J-orchestra Automatic java application partitioning




环球插件机编程实践指南1. 简介本文档旨在为使用环球插件机(Universal Plugin Machine)进行编程的用户提供指南和实践建议。


2. 安装环球插件机在开始编程之前,您需要首先安装环球插件机。

请按照以下步骤进行安装:2. 运行安装程序,并按照提示完成安装过程。

3. 启动环球插件机,并进行必要的配置。

3. 搭建开发环境为了更好地编写和调试插件程序,您需要搭建一个稳定且高效的开发环境。

以下是一些建议:- 选择一款适合您的操作系统的集成开发环境(IDE),如Visual Studio Code或Eclipse。

- 安装相应的插件和扩展以支持环球插件机的开发。

- 配置代码编辑器以按照规范格式化代码。

4. 编程实践建议编写插件程序时,以下实践建议可能对您有所帮助:- 了解环球插件机的插件库和API文档,熟悉可用的功能和方法。

- 根据应用程序的需求,选择适合的插件进行开发。

- 保持代码简洁和可读性,使用合适的命名和注释。

- 遵循面向对象编程(OOP)的原则,模块化和封装功能。

- 进行严格的错误处理和异常处理,确保程序的稳定性和安全性。

- 使用调试工具进行测试和调试,及时修复错误和问题。

- 遵循最佳实践和安全原则,保护用户数据和隐私。

5. 高级编程技巧除了基本的编程实践,以下是一些高级编程技巧,可以帮助您更好地利用环球插件机的功能:- 使用事件驱动的编程模型,响应用户的操作和系统事件。

- 实现多线程编程,提高程序的并发性和响应能力。

- 进行性能优化,减少资源占用和提升执行速度。

- 开发自定义的插件,满足特定应用程序的需求。

- 使用第三方插件和库,扩展环球插件机的功能。

6. 总结通过本文档,您了解了如何进行环球插件机的编程实践。





Java 21开发手册是一本关于Java编程语言的参考书,它详细介绍了Java 21版本中的各种特性和功能。


以下是一些Java 21开发手册中的主要内容:
1. Java语言基础:介绍Java语言的基本语法、数据类型、运算符、控制语句等基础知识。

2. 面向对象编程:介绍Java中的类、对象、继承、封装、多态等面向对象编程的概念和技术。

3. 异常处理:介绍Java中的异常机制和异常处理的方法,包括try-catch语句、throw语句、finally语句等。

4. 多线程编程:介绍Java中的多线程编程技术,包括线程的创建、启动、同步、通信等。

5. 网络编程:介绍Java中的网络编程技术,包括Socket编程、HTTP协议、TCP/IP协议等。

6. 数据库编程:介绍Java中的数据库编程技术,包括JDBC接口、SQL语言、事务处理等。

7. Java虚拟机:介绍Java虚拟机的工作原理和调优方法,包括内存管理、垃圾回收、性能优化等。

总之,Java 21开发手册是一本非常实用的Java编程参考书,对于想要深入学习Java编程语言的人来说是一本不可多得的好书。




而选择一个适合自己的集成开发环境(Integrated Development Environment,简称IDE)可以极大地提高编程效率和工作质量。


二、Java开发IDE推荐1. EclipseEclipse是一个广泛使用的Java开发IDE,它具有强大的功能和丰富的插件系统,可以满足不同开发者的需求。




2. IntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEA是一款功能强大的Java开发IDE,它提供了很多高级功能,能够帮助开发者提高生产效率。


IntelliJ IDEA还支持各种框架和库,并提供了强大的版本控制和调试工具。

此外,IntelliJ IDEA还有很多有用的插件,可以进一步扩展其功能。

三、Python开发IDE推荐1. PyCharmPyCharm是一款专为Python开发设计的IDE,它提供了智能代码提示、代码补全、代码分析等功能,可以提高开发效率。



2. AnacondaAnaconda是一个流行的Python发行版,它包含了一系列常用的Python科学计算库和IDE。

为java应用程序设置开机启动项、 修改注册表

为java应用程序设置开机启动项、 修改注册表
throw new ng.IllegalArgumentException("不要传送系统类!");
public static String getAppPath(Class cls){
throw new ng.IllegalArgumentException("参数不能为空!");
ClassLoader loader=cls.getClassLoader();
if(packName.indexOf(".")<0) path=packName+"/";
对于Java程序,无论是未打包的还是打包的JAR或WAR文件,有时候都需要获取它运行所在目录信息,如何做到这一点呢? 在Java处理的文件系统中,目录的表示方式有两种: (1)绝对目录,它以"/"为起始字符,代表从根目录下开始寻找给出的目录,如/c:/java (2)相对路径,它以不带“/”的目录名表示,表示以当前Java程序正在运行的目录作为起始目录来寻找给出的目录。如java/classes。在相对路径中,有一些特定的字符,可以代表特的的目录,比如,“.”代表当前目录,“..”代表当前目录的上一级目录。在网上很多给出的例子中,就是利用"."作为目录名,构造File对象的实例,然后通过File对象的方法来获取当前程序运行的目录。 这种方法虽然简单,但有时不能正确的得出当前程序的运行目录。原因在于,运行Java程序不一定要进入到该程序的类文件或JAR文件所在的目录,只要在运行时指定了正确的类路径信息,就可以在任何目录中运行Java程序,此时利用这种方法只能得到发出运行命令时所在的目录信息。 从上面的分析可以看出,对于很多Java程序,尤其是WEB程序,利用当前路径的“.”表示法,都不能满足要求。那么怎样才能正确的得到运行目录信息呢? 在Web程序中,利用Servlet API可以获得一些路径信息,比如HttpServletRequest接口中定义的getRealPath方法,但类似这些方法都依赖于Servlet环境,不便于程序的单元测试。 本文提供了一种只使用Java标准API的路径探测方法,就是利用ClassLoader抽象类。 利用ng.Class的getClassLoader方法,可以获得给定类的ClassLoader实例,它的getResource方法可以获得当前类装载器中的资源的位置,我们可以利用类文件的名称作为要查找的资源,经过处理后就可获得当前Java程序的运行位置信息,其伪代码如下: 获得Class参数的所在的类名




