❖ 与阵列可编程使输入项增多,或
❖ 采用双极型熔丝工艺,工作速 阵列固定使器件简化。
❖ 或阵列固定明显影响了器件编程
组合可编程逻辑阵列PLA的逻辑结构:由一个“与” 阵列和一个“或”阵列构成,“与”阵列和“或”阵 列都是可编程的。
时序可编程逻辑阵列PLA的逻辑结构:由“与”阵列 “或”阵列和一个用于存储以前状态的触发器网络构成
▪ 在可编程逻辑阵列PLA的应用中,有一种是用来 控制资料路径,在指令集内事先定义好逻辑状态, 并用此来产生下一个逻辑状态(透过条件分支)。
• 2. 异步可编程I/O结构
• 3. 寄存(时序)输出结构 • 4. 异或-寄存器型输
出结构 • 5. 运算选通反馈结构
如输出采用或门,为高电平有效PAL器件。 若采用互补输出的或门,为互补输出器件。
▪ 举例来说,如果目前机器(指整个逻辑系统)处于 二号状态,如果接下来的执行指令中含有一个立 即值(侦测到立即值的栏位)时,机器就从第二状 态转成四号状态,并且也可以进一步定义进入第 四状态后的接续动作。因此PLA等于扮演(晶片) 系统内含的逻辑状态图(statediagram)角色。
触发器Q非输出经过一个互补缓冲器反馈到与阵 列输入端上。
输出三态缓冲器由公共控制线控制。 用途:组成各类时序逻辑电路。 这种结构的产品有PAL16R4、 PAL16R8 等。
固定输出结构是可编程器件中最简单的输出结构,其输出 就是或阵列的输出,其可以实现简单的组合逻辑电路的功 能,如下图所示:
上面简单的固定输出结构只能实现简单的组合逻 辑功能,如果希望实现其输出端既可以当输入使用, 又可以作为输入端正使用,这时上面电路就无法实 现了,这时须用异步I/O结构的输出结构。其图如下 图所示。
1 1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1
1 1 1
Y0 D' C ' D' B'
Y1 D' CB DC ' B' DC ' A'
这是一组具有四输入变量,三输出端的组合逻辑函数。 用PAL器件实现,应选四个以上输入端,三个以上输出端的器 件,且至少有一个输出含有三个以上的乘积项。所以可选择 PAL14H4。然后按表达式进行编程即可。
1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 0
1 1
0 1
1 0
1 0
0 1
0 0
Y0 (0,1,2,3,4,5)
Y1 (6,7,8,9,10) Y2 (11,12,13,14,15)
DC 00 01 11 10 00 01 11 10 L Y1 BA DC 00 01 11 10 00 01 11 10 L Y2 BA DC 00 01 11 00 01 11 10
德国凯勒数控仿真教学软件 keller cnc宣传页
以转速 进给
( 彩 色 , 120页 ) 组 成 的 PA L p l u s “ 套 餐 ” 是 未 来 最 好 的 PAL考试准备材料。
斯弗里德 - 凯勒 (德国凯勒公司董事长) 二零零九年九月 于德国 乌珀塔尔
针对初学者或刚入门的学员,系统提供了一 套借助于影像方式模拟的车间环境,对机床 的构造和相关的部件、功能,比较容易地认 识。
通过精彩的动漫技术,学员可以直接了解数 控机床及相应的基础知识,如:工装夹具、 滚珠螺杆等。
虚拟车间和虚拟机床教学方式直接地回答了 一个问题 „这个功能是怎样的?“ 这可以使 学员数控技术学习中,提高兴趣和动力。
数控机床的仿真模拟使学员很容易地获得机 器主轴、坐标定位和编程等知识。通过大 量提示和帮助功能,学员可以进行自学和操 作。该软件中,以SINUMERIK 802C做为标 准教学仿真系统和操作面板。
最终要使得每个学员,在编写数控程序这一 较难的题目中,一般经过两次失败后, 能得到解决问题的办法和很好地掌握编程, 这也是凯勒软件的真正用意所在。
联想 L2021宽频显示器 说明书
缩放比例调整 信息
将 输入
● 全屏
扩展 至全屏。
显示分辨率、刷新频率、和产品资料。 注意:不允许对屏幕的任何设置进行改动。
菜单语言 菜单位置
此部分列出了显示器支持的语言。 注意:所选择的语言只是 OSD 的语言。对其他 任何运行在计算机上的软件语言没有作用。
y 将菜单位置返回到默认设置中。
y 水平:改变 OSD 的水平位置 y 垂直:改变 OSD 的垂直位置 y 保存
y 取消 y 复位
OSD 响应控制
改变按键 响应速度及菜单显示时间 按键反应速度 ;
选择 或 进行变化。
y关 y 默认 y慢
菜单显示时间 :在上一次按压按钮后,设置 OSD 保持激活的时间长度。
TBGPXz显ာwfJSGD;)d{<I: v y]z4PD$w`M!!c;DAb# v 9C显ာwAH"THHM<qw{XF(g{d8)4E/A;OD<qTJO
10 版权所有。
v #V显ာwA;e`TczIT+S_/PZA;DZ]O#
v 当使用VESA卯接孔时,电源插座孔必须朝下,不能朝其它方位。 !
要使用这些控件: 1.按 打开 主 26' 菜单。 2.使用 或 在图标之间移动。选择图标并按 访问该功能。如果还有子菜单, 则您可以使用 或 在各选项之间移动,然后按 选择该功能。使用 或 进行调整,按 保存。 3.按 从子菜单返回并退出26'。 4.按住 10秒钟以锁定26'。这将防止无意中调整26'。按住 10秒钟以解锁26' 并允许对26'进行调整。 5.默认 ''&&, 启动按下用于调整26'的退出按钮,并保持5 秒钟,以启动或中止 ''&&, 功能,将有“''&&,禁用 ''&&,/启用”字样显示在屏幕上。
可编程规律器件PAL和通用规律阵列GAL -电子技术一、可编程阵列规律器件PALPAL接受双极型熔丝工艺,工作速度较高。
1. 专用输出基本门阵列结构2. 可编程I/O输出结构可编程I/O结构如下图所示。
3. 寄存器型输出结构:也称作时序结构,如下图所示。
4. 带异或门的寄存器型输出结构:有些PAL器件是由数个同一结构类型组成,有的则是由不同类型结构混合组成。
与PAL相比,GAL的输出结构配置了可以任意组态的输出规律宏单元OLMC(Output Logic Macro Cell),GAL和PAL在结构上的区分见下图:(一)GAL器件结构和特点GAL器件型号定义和PAL一样依据输入输出的数量来确定,GAL16V8中的16表示阵列的输入端数量,8表示输出端数量,V则表示输出形式可以转变的一般型1. GAL16V8的基本结构(下图)3. 输出规律宏单元OLMC组态输出规律宏单元由对AC1(n) 和AC0进行编程打算PTMUX、TSMUX、OMUX和FMUX的输出,共有5种基本组态:专用输入组态、专用输出组态、复合输入/输出组态、寄存器组态和寄存器组合I/O组态。
Allwinner R8 Datasheet
REVISION HISTORYDECLARATIONTABLE OF CONTENTS5.3. DC Electrical Characteristics2.6.Memory Subsystem&Touch G-SENSORSPI1_CLK UART3_RX42 DDR3_D743 VCC3_DRAM79 AGND80 VRPSDC0_CMD 111PF3PE9 CSI_D6LCD_D10 141PD10PC19 163 VCC4function 0);3)Type: signal directionPC7 Input PC8 InputPE4 Input PE5 InputSignal Name DescriptionOthersVRP Reference voltageV IH High-Level Input Voltage V IL Low-Level Input VoltageFigure 5-1. Power Up Sequence5.5.2.Power Up Reset Sequence RequirementsThe device has a system reset signal to reset the board. When asserted, the following steps give an example of power up reset sequence supported by the R8 device.•AVCC ,VDD_CPU and VCC_DRAM can be powered up simultaneously.•VDD_INT can be powered up after VDD_CPU is powered up, the time difference is T1ms.•VCC can be powered up after VDD_INT is powered up, the time difference is T2ms.Figure 5-2. Power Up Reset Sequence5.5.3.Resume Power Up Sequence from Super Standby ModeTo resume a power up sequence when the device is in Super Standby mode:•VCC_DRAM and AVCC remains powered up always.•VDD_CPU can be powered up firstly.•VDD_INT can be powered up after VDD_CPU is powered up, the time difference is T1ms.•VCC can be powered up after VDD_INT is powered up, the time difference is T2ms.Figure 5-3. Exit Super Standby and Resume Power Up Sequence5.5.4.Power Down Sequence RequirementsTo reduce power consumption,the R8 can be partially powered down.The section lists the power down requirements in each mode.In Super Standby mode,•VCC_DRAM and AVCC must be kept powered up.•VDD_CPU,VDD_INT and VCC are powered down simultaneously.•VCC voltage fall time is more longer than VDD_INT.VDD_CPUVDD_CPU6.PIN ASSIGNMENT6.2.PACKAGE DIMENSIONThe following diagram shows the package dimension of R8.。
R46 47R
R47 47R
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
R811 10K
C812 103
10K R802 R804 10K T1 T2 T3 T4 T5
R814 4.7K
C802 4.7U
C813 1U
R702A 47R
D 5-8
G S 4 U38 1-3 IRF7805
D8 L101 C321 C322 C323
C324 C99 C100
U18 1-3 5-8 D IRF7404 G PWR-CNTL S
ADD U4V for DPTV 3D 1 3 U40 5 FAN2500S25 For DPTV PLL RAMDAC Power A
+5V输 出 3 U34 2 AS1117 For PP135 Digital Power
tp :
ht tp : // zg j dw x. 5d 中 6 国 d. 家 co 电 m 维 /b 修 b 论 s. 坛 ph
辉 达
辉 达
1 2 3 4 5 6
dw x. 5d 中 6 国 d. 家 co 电 m 维 /b 修 b 论 s. 坛 ph
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D 5-8 1-3 U37 IRF7807 4 G
4 D 1-3 U21 5-8 IRF7404
For Intervor
13 U4 74LS04
U19 3 LT1084 2
电子保护设备 Digitrip 520 520M 型号产品说明书
This document contains the following time-current curves: Curve DescriptionLast RevisionDigitrip 520 / 520M - Long Delay (I 2t) and Short Delay Flat and (I 2t) Time-Phase Current Characteristic Curve based on I r for Series NRX - T ype NF or RF frameApplies to Digitrip catalog numbers: N5LSI, N5MLSI, N5MLSIA, N5MRLSI, N5MRLSIA And for Digitrip catalog numbers: N5LSIG, N5MLSIG, N5MRLSIG October 2011Digitrip 520 (LI) - Long Delay (I 2t) CharacteristicApplies to Digitrip catalog number N5LI only - T ype NF or RF FrameOctober 2011Digitrip 520 / 520M - Instantaneous Time-Phase Current Characteristic Curve based on I n Applies to all Series NRX - T ype NF FrameOctober 2011Digitrip 520 / 520M - Instantaneous Time-Phase Current Characteristic Curve based on I n Applies to all Series NRX - T ype RF FrameSeptember 2013Digitrip 520 / 520M - Ground (Earth) Fault Flat and (I 2t) - T ripApplies to Digitrip catalog numbers: N5MRLSI, N5MRLSIA, N5MRLSIG - T ype NF Frame October 2011Digitrip 520M - Maintenance ModeApplies to Digitrip catalog numbers: N5MRLSI, N5MRLSIA, N5MRLSIG - T ype NF Frame October 2011Digitrip 520M - Maintenance ModeApplies to Digitrip catalog numbers: N5MRLSI, N5MRLSIA, N5MRLSIG - T ype RF FrameOctober 2011Characteristic Curves for Series NRX Type NF and RF Frame with Digitrip 520 and 520M Trip Unit2Application Data AD01301004EEffective September 2013Characteristic Curves for Series NRX Type NF and RF Frame with Digitrip520 and 520M T rip UnitEATON DefinitionsI n is the maximum value of continuous current for which the trip unit can be set.I n is the basis (or reference) for both the Instantaneous and the Ground (Earth) protection current settings.The Ampere value of I n is printed on the Rating Plug.l r is the basis for both the Long Delay Time and Short Delay Pick Up protection current settings.The Ampere value of l r is the Long Delay Pickup Setting x l n .Further information may be obtained from:EatonElectrical Group1000 Cherrington ParkwayMoon T ownship, Pennsylvania 15108-4312 United States of AmericaTelephone: 1-800-525-2000 or 1-877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)/Curves can also be found on-line by searching for the curve number.. IN SECONDSCurrent in Multiples of Long Delay Setting ( I )r . 8 9 102030405080 70 6090 100Series NRX - Type NF or RF Frame with D igitrip 520 / 520M - Long De lay & Short De lay Curves. IN SECONDSCurrent in Multiples of Long Delay Setting ( I )r .56..7.8.91234567890. 8 9 102030405080 70 6090 100Series NRX - Type NF or RF Frame with D igitrip 520(LI) - Long DelayC urvesCurrent in Multiples of Rating ( I )n1234. 1020304050567 8 9Symmetrical RMS Current (kA)10203040100200300400500506070 80 90 1000600 700 800 900Current in Multiples of Rating ( I )n1234. 1020304050567 8 9Symmetrical RMS Current (kA)10203040100200300400500506070 80 90 1000600700 800 900.0112345678910203040506070809010010009008007006005004003002002000300040005000600070008000900010000. M I N U T E2 H O U R ST I M E I N S E C O N D S1 H O U R. IN SECONDS. 1234567 8 .7 .8 .9 123458 7 69 1085.06769Current in Multiples of Rating ( I )n .8Current x 1000 Amperes (RMS)1234. 102056 7 8 9.011234. 102030405060 70 80 90 10010003000400050008000700060009000 5678 IN SECONDS3004005006007008009002000100003040506070 80 90Current x 1000 Amperes (RMS)1234. 102056 7 8 9.011234. 102030405060 70 80 90 10010003000400050008000700060009000 5678 IN SECONDS3004005006007008009002000100003040506070 80 90EatonElectrical Sector1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273) © 2013 EatonAll Rights ReservedPrinted in USAPublication No. AD01301004EH04 / TBG001103 September, 2013Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Application Data AD01301004E Effective September 2013Characteristic Curves for Series NRX Type NF and RF Frame with Digitrip520 and 520M T rip UnitDisclaimer of warranties and limitation of liabilityThe information, recommendations, descriptions, and safety nota-tions in this document are based on Eaton Corporation’s (“Eaton”) experience and judgment, and may not cover all contingencies. If further information is required, an Eaton sales office should be con-sulted.Sale of the product shown in this literature is subject to the terms and conditions outlined in appropriate Eaton selling policies or other contractual agreement between Eaton and the purchaser.THERE ARE NO UNDERSTANDINGS, AGREEMENTS, WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY, OTHER THAN THOSE SPECIFICALL Y SET OUT IN ANY EXISTING CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. ANY SUCH CONTRACT STATES THE ENTIRE OBLIGATION OF EATON. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT SHALL NOT BECOME PART OF OR MODIFY ANY CONTRACT BETWEEN THE PARTIES. In no event will Eaton be responsible to the purchaser or user in con-tract, in tort (including negligence), strict liability, or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damage or loss what-soever, including but not limited to damage or loss of use of equip-ment, plant or power system, cost of capital, loss of power, addition-al expenses in the use of existing power facilities, or claims against the purchaser or user by its customers resulting from the use of the information, recommendations, and descriptions contained herein. The information contained in this manual is subject to change with-out notice.。
