Interplanetary Lyman $alpha$ line profiles variations with solar activity cycle
LLMChain是一个基于LLM(Large Language Model)和Prompt的文本生成工具。
它的用法相对简单,可以按照以下步骤进行操作:安装LLMChain库:你可以通过pip安装LLMChain库,使用以下命令进行安装:shellpip install langchain导入LLMChain库:在代码中导入LLMChain库:pythonfrom langchain import LLMChain导入LLM模型:你需要使用OpenAI或其他LLM模型的API,将模型导入到LLMChain 中。
你可以使用以下代码将OpenAI模型导入到LLMChain中:pythonfrom langchain.llms import OpenAIllm = OpenAI({"temperature": 0.5, # 温度参数,控制生成结果的多样性"max_tokens": 512, # 生成文本的最大长度})创建Prompt模板:你需要创建一个Prompt模板,用于指导LLM生成文本。
Prompt 模板可以使用字符串表示,其中包含占位符,用于指示LLM需要填充的位置。
例如,以下代码创建了一个提示模板,指示LLM生成一个以“The company”开头的文本,其中“product”是一个占位符,表示要填入产品的名称:pythonfrom langchain.prompts import PromptTemplateprompt = PromptTemplate.from_template("The company that makes {product} is called {company}.")创建LLMChain实例:将LLM模型和Prompt模板传入LLMChain的构造函数,创建一个LLMChain实例。
例如:pythonchain = LLMChain(llm=llm, prompt=prompt)运行LLMChain:使用run()方法运行LLMChain实例,并将需要填充的占位符传入方法中。
python line_profiler 的使用示例 -回复
python line_profiler 的使用示例-回复line_profiler 是一个性能分析工具,用于在Python 中分析代码的性能瓶颈。
本文将一步一步地介绍line_profiler 的使用示例。
line_profiler 是通过pip 进行安装的,可以使用以下命令进行安装:pip install line_profiler安装完成后,就可以在Python 代码中引入line_profiler 了。
第二步:使用profile 装饰器要使用line_profiler 分析代码,需要使用profile 装饰器来标记需要分析的函数。
profile 装饰器告诉line_profiler 对标记的函数进行性能分析。
例如,我们有一个名为`calculate_sum` 的函数,我们想要分析它的性能,我们可以在函数定义前加上`profile` 装饰器:pythonprofiledef calculate_sum(n):sum = 0for i in range(n):sum += ireturn sum第三步:执行代码并生成分析报告在我们的代码中加入profile 装饰器后,我们可以使用line_profiler 来执行代码并生成性能分析报告。
为了生成报告,我们需要运行以下命令:kernprof -l -v your_script.py命令中的`-l` 标志告诉line_profiler 生成代码的行级分析报告,`-v` 标志告诉line_profiler 输出分析结果。
第四步:分析报告执行完代码并生成分析报告后,line_profiler 将会输出一个详细的分析报告。
capl的linheader格式在CAPL(CAN Access Programming Language)中,LIN(Local Interconnect Network)相关的头文件(header file)格式通常用于定义LIN网络中的节点以及它们之间的通信关系。
一个典型的LIN头文件格式可能如下:```capl// 定义LIN网络中的节点#define LIN_MASTER_NODE_ID 1#define LIN_SLAVE_NODE_ID 2// 定义LIN帧的参数parameter LIN_FRAME_ID = 0x33;parameter LIN_DATA {byteSYNC = 0x10; // 同步字节bytePID = 0x20; // 协议标识符bytePayloadData[7] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07}; // 数据负载};// 定义LIN节点之间的通信关系on start do{// 主节点发送LIN帧给从节点send LIN_FRAME_ID to LIN_SLAVE_NODE_ID;}on receive do{// 从节点接收LIN帧并处理数据if (msg.type == LIN_FRAME_ID) {byteSYNC = msg.SYNC;bytePID = msg.PID;bytePayloadData[7] =;// 处理接收到的数据...}}```这是一个简单的示例,实际的LIN头文件格式可能会根据具体的应用需求有所不同。
ampy命令用法Ampy is a Python package that provides a command-line tool for interacting with MicroPython devices. It allows you to transfer files to and from the device, run scripts, and access the REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) prompt. In this article, we will explore the various use cases and commands of Ampy.One of the most common use cases of Ampy is transferring files to and from the MicroPython device. To transfer files to the device, you can use the `put` command. For example, to transfer a file named `` located in the current directory to the device, you can run the following command:```ampy --port /dev/ttyUSB0 put```Here, `--port` specifies the serial port the device is connected to. You need to replace `/dev/ttyUSB0` with the actual serial port of your device.To transfer files from the device to your local machine, you can use the `get` command. For example, to retrieve a file named`data.txt` from the device, you can run the following command:```ampy --port /dev/ttyUSB0 get data.txt```Again, replace `/dev/ttyUSB0` with the actual serial port of your device.Ampy also allows you to execute scripts directly on the MicroPython device. To run a script, you can use the `run`command. For example, to execute a script named `` located on the