
三年级语文知识点整理:汉字的结构涓夊勾绾ц姹夊瓧鐨勬瀯閫犲崟浣嶏細(1)?(2)鍋忔梺涓眽瀛楃殑鍩烘湰鍗曚綅锛涘瓧鍏哥紪绾傛椂鎶婄浉鍚屽亸鏃佺殑瀛楃紪鍦ㄤ竴?鐨勩€?姹夊瓧绗旈『锛?т竴瀹氱殑绗旈『鏉ュ啓鐨勶紝绗旈『鏄啓椤哄簭鐨勯棶棰樸€?闂存灦缁撴瀯鍚堢悊鐨勬眽瀛楁潵銆?锛涘厛璧板悗鍙炽€€锛涘厛閲屽ご鍚庡皝鍙??銆?姹夊€?姹夊瓧鐨勯棿鏋剁粨鏋勬槸鎸囧亸鏃併€佺瑪椤虹殑缁勫悎鏂瑰紡锛屼富瑕?锛?锛変笂涓嬬粨鏋勶細鎬濄€€鍏?锛?撴瀯锛氳崏銆€绔?锛?锛夊乏鍙崇粨鏋勶細銆€濂姐€€鍜?锛?缁撴瀯锛氳阿銆€鏍?锛?锛変笂涓夊寘鍥寸粨鏋勶細鍚屻€侀棶銆侀椆銆佸懆锛?锛変笅涓夊寘鍥寸粨鏋勶細鍑汇€佸嚩銆佸嚱銆佺敾锛?锛夊搧瀛楀舰缁撴瀯锛氬搧銆€妫?锛?锛夊崟涓€缁撴瀯锛?鏃?鏈?锛?锛夌┛鎻掔粨鏋勶細鐖?鍣?锛?0锛夊彸涓婂寘鍥寸粨鏋勶細鍙ャ€佸彲銆佸徃銆佸紡锛?1锛夊乏涓婂寘鍥寸粨鏋勶細搴欍€佺梾銆佹埧銆佸凹锛?2锛夊乏涓嬪寘鍥寸粨鏋勶細寤恒锛?3锛夊彸涓嬪寘鍥寸粨鏋勶細鏂?锛?4锛夊叏鍖呭洿缁撴瀯锛氬洜銆佸浌鐗规畩缁撴瀯锛氬潗銆佺埥銆佸す銆佸櫓鎵€鏈夋眽瀛楃?姹夊瓧鐨勭粨鏋勭粡鍏镐緥棰?閫夊嚭涓嬪垪鍙ュ瓙椤哄簭鎺掑垪姝g‘鐨勪竴椤广€?鈶村敖绠♀€滄湅鈥濃€滃弸鈥濅袱瀛楀悇鏈夋墍鎸囷紝鍚庢潵浜轰滑稿皧閲嶃€佷簰鐩稿府鍔╃殑浜恒€?€濄€?簡銆?嗗?A锛庘懙鈶粹懚鈶?B锛庘懛鈶碘懚鈶?C锛庘懙鈶粹懛鈶?D锛庘懛鈶碘懘鈶?: D? ) 鎴戜滑鐨勯噸鐐瑰ぇ瀛︼紝蹇呴』鎵€銆?A锛庡?B锛庡惁鍒欏氨涓嶄粎鑰屼笖C锛庢墍浠D?: B庣殑缁嗚妭锛岄偅浜涚儹鐖辩敓娲荤殑浜猴紝浠栦滑甯哥敤涓€绉嶇編濂界殑鐪煎厜鍘荤湅涓栫晫锛岀敤涓€棰椻€曗€曠殑蹇冨幓鎰熸偀鐢熸椿锛屽嵆浣挎湁鎵€鎬ㄣ€佹湁鎵€蹇э紝涔熼兘鑳藉寲瑙c€傛€€鐫€涓€棰楁劅鎭╃殑蹇冿紝鈥曗€曟墍缁忓巻鐨勭偣鐐规淮婊达紝浣犱細鍙戠幇鐢熸椿涓€鐩村緢缇庛€?A锛庡煿鑲茬粏鑷存敹钘?B锛庡瓡鑲茬粏鑵绘敹钘?C锛庡瓡鑲茬粏鑷存悳绱?D锛庡煿鑲茬粏鑵绘悳绱?: B?A B锛庝笉绠″嵆浣挎垨鑰呴兘C D: B?A锛庤€佹枒缇氬嚟鐫€濞寸啛鐨勮烦璺冩妧宸э紝鍦ㄥ崐澶ф枒缇氫粠鏈€楂樼偣濞寸啛锛氱啛缁冦€傦級B锛庢槸灞堣颈鐨勫績鐏靛湪鎶芥悙鍚楋紵锛堟娊鎼愶細杩欓噷鎸囧績鐏靛洜鐥涜嫤鑰岄ⅳ鎶栥€?锛?C甸瓊/鎺犺繃鎴戠殑澶撮《锛堜笉缇侊細涓嶅彈鎷樻潫銆傦級D锛庢墍浠ラ偅浜?锛?: D 涓嬪垪鍙ヤ腑鍔犵偣呰壊褰╂病鏈夊彂鐢熷彉鍖栫殑涓€椤规槸锛堬級(2鍒嗭級A锛庨笩鍎垮皢宸銆?Bф溅銆?C?D紝鎴戣瘉瀹烇紝鍙戠敓浜嗕竴娆″伔绐冿紝鏈変袱鍚嶇獌璐笺€傚厛鐢燂紝浠?: C 锛?鍒嗭級姹夊瓧鐨勭粨鏋勮瘯棰??A锛庤€佹枒缇氬嚟鐫€濞寸啛鐨勮烦璺冩妧宸э紝鍦ㄥ崐澶ф練鐨勮箘涓嬨€傦紙濞寸啛锛氱啛缁冦€傦級B锛庢槸灞堣颈鐨勫績鐏靛湪鎶芥悙鍚楋紵锛堟娊鎼愶細杩欓噷鎸囧績鐏靛洜鐥涜嫤鑰岄ⅳ鎶栥€?锛?C锛庢湁/鎺犺繃鎴戠殑澶撮《锛堜笉缇侊細涓嶅彈鎷樻潫銆傦級D?锛?棰樺瀷:惧害锛氬亸鏄?栫殑涓€椤规槸锛堬級(2鍒嗭級A?Bф嗕粬缁堜簬璁插畾浜嗕环閽憋紱灏遍€佹垜涓婅溅銆?C锛庣埗浜茶€佸疄鍘氶?D浗鐨勫叏閮ㄨ禐瑾夈€?棰樺瀷: ?4鍒嗭級鈶犱俊瀹㈡矇绋冲湴鐐圭偣澶达紝浠栫湅寰楀お澶氾紝瀵硅繖涓€鍒囧叏鑳界悊瑙c€傞兘甯傞噷鐨勫崌娌夎崳杈憋紝闇囬ⅳ鐫€闀挎湡杩焏霉n锛堛€€銆€銆€锛夌殑鍐滄潙绁sh膩o( )銆?鈶′腑鏂囨眽瀛楋紝闆嗗舰浣撱€佸0闊冲拰鎰忎箟浜庝竴浣擄紝瀹冪嫭鍏穖猫i()ц鐨刧u墨()瀹跺洯銆?棰樺瀷: В?鍒嗭級鈶犱腑鏂扮綉鍖椾含绔?011骞?2鏈?1О呮瘨鐨勪富瑕佺殑浼犳挱銆?鏄?鍏跺啗浜嬫€с€佹垬鏂楁€с€?槸閭d簺闈炰弗鏍兼剰涔夌殑鍚屼箟璇嶏紝鍥犱负瀹冧滑鍚屼腑鏈夊紓锛屼娇鐢ㄧ殑鏃跺€欏氨蹇呴』鏈夋墍銆?A锛庡獟浠嬫帺楗板尯鍒?B锛庡獟浣撴帺楗板垎鍒?C锛庡獟浠嬫帺鐩栧垎鍒?D锛庡獟浣撴帺楗板尯鍒?棰樺瀷:闅惧害锛氬亸鏄?€鎭板綋鐨勪竴椤规槸锛堬級锛?鍒嗭級_________________侊紝澶氫簡涓€浠藉畞闈欙紱灏戜簡涓€浠藉焊淇楋紝澶氫簡涓€浠介泤鑷达紱灏戜簡涓€浠戒笘鏁咃紝澶氫簡涓€浠界函鐪熴€?A锛庢竻鍐藉菇棣欓唶鍘?B锛庢竻鍐介唶鍘氬菇棣?C锛庨唶鍘氭竻鍐藉菇棣?D锛庨唶鍘氬菇棣欐竻鍐?棰樺瀷: ?閫夊嚭?3鍒? (1)澶╄竟鐨勪簯褰╀笉鍋滃湴鐫€锛屾椂Н?(2)閭i粍浜嗙殑绋昏崏锛屼篃灏辨槸涓婂勾鐨勭Ё鑻楋紝杩欑豢鑹茬殑绉ц嫍锛屽張浼氬彉鎴愭潵骞寸殑绋昏崏锛岀ɑ鑽変笌绉ц?(3)鏄ュぉ锛?A浉鏄犳垚瓒?B锛庡彉骞讳紶鎵胯祻蹇冩偊鐩?C锛庡彉骞讳紶閫掔浉鏄犳垚瓒?D?棰樺瀷: ?。
Module 2 My favourite things

Module 2 My favourite thingsModule 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Animals in the zoo Look and read 鏁欏鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Using the simple present tense to express simple truths. Using imperatives to give instructions. Using prepositional phrases to indicate time. 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Produce simple phrases and sentences. Use appropriate intonation in questions and statements. Identify main ideas from a text with teacher support. 鎯??Using the simple present tense to express simple truths. e.g. I work in a zoo. Using imperatives to give instructions. e.g. Open the gates. Using prepositional phrases to indicate time. e.g. At six o鈥檆lock , Mr. Tang opens the gates. Word and picture cards, Clockface, etc. 璇惧墠瀛︾敓鍑嗗English book, reading the text Pre-task preparation 1. Ask and answer 2. Review the time: What time is it now? 3. Talk about the students about the zoo. Review known animal vocabulary. Point to each of the pictures of animals on page 22 of the student鈥檚book and invite different students to name the animals.4. Teach the new words: kilos5. Play the cassette: Look and read. The students listen and follow in their books.6. Play again. The students listen and repeat.7. Read the timetable. Ask: What time does Mr. Tang open the gates/ clean the cages/ feed the tigers/ have his breakfast, etc. While-task procedure Distribute a copy of Photocopiable page 23 to each student/ pair. Working in pairs, the students look at page 22 of the student鈥檚book and discuss the task. The students then complete the task, matching the times with the pictures. Post-task activity Using the completed task and the timetable on page 22 of the student鈥檚book, invite different students to talk about what Mr Tang does in the morning at the zoo. Encourage thestudents to follow this pattern: At six o鈥檆lock, Mr Tang opens the gates.Module 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Animals in the zoo Timetable 6:30 open the gates 6:30 clean the cages. 7:45 Feed the tigers (10 kilos of meat) What time does the zoo-keeper open the gates? He opens the gates at half past six.?1.kilo鐨勮繍鐢ㄦ湁寰呭姞寮恒€?2.鎴戦€氳繃瀵归挓鐐圭殑婕旂ずВ涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶆暟閲忕殑杩愮敤銆?3.s鐨勭幇璞хthree kilos ofhay?Module 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Animals in the zoo Say and act鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?and 鈥楬ow鈥?questions to find out time. Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?and 鈥楬ow鈥?questions to find out quantity. Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?and 鈥楬ow鈥?questions to find out specific information. Using the simple present tense to express simple truths. 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Produce simple phrases and sentences. Use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers or other learners. Locate specific information in a short text in response toquestions.甯哥敓娲汇€??Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?and 鈥楬ow鈥?questions to find out time. Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?and 鈥楬ow鈥?questions to find out quantity. Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?and 鈥楬ow鈥?questions to find out specific information. Using the simple present tense to express simple truths.Cassette, Photocopiable page24, etc. English book, the timetable. Pre-task preparation 3. Ask and answer 2. Recite the words of Page 22 3. Invite different students to answer questions about Mr. Tang鈥檚timetable. Ask: What time does Mr. Tang feed the monkeys? , etc. While-task procedure 1. Read the dialogue by yourselves. 4. Play the cassette: Say and act. The students listen and follow in their books. 5. Play the cassette again. The students listen and repeat. 6. Working in pairs, the students role-play the dialogue. 7. Invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogue in front of the class. 8. Ask questions about the first card in Ask and answer: What time does Mr. Tang feed the elephants? What do they eat? How much do they eat? 9. Work in pairs, the students ask and answer similar questions to complete the other three cards. 10. Ask the questions about Mr. Tang at the bottom of page 21 of the student鈥檚book. 11. Review: I feed-he feeds, I open-he opens, as language preparation for completing the task. Post-task activity Workbook page 10 1. Ask the students to study the table at the top of the task. 2. Invite students to read each of the speech bubbles in 1. 3. The students fill in the missing words. Consolidation Grammar Practice Book page 21 What time do you feed鈥? I feed them at n the morning. What do the at? They eat鈥?How much o they eat? They eat ilos of鈥?When do you 鈥? I 鈥t 鈥?in the morning. ?1.?2.閫氳鎿嶇粌鍒颁綅銆?3.The tigers eat 10 kilos of meat every day.鍜孴he tigers eat 10 kilos of meat every day.閮ㄥ垎瀛︾敓瀹规槗娣锋穯锛岄渶鍦ㄧ粌涔?Module 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Animals in the zoo Look and read 鏁欏鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Using imperatives to give instructions. Using prepositions to indicate position. using prepositions to indicate direction. 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Recognize differences in the use of intonation and respond appropriately. Produce simplephrases and sentences. Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.??Using imperatives to give instructions. Using prepositions to indicate position. using prepositions to indicate direction. A street plan of the area near your school, etc. 璇惧墠English book, some pictures. Pre-task preparation 2. Ask and answer T: What time do you have breakfast? S: At seven. T: What do the elephants eat? S: They eat hay. T: How much hay do they eat? S: They eat 60 kilos of hay. 3. Recite the text on Page 23 4. Review: left, right. Turn left. Turn right. 5. Teach the new words: up, down, along. 6. Read: Look and learn. Invite students to read the words. 7. Play the cassette: Look and read. The students listen and follow in their books. 