对于使用 Java 进行开发的项目来说,选择合适的自动化测试工具至关重要。

接下来,让我们一起探索一些值得一试的 Java 自动化测试工具。

首先要提到的是 JUnit。

这是 Java 领域中最为广泛使用的单元测试框架之一。

它提供了简洁明了的 API,使得编写和运行单元测试变得轻松简单。


而且,JUnit 还支持各种扩展,例如参数化测试、规则等,能够满足不同复杂程度的测试需求。

TestNG 也是一款出色的测试框架。

与 JUnit 相比,TestNG 提供了更强大的功能和更灵活的配置选项。


这使得在处理大规模的测试套件时,TestNG 能够更有效地组织和执行测试用例,提高测试效率。

Selenium 则是用于 Web 应用程序自动化测试的首选工具之一。

它支持多种编程语言,包括 Java。

通过 Selenium,我们可以模拟用户在浏览器中的操作,如点击、输入、页面导航等。

结合各种浏览器驱动,Selenium 能够在不同的浏览器上进行测试,确保 Web 应用在各种环境下的正常运行。

JMeter 主要用于性能测试。

如果您需要对 Java 应用的性能进行评估和分析,JMeter 是一个不错的选择。


Cucumber 是一种行为驱动开发(BDD)框架。


对于需要跨团队协作和沟通的项目,Cucumber 能够促进开发人员、测试人员和业务人员之间的有效交流。

Mockito 是一个流行的模拟框架。

在单元测试中,当某些依赖对象难以创建或者其行为不可预测时,我们可以使用 Mockito 来创建模拟对象,并控制它们的行为,以便更专注于测试目标代码的逻辑。


JBuilder是Borland公司开发的针对java的开发工具,使用JBuilder将可以快速,有效的开发各类java应用,它使用的JDK与sun公司标准的JDK不同,它经过了较多的修改,以便开发人员能够像开发Delphi应用那样开发java应用。 JBuilder
JBuilder的核心有一部分采用了VCL技术,使得程序的条理非常清晰,就算是初学者,也能完整的看完整个代码。JBuilder另一个特点是简化了团队合作,它采用的互联网工作室技术使不同地区,甚至不同国家的人联合开发一个项目成为了可能。 JBuilder从2006版开始使用Eclipse作为其核心开发,最新版本为JBuilder2008R2,支持最新的EJB3.0规范,以及JPA技术。 Borland公司成立于 1983 年,总部设在美国加州的Scotts Valley,是领先全球的软件交付最优化(SDO)平台独立解决方案供应商,业务遍及全球,曾经是世界第三大软件公司。公司提供的软件和服务有助于人员、流程、技术的配合,以使软件的商业价值最大化。 Borland公司的著名产品有: JBuilder、C++ Builder、Delphi Jbuilder是一个可视话JAVA开发工具。它是在Java2平台上开发商业应用程序、数据库、发布程序的优秀工具。它支持J2EE,所以程序员可以快速的转换企业版Java应用程序。 Borland
1Jbuilder支持最新的Java技术,包括Applets、JSP/Servlets、JavaBean以及EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans)的应用。 2用户可以自动地生成基于后端数据库表的EJB Java类,Jbuilder同时还简化了EJ B的自动(分布应用程序所必需的接口定义语言Interface Definition Language)和控制远程对象。 3Jbuilder支持各种应用服务器。Jbuilder与Inprise Application Server紧密集成,同时支持WebLogic Server,支持EJB 1.1和EJB 2.0,可以快速开发J2EE的电子商务应用。 4Jbuilder能用Servlet和JSP开发和调试动态Web 应用。 4利用Jbuilder可创建(没有专有代码和标记)纯Java2应用。由于Jbuilder是用纯J ava语言编写的,其代码不含任何专属代码和标记,它支持最新的Java标准。 4Jbuilder拥有专业化的图形调试界面,支持远程调试和多线程调试,调试器支持各种JDK版本,包括J2ME/J2SE/J2EE。JBuilder环境开发程序方便,它是纯的Java 开发环境,适合企业的J2EE开发;缺点是往往一开始人们难于把握整个程序各部分之间的关系,对机器的硬件要求较高,比较吃内存,这时运行速度显得较慢。






Java提供了多种方式来实现音乐合成,其中一种常用的方法是使用Java Sound API。

Java Sound API是Java平台中专为音频处理而设计的API,它提供了丰富的音频操作功能,包括音频播放、录制、处理和合成等。

在使用Java Sound API进行音乐合成时,可以通过加载音频样本文件,使用特定的音频合成算法,将多段音频进行混合、叠加和变化等操作。

除了Java Sound API,还有一些第三方库也可以用于音乐合成,比如TarsosDSP。




Java中有多种方式可用于音频分析,其中之一是使用Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)。


在Java中,可以使用一些库和工具来实现FFT算法,比如Apache Commons Math库。











1. 准备工作在开始开发音乐播放器之前,我们需要准备好开发环境。

首先,确保你的macOS系统已经安装了Java Development Kit(JDK),可以通过在终端输入java -version来检查JDK是否已经正确安装。

其次,我们需要选择合适的集成开发环境(IDE),比如Eclipse、IntelliJ IDEA等。


2. 创建项目首先,在IDE中创建一个新的Java项目,并添加所需的依赖库。



示例代码star:编程语言:javaimport javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;import javax.sound.sampled.Clip;import java.io.File;public class MusicPlayer {public static void playMusic(String filePath) {try {File musicFile = new File(filePath);AudioInputStream audioInput = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(musicFile);Clip clip = AudioSystem.getClip();clip.open(audioInput);clip.start();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}public static void main(String[] args) {String filePath = "path/to/your/music/file.mp3";playMusic(filePath);}}示例代码end3. 实现基本功能在上面的代码中,我们定义了一个MusicPlayer类,并实现了playMusic方法来播放音乐文件。





功能以下是基于Java的音乐播放器的主要功能:1. 播放和暂停:用户可以选择要播放的音乐文件,并进行播放和暂停操作。

2. 播放列表:用户可以创建和管理播放列表,以便更方便地组织音乐文件。

3. 选择曲目:用户可以通过界面选择要播放的曲目,或者通过搜索功能查找特定的曲目。

4. 快进和倒退:用户可以通过拖动进度条来快进或倒退音乐的播放位置。

5. 音量控制:用户可以通过滑动音量条来调整音乐的音量大小。

6. 重复和随机播放:用户可以选择是否要重复播放当前曲目或随机播放曲目列表中的音乐。

7. 歌词显示:如果音乐文件包含歌词信息,用户可以选择显示歌词以及歌词滚动展示功能。

设计与实现以下是基于Java的音乐播放器的设计与实现的主要步骤:1. 界面设计:设计一个用户友好的界面,包括播放控制按钮、播放列表、歌曲选择界面等。

2. 音频处理:使用Java提供的音频处理库,实现音频文件的解码和播放功能。

3. 播放逻辑:实现播放器的核心逻辑,包括播放、暂停、停止、快进/倒退等操作。

4. 播放列表管理:实现播放列表的创建、添加音乐、删除音乐等功能。

5. 用户交互:为用户提供直观的交互方式,包括点击按钮、拖动进度条等。




java 21 使用笔记

java 21 使用笔记

java 21 使用笔记Java 21 是一个较新的 Java 版本,带来了许多新特性和改进。

以下是一些使用 Java 21 的笔记:1. 新的 JDK 版本Java 21 是 Oracle JDK 的一个版本,它提供了最新的 Java 标准和库。

与之前的版本相比,Java 21 引入了许多新功能和改进,包括对 ZGC 和 Shenandoah 垃圾收集器的改进、对 JIT 编译器的改进以及对 JavaFX 的更新。

2. ZGC 和 Shenandoah 垃圾收集器Java 21 引入了对 ZGC 和 Shenandoah 垃圾收集器的改进。

ZGC 和 Shenandoah 是两种可选的垃圾收集器,它们可以提供更好的性能和更低的延迟。

在 Java 21 中,ZGC 和 Shenandoah 的性能得到了进一步改进,可以更好地处理大型应用程序和工作负载。

3. JIT 编译器改进Java 21 对JIT(即时)编译器进行了改进,以提高应用程序的性能。

JIT 编译器是将字节码转换为本地代码的组件,它在运行时将 Java 代码编译成本地代码,以提高性能。

在 Java 21 中,JIT 编译器进行了优化,可以更好地处理热点代码和循环,从而提高应用程序的性能。

4. JavaFX 更新JavaFX 是用于构建桌面应用程序的库,它包含了许多用于创建图形用户界面、处理多媒体和网络通信等的类和接口。

在 Java 21 中,JavaFX 得到了更新,包括对 UI、布局和动画的改进以及对一些新功能的支持。

使用 JavaFX,可以轻松地创建具有吸引力和功能强大的桌面应用程序。

5. 其他新特性Java 21 还包含了许多其他新特性和改进,例如对 Unicode 14 的支持、对 HTTP/2 的改进以及对 Java API for WebSocket 的更新。






一、开发工具包1. JDK(Java Development Kit)JDK是Java开发者必备的工具之一,其中包含了Java语言的编译器、虚拟机等必要组件。


2. EclipseEclipse是一款流行的Java集成开发环境(IDE),提供了丰富的功能和插件,可以帮助开发者更高效地编写代码、调试程序和管理项目。

3. IntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEA是另一个常用的Java IDE,它提供了智能代码提示、自动补全、重构工具等功能,可以帮助开发者快速编写高质量的Java代码。

