AMDP-X/F40□ 系列电动机保护器使用说明产品概述主要特点:DSP 为核心,数字设定,数字显示,保护功能完备、保护性能可靠,检测、显示电压,通用电流互感器检测电流,4路与采集、保护电路及DSP隔离、参数可设置电流范围的4-20mA输出。
电流互感器一次电流(A)100 150 200300400500600800 1000 12001600最大设定电流(A) 100 150 200300400500600800 1000 12001600最小设定电流(A) 20 30 40 60 80 100120160 200 240320电动机最大功率(KW) 45 75 110132160250315355 500 600800电动机最小功率(KW) 11 15 22 30 45 55 75 90 110 132160工作电压:AC 85V — 265V、DC 85V — 265V功率消耗:小于 2W检测电压:AC 0 — 500V(电压显示值可由参数设为检测值的1、1.732、3、5.196倍)采集精度:0.5环境温度:- 20℃ — 50℃继电器触点:AMDP-X/F401:1常开、常闭触点,AC 250V/10A(阻性负载)、DC 30V/10AAMDP-X/F402:2常开、常闭触点,AC 220V/5A(阻性负载)、DC 30V/5A4-20mA负载电阻:小于600ΩAMDP-X/F40□系列电动机保护器数据显示AMDP-X/F40□ 系列电动机保护器在电动机正常运行时,显示电动机A、B、C相电流、电压;当电动机发生缺相、短路、接地、堵转、过载、电流不平衡故障时,断开内部继电器触点停止电动机运行(故障灯亮),同时显示故障代码指示故障类型,并且显示电动机发生故障时的A、B、C相电流、电压值。
⑥ ⑤ ④ ③
4 线电机
⑥ ⑤ ④ ③
8 线电机(并联)
控 制 器
Com R Pul
驱 动 器
⑥ ⑤ ④ ③
8 线电机(串联)
⑥ ⑤ ④ ③
6 线电机(高扭矩)
VCC值为5V时,R短路; VCC值为12V时,R=1KΩ(≥1/8W); VCC值为24V时,R=2KΩ(≥1/8W)。
DMD402/DMD402A 使用手册
DMD402/DMD402A 使用手册
DMD402、DMD402A 是我公司自主研发的步进电机细分驱动器,它 们具有高性能、 低价格的特点, 适合驱动两相或四相混合式步进电机。 由于采用新型的双极性恒流斩波驱动技术, 使用同样的电机时可以比 其它驱动方式输出更大的功率。其细分功能使步进电机低频振动减 小,噪声降低,同时有助于运转精度提高。
DMD402/DMD402A 使用手册
DMD402/DMD402A 使用手册
6.2 设定输出电流
7、 电 源 供 给
电源电压在 DC14V ~DC40V 之间都可以正常工作,本驱动器 最好采用非稳压型直流电源供电,也可以自己采用变压器降压+ 桥式整流+电容滤波,电容可取 6800μ F或 10000μ F。但注意应使 整流后电压纹波峰值不超过 40V,避免电网波动超过驱动器电压
10 11.5
西门子产品型号详细说明详细说明S7-200系列定货号注释CPU6ES7 211-0AA23-0XB0 CPU221 DC/DC/DC,6输入/4输出6ES7 211-0BA23-0XB0 CPU221 继电器输出,6输入/4输出6ES7 212-1AB23-0XB8 CPU222 DC/DC/DC,8输入/6输出6ES7 212-1BB23-0XB8 CPU222 继电器输出,8输入/6输出6ES7 214-1AD23-0XB8 CPU224 DC/DC/DC,14输入/10输出6ES7 214-1BD23-0XB8 CPU224 继电器输出,14输入/10输出6ES7 214-2AD23-0XB8 CPU224XP DC/DC/DC,14DI/10DO,2AI/1AO6ES7 214-2BD23-0XB8 CPU224XP 继电器输出,14DI/10DO,2AI/1AO6ES7 216-2AD23-0XB8 CPU226 DC/DC/DC,24输入/16输出6ES7 216-2BD23-0XB8 CPU226 继电器输出,24输入/16输出扩展模块6ES7 221-1BH22-0XA8 EM221 16入 24VDC,开关量6ES7 221-1BF22-0XA8 EM221 8入 24VDC,开关量6ES7 221-1EF22-0XA0 EM221 8入 120/230VAC,开关量6ES7 222-1BF22-0XA8 EM222 8出 24VDC,开关量6ES7 222-1EF22-0XA0 EM222 8出 120V/230VAC,0.5A 开关量6ES7 222-1HF22-0XA8 EM222 8出继电器6ES7 222-1BD22-0XA0 EM222 4出 24VDC 固态-MOSFET 6ES7 222-1HD22-0XA0 EM222 4出继电器干触点6ES7 223-1BF22-0XA8 EM223 4入/4出 24VDC,开关量6ES7 223-1HF22-0XA8 EM223 4入 24VDC/4出继电器6ES7 223-1BH22-0XA8 EM223 8入/8出 24VDC,开关量6ES7 223-1PH22-0XA8 EM223 8入 24VDC/8出继电器6ES7 223-1BL22-0XA8 EM223 16入/16出 24VDC,开关量6ES7 223-1PL22-0XA8 EM223 16入 24VDC/16出继电器6ES7 223-1BM22-0XA8 EM223 32入/32出 24VDC,开关量6ES7 223-1PM22-0XA8 EM223 32入 24VDC/32出继电器6ES7 231-0HC22-0XA8 EM231 4入*12位精度,模拟量6ES7 231-7PB22-0XA8 EM231 2入*热电阻,模拟量6ES7 231-7PD22-0XA8 EM231 4入*热电偶,模拟量6ES7 232-0HB22-0XA8 EM232 2出*12位精度,模拟量6ES7 235-0KD22-0XA8 EM235 4入/1出*12位精度,模拟量6ES7 277-0AA22-0XA0 EM277 PROFIBUS-DP接口模块6GK7 243-2AX01-0XA0 CP243-2 AS-i接口模块6ES7 253-1AA22-0XA0 EM253 位控模块6ES7 241-1AA22-0XA0 EM241 调制解调器模块6GK7 243-1EX00-0XE0 CP243-1 工业以太网模块6GK7 243-1GX00-0XE0 CP243-1IT 工业以太网模块附件6ES7 291-8GF23-0XA0 MC291,新CPU22x存储器盒,64K6ES7 297-1AA23-0XA0 CC292,CPU22x时钟/日期电池盒6ES7 291-8BA20-0XA0 BC293,CPU22x电池盒6ES7 290-6AA20-0XA0 扩展电缆,I/O扩展,0.8米,CPU22x/EM 6ES7 901-3CB30-0XA0 编程/通讯电缆,PC/PPI,带光电隔离,5-开关,5m6ES7 901-3DB30-0XA0 编程/通讯电缆,PC/PPI,带光电隔离,USB接口,5-开关6ES7 292-1AD20-0AA0 CPU22x/EM端子连接器块,7个端子,可拆卸6ES7 292-1AE20-0AA0 CPU22x/EM端子连接器块,12个端子,可拆卸6ES7 292-1AG20-0AA0 CPU22x/EM连接器块,18个端子,可拆卸6AV6 640-0AA00-0AX0 TD400C文本显示器6EP1 332-1SH31 专为S7-200 设计电源,24V/3.5A 可并联5个S7-300系列定货号注释电源模板6ES7 307-1BA00-0AA0 电源模块(2A)6ES7 307-1EA00-0AA0 电源模块(5A)6ES7 307-1KA01-0AA0 电源模块(10A)CPU6ES7 312-1AE13-0AB0 CPU312,32K内存6ES7 312-5BE03-0AB0 CPU312C,32K内存 10DI/6DO6ES7 313-5BF03-0AB0 CPU313C,64K内存24DI/16DO / 4AI/2AO6ES7 313-6BF03-0AB0 CPU313C-2PTP,64K内存16DI/16DO6ES7 313-6CF03-0AB0 CPU313C-2DP,64K内存16DI/16DO6ES7 314-1AG13-0AB0 CPU314,96K内存6ES7 314-6BG03-0AB0 CPU314C-2PTP 96K内存24DI/16DO / 4AI/2AO6ES7 314-6CG03-0AB0 CPU314C-2DP 96K内存 24DI/16DO / 4AI/2AO6ES7 315-2AG10-0AB0 CPU315-2DP, 128K内存6ES7 315-2EH13-0AB0 CPU315-2 PN/DP, 256K内存6ES7 317-2AJ10-0AB0 CPU317-2DP,512K内存6ES7 317-2EK13-0AB0 CPU317-2 PN/DP,1MB内存6ES7 318-3EL00-0AB0 CPU319-3 PN/DP,1.4M内存内存卡6ES7 953-8LF20-0AA0 SIMATIC Micro内存卡 64kByte(MMC) 6ES7 953-8LG11-0AA0 SIMATIC Micro内存卡128KByte(MMC)6ES7 953-8LJ20-0AA0 SIMATIC Micro内存卡512KByte(MMC)6ES7 953-8LL20-0AA0 SIMATIC Micro内存卡2MByte(MMC) 6ES7 953-8LM20-0AA0 SIMATIC Micro内存卡4MByte(MMC)6ES7 953-8LP20-0AA0 SIMATIC Micro内存卡8MByte(MMC) 开关量模板6ES7 321-1BH02-0AA0 开入模块(16点,24VDC)6ES7 321-1BH10-0AA0 开入模块(16点,24VDC)6ES7 321-1BH50-0AA0 开入模块(16点,24VDC,源输入)6ES7 321-1BL00-0AA0 开入模块(32点,24VDC)6ES7 321-7BH01-0AB0 开入模块(16点,24VDC,诊断能力)6ES7 321-1EL00-0AA0 开入模块(32点,120VAC)6ES7 321-1FF01-0AA0 开入模块(8点,120/230VAC)6ES7 321-1FF10-0AA0 开入模块(8点,120/230VAC)与公共电位单独连接6ES7 321-1FH00-0AA0 开入模块(16点,120/230VAC)6ES7 321-1CH00-0AA0 开入模块(16点,24/48VDC)6ES7 321-1CH20-0AA0 开入模块(16点,48/125VDC)6ES7 322-1BH01-0AA0 开出模块(16点,24VDC)6ES7 322-1BH10-0AA0 开出模块(16点,24VDC)高速6ES7 322-1CF00-0AA0 开出模块(8点,48-125VDC)6ES7 322-8BF00-0AB0 开出模块(8点,24VDC)诊断能力6ES7 322-5GH00-0AB0 开出模块(16点,24VDC,独立接点,故障保护)6ES7 322-1BL00-0AA0 开出模块(32点,24VDC)6ES7 322-1FL00-0AA0 开出模块(32点,120VAC/230VAC)6ES7 322-1BF01-0AA0 开出模块(8点,24VDC,2A)6ES7 322-1FF01-0AA0 开出模块(8点,120V/230VAC)6ES7 322-5FF00-0AB0 开出模块(8点,120V/230VAC,独立接点)6ES7 322-1HF01-0AA0 开出模块(8点,继电器,2A)6ES7 322-1HF10-0AA0 开出模块(8点,继电器,5A,独立接点)6ES7 322-1HH01-0AA0 开出模块(16点,继电器)6ES7 322-5HF00-0AB0 开出模块(8点,继电器,5A,故障保护)6ES7 322-1FH00-0AA0 开出模块(16点,120V/230VAC)6ES7 323-1BH01-0AA0 8点输入,24VDC;8点输出,24VDC模块6ES7 323-1BL00-0AA0 16点输入,24VDC;16点输出,24VDC模块模拟量模板6ES7 331-7KF02-0AB0 模拟量输入模块(8路,多种信号)6ES7 331-7KB02-0AB0 模拟量输入模块(2路,多种信号)6ES7 331-7NF00-0AB0 模拟量输入模块(8路,15位精度)6ES7 331-7NF10-0AB0 模拟量输入模块(8路,15位精度)4通道模式6ES7 331-7HF01-0AB0 模拟量输入模块(8路,14位精度,快速)6ES7 331-1KF01-0AB0 模拟量输入模块(8路, 13位精度)6ES7 331-7PF01-0AB0 8路模拟量输入,16位,热电阻6ES7 331-7PF11-0AB0 8路模拟量输入,16位,热电偶6ES7 332-5HD01-0AB0 模拟输出模块(4路)6ES7 332-5HB01-0AB0 模拟输出模块(2路)6ES7 332-5HF00-0AB0 模拟输出模块(8路)6ES7 332-7ND02-0AB0 模拟量输出模块(4路,15位精度)6ES7 334-0KE00-0AB0 模拟量输入(4路RTD)/模拟量输出(2路)6ES7 334-0CE01-0AA0 模拟量输入(4路)/模拟量输出(2路)附件6ES7 365-0BA01-0AA0 IM365接口模块6ES7 360-3AA01-0AA0 IM360接口模块6ES7 361-3CA01-0AA0 IM361接口模块6ES7 368-3BB01-0AA0 连接电缆 (1米)6ES7 368-3BC51-0AA0 连接电缆 (2.5米)6ES7 368-3BF01-0AA0 连接电缆 (5米)6ES7 368-3CB01-0AA0 连接电缆 (10米)6ES7 390-1AE80-0AA0 导轨(480mm)6ES7 390-1AF30-0AA0 导轨(530mm)6ES7 390-1AJ30-0AA0 导轨(830mm)6ES7 390-1BC00-0AA0 导轨(2000mm)6ES7 392-1AJ00-0AA0 20针前连接器6ES7 392-1AM00-0AA0 40针前连接器功能模板6ES7 350-1AH03-0AE0 FM350-1 计数器功能模块6ES7 350-2AH00-0AE0 FM350-2 计数器功能模块6ES7 351-1AH01-0AE0 FM351 定位功能模块6ES7 352-1AH02-0AE0 FM352 电子凸轮控制器+组态包光盘6ES7 355-0VH10-0AE0 FM355C 闭环控制模块6ES7 355-1VH10-0AE0 FM355S 闭环控制系统6ES7 355-2CH00-0AE0 FM355-2C 闭环控制模块6ES7 355-2SH00-0AE0 FM355-2S 闭环控制模块6ES7 338-4BC01-0AB0 SM338绝对位置输入模块6ES7 352-5AH00-0AE0 FM352-5高速布尔处理器6ES7 352-5AH00-7XG0 FM352-5功能软件包通讯模板6ES7 340-1AH02-0AE0 CP340 通讯处理器(RS232)6ES7 340-1BH02-0AE0 CP340 通讯处理器(20mA/TTY)6ES7 340-1CH02-0AE0 CP340 通讯处理器(RS485/RS422)6ES7 341-1AH01-0AE0 CP341 通讯处理器(RS232)6ES7 341-1BH01-0AE0 CP341 通讯处理器(20mA/TTY)6ES7 341-1CH01-0AE0 CP341 通讯处理器(RS485/RS422)6ES7 870-1AA01-0YA0 可装载驱动 MODBUS RTU 主站6ES7 870-1AB01-0YA0 可装载驱动 MODBUS RTU 从站6ES7 902-1AB00-0AA0 RS232电缆 5m6ES7 902-1AC00-0AA0 RS232电缆 10m6ES7 902-1AD00-0AA0 RS232电缆 15m6ES7 902-2AB00-0AA0 20mA/TTY电缆 5m6ES7 902-2AC00-0AA0 20mA/TTY电缆 10m6ES7 902-2AG00-0AA0 20mA/TTY电缆 50m6ES7 902-3AB00-0AA0 RS485/RS422电缆 5m6ES7 902-3AC00-0AA0 RS485/RS422电缆 10m6ES7 902-3AG00-0AA0 RS485/RS422电缆 50m6GK7 342-5DA02-0XE0 CP342-5通讯模块6GK7 342-5DF00-0XE0 CP342-5 光纤通讯模块6GK7 343-5FA01-0XE0 CP343-5通讯模块6GK7 343-1EX30-0XE0 CP343-1 以太网通讯模块6GK7 343-1EX21-0XE0 CP343-1 以太网通讯模块6GK7 343-1CX00-0XE0 CP343-1 以太网通讯模块6GK7 343-1CX10-0XE0 CP343-1 以太网通讯模块6GK7 343-1GX20-0XE0 CP343-1 IT 以太网通讯模块6GK7 343-1GX21-0XE0 CP343-1 IT 以太网通讯模块(支持PROFINET)6GK7 343-1HX00-0XE0 CP343-1PN PROFINET以太网通讯模块6GK7 343-2AH00-0XA0 CP343-2 AS-Interface常用配件及附件对应型号:6XV1-830-0EH10 紫色电缆 2芯屏蔽(总线电缆或PROFIBUS电缆)。
维vider NoFrost 7085 511-01 CNP 4056 无冻成分电子冰箱用户手册说明