8. Work in pairs. The students ask and answer questions about places on the map, e.g. Where is the Rainbow Hotel? Now listen The tasksheet for this listening activity is photocopiable page 25. This task will give students additional practice in locating specific information in response to simple instructions. Post-task activity Display the sheet plan of the area near your school. Draw a star on the school. Explain to the students that the star shows where they are right now. invite different students to give you directions to places close to the school, e.g. a bus-stop, a shop, etc. Consolidation Grammar Practice Book page 22 Excuse me, where is鈥? Go to鈥?Go up the steps. (Go down the steps) left (on the left) right along Rainbow Hotel Holiday Hotel Yanan Road ?1.?2.閫氳繃瀵у緢楂樸€?3.у皬鍐欙紝灏戞暟瀛︾敓cross鍜寃alk along粌銆?Module 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Animals in the zoo Ask and answer 鏁鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Using imperatives to give instructions. Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?questions to find out the place, position or direction. Using the present continuous tense to describe an action. Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?questions to find out various kinds of specific information about an object. 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Produce simple phrases and sentences. Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions. 鎯呮殑鏂规硶銆??Using imperatives to give instructions. e.g. Go down the steps. Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?questions to find out the place, position or direction. e.g. Where are the tigers? Using the present continuous tense to describe an action. e.g. It鈥檚talking. A map of the zoo, pairs of scissors and some Blu-tack, etc. English book, some pictures.佺▼Pre-task preparation 3. Ask and answer. 4. Review: Working in pairs, the students take turns to ask and answer questions about the map on page 24 , e.g. Where is the Holiday Hotel? Go along Yanan Road. The hotel is on the right. 5. Show the map of the zoo. Ask the questions. E.g. Where are the tigers? 6. Play the cassette: Ask and answer. The students listen and follow in their books. 7. Working in pairs, students take turns to read the dialogue. 8. Invite a few pairs to read aloud the dialogue. 9. Review: the names of different colours, two-coloured, and the present continuous tense. While-task procedure 1. Using the map, the students ask and answer questions. 2. Invite a few pairs to ask for and give directions in front of the class. 3. Working in pairs , the students take turns to talk about their parrots.Post-task activity 1. 1 Workbook page 11 The students use Blu-tack to stick their parrots in different places on the frieze. Excuse me, where are the tigers? Go down the steps. Cross the small road鈥? S1: Look at my parrot. It鈥檚___and ____. S2: What is it doing? S1: It鈥檚talking/鈥? ?1.姐€?2.缁х?3.敓鍑虹?鍙ュ瓙锛歁ay, don鈥檛crossing the road. 锛堢幇鍦ㄨ繘琛屾椂锛変竴閮ㄥ垎瀛︾敓娌℃敞鎰忔槸?Module 2 My favourite things Unit 1 Animals in the zoo Where are the parrots? 鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Using adjectives to describe animals. Using prepositions to indicate position. 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Locate specific information in response to simple instructions or questions. Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.婅姳鑽夋爲鏈ㄣ€??Using adjectives to describe animals.e.g. the red parrot Using prepositions to indicate position. e.g. It鈥檚on the branch.The parrot frieze, blu-tack, etc. English book, listening to the tape. Pre-task preparation 1. Ask and answer. 2. Display the parrot frieze and ask questions about it, e.g. Where is the red and green parrot?etc. Invite different students to answer. 3. Look at the picture on page 26. 4. Read the dialogue below the picture. The students practise the dialogue. Then read the words and phrases below the dialogue. The students listen, follow in their books and repeat. While-task procedure 1. Tell the students that the feeding time is 8:15. Ask students to complete the notice at the bottom left corner of the page. 2. Give each student a parrot from the parrot frieze and some Blu-tack. Working in groups, the students take turns to place the parrots in various positions on the picture. E.g.on the branch, in the house, beside the pond,etc. Then they identify the parrots by colour and describe their location in the picture , e.g. The yellow and green parrot is on the pond. 3. Move the parrots to the different place , then ask and answer.Post-task activity 1. Invite different students to point to a parrot on the parrot frieze and describe it, stating its colour and its location, e.g. The yellow and red parrot is under the table. Where鈥檚the red and yellow parrot? It鈥檚on the branch.?1.暀瀛︽晥鏋滃ソ銆?2.閫氳繃鍥剧墖鍜屽疄闄呯ф搷缁冦€?3.浣滀笟瀹屾垚杈冨ソ锛屽湪鍙ュ瓙My father works in the zoo.does鍜寉ourх粌涔犮€?Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 Favourite toys Read and answer 鏁欏鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Using the simple present tense to express simple truths. Using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking. 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Use appropriate intonation in questions and statements. Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions. 鎯呮劅銆佹€??Using the simple present tense to express simple truths. e.g. Grandma Wang lives in Pudong. Using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speaking. e.g. Kitty and Alice are visiting her. A large old key, two dolls and two puppets, etc. English book, some toys.娴佺▼Pre-task preparation 2. Ask and answer T: What time do you go home? S: At half past four. T: What do the parrots eat? S: They eat corn. 3. Review toy鈥檚names. Ask students to tell you what toys they have. 4. Review: doll. Teach the new word: puppet and key. 5. Play the cassette: Read and answer. The students listen and follow in their books. 6. Play the cassette again. Ask the students to listen and look at the pictures and relate them to the story. While-task procedure 1. 1. The students quietly read the story and relate it to the pictures. 2. Ask the questions at the bottom of the story and invite different students to answer. 3. Working in groups of three, the students role-play the story, using the pictures and questions as a guide.Post-task activity 1. Workbook page 12 1. Read the words at the top of the task. 2. Complete the sentences orally. 3. The students write the answers in full sentences. Consolidation Grammar Practice Book page 24 Favourite toys Live visit key puppet all the鈥?What鈥檚in the box? There is/are鈥?The girls give the key to Grandma. =The girls give Grandma the key. ?1.х灉杈冨ソ銆?2.閫氳繃鐞嗚ВВ?3.瀛︾敓瀵筗hat鈥檚+鍦扮偣锛熺敤There be鍙ュ瀷鍥炵瓟鍜実ive sb sth, give sth to sb?Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 Favourite toys Look and say鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?questions to find out about a specific object. using the simple present tense to express interests, feelings and opinions. 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Use appropriate intonation in questions and statements. Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions.??Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?questions to find out about a specific object. e.g. Which aeroplane do you like? using the simple present tense to express interests, feelings and opinions. e.g. I like all the dolls. 鏁欏Some toys, word and picture cards, etc. English book, listening to the text. Pre-task preparation 3. Recite some words. 4. Display the toys. Review the names of the toys. Ask: Which toy do you like?5. Show a toy dinosaur, ask: is it a panda? Teach the new word.6. Ask and answer with the toys: Which鈥?do you like? While-task procedure 1. 1. Use three toys to show the different use of 鈥渁ll the鈥?and 鈥渂oth鈥? Hold up two toys and say: Both bears are brown. Then hold up all three toys and say: All the bears are brown. 2. Play the cassette: Look and say. The students listen and follow in their books. 3. Play again. The students listen and repeat. 4. Divide the class into pairs of the same sex. The boys take turns to role-play the dialogues in 1 and 3, and the girls take turns to role-play the dialogues in 2 and 4. 5. Invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogues in front of the class. 6. Read the model dialogue in Ask and answer. The students ask and answer the questions in pairs.7. Invite a few pairs to talk about the pictures in front of the class. Post-task activity 1. 1. Photocopiable page 29. 2. Working in groups, the students act out the story. Which bicycle do you like? I like both bicycles. I like all the bicycles. ?1.both鍦ㄥ墠闈㈢殑瀛︿all the?2.