道努尔(Dorner)MFG. CORP. 1100系列远程信号直流电机控制器操作手册说明书
For other service manuals visit our website at:/service_manuals.aspDORNER MFG. CORP .INSIDE THE USA OUTSIDE THE USA P .O. Box 20 • 975 Cottonwood Ave.TEL: 1-800-397-8664TEL: 262-367-7600Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USA FAX: 1-800-369-2440FAX: 262-367-5827851-756 Rev. B1100 Series Remote Signal Brushless DC ControllerOperation ManualDorner Mfg. Corp.2851-756 Rev. B1100 Series Remote Signal Brushless DC ControllerTable of ContentsIntroduction......................................................................... 2Warnings - General Safety.................................................. 3Operations............................................................................ 4Remote Wired Options.................................................... 4Input Signals.................................................................... 4START/STOP Input..................................................... 4CW/CCW Input............................................................ 4Setting The Running Speed (5)Setting By Internal Potentiometer................................. 5Speed Control with Internal Potentiometer............... 5Setting By External Potentiometer............................... 6Speed Control with External Potentiometer (customer supplied).................................................................... 7Setting By External DC Voltage................................... 8Return Policy. (10)IntroductionUpon receipt of shipment:•Compare shipment with packing slip. Contact factory regarding discrepancies.•Inspect packages for shipping damage. Contact carrier regarding damage.•Accessories may be shipped loose. See accessory instruc-tions for installation.Dorner’s Limited Warranty applies.Dorner 1100 series conveyors have patents pending.Dorner reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice or obligation.Dorner has convenient, pre −configured kits of Key Service Parts for all conveyor products. These time saving kits are easy to order, designed for fast installation, and guarantee you will have what you need when you need it. Key Parts and Kits are marked in the Service Parts section of thismanual with the Performance Parts Kits logo.IMPORTANTSome illustrations may show guards removed. DO NOT operate equipment without guards.851-756 Rev. B3Dorner Mfg. Corp.1100 Series Remote Signal Brushless DC ControllerWarnings - General SafetyA WARNINGThe safety alert symbol, black triangle with white exclamation, is used to alert you to potential personal injury hazards.Climbing, sitting, walking or riding on conveyor will cause severe injury.KEEP OFF CONVEYORS.DO NOT OPERATE CONVEYORS IN ANEXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENT.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.LOCK OUT POWER before removing guards or performing maintenance.Hazardous voltage will cause severe injury or death.LOCK OUT POWER BEFORE WIRING.A WARNINGGearmotors may be HOT.DO NOT TOUCH Gearmotors.A WARNINGExposed moving parts can cause severe injury.REPLACE ALL GUARDS BEFORE RUNNING CONVEYOR.A WARNINGDorner cannot control the physicalinstallation and application of conveyors. Taking protective measures is the responsibility of the user.When conveyors are used in conjunction with other equipment or as part of a multiple conveyor system, CHECK FOR POTENTIAL PINCH POINTS and other mechanical hazards before system start-up.Dorner Mfg. Corp.4851-756 Rev. B1100 Series Remote Signal Brushless DC ControllerOperationsRemote Wired OptionsRefer to Figure 1 for controller components.Figure 1Input SignalsSTART/STOP InputSTART is selected when the input is ON, and motor starts running. The motor accelerates over the time set by the acceleration/deceleration time potentiometer. STOP isselected when the input is OFF, and motor stops. The motor decelerates over the time set by the acceleration/deceleration time potentiometer.CW/CCW InputCW is selected when the input is ON. CCW is selected when the input is OFF. The drive direction is the same as that of the motor output shaft when viewed from the motor output side.1Customer Interface Terminal Block 2DC Driver BLH2303Motor Connection Terminal 4Grounding Screw5Customer Interface Cable (Input to Enclosure)6Motor Cable Input to Enclosure (Cord Grip Included Inside)7Fuse8Connector CN29Power SupplyNOTEFor customer supplied wiring:•Use shielded, multi-conductor cable for input signal.•Wires to be AWG26 minimum.•Shield of multi-conductor cable should be grounded to sub panel.156243789A CAUTIONDo not perform the motor’s starting and stopping operations by turning the power supply on and off.Perform them by inputting START/STOP.Failure to use START/STOP may cause injury or damage to the equipment.NOTE•The input signals (START/STOP and CW/CCW) must be ON for at least 10 ms. It may cause malfunction of the motor.•Do not operate (switch the ON/OFF status) of the START/STOP input, CW/CCW input, and INT.VR/EXT input simultaneously. After switching a given input, wait at least 10 ms before switching another input.NOTEDepending on the gearhead ratio, the drive direction of the gear output shaft may be opposite of that of the motor.851-756 Rev. B5Dorner Mfg. Corp.1100 Series Remote Signal Brushless DC ControllerOperationsSetting The Running SpeedSet the operating speed of the motor using the internal speed potentiometer, external speed potentiometer or external DC voltage. The motor speed range is from 100 to 3000 rpm for the case of the motor alone. Dorner speed ranges are 100 to 2500 rpm for constant motor torque.Setting By Internal PotentiometerThis potentiometer is used when running speed setting is not frequently changed.Adjust the potentiometer using an insulated screwdriver. Clockwise rotation will increase the set speed. The speed is set to 0 r/min at time of shipment.Speed Control with Internal Potentiometer1.Adjust desired accel/decel at driver (Figure 2,item 1).Figure 2Figure 32.Connect light blue wire to terminal 2 (COM).3.Adjust desired speed at driver (Figure 2,item 2).Hazardous voltage will cause severe injury or death.LOCK OUT POWER BEFORE WIRING.1Accel/Decel Time Potentiometer 2Internal Speed PotentiometerNOTEThe light blue wire from the controller board is ordinarily not used if it is taped off. It must be separated from the harness and connected to terminal 2 (COM) as shown in (Figure 3).12Dorner Mfg. Corp.6851-756 Rev. B1100 Series Remote Signal Brushless DC ControllerOperations4.Insert multi-conductor cable into cord grip (Figure 4,item 1).Figure 45.Wire START/STOP, COM, and CW/CCW to terminal (Figure 4,item 2).6.Install motor cord through interface location (Figure 4,item 3). Refer to Motor Manual 851-748 or 851-749 for details.Setting By External PotentiometerThis potentiometer is used when the speed is set away from the driver.Use a 20 Kohm, 1/4 watt, linear resistance vs angle, external potentiometer. Clockwise rotation will increase the set speed.Figure 5* Indicates the speed of the motor alone. The speed of the gear output shaft of a geared type or combination type is obtained by dividing the motor speed by the gear ratio.123851-756 Rev. B7Dorner Mfg. Corp.1100 Series Remote Signal Brushless DC ControllerOperationsSpeed Control with External Potentiometer (customer supplied)1.Adjust desired accel/decel at driver (Figure 6,item 1).Figure 6Figure 72.Insert shielded cable for external potentiometer into cord grip (Figure 8,item 1). Connect high, med, and low to 6, 5, and 4 as shown in (Figure 7).Figure 83.Wire START/STOP, COM, and CW/CCW to terminal (Figure 8,item 2), as shown in (Figure 7).4.Install motor cord through interface location (Figure 8,item 3). Refer to Motor Manual 851-748 or 851-749 for details.1Accel/Decel Time Potentiometer1NOTEUse a shielded cable for connection with the external potentiometer. Connection should be made close to the driver. Connect the shielded wire to the ground.123Dorner Mfg. Corp.8851-756 Rev. B1100 Series Remote Signal Brushless DC ControllerOperationsSetting By External DC VoltageExternal DC voltage is used when the speed is set by D/A output from an external control device such as a programmable controller.For external DC voltage, use DC power supply (0 to 5 VDC, 1 mA or more) where the primary and secondary sides are provided with reinforced insulation.Figure 9* Indicates the speed of the motor alone. The speed of the gear output shaft of a geared type or combination type is obtained by dividing the motor speed by the gear ratio.Figure 101.Adjust desired accel/decel at driver (Figure 11,item 1).Figure 11NOTE•The external DC power supply voltage must not exceed 5 VDC. Otherwise, the driver may be damaged.•When connecting the external DC power supply, sufficient care must be taken not to mistake power polarity. Connection with incorrect polarity may damage the driver.