Installation instructions.............................................................................................................................................. Page 20Operating instructions................................................................................................................................................... Page 14NoFrost combined refrigerator-freezerRead the operating instructions before switching on for the first timeInstallation instructions ................................................................................................................................................. Seite 8Adjustable storage shelvesAdjustable door racksType plate Disposal notesThe appliance contains reusable materials and shouldbe disposed of properly - not simply with unsortedhousehold refuse. Appliances which are no longerneeded must be disposed of in a professional andappropriate way, in accordance with the current localregulations and laws.When disposing of the appliance, ensure that the refrigerant circuitis not damaged to prevent uncontrolled escape of the refrigerantit contains (data on type plate) and oil.• Disable the appliance.• Pull out the mains plug.WARNINGplastic film!Do not allow children to play with packaging ma-terial. Take the packaging material to an officialcollection point.Range of appliance useThe appliance is suitable solely for cooling food ina domestic environment or similar. This includes,for example, use- in staff kitchenettes, bed and breakfast establish-ments,- by guests in cottages, hotels, motels and otherforms of accommodation,- in catering and similar services in the wholesaletrade.Use the appliance solely as is customary within a domestic envi-ronment. All other types of use are inadmissible. The applianceis not suitable for storing and cooling medicines, blood plasma,laboratory preparations or similar substances and products cov-ered by the 2007/47/EC Medical Devices Directive. Any misuseof the appliance may result in damage to or spoilage of storedgoods. Furthermore, the appliance is not suitable for operationin potentially explosive atmospheres.Bottle racktipping. This can lead to injury or property damage.Unscrew the additional adjustable foot on thesupport until it reaches the floor.Then turn it another 90°.ecodesign requirements will be available in the European productdatabase (EPREL). You can access the product database usingthe following link: You will be askedto enter the model identifier. You will find the model identifier onthe type plate.14ENSafety instructions and warnings• T o prevent injury or damage to the unit, the ap-pliance should be unpacked and set up by two people.• In the event that the appliance is damaged on delivery, contact the supplier immediately before connecting to the mains.• T o guarantee safe operation, ensure that the ap-pliance is set up and connected as described in these operating instructions.• Disconnect the appliance from the mains if any fault occurs. Pull out the plug, switch off or remove the fuse.• When disconnecting the appliance, pull on the plug, not on the cable.• Any repairs and work on the appliance should only be carried out by the customer service department, as unauthor i sed work could prove highly dangerous for the user. The same applies to changing the mains power cable.• Do not allow naked flames or ignition sources to enter the appliance. When transporting and cleaning the appliance ensure that the refrigerant circuit is not damaged. In the event of damage, make sure that there are no ignition sources nearby and keep the room well ventilated.• Do not stand on the plinth, drawers or doors or use them to support anything else.• This appliance can be used by children of 8 years old and over, and also by persons with restricted physical, sensory or mental capacity or lack of experience and knowledge, if they are supervised or have been instructed on safe use of the appli-ance and understand the resulting risks. Children must not be allowed to play with the appliance. Cleaning and user maintenance must not be carried out by children without supervision.• Avoid prolonged skin contact with cold surfaces or chilled/frozen food. T his could cause pain, numb-ness and frostbite. In the case of prolonged skin contact, protective measures should be taken, e.g. gloves should be worn.• Do not eat ice cream, particularly ice lollies or ice cubes, immediately after taking them from the freezer compartment as there is a risk of "burn-ing" because of the very cold temperatures.• Do not consume food which has been stored for too long, as it could cause food poisoning.• Do not store explosives or sprays using com-bustible propellants such as butane, propane, pentane, etc. in the appliance. Electrical com-ponents might cause leaking gas to ignite. Y ou may identify such sprays by the printed contents or a flame symbol.• Do not use electrical appliances inside the ap-pliance.• The appliance is designed for use in enclosed areas. Do not operate the appliance outdoors or in areas where it is exposed to splash water or damp conditions.• The LED light strips illuminate the interior of the appliance. They are not suitable for lighting a room.Climate ratingeration performance.type plate.The position of the type plate is shown inthe section entitled Description of the appliance. Climate rating Room temperatureSN +10°C to +32°CN +16°C to +32°CST +16°C to +38°CT +16°C to +43°CSN-ST +10°C to +38°CSN-T +10°C to +43°CDo not operate the appliance outside thespecified room temperature range.Setting up• Avoid positioning the appliance in direct sunlight or near cookers, radiators and similar sources of heat.• The floor on which the appliance stands should be horizontal and level. T o compensate for any unevenness, adjust the height••of 1 mused in your appliance is indicated on the type plate on the inside of the appliance.1516Switching the appliance on and offClean the interior of the appliance before switching it on for the first time (see "Cleaning ").To switch onPress the On/Off button (1) or (6) so that the temperature displays light up.To switch the refrigerator com-partment offPress the On/Off button (1) for ap -prox. two seconds.Note: If the freezer compartment (On/Off button (6)) is switched off, the entire appliance will beswitched off.Operating and control elements(1) On/Off button, refrigerator compartment (2) Alarm symbol (3) SuperCool button (4) SuperFrost button (5) SuperFrost symbol(6) On/Off button, freezer compartment (7) Ventilation button (8) Alarm button(9) Down setting button, freezer compartment (10) Freezer compartment temperature display (11) Up setting button, freezer compartment(12) Refrigerator compartment temperature display (13) Down setting button, refrigerator compartment (15) Up setting button, refrigerator compartment (16) Child-proofing symbol (17) Power failure symbol(18) Menu symbol > Setup mode is activated (activating thechild lock and adjusting the display brightness)(19) SuperCool symbolElectrical connectionOnly operate the appliance with alternating current (AC).The permissible voltage and frequency are indicated on the type plate. The position of the type plate is shown in the section entitled Description of the appliance .The socket must be properly earthed and protected by a fuse.The tripping current of the fuse must be between 10 A and 16 A.sion cable or extension socket.Setting the temperatureSetting the refrigerator temperatureWarmer temperature setting > press button (15)Colder temperature setting > press button (13)Setting the freezer temperatureWarmer temperature setting > press button (11)Colder temperature setting > press button (9)- While you are setting the tempera-ture, the temperature display will flash.buttons for the first time, the set temperature will be displayed.pressing the buttons again.- About 5 seconds after the button was last pressed the average inte-rior temperature will be displayed.Adjustable temperature ranges to 2°C.Temperature displayFactory setting = degrees FahrenheitChanging the temperature display to Celsius• Press the SuperFrost button (4) for about 5 seconds. Display =• Using the Up button (11) or Down button (9) select .• Press the SuperFrost button (4). Display =.• Press the SuperFrost button (4). Display =• Press the On/Off button (6).degrees Celsius.17ENBrightness of the temperature displayThe brightness is adjustable between 0 (no illumination) and5 (maximum brightness).• Press the SuperFrost button (4) for about 5 seconds. Display =• Using the Up button (11) or Down button (9) select .• Press the SuperFrost button (4).