



南北战争实际上是南方的奴隶制度和北方 的工业制度进行了一场你死我活的斗争。北 方的市民社会蓬勃发展,不断地向外发展和 开拓,而南方的贵族社会却象死水一般维持 现状。北方要发展资本主义,就必须清除掉 南方这一块绊脚石,而南方要维护其庄园统 治,就必须解除掉北方的威胁,于是内战就 暴发了。和楚汉战争起因于农民率先起义非 常相似,南北战争的导火索也是由黑奴的反 抗和暴动而点燃的。

接下去,便是从小说到电影的艰苦历程。版 权所属、剧本改编、制片人、演员、导 演……整整折腾了三年。终于,这部定名为 《乱世佳人》的影片和观众见面了,整个美 国,甚至可以说整个世界为之轰动,玛格丽 特·米切尔再次受到世人的瞩目。 1949年8月11日晚,在去看电影的路上,一场 意外车祸将玛格丽特·米切尔撞倒在地,她 失血很多,昏迷不醒,医生们拼命抢救,最 终仍回天无力……一个传奇式的女子就这样 走完了她那不平凡的一生。她没有给这个世 界留下一儿半女,这个世界却因她而留下一 部感人的小说,一部不朽的电影佳作。

美国南北战争(1861—1865),实质上是两种 社会制度的斗争,即马克思所说的“奴隶制 度与自由劳动制度的斗争”。奴隶制是美国 南部农业社会的基础,是资本主义的赘瘤。 从十九世纪三十年代开始,废奴运动在北方 蓬勃兴起,到五十年代南北分裂的趋势日益 显著。一八六0年共和党人林肯当选总统,南 部蓄奴州相继脱离联邦,于翌年二月成立独 立的政府,简称南部联盟;四月十二日联盟 军炮击萨姆特要塞,南北战争爆发。由于这 场战争是实行脱离政策的南部联盟发动的, 故在美国历史上称为“脱离战争”。
玛格丽特· 米切尔

玛格丽特·米切尔,1900年11月8日出生在亚特兰大, 她的父亲是个身材矮小,性格稳重保守的老好人;她 的母亲小巧精干,浑身上下充满活力,笃信天主教, 并且是一个为女权而战的斗士。 由于周围的大人特别爱谈发生在南北战争期间的故 事,那一 段段精彩动人的回忆滋养着小玛格丽特的 灵魂。母亲希望女儿在科学领域有所建树,玛格丽 特却在做着文学之梦。她满脑子的幻想,一肚子的 故事,从悄悄写日记到偷偷写小说,创作的欲望时 时涌上心头,……



玛格丽特·米切尔的《乱世佳人》:南北战争背景下的爱情与坚韧1. 引言1.1 概述《乱世佳人》是美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔的经典小说,被誉为20世纪最具影响力的文学作品之一。



1.2 文章结构本文将分为五个主要部分进行论述。





1.3 目的本文旨在通过对《乱世佳人》这部经典作品及其创作背景进行深入研究和分析,探讨南北战争时期背景下所展现出来的爱情与坚韧主题。



2. 南北战争背景:2.1 背景介绍:南北战争是美国历史上一场重要的内战,于1861年至1865年爆发。


南方各州自愿联合,组成了庞大而富庶的农业经济体系,并heavily relies on cotton 生产为其贸易基础。


飘》 - 玛格丽特

飘》 - 玛格丽特
• 《飘》是美国女作家玛格丽特· 米切 尔(1900—1949)十年磨一剑的 作品,也是惟一的作品。《飘》称 得上有史以来最经典的爱情巨著之 一。由费雯丽和克拉克· 盖博主演的 影片亦成为影史上“不可逾越的” 的最著名的爱情片经典。 小说以美国南北战争为背景,主线 是好强、任性的庄园主小姐斯佳丽 纠缠在几个男人之间的爱恨情仇, 与之相伴的还有社会、历史的重大 变迁,旧日熟悉的一切都一去不 返…… 《飘》既是一首人类爱情的绝唱, 又是一幅反映社会政治、经济、道 德诸多方面巨大而深刻变化的宏大 历史画卷。 • 美国女作家玛格丽特· 米切尔发表过 的惟一小说就是这部《飘》。小说 1936年问世以来,一直畅销不衰, 不仅在美国,而且在全世界都受到 广大读者的喜爱。现已公认是以美 国南北战争为背景的爱情小说的经 典之作。 小说以亚特兰大以及附近的一个庄 园为故事场景,描绘了内战前后美 国南方人的生活。作品刻画了那个 时代的许多南方人的形象,占中心 位置的人物佳丽、瑞德、艾希礼、 媚兰等人是其中的典型代表。他们 的习俗礼仪、言行举止、精神观念、 政治态度,以至于衣着打扮等等, 在小说里都叙述得十分详尽。可以 说小说成功地再现了那个时代美国 南方这个地区的社会生活
• 你将自己的幸福拱手相让,却去追求一些 根本不会使你幸福的东西。 • 不管你和我,还有这无助的世界将走向怎 样的毁灭,我都会爱着你。 • 现在我发现自己活在一个生不如死的世界, 一个没有我容身之处的世界。 • 家,我必须回家,我一定要想办法让他回 来。毕竟,明天又是全新的一天。
《飘》 - 玛格丽特· 米切尔
• 玛格丽特· 芒内尔林· 米切尔 (Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell, 1900年11月8日-1949年8月16 日),美国作家,193兰大,从华盛顿神学院毕业后进入 路易斯学院就读,但在一年级时遭 到退学,1918年在她母亲死后搬回 亚特兰大。之后无心学业,后在亚 特兰大新闻周刊以佩琪‧米切尔的 笔名为杂志撰写周日专栏。1949年 8月16日因车祸身亡。玛格丽特的 代表作品是《乱世佳人》,至今已 发行了三千多万册,仍为最畅销的 小说之一。改编的电影于1939年上 映,成为好莱坞影史上最卖座的电 影,还得到十座奥斯卡的殊荣。