二、构建工具包1. MavenMaven是一款优秀的项目构建工具,它能够管理项目依赖、自动化构建过程,并提供了丰富的插件,可以简化Java项目的开发和部署。

2. GradleGradle是另一个强大的项目构建工具,它支持多种项目结构和构建方式,并且具有高度灵活性。


三、测试工具包1. JUnitJUnit是一款广泛使用的Java单元测试框架,在Java开发中被广泛应用。


2. MockitoMockito是一款强大的Java单元测试框架,它提供了丰富的API,可以方便地模拟和验证对象的行为。


四、调试工具包1. JVisualVMJVisualVM是一款功能强大的Java虚拟机监控和调试工具,它可以帮助开发者分析程序性能问题、内存泄漏等。












以下是一个简单的例子:```javaimport javax.sound.midi.*;public class MusicComposition {public static void main(String[] args) throws MidiUnavailableException, InterruptedException {Synthesizer synthesizer = MidiSystem.getSynthesizer();synthesizer.open();// 创建一个Midi通道MidiChannel channel = synthesizer.getChannels()[0];// 设置乐器channel.programChange(20);// 播放音符channel.noteOn(60, 127);Thread.sleep(1000);channel.noteOff(60);// 关闭合成器synthesizer.close();}}```在这个例子中,我们使用Java内置的javax.sound.midi包来实现音乐编程。

秋叶整合包 环境变量

秋叶整合包 环境变量






1. PATH:用于指定可执行程序的搜索路径。


2. CLASSPATH:用于指定Java类的搜索路径。


3. JAVA_HOME:用于指定Java安装的根目录。







IntelliJ为众多Java EE框架提供了针对框架的编码帮助和提升生产效率的功能,还有大多数应用服务器的布暑工具。





它为测试预期结果提供断言,为共享的常用测试数据提供测试装置(test fixtures),以及运行测试的测试者(test runners)。




具体内容可以参照分别使用 Maven Failsafe 与 TestNG 进行单元测试与集成测试的文章。






java instrumentation 原理

java instrumentation 原理

java instrumentation 原理Java Instrumentation 是一个Java 平台上的特性,它允许开发人员修改或扩展正在运行的Java 应用程序。


Java Instrumentation 的基本原理如下:1.加载和修改字节码:Java 字节码是平台无关的,可以在任何支持Java 的平台上运行。

JavaInstrumentation API 允许程序在运行时动态地加载和修改字节码。

这可以通过使用premain方法或者在JVM 启动时使用-javaagent参数来实现。

2.代理库:代理库是一个独立的JAR 文件,包含一个或多个类,这些类扩展了premain方法。

当JVM 启动时,它会加载并执行代理库中的premain方法。

在这个方法中,你可以使用Instrumentation API 来修改正在运行的Java 应用程序的字节码。

3.Instrumentation API:Instrumentation API 提供了一组方法,如addTransformer、removeTransformer、retransformClasses等,这些方法允许代理程序控制字节码的加载和修改。

例如,你可以使用addTransformer方法来注册一个ClassFileTransformer,这个transformer 可以用来修改字节码。




这意味着代理库中的类在运行时才被加载,而不是在JVM 启动时就被加载。



在构造 AudioClip 类时需要用 URL 作为其的参数变量,URL 可以让程序知道获取电脑或者网 络上的文件,由于该电子琴软件需要的源声音文件都保存在项目文件下的 resource 文件下, 并且给这些文件编号,该模拟电子琴软件具有 13 个黑白按键,8 个白色全音,5 个黑色半音 在 resource 目录下,白色全音文件为 white0.wav 到 white7.wav,黑色半音文件为 black0.wav 到 black4.wav.我通过新建了一个长度为 8 的 URL 数组和一个长度为 5 的 URL 数组,分别用 来帮助程序读取这些文件,在代码中分别为 ur[8]和 ur1[5].然后需要把这些 URL 文件所标识 的音频转换成为 JAVA 可控制的 AudioClip 类文件,我新建了两个 AudioClip 类的数组来分别 读取 URL 数组的标识音频,这两个 AudioClip 数组分别为 music[8]和 music[5],他们分别对应 ur[8]和 ur1[5],把 WAV 的模拟音频成功添加到 AuidoClip 中,我们就可以轻松的对其进行播放 控制。
} }
窗口关闭直接退出程序只要增加一行如下代码即可: frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
switch(e.getKeyCode()){ case KeyEvent.VK_A:
music[0].stop(); music[0].play(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_S: music1[0].stop(); music1[0].play(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_D: music[1].stop(); music[1].play(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_F: music1[1].stop(); music1[1].play(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_G: music[2].stop(); music[2].play(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_H: music[3].stop(); music[3].play(); break; case KeyEvent.VK_J: music1[2].stop(); music1[2].play();