device, you can run the following command:```ampy --port /dev/ttyUSB0 run```This command will upload the script to the device (if not already present) and then execute it.In addition to file transfer and script execution, Ampy provides access to the MicroPython REPL prompt. The REPL prompt allows you to interact with the MicroPython interpreter directly on the device. To access the REPL, you can use the `repl` command. For example:```ampy --port /dev/ttyUSB0 repl```This command will open the REPL prompt, where you can enter Python code and see the output.Furthermore, Ampy supports other useful commands such as `ls` to list the files on the device, `mkdir` to create a new directory, and `rm` to delete a file or directory. You can use the `--help` option with any command to get more information about its usage.In conclusion, Ampy is a versatile tool for interacting with MicroPython devices. It provides convenient commands for file transfer, script execution, and accessing the REPL prompt. With Ampy, you can easily manage and develop applications for MicroPython devices.。
lineinfile模块循环用法概述`l in ei nf il e`模块是A ns ib le中常用的模块之一,用于在文件中查找并替换或添加指定的行。
通过循环使用`l in ei nf il e`模块,可以实现对目标文件进行多次操作,实现更加灵活的功能。
基本语法```y am l-n am e:简单示例l i ne in fi le:p a th:/pa th/t o/fil el i ne:"要插入或替换的行"s t at e:pr es en t```-`pa th`:指定目标文件的路径。
-`li ne`:要插入或替换的行内容。
-`st at e`:状态选项,可选值为`pr es ent`或`ab se nt`,分别表示插入或替换行和删除行。
循环使用lin einfile 模块在A ns ib le中,可以通过循环结构来实现对`l in ei nf il e`模块的多次调用,从而达到循环操作目标文件的目的。
以下是一个示例,演示了如何通过循环使用`li ne in fi le`模块向目标文件中插入多行内容:```y am l-n am e:循环示例h o st s:al lt a sk s:-n am e:创建目标文件c o py:c o nt en t:""d e st:/pa th/t o/fil e-n am e:使用li ne inf i le插入多行内容l i ne in fi le:p a th:/pa th/t o/fil el i ne:"{{it em}}"s t at e:pr es en tl o op:-"第一行内容"-"第二行内容"-"第三行内容"```在上述示例中,通过`l in ei nf il e`模块的`lo op`参数,实现了对文件的循环操作。
import strings = "${name} is a ${job}."values = {'name': 'John', 'job': 'teacher'}result = (s).safe_substitute(values)print(result)输出结果为:John is a teacher.•在Tcl中,通过在字符串中使用$符号和花括号{}来标记变量,使用interp函数可以将变量替换为其值。
set name "John"set job "teacher"set result [interp "Interpreter: $name, Job: $job"]puts $result输出结果为:Interpreter: John, Job: teacher变量替换•interp函数可以接受一个称为命名空间的可选参数,用于指定变量的作用域。
set name "John"set job "teacher"set result [interp -global my_namespace "Interpreter: $name, Job: $job"]puts $result输出结果为:Interpreter: John, Job: teacher表达式替换•interp函数还可以进行表达式的替换。
end-of-line programming -回复
end-of-line programming -回复什么是[行尾编程]?行尾编程(end-of-line programming)是一种编程风格,也是一种在代码中使用特定标记或约定来结束语句或命令的方法。
例如,在C语言中,分号用于表示语句的结束,如:printf("Hello, World!"); 输出"Hello, World!"此外,还有其他一些编程语言和标记系统使用不同的字符或字符串作为行尾标记。
以下是一个使用缩进的Python代码示例:if x > 10:print("x is greater than 10")行尾编程的优点之一是使代码更易读和易于维护。
以下是一个使用分号的C语言代码示例:#include <stdio.h>int main() {printf("Hello, World!"); 输出"Hello, World!"return 0;}二、Java语言:Java语言也采用分号(;)作为行尾标记,与C语言类似。
python email mimemultipart 参数
python email mimemultipart 参数**《Python邮件处理中的mimemultipart参数》**在Python中,处理邮件时,我们经常需要创建和发送包含多种类型附件的邮件。
```pythonfrom email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipartfrom email.mime.text import MIMETextfrom email.mime.image import MIMEImage```二、参数详解mimemultipart参数的基本用法如下:```pythonmultipart = MIMEMultipart('alternative')```这里,'alternative'表示邮件内容可以是文本或HTML,并以两者中的任意一种形式呈现。
以下是一个简单的例子:```pythontext = '这是一段文本内容'image_path = 'path/to/image.jpg'part1 = MIMEText(text, 'plain')part2 = MIMEImage(open(image_path, 'rb').read(), 'image') ```然后,将这两个部分添加到multipart对象中:```pythonmultipart.attach(part1)multipart.attach(part2)```四、发送邮件最后,我们可以通过smtp库将multipart对象发送出去:```pythonimport smtplibfrom email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipartfrom email.mime.text import MIMETextfrom email.mime.image import MIMEImagefrom email.utils import formataddrfrom address import your_email # 请替换为你的邮箱地址from password import your_password # 请替换为你的邮箱密码```以上就是Python邮件处理中mimemultipart参数的基本用法和相关内容。
