritage and a unique geographical landscape.The Philippine archipelago is situated between the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea, with the Philippine Sea to the east and the Celebes Sea to the southwest. The country is bordered by several territories, including Taiwan to the north, Palau to the east, Indonesia to the south and southwest, Malaysia to the southwest, and the southern tip of China's Guangdong province to the northwest. The Philippine landscape is predominantly mountainous, with many volcanoes and active volcanic islands. The archipelago's highest peak is Mount Apo, located on the island of Mindanao, with an elevation of 2,954 meters. The country's geographical diversity also includes coral reefs, beaches, rainforests, and deserts.The Philippines has a tropical marine climate, with warm temperatures and high humidity year-round. The rainy season typically lasts from May to October, while the dry season spans from November to April. This climate supportsa diverse range of flora and fauna, including many endemic species found only in the Philippines.The archipelago's diverse geographical features havealso influenced its economic development. The country'smain industries include agriculture, fishing, and tourism, all of which rely heavily on its natural resources and unique landscapes. The Philippines is also rich in mineral resources, such as gold, copper, and nickel, which are extracted from various locations throughout the archipelago. In recent years, the Philippines has faced several challenges related to its geography. These include climate change-induced natural disasters such as typhoons and floods, as well as environmental degradation caused by deforestation and pollution. However, the country has made significant progress in addressing these issues through sustainable development programs and environmentalprotection initiatives.Overall, the Philippines' geographical diversity and unique natural beauty have made it a popular destinationfor tourists and adventurers from around the world. Itsrich cultural heritage and diverse landscapes offer aunique experience that is truly unforgettable.**菲律宾:地理概览**菲律宾是一个由超过7100个岛屿组成的群岛国家,位于东南亚,美丽而多元。
汇报人: 2024-01-03
• 地理环境 • 历史背景 • 文化与社会 • 经济状况 • 政治体制 • 旅游景点
斐济位于南太平洋,由多个岛屿 组成,包括维提岛、丹那罗岛等 。
斐济是南太平洋地区的中心,与 多个国家如澳大利亚、新西兰、 美国等有地理邻近优势。
斐济拥有多个博物馆,展示了斐济 的历史和文化。
部分地区拥有古代遗址,如石头建 筑和石像等,为游客提供了了解斐 济历史的绝佳机会。
旅游业对经济的贡献:旅游业的发展对斐济经济产生了积 极的影响,不仅增加了外汇收入,还促进了国内就业和经 济增长。此外,旅游业还带动了相关产业的发展,如餐饮 业、酒店业和交通业等。
斐济的主要出口产品包括蔗糖、鱼类和其他农产品等。主要出口市场包括美国、 澳大利亚和新西兰等。进口产品主要包括石油、机械、食品和化学品等,主要进 口来源国为新西兰、澳大利亚和美国等。
斐济拥有丰富的珊瑚礁资 源,是潜水和浮潜的绝佳 场所。
部分地区拥有茂密的热带 雨林,为游客提供了探险 和观光的绝佳机会。
斐济拥有丰富的海洋生物 资源,如海龟、海豚和鲸 鲨等。
斐济保留了许多传统的村落,游 客可以了解当地文化和建筑风格
斐济政府积极吸引外资,鼓励国内外投资者在农业、渔业、旅游业和制造业等领 域进行投资。为了吸引外资,斐济政府采取了一系列优惠政策,如税收优惠和土 地赠与等。
斐济足球英文介绍作文Fiji is a small island country located in the South Pacific Ocean. It is known for its stunning natural beauty, including pristine beaches, crystal clear waters, and lush tropical forests. But beyond its natural wonders, Fiji also has a vibrant and passionate football culture.Football is the most popular sport in Fiji, with a large number of people playing the game at both amateur and professional levels. The sport has a strong presence in the local communities, with many Fijians growing up playing football in the streets and on makeshift pitches.The Fiji national football team, also known as the Bula Boys, represents the country in international competitions. While the team has not achieved major success on the world stage, they have a dedicated fan base and have made significant strides in recent years.Fiji also has a professional football league, known asthe National Football League, which features teams from various cities and towns across the country. The league has helped to raise the profile of football in Fiji and has provided a platform for talented players to showcase their skills.In addition to the national team and the professional league, Fiji also has a strong grassroots football scene, with numerous youth academies and development programs aimed at nurturing the next generation of football talent. These initiatives play a crucial role in ensuring the continued growth and success of the sport in Fiji.Overall, football holds a special place in the hearts of many Fijians, and the sport continues to play an important role in the country's culture and identity. Whether it's cheering on the national team, supportinglocal clubs, or simply playing a game with friends,football is an integral part of life in Fiji.。