玛格丽特米切尔作品 对玛格丽特米切尔的评价

玛格丽特米切尔作品 对玛格丽特米切尔的评价


















《飘》是一部描写爱情的小说。米切尔以 她女性的细腻精确地把握住了青年女子在 追求爱情过程中的复杂心理活动,成功塑 造了斯嘉丽这一复杂的人物形象。这一人 物有时使人觉得面熟,有时又很陌生。有 时你能谅解她,有时却觉得莫名其妙,然 而你始终都会觉得她真实,这就是这本书 最大的成就。斯嘉丽年轻貌美,但她的所 作所为显示了她残酷、贪婪、自信。为了 振兴家业,她把爱情和婚姻作为交易,三 次婚姻没有一次出于真心。后来她才终于 明白她一直念念不忘的卫希礼懦弱无能, 倒是自称与她同类的巴特勒值得爱。
克拉克· 盖博,三十年代好莱坞最著名的男明星, 1932年,一部《红色的尘土》使他得以跻身十 位最叫座的明星之列。此后《一夜风流》、 《乱世佳人》更使他在影视界足以有个立足之 地。1938年,他还被加冕为电影皇帝。他是好 莱坞一个神话式的人物,集中地体现了独特的 美国式的魅力。他的最后一部影片是《不适应 环境人》,拍完后不久他就去世了。他的一生 正如他自己所描述的:“他曾走运,并很有体 会。”
后来,弗兰克和艾希利因加入了反政府的秘密组 织,在一次集会时遭 北方军包围,弗兰克中弹 死亡,艾希利负伤逃亡,在巴特勒帮助下回到梅 勒妮身边。斯嘉丽再次成为寡妇。 此时,巴特勒前来向她求 婚,她终于与一直 爱她的搞私运军火和粮食致富的巴特勒结了婚。 婚后的斯嘉丽依然对艾希利念念不忘,斯嘉丽偶 然翻阅艾希利的照片 被巴特勒发现,终于导致 了二人感情的破裂。在巴特勒想要与斯嘉丽言归 于好时,他们的小女儿邦妮不慎坠马摔死,与此 同时不幸的是梅勒妮终因操劳过度去世,临终前, 她把自已的丈 夫艾希利和儿子托付给郝思嘉, 但要求她保守这个秘密,斯嘉丽不顾一切扑向艾 希利的怀中,紧紧拥抱住他,站在一旁的巴特勒 无法再忍受下去,而转身离去。面对伤心欲绝毫 无反应的艾希利,斯嘉丽终于明白,她爱的艾希 利其实是不存在的,她真正需要的是巴特勒。