•press Up button (11).• T o make the display darker: press Down button (9).• Press the SuperFrost button (4).• The brightness is adjusted to the new value.• Press the On/Off button (6).Audible warning signalAudible door alarmIf an appliance door is left open for more than 180 seconds, the audible warning signal will sound. Press the audible warning on/off button back to standby when the door is shut.Audible/visual temperature alarmIf the temperature in the freezer compartment will sound and the alarm symbol (2) and the temperature display will flash.Press the audible warning on/off button (8) to cancel the alarm. The symbol (2) will stop flashing. The symbol (2) will disappear as soon as the temperature in the freezer compartment is low enough.This can be caused by:time, allowing warm ambient air to enter;• a long power failure;• a fault in the appliance.In each case, make sure food has not thawed or perished. If the alarm symbol does not go out, contact the customer service department (see section on Malfunctions).Child lockThe child lock is designed to protect the appliance from being switched off accidentally.Display =• Using the Up button (11) or Down button (9) select .• Press the SuperFrost button (4).When 1display:• T o activate the child lock, brieflypress the SuperFrost button (4).• The child lock symbol lightsup. flashes in the display.When0 is indicated in the display:• T o deactivate the child lock, briefly press the SuperFrost button (4).• The child lock symbol goes out.flashes in the display.• Press the On/Off button (6).Sabbath modeThis function complies with the religious requirements to be observed on the Sabbath or religious holidays.When Sabbath mode is activated, some of the functions of the control electronics are switched off.• The interior light remains switched off if one of the appliance doors is opened.• The interior fan remains in the status which is currently set (On or Off) if an appliance door is opened.• No door open alarm.• No temperature alarm.• Press the SuperFrost button (4) for about 5 seconds. Display = • Press the SuperFrost button (4).Display =• Press the SuperFrost button (4). Display =• Press the On/Off button (6).The sabbath mode is activated.Der Sabbat-Modus deaktiviert sich automatisch nach 120 Stun-den.Deactivating the sabbath mode• Press the SuperFrost button (4) for about 5 seconds. Display =• Press the SuperFrost button (4). Display = • Press the SuperFrost button (4). Display = • Press the On/Off button (6).The sabbath mode is deactivated.18large quantities of food are to be cooled rapidly.To switch on: Press the Super-Cool button (3) briefly > LED (19) lights up.Note:switches off automatically after about 6 hours.Cooling with fanWith the fan function switched on, a uniform temperature distribu-tion will be attained in the refrigerator compartment.This is recommended:- in high room temperatures (approx. 33°C or higher),- if the air humidity is high (e.g. during the summer).To switch onCooling(1) butter, cheese (2) eggs (3) bottles(4) baked goods, pre-cooked meals (5) (6) fruit, vegetables, salads (7) frozen food, ice cubesNotecontainers.Repositioning the door racks- Lift door rack vertically (1- By shifting the opening or closing the door.EquipmentYou can re-arrange the storage shelves as required.Lift the glass shelf, align the recess over the support and replace the shelf in a higheror lower position.Place the shelf rails provided, fig. 1, on the supports on the left and right at the desired height.Insert the glass shelves (1) and (2) as shown in fig. 2.If you need to make space for tall containers, simply slide the front half of the sectioned glass shelf carefully underneath the back half, fig. 2.If the cover is removed, do not look directly at the light through optical lenses from close distance. This can dam-age your eyes.Power failure display If appears in the display, the freezer temperature has risen too high due to a power failure.• Press the Alarm button (8).> The highest temperature during the power failure will be displayed.displayed.Do not eat perished food!Do not refreeze thawed food!Press the Alarm button (8) again to cancel the display.19ENMalfunctionsYou may be able to rectify the following faults by checking the possible causes yourself:• Appliance does not function:– Is the appliance switched on?– Is the plug correctly fitted in the mains socket?– Is the fuse intact?• Loud running noise:– Is the appliance set up firmly on the floor?– Does the appliance cause nearby items of furniture or objects to vibrate? Please note that noises caused by the refrigerant circuit cannot be avoided.• The temperature is not low enough:– Is the temperature setting correct (see "Setting the temperature")?– Have excessive amounts of fresh food been placed in the appli-ance? – D oes the separately installed thermometer show the correct reading?– I s the ventilation system working properly?– Iber ber type plate.Shutting your appliance downIf your appliance is to be shut down for any length of time, switch it off and disconnect the plug or switch off or unscrew the fuse. Clean the appliance and leave the door open in order to prevent unpleasant smells.The appliance complies with the relevant safety regulations and EU Directives 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU.CleaningBefore cleaning, always switch off the appliance. Disconnect from the mains or switch off or unscrew the fuse.• First clean the side panels with a conventional stainless steel cleaner. Subsequently, apply the enclosed stainless steel care product evenly onto the surfaces in the same direction in with they have been ground or polished.• Only clean the door surfaces with a clean and soft cloth. If nec-essary, moisten the cloth (water + detergent). Alternatively, use a micro-fibre cloth.- Do not use abrasive sponges or scourers, do not use concentrated cleaning agents and never use cleaning agents containing sand, chloride or acid or chemical solvents, as these would damage the surfaces and could cause corrosion.• Clean the inside and equipment parts with lukewarm water and a little detergent.Do not use steam cleaners because of the risk of injury and damage.• Ensure that no cleaning water penetrates into the electrical components or ventilation grille.• Dry all parts well with a cloth.• Do not damage or remove the type plate on the inside of the appliance. It is very important for servicing purposes.Freezingance .SuperFrostBy activating the SuperFrost function the temperature in the freezer compartment will drop to the lowest attainable value. Thus food up.• • hours.Y ou should not switch on the SuperFrost function:- when placing frozen food in the freezer,- when freezing up to approx. 2 kg fresh food daily.Notes on freezing and storage• Pack food which you are freezing yourself in quantities appropriate to your household. T o ensure that the food freezes right through, the following quantities should not be exceeded per package: fruit, vegetables: up to 1 kg, meat: up to 2.5 kg.• Pack frozen food in standard freezer bags or reuseable plastic, metal or aluminium containers.• Do not allow fresh food which is to be frozen to come into contact with food already frozen. Always keep packs dry in order to avoid them sticking together.• Always write the date and contents on the pack and do not exceed the stated storage time for the food.• Do not freeze bottles and cans which contain carbonated drinks as they might burst.