閫氳繃鐗╁搧鏁伴噺鐨勫嚭绀猴紝瀛︾敓鐔熺粌鎺屾彙which繘琛屾搷缁冦€?3.?鍦˙en likes both dinosaurs.鍜孖like all the bikes.閮ㄥ垎瀛︾敓鐢ㄤ簡how many鎻愰棶х粌涔犮€?Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 Favourite toys Do a survey爣鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?questions to find out a person鈥檚identity. Asking 鈥榟ow鈥?questions to find out quantity. Using the simple present tense to express simple truths. 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Produce simple phrases and sentences. Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions. 鎯呮劅銆佹€佸害涓??Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?questions to find out a person鈥檚identity. e.g. Who has a bicycle? Asking 鈥榟ow鈥?questions to find out quantity. e.g. How many girls have a ball? Using the simple present tense to express simple truths. e.g. Six girls have a bicycle.Some small toys, word and picture cards, etc.English book, listening to the text. Pre-task preparation 5. Ask and answer 6. Ask: Who has a doll/ ball? To elicit: I鈥檝e got a doll/ ball. 7. Ask: Who has got a computer. Teach the new word: computer. 8. Play the cassette: Do a survey. The students listen and repeat. 9. Explain to the students that they are going to find out how many students in the class own different kinds of toys. 10. Distribute a copy of the table to each student. Explain to the students how to do the survey. While-task procedure 1. Do the survey in the groups. 2. When the groups have filled in their survey forms, invite each group to tell you their finding. Ask: How many girls have a ball? How many boys have an aeroplane? Etc. 3. Working in pairs, the students take turns to ask and answer questions about their survey forms. 4. Read: Write a report.5. Ask the groups to write their group鈥檚report.6. Invite the group leader to read out the report. Post-task activity 1. 1. Workbook page 13 2. Ask individual students: What is your favourite toy? To elicit: My favourite toy is a鈥?. 3. More oral practice page 35. Ask and answer. Consolidation Grammar Practice Book page 27 鏉夸功璁Who has a bicycle? Six girls have a bicycle. Three boys have a bicycle.鏁堟灉鐨勫弽棣?1.?2.熺粌杩愮敤Who has a bicycle?鍙奣hree boys have a bicycle. One girl has a bicycle.3.Ten boys have a Gameboy.鍋氭垚浜哤ho have a bicycle?杩樻湁How many have a Gameboy?瑕佸姞寮洪拡瀵规€х粌銆?Module 2 My favourite things Unit 2 Favourite toys Look and say鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?questions to find out specific information about an object. Using adjectives to describe objects. 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions and statements. Produce simple phrases and sentences. Use appropriate intonation in questions and statements. Use modeled phrases and sentences to communicate with teachers or other. 鎯呮劅銆? ?Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?questions to find out specific information about an object. e.g. What colour is the small dinosaur? Using adjectives to describe objects. e.g. It鈥檚green.Some toys, coloured pencilsEnglish book, listening to the tape. Pre-task preparation 3. Recite some words. 4. Have a dictation. 5. Review: both and all the , using some toys. Invite different students to practise in front of the class. 6. Play the cassette: Look and say. The students listen and follow. 7. Play again. The students repeat. 8. Work in pairs. The students role-play the dialogue. 9. Invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogue in front of the class. 10. Read: Ask and answer. The students practise the model dialogue in pairs. While-task procedure 1. 1. Distribute paper. Each student draws either two or three pictures of a toy and colours them. 2. Work in groups, the students ask and answer questions about the toys in their drawing.Post-task activity 1. 1. Workbook page 14 2. Encourage different students to describe classroom realia, using full sentences, e.g. All the desks are brown. Both my pencils are red, etc. Consolidation Grammar Practice Book page 28,29What colour is the 鈥? It鈥檚鈥?What colour are the pandas? They 鈥檙e black and white./ Both pandas are black and white./ All the pandas are black and white. ?1.曪紝瀛︾敓瀛﹀緱杈冨ソ銆?2.閫氳繃瀹炵墿鐨勫睍绀猴紝瀛︾敓瀵瑰瓙鎿嶇粌杈冧负娴佸埄锛岃兘鐔熺粌杩愮敤both 鍜宎ll the鍙ュ瀷銆?3.?Module 2 My favourite things Unit 3 At home Look and say鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?questions to find out place. Using the simple past tense to talk about past states. Using prepositional phrases to indicate time. 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Recognize differences in the use of intonation. Produce simple phrases and sentences involving lists. Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions. ?浜嗚В効鎵俱€??Asking 鈥榳h-鈥?questions to find out place. e.g. Where鈥檚Sam? Using the simple past tense to talk about past states. e.g. He was here at ten o鈥檆lock. Using prepositional phrases to indicate time. e.g. He was here at eleven o鈥檆lock. Word and picture cards, some paper 璇English book, listening to the text. Pre-task preparation 1. Ask and answer 2. T: This is my dog. It鈥檚lovely. Do you like it? 3. T: I can鈥檛find my dog. Where is it now? 4. Play the cassette: Look and say. The students listen and follow in their books. 5. Play again. The students listen and repeat.6. Teach the new sentences: He was 鈥?7. Work in pairs. The students role-play the dialogue.8. Invite a few pairs to role-play the dialogue in front of the class.9. Read the notice:鈥橪ost dog鈥? and invite different students to repeat the sentences. 10.Read: Write a report. The students help you to complete the report orally. While-task procedure Distribute a copy of photocopiable page 32 to each student. Explain the task. The students fill in the missing words to complete the report. Post-task activity 1. Workbook page 15 2. Write different times of the day on the board. Invite different students to tell you where they were yesterday at those times, e.g. Where were you at eleven o鈥檆lock? Consolidation Grammar Practice Book page 30was, were, market, telephone, date, police station Where鈥檚Sam? It was here at ten o鈥檆lock. Where were you at 7:05? I was on the road.棣?1.was/were瀵瑰?2.閫氳繃瀵荤В紝瀛︾敓鑳界啛缁冭繍鐢╓here was/were鈥?鍙ュ瀷銆?3.缁冧範鍐屼綔涓氾紝n/at鏈夌偣娣锋穯銆?鍙ュ瓙锛歍he dog was inside our flat.鏈夌殑瀛︾敓鍋氭垚浜嗭細Where did the dog is?闇€鍔犲己?Module 2 My favourite things Unit 3 At home Look and act鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Asking the simple past tense to talk about past states Asking 鈥榃h-鈥?questions to find out position using prepositions to indicate position 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Use appropriate intonation in questions and statements. Locate specific information in a short text in response to questions. 鎯呮劅銆佹€佸害涓庝环叿鐨勭埍鎶ゃ€??Asking the simple past tense to talk about past states e.g. The picture was beside the window. Asking 鈥榃h-鈥?questions to find out position e.g. Where is it now? using prepositions to indicate position e.g. it鈥檚beside the mirror now. Word and picture cardsEnglish book, some pictures of the furniture.Pre-task preparation 1. Ask and answer T: Where were you at 7:15? S: I was at home.鈥?1. 2. Ask: What furniture have you got at home? 2. Introduce: furniture, using the Word and Picture cards. 3. Invite different students to tell you any English words that they may know for different kinds of furniture. Write the words on the board. 4. Introduce: lamp, rug, sofa and mirror, using the pictures. Ask: What鈥檚this? 5. Play the cassette: Look and learn. 6. Play again. The students listen and repeat. 7. Read: Look and act. The students practise the model dialogue. 8. Work in pairs, the students take turns to ask and answer questions about the pictures. 9. Invite a few pairs to ask and answer questions in front of the class. While-task procedure 1. Invite different students to come to the front of the class and to move a small classroom item from one place to another. Encourage the students to follow the model dialogue.E.g. The book was on the desk. Where is it now? Consolidation Grammar Practice Book page 31,32 Lamp shelf rug picture sofa mirror The picture was beside the window. Where is it now? It鈥檚beside the mirror now.鐨勫弽棣?1.氨鑳借繍銆?2.as/wereН鏋佹€у緢楂樸€?3.呭喌杈冨ソ锛屽湪缁冧範锛歐here ______ the children? I don鈥檛know. Now they ______ on the playground.