反映事件:1861—1865年前后南方社会的历史风貌,人们在 社会变革中的命运。
郝思嘉性格发展的高潮阶段。爱情的失意、 战争的磨难、饥饿和贫穷的磨练,使她的 人生观发生了巨大变化。她一方面变得更 加贪婪自私,一方面也更加精明、工于心 计。她具备了一定的商业管理和经营才能, 有了新兴资产阶级的个性特征。成为一个 唯利是图、为了金钱不择手段的人物。当 她借钱遭到白瑞德拒绝后,得知妹妹苏伦 的未婚夫弗兰克正开着一家杂货铺,还要 开锯木场。于是,她毫不犹豫编造谎言, 施展美人计,夺走了妹妹的情人。她利用 囚犯充当廉价劳动力,甘愿冒险和北方佬 做生意,终于发了财。这时的郝思嘉性情 傲慢、办事果断干脆、百折不挠。这个出 生于奴隶主家庭的娇小姐,当旧世界崩溃 时,她不为逝去的日子痛哭,而是义无反 顾地向前走。她说:“我决不回顾以往”, “有谁能担着一担使人悲痛的记忆前进 呢?”本着“向前看”的思想,她很快适 应了弱肉强食、优胜劣汰的社会。她学会 了开工厂、做生意。在生意场上得心应手。
这一阶段,郝思嘉所表现出来的自私 和对传统礼教的叛逆和反抗性格,成 为她复杂性格的重要方面。她打算把 卫希礼抢夺过来,但当她的爱情遭到 拒绝,眼看卫希礼和媚兰要结婚时, 她又以最快的速度宣布要和媚兰的哥 哥查理结婚,而且要赶在媚兰的前边 结婚,以示报复。这充分显示了她的 对待婚姻的非理性性格特点。
郝思嘉自私、追求享乐的个性和爱好自 由、蔑视传统道德的叛逆性格进一步发 展。同时,时代的变迁也锻炼了她在逆 境中生存的能力。婚后不久,丈夫查理 参加了南方联盟军,不到两个月就病死 在军营里。郝思嘉变成了寡妇。她带着 爱恨交织的心情离开了塔罗庄园,来到 亚特兰大。新兴城市亚特兰大为她性格 的发展提供了新的天地。在周围所谓 “高尚的”南方人同仇敌忾,决心同北 方佬决一死战的氛围中,她仍然保持着 自私而无知的思想状态。对于战争、北 方佬、什么主义或爱国,她都抱着无所 谓的态度。作为一个年仅17岁的小寡妇, 她关心的只是自己的快乐,她渴望的是 重返少女时代那无忧无虑的丰富多彩的 生活。




玛格丽特·米切尔简介Margaret Mitchell (Margaret Mitchell), the United States modern famous female writer.November 8, 1900 was born in Atlanta, Georgia. He received a doctorate in literature and served as a journalist for the Atlanta News. In 1937 she won the pulitzer prize for her novel "Gone with the Wind". In 1939 by the New York Southern Association Gold Medal. In 1949, she was killed in a car accident. Her short life did not leave too much work, but only one "Gone with the Wind" was enough to lay her unshakable position in the history of world literature.玛格丽特·米切尔人物生平How did Margaret Mitchell depict the love that bloomed in the scorching war of the Civil War? It was a great relationship with her growing experience and unfortunate love.Margaret Mitchell was born in 1900 in the southern United States of the new generation of Atlanta, three or four years old, she would like to listen to the story of the history of Atlanta. Her grandmother often sat on the porch in front of the house, pointing to the little Margaret sitting on her lap with a trench of the Southern League, which had been through the backyard. However, she vividly tells the night, that is, November 15, 1864 night of the fire, "large tracts of flames engulfed the whole city, wherever you look, there is a strange and indescribable light reflected in the sky. "This is the work of Atlanta in the fall of the prototype, when the British movie star Vivien Li wearing a blue dress, a pair of bright eyes, his face a layer of anxiety in front of people, Scarlett's image hasbeen completely in-depth people, in fact, this is not Mitchell own it?Atlanta war to marvelous little Margaret, and those veterans of the travel has become her a big hobby. They are very fond of Margaret, teach her to control the horse's technology, which makes Margaret more tend to a boy, it is like her writing Scarlett.She grew up in the Fitztalad estate has become the text of the picnic barbecue of the important scenes, Wei Shili's prototype is Margaret young love when the early death of the handsome officer, and Hao Sijia suffered a few paragraphs more Impressively is Mitchell's own life in the unfortunate projection. Mother's death for Margaret's life cast a huge shadow, she had to become a pillar of the father and brother, to the loss of vitality and choose to escape, and this article Hao Sijia how similar! Oh, if not life In the real pain, how people from her writing to read so much helpless sigh it.A war of the storm for the first time to Margaret experienced the real and cruel war. The first time, she realized the precious life. Childhood heard of the terrible war story like a ghost back to entangle her, this time she began to experience the nightmare and insomnia pain, which will torture her life. In 1918, Margaret 18 years old, she has been out into a southern beauty. She met a young officer - Captain Clifford Henry. She soon fell into love. Henry has a handsome appearance, poet-like temperament, which is Margaret's heart "Wei Xi Li"; but the war took the life of this young man, but also to Margaret brought a lifetime of pain. This is probably Hao Sijia Wei Xi Li love hot and crazy source, Mitchell will be integrated into the work itself to cherish her first love lover.Mother's death of Megley, Margaret became the only woman in her father and brother's life. As her works, she can not represent the mother's position in the hearts of his father. Mother has always been the fatherof life power and courage, she lost all the vitality, can only choose to escape. This is similar to the situation of Scarlett, Marguerite virtually reintegrate his life into the work.Like Hao Sijia, Margaret was born with a rebellious temperament. She met with the uninhibited Epsha, and with a momentary impulse to marry a ruthless, alcoholic villain. This can not be said to be her misfortune. The marriage soon ended in failure, although she soon regained herself, but the marriage gave her pain and humiliation along with her until death.In 1934, Margaret became a big journalist, engaged in her favorite writing. She and has always supported and loved her John Marsh combination, which is her lucky, no Marsh, "Gone with the Wind" can not be published and completed, but it is precisely because "Gone with the Wind" published, Margaret The rest of his life has become a great tragedy, the tragic meaning far beyond the outcome of Hao Sijia."She never really understood any of the two men she loved, so she lost both people.This is Mitchell on Hao Sijia love summary, but also her own summary.She has published only one work in her life. It was priced at $ 3, but was fried to 60 dollars, and then the United States a good hotel, the monthly rent, but also 30 dollars.Speaking of American women writers in the last century, they have to mention Margaret Mitchell. Her life only published a work - "Gone with the Wind", but it produced the influence, it is amazing. "Gone with the Wind" came out on June 30, 1936, breaking all the published records of the time. The first six months of its circulation will be as high as 10 million, the daily sales of up to 50,000 volumes. It was priced at $ 3, but was fried to 60 dollars, and then the United States a good hotel, the monthly rent, but also 30 dollars. So applauded the results, so that it won the pulitzerprize in 1937 and the American publishers Association Award. Not to mention the novel adaptation of the film "Gone with the Wind" by the great success, it is more famous, so that as of the late 70s of last century, the novel was translated into 27 kinds of text, selling the world.At that time, people competing to see Margaret Mitchell's beauty, where she went to meet her crowd even more than to meet president Roosevelt even more.August 16, 1949, for the Chinese readers familiar with the famous American novel "Gone" (by the novel adaptation of the film "Gone with the Wind") the original author Margaret Mitchell died.From 1927 Margaret Mitchell pen to 1936 "Gone with the Wind" came out, lasted 10 years, John Marsh almost always do the same thing every day: during the day, he is Atlanta power The manager of the company's advertising department; at night, he is Margaret Mitchell's manuscript editor. "John Marsh's contribution to the novel at this stage is not overly valued, and he is the editor of peggy Mitchell's nickname and is doing pretty well. "John Marsh is convinced of his wife's talent and success, in his own words:"I would like to give up everything to embrace this talent. "The fact that, as he said, long ten years, for that somewhere Among the glory, John Marsh gave up as a man in the cause, the pursuit of life and enjoyment, he will be all the wisdom and energy are devoted to the creation of Margaret Mitchell, and this As its duty for fun.John Marsh as Margaret Mitchell's husband, as an advertiser, he with his own energy and life at the expense of hugging Margaret Mitchell's talent, in the "floating" Throughout the creation process, he was Margaret Mitchell's faithful manuscript editor; after "Gone with the Wind" came out, he was Margaret Mitchell's hardworking secretary, and later the body paralyzed, he put All of their own wisdom and life are integrated into theMargaret Mitchell's life and "Gone with the Wind" between the lines.。