在Python中,`newline` 是一个字符串常量,用于表示换行符。
为了使程序更具可移植性,可以使用`newline` 变量来表示换行符。
例如,在使用`open()` 函数打开文本文件时,可以使用`newline` 变量来控制换行符的行为:
with open('file.txt', 'r', newline='\n') as file:
# 在这里处理文件内容,例如读取行
for line in file:
在上面的代码中,`newline='\n'` 表示使用Unix 系统中的换行符(`\n`)作为换行符。
如果要在Windows 系统中使用换行符(`\r\n`),则可以将`newline` 设置为`'\r\n'`。
此外,还可以在`print()` 函数中使用`end` 参数来指定换行符。
print('Hello, world!', end='\n')
这将在控制台输出`'Hello, world!'` 并换行。
使用`end` 参数可以灵活地控制输出时的换行符。
from typing import optional 的用法
from typing import optional 的用法1.引言1.1 概述"from typing import Optional"是Python中的一个重要的模块,它提供了一种新的类型注解,用于指示某个变量可以是一个特定类型的值,也可以是None。
"from typing import Optional"模块中的"Optional"类是一种特殊的泛型类型,它可以用来指示某个变量可以是指定类型的值,也可以是None。
在本文的后续部分,我们将详细介绍"from typing import Optional"模块的语法和用法,以及它的优点、应用场景、限制和注意事项。
1.2 文章结构本文将围绕着"from typing import Optional"的用法展开讨论。
python plyer 使用方法
python plyer 使用方法`python plyer` 是一个跨平台的Python库,它提供了一套API来访问各种设备功能,如通知、摄像头、GPS等,而无需直接与平台特定的API打交道。
下面将详细介绍如何使用`python plyer`。
### Python Plyer 使用方法#### 安装首先,您需要确保已经在您的系统上安装了Python。
然后,可以通过pip 安装`plyer`库:```bashpip install plyer```#### 基础使用使用`plyer`首先需要导入模块,然后通过模块调用相关功能。
##### 发送通知例如,发送一个简单的通知:```pythonfrom plyer import notificationotification.notify(title="通知标题",message="这是一个通知消息",app_name="通知应用名称")```#### 访问硬件功能`plyer`支持多种硬件功能的访问。
##### 摄像头使用摄像头功能:```pythonfrom plyer import cameracamera.take_picture()```这将触发系统摄像头应用,允许用户拍照。
##### GPS获取当前位置信息:```pythonfrom plyer import gpsdef on_location(provider, status, accuracy, location, speed): if location is not None:print(f"当前位置: {location}")gps.configure(on_location)gps.start()```这将启动GPS服务,并在获得位置信息时调用`on_location`函数。
#### 其他功能`plyer`还支持如下功能:- 发送短信(需要相应权限)- 获取电池信息- 控制振动器- 获取设备信息#### 注意事项- 使用`plyer`时,某些功能可能需要额外的权限,特别是在移动设备上。
capl lin master 函数
capl lin master 函数CAPL(Communication Access Programming Language)是一种用于控制通信网络和相关硬件设备的编程语言。
其中,CAPL lin master函数是一种用于模拟LIN总线通信的函数。
在CAPL lin master函数中,我们可以通过编程的方式模拟LIN主设备与从设备之间的通信。
以下是一些相关参考内容,帮助我们了解CAPL lin master函数的使用和应用场景:1. 创建LIN Master节点:使用linMasterOpen函数可以在CAPL脚本中创建一个LIN Master节点。
该函数会返回一个句柄,可以用于后续的LIN Master节点操作。
2. 初始化LIN Master节点:在创建LIN Master节点后,我们需要使用linMasterInit函数对该节点进行初始化。
在初始化过程中,我们可以指定LIN Master节点的波特率、帧激活时间、帧静默时间等参数。
3. 发送LIN帧:使用linMasterSend函数可以向从设备发送LIN帧。
4. 接收LIN帧:使用linMasterReceive函数可以接收从设备发送回来的LIN帧。
5. 控制LIN帧发送周期:使用linMasterSetTimer函数可以设置LIN帧的发送周期。
通过该函数,我们可以控制每个LIN 帧的发送间隔,实现不同的通信模式和速率。
6. 处理LIN帧超时:使用linMasterSetTimeout函数可以设置LIN帧的超时时间。
例如,在Python中,我们可以使用如下的代码实现替换操作:pythonmessage = "Hello, {name}."new_message = f.interpolate(message, name="John")print(new_message)在这个例子中,我们定义了一个字符串"Hello, {name}.",其中{name}是一个待替换的模式。
最后,打印出新的字符串"Hello, John."。
例如:pythonmessage = "Hello, {name}. I am {age} years old."new_message = f.interpolate(message, name="John", age=25) print(new_message)在这个例子中,我们定义了一个包含两个待替换模式的字符串"Hello, {name}. I am {age} years old."。
tmp文本i18n插件的用法 -回复
tmp文本i18n插件的用法-回复[tmp文本i18n插件的用法]是什么?文本i18n (国际化)插件是一种在开发过程中帮助开发人员轻松处理多语言文本的工具。
它是一个方便的插件,可用于提供多语言支持,无论是在Web 开发中的静态文本还是应用程序中的动态文本。
例如,在Web 开发中,你可以创建一个语言配置文件,其中包含你想要支持的语言选项和对应的标识符。
2011-03-01 2011-03-15 Data Release #5
2011-06-01 2011-06-15 Data Release #6
2011-09-01 2011-09-15 Data Release #7
• Starlight is another (~20x fainter) illumination source we exploit 4
Notes on EDR/RDR Versions
– Version “01”: Produced by initial run of the “slow” pipeline; target keywords in FITS header are populated from existing target database file, which contains best estimates of expected targets (can be incorrect!)
