MK_ARCH09 - Section H - Restaurants + Bars
德国不来梅的杰基苏餐厅设计 城市街头厨房
发布日期:2010-03-17 查看次数:18我有新闻发布【大中小】
『中国建材第一网讯』德国设计事物所RAUMINRAUM 完成了Jackie Su 泰国餐厅的室内设计,餐厅位于德国不莱梅市。
德国设计事物所RAUMINRAUM 完成了Jackie Su 泰国餐厅的室内设计,餐厅位于德国不莱梅市。
微笑地拿着筷子的Jackie Su 标志,鲜红的亚洲字、大体块的天花板、空调管以及混凝土墙都强调了城市的艺术氛围。
RAUMINRAUM:Jackie Su 泰国餐厅室内设计来源:互联网上传人:Northernstar 发表时间:2010年3月16日
德国设计事物所RAUMINRAUM 完成了Jackie Su 泰国餐厅的室内设计,餐厅位于德国不莱梅市。
微笑地拿着筷子的Jackie Su 标志,鲜红的亚洲字、大体块的天花板、空调管以及混凝土墙都强调了城市的艺术氛围。
➢ 项目 xiàngmù 对城市的意义
Hudson Yards哈德逊城市广场是曼哈顿唯一仅剩的一块可开发用地,占地达10.5公 说是用地,实际上该项目保持地面 dìmiàn 的调车场,在其上面重新搭建开发一个大型 要性也不言而喻, 项目及(ZHOU)边配套设施、地铁线路改造等已被纽约市政府纳入重点市政工程 安全局提升为"国家利益"优先等级,除了政府的大力支持,项目本身也极具投资价值 建筑工艺,保留地面 dìmiàn 的铁路系统,在架空平台上建设摩天大楼,这样的设计在全 旦建成将吸引无数游人, 而除了商业建筑外,项目还将建造一系列包括公寓住宅、学校、公园、艺术场馆等社 个悬空区域打造成集生活、娱乐、餐饮、购物、商务等各种元素的综合型社区,一座 中城,一座刷新纽约天际线的"天空之城"
The Shop & Restaurants at Hudson Yards 哈德逊园区 yuán qū 最大商业综合 体
位于哈德逊广场10号和30号之间的, 是哈德逊广场开发区的商店和餐厅区 域,这个100万平方英尺的零售中心 包括100多家商店,包括纽约市的第一 个Neiman Marcus,
➢ 基本 jīběn 介绍
德逊城市广场 Hudson Yards 是美国历史上规模最 大的私营房地产开发项目,位于曼哈顿西区,总投资 200亿美元,也是继洛克菲勒中心之后纽约市最大的 房地产开发项目, 这个占据六个街区的开发项目位于曼哈顿西侧,由覆 盖繁忙铁道与隧道的11公顷 28英亩 土地组成,预计 建成包含商住摩天大楼,学校,医院,零售空间,公园,文 化场所和公共艺术等在内的一系列功能建筑, SOM、KPFDiller Scofidio + Renfro、Rockwell Group、史蒂文·霍尔、福斯特、等多家世界 shìjiè 规模最大,最具影响力的建筑公司参与建设,
BOSE ControlSpace Designer 软件 5.5 用户指南
BOSE ProfessionalControlSpace®Designer™ software 5.5June 4, 2019Revision: 1.4GeneralThis release of ControlSpace Designer and firmware adds the following features:1.Support for EX-1280, EX-440C, EX-12AEC2.Support for CC-1D, CC-2D, and CC-3D digital zone controllers3.Updated ArrayEQ for ArenaMatch4.Updated SpeakerEQ files for ArenaMatchThis release of ControlSpace Designer and firmware fixes various issues including:Various CSD I/O Issues1.Fixed an issue where CSD was showing that it was still in the "online" state when the connected PC isdisconnected from the ControlSpace network.2.Fixed an issue where changing the Project Address automatically reset the Dante Endpoints and theyneeded to be updated manually.3.If a Parameter Set is changing Levels on an EX1280C Inputs, Outputs or Gains, the Levels not be setcorrectly if the channels are muted.4.Fixed issue where the ESP-880A and ESP-1240A were showing Dante Inputs and Outputs in the "SPToolkit" even though Dante is not available for these devices.5.If the CSD Project Address is changed, and new Dante Devices added to the Project, those devices willnow be assigned addresses consistent with the Project Address.6.Hardware Manager now displays the correct network mode (Static / DHCP) for the MSA12X7.Notes saved within a Logic Design Window are now saved.8.Fixed an issue where Control Space Designer was showing more Input Channels for a PowerMatch devicethan actually physically exist.9.Fixed issue where ControlSpace Designer Hardware Manager was not showing the correct FirmwareVersion for PowerShare Amplifiers.10.Fixed issue when updating the IP Address of multiple devices at one time (such as changing theControlSpace Designer Project Address) did not update and reboot CC-64s.11.Fixed issue where user was unable to add Dante I/O to Parameter Sets.12.Line drawn in project view from the Amplink output on DSP will now connect to any of the Amplinkinputs on amplifiers.13.CSD now displays more than 10 user defined channel names for Dante Output modules.14.Dante Endpoint IP addresses are changed to match updated Project Address.15.Fixed an issue where PowerMatch entered a Fault mode when uploading a design more than 21 times.3rd Party Mics1.Fixed an issue where the "Mute" function for the SHURE-310 Control Panel did not function correctly andmute the Mic.General Issues1.Grouped Input/Output Levels on PowerMatch devices can no longer be set to non-rounded values.2.Change channel count is now available for matrix mixer in right-click menu.3.Fixed an issue where a CC-16 connected to an EX-1280C would display duplicate characters whencontrolling a selector.4.Fixed an issue where designs created in CSD5.4 that included a CC16 generated a red power LED (systemfault) on EX-1280C.5.Grouped Dante Outputs are now functioning with the Master Fader while on line with CSD.6.Dynamic Routing has been fixed for the EX-1280C.ControlSpace Remote1.If the loaded .csp file used by Control Space Remote is changed and saved, ControlSpace Remote Builderwill now prompt the user notifying them the file has been updated.2.ControlSpace Remote now updates changes made to Group Level Sliders outside of Control SpaceRemote.3.When loading a file into ControlSpace Remote builder, the Level Bar now shows the actual level.FirmwareFirmware included in this release:CSRVersion 2.6 Builder and app are required.Known Issues, Defects and LimitationsThe following are the known issues and defects with this release. Information included here can be useful when troubleshooting issues with software or hardware operation.General Issues1.Duplicating objects can crash CSD and/or corrupt design file2.Modules that have been created by the "Duplicate" command will be shown in reverse order.3.When uploading a design file to an EX-1280C, if there is Audio applied to a Meter above itsthreshold before the upload, the Logic for that Channel will not trigger. The audio must be dropped below the threshold and then back to its original level.4.Muting Grouped Dante Modules while online with CSD does not work correctly.5.CSD does not allow grouping of more than 32 single channel Dante Output channels. Attempting toupload with this programming will result in an error.6.If a USB Input Module is not wired to an Output Module, that Module will not show Metering data.7.For the Variable Equalizer Module, the value for Q/BW will always display the "Q" value, not theBW value.8.If an Acoustic Echo Cancelling Module is deleted from CSD, adding a new AEC Module will retainthe settings of the deleted Module, rather than setting to default values.9.There are some issues deleting objects from the CC-16 Smart Simulator.10.If connecting a PC directly to an EX-1280C, if the network cable is disconnected while CSD isrunning, the device will not be recognized, and CSD will need to be restarted.11.Having 30+ PowerMatch amplifiers with digital I/O cards in one project may corrupt design file.12.PowerShare outputs cannot be added to CC-16 and CC-64. Groups can be used as a workaround.13.The Dial Key and Make Call (PSTN/VoIP) command value (e.g. MA"VoIP In 1">1="0"<CR>) needs tobe entered without the quote (MA"VoIP In 1">1=0<CR>)14.If serial output strings are assigned to a Parameter Set and you then load a preset serial list, it willoverwrite the string in the Parameter Sets.CSD I/O Issues1.When CSD flags a Project Address mismatch it will show the "should be" address incorrectly.2.Logic Module "Parameter Set Recall" cannot be changed to a value higher than 16 with the ContextMenu item "Change Channel Count".B Output Logic does not function when using Logic Routes across multiple devices.4.It has been observed that some files do not merge correctly.CSD Logic Blocks1.If a set of Logic Blocks are set up incorrectly, such as an OR Block looped back to itself, whichcauses an "infinite loop", Control Space Designer will crash.2.For some Logic Wiring, vertices cannot be added.3.CSD is not saving settings for Control Points with Logic Wiring.4.CSD is not saving settings for Wire Label Colors and Backgrounds for Logic Wiring.5.It has been observed that the settings for "Pulse" Pulse Logic Modules cannot be set while onlinewith CSD.6.Assigning a Logic Action from an ESP-00 to a Trigger on an EX-1280 will result in an error.7.The states of Logic Connectors within the Logic Wiring View may sometimes show the incorrectstate. This does not affect the functionality.8.Pulse Logic does not function when used with OR logic while CSD is online.Conference Room Router/Combiner1.Deleting a room from a Room Combining Group will remove that room from the “Room Number”dropdown "Undo" with Conference Room Combiner can cause CSD to not undo the changes correctly.3.Changing the Label of Port in a Conference Room Router will not change the Label in the CRRMatrix view.4.Changing the names of Outputs for CRR does not update those changes in the CRR Matrix