飘的作者的英文简介玛格丽特·米切尔,美国现代著名女作家,曾获文学博士学位,担任过《亚特兰大新闻报》的记者,下面是店铺为你整理的飘的作者的英文简介,希望对你有用!玛格丽特·米切尔简介Margaret Mitchell (Margaret Mitchell), the United States modern famous female writer.November 8, 1900 was born in Atlanta, Georgia. He received a doctorate in literature and served as a journalist for the Atlanta News. In 1937 she won the Pulitzer Prize for her novel "Gone with the Wind". In 1939 by the New York Southern Association Gold Medal. In 1949, she was killed in a car accident. Her short life did not leave too much work, but only one "Gone with the Wind" was enough to lay her unshakable position in the history of world literature.玛格丽特·米切尔人物生平How did Margaret Mitchell depict the love that bloomed in the scorching war of the Civil War? It was a great relationship with her growing experience and unfortunate love.Margaret Mitchell was born in 1900 in the southern United States of the new generation of Atlanta, three or four years old, she would like to listen to the story of the history of Atlanta. Her grandmother often sat on the porch in front of the house, pointing to the little Margaret sitting on her lap with a trench of the Southern League, which had been through the backyard. However, she vividly tells the night, that is, November 15, 1864 night of the fire, "large tracts of flames engulfed the whole city, wherever you look, there is a strange and indescribable light reflected in the sky. "This is the work of Atlanta in the fall of theprototype, when the British movie star Vivien Li wearing a blue dress, a pair of bright eyes, his face a layer of anxiety in front of people, Scarlett's image has been completely in-depth People, in fact, this is not Mitchell own it?Atlanta war to marvelous little Margaret, and those veterans of the travel has become her a big hobby. They are very fond of Margaret, teach her to control the horse's technology, which makes Margaret more tend to a boy, it is like her writing Scarlett.She grew up in the Fitztalad estate has become the text of the picnic barbecue of the important scenes, Wei Shili's prototype is Margaret young love when the early death of the handsome officer, and Hao Sijia suffered a few paragraphs more Impressively is Mitchell's own life in the unfortunate projection. Mother's death for Margaret's life cast a huge shadow, she had to become a pillar of the father and brother, to the loss of vitality and choose to escape, and this article Hao Sijia how similar! Oh, if not life In the real pain, how people from her writing to read so much helpless sigh it.A war of the storm for the first time to Margaret experienced the real and cruel war. The first time, she realized the precious life. Childhood heard of the terrible war story like a ghost back to entangle her, this time she began to experience the nightmare and insomnia pain, which will torture her life. In 1918, Margaret 18 years old, she has been out into a southern beauty. She met a young officer - Captain Clifford Henry. She soon fell into love. Henry has a handsome appearance, poet-like temperament, which is Margaret's heart "Wei Xi Li"; but the war took the life of this young man, but also to Margaret brought a lifetime of pain. This is probably Hao Sijia Wei Xi Li love hot and crazy source, Mitchell will be integrated into the work itself to cherish her firstlove lover.Mother's death of Megley, Margaret became the only woman in her father and brother's life. As her works, she can not represent the mother's position in the hearts of his father. Mother has always been the father of life power and courage, she lost all the vitality, can only choose to escape. This is similar to the situation of Scarlett, Marguerite virtually reintegrate his life into the work.Like Hao Sijia, Margaret was born with a rebellious temperament. She met with the uninhibited Epsha, and with a momentary impulse to marry a ruthless, alcoholic villain. This can not be said to be her misfortune. The marriage soon ended in failure, although she soon regained herself, but the marriage gave her pain and humiliation along with her until death.In 1934, Margaret became a big journalist, engaged in her favorite writing. She and has always supported and loved her John Marsh combination, which is her lucky, no Marsh, "Gone with the Wind" can not be published and completed, but it is precisely because "Gone with the Wind" published, Margaret The rest of his life has become a great tragedy, the tragic meaning far beyond the outcome of Hao Sijia."She never really understood any of the two men she loved, so she lost both people.This is Mitchell on Hao Sijia love summary, but also her own summary.She has published only one work in her life. It was priced at $ 3, but was fried to 60 dollars, and then the United States a good hotel, the monthly rent, but also 30 dollars.Speaking of American women writers in the last century, they have to mention Margaret Mitchell. Her life only published awork - "Gone with the Wind", but it produced the influence, it is amazing. "Gone with the Wind" came out on June 30, 1936, breaking all the published records of the time. The first six months of its circulation will be as high as 10 million, the daily sales of up to 50,000 volumes. It was priced at $ 3, but was fried to 60 dollars, and then the United States a good hotel, the monthly rent, but also 30 dollars. So applauded the results, so that it won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 and the American Publishers Association Award. Not to mention the novel adaptation of the film "Gone with the Wind" by the great success, it is more famous, so that as of the late 70s of last century, the novel was translated into 27 kinds of text, selling the world.At that time, people competing to see Margaret Mitchell's beauty, where she went to meet her crowd even more than to meet President Roosevelt even more.August 16, 1949, for the Chinese readers familiar with the famous American novel "Gone" (by the novel adaptation of the film "Gone with the Wind") the original author Margaret Mitchell died.From 1927 Margaret Mitchell pen to 1936 "Gone with the Wind" came out, lasted 10 years, John Marsh almost always do the same thing every day: during the day, he is Atlanta power The manager of the company's advertising department; at night, he is Margaret Mitchell's manuscript editor. "John Marsh's contribution to the novel at this stage is not overly valued, and he is the editor of Peggy Mitchell's nickname and is doing pretty well. "John Marsh is convinced of his wife's talent and success, in his own words:" I would like to give up everything to embrace this talent. "The fact that, as he said, long ten years, for that somewhere Among the glory, John Marsh gave up as a man inthe cause, the pursuit of life and enjoyment, he will be all the wisdom and energy are devoted to the creation of Margaret Mitchell, and this As its duty for fun.John Marsh as Margaret Mitchell's husband, as an advertiser, he with his own energy and life at the expense of hugging Margaret Mitchell's talent, in the "floating" Throughout the creation process, he was Margaret Mitchell's faithful manuscript editor; after "Gone with the Wind" came out, he was Margaret Mitchell's hardworking secretary, and later the body paralyzed, he put All of their own wisdom and life are integrated into the Margaret Mitchell's life and "Gone with the Wind" between the lines.。



