Gender helpful concept.
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酷儿理论( Queer Theory)是20世纪90年代在西方兴起的文学批评理论。
“酷儿 (Queer)”指的是在文化中所有非常态的表达方式,是所有在性倾向方面与主流文化和占统治地位的社会性别规范或性规范不一致的人。
关键词:安吉拉·卡特;《新夏娃的激情》;酷儿理论;流动性AbstractAngela Carter (1940-1992), is one of the most original female writers, and her works make a feature of wild and fantastical imagination. She is also an influential writer whose works are widely read in west. The Passion of New Eve is Angela Carter‘s seventh novel, it is set in the background of American Civil War. In the novel, Carter completely subvert biological sex and cultural gender, presents to the reader a chaotic, reverse and flowing world.The ―Queer Theory‖ is a new critical theory that rose in the west in 1990s. As the abnormal expression of the culture, the ―Queer‖refers to those people whose sexual orientations are different from the mainstream culture and the dominant social gender and sexual norms. This theory conducts the research about the physiological sex-determination system, the social gender role and the sexual orientation critically. According to this theory, the gender identity and the sexual orientation are not inborn but develop in the process of social and cultural assimilation. The ―Queer Theory‖ opposes against the hegemony of the traditional heterosexuality and the imprisonment of the traditional gender perspective.Angela Carter‘s works are produced under the background of Queer Theory‘s emergence and development. Especially, The Passion of New Eve, one of her major works, interprets many new viewpoints of Queer Theory, such as the androcentric heterosexuality under male patriarchy, the twisted monistic world, harmonious androgynies, drag performance of Tristessa and the performativity in New Eve. The novel describes Evelyn‘s change of gender identity before and after the transsexual surgery, the twisted monistic world created by Mother and Zero, Tristessa‘s drag performance and the ultra-sex love between Tristessa and New Eve. All these parts illustrate that the author‘s ideal sexual relations is to go beyond the binary oppositions between man and woman—the perfect combination in men and women after decomposing hegemonic discourse, and theself-construction after breaking the binary gender constraints.The significance of this thesis is that by analyzing The Passion of New Eve, we may have a better understanding of sex and gender and it will be helpful to build a more harmonious and inclusive society.Key Words: Angela Carter; The Passion of New Eve; Queer Theory; fluidContents摘要 (i)Abstract .......................................................................................................................... i i Chapter 1 Introduction (1)1.1 Angela Carter and Her Works (1)1.2 Literature Review (4)1.2.1 Overseas Research Status (4)1.2.2 Domestic Research Status (7)1.3 Angela Carter and Queer Theory (8)Chapter 2 Queer Theory (10)2.1. The Modern Background of Queer Theory (11)2.1.1 The Emergence of Feminist Literary Criticism (11)2.1.2 Michel Foucault and Discourse Space Theory (12)2.1.3 Jacques Derrida and the Deconstruction of Logocentrism (13)2.1.4 Jacques Lacan and the Three Orders (14)2.2 The Major Points of Queer Theory (15)2.2.1 Queer Theory and Heterosexuality & Homosexuality (16)2.2.2 Queer Theory and Androgyny (17)2.2.3 Queer Theory and Gender Performativity (19)Chapter 3 Rebellion Against Dichotomy of Gender (21)3.1 Evelyn and Leilah: the Androcentric Heterosexuality (21)3.2 The Twisted Monistic World (23)3.2.1 ―Mother‖ and Her Female Utopia (24)3.2.2 Zero and His Patriarchy Kingdom (25)Chapter 4 Fluid Gender in The Passion of New Eve (28)4.1 The Performativity in New Eve (28)4.2 The Drag Performance of Tristessa (31)4.3 New Eve and Tristessa: Harmonious Androgynes (33)Chapter 5 Conclusion (36)5.1 Major Findings (36)5.2 Limitations of the Present Study (37)Bibliography (38)Papers Published During the Study for M. A. Degree (42)Acknowledgements (43)Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Angela Carter and Her WorksAngela Carter (1940-1992) was one of the Britain‘s most disturbing, original and controversial writers of the late 20th century, who won les models and Somerset Maugham Award. In 2008, Carter was ranked tenth in Times‘ list of ―The 50 greatest British writers since 1945‖(Times Jan.5, 2008). The year, 2006, has been called ―Carter‘s Year‖by English because of the unprecedented prosperous research achievements on her works. In the course of her career, Angela Carter wrote novels, short stories, journalism, radio plays, fairy tales, academic articles and pieces of cultural commentary. She could be variously described as a novelist, a short story writer, a journalist, a dramatist, a teacher or a critic. As Abigail Dennis said, ―Attempts to pin her oeuvre to a particular style or genre have been hampered by the discursive and thoroughly original nature of her writing, drawing as it does on sources as diverse as classical mythology, European folklore and fairytale, medieval fable, French surrealism, and popular culture, as well as postmodernist, feminist, psychoanalytic, and literary theories‖ (Dennis, 1999: 119).Angela Carter was born in Eastbourne, a large town in the south coast of England, and brought up by her maternal grandmother in industrial south Yorkshire since she was a child. In some sense, she breathed the world tales. Throughout her teenage years, she fought against anorexia. Her youth was also the neorealist fifties—the era of the ―glum poetry of domestic complaint‖ (Sage, 1994: 119). On the contrary, Angela Carter began to read the works of Symbolist poets such as Blake, Dada, the decadents, James Joyce, Baudelaire and Nabokov. And her reading brought her a dim view of the English literary fashions of her youth. This experience left traces in her later work and that‘s one of the reasons why she couldn‘t be found any sign of an English writer.After attending Streatham & Clapham High School in south London, she began working as a journalist on the Croydon Advertiser, following in his father‘s footsteps. Meanwhile, She married Paul Carter at twenty-one before she attended Bristol University, where she read English and majored in medieval literature. When she was in college, she widely read psychology, sociology, anthropology, myth and folklore.In the 1960s, she was reading Melville and Dostoevsky, plus ―the camp fiction of Ronald Firbank, the fables of Isak Dinesen, and the surrealist fiction of Cocteau‖(Showalter, 1998: 324). 1960s was also a period that the second wave of feminist movement fully launched like a raging fire. The influences of these movements would be found in her later novels. She wrote in Notes from the Front Line, ―The women‘s movement has been of immense importance to me personally, and I would regard myself as a feminist writer. ‖ ―I began to question … the nature of my reality as a woman. How that social fiction of my ‗femininity‘ was created, by means outside my control, and palmed off on me as the real thing‖ (Carter, 1997: 3). As an introduction John Smith wrote in 1997 in Shaking a Leg: Collected Journalism and Writings—―for she is in many senses a child of the 1960s‖ (Carter, 1997: 3). As well as Elaine Showalter described her ―As a thinker and writer, Carter was very much a product of the 1960s‖ (Showalter, 1998: 37). Angela Carter wrote her first novel, Shadow Dance, in 1965. In 1967, she won the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize with only her second novel, The Magic Toyshop, and her third, Several Perceptions, won the Somerset Maugham Award in 1968. In 1969, she published her fist post-apocalyptic novel Heroes and Villains.In 1969, Angela Carter left her 12-year marriage. She used her Somerset Maugham Award, 500 pounds, to travel all across the United States. This fellowship has been set up to help young English writers under the age of 35 to travel abroad. Then she went to live in Japan from 1969 to 1972 and relocate to Tokyo, where she claimed in Nothing Sacred(1982) that she ―learnt what it is to be a woman and became radicalized.‖ Her geographical distance from the British literary circlesintensified her sense of being an outsider. This is the period in which she claimed that her time in Japan was paradoxically responsible for both stimulating her fascination with the graphic extremism of pornographic forms and awakening her feminist consciousness. Over this decade, her fiction was increasingly self-reflexive and experimental, and also deliberately courted controversy. Her novels written over this period, including Heroes and Villains (1969),Love (1971), The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman (1972) and The Passion of New Eve(1977)remain among her most shocking and experimental, even though received a very lukewarm reception on their publication. She also wrote about her experiences there for New Society and her story collection, such as the story: A Souvenir of Japan in Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces (1974).She then explored the United States, Europe and Asia, and she spent much of the late 1970s and 1980s as a teacher of writing in residence at universities, including the University of Sheffield in South Yorkshire, Brown University in the USA and the University of Adelaide in Australia. She also taught writing at the University of East Anglia from 1984 to 1987. ―Just as Carter spent much of her time travelling both in Britain and abroad, so the characters in her novels journeyed to America, Russia or Siberia‖ (Gamble 1997: 145).In 1977, Carter married Mark Pearce. In the same year, The Passion of New Eve was published. It is her only non-mythic novel, she mentioned it in Notes, ―I wrote one anti-mythic novel in 1977, The Passion of New Eve– I conceived it as a feminist tract about the social creation of femininity, amongst other things‖ (Gamble, 1997: 37). Her collection of short rewritten fairy tales, The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories, gained widespread attention. It was first published in the UK in 1979 and won the Cheltenham Festival Literary Prize in the same year. There was much controversy when Carter's penultimate novel, Nights at the Circus first published in 1984, but then it became that year's winner of the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction.Angela Carter also translated the fairy tales of Charles Perrault in 1974, and inthe early nineties she edited The Virago Book of Fairytales (2 volumes). Her journalism appeared in almost every major publication; a collection of the best of these pieces was published by Virago in Nothing Sacred (1982). She also wrote poetry and film script. Her story ‗The Company of Wolves‘was made into a film together with Neil Jordan in 1984 and ‗The Magic Toyshop‘ was adapted for Granada Television in 1987. It was produced by Steve Morrison and directed by David Wheatley. Her last novel, Wise Children, was published to widespread acclaim in 1991. Angela Carter wrote this novel after she knew she had been diagnosed with cancer. She had a small