View.5.When adding a Conference Room Router to an existing Conference Room Combiner will result inthe Audio Routes not being completely populated, and the Routes will need to be added manually Under Table Boxes1.It is possible that EX-8ML may boot up with a Link Local address upon first use, rather than DHCP.Rebooting the device will then revert the address to DHCP.2.EX UTB, when programmed in DHCP mode, may be shown as “Static” in CSD Hardware Manager. Telephone Call Functionality1.It has been observed that incoming calls to PSTN will not display full caller ID when calling fromsome countries.2.The Call Timer will incorrectly start when dialing rather than when the call is Active.3.PSTN and VoIP Ring and Voice Levels are not being properly set. There is no difference in audiblelevel between 0 dB and +10 dB.Logic1.It has been observed that some Logic events may Log to Serial Output twice, but this does notaffect performance.ControlSpace Remote1.ControlSpace Remote will show 8 Far End Sources regardless of how many exist in the CSD DesignFile.2.The "Flash" functionality in CSR is works differently that it does in CSD when making ConferenceCalls. In CSR, the call is immediately dialed, rather than hitting the "Dial" button in CSD.3.When entering digits via CSR while in an active VoIP call, there will be no audible DTMF tones.4.It is not possible to end a VoIP call with CSR when the Far End is in a “Hold” state.5.If using ControlSpace Remote to control AmpLink, if the number of channels is changed, theAmpLink Block will need to be deleted and re-done in CSR.3rd Party Mics1.The “Load Preset” function for the SHURE-MXA910 Mic Control Panel is not functioning correctly inControlSpace Designer.Other Issues1.When programming Selectors, Gains, Analog Inputs/Outputs for GPI digital, they may not functionwhen using EX-1280C with Legacy devices.2.If performing Firmware Updates on multiple EX-1280Cs, the Front Panel display may go to "sleep",and the "Updating Firmware" message may not be seen.3. A CC-16 connected to an EX-1280C may display duplicate characters when controlling a selector.4. A CC-16 mapped to a selector may continue to show (*) after the selection is made.5.If illegal Serial commands are sent to EX-1280C, it’s possible that doing so may cause the device toreboot.6.It’s not possible to create long device names in “Properties” view.7.CSD Hardware Manager may show that a new version of Dante Firmware is available, but the“Update” button is greyed and n ot functioning. If so, run the “FUM.exe”from to “/bin” directory to update Dante Firmware.8.The EX-1280C LED Display may show incomplete digits for Dante Firmware Versions.9.If a value is changed in the Standard Room Combine Control Panel(BGM/Input/Output/Gain/Mute), those changes are not shown in the dropdown “Room Control”for the STRC Wizard.10.If combining Rooms across EX-1280C and other devices using Standard Room Combine, CSD will notcreate automatic subscriptions on the non-EX-1280C devices.11.When Merging files, the wiring between Signal Processing Modules is lost.12.When muting Grouped Input/Output Levels on PowerMatch devices, the Group Levels will becomeout of sync when the Groups are Muted.13.PowerMatch will not alert the user to a Digital Audio failure. If there is Audio loss on Dante,ESPLink, CobraNet or other Digital Audio Sources, this issue will be seen.Legacy Devices1.Fixed IO DSP analog Inputs and Outputs may not be set correctly by Timers.2.For the ESP-00 II, the indicators for the Gated AMM Control Panel do not display correctly. TheseModules function accurately on all other devices.3.For the ESP-00 II, the Crosspoints of a Standard Mixer cannot be set via Serial Command.4.Grouped Levels do not change via Serial command if the Group is Muted.5.Not all fixed IO DSP output channels Mute/Unmute when triggered with GPI Input.。
ASKING RENTAL GUIDEBUILDING NAMEWoodlands Spectrum I Woodlands Spectrum IIBUILDING NAMEThe Kendall Solaris Nucleos Aperia EastViva Business Park Akzonobel House Honeywell The Signature North / Northeast –West Icon@IBPNordic European Centre Acer BuildingADDRESS2 Woodlands Sector 1209/211 Woodlands Avenue 9ADDRESS50 Science Park Road 1 Fusionopolis Walk 21 Biopolis Road 8, 10, 12 Kallang Avenue750/A-E Chai Chee Road 3 Changi Business Park Vista 17 Changi Business Park Central 151 Changi Business Park Central 26 Serangoon North Avenue 53A International Business Park 3 International Business Park 29 International Business ParkASKING RENTS (S$ PSF PER MONTH)$1.50$1.60 - $1.70ASKING RENTS (S$ PSF PER MONTH)$4.50$6.50$4.95 - $6.50$5.90 - $6.91$3.00 - $5.50$4.50$4.50$3.70 - $4.50$2.50$4.10$4.40$4.2020 the SME magazineNotes: T erms and conditions apply . All rents stated are in per sq ft/month. All rents are as of January 2018. Source: Colliers International SingaporeNotes: All rents stated are in per sq ft/month. All rents are as of January 2018. Source: Colliers International Singapore.BUILDING NAMERaffles Place / New Downtown Republic Plaza IOne Raffles Place T owers 1 & 2PWC Building Prudential T owerT anjong Pagar / Shenton Way 80 Robinson Robinson Point Mapletree AnsonMarina / City Hall / Beach Road Suntec T owers The Concourse The Gateway Orchard RoadVisioncrest Commercial 51 Cuppage Road (Formerly known as Starhub Centre) UE Square City FringeHarbourfront T owers 1 & 2Novena Square T owers A & B PSA BuildingADDRESS9 Raffles Place 1 Raffles Place 8 Cross Street 30 Cecil Street80 Robinson Road 39 Robinson Road 60 Anson Road5/6/7/8/9 T emasek Boulevard 300 Beach Road 150/152 Beach Road103 Penang Road 51 Cuppage Road83 Clemenceau Avenue1/3 Harbourfront Place 238A/B Thomson Road 460 Alexandra RoadASKING RENTS (S$ PSF PER MONTH)$9.00 - $11.00$10.00 - $11.50$9.50$8.00 - $8.50$7.50$8.00 - $8.30$8.70$9.50 - $10.00$7.80$7.50 - $7.80$9.00$7.50$7.50 - $8.00$6.90 - $7.50$8.00$6.30 - $7.60Notes: All rents stated are in per sq ft/month. All rents are as of January 2018. Source: Colliers International Singapore.BUILDING NAME––WestcomADDRESS20 Gul Way 76 Pioneer Road 1 T uas South Avenue 6ASKING RENTS (S$ PSF PER MONTH)$1.20$1.30 - $1.50$1.30Notes: All rents stated are in per sq ft/month. All rents are as of January 2018. Source: Colliers International Singapore.TRANSACTION DA T APROJECT NAME ADDRESS TENURE AREA (SQ FT) TRANSACTED UNIT PRICE CONTRACT DA TEPRICE (S$) (S$ PSF)CentralGOLDEN MILE COMPLEX5001 Beach Road #03-49 99 Yrs From 04/08/1969 194 $300,000 $1,548 19-Dec-17 SBF CENTER160 Robinson Road #21-02 99 Yrs From 21/12/2011 753 $2,183,700 $2,898 20-Dec-17 GOLDEN MILE COMPLEX5001 Beach Road #06-33 99 Yrs From 04/08/1969 205 $255,000 $1,247 21-Dec-17 BALESTIER PLAZA400 Balestier Road #02-30 Freehold 301 $668,000 $2,216 21-Dec-17 SBF CENTER160 Robinson Road #23-03 99 Yrs From 21/12/2011 732 $2,100,000 $2,869 22-Dec-17 ICON@CHANGI228 Changi Road #04-09 Freehold 409 $595,000 $1,455 22-Dec-17 NorthWOODS SQUARE12 Woodlands Square #05-63 99 Yrs From 15/07/2014 560 $988,000 $1,765 21-Dec-17 WestVISION EXCHANGE 2 Venture Drive #14-28 99 Yrs From 10/06/2013 517 $1,284,000 $2,485 14-Dec-17 Note: Based on available sales caveats lodged from December 19, 2017. Source: URA REALIS/Colliers International Singapore Research (as at 29 January 2018).PROJECT NAME ADDRESS TENURE AREA (SQ FT) TRANSACTED UNIT PRICE CONTRACT DA TEPRICE (S$) (S$ PSF)CentralOXLEY BIZHUB 262 Ubi Road 1 #04-13 60 Yrs From 10/06/2011 990 $558,000 $563 15-Dec-17P A Y A UBI INDUSTRIAL P ARK51 Ubi Avenue 1 #03-28 60 Yrs From 10/03/1997 3,584 $950,000 $265 15-Dec-17MA YFAIR INDUSTRIAL BUILDING51 Jalan Pemimpin #04-04 999 Yrs From 06/07/1885 2,034 $1,030,000 $506 18-Dec-17CT HUB 2114 Lavender Street #03-50 99 Yrs From 14/01/1976 1,884 $1,230,000 $653 18-Dec-17 BIZTECH CENTRE627A Aljunied Road #06-11 Freehold 958 $870,000 $908 19-Dec-17 UB. ONE81 Ubi Avenue 4 #06-02 60 Yrs From 31/12/2008 1,044 $600,000 $575 20-Dec-17 OXLEY BIZHUB 262 Ubi Road 1 #03-02 60 Yrs From 10/06/2011 1,905 $860,000 $451 20-Dec-17 ALJUNIED INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX623 Aljunied Road #03-05 Freehold 1,066 $712,000 $668 20-Dec-17 ZERVEX8 Ubi Road 2 #04-13 60 Yrs From 30/06/2008 1,055 $500,000 $474 20-Dec-17 UBI TECHP