斐济美食英语介绍作文英文回答:Immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of Fijian cuisine, a tantalizing blend of indigenous flavors and exotic influences. Each dish carries the essence of the islands, offering a glimpse into the rich heritage and warm hospitality of the Fijian people.Traditional DelightsAt the heart of Fijian cuisine lies the traditional lovo feast, a culinary celebration that brings the community together. Freshly caught seafood, tender meats, and starchy root vegetables are wrapped in banana leaves and slow-cooked in an underground oven, imbuing them with a unique smoky aroma.Another beloved staple is kokoda, a ceviche-like dishfeaturing raw fish marinated in coconut milk, lime juice, and chili. Its tangy and refreshing flavors burst in your mouth, transporting you to the sun-drenched shores of Fiji.Exotic FusionsFijian cuisine has also been lovingly influenced by neighboring cultures, resulting in an exciting array of fusion dishes. Chinese-inspired dishes such as chow mein and chop suey have become local favorites, while Indian-influenced curries offer a spicy kick that complements the island's tropical flavors.Natural TreasuresThe bountiful land and sea of Fiji provide an abundance of fresh ingredients that form the foundation of its cuisine. Tropical fruits like pineapples, mangoes, and papayas burst with sweetness, while local vegetables such as taro, cassava, and sweet potatoes offer earthy andnutritious flavors.Emotional ConnectionFood in Fiji extends beyond sustenance; it is an integral part of the culture and a way of expressing love and sharing stories. Fijians take great pride in preparing meals that are both delicious and visually appealing, often adorned with fresh flowers and intricate garnishes.Culinary LegacyThe flavors of Fiji are a testament to the rich history and diverse influences that have shaped this beautiful archipelago. Each bite is a journey through time, connecting you to the warmth and hospitality of the Fijian people.ConclusionAs you delve into the vibrant world of Fijian cuisine, you will discover a symphony of flavors that will tantalize your taste buds and leave a lasting impression on your soul. From traditional lovo feasts to exotic fusion dishes, the culinary legacy of Fiji is a testament to the island's unique heritage and continues to inspire generations to come.中文回答:沉浸在斐济美食的缤纷画卷中,其融合了本土风味和异国情调的影响,令人垂涎。
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• Democratic rule was interrupted by 4 military coups between 1987 and 2006 caused by a growing perception that the government was dominated by the IndoFijian (Indian) community. • The coups contributed to heavy Indo-Fijian emigration; the resulting population loss resulted in economic difficulties to this date. • New successful general elections took place on 17th September 2014 returning the country to full democratic government
• The country comprises of more than 332 islands, of which 110 are permanently inhabited • The two major islands, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu, account for 87% of the population of almost 900,000.
We gained our independence in 1970!
How's the climate? The climate over here is tropical marine and warm year round
So there is no seasons Yeah.The warm season from November to April and the cooler season from May to October.
Population Issues & Effects
Population disparity – Much of the tensions were because of this disparity both by numbers and wealth. Fiji is mostly made up of native Fijians, (54.3%), Indo-Fijians (38.1%). This was not case until after the coups which ensured majority for the native Fijians.
What's the lowest temperature it has been to?
Temperature in the cool season averages 22 °C.
Why are you so proud of your country?
The developed economies. Why ? Among all the pacific island country,our developed economics are the best So then what pushes your country's econmics to grow? The abundance of forest, mineral, and fish resources.
Urbanization – young Fijians leaving their villages to find work in towns & cities. This places pressure on housing demands and at the same time reduces agricultural production which in turn raises prices to some extent.
Emigration – Heavy Emigration especially after the coups depleted Fiji’s professional and skilled workforce resulting in a “brain drain” situation. This heavily affected Fiji’s economy which it is still trying to recover from. In an effort to off-set this effect, the Government has tried to woo leavers to come back and will also recognize dual citizenship.
an interview of a Fijian friend of Sophie's father called Kina
Can you tell us some facts about your home,Sir?
Reporter April
The British colonized my home in 1874, how can they do that? It is terrible! Them later,they brought over Indian contract labourers to work on the sugar plantations which .
——a country in the pacific ocean
Reporter April
Introduction Facts
Population Issues & Effects
Fiji is an island country in the South Pacific Ocean
How about foreign exchange in these days?
Tourist industry and sugar exports.
How about your country's currency?
We have Fijian dollar. What's the exchange rate then? It's quite cheap actually. 1 FJD = 3.1477 RMB
Thank you for telling us these facts about your country.
Reporter April
You are welcome. If you have time you can come to visit me,our country is nice.