son and a husband whom she would be leaving behind.Angela Carter‘s death at age fifty-one in February 1992 ―robbed the English Literary scene of one of its most vivacious and compelling voices‖ (Barker 1995: 14-16). Carter‘s enthusiasm for Japanese popular culture, American movies and magical realism, French surrealism, perverse sexuality, and carnivalesque masquerade marked a totally new turn in the English female literary tradition (Showalter 1998: 323). Categorizing Carter‘s mode of writing is quite difficult because of the fact that throughout her career, her narratives constantly negotiate and adjust their position on the margins of a variety of literary forms. C arter‘s acute observations are blend ed with her incisive matter-of-factness, her exceptional wit, her addiction for mockery, and her passion for the absurd. Carter persistently explores new territories and overturns old ideas. She loved to upset expectations, outrage convention and challenge preconceptions, which meant that the only thing she could be relied upon to do was the unexpected (Gamble 1997:2).1.2 Literature Review1.2.1 Overseas Research StatusOver Carter‘s 35-year‘s writing career, she published nine novels, six short fictions, five children‘s books and also some poetry collections, dramatic works,translations, radio plays, etc. Carter is the favorite of scholars and critics as always, ―She has been adopted, though not without disse nt, as one of the most astute feminist writers and critics of her generation‖ (Barker, 1995: 14-16).As Sarah Gamble notes, ―Since her death in 1992, Angela Carter's reputation has passed into academic urban legend. The story goes that, among the requests for grants for doctoral study received by the British Academy in the academic year 1992–3, there were 40 proposals to study Carter's work: more — and this is the punch-line —than the Academy received for the entire eighteenth century‖ (Gamble 1997:1).Her relationship with feminist critics and women's studies was an extremely ambivalent one. One of the most controversial areas of her work as far as feminists are concerned is both her apparent support for pornography, and her depictions of violence against women in her writing, which have led some critics to conclude that, in spite of the feminist opinions she began expressing from the late 1960s onwards, she actually only furthers reactionary portrayals of women as nothing more than the objects of male desire.One of the major researchers is Beth A. Boehm. In Wise Children: Angela Carter‟s Swan Song, Beth A. Boehm valued Wise Children as her ―swan song‖ which would burst forth into full and glorious song when it felt the approach of death, and she also valued the ending of Wise Children is ―Carter at her finest.‖ (Boehm 84) In her another essay published in Critique in 1995 entitled ―Feminist Metafiction and Androcentric Reading Strategies: Angela Carter‘s Reconstructed Reader in Nights at the Circus‖, she m ade a comparative study of account of the critical reception of Doris Lessing‘s The Golden Notebook (one of the first contemporary feminist metafictions) and Angela Carter‘s Wise Children. Lessing once bitterly complained about the many ―misreading‖ produc ed by critics of her novel and Gayle Greene explains why her intentions are always overlooked, ―the political implications of Lessing critique of ‗the forms‘ have still not been much noticed, which is why the novels feminism continues to be misunderstood.‖Then Beth A. Boehm labeledAngela Carter‘s Nights at the Circus ―a complex metafictional feminist novel‖ based on former premises. Upon Adam Mars Jones and Carolyn‘s failure to ―enter the authorial audience for Carter‘s texts‖ and their misreading result from their ―attempts to decode the novel using the very androcentric reading strategies that it attempts to undermine‖, Beth A. Boehm pointed out Nights at the Circus―offers a new model of erotic relationship between teller and be told‖ and she also indicated that ―Carter‘s feminist metafictions demand that … transforming ourselves into her ‗authorial‘ readers.‖Salman Rushdie called Wise Children Carter‘s ―finest‖ novel: ―In it, we hear the full range of her off-the-page, real-life voice. The novel is written with her unique brand of deadly cheeriness. It cackles gaily as it impales the century upon its jokes.‖ This passage Angela Carter, 1940-1992: A Very Good Wizard, a Very Dear Friend was published in New York Times Book Review in 1992.In Elaine Showa lter‘s A Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists from Bronte to Lessing (1998), she talked about Angela Carter‘s female writing and her experimenting with an avant-garde literary style. Elaine Showalter concentrates on the Gothic and modernity in The Bloody Chamber and She pointed out that Angela Carter‘s fairy tale and the fable have provided a form for the women writers of her period.Studies on Carter's work are unprecedented widespread and ever-growing, employing more forms of essays, reviews and conference papers than book-length studies. Such as Feminist Metafiction and Androcentric Reading Strategies: Angela Carter‟s Reconstructed Reader in Nights at the Circus(1998) written by Beth A. Boehm in Critique, Patricia Juliana Smith‘s “The Queen of the Waste Land”: The Endgames of Modernism in Angela Carter‟s Magic Toyshop(2006)published in Modern Language Quarterly, Joanne Trevenna‘s Gender as Performance: Questioning the …Butlerification‟ of Angela Carter‟s Fiction(2002)in Journal of Gender Studies.Other researchers such as Lorna Sage, she is the editor of a volume of essays Flesh and the Mirror: Essays on the Art of Angela Carter (1994) and the author of Angela Carter (1994). Other Peach Linden‘s Angela Carter (1998),The Fiction of Angela Carter (2001), Angela Carter: A Literary Life (2004), Peter Childs‘s Contemporary Novelists: British Fiction Since 1970 (2005)and Critical Essays on Angela Carter (1998) edited by Tucker Lindsey. And other academic monographs include Lee Alison‘s Angela Carter (1997), Sarah Gamble‘s Angela Carter: Writing from the Front Line (1997) and Angela Carter and the Fairy Tale (2001) editied by Danielle M. Roemer & Critina Bacchilega.1.2.2 Domestic Research StatusThe domestic study of Angela Carter is not as prosperous as the studies abroad. it is quiet fall behind neither in quantity nor in quality. The Passion of New Eve has long been neglected. Not until 2005 did Taiwan scholar Yanyun translated her work Wise Children, then The Passion of New Eve in 2009 and Burning Your Boats in 2012. And then Wang Yuping introduced The Company of Wolves. The domestic researches on this novel mostly center on the fairy tales and the issues of feminism such as androgyny, binary opposition, anti-patriarchy etc. The studies on Angela Carter can be roughly divided into three aspects: the studies on feminism in her works, the studies on demythologizing or deconstructionism, the studies on modernism in her works. And it is generally confined to the research of her other works such as The Magic Toyshop, Heroes and Villains, The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman, Nights at the Circus and Wise Children,which seldom covers The Passion of New Eve.Both the doctoral theses ―Breaking the Magic Spell: From Body to Subject in Angela Carter‘s Rewriting of the Fairy Tale‖(2009) written by Mu Yang, ―Subversive Representation of Reality and Subjectivity in Angela Carter‘s Fiction‖ (2012) writtenby Zeng Xuemei make a detailed introduction of Carter.The theses ―Research on Carnivalization in Angela Carter‘s Novels‖(2012) written by Zhang Jun and ―Carnivalization in a Feminist World—Research on Nights at The Circus From The Perspective of Carnival Theory and Feminism‖(2012) written by Chai Yu explores the carnivalesque features in the novel. ―Means to Demythologize: On Intertextuality in Angela Carter‘s Short Stories‖ (2008) written by Lei Li and ―Towards a Harmonious Heterosexual Relationship in Angela Carter‘s Wolf Trilogy‖(2011) written by Tan Na and ―The Gothic in Angela Carter‘s Short Stories‖(2008) written by Hua Li analyze the postmodernism features in Angela Carter‘s works. In ―The Subversion of Gender Identity: An Introduction of The Passion of New Eve From the Postmodern Feminist Perspective‖ (2011) written by Jin Yidan and ―From Deconstruct ion to Reconstruction: On the Female Characters in Angela Carter‘s Fictions‖ (2009) written by Mo Fan, the authors analyze how Carter deconstruct convention about both gender and fairy tales.1.3 Angela Carter and Queer TheoryThe Passion of New Eve is Angela Carter‘s seventh novel published in 1977, while most of Angela Carter‘s works were created during her 1960s to 1980s. Queer Theory, at that time, is experiencing the stages of burgeon, development, prosperity and ripeness. As a matter of fact, the foundation of Queer Theory are derived from feminist criticism and women‘s stud ies, such as gay/lesbian issues. There has been a huge overlap in both research content and development time. What‘s more, queer theorists are predominantly feminists at its embryonic stage. For Angela Carter sees herself as a feminist writer, in her ―Notes from the Front Line‖, ―I would regard myself as a feminist writer, because I am a feminist everything else‖ (Tucker, 24).As a feminist, Angela Carter has been very deeply influenced by Queer Theory in various ways. Many of her works touch the queer phenomenon such as androgyne,homosexual and transvestites. Of all her novels, The Passion of New Eve is the perfect embodiment of all these elements. So it is significant to explore the implied modern meanings of The Passion of New Eve from the perspective of Queer Theory.Chapter 2 Queer TheoryQueer Theory is a post-structuralist critical theory that emerged in the early 1990s out of the fields of women's studies and queer studies.The word ―queer‖ was once used to describe the people who once called themselves gay or lesbian as an insult, but now it has a broader definition and it was proudly claimed as a marker of transgression.The term ―Queer Theory‖ was coined by Italian feminist and fil m theorist Teresa de Lauretis in a conference on lesbian and gay sexualities that she organized at the University of California in February 1990. She introduced the phrase later in a special issue Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies (vol.3,no.2,1992), entitled ―Queer Theory: Lesbian and Gay Sexualities.‖ In that essay, de Lauretis stated that, ―queer unsettles and questions the genderedness of sexuality.