2012-09-01 2012-09-15 Data Release #11
No maps of
exposed polar H2O abundance
currently exist
IPM Ly-a and Starlight
Stars & IPM Lyα
IPM Lyα alone
• At 121.6 nm, the night sky glows in Lyα light from H atoms passing through the solar system – the interplanetary medium (IPM)
linprog在python中的用法 -回复
1. 了解线性规划(Linear Programming)首先,我们需要了解线性规划的基本概念。
一个典型的线性规划问题可以表示为:最大化(或最小化):C^T \cdot X约束条件:A \cdot X \leq B其中,C 是一个包含目标函数系数的向量,X 是决策变量的向量,A 是一个包含约束条件系数的矩阵,B 是一个包含约束条件的右侧边界的向量。
2. 安装linprog库在开始使用linprog库之前,我们需要先安装它。
我们可以在命令行中运行以下命令来安装它:pip install scipyScipy是一个功能强大的科学计算库,linprog是其中的一个模块。
3. 导入linprog库一旦我们安装了linprog库,我们就可以在Python程序中导入它。
使用以下代码导入linprog库:pythonfrom scipy.optimize import linprog4. 构建线性规划问题在使用linprog库之前,我们需要定义线性规划问题的目标函数和约束条件。
以下是一个例子,我们将通过最小化目标函数2x + 3y + 4z 来解决下面的线性规划问题:约束条件:- x + y + z \geq 1- 2x + y \geq 1- x \geq 0, y \geq 0, z \geq 0利用列表和NumPy库,我们可以这样构建线性规划问题:pythonimport numpy as np# 定义目标函数系数向量c = np.array([2, 3, 4])# 定义不等式约束条件系数矩阵A = np.array([[-1, -1, -1],[-2, -1, 0]])# 定义不等式约束条件右侧边界向量b = np.array([-1, -1])# 定义变量的取值范围x_bounds = (0, None)y_bounds = (0, None)z_bounds = (0, None)5. 解决线性规划问题一旦我们构建了线性规划问题,我们就可以使用linprog库的功能来求解它。
__line__ 和的用法 -回复
__line__ 和的用法-回复“__line__”是python中的一个特殊变量,用于表示当前代码所在的行数。
一般情况下,__line__ 的使用并不常见,因为在绝大多数情况下,我们更倾向于使用异常追踪(StackTrace)中的行数信息来进行调试。
当然,使用__line__ 仍然有一些特殊的应用场景。
下面我们将逐步回答以下问题:1. __line__ 是什么?2. 如何使用__line__ ?3. 使用__line__ 的优势和注意事项。
4. 实例演示:如何利用__line__ 在代码中进行调试。
5. 其他与__line__ 相关的特殊变量。
1. __line__ 是什么?__line__ 是python中的一个特殊变量,用于获取当前代码所在行的行数。
在python解释器运行代码时,每进行一次代码执行,__line__ 的值就会自动更新,指示当前代码所在行的行数。
2. 如何使用__line__ ?要使用__line__ ,只需要直接在代码中使用它,不需要任何前缀或参数。
例如:pythonprint(__line__) # 输出当前所在行的行数3. 使用__line__ 的优势和注意事项。
使用__line__ 有一些优势和注意事项,我们来逐一介绍:优势:- 调试方便:如果我们在代码中插入了一些打印语句用于调试,可以使用__line__ 输出当前代码所在行数,方便定位问题。
- 动态获取行信息:__line__ 是一个动态的变量,它会根据当前执行的代码行数进行更新,可以实时获取当前代码所在的行数。
注意事项:- 只能用于当前文件:__line__ 只能获取当前文件内的行数信息,无法获取其他文件的行数信息。
- 测试和调试时使用:__line__ 主要用于测试和调试阶段,在开发完成后应该删除相关的代码调用。
end-of-line programming -回复
end-of-line programming -回复关于"endofline programming"的一篇1500-2000字的文章。
其中一个重要的概念是“endofline programming”,它涉及如何处理和处理代码中的换行符。
这些换行符的使用方式可以称为“endofline programming”。
“endofline programming”非常重要,因为它直接影响代码的可读性、维护性和可移植性。
首先,让我们来看一下“endofline programming”的起源和发展。
例如,Python推荐使用Unix风格的换行符“\n”,而C#和Visual Studio则推荐使用Windows风格的换行符“\r\n”。
然而,在进行“endofline programming”时,还是有一些需要注意的问题。
f.interpolate 参数详解
f.interpolate 参数详解全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:f.interpolate 参数详解在Python中,f.interpolate是一种用于字符串插值的方法,它可以在字符串中插入变量值或表达式的函数。
f.interpolate的基本语法如下:```f.interpolate(arg1, arg2, arg3)```arg1代表要插入的字符串模板,arg2和arg3是可选的参数,用于定义插入值的格式。
1. 参数safe : bool,默认为True该参数用于控制是否对插值结果进行转义。
2. 参数past_keyword:代表过去时间的表达式该参数用于在插值结果中引用过去时间的表达式。
4. 参数pattern:str,默认为None该参数用于定义插值结果的格式模式。
5. 参数limit:int,默认为Nonelimit参数用于限制插值结果中插入值的数量。
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a r X i v :a s t r o -p h /0609278v 1 11 S e p 2006Astronomy &Astrophysics manuscript no.QuemeraisAA5169cESO 2008February 5,2008Interplanetary Lyman αline profiles:variations with solar activitycycle.Eric Qu´e merais 1,Rosine Lallement 1,Jean-Loup Bertaux 1,Dimitra Koutroumpa 1,John Clarke 2,Erkki Kyr¨o l¨a 3,andWalter Schmidt 3,1Service d’A´e ronomie,Verri`e res le Buisson,France,2Boston University,Boston,USA,3Finnish Meteorological Institute,Helsinki,FinlandMarch 9,2006;April 10,2006ABSTRACTAims.Interplanetary Lyman αline profiles are derived from the SWAN H cell data measurements.The measurements cover a 6-year period from solar minimum (1996)to after the solar maximum of 2001.This allows us to study the variations of the line profiles with solar activity.Methods.These line profiles were used to derive line shifts and line widths in the interplanetary medium for various angles of the LOS with the interstellar flow direction.The SWAN data results were then compared to an interplanetary background upwind spectrum obtained by STIS /HST in March 2001.Results.We find that the LOS upwind velocity associated with the mean line shift of the IP Lyman αline varies from 25.7km /s to 21.4km /s from solar minimum to solar maximum.Most of this change is linked with variations in the radiation pressure.LOS kinetic temperatures derived from IP line widths do not vary monotonically with the upwind angle of the LOS.This is not compatible with calculations of IP line profiles based on hot model distributions of interplanetary hydrogen.We also find that the line profiles get narrower during solar maximum.Conclusions.The results obtained on the line widths (LOS temperature)show that the IP line is composed of two components scattered by two hydrogen populations with di fferent bulk velocities and temperature.This is a clear signature of the heliospheric interface on the line profiles seen at 1AU from the sun.Key words.Interplanetary Medium –Interplanetary background –hydrogen distribution1.IntroductionThe interplanetary background has been used to study the in-terplanetary hydrogen distribution since its discovery in the late 1960’s (Thomas and Krassa 1970;Bertaux and Blamont 1970).Lists of previous experimental studies of the interplan-etary Lyman αbackground can be found in Ajello et al.(1987,1994)or Qu´e merais et al.(1994).The SW AN instrument on the SOHO spacecraft (Bertaux et al.,1995)is able to study the IP Lyman αline profile using hy-drogen absorption cells.These devices are used to scan the line profile taking advantage of the variation of the Doppler shift between the cells and the interplanetary hydrogen as the space-craft rotates on its orbit around the sun.Previous studies of the IP line profile with H cells were made by the Mars 6space-craft (Bertaux et al.,1976)the Prognoz 5/6UV photometers (Bertaux et al.1985)and the ALAE instrument on ATLAS-1shuttle mission (Qu´e merais et al.1994).IP Lyman αline profiles can also be obtained from high-resolution UV spectrometers in the Earth’s orbit.Clarke2QUEMERAIS ET AL.:IP LINE PROFILESbased on the SW AN H cell data.This early work was concen-trated on thefirst year of data.Here we show results obtained from6one-year orbits of SOHO around the sun.Some of the details of the data processing are not repeated here and the in-terested reader should refer to the original paper.Previous anal-yses of the SW AN H cell data were published by Costa et al. (1999),Lallement et al.