•Use a shielded cable for connection with the external DC power supply. Connectionshould be made close to the driver. Connect the shielded wire to the ground.1851-756 Rev. B9Dorner Mfg. Corp.1100 Series Remote Signal Brushless DC ControllerOperations2.Insert multi-conductor cable into cord grip (Figure 12,item 1).Figure 123.Wire START/STOP, COM, and CW/CCW to terminal (Figure 12,item 2).4.Wire DC control speed signal negative to location 4 and positive to location 5 as shown in (Figure 10).5.Install motor cord through interface location (Figure 12,item 3). Refer to Motor Manual 851-748 or 851-749 for details.123851-756 Rev. B Printed in U.S.A.Dorner Mfg. Corp. reserves the right to changeor discontinue products without notice. All products and services are covered inaccordance with our standard warranty. All rights reserved. © Dorner Mfg. Corp. 2013DORNER MFG. CORP .975 Cottonwood Ave., PO Box 20 Hartland, WI 53029-0020 USA TEL 1-800-397-8664 (USA)FAX 1-800-369-2440 (USA)Internet: Outside the USA:TEL 1-262-367-7600FAX 1-262-367-58277Return PolicyReturns must have prior written factory authorization or they will not be accepted. Items that are returned to Dorner without authorization will not be credited nor returned to the original sender. When calling for authorization, please have the following information ready for the Dorner factory representative or your local distributor: and address of customer.2.Dorner part number(s) of item(s) being returned.3.Reason for return.4.Customer's original order number used when ordering the item(s).5.Dorner or distributor invoice number (if available, part serial number).A representative will discuss action to be taken on the returned items and provide a Returned Goods Authorization (RMA) number for reference. RMA will automatically close 30 days after being issued. To get credit, items must be new andundamaged. There will be a return charge on all items returned for credit, where Dorner was not at fault. It is the customer’s responsibility to prevent damage during return shipping. Damaged or modified items will not be accepted. The customer is responsible for return freight.Returns will not be accepted after 60 days from original invoice date. The return charge covers inspection, cleaning,disassembly, disposal and reissuing of components to inventory. If a replacement is needed prior to evaluation of returned item, a purchase order must be issued. Credit (if any) is issued only after return and evaluation is complete.Dorner has representatives throughout the world. Contact Dorner for the name of your local representative. Our Customer Service Team will gladly help with your questions on Dorner products.For a copy of Dorner's Warranty, contact factory, distributor, service center or visit our website at .For replacement parts, contact an authorized Dorner Service Center or the factory.Product TypeStandard ProductsEngineered to order partsProduct LineConveyors Gearmotors & Mounting Packages Support Stands Accessories Spare Parts (non-belt)Spare Belts - Standard Flat Fabric Spare Belts - Cleated & Specialty FabricSpare Belts -Plastic Chain All equipment and parts110030% return fee for all products except:50% return fee for conveyors with modular belt,cleated belt or specialty beltsnon-returnablecase-by-case22002200 Modular Belt 2200 Precision Move 23002300 Modular Belt 32003200 LPZ3200 Precision Move 4100520053006200Controls 7200 / 730050% return fee for all products7350non-returnable736074007600。
Mini PTZ Controller RM-LP5User ManualParameters & Specs Communication & Control Interface Camera Control or Operation Control Signal FormatPower Supply and ConsumptionPhysical & Others Description of Button & Knob FunctionInterface Function and Connection Diagram Upgrade Interface RS422/RS485 Interface RS232 Interface LAN Interface12V DC Power InterfaceSystem Menu Operation Instructions System Menu Function Explanation Keyboard System Menu System Setting Comm Setting Ethernet SettingPassword SettingSystem Menu Guide Products DimensionsContent2 2 2 2223 7 7788910 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 13④⑤⑪⑮①This Rotation Knob which was to adjustment the Camera Exposure Parameter or Red Gain Value, Turn Right Rotation was to changed the valued Increased, Turn Left Rotation was changed the Valued Decreased.②This Rotation Knob which was to adjustment the Camera Exposure Parameter or Blue Gain Value, Turn Right Rotation was to changed the valued Increased, Turn Left Rotation was changed the Valued Decreased.③This Rotation Knob which was to adjustment the Camera Exposure Parameter, Turn Right Rotation was to changed the valued Increased, Turn Left Rotation was changed the Valued Decreased.④LED Display, Real-time display of items and parameter values of adjusted by " knob ①".⑤LED Display, Real-time display of items and parameter values of adjusted by " knob ②".⑥LED Display, Real-time display of items and parameter values of adjusted by " knob ③".⑦Zoom Bridge KeyIt is used to control the camera to Zoom In/Out, for example, press the TELE end of the bridge key, the camera will Zoom in the TELE direction object, When you Press with more Large Pressure, then the Zoom Speed changed more Faster.⑧ Focus Function ZoonWhen the Backlight of [AUTO]Button is Light up, it means that the current focusing mode is the automatic; When the Backlight of [AUTO] Button is Light Off, it means that Current Focus Mode is changed to Manual. User can Press this button to switch the mode.[OPT key] is used to trigger the single focus of the camera.At the same time, the camera enters the one-shot auto focus mode.⑨PTZ Speed Adjustment KnobThis knob is used to adjust the speed of Camera Pan, Tlit and Zoom, with a total of 7 gears.The Current Gear will be display at Led Display. The Gear Value is more small then the pan/tilt rotation speed or the zoom speed of the camera controlled by the keyboard will be more Slowly.⑩ 2-Aixs JoystickThe joystick supports control camera to Up/Down, Left and Right movement. When the camera or keyboard menu is opened, the joystick is used to control the menu cursor Up/Down,Left/Right movement and modify parameters.⑪ Channel Button Zone[ CAM1 ] to [ CAM5 ] are shortcut keys for camera channels, which can be Freely switched and selected according to your need. When you select any camera channel, the backlight of the corresponding camera channel will be light up in green, and all the parameters and settings of the keyboard will be changed to the current Channel.Note: The communication parameters (address ID, protocol, baud rate, IP address, port number, etc.) of each channel can be set individually.Support mixed use of multiple protocols through different channel.⑫ Presets Function Zone●[ Number Keys ]SETING PRESETS :Long Press and hold the number key for 2 seconds (such as [Number key 1], when the screen displays "Set Preset 1” means that preset 1 has been saved) CALL PRESETS :Short press the preset number to be call Presets, (for example, [Number key 1],when you press the [Number key 1]the screen displays "Show Preset 1", it means that preset 1 has been call).●[ RESET Key ]TO BE CLEAR THE PRESET SETTINGPress[RESET key]+[Number key]to clear the preset position setting. After pressing the [RESET key], the green backlight starts to flash, Then press the preset number that needs to be cleared, (for example,[RESET]+ [Number key 1], at this time, the green Backlight of button of the [RESET key]stops flashing, and at the same time, “Reset Preset 1” is displayed on the screen, which means that preset 1 has been cleared.⑬ FOCUS KnobThis Knobs is using to adjustment camera’s focal length, Rotation right direction is adjustment focus length near, Rotation Left direction is adjustment focus length Far; (When User using this function, the keyboard’s Focus mode will be changed to Manual, It wasn’t available on AUTO Mode).⑭ Function Key Zone●[Menu Key]This key is to Turn ON/OFF Camera Menu, Long Press with 3secs will turn on Keyboard system Menu.●[AE MODE Key]This key is used to change the automatic exposure mode of the camera. Each time is pressed, the camera changes to different exposure mode. Under in difference of exposure mode, the corresponding functions of Knob 1, Knob 2 and Knob 3 are different. It is shown in real time on the display at the right of the knob.● [ WB MODE Key ]This Key is used to changed the White Balance of the camera. Each Time is pressed, the camera will be changed to different WB Mode.Under in difference ofWB mode, the corresponding functions of Knob 1, Knob 2 are different.The specific functions of the knobs are shown in Table 2:●[ Fn Keys ]This key is reserved for adding custom functions.The factory default state is: short press this key to send the command to enter theSub-menu of the camera, long press this key for 3 seconds to back Home Position of Camera.⑮ LED DISPLAYIt is used to display the current status information & Setting information of the keyboard in real time (including IP address, Port number, serial port address, communication protocol, Baud Rate and other information) and keyboard menu,the brightness of the display can be set through the keyboard menu.White Balance ModeKnob 1Knob 2AutoNOT USED NOT USED Manual Red GainBlue GainTable 2The interface is for upgrade of Hardware of keyboard by Laptop. Using Micro USB Cable direct connection with PC, And Upgrade by our upgrade tools software.This Interface is using to Connection with Camera by RS422 or RS485,detail connection diagram as follows pictures:③ RS232 InterfaceThis Interface is using to connection with Camera through RS232, detailThe LAN Interface is using for connection with Network switch or others.Network PTZ Camera, detail connection diagram as follows:●This interface is the Power supply interface, you can direct connection it with Power adapter; please don’t using non-original Power adapter.⑤ DC Power Supply Interface● Connect with multiple cameras by LAN interface detail connection diagram as follows:(When connecting multiple cameras, you need to set the IP of each camera separately1.Long Press [ MENU ] with 3secs will turn on Keyboard system Menu;2.The joystick swings up and down: control the system menu cursor to move up and down / change the parameters of the current menu item;3.The Joystick swings Right: enter the current menu item / save and exit the current menu item;4.The Joystick swings Left: Exist current Menu item/ No Saved and Exit current Menu item;5.Press [ MENU ]to exist System Menu;6.Press the number keys[0]~[9]: input numerical value (only valid for menu items that need to input numerical value). example IP Address or Port number setting.7.When the current value is number input, the green backlight of [CAM1]~[CAM5] is Light on, and at this time [CAM1]~[CAM5] Corresponds to the numbers 6~0 on the silk screen above the buttons.SYSTEM MENU 1.Long Press [ MENU ] with 3 secs will turn on Keyboard system Menu.2.The joystick swings up and down to control the menu cursor to move up and down SYSTEM SETTING The joystick swings up and down the Cursor to [ System Setting ], then Movement right to enter System Setting menu.● [ Language ]The Joystick swings up/down to [Language], then Movement right to enter setting. The Joystick swing up/down can changed the current Parameters setting, Swing the joystick to the right to save the current parameters and exit the language settingstate. The following menus operate setting is same.Optional Language: Chinese, English; other languages can be customized and developed according to customer needs.