高考英语阅读理解高频词汇483 A(49)abso lut e a.绝对的,无条件的;完全的abundant a. 丰富的, 充裕的, 大量的abuse v. 滥用, 虐待; 谩骂academic a. 学术的; 高等院校/研究院的academy n. (高等)专科院校; 学会accelerate vt. 加速, 促进accomplish vt . 完成, 到达; 实行acid n. 酸, 酸性物质a. 酸的; 尖刻的acknowledge v. 承认; 致谢acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到adapt vi. 适应, 适合; 改编, 改写vt. 使适应adequate a. 适当地; 足够adhere vi. 粘附, 附着; 遵守, 坚持adjust v. 调整, 调节adopt v. 收养;采用;采纳agent n. 代理人, 代理商; 动因, 原因alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料, 酒精algebra n. 代数alter v. 改变, 改动, 变更appeal n./vi. 呼吁, 恳求applause n. 鼓掌, 掌声appliance n. 器具, 器械applicable a. 可应用的, 适当的applicant n. 申请人appoint vt. 任命, 委派appreciate vt. 重视, 赏识, 欣赏approach v. 靠近, 接近n. 途径, 方式appropriate a. 适当的approve v. 赞成, 同意, 批准approximate a. 大概的, 大约v. 近似arbitrary a. 随意的, 未断的architect n. 建筑师architecture n. 建筑学arise vi. 产生, 出现, 发生; 起身arithmetic n. 算术arouse vt. 引起, 激起; 唤醒aspect n. 方面; 朝向; 面貌attach vt. 系, 贴; 使附属attitude n. 态度audio a. 听觉authority n. 权威;当局automatic a. 自动的auxiliary a. 辅助的,备用的available a. 现成可用的;可得到的avenue n. 林荫道,大街award vt. 授予,判给n. 奖品,奖金aware a. 意识到awful a. 极坏的,威严的,可怕的awkward a. 笨拙的,棘手的B(22)bachelor n. 学士, 学士学位; 单身汉bacteria n. 细菌balcony n. 阳台ban vt. 取缔, 禁止bargain n. 便宜货vi. 讨价还价barrel n. 桶barrier n. 障碍; 棚栏battery n. 电池(组)beforehand ad. 预先, 事先biology n. 生物学blast n. 爆炸; 气流vi. 炸, 炸掉bother v. 打搅, 麻烦boundary n. 分界线, 边界brake n. 刹车, 制动器 v. 刹住(车) breadth n. 宽度breed n. 种, 品种v. 繁殖, 产仔budget n. 预算v. 编预算, 作安排bunch n. 群, 伙; 束, 串bundle n. 捆, 包, 束vt. 收集, 归拢burden n. 重担, 负荷bureau n. 局, 办事处burst vi. & n. 突然发生, 爆裂C(40)calculate vt. 计算, 核算calendar n. 日历, 月历campus n. 校园cancel vt. 取消, 废除candidate n. 候选人capture vt. 俘虏, 捕获career n. 生涯, 职业cargo n. (船、飞机等装载的)货物casual a. 偶然的, 碰巧的; 临时的;非正式的catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目ceremony n. 典礼, 仪式chaos n. 混乱, 紊乱clue n. 线索, 提示cliff n. 悬崖, 峭壁coarse a. 粗的, 粗糙的, 粗劣的coach n. 教练; 长途公共汽车code n. 准则, 法规, 密码coil n. 线圈v. 卷, 盘绕collision n. 碰撞, 冲突column n. 柱, 圆柱; 栏, 专栏comedy n. 喜剧community n. 社区, 社会commit vt.犯(错误,罪行等), 干(坏事等) comment n. & vt. 评论comparable a. (with, to)可比较的,类似的comparative a. 比较的, 相对的compete vi. 竞争, 比赛competent a. 有能力的, 能胜任的competition n. 竞争, 比赛conquer vt. 征服consent n. 准许, 同意vi (to)准许, 同意conservation n. 保存, 保护conservative a. 保守的consistent a. 坚固定; 一致的,始终如一的constant a. 不变的, 恒定的n. 常数consume v. 消耗, 耗尽continuous a. 继续的, 连续(不断)的continual a. 不断地, 频繁的cope vi. (with) (成功地)应付, 处理core n. 果心, 核心D(27)dash vi. 猛冲, 飞奔data n. 数据, 资料deaf a. 聋的; 不愿听的decay vi. 腐烂, 腐朽decent a. 像样的, 体面的decline v. 拒绝, 谢绝; 下降decorate vt. 装饰, 装璜defect n. 缺点, 缺陷delay vt. & n. 推迟, 延误, 耽搁delicate a. 易碎的; 娇弱的; 精美的deserve vt. 应受, 应得, 值得device n. 装置, 设备devise vt. 发明, 策划, 想出discipline n. 纪律; 惩罚; 学科discount n. (价格)折扣discrimination n. 歧视; 辨别力display n. & vt. 陈列,展览dispose vi. 除掉; 处置; 解决; 处理(of) distinguish vt. 区分, 辨别distress n. 痛苦, 悲伤vt. 使痛苦distribute vt. 分发disturb vt. 打搅, 妨碍dive vi. 跳水, 潜水diverse a. 不同的, 多种多样的domestic a. 本国的, 国内的; 家用的; 家庭的dumb a. 哑的; 沉默的dump vt. 倾卸, 倾倒E (37)emphasize vt. 强调, 着重emotion n. 情感, 感情emotional a. 感情的, 情绪(上)的encounter vt. & n. 遭遇, 遭到entertainment n. 娱乐;招待,款待enthusiasm n. 热情, 热心entry n. 进入, 入口处; 参赛的人(或物) environment n. 环境episode n. 插曲, 片段equation n. 方程(式);等式;相等entitle vt. 给...权利, 给...资格equivalent a. 相等的a. 相等物erect a. 竖直的v. 建造, 竖立evil a. 邪恶的, 坏的evolve v. 演变; 进展;进化evolution n. 演变, 进化exaggerate v. 夸大, 夸张excess n. 过分, 过量, 过剩expand v. 扩大, 扩张; 展开, 膨胀expansion n. 扩大, 扩充; 发展, 膨胀expel v. 驱逐, 开除, 赶出expend v. 消费expenditure n. 支出, 消费; 经费expense n. 开销, 费用expensive a. 花钱多的; 价格高贵的explode v. 爆炸; 爆发; 激增exploit v. 剥削; 利用, 开采explore v. 勘探; 探索;探险explosion n. 爆炸; 爆发; 激增explosive a. 爆炸的; 极易引起争论的export n. 出口(物) v. 出口, 输出extent n. 程度, 范围, 大小, 限度exterior n. 外部, 外表a. 外部的, 外表的external a. 外部的, 外表的, 外面的extinct a. 绝灭的, 熄灭的extraordinary a. 不平常的, 特别的, 非凡的extreme a. 极度的, 极端的n. 极端, 过分F(9)facility n. [pl.] 设备, 设施; 便利, 方便faculty n. 能力, 技能; 系, 院; 全体教员fatal a. 致命的; 重大的fate n. 命运fax n. & vt. 传真fertile a. 肥沃的; 多产的fertilizer n. 肥料frown v. & n. 皱眉frustrate vt. 使沮丧G(11)geography n. 地理(学)geology n. 地质学geometry n. 几何(学)globe n. 地球, 世界; 地球仪; 球体global a. 全球的; 总的grand a. 宏伟大, 壮丽的, 重大的grant vt. 授予, 同意, 准予grateful a. 感激的gratitude n. 感激guarantee vt. & n. 保证guilty a. 内疚的; 有罪的H(5)hollow a. 空的, 中空的, 空虚道hook n. 钩vt. 钩住horror n. 恐怖horrible a. 可怕的humble a. 谦逊的;谦虚的I(22)idle a. 懒散的, 无所事事的identify vt. 认出, 鉴定identify n. 身份; 个性, 特性illegal a. 不合法的, 非法的illusion n. 错觉;幻觉import n. 进口(物) v. 进口,输入impose vt. 把...加强(on); 采用,利用individual a. 个别的, 单独的n. 个人, 个体inevitable a. 不可避免的infer v. 推论, 推断insignificant a. 无意义的, 无足轻重的; 无价值的insurance n. 保险, 保险费insure vt. 给...保险, 保证, 确保integrate v. (使)成为一体, (使)合并interfere v. 干涉, 干扰, 妨碍internal a. 内部的, 国内的Internet n. 国际互联网, 因特网interpret v. 翻译, 解释interpretation n. 解释, 说明invade v. 侵入, 侵略, 侵袭isolate vt. 使隔离, 使孤立issue n. 问题, 争论点; 发行, (报刊)一期J(3)jealous a. 妒忌的jeans n. 牛仔裤jungle n. 丛林,密林K(1)knot n. 结vt. 把...打成结L(7)leak v. 漏, 渗出lean vi. 倾斜, 倚, 靠leap vi. 跳跃liberal a. 慷慨的; 丰富的; 自由的likelihood n. 可能, 可能性liquor n. 酒, 烈性酒liter / litre n. 升M(18)mainland n. 大陆maintain vt. 维持, 保持; 坚持, 主张marvelous a. 奇迹般的, 惊人的massive a. 大的, 大量的, 大块的mature a. 