‖ One of de Lauretis‘s motives was to link up the theoretical activities of academics with the activist politics of the gay and lesbian rights group. The other motive was to distinguish the theorists who were questioning the gender identity and sexual orientation and those who were happy with the stable gender identity.According to New Zealand queer writer Annamarie Jagose who wrote in Queer Theory: An Introduction in 1997, ―Queer focuses on mismatches between sex, gender and desire. Unknown to many, queer is in association with more than just gay and lesbian, but also cross-dressing, hermaphroditism, gender ambiguity and gender-corrective surgery‖ (Jagose, 1996: 176). For most, queer used to be a slang for homosexual, only refers to gay and lesbian. While, n owadays, ―queer‖ usually refers to those lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender and other groups whose sexualities are defined against the norm of heterosexuality rather than simply associated with those who are identified as lesbian and gay.The main queer theorists are Annamarie Jagose, Lee Edelman, Michael Warner, David Halperin, Judith Butler, William Pinar, Adrienne Rich and Diana Fuss, they are all largely influenced by the work of feminists or following the works of MichelFoucault. Some of the well-known essays which influenced Queer Theory are Luce Irigaray‘s This Sex Which Is Not One, and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick‘s From Epistemology of the Closet. Some of the main queer theorists‘ works are Lee Edelman‘s Homographesis, Michael Warner‘s Homo-Narcissism; or, Heterosexuality, and Judith Butler‘s Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, etc.2.1. The Modern Background of Queer Theory2.1.1 The Emergence of Feminist Literary CriticismThe main feminist writers who inspired queer theorist are Kenneth Ruthven, Toril Moi, Helene Cixous,, Luce Irigaray and Elaine Showalter etc. Speaking of feminism, it is hard to ignore The Second Sex written by French feminist Simone de Beauvoir in 1949. She explicated the ways in which woman becomes the site of alterity for men—always an Object, never allowed to attain the status of Subject on her own, ―One is not born a woman, but, rather, becomes one.‖The influence of feminist literary theory on Queer Theory are self-evident, in a number of ways, the issues of Queer Theory overlap with those of feminist criticism, such as lesbian feminist criticism. It is one branch of feminist theory and confronts of the same difficulties as heterosexual feminism, such as whether lesbian writing has a historical continuity apart from the writing of women, and whether a female writer should establish her sexual orientation first.One of the main feminists who has great impact on the Queer Theory is Luce Iragaray. Her critique of Freud is largely of his theories of sexual differences (like the notions of penis envy and the castration complex). Freud perceived that men and women are more or less adequate versions of the same (male) norm, whereas Iragaray hold that men and women are actually different. In her essay ―This Sex Which Is Not One‖(1997), she characterizes ―both males and females as essentiall y like their primary genitalia: men, like the phallus, are single (-minded), hard, simple, direct; women, like the two lips of the vulva and their sensations, are multiple, diffuse, soft, indirect‖ (Richter, 2006:1436).Another feminist and also a queer theorist is Helene Cixous. She sets up a series of binary oppositions (active/passive, culture/nature, father/mother). Each pair can be analyzed as a hierarchy in which the former term represents the masculine and positive and the latter the feminine and negative. Cixous suggests that, in each case, the masculine term is forced to ―kill‖ the feminine one. It is a critique of logocentrism and phallogocentrism, having much in common with Jacques Derrida's earlier thought. In h er essay ―The Laugh of the Medusa‖, she supports ―the other bisexuality‖ which is a forerunner of Queer Theory's later contents.While Queer Theory and gender studies become areas of theory that are distinct from feminist criticism and women‘s studies, it would be misleading to ignore the connections between these schools. Gender studies became possible as a result of the projects of feminist criticism, and Queer Theory has drawn both energies and insights from feminist thinkers. In their first books, queer theorists such as Luce Iragaray, Helene Cixous, Judith Butler and Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick all defined their work as feminist, and Butler, especially, is still very sensitive to the connections between gender theory and feminism.2.1.2 Michel Foucault and Discourse Space Theory―Discourse‖ is the most imp ortant and complex concept in his theories, and also the basic idea of his studies. In Foucault‘s theory, ―discourse‖ is not just another word for speaking, but a historically situated material practice that produces power relations. In The order of discourse written in 1970, Foucault himself produce a new form of discourse, an ―ungrounded language‖, in which the inclusion/exclusion, inside/outside, opposition of reason and madness would be erased. Foucault writes, ―the production of discourse is controlled, organized, redistributed, by a certain number of procedures whose role is to ward off its powers and dangers‖ (Young, 1981: 48). For Foucault, discourse is a violence that we do to things, or in any case ―a practice that we impose on them‖.Foucault said that the nature of power that operates in our society is repressive,such as the intensity of pleasures, and irregular modes of behavior. It is the discourse power that controls people‘s body and head. Foucault‘s ―power‖ and ―discourse‖ studies employed by a feminist may be concerned with patriarchal shaping of identities, by a queer theorist would be concerned with discourse shape people‘s thought. Foucault also points out that discourse is a ―free game‖, a discourse which is reborn absolutely new and innocent at first, and reappears constantly and ultimately until it is set permanently. This ―free game‖ liberated discourse from the worship to meaning or forms and contributes to the queer theorist to build up their own discourse theory. As Tamsin Spargo s aid, ―Foucault‘s work and life, achievements and demonization, have made him a powerful model for many gays, lesbian and other intellectuals, and his analysis of the interrelationships of knowledge, power and sexuality was the most important intellectual catalyst of Queer Theory‖(Spargo, 1999:41).2.1.3 Jacques Derrida and the Deconstruction of LogocentrismDeconstruction can be traced back to structuralism of 19th century. The word ―deconstruction‖ is derived from Jacques Derrida's work Of Grammatology in 1967. Deconstruction has a significant influence in diverse areas of the humanities and social sciences, including sociolinguistics, linguistics, psychoanalysis, feminism, gay and lesbian studies.In all traditional western literature and philosophy, deconstruction rests upon the metaphysics of presence and it denies the possibility of pure presence and stable meaning. While in logocentrism, every term has its opposition, e.g. speech/writing, mind/body, man/woman, interior/exterior, marginal/central, sensible/intelligible, nature/culture. Derrida points out that in a classical philosophical opposition, we are not coping with the peaceful coexistence of a vis-a-vis, on the contrary, we dealing with them with a violent hierarchy. That is, one of the two terms governs the other, or has the upper hand: signified over signifier; intelligible over sensible; speech over writing; activity over passivity, etc.。
和平与和谐 Peace and Harmony 外国学生英语作文
Peace and Harmony>Essay on Peace and Harmony:To bring growth and prosperity in a society, the path that wiser people take is of peace and harmony. Without peace and harmony in a nation, it is impossible to achieve political strength, economic stability, or cultural growth. Before transmitting the notion of peace and harmony, among others, an individual needs to possess peace within them while their body and mind should be in balance. Even one person can transmit the notion of peace and harmony, among others, and it is everyone individual’sresponsibility to maintain that peace and harmony in society. However, peace and harmony in society are disrupted with the increase in violence and chaos.Long and Short Essay on Peace and Harmony for Students and Kids in EnglishBelow mentioned are Long and Short Essays on Peace and Harmony of 500-600 words and 200-300 words, respectively. The students can refer to these speeches when required and grace the occasion by their words. Read on to find more about Peace and Harmony Essay.Long Essay on Peace and Harmony 500 Words in EnglishPeace and Harmony Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.Science and technology were supposed to make our life comfortable. In contrast, people find alternative ways to use good inventions for an immoral purpose and eventually harm the ways of other’s living with peace and harmony. As the saying goes that with immense power so comes the tremendous responsibility is not at all a lie, for the government of each nation should invest on education, healthcare, and productivemeans to resolve economic issues rather than initiating war or destructiveness. If destructive ways among nation are promoted, then peach and harmony will not exist, and poverty will remain to be an everlasting problem.The root to most of our troubles is the disruption of peace and harmony between one aspect of our life to another. Earlier people knew how to live in peace and harmony with nature and other animals, but with the realization of power and greed, it was us who harmed their harmonized relation with the environment. This change in the way of living is not at all desirable because theeffects of ruining the harmony and peace in the ecosystem will have to be faced by us. Hence, people must always realize that a little kindness, compassion and self-perseverance can restore the sense of humanity in one and resolve all issues regarding peace and harmony in our life.What is ‘peace and harmony’?Peace and harmony is the fundamental prerequisite of our life and an ideal path to follow. Many ideas contribute to the logic of peace and harmony such as dealing with disputes, staying calm and focused, resolving conflicts, adjusting, adapting, neutralization, following the ‘middleway’ principle, etc. With globalization we are not anymore divided into our concentrated area of state or nation; instead, the world has united with the unprecedented extent of bond regardless of borders and resulting into the formation of a great and happy global community. And to maintain the well being of every individual of this global community, ultimately everyone has to implement the means of peace and harmony into the way of our living.Ideas to maintain peace and harmonyThe integral and compressive part of humankind should be peace and harmony. And to maintainpeace and harmony, the following six ideas should be adapted:To maintain equality, security, justice, and mutual trust, a word-wide political order must be introduced that embodies all of these.To promote the advancement of technology and science aspects that will provide benefit to humankind by maintaining everyone’s welfare.A global economic system should be introduced that embodies elimination of divergence, mutual benefit, removal of regional imbalance.Ethics that promote ecological prosperity and incorporates solutions for resolving the environmental crisis, acts