• Only take out as much food as is immediately required for thawing. Use food which has been thawed in prepared meals as quickly as possible.Frozen food can be thawed in the following ways:- in a fan oven,- in a microwave oven,- at room temperature,- in the refrigerator.20Appliance dimensions The appliance can be used freestanding or semi built-in.If semi built-in, please consider the cabinet opening dimensions.Installation dimensionsIMPORTANTThe socket must not be situated behind the appli-ance and must be easily accessible.EN Unit ventingDo not restrict the air flow.installed in a soffit (3).IMPORTANTthe upper one.The section below the freezer door and the floormust not be covered.down until it has proper floor contact to support thehinge bracket.21Mounting the anti tipping deviceWARNING!Tip over hazard!The anti tipping brackets must be mounted to prevent the appliance from tipping when the fully stocked door is opened.IMPORTANTBe sure that there is no plumbing or electrical wiring located in this area which screws or drills could damage.1. Mark the center of the appliance on the back wall.2.Mount the anti tipping brackets within the given area.IMPORTANTThe screws for fastening the anti-tip device are not supplied with the appliance. Appropriate screws must be used for the material (wood, concrete, etc.) in which the safety device is mounted.Changing over door hingesDoor hinges should only be changed by a trained expert.1.the left.T op right2.3.the op right8.9.door.22EN10.Tposite side.11.Topposite side.Bottom right12.13.Bottom right14. doors32.the front and slide away.33. T plugs to the other side.Bottom of appliance 29. T ransfer cover plate to theopposite side.30. Screw hinge bracket intoplace.Bottom left31. using the adjustable foot.Centre left of appliance39. 34. T ransfer panels of bothdoor covers to the oppo-site side.Both doors 35.36.Bottom left40.50.least 90°.T op left51.52.Refrigerator door45.46.cable.Refrigerator door47.Refrigerator door48.sert hinge.49.Bottom left44.Click cover into place.insert pin.op leftdoor.op rightPlace the appliance in its finalat the place of installation.floor and then make a further25Liebherr Hausgeräte Lienz GmbHDr.-Hans-Liebherr-Strasse 1A-9900 LienzÖsterreich40。
IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make changes to their products or to discontinue any product or service without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability.TI warrants performance of its semiconductor products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements.CERTAIN APPLICATIONS USING SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS MAY INVOLVE POTENTIAL RISKS OF DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY, OR SEVERE PROPERTY OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE (“CRITICAL APPLICATIONS”). TI SEMICONDUCTOR PRODUCTS ARE NOT DESIGNED, AUTHORIZED, OR WARRANTED TO BE SUITABLE FOR USE IN LIFE-SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS OR OTHER CRITICAL APPLICATIONS. INCLUSION OF TI PRODUCTS IN SUCH APPLICATIONS IS UNDERSTOOD TO BE FULLY AT THE CUSTOMER’S RISK.In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, adequate design and operating safeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent or procedural hazards.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of TI covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such semiconductor products or services might be or are used. TI’s publication of information regarding any third party’s products or services does not constitute TI’s approval, warranty or endorsement thereof.Copyright © 1998, Texas Instruments Incorporated。
这款DAC采用Σ-Δ架构,可保证16位单调性,且积分非线 性为±0.01%。该器件提供4 mA零电平输出电流(失调误差 为±0.1%),以及20 mA满量程输出电流(增益误差为±0.2%)。
精度 分辨率 单调性 积分非线性 失调(4 mA)(+25°C时)4 失调漂移 典型输出误差(20 mA) (+25°C时)4 总输出漂移 VCC电源灵敏度
16 16 ± 0.01 ± 0.1 ± 25 ± 0.2 ± 50 50
位 位(最小值) % FS(最大值) % FS(最大值) ppm FS/°C(最大值) % FS(最大值) ppm FS/°C(最大值) nA/mV(最大值)
FS = 满量程输出电流 VCC = 5 V 包括片内基准电压漂移 VCC = 5 V 包括片内基准电压漂移 25 nA/mV(典型值)
基准电压源 REF OUT2 输出电压 温漂
外部电流 VCC电源灵敏度 输出阻抗 噪声(0.1 Hz–10 Hz) REF OUT1
输出电压 温漂
外部电流 VCC电源灵敏度 输出阻抗 噪声(0.1 Hz–10 Hz) REF IN 输入电阻
7. AD421具有可编程报警电流功能,允许发射器通过发 送超量程电流来指示传感器故障。
Rev. C
Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rightsofthirdpartiesthatmayresultfromitsuse.Speci cationssubjecttochangewithoutnotice.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
产品特点:①AD590是一个要求只有一个直流电源电压(+4V to+30V)的校准的双终端温度传感器。
此外,电压需求低(1.5mWs@ 5V@+25°C.)。
照射距离 型号产品外观 产品参数简介 市场保护价 代理价20米内VCC-525D 1/3'SONY CCD(639/638AK+3172 SONY DSP),彩色红外机,600线,6mm 红外镜头,红外距离25-30m,30颗∮5大功率红外灯 710 290 VCC-B525D710 310 20米至40米 VCC-545D 1/3'SONYCCD(639/638AK+3172SONY DSP),彩色红外灯机,600线,16mm 镜头,红外夜视距离50m ,30颗∮8大功率红外灯 770 320 VCC-B545D770 350 40米至50米VCC-B560D1/3'SONY CCD(639/638AK+3172 SONY DSP),彩色红外机,600线,16mm 红外镜头,红外距离60m ,8颗食人鱼大功率红外灯1000 390 40米至50米700线机型 VCC-B560E 1/3'SONY 芯片,彩色高清OSD 红外一体机,700线,线控菜单按钮,可控制强光抑制、超背光补偿、颜色调整等功能,8颗大功率红外灯夜视距离60m.配原装支架。
900 42040米(大气外观) VCC-550D1/3'SONY CCD(639/638AK+3172 SONY DSP),600线高清晰度,16mm/12mm 镜头,红外距离50-60M,30颗∮8灯,电压AC22V 配豪华支架+30元390700线版本 VCC-B550E1/3'SONY CCD,700线高清晰度,16mm/12mm 镜头,30颗白光灯照射距离30-40M,电压AC22V配豪华支架+30元 46050米至80米V VCC-588DZ1/3'SONY CCD(639/638AK+3172 SONY DSP),彩色变倍红外机,600线,9-22mm 变焦镜头,红外距离50-80m,108颗红外灯 1250 510 650线版本 VCC-588KZ1/3'SONY CCD,宽动态高清OSD 红外变倍摄像机,650线,线控菜单按钮,可控制强光抑制、宽动态功能、颜色调整等功能,内置9-22mm 手动变倍镜头.红外夜视距离50-80m。
FPC402 四端口口控制器数据手册说明书
Copyright © 2017, Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Order Now Technical Documents Tools &SoftwareSupport &CommunityFPC402ZHCSGY0A –JUNE 2017–REVISED OCTOBER 2017FPC402四端口控制器1特性•跨四个端口进行控制信号管理和I2C 聚合•结合多个FPC402,通过单个主机接口总共控制56个端口•无需使用分立式I2C 多路复用器、LED 驱动器和高引脚数FPGA/CPLD 控制器件•通过处理接近端口的全部低速控制信号来降低PCB 布线复杂性•可选I2C (高达1MHz )或SPI (高达10MHz )主机控制接口•从模块中自动预取用户指定的重要数据•在广播模式下可以对所有FPC402控制器的全部端口同时执行写操作•用于指示端口状态的高级LED 功能,包括可编程闪烁和调光•可定制中断事件•单独的主机侧I/O 电压:1.8V 至3.3V•采用小型WQFN 封装,能够放置在PCB 底部、端口下方2应用•ToR/聚合/核心交换机和路由器•无线基础设施基带单元和远程射频单元•视频交换机和路由器•存储卡和存储机架•SFP 、QSFP 、QSFP-DD 、OSFP 、Mini-SAS HD 端口管理3说明FPC402四端口控制器用作低速信号聚合器,适用于SFP 、QSFP 和Mini-SAS HD 等通用端口类型。
FPC402能够跨四个端口聚合所有低速控制和I2C 信号,并为主机提供一个易于使用的管理接口(I2C 或SPI )。
FPC402所采用的设计允许放置在PCB 底部、压合连接器下方,这样可以简化布线。
凭借这种对端口中低速信号的本地控制方法,可以使用IO 数更少的控制器件(FPGA 、CPLD 和MCU )并减少布线层拥塞,从而降低系统BOM 成本。
带红外探测功能壁脚灯,自身提供环境光照度感应调节、延时时长调节功能,以及 LED照明设备。当环境光照度低于设定值时,人员进入感应区域可触发产品自动打 开LED光源,做到人来灯亮,人走灯熄,实现自动照明。 本品主要用于宾馆、酒店、办公楼、剧院及公寓、家庭等场所的楼梯、走廊、卫生间、卧 室等。
AN429 门铃开关 10AX
AN133 三位单控 带装饰线开关 10AX AN137 三位双控 带装饰线开关 10AX
AN163 三位单控带灯开关 10AX AN166 三位双控带灯开关 10AX
AN131 一位单控 带装饰线开关 10AX
AN135 一位双控 带装饰线开关 10AX
AN161 一位单控带灯开关 10AX
AN402 插座取电开关 16A *适合多种负载 延时时间:30±5秒
AN403 勿扰/清扫/稍候 门铃开关 10A AN403-002 请勿打扰/清扫房间 门铃开关 10A AN403-001 勿扰/门铃开关 10A
带灯开关使用LED光源,低耗电且有100,000小时 寿命装饰线采用二次注塑*工艺,外观更加精巧
* 此工艺限德宁系列、德静系列、德逸系列、德韵直边系列、德韵系列
采用优质PC材料,提高产品的阻燃性能 长期使用不易变形变色
ADI电路笔记 CN-0359说明书
电路笔记CN-0359Circuits from the Lab® reference designs are engineered and tested for quick and easy system integration to help solve today’s analog, mixed-signal, and RF design challenges. For more information and/or support, visit /CN0359.连接/参考器件AD825310 MHz、20 V/μs、G = 1、10、100、1000、i CMOS可编程增益仪表放大器ADuCM360集成双通道Σ-Δ型ADC和ARM Cortex-M3的低功耗精密模拟微控制器ADA4627-1 30 V、高速、低噪声、低偏置电流JFET运算放大器AD8542CMOS轨到轨通用放大器ADA4000-1 低成本、精密JFET输入运算放大器ADP2300 1.2 A、20 V、700 kHz/1.4 MHz异步降压型稳压器ADA4638-1 30 V、零漂移、轨到轨输出精密放大器ADP1613 650 kHz/1.3 MHz升压PWM DC-DC开关转换器ADA4528-2 精密、超低噪声、RRIO、双通道、零漂移运算放大器ADG1211低电容、低电荷注入、±15 V/+12 V iCMOS四通道单刀单掷开关ADA4077-2 4 MHz、7 nV/√Hz、低失调和漂移、高精度放大器ADG1419 2.1 Ω导通电阻、±15 V/+12 V/±5 V、iCMOS单刀双掷开关AD8592 CMOS、单电源、轨到轨输入/输出运算放大器,具有关断功能ADM3483 3.3 V限摆率、半双工、RS-485/RS-422收发器全自动高性能电导率测量系统Rev. 0Circuits from the Lab® reference designs from Analog Devices have been designed and built by AnalogDevices engineers. Standard engineering practices have been employed in the design andconstruction of each circuit, and their function and performance have been tested and veri ed in a labenvironment at room temperature. However, you are solely responsible for testing the circuit and determining its suitability and applicability for your use and application. Accordingly, in no event shall Analog Devices be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or punitive damages due to any cause whatsoever connected to the use of any Circuits from the Lab circuits. (Continued on last page)One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2015 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.评估和设计支持电路评估板CN-0359电路评估板(EVAL-CN0359-EB1Z)设计和集成文件原理图、源代码、布局文件、物料清单电路功能与优势图1中的电路是一个完全独立自足、微处理器控制的高精度电导率测量系统,适用于测量液体的离子含量、水质分析、工业质量控制以及化学分析。
SOIC−28 (Pb−Free)
1,000/ Tape & Reel
1. Matte Tin Plated Finish (RoHS−compliant)
© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2011
May, 2011 − Rev. 5
ESD Human Body Model tested per AEC−Q100−002 (EIA/JESD22−A114) ESD Machine Model tested per AEC−Q100−003 (EIA/JESD22−A115) This device meets latchup tests defined by JEDEC Standard JESD78. 3. For information, please refer to our Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.