成熟的maximum a. 最高的, 最大的media n. 新闻传媒medium a. 中等的, 适中的n. 媒介物, 新闻媒介mild a. 温暖的, 暖和的; 温柔的, 味淡的minimum a. 最低的, 最小的mixture n. 混合, 混合物modest a. 谦虚的modify vt. 修改moist a. 潮湿moisture n. 潮湿molecule n. 分子mood n. 心情, 情绪; 语气moral a. 道德上的, 有道德的N(11)naval a. 海军的navigation n. 航行necessity n. 必需品; 必要性network n. 网状物; 广播网, 电视网; 网络neutral a. 中立的, 中性的nevertheless ad. 仍然, 然而, 不过nonsense n. 胡说, 冒失的行动nuclear a. 核子的, 核能的nucleus n. 核nuisance n. 损害, 妨害, 讨厌(的人或事物) nylon n. 尼龙O(18)oblige v. 迫使, 责成; 使感激obscure a. 阴暗, 模糊obstacle n. 障碍(物), 妨碍odd a. 奇特的, 古怪的; 奇数的n. 奇数offend v. 冒犯, 触犯omit vt. 省略onion n. 洋葱opponent n. 敌手, 对手opportunity n. 机会,时机optics n. (单、复数同形)光学optimistic a. 乐观optional a. 可以任选的, 非强制的oral a. 口头的, 口述的, 口的orbit n. 轨道v. (绕...)作轨道运行orchestra n. 管弦乐队organ n. 器官, 风琴orient vt. 使适应, (to, toward) 使朝向n. 东方outstanding a. 杰出的, 突出的, 显著的P(34)parallel n. 平行线; 可相比拟的事物participate v. (in)参与, 参加passion n. 热情passive a. 被动的, 消极的pat v./n. 轻拍, 轻打peak n. 山峰, 顶点personal a. 个人的, 私人的; 亲自的personnel n. [总称]人员, 员工; 人事部门petrol n. 汽油petroleum n. 石油phenomenon n. 现象portable a. 手提式的portion n. 一部分poverty n. 贫穷powder n. 粉末precaution n. 预防, 防备, 警惕preserve v. 保护, 保存, 保持, 维持previous a. 先, 前, 以前的principal a. 最重要的n. 负责人, 校长principle n. 原则, 原理prior a. 优先的, 在前的priority n. 优先, 重点private a. 私人的, 个人的professional a. 职业的, 专门的profit n. 利润, 益处v. 有益于, 有利于profitable a. 有利可图的prohibit vt. 禁止, 不准prominent a. 突出的promote vt. 促进; 提升prompt vt. 促使a. 敏捷的, 及时的prospect n. 前景, 前途; 景象prosperity n. 兴旺, 繁荣provision n. [pl.] 给养, 口粮;准备, 设备, 装置pursue vt. 追逐;追求;从事,进行R(35)racial a. 人种的; 种族的radiation n. 放射物, 辐射radical a. 根本的; 激进的range n. 幅度, 范围v. (在…范围内)变动region n. 地区; 范围; 幅度register v. & n. 登记, 注册regulate vt. 管理,调节reinforce vt. 增强,加强reject vt. 拒绝release vt. & n. 释放, 排放; 解释; 解脱relevant a. 有关的, 切题的reliable a. 可靠的relief n. 轻松, 宽慰; 减轻religion n. 宗教, 宗教; 信仰religious a. 宗教的reluctant a. 不情愿的, 勉强的rely vi. (on ,upon)依赖, 指望remarkable a. 值得注意的, 异常的,非凡的remedy n. & vt. 补救, 医治, 治疗remote a. 遥远的, 偏僻的removal n. 除去, 消除render vt. 使得, 致使vi. 给予; 补偿vt. 呈递, 归还, 着色, 汇报,致使, 放弃, 表演, 实施n. 交纳, 粉刷, 打底repetition n. 重复, 反复reputation n. 名气, 声誉rescue vt. & n. 营救resistant a. (to)抵抗的, 抗...的, 耐...的resolve vt. 解决; 决定, 决意restrain vt. 阻止, 抑制restraint n. 抑制, 限制resume v. (中断后)重新开始retail n. & v. & ad. 零售retain vt. 保留, 保持restrict vt. 限制, 约束route n. 路; 路线; 航线ruin v. 毁坏,破坏n. 毁灭,[pl.]废墟S(56)sake n. 缘故, 理由satellite n. 卫星scale n. 大小, 规模; 等级; 刻度scan vt. 细看; 扫描; 浏览scandal n. 丑事, 丑闻scratch v. & n. 抓, 搔, 扒secure a. 安全的, 可靠的security n. 安全, 保障semester n. 学期; 半年semiconductor n. 半导体seminar n. 研讨会sequence n. 连续; 顺序severe a. 严重的sexual a. 性的shallow a. 浅的shift v. 转移; 转动; 转变shiver vi. & n. 发抖shrink vi. 起皱, 收缩; 退缩shrug v. & n. 耸肩signature n. 签名significance n. 意义; 重要性simplicity n. 简单; 朴素simplify vt. 简化sincere a. 诚挚的, 真诚的slide v. 滑动, 滑落n. 滑动; 滑面; 幻灯片slip v. 滑动, 滑落; 忽略slope n. 斜坡, 斜面smog n. 雾霾sophisticated a. 世故的, 老练的; 很复杂的sorrow n. 悲哀, 悲痛splendid a. 极好的, 壮丽的, 辉煌的split v. 劈开; 割裂; 分裂a. 裂开的spill v. 溢出, 溅出, 倒出spit v. 吐(唾液等); 唾弃sponsor n. 发起者, 主办者vt. 发起, 主办, 资助spot n. 地点; 斑点vt. 认出, 发现; 玷污spray v. 喷, (使)溅散spur n. & vt. 刺激, 激励stable a. 稳定的stale a. 不新鲜的, 陈腐的stimulate vt. 刺激, 激励strategy n. 战略, 策略strategic a. 战略(上)的, 关键的stripe n. 条纹stuff n. 原料, 材料vt. 填进, 塞满subsequent a. 随后的, 后来的substance n. 物质; 实质substantial a. 可观的; 牢固的; 实质的substitute n. 代用品vt. 代替subtract v. 减(去)suburb n. 市郊subway n. 地铁survey n. & vt. 调查, 勘测suspicion n. 怀疑, 疑心suspicious a. 怀疑的, 可疑的swallow v. 吞下, 咽下n. 燕子T(29)talent n. 才能, 天资; 人才target n. 目标, 靶子vt. 瞄准tedious a. 乏味道, 单调的,temple n. 庙宇temporary a. 暂时的, 临时的temptation n. 诱惑, 引诱tend vi. 易于, 趋向tendency n. 趋向, 趋势tender a. 温柔的; 脆弱的tense a. 紧张的v. 拉紧n. 时态tension n. 紧张(状态), 张力terminal a. 末端的, 极限的n. 终点territory n. 领土terror n. 恐怖thrust v. 挤, 推, 插tide n. 潮汐; 潮流tidy a. 整洁的, 整齐的torture n. & vt. 拷打, 折磨trace vt. 追踪, 找到n. 痕迹, 踪迹transform v. 转变, 变革; 变换transmit v. 传播, 播送; 传递transplant v. 移植transport vt. 运输, 运送n. 运输(工具) trap n. 陷阱, 圈套v. 设陷阱; 捕捉treaty n. 条约, 协定triangle n. 三角(形)triumph n. 胜利, 成功tuition n. 学费twist vt. 使缠绕; 转动; 扭歪U(10)ultimate a. 极端的, 最大的, 最终的n. 极端undergo v. 经历, 遭受undergraduate n. 大学肄业生undertake vt. 承担, 着手做; 同意, 答应unique a. 唯一的, 独特的universal a. 普遍的, 通用的; 宇宙的universe n. 宇宙utility n. 功用, 效用utilize vt. 利用utter vt. 说出a. 完全的, 彻底的V(28)vacant a. 空的, 未占用的vacuum n. 真空, 真空吸尘器vague a. 模糊的, 不明确的vain n. 徒劳, 白费a. 徒劳的, 无效的valid a. 有效的, 有根据的; 正当的valley n. 山谷, 峡谷vanish vi. 消灭, 不见variable a. 易变的, 可变的variation n. 变化, 变动vary v. 变化, 改变; 使多样化vehicle n. 交通工具, 车辆venture n. 风险投资(项目) v. 冒险; 取于version n. 版本, 译本; 说法vertical a. 垂直的vessel n. 船舶; 容器, 器皿; 血管via prep. 经由, 经过, 通过vibrate v. 振动, 摇摆victim n. 牺牲品, 受害者video n. 电视, 视频a. 电视的, 录像的videotape n. 录像带v. 把...录在录像带上virtue n. 美德, 优点virtual a. 实际上的, 事实上的virus n. 病毒vivid a. 生动的vocabulary n. 词汇(量); 汇表voluntary a. 自愿的volunteer n. 志愿者v. 自愿(做)vote v. 选举n. 选票W(8)wagon n. 四轮马车, 路货车waist n. 腰, 部wander vi. 漫游, 逛wax n. 蜡wealthy a. 富裕的weave v. 织,编weld v./n. 焊接wonder n. 惊奇, 迹v. 想知道, 对...疑惑Y(2)yawn vi. 打哈欠yield vi. (to)屈服于;让出,放弃n. 产量Z(1)zone n. 地区,区域五大洋the Antarctic Ocean南冰洋the Arctic Ocean 北冰洋the Pacific Ocean 太平洋the Atlantic Ocean 大西洋the Indian Ocean 印度洋。