● [ LED Display Brigtness ]Change the brightness of the LED display: Low, Normal, High.● [ Automatically Standby ]Set the keyboard to automatically enter standby mode without any operation within a limited time.Select-able: Off, 1 minute, 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, 60 minutes.● [ Itself IP ]To setting Keyboard itself IP Address / Port Number, default IP is, default Port 52381.System Menu Operation & Explanation 1. System Setting 2. COMM Setting 3. Ethernet Setting 4. Password Setting1. Language : English2. LED Display Brigtness: Normal3. Automatically Standby: Off4. Itself IP: Itself Port: 523816. Factory default Setting7. About Keyboard●[ Factory default Setting ]To change the Keyboard restore to Factory default setting.● [ About Keyboard ]To review the relevant information of the keyboard, including: keyboard model, Firmware version, factory S/N and other information.●[ Address ]To set the serial communication address of the corresponding channel.If the current communication protocol is VISCA, the communication address can be selected from 1~7. If the current communication protocol is PELCO-D/P,The communication address can be selected from 1~255.●[ Baud Rate ]To set the serial communication Baud Rate of the corresponding channel.Available in: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400bps.●[ Protocol ]To set the Serial communication Protocol of the corresponding channel ( Including Serial Communication Protocol and Internet Communication Protocol).Available in: VISCA, PELCO P/D, UDP .ETHERNET SETTINGTo move the cursor to [ Ethernet Setting ], then Movement right to enter Ethernet Setting:●[ Channel ]The available channels CAM1~5 correspond to the buttons [CAM1]~[CAM5].●[ Cam IP ]To set the Cam IP of the corresponding channel, which can be directly input through the number keys. When the number of input digits reaches 3, the cursor will automatically Jump to the next entry.●[ Port ]To set the UDP Port of the corresponding channel, it depend for the UDP Port 1. Channel: CAM1 2. Cam IP: Port: 52381PASSWORD SETTINGTo move the cursor to [ Password Setting ], then Movement right to enter Password :●[ Using Password ]How to Using the Password Function:To changed the Password setting is Enable;When the password function is Enable, a password is required to enter the menu.The default password is: 8888●[ Modify Password ]The user can change the password by himself. If the password is not changed, the password is the default password.Warning: Please use this function with caution. If the product cannot be used normally due to the password set by the customer, the manufacturer does not assume any responsibility.1. Using Password: Enabled2. Modify PasswordSYSTEM MENU GUIDE nguage: Chinese, EnglishProducts Dimensions The size for Mini Pro PTZ Controller is as below:(Unit of length: mm)。
+SP20B/SP20F/SP20X/SP20P编程器使用手册2022-12-20 Revision A6深圳硕飞科技有限公司SHENZHEN SFLY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD.目录第一章简介1.1 性能特点 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31.2 SP20系列编程器参数表----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4第二章编程器硬件2.1 编程器主机------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 52.2 附件------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5第三章快速使用3.1 软件安装 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63.2 烧录芯片步骤 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 63.3 读取芯片数据并写入新的芯片----------------------------------------------------------------------- 83.4 联机模式指示灯状态 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9第四章脱机烧录4.1下载脱机数据 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------104.2 脱机烧录操作----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11手动方式 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 自动控制方式(通过ATE接口控制)---------------------------------------------------------------124.3 脱机模式指示灯状态 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12第五章ISP模式烧录5.1选择ISP烧录模式 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------135.2 ISP接口定义----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------135.3 连接目标芯片 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------145.4 选择ISP供电方式----------------------------------------------------------------------------------145.5 烧录操作 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14第六章多机模式烧录6.1 编程器硬件连接 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------156.2 烧录操作 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16附录一常见问题解答 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17附录二免责声明------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18附录三修订记录-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19第一章简介SP20系列(SP20B/SP20F/SP20X/SP20P)编程器是深圳硕飞科技最新推出的一款SPI FLASH专用高速量产型编程器,是SP16系列的升级版,全面支持国内外各厂商的SPI NOR FLASH、I2C/MicroWire 等EEPROM的高速量产烧录。
ATMEL 爱特梅尔PLD可编程逻辑器件ATF20V8B 数据手册
Features•Industry-standard Architecture–Emulates Many 24-pin PALs®–Low-cost Easy-to-use Software Tools•High-speed Electrically-erasable Programmable Logic Devices–7.5 ns Maximum Pin-to-pin Delay•Several Power Saving Options•CMOS and TTL Compatible Inputs and Outputs•Input and I/O Pull-up Resistors•Advanced Flash Technology–Reprogrammable–100% Tested•High-reliability CMOS Process–20 Year Data Retention–100 Erase/Write Cycles–2,000V ESD Protection–200 mA Latchup Immunity•Commercial and Industrial Temperature Ranges•Dual-in-line and Surface Mount Packages in Standard Pinouts•PCI-Compliant•Green Package Options (Pb/Halide-free/RoHS Complant) AvailableBlock DiagramDevice I CC, Standby I CC, ActiveA TF20V8B50 mA55 mAATF20V8BQ35 mA40 mAA TF20V8BQL 5 mA20 mATSSOPBDTIC /ATMELDescriptionThe ATF20V8B is a high-performance CMOS (electrically-erasable) programmable logic device (PLD) that utilizes Atmel’s proven electrically-erasable Flash memory technol-ogy. Speeds down to 7.5 ns and power dissipation as low as 10 mA are offered. All speed ranges are specified over the full 5V ± 10% range for industrial temperature ranges,and 5V ± 5% for commercial temperature ranges.Several low-power options allow selection of the best solu-tion for various types of power-limited applications. Each ofthese options significantly reduces total system power and enhances system reliability.The ATF20V8Bs incorporate a superset of the generic architectures, which allows direct replacement of the 20R8family and most 24-pin combinatorial PLDs. Eight outputs are each allocated eight product terms. Three different modes of operation, configured automatically with soft-ware, allow highly complex logic functions to be realized.Absolute Maximum Ratings*T emperature Under Bias................................-55°C to +125°C *NOTICE:Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent dam-age to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Note:1.Minimum voltage is -0.6V DC which may under-shoot to -2.0V for pulses of less than 20 ns.Maxi-mum output pin voltage is V CC + 0.75V DC which may overshoot to 7.0V for pulses of less than 20 ns.Storage T emperature.....................................-65°C to +150°C Voltage on Any Pin withRespect to Ground .........................................-2.0V to +7.0V (1)Voltage on Input Pins with Respect to GroundDuring Programming.....................................-2.0V to +14.0V (1)Programming Voltage withRespect to Ground .......................................-2.0V to +14.0V (1)DC and AC Operating ConditionsCommercialIndustrial Operating T emperature (Ambient)0°C - 70°C -40°C - 85°C V CC Power Supply5V ± 5%5V ± 10%ATF20V8B(Q)(L)Notes:1.Not more than one output at a time should be shorted. Duration of short circuit test should not exceed 30 sec.2.Shaded parts are obsolete with a last time buy date of 19 August 1999.DC CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter Condition MinTyp Max Units I IL Input or I/O Low Leakage Current 0 ≤ V IN ≤ V IL (Max)-35-100µA I IHInput or I/O High Leakage Current3.5 ≤ V IN ≤ V CC10µA I CCPower Supply Current, StandbyV CC = Max, V IN = Max, Outputs OpenB-7, -10Com.6090mA Ind.60100mA B-15Com.6080mA B-15Ind.6090mA B-25Com.6080mA B-25Ind.6090mA BQ-10Com.3555mA BQL-15Com.510mA BQL-15Ind.515mA BQL-25Com.510mA BQL-25Ind.515mA I CC2Clocked Power Supply CurrentV CC = Max, Outputs Open, f = 15 MHzB-7, -10Com.80110mA Ind.80125mA B-15Com.6090mA B-15Ind.60105mA B-25Com.6090mA B-25Ind.60105mA BQ-10Com.4055mA BQL-15Com.2035mA BQL-15Ind.2040mA BQL-25Com.2035mA BQL-25Ind.2040mA IOS (1) Output Short Circuit Current V OUT = 0.5V-130mA V IL Input Low Voltage -0.50.8V V IH Input High Voltage 2.0V CC + 0.75V V OLOutput Low VoltageV IN = V IH or V IL ,V CC = Min I OL = 24 mA Com., Ind.0.5V I OL = 16 mA 0.5V V OH Output High VoltageV IN = V IH or V IL ,V CC = MinI OH = -4.0 mA2.4VAC Waveforms (1)Note: 1.Timing measurement reference is 1.5V . Input AC driving levels are 0.0V and 3.0V , unless otherwise specified.Note:1.See ordering information for valid part numbers and speed grades.2.Shaded -25 parts are obsolete with a last-time buy date of August 19, 1999.3.Shaded -7 and -15 parts are obsolete with a last-time buy date of September 30, 2006.AC Characteristics (1)Symbol Parameter-7-10-15-25Units Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max t PD Input or Feedback to Non-Registered Output 8 outputs switching 37.5310315325ns 1 output switching7ns t CF Clock to Feedback 36810ns t CO Clock to Output 2527210212ns t S Input or Feedback Setup Time 57.51215ns t H Hold Time 0000ns t P Clock Period 8121624ns t WClock Width46812ns f MAXExternal Feedback 1/(t S + t CO )100684537MHz Internal Feedback 1/(t S + t CF )125745040MHz No Feedback 1/(t P )125836241MHz t EA Input to Output Enable — Product Term 39310315320ns t ER Input to Output Disable —Product T erm 29210215220ns t PZX OE pin to Output Enable 26210215220ns t PXZ OE pin to Output Disable1.561.5101.5151.520nsATF20V8B(Q)(L)Input Test Waveforms and Measurement Levelst R , t F < 5 ns (10% to 90%)Output Test LoadsCommercialNote:1.Typical values for nominal supply voltage. This parameter is only sampled and is not 100% tested.Power-up ResetThe registers in the ATF20V8Bs are designed to reset dur-ing power-up. At a point delayed slightly from V CC crossing V RST , all registers will be reset to the low state. As a result,the registered output state will always be high on power-up.This feature is critical for state machine initialization. How-ever, due to the asynchronous nature of reset and the uncertainty of