(2005),and Koutroumpa et al.(2005).Thefirst section briefly presents the line profile reconstruc-tion technique and the SW AN data.The following sections give the results obtained for the line shifts and the line widths,as well as the variations during the solar cycle.The last section presents a STIS/HST upwind line profile obtained in March 2001and compares the derived line shift and line width with the SW AN results.2.SWAN H Cell Data from1996to2003The SOHO spacecraft was launched in December1995from Cape Canaveral.The SW AN instrument started operation in January1996and has been active since then except for a few periods of time(June to October1998and January1999).Characteristics of the SW AN instrument are given in Bertaux et al.(1995).The SW AN instrument is a UV photome-ter with a passband between110nm and160nm.The instru-ment is made of two identical units placed on opposite sides of the SOHO spacecraft(+Z and-Z sides).Each unit is equipped with a periscopic scanning mechanism that allows to point the field of view in any direction of the half sky facing the side the unit is attached on.The instantaneousfield of view is5◦by 5◦divided in25pixels.Each pixel has a1◦by1◦field of view. Measurements are performed every15seconds,with at least13 seconds of integration time to get a good signal-to-noise ratio.Each unit is equipped with a hydrogen absorption cell. This cell is placed on the photon path to the detector.The cell isfilled with molecular hydrogen and has MgF2windows.A tungstenfilament passes through the cell.When a current goes through thefilament,H2is partially dissociated into atomic hy-drogen,which creates a small cloud that can absorb Lyman αphotons.Typical values for the optical thickness of the ac-tive cell are around3to5.Descriptions of the observing pro-grammes and of the various subsets of data are detailed by Bertaux et al.(1997).Here we concentrate on the hydrogen absorption cell measurements obtained between June1996and June2003.The most common observation programme of SW AN is the so-called full-sky observation,during which each sensor unit covers the complete hemisphere that is on its side by moving a two-mirror periscope mechanism.One full-sky observation is performed in one day.The data obtained by both sensors are then combined into one image of the whole sky at Lymanα.It must be noted that the areas of the sky viewed by each sensor overlap,which enables us to compare both sensors on a regular basis.SW AN performs these observations4times per week. During thefirst year,one of the four full-sky observations made each week was made with cyclic activation of the hydrogen cells.For these observations,we then obtained a full-sky image at Lymanαas well as a full-sky image of the reduction factor, which is defined below.The mechanism is keptfixed during both measurements,cell OFF and cell ON,before moving to another direction in the sky.The reduction factor R used in what follows,is a dimen-sionless quantity.It is the ratio of intensities measured in a given direction when the cell is on(absorption)and when it is off(no absorption).If we consider an incoming intensity expressed as I(λc)whereλc is the wavelength in the cell rest frame and if we note T(λc)the transmission function inside the cell,the reduction factor is defined byR=I on+∞−∞I(λc)dλc.(1)Note that the quantity A=1−R measures the absorbed fraction of the incoming intensity.The transmission function inside the cell can be approximated with excellent accuracy for low optical thicknesses(τ<10)byT(λc)=exp −τe−x2 ,(2) where the variable x is defined as the normalized frequency by x=νc−νo∆λd .(3) Theνvariable represents frequency,λwavelength.Here,λo is the wavelength of the Lymanαtransition at1215.66Å.The Doppler width of the cell,∆λd,is related to the temperature and the thermal velocity in the cell by∆λd=λocm H.(4)The absorbing power of a hydrogen cell can be characterised by a quantity called the equivalent width,Wλ,in wavelength units.Wλ= +∞−∞[1−T(λc)]dλc.(5)Typical maps of reduction factor values are shown in Bertaux et al.(1997).Qu´e merais et al.(1999)have shown how H cell measure-ments over a1-year period can be used to reconstruct the line profiles of the IP glow.The same technique was applied here, and we refer readers to Sect.3of Qu´e merais et al.(1999).We use the same terms and notations as in this paper.The data used in this work cover a much longer period of time than our previous work which was concentrated on the first year of SW AN data.To reconstruct the line profiles,we need a full rotation of the Earth on its orbit.For each year we selected data from early June of the year until end of May of the following year.For instance,the spectra labelled2000were derived from measurements starting in June2000and ending in May2001.The reason for this sampling was the lack of data between June1998and October1998.As a consequence the year1998(June1998to May1999)is missing.As done by Qu´e merais et al.(1999),we use Eq.(5)to cali-brate the absorbing power of the cell.Hydrogen cells are known to age with time.This may be due to ageing of the tungstenfil-ament itself or due to trapping of hydrogen by the glass or evenQUEMERAIS ET AL.:IP LINE PROFILES3 to some leak.This results in a decreasing optical thickness ofthe cell for a givenfilament current level.Over a6-year period,both H cells have aged in very different ways.The H cell in theunit attached to the-Z side of the spacecraft seems to have lost all absorbing power very rapidly in1999.This suggests that the cell has lost its H2rather rapidly.The H cell in the other unit(+Z side)still retains most of its H2cloud as shown by the strong absorption still seen in the2005data.However,the optical thickness has decreased with time.This was calibrated by determining the equivalent width of the cell(Eq.5)from the data(see Sect.4.1of Qu´e merais et al.1999).The values for theequivalent width of the+Z hydrogen ab-sorption cell are given in Table1.Note that we use the transfor-mation into velocity units given by Eq.