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J-Orchestra: Automatic Java Application PartitioningEli Tilevich and Y annis SmaragdakisCenter for Experimental Research in Computer Science (CERCS)College of ComputingGeorgia Institute of TechnologyAtlanta, GA 30332{tilevich,yannis}@ABSTRACTJ-Orchestra is an automatic partitioning system for Java programs. J-Orchestra takes as input Java applications in bytecode format and transforms them into distributed applications,running on distinct Java Virtual Machines.To accomplish such automatic partitioning, J-Orchestra uses bytecode rewriting to substitute method calls with remote method calls,direct object references with proxy refer-ences,ing J-Orchestra does not require great sophistication in distributed system methodology—the user only has to specify the network location of various hardware and software resources and their corresponding application classes.J-Orchestra has signif-icant generality,flexibility,and degree of automation advantages compared to previous work on automatic partitioning.For instance,J-Orchestra is guaranteed to correctly partition any Java program,allowing any application object to be placed on any machine,regardless of how application objects access each other and Java system objects.Additionally,J-Orchestra objects can migrate in response to run-time events in order to take advantage of locality.J-Orchestra also offers run-time optimizations,like the lazy creation of distributed objects—objects do not suffer the over-head of remote registration until they are about to be accessed remotely.We have used J-Orchestra to successfully partition several realistic applications including a command line shell,a ray tracer,and sev-eral applications with native dependencies (sound, graphics).1 INTRODUCTIONApplication partitioning is the task of breaking up the functionality of an application into distinct entities that can operate indepen-dently,usually in a distributed setting.Application partitioning has been advocated strongly in the computing press[11]as a way to use resources more efficiently.Traditional partitioning entails re-coding the application functionality so that it uses a middleware mechanism for communication between the different entities.In this paper,we present an automatic partitioning system for Java applications.Our system,called J-Orchestra,utilizes compiler technology to partition existing centralized applications without manual editing of the application source code.Automatic partitioning aims to satisfy functional constraints(e.g., resource availability).For instance,an application may be getting input from sensors,storing it in a database,processing it,and pre-senting the results on a graphical screen.All four hardware resources(sensors,database,fast processor,graphical screen)may be on different machines.Indeed,the configuration may change several times in the lifetime of the application.Automatic parti-tioning can accommodate such requirements without needing to hand-modify the application code.For several tasks,like switching between local and remote sensor input,automatic partitioning is without direct competition—all other alternatives require that the application be hand-modified. Nevertheless,in the case of user interaction resources(keyboard input,graphical screen output)automatic partitioningfinds compe-tition in several existing technologies for transparent distribution. These technologies include Java servlets and text/graphics input/ output redirection protocols like telnet and X-Windows[14].All of the above are rudimentary adaptors for distributed computing:they allow executing a program on a different computer than the one managing the input/output.Nevertheless,all application process-ing still occurs on a single network site.In contrast,when auto-matic application partitioning is used,different parts of the application can run on different machines in order to minimize net-work traffic or reduce server load.For instance,for graphical out-put,it is often best to keep the code generating the graphics on the same site as the graphics hardware,instead of passing all drawing commands over the network.J-Orchestra operates at the Java bytecode level and rewrites the application code to replace local data exchange(function calls, data sharing through pointers)with remote communication (remote function calls through Java RMI[18],indirect pointers to mobile objects).The resulting application is guaranteed to have the same behavior as the original one.J-Orchestra receives input from the user specifying the network locations of various hardware and software resources and the code using them directly.A separate profiling phase and static analysis are used to automatically com-pute a partitioning that minimizes network traffic.Past attempts to automatic partitioning have not scaled to industrial strength applications,for several technical reasons.We argue that J-Orchestra is the most scalable automatic partitioning system in existence.J-Orchestra is thefirst system that imposes no partition-ing constraints on application code:J-Orchestra can partition any Java application,allowing any application object to be placed on any machine,regardless of how application objects interact among them and with system objects.Any system object can be remotely accessed from anywhere in the network,although it has to be co-located with system objects that may potentially reference it.(We will later give precise definitions for the terms“application”and “system”objects,but,roughly,these correspond to instances of regular user classes that do not extend Java system classes,and Java system classes that have native dependencies, respectively.) To see the scalability advantages of J-Orchestra over prior work, consider the Addistant system[19]—the most mature and closest alternative to J-Orchestra in the design space.J-Orchestra has threeadvantages over Addistant:a far more general rewrite engine allowing arbitrary partitioning of the application(generality);a system supporting object mobility(flexibility);and a much lesser dependence on user input for a correct partitioning(degree of auto-mation). We examine each of these aspects in turn:•Generality:Addistant imposes restrictions on what applications it can partition and how.For instance,Addistant cannot make a class remotely accessible when the class is unmodifiable and has unmodifiable clients.(The typical reason for a class to be unmodifiable is that its implementation is partly in platform-specific,“native”,code,as is the case for many Java system classes.)In general,Addistant decides on a technique for dis-tributing objects on a per-class basis.This means that if even one of the clients of a class needs to access it directly,all clients are restricted to accessing the class directly.Instead,J-Orchestra makes decisions on a per-reference basis.In this way,a single object(e.g.,an instance of an unmodifiable Java system class, like java.io.FileOutputStream)can be accessed through references of different kinds,depending on the code manipulat-ing each reference.Specifically,the object is accessed directly by other unmodifiable system classes but is accessed through a proxy object by regular(modifiable)application classes.The J-Orchestra rewrite ensures that when a reference is passed from an application class to a system class,it is“unwrapped”,to pro-duce a direct reference so that the system code can access the object directly.Similarly,when a reference is passed from sys-tem code to application code,the object is“wrapped”:a refer-ence to a proxy is generated,so that the application code accessing the object can migrate anywhere on the network.This mechanism is responsible for the generality of J-Orchestra:any application object can be on any machine,regardless of what other objects it references.•Flexibility:Addistant does not allow object mobility.Objects are created and are used on the same network site.In contrast,J-Orchestra application objects can freely migrate to different net-work sites at run-time—e.g.,to take advantage of locality.This makes J-Orchestra a much moreflexible system:migration poli-cies can be put in place and get activated in response to run-time events,instead offixing object locations once and for all.For instance,a method call may cause the arguments of the method to migrate to the site where the method code is executed.•Degree of Automation:Addistant requires user input for every application and system class.The user input determines the semantics of remote object access.For instance,the Addistant user has to explicitly specify whether instances of an unmodifi-able class are created only by modifiable code,whether an unmodifiable class is accessed by modifiable code,whether instances of a class can be safely passed by-copy,etc.(As indi-cated above,the list is not exhaustive:there are cases that the Addistant arsenal of rewrite techniques does not cover.)In con-trast,J-Orchestra does not require the user to know how classes are implemented and what their referencing behavior is.This elevates the degree of automation in the system—the user per-forming the partitioning no longer needs to have a sophisticated understanding of the application semantics.Furthermore,J-Orchestra offers the ability to rewrite a limited portion of the application to make it remotely accessible.In this way,not all application classes need to be accessible throughproxy objects—the application can operate as it normally would in a centralized environment,except for the parts that need to be accessible remotely.This is a desirable property because proxy indirection may slow down application execution by a factor of some tens of percent.By only rewriting a small portion of the application,we ensure high-speed local execution without sacri-ficing remote accessibility.Addistant can provide a similar ben-efit,but in J-Orchestra this feature is usable automatically with guaranteed correctness.J-Orchestra provides static analysis tools that automatically determine the unmodifiable classes that can potentially be used by an application.This information can then be used to determine the minimal rewriting actions that need to be performed to render any subset of the application remotely accessible.In this paper,we present the main elements of the J-Orchestra rewrite engine.We describe the J-Orchestra rewrite algorithm,dis-cuss its power and detail how