ARK10 Ubi Crescent #03-17 60 Yrs From 05/07/1997 1,270 $533,400 $420 20-Dec-17 TONG LEE BUILDING35 Kallang Pudding Road #05-08 Freehold 904 $500,000 $553 21-Dec-17 TONG LEE BUILDING35 Kallang Pudding Road #05-07 Freehold 1,141 $600,000 $526 26-Dec-17 UBI TECHP ARK10 Ubi Crescent #06-85 60 Yrs From 05/07/1997 1,109 $488,000 $440 28-Dec-17 MACTECH BUILDING 2 Kallang Pudding Road #08-14 Freehold 1,259 $880,000 $699 29-Dec-17North EastNORTHST AR @ AMK7030 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 #02-27 60 Yrs From 01/01/2007 1,141 $570,000 $500 20-Dec-17 LINK@AMK 3 Ang Mo Kio Street 62 #05-34 60 Yrs From 28/06/2011 2,153 $950,000 $441 27-Dec-17 NorthNORTH POINT BIZHUB 2 Yishun Industrial Street 1 #04-11 57 Yrs From 18/09/2012 2,648 $628,888 $238 15-Dec-17 WOODLANDS 1111 Woodlands Close #04-34 60 Yrs From 05/07/2010 1,927 $740,000 $384 18-Dec-17 NORTH SPRING BIZHUB 5 Yishun Industrial Street 1 #02-10 60 Yrs From 01/02/2011 1,539 $660,000 $429 21-Dec-17 WIN 5 15 Yishun Industrial Street 1 #06-12 30 Yrs From 05/12/2012 1,744 $410,000 $235 21-Dec-17 NORTH LINK BUILDING10 Admiralty Street #03-87 60 Yrs From 09/10/1999 5,188 $800,000 $154 27-Dec-17 NORTH LINK BUILDING10 Admiralty Street #02-09 60 Yrs From 09/10/1999 5,188 $900,000 $173 28-Dec-17 NORTH LINK BUILDING10 Admiralty Street #02-77 60 Yrs From 09/10/1999 5,188 $910,000 $175 29-Dec-17 WestUNITY CENTRE51 Bukit Batok Crescent #07-12 60 Yrs From 13/03/1997 1,550 $555,000 $358 20-Dec-17 PIONEER CENTRE 1 Soon Lee Street #03-22 30 Yrs From 10/03/2010 1,485 $326,800 $220 20-Dec-17 WCEGA TOWER21 Bukit Batok Crescent #23-74 60 Yrs From 13/03/1997 958 $450,000 $470 21-Dec-17Note: Based on available sales caveats lodged from December 15, 2017. Source: URA REALIS/Colliers International Singapore Research (as at 29 January 2018).Strata warehouse spacePROJECT NAME ADDRESS TENURE AREA (SQ FT) TRANSACTED UNIT PRICE CONTRACT DA TEPRICE (S$) (S$ PSF)CentralMACTECH BUILDING 2 Kallang Pudding Road #02-05 Freehold 2,013 $1,388,000 $690 01-Dec-17 EastGORDON WAREHOUSE BUILDING 9 Kaki Bukit Road 2 #02-16 60 Yrs From 25/07/1981 1,744 $420,000 $241 10-Dec-17 Note: Based on available sales caveats lodged in December 2017. Source: URA REALIS/Colliers International Singapore Research (as at 29 January 2018).the SME magazine 21。
TASCAM TAS-2023.6 安装系统设计指南说明书
Amusement Facilities and Theaters Hotels and Banquet Halls Retail / Commercial Facilities Broadcasting Stations and StudiosLive StreamingEducational Facilities Conference Rooms /Corporate Systems 2023.6System Design Guide for InstallationsIntroductionDue to the evolution of technology, AV installations with new levels of sophistication and flexibility have emerged.The evolution of video, lighting and network technologies has created new systems and services with maximum versatility, a productive user experience, and premium audio quality. Because of this, proper technical knowledge and a solution-based approach is becoming more essential for both system engineers and sales consultants to provide customers a creative and successful solution with the best quality. TASCAM produced this design guide to meet such needs, and to visually present project proposals more clearly by illustrating system examples based on application or project type.TEAC CORPORATIONTM-95GNMX-8ASS-CDR250N BD-MP1RC-W100-R120Gooseneck micProgrammable controllerRecording mixerModel 24CD-400UGooseneck micTM-82ML-4D/OUT4 line out Dante converterTM-95GNTM-95GN TM-95GN Gooseneck micMM-4D/INMM-4D/INMM-4D/IN4 Mic in / 4 Line in Dante converterSS-CDR250N / IF-DA2DA-6400 / IF-DA64MX-8ACD-400U202MK VIIBD-MP1TM-95GNDouble cassette deckGooseneck micSS-CDR250NModel 24TM-95GNCD-400UGooseneck micTM-82Recording mixerCase study(Japan) Case study(Global)TASCAM Sonicview 24Digital ixerSB-16DDante stage box DA-6400 / IF-DA64Digital mixerDante stage boxTASCAM Sonicview 16SB-16DML-32DBO-16X/INDante stage boxDante stage boxTASCAM Sonicview 24Digital mixerSB-16D x 2SB-16D x 2XLR analog output x16XLR MIC/LINE input x 24Digital mixer(Equipped on back panel)iPadTASCAM Sonicview 24SS-CDR250NDA-6400/DA-6400dpIF-DA64Dante interface card IF-DA2Digital mixerTASCAM Sonicview 24Digital mixerTASCAM Sonicview 24SS-CDR250NTalkback micTM-82DA-6400/DA-6400dpIF-DA64IF-DA64(Equipped on back panel)64ch Dante cardIF-DA64(Equipped on back panel)Solid-state 64-track playerDA-6400/DA-6400dp64ch Dante cardIF-DA64TASCAM Sonicview 24Digital mixerIF-DA64DA-6400/DA-6400dp SB-16DDante stage boxDA-6400/DA-6400dp32ch analog Dante converter 32ch analog balance outML-32D(Equipped on back panel)Case study(Japan)Case study(Global)Monterey Pop FestivalKooster McAllisterThird Eye BlindDel CastilloTommy BolanOnline MagazineGrand PerformancesCLAIR GLOBAL TOURSMatt MolchanyDynamic micModel 16Recording mixerTM-95GNMM-4D/INTASCAM DCP ConnectSolid state / CD player SS-CDR250N Solid state / CD player SS-CDR250NTM-95GNMM-4D/IN TASCAM DCP ConnectSolid State / CD player SS-CDR250NMX-8AMicMicAnalog outRecording mixerDouble cassette deckSS-R250NCD-400U202MK VIITASCAMTM-82Model 16MZ-123BTCD-200BTCD-400UMIC/LINE INCD player / bluetooth receiverGooseneck mic3 zone audio mixer with Bluetooth receiverTM-95GNMZ-223BT CD-400UDante converterML-4D/OUTDante ConverterMM-4D/INDigital mixerTASCAM Sonicview 16TASCAMDCP CONNECTTM-95GNDante converterML-4D/OUTSS-R250N IF-DA2CD-400UDante converterML-4D/OUTMX-8ACD-400U202MK VIISS-CDR250NMX-8A control softwareRemote control unitRemote control unitMX-8A control softwareRS-485Double cassette deckTM-95GNGooseneck micCD-400U202MK VIISS-CDR250NTM-95GNMX-8AGooseneck micDouble Cassete DeckTASCAM MX CONNECTMX-8A control softwareTM-95GNMM-2DSS-R250N IF-DA2TASCAMDCP CONNECTMZ-123BTMH-8TM-90BMMic inLine in3 zone mixerMaster talkback micBack-talk micHeadphone amplifierAnalog output➀ ➁ ➂GPIO OUT(FADER START)GPIO IN(MUTE GRP)Mic 1・・・8・・・DJ micCG-2000Talkback unitMH-8CD-6010SS-CDR250NSS-R250NRC-SS150TASCAM Sonicview 24Digital mixer(Installed into Sonicview 24’s back panel)Talkback mic Remote Control UnitMicCG-2000CD-6010SS-CDR250NSS-R250NPeripheral equipment SB-16DMH-8TASCAM Sonicview 24Digital mixerTalkback unitTM-70USBCase study(Japan)Case study(Global)Jim SternKenny ‘Tick’ SalcidoDavid Crowder (写真なし)Johnny "Juice" RosadoVS-R264/265Dynamic Mic / Gooseneck mic / Boundary mic balance outputMatrix mixerVS-R264/265VS-R264/265MX-8ATM-95GN TM-82TM-90BMTM-90BMModel 12USB audio interfsce / recording mixerModel 12USB audio interfsce / recording mixerCan be used for audio mixing, recording and as an streaming interface all at onceDirect monitoring OFF Loopback OFFMic for speaker on the stageGooseneck micMain outTM-95GNTM-80Audio interfaceMiNiSTUDIO CREATOR US-42BRecording mixerModel 16VS-R264/265VS-R264/265EncoderDante converterGooseneck micTM-95GNTM-70USBTASCAM Sonicview ControlDante stage boxSB-16D Ambience micDigital mixerTASCAM Sonicview 16Case study(Japan) Case study(Global)Case study(Global)Michael SandovalImpact in EducationNicki SunDark Side of the CooksAAK-RS1 ................................................................... 6, 21, 22, 26 BBD-MP1 ................................................................. 4, 5, 7, 8, 20, BD-MP4K .. (35)BO-16DX/IN (11)CCA-XLR2d (43)CD-200BT ..........................................................................20, 24 CD-400U ...................................... 5, 7, 8, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 CD-6010 ........................................................................... 32, 33 CG-2000 ........................................................................... 32, 33 DDA-6400 ............................................... 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 DA-6400dp .......................................................... 14, 15, 16, 17 IIF-AE16 ............................................................................. 32, 33 IF-DA2 .............................................................. 6, 13, 21, 26, 29 IF-DA64 ................................................ 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 IF-MTR32 . (46)MMH-8 .......................................................................... 