(11)of Qu´e merais et al. (1999).These values were used to determine the line profiles as presented in section4.2of Qu´e merais et al.(1999).3.Line-of-sight velocitiesThis section presents the results found for each of the6orbits analysed.As mentioned earlier,each data set starts in June and ends at the end of May of the following year.There is roughly one map per week,which means that about50maps are used to derive a line profile in each direction of the sky.In1996 and1997,both H cells were active,so we have a full-sky ve-locity map for both orbits.However,due to the leak in the-Z unit H cell,only the northern ecliptic hemisphere is available from1999to2003.We do not show individual plots of the line profiles.Examples are given in Fig.5to7of Qu´e merais et al. (1999).The line-of-sight(LOS hereafter)velocities shown here correspond to the mean Doppler shifts of the line profile ex-pressed in terms of velocity in the solar rest frame.If the line is not symmetrical,as in Qu´e merais and Izmodenov(2002)for example,then there is a small difference between the mean Doppler shift and the maximum of the line.Following Qu´e merais et al.(1999),we express the relation between velocity v projected on the LOS and the wavelength in the solar rest frame asλ−λo=λoc (6)where v is the projection of the atom velocity V on the line of sight U.Note that the direction of the LOS is opposite the direction of propagation of the photon.In that case,the LOS velocity<v>is given by<v>=1λo<λ−λo>.(7)parison of thefirst two orbitsQu´e merais et al.(1999)show the velocity map derived from data obtained in1996and early1997.This map corresponds to the minimum of activity of cycle22.In the case of aflow with constant velocity,the velocity projected on the LOS is simply V∞·cosθ,whereθis the angle of the LOS with the upwind Fig.1.full-sky map of the velocity difference between the 1996map and the1997map.The data are shown in ecliptic coordinates(west ecliptic longitude).The blue color in the up-wind side shows that the upwind velocity in1997is slightly slower(in modulus),by0.4km/s.direction and V∞is the constant bulk velocity.The actual ve-locity maps observed by SW AN are more complex than this simple case.Figure1displays the difference between the velocity maps of1996and1997.The variation in the upwind velocity is a de-celeration of0.4km/s,with a value of-25.7km/s in1996and-25.3km/s in1997.Considering the uncertainties given in Table 2,the velocity can be considered to be the same.However,a slight deceleration in the solar rest frame is quite possible be-cause of the increase in radiation pressure from the Sun be-tween1996and1997.The LOS(line-of-sight)velocity in the upwind direction is the result of two antagonistic effects.First, selection effects linked to ionization processes increase the mean velocity by ionizing the slower hydrogen atoms.Second, radiation pressure tends to push the atoms away from the sun and slow them down.During most of the solar cycle,radiation pressure is larger than the solar gravitational attraction(Pryor et al.1998).As the cycle changes from minimum to maximum, the interplanetary hydrogen atoms feel an increasing radiation pressure that becomes more efficient to slow them down in the upwind side of the inner heliosphere.The downwind velocity is mostly unchanged with a value equal to21.6±1.3km/s,which is not surprising because the hy-drogen distribution in the downwind side of the heliosphere is less affected by variations in radiation pressure.In this direc-tion,the hydrogen is strongly depleted by ionization effects.A partialfilling happens beyond a few AU from the sun because of the relatively hot temperature of the interplanetary gas.It is therefore not surprising that radiation pressure plays a lesser role in this direction as compared to the upwind direction.Figure2shows the velocity in the solar rest frame as a func-tion of the angle with the upwind direction.The upwind direc-tion is the one defined by the isovelocity contours(Qu´e merais et al.,1999)with a longitude of252.3◦and a latitude of8.7◦. Changes between the two orbits are within the statistical un-certainties of the velocity values.4QUEMERAIS ET AL.:IP LINE PROFILESTable1.Equivalent Width of the H CellsYear(starts in June)5.5±0.1 4.9±0.1 3.68±0.18 3.61±0.18 3.50±0.12 3.26±0.13 Equivalent Width(mÅ)QUEMERAIS ET AL.:IP LINE PROFILES 5Table 2.Upwind LOS velocity for various orbitsYear (starts in June)Upwind V(year)(km /s) fference between the velocity maps of 2001and 1996.The maximum di fference is found in the upwind direc-tion with a value around 4km /s.Downwind,the di fference is close to zero.Below 10degrees of latitude,the results are very noisy.Contours of the 1996velocity map are shifted towards higher latitudes than the contours of the 2001velocity map.This is due to the existence of anisotropies in the hydrogen distribution of 1996which create a deviation from the non-isotropic 2001distribution.of hydrogen atoms in the downwind direction.We clearly see a shift between the iso-contours of velocity for 2001and 1996.This is explained by the changes in the velocity contours in-duced by anisotropies of the solar ionization fluxes (Lallement et al.2005;Koutroumpa et al.2005).In 2001,when solar ion-izing fluxes are almost isotropic,the constant velocity contours are well fitted by cones centered on the upwind direction.In 1996,however,due to di fferent ionization fluxes at di fferent heliographic latitudes the resulting iso-velocity contours are elongated towards high latitudes.This is demonstrated in Fig.4where the di fference of velocity maps shows a maximum that is shifted towards higher ecliptic latitudes.In this section,we have shown how the LOS velocity of the interplanetary Lyman αline profile changes during the solar cycle.The amplitude is large,more than 4km /s in the upwind direction.It is also abrupt because we find a change of 3km /s between 1997and 1999.The main cause for this variation in the velocity is the change of radiation pressure during the so-lar cycle (Pryor et al.1998).Other e ffects linked to ionization processes and their solar cycle variations may also be involved.4.Line-of-sight TemperaturesThis section presents the LOS kinetic temperature maps de-duced from the line-profile reconstruction technique presented in Qu´e merais et al.