鍘绘?Module 2 My favourite things Unit 3 At home Make and play鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Using imperatives to give instructions Using the simple past tense to talk about states. Using the simple present tense to express simple truths Using prepositions to indicate position 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Recognize differences in the use of intonation. Produce simple phrases and sentences. Identify main ideas from a text with teacher support. Use appropriate intonation in questions andstatements. ?/ ?Using imperatives to give instructions e.g. Draw some furniture. Using the simple past tense to talk about states. e.g. The sofa was under the window. Using the simple present tense to express simple truths e.g. Now it鈥檚near the big table. Using prepositions to indicate position e.g. under the window Simple models of rooms for each group English book, listening to the tape. Pre-task preparation 1. Ask and answer 2. Review the activity on page 32. 3. Read the model dialogue at the bottom of the page. The students practise the dialogue. While-task procedure 1. Put the furniture in the sitting-room. Play the game in pairs. Working in pairs, the students move the furniture in the room and talk about what has changed. Post-task activity 1. Work book page 16 a. Read the task. b. Complete the sentences orally. c. Fill in the missing words. 2. More oral practice page 35 a. Tom is at home. He is going to meet a friend in the playground. How can he get there? b. Tom is a teacher at joy School. How does he walk to work? c. Tom is at the bank. How can he get to the shop/ d. Tom would like to post a letter after work. How can he get to the post office? Consolidation Grammar Practice Book page 33 S1: Look at the sitting-room. Close your eyes. (move the furniture) S1: OK. Open your eyes. What鈥檚different? S2: The sofa was under the window. Now it鈥檚near the big table. The chair was鈥?now it鈥檚鈥??1.was鐨勫彞鍨嬶紝瀛︾敓杈冧负鐔熸倝锛屾暀瀛︽晥鏋滃ソ銆?2.ц€冮獙鐨勬父鎴忥紝鍗冲珐鍥у緢楂樸€?3.湪The picture _was_ near the window. Where is it 锛熷彞瀛愪腑锛屾病鏈塶ow浣?Module 2 My favourite things Unit 3 At home Sing a song鐭ヨ瘑涓庢妧鑳斤細Using the simple past tense to talk about past states. e.g. There were five in the bed. 杩囩▼涓庢柟娉曪細Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stress. Identify main ideas. Produce simple phrases and sentences. Use modelled phrases and sentences to communicate with teacher and other learners. ??Using the simple past tense to talk about past states. e.g. There were five in the bed.濯掍綋Small toys, pairs of scissors, picturesEnglish book, listening to the sing. Pre-task preparation 1. Ask and answer. 2. Work in pairs, the students follow the model dialogue on page 33 and take turns to move the furniture and to talk about what has changed. 3. Introduce: roll, using the cards. 4. Play the cassette: Sing a song.While-task procedure 1. Play the cassette a few times. The students learn the song and sing along. They follow the words in their books. Post-task activity 1. 1. Listen and read. 2. Read and write Put the words in the right columns. 3. Listen and circle. Listen and circle the words you hear.Roll over, said (say), fell(fall), good night. There is鈥?There was鈥?There are鈥?There were鈥??1.瀵箃here was/were规贩娣嗭紝闇€鍐嶅姞寮烘暀瀛︺€?2.楂樸€?3.as/were瀛︾敓浣撶幇鍑轰綔涓氳川閲忚緝楂橈紝鑰宒id瀛︾敓杩樹笉鑳藉仛鐨勭啛缁冿紝鐢ㄤ簡did鎶婂崟璇嶇殑鍘熷舰蹇樻敼浜嗭紝濡傦細He went to the park yesterday.(鍚?鏈変簺瀛︾敓鍋氭垚浜?He didn 鈥檛went to the park yesterday.с€?。

三年级上册语文生字带拼音并组词(人教版)鐢熷瓧銆佹嫾闊炽€佺敯瀛楁牸骞剁粍璇?1. 鎴戜滑鐨勬皯鏃忓皬瀛?鍧?p铆ng) 鍧?b脿) 鎴?d脿i) 鎷?zh膩o) 铦?h煤) 铦?di茅) 瀛?k菕ng) 闆€(qu 猫) 鑸?w菙) 閾?t贸ng) 绮?c奴) 灏?w臎i) 鍧?鑽夊潽鍋滄満鍧?鍧?娌冲潩鍦熷潩澶у潩鍫ゅ潩鎴?绌挎埓鐖辨埓鎴磋姳鎴村附鎷?鎷涙墜鎷涘懠鎷涘緟鎷涘晢鎷涗汉铦?铦磋澏铦磋澏缁?铦磋澏鍏?鑺辫澊铦?铦?铦磋澏铦舵吵鍖栬澏绮夎澏瀛?瀛斿瓙瀛旈泙闈㈠瓟閽堝瓟闆€鐏伴泙楹婚泙浜戦泙楦﹂泙鏃犲0鑸?璺宠垶鑸炶箞鑸炲姩椋炶垶閾?閾滅墝閾滈挶閾滀笣閾滅嚎绮?绮楀.绮楀ぇ绮楀績绮楃粏绮楃伯灏?灏惧反缁撳熬灏惧0 2. 閲戣壊鐨勮崏鍦?鑰?shu菐) 瑁?zhu膩ng) 鍔?j矛n) 缁?r贸ng) 鍋?ji菐) 鏈?ch谩o) 浜?xi膿) 閽?di脿o) 瀵?ch谩) 鐡?b脿n) 鎷?l菕ng) 鎺?zh菐ng) 瓒?q霉)鑰?鐜╄€?鏉傝€?鎴忚€?鑰嶅紕瑁?瑁呮壆鍔?浣垮姴璧峰姴鏉ュ姴鍔茶垶缁?缁掓瘺缁掔嚎缇界粧涓濈粧鍋?鏀惧亣鍋囨湡鐪熷亣鏈?鏈濓紙zhao锛夐槼鏈濋湠鏈濓紙chao锛変唬鐜嬫湞浜?杩欎簺涓€浜?鏈変簺閽?閽撻奔閽撻挬鍨傞挀瀵?瑙傚療璀﹀療瑙嗗療瀵熺湅鐡?鑺辩摚璞嗙摚钂滅摚鐡h啘鎷?鍚堟嫝鎷夋嫝褰掓嫝骞舵嫝闈犳嫝鎺?鎵嬫帉榧撴帉鎺屽0鎺屾煖瓒?鍏磋叮鏈夎叮椋庤叮涔愯叮鎯呰叮瓒e懗3.鐖?p谩) 宄?f膿ng) 椤?d菒ng) 浼?s矛) 鑻?c膩ng) 浠?y菐ng) 鍜?z谩n) 濂?f 猫n) 杈?bi脿n) 鍕?y菕ng) 灞?j奴) 鐖?宄?灞卞嘲楂樺嘲浜戝嘲椤?灞遍《椤剁偣澶撮《浼?鐩镐技浼间箮绫讳技鑻?鑻嶇櫧鑻嶈€?鑻嶅噳鑻嶈尗鐧藉彂鑻嶈媿浠?浠版湜涔呬话浠版厱鍜?鍜变滑鍜变咯濂?濂嬪姏濂嬫枟杈?熬杈?鍕?鍕囨暍鍕囨皵鍕囧+鑻卞媷灞?灞呯劧灞呬綇璧峰眳鏁呭眳5.鐏伴泙閮?ji膩o) 鏁?s脿n) 姝?b霉) 鑳?xi艒ng) 鑴?p煤) 娓?zh膩) 鎴?hu貌) 鑰?zh 臎) 鏁?g菐n) 鎯?x墨) 浣?d墨) 璇?ch茅ng) 閮?閮婃父杩戦儕閮婂尯鏁?鏁d細鏁d贡鏁f枃姝?姝ヤ紣鑳?鍓嶈兏鑳搁儴鑳歌倢鑳稿墠鑴?鏋滆劘鏉忚劘鑳歌劘娓?娈嬫福鐭虫福娌规福闈㈠寘娓?鎴?鎴栬€?鎴栫劧闂存垨鑰?鎴栬€?璁拌€?绗旇€?闀胯€?鏁?鍕囨暍鏋滄暍鏁㈡儏鑳嗘暍鎯?鎯滃埆鐝嶆儨鐖辨儨浣?浣庡ご浣庝笅楂樹綆浣庤皟璇?璇氬疄璇氫俊鐪熻瘹璇氬績6.灏忔憚褰卞笀鍩?j墨) 绐?t奴) 鎸?脿n) 鎽?b菐i) 寮?n貌ng) 鍑?zh菙n)澶?b猫i)渚?c猫) 鑳?ji 膩o) 鍗?ju菐n) 杈?li脿ng) 绉?m矛) 鏉?z谩) 绀?sh猫) 渚?c猫) 闈?mi脿n) 鍩?鍩烘湰鍦板熀鏍瑰熀绐?绐佺劧绐佸彂绐佽捣绐佺牬鎸?鎸夌潃鎸夋嵑鎸夋椂鎸変綇鎽?鎽嗗紕鎽嗗姩鎽囨憜寮?鎹夊紕鐜╁紕鎽嗗紕寮勫爞鍑?鍑嗘椂涓嶅噯澶?澶囦唤渚?渚ч潰渚ц韩渚ц竟渚х洰鑳?鑳跺嵎鑳跺甫鑳剁姸鑳舵按鍗?鍗疯繘鍗峰叆璇曞嵎璇楀嵎杈?杞﹁締涓€杈?姣忚締绉?绉樹功绉樺瘑鏉?鏉傚織鏉傝皥鏉備贡澶嶆潅绀?绀句細鎶ョぞ绀惧洟ぞ7.х煶澶?钁?zh霉) 钘?z脿ng) 鎮?qi膩o) 闂?sh菐n) 鍧?k膿ng) 鍗?w貌) 鎺?tu墨) 鏃?l 菤) 鑰?k菐o) 绉?q铆n) 绾?j矛) 閬?y铆) 绌?ji奴) 闇?zh猫n) 钁?钁楀悕钁椾綔鍚嶈憲鍗撹憲钘?闅愯棌鍩嬭棌韬茶棌鎹夎糠钘?鎮?鎮勬倓鎮勫0鎮勭劧闈欐倓鎮?闂?韬查棯鍧?鍦熷潙澶у潙姘村潙鍗?鍗у鍗у€?浠板崸璧峰崸鎺?鎺ㄥ姩鎺ㄥ€?鎺ㄥ紑鎺ㄨ鎺ㄨ溅鏃?鏃呮父鏃呯ぞ鏃呭簵鑰?鑰冭瘯鑰冨満鑰冨垎鑰冪敓绉?绉﹀箔绉︽湞绉﹀浗绉︿唬绾?涓栫邯閬?閬楀繕閬椾骇閬楁喚閬楀け閬楄抗绌?绌剁珶鐮旂┒杩界┒娣辩┒闇?鍦伴渿闇囧姩闇囨儕闇囨捈闇囩伨9.淇?c霉) 娣?sh膿n) 蹇?y矛) 寮?y矛) 閫?f茅ng) 浣?ji膩) 鍊?b猫i) 閬?y谩o) 閬?bi脿n) 鎻?ch膩) 淇?淇冪粐淇冮攢淇冭繘淇冩垚娣?娣卞北娣辨按娣娣辨祬娣辫摑蹇?鍥炲繂璁板繂蹇嗗康杩藉繂寮?寮傚父寮傚悓鍙樺紓寮傛牱閫?閫㈣繋鐩搁€?闅鹃€?閫傞€?閲嶉€?浣?浣宠妭浣宠偞浣充汉浣宠瘽浣抽煶鍊?鍔犲€?鍊嶆暟涓€鍊?鍊嶆暟閬?閬ヨ繙閬ユ湜閬ョ湅閫嶉仴閬?閬嶅竷閬嶅強閬嶅湴閬嶄綋鎻?鎻掕姳鎻掑叆鎻掓墜鎻掑骇鎻掑彛10.椋庣瓭绮?j墨ng) 甯?x墨) 鍗?qu猫) 渚?y墨) 鎷?p墨n) 鍛?m矛ng) 濂?b膿n) 鏉?c 奴n) 鎶?d菕u) 涓?s脿ng) 纾?m貌) 鍧?f谩ng) 绮?绮惧績绮炬槑绮剧粏甯?甯屾湜绋€灏?绋€鏈?绋€濂?鍗?鍐峰嵈閫€鍗?浜嗗嵈蹇樺嵈渚?渚濈劧渚濇亱渚濇棫渚濋潬渚濇嵁鎷?鎷煎懡鎷奸煶鎷兼悘鎷兼潃鍛?鐢熷懡鍛借繍鍛戒护浣垮懡濂?濂旀尝濂旀斁濂斿悜鏉?鍐滄潙鏉戦暱鏉戝簞涔℃潙鎶?鍙戞姈鎶栧姩鎶栬惤棰ゆ姈涓?涓хぜ涓уけ濂斾抚涓т簨纾?纾ㄥ潑鐭崇(纾ㄧ偧纾ㄩ潰鍧?琛楀潑浣滃潑鏌撳潑娌瑰潑11.绉嬪ぉ鐨勯洦鎵?sh脿n) 鏋?m茅i) 閭?y贸u) 鐖?shu菐ng) 鏌?sh矛) 浠?xi膩n) 姊?l铆) 鑿?b 艒) 钀?lu贸) 绮?li谩ng) 绱?j菒n) 鏉?y谩ng) 鎵?鎵囧瓙椋庢墖鎵囪礉鎵囧姩鏋?涓€鏋?鏁版灇鏋氫妇鏋氬垪涓嶈儨鏋氫妇閭?欢鐖?鍑夌埥鐖藉揩鐩寸埥鐖藉彛鏌?鏌垮瓙鏌块ゼ瑗跨孩鏌?鏌块湝浠?绁炰粰浠欎汉浠欏コ姊?姊ㄦ爲姊ㄨ姳鑿?鑿犺悵鑿犺彍鑿犺彍姹?鑿犺悵铚?钀?钀濆崪缁胯悵浜戣悵鏉捐悵绮?绮骞茬伯绱?绱у紶绱т績鎵庣揣鏉剧揣鎶撶揣绱ц拷鏉?鏉ㄦ爲鏉ㄦ煶鐧芥潹鏉ㄦ湪13.鑺遍挓鑹?y脿n) 鍐?n猫i) 姊?m猫ng) 閱?x菒ng) 鑻?s奴) 婀?sh墨) 楠?ji膩o) 瀚?n 猫n) 寮?qi谩ng) 閫?sh矛) 鏄?k奴n) 鎾?b艒) 淇?xi奴) 鑷?zh矛) 鑹?鑹充附鑹抽槼椴滆壋濡栬壋鍐?瀹ゅ唴鍐呭姟姊?鍋氭ⅵ姊︽€?姊︽兂姊﹀够鐧芥棩姊?閱?鑻忛啋閱掔洰鐫¢啋鎯婇啋鑻?鑻忓窞姹熻嫃澶嶈嫃鑻忔澀婀?娣嬫箍婀块€?婀挎鼎婀挎皵濞?楠勬皵濞囧濞囪壋吇瀚?瀚╄娊瀚╃豢瀚╅粍寮?寮哄ぇ瀵屽己鍧氬己寮烘倣閫?閫傚綋鑸掗€?鍚堥€?閫傚簲閫傚疁閫傜敤鏄?鏄嗚櫕鏄嗕粦鏄嗘槑鏄嗘洸鎾?骞挎挱淇?悊瑁呬慨鑷?瀵艰嚧绮捐嚧缁嗚嚧鑷村瘜14.铚滆渹璁?l霉n) 瀹?sh铆) 楠?y脿n) 琚?d脿i) 璇?zh猫ng) 姒?g脿i) 鍑?ji菐n) 璇?z 菙) 鎭?c猫) 鎷?ku貌) 纭?qu猫) 璇?w霉) 閫?t煤) 瓒?ch膩o) 璁?鏃犺璁鸿瘉璁璇?鑰冭瘯璇曟帰璇曢獙楠?缁忛獙鑰冮獙妫€楠?楠岃瘉琚?琚嬪瓙琚嬮紶璇?璇佸疄璇佹槑璇佷欢璇佷功姒?澶ф姒傛嫭姒傜巼鍑?鍑忔硶鍑忓幓鍑忓急鍑忓皯闃?闃诲姏闃绘嫤闃绘尅娴?妫€娴?娴嬮獙娴嬭瘯娴嬮噺鎷?鍖呮嫭鍖呮嫭纭?姝g‘绮剧‘鐨勭‘璇?В閫??鐢ㄩ€?闀块€?娌块€?鍗婇€?瓒?瓒呰繃瓒呭父瓒呰秺瓒呬汉15.鐜╁嚭浜嗗悕鍫?鍫?t谩ng) 闀?j矛ng) 闂?xi谩n) 寰?d脿i) 闃?yu猫) 鑵?tu菒) 闅?su铆) 璋?di 脿o) 绠€(ji菐n) 鎷?b脿i) 璁?f菐ng) 鍏?j霉) 鍫?璇惧爞瀛﹀爞鍚嶅爞澶╁爞闀?闀滃瓙鏄庨暅闀滅墖鐪奸暅闂?娓呴棽浼戦棽绌洪棽闂蹭汉寰?绛夊緟鎷涘緟寰呬笟寰呴亣闃?闃呭叺闃呭巻瀹¢槄鑵?澶ц吙灏忚吙鑵胯剼璺戣吙闅?璺熼殢闅忔椂闅忎究璋?绌鸿皟璋冩暣璋冭妭璋冭瘯绠€绠€鍗?绠€瑕?绠€鏄?绠€渚?鎷?鎷滃笀鎷滃勾鎷滄墭璁?璁块棶鍏?鍏蜂綋瀹跺叿鐜╁叿闈㈠叿17.瀛斿瓙鎷滃笀闂?w茅n) 灏?ch茅n) 浠?p煤) 绾?n脿) 闂?m猫n) 涓?qi奴) 杩?y铆ng) 绛?d 臎ng) 姝?zh菒) 闀?j矛ng) 鎺?sh貌u) 鍝?p菒n) 闂?鏂伴椈浼犻椈闂诲悕涓杩滆繎闂诲悕灏?鐏板皹灏樺湡灏樺皝鐑熷皹灏樹笘椋庡皹浠嗕粏浠?浠嗕汉浠嗗焦濂翠粏浠嗕粠绾?绾抽椃绾崇◣绾冲噳褰掔撼闂?閮侀椃娌夐椃闂风儹闂烽椃涓嶄箰涓?娌欎笜灞变笜涓橀櫟鍦熶笜鑽掍笜涓€涓樹箣璨?杩?娆㈣繋杩庢帴杩庢槬杩庨潰绛?绛夊緟绛変簬鐩哥瓑骞崇瓑姝?澧?鎺?鏁欐巿浼犳巿鎺堜簣鎺堟潈鍝?椋熷搧鍝佽川鍝佺墝鍟嗗搧18.鐩樺彜寮€澶╁湴鏆?脿n) 闄?ji脿ng) 涓?zh脿ng) 鑲?zh墨) 鑲?j墨) 鑲?f奴) 杈?li谩o) 闃?ku 貌) 琛€(xu猫) 娑?y猫) 婊?z墨) 娑?r霉n) 鍒?chu脿ng) 閫?z脿o) 鏆?榛戞殫闃存殫鏆楃畻闄?涓嬮檷鎶曢檷闄嶈惤闄嶄綆闄嶉洦涓?涓堝か涓堥噺鏂逛笀涓€涓?鑲?鍥涜偄涓婅偄鍓嶈偄鑲?鑲岃偆鑲岃倝鑲岀悊鑵硅倢鑲?鑲よ壊鑲ゆ祬浣撹偆浣撴棤瀹岃偆杈?杈藉畞杈借繙杈介様杈戒笢闃?杈介様瀹介様闃旀皵闃斿皯琛€琛€鍘?娴佽琛€娑?琛€鍨?娑?娑蹭綋琛€娑?杈撴恫娑叉€?婊?婊嬪懗婊嬫鼎婊嬪吇婊嬬敓婊嬭ˉ娑?婊嬫鼎娑︽箍娑︽粦娑︽辰鍦嗘鼎鍒?鍒涗笟鍒涗激鍒涚珛鍒涙柊鍒涢€?閫?鍒涢€?鏀归€?閫犲彞閫犲弽閫犲瀷19.璧靛窞妗?鍘?xi脿n) 璁?sh猫) 鍙?s膩n) 閮?b霉) 妯?h茅ng) 璺?ku脿) 涓?j菙) 鍑?j墨) 鍧?ji膩n) 鍥?g霉) 鏍?l谩n) 妗?脿n) 鐖?zhu菐) 璐?gu矛) 鍘?鍘块暱鐭ュ幙鍘夸护鍘垮煄璁?璁炬兂璁剧珛鍙?鍙傚姞鍙傚啗浜哄弬锛坰hen锛?閮?閮ㄩ槦鍏ㄩ儴閮ㄤ綅閮ㄩ暱妯?嚎璺?璺ㄦ爮璺ㄥ叆璺ㄧ渷涓?涓炬墜鍒涗妇妫€涓?楂樹妇涓惧姙鍑?鏀诲嚮灏勫嚮鍐插嚮鍑哄嚮鎵撳嚮娓稿嚮鍧?鍧氬己鍧氬浐鍧氭寔鍧氬畧鍥?鍥哄畾鐗㈠浐鍥轰綋鍥虹劧鏍?鐭虫爮鏍忕洰璺ㄦ爮鏈ㄦ爮涓撴爮鏍忔潌妗?妗堜欢鐖?鍓嶇埅楦$埅璐?瀵岃吹鍚嶈吹鐝嶈吹瀹濊吹璐典汉21.鍙よ瘲涓ら鏂?du脿n) 妤?ch菙) 瀛?g奴) 甯?f膩n) 鏂?鍒囨柇鎶樻柇鍒ゆ柇鏋滄柇妤?涓€娓呬簩妤?妤氬浗鍔ㄤ汉瀛?瀛ょ嫭瀛ゅ崟瀛ゅ効瀛ょ珛甯?甯嗚埞鏉ㄥ竼椋庡竼甯嗘澘?22.瀵岄ザ鐨勮タ娌欑兢宀?钃?l谩n) 鎳?l菐n) 鎶?p墨) 鍒?hu脿) 濞?w膿i) 姝?w菙) 鎷?ji菐n) 棰?y谩n) 褰?x铆ng) 鐘?zhu脿ng) 娓?y煤) 鏂?li脿o) 杈?b猫i) 钃?钃濆ぉ钃濊壊钄氳摑瀹濊摑娣辫摑娴呰摑鎳?鎳掕櫕鍋锋噿鎳掓磱娲?鎳掓眽鎳掓儼鎶?鍒?璁″垝鍒掍环鍒掕埞姣斿垝鍒掑垎濞?濞佸姏濞佹捣铏庡▉姝?姝︽湳濞佹姝﹀姛鎷?鎸戞嫞鎷炬嫞鎷i€?鍒嗘嫞棰?棰滆壊棰滄枡棰滈潰褰?鍦嗗舰褰㈢姸褰㈠紡鐘?褰㈢姸濂栫姸鐘跺厓鐜扮姸鐘舵€?娓?娓斿叿娓斾笟娓旀皯娓旇埞娓斿か鏂?鏈ㄦ枡鑲ユ枡璧勬枡鏉愭枡楗叉枡杈?闀胯緢鍓嶈緢绁栬緢杈堝垎鍚庤緢23.缇庝附鐨勫皬鍏村畨宀?姹?hu矛) 娆?x墨n) 璧?sh菐ng) 鏄?y矛ng) 鎸?d菐ng) 瑙?sh矛) 绾?xi脿n) 娴?j矛n) 鐚?xi脿n) 鑽?y脿o) 鏉?c谩i) 杞?ru菐n) 鍒?gu膩) 鑸?sh茅) 姹?姹囨垚姹囧悎姹囬泦姹囨姤姹囨€?娆?娆g劧娆e枩娆h祻娆f叞璧?娆h祻 濂栬祻 瑙傝祻 璧忓厜 璧忚姳 鏄?鐓ф槧 鍙嶆槧 鍊掓槧 鏀炬槧 鏄犲儚 鎸?闃绘尅 鎸¤矾 鎸′綇 鎷︽尅 鎸¤溅 瑙? 瑙嗙嚎 娉 绾?姣涚嚎 澶╃嚎 鐢电嚎 鐩寸嚎涓濈嚎 娴?娴告场 娴告按 娴告病 娴搁€?娴告煋 鐚? 濂夌尞 璐$尞 鑽? 瑗胯嵂 鏉?鏈ㄦ潗 鍣ㄦ潗 鏉愭枡 鏉愯川 閽㈡潗 杞? 鍒?鍒鑸?鑸屽ご 鑸屽皷 鍙h垖 瀛﹁垖 鑸屾垬 25.鐭涘拰鐩剧殑闆嗗悎鐭?m 谩o) 鐩?d 霉n) 闆?j 铆) 鎸?ch 铆) 鑸?b 膩n) 鏋?ji 脿) 榫?gu 墨) 鏀?g 艒ng) 鐐?p 脿o) 鍧?t 菐n) 鎴?zh 脿n) 绁?sh 茅n) 鍏?b 墨ng) 閫€(tu 矛) 鐭?鐭涚浘 鐭涘ご 闀跨煕 鐭涘皷 鐩?鐭涚浘 鐩剧墝 鍚庣浘 閲戠浘 闆?闆嗕綋 闆嗗悎 闆嗗競 闆嗗洟 闆嗙粨 鎸?淇濇寔 鍧氭寔 鎸佹湁 鎶婃寔 鎸佷箙 鑸?