31, 32, 33 Mixcast 4 .......................................................................... 34, 45 ML-16D .. (11)ML-32D ..............................................................................11, 17 ML-4D/OUT-X .............................................................. 6, 22, 26 MM-2D .............................................................................. 29, 44 MM-4D/IN-X ................................................................. 6, 21, 26 Model 12 ...........................................................................39, 40 Model 16 .....................................................................20, 23, 41 Model 24 .............................................................................. 5, 8 MX-8A ........................................................... 4, 7, 23, 27, 28, 38 MZ-123BT ........................................................................ 24, 31 MZ-223 .. (25)PPS-P1220E ............................................................. 6, 21, 22, 26 RRC-SS150 ......................................................................... 32, 33 RC-W100-120 .......................................................... 4, 7, 23, 27 SSB-16D ......................................... 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 33, 46 SS-CDR250N ............................. 4, 6, 13, 14, 21, 27, 28, 32, 33 SS-R250N ..................................................... 23, 26, 29, 32, 33 Streaming Dashboard (43)TTASCAM DCP CONNECT ................................ 6, 21, 22, 26, 29 TASCAM DISCOVERY ...................................................... 38, 43 TASCAM EZ CONNECT ................................. 4, 6, 7, 23, 26, 27 TASCAM MX CONNECT ............................... 4, 7, 23, 27, 28, 38 TASCAM Podcast Editor .................................................34, 45 TASCAM Sonicview Control .......................................... 13, 46 TASCAM Sonicview 16 ............................................. 11, 26, 46 TASCAM Sonicview 24 ..................... 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 32, 33 TM-200SG (43)TM-70 .................................................................. 32, 33, 34, 45 TM-80 (41)TM-82 ......................................... 5, 8, 14, 20, 23, 25, 27, 28, 38 TM-90BM ......................................................... 4, 31, 38, 39, 44TM-95GN ..... 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 3238, 39, 41, 44 TSQD-32A (40)UUS-42B (41)VVS-R264 .............................................................. 38, 42, 43, 44 VS-R265 ............................................................ 38, 42, 43, 44 0-9202MK VII ...................................................... 7, 8, 20, 23, 27, 28Index。
b j ec t t o m od i fi c a t i o n i n te c h n i c a n d d e s i g n . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .MIL10Features–Sensor head with magnetic tape –Robust magnetic sensing method –Output signals A 90° B with index signal –Output circuits: HTL/push-pull and TTL/RS422 –Resolution up to 5 µm (4-times evaluation) –Non-contact, wear-free sensing system –High resistance to dirt and vibrationsTechnical data - electrical ratings Short-circuit proof YesInitializing time ≤50 ms after power on (see general informations)Resolution5 µm (4-times evaluation) 10 µm (4-times evaluation) 25 µm (4-times evaluation)Interpolation 20-fold, 50-fold, 100-fold Output signals A+, B+, R+, A-, B-, R-Reference signal Index signal, width 90°Output frequency ≤350 kHzSystem accuracy ±(0.02 mm + 0.04 mm x magnetic tape length (m))Duty cycle 40...60 %Sensing method Magnetic Output stages HTL/push-pull TTL/RS422Interference immunity DIN EN 61000-6-2Emitted interference DIN EN 61000-6-4ApprovalsCE, ULMIL10Technical data - mechanical design Dimensions (sensor head)10 x 15 x 45.5 mm Protection DIN EN 60529IP 66, IP 67Movement speed<5 m/s (resolution 5 µm) <10 m/s (resolution 10 µm) <25 m/s (resolution 25 µm)Working distance 0.1...0.6 mmMaterialHousing: zinc diecast, plated Operating temperature -40...+85 °CRelative humidityEN 60068-2-78:2010EN 60068-2-30:200593 % condensation permitted ResistanceDIN EN 60068-2-6Vibration 30 g, 10-2000 Hz DIN EN 60068-2-27 Shock 500 g, 6 ms Weight approx.130 gConnectionCable 2 mCable 0.3 m with connector M12Technical data - electrical ratings (HTL)Voltage supply 10...30 VDC Reverse polarity protection YesConsumption typ.20 mA (w/o load)Technical data - electrical ratings (TTL)Voltage supply 5 VDC ±5 %Consumption typ.30 mA (w/o load)Recommended cable terminationOn control side each channel pair 120 Ohmb j ec t t o m od i fi c a t i o n i n te c h n i c a n d d e s i g n . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .MIL10Part number MIL10-S2...AReference signalN Without reference signal P Index signal (pole-periodic)Resolution00055 µm (4-times evaluation) 001010 µm (4-times evaluation) 002525 µm (4-times evaluation)Voltage supply / output stagesE 4.75...5.25 VDC / TTL/RS422, 6 channel N 10...30 VDC / HTL/push-pull, 6 channelConnection L Cable 2 mC Cable 0.3 m with connector M12, 8-pin, pin terminals, CCWb j ec t t o m od i fi c a t i o n i n te c h n i c a n d d e s i g n . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .Cable or cable 0.3 m with connector M12Connector Core colour Signals Pin 1 white 0 V Pin 2 brown +Vs Pin 3 green A+Pin 4 yellow A-Pin 5 grey B+Pin 6 pink B-Pin 7 blue R+ (zero pulse)Pin 8redR- (zero pulse inv.)Cable screen: connected to sensor housing or connector M12 and sensor housing.Cable data: PUR 4 x 2 x 0.14 mm 2, shieldedBending radius: >50 mm (fix) / >100 mm (cable chain)Outer diameter: 6.3 mmOutput signalsTerminal assignmentMIL10Rotational or linear directionOutputs HTL/push-pull Output level High >+Vs -2.2 V Output level Low <0.7 V Load ≤20 mA Outputs TTL/RS422Output level High >2.4 V Output level Low <0.7 VLoad≤20 mATrigger level Recommended grounding conceptThe initializing time of the sensor is 50 ms. Output signals may not be processed during this time.General informationAccessoriesConnectors and cables 10146775Female connector M12, 8-pin, straight, without cable11170528Female connector M12, 8-pin, straight, shielded, 5 m cable (ESG 34FH0500GVS)11177375Female connector M12, 8-pin, straight, shielded, 10 m cable (ESG 34FH1000GVS)11091511Female connector M12, 8-pin, straight, shielded, 20 m cableb j ec t t o m od i fi c a t i o n i n te c h n i c a n d d e s i g n . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .MIL10Working distanceAngular misalignmentDimensionsb j ec t t o m od i fi c a t i o n i n te c h n i c a n d d e s i g n . E r r o r s a n d o m i s s i o n s e x c e p t e d .MIL10Layers – magnetic tapeLayers – magnetic tape self-adhesiveTechnical data - magnetic tape Measuring range<50 m Pole length2 mmPrecision class ±40 µ (further upon request)Tape width 10 mmMaterialElastomer bounded tape on an stainless steel support Mounting Self-adhesive or self-mounting Bending radiusMin. 75 mmPart number 10128662MIL10-M402.00050.P10NN Magnetic tape 50 mm 10128663MIL10-M402.00150.P10NN Magnetic tape 150 mm 10128664MIL10-M402.00300.P10NN Magnetic tape 300 mm 11177271MIL10-M402.00500.P10NN Magnetic tape 500 mm 11181983MIL10-M402.01000.P10NN Magnetic tape 1 m 11177272MIL10-M402.05000.P10NN Magnetic tape 5 m 11177273MIL10-M402.10000.P10NN Magnetic tape 10 m 11177274MIL10-M402.25000.P10NN Magnetic tape roll 25 m11177276MIL10-M402.00050.P10TNMagnetic tape 50 mm, self-adhesive11173414MIL10-M402.00150.P10TNMagnetic tape 150 mm, self-adhesive 11177277MIL10-M402.00300.P10TNMagnetic tape 300 mm, self-adhesive 11177278MIL10-M402.00500.P10TNMagnetic tape 500 mm, self-adhesive 11177279MIL10-M402.01000.P10TNMagnetic tape 1 m, self-adhesive 11177290MIL10-M402.05000.P10TNMagnetic tape 5 m, self-adhesive 11177291MIL10-M402.10000.P10TNMagnetic tape 10 m, self-adhesive 11177292MIL10-M402.25000.P10TNMagnetic tape roll 25 m, self-adhesiveTolerance: ≤500 mm: ±0.5 mm; 500...1000 mm: ±2 mm >1000 mm: 0/+50 mm On request:Protection tape self-adhesive, stainless steel, 0.3 mm thickMagnetic tapes。