LED current dimming in all six channels can be precisely controlled by either a Pulse Width Modulation signal via the PWM input pin or by an analog dimming voltage applied at the ANLG pin. In addition the ANLG pin provides a convenient method for limiting the overall maximum power dissipation in the event of excessive LED shorting within any LED string.
Schneider Electric HMI 6200 6400 产品说明书
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• Replace and secure all covers or elements of the system before applying power to this product.
• Use only the specified voltage when operating this product.
• Remove all power from the device before removing any covers or elements of the system, and prior to installing or removing any accessories, hardware, or cables.
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This product is an operator terminal used for
Ce produit est un terminal opérateur utilisé sur une
ASCEND Semiconductor 4Mx4 EDO Data sheetDescriptionThe device CMOS Dynamic RAM organized as 4,194,304 words x 4 bits with extended data out access mode. It is fabricated with an advanced submicron CMOS technology and designed to operate from a single 3.3V oniy power supply. Low voltage operation is more suitable to be used on battery backup, portable elec-tronic application. lt is packaged in JEDEC standard 26/24-pin plastic SOJ or TSOP(II).Features• Single 3.3V(%) only power supply • High speed t RAC acess time: 50/60ns • Low power dissipation- Active mode : 432/396 mW (Mas) - Standby mode: 0.54 mW (Mas)• Extended - data - out(EDO) page mode access • I/O level: CMOS level (Vcc = 3.3V)• 2048 refresh cycle in 32 ms(Std.) or 128 ms(S-version)• 4 refresh modesh: - RAS only refresh- CAS - before - RAS refresh - Hidden refresh - Self-refresh(S-version)10±Pin Name FunctionA0-A10Address inputs- Row address - Column address - Refresh address DQ1~DQ4Data-in / data-out RAS Row address strobe CAS Column address strobe WE Write enable OE Output enable Vcc Power (+ 3.3V)VssGroundVCC 1DQ12DQ23DQ34DQ45VCC6891011 NC 12 WE 13A0 A117 A218 A319VSS RAS CAS OE A8A7A6A5A4VSSAD404M42VSPin Description Pin Configuration21222324 2526151416 A1026/24-PIN 300mil Plastic SOJA9VCC 1DQ12DQ23DQ34DQ45VCC6891011 NC 12 WE 13A0 A117 A218 A319VSS RAS CAS OE A8A7 A6A5 A4VSSAD404M42VT212223242526151416 A1026/24-PIN 300mil Plastic TSOP (ll)A9A0-A10A0-A10A0-A10WECASNO. 2 CLOCK GENERATORCOLUMN ADDRESS BUFFERS (11)REFRESH CONTROLLERREFRESH COUNTERBUFFERS (11)ADDRESS ROW NO. 1 CLOCK GENERATORA0RASA1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8CONTROLLOGICDATA-IN BUFFERDATA-OUT BUFFEROEDQ1.DQ4.COLUMN DECODER2048SENSE AMPLIFIERSI/O GATING2048x42048x2048x4MEMORY ARRAY2048R O W D E C O D E RVcc VssBlock DiagramA9A10TRUTH TABLENotes: 1. EARLY WRITE only.FUNCTIONRASCAS WE OE ADDRESSESDQ SNotesROW COL STANDBY H X X X X High-Z READL L H L ROW COL Data-Out WRITE: (EARLY WRITE )L L L X ROW COL Data-lnREAD WRITE L L ROW COL Data-Out,Data-ln EDO-PAGE-MODE READ1st Cycle L H L ROW COL Data-Out 2nd CycleL H L n/a COL Data-Out EDO-PAGE MODE WRITE1st CycleL L X ROW COL Data-In 2nd Cycle L L Xn/a COL Data-InEDO-PAGE-MODEREAD-WRITE 1st Cycle L ROW COL Data-Out, Data-In 2nd Cycle L n/a COL Data-Out, Data-In HIDDEN REFRESHREAD L H L ROW COL Data-Out WRITEL L X ROW COL Data-In 1RAS-ONLY REFRESH L H X X ROW n/a High-Z CBR REFRESHLHXXXHigh-ZH X →H L →L H →H L →H L →H L →H L →H L →H L →L H →H L →H L →L H→L H L →→L H L→→H L→Absolute Maximum RatingsRecommended DC Operating ConditionsCapacitanceTa = 25°C, V CC = 3.3V%, f = 1MHz Note: 1. Capacitance measured with effective capacitance measuring method. 2. RAS, CAS = V IH to disable Dout.ParameterSymbol Value Unit Voltage on any pin relative to Vss V T -0.5 to + 4.6V Supply voltage relative to Vss V CC -0.5 to + 4.6V Short circuit output current I OUT 50mA Power dissipation P D 1.0WOperating temperature T OPT 0 to + 70°C Storage temperatureT STG-55 to + 125°CParameter/Condition Symbol3.3 Volt VersionUnitMinTyp MaxSupply VoltageV CC 3.0 3.33.6V Input High Voltage, all inputs V IH 2.0-V CC + 0.3V Input Low Voltage, all inputsV IL-0.3-0.8VParameterSymbol Typ Max Unit Note Input capacitance (Address)C I1 -5pF 1Input capacitance (RAS, CAS, OE, WE)C I2-7pF 1Output capacitance(Data-in, Data-out)C I/O-7pF1, 210±DC Characteristics :(T a = 0 to 70°C, V CC = + 3.3V%, V SS = 0V)Parameter Symbol Test Conditions AD404M42V Unit Notes-5-6Min Max Min MaxOperating current I CC1RAS cyclingCAS, cyclingt RC = min-120-110mA1, 2Standby Current LowpowerS-versionI CC2LVTTL interfaceRAS, CAS = V IHDout = High-Z-0.5-0.5mACMOS interfaceRAS, -0.2VDout = High-Z-0.15-0.15mAStandardpowerversionLVTTL interfaceRAS, CAS = V IHDout = High-Z-2-2mACMOS interfaceRAS,-0.2VDout = High-Z-0.5-0.5mARAS- only refresh current I CC3RAS cycling, CAS = V IHt RC = min-120-110mA1, 2 EDO page mode current I CC4t PC = min-90-80mA1, 3CAS- before- RAS refresh current I CC5t RC = minRAS, CAS cycling-120-110mA1, 2Self- refresh current (S-Version)I CC8 - 550 - 55010±CAS V CC≥CAS V CC≥t RASS100µs≥µADC Characteristics :(T a = 0 to 70°C , V CC = +3.3V %, V SS = 0V)Notes:1. I CC is specified as an average current. It depends on output loading condition and cycle rate when the device is selected. I CC max is specified at the output open condition.2. Address can be changed once or less while RAS = V IL .3. For I CC4, address can be changed once or less within one EDO page mode cycle time.Parameter Symbol Test Conditions AD404M42VUnitNotes-5-6Min MaxMin MaxInput leakage current I LI + 0.3V -55-55Output leakage current I LO + 0.3V Dout = Disable -55-55Output high Voltage V OH I OH = -2mA 2.4- 2.4-V Output low voltage V OLI OL = +2mA-0.4-0.4V10±0V Vin V CC ≤≤µA 0V Vout V CC ≤≤µAAC Characteristics(T a = 0 to + 70°C , V cc = 3.3V %, V ss = 0V) *1, *2, *3, *4Test conditions• Output load: one TTL Load and 100pF (V CC = 3.3V %)• Input timing reference levels:V IH = 2.0V, V IL = 0.8V (V CC = 3.3V %)• Output timing reference levels:V OH = 2.0V, V OL = 0.8V10±10±10±Read, Write, Read- Modify- Write and Refresh Cycles (Common Parameters)ParameterSymbol AD404M42V UnitNotes-5-6Min MaxMin MaxRandom read or write cycle time t RC 84-104-ns RAS precharge timet RP 30-40-ns CAS precharge time in normal mode t CPN 10-10-ns RAS pulse width t RAS 50100006010000ns 5CAS pulse width t CAS 8100001010000ns 6Row address setup time t ASR 0-0-ns Row address hold time t RAH 8-10-ns Column address setup time t ASC 0-0-ns 7Column address hold time t CAH 8-10-ns RAS to CAS delay timet RCD 12371445ns 8RAS to column address delay time t RAD 10251230ns 9Column address to RAS lead time t RAL 25-30-ns RAS hold time t RSH 8-10-ns CAS hold timet CSH 38-40-ns CAS to RAS precharge time t CRP 5-5-ns 10OE to Din delay time t OED 12-15-ns Transition time (rise and fall)t T 150150ns 11Refresh periodt REF -32-32ms Refresh period (S- Version)t REF -128-128ms CAS to output in Low- Z t CLZ 0-0-ns CAS delay time from Din t DZC 0-0-ns OE delay time from Dint DZO-0-nsRead CycleWrite Cycle Parameter SymbolAD404M42V Unit Notes-5-6Min Max Min MaxAccess time from RAS t RAC-50-60ns12 Access time from CAS t CAC-14-15ns13, 14 Access time from column address t AA-25-30ns14, 15 Access time from OE t OEA-12-15nsRead command setup time t RCS0-0-ns7 Read command hold time to CAS t RCH0-0-ns10, 16 Read command hold time to RAS t RRH0-0-ns16 Output buffer turn-off time t OFF012015ns17 Output buffer turn-off time from OE t OEZ012015ns17Parameter SymbolAD404M42V Unit Notes -5-6Min Max