Gone with the wind
Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth 经典台词 fighting for, worth dying for. Because it’s the only thing that lasts. (土地是世界上唯一值得你去为之工作, 为之战斗, 为之牺牲的东 西,因为它是唯一永恒的东西。) Sir, you’re no gentleman. And you miss are no lady. (先生,你可真不是个君子,小姐,你也不是什么淑女) I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always get paid. (我做任何事不过是为了有所回报,我总要得到报酬) If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witness, I’ll never be hungry again! (即使让我撒谎,去偷,去骗,去杀人,上 帝作证,我再也不要挨饿了)
郝思嘉是大庄园主杰拉尔德的千金 小姐,出场时才16岁的她美丽活泼、 天真烂漫、无忧无虑,已经学会了 如何精心打扮、以娇媚的姿态吸引 男孩。由于父亲的宠爱,她从小养 成了娇纵任性、高傲自私、贪图虚 荣的个性。认为自己是生活的中心, 理应得到一切最好的东西。她第一 次见到卫希礼骑马走来,就爱上了 他,而且想当然地认为卫希礼也一 定爱她。所以她不能理解也不能容 忍卫希礼和媚兰的婚约。她不顾一 切地要得到他。这种想法一直贯穿 着她的思想,直到小说结束。
这时,郝思嘉的思想和性格又发生 了转变。她从一个随心所欲、贪图 享受的少妇成为一个精明强悍、敢 作敢为、同时又吝啬贪婪、斤斤计 较的当家人。她在建设家园、管理 家园方面表现出惊人的才能。她做 出的成绩令后来回到塔罗的卫—等 男人都自愧不如。在缺衣少食的艰 苦岁月里,她表现出惊人的生存能 力和顽强的毅力。她亲自赶车、下 地干活、挤奶、劈柴、种菜,简直 比一个男人还要有能耐。经历了生 活的磨难,饱受战争、饥饿、贫穷 的煎熬,这个昔日的千金小姐充分 认识到了土地和金钱的作用。但这 也使她变得粗俗、贪婪甚至无耻。 在面临交不出税款的困境时,她竟 然企图利用自己的色相去向白瑞德 借钱。

