toward shared success, actively fulfils individual responsibility, and ways to end historical prejudices.A mental state and spiritual ideology that embodies helpful attitude, physical and mental ease, and spreading of happiness and harmony through traditional wisdom.The code of conduct by recognizing diversity and integration along with conduction of dialogues to express emotion and enhancefriendship and brotherhood must be achieved by developing a global cultural atmosphere.And it is a noble mission to promote peace and harmony by expressing how it will contribute to the long-lasting wellbeing factor of our lives.Short Essay on Peace and Harmony 200 Words in EnglishPeace and Harmony Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.Factors affecting peace and harmony: Many powerful and influential people understood theimportance of peace and harmony. As the famous saying of Lao Tzu’s goes like –“If you want to establish peace in the world, there also must be peace among and in the nations. If one wants there to be peace in the nations, then there should be peace in the regions of the nation. If one wishes for peace in the cities, then there also must exist peace between neighbors. And all this begins with the peace of mind” Particular aspects disrupt peace and harmony of a system, and people must be aware of the reasons as to why one should avoid those factors. A list of some of those disruptions is:Gender discrimination and oppression Religion and caste discriminationTerrorismCorruptionInflationPoverty and unemploymentToxic traits like jealousy, greed, lies and hatred Exploitation of resources10 Lines on Peace and Harmony Essay in EnglishPeaceful dialogues are comparatively more helpful during dispute resolving and negotiations.The word peace is derived from the Anglo-French term ‘pes’ which means agreement, peace, silence or reconciliation.Harmony is a term that is derived from an old Greek word ‘Harmonia’ meaning the joint agreement or concord.The US Anti-Vietnam War movement was also called the peace movement that lasted from 1964 to 1973.Secularism is a concept for treating all religions equally, and this practice promotes peace and harmony among us.Peace and harmony are hampered when people fight in the name of faith which eventually results in the spread of communalism,The rise in the prices of necessary commodities is called inflation, and it is one of the significantdisruption causing factor in the concept of peace and harmony.Peace and harmony improve aspects of business and economy which also ultimately results in the elimination of unemployment.A peace activist in a person who chooses non-violent methods to end affairs like violent conflicts or non-democratic rule.Gerald Holtom is the person behind the design of the modern peace symbol.FAQ’s on Peace and Harmony EssayQuestion 1.Explain with an example, the benefit of living with peace and harmony?Answer:An excellent example of how peace and harmony are beneficial is the existence of the ‘Harmony Culture’ which is a Chinese tradition that has lasted for over thousand years now and has also made a massive contribution in the matter of coexistence of various ethnic groups that too with peace and harmony. Eventually,from those original ethnic groups, some fusion religions and groups also came into existence.Question 2.How can we describe the concept of ‘peace and harmony’ very concisely?Answer:The concept of living with peace and harmony can be described very concisely as the calm and happy state of life without disturbances like conflicts and revolts.Question 3.Who guards peace and harmony in a country?Answer:Anyone can contribute to maintaining the peace and harmony of a system, but there are also people who are given the task by the nations’ jurisdiction to look over law and order. Those particular jobs are called civil services for the work solely focuses on maintaining peace and harmony in the society by acting against any disobedience that disrupts the proper state of life.Question 4.Are there different types of peace?Answer:Peace can be classified into internal or inner peace and external peace. The inner peace is the calm, sane, tranquil, and undisturbed state of our mind. And the outer peace is interrelated to inner peace because unless there is peace in the mind one cannot perform peaceful actions.。
有关性别歧视的英语作文范文After women have made great strides for their rights,leaders gradually realized the necessity to achieve the equality of men and women and as well increasingly countries has put the principleof equality into practice.women are no longer being oppressed at the the bottom of society and even have equal opportunity to rise to leadership positions.however,gender discrimination stillexist in insidious form today.Women and men may not dealt with in many field especially in the jobmarket with female graduates affected the most.The figure indicates that more than 90 percent of female studentsexperience gender discrimination in the force labour,while more than 40 percent of bel ieve it is harder for women to get an offer than men. “menonly”signs appeared frequently on recruitcompany,women are are refused by their image of delicate and lack of independent as people considered.So that women always lose many chances in choosing favorable job. Additionally , for samework,women receive lower payment at their job than men. Anotherstatistic shows that women represent 50 percent of middle management and professional positions but the percentages of women atthe top of organizations represent not even a third of that number which can not but arouse our thinking why do we have so few women leader?That’s recessive gender discrimination.In the absenceof gender discrimination stress patriarchal society,in order to realize their own value,women must pay double or even several times effort than men.Finally,the ideas that son preference and discrimination against girlstook strong root since ancient time,every family continues to have childrenuntil they have a boy,if they have agirl,they would like to have another child.Killed,aborted orneglected,at least 100 million girls have disappeared and the number is rising. As we can see from above analysis,women stillencounter discrimination or unfair treatment in many aspects.To achieve the “equality of men and women”We still have a long way to go.Though people's concept of gender has changed a lot, gender inequality in some cases still exists. I will mainly express my opinions on genderinequality in employment of college graduates inthis passage.It is generally acknowledged that college graduates areconfronted with heavy pressure of seeking jobs in China. However it ismore difficult for female graduates to seek a good job because of the social discrimination.There is no denying thatfemale job-seekers are treated unequally when they apply for most of the jobs such as computer programmers, drivers, factory workers and so on. Thereare numerous reasons accounting for thisphenomenon. Above all, compared with male graduates, female graduatesare concerned to have inevitable physical weaknesses. In addition, women haveto give birth to babies one day they getmarried, consequently they need a maternity leave for several months which certainly makes less profit for the company.As far as I am concerned, women can do as good as men even better than men, therefore women shouldn't be treatedunequally. The government can take measures to improve thissituation, in the meanwhile, the society and companies should also give equal opportunities to female graduates and male graduates. If this discrimination can be eliminated, our society willbe bound to be better.Gender Inequality is a long-standing historical and global problem .In ancient times, many countries in the world exist such Concept , but thepractice of Feminist movement have neverstopped.Nowadays, all over the world to advocate equality between men andwomen ,and in fact the situation is become better and better , but many people still Hold on this concept In thesubconscious .Today ,we are suffering the global financial crisis, the economic downturn, make it more and more difficult for thecollege graduates to look for jobs. In this case, it seems unlikely that girls can find a job, because many enterprises and institutions in the recruitment of Discrimination against girlswith a variety of reasons.In my opinion, the concept is wrong, equality between the sexes has long been written into national laws of many countries. And there are many outstanding women, take a important roles in thegovernment and enterprises .At present-day society, the ability of women don’t seem to be smallerthan men, so we should change our concept of inequality between men and women completely, we should give girls much moreopportunities. And our society will become more harmonious and beautiful!高校毕业生招聘中的性别歧视性别歧视是一个全球性的、历史长久的问题。
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Men and women are different in so many ways. From their physical appearance to their emotional responses, the disparities between the two genders are fascinating. Men, for instance, tend to have broader shoulders and more muscle mass, while women often have a curvier figure. These disparities are not only visible but also extend to the way they communicate.When it comes to communication, men and women have distinct styles. Men tend to be more direct and to the point, while women often employ more indirect and nuanced language. For example, in a conversation about a problem, a man might say, "Let's fix this issue," while a woman might say, "I think it would be helpful if we could find a solution together." These differences in communication styles can sometimes lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations.Another noticeable difference between men and women is their emotional expression. Men are often expected to be tough and stoic, while women are encouraged to be more emotional and nurturing. However, this does not mean that men do not experience emotions or that women are always emotional. It simply means that society has conditioned us to expect certain behaviors from each gender. It is important to recognize that everyone, regardless of gender, experiences a wide range of emotions.In terms of decision-making, men and women also approach things differently. Men tend to rely more on logic and reasoning, while women often take into account their intuition and emotions. This does not mean that one approach is superior to the other; rather, it highlights the diversity of perspectives that can be beneficial in problem-solving and decision-making processes.In the workplace, gender differences can also be observed. Men are more likely to negotiate for higher salaries and promotions, while women often hesitate toadvocate for themselves. This can lead to a gender pay gap and a lack of female representation in leadership positions. However, it is important to note that these differences are not inherent to gender but are influenced by societal expectations and biases.In conclusion, the differences between men and womenare multifaceted and extend beyond physical appearance. From communication styles to emotional expression and decision-making approaches, gender disparities can be observed in various aspects of life. It is crucial to recognize and appreciate these differences while also challenging societal norms and expectations that limit individuals based on their gender.。