Min MaxWrite command setup time t WCS0-0-ns7, 18 Write command hold time t WCH8-10-nsWrite command pulse width t WP8-10-nsWrite command to RAS lead time t RWL13-15-nsWrite command to CAS lead time t CWL8-10-nsData-in setup time t DS0-0-ns19 Data-in hold time t DH8-10-ns19 WE to Data-in delay t WED10-10-nsRead- Modify- Write CycleRefresh Cycle Parameter SymbolAD404M42V Unit Notes-5-6Min Max Min MaxRead-modify- write cycle time t RWC108-133-nsRAS to WE delay time t RWD64-77-ns18 CAS to WE dealy time t CWD26-32-ns18 Column address to WE delay time t AWD39-47-ns18 OE hold time from WE t OEH8-10-nsParameter SymbolAD404M42VUnit Notes -5-6Min Max Min MaxCAS setup time (CBR refresh) t CSR5-5-nsCAS hold time (CBR refresh)t CHR8-10-ns10 RAS precharge to CAS hold time t RPC5-5-ns7 RAS pulse width (self refresh)t RASS100-100-RAS precharge time (self refresh)t RPS90-110-nsCAS hold time (CBR self refresh)t CHS-50--50-nsWE setup time t WSR0-0-nsWE hold time t WHR10-10-nsµsEDO Page Mode CycleEDO Page Mode Read Modify Write CycleParameterSymbol AD404M42VUnit Notes-5-6Min MaxMin MaxEDO page mode cycle timet PC 20-25-ns EDO page mode CAS precharge time t CP 10-10-ns EDO page mode RAS pulse width t RASP 5010560105ns 20Access time from CAS precharge t CPA -30-35ns 10, 14RAS hold time from CAS precharge t CPRH 30-35-ns OE high hold time from CAS high t OEHC 5-5-ns OE high pulse widtht OEP 10-10-ns Data output hold time after CAS low t COH 5-5-ns Output disable delay from WEt WHZ 310310ns WE pulse width for output disable whenCAS hight WPZ7-7-nsParameterSymbol AD404M42V Unit Notes -5-6Min MaxMin MaxEDO page mode read- modify- write cycle CAS precharge to WE delay timet CPW 45-55-ns 10EDO page mode read- modify- write cycle timet PRWC56-68-nsNotes :1. AC measurements assume t T = 2ns.2. An initial pause of 100 is required after power up, and it followed by a minimum of eightinitialization cycles (RAS - only refresh cycle or CAS - before - RAS refresh cycle). If the internal refresh counter is used, a minimun of eight CAS - before - RAS refresh cycles are required.3. In delayed write or read-modify-write cycles, OE must disable output buffer prior to applying data to the device.4. All the V CC and V SS pins shall be supplied with the same voltages.5. t RAS (min) = t RWD (min)+t RWL (min)+t T in read-modify-write cycle.6. t CAS (min) = t CWD (min)+t CWL (min)+t T in read-modify-write cycle.7. t ASC (min), t RCS (min), t WCS (min), and t RPC are determined by the falling edge of CAS .8. t RCD (max) is specified as a reference point only, and t RAC (max) can be met with the t RCD (max) limit.Otherwise, t RAC is controlled exclusively by t CAC if t RCD is greater than the specified t RCD (max) limit. 9. t RAD (max) is specified as a reference point only, and t RAC (max) can be met with the t RAD (max) limit.Otherwise, t RAC is controlled exclusively by t AA if t RAD is greater than the specified t RAD (max) limit. 10. t CRP , t CHR , t RCH , t CPA and t CPW are determined by the rising edge of CAS .11. V IH (min) and V IL (max) are reference levels for measuring timing or input signals. Therefore, transitiontime is measured between V IH and V IL .12. Assumes that t RCD tRCD (max) and t RAD t RAD (max). If t RCD or t RAD is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, t RAC exceeds the value shown. 13. Assumes that (max) and (max).14. Access time is determined by the maximum of t AA , t CAC , t CPA . 15. Assumes that (max) and (max). 16. Either t RCH or t RRH must be satisfied for a read cycle.17. t OFF (max) and t OEZ (max) define the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition (highimpedance). t OFF is determined by the later rising edge of RAS or CAS.18. t WCS , t RWD , t CWD , and t AWD are not restrictive operating parameters. They are included in the datasheet as electrical characteristics only. If (min), the cycle is an early write cycle and the data out will remain open circuit (high impedance) throughout the entire cycle. If (min),(min), (min) and (min), the cycle is a read-modify-write and the data output will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied, the condition of the data output (at access time) is indeterminate.19. These parameters are referenced to CAS separately in an early write cycle and to WE edge in adelayed write or a read-modify-write cycle.20. t RASP defines RAS pulse width in EDO page mode cycles.µs ≤≤t RCD t RCD ≥t RADt RAD ≤t RCD t RCD ≤t RAD t RAD ≥t WCS t WCS ≥t RWD t RWD ≥t CWDt CWD ≥t AWD t AWD ≥t CPW t CPW≥Timing Waveforms• Read Cyclet RC t RASt RPtCRPtCPNtRRHtRCHt OEZ t OFF tOEA tCACt AAtRACt CLZD OUTtRCS t ASR tRAH tASC tCAH tRAD t RALtCAStRSH tRCDt TtCSHRASCASADDRESSWEDQ1~DQ4Note : = don’t care OEt OFFRowColumn= Invalid Dout•Early Write CycletRC t RASt RPt WCHt DSt DHt WCS t RALtCAStRSH tRCDt TtCSHRASCASWEDQ1~DQ4tCRPtASRtRAH tASCtCAH ADDRESSColumnRowtCPND INtRADt RAL• Delayed Write CycletRC t RASt RPt RWL t RCSt CAStRSH tRCDt TtCSHRASCAStASR tRAH tCAHADDRESSColumnRow tASC D INDQ1~DQ4WEtCRPtCPNt DHt DSt OEHt OEDOEt DSOPENt WPt CWL• Read - Modify - Write CycletRWC t RASt RPtRWDt WPtRADtRWL tCAStCWL tRCDt TtCPNRASCASWEtCRP t ASRtRAHtASCtCAHADDRESS Column RowDQ1~DQ4t DHt DSOEtRCStAWD tCWD D INt OEDt OEHt OEZt OEA t CAC t RACt AADQ1~DQ4D OUTOPENtDZCtDZO• EDO Page Mode Read CycletRASPtCPRHt RCStCAStRSH tRCDt OEAtCSHRASCAStASRtRAHtCAHADDRESStCASWEtCRPt CPOEDQ1~DQ4OPENtOEPD OUT 1t PCt CPtCAStCPNtCRPtRADtCAHtASCt ASCtCAHt ASCt RAL Row Column 1t OEAt OEHCtRRH tRCHt RACt AAt AAt AA t CPA t CPA t OEZt OFFt OFFt CACt OEZt CAC t CACt COHD OUT NWE OE Column 2Column N Rowt RPD OUT 2• EDO Page Mode Early Write CycletRASPtRPt WCSt CAStRSH tRCDRASCAStASRtRAHtCAHADDRESStCASWEt CPDQ1~DQ4t PCt CPt CAStCPNtCRP tCAH tASCtASC tCAH tASC Row Column 1t DS WE Column 2Column Nt WCH t WCS t WCH t WCS t WCHt DH t DS t DH t DS t DHD IN 1D IN 2D IN Nt TtCSH• EDO Page Mode Read-Early-Write Cyclet RASPtCPRHt RCStCAStRSH tRCDt OEAtCSHRASCAStASRtRAHtCAHADDRESStCASWEtCRPt CPOEDQ1~DQ4OPENtWEDt PCt CPtCAStCPNtCRPtRADtRAHtASCt ASCtCAHt ASCt RAL Row Column 1tWCStRCHt RACt AAt AAt CPA t DHt WHZt CACt CACt COHWE OE Column 2Column N Rowt RPt CAL tWCHDataDoutput 2Data Input NDataDoutput 1t DStCSH• EDO Page Mode Read-Modify-Write Cyclet RASPt CPRHt RCStCASt WP RASCASt ASRtRAHtCAHADDRESSt CASWEtRCDCPDQ1~DQ4tPRWCt CPtCAStCRPtRADtCAHtASCt ASCtCAH tASC Row Column 1tRWLtRCSt OEDt DZOt CAC WE OEt RPt RAL D OUT 2D OUT ND OUT 1tTt Column NColumn 2Column 1tRWD tAWD tCWDtCWLtRCStCWDtAWD tCPW tCWL tCPW tAWD tCWDtCWL t OEDt OEDt OEHt OEHt OEHt CAC t CAC t OEA t AAt RACt OEZt OEAt AA t CPAt OEZt OEAt AA t CPAt OEZ t DSt DHt WP t DSt DHt WP t DSt DHOPENOPENOPEN D IN 1D IN ND IN 2DQ1~DQ4t DZCt DZOt DZCt DZCt DZO• Read Cycle with WE Controlled Disablet WPZt RCStCAStRCDt TtCSHRASCASt ASRtRAHtCAHADDRESSColumnRow tASCD DQ1~DQ4WEt OEZt DSt WHZOEt RCH t OEA t CACt AAt RACt CLZOUTtRADRASADDRESSt RC t CRPt ASRt RAHt Tt RPCROWt OFFCAS t RASt RPOPENt CRPDQ1~DQ4RASt CSRt WSRt RPt T t RPCt OFFCAS t RASt RPOPENt CRPDQ1~DQ4t RPCt CHRt RASt RPt RCt RCt CHRt CSRt WHRt WSRt WHRWECAS-Before-RAS Refresh CycleRASWEt RPCt OFFt CSRt CHSt WSRCASt RASS t RPSOPENDQ1~DQ4t WHRHigh lmpedance• Hidden Refresh Cyclet RPt RASRASt RCDt CRPADDRESSWEt CHRt CASt RSHt RAHt ASRt ASCt CAHt RAL ROW t RCHt OEZCASDQ1~DQ4t Tt RCSD t RASt RASt RPt RPt RC t RCt RCt RADt RRHt OFF t OFFt OEA t CACt AAt RACCOlumnOUTOE(READ)(REFRESH)(REFRESH)Ordering informationAD404M42VSA-5• AD• Ascend Memory Product • 40 • Device Type• 4M4 • Density and Organization • 2• Refresh Rate, 2: 2K Refresh • V• T: 5V, V: 3.3V• S • Package Type (S : SOJ, T : TSOP II)• A• Version• 5• Speed (5: 50 ns, 6: 60 ns)Part Number Access time PackageAD404M42VSA-5AD404M42VSA-6AD404M42VTA-5AD404M42VTA-650 ns 60 ns 50 ns 60 ns300mil 26/24-Pin Plastic SOJTSOP IIPackaging information • 300 mil, 26/24-Pin Plastic SOJ• 300 mil, 26/24-Pin TSOP II。