斯嘉丽·奥哈拉(Scarlett O'Hara)斯嘉丽是小说的主人公,一个充满活力、聪明机智而矛盾复杂的女性形象。











例如,卡特琳娜·凡斯(Cathleen Calvert)展现出自由奔放、独立思考的一面;门罗太太(Mrs. Munroe)则是一个充满坚定意志与韧性、勇敢面对逆境的普通南方妇女形象。







―我不知道一个作家的生活会是这个样子。如果我 事先知道的话,我绝不会企图去当一名作家。过 去的几十年里我的生活一直非常宁静。这是我自 己选择的一种生活方式,因为我不善于与人交往; 因为我希望工作,喜欢安静;也因为我身体不很 好,需要休息。近日来,我的生活已经彻底丧失 了那种宁静安谧的气氛。” ——玛格丽特· 米切尔
玛格丽特· 米切尔
玛格丽特· 米切尔Margaret Munnerlyn Mitchell (November 8, 1900 – August 16, 1949) was an American author and journalist. One novel by Mitchell was published during her lifetime, the American Civil War-era novel, Gone with the Wind. For it she won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1937. The novel is one of the most popular books of all time, selling more than 30 million copies . An American film adaptation, released in 1939, became the highest-grossing film in the history of Hollywood, and received a record-breaking eight Academy Awards.
玛格丽特· 米切尔的故居

故事以一八六一年美国南北战 争期间为背景 通过女主人公郝思嘉与查理、 甘扶澜、白瑞德、卫希礼等男 子的爱情婚姻纠葛 以戏剧性的手法揭示了南方奴 隶制与庄园文化的衰落,以及 女主人公在南北政治、军事、 经济的冲突中由任性、娇纵走 向干练、成熟的过程。



玛格丽特·米切尔《飘》(中英文互译) 《飘》(Gone with the Wind)是美国作家玛格丽特·米切尔创作的长篇小说。



Gone with the Wind飘SCARLETT O’HARA was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.思嘉·奥哈拉长得并不漂亮,但是男人们一旦像塔尔顿家那对孪生兄弟为她的魅力所迷住时,便看不到这一点了。

In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father. But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw. Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends.她脸上混杂着两种特征,一种是她母亲的娇柔,一种是她父亲的粗犷,前者属于法兰西血统的海滨贵族,后者来自浮华俗气的爱尔兰人,这两种特征显得太不调和了。