涓€鑸?杩欒埇 鐧捐埇 鍗冭埇 涓囪埇 鏋?鏋跺瓙 涔︽灦 楂樻灦 鏈ㄦ灦 榫?涔岄緹 娴烽緹 榫熺敳 榫熻儗 榫熺汗 鏀?杩涙敾 鏀诲嚮 鏀绘墦 鐐?澶х偖 鍧?鍧﹀厠 鍧︾櫧 骞冲潶 鍧︾劧 鑸掑潶 鎴?鎴樿溅 鎴樻枟 鎴樹簤 鎴樼伀 鎴樺弸 绁?绁炰粰 绮剧绁炲湥 绁炵粡 绁炲叺 鍏?鍏靛櫒 鍏佃惀 鍏靛洟鍏靛姏 閫€ 鍚庨€€ 鍊掗€€ 閫€浼?閫€鍥?閫€姝?26.绉戦噷浜氱殑鏈ㄥ專鎸?w 膩) 闉?xi 茅) 鏂?f 菙) 閿?j 霉) 鍏?mi 菐n) 灞?w 奴) 鎶?qi 菐ng) 闅?n 谩n) 鍒?ch 奴) 绠?gu 菐n) 鏁?d 铆) 闃?ji 膿) 鎳?d 菕ng) 鎸?鎸栧湡 鎸栧疂 鎸栬嫤 鎸栨帢 鎸栧潙 闉? 甯冮瀷 绔ラ瀷 鍐伴瀷 闉嬪甫 鎷栭瀷 鏂?鏂у瓙 鏂уご 鏉挎枾 鎴樻枾 鏂ч捄 閿?閽㈤敮 鍏?鍏嶈垂 浠ュ厤 浠诲厤 骞稿厤 灞?鎴垮眿 灞嬮《灞嬪唴 灞嬪瓙 鎶?鎶㈡晳 鎶㈠ず 鍝勬姠 鎶㈡墜 闅?鍥伴毦闅剧湅 闅惧彈 鍒?鍒濆叓 鍒濇鍒濅腑 褰撳垵 绠?绠$悊绠¢亾 绠℃暀鏁?鏁屼汉鏁屽悗姝绘晫闃?鍙伴樁闃跺眰鎳?鎳傚緱瑁呮噦鎳備簨璇绘噦27.闄剁綈鍜岄搧缃?闄?t谩o) 璋?qi膩n) 铏?x奴) 鍢?zu菒) 鎭?n菐o) 鎬?n霉) 鍚?ch菐o) 鎰?g 菐n) 鑽?hu膩ng) 鎹?p臎ng) 鏈?p菙) 绱?s霉) 鍊?zh铆) 鍙?sh貌u) 闄?闄剁綈闄堕唹闄惰壓闄跺喍璋?璋﹁櫄杩囪唉璋﹁緸铏?铏氬績铏氱嚎铏氬疄璋﹁櫄鍢?鍚靛槾鍢村反鍢村攪鎭?鎭兼€?姘旀伡鐑︽伡鑻︽伡鎬?鍙戞€?鎭兼€?鎰ゆ€?鎬掓皵鎬掔伀鍚?浜夊惖鍚甸椆鍚垫灦澶у惖鎰?鎰熷啋鎰熸煋鎰熷姩鎰熷彈鎰熸儏鎰熷徆鑽?鑽掑噳鑽掑湴鑽掕姕鑽掓潙鎹?鍚规崸鎹х潃鎹ц姳鎵嬫崸鏈?鏈寸礌鏈村疄鏈磋川绱?绱犳潗绱犺川绱犺彍绱犵煡鍊?浠峰€?鍊肩彮鍊兼棩鍊煎緱鍙?鍙椾激鍙楁皵鍙楄嫤闅惧彈29.鎺屽0yu脿n z墨sh矛t贸u ku脿n锟斤拷t奴n li猫鎰?濮?鍔?鎶?鍐?鍚?鐑?x霉sh霉p菙t艒n锟斤拷锟芥嫭锟?l矛缁?杩?鏅?閫?榧?鍔?鎰?鎰挎剰蹇冩効涓嶆効鎰挎湜濮?濮垮娍鑻卞Э濮挎€?濮胯壊鍔?濮垮娍姘斿娍鍔垮姏鍔垮ご鎶?鎶曞叆鎶曢檷鎶曟斁鎶曠悆鎶曡祫鍐?鎯呭喌鎴樺喌瀹炲喌鍐典笖鍚?鍚炴湇鍚炲苟鍚炲悆鍚炰笅鐑?婵€鐑?鐑堟棩寮虹儓缁?鎯呯华鎬濈华澶寸华鍗冨ご涓囩华杩?璁茶堪鎻忚堪鍙h堪鏅??閫?€?浜ら€?閫氳繃閫氱煡閫氬父閫氶亾榧?榧撳姳榧撳姩榧撴帉鏁查紦鍔?榧撳姳婵€鍔?鍕夊姳鍔卞織濂栧姳30.涓€娆℃垚鍔熺殑瀹為獙y霉p铆n锟斤拷x矛sh茅n锟斤拷ch谩w膿i xi菐n 鑲?鐡?绯?缁?鑼?鍗?闄?sh霉n li菐n锟斤拷su菕j墨d菙hu貌椤?淇?绱?婵€鍫?鑾?鑲?鏁欒偛浣撹偛寰疯偛鍩硅偛鐡?鐡跺瓙鑺辩摱閰掔摱鐡跺彛绯?鑱旂郴鍏崇郴绯婚瀷绯荤怀缁?缁冲瓙璺崇怀绾㈢怀绮楃怀鑼?鑼跺彾绾㈣尪缁胯尪鑼舵澂鑼舵爲鍗?鍗遍櫓鍗辨満鍗辨€?鍗辨埧闄?鎺㈤櫓鍐掗櫓淇濋櫓椋庨櫓闄╂儏闃撮櫓椤?椤哄埄椤哄簭椤烘按椤哄績淇?浠栦咯鍝ヤ咯鍜变咯鎴戜咯淇╀汉绱?缁崇储鎬濈储鎺㈢储绱㈠彇绱㈡眰婵€婵€鍔?婵€鎯?婵€鍔?婵€鐑?鍫?鍫典綇鍫佃溅鍫靛嚮鍫靛績鑾?鏀惰幏鑾峰彇鑾峰緱鑾峰噯鑾疯儨涓嶅姵鑰岃幏31.缁欎簣鏍?y菙d膩n ku膩n y霉m菐i c膩i t谩n锟斤拷j铆浜?鎷?瀹?瑁?涔?鐚?绯?鍗?k菐p脿n r茅n ti膿鍗?鐩?浠?璐?浜?缁欎簣瀵勪簣璧愪簣鎺堜簣鍑嗕簣鎷?鎷呭績鎷呮灦鎷呭綋鎷呭緟鎷呬换瀹?瀹藉甫瀹藉害瀹藉箍瀹藉ぇ瑁?瑁曟皯涔?涔板崠涔拌彍涔伴キ鐚?鐚滄祴鐚滄兂鐚滀腑鐚滆皽绯?鐧界硸鍐扮硸绾㈢硸濂剁硸鍗?绔嬪嵆鍗冲彲鍗冲埢鍗充娇鍗?鍗$墖鍗¢€?鍗¤溅鍗$焊鐩?鐩兼湜鐩肩潃鏈熺浖浼佺浖浠?浠佺埍浠佸績鏉忎粊鏋滀粊浠佹厛璐?浣撹创绮樿创璐磋姳璐寸焊璐寸敾。

2016年一年级语文上册拼音生字听写表(新版语文S版带拼音版)??澹?姣?琛?b p m f d t n l g k h j q x zh ch sh r z c s y w 闊?姣?琛?鍗曢煹姣?锟斤拷o e i u眉澶嶉煹姣?锟斤拷i ei ui 锟斤拷o ou iu ie 眉e 鐗规畩闊垫瘝er 鍓嶉蓟闊垫瘝锟斤拷n en in un 眉n 鍚庨蓟闊垫瘝锟斤拷n锟斤拷en锟斤拷in锟斤拷on锟斤拷zhi chi shi ri zi ci si yi wu yu ye yue yu锟斤拷n yin yun yin锟斤拷浜屻€佹嫾闊充腑瀹规槗鍑洪敊鐨勫唴瀹?1銆佸綋j q x y 涓?眉鎴?眉e : 鈥渏q x y 鈥濈湡娣樻皵锛屼粠涓嶅拰u眉鍋氭父鎴忥紝瑙佷簡灏?眉鑴卞附鍙堟暚绀笺€?濡傦細q鈥?眉e )鈫抭ue j鈥暶?鈫? ju ) (x)鈥?眉)鈫抶u y鈥暶糴鈫?(yue) l鈥?眉)鈫?l菤(n)鈥?菤鈫抧菤j鈥暶尖€曪拷锟絥鈫?(ju锟斤拷n ) ?u)鈥曪拷锟絥鈫掞拷锟絬锟斤拷n (q)鈥?眉)鈥曪拷锟絥鈫?qu锟斤拷n ) x鈥?眉)鈥?锟斤拷n)鈫抶u锟斤拷n?璇嗗瓧涓€锛?1.瑙傚療浜轰綋璇嗘眽瀛?浜簉茅n锛堜汉鍙?浜烘墠浜哄搧澶т汉锛?菕u锛堝彛鎵?浜哄彛鍙eご闂ㄥ彛锛?鍏玝膩锛堜竷涓婂叓涓?摜m霉锛堣€崇洰?2. 鐢昏瘑瀛楃湡鏈夎叮涓妔h脿n锟芥簝銊夎埛锟?涓婇潰涓婂崍涓婃柟锛夐┈m菐锛堥┈涓?鏈ㄩ┈锛??鏃ュ瓙鏃ュ嚭绾㈡棩锛?鏈坹u猫锛堟湀鐗?鏈堜寒鏈堝厜鏄庢湀锛?3. 鎴戝湪瀹堕噷璐村瓧鍗?鍒€d膩o锛堝皬鍒€鍒€瀛?鍒€鐗?姘存灉鍒€锛?灏弜i菐o锛堝ぇ灏?灏忛笩灏忛┈灏忛洦锛?灞眘h膩n锛?灞变笂澶у北灞卞窛锛??鑺?鏈?鐏玥u 菕(澶х伀鐢熺伀?鎴憌菕锛堟垜浠???鍏鍦焧菙(鍦熷湴鍦熼噷鍦熸湪鍦熸皵锛?浜憏煤n锛堢櫧浜?浜戞湹涔屼簯椋庝簯锛?(澶т汉澶ч棬澶ч澶ч洦锛?绂緃茅(绂捐嫍)??涔爔铆锛堣嚜涔?瀛︿範缁冧範涔犲瓧锛?鏈墆菕u锛堟病鏈?鏈夌殑鏈夋棤锛?涔恖菐锛堝揩涔?闊充箰yu菐涔恲u菐鏇诧級鍚宼贸n锟芥簝煤鐓岋拷鍚屾牱鍏卞悓锛??闆ㄥ悗鐨勬.鏋?鏈╩霉(鏈ㄥご鏈ㄩ┈鏈ㄨ溅鏈ㄨ€筹級寮€k膩i (寮€鍙?寮€闂?寮€蹇?寮€杞︼級姘磗hu菒锛堟按鏋?寮€姘?闆ㄦ按姘村钩锛夎€衬況锛堣€虫湹鏈ㄨ€?鑰崇洰鑰虫満锛??姹?鍗?鐢皌i谩n(姘寸敯鐢板湴绂剧敯鐢伴噷锛?鍖梑臎i锛堝寳鏂?鍖椾含鍗楀寳鍖楅潰锛?涓渄艒n锟芥簝菢锟借タ骞夸笢涓滄柟锛夎タx墨锛堣タ鏂?涓滆タ瑗垮寳瑗跨摐锛?楸紋煤锛堥奔澶?楸肩墖灏忛奔楸煎効锛??灏忓皬鐨勮埞鍎棵﹔(鍎垮瓙楸煎効楦熷効?i菐n锟芥簝锟戒袱涓?涓ゅぉ涓ゆ湀涓ゆ湰锛?澶﹖i膩n(澶╃敓澶╀笂澶╃┖鐧藉ぉ锛?鍙獄h菒锛堝彧鏈??鍙獄h墨锛堜竴鍙??璇?椋?涔焬臎锛堜篃璁竫菙涔熸槸涔熷ソ涔熸湁锛?椋巉膿n拷澶ч椋庤溅锛?璧皕菕u锛堣蛋寮€璧板嚭鍑鸿蛋琛寈铆n锟介浄鎾糕敯锟絲脿i锛堝湪瀹?姝e湪h谩n锟芥簝锟??鏍?鍙?闀縵h菐n锟斤拷(闀垮ぇ鐢熼暱闀垮嚭闀縞h谩n?鍏磝矛n锟芥簝菧鍜濓拷鍏磋叮q霉鍏磝矛n锟藉┆鍩斤拷铏玞h艒n锟芥簝菙濞戯拷灏忚櫕?鍏磝墨ng锛堝叴鍔?鍏村缓鐧惧簾寰呭叴褰揹脿n锟芥簝菛寮婏拷閫俿h矛褰?褰揹膩n锟芥湕淇濓拷?鐪?涔?鍙坹貌u锛堝張绾㈠張澶?鍙堟潵鍙堝幓锛?h奴锛堜功鏈?涔︾毊鐪嬩功涔﹀啓锛?鎵媠h菕u锛堟墜蹇?鎵嬮噷姘存墜鍙屾墜锛?鏈琤臎n锛堜功鏈?潵?缁胯壊鐨勯噾楸?浜唋e锛堝紑浜?璧颁簡灏戜簡鍏充簡锛?鍚巋貌u锛堝悗鏉?鏃ュ悗鍚庢柟浠ュ悗锛?浜唋i菐o锛堟槑浜?涓€?浜嗚В锛?浜攚菙锛堜簲浜?浜斾釜鍗佷簲浼歨u矛锛堝紑浼?浼氶潰澶т細锛?浼歬u脿i锛堜細璁★級?鑷宸眏菒锛堣嚜宸?鐭ュ繁鑸峴h臎宸变负w猫i浜猴級鑷獄矛锛堣嚜宸?瀛恴菒锛堝効瀛?鏃ュ瓙瀛愬コ鏋滃瓙锛?鏋滐拷锟絬菕锛堟灉瀛?姘存灉鏋滅毊鐡滄灉锛?鍘籷霉锛堟潵鍘?鍘诲勾ni谩n 鍥炲幓涓婂幓锛?杞昏交鍦?n锟芥簝眉銇诧拷宸ヤ汉宸ュ巶h猫ng?姝i棬姝f柟姝eソ锛?h膿ng鎵峜谩i锛堝彛鎵?鎵嶅瓙鏂规墠浜烘墠锛?鍥瀐u铆锛堟潵鍥?鍥炲幓鍥炲ごji膩锛?闂╩茅n锛堝嚭闂?寮€闂?澶ч棬闂ㄥ彛锛?璇嗗瓧浜岋細1銆佽竟鐪嬬數瑙嗚竟璇嗗瓧涓僸墨锛堜竷鍗?涓冧釜涓冨ぉ涓冩湀锛?绫砿菒锛堝ぇ绫?灏忕背鐧界背鐢熺背锛?h膿锛堢伀杞?鐢佃溅寮€杞︼級鍏塯u膩ng锛堝厜褰ヽ菐i 鏈堝厜?2涓瓃h艒n?姘翠腑绌轰腑锛?n锟芥簝眉锟界墰?鐢礵i脿n锛堟按鐢?鐐圭伅鐢靛伐鐢佃溅锛?3涓噖脿n锛堝崄涓?涓囦竴涓囧垎鍗冧竾锛?姘憁铆n锛堜汉姘?鍐滄皯鍏姘戜富锛?鐧綽菐i锛堢櫨涓?涓€鐧?鐧惧悎x矛n锟芥簝锟?绔箊h煤锛堢?绔瑰彾绔规灄绔圭瑡s菙n锛??i膩ng锛堜埂鏉?鑰佷埂涔¢暱涔′笅锛?澶磘贸u锛堝嚭澶?鏈ㄥご寮€澶达級鏄痵h矛锛堟槸鍚?涔熸槸鍙堟槸锛?鍗佷簩鏈堟瓕涔漥i菙锛堜節鍗?涔濅釜涔濆勾涔濇湀锛?鍥泂矛锛堝洓涓?鍥涘崄鍥涢潰鍥涙柟锛?濂硁菤锛堝コ鍎?濂冲瓙濂充汉灏戝コ锛?鍏璴i霉锛堝叚鍗??鐗沶i煤锛堢墰姣?姘寸墰鐗涘ご锛?鍗坵菙锛堜笂鍗?涓嬪崍鍗堜紤锛?鐭虫Υ绗戜簡鍔沴矛锛堢數鍔?鐢ㄥ姏鍑哄姏浜哄姏锛?鐗檡谩锛堜笂鐗?涓嬬墮闂ㄧ墮鏈堢墮锛?鐜媤谩n锟芥簝銊嶉咕锟?鐜嬪瓙鍥絞u贸鐜嬶級鐭硈h铆锛堢煶澶?鐭冲瓙鍖杊u脿鐭筹級娴?鑺?涓媥i脿锛堜笅鏉?涓婁笅澶╀笅涓嬮洦锛?璐漛猫i 锛堝疂b菐o璐?璐濆3k茅娴疯礉锛?涓峛霉锛堜笉琛?涓嶅ソ涓嶇敤锛?瑙乯i脿n锛堢湅瑙?瑙侀潰锛?姘攓矛锛堝ぉ姘?鐢熸皵姘斿懗鍙f皵锛?鍑篶h奴锛堟棩鍑?鍑哄叆鍑哄彛鍑烘潵锛?鍙搁┈鍏?鍑爅菒锛堝嚑涓?鍑犱汉鍑犲洖鍑犵墖锛?蹇儀墨n锛堝皬蹇?鐢ㄥ績鎵嬪績蹇冮噷锛??涓€涓?鍑犱釜?浠杢膩锛堜粬浜?浠栦滑浠栦埂xi膩ng锛?鍙媦菕u锛堟湅鍙?鍙嬩汉鍙嬪ソh菐o锛?鍙鍙や唬鍙よ€?鍙や粖j墨n锛?涔岄甫鍠濇按鍗噑h膿n锟芥簝銊変粰锟?鍗囨棗鍗囦笂鍗囪捣锛?閲宭菒锛堢敯閲?姘撮噷蹇冮噷鎵嬮噷锛?鍔瀊脿n锛堝紑鍔?鍔炴硶f菐鍔炲叕鍔炲伐鍘傦級澶歞u?澶氫箞澶氬勾锛?鍙痥臎锛堝彲浠?锛?皬鐧藉厰锛堜竴锛?澶猼脿i锛堝お澶?y谩n锟斤拷櫧b谩i锛堢櫧绫?鐧戒簯鐧藉ぉ鐧芥棩锛?涓癴膿ng锛堜赴鏀?涓板勾ni谩n 锛?鐨刣e锛堜綘鐨?缁縧菧鐨?鎴戠殑锛?堜簩锛?椋瀎膿i?椋炲洖椋炲叆椋為笩锛?浣爊菒锛堜綘濂?浣犱滑浣犵殑锛?楦焠i菐o锛堥笩鍎?灏忛笩椋為笩姘撮笩锛?鏃﹝菐o锛堟棭涓?鏃╃偣鏃╁畨锛?i锛堜笂鏉?涓嬫潵浠庢潵鍥炴潵锛?鑰乴菐o锛堣€佷汉鑰佸勾鍙よ€?鑰佸笀sh墨锛?。

PEP四年级英语上册四会单词表汇总PEP鍥涘勾绾ц?Unit 1window(绐楁埛) board(鏉? light(鐏? picture(鍥剧墖) door(闂? floor(鍦版澘) classroom () computer(鐢佃剳) teacher鈥檚desk(璁插彴) wall(澧? fan(鎵囧瓙)Unit 2bag(鍖? pencil(閾呯瑪) pen(閽㈢瑪) book (涔? ruler(灏哄瓙) pencil-case(閾呯瑪鐩? Unit 3teacher(鏁欏笀) student(瀛︾敓) boy() girl() friend(鏈嬪弸)Unit 4home(瀹? room(鎴块棿) school(瀛︽牎) classroom() window(绐楁埛)desk(? door(闂? chair(妞呭瓙) bed(搴?Unit 5rice(绫抽キ) beef(鐗涜倝) bread(闈㈠寘) milk(鐗涘ザ) egg(铔? water(姘? chicken(楦¤倝) fish(楸?Unit 6sister() brother(鍏勫紵) father(鐖朵翰锛涚埜鐖? mother(? driver(鍙告満) doctor(鍖荤敓) farmer(鍐滄皯) nurse(鎶ゅ+)鍥涘勾绾т笂鍐岀殑閲嶇偣鍙ュ瓙Unit 1 My classroomThis is my classroom. It鈥檚big. ?The door is green. The windows are yellow.茬殑銆?Let鈥檚go and have a look. э紒We have 6 new lights. ?Where鈥檚your seat? It鈥檚near the door. 浣犵殑搴т綅鍦ㄥ摢閲岋紵鍦ㄩ棬闄勮繎銆?Let鈥檚/ let me clean the board. 璁╂垜浠?璁╂垜鎿﹂粦鏉裤€?Open the door. 鎵撳紑闂ㄣ€?Sweep the floor. ?Turn on the light.鎵撳紑?Put up the picture.鎸傚浘鐢汇€?Clean the board.鎿﹂粦鏉裤€?Clean the 鎿︾獥鎴枫€?Unit 2 My schoolbagI have a new schoolbag. ?What colour is it? It鈥檚black and white.粦鐧界浉闂寸殑銆?My schoolbag is heavy. What鈥檚in it? 鎴戠殑涔﹀寘寰堥噸銆傞噷闈㈡湁浠€涔堬紵Put your notebook in your bag. 鎶婁綘鐨勭瑪璁版湰鏀捐繘涔﹀寘銆?How many English books do you have?I have 6. ?How many Chinese books can you see? ?I can see 20. ?Unit 3 my friendsMy friend is strong. He has short hair. He likes sports.?I like music. She likes painting. 鎴戝枩娆㈤煶涔愶紝濂瑰枩娆㈢粯鐢汇€?What鈥檚his name? His name is Zhang Peng. 浠栧彨浠€涔堝悕瀛楋紵浠栧彨寮犻箯銆?Unit 4 my homeWelcome to my home 娆㈣繋鏉ユ垜瀹躲€?This is my house. It鈥檚big. 杩欐槸鎴戠殑鎴垮瓙锛屽畠寰堝ぇ銆?Where are the keys? They are in the door. 閽ュ寵鍦ㄥ摢閲岋紵鍦ㄩ棬涓娿€? Are they near the table? ?Yes, they are. /No, they aren鈥檛. /涓嶆槸銆?Is it on the shelf? Yes, it is. /No, it isn鈥檛. /涓嶅湪銆? Unit 5 what would you like?What would you like for lunch? I鈥檇like some beef.浣犱腑椁愭兂鍚冧粈涔堬紵鎴戞兂鍚冧簺鐗涜倝銆?What鈥檚for dinner?Can I help? Sure, pass me a plate.?Help yourself. 璇疯嚜渚裤€?I can use chopsticks. ?Unit 6 meet my familyThis is my uncle. He鈥檚a baseball player. He looks strong.哄.銆?How many people are there in your family? 浣犱滑瀹舵湁鍑犲彛浜猴紵Who are they? ?What鈥檚your father? He is a driver.?PEP鍥涘勾绾т笅鍐屽洓浼氬崟璇嶈瘝姹囪〃Unit 1computer(璁$畻鏈? board(鍐欏瓧鏉? fan(椋庢墖) light(鐏? this(杩欙紱杩欎釜)is(鏄?my(鎴戠殑) that(閭o紱閭d釜) your(浣犵殑) teacher鈥檚desk(璁插彴)picture(鍥剧敾锛涚収鐗? wall() floor(鍦版澘) yes() it(瀹?Unit 2one(涓€) two(浜? three(涓? four(鍥? five(浜? six(鍏? seven(涓? eight(鍏? nine(涔? ten(鍗? what(浠€涔? time(鏃堕棿) it鈥檚=it is lock(鈥︾偣閽? math(鏁) Chinese() English() P.E.(浣撹偛) music(闊充箰) for(涓猴紱缁? class(璇剧▼)Unit 3jacket(澶瑰厠琛? shirt() skirt() dress(杩炶。

2018年人教版新目标八年级英语上册全册词汇表整理2018骞翠汉鏁欑増鏂扮洰鏍囧叓骞寸骇鑻辫涓婂唽鍏ㄥ唽璇嶆眹琛ㄦ暣鐞? Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?anyone ['eniwn] pron.浠讳綍浜?anywhere ['eniwe(r)] adv.浠讳綍鍦版柟n.浠讳綍(涓€涓?鍦版柟wonderful ['wndfl] adj.绮惧僵鐨勶紱鏋佸ソ鐨?few [fju] adj.寰堝皯鐨勶紱n.灏戦噺quite a few鐩稿綋澶氾紱涓嶅皯(鍚庢帴鍙暟鍚嶈瘝)most [mst] adj.鏈€澶氱殑锛涘ぇ澶氭暟鐨勶紱something ['sm胃] pron.鏌愪簨鐗╋紱nothing(=not鈥nything) ['n胃] pron.娌℃湁浠€涔坣.娌℃湁everyone ['evriwn] pron.姣忎汉锛涗汉浜?of course [vks] 褰撶劧myself [ma'self] pron.鎴戣嚜宸?yourself [j'self] pron.浣犺嚜宸憋紱浣犱翰鑷?hen [hen] n.姣嶉浮锛涢泴绂?pig n.鐚?seem [sim] vi.浼间箮锛涘ソ鍍?bored [bd] adj.鏃犺亰鐨勶紱鍘岀儲鐨勶紱閮侀椃鐨?someone ['smwn] pron.鏌愪汉锛涙湁浜?diary ['dari] n.鏃ヨ锛涙棩璁扮翱(keep a diary)activity [忙k'tvti] n.娲诲姩锛涙椿璺?decide [d'sad] v.鍐冲畾锛涢€夊畾(decide to do sth.)try [tra] v.灏濊瘯锛涜娉曪紱鍔姏(try to do sth. /try doing sth.) paragliding ['p忙rlad] n.绌轰腑婊戠繑璺充紴feel like(doing sth.)鎯宠bird [bd] n.楦燂紱绂?bicycle ['baskl] n.鑷杞?building ['bld] n.寤虹瓚鐗?trader ['tred(r)] n.鍟嗕汉锛涘晢鑸?wonder ['wnd(r)] v.鎯婂锛涙兂鐭ラ亾锛涙€€鐤?difference ['dfrns] n.宸紓锛涗笉鍚?top [tp] n.椤堕儴锛涢《wait [wet] v.绛夛紱绛夊緟(wait for)umbrella [m'brel] n.浼烇紱闆ㄤ紴wet [wet] adj.婀跨殑锛涢洦澶╃殑because of鍥犱负锛涚敱浜?below [b'l] prep.浣庝簬锛涘湪...涓嬮潰adv.鍦ㄤ笅闈?enough ['nf] adj.瓒冲鐨刟dv.瓒冲鍦帮紱鍏呭垎鍦?hungry(鍙峟ull) ['hri] adj.楗ラタ鐨勶紱娓存湜鐨?as [z] conj.濡傚悓锛涘儚...涓€鏍?hill缇嶽hl] n. 灏忓北锛涗笜闄碉紱鏂滃潯锛涘北鍐?duck [dk] n.楦倝锛涢腑dislike [ds'lak] v.涓嶅枩娆紱鍘屾伓n.涓嶅枩鐖憋紱鍘屾伓锛涘弽鎰?have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.)鐜╁緱鐥涘揩Central Park 涓ぎ鍏洯Huangguoshu waterfall 榛勬灉鏍戠€戝竷Hangkong H.K. 棣欐腐Malaysia 椹潵瑗夸簹Georgetown 鍦簹閭d箶娌绘暒娓彛锛岀編鍥戒箶娌诲煄澶уWeld Quay琛?