<词根和词缀叫构词语素)b5E2RGbCAP下面举出一些主要词根词根例词p1EanqFDPw ag=do, act 做,动 agent 代理人DXDiTa9E3d agri, agro=agriculture 田地,农田 agriculture 农业,农艺ann, enn=year 年 annual 每年的,年度的RTCrpUDGiTastro, aster=star 星 astronomy 天文学5PCzVD7HxAaudi, audit=hear 听 audible 听得见的jLBHrnAILgbell=war 战争 rebellion 反叛,反抗xHAQX74J0Xbio, bi=life 生命,生物 biology 生物学LDAYtRyKfE brev=short 短 abbreviate 缩短,节略Zzz6ZB2Ltkced, ceed=go 行走 precedent 先行的,在前dvzfvkwMI1cept=take 拿,取 exception 例外,除外rqyn14ZNXIcirc=ring 环,,圆 circle 圆,圈,环状物EmxvxOtOcocid, cis=cut, kill 切,杀 suicide 自杀SixE2yXPq5 claim, clam=cry, shout 喊叫 exclaim 呼喊,惊叫6ewMyirQFL clar=clear 清楚的,明白的 clarify 澄清;使清楚clud, clus=close, shut 关闭 exclude 排斥,拒绝,接纳kavU42VRUscogn=know 知道 cognition 认知y6v3ALoS89 cord=heart 心 cordial 衷心的,诚心的M2ub6vSTnPcorpor, cor=body 体 corporation 团体,社团0YujCfmUCwcred=believe, trust 相信,信任 credibility 可信,可靠,eUts8ZQVRdcruc=cross 十字 crucify把……钉在十字桇上;折磨sQsAEJkW5Tcur=care 关心,挂念,注意 security 安全cru, curs, cour, cours=run 跑 cruise巡航舰di=day 日 diary 日记GMsIasNXkA dit=give 给 edit 编辑TIrRGchYzgdict,dic=say 言,说 dictator 独裁者,口授者7EqZcWLZNXduc, duct=lead 引导 conduct 引导,指导,经营lzq7IGf02Eed=eat 吃 edible 可以吃的,食用的zvpgeqJ1hkev=age 年龄,时代 longevity 长寿,长命NrpoJac3v1fact, fac=do, make 做,作 factory 工厂fer=bring, carry 带,拿 different 不同的,相异的1nowfTG4KIflor, olour=flower 花 florid 如花的,华丽的fjnFLDa5Zoflu=flow 流 fluency 流利,流畅tfnNhnE6e5fus=pour 灌,流,倾泻 refuse 拒绝,拒受geo=earth 地 geography 地理学HbmVN777sLgon=angle角 trigon 三角形V7l4jRB8Hsgrad=step, go, grade 步,走,级 gradual 逐步的gram=write 写 telegram 电报83lcPA59W9 graph=write, writing 写,画 photograph 照相,拍照mZkklkzaaPgress=go, walk 行走 progress 进步AVktR43bpwhap=chance,luck,accident 机会,偶发 happen 发生,巧遇ORjBnOwcEdhibit=hold 拿,持 exhibit 展出,展览2MiJTy0dTThospit, hosp=guest 客人 hospitable 好客的gIiSpiue7A idio=particular, own, private, proper 特殊的,个人的,专有的idiom 惯用语,方言 uEh0U1Yfmhinsul=island 岛 insular 岛的,偏狭的IAg9qLsgBXit=go 行走 exit 出口,退出WwghWvVhPEject=throw 投掷 projection 投掷,发射asfpsfpi4klect, leg, lig=choose, gather 选,收 elect 选举ooeyYZTjj1lev=raise 举、升 elevate 抬起,使升高BkeGuInkxIliber=liberty 自由 liberation 解放PgdO0sRlMolingu=language 语言 linguist 语言专家3cdXwckm15liter=letter 文字,字母 literate 识字的,有文化的h8c52WOngMloc=place 地方 local 当地的v4bdyGious log=speak 言,说 dialogue 对话J0bm4qMpJ9 loqu=speak 言说 eloquent 有口才的,雄辩的XVauA9grYPlun=moon 月亮 lunar 月亮的,似月的bR9C6TJscwnanu, man=hand 手 manuscript 手稿pN9LBDdtrd mar=sea 海 marine 海上的,航海的DJ8T7nHuGTmedi=middle 中间 mediate 居中调解,调停QF81D7bvUAmemor=memory,mindful 记忆,记住的 memory 记忆,记忆力4B7a9QFw9hmilit=soldier 兵 military 军事的,军队的ix6iFA8xoXmini=small,less 小 minimum 最小数wt6qbkCyDEmir=wonder 惊奇,惊异 admire 赞赏,钦佩mort=death 死 mortal 终有一死的Kp5zH46zRkmot=move 移动 motion 运动,动Yl4HdOAA61 nomin=name 名 nominal 名义上的,有名无实的ch4PJx4BlInov=new 新 novel 新的,新奇的qd3YfhxCzonumer=number 数 numeral 数字,[语]数词E836L11DO5oper=work 工作 operation 手术,工作,操作S42ehLvE3Mori=rise 升起 orient 东方,东方的501nNvZFispaci=peace 和平 pacify 使和平,抚慰jW1viftGw9past=feed 喂,食 pasture 放牧、牧场,吃草xS0DOYWHLPpel=push, drive 推,逐,驱 propel 推动pend, pens=hang 悬挂 pendent 悬空的,悬而未决的LOZMkIqI0wpet=seek 追求 compete 竞争,比赛ZKZUQsUJedphon=sound 声音 phone 电话plen=full 满,全 plenty 大量,丰富dGY2mcoKtTpone=put 放置 postpone 推后,推迟rCYbSWRLIApopul=people 人民 population 人口,全体居民FyXjoFlMWhport=carry 拿,带,运 import 输入,进口pos=put 放置 expose 揭露,揭发TuWrUpPObXpreci=price 价值 precious 宝贵的,珍贵的7qWAq9jPqEpur=pure 清,纯 purify 使纯净llVIWTNQFk rect=right, straight 正,直 correct 改正,纠正yhUQsDgRT1rupt=break 破 rupture 破裂,使裂开MdUZYnKS8Isal=salt 盐 salary 薪水09T7t6eTnosci=know 知 science 科学e5TfZQIUB5sec, sequ=follow 跟随 sequence 继续,连续s1SovAcVQMsect=cut 切割 section 切开,一部分GXRw1kFW5ssent, sens=feel 感觉 sentiment 感情,思想感情UTREx49Xj9son=sound 声音 sonic 声音的,音速的8PQN3NDYyPspect=look 看 spectate 出席,观看mLPVzx7ZNwspir=breathe 呼吸 inspire 鼓舞,吸入AHP35hB02dtail=cut 切,割 tailor 裁缝,成衣商NDOcB141gTtain, ten=hold 握,持,守 contain 容纳,包含,内装1zOk7Ly2vAtect=cover 掩盖 detect 侦查,发觉fuNsDv23Khtempor=time 时 temporary 暂时的,临时的tqMB9ew4YXtend, tens=draw 拉 tension 拉紧,引力HmMJFY05dEtent, tract=draw 拉,抽,引 tractor 拖拉机urb=city 城市 suburb 郊区,近郊ViLRaIt6skut=use 用 utility 效用, 有用9eK0GsX7H1vac, vacu=empty 空 vacancy 空白,空虚naK8ccr8VIvad, vas=walk, go 行走 invasion 入侵,侵略B6JgIVV9aovari=change 变化 variable 可变的,反复的P2IpeFpap5ven=come 来 convene 召集<会议),集会3YIxKpScDMvert, vers=turn 转 subvert 推翻,颠覆gUHFg9mdSsvi, via=way 路 via 取道,经由uQHOMTQe79vis, vid=see 看 visible 可见的,看得见的IMGWiDkflPvit=life 生命 vital 充满活力的WHF4OmOgAwviv=live 活 vivid 活泼的,有生气的aDFdk6hhPd前缀开放分类:英语、语法、学习、词汇中文中:[prefix] 以结合形式出现,与一词、词根或短语开头的一个音或连续几个音相接,或书写中一个字母或连续几个字母用以产生出派生词或变化形式。
HOTELIERS SINCE 1897 WORD文档,可下载修改瑞士日内瓦凯宾斯基饭店股份有限公司目录6 硬件要求注意事项硬件要求:面积公共区域餐饮设施会议区/商务中心客房后台区健身美容区儿童俱乐部与娱乐设施零售区硬件要求:层高硬件要求:装修公共区域餐饮设施会议区/商务中心客房和浴室后台区(BOH)健身美容区儿童俱乐部与娱乐区零售区77硬件要求:门门的尺寸特殊要求门用五金6 硬件要求注意事项凯宾斯基必须有权选择/推荐/或批准室内设计师和建筑师。
硬件要求:面积公共区域必要■根据需要□饭店大堂200 平方米,房间数超过 300 的,每个房间再加上平方米■□总服务台每个台位米(前 125 间客房要 2 个台位,之后每 75间客房增加 1 个台位)柜台后侧与后墙间最小净距米柜台高米柜台台面最小宽度为米工作台高米工作台最小宽度为米存包架高米■□问讯台每个台位米■□门童站(行李)5 平方米■□行李存放处每间客房平方米,不小于 20 平方米■□接待服务台每个台位米□■团体旅客登记柜台不小于 4 平方米□■■□行政楼层登记柜台衣帽间不小于平方米不小于 4 平方米■□贵重物品存放室不小于平方米■□保险箱检视区不小于 4 平方米■□公共卫生间男女分开,各不小于平方米(残疾人士可用,2 套卫生设备)■□走廊到会议设施的走廊宽度不小于米到餐饮设施的走廊宽度不小于米客房楼层单行走廊宽度不小于米客房楼层双行走廊宽度不小于米健身美容区的走廊宽度不小于米■□客用电梯每 100 间客房配备 1 部电梯;至少 2 部客用电梯。
·平台:米(宽)×米(深)·内部净面积:米(宽)×米(深)·净宽米(中间净宽)·客用电梯净高至少为米(高)■■□□电梯层站出口楼梯最少米宽(可采用当地更为严格的规范)最少米宽(可采用当地更为严格的规范)□■出口走廊最少米宽(可采用当地更为严格的规范)□□■■室内植物礼品店由设计师决定仅销售杂货的商店最少 5 平方米销售精品及杂货的商店最少 20 平方米■□商务中心每个最少 30 平方米;至少 1 个餐饮设施必要■根据需要□全天营业餐厅(带有烹调展示)至少 50 个座位,2 平方米/座位,不包括展示区域□■特色/风味餐厅平方米/座位□■特色/风味餐厅平方米/座位, 不包括烹调展示区域(带有烹调展示)□■■□主酒吧大堂酒廊平方米/座位(带有娱乐休闲室)平方米/座位(不带娱乐设施)□■其他酒吧、俱乐部、休息室由《饭店简介》确定会议区/商务中心各项目由于有着不同的可行性以及位置与运营上的特殊要求,功能区的总面积也会有所不同。
因斯布鲁克市政厅TOWN HALL INNSBRUCK 市政厅综合体项目名称_因斯布鲁克市政厅 项目地点_奥地利 因斯布鲁克 设计师_多米尼克·佩罗建筑师事务所 委托人_Rathauspassage GmbH 建筑面积_35 200m 2 建设时间_2000—2002年 摄影_ Andr é Morin / DPA / Adagp, Paris, 2013PROJECT NAME _ Town Hall Innsbruck LOCATION _ Innsbruck, Austria ARCHITECT _ Dominique Perrault Architecture CLIENT _ Rathauspassage GmbH FLOOR AREA _ 35 200m 2 CONSTRUCTION TIME _ 2000-2002 PHOTOGRAPHY _ André Morin / DPA / Adagp , Paris, 2013town hall complex剖面图因斯布鲁克市政府(公)和由当地企业家及地产商组成的团体(私)共同提议在因斯布鲁克历史中心建造一个综合体,项目目标如下:·在修建市政厅的同时保留古建筑,·重塑一个绿色公共广场,·修建一家向广场开放的酒店,·将单元与公共流线网络和有屋顶的画廊连接起来,·设计一个如同百货商店中的店铺一样的低层购物中心,涵盖快餐奥特莱斯和传统餐厅等各项服务设施在市中心占据显要地位的历史场地上建造一个如此复杂的项目无疑挑战重重,建筑师的回应是有策略性地分阶段展开施工。
Kohler 浴室设备安装说明书
1) If you are installing the lavatory in a new or substantially remodeled bathroom, refer to the rough-in section of the product’s Specifications Sheet for the locations of shut-off valves and drain. The inlets of the shut-off valves should match the size of piping in the house, and outlets should match the water supply tubes you will run to the faucet. The latter are usually 1/2” I.P.S. tubing.You should also install shut-off valves, if there were none in the existing bathroom or if the old ones are unserviceable or unsightly.A cross brace is required to provide a solid mounting support for the new lavatory. Check to besure there is one in the existing bathroom. If not, use a saw and chisel to mortise a 2” x 4” board across at least 3 of the vertical 2” x 4” wall studs. Nail it securely into place.The center of this cross brace or mounting height can be found in the rough-in specifications of the product’s Specifications Sheet.2) Position the pedestal base at the location centered on the waste and shut-off valves.3) Place the lavatory basin on top of the pedestal base. Slide the complete unit until the backside ofthe lavatory basin fits flat against the wall and is level.4) With a pencil, from underneath the lavatory basin, mark the location of the 2 mounting holes onthe back side of the lavatory basin.5) Now remove the lavatory basin. For drywall installation with no wood stud cross brace support,drill 5/16” holes and insert the plastic wall anchors. Move on to step #6.For installations with wood stud cross-brace support, drill 2 holes, then continue to the next step.6) Insert threaded bolts, such that you will have at least 1/2” of thread sticking out past the holes inthe underside of the lavatory basin.