(1999).What we call the line-of-sight(LOS)kinetic temperature,also called apparent temperature in Qu´e merais and Izmodenov (2002),is actually the line width converted to temperature units using the relation between ther-mal velocity V t h and line width.Using the same notation as before,we have the following expression T a p =m Hk+∞−∞(v −<v >)2I (v )I o f f +I star=A (real )16QUEMERAIS ET AL.:IP LINEPROFILESFig.5.LOS kinetic temperature as a function of the upwind angle.The values were obtained for the two orbits in 1996and 1997.For each orbit,there are 2curves,one for angles smaller than 30◦and one for angles larger than 30◦.For angles smaller than 30◦,the limit on stellar light counts has been relaxed to ensure that some points with a small contamination are kept.Contrary to hot model predictions,the temperature curve is not monotonic and shows a minimum value of 11000K for angles close to 60◦.The 1996values are given by the diamonds and the 1997values are given by the triangles.the upwind LOS temperature is around 14000K and the down-wind value is close to 18000K.This departure from a mono-tonic variation with the upwind angle was also noted by Costa et al.(1999)using a di fferent method.Qu´e merais (2000)computed LOS temperatures as seen from Earth’s orbit for various models of the hydrogen distri-bution.What was found is that the LOS temperature of the IP line within 40◦to 50◦in the upwind direction is almost con-stant.The line width starts to increase for angles larger than 50◦.This increase in the line width is due to changes of the line shape due to acceleration and deceleration by radiation pres-sure and also to selection e ffects of the fast atoms through ion-ization processes.In that respect,we can argue that the decrease in LOS tem-perature between 0to 50◦is a clear signature of the existence of two hydrogen populations contributing to the total line profile.Following Izmodenov et al.(2001),we can divide the hydrogen atoms in the heliosphere into four distinct populations.First,we consider the interstellar component that has gone through the heliospheric interface without any interaction with the pro-tons.This population at large distance from the sun has the distribution parameters of the interstellar gas,i.e.a bulk veloc-ity close to 26km /s and a temperature close to 6000K.The second population is the one created by charge exchange with protons of the compressed interstellar plasma.Models predict a strong deceleration and heating of this population.These two populations are the main contributors to the IP line profile at 1AU,while the other two populations created by charge ex-change with the solar wind can be neglected here (Qu´e merais and Izmodenov 2002).A simple model of the two populations is shown inFig.6.The profiles are represented by Gaussian functions.The plots are made in the solar rest frame.One population has the pa-Fig.6.Model of the line profile generated for two distinct pop-ulations of hydrogen atoms.One has the parameters of the in-terstellar gas,i.e.velocity of 30km /s (26km /s accelerated by selection e ffects,see text)and a temperature of 6000K,the other has parameters reflecting a deceleration and heating due to the heliospheric interface,i.e.velocity of 20km /s and a tem-perature of 14000K.The resulting line profile in the upwind direction has a mean shift of -25km /s and a temperature of a bit less than 14000K.The line profiles are shown in the solar rest frame.rameters of the interstellar gas,i.e.a velocity of 30km /s and a temperature of 6000K.We used a velocity of 30km /s for the primary component to account for selection of faster atoms by ionization processes (See Qu´e merais and Izmodenov 2002,Table 4).The other component is decelerated in the solar rest frame and heated.Its parameters are given by a velocity of 20km /s and a temperature of 14000K.We have computed the line shift and line width of the sum of these two line profiles pro-jected on an LOS with an angle from upwind between zero and 50◦.The results are shown in Table 3.We find values similar to the observations.We do not claim that this simple model fits the data.It is just an example to illustrate why the LOS temperature decreases between 0and 50◦,i.e.because the Doppler shift between the two components of the line decreases as the cosine of the angle with the upwind direction.After 50◦from upwind,dynamic ef-fects on the hydrogen distribution make the line width increase again.Actual modeling is required here to correctly interpret these data.Figure 7shows the LOS temperatures found for the four orbits from 1999to 2002.The data from these orbits are nois-ier due to the degradation of the sensitivity of the sensor units (Qu´e merais and Bertaux 2002).It was not possible to recover profiles for LOS’s within 20◦of the upwind direction or within 30◦of the downwind direction.However,two results can be seen from Fig.7.First,the temperature minimum around 60◦from upwind has either shifted to lower angle values or even disappeared.This suggests that the shift between the two com-ponents is smaller than in 1996or that one of the components has become less important relative to the other giving more weight to the parameters of the other component in the line profile.Second,the curves show lower temperatures than what was found in 1996and 1997.The overall decrease is aroundQUEMERAIS ET AL.:IP LINE PROFILES7 Table3.LOS velocity and temperature for a2-population modelLOS Angle from Upwind LOS Temperature-23.9km/s-23.6km/s-22.5km/s-20.7km/s-18.3km/s-15.4km/s-12.0km/s8QUEMERAIS ET AL.:IP LINEPROFILESFig.8.Upwind Interplanetary Spectrum measured by