(娴蜂咕琛?鐮佸ご) 浣嶄簬椹潵瑗夸簹妲熷煄宀?宸?,涔旀不甯? Penang Hill 椹潵瑗夸簹妲熸灞憋紙鍗囨棗灞憋級tian'anmen square 澶╁畨闂ㄥ箍鍦?the Palace Museum 鏁呭鍗氱墿闄?Unit2 How often do you exercise?housework ['haswk] n.瀹跺姟鍔冲姩hardly ['hdli] adv.鍑犱箮涓嶏紱绠€鐩翠笉锛涘垰鍒?ever ['ev(r)] adv.鏇剧粡锛涘湪浠讳綍鏃跺€?hardly ever寰堝皯锛涘嚑涔庝粠涓嶏紱闅惧緱once [wns] adv.涓€娆★紱鏇剧粡twice [twas] adv.涓ゅ€嶏紱涓ゆInternet ['ntnet] n.鍥犵壒缃?program ['prr忙m] n.鑺傜洰锛涚▼搴忥紱璇剧▼锛涜妭鐩崟full [fl] adj.婊$殑锛涘厖婊$殑锛涘畬鍏ㄧ殑swing [sw] n.鎽囨憜锛涚鍗僾.鎽囨憜锛涙棆杞?swing dance鎽囨憜鑸?maybe ['mebi] adv.鎴栬锛涗篃璁革紱鍙兘least [list] adj.鏈€灏忕殑锛涙渶灏戠殑at least鑷冲皯junk n.鍨冨溇锛涘簾鏃ф潅鐗?junk food n.鍨冨溇椋熷搧锛涙棤钀ュ吇椋熷搧coffee ['kfi] n.鍜栧暋锛涘挅鍟¤壊health [hel胃] n.鍋ュ悍锛涗汉鐨勮韩浣撴垨绮剧鐘舵€? result [r'zlt] .缁撴灉锛涘悗鏋?percent [p'sent] adj.鐧惧垎涔?..鐨?online [n'lan] adj.鍦ㄧ嚎鐨刟dv.鍦ㄧ嚎鍦?television ['telvn] n.鐢佃鏈猴紱鐢佃鑺傜洰although [l'冒] conj.铏界劧锛涘敖绠★紱鐒惰€岋紱鍙槸through [胃ru] prep.绌胯繃锛涘嚟鍊燂紱涓€鐩村埌mind [mand] .澶磋剳锛涙兂娉曪紱鎰忚锛涘績鎬?body ['bdi] n.韬綋such [st] adj.杩欐牱鐨勶紱濡傛鐨?such as渚嬪锛涜濡?together [t'e冒(r)] adv.鍏卞悓锛涗竴璧?die [da] v.姝伙紱鏋锛涙秷澶?writer ['rat(r)] n.浣滆€咃紱浣滃dentist ['dentst] n.鐗欑鍖荤敓magazine ['m忙zin] n.鏉傚織however [ha'ev(r)] adv.鐒惰€岋紱鏃犺濡備綍锛涗笉绠″涔?than [冒n] conj.姣?more than瓒呰繃锛涘浜庯紱涓嶄粎浠咃紱闈炲父almost ['lmst] adv.鍑犱箮锛涘樊涓嶅none [nn] pron.娌℃湁浜猴紱娌℃湁浠讳綍涓滆タ锛屾鏃?less [les] adj.鏇村皯鐨勶紱杈冨皯鐨?less than涓嶅埌锛涘皯浜?point [pnt] n.鐪嬫硶锛涜鐐癸紱閲嶇偣锛涘皬鏁扮偣锛涚洰鏍囷紱鍒嗘暟Unit3 I'm more outgoing than my sister.outgoing ['at] adj.澶栧悜鐨?better ['bet(r)] adj.鏇村ソ鐨勶紱杈冨ソ鐨?adv.鏇村ソ鍦?loudly ['ladli] adv.澶у0鍦帮紱楂樺0鍦帮紱鑺变繌鍦?quietly ['kwatli] adv.瀹夐潤鍦帮紱鎮勬倓鍦帮紱骞抽潤鍦?hard-working [hd'wk] adj.鍕ゅ媺鐨勶紱鍔姏宸ヤ綔鐨?competition [kmp'tn] n.绔炰簤锛涙瘮璧?fantastic [f忙n't忙stk] adj.鏋佸ソ鐨勶紱浜嗕笉璧风殑which adj.鍝竴涓紱鍝竴浜沺ron.鍝竴涓紱鍝簺clearly ['klli] adv.娓呮鍦帮紱鏄剧劧鍦?win [wn] v.璧紱璧㈠緱锛涜幏鑳滐紱鑾峰緱n.鑳滃埄though conj.铏界劧锛涘敖绠★紱adv.涓嶈繃talented ['t忙lntd] adj.鏈夋墠鑳界殑锛涙湁澶╄祴鐨?truly ['truli] adv.鐪熷疄鍦帮紱鐪熻瘹鍦帮紱姝g‘鍦?care [ke(r)] v.鍏冲績锛涙媴蹇э紱鐓ч【锛涘湪涔?care about鍏冲績serious ['sris] adj.涓ヨ們鐨勶紱涓ラ噸鐨勶紱搴勯噸鐨?mirror ['mr(r)] n.闀滃瓙锛涘弽鏄?kid n. 瀛╁瓙锛屽皬瀛?as long as鍙necessary ['nessri] adj.蹇呰鐨勶紱蹇呯劧鐨?be different from鍜?..涓嶅悓both [b胃] adj.涓よ€呴兘pron.涓よ€?bring out鎷垮嚭锛涙帹鍑?grade n. 鎴愮哗should [d] aux.搴旇锛涘彲鑳斤紱搴斿綋锛涘皢瑕?the same as涓?..鍚屾牱鐨?saying n. 鍚嶈█reach [rit] v.鍒拌揪锛涗几鍑猴紱杈炬垚锛涘彇寰楄仈绯伙紱寤朵几锛?浼告墜)鍘诲hand n.鎻存墜touch [tt] vt.瑙︽懜锛涙劅鍔?heart [ht] n.蹇冭剰锛涘唴蹇?fact [f忙kt] n.浜嬪疄锛涚湡鐩革紱瀹為檯in fact浜嬪疄涓婏紱瀹為檯涓婏紱纭垏鍦拌break [brek] v.鎵撶锛涙姌鏂紱杩濊儗锛涜В鍐筹紱涓柇arm n. 鑳宠唺laugh [lf] v.鍙戠瑧锛涚瑧锛涘槻绗?n.绗戝0锛涚瑧锛涚瑧鏂? share [e(r)] vt.鍒嗕韩锛屽叡浜紱鍒嗛厤锛涘叡鏈?loud [lad] adj.澶у0鐨勶紱adv.澶у0鍦帮紱鍝嶄寒鍦? similar ['sml(r)] adj.绫讳技鐨?be similar to绫讳技浜庯紱涓?..鐩镐技primary ['pramri] adj.鏈€鍒濈殑锛屾渶鏃╃殑primary school 灏忓information [nf'men] n.淇℃伅锛涙儏鎶ワ紱璧勬枡锛涢€氱煡Unit4 What's the best movie theater?theater ['胃t] n.鍓у満锛涚數褰遍櫌锛涙垙闄?comfortable ['kmftbl] adj.鑸掗€傜殑锛涘厖瑁曠殑seat [sit] n.搴т綅锛?screen [skrin] n.灞忓箷锛涢摱骞?close [kls] v.鍏筹紱鍚堟嫝锛涗笉寮€鏀撅紱鍋滀笟ticket n. 绁?worst [wst] adj.鏈€鍧忕殑锛涙渶宸殑cheaply ['tipli] adv.寤変环鍦帮紱绮椾織鍦?song [s] n.姝屾洸锛涙瓕鍞?choose [tuz] v.閫夋嫨锛涘喅瀹?carefully ['kefli] adv.灏忓績鍦帮紝璁ょ湡鍦?reporter [r'pt(r)] n.璁拌€?so far鍒扮洰鍓嶄负姝紱杩勪粖涓烘fresh [fre] adj.鏂伴矞鐨勶紱娓呮柊鐨?comfortably ['kmftbli] adv.鑸掓湇鍦帮紱瀹规槗鍦帮紱鍏呰鍦? worse [ws] adj.鏇村潖鐨勶紱鏇村樊鐨?service ['svs] n.鏈嶅姟pretty ['prti] adv.鐩稿綋鍦癮dj.婕備寒鐨?menu ['menju] n.鑿滃崟act [忙kt] v.琛屽姩锛涜〃婕?meal [mil] n.涓€椁愶紱鑶抽creative [kri'etv] adj.鍒涢€犵殑锛屽垱閫犳€х殑锛? performer [p'fm(r)] n.琛ㄦ紨鑰咃紱鎵ц鑰?talent ['t忙lnt] n.澶╄祴锛涙墠鑳斤紝鎵嶈壓锛?common ['kmn] adj.甯歌鐨勶紱鍏卞悓鐨勶紱鏅€氱殑have鈥n common鏈夌浉鍚岀壒寰?magician [m'dn] n.榄旀湳甯堬紱鏈+all kinds of鍚勭鍚勬牱锛涘悇绉嶇被鍨?beautifully ['bjutfli] adv.缇庝附鍦帮紱瀹岀編鍦帮紱be up to鏄€︹€?鐨勮亴璐o紱鐢扁€︹€?鍐冲畾role [rl] n.浣滅敤锛涜鑹?play a role鍙戞尌浣滅敤锛涙湁褰卞搷winner ['wn(r)] n.鑾疯儨鑰?prize [praz] n.濂栧搧锛涘閲?everybody ['evribdi] pron.姣忎汉锛涗汉浜?make up缂栭€?example ['zmpl] n.渚嬪瓙锛涙鏍?for example渚嬪poor [p(r)] adj.鍙€滅殑锛涜传绌风殑seriously ['srisli] 涓ラ噸鍦帮紝涓ヨ們鍦?take鈥eriously璁ょ湡瀵瑰緟give [v] v.缁欙紱璧犱簣锛涢€?crowded ['kradd] adj.鎷ユ尋鐨?Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?sitcom ['stkm] n.锛坰ituation comedy) 鎯呮櫙鍠滃墽news [njuz] n.鏂伴椈锛涙秷鎭?soap [sp] n. 鑲ョ殏锛?soap opera 鑲ョ殏鍓?educational [edu'kenl] adj.鏁欒偛鐨勶紱鏈夋暀鑲叉剰涔夌殑plan [pl忙n] n.璁″垝锛涙柟娉晇.鎵撶畻锛涜鍒?hope [hp] .甯屾湜锛涙湡鏈涳紱鐩兼湜n.甯屾湜find out鏌ユ槑銆佸紕娓?discussion [d'skn] n.璁ㄨ锛涜皥璁?stand [st忙nd] v.绔欑珛锛涘繊鍙?happen ['h忙pn] vi.鍙戠敓锛涚宸э紱鍑虹幇锛涘伓閬? may [me] aux.鍙互锛岃兘澶燂紱鍙兘锛屼篃璁? expect [k'spekt] v.棰勬湡锛涙湡寰咃紱鐩兼湜joke [dk] n.绗戣瘽锛涚帺绗憊.璇寸瑧璇濓紱寮€鐜╃瑧comedy ['kmdi] n.鍠滃墽锛涙粦绋斤紱骞介粯浜嬩欢meaningless ['minls] adj.鏃犳剰涔夌殑锛涗笉閲嶈鐨? action ['忙kn] n.琛屼负锛涙椿鍔?action movie鍔ㄤ綔鐗?cartoon [k'tun] n.鍗¢€氾紱婕敾culture ['klt(r)] n.鏍藉煿锛涙枃鍖栵紱鏁欏吇famous ['fems] adj.钁楀悕鐨勶紱鏈夊悕鐨?appear ['p(r)] vi.鍑虹幇锛涘嚭鐗堬紱鏄惧緱become [b'km] v.鍙樻垚锛涙垚涓?rich [rt] adj.瀵屾湁鐨勶紱瀵岄ザ鐨勶紱涓板瘜鐨?successful [sk'sesfl] adj.鎴愬姛鐨勶紱鍦嗘弧鐨?might [mat] aux.鍙兘锛涗篃璁革紱may鐨勮繃鍘诲紡main [men] adj.涓昏鐨勶紱鏈€閲嶈鐨?reason ['rizn] n.鍘熷洜锛涚悊鐢?comedy ['kmdi] n.鍠滃墽film [flm] n.鐢靛奖unlucky [n'lki] adj.鍊掗湁鐨勶紱涓嶅垢鐨勶紱涓嶅悏鍒╃殑lose [luz] vt.涓㈠け锛涘け璐i.澶辫触girlfriend ['lfrnd] n.濂虫湅鍙?ready ['redi] adj.鍑嗗濂界殑锛涗箰鎰忕殑be ready to鎰挎剰杩呴€熷仛鏌愪簨character ['k忙rkt(r)] n.涓€э紱鍝佽川锛涗汉鐗╋紱simple ['smpl] adj.绠€鍗曠殑锛涙湸绱犵殑锛涘崟绾殑锛涚鐨? dress up瑁呮壆锛涗箶瑁呮墦鎵?take sb.鈥檚place浠f浛锛涙浛鎹?army ['mi] n.鍐涢槦锛涢檰鍐涳紱涓€澶ф壒do a good job宸ヤ綔骞插緱濂斤紱鍋氬緱濂?Unit6 I'm going to study computer science.grow up 闀垮ぇ鎴愰暱computer programmer 璁$畻鏈虹鐞嗗憳cook [kk] vt. 鐑硅皟锛岀叜锛岀儳锛屽仛(楗?锛歷i. 鐑归オ锛屽仛楗紝鐑ц彍锛涘姞鐑鐞嗛鐗?doctor ['dkt(r)]鍖荤敓engineer [end'nr] 宸ョ▼甯?violinist [va'lnst]灏忔彁鐞存墜driver ['drav] n. 椹鹃┒鍛橈紱椹卞姩绋嬪簭锛涜捣瀛愶紱浼犲姩鍣?pilot ['palt] 椋炶鍛?pianist ['pnst] 閽㈢惔瀹?scientist['santst]绉戝瀹?be sure about 纭俊make sure 纭繚college ['kld] 澶уeducation [edu'ken] 鏁欒偛medicine ['medsn]鑽紝鍖诲university [jun'vrsti] 澶у锛岄珮绛夊搴?London 'lndn] n.浼︽暒article ['rtkl]鏂囩珷锛岃鏂?send [send] 閭瘎锛屽彂閫?resolution [rez'lun] 鍐冲績锛屽喅瀹?team [tim] (涓€)闃?浜?锛?涓€)缁?浜?foreign ['frn] 澶栧浗鐨?able [ebl] 鑳藉be able to 鑳藉鍋氭煇浜?question ['kwstn] n.闂meaning ['min] n. 鎰忎箟锛涳紱adj. 鎰忓懗娣遍暱鐨剉. 鎰忓懗锛涙剰鎬濇槸discuss [dsks] 璁ㄨ锛屽晢閲?promise [prms] 鎵胯锛岃瑷€beginning [bn] 寮€澶达紝寮€绔?at the beginning of 璧峰垵improve [mpruv] 鏀硅繘锛屾敼鍠?write down 鍐欎笅physical ['fzkl]韬綋鐨?themselves [冒m'slvz] 浠栦滑鑷繁have to do with鍏充簬;涓庘€︹€︽湁鍏崇郴selfimprovement [selfmp'ruvmnt]鑷垜鏀硅繘锛岃嚜鎴戞彁楂?take up瀛︾潃鍋氾紱寮€濮嬪仛hobby ['hbi] 涓氫綑鐖卞ソweekly ['wikli] adj. 姣忓懆鐨勶紱锛?n. 鍛ㄥ垔adv. 姣忓懆涓€娆★紱閫愬懆[ 澶嶆暟weeklies ]school work 瀛︽牎浣滀笟agree ['ri] vt. 鍚屾剰锛涜禐鎴愶紱鎵胯vi. 鍚屾剰锛涙剰瑙佷竴鑷?agree with 鍚屾剰own [on] 銆€鑷繁鐨勶紝鏈汉鐨勶紝鎷ユ湁personal ['prsnl]涓汉鐨勶紝绉佷汉鐨?relationship [r'lenp] 鍏崇郴Unit 7 Will people have robots?paper['pepr] 绾搞€€pollution [p'lun] 姹℃煋锛涙薄鏌撶墿prediction[pr'dkn]棰勬祴future ['fjutr] 鏈潵銆€pollute[p'lut] 姹℃煋environment [n'varnmnt] 鐜銆€planet ['pl忙nt] 琛屾槦earth[r胃] 銆€n.鍦扮悆锛涙偿鍦?plant [pl忙nt] 銆€绉嶆锛屾鐗?part [prt] 鍙傚姞锛岄儴鍒?play a park 鍙備笌锛堟煇浜嬶級銆€peace [pis]鍜屽钩sea [si] n. 娴凤紱娴锋磱锛涜澶氾紱澶ч噺sky[ska] 澶╃┖astronaut['忙strnt] 銆€瀹囪埅鍛?apartment['prtmnt] 鍏瘬鎴块棿rocket ['rkt] 鐏锛?space[spes] .绌洪棿锛涘お绌?space station 澶┖绔?human ['hjumn] 浜虹殑锛?n.浜猴紱浜虹被servant['srvnt] 浠嗕汉dangerous ['dendrs] 鍗遍櫓鐨?already[l'redi]宸茬粡factory['f忙ktri] 宸ュ巶over and over again 澶氭锛涘弽澶嶅湴believe [b'liv] 鐩镐俊disagree [ds'ri]涓嶅悓鎰?even['ivn] 鐢氳嚦锛涙剤鍔?hundreds of 璁稿锛涘ぇ閲忥紱鎴愮櫨涓婂崈shape [ep] 褰㈢姸fall [fl] 鍊掑锛涜穼鍊?fall dow n 绐佺劧鍊掍笅锛涜穼鍊掞紱鍊掑inside ['n'sad]n. 閲岄潰锛涘唴閮紱鍐呮儏锛涘唴鑴廰dj. 閲岄潰鐨勶紱鍐呴儴鐨勶紱绉樺瘑鐨刟dv. 鍦ㄩ噷闈rep. 灏戜簬锛涘湪鈥︿箣鍐?look for 瀵绘壘锛涘姹?possible ['psbl] 鍙兘鐨?impossible [m'psbl]adj. 涓嶅彲鑳界殑锛涗笉鍙兘瀛樺湪鐨勶紱闅句互蹇嶅彈鐨勶紱涓嶇湡瀹炵殑n. 涓嶅彲鑳斤紱涓嶅彲鑳界殑浜?side [sad]n. 鏂归潰锛涗晶闈紱鏃佽竟vi. 鏀寔锛涜禐鍔╋紱鍋忚adj. 鏃佺殑锛屼晶鐨剉t. 鍚屾剰锛屾敮鎸?probably ['prbbli] 澶ф锛涙垨璁革紱寰堝彲鑳?during ['dr] prep. 鍦ㄢ€︾殑鏃跺€欙紝鍦ㄢ€︾殑鏈熼棿holiday ['hlde] 鍋囨棩word銆€[wrd] 鍗曡瘝锛?Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?shake [ek] vt. 鍔ㄦ憞锛涙憞鍔紱闇囧姩vi. 鍔ㄦ憞锛涙憞鍔紱鍙戞姈n. 鎽囧姩锛涘搯鍡?milk shake濂舵様锛堢墰濂跺拰鍐版穱娣嬬瓑鐨勬贩鍚堥ギ鏂欙級blender['blendr] 鎼呮媽鍣紱鏋滄眮鏈?turn on 鎺ラ€?姘淬€佺叅姘斻€佺數绛夊紑鍏?鎵撳紑peel [pil] vt.鍓ヨ惤锛涘墛鐨?pour [pr] pour[pr] 鍊掞紱鍊惧€?yogurt ['jort] 閰稿ザ锛?honey ['hni]铚傝湝watermelon ['wtrmeln]瑗跨摐spoon [spun] 鍕猴紝璋冪竟pot [pt] n. 澹讹紱鐩嗭紱缃恦t. 鎶娾€﹁缃愶紱灏勫嚮锛涜妭鐣i. 闅忔墜灏勫嚮add [忙d] 澧炲姞finally ['fanli] 鏈€鍚庯紝鏈€缁?salt[slt] 鐩?sugar['r] 绯?cheese[tiz] 骞查叒锛屽ザ閰?popcorn ['ppkrn] 鐖嗙背鑺?corn [krn] 鐜夌背锛岃胺鐗?machine[m'in] 鏈哄櫒dig [d] vt. 鎸栵紝鎺橈紱鎺㈢┒vi. 鎸栨帢n. 鎴筹紝鍒猴紱鎸栬嫤hole [hol] n. 娲烇紝瀛旓紱娲炵┐锛岀┐锛涚獊鐮村彛vi.绌垮瓟锛涳紙楂樺皵澶悆绛夛級杩涙礊vt. 鍑挎礊sandwich['s忙nwt] 涓夋槑娌?butter['btr] 銆€榛勬补锛屽ザ娌?turkey ['trki]鐏浮lettuce ['lets] 鑾磋嫞锛岀敓鑿?piece[pis] 浠讹紱绡囷紱鐗囷紱鍧楋紱Thanksgiving [,胃忙ks'v] n. 鎰熸仼鑺?traditional [tr'dnl] 浼犵粺鐨?autumn ['tm] n. 绉嬪ぉ锛涙垚鐔熸湡锛涙笎琛版湡锛屽噵钀芥湡adj. 绉嬪ぉ鐨勶紝绉嬪鐨?traveler ['tr忙vl] 鏃呰鑰?England['lnd] 鑻辨牸鍏帮紱鑻卞浗celebrate ['selbret] 搴嗙锛涘簡璐?mix [mks] vt. 閰嶅埗锛涙贩娣嗭紱浣挎贩鍜岋紱浣跨粨浜?vi. 鍙備笌锛涚浉娣峰悎锛涗氦寰€n. 娣峰悎锛涙贩鍚堢墿锛涙贩涔?pepper ['pepr] 鑳℃绮夛紱杈ffill [fl] vt. 瑁呮弧锛屼娇鍏呮弧锛涙弧瓒筹紱鍫靛锛涗换鑱?vi. 琚厖婊★紝鑶ㄨ儉n. 婊¤冻锛涘~婊$殑閲忥紱瑁呭~鐗?oven['vn] 鐑ょ锛涚儰鐐?plate [plet]鈥?n. 纰燂紱閲戝睘鏉匡紱閲戝睘鐗岋紱鎰熷厜搴曠墖鈥t. 鐢甸晙锛涚粰鈥﹁鐢?cover['kvr] 閬洊锛岀洊瀛愶紝gravy['revi] 鑲夋眮锛涜倝姹?serve[srv] 銆€鎺ュ緟锛屾湇鍔?temperature ['temprtr] 娓╁害锛屾皵鍊?Unit 9 Can you come to my party?prepare [pr'per]v.棰勫锛涘噯澶?prepare for 涓衡€︹€﹀噯澶?exam['z忙m] 鑰冭瘯flu [flu] n. 