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A break with 分开a departure from Abundant 丰富的,充裕的plentiful Accelerated 加速increased

Accessible易接近的,可靠近的available Accordingly 因此,从而consequently Accordingly 因此for that reason

Account for 解释,说明explain

Accumulated 积聚,积累built up

Acute 敏锐的,剧烈的intense

Adequate 充分的,足够的sufficient

Adhere 坚持stick

Administered 管理managed

Adorned 装修decorated

Advent 出现,到来arrival

Adversely 逆向/反的negatively Aesthetically 美学的,艺术的artistically Affront 侮辱,冒犯insult

Agents 动因,代理人causes

Aided 帮助的helped

Alert 警惕ware

Allay 减轻,减少reduce

Altered 改变changed

Alternative 选择:option

Altogether 完全的completely

Annihilate 消灭,征服conquer

Antecedent 先行的的,先辈predecessor Apace with 快速的,急速的as fast as

Appeal 吸引attraction


Apply to 应用于used for


Aptly 恰当的appropriately

Article 物品object

Ascribed to 归功于,认为assumed to be true of Assembling 聚集gathering

Assortment 种类variety

Astounding 惊讶的surprising

At any rate 无论如何regardless 不管Attachment to 倾向于preference for Attained 达到,获得achieved

Attained 达到,获得achieved

Attained 获得reached

Attendant 伴随的accompanying

Attests to 证明give evidence of

Attire 服装clothing

Avail themselves 利用make use

Barren 贫瘠的:infertile

Besides 除此之外in addition to

Bias 偏见prejudice Biting 尖锐的sharp

Boosted 鼓舞raised


Bound 系,绑tied

Bounds 限制:limits

Bring about 引起cause

Brittle易碎的,脆弱的easily broken

By virtue of 由于because of

Calculated 计算,决定determined

Came of age 出现了,成名了established itself

Came to the forefront 来到最前线/变得很重要became important Carried on 继续continued

Carry 承担:support

Ceased 停止stop

Celestial 天文学的:astronomical

Chance 偶然的:unplanned

Chronicle 记载,记录,编年史describe

Circumscribed 限制restricted

Classified 分类categorized

Cluster 成群group

Coarse 粗糙的crude

Coarser 粗糙的rougher

Cohesion 凝聚力unity

Coincided with 一致,符合happened at the same time Coined 组成,创造:created Comparably 相似地:similarly

Compelling 强迫地,又说服力的forceful

Components 组成部分parts

Concealed 隐藏covered

Concentrated 集中:clustered

Conclusive 总结性的definitive

Concomitant with 同时发生的,与之伴随的in conjunction with

Confine 限制restrict

Confined 局限:limited

Conflicting 对立的:apposing

Conjectural 猜测的based on guessing

Consciously 有意识地,故意地purposely

Consequence 结果result

Conserve 维持,保留retain

Consist 一致的,协调的constant

Consorted 交往associated

Conspicuous 明显的noticeable

Constant 持续的,一致的consistent

Constituents 组成部分components

Constituting 组成making up


Consumption 消费,吃eating

Contemporary 当代的existing

Contemporary 当代的,同时代的written at the same time Convert 转变change Converted修改changed

Core 核心center

Counteracted 否定,抵消negated

Counterpart 版本,对应物version

Crisscross 交叉move back and forth

Critical 关键的essential