STIS on March,212001.The geocorona (dash line)is more intense than the IP line (factor of 6)but the two lines are well separated be-cause of the Doppler shift between the H atoms and the Earth.The geocoronal emission has been fitted and removed,leaving a larger uncertainty longward of the interplanetary line.the LOS temperature isT LOS =16570±500K .Those values are larger than the actual values because of the convolution of the actual line profile with the line spreadfunc-tion of the instrument.The geocoronal emission from Fig.8gives a good estimate of the line spread function (LSF).Its LOS temperature is equal to 5300K whereas the actual temperature of the geocorona is around 1000K.We have used the LSF deduced from the geocorona to de-convolve the upwind line profile.The result is shown in Fig.9.First,the data were fitted to a V oigt function.Then,this func-tion was deconvolved yielding the spectrum.By assuming that the geocorona gives the LSF,we have slightly overestimated the actual width of the LSF,as reflected in the larger uncertainty in the temperature estimate.Future observations of the martian neutral H atom emission at Lyman αwill better estimate the LSF because the martian emission profile has a thermal width equivalent to a few hundred K (≈200K).The resulting parameters for the upwind LOS are after de-convolution,V LOS =−20.3±0.2km /s.The LOS temperature isT LOS =10970±1000K .The results found from the HST upwind line profile are com-patible with the SW AN H cell measurements.First,the mean line shift measured in 2001was 20.3km /s.The SW AN result is 21.4km /s.Taking a possible bias into account due to the re-moval of the geocoronal line from the HST spectrum,we get a correct agreement,thus confirming the change in the line shift of the IP line from solar minimum to solar maximum.Note also that a previous HST measurement made by GHRS (Clarke et al 1995,1998)agreed with the SW AN value of -25.7km /s for the solar minimum IP mean line shift.Fig.9.Upwind interplanetary spectrum in the solar rest frame.The diamonds show the data,the thin solid line shows a V oigt function fit to the data,the thick solid line shows the decon-volved spectrum obtained from the V oigt function fit assuming that the LSF is given by the geocoronal profile.The temperature found from the profile is close to 11000K.This value may be slightly underestimated because the LSF of the STIS instrument is not as wide as the Earth’s coronal paring with the values shown in Fig.7,we find correct agreement.This also confirms that the upwind IP line profile LOS temperature has decreased from 14000K to 11000K from solar minimum to solar maximum It also shows that the tem-perature inflexion seen at 60◦from upwind at solar minimum more or less disappeared at solar maximum.6.Conclusion and discussionThis analysis of the SW AN H cell data has allowed us to recon-struct interplanetary Lyman αline profiles between 1996and 2003.This period covers the solar activity minimum of 1996and the maximum of 2001.We have found that the mean line shift changes from a LOS velocity of 25.7km /s to 21.4km /s in the solar rest frame.This deceleration is mainly due to changes in radiation pressure with increasing activity,although changes of the ionizing fluxes are also involved.Detailed modelling will be necessary to repro-duce this large variation in the mean line shift.A comparison with a spectrum recorded by STIS on HST yields a good agreement.The STIS line mean shift corresponds to an LOS velocity of 20.3km /s which,given the uncertainties and possible biases involved in both analyses,is quite accept-able.We should also point out that the mean line shift change seen by SW AN is very rapid.We find a variation by 3km /s between 1997and 1999.This seems hard to explain only by changes in radiation pressure.The SW AN H cell data were also used to determine line widths (LOS temperature).It is found that the line width vari-ation with upwind angle is not monotonic as is usually found from hot model computations.This can be explained as a proof that the IP line profile is made of two distinct components scat-tered by populations with di fferent bulk velocities and tem-peratures.These di fferent components have been theoretically predicted by models of the hydrogen interaction of the helio-QUEMERAIS ET AL.:IP LINE PROFILES9spheric interface.Here we have an observable effect on the line width which is created by these two populations.Actual model computations of hydrogen distribution and backscattered pro-files will be made to test this explanation.Finally,we found that the LOS temperature profiles are cooler during solar maximum than solar minimum.The line width change corresponds to a decrease in the LOS tempera-ture by1000K.A tentative explanation is that the slow hy-drogen population component is more effectively ionized than the fast one during solar maximum.This results in a smaller contribution to the total line shape and hence a narrower line profile.The results obtained in this analysis are summarized by this list–Between1996to2001,the mean line shift of the interplan-etary Lymanαline changes from a LOS velocity of25.7 km/s to21.4km/s in the solar rest frame.–The line shift changes abruptly between1997and1999by 3km/s.–During solar minimum,the IP Lymanαline width shows a variation with the angle from upwind,which is not mono-tonic but has a minimum around60◦.This suggests that the IP line is composed of two components with different mean line shifts.–During solar maximum,the LOS kinetic temperatures de-crease slightly and the minimum is less pronounced,sug-gesting that the ratio between the different components is changed from solar minimum conditions.–Spectra obtained by HST in1995and2001give LOS ve-locities and temperatures are compatible with the SW AN H cell measurements.These empirical results will be confronted to model calcu-lations in a future work.Acknowledgements.SOHO is a mission of international cooperation between ESA and NASA.SWAN wasfinanced in France by the 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