J-Orchestra deals with various fea-tures of the Java language.Finally,we examine the optimizations that we have implemented in J-Orchestra and present performance measurements that demonstrate the advantage of J-Orchestra over input/output redirection with X-Windows.2 REWRITE STRATEGY OVERVIEWIn this section,we give a high-level overview of the J-Orchestra rewrite algorithm.In our discussion,we assume that all objects in the application are to be turned into remotely accessible objects. This assumption simplifies our argument of the generality of J-Orchestra.In Section4.1,we will discuss how the assumption can be safely relaxed.2.1 Main InsightsJ-Orchestra creates an abstraction of shared memory by allowing references to objects on remote JVMs.That is,the J-Orchestra rewrite converts all references in the original application into indi-rect references—i.e.,references to proxy objects.The proxy object hides the details of whether the actual object is local or remote.If remote methods need to be invoked,the proxy object will be responsible for propagating the method call over the network.The invariant maintained is that clients never get direct references to objects that can potentially be remote—access is always through a proxy.Application code needs to be rewritten to maintain this invariant:for instance,all new statements have to be rewritten to create a proxy object and return it,an object has to be prevented from passing direct references to itself(as the value of the this expression)to other objects,etc.If other objects need to refer to datafields of a rewritten object directly,the code needs to be rewritten to invoke accessor and mutator methods,instead.Such methods are generated automatically for every piece of data in application classes.For instance,if the original application code tried to increment afield of a potentially remote object directly, like in o1.a_field++,the code will have to change into o1.set_a_field(o1.get_a_field()+1).This rewrite will actually occur at the bytecode level.The above indirect reference techniques are not novel(e.g.,see JavaParty[8],as well as the implementation of middleware like Java RMI[18]).The problem with indirect reference techniques, however,is that they do not work well when the remote object and the client objects are implemented in unmodifiable code.Typically,code is unmodifiable because it is in a platform-specific or“native”form—the implementation of Java system classes falls in this cate-gory.Unmodifiable code may be pre-compiled to refer directly to another object’sfields,thus rendering the proxy indirection invalid. One of the major novel elements of J-Orchestra is the use of indi-rect reference techniques even in the presence of unmodifiable code.2.2 Handling Unmodifiable CodeTo see the issues involved,let us examine some possible approaches to dealing with unmodifiable code.We will restrict our attention to Java but the problem(and our solution)is general:pre-compiled native code that accesses the object layout directly will cause problems to indirect reference approaches in any environ-ment.•If the client code(i.e.,user of a reference)of a remote object is not modifiable,but the code of the remote object is modifiable, then we can use“name indirection”:the proxy class can assume the name of the original remote class,and the remote class can be renamed.This is the“replace”approach of the Addistant sys-tem[19].The problem is that the client may expect to access fields of the remote object directly.In this case,the approach breaks.•If the client code(i.e.,user of a reference)of a remote object is modifiable but the code of the remote object is not,then we can change all clients to refer to the proxy.This is the“rename”approach of the Addistant system.This case does not present any problems,but note that the Addistant approach is“all-or-none”.All clients of the unmodifiable class must be modifiable, or references cannot be freely passed around(since one client will refer to a proxy object and another to the object directly).•If the client code(i.e.,user of a reference)of a remote object is not modifiable and the code of the remote object is also not modifiable,no solution exists.There is no way to replace direct references with indirect references.Nevertheless,the key obser-vation is that the remote object can be referred to directly by unmodifiable clients and indirectly by modifiable clients.In this way,although unmodifiable objects cannot be placed on differ-ent network sites when they reference each other,modifiable objects can be on a different site than the unmodifiable objects that they reference.This is the approach that J-Orchestra fol-lows.A direct consequence is that(unlike the Addistant rewrite) the semantics of the application does not affect its ability to be partitioned.An application object(instance of a modifiable class)can be placed anywhere on the network,regardless of which Java system objects it accesses and how.For this approach to work,it should be possible to create an indirect reference from a direct one and vice versa,at applica-tion run-time.The reason is that references can be passed from modifiable to unmodifiable code and vice versa by using them as arguments to a method call.Fortunately,this conversion is easy to handle since all method calls are done through proxies.Prox-ies for unmodifiable classes are the only way to refer to unmodi-fiable objects from modifiable code.Thus,when a method of such a proxy is called,the reference arguments need to be unwrapped before the method call is propagated to the target object.Unwrapping refers to creating a direct reference from an indirect one.Similarly,when a method of such a proxy returns areference,that reference needs to be wrapped:a new indirect reference(i.e.,reference to a proxy object)is created and returned instead.Essentially,instead of the usual call-by-value semantics of Java method calls,our proxies implement a call-by-value-convert semantics,where the references passed as arguments are auto-matically converted exactly when (and if) needed.A consequence of the J-Orchestra rewrite algorithm is that is sup-ports object mobility.If an object can only be referenced through proxies,then its location can change transparently at run-time. Thus,for instance,regular application objects in a“pure Java”application can migrate freely to other sites during application exe-cution.The reason is that such objects cannot be referenced directly by unmodifiable code.(An exception is the case of appli-cation classes that extend system classes other than ng.Object—we will discuss such complications in our detailed presentation of the J-Orchestra rewrite model.)In contrast, instances of Java system classes are remotely accessible but typi-cally cannot migrate,as they may be accessed directly by other system objects.3 REWRITE MECHANISMIn this section,we discuss in concrete detail the J-Orchestra rewrite model.Several elements that were previously elided are presented thoroughly.We willfirst give precise definitions of our terminology in order to classify the different types of classes J-Orchestra deals with.J-Orchestra converts all objects of an application into remote-capable objects.Remote-capable objects can be accessed from a remote site.We distinguish three kinds of remote-capable object classes:mobile classes,anchored unmodifiable classes,and anchored modifiable classes.The“anchored/mobile”attribute refers to run-time behavior.Anchored classes can be accessed remotely but cannot move through the network.Mobile classes can migrate at will.We should emphasize that the mechanisms of classification and translation of classes are entirely separate.J-Orchestra uses a con-servative algorithm to determine whether an object should be anchored or mobile.This algorithm could change in the future, affecting the way classes are categorized.Nevertheless,the transla-tion mechanism for mobile classes,anchored unmodifiable classes, and anchored modifiable classes can stay the same.Similarly,the translation mechanism for the three categories of classes can change,even if the way we determine the category of a class remains the same.In the following sections,we will blur the distinction between classes and their instances when the meaning is clear from context. For instance,we may write“class A refers to class B”to mean that an instance of A may hold a reference to some instance of B.3.1 ClassificationFor simplicity in our classification,we assume that the application to be partitioned is written in pure Java(i.e.,the only access to native code is inside Java system classes).This is the standard sce-nario where J-Orchestra is used.Our observations can be straight-forwardly generalized to applications that include some native code.1In principle,classes need to be anchored when they provide abstractions for machine-specific services and resources such as threading(ng.Thread)or I/O(java.io.ObjectOut-putStream).Other classes may need to be anchored because of the way they interact with anchored classes.For instance,if an anchored class directly accesses thefields of another object,that object should also be anchored.In fact,such accesses may not be apparent to the Java code as they may occur in native code.There-fore,we often need to be conservative and assume that native code can potentially directly reference thefields of all parameters passed to it.The J-Orchestra classification algorithm for the vast majority of classes can be summarized as follows.