how V CC actually rises in the system, the fol-lowing conditions are required:1.The V CC rise must be monotonic,2.After reset occurs, all input and feedback setuptimes must be met before driving the clock pin high, and3.The clock must remain stable during t PR .Preload of Registered OutputsThe ATF16V8B’s registers are provided with circuitry to allow loading of each register with either a high or a low.This feature will simplify testing since any state can be forced into the registers to control test sequencing. A JEDEC file with preload is generated when a source file with vectors is compiled. Once downloaded, the JEDEC file preload sequence will be done automatically by most of the approved programmers after the programming.Electronic Signature WordThere are 64 bits of programmable memory that are always available to the user, even if the device is secured. These bits can be used for user-specific data.Security Fuse UsageA single fuse is provided to prevent unauthorized copying of the ATF20V8B fuse patterns. Once programmed, fuse verify and preload are inhibited. However, the 64-bit User Signature remains accessible.The security fuse should be programmed last, as its effect is immediate.Programming/ErasingProgramming/erasing is performed using standard PLD programmers. For further information, see the Configurable Logic Databook, section titled, “CMOS PLD ProgrammingHardware and Software Support.”Pin Capacitancef = 1 MHz, T = 25°C (1)TypMax Units Conditions C IN 58pF V IN = 0V C OUT 68pFV OUT = 0VParameter DescriptionTyp Max Units t PR Power-up Reset Time 6001,000ns V RSTPower-up Reset Voltage3.84.5VInput and I/O Pull-upsAll ATF20V8B family members have internal input and I/O pull-up resistors. Therefore, whenever inputs or I/Os are not being driven externally, they will float to V CC. This ensures that all logic array inputs are at known states.These are relatively weak active pull-ups that can easily be overdriven by TTL-compatible drivers (see input and I/O diagrams below).Input Diagram I/O Diagram Functional Logic Diagram DescriptionThe Logic Option and Functional Diagrams describe the ATF20V8B architecture. Eight configurable macrocells can be configured as a registered output, combinatorial I/O, combinatorial output, or dedicated input.The ATF20V8B can be configured in one of three different modes. Each mode makes the ATF20V8B look like a dif-ferent device. Most PLD compilers can choose the right mode automatically. The user can also force the selection by supplying the compiler with a mode selection. The deter-mining factors would be the usage of register versus com-binatorial outputs and dedicated outputs versus outputs with output enable control.The ATF20V8B universal architecture can be programmed to emulate many 24-pin PAL devices. These architectural subsets can be found in each of the configuration modes described in the following pages. The user can download the listed subset device JEDEC programming file to the PLD programmer, and the ATF20V8B can be configured to act like the chosen device. Check with your programmer manufacturer for this capability.Unused product terms are automatically disabled by the compiler to decrease power consumption. A security fuse, when programmed, protects the content of the ATF20V8B. Eight bytes (64 fuses) of User Signature are accessible to the user for purposes such as storing project name, part number, revision, or date. The User Signature is accessi-ble regardless of the state of the security fuse.ATF20V8B(Q)(L)Note:1.Only applicable for version 3.4 or lower.ATF20V8B Registered ModePAL Device Emulation/PAL Replacement. The registered mode is used if one or more registers are required. Each macrocell can be configured as either a registered or com-binatorial output or I/O, or as an input. For a registered out-put or I/O, the output is enabled by the OE pin, and the register is clocked by the CLK pin. Eight product terms are allocated to the sum term. For a combinatorial output or I/O, the output enable is controlled by a product term, and seven product terms are allocated to the sum term. Whenthe macrocell is configured as an input, the output enable is permanently disabled.Any register usage will make the compiler select this mode.The following registered devices can be emulated using this mode:20R8 20RP8 20R6 20RP6 20R4 20RP4Registered Mode OperationCompiler Mode SelectionRegisteredComplex Simple Auto Select ABEL, Atmel-ABEL P20V8R P20V8C P20V8P20V8CUPL G20V8MS G20V8MA G20V8G20V8A LOG/iC GAL20V8_R (1)GAL20V8_C7(1)GAL20V8_C8(1)GAL20V8OrCAD-PLD “Registered”“Complex”“Simple”GAL20V8PLDesigner P20V8P20V8P20V8P20V8Tango-PLD G20V8G20V8G20V8G20V8Registered Mode Logic DiagramATF20V8B(Q)(L) ATF20V8B Complex ModePAL Device Emulation/PAL Replacement. In the complex Mode, combinatorial output and I/O functions are possible. Pins 1 and 11 are regular inputs to the array. Pins 13 through 18 have pin feedback paths back to the AND-array, which makes full I/O capability possible. Pins 12 and 19 (outermost macrocells) are outputs only. They do not have input capability. In this mode, each macrocell has seven product terms going to the sum term and one product term enabling the binatorial applications with an OE requirement will make the compiler select this mode. The following devices can be emulated using this mode:20L820H820P8Complex Mode OperationATF20V8B Simple ModePAL Device Emulation/PAL Replacement. In the Simple Mode, 8 product terms are allocated to the sum term. Pins 15 and 16 (center macrocells) are permanently configured as combinatorial outputs. Other macrocells can be either inputs or combinatorial outputs with pin feedback to the AND-array. Pins 1 and 11 are regular inputs.The compiler selects this mode when all outputs are combi-natorial without OE control. The following simple PALs can be emulated using this mode:14L8 14H8 14P816L6 18H6 16P618L4 18H4 18P420L2 20H2 20P2Simple Mode OptionComplex Mode Logic DiagramATF20V8B(Q)(L) Simple Mode Logic DiagramATF20V8B(Q)(L)ATF20V8B(Q)(L)Note:1.Shaded parts are obsolete with a last-time buy date of September 30, 2006.Using “C” Product for IndustrialTo use commercial product for Industrial temperature ranges, down-grade one speed grade from the “I” to the “C” device (7ns “C” = 10 ns “I”) and de-rate power by 30%.ATF20V8B Ordering Informationt PD (ns)t S (ns)t CO (ns)Ordering Code Package Operation Range 7.555A TF20V8B-7JC A TF20V8B-7PC A TF20V8B-7SC A TF20V8B-7XC 28J 24P324S 24X Commercial (0°C to 70°C)107.57A TF20V8B-10JC A TF20V8B-10PC A TF20V8B-10SC A TF20V8B-10XC 28J 24P324S 24X Commercial (0°C to 70°C)A TF20V8B-10JI A TF20V8B-10PI A TF20V8B-10SI A TF20V8B-10XI28J 24P324S 24X Industrial (-40°C to 85°C)151210A TF20V8B-15JC A TF20V8B-15PC A TF20V8B-15SC A TF20V8B-15XC 28J 24P324S 24X Commercial (0°C to 70°C)A TF20V8B-15JI A TF20V8B-15PI A TF20V8B-15SI A TF20V8B-15XI28J 24P324S 24XIndustrial (-40°C to 85°C)ATF20V8B Green Package Options (Pb/Halide-free/RoHS Compliant)t PD (ns)t S (ns)t CO (ns)Ordering Code Package Operation Range 107.57A TF20V8B-10JU A TF20V8B-10PU28J 24P3Industrial (-40°C to 85°C)Package Type28J 28-lead, Plastic J-leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC)24P324-lead, 0.300" Wide, Plastic Dual Inline Package (PDIP)24S 24-lead, 0.300" Wide, Plastic Gull-wing Small Outline (SOIC)24X24-lead, 4.4 mm Wide, Plastic Thin Shrink Small Outline (TSSOP)Note: 1.Shaded parts are obsolete with a last-time buy date of September 30, 2006.Note:1.Shaded parts are obsolete with a last-time buy date of September 30, 2006.Using “C” Product for IndustrialTo use commercial product for Industrial temperature ranges, down-grade one speed grade from the “I” to the “C” device (7ns “C” = 10 ns “I”) and de-rate power by 30%.ATF20V8BQ and ATF20V8BQL Ordering Informationt PD (ns)t S (ns)t CO (ns)Ordering Code Package Operation Range 107.57A TF20V8BQ-10JC A TF20V8BQ-10PC A TF20V8BQ-10XC 28J 24P324X Commercial (0°C to 70°C)151210A TF20V8BQL-15JC A TF20V8BQL-15PC A TF20V8BQL-15SC A TF20V8BQL-15XC 28J 24P324S 24X Commercial (0°C to 70°C)151210A TF20V8BQL-15JI A TF20V8BQL-15PI A TF20V8BQL-15SI A TF20V8BQL-15XI28J 24P324S 24XIndustrial (-40°C to 85°C))ATF20V8BQL Green Package Options (Pb/Halide-free/RoHS Compliant)t PD (ns)t S (ns)t CO (ns)Ordering Code Package Operation Range 151210A TF20V8BQL-15JU A TF20V8BQL-15PU28J 24P3Industrial (-40°C to 85°C))Package Type28J 28-lead, Plastic J-leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC)24P324-lead, 0.300" Wide, Plastic Dual Inline Package (PDIP)24S 24-lead, 0.300" Wide, Plastic Gull-wing Small Outline (SOIC)24X24-lead, 4.4 mm Wide, Plastic Thin Shrink Small Outline (TSSOP)ATF20V8B(Q)(L)Packaging Information28J – PLCC24P3 – PDIPATF20V8B(Q)(L) 24S – SOIC24X – TSSOPATF20V8B(Q)(L)21Revision History Revision Level – Release DateHistory J – July 2006Ordering Information tables updated to reflect obsolete parts.。
Murata Power Solution DCA5-20PC Series dc ammeters