娴佹劅available['velbl] 鍙緱鍒扮殑锛涙湁绌虹殑锛?another time 鍏朵粬鏃堕棿锛屽埆鐨勬椂闂?until [n'tl]conj. 鍦ㄢ€︿互鍓嶏紱鐩村埌鈥︽椂prep. 鍦ㄢ€︿互鍓嶏紱鍒扳€︿负姝?hang [h忙] 鎮寕锛?浣?浣庡瀭hang out 甯稿幓鏌愬锛涙场鍦ㄦ煇澶?catch[k忙t] 璧朵笂锛涙姄浣忥紱鎹曟崏invite [n'vat] 閭€璇?accept[k'sept] 鎺ュ彈锛?refuse [r'fjuz] 鎷掔粷the day before yesterday 鍓嶅ぉthe day after tomorrow 鍚庡ぉweekday ['wikde] n. 骞虫棩锛屽伐浣滄棩look after 鐓ч【锛岀収鏂?invitation [nv'ten]銆€閭€璇凤紱閭€璇峰嚱turn down鍑忓皬锛屽叧灏忥紝璋冧綆reply [r'pla] 鍥炵瓟锛屽洖澶?forward['frwrd] 杞氦锛涘彂閫侊紝鍚戝墠鐨?delete [d'lit] 鍒犻櫎print [prnt] n. 鍗板埛涓氾紱鍗拌姳甯冿紱锛涘嵃绔狅紱鍗拌vt. 鍗板埛锛涙墦鍗帮紱鍒婅浇锛?vi. 鍗板埛锛?sad [s忙d] adj. 闅捐繃鐨勶紱鎮插搥鐨勶紝浠や汉鎮茬棝鐨勶紱鍑勬儴鐨勶紝闃撮儊鐨勶紙褰㈠棰滆壊锛?goodbye [gd'ba] int. 鍐嶈take a trip 鍘绘梾琛?glad [l忙d] adj. 楂樺叴鐨勶紱涔愭剰鐨勶紱浠や汉楂樺叴鐨勶紱鐏跨儌缇庝附鐨剉t. 浣块珮鍏?preparation [prep'ren]鍑嗗锛屽噯澶囧伐浣?glue [lu]vt. 绮樺悎锛涗技鑳惰埇鍥虹潃浜巒. 鑳讹紱鍚勭鑳跺悎鐗? without [w'胃at] prep. 娌℃湁锛涜秴杩囷紱鍦ㄢ€﹀闈?adv. 鎴峰锛涘湪澶栭潰锛涙病鏈夋垨涓嶆樉绀烘煇浜嬬墿n. 澶栭儴锛涘闈?surprised [s'prazd] adj. 鎰熷埌鎯婅鐨勶紝鍑轰汉鎰忔枡鐨?v. 浣挎儕濂囷紙surprise鐨勮繃鍘诲垎璇嶅舰寮忥級look forward to 鐩兼湜锛屾湡寰?hear from 鏀跺埌......鏉ヤ俊housewarming ['has,wrm] n. 涔旇縼搴嗗opening['opn]寮€骞曞紡锛岃惤鎴愬吀绀?concert ['knsrt] 闊充箰浼?headmaster[hed'm忙str] 鏍¢暱event['vent]澶т簨锛屽叕寮€娲诲姩guest[est] 瀹汉calendar['k忙lndr] 鏃ュ巻锛屾棩绋嬭〃daytime ['detam] n. 鏃ラ棿锛岀櫧澶?Unit10 If you go to the party,you 'll have a great time!meeting ['mit] n. 浼氳锛涗細瑙侊紱闆嗕細锛涙眹鍚堢偣v. 浼氶潰锛涗細鍚堬紙meet鐨刬ng褰㈠紡锛?video ['vdio] 褰曞儚锛屽綍鍍忓甫potato chips椹搩钖墖锛涙补鐐歌柉鐗?chocolate銆€['tklt]宸у厠鍔?upset[p'set]闅捐繃锛屽け鏈?taxi ['t忙ksi] vi. 涔樺嚭绉熻溅锛涙粦琛寁t. 浣挎粦琛岋紱鐢ㄥ嚭绉熻溅閫乶. 鍑虹姹借溅advice[d'vas]鍔濆憡锛屽缓璁?travel['tr忙vl] 鏃呰agent['ednt] 浠g悊浜猴紝缁忕邯浜?expert ['eksprt]涓撳锛岃兘鎵?keep鈥o oneself 淇濆畧绉樺瘑teenager ['tined] 闈掑皯骞?normal['nrml]姝e父鐨?unless[n'les] 闄ら潪锛屽鏋滀笉certainly ['srtnli] 褰撶劧锛岃偗瀹?wallet['wlt] 銆€鐨す锛岄挶鍖?mile [mal] n. 鑻遍噷锛涗竴鑻遍噷璧涜窇锛涜緝澶х殑璺濈angry ['忙ri] 鐢熸皵鐨勶紝鍙戞€掔殑understanding [ndr'st忙nd]鍠勮В浜烘剰鐨勶紝浣撹皡浜虹殑careless銆€['kerls] 绮楀績鐨勶紝涓嶅皬蹇冪殑mistake[m'stek] 閿欒锛屽け璇?himself [hm'slf] pron. 浠栬嚜宸憋紱浠栦翰鑷紝浠栨湰浜?careful['kerfl] 灏忓績鐨勶紝缁嗚嚧鐨?advise [d'vaz] v鍔濆憡锛屽缓璁?solve [slv] 瑙e喅锛涜В绛?step [stp] n. 姝ワ紝鑴氭锛涙楠わ紱姝ヤ紣锛涙绾i. 韪忥紝韪╋紱璧皏t. 璧帮紝杩堟trust[trst] 鐩镐俊锛屼俊浠?experience [k'sprins] 淇′换锛?缁忓巻in half 鍒嗘垚涓ゅ崐,涓€鍗?halfway [h忙f'we] 涓€旂殑adv.鍗婅矾鍦?else[els] 鍒殑锛屽叾浠栫殑。

鍥涘瓧鎴愯澶у叏鍙婅В閲奯濂借瘝鍥涘瓧鎴愯澶у叏鍙婅В閲奯濂借瘝鍥涘瓧鎴愯澶у叏鍙婅В閲?<ol><ol><li style="text-indent: 0px;">鍋忓惉鍋忎俊锛氬亸闈㈠湴鍚簡涓€鏂归潰鐨勮瘽灏变俊浠ヤ负鐪?澶氭寚澶勭悊浜嬫儏鐨勬€佸害涓嶅叕姝?<li>瀹℃椂搴﹀娍锛氬锛氫粩缁嗙爺绌?鏃讹細鏃跺眬;搴︼細浼拌;鍔匡細鍙戝睍瓒嬪娍.瑙傚療鍒嗘瀽鏃跺娍,浼拌鎯呭喌鐨勫彉鍖?<li>娑堟伅鐩堣櫄锛氭寚浜嬬墿鐨勭洓琛板彉鍖栨垨琛屼负鐨勫嚭澶勮繘閫€.<li>瀹樺満濡傛垙锛氬畼鍦猴細鏃ф椂鎸囧畼鍚忎滑缁忓父鍑哄叆鐨勫湴鏂?鎴忥細鎴忓墽,鎸囬殢鏃堕兘鍦ㄥ彉鍖?鏃ф椂鎸囧畼鍦哄儚婕旀垙涓€鏍峰彉鍖栨棤甯?<li> 闅忔満搴斿彉锛氭満锛氭椂鏈?褰㈠娍.闅忕潃鎯呭喌鐨勫彉鍖栫伒娲绘満鍔ㄥ湴搴斾粯.<li>娌″ご娌¤剳锛氬ご銆佽剳锛氭瘮鍠荤嚎绱㈡垨鏍圭敱.姣棤绾跨储鎴栨病鏈夋牴鐢?<li>鍙樺寲濡傜锛氱锛氱濂?褰㈠鍙樺寲杩呴€熻€岀濂?<li>鍦拌澶╃炕锛氳锛氱炕杩囨潵.褰㈠鍙樺寲宸ㄥぇ.涔熷舰瀹归椆寰楀緢鍑?<li> 搴勭敓姊﹁澏锛氬簞鐢燂細鎴樺浗浜哄簞鍛?搴勫懆姊﹁鑷繁鍙樻垚浜嗚儭铦?姣斿柣姊︿腑涔愯叮鎴栦汉鐢熷彉鍖栨棤甯?浜︿綔鈥滃簞鍛ㄦⅵ铦垛€?<li>鎹荤鎹婚锛氬舰瀹规儕鎱屽鎬曠殑鏍峰瓙.<li>娑堟伅鐩堝啿锛氭寚浜嬬墿鐨勭洓琛板彉鍖栨垨琛屼负鐨勫嚭澶勮繘閫€.<li>闃撮槼鎯ㄨ垝锛氬彜浠ョ鍐负闃?鏄ュ涓洪槼.鎰忎负绉嬪啲蹇ф垰,鏄ュ鑸掑揩.鎸囧洓鏃剁殑鍙樺寲.璇湰姹夊紶琛°€婅タ浜祴銆嬶細鈥滃か浜哄湪闃虫椂鍒欒垝,鍦ㄩ槾鏃跺垯鎯?鈥?<li>鑻嶉粍鍙嶅锛氳媿锛氶潚鑹?鍙嶅锛氶杩囨潵鍊掕繃鍘?闈掔殑涓€浼氬効鍙樻垚榛勭殑,榛勭殑涓€浼氬彉鎴愰潚鐨?姣斿柣鍙樺寲涓嶅畾,鍙嶅鏃犲父.浜︿綔鈥滆媿榛勭炕澶嶁€?<li>涓庝笘鎺ㄧЩ锛氶殢鐫€涓栭亾鐨勫彉鍖栬€屽彉鍖栦互鍚堟椂瀹?<li>浠婇潪鏄旀瘮锛氱幇鍦ㄤ笉鏄繃鍘昏兘姣斿緱涓婄殑.澶氭寚褰㈠娍銆佽嚜鐒堕潰璨岀瓑鍙戠敓浜嗗法澶х殑鍙樺寲.<li>鏄熺Щ鏂楄浆锛氭枟锛氬寳鏂楁槦.鏄熸枟鍙樺姩浣嶇疆.鎸囧鑺傛垨鏃堕棿鐨勫彉鍖?<li>瀹︽捣娴矇锛氭寚瀹樺満鐢熸动鏇叉姌澶嶆潅,鍙樺寲涓嶅畾.<li>鍑洪鍏ョ锛氳皳鍙樺寲澶氱,涓嶅彲鎹夋懜.<li>闆ㄨ浜戠炕锛氭瘮鍠诲彉鍖栨棤甯?<li>缇庤疆缇庡锛氳疆锛氶珮澶?濂傦細浼楀.褰㈠鎴垮眿楂樺ぇ鍗庝附.<li>楸奸緳鏇艰锛氬師鎸囧悇绉嶆潅鎴忓悓鏃舵紨鍑?鍚庡舰瀹逛簨鐗╂潅涔?涔熸瘮鍠诲彉鍖栧緢澶?鍚船涔?.<li>浜嬭繃鎯呰縼锛氶殢鐫€浜嬫儏杩囧幓,瀵硅浜嬬殑鎰熸儏銆佹€佸害涔熻捣浜嗗彉鍖?鍖瑰か鍖瑰锛氬钩姘戠敺濂?娉涙寚骞虫皯.鏃惰繃澧冭縼锛氳縼锛氬彉鍔?闅忕潃鏃堕棿鐨勬帹绉?鎯呭喌鍙戠敓鍙樺寲.闅惧厔闅惧紵锛氬舰瀹逛袱鍏勫紵閮藉ソ,闅惧垎涓婁笅.鐜颁篃鍙嶇敤,璁藉埡涓ゅ厔寮熼兘鍧?楂樺哺娣辫胺锛氭寚骞藉兓鐨勫鎵€.褰㈠骞藉抄娣遍們.涔熸瘮鍠讳簨鐗╃殑宸ㄥぇ鍙樺寲.闅斾笘涔嬫劅锛氭寚鍥犱汉浜嬫垨鏅墿鍙樺寲澶ц€屽紩璧风殑銆佽薄闅斾簡涓€涓椂浠d技鐨勬劅瑙?鍙樺寲鑾祴锛氬彉鍖栧緢澶?涓嶈兘棰勬枡.鑳藉眻鑳戒几锛氳兘寮洸涔熻兘浼哥洿.鎸囦汉鍦ㄥけ鎰忔椂鑳藉繊鑰?鍦ㄥ緱蹇楁椂鑳藉ぇ骞蹭竴鐣?鍦拌€佸ぉ鏄?锛氬舰瀹瑰彉鍖栧墽鐑?浜轰笘娌ф锛氭瘮鍠讳汉闂翠笘浜嬪彉鍖栧緢澶?鍐疯鍔ㄧ墿锛氫綋娓╅殢鐜娓╁害鐨勬敼鍙樿€屽彉鍖栫殑鍔ㄧ墿.姣斿柣缂轰箯鎰熸儏銆佸浜哄浜嬪喎婕犵殑浜?娴锋哺灞卞穿锛氭捣姘存哺鑵?灞辩煶宕╁.姣斿柣鍙樺寲宸ㄥぇ.浜︿綔鈥滄捣娌稿北鎽団€?闅惧厔闅惧紵锛氬舰瀹逛袱鍏勫紵閮藉ソ,闅惧垎涓婁笅.鐜颁篃鍙嶇敤,璁藉埡涓ゅ厔寮熼兘鍧?绉绘槗杩佸彉锛氥€栬В閲娿€楁寚杩佺Щ鍙樺寲. 鍗冨彉涓囧寲鏃ユ柊鏈堝紓涓€鏃ュ崈閲?闈㈢洰鍏ㄩ潪鐒曠劧涓€鏂?鏄ㄦ槸浠婇潪绋備笉绋傝帬涓嶈帬鏃笉璞$▊,涔熶笉璞¤帬.姣斿柣涓嶆垚鏉?娌″嚭鎭?闅惧垎闅捐В锛氭寚鍙屾柟浜夊惖銆佹枟浜夈€佹瘮璧涚瓑鐩告寔涓嶄笅,闅句互鍒嗗紑.鏈夋椂涔熷舰瀹瑰弻鏂瑰叧绯诲崄鍒嗕翰瀵?鍒嗕笉寮€.澶滈暱姊﹀锛氭瘮鍠绘椂闂翠竴鎷栭暱,鎯呭喌鍙兘鍙戠敓涓嶅埄鐨勫彉鍖?闅忔柟灏卞渾锛氬浜嬮『搴斿舰鍔垮拰鎯呭喌鐨勫彉鍖?寰呬汉闅忓拰鑰屼笉鍥烘墽.鍙樼偒鏃犵┓锛氬彉鍖栧绉嶅鏍?娌℃湁绌峰敖.鏋佽█鍙樺寲涔嬪.浣╅煢浣╁鸡锛氶煢锛氱啛鐗涚毊,寮︼細寮撳鸡.鍘熸寚瑗块棬璞规€ф€?浣╅煢鑷垝;钁e畨浜庢€х紦,浣╁鸡鑷垝.鍘熷舰瀹归殢鏃惰鎴掕嚜宸?鍚庡父姣斿柣..澶ц搐铏庡彉锛氳檸鍙橈細濡傝檸韬姳绾圭殑鍙樺寲.姣斿柣灞呬笂浣嶈€呭嚭澶勮鍔ㄥ彉鍖栬帿娴?鎹忔墜鎹忚剼锛氬舰瀹硅交鎵嬭交鑴氬湴璧?涔熷舰瀹硅交钖勭殑涓惧姩.闅惧厔闅惧紵锛氭寚鍏辫繃鎮i毦鐨勪汉鎴栧郊姝ゅ浜庡悓鏍峰洶澧冪殑浜?韫堟満鎻℃澕锛氳剼韪╁竷鏈?鎵嬫彙绛樻.姣斿柣鎺屾彙鐫€浜嬬墿鍙戝睍鍙樺寲鐨勬灑閿?鍒嗕箙蹇呭悎,鍚堜箙蹇呭垎锛氥€栬В閲娿€楁寚浜烘垨浜嬬墿鍙樺寲鏃犲父,鍒嗗悎鏃犲畾.鏃ユ柊鏈堝紓锛氭柊锛氭洿鏂?寮傦細涓嶅悓.姣忓ぉ閮藉湪鏇存柊,姣忔湀閮芥湁鍙樺寲.鎸囧彂灞曟垨杩涙杩呴€?涓嶆柇鍑虹幇鏂颁簨鐗┿€佹柊姘旇薄.楝煎嚭鐢靛叆锛氭瘮鍠诲彉鍖栧阀濡欒繀閫?涓嶆槗鎹夋懜.闆炬暎浜戞姭锛氬柣鍙樺寲涔嬪揩.鑻嶇嫍鐧借。

九年级上册英语单词表(鲁教版)涔濆勾绾т?涔濆勾绾?璇?millionn.鐧句竾medicaladj.?researchn.鐮旂┒锛涜皟鏌?tien.(=necktie)棰嗗甫worryn.鐑︽伡锛涘咖铏?whatif濡傛灉...灏嗕細鎬庝箞鏍?pimplen.灏忚創鍖咃紱涓樼柟examn.鑰冭瘯energeticadj.鏈夋椿鍔涚殑锛涚簿鍔涘厖娌涚殑confidentadj.permissionn.herselfpron.?botherv.鎵撴壈锛涙壈涔?slightadj.?intheslightest涓€鐐逛篃锛涙牴鏈?annoyv.浣跨敓姘旓紱浣挎皵鎰?fairlyadv.鐩稿綋锛涘畬鍏?plentyadj.寰堝?plentyof?getalongwith涓?..circlen.锛堟湁鍏卞悓鐨勫叴瓒c€佽亴涓氱瓑鐨勪汉褰㈡垚鐨勶級鍦堝瓙锛涢樁灞?listenern.?knowledgeableadj.鐭ヨ瘑娓婂崥鐨勶紱鏈夎representv.浠h〃锛涜〃绀?let...down浣?..澶辨湜鎴栨伯涓?comeupwith锛堥拡瀵归棶棰樼瓑锛夋彁鍑猴紱鎯冲嚭restn.鍓╀綑閮ㄥ垎锛涘叾浣欙紱浼戞伅aidn.?first-aid鎬ユ晳nearbyadj.浣嶇疆杩戠殑锛涗笉杩滅殑shelfn.锛堟┍鏌溿€佷功鏋剁瓑鐨勶級鎼佹灦锛涙悂鏉?comeout鍑虹増锛涘彂琛?coverv.瑕嗙洊锛涢伄鎺?pressv.鎸夛紱鍘嬶紱鎸?deepadj.娣辩殑downstairsadv.correctadj.瀵圭殑锛burnv.鐑т激锛涚儳鍧?kneen.鑶濓紱鑶濈洊painn.鐤硷紱鐤肩棝hurtv.浣?..safetyn.瀹夊叏offerv.鎻愪緵refusev.鎷掔粷锛涘洖缁?helpfuladj.鏈夊府鍔╃殑锛涙湁鐢ㄧ殑treatv.瀵瑰緟burnn.Spottyadj.澶氭枒鐐圭殑2璇?belongv.灞炰簬belongto灞炰簬authorn.?picnicn.锛堣嚜甯?hairband鍙戝甫possiblyadv.?dropv.钀戒笅锛涙帀涓?symphonyn.浜ゅ搷涔愶紱浜ゅ搷鏇?optometristn.楠屽厜甯堬紱閰嶉暅甯?appointmentn.绾︿細锛岀害瀹?algebran.crucialadj.鍏抽敭?countv.璁★紱鍊?finaladj.鏈€鍚庣殑锛涙渶缁堢殑anxiousadj.蹇ц檻鐨勶紱鐒﹁檻鐨勶紱涓嶅畨鐨?worriedadj.鐑︽伡鐨勶紱鐒﹁檻鐨?ownern.鎵€鏈夎€咃紱涓氫富OxfordUniversity鐗涙触澶уchasev.杩介€愶紱杩借刀skyn.澶╋紱澶╃┖creaturen.鐢熺墿锛涘姩鐗?catchv.鎹曡幏锛涜刀涓婏紙杞﹁埞绛夛級unhappyadj.涓嶅揩涔愮殑锛涗笉鎰夊揩鐨?extremelyadv.鏋佸叾锛涢潪甯?interviewv.noisen.windn.椋?neighborn.閭诲眳锛涢偦浜?footstepn.瓒宠抗锛涜剼姝ュ0garbagen.鍨冨溇锛涘簾鏂?mysteryn.?directorn.浠?monkeyn.鐚村瓙escapev.閫冭窇锛涢€冭蛋barkv.锛堢嫍绛夛級鍚犲0锛涘彨澹?smelln.姘斿懗锛涘梾瑙?fingern.鎵嬫寚liftv.涓捐捣锛涙姮璧凤紱鎻愬崌stonen.鐭冲ご锛涚煶鍧?antn.铓傝殎dishonestadj.涓嶈瘹瀹炵殑pretendv.鍋囪?useup鐢ㄥ畬锛涚敤鍏夛紱鑰楀敖attemptv.璇曞浘锛涗紒鍥?Hemingway娴锋槑濞侊紙1899锛?961锛岀編鍥戒綔瀹讹級MarkTwain厠.鍚愭俯锛?835锛?910锛岀編鍥戒綔瀹讹級Fred寮楃憺寰凤紙鐢峰悕锛?3璇?manateen.娴风墰furryadj.鐨?enormousadj.宸ㄥぇ鐨勶紱搴炲ぇ鐨?playfuladj.濂界帺鐨勶紱鏈夎叮鐨?aggressiveadj.?grayadj.&n.鐏拌壊锛堢殑锛夛紱鍋忕伆鑹诧紙鐨勶級spottedadj.鏈夋枒鐐圭殑锛涙湁鐐瑰瓙鐨?kangaroon.琚嬮紶chimpanzeen.榛戠尒鐚?cheetahn.鐚庤惫mangroven.绾㈡爲锛涚孩鏍戞灄swampn.娌兼辰锛涙布娉藉湴habitatn.aquaticadj.姘寸敓鐨勶紱姘存爾鐨?underwateradj.鍦ㄦ按涓嬬殑锛涘湪姘翠腑鐨?vegetationn.锛堟€荤Оweighv.绉帮紱绉扳€﹂噸閲?poundn.纾?discoverv.鍙戠幇锛涘彂瑙?pollutedadj.presentprogressive?presentsimple infinitiven.鍔ㄨ瘝鍘熷舰锛涗笉瀹氬紡passivevoice?suitableadj.鍚堥€傜殑锛涢€傚疁鐨?tinyadj.?cagen.绗煎瓙锛涘洑绗?disgustedadj.鍘屾伓鐨勶紱鍘岀儲鐨?educatev.carefor鍏虫€€锛涚収椤?urgev.?expressionn.琛ㄨrecyclev.builtv.build鐨勮繃鍘诲紡鍜岃繃鍘诲垎璇?stuffn.鍘熸枡锛涙潗鏂?pullv.鎷夛紱鎷栵紱鎷?gluev.鑳跺悎锛涚矘璐达紱璐村悎n.鑳舵按roofn.椤讹紱灞嬮《锛涙埧椤?discardv.涓㈠純锛涙斁寮?tilen.鐡︾墖锛涚摲鐮?fencen.鏍呮爮锛涘洿澧?cann.锛堣紝甯稿甫鏈夌洊鐨勶級閲戝睘缃?recentlyadv.鏈€杩?planetn.琛屾槦societyn.绀惧洟锛涚ぞ浼?inspirationn.鐏垫劅锛涢紦鑸炰汉蹇冪殑浜猴紙鎴栦簨鐗╋級spareadj.澶氫綑鐨勶紱绌洪棽鐨?modeln.妯″瀷raisen.闆?rainforestn.锛堢儹甯︾殑锛夐洦鏋?disappearv.娑堝け锛涗笉瑙?savev.鎸芥晳锛涗繚鍏?eventn.娲诲姩锛涗簨浠?speechn.?cutdownon鍑忓皯锛涙秷鍑?ordinaryadj.plasticadj.濉戞枡鐨?harmv.鎹熷?processv.?takepartin鍙傚姞锛涘弬涓?jamn.鎷ユ尋锛涘牭濉?Winterbourne4璇?inventv鍙戞槑锛涘垱閫?beusedfor鐢ㄦ潵鍋?.. scoopv.鐢ㄥ嫼鑸€n.鍕哄瓙锛涚悆褰㈠嫼锛涢暱鏌勫嫼adjustableadj.heeln.夌殑锛夊悗璺燂紱锛堣冻锛夎窡batteryn.鐢垫睜operatev.鎿嶄綔锛涗綔涓?slippern.鎷栭瀷bulbn.鐢电伅娉★紱鐢电伅lightbulb鐢电伅娉?microwaveadj.&n.?microwaveoven?crispyadj.鑴嗙殑锛涙槗纰庣殑saltyadj.鍜哥殑锛涘惈鐩愮殑souradj.閰哥殑锛涢吀鍛崇殑bymistake?chefn.鍘ㄥ笀sprinklev.鎾掞紙绮夋湯鐘剁墿锛夛紱娲掞紙娑蹭綋锛?byaccident鍋剁劧锛涙剰澶?beveragen.accordingto鏍规嵁锛涙寜鐓?ancientadj.鍙や唬鐨勶紱鍙よ€佺殑legendn.?boilv.鐓bushn.鐏屾湪fallinto钀藉叆锛涢櫡鍏?remainv.淇濇寔锛涘墿浣欙紱娈嬩綑producev.鐢熸皵锛涘埗閫狅紱浜х敓pleasantadj.鑸掗€傜殑锛inthisway杩欐牱pien.棣呴ゼflyingdisk bakeryn.闈㈠寘搴?Bridgeport甯冮噷濂囬】锛堥潰鍖呭簵鐨勫悕绉帮級Connecticut锛堢編鍥斤級搴锋秴鐙勬牸宸?throwv.鎶曪紱鎺?lemonn.cookien.灏忕敎楗煎共abacusn.绠楃洏binocularsn.鍙岀瓛鏈涜繙闀?centuryn.涓栫邯锛涚櫨骞?rankn.椤哄簭锛涚骇鍒?noticev.娉ㄦ剰鍒帮紱鐪嬪埌锛涚暀蹇?includingprep.鍖呭惈锛涘寘鎷?indoorsadv.鍦ㄦ埛鍐?createv.鍒涢€狅紱鍒涗綔锛涘垱寤?woodenadj.鏈ㄥ埗鐨?knockv.?knockinto鎾炰笂锛堟煇浜猴級dividev.鍒嗗紑锛涘垝鍒?aimn.?basketn.?metaln.閲戝睘hoopn.绠嶏紱閾佺幆shootv.鎶曞皠锛涘彂灏勶紱灏勫嚭belowprep.鍦?..鐨勪笅... backboardn.?guidev.棰?towardsprep.鍚戯紱寰€锛涙湞鐫€...鐨勬柟鍚?courtn.娉曢櫌Berlin鏌忔灄developv.鍙戝睍锛涘.澶э紱瀹屽杽popularityn.涙祦琛?risenv.rise鐨勮繃鍘诲垎璇?worldwideadj.涓栫晫鑼冨洿鐨勶紱涓栫晫鎬х殑associationn.鍗忎細equipmentn.?JamesEllsworth鏉扮背.?JulieThompson鏈辫帀.姹ゆ櫘妫?Crum鍏嬫湕濮嗭紙濮撴皬锛?JamesNaismith??5璇?restroomn.shampoon.娲楀彂棣欐尝drugstoren.departmentn.闂?escalatorn.?magicn.榄旀湳锛涙垙娉?hangout闂茶崱freshadj.鏂伴矞鐨勶紱鐢熺殑锛涙棤缁忛獙鐨?blockn.娈?oakn.?uncrowdedadj.safeadj.瀹夊叏鐨勶紱鍙椾繚鎶ょ殑锛涗繚闄╃殑slidev.?waterslide姘存粦閬?clownn.灏忎笐锛涗笐瑙?staffn.鑱屽憳锛涘伐浣滀汉鍛橈紱鍏ㄤ綋鑱屽憳dressup marketn.甯傚満锛涢泦甯傚箍鍦?lendv.鍊熺粰parkv.鍋滆溅alrightadv.(=allright)wonderv.鎯崇煡troublev.锛堜娇锛夌儲鎭硷紱楹荤儲锛涙墦鎵?offendv.鍐掔姱锛涗娇...涓嶆剦蹇?structuren.缁撴瀯锛涙瀯閫?handin浜や笂Sunville?Killeen鏂囦腑鎸囦竴鍜栧暋棣嗗悕Valve鏂囦腑West闊︽柉鐗癸紙濮撴皬锛?experiencev.缁忓巻锛涚粡楠?Halloweenn.涓囧湥鑺傚墠澶?Holland鑽峰叞Qomolangma鐝犵﹩?6璇?bythetime鍒?..鏃跺€?gottenv.get鐨勮繃鍘诲垎璇?oversleepv.鐫¤繃澶达紱鐫″緱杩囦箙gooff锛堥椆閽燂級闂瑰搷rushv.鍐诧紱濂?runoff璺戞帀锛涜繀ontime鍑嗘椂lockv.閿侊紱閿佷笂relativen.浜蹭汉锛涗翰鎴?brokev.break鐨勮繃鍘诲紡breakdown鎹熷潖锛涘潖鎺?foolv.楠楋紱n.鎰氫汉锛涚櫧鐥?costumen.?embarrassedadj.灏村艾鐨勶紱绐樿揩鐨?emptyadj.绌虹殑锛涚┖闂茬殑showup鍑哄腑锛涢湶闈?exhaustedadj.?describev.鎻忚堪锛涙弿缁?AprilFool'sDay鎰氫汉鑺?announcev.瀹e竷锛涢€氬憡Marsn.convincev.浣跨‘淇★紱浣夸俊鏈?panicn.鎭愭厡锛涙儕鎭?setoff婵€璧凤紱寮曡捣authorityn.revealv.锛涙彮闇?hoaxn.楠楀眬锛涙伓浣滃墽锛涚帺绗?fledv.flee鐨勮繃鍘诲紡鍙婅繃鍘诲垎璇?spaghettin.鎰忓ぇ鍒╁紡缁嗛潰鏉?farmern.鍐滃か锛涘啘鍦轰富girlfriendn.濂虫湅鍙?marryv.瀚侊紱濞讹紱涓?..thrillv.紱浣块潪甯哥揣寮?getmarried endingn.缁撳眬锛涚画灏?embarrassingadj.浠や汉涓洪毦鐨?apieceof涓€鐗囷紱涓€鍧?OrsonWells濂ユ..闊﹀皵鏂?1---6璇惧渾鐝犵瑪。