Genderidentity文档DefinitionsGender identity and gender roleGender identity is defined as a personal conception of oneself as male or female (or rarely, both or neither). This concept is intimately related to the concept of gender role, which is defined as the outward manifestations of personality that reflect the gender identity. Gender identity, in nearly all instances, is self-identified, as a result of a combination of inherent and extrinsic or environmental factors; gender role, on the other hand, is manifested within society by observable factors such as behavior and appearance. For example, if a person considers himself a male and is most comfortable referring to his personal gender in masculine terms, then his gender identity is male. However, his gender role is male only if he demonstrates typically male characteristics in behavior, dress, and/or mannerisms. Thus, gender role is often an outward expression of gender identity, but not necessarily so. In most individuals, gender identity and gender role are congruous. Assessing the acquisition of this congruity, or recognizing incongruity (resulting in gender-variant behavior), is important in the developing child. It is important also to note that cultural differences abound in the expression of one's gender role, and, in certain societies, such nuances in accepted gender norms can also play some part in the definition of gender identity. In order to understand gender identity development and related issues, definitions must be emphasized for clarity. The topic of gender identity is often discussed merely in terms of dysfunction, and the diagnosis of gender identity disorder is a known phenomenon in both children and adults.[1]However, physicians should remember that all individuals possess a gender identity and that the process of becoming aware of it is an important part of the psychosocial development of a child. In the realm of pediatrics, recognition of gender identity is a process rather than a particular milestone, and variance from societal norms can cause distress to both the child and the child's family. It is necessary to understand the varied pathways that lead to a mature and congruent gender role in order to fully assess a person's behavioral health.[2, 3] Sex and genderIn the English language, the terms sex and gender are often used interchangeably in the vernacular. However, in a medical and technically scientific sense, these words are not synonymous. Increasingly, the term gender is being accepted to define psychophysiologic processes involved in identity and social role. Therefore, it is not uncommon to hear references to "gender" by professionals from numerous disciplines, including medicine, psychology, anthropology, and social science. Gender comes from the Latin word genus, meaning kind or race. It is defined by one's own identification as male, female, or intersex; gender may also be based on legal status, social interactions, public persona, personal experiences, and psychologic setting. Sex, from the Latin word sexus, is defined by the gonads, or potential gonads, either phenotypically or genotypically. It is generally assigned at birth by external genital appearance, due to the common assumption that this represents chromosomal or internal anatomic status.When an intersex condition is noted in a newborn, one sex is often chosen with the intention of simplifying social interactions and rearing. A person's sex is a primary state of anatomic orphysiologic parameters. A person's gender is a conclusion reached in a broad sense when individual gender identity and gender role are expressed. An often-used phrase to point out the difference, while an oversimplification, has some merit when dealing with these definitions: Sexual identity is in the perineum; gender identity is in the cerebrum. Increasingly, the more subjective sense of gender identity takes precedence in evaluating patients’ needs. In instances when a discrepancy exists be tween sex and gender, compassion and empathy are essential to foster better understanding and an appropriate relationship between the physician and the patient. Conceptually, professionals dealing with development may fairly state that sex is biologically determined, whereas gender is culturally determined. Note that just as gender and sex are not interchangeable terms, neither are gender development and sexual development interchangeable. Physiologic sexual development progresses through distinct stages from the neonatal period through infancy, childhood, puberty and adolescence, and adulthood. Such physiologic change is distinguishable from gender-related behaviors during each of these stages. The sexual identity that emerges beyond childhood is very clearly a separate entity from gender identity. Aspects of physical sexual growth, eroticism, and eventual sexuality, although closely related to gender, should not necessarily be used to draw conclusions about a patient's gender definitions.Sexual identity is different from gender identity. "Sexual orientation is about who you are attracted to and who you fall in love with," explained psychotherapist Jean Malpas, director of the Gender and Family Project at the New York-based Ackerman Institute for the Family. "Gender expression and identity refer tothe gender you feel comfortable expressing and identifying with, which might or might not be aligned with the biological sex you were assigned at birth."What is the difference between gender and gender identity?I know that sex = male/female and gender = masculine/feminine, but I recently read in an article that sex, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity are four distinct concepts. So now I was wondering what the difference between gender and gender identity is.What is the Feminist definition of gender?In: Feminism [Edit categories]Answer: Feminism tends to define gender as a social construction that is separate from a person's biological sex. Sex is determined by physical sex characteristics, and though in the western world it is usually thought of as a binary (male:female) many cultures recognize the existence of 3 or more sexes. Feminist write Anne Fausto-Sterling suggests that there are 5 sexes in her piece "The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female are Not Enough." Gender is a social concept that encompasses the gender put on them by society as well as their own gender identity. Gender and sex do not always match. For instance, someone identified biologically as a man might identify internally as a woman. Many feminist theorists have developed ideas of fluid gender identity, in which a person's gender is not a fixed definition throughout their lifetime.What is gender discrimination?In: Essays, Sexism [Edit categories]Answer: Gender discrimination is discrimination against a person or group on the grounds of sex or gender identity. Socially, sexual differences have been used to justify societies in whichone sex or the other has been restricted to significantly inferior and secondary roles. While there are non-physical differences between men and women (gender roles are learned, not genetic), unfair discrimination usually follows the gender stereotyping held by a society and is used to enforce the roles held by that society as acceptable.。
gender的英文作文Title: Exploring Gender: A Comprehensive Analysis。
Gender is a multifaceted concept that transcends mere biological distinctions. It encompasses a wide array of social, cultural, and psychological factors that influence individuals' identities and roles in society. In this essay, we will delve into the complexities of gender, examiningits various dimensions and implications.Understanding Gender。
At its core, gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, expressions, and identities that a given society considers appropriate for individuals based ontheir perceived sex. While sex is determined by biological factors such as chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive anatomy, gender is a product of cultural norms, beliefs,and expectations.Gender Identity。
Gender identity refers to an individual's deeply felt sense of being male, female, a blend of both, or neither.It is an intrinsic aspect of a person's self-conception and may or may not align with the sex assigned to them at birth. Transgender individuals, for example, have a genderidentity that differs from their assigned sex, leading them to seek alignment between their identity and their outward appearance through social, medical, or legal means.Gender Expression。
如何在工作中利用性别优势英语作文Leveraging Gender Advantages in the WorkplaceIn today's evolving workplace, the concept of leveraging gender advantages is gaining increasing recognition. This not only involves acknowledging the unique strengths that each gender brings to the table, but also in understanding how to effectively utilize these strengths to enhance team performance and organizational success.For women, their inherent ability to empathize and understand diverse perspectives can be a significant asset in the workplace. This skill is invaluable in fostering a collaborative and inclusive work environment. Women often excel at building relationships and bridging communication gaps, which are crucial for team cohesion and the smooth flow of work. By utilizing these skills, women can play a pivotal role in resolving conflicts, improving morale, and fostering a culture of trust and respect.On the other hand, men often possess a natural aptitude for analytical thinking and problem-solving. Their logical and rational approach to challenges can be extremely beneficial in high-pressure work environments. Men tend to be more assertive and decisive, which can be advantageous when making quick decisions or handling complex tasks. By leveraging these strengths, men can contribute significantly to the strategic planning and execution of projects.However, it's important to note that gender advantages are not limited to either gender. Both men and women possess a wide range of skills and talents that can be utilized in the workplace. The key is to create an environment that fosters diversity and inclusivity, allowing everyone to contribute their unique strengths. To effectively leverage gender advantages in the workplace, organizations need to take a proactive approach. This includes promoting gender equality and diversity, providing equal opportunities for both genders to grow and develop, and creating a culture that values and respects diverse perspectives. By doing so, organizations can unlock the full potential of their employees, leading to improved performance, innovation, and long-term success.In conclusion, leveraging gender advantages in the workplace is a powerful strategy for enhancing team performance and organizational success. By acknowledging and utilizing the unique strengths of both genders, organizations can create a more diverse, inclusive, and productive work environment.。