* For wood stud installation, same as above but without the wall anchor.7) Place the new lavatory basin onto a thick layer of newspaper or a drop cloth to protect it frombeing scratched.Attach the pop-up drain and the faucet to the lavatory according to the manufacturer’s instructions. You may also attach the hot and cold water supply lines to the faucet at this time.Sealant may be required around the faucet and pop-up drain where they meet the china. Check the faucet manufacturer’s recommendations.These steps are easier to do before you mount the lavatory in its place.8) Set the lavatory basin on top of the pedestal base flat against the wall, making sure that thethreaded bolts slide through the mounting holes in the back of the basin. Put a washer onto each of the threaded bolts. Put a nut onto each of the threaded bolts. Thread the nuts loosely against the basin.9) Examine the alignment of the pedestal lavatory to the wall, to be sure it is centered where youwant it. The elliptical holes in the china allow for some shifting. Also check the level and adjust as needed. Tighten the nuts alternately until the lavatory is flush to the wall.CAUTION: Do not over-tighten, since this may crack the vitreous china.10) Connect the drain trap to the pop-up drain tail piece, then join the trap to the drain pipe in the wall.You may use metal or plastic drain pipe and trap, following the directions as provided by the manufacturer.11) Use a tube cutter to trim the free ends of the hot and cold supply tubes, to at least 1/4” longer thannecessary to reach into the inlets of the shut-off valves. It is better to cut the tubes longer than needed, then trim them again. Remove any burrs or sharp edges with an emery cloth.Join the hot and cold water supply to the shut-off valves, as instructed by the faucet manufacturer.12) Turn on the main water supply, then open the shut-off valves. Check all connections for leaks. Aslight tightening of about 1/4 turn will normally stop any leaks.Your installation should now be complete.。
Page:1Compilation date:10/04/2018Revision date:08/06/2018Revision No:2Product name:DISHWASH TABLETProduct code:91/71Use of substance / mixture:Cleaning product for professional use.Company name:Greyland LtdUnit 9Fifth AvenueTameside Park Industrial EstateDukinfieldCheshireSK16 4PPTel:+44 (0) 161 343 3830Fax:+44 (0) 161 343 0608Email:*****************.ukEmergency tel:+44 (0) 161 343 3830 (Mon - Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm)Classification under CLP:Acute Tox. 4: H302; Eye Dam. 1: H318; -: EUH208Most important adverse effects:Contains subtilisin. May produce an allergic reaction. Harmful if swallowed. Causesserious eye damage.Label elements:Hazard statements:EUH208: Contains subtilisin. May produce an allergic reaction.H302: Harmful if swallowed.H318: Causes serious eye damage.Hazard pictograms:GHS05: CorrosionGHS07: Exclamation markPage:2 Signal words:DangerPrecautionary statements:P264: Wash hands thoroughly after handling.P280: Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection.P301+P312: IF SWALLOWED: Call a POISON CENTRE or doctor if you feel unwell.P305+P351+P338: IF IN EYES: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Removecontact lenses, if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing.P310: Immediately call a POISON CENTER or doctor.P330: Rinse mouth.PBT:This product is not identified as a PBT/vPvB substance.Hazardous ingredients:SODIUM CARBONATESODIUM CARBONATE PEROXIDEALCOHOLS, C16-18, ETHOXYLATED(1-HYDROXYETHYLIDENE)BISPHOSPHOONIC ACID, SODIUM SALTSUBTILISINEye contact:Bathe the eye with running water for 15 minutes.Ingestion:Wash out mouth with water. Do not induce vomiting. If conscious, give half a litre of waterto drink immediately. Transfer to hospital as soon as possible.Inhalation:Remove casualty from exposure ensuring one's own safety whilst doing so. Consult adoctor.Page:3Skin contact:There may be mild irritation at the site of contact.Eye contact:There may be irritation and redness.Ingestion:There may be soreness and redness of the mouth and throat. There may be difficultyswallowing. Nausea and stomach pain may occur. There may be vomiting.Inhalation:Absorption through the lungs can occur causing symptoms similar to those of ingestion.Delayed / immediate effects:Immediate effects can be expected after short-term exposure.Immediate / special treatment:Not applicable.Extinguishing media:Suitable extinguishing media for the surrounding fire should be used.Exposure hazards:In combustion emits toxic fumes.Advice for fire-fighters:Wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Wear protective clothing to prevent contactwith skin and eyes.Personal precautions:Refer to section 8 of SDS for personal protection details. Do not create dust. Mark out thecontaminated area with signs and prevent access to unauthorised personnel. If outsidedo not approach from downwind.Environmental precautions:Do not discharge into drains or rivers.Clean-up procedures:Transfer to a closable, labelled salvage container for disposal by an appropriatemethod.Reference to other sections:Refer to section 8 of SDS.Handling requirements:Ensure there is sufficient ventilation of the area. Avoid the formation or spread of dust inthe air. Avoid direct contact with the substance.Page:4Storage conditions:Store in a cool, well ventilated area. Keep container tightly closed.Specific end use(s):No data available.Workplace exposure limits:No data available.DNEL / PNEC No data available.Engineering measures:Ensure there is sufficient ventilation of the area.Respiratory protection:Not required for normal conditions of use.Hand protection:Protective gloves.Eye protection:Safety glasses are not normally required. However their use is recommended wherethere is a risk of spray mist or splashing when using or handling product.Skin protection:Wear appropriate clothing to prevent any possibility of skin contact.State:SolidOdour:Characteristic odourpH:Alkaline VOC g/l:Not applicable.Other information:No data available.Reactivity:Stable under recommended transport or storage conditions.Chemical stability:Stable under normal conditions.Hazardous reactions:Hazardous reactions will not occur under normal transport or storage conditions.Decomposition may occur on exposure to conditions or materials listed below.Conditions to avoid:Heat.Page:5Materials to avoid:Strong oxidising agents. Strong acids.Haz. decomp. products:In combustion emits toxic fumes.Hazardous ingredients:SODIUM CARBONATESUBTILISINRelevant hazards for product:Skin contact:There may be mild irritation at the site of contact.Eye contact:There may be irritation and redness.Ingestion:There may be soreness and redness of the mouth and throat. There may be difficultyswallowing. Nausea and stomach pain may occur. There may be vomiting.Inhalation:Absorption through the lungs can occur causing symptoms similar to those of ingestion.Delayed / immediate effects:Immediate effects can be expected after short-term exposure.Ecotoxicity values:No data available.Persistence and degradability:Biodegradable.Bioaccumulative potential:No bioaccumulation potential.Page:6PBT identification:This product is not identified as a PBT/vPvB substance.Other adverse effects:Negligible ecotoxicity.Disposal operations:Transfer to a suitable container and arrange for collection by specialised disposalcompany.NB:The user's attention is drawn to the possible existence of regional or nationalregulations regarding disposal.Transport class:This product does not require a classification for transport.Specific regulations:Not applicable.Chemical safety assessment: A chemical safety assessment has not been carried out for the substance or the mixtureby the supplier.Other information:This safety data sheet is prepared in accordance with Commission Regulation (EU) No2015/830.* indicates text in the SDS which has changed since the last revision.Phrases used in s.2 and s.3:EUH208: Contains <name of sensitising substance>. May produce an allergic reaction.H272: May intensify fire; oxidiser.H302: Harmful if swallowed.H315: Causes skin irritation.H318: Causes serious eye damage.H319: Causes serious eye irritation.H334: May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled.H335: May cause respiratory irritation.H400: Very toxic to aquatic life.Legal disclaimer:The above information is believed to be correct but does not purport to be all inclusiveand shall be used only as a guide. This company shall not be held liable for any。
创造出一 种 续变化 的体验 不过 除7探索数 码科技 为空问构造设计带 来的
限可能 性 B lN g e  ̄期也 在把越来越 多的注意 力放在探讨作 品的社会交 流属性 al o u s .