2017四年级语文下册课文成语解释苏教版2017鍥涘勾绾цВ閲婅嫃鏁欑増?1銆佹按鍒版笭鎴愶細娓狅紝姘撮亾銆傛按娴佸埌鐨勫湴鏂硅燂紝鍗冲姛鍒拌嚜鐒舵垚銆?2鏍广€傚師姣斿柣甯屽浘涓嶇粡杩囧姫鍔涜€屽緱鍒版垚鍔熺殑渚ュ垢蹇冪悊?3銆佹硾娉涜€岃┒銆?4銆佹浘缁忔钵娴凤細鏇剧粡瑙佽繃澶ф捣鐨勪汉锛屽埆鐨勬按閮介毦浠ュ惛寮曚粬浜嗐€傚悗鐢ㄦ潵姣斿柣瑙佽瘑骞垮崥锛岀粡楠屼赴瀵岀殑浜哄緢?5銆佹帉涓婃槑鐝狅細姣斿柣鏋佸彈鐖舵瘝鐤肩埍鐨勫効濂筹紝鐗规寚濂冲効銆?6銆佹诞鍏夋帬褰憋細姘撮潰涓婄鎴栧嵃璞″緢涓嶆紝涓€鏅冨氨杩囧幓浜嗐€?7銆佹簿浜插甫鏁咃細鏈変翰鎴氭湅鍙嬬殑鍏崇郴銆?8銆佸ぇ寮犳棗榧擄細寮狅細灞曞紑锛岄摵鎺掞紱鏃楅紦锛氬彜浠g殑鎴樻сс?9銆佹柉鏂囨壂鍦帮湴浣嶇瓑瀹屽叏涓у鍫曡惤銆?10銆佹參鏉℃柉鐞嗭細鍘熸寚璇磋瘽鍋氫簨鏈夋潯鏈夌悊锛屼笉鎱屼銆?11?12銆佸攪浜¢娇瀵掞細鍢村攪娌℃湁浜嗭紝鐗欓娇灏变細瑙夊緱鍐凤紝姣斿柣鍏崇郴瀵嗗垏锛屽埄瀹崇浉鍏炽€?13銆佷笉瓒充负璁?浣滀负鏁堜豢鐨勫噯鍒欍€?14﹁崱灏辨槸鏁炲紑鑳告€€瀹硅浇涓囩墿銆?15竴濡傚父鎬併€?16銆傜湅鍒板悕绉板氨鑱旀兂鍒板畠鐨勬剰涔夈€?17銆佽寘濉為】寮€锛氬師鎰?18О勬€荤О銆?19銆佹潈瀹滀箣璁★細鏉冨疁锛氭殏鏃堕€傚疁锛屽彉閫氾紱璁★炴硶銆?20?21銆佹礂鑰銆傛寚涓撳績鍦板惉銆?22銆佸姞瀹樻檵鐖碉細鍔犲皝瀹橀樁锛屾檵鍗囩埖浣嶃€傛檵锛氭檵鍗?23銆佹瘺閬傝嚜鑽愶細姣涢亗锛氭垬鍥借档鍥藉钩鍘熷悰鐨勪1]?24銆侀槼濂夐槾杩? 鎸囩帺寮勪袱闈㈡?25銆佺姱涓婁綔涔憋細鐘€?26銆佹墽杩蜂笉鎮燂細鎵э細鍧氭寔锛涜糠锛氳糠鎯戯紝鍒嗚鲸涓嶆竻锛涙?27銆佺柧瑷€鍘夎壊锛氶潪甯稿嚩銆傚舰瀹逛汉閭f椂寰堟劋鎬掋€?28銆佺锛涙伓锛氬潖浜哄潖浜嬨€傛啂鎭ㄥ潖浜哄潖浜嬪氨鍍忔啂鎭ㄤ粐浜轰竴鏍枫€?291]夋晥鐨勬帾鏂姐€?30銆佷笉閬椾綑鍔涳細閬楋細鐣欎笅锛涗綑鍔涳細娌℃湁浣垮畬鐨勫姏閲忋€傛寚鎶婃墍鏈夌殑鍔涢噺鍏ㄩ儴浣垮嚭鏉ワ紝娌℃湁涓€涓?31銆佹寔涔嬩互鎭掞細闀夸箙鍦板潥鎸佷笅鍘汇€?32涔堜綔涓恒€?33銆佷紤鎴氱浉鍏筹細蹇у枩銆佺ジ绂忓郊姝ょ浉鍏宠仈銆傚舰瀹瑰叧绯ф剚銆佹偛鍝€34銆佺埍灞嬪強涔岋細鍥犱负鐖变竴澶勬埧瀛愶紝涔熺埍閭f埧椤朵笂箤楦︺€?35?36銆佸崄鎸囩氦绾わ細鍗佹崇殑鎵嬬粏宸ц€屾煍缇庛€?37銆佷笉鎷樹竴鏍硷細鎷橈細鎷樻偿锛涢檺鍒讹灞€銆?38銆侀箠宸㈤笭鍗狅細璇婚煶锛歲ue chao ji奴zhan 姣斿柣寮哄崰鍒?39銆佽亰浠ユ叞钘夛細鑱婏紝濮戜笖銆傛叞钘夛紝瀹夋叞銆?40銆佷汉鏉板湴鐏碉細鎸囨湁鏉板嚭鐨勪汉闄嶇敓鎴栧埌杩囷紝鍏跺湴涔熷氨鎴愪簡鍚嶈儨涔嬪尯銆備篃鎸囨澃鍑虹殑浜虹墿鐢?41銆?42銆佷笉瑙d箣缂橈細瑙?瑙f暎銆傜紭,锛岄毦浠ュ垎寮€鐨勭紭鍒嗐€傛瘮鍠讳笉鑳借В鑴辩殑鑱旂郴鎴栧叧绯汇€?43竴鏍枫€傛寚浣滅敾鏃跺厛娣″悗娴擄紝涓嶈交鏄撶敤閲嶅ⅷ銆傚悗鎸囧啓瀛椼€佷綔鐢汇€佷綔鏂囨€佸害涓ヨ皑锛屽姏姹傜簿鐐笺€傘€€44銆佽倖锛涙儺:瀹虫€曘€?45銆侀檲璇嶆互璋冿細闄堬細鏃э紝涓嶆柊椴溿€傛互锛氱┖娉涖€傞檲鑵愩€佺┖娉涚殑璁鸿皟銆?鎰忋€?46瀛?啝鍐曪細鍙や唬甯濈帇鎴栧畼鍛樻埓鐨勭ぜ甯姐€傘€€鍫傜殗锛氬緢鏈夋皵娲剧殑鏍峰瓙銆?47紝浜轰?48浜哄伓鐒剁浉閬囥€?49銆佸吋鏀跺苟钃勶細鍚屾椂娑夊強鎴栧叿鏈夊嚑绉嶄簨鐗┿€傛敹锛涙敹缃楋紝鍚告敹銆傝搫锛氬偍瀛橈紝瀹圭撼銆傚唴瀹逛笉鍚屻€佹€ц川鐩稿弽鐨勪笢瑗块兘鍚告敹杩涙潵銆備篃璇村吋瀹瑰苟钃勩€?50銆凤紝涓嶈兘鍓嶈繘銆?51銆侀澶?52簡娉曚竴鏍枫€?53? 鈶犳寚涓嶉【瀹為檯鎯呭喌锛屾満姊板湴ф勫姙娉曘€?鈶″師姣斿柣涓嶆牴鎹剼锠㈠彲绗戙€?54銆佺灮鍓嶉【鍚? 鐬伙細鍚戝墠鐪嬶紱椤撅細鍥炲ご鐪嬨€?55规尝娑涗箣澶с€?56悆涓滆タ鍙堢寷鍙堟€ョ殑鏍峰瓙銆?57帀楂樺北鍜屽ぇ娌炽€傚舰瀹规皵榄勫緢澶с€?58銆佷笌鏃ヤ勘澧烇細涓庯細璺燂紝鍜屻€??。
七年级英语下册Unit 3单词表(冀教版)

七年级英语下册Unit 3单词表(冀教版)涓冨勾绾цnit 3?life n. 鐢熸椿term n. 瀛︽湡start v. 寮€濮嬶紝鍑哄彂finish v. 瀹屾垚锛岀粨鏉?twice adv.?win (won won) v.璧㈠緱锛岃幏鑳?* yeah int. ()?social adj.绀句細鐨?* shop n.myself pron. 鎴戣嚜宸?* Edmonton鍩冨痉钂欓】(鍔犳嬁澶у煄甯?middle adj.?* Greenwood Middle Schoolgrade n. 骞寸骇* wood n. 鏈ㄥご锛屾湪鏉?print v. 鍗板浘妗堜簬锛屽嵃鍒?guitar n. 鍚夊畠fair n. ?* worm n. 锠曡櫕* silk worm 铓?difference n.?village n. 鏉戝簞锛屼埂鏉?* education n. 鏁欒偛yourself pron. 浣犺嚜宸?drop v.鏀惧純锛屽仠姝?possible adj.?never adv.浠庢潵娌℃湁锛屽喅涓?future n.* Jason Glen鏉版..鏍间鸡(浜哄悕)* Riverside High Schoolterrible adj.happen v.鍙戠敓lose (lost lost) v. 澶卞幓锛屽け璐?fire n.raise v.绛瑰嫙(閽辫储)prize n.?video n.褰曞儚锛?piece n.寮狅紝鐗?visitor n. ?teach (taught taught) v. 鏁欙紝璁叉巿quite adv.闈炲父锛屽崄鍒?nervous adj.绱у紶鐨勶紝涓嶅畨鐨? comfortable adj.鑸掓湇鐨?* relaxed adj.杞绘澗鐨勶紝鏀炬澗鐨? helpful adj.鏈夌敤鐨勶紝鏈夊府鍔╃殑How is oing?鈥︽€庝箞鏍凤紵sports meet 杩愬姩浼?twice a week /year 涓€鍛?涓€骞翠袱娆? long /high jump 璺宠繙/璺抽珮be good at 鎿呴暱social studiesby oneselfon one's own 鍗曠嫭锛岀嫭鑷?make a difference ?give up 鏀惧純drop out of schoolin the future 灏嗘潵come up with 鎯冲嚭锛屾彁鍑?涓绘剰銆佺瓟妗堢瓑) car wash 娲楄溅()cookie sale 鍗栭ゼ骞?)win first prizebe interested in 瀵光€︽劅鍏磋叮a piece of涓€鐗?寮犫€?..different kinds of 涓嶅悓绉嶇被鐨?move from o鈥?浠庘€︾Щ鍔ㄥ埌鈥?。

2017小学语文成语大全及解释(四年级下册)2017у叏鍙婅В閲婏紙鍥涘勾绾т笅鍐岋級銆€1.?銆€銆€2.?銆€銆€3.? 銆€銆€4.?銆€銆€5.椋炵€戞祦娉夛細鐎戝竷椋炴郴锛屾硥姘存祦娣屻€?銆€銆€6.?銆€銆€7.?銆€銆€8.?銆€銆€9.В銆?銆€銆€10.効鍚炰笅鍘汇€傛瘮鍠讳笉鍔犲垎鏋愶紝涓嶆眰鐞嗚В锛岀敓鍚炴椿鍓ャ€? 銆€銆€11.涓嶆繁鍒伙紝鍍忔按闈㈢殑鍙嶅?銆€銆€12.涓嶇敋浜嗕簡锛氫笉寰堟槑鐧藉湴灏辩粨鏉熶簡銆?銆€銆€13.?銆€銆€14.鐔熻兘鐢熷阀锛氭妧鑳界啛缁冨氨浼氫骇鐢熺伒宸х殑鍔炴硶銆? 銆€銆€15.?16.銆?銆€銆€17.鎸鸿韩鑰屽嚭锛氬舰瀹逛笉閬胯壈闄╋紝鍕囨暍鍦扮珯鍑烘潵銆備у拰浜烘皯鐨勭敓鍛藉畨鍏ㄣ€?銆€銆€18.閮藉ソ銆備緥锛氬仛瀹跺姟浜嬶紝鏃㈠彲浠ラ敾鐐艰嚜宸辩嫭绔嬬敓娲荤殑鑳藉姏锛屽張鑳藉噺杞荤埗姣嶇殑璐熸媴锛岃繖涓嶆槸涓ゅ叏鍏剁編鍚楋紵銆€銆€19.鍒濆嚭鑼呭簮锛氬垵娆″嚭鏉ュ仛浜嬨€傛垨姣斿柣鍒氬弬鍔犲伐?銆€銆€20.鍒嗘樉闇层€?銆€銆€21.? 銆€銆€22.鑳嗗ぇ蹇冪粏锛氬仛浜嬫棦鏋滄柇鍙堣皑鎱庛€?銆€銆€23.?銆€銆€25.€鑳借儨浠汇€?銆€銆€26.鍥炲ぉ鏃犲姏锛氭瘮鍠绘棤娉曟尳鍥炰弗閲嶇殑灞€鍔挎垨鐥呮儏銆?銆€銆€27.鐧借。
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密度一般在5—20 A/cm2之间),常规电解加工用较高
MEMS器件材料有硅、金属、压电材料、磁性材料、 超导材料、感光材料、形状记忆合金等。依托大规模集 成电路工艺基础的硅微细加工技术主要通过光刻及化 学刻蚀得到微小的沟槽、筋板、孔洞等结构,但此工艺
脚象嫠耋等 只限于硅材料。相对于硅材料的微细加工,LIGA技术
(制版、电铸、注塑)可以对许多金属材料进行微细加 工,尺寸可小至1斗m,精度达亚p,m级,已使MEMS领 域产生重大进展。但LIGA技术所需要的深层X射线 辐射源价格昂贵,推广应用受到限制。而采用电铸工 艺,不需要同步X射线辐射源的准LIGA技术成为又 一研究热点,但研究还有待深入¨。J。线电极电火花 磨削技术WEDG(Wire Electrical Discharge Grinding)使 微细加工电极的在线制作、安装得到较好的解决,微细 电火花加工(Micro—EDM)因此有了迅速发展。日本 东京大学增泽隆久等人采用微细电火花技术已加工出 直径犯.5 Ixm的微细轴和孔径筘p,m的微细孔,可 进行500 izmx300 ILLmx200仙m三维微细轮廓的数控 电火花铣削加工。微细激光加工(Micro—LBM)技术应 用范围广泛、加工精度及效率高,便于计算机控制,是 一种很有发展前景的微细工艺。电子束加工(EBM) 用于小孔、窄缝、刻蚀等微细工艺,加工孔径可达书3 斗m,刻线宽度可达0.1 pm。离子束加工(IBM)可用 于精密微量去除、离子刻蚀、离子镀膜等表面改性中, 去除精度可达纳米级(O.001 ixm),镀膜精度可控制在 1—0.01¨m。微细超声加工USM(Micro Ultrasonic
Abstract:In research of the developing trend of Micro-processing technology and basing on the micro-processing technology of MEMS,we suggest that under the low potential and the effect on passivity of electrochemi— cal after Micro-current density,we can use the high-frequency vibration effect to release the passivity and use the narrow pulse current role of electrolytic鹊well as the hi【gh frequency vibration for removing body material.This can accomplish the micro-processing of compound electrolysis which is also a new concept and developing trend of micro—processing technology.
综述specId Repons
Machining)特别适合于硬脆性材料微细刻槽、细小孔 的加工【6 J。利用电化学阴极沉积原理的精密微细电 铸技术(Micro—EFM)可制作形状复杂、精度很高的微 细结构,在微细制造领域得到重要应用,成为LIGA技 术的重要组成部分¨。J。用电化学隧道扫描显微镜 (STM)探针尖进行的微细电化学加工,在STM探针尖 上加超短脉冲电压,使探针尖附近发生电化学反应,成 功地在金(Au)表面加工出直径为5 nm、深度为0.3一 l nm的纳米坑和在CuSO。和H2sO。的混合溶液中沉积 出高为l nm、直径为8 nm的Cu。光刻胶掩膜微细电 化学加工将光刻技术与电化学加工技术相结合,能加 工出微米甚至亚微米级的复杂形状,可用于精密光栅、 超大规模集成电路、印刷电路等各种金属薄壁零件和 微机电系统零件的制造,是半导体工业、微电子工业和 微机械领域的重要制造技术旧'6 J。如IBM公司对电子 产品中的微小零件进行电化学蚀刻加工【8 o;Philips公 司对电动剃须刀窄槽、微孑L进行高频脉冲电解加 工一1;印度Calcutta大学和美国Nebraska大学进行微 细电化学加工规律及在微器件应用中的研究探索¨川; 用超微电极进行无掩膜加工是电化学微细加工的又一 发展方向,德国佛里·哈尔贝尔研究所的Rolf Schuster 等人研究出的利用持续时间以纳秒计的超短脉冲电压 进行电化学微细加工新技术,成功加工出微米级尺寸 的微细零件,加工精度可达几百纳米”1;国内清华大 学进行的微细电解直写加工;日本Kunio—Chikamori 以牺牲速度为代价,选用低电压、低浓度电解液,在 0.2 mm薄片上加工出+170¨,m的微孔。
Keywords:MEMS devices;High-frequency Vibration;Narrow Pulse Current;Micro-processing of Compound E— lectmlysis
现代工业的发展,要求在有限空间内,产品具有多 种功能,因而对产品小型化、微型化的要求13益迫切。 在航空、航天、医疗生物工程、环境监测、微型机器人、 传感器等众多领域中的微小机械有广泛应用前景,计 算机技术、微电子技术及航空航天等技术的进一步发 展也只有通过微型化和集成化来实现。微机电系统 (MEMS)技术是产品微型化的技术支撑,基于MEMS 器件的微细加工技术集合、交叉了多学科的内容,是一 个融前沿高技术和工程应用于一体的科学技术体系, 受到国内外广泛重视,发展非常迅速。因此,研究国内 外微细加工技术的发展状况,发掘电解加工机理的优 势,并将其应用于MEMS器件的微细加工中,目前已 成为一项很有应用前景的研究课题。
然而,上述微细加工方法在各具优点的同时,亦各 有一定的局限性。如:微细电火花加工表面层质量及 加工效率受到加工机理的制约;激光加工是热加工,热 影响因素较多;电子束、离子束加工均需在真空中进 行,设备成本高,使用受到很多限制;超声加工工具有 损耗,且在材料面积、韧性较大时,效率显著降低,应用 也受到限制;基于电化学阴极沉积的精密微细电铸技 术可制作形状复杂、精度很高的细小零件,但存在废品 率较高与效率较低的问题;基于阳极溶解的微细电化 学(电解)加工在微器件加工中的应用主要还局限于 一些二维形状刻蚀,且由于影响因素多,形状精度还有 待于进一步提高,国外研究三维展成式电化学微细成 形加工,精度提高有较大难度,扩展其在微细加工中的 应用仍需要开拓性的创新研究。
specid ReponS综述
王军 (广东轻工职业技术学院,广东广州510300)
摘要:研究了国内外微细加工技术的发展状况,基于MEMS器件的微细加工技术,提出了在低电位、微电 流密度下电化学钝化效应基础上,用高频振动效应消除钝化,用与高频振动同频同步的窄脉冲电流 电解作用去除机体材料,实现电解复合微细加工。这是微细加工技术的新构想及发展趋势。
与源于电化学阴极沉积成形原理的微细电铸相 比,基于电化学阳极溶解原理的电解加工(ECM,Elec- trochemical Machining)技术目前在微细加工中的应用
状况与其“离子”方式去除材料的机理优势很不相称, 究其原因主要在于:常规电解加工为了避免钝化及提 高加工速度,需采用大电流密度进行高速加工,由于加 工间隙中电场、流场复杂多变及电解液的杂散腐蚀,加 工间隙的稳定性及一致性难以保证,去除材料的定域 性差,使电解加工的精度较难控制;另外,为了提高电 解液的电导率,常采用具有一定腐蚀性或强腐蚀性的 高浓度中性盐电解液,这对设备、环境保护及零件性能 均可能造成影响,限制了电解加工的进一步扩大应用, 在微细加工领域的应用更没有得到应有的黄视。实际 上电解加工是一种在电场作用下材料“离子”方式去 除工艺,这在加工机理上有微细加工,甚至nm级加工 的可行性"’6j。电解加工“离子”去除机理上的优势已 在常规电解加工中有所体现,如表面无变质层,无残余 应力、粗糙度值小,此外电解加工生产率高,阴极无损 耗,批量加工成本相对较低,这些特点是其它微细加工 方式所难以兼备的。
基于上述设想,将高频振动、脉冲岂嫠耋铬 高于20 kHz)、相位相互协调,当工件与工具阴极相互
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接近时为脉冲加电区(可达炉级),退离时为脉冲间 歇区。加工开始后,由于电解作用在工件表面产生厚 度极薄、强度远低于基体材料的钝化膜,利用高频振动 作用消除钝化膜;钝化膜破坏后的表面由于电解作用 又迅速产生新的钝化膜,阻止进一步电解,这样可避免 通常大电流密度电解时产生的杂散腐蚀作用。由于阴 极无损耗的特殊优点,加工型面将会完全根据阴极形 状(拷贝式)或包络轨迹(展成式)成形,而阴极可由线 电极电火花磨削(WEDG)技术在线制作(或采用快速 原型+精密微细电铸及掩模式刻蚀),这个特点非常有 利于MEMS器件立体型面加工。由于采用高频脉冲 电流,电解作用间歇进行,高频振动冲击波及“负压空 化”作用能有效、及时地去除加工区的电解产物,改善 及加强电解作用。这种特性对MEMS器件的高深度 比沟槽加工非常重要。这种方式的材料去除是以钝化 膜层为单位(亚p,m级),电解钝化与高频振动作用消 除交替进行,机理上可保证加工过程中钝化膜产生和 去除的协调配合,解决电解微细加工过程难以持续的 问题,使其实用成为可能;此外,高频振动冲击及空化 作用只起消除钝化膜的作用,不直接参与去除基体材 料,所以通过对微能电源参数的控制,就可能实现微细 加工速度及去除量(深度)的自动控制。