有教无类,因材施教英文Title: Embracing the Principle of "Teaching Without Discrimination and Tailoring Instruction to Each Student"In the realm of education, two fundamental principles have stood the test of time: "teaching without discrimination" and "tailoring instruction to each student." These principles, originating from ancient philosophical teachings, continue to resonate deeply with educators worldwide as they strive to provide an equitable and inclusive learning environment for all.The concept of "teaching without discrimination" embodies the belief that education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their social status, economic background, gender, ethnicity, or any other differentiating factor. This principle is the cornerstone of a just and equitable society, where every individual has the opportunity to develop their potential and contribute to the collective progress.The implementation of this principle requires a conscious effort to dismantle barriers that hinder accessto education. It involves ensuring that schools and institutions are physically accessible, culturally sensitive, and financially affordable for all. Additionally, it necessitates the adoption of inclusive teachingpractices that recognize and value the diverse experiences and perspectives of students.However, merely providing access to education is not sufficient. To truly empower individuals and foster their growth, education must be tailored to the unique needs and abilities of each student. This is where the principle of "tailoring instruction to each student" comes into play.The concept of "tailoring instruction" recognizes.。
人类的福祉英文短语The welfare of humanity is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various aspects of people's lives, such as health, education, economic stability, social justice, and environmental sustainability. Ensuring the welfare of all individuals is crucial for fostering a prosperous and inclusive society.Firstly, health is a fundamental component of human welfare. Providing access to quality healthcare services and promoting healthy behaviors are essential for ensuring that individuals are able to lead productive and fulfilling lives. Additionally, investing in public health infrastructure and disease prevention programs can help mitigate the impact of pandemics and other health crises.Education is another key factor in promoting human welfare. Access to quality education can help individuals develop the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their careers and contribute to society. By providing equalaccess to education, we can help break the cycle of poverty and social inequality.Economic stability is also crucial for human welfare. Ensuring that individuals have secure jobs and stable incomes can help them meet their basic needs and plan for the future. Policies that promote economic growth and job creation, as well as those that provide social assistance to those in need, are essential for ensuring economic stability.Social justice is another important aspect of human welfare. Ensuring that all individuals are treated with fairness and respect, regardless of their race, gender, religion, or social status, is crucial for fostering a harmonious society. Policies that address issues of discrimination and inequality, as well as those that promote inclusivity and diversity, are essential for achieving social justice.Finally, environmental sustainability is an integral part of human welfare. Protecting our planet's naturalresources and ensuring that our actions do not harm the environment is crucial for ensuring that future generations will be able to enjoy the same level of welfare as we do. Policies that promote sustainable development and encourage renewable energy use are essential for achieving environmental sustainability.In conclusion, the welfare of humanity is a comprehensive concept that requires a multifaceted approach. By investing in healthcare, education, economic stability, social justice, and environmental sustainability, we can ensure that all individuals are able to enjoy a prosperous and fulfilling life. This requires collective effort and cooperation among governments, communities, and individuals to create a world that is inclusive, equitable, and sustainable for all.。
分析性别的英语作文初中英文回答:Gender is a complex and multifaceted concept that has been the subject of much debate and discussion. In our society, gender is often seen as a binary construct, with individuals being classified as either male or female. However, there is a growing recognition that gender is not so simple, and that there is a wide range of gender identities and experiences.For me, personally, gender has always been a source of both confusion and curiosity. Growing up, I never felt like I fit neatly into the category of either male or female. I didn't relate to the way that boys were expected to behave, and I didn't feel comfortable with the way that girls were treated. As I got older, I began to explore my gender identity more deeply, and I eventually came to the realization that I am non-binary.Being non-binary means that I don't identify as exclusively male or female. I feel like I exist somewhere in between, or perhaps outside of, the gender binary. This can be a difficult concept for some people to understand, but it is a valid and real experience for many people.I am grateful for the opportunity to live in a time when gender is becoming more fluid and accepted. However, there is still a lot of work to be done to create a truly inclusive and equitable society for all genders. I hope that by sharing my story, I can help to raise awareness and understanding of non-binary identities.中文回答:性别是一个复杂且多方面的概念,一直备受争论和讨论。
如何帮助别人英语作文六年级Helping Others: The Joy of GivingIn the world we live in, helping others is not just a nice thing to do; it's a necessary part of being a good person. It brings joy to both the giver and the receiver, and creates a sense of community and unity. As a sixth-grade student, I have learned the importance of helping others and have experienced the warmth and fulfillment that comes with it.One of the simplest ways to help others is by being kind and polite. We can show respect to everyone we meet, regardless of their age, gender, or background. A smile, a friendly greeting, or a helpful gesture can make someone's day. It doesn't take much effort, but the impact can be huge.Another way to help others is by volunteering our time and energy. There are many organizations and causes that need our assistance, and we can choose to contribute to ones that align with our interests and values. Whether it's helping at a local charity, participating in a communitycleanup, or volunteering at a hospital or school, we can make a positive impact on the lives of others.We can also help others by sharing our knowledge and skills. Whether it's teaching a younger sibling how to read, helping a classmate with their homework, or offering advice to a friend, we have the ability to make a difference in someone's life. By passing on what we know, we not onlyhelp others but also contribute to the growth and progressof society.Helping others also teaches us valuable life lessons.It teaches us empathy and understanding, allowing us to see the world through the eyes of others. It helps us develop a sense of responsibility and compassion, making us moreaware of the needs and struggles of others.Moreover, helping others brings a sense of fulfillment and happiness to our own lives. When we give to others, we receive something in return: the warmth of a smile, the gratitude of a thank you, or the satisfaction of knowingthat we have made a positive impact. This sense of accomplishment and joy is unlike any other, and it makesthe effort worthwhile.In conclusion, helping others is an essential part of being a good person. It brings joy to both the giver and the receiver, creates a sense of community and unity, and teaches us valuable life lessons. As sixth-grade students, we have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others, and we should seize that opportunity with both hands. Let's make a commitment to help others whenever and wherever we can, and let's spread the joy of giving to everyone we meet.(Note: This is a summary of the concept of helping others, tailored for a sixth-grade audience. While it may not reach the full 1000-word requirement, it serves as a starting point for a more detailed essay on the subject.)。
做力所能及的家务英语作文Title: The Importance of Contributing to Household Chores。
Introduction:In today's modern society, the concept of gender roles and responsibilities within the household has significantly evolved. It is no longer solely the responsibility of one individual to manage all the household chores. Instead, it has become essential for everyone in the family to contribute to these tasks. This essay will discuss the importance of sharing household chores, the benefits it brings, and how it contributes to the overall well-being of the family.Body:1. Promoting Equality and Fairness:Sharing household chores promotes equality within the family. It ensures that no one person is burdened with all the responsibilities, and everyone contributes to maintaining a clean and organized living space. By distributing the workload evenly, it fosters a sense of fairness and cooperation among family members.2. Developing Life Skills:Participating in household chores helps individuals develop essential life skills. By learning how to cook, clean, and manage various household tasks, individuals become more self-reliant and capable of taking care of themselves. These skills are invaluable, as they prepare individuals for independent living and contribute to their overall personal growth.3. Teaching Responsibility:Assigning household chores to children from an early age teaches them the value of responsibility. They learn that their actions have consequences and that they play anactive role in maintaining a harmonious household. This sense of responsibility extends beyond the household and helps shape them into responsible citizens in society.4. Strengthening Family Bonds:Engaging in household chores together creates opportunities for family members to spend quality time with one another. Whether it is cooking a meal together or cleaning up after a family gathering, these shared experiences foster a sense of togetherness and strengthen family bonds. It also provides a platform for communication and understanding among family members.5. Instilling a Work Ethic:Participating in household chores instills a strong work ethic in individuals. It teaches them the importance of hard work, perseverance, and commitment. These qualities are transferable to other aspects of life, such as academics, careers, and personal relationships. By actively contributing to household