DCA5-20PC-1-DC1-RL-C DCA5-20PC-4-DC4-RL-CMurata Power Solution’s new DCA5-20PC Series dc ammeters are specifi cally designed to dis-play the output of all popular 50mV and 100mV dc-shunts. 25 input ranges provide for precisionmeasurement of dc currents from 1.000A to 2000A. With the exception of an external shunt, the unit is 100% self-contained – no calibration or user-supplied components are required. Available LED-display colors include brilliant blue, bright green, and standard red. Three power supply options accommodate all popular dc-supply voltages from 5V to 75Vdc, making these ammeters perfect for automotive, industrial, telecom, and marine applications!DCA5-20PC Series ammeters are housed in 1.38” x 0.88” (35mm x 22mm) rugged pack-ages that feature a large, 0.37”/9.4mm high, LED display. However, display visibility is not com-promised in any way: the display can be easily read at distances up to 15 feet (5 meters). All input and power supply connections are made by way of two screw-style terminal blocks. For added fl exibility, computer-style jumpers are provided for range-specifi c decimal point assign-ments. And, to ensure trouble free installation, all models include reverse-polarity protected power supply inputs.Two input confi gurations are offered: grounded shunt (“low-side”), 5-40V-powered, red, green or blue LED models for cost-sensitive applications, and 8-36V isolated-supply models that accept high-side or fl oating shunts. Isolated-supply models are also available in a choice of red, green, or blue LEDs. Since many dc ammeters are used in battery backup applications, power consumption for 8-36V models is typically 1 Watt, and 75mW for 5-40V models.Miniature size, wide supply inputs, and no-hassles installation make DCA5-20PC Series ammeters the ideal choice for all your 50 and 100mV shunt ammeter-applications.Figure 1. DCA5-20PC Series Simplifi ed SchematicEXTERNALFEATURES⏹Scales and displays the output of 5A to 2000A, 50mV & 100mV shunts ⏹Completely self-contained – no additional components required ⏹Wide power supply inputs: 5 to 40Vdc for 12V/24V/28V applications ⏹48V option for telecom supplies⏹Isolated-supply models for high-side shunts ⏹Large, easy-to-read LED display with 0.37” (9.4mm) high digits ⏹Available in red, blue or green LED displays ⏹Subminiature 1.38” x 0.88” package with screw-style terminal blocks ⏹Factory calibrated to ±0.1% accuracy; Reverse-polarity protection ⏹Over 50 models available ⏹Digital upgrade for analog metersFor full details go to /rohsDCA5-20PC Series50mV & 100mV Input, LED-Display,Subminiature DC Ammeters➀ A full-scale input voltage of 50.00mV is used to calibrate all models for their designated measurement range. The ammeter’s rear calibration potentiometer compensates for full-scale input variations up to ±1% (49.5 to 50.5mV). Measuring positive and negative currents (bipolar operation): In applications where both positive and negative currents must be measured, Murata Power Solu-tions recommends using ‘-DC4’ 8-36V isolated supply models. Negative current fl ow is denoted by the illumination of the display’s negative (–) sign; the absence of a negative sign implies positive current fl ow. Contact MPS if you have any questions regarding bipolar operation of DCA5-20PC ammeters.➁ On non-isolated ‘-DC1’ models, continuous application of single-ended ±400mV inputs will not damage the ammeter. Single-ended inputs are defi ned as those whose TB1-1 (–IN) potential is within ±0.1V of the potential on TB2-2 (-V). For all models, the application of short-duration (5 seconds max.) ±1V inputs will not damage the ammeter.➂ Breakdown (isolation) voltage applies only to ‘-DC4’ isolated-power models. Breakdown voltage is tested with TB1-1 tied to TB1-2 (–IN shorted to +IN) and TB2-1 tied to TB2-2 (+V shorted to -V). 500Vdc is then applied between the two shorted terminal-block pairs; the max. allowable leakage current is 5uA.➃ Zero reading is measured with TB1-1 (–IN) shorted to TB1-2 (+IN).➄ Power supply currents noted are measured with the 50mV shunt input (TB1) at zero volts (display reads “000”) and one decimal point enabled.➅ Each model’s full-scale display reading with a 50.0mV input is designated by the fi rst X in the DCA5-20PC-X-XXX model number structure. Decimal point selection (DP1, DP2, DP3, or none) is performed by the user to suit desired amperage range. Input ranges -1, -2, -3, -4, -7, -8 and -9 can accommodate 100mV shunts. For these ranges, the indicated 50mV reading is doubled when a 100mV input is applied.Performance/Functional Specifi cationsTypical at T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.Accessories:DMS-20-CP Panel Cutout Punch A DMS-BZL4-C bezel assembly with sealing gasket is supplied with each ammeter.Shunt Model RatingUse with 3020-01097-0 5A/50mV DCA5-20PC-13020-01107-0 10A/100mV DCA5-20PC-13020-01098-0 20A/50mV DCA5-20PC-63020-01096-0 50A/50mV DCA5-20PC-13020-01099-0 100A/50mV DCA5-20PC-23020-01108-0 100A/100mV DCA5-20PC-13020-01100-0 150A/50mV DCA5-20PC-53020-01101-0 200A/50mV DCA5-20PC-63020-01102-0 300A/50mV DCA5-20PC-33020-01103-0 500A/50mV DCA5-20PC-13020-01104-0 800A/50mV DCA5-20PC-103020-01105-0 1000A/50mV DCA5-20PC-23020-01106-0 1200A/50mVDCA5-20PC-11Ordering Information*With respective decimal point user enabled. See technical note 7.DCA5-20PC Series50mV & 100mV Input, LED-Display,Subminiature DC AmmetersDCA5-20PC-X-DC1-XXTECHNICAL NOTESFigure 2. Low-Side Shunt Connections for "-DC1"5-40Vdc Non-Isolated Supply ModelsTo ensure safe and reliable operation, DCA5-20PC dc ammeters must only be installed and serviced by qualifi ed technical personnel. DC ammeter applications can expose a user to potentially lethal currents and voltages. Power and signal connections must be made with all associated power sources de-energized. Contact DATEL if you have any questions regarding the installation or operation of any of our digital instruments.1. Calibration: DCA5-20PC ammeters are designed to operate with 50mV and 100mV dc shunts whose rated accuracy is ±0.25%, or better. The output of less accurate shunts may fall outside the ammeter’s ±1% calibra-tion adjustment range. Under normal indoor operating conditions, periodic recalibration of DCA5-20PC ammeters is not necessary. The calibration potentiometer, located on the back of the ammeter, is a ¾ turn type; do not force its adjustment screw past the two end stops.If user calibration is deemed necessary, it must be performed by qualifi ed personnel. Calibration is performed by applying a precision 50.00mVdc or 100mVdc (model specifi c, see ordering guide) signal to TB1, observing correct polarity. Then, using an insulated slotted tool, adjust the calibration potentiometer until the correct display reading is achieved. Contact MPS if additional information is required regarding calibration or setup of DCA5-20PC ammeters.2. Wiring and Fusing: Power supply (TB2) and input (TB1) wiring must be rated for the electrical and environmental conditions under which the ammeters will be operated. They must also comply with any regulatory or application-mandated requirements pertaining to the user’s installation. Con-nections to DCA5-20PC ammeters must be made with all power sources de-energized. Refer to the Functional Specifi cations section for TB1 and TB2 wire gauge information.DCA5-20PC ammeters’ shunt (TB1) and power supply inputs (TB2) are not internally fused. Therefore, the supply wires connected to the meter and the load should be fused according to the maximum current rating (or lower) of the wire gauge used, in accordance with applicable regulatory codes. Insulation should be stripped to within +/-10% of the stated dimensions. All wires must be inserted into the terminal block openings such that the screw terminal does not pinch any insulation. TB2 is to be used solely for power-ing the meter’s internal circuitry; it must not be used to supply current to an external load or auxiliary device.3. Terminal Block Torque Ratings: It is important to tighten TB1’s and TB2’s screw-terminals to their rated torque specifi cations of 3.6 pound-inches (0.4Nm). Proper tightening will minimize losses and ensure reliable operation.4. High-Side versus Low-Side Shunts: Incorrect shunt connections are one of the most common problems encountered when applying digitaldc-ammeters. Incorrect shunt connections can cause permanent damage to the ammeter and/or its associated equipment.Low-Side Shunts: Applications that employ a single power supply to power both the load and the ammeter, and the external shunt is located in the negative side of the supply (commonly referred to as “low side” or “grounded shunt”) should use ‘-DC1’ non-isolated power DCA5-20PC Series ammeters. Figures 2, 3, and 4 depict typical low-side shunt connections.High-Side Shunts: ‘-DC4’ isolated-power ammeters must be used in all applications that employ a single power supply to power both the load and the ammeter and the shunt is located in the high side (positive terminal) of the supply. Figures 5 and 6 depict typical high-side shunt connections. As shown in Figure 6, isolated-power models can also be used in applicationsFigure 3. Low-Side Shunt Connections for "-DC1" Models Modifi ed for36-75Vdc Non-Isolated Power (See Technical Note 5)where one supply powers the ammeter and a second supply powers the load, but the two supply grounds cannot be tied together. ‘-DC4’ isolated-supply models include a built-in dc/dc converter to provide a minimum of 500Vdc isolation between the shunt (TB1) and power supply inputs (TB2).5. Operation With 36 to 75Vdc Power: As shipped, all ‘-DC1’ models’ rated operating supply range is +5 to +40Vdc. However, ‘-DC1’ models can be user confi gured for 36 to 75Vdc operation by removing (opening) jumper J3. Please note that this user modifi cation can only be performed on ‘-DC1 power models. Also, all ‘-DC1’ models – including those that have been modifi ed for 36-75Vdc operation – can only be connected in low-side, grounded-shunt applications. See Figure 3 for detailed wiring information.DCA5-20PC Series50mV & 100mV Input, LED-Display,Subminiature DC AmmetersAPPLICATIONSAny reconfi guration of J3 must be made prior to connecting the power supply and shunt to the ammeter.6. Replacing Analog Panel Meters: DCA5-20PC ammeters can be used as replacements for analog panel meters that are driven by50 or 100mV shunts, if a suitable dc voltage is available for powering the ammeter. In retrofi t applications, it is extremely important to determine the shunt’s electrical confi guration (i.e., high or low side). If any doubt exists as to the shunt’s location, use only ‘-DC4’ isolated-supply models. Rewiring must be performed with all power sources de-energized.Figure 5. High-Side Shunt Connections for "-DC4"8-36Vdc Isolated-Power ModelsFigure 4. Typical Low-Side Shunt Connections for "-DC1" ModelsMeasuring a Battery’s Charge/Discharge CurrentFigure 6. Using "-DC4" Isolated-Power Models to Maintain IsolationBetween Two Power SuppliesFigure 7. Decimal Point Selection Using J2 and J1(Applies to All Models)7. Decimal Point Selection: As shown in the Ordering Information guide, DCA5-20PC ammeters are multiple input-range devices. For example, with a 50mV input, DCA5-20PC-1-DC1 models can be confi gured to display “5.00”, “50.0, or “500” Amps by simply removing or relocating decimal-point-selector jumper J2 (see Figure 7). Decimal points serve as placeholders only; they have no affect on displayed accuracy or resolution. If jumper J2 is not available, solder gaps SG1, SG2, or SG3 can be used to select DP1 (“1.XXX”), DP2 (“1X.XX”), or DP3 (“1XX.X”), respectively.DCA5-20PC Series50mV & 100mV Input, LED-Display,Subminiature DC AmmetersAPPLICATIONSPANEL INSTALLATIONStep 1. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4.8. Operation With 100mV Shunts: Many DCA5-20PC Series ammeters can also operate with 100mV shunts. This is due to the fact that when they are driven by a 100mV input, the display readings are double those of a 50mV input. However, a 50mV shunt cannot be used in a 100mV application because its maximum current rating will be exceeded.For our customer’s convenience, DATEL offers a series of 50mV and 100mV chassis-mount dc shunts that can be used with DCA5-20PC ammeters. Part numbers for accessory shunts can be found in the Ordering Information section. A data sheet describing these shunts is available at .Table 1 indicates the obtainable readings of the seven DCA5-20PC models that can be operated with 100mV shunts. Be sure to enable the correct decimal point (see decimal point selection instructions).9. Noisy Power Supplies: Some power supplies contain high-frequencyswitching devices that may conduct and/or radiate signifi cant noise onto the low-level 50/100mV shunt signal. Even though the DCA5-20PC incorporates built-in fi ltering at its shunt input, some portion of this noise may be amplifi ed and subsequently measured by the DCA5-All connections and modifi cations must be made after the ammeter is securely attached to the panel, with all load and supply voltages de-energized (off).The installed wire-positions should be such that minimal forces are applied to TB1, TB2, and the ammeter itself. In high-vibration environments, the use of wiring strain-reliefs is recommended.To insure a secure panel-mount installation, MPS recommends using the DMS-BZL4-C (with sealing gasket) bezel assembly supplied with each20PC’s sensitive circuitry. The amplifi ed noise introduces errors that are particularly noticeable at zero load current (i.e., the ammeter may not display a relatively steady “000” reading).Connecting an external, unpolarized capacitor across TB1’s “+” and “–” inputs, and/or across the shunt’s 50mV output terminals, can help reduce noise-related display errors. In certain situations, the use of twisted pair or shield wiring may be required. As a general rule, avoid using excessively long leads between the ammeter and the shunt.Figure 8. Panel Installationammeter. See the Mechanical Specifi cations section for detailed panel cutout and ammeter dimensions.Following the four-step sequence shown in Figure 8 below, being careful not to apply excessive force or twisting motions, insert the ammeter into the panel opening. When using the DMS-BZL4-C’s sealing gasket, make sure it is positioned between the ammeter’s fl ange and the panel’s front surface. Be sure to use and securely tighten all four screws supplied with the bezel assembly.M odel 100mV Shunt ReadingsDCA5-20PC-1 10.00A/100.0A/1000A DCA5-20PC-2 1.999A/19.99A/199.9A/1999A DCA5-20PC-3 60.0A/600A DCA5-20PC-4 150.0A/1500A DCA5-20PC-7 50.0A/500A DCA5-20PC-8800ADCA5-20PC-9 1200ATable 1. 100mV Shunt Readings **With respective decimal point enabledDCA5-20PC Series50mV & 100mV Input, LED-Display,Subminiature DC AmmetersDMS-BZL4 BEZELRECOMMENDED DRILL AND PANEL CUTOUT DIMENSIONS0.093 (2.362) DIAMETER (4 REQUIRED)ONLY WHEN USING SUPPLIED BEZEL ASSEMBLYMECHANICAL DIMENSIONS: Inches (mm)TOLERANCES: 2 PL DEC ±0.02 (±0.51) 3 PL DEC ±0.010 (±0.254)MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSBEZEL INSTALLATION AND RECOMMENDED DRILL AND PANEL CUTOUTMurata Power Solutions, Inc. makes no representation that the use of its products in the circuits described herein, or the use of othertechnical information contained herein, will not infringe upon existing or future patent rights. The descriptions contained herein do not imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment constructed in accordance therewith. Specifi cations are subject to change without notice. © 2013 Murata Power Solutions, Inc.Murata Power Solutions, Inc. 11 Cabot Boulevard, Mansfi eld, MA 02048-1151 U.S.A.ISO 9001 and 14001 REGISTEREDDCA5-20PC Series50mV & 100mV Input, LED-Display,Subminiature DC AmmetersDCA5-20PC-1-DC1-RL-C DCA5-20PC-4-DC4-RL-C。
注:键盘中 切换数字 切换符号; 键切换中英文, 切换大小写;输入完成后,按 键,直接跳转至搜索结果界面。
一:机芯介绍机芯功能介绍在功能上可以实现模拟PAL制式电视信号的60HZ逐行、100HZ两种扫描模式,高清信号可以显示1080P/60,1080I/60,1080I/50,720P/60和逐行DVD 信号(图像)。
VGA方式支持640*480/60 800*600/60 1024*768/60三种模式。
产品外观介绍HDP2433为33系列外观二、机芯概述HDP2433机芯是采用华亚公司的芯片HTV180单芯片的视频处理方案,HTV180集成了ADC ,解码器,OSD 产生器,行场频转换处理芯片以及CPU 。
采用了东芝的TB1306,其功能是预视放、行场激励输出、EW 输出、EHT 、ABL 。
解码板板号是RSAG7.820.947A 。
主板是RSAG7.820.983,主板伴音切换芯片采用HEF4052BP ,伴音功放电路为ST 的TFA9842AJ ,其功能是3路声音输入,总线用两个I/O 口控制切换实现一路输出到伴音功放芯片TFA9842AJ ,总线用一路PWM 控制TFA9842AJ 的VOLUME 脚(7脚)实现音量控制。
+8V输出:通过变压器18脚整流输出8V给3852调制5V 给解码板供电5V-2。
1.1 R8051R8051是一个无微码的设计,为ASIC和FPGA的实现的可复用而开发。
R8051的引脚如下:————<.4—-图3-1 R8051端口信号图1.1.4.2内部寄存器表3-12存储器控制单元内部寄存器表3-13存储器控制单元特殊功能寄存器1.1.5.1模块概述R8051有两个16比特的计时/计数寄存器:计时器()和计时器io两个都能配置为计时或计数操作。
在计时模式时,寄存器中的值在每个机器周期中都增加,这也就意味着每12 个振荡周期将计数一次。
由于它需要占用两个机器周期以识别一个1-0事件,因此最大的输入计数速率是振荡频率的l/24o对时钟并没有严格的限制,但是为了确保能够恰当的识别是0 还是1状态,输入应该至少稳定一个机器周期(12个时钟周期)。
表3-15 tcon描述1.1.5.2特殊功能寄存器(tmod)Tmod寄存器用于控制两个定时器/计数落的工作方式。
片上设备管理单元(On・Chip Instruments)模块概述片上设备管理单元可以识别程序中的A5指令,并为片上调试提供接口。
河迪欧 5.0英寸 IPS 液晶屏模块数据手册说明书
ITEMCONTENTSUNITLCD Type TFT/Transmissive/Normally Black/IPS / Size5.0 Inch Viewing DirectionFree/ Outside Dimensions (W x H x D) 136.00 x 92.80 x 21.28 mm Active Area (W x H) 108.00 x 64.80 mm Pixel Pitch (W x H) 0.135 x 0.135mm Resolution 800 (RGB) x 480 / Brightness 850 cd/m 2 Color Depth16.7 M/ Pixel ArrangementRGB Vertical Stripe / Controller of the Main Board TFP401APZPR / Video InterfaceHDMI/ With/Without Touch With Projected Capacitive Touch Panel / CTP DriverILI2132A / Touch Panel Interface USB-C/ Power Supply Power Jack (DC 7.0V – 36.0 V) USB-C (DC 5.0V) V Weight125gHB, IPS 5.0" HDMI LCD TFT DATASHEETRVT50HQHNWC00-BRev.1.0 2023-02-24F T M O D U L E S P E C I F I C A T I O NNote 1. RoHS3 compliantNote 2. LCM weight tolerance: ± 5%.REVISION RECORDREV NO. REV DATE CONTENTS REMARKS1.0 2023-02-24 Initial versionCONTENTSREVISION RECORD (2)CONTENTS (3)MODULE CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION (4)uxTouch ASSEMBLY GUIDE (5)MODULE DRAWING (6)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (7)ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (7)BACKLIGHT DRIVING CONDITIONS (8)ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS (8)INTERFACE DESCRIPTION (10)DISPLAY SPECIFICATION (11)CAPACITIVE TOUCH SCREEN PANLE SPECIFICATIONS (11)INSPECTION (12)RELIABILITY TEST (14)LEGAL INFORMATION (15)MODULE CLASSIFICATION INFORMATIONRV T 50 H Q H N W C 00 B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.uxTouch ASSEMBLY GUIDEuxTouch are LCD TFT displays with specially designed projected capacitive touch panels. uxTouch display can be mounted without any additional holes in the housing. Our standard uxTouch displays include double-sided adhesive tape (DST) to stick TFT easily to the housing.uxTouch models with double-side adhesive tape can be mounted by fastening the glass to the housing.Figure 1. Example of using the support bracketsDETAIL A SCALE 4:14*R 5.00 [R 0.197]LED Circuit DiagramLEDKLEDAC o m p o n e n t A r e a5" RGB DISPLAYTOUCH PANEL-+HDMIPOWER & PWMCN116CN27-36VCN3CN4101CTPCN6401CN7CN8C O M P O N E N TA R E AA0.20 [0.008]*45°0.20 [0.008]*45°108.00 [4.252](TFT A.A.)119.90 [4.720](SENSOR O.D.)120.30 [4.736](TFT O.D.)64.80 [2.551](T F T A .A .)75.40 [2.969](T F T O .D .)110.00 [4.331](SENSOR A.A.)108.60 [4.276](CG V.A.)136.00 [5.354](CG O.D.)68.00 [2.677]66.80 [2.630](S E N S O R A .A .)65.40 [2.575](C G V .A .)74.80 [2.945](S E N S O R O .D .)92.80 [3.654](C G O .D .)46.40 [1.827]14.00 [0.551]13.70 [0.539]10.94 [0.431]14.00 [0.551]13.70 [0.539]13.00 [0.512]8.07 [0.318]7.87 [0.310]13.00 [0.512]11.14 [0.439]BLACK MASK PRINTINGRAL9005MAX 21.28 [0.838](MODULE O.D.)1.10 [0.043](CG)1.275 [0.050](CG+DST)2.03 [0.080](CG+SCA+SENSOR+OCA)4.73 [0.186](CTP+TFT)LENS(T=1.1mm[0.043inch])SCA(T=0.2mm[0.008inch])SENSOR(T=0.55mm[0.022inch])OCA(T=0.175mm[0.007inch])DOUBLE-SIDED TAPE3M9495 T=0.175mm[0.007inch]GROUNDING TAPEUSB TYPE-CHDMITYPE-AMOLEX 53261-0671DC2.1*5.5mm 23.15±0.5 [0.911±0.020]0.00±0.5 [0.000±0.020]96.00±0.5 [3.780±0.020]52.00±0.5 [2.047±0.020]PN:SN:RVT50HQHNWC00-B Revision:Changes:Date:1.0Initial Case2023.01.20TP NOTES:1.TP STRUCTURE: G+G2. CG THICKNESS: 1.10mm[0.043inch]3. SURFACE HARDNESS: 7H4.DRIVER IC: ILI2132A5.INTERFACE:USB-CGENERAL NOTES:1. OPTICAL BONDING BETWEEN TFT AND CTP2. OPERATING TEMPERATURE: -20°C ~ 70°C3. STORAGE TEMPERATURE: -30°C ~ 80°C4. WITHOUT INDIVIDUAL TOLERANCE:±0.3mm[0.012inch]LCM NOTES:1.LCD TYPE: TRANSMISSIVE, NORMALLY BLACK, IPS2.RESOLUTION: 800x4803.VIEWING ANGLE: FREE4. MODULE SURFACE LUMINANCE: 850 cd/m 24.CONTROLLER IC OF MAIN BOARD: TFP401APZPRABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSPARAMETER SYMBOL MIN MAX UNIT Operating Temperature T OP-20 70°C Storage Temperature T ST-30 80Storage Humidity (@ 25 ± 5°C) H ST10 -% RH Operating Ambient Humidity (@ 25 ± 5°C) H OP10 -ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSPARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNIT NOTESupply Voltage via DC JACK or CN1 VDD 7.0 12.0 36.0V Note 1Supply Voltage via USBC VDDUSBC 4.7 5.0 5.5 Note 2PWM Logic Input Voltage Low Voltage I VILPWM0 - 0.4 High Voltage I VIHPWM 1 - VDDEN Logic Input Voltage Low Voltage I VILEN0 - 1.2 High Voltage I VIHEN 1.35 - VDDPWM Frequency F PWM 1 10 100 kHz Note 1. The module can be powered via DC jack or CN1 (POWER&PWM) or USB-CThe VDD pin of CN1 is connected directly to the DC jack. Please do not power the module via DC Jack and CN1 at the same time.Note 2. When DC jack and USB-C (or CN1 and USB-C) are both powered, DC jack (or CN1) is the main power supply.PARAMETER SYMBOL BL0%BL50%BL100%UNIT NOTECurrent Drawn from VDD When VEN is active high I VDD230 350500mAVDD=7.0V 145 220300 VDD=12.0V90 130 170 VDD=24.0V75 100 130 VDD=36.0VCurrent Drawn from VDD when VEN is low I VDD- 0.65 -mAVDD=7.0V - 1.20 - VDD=12.0V- 2.60 - VDD=24.0V- 3.90 - VDD=36.0VCurrent drawn fromVDDUSBCI VDDUSBC260 410 630 Note 3BL 50%.current was measured with BL brightness set to 50%,BL 100%.current was measured with BL brightness set to 100%.Test condition:1. Ambient temp 25 °C2.PCAP is in Active modeNote 3. VEN indicates the input voltage of power enable pin of POWER & PWM interface(CN1).When VEN is set to “H igh”, the module is powered on.When VEN is set to “Low”, the module is powered off.Note 4. T he module can’t be switched off via EN pin if USB-C is the only power input.BACKLIGHT DRIVING CONDITIONSPARAMETER SYMBOL MIN TYP MAX UNIT NOTEBacklight PowerConsumptionW BL-1680mW 100% backlight Lifetime - - 50,000 - hours Note 1Note 1. Operating life means the period in which the LED brightness goes down to 50% of the initial brightness. Typical operating lifetime is the estimated parameter.ELECTRO-OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSITEM SYMBOL CONDITION MIN TYP MAX UNIT RMK NOTEResponse Time Tr+Tfθ=0°∅=0°Ta=25 °C - 30 40 ms FIG 2. 