上 在2 0 濂港双城 双年展上推出 《 09 可以穿的建筑 》引发对装置 材科再发利用 的讨论土
的总长度 达2 英里 。 a l g e  ̄制作这 些装置发 明7一种0 可 1 B l No u s
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筑概念 并对它做 出7新 的阐释 。作为视觉 作 品的 装置 仅仅 是在 一个 向前 流 动的产
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文本 土后 物一 它戏剧性地 重新获 得了消费 产 品 的奉义—— 从大众 消费和标 准化的象 征 到 希望和友善生产 的另类表达
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档 餐 饮 品 牌 在 中 国 内 地 最 新 开 设 的 分 店 。 波 逐 流 一 般 被 引 领 向餐 厅 的 深 处 . ^ 宽 走 整 个 餐 厅 的 室 内 设 计 由 泛纳 设计 事 务所 承 阔 的 中 庭 空间 和 私 密 的贵 宾 区 。 项 面 的 水
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0 6半开放 的圆弧形 就餐区
肉食者的天堂哈尔科夫HOOKS餐厅HOOKS MEAT BARIN KHARKIV设计〔乌克兰〕balbekbureau工程名称:哈尔科夫HOOKS餐厅坐落地点:乌克兰哈尔科夫面积:100m2设计团队:Slava Balbek,Andrii Berezynskyi,Roma Horoshylov项目经理:Anton Lebediev产品设计:Alina Vovkotrub竣工时间:2020摄影:Andrey Bezuglov0301餐厅外立面02入口门厅03平面图04、05就餐区右侧的公共餐桌由钢框架和玻璃砖构成108Hooks是当地一家以肉食为主的餐厅,位于乌克兰哈尔科夫市中心一栋4层历史建筑的底层,面积约为100m2。
“Product innovation and excellence are key targets in our business development strategy, making the D-Cubed components the obvious solution for meeting our critical 3D modeling objectives. Our customers demand strong commitments to quality and functionality. Licensing solutions from Siemens PLM Software will enable us to fulfil those commitments more rapidly and with full peace of mind.” - Sermet Yucel, president of CertusoftThe PLM Components NewsletterConfigurators ......................... 1 D-Cubed DCM splines ........... 3 Contact details .. (4)I SSUE 5: J UNE 2009C ONTENTSNemetschek North America Inc., USA, released Parasolid Designer in their Vectorworks 2009 application for the architecture, entertainment, landscape and machine design industries (see page 2).IMSI/Design LLC , USA, released the 2D DCM in its new DoubleCAD XT PRO mechanical and architectural drafting and detailing application. This enables users to control their drawings with driving dimensions and geometric constraints.CNC Software Inc., USA, released Mastercam X3, which was upgraded to use Parasolid Editor. Full modeling based on Parasolid Designer is available with the Mastercam SOLIDS option.Renishaw plc , UK, licensed the CDM to provide future collision detection capabilities in its new off-line Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM) programming application called MODUS.Business newsWelcome to the fifth edition of The PLM Components Newsletter . PLM Components are software tools developed by Siemens PLM Software for product design, manufacture, engineering, simulation, visualization and collaboration. They are licensed to application developers in the CAD, CAM, CAE and PLM industry. They are proving valuable to software developers during these difficult economic times, enabling fast and cost effective innovations in their products. More at /plm/open.PLM Components used in more AEC applicationsBuilding on the news in the previous edition about the increasing use of PLMComponents in AEC applications, Nemetschek North America (NNA) released Parasolid® in their Vectorworks 2009 product line (more on page 2). Other developments include an integration by Analist of the D-Cubed TM 2D DCM into ArchiPlan3D to support constraint based sketching of 2D architectural plans. Also, Bentley Systems have made the first release of the D-Cubed Collision Detection Manager (CDM) in its ProjectWise Navigator immersive project review product.PLM Components used in configuration applicationsConfiguration applications enable the sale and manufacture of products that are made-to-order to satisfy individual customer requirements. Customers select from a range of options to define a particular product configuration. Working with a CAD model is often an important part of the process, with growing use of PLM Components to support developments in this area.Certusoft is a developer of a configurator that supports the design o f m u l t i -a x l e vehicles, ensuring such designs satisfy a variety of physical conditions. They have licensed the D-Cubed 3D DCM, CDM and Hidden Line Manager (HLM) to enable a range of mechanical CAD functions. The figureopposite illustratesthe positioning of parts during an automatic process to optimise an assembly for minimal vibrations. Continued on page 3.Optimising for minimal torsional vibrations in a truck’s drivelineusing the Visual Optimizer in Certusoft ConfiguratorMore about Parasolid at /plm/parasolidAutodesk , Inc., USA, released the Inventor Simulation Suite whichutilizes Parasolid Communicator forinteroperability.WIPL-D d.o.o , Serbia, licensed Parasolid Editor for use in their Electromagnetic solver. CEI, Inc., USA, licensed Parasolid Communicator for use in their EnSight Visualization software. VX Corp., USA, licensed the ParasolidSTEP Translator.DP Technology, Inc., USA, signed a new agreement for Parasolid Designer and the STEP translator, allowing for full solid modeling capability in every seat of ESPRIT. COMSOL , Sweden, upgraded toParasolid Editor for use in the COMSOL Multiphysics ® CAD Import Module.Auton S.r.l., Italy, a subsidiary of DP Technology, licensed Parasolid Communicator for use in the Auton CAM Processor.More business news...Parasolid product newsParasolid v21 ReleasedParasolid v21 was released in December 2008 and includes numerousenhancements focussed on improving modeling capability and productivity.⏹ L o c a l o p e r a t i o n s :Enhancements have beenmade to allow more complexchanges while performinglocal edits of geometry. Forexample, options have beenadded to automaticallyindicate desired behaviorwhen features such as holesand bosses interact as theresult of a local editing operation.⏹ Enhanced surface creation:Sophisticated sheet andsurface cr eation andmanipulation capabilitieshave been extended. Forexample, users can perform sweep operations with enhanced control of rotationas well as with more complex configurations of guide curves. In addition, users can perform loft operations between profiles while twisting along a path.⏹ Application support: A new diagnostic mechanism has been added and tools thathelp developers track creation, editing and deletion of entities have been developed to add more support for sophisticated undo and rollback algorithms.Parasolid: foundation of Nemetschek launchIn September 2008 Nemetschek North America (NNA) launched Vectorworks 2009, their first Parasolid-based product, comprising: Designer, Architect, Landmark, Spotlight, Machine Design, Fundamentals, and Renderworks.After evaluating Parasolid, NNA were impressed by its out-of-the-box performance and the robustness of its functionality, in particular the high-level modeling operations such as shelling, tapering and offsetting. Many AEC professionals still use a combination of 2D and 3D techniques in their design process with inherent performance issues and opportunities for ambiguity and errors. NNA decided that Parasolid could provide a major competitive advantage over many of their competitors by bringing mature modeling capabilities from the MCAD world to their AEC users.As a result NNA set the ambitious target of integrating Parasolid into every module for simultaneous launch in Vectorworks 2009, which was less than a year away. This was achieved comfortably with assistance from the Parasolid Support Team. Parasolid and solid modeling were the focus of the launch and marketing program. Such a bold strategy, supported by extensive launch activities, created considerable excitement in the AEC world with many positive reviews and comments from analysts. Questions were also raised about how competitors would react. More about NNA and Vectorworks 2009 at . Image courtesy of Paul Oraveccomputations can now be spread across multiple processors. under 38% of the time on one improvement, even on a single Signed distances added to defineEqual curvature vector constraint for 3D DCM splines, enabling improvedImproved control of tangent magnitudes on 3D DCM interpolating splines formaintaining aesthetically pleasing curves during interactive manipulation.More about D-Cubed components at /plm/d-cubedD-Cubed components in Certusoft ConfiguratorContinued from page 1: Certusoft will use the 3D DCM to support the automated3D assembly of integrated chassis and body configurations and to enable users toconfigure their models interactively. The CDM was adopted to ensure that theassembled configuration has no interpenetrating parts, and the HLM will be used to improve the automated production of drawings that provide users with accurate visual representations of the configured products. Certusoft follows TDCI, USA, who licensed the 2D DCM to support the creation of home design configurations, such as windows and doors, in its BuyDesign application. The 2D DCM enables the dynamic creation of configuration-specific parametric drawings without the cost of integrating with a third party CAD system.Configurators are often server-based solutions that can take advantage of parallel processing to serve multiple users simultaneously. The D-Cubed components licensed by Certusoft and TDCI were all recently optimized for thread-safety operation on parallel processors to support such applications.D-Cubed CDM: extensions for facetted models Version 40 of our component for computing fast and accurate collisions andclearances was released in May 2009. Various functions previously supporting onlyaccurate (B-rep) models are now available on facetted models, including the ability to predict collisions along a given path for a facetted object.D-Cubed PGM: now available as independent componentThe Profile Geometry Manager (PGM)was previously available for integrationonly with a 2D DCM-enabled sketcher.Version 55 is now also available for applications that need to provide advanced profile offsetting capabilities independently of the 2D DCM.3D DCM controlled splines in routingPGM creates multiple trimmed offsetsintegrated in XF7 to e parametric design of new and