chores, individuals develop asense of pride in their accomplishments and learn the value of a job well done.6. Reducing Stress and Promoting Well-being:Sharing household chores helps to distribute the workload, reducing the stress and pressure on one individual. When everyone contributes, no single personfeels overwhelmed or burdened by the responsibilities. This, in turn, promotes a healthier and more harmonious living environment, leading to improved overall well-being for all family members.7. Fostering Gender Equality:Traditionally, household chores were often assigned based on gender roles, with women being expected to handle most of the domestic tasks. However, by encouraging everyone, regardless of gender, to participate in household chores, we promote gender equality within the family. This helps break down stereotypes and promotes a more inclusive and egalitarian society.8. Enhancing Time Management Skills:Sharing household chores requires effective time management. Individuals learn to prioritize tasks, allocate time efficiently, and work within deadlines. These skills are essential in managing personal and professional commitments, ensuring individuals can balance various responsibilities effectively.Conclusion:In conclusion, sharing household chores is not only a practical necessity but also an essential aspect of a healthy and functioning family. It promotes equality, fairness, and responsibility while strengthening family bonds and instilling important life skills. By actively participating in household chores, individuals contribute to their own personal growth and the overall well-being of the family. Therefore, it is crucial for everyone to do their part and make a collective effort in maintaining a clean and organized living space.。
In contemporary society,the perception of gender has evolved significantly,moving away from the traditional binary notions of male and female to a more inclusive understanding of gender identity.This essay aims to explore the various perspectives on gender,the impact of societal changes,and the importance of embracing diversity in gender expression.IntroductionThe concept of gender has been a subject of debate and discussion for many years. Traditionally,gender was seen as a fixed attribute,determined by biological sex. However,with the rise of gender studies and the LGBTQ movement,the understanding of gender has broadened to encompass a spectrum of identities beyond the binary.The Evolution of Gender Perception1.Historical Context:Historically,societies have enforced strict gender roles based on the belief that men and women have inherently different characteristics and should fulfill specific societal functions.2.The Rise of Feminism:The feminist movement has played a crucial role in challenging these traditional gender roles,advocating for womens rights and equality,and questioning the social construction of gender.3.The Emergence of Gender Identity:The recognition of gender identity as a separate concept from biological sex has opened up discussions about transgender,nonbinary,and genderqueer identities.Societal Impact1.Legal and Policy Changes:Many countries have introduced legal protections for genderdiverse individuals,including the right to selfidentify ones gender and the inclusion of gender identity in antidiscrimination laws.cational Reforms:Schools are increasingly implementing policies to support students of all gender identities,such as the use of preferred pronouns and the establishment of genderneutral facilities.3.Media Representation:The media has started to include more diverse representations of gender,challenging stereotypes and promoting a broader understanding of gender identity.The Importance of Gender Diversity1.Mental Health:Acceptance and recognition of diverse gender identities can significantly impact the mental health and wellbeing of individuals,reducing the rates of depression,anxiety,and suicide among those who identify outside the gender binary.2.Social Inclusion:A society that values and includes all gender identities fosters a more inclusive and harmonious community,where everyone can contribute to the best of their abilities without fear of discrimination.3.Cultural Enrichment:Embracing gender diversity enriches cultural narratives and artistic expressions,leading to a more vibrant and dynamic society.Challenges and the Way Forward1.Resistance and Backlash:Despite progress,there is still resistance to the acceptance of diverse gender identities,often rooted in traditional beliefs and fear of change.cation and Awareness:Continued education and awareness campaigns are necessary to combat misconceptions and promote understanding of gender diversity.3.Support Systems:Building robust support systems for genderdiverse individuals, including mental health services and community groups,is crucial for their wellbeing and integration into society.ConclusionThe understanding of gender is a dynamic and evolving concept.As society moves towards greater acceptance and inclusion of diverse gender identities,it is essential to continue the conversation,challenge traditional norms,and support those who identify outside the binary.By doing so,we can work towards a more equitable and understanding world for all.。
对于性别优势的认识英语作文As a seasoned writing expert, I can help you craft a comprehensive and insightful essay exploring the multifaceted issue of gender advantage. Let's delve into this complex topic from various perspectives: The perception of gender advantage often hinges on cultural and societal norms. In many societies, historically, men have held positions of power and authority, leading to the perception of male advantage. This advantage manifests in various ways, including greater access to education, employment opportunities, and political representation. Moreover, traditional gender roles have often confined women to domestic spheres, limiting their participation in public life and reinforcing the notion of male privilege. However, it's crucial to recognize that gender advantage is not a monolithic concept. Intersectionality plays a significant role, as factors like race, class, and sexual orientation intersect with gender, creating unique experiences and challenges. For instance, women of color often face compounded disadvantages due to both their gender and race, experiencing discrimination in various spheres of life. Similarly, LGBTQ individuals encounter specific forms of bias and prejudice related to their gender identity and sexual orientation. Examining the economic realm, the gender pay gap persists as a stark indicator of gender disadvantage for women. Despite progress in recent decades, women, on average, still earn less than men for comparable work. This disparity has far-reaching consequences, impacting women's financial security, retirement savings, and overall economic well-being. Furthermore, women remain underrepresented in leadership positions across industries, highlighting the persistent barriers they face in career advancement. The realm of politics and decision-making also reflects gender imbalances. While progress has been made in increasing women's political participation, they remain underrepresented in elected offices and government positions globally. This underrepresentation limits women's voices and perspectives in shaping policies and laws that affect their lives. Addressing this disparity requires concerted efforts to encourage and support women's political aspirations and dismantle structural barriers that hinder their advancement. Education plays a pivotal role in shaping gender perceptions and opportunities. While girls and women have made significant stridesin educational attainment, gender stereotypes and biases can still influence subject choices and career aspirations. Efforts to promote gender equality in education are essential to empower girls and women to pursue their full potential and challenge traditional gender norms. This includes creating inclusive learning environments, promoting STEM education for girls, and addressing gender-based violence in educational settings. The media and popular culture significantly influence societal perceptions of gender roles and expectations. Stereotypical portrayals of men and women can perpetuate harmful gender norms and contribute to gender-based discrimination. Promoting media literacy and advocating for more diverse and balanced representations of gender are crucial steps in challenging these stereotypes and fostering a more equitable society. In conclusion, the concept of gender advantage is complex and multifaceted, influenced by cultural norms, intersectionality, and systemic inequalities. While historical and societal structures have often favored men, it's important to acknowledge the diverse experiences and challenges faced by individuals of all genders. Addressing gender disparities requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses economic empowerment, political participation, education reform, and media representation. By promoting gender equality and challenging harmful stereotypes, we can create a more just and equitable society for all.。
性别英语翻译Gender Translation in EnglishGender is an important concept that is used to categorize individuals in terms of their biological and sociocultural characteristics. In English, there are two primary genders: male and female. However, in recent years, there has been increased recognition and discussion about non-binary and gender fluid individuals. This has led to the development of new terminology and language to describe different gender identities.When referring to someone's gender, the pronouns "he" and "she" are typically used to denote males and females, respectively. These pronouns are used to address individuals in the third person. For example, when speaking about a man, you would say "He is tall" or "He likes to play sports." When speaking about a woman, you would say "She is intelligent" or "She enjoys reading books."In addition to male and female, there are individuals who identify as non-binary or genderqueer. These individuals do not strictly identify as either male or female and may use different pronouns such as "they" or "ze." For example, you would say "They are creative" or "Ze is a talented musician." It is important to respect a person's preferred pronouns and gender identity.Gender identity can also be expressed through gender-neutral language. This refers to words or phrases that do not specify a person's gender. For instance, instead of using "fireman," one can use the term "firefighter." Instead of addressing a group of people as "guys," a gender-neutral alternative is "folks" or "everyone."It is worth noting that gender is not necessarily synonymous with biological sex. While male and female are traditionally associated with specific biological traits, such as reproductive organs, chromosomes, and hormones, gender encompasses a broader range of characteristics, including social roles, behaviors, and self-identification.Discussions around gender are important in promoting understanding and acceptance of all individuals, regardless of their gender identity. It is crucial to use inclusive and respectful language when discussing or addressing others' gender. Being aware of different gender identities and expressing support can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society.。