4,7Contrast Ratio Cr 800 1000 - ---FIG 3. 1,7Luminance UniformityδWHITE- 75 80 % 3,7SurfaceLuminanceLv - 850 - cd/m22,7Viewing Angle Range θ∅ = 90° - 80 -deg FIG 4. 6 ∅ = 270° - 80 -∅ = 0° - 80 -∅ = 180° - 80 -CIE (x, y) Chromaticity Rxθ=0°∅=0°Ta=25 °C0.575 0.615 0.655-FIG 3. 5,7 Ry 0.296 0.336 0.376Gx 0.352 0.392 0.432Gy 0.512 0.552 0.592Bx 0.100 0.140 0.180By 0.085 0.125 0.165Wx 0.274 0.316 0.358Wy 0.294 0.336 0.378Note 1. Contrast Ratio (CR) is defined mathematically as below, for more information see Figure 3.Contrast Ratio =Average Surface Luminance with all white pixels (P1,P2,P3,P4,P5) Average Surface Luminance with all black pixels (P1,P2,P3,P4,P5)Note 2.Surface luminance is the LCD surface from the surface with all pixels displaying white at 100% backlight. For more information see Figure 3.Lv = Average Surface Luminance with all white pixels (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5)Note 3.The uniformity in surface luminance δWHITE is determined by measuring luminance at each test position 1 through 5, and then dividing the minimum luminance of 5 points luminance by maximum luminance of 5 points luminance. For more information see Figure 3.test position 1 through 5, and then make average value.Note 6. For TFT module, viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater 10. The angles are determined for the horizontal or x axis and the vertical or y axis with respect to the z axis which is normal to LCD surface. For more information see Figure 4.Note 7. Viewing angle is measured at the center point of the LCD by CONOSCOPE (ergo-80). For response time testing, the testing data is based on BM-7A. Instruments for Contrast Ratio, Surface Luminance, Luminance Uniformity, Chromaticity the test data is based on SR-3A.Figure 2. The definition of response timeA: 5mmB: 5mmH, V: Active AreaLight spot size ∅=5mm, 500mm distancefrom the LCD surface to detector lens.Measurement instrument is SR-3AFigure 3. Measuring method for Contrast ratio, surface luminance, Luminance uniformity,CIE (x, y) chromaticityFigure 4. The definition of viewing angleINTERFACE DESCRIPTIONPCB overviewDC JackThe DC jack power connector features 5.5 mm OD; 2.1mm ID. The input voltage ranges from 7.0V to 36.0V.Backlight PWM & PowerThe 1.25mm, 6-pin Molex connector labeled as “POWER &PWM’ (CN1) is a multifunctional interface. It can be used to power the module, also can be used to control the backlight PWM. A PWM frequency in the range of 1kHz –100kHz must be used.PIN NO.SYMBOLDESCRIPTION NOTE1 VDD Power supply (7.0V- 36.0 V) Note 12 VDD Power supply (7.0V- 36.0 V) 3PWMPWM input4 ENPower enable, active high(Default pulled up to VDD)Note 2 5 GND Ground 6 GND GroundNote 1. Alternative power supply.Note 2.The module can’t be switched off via EN pin if USB-C is the only power input. Note 3. Matched Riverdi power supply cable: RVA-0106M-1.25FF-1.HDMIThis is a HDMI signal source connector.The horizontal HDMI is mounted by default. If you need to change it to the vertical HDMI connector, please contact: *******************USB-CDespite the function of connecting touch panel, USB-C connector can also be used as a power supply.However, the module can’t be switched off via EN pin if USB-C is the only power input. The horizontal USB-C connector (CN4) is mounted by default. Vertical USB-C connector can be mounted through CN5. If you need to change the type of USB-C connector, please contact:*******************DISPLAY SPECIFICATIONThe TFT of the module applies Riverdi high brightness, IPS, 5.0” RGB: RVT50HQTNWC00-B For detailed information, please refer to datasheet of display.C APACITIVE TOUCH SCREEN PANLE SPECIFICATIONSMechanical characteristicsDESCRIPTIONSPECIFICATIONREMARKTouch Panel Size5.0 inchaTouchOutline Dimension of CTP 136.00 mm x 92.80 mm Product Thickness 2.03 mm Glass Thickness 1.1 mmCTP View Area108.60 mm x 65.40 mmSensor Active Area 110.00 mm x 66.80 mm Structure type Glass + Glass Surface Hardness7HElectrical characteristicsPARAMETERSPECIFICATIONREMARKPowerConsumption (IDD) Active Mode 90mA aTouchSleep Mode10mA Linearity +/-1.5mm Controller ILI2132A Resolution800 x 480I NSPECTIONStandard acceptance/rejection criteria for TFT moduleInspection conditionAmbient conditions:•Temperature: 25 ± 2°C • Humidity: (60 ± 10) %RH•Illumination: Single fluorescent lamp non-directive (300 to 700 lux)Viewing distance: 35 ± 5cm between inspector bare eye and LCD. Viewing Angle: U/D: 45°/45°, L/R: 45°/45°Inspection standardITEM CRITERIONBlack spots,white spots,light leakage,Foreign Particle(round Type)D=(x+y)/2Spots density: 10 mm3.5” ≤Size ≤ 5”Average Diameter Qualified QtyD ≤ 0.15 mm Ignored0.15 mm < D ≤ 0.3 mm N≤30.3mm < D Not allowedLCD black spots,white spots,light leakage(line Type)Spots density: 10 mm3.5” ≤Size ≤ 5”Length Width Qualified Qty - W ≤ 0.03 IgnoredL ≤ 3.0 0.03 < W ≤ 0.05 2L ≤ 3.0 0.05 < W ≤ 0.1 13.0 < L 0.10 < W Not allowedBright/Dark Dots3.5” ≤Size ≤ 5”Item Qualified Qty Bright dots N ≤ 1Dark dots N ≤ 2 Total Bright and Dark Dots N ≤ 3Clear spotsSize ≤ 5”Average Diameter Qualified QtyD < 0.2 mm Ignored0.2 mm < D < 0.3 mm 30.3 mm < D < 0.5 mm 20.5 mm < D 0 Spots density: 10 mmPolarizer bubbles3.5” ≤Size ≤ 5”Average Diameter Qualified QtyD ≤ 0.2 mm Ignored0.2 mm < D ≤ 0.3 mm 20.2 mm < D ≤ 0.5 mm 10.5 mm < D 0Total Q’ty 3Size ≤ 5”Touch panel spotsAverage Diameter Qualified QtyD < 0.2 mm Ignored0.2 mm < D < 0.4 mm 50.4 mm < D < 0.5 mm 20.5 mm < D 0Touch panel white line scratchSize ≤ 5”Length Width Qualified Qty - W < 0.02 IgnoredL < 3.0 0.02 < W < 0.05 2L < 5.0 0.05 < W < 0.08 2 - 0.08 < W 0RELIABILITY TESTNO. TEST ITEM TEST CONDITION1 High Temperature Storage 80°C/120 hours2 Low Temperature Storage -30°C/120 hours3 High Temperature Operating 70 °C /120 hours4 Low Temperature Operating -20 °C/120 hours5 High Temperature and High Humidity Humidity 40℃, 90%RH, 120Hrs6 Thermal Cycling Test (No operation) -20℃ for 30min, 70℃ for 30 min. 100 cycles. Then test at room temperature after 1 hour7 Vibration Test Frequency: 10 ÷ 55 Hz.Stroke: 1.5 mm.Sweep: 10Hz ÷ 55Hz ÷ 10 Hz.2 hours for each direction of X, Y, Z (Total 6 hours)Note 1. Sample quantity for each test item is 5 ÷ 10 pcs.Note 2. Before cosmetic and function test, the product must have enough recovery time, at least 2 hours at room temperature.L EGAL INFORMATIONCE marking is usually obligatory only for a complete end product. Riverdi display modules are semi-finished goods which are used as inputs to become part of the finished products. Therefore, Riverdi display modules are not CE marked.Riverdi grants the guarantee for the proper operation of the goods for a period of 12 months from the date of possession of the goods. If in a consequence of this guaranteed execution the customer has received the defects-free item as replacement for the defective item, the effectiveness period of this guarantee shall start anew from the moment the customer receives the defects-free item.Information about device is the property of Riverdi and may be the subject of patents pending or granted. It is not allowed to copy or disclosed this document without prior written permission.Riverdi endeavors to ensure that all contained information in this document is correct but does not accept liability for any error or omission. Riverdi products are in developing process and published information may be not up to date. Riverdi reserves the right to update and makes changes to Specifications or written material without prior notice at any time. It is important to check the current position with Riverdi.Images and graphics used in this document are only for illustrative the purpose. All images and graphics are possible to be displayed on the range products of Riverdi, however the quality may vary. Riverdi is no liable to the buyer or to any third party for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential, punitive or exemplary damages (including without limitation lost profits, lost savings, or loss of business opportunity) relating to any product, service provided or to be provided by Riverdi, or the use or inability to use the same, even if Riverdi has been advised of the possibility of such damages.Riverdi products are not fault tolerant nor designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale as on line control equipment in hazardous environments requiring fail–safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines or weapons systems in which the failure of the product could lead directly to death, personal injury or severe physical or environmental damage (‘High-Risk Activities’). Riverdi and its suppliers specifically disclaim any expressed or implied warranty of fitness for High-Risk Activities. Using Riverdi products and devices in 'High-Risk Activities' and in any other application is entirely at the buyer’s risk, and the buyer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Riverdi from all damages, claims or expenses resulting from such use. No licenses are conveyed, implicitly or otherwise, under any Riverdi intellectual property rights.。
TM57PA20 TM57PA40 8位单片机 说明书
tenx technology, inc.
Rev 1.1, 2009/1ion
UM-TM57PA20&40_S 8 Bit Microcontroller
20-SOP Package Dimension............................................................................ 43 20-SSOP Package Dimension ......................................................................... 44 16-DIP Package Dimension ............................................................................. 45 16-SOP Package Dimension............................................................................ 46 16-SSOP Package Dimension ......................................................................... 47 8-DIP Package Dimension ............................................................................... 48 8-SOP Package Dimension.............................................................................. 49