(Some exceptions will be discussed individually.)Anchored Unmodifiable (System) Classes.A system class C is anchored unmodifiable if it depends on native code(i.e.,has native methods),or references to C objects can be passed between appli-cation code and an anchored unmodifiable class.Anchored Modifiable (Application) Classes.A class is anchored modifiable if it is a modifiable application class that extends an anchored unmodifiable class (other than ng.Object). Mobile Classes.Mobile classes are all classes that do not fall in either of the above two categories.All classes in a pure Java appli-cation that do not extend system classes are mobile.Note,how-ever,that Java system classes can also be mobile,as long as they do not call native code and they cannot be passed to/from anchored system classes.The interesting distinction in the above classification is between system classes that are mobile and system classes that are anchored.Note that even classes that do not reference native code and are not referenced by native code may need to be anchored,as long as their instances are passed to/from anchored system classes. For example,J-Orchestra’s rewrite engine deems ng.ThreadGroup anchored because a reference to a ThreadGroup can be passed to the constructor of class ng.Thread, which has native methods.Java system classes are mobile,if they do not call native code and they cannot be passed to/from anchored system classes.In this case,instances of the system class are used entirely in“application space”and are never passed to unmodifiable code.The implemen-tation of such classes can be replicated in a different(non-system) package and application code can be rewritten to refer to the new class.2The system class can be treated exactly like a regular appli-cation class using this approach.Note that static inspection can conservatively guarantee that refer-ences to a system class C never cross the system/application boundary.As long as no references to C or its superclasses(other than ng.Object)or to arrays of these types appear in the signatures of methods in anchored system classes,it is safe to cre-ate a mobile“application-only”version.(Interface access or access through or ng.Object references is safe—a proxy object is indistinguishable from the original object in these cases.)As a consequence,the categorization of system classes into mobile and anchored is robust with respect to future changes in the implemen-tation of Java library classes—the partitioning remains valid as long as the interfaces are guaranteed to stay the same.As an advanced technical note,we should mention that less con-servative rules can also be applied to guarantee that more system classes can be made mobile.For instance,if a system class never accesses native code,never has itsfields directly referenced by other system classes(i.e.,all access is through methods),and its instances are passed from application classes to system classes but not the other way,then the class can be mobile by using a“sub-type”approach.Specifically,a subtype of the system class can be created in an application package.The subtype is used as a proxy—none of its original datafields are used.Nevertheless,the subtype object can be safely passed to system code when the supertype is expected.The subtype object itself propagates all method calls to an actual mobile object.This technique is applica-ble as long as the original system class is not final.We already use this technique in J-Orchestra but not automatically in all appli-cable cases—manual intervention is required to enable this trans-formation on a case-by-case basis when it seems warranted.A good example is the ng.Vector class.Vectors are used very often to pass data around and it would be bad for performance to restrict their mobility:vectors should migrate where they are needed.Nevertheless,many graphical applications pass vectors to anchored system classes in the Swing system library—for instance the javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel class has meth-ods that expect vectors.All the aforementioned conditions are true for vectors:the Vector class has no native methods,classes in the Swing library do not accessfields of vector objects directly(only through methods),and vectors are only passed from application to system code,but not the other way.Therefore,Vector can be safely turned into a mobile class in this case.For a more accurate determination of whether system classes can be made mobile,dataflow analysis should be employed.In this way,it can be determined more accurately whether(and which) instances of a classflow from application code to system code.So far,we have not needed to exploit such techniques in J-Orches-tra—the type system has been a powerful enough ally in our effort to determine which objects can be made mobile.The only excep-tion has to do with arrays and will be discussed in Section the application includes native code,our guarantees will needto be similarly adjusted.For an extreme example,if native code in a single method accessesfields of all application classes directly,then no partitioning can be done,since all application classes will need to be anchored on the same site.2.It is not clear whether this replication is allowed under the legalconditions of JDK usage.In the long run,if replication turns out to be impossible,an inheritance approach is feasible,but requires more engineering work(because of the lack of multi-ple inheritance).3.2 Translation3.2.1 Anchored System ClassesSystem classes are anchored in groups:an anchored system class needs to be co-located with all related anchored system classes. Unrelated anchored classes,however,can be located on different machines.In practice,anchoring system classes together with other related system classes typically does not inhibit the meaning-ful partitioning of system resources.For instance,we have used J-Orchestra to partition several applications so that the graphics dis-play on one machine,while disk processing,sound output,key-board input,etc.are provided on remote computers.This is possible because the Java Development Kit(JDK)supports hierar-chical organization through the concept of packages.A Java pack-age contains classes that share common functionality.JDK classes within the same package reference mostly each other and very rarely instances of the system classes from other packages.This property means that anchoring group boundaries commonly coin-cide with package boundaries.For example,all the classes from the java.awt package can be anchored on the same machine that handles the user interface part of an application.This arrangement allows anchored system classes to access each other directly while being remotely accessible by application classes through proxies. J-Orchestra does not modify anchored system classes but produces two supporting classes per anchored system class.These are a proxy class and a remote application-system translator(or just application-system translator).A proxy exposes the services of its anchored class to regular application classes.A remote applica-tion-system translator enables remote execution and handles the translation of object parameters between the application and sys-tem layers.3Both proxy classes and remote application-system translator classes are produced in source code form and translated using a regular Java compiler.We will now examine each of these supporting classes in greater detail.A proxy is a front-end class that exposes the method interface of the original system class.It would be impossible to put a proxy into the same package as the original system class:system classes reside in system packages that J-Orchestra does not modify. Instead,proxies are placed in a different package and have no rela-tionship to their system classes.Proxy naming/package hierarchies are isomorphic to their corresponding system classes.For example, a proxy for ng.Thread is called ng.Thread.To make remote execution pos-sible,all application classes that reference the original system class have to now reference the proxy class instead.This is accom-plished by consistently changing the constant pools of all the application binary classfiles.The following example demonstrates the effect of those changes as if they were done on the source code level for clarity reasons.//Original code: client of ng.Threadng.Thread t = new ng.Thread (...); void f (ng.Thread t){ t.start (); }//Modified codeng.Thread t =new ng.Thread (...);void f (ng.Thread t){t.start(); } All the object parameters to the methods of a proxy are either immutable classes such as ng.String or other proxies. The rewrite strategy ensures that proxies for anchored system classes do not reference any other anchored system classes directly but rather through proxies.The only data member of an anchored system proxy is an interface reference to the remote application-system translator class.A typi-cal proxy method delegates execution by calling an appropriate method in the remote instance member and then handles possible remote exceptions.For instance,the setPriority method for the proxy of ng.Thread is:public final void setPriority(int arg0){ try {_remoteRef.setPriority (arg0);} catch (RemoteException e) {e.printStackTrace ();}}The_remoteRef member variable can point to either the remote application-system translator class itself or its RMI stub.In the first case,all method invocations will be local.Invocations made through RMI stubs go over the network,eventually getting handled by the system object on a remote site.Application-system translators enable remote invocation by extending java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject.Addi-tionally,they handle the translation of proxy parameters between the application and user layers.Before a proxy reference is passed to a method in a system class,it needs to be unwrapped.Unwrap-ping is the operation of extracting the original system object pointed to by a proxy.If a system class returns an instance of another system class as the result of a method call,then that instance needs to be wrapped before it is passed to the application ing wrapping,J-Orchestra manages to be oblivious to the way objects are created.Even if system objects are created by unmodifiable code,they can be used by regular application classes: they just need to be wrapped as soon as they are about to be refer-enced by application code.The following example demonstrates how“wrapping-unwrapping”works in methods setForeground and getForeground of the application-system translator for ponent.public void setForeground(anchored.java.awt.Color arg0){_localClassRef.setForeground((java.awt.Color)Anchored.unwrapSysObj (arg0));3.The existence of a separate application-system translator is animplementation detail—under different middleware,the trans-lator functionality could be folded inside the proxy.J-Orches-tra currently uses Java RMI as its distribution middleware.Under RMI,classes need to explicitly declare that they are remotely accessible(e.g.,by inheriting from class Unicas-tRemoteObject).Therefore,unmodifiable system classes cannot be made remotely accessible,but their translator can.Separate application-system translators simplify our imple-mentation because system classes wrapped with an applica-tion-system translator can be treated the same as application classes.。