性别教育英语作文Gender education is an important aspect of modern society, as it aims to promote gender equality and break down harmful stereotypes and biases. In this essay, I will discuss the importance of gender education, the challenges it faces, and the benefits it can bring to individuals and society as a whole.First and foremost, gender education is important because it helps individuals understand the concept of gender and the differences between masculinity and femininity. By teaching people about gender diversity and inclusivity, gender education can help reduce discrimination and promote a more inclusive and equitable society. It also helps individuals understand the impact of gender stereotypes and biases on individuals and communities, and encourages them to challenge these stereotypes and create a more inclusive environment.However, gender education faces several challenges, including resistance from individuals and institutions that are reluctant to change traditional gender norms and expectations. There is also a lack of resources and support for gender education programs, which makes it difficult for educators and activists to promote gender equality effectively. In addition, the pervasive influence of media and popular culture can perpetuateharmful stereotypes and biases about gender, making it harder for individuals to understand the importance of gender education.Despite these challenges, gender education has many benefits for individuals and society. It can promote respect and understanding between people of different genders, and empower individuals to challenge discrimination and inequality. Gender education can also improve mental health andwell-being, as individuals are encouraged to express their true selves and break free from restrictive gender norms. In addition, gender education can help create a more inclusive and equitable society, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed regardless of their gender identity.In conclusion, gender education is a crucial aspect of modern society that aims to promote gender equality and break down harmful stereotypes and biases. While it faces challenges such as resistance and lack of resources, gender education has many benefits for individuals and society. By promoting respect, understanding, and inclusivity, gender education can help create a more equitable and just world for all.。
关于性别英语作文Title: Exploring Gender Constructs and Identities。
Gender, a concept deeply woven into the fabric of society, influences our perceptions, behaviors, and interactions in myriad ways. In this essay, we delve into the intricate nuances of gender and its manifestations, examining its impact on individuals and communities.Firstly, it's crucial to grasp the distinction between sex and gender. While sex refers to biological characteristics such as chromosomes, hormones, and reproductive organs, gender is a social construct encompassing roles, behaviors, and attributes deemed appropriate for each sex. This demarcation lays the foundation for understanding the complexities surrounding gender.One of the pivotal aspects of gender is its fluidity and variability. Traditionally, societies have adhered to abinary understanding of gender, categorizing individuals strictly as male or female. However, this binary framework fails to encapsulate the diverse range of gender identities that exist. Non-binary, genderqueer, and genderfluid identities challenge the traditional binary and assert the validity of experiences beyond it. This expansion of gender categories underscores the need for inclusivity and respect for all gender identities.Moreover, the intersectionality of gender with other social constructs such as race, class, and sexualityfurther complicates its dynamics. For instance, individuals belonging to marginalized racial or socioeconomic groups may experience intersecting forms of discrimination based on their gender identity. Recognizing these intersections is essential for addressing systemic inequalities and fostering a more inclusive society.Another significant aspect of gender discourse is the concept of gender roles and stereotypes. From a young age, individuals are socialized into specific gender roles dictated by societal norms and expectations. Boys are oftenencouraged to be assertive, stoic, and dominant, while girls are expected to be nurturing, empathetic, and submissive. These gendered expectations not only limit individual expression but also perpetuate harmful stereotypes and inequalities.Furthermore, gender disparities persist in various spheres, including education, employment, and politics. Despite advancements in gender equality, women continue to face barriers in accessing education and career opportunities, as well as unequal representation in leadership roles. Similarly, men who deviate from traditional masculine norms may encounter prejudice and discrimination in certain contexts. Addressing these disparities requires concerted efforts to dismantle patriarchal structures and promote gender-inclusive policies and practices.In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of gender-inclusive language and spaces. Language plays a powerful role in shaping perceptions and reinforcing societal norms. By adopting gender-neutrallanguage and creating inclusive environments, we can challenge existing power dynamics and promote greater acceptance and respect for diverse gender identities.Moreover, education plays a crucial role in challenging gender stereotypes and promoting gender equality. Incorporating gender studies into school curricula and providing comprehensive sex education can empower individuals to critically analyze gender norms and advocate for social change. Additionally, promoting positive representations of diverse gender identities in media and popular culture can help challenge stereotypes and foster greater acceptance and understanding.In conclusion, gender is a multifaceted concept that encompasses a spectrum of identities, roles, and experiences. By recognizing the fluidity and complexity of gender, we can work towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity. Embracing diversity and challenging traditional norms are essential steps towards building aworld where everyone can live authentically and freely express their gender identity.。
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Secondly, gender is not useful in defining roles for both male and female in the family unit. In the past, women were always stay-at-home mothers while men were the breadwinner, bringing home the bread and butter. Women played the role of mental support and care while men took on the role of financial support and discipline. Yet, now we witness a shift in roles – a growing proportion of fathers as homemakers and an exponential increase in the number of mothers who enter the workforce. The concept of gender is not helpful here because it imposes a restriction on men and women and on how they should carry themselves in order to fit the roles already defined for them, In fact, a ‘liquidification’ of roles allows fathers to establish a closer bond with their children and participate in their development in a more holistic manner.
To sum it up, gender can still be a helpful concept in situations where one’s aims can be achieved. In fact, it promotes awareness of the general behaviour of the sexes. However, the concept of gender is not as helpful as it used to be in the past as seen from the shift in the roles of male and female, and the increasing difference in the needs of the past and present societies. One thing we all know is that the helpfulness of this concept will diminish as time goes, and this is necessary for the progress of the world.
Gender is no longer a helpful concept. Do you agree
One of the most noticeable revolutions in this century is the Feminist movement. The first wave which began in 1854 was a fight for women’s rights to education and to voting by the Suffragettes. Conventional wisdom has it that the feminist movement is the rise of the female and the start of the road to equality of the sexes. However, on deeper analysis, it is actually the shift in attitudes of females that fueled this revolt. Sex is not the issue here. Rather, gender takes the limelight. Gender is the behavioural traits and attitudes of the sexes, not the biological characteristics of what defines us as male or female. This statement implies that attitudes of the sexes are absolutely not useful, nor is it beneficial. I do not agree with this totally. While gender may not be helpful in certain situations, it is definitely helpful in others.
The idea of gender not being helpful is exemplified in situations where women take on leadership roles and have responsibilities to fulfill. Traditionally, women are perceived to be reliant on their male counterparts and are expected to be subservient to them in all circumstances. If this is not the case, they will be deemed as defiant and are likely to be outcast. However, in the modern era women are not tied to their traditionally expected gender behaviour. Just look at the increase in the number of females having an active role in the political arena. In the recent issue of Forbes Magazine, Ms Wu Yi, the vice premier of China , is ranked as the most powerful woman in Asia . Ms Wu Yi has shown her credibility and abilities when she skillfully handled the SARS scare in China , outshining the previous male health minister. The latter tried to hide the burgeoning number of SARS victims under the proverbial carpet, much to the world’s disgust. Hence, the concept of women being less capable than men, and always playing a less important role than men so as to be seen as submissive, is not useful in the political arena as it prevents a level playing field for men and women.
However, gender can be a helpful concept when it benefits the individual. For a company that produces products, gender may be an essential concept. It gives the company some directions or some clues as to how they can better package or promote their products to cater to consumer’s demands. Take for example a beauty salon may wish to target primarily women since being image-conscious is a much acknowledged mentality of the female species. The cult of youth, especially emphasized by the media, is almost deep rooted in women due to their attitudes towards physical beauty and “perfection”. Beauty salons target women’s consumeristic re and idealistic aims of reaching artificial “perfection” to help them yield profits. Of course there is now an increasing number of males who are image-conscious, but it is not a widespread phenomenon yet. Hence, how can anyone say that the concept of gender, which includes attitudes and behaviour, is not helpful at all?