以下是飘玛格丽特·米切尔的历史经典语录:1. “明天又是一天。

” - 这是斯嘉丽·奥哈拉女士在小说《飘》中经常说的一句话。



2. “我要真理,就让世界去消磨我的生命吧。

” - 这句话出自米切尔的长篇小说《飘》中,斯嘉丽说出这句话时,她正在艰难地面对人生的挑战。


3. “不论发生什么,我都会与你同在。

” - 这是飘玛格丽特米切尔的另一句经典语录,在小说中,这句话出现在斯嘉丽与她最终选择嫁给的亲人阿什利之间的场景中。


4. “人只有一次才能变成成年人,却可以永远保持童心。

” - 这句话强调了成年人应该保持纯真和天真的态度。


5. “时光会让女人变坏。

” - 这是米切尔在《飘》中描写斯嘉丽的一句话。



6. “我将回到田纳西。


” - 这是在小说《飘》结尾处,斯嘉丽在最后一刻意识到重要性的一句话。



故事紧凑、人物形象鲜明,情节跌宕起伏,让人 无法自拔。
每个角色都有独特的性格和命运,让读者能够深 入了解他们的内心世界。
通过描写南北战争和人物命运的变化,反映了社会的 变迁和人类命运的无奈。
《飘》是玛格丽特在亚特兰大历史协会图书馆中经过长时间的研究和采访后创 作的。她花了十年的时间进行研究和写作,最终在1936年出版了这部小说。
主要人物:斯嘉丽、瑞德、阿什利、 媚兰等。
故事情节:斯嘉丽是一个美丽但自私 、虚荣、冷酷的女人,她经历了南北 战争的洗礼,失去了她所热爱的人和 事物。在这个过程中,她逐渐认识到 自己的错误,并努力改变自己的命运 。瑞德则是一个富有、狡猾、有野心 的男人,他深深地爱着斯嘉丽,但他 们的关系却充满了矛盾和冲突。阿什 利则是一个善良、正直的南方绅士, 他与媚兰结婚并育有一子。
玛格丽特·米切尔在小说中塑造了一系列具有独立 意识和追求的女性形象,反映了当时女性意识的 觉醒和成长。
小说中斯嘉丽的命运充满了曲折和选择,她对财 富、爱情、地位的追求也反映了人类对生活选择 和命运的探索。
她是一பைடு நூலகம்充满矛盾和复杂性的角色, 既有着强烈的爱情和追求,又有着自 私和冷漠的一面。她的性格和行为反 映了人性的复杂性和矛盾性。
主题思想:《飘》的主题思想是爱情 、命运和自由。小说通过斯嘉丽和瑞 德等人的感情纠葛,探讨了爱情的真 谛;通过战争对人们生活的影响,探 讨了命运的不可预测;通过斯嘉丽的 成长历程,探讨了自由的价值和意义 。




