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1.(急性)淋巴性白血病(acute) lymphatic leukemia; lymphemia

2.复发have/suffer a relapse; recur

be non-recurrent 不会复发tend to recur 可能复发be reliable/prone to recur/relapse可能复发

风湿病复发suffer a return of rheumatism 心脏病复发have another heart attack/ have a return of the heart attack / suffer a relapse of heart ailment

He has had several recurrences of his illness. 他的病已多次复发。

recurrent rate 复发率

旧病复发have a recurrence of an old illness /have a relapse of an old ailment/ suffer a relapse relapse into one’s old bad habits/slip back into old ways


give the correct/moderate dose 给规定/适度的剂量booster dose增效剂量

maximum/minimum dosage 最大/最小剂量take medicine in large doses 按大剂量服药Do not exceed the recommended dosage. 不要超过规定的剂量。

What’s the correct dosage for the children? 孩子该服多大的剂量?

4. chemotherapy化疗(化学疗法)

5.脐带umbilical cord/ stalk

umbilical infection 脐带感染umbilical cord blood 脐带血

6.哀思sad feeling (about the deceased); sorrow and grief

give expression to one’s grief寄托哀思deep sorrow and grief 深深的哀思

7.防治provide prevention and cure/ prevent and cure/ administer prophylaxis and treatment

prevent and control plant diseases and eliminate pests 防治病虫害

prevent and remedy environmental pollution防治环境污染

8.确诊make a definite diagnosis/ diagnose definitely

Her case defies exact diagnosis. 很难确诊她到底患的什么病。

His illness has been diagnosed definitely as cancer. 他的病已确诊为癌症。

9.当务之急thing of top priority/ urgent matter /most pressing matter

Environmental protection is of paramount importance. 保护环境是当务之急。

Survival is their first imperative.他们的当务之急是设法生存下去。

10.致病causes a disease

pathogenic bacteria致病菌pathogenicity 致病性

11. 力度strength /force

strength reforms加大改革力度

get tough on the anti-porn campaign 加大扫黄力度

12. 迫在眉睫extremely urgent/ impending/ pressing/ imminent

pressing/ urgent matter 迫在眉睫的事情War is imminent.战争迫在眉睫。

13. 同事间的勾心斗角office politics

14. 试用期probationary / probation period

pass one’s probation period 通过试用期The new clerk on trial was found to be incompetent. 这个新职员在试用期内被发现不合格。

15. 杯水车薪trying to put out a blazing cartload of faggots with a cup of water—utterly inadequate measure; a drop in the bucket; useless attempt

Aid to the earthquake victims at that time was little more than a drop in the bucket.


16. 保险赔偿额insurance proceeds

insurance indemnity / compensation 保险赔偿

17. 特大交通事故extraordinarily serious traffic accident

extraordinarily serious natural calamities特大自然灾害giant gas field 特大气田

most welcome news; excellent news特大喜讯catastrophic flood 特大洪水

18. 付诸东流come to naught / nothing; be irrevocably lost

All that hard work done has been in vain. / All the efforts have been to no avail.


19. 磋商consult / confer / negotiate (with sb. ) (about / on / over sth.); exchange views; hold a discussion / consultation

negotiate contract terms 磋商合同条款

have private consultations with 私下磋商

have / hold consultations (with sb.); consult with sb. 进行磋商

After negotiation, the two sides agreed on a ceasefire.


They consulted long, but couldn’t decide yet. 他们磋商了很久,但未做出决定。