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ASCEND Semiconductor 4Mx4 EDO Data sheetDescriptionThe device CMOS Dynamic RAM organized as 4,194,304 words x 4 bits with extended data out access mode. It is fabricated with an advanced submicron CMOS technology and designed to operate from a single 3.3V oniy power supply. Low voltage operation is more suitable to be used on battery backup, portable elec-tronic application. lt is packaged in JEDEC standard 26/24-pin plastic SOJ or TSOP(II).Features• Single 3.3V(%) only power supply • High speed t RAC acess time: 50/60ns • Low power dissipation- Active mode : 432/396 mW (Mas) - Standby mode: 0.54 mW (Mas)• Extended - data - out(EDO) page mode access • I/O level: CMOS level (Vcc = 3.3V)• 2048 refresh cycle in 32 ms(Std.) or 128 ms(S-version)• 4 refresh modesh: - RAS only refresh- CAS - before - RAS refresh - Hidden refresh - Self-refresh(S-version)10±Pin Name FunctionA0-A10Address inputs- Row address - Column address - Refresh address DQ1~DQ4Data-in / data-out RAS Row address strobe CAS Column address strobe WE Write enable OE Output enable Vcc Power (+ 3.3V)VssGroundVCC 1DQ12DQ23DQ34DQ45VCC6891011 NC 12 WE 13A0 A117 A218 A319VSS RAS CAS OE A8A7A6A5A4VSSAD404M42VSPin Description Pin Configuration21222324 2526151416 A1026/24-PIN 300mil Plastic SOJA9VCC 1DQ12DQ23DQ34DQ45VCC6891011 NC 12 WE 13A0 A117 A218 A319VSS RAS CAS OE A8A7 A6A5 A4VSSAD404M42VT212223242526151416 A1026/24-PIN 300mil Plastic TSOP (ll)A9A0-A10A0-A10A0-A10WECASNO. 2 CLOCK GENERATORCOLUMN ADDRESS BUFFERS (11)REFRESH CONTROLLERREFRESH COUNTERBUFFERS (11)ADDRESS ROW NO. 1 CLOCK GENERATORA0RASA1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8CONTROLLOGICDATA-IN BUFFERDATA-OUT BUFFEROEDQ1.DQ4.COLUMN DECODER2048SENSE AMPLIFIERSI/O GATING2048x42048x2048x4MEMORY ARRAY2048R O W D E C O D E RVcc VssBlock DiagramA9A10TRUTH TABLENotes: 1. EARLY WRITE only.FUNCTIONRASCAS WE OE ADDRESSESDQ SNotesROW COL STANDBY H X X X X High-Z READL L H L ROW COL Data-Out WRITE: (EARLY WRITE )L L L X ROW COL Data-lnREAD WRITE L L ROW COL Data-Out,Data-ln EDO-PAGE-MODE READ1st Cycle L H L ROW COL Data-Out 2nd CycleL H L n/a COL Data-Out EDO-PAGE MODE WRITE1st CycleL L X ROW COL Data-In 2nd Cycle L L Xn/a COL Data-InEDO-PAGE-MODEREAD-WRITE 1st Cycle L ROW COL Data-Out, Data-In 2nd Cycle L n/a COL Data-Out, Data-In HIDDEN REFRESHREAD L H L ROW COL Data-Out WRITEL L X ROW COL Data-In 1RAS-ONLY REFRESH L H X X ROW n/a High-Z CBR REFRESHLHXXXHigh-ZH X →H L →L H →H L →H L →H L →H L →H L →H L →L H →H L →H L →L H→L H L →→L H L→→H L→Absolute Maximum RatingsRecommended DC Operating ConditionsCapacitanceTa = 25°C, V CC = 3.3V%, f = 1MHz Note: 1. Capacitance measured with effective capacitance measuring method. 2. RAS, CAS = V IH to disable Dout.ParameterSymbol Value Unit Voltage on any pin relative to Vss V T -0.5 to + 4.6V Supply voltage relative to Vss V CC -0.5 to + 4.6V Short circuit output current I OUT 50mA Power dissipation P D 1.0WOperating temperature T OPT 0 to + 70°C Storage temperatureT STG-55 to + 125°CParameter/Condition Symbol3.3 Volt VersionUnitMinTyp MaxSupply VoltageV CC 3.0 3.33.6V Input High Voltage, all inputs V IH 2.0-V CC + 0.3V Input Low Voltage, all inputsV IL-0.3-0.8VParameterSymbol Typ Max Unit Note Input capacitance (Address)C I1 -5pF 1Input capacitance (RAS, CAS, OE, WE)C I2-7pF 1Output capacitance(Data-in, Data-out)C I/O-7pF1, 210±DC Characteristics :(T a = 0 to 70°C, V CC = + 3.3V%, V SS = 0V)Parameter Symbol Test Conditions AD404M42V Unit Notes-5-6Min Max Min MaxOperating current I CC1RAS cyclingCAS, cyclingt RC = min-120-110mA1, 2Standby Current LowpowerS-versionI CC2LVTTL interfaceRAS, CAS = V IHDout = High-Z-0.5-0.5mACMOS interfaceRAS, -0.2VDout = High-Z-0.15-0.15mAStandardpowerversionLVTTL interfaceRAS, CAS = V IHDout = High-Z-2-2mACMOS interfaceRAS,-0.2VDout = High-Z-0.5-0.5mARAS- only refresh current I CC3RAS cycling, CAS = V IHt RC = min-120-110mA1, 2 EDO page mode current I CC4t PC = min-90-80mA1, 3CAS- before- RAS refresh current I CC5t RC = minRAS, CAS cycling-120-110mA1, 2Self- refresh current (S-Version)I CC8 - 550 - 55010±CAS V CC≥CAS V CC≥t RASS100µs≥µADC Characteristics :(T a = 0 to 70°C , V CC = +3.3V %, V SS = 0V)Notes:1. I CC is specified as an average current. It depends on output loading condition and cycle rate when the device is selected. I CC max is specified at the output open condition.2. Address can be changed once or less while RAS = V IL .3. For I CC4, address can be changed once or less within one EDO page mode cycle time.Parameter Symbol Test Conditions AD404M42VUnitNotes-5-6Min MaxMin MaxInput leakage current I LI + 0.3V -55-55Output leakage current I LO + 0.3V Dout = Disable -55-55Output high Voltage V OH I OH = -2mA 2.4- 2.4-V Output low voltage V OLI OL = +2mA-0.4-0.4V10±0V Vin V CC ≤≤µA 0V Vout V CC ≤≤µAAC Characteristics(T a = 0 to + 70°C , V cc = 3.3V %, V ss = 0V) *1, *2, *3, *4Test conditions• Output load: one TTL Load and 100pF (V CC = 3.3V %)• Input timing reference levels:V IH = 2.0V, V IL = 0.8V (V CC = 3.3V %)• Output timing reference levels:V OH = 2.0V, V OL = 0.8V10±10±10±Read, Write, Read- Modify- Write and Refresh Cycles (Common Parameters)ParameterSymbol AD404M42V UnitNotes-5-6Min MaxMin MaxRandom read or write cycle time t RC 84-104-ns RAS precharge timet RP 30-40-ns CAS precharge time in normal mode t CPN 10-10-ns RAS pulse width t RAS 50100006010000ns 5CAS pulse width t CAS 8100001010000ns 6Row address setup time t ASR 0-0-ns Row address hold time t RAH 8-10-ns Column address setup time t ASC 0-0-ns 7Column address hold time t CAH 8-10-ns RAS to CAS delay timet RCD 12371445ns 8RAS to column address delay time t RAD 10251230ns 9Column address to RAS lead time t RAL 25-30-ns RAS hold time t RSH 8-10-ns CAS hold timet CSH 38-40-ns CAS to RAS precharge time t CRP 5-5-ns 10OE to Din delay time t OED 12-15-ns Transition time (rise and fall)t T 150150ns 11Refresh periodt REF -32-32ms Refresh period (S- Version)t REF -128-128ms CAS to output in Low- Z t CLZ 0-0-ns CAS delay time from Din t DZC 0-0-ns OE delay time from Dint DZO-0-nsRead CycleWrite Cycle Parameter SymbolAD404M42V Unit Notes-5-6Min Max Min MaxAccess time from RAS t RAC-50-60ns12 Access time from CAS t CAC-14-15ns13, 14 Access time from column address t AA-25-30ns14, 15 Access time from OE t OEA-12-15nsRead command setup time t RCS0-0-ns7 Read command hold time to CAS t RCH0-0-ns10, 16 Read command hold time to RAS t RRH0-0-ns16 Output buffer turn-off time t OFF012015ns17 Output buffer turn-off time from OE t OEZ012015ns17Parameter SymbolAD404M42V Unit Notes -5-6Min Max Min MaxWrite command setup time t WCS0-0-ns7, 18 Write command hold time t WCH8-10-nsWrite command pulse width t WP8-10-nsWrite command to RAS lead time t RWL13-15-nsWrite command to CAS lead time t CWL8-10-nsData-in setup time t DS0-0-ns19 Data-in hold time t DH8-10-ns19 WE to Data-in delay t WED10-10-nsRead- Modify- Write CycleRefresh Cycle Parameter SymbolAD404M42V Unit Notes-5-6Min Max Min MaxRead-modify- write cycle time t RWC108-133-nsRAS to WE delay