1. 塑造人物形象:米切尔善于通过细腻的描写和对话来塑造人物形象,让读者深入了解每个角色的性格、心理和处境。


2. 简洁的语言:米切尔的作品语言简洁明了,往往使用简单、生动的语言来传达强烈的情感和意义。


3. 强烈的情节冲突:米切尔的作品情节紧凑,常常设置强烈的情节冲突,让读者感到紧张和刺激。


4. 重视细节:米切尔的作品注重细节描写,她能够抓住生活中的小的细节,并将其放大来展示出来。


5. 使用象征:米切尔经常使用象征来表达自己的思想和感受,她经常使用符号和隐喻来表达复杂的情感和意义。








正文:1. “明天是新的一天,明天是新的开始。




2. “只有在我们失去一切时,我们才能自由地做任何事情。




3. “无论你在哪里,你都不会远离家。




4. “只有那些勇敢面对黑暗的人,才能看到星光。

































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Regular script after a failed marriage, Margaret and Georgia in 1925, the thermal John ¡, director of the company's advertising department because he got married. In 1926, due to leg injuries, Margaret had to resign from the newspaper work. After her husband's encouragement, she set out to create. Margaret later said to the people, "gone with the wind" writing takes up her nearly a decade. In fact, most of the novel chapter can finish the first draft as early as 1929. She first finished is the last chapter of the novel, and then return to the previous section written, but she has not written according to the order of events, but think of where is written. In recent 10 years, Margaret little to her friends about her manuscript. Although many people know her in writing, but almost no one knows what she is writing on.
《飘》的故事发生在一八六一年美 国南北战争前夕。生活在南方的少 女郝思嘉从小深受南方文化传统的 熏陶,可在她的血液里却流淌着野 性的叛逆因素。随着战火的蔓廷和 生活环境的恶化,郝思嘉的叛逆个 性越来越丰满,越鲜明,在一系列 的的挫折中她改造了自我,改变了 个人甚至整个家族的命运,成为时 代时势造就的新女性的形象。
小说最吸引人的地方是思嘉的个性以及她的爱 情故事。她的爱情不是充满诗意和浪漫情调的 那一种,而是现实的和功利的。为了达到目的, 她甚至不惜使用为人所不齿的狡诈伎俩。那么 她的爱情故事为什么还那么引人入胜呢?原因 很简单,这就是真实。是小说所设置的情景下 完全可能发生的真实情况。真实的东西可能并 不崇高,但更接近人们的生活,因而也更受读 者喜爱。思嘉最初爱上的是艾希礼,却在他人 口中听到艾希礼要订婚的消息。自信而聪明的 思嘉决定在婚礼之前向艾希礼告白,却被艾希 礼温柔而委婉的拒绝了。在思嘉最为沮丧的时 候却发现她和艾希礼的对话被一个男人(瑞德) 无意之中听到了„„
《飘》「Gone With The Wind」 1979 年中文版本封面
Works in depicting characters of life and love at the same time, the outline of the two koreas in the political, economic, cultural similarities and differences of various levels, to have the strong epic style, the image of the turning period in the history of the United States, also become the durableபைடு நூலகம்love classic.
《 塔乱 拉世 庄佳 园人 宫》 邸博 画物 面馆 ---
美国女作家玛格丽特·米切尔发表过的惟一小 说就是这部《飘》。小说1936年问世以来,一 直畅销不衰,不仅在美国,而且在全世界都受 到广大读者的喜爱。现已公认是以美国南北战 争为背景的爱情小说的经典之作。 小说以亚特兰大以及附近的一个庄园为故事场 景,描绘了内战前后美国南方人的生活。作品 刻画了那个时代的许多南方人的形象,占中心 位置的人物思嘉、瑞德、艾希礼、媚兰等人是 其中的典型代表。他们的习俗礼仪、言行举止、 精神观念、政治态度,以至于衣着打扮等等, 在小说里都叙述得十分详尽。可以说小说成功 地再现了那个时代美国南方这个地区的社会生 活。
"Gone with the wind" of the story happened on the eve of the American civil war in 1861. Live in the south of teenage protagonist from traditional southern culture edification, but in her blood flowing wild rebel factors. As environmental deterioration in the war of tendril and life, scarlett's rebellious character is more and more plentiful, more distinct, in a series of setbacks in transformed her self, changed the fate of individuals and even the whole family, becomes the new era to timing of the image.
玛格丽特· 米歇尔在写著小说:「飘」
在经历了一次失败的婚姻之后,玛格 丽特于1925年与佐治亚热力公司的广 告部主任约翰·马施结婚。1926年, 由于腿部负伤,玛格丽特不得不辞去 报社的工作。在丈夫的鼓励下,她开 始致力于创作。 玛格丽特后来对人说,《飘》的写作 占去了她近10年的时间。其实,小说 大部分章节的初稿早在1929年就完成 了。她首先完成的是小说的最后一章, 然后返回来写前面的章节,但她始终 没有按事件发生的先后顺序写,而是 想到哪里就写到哪里。在近10年的时 间里,玛格丽特很少对她的朋友们提 起她的书稿。虽然不少人都知道她在 创作,但几乎无人知道她具体在写什 么。
Regular script American woman writer Margaret ¡problem Mitchell is the only novel published the "gone with the wind". Novel since its launch in 1936, has been well, not only in the United States, and are popular with the readers all over the world. Is now generally accepted in the American civil war as the background of romance novel, classic. Novels in Atlanta and a nearby farm to stories, depicts the southerner's life before and after the civil war the United States. Works depicting the image of the age of many southerners, characters of center of scarlett < /view/842608.htm >, rhett, ASHLEY and Melanie and others is one of the typical representatives. Their customs and etiquette, behavior, mental concept, political attitude, so that the dress, and so on, in the novel are very detailed. To say the novel successfully reproduce the age in the southern United States social life in this area.
1900年11月8日,玛格丽特·米切尔 (Margaret Mitchell)出生于美国 佐治亚州亚特兰大市的一个律师家庭。 她的父亲曾经是亚特兰大市的历史学 会主席。26岁的玛格丽特决定创作一 部有关南北战争的小说时,亚特兰大 是小说的背景。玛格丽特曾就读于马 萨诸塞州的史密斯学院。后因母亲病 逝,家中需要她来主持家务,于是不 得不中途退学。从1922年起,她开始 用自己的昵称“佩吉”为《亚特兰大 日报》撰稿。在以后的四年中,就有 129篇署名的和大量未署名的稿件见 诸报端。这些稿件中有一组便是玛格 丽特为过去南方邦联将领写的专题报 道。
玛格丽特· 米歇尔《飘》 「Gone With The Wind」的原文版本封面
作品在描绘人物生活与爱情的同时,勾勒出南北双方在政 治,经济,文化各个层次的异同,具有浓厚的史诗风格, 堪称美国历史转折时期的真实写照,同时也成为历久不衰 的爱情经典。
《乱世佳人》博物馆----塔拉庄 园宫邸画面
《Gone with the wind》
玛格丽特· 米歇尔在写著小说:「飘」
Regular script on November 8, 1900, Margaret ¡problem Mitchell (Margaret Mitchell) was born in the United States a lawyer‘s family of Atlanta, Georgia . Her father used to be the history of Atlanta society President. Margaret decided to creation, 26, a novel about the civil war, Atlanta is the background of the novel. Margaret attended Smith college in Massachusetts . Because after the mother died, need her to at home in the home, and had to drop out. Since 1922, she began to use my nickname , Peggy - contributes to the Atlanta journal. In four years, there are 129 sign and a large number of unsigned manuscript. These articles have a set of Margaret is written for the past confederate general feature.