imported uch as antennae, microwave circuits and wireless communication devices. The figure opposite part that has been sketched with the constraints that areIn common with other parametric sketchingapplications, XF7 tracks the modeling operations so that users can return and edit the original sketch and the relevant changes will be propagated through the JT Open - Recent board meetings reinforce missionJT is a lightweight data format, used by automobile, aerospace and other manufacturing industries in a range of MultiCAD, visualization and virtual prototyping applications. The JT Open Program is a global community of leading manufacturers, software vendors and academic institutions that work to establish JT as an open standard for digital 3D product representation, helping members benefit from open collaboration across the extended enterprise through the adoption The Management and Technical review boards of the JT Open Program recentlymet in the USA. A wide range of topics on the status and direction of the program were discussed, including interoperability and standards initiatives and applications in visualization, Computer-Aided Engineering and the nuclear power industry. New members of the JT Open Program include Rolls Royce, Suzuki, VW/Audi, AWE “We selected the D-Cubed 2D DCM because it was clearly the most credible option in the market. The 2D DCM’s status as the industry-standard sketching engine, coupled with an excellent support service and the stability of Siemens PLM Software as a component supplier, ensure market-leading value for Remcom and our customers.” - Bradley Flubacher, Senior Software Engineer at Remcom2D DCM based sketching in the XFdtd electromagnetic simulation application。
查塔努加市中心的米勒公园美国田纳西州查塔努加市Miller Park In Downtown Chattanooga Chattanooga, United States 设计单位:EDR 建筑事务所;Spackman Mossop Michaels 合作建筑师:Hefferlin + Kronenberg 建筑师事务所景观设计: Spackman Mossop Michaels土木、结构、机电工程: 玛驰•亚当斯联合事务所项目竣工: 2018年摄影: Spackman Mossop Michaels 位于市中心的米勒公园最初在1970年代开发,占地两英亩,位于城市中心,紧邻所罗门大厦,距离市政厅和查塔努加公共图书馆仅一街之隔。
Spackman Mossop Michaels (SMM)的负责人Wes Michaels 表示:“通过抬高下沉广场,将整个公园提升到街道水平,我们让公园更易于进入,也更加吸引人。
”为了打破米勒公园与对面现有的米勒广场之间的障碍,SMM/EDR 采用了“共享街道”的方法,并重新规划了马丁•路德•金大道,将这两个公共空间连接成为一个统一的市民空间。
800 Series, Dual Fuel Freestanding Range, cm, Black stainless steelHDS8645C Optional accessoriesHEZ8YZ04UC : Side Panel Extension Kit Range - BSS HEZ8YZ36UC : Range Low Back Guard 36" BSS Models HEZ8ZZ36UC : Range Island Trim Ext. 36" BSS Models HEZ9GR41UC : Griddle HEZ9GW23UC : Wok RingThe Bosch industrial-style range combines a commercial look with powerful features that are designed to perform.Bosch black stainless helps guard against scratches and fingerprints to maintain its bold look.Dampened hinges softly and quietly guide the door shut.With a special enameling process, the grates can be easily cleaned in the dishwasher.Convection multi-rack feature delivers even golden results, no matter where you place your pan.Full Glass Door supports quick and easy cleaning by removable inner glass of the door.Technical DataTotal number of cooktop burners : 6Cooking mode : 3rd element convection, Bottom heat,Convection Bake, Convection Broil, Conventional heat, Dough proving setting, Pizza setting, Special baking setting, Top heat Integrated Cleaning system : Catalytic partial Type of control : Electronic Knob Material : Full metal Sealed Burners : Yes Number of Double grates : 3Bake Element Wattages cavity 1 (W) : 1700Convection Element Wattages cavity 1 (W) : 2500Number of gas burners : 6Location of 1st heating element : front left Power of 1st burner (BTU) : 18000Location of 2nd heating element : center left Location of 3rd heating element : back left Power of 3rd burner (BTU) : 5000Location of 4th heating element : middle back Power of 4th burner (BTU) : 10000Location of 5th heating element : back right Power of 5th burner (BTU) : 10000Location of 6th heating element : center right Safety device : Safety valve UPC code : 825225961048Gas type : Natural gas 15 mbar (USA)Natural Gas Connection Rating (BTU) : 23000Watts (W) : 3300Current (A) : 20Volts (V) : 240/208Frequency (Hz) : 60Approval certificates : CSA : 36" width slide-in Overall appliance dimensions (HxWxD) (in) :36" x 35 15/16" x 24 14/16"Variable cooker height (in) : 1"Product packaging dimensions (HxWxD) (in) :34 1/16" x 38 3/4" x 28": 222Gross weight (lbs) : 246.0001/3800 Series, Dual Fuel Freestanding Range,cm, Black stainless steelHDS8645CThe Bosch industrial-style range combines acommercial look with powerful features thatare designed to perform.Design-Black porcelain-enameled cooking surface-Low-profile design for an integrated appearance-Heavy-duty metal knobs for a premium look and feelPerformance-Genuine European convection for even baking results onmultiple racks-Dual flame power burner-Meat probe takes the guesswork out of cookingConvenience-6 Burners adding more flexibility to your cooking-Heavy-duty grates can be cleaned in dishwasher-Oven light to better monitor cooking progress-Kitchen timer-Extra large door window for easy monitoring of cookingprocess-LP conversion kit included for conversion from natural gas toliquid propaneCapacity-Capacity at 3.7 cu ft.2/3800 Series, Dual Fuel Freestanding Range,cm, Black stainless steelHDS8645C3/3。
消防设计文件项目名称:良拾食品咖啡烘焙店设计单位:杭州华茗设计集团有限公司设计时间:二〇一五年四月十日扉页设计单位法定代表人:技术总负责人:项目总负责人:建筑负责人:自动报警系统专业负责人:消防水系统专业负责人:一、设计依据二、《建筑设计防火规范》GBJ50016-2006三、《建筑内部装修防火规范》(GB50016-2006 2007年修订版)四、《建筑设计防火规范》(GBJ50016-2006)五、《自动喷淋水灭火系统设计规范》(GB50084-98)六、《建筑灭火器配置设计规范》(GBJ50140-2005)七、《民用电气设计规范》(JGJ/16-2008)八、《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》GB50045-95(2005年版)九、《火灾自动报警系统设计规范》GB 50116-2008十、《消防给水及消火栓系统技术规范》GB50974-2014十一、《建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范》GB50210-2001十二、《工程建设标准强制性条文》以及建设单位提供的有关使用要求、意见等相关资料二、工程概况及设计范围1、工程名称:良拾食品咖啡烘焙店2、建设地点:财富公馆B2栋首层3、建设单位:广州市荔湾区良拾食品店4、总建设装修使用面积:47平方米本工程为一层局部装修。
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1 Restaurant Concepts ................................. 1
a) The Bar b) All Day Dining Restaurant c) Lobby Lounge d) Specialty Restaurant e) Private Dining Rooms f) Pool / Beach Grille
ARCH 2009
i) The design needs to incorporate a clearly identifiable greeting and entry location.
ii) The Lounge should have a small bar with stools and additionally some high tables and seats.
vi) Service stations or consoles are to be part of the furniture layout of this high voltions are to be located in the back of house service area.
v) A striking wine display (for five to six hundred bottles, including cold units for white wine and champagne) should be an integral component of the design.
iii) Seating in the lounge should have banquets and lower tables for guests having drinks and some small plates of food. Seating in the restaurant will be dining height two-, four-, and six-tops to accommodate groups for a more traditional meal.
iv) There should be a feature between the Lounge and Restaurant, a focal point acting as a natural divider between the two. This could be configured to include a cold counter, allowing it to be used for buffet display.
c) Lobby Lounge
i) The Lobby Lounge is designed to accommodate a wide range of social or business needs along with services suitable and required for the respective time of day. The outlet is for multi-purpose usage, to serve beverages, coffees, teas, as well as small meals at almost any time. Function, style and layout need to be conducive to the multiplicity of services.
2009 c) Private Dining Rooms i) Private dining rooms are seating areas accommodating small groups, separated from the main dining area for privacy. Provide direct kitchen access. ii) Private dining rooms should permit flexible seating allowing them to accommodate small individual groups or act as an extension of the restaurant during peak periods with individual tables. iii) Private dining rooms shall include: ■ Lighting control.
Four Seasons Food and Beverage, should develop a concept which gives the restaurant
a specific identity.
ii) The Specialty Restaurant is a destination spot for lunch and dinner, competitive with local popular restaurants.
viii) A location should be identified for a hot buffet unit to be used for breakfast service only, incorporating recessed induction heaters, allowing for different types of presentation dishes. At the buffet stations guests may either help themselves, or alternately the wait staff may serve them. For lunch and dinner service, the buffet should be concealed or turned into a feature display area.
ix) If an open kitchen is a feature of the restaurant, the interior of the restaurant should blend the open kitchen concept into the design.
a) The Bar
The Bar is the hot spot of the hotel, the place for a romantic nightcap or to celebrate the day’s achievements. It is the meeting place for fun or relaxation, for all social and business occasions. It is for mingling, interacting with friends and colleagues, to watch sports or catch up on the news of the day. The bar is also a place for cocktail entertainment, a destination and look out to the city, an oasis and also a to-be-seen bar. The following design elements should be incorporated:
2009 The All Day Dining Restaurant offers breakfast service to guests, and is also a destination venue for lunch and dinner.
The Lounge and Restaurant design should be designed to appeal to a broad market. It is where one greets and meets friends, a place for pre-dinner drinks, and also an after-dinner activity area. Design consideration should be given to the following:
d) Specialty Restaurant
i) The design of the restaurant should be striking and unique, with specific design features. The
interior should reflect a contemporary restaurant, fitting of any freestanding restaurant in any
iii) There should be a difference in the heights of the seating and tables, sized to permit a sampling of food and to eat with ease.