time t RWD64-77-ns18 CAS to WE dealy time t CWD26-32-ns18 Column address to WE delay time t AWD39-47-ns18 OE hold time from WE t OEH8-10-nsParameter SymbolAD404M42VUnit Notes -5-6Min Max Min MaxCAS setup time (CBR refresh) t CSR5-5-nsCAS hold time (CBR refresh)t CHR8-10-ns10 RAS precharge to CAS hold time t RPC5-5-ns7 RAS pulse width (self refresh)t RASS100-100-RAS precharge time (self refresh)t RPS90-110-nsCAS hold time (CBR self refresh)t CHS-50--50-nsWE setup time t WSR0-0-nsWE hold time t WHR10-10-nsµsEDO Page Mode CycleEDO Page Mode Read Modify Write CycleParameterSymbol AD404M42VUnit Notes-5-6Min MaxMin MaxEDO page mode cycle timet PC 20-25-ns EDO page mode CAS precharge time t CP 10-10-ns EDO page mode RAS pulse width t RASP 5010560105ns 20Access time from CAS precharge t CPA -30-35ns 10, 14RAS hold time from CAS precharge t CPRH 30-35-ns OE high hold time from CAS high t OEHC 5-5-ns OE high pulse widtht OEP 10-10-ns Data output hold time after CAS low t COH 5-5-ns Output disable delay from WEt WHZ 310310ns WE pulse width for output disable whenCAS hight WPZ7-7-nsParameterSymbol AD404M42V Unit Notes -5-6Min MaxMin MaxEDO page mode read- modify- write cycle CAS precharge to WE delay timet CPW 45-55-ns 10EDO page mode read- modify- write cycle timet PRWC56-68-nsNotes :1. AC measurements assume t T = 2ns.2. An initial pause of 100 is required after power up, and it followed by a minimum of eightinitialization cycles (RAS - only refresh cycle or CAS - before - RAS refresh cycle). If the internal refresh counter is used, a minimun of eight CAS - before - RAS refresh cycles are required.3. In delayed write or read-modify-write cycles, OE must disable output buffer prior to applying data to the device.4. All the V CC and V SS pins shall be supplied with the same voltages.5. t RAS (min) = t RWD (min)+t RWL (min)+t T in read-modify-write cycle.6. t CAS (min) = t CWD (min)+t CWL (min)+t T in read-modify-write cycle.7. t ASC (min), t RCS (min), t WCS (min), and t RPC are determined by the falling edge of CAS .8. t RCD (max) is specified as a reference point only, and t RAC (max) can be met with the t RCD (max) limit.Otherwise, t RAC is controlled exclusively by t CAC if t RCD is greater than the specified t RCD (max) limit. 9. t RAD (max) is specified as a reference point only, and t RAC (max) can be met with the t RAD (max) limit.Otherwise, t RAC is controlled exclusively by t AA if t RAD is greater than the specified t RAD (max) limit. 10. t CRP , t CHR , t RCH , t CPA and t CPW are determined by the rising edge of CAS .11. V IH (min) and V IL (max) are reference levels for measuring timing or input signals. Therefore, transitiontime is measured between V IH and V IL .12. Assumes that t RCD tRCD (max) and t RAD t RAD (max). If t RCD or t RAD is greater than the maximum recommended value shown in this table, t RAC exceeds the value shown. 13. Assumes that (max) and (max).14. Access time is determined by the maximum of t AA , t CAC , t CPA . 15. Assumes that (max) and (max). 16. Either t RCH or t RRH must be satisfied for a read cycle.17. t OFF (max) and t OEZ (max) define the time at which the output achieves the open circuit condition (highimpedance). t OFF is determined by the later rising edge of RAS or CAS.18. t WCS , t RWD , t CWD , and t AWD are not restrictive operating parameters. They are included in the datasheet as electrical characteristics only. If (min), the cycle is an early write cycle and the data out will remain open circuit (high impedance) throughout the entire cycle. If (min),(min), (min) and (min), the cycle is a read-modify-write and the data output will contain data read from the selected cell. If neither of the above sets of conditions is satisfied, the condition of the data output (at access time) is indeterminate.19. These parameters are referenced to CAS separately in an early write cycle and to WE edge in adelayed write or a read-modify-write cycle.20. t RASP defines RAS pulse width in EDO page mode cycles.µs ≤≤t RCD t RCD ≥t RADt RAD ≤t RCD t RCD ≤t RAD t RAD ≥t WCS t WCS ≥t RWD t RWD ≥t CWDt CWD ≥t AWD t AWD ≥t CPW t CPW≥Timing Waveforms• Read Cyclet RC t RASt RPtCRPtCPNtRRHtRCHt OEZ t OFF tOEA tCACt AAtRACt CLZD OUTtRCS t ASR tRAH tASC tCAH tRAD t RALtCAStRSH tRCDt TtCSHRASCASADDRESSWEDQ1~DQ4Note : = don’t care OEt OFFRowColumn= Invalid Dout•Early Write CycletRC t RASt RPt WCHt DSt DHt WCS t RALtCAStRSH tRCDt TtCSHRASCASWEDQ1~DQ4tCRPtASRtRAH tASCtCAH ADDRESSColumnRowtCPND INtRADt RAL• Delayed Write CycletRC t RASt RPt RWL t RCSt CAStRSH tRCDt TtCSHRASCAStASR tRAH tCAHADDRESSColumnRow tASC D INDQ1~DQ4WEtCRPtCPNt DHt DSt OEHt OEDOEt DSOPENt WPt CWL• Read - Modify - Write CycletRWC t RASt RPtRWDt WPtRADtRWL tCAStCWL tRCDt TtCPNRASCASWEtCRP t ASRtRAHtASCtCAHADDRESS Column RowDQ1~DQ4t DHt DSOEtRCStAWD tCWD D INt OEDt OEHt OEZt OEA t CAC t RACt AADQ1~DQ4D OUTOPENtDZCtDZO• EDO Page Mode Read CycletRASPtCPRHt RCStCAStRSH tRCDt OEAtCSHRASCAStASRtRAHtCAHADDRESStCASWEtCRPt CPOEDQ1~DQ4OPENtOEPD OUT 1t PCt CPtCAStCPNtCRPtRADtCAHtASCt ASCtCAHt ASCt RAL Row Column 1t OEAt OEHCtRRH tRCHt RACt AAt AAt AA t CPA t CPA t OEZt OFFt OFFt CACt OEZt CAC t CACt COHD OUT NWE OE Column 2Column N Rowt RPD OUT 2• EDO Page Mode Early Write CycletRASPtRPt WCSt CAStRSH tRCDRASCAStASRtRAHtCAHADDRESStCASWEt CPDQ1~DQ4t PCt CPt CAStCPNtCRP tCAH tASCtASC tCAH tASC Row Column 1t DS WE Column 2Column Nt WCH t WCS t WCH t WCS t WCHt DH t DS t DH t DS t DHD IN 1D IN 2D IN Nt TtCSH• EDO Page Mode Read-Early-Write Cyclet RASPtCPRHt RCStCAStRSH tRCDt OEAtCSHRASCAStASRtRAHtCAHADDRESStCASWEtCRPt CPOEDQ1~DQ4OPENtWEDt PCt CPtCAStCPNtCRPtRADtRAHtASCt ASCtCAHt ASCt RAL Row Column 1tWCStRCHt RACt AAt AAt CPA t DHt WHZt CACt CACt COHWE OE Column 2Column N Rowt RPt CAL tWCHDataDoutput 2Data Input NDataDoutput 1t DStCSH• EDO Page Mode Read-Modify-Write Cyclet RASPt CPRHt RCStCASt WP RASCASt ASRtRAHtCAHADDRESSt CASWEtRCDCPDQ1~DQ4tPRWCt CPtCAStCRPtRADtCAHtASCt ASCtCAH tASC Row Column 1tRWLtRCSt OEDt DZOt CAC WE OEt RPt RAL D OUT 2D OUT ND OUT 1tTt Column NColumn 2Column 1tRWD tAWD tCWDtCWLtRCStCWDtAWD tCPW tCWL tCPW tAWD tCWDtCWL t OEDt OEDt OEHt OEHt OEHt CAC t CAC t OEA t AAt RACt OEZt OEAt AA t CPAt OEZt OEAt AA t CPAt OEZ t DSt DHt WP t DSt DHt WP t DSt DHOPENOPENOPEN D IN 1D IN ND IN 2DQ1~DQ4t DZCt DZOt DZCt DZCt DZO• Read Cycle with WE Controlled Disablet WPZt RCStCAStRCDt TtCSHRASCASt ASRtRAHtCAHADDRESSColumnRow tASCD DQ1~DQ4WEt OEZt DSt WHZOEt RCH t OEA t CACt AAt RACt CLZOUTtRADRASADDRESSt RC t CRPt ASRt RAHt Tt RPCROWt OFFCAS t RASt RPOPENt CRPDQ1~DQ4RASt CSRt WSRt RPt T t RPCt OFFCAS t RASt RPOPENt CRPDQ1~DQ4t RPCt CHRt RASt RPt RCt RCt CHRt CSRt WHRt WSRt WHRWECAS-Before-RAS Refresh CycleRASWEt RPCt OFFt CSRt CHSt WSRCASt RASS t RPSOPENDQ1~DQ4t WHRHigh lmpedance• Hidden Refresh Cyclet RPt RASRASt RCDt CRPADDRESSWEt CHRt CASt RSHt RAHt ASRt ASCt CAHt RAL ROW t RCHt OEZCASDQ1~DQ4t Tt RCSD t RASt RASt RPt RPt RC t RCt RCt RADt RRHt OFF t OFFt OEA t CACt AAt RACCOlumnOUTOE(READ)(REFRESH)(REFRESH)Ordering informationAD404M42VSA-5• AD• Ascend Memory Product • 40 • Device Type• 4M4 • Density and Organization • 2• Refresh Rate, 2: 2K Refresh • V• T: 5V, V: 3.3V• S • Package Type (S : SOJ, T : TSOP II)• A• Version• 5• Speed (5: 50 ns, 6: 60 ns)Part Number Access time PackageAD404M42VSA-5AD404M42VSA-6AD404M42VTA-5AD404M42VTA-650 ns 60 ns 50 ns 60 ns300mil 26/24-Pin Plastic SOJTSOP IIPackaging information • 300 mil, 26/24-Pin Plastic SOJ• 300 mil, 26/24-Pin TSOP II。