They lived in caves.
2. How did early people keep warm?
·make a fireplace in the center of the caves
·keep fires burning all winter ·hung animal skins at the cave mouth to keep
Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors
Zhoukoudian Caves
Peking Man
Pei Wenzhong discovered the fossils of Peking Man’s skull in 1929.
What did the archaeologist show to the students next?
A necklace(L37)
The necklace is made of …
animal bones
fish bones
T or F
1. Our earliest people in the Zhoukoudian Caves kept
fire cave
Three stages
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Simple life in the cave
Using the tool like the needle.
Make-up the necklace.
1) Go over the text.
2) Write a brief introduction to the Zhoukoudian Caves.
2. How did early people keep warm?
·make a fireplace in the center of the caves
·keep fires burning all winter ·hung animal skins at the cave mouth to keep
Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors
Zhoukoudian Caves
Peking Man
Pei Wenzhong discovered the fossils of Peking Man’s skull in 1929.
What did the archaeologist show to the students next?
A necklace(L37)
The necklace is made of …
animal bones
fish bones
T or F
1. Our earliest people in the Zhoukoudian Caves kept
fire cave
Three stages
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3
Simple life in the cave
Using the tool like the needle.
Make-up the necklace.
1) Go over the text.
2) Write a brief introduction to the Zhoukoudian Caves.
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading 教学ppt课件(24张)
![人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading 教学ppt课件(24张)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3bd8b08e9b6648d7c1c746f6.png)
人教课标版 高二 选修 8 Unit 5
THE FEAST: 18, 000 BC
Can you ss what would be eaten on the feast in 18,000 BC?
What kind of food did Lala’s family prepare for the feast?
Did men and women have separate responsibilities (分工) then? If so, what were the differences between them?
Men’s tasks: more dangerous, require more strength
Answer the following questions after reading the text:
1. Which jobs did Dahu do? 2. Which jobs did Lala do? 3. Who does the most dangerous tasks? 4. Where does the danger come from?
planned better, Lala felt very worried the feast in 18,000 BC?
Where does the danger come from? We must look ahead before we go further into the matter. 这部新车加速效能良好。
Key: nuts, fruit, fish, the deer and pig meat.
Please decide whether the statements are true or false. F 1 Lala’s family groups usually lived t_o_g_e_t_h_e_r. separately T 2 Dahu was good at making tools. T 3 The family groups lived on hunting. F 4 Dahu went out to sharpen the scrapers to k__il_l _a_n_e_n_e_m__y. scrape the fish
THE FEAST: 18, 000 BC
Can you ss what would be eaten on the feast in 18,000 BC?
What kind of food did Lala’s family prepare for the feast?
Did men and women have separate responsibilities (分工) then? If so, what were the differences between them?
Men’s tasks: more dangerous, require more strength
Answer the following questions after reading the text:
1. Which jobs did Dahu do? 2. Which jobs did Lala do? 3. Who does the most dangerous tasks? 4. Where does the danger come from?
planned better, Lala felt very worried the feast in 18,000 BC?
Where does the danger come from? We must look ahead before we go further into the matter. 这部新车加速效能良好。
Key: nuts, fruit, fish, the deer and pig meat.
Please decide whether the statements are true or false. F 1 Lala’s family groups usually lived t_o_g_e_t_h_e_r. separately T 2 Dahu was good at making tools. T 3 The family groups lived on hunting. F 4 Dahu went out to sharpen the scrapers to k__il_l _a_n_e_n_e_m__y. scrape the fish
Fill in the blanks according to the passage.
keep warm
making fires
cave mouth
cut up fat and meat
* People made fires to cook food, keep themselves warm in
严重的; 深刻的 assume vt. 假定; 设想 regardless adv. 不管; 不顾 regardless of 不管;不顾
mat n. 席子; 垫子 quilt n. 被子; 棉被
Words and Expressions
beast at most centimetre sharpen sharpener cut up scrape scraper
mwahkaet fPireekitnog Man’s life sharpened
keep wisarremal,lcyoloikke.
stone tools
food and scare
wild beasts away
The reading is written in the form of questions and answers. It is similar to an interview except that the archaeologist is behaving more like a teacher guiding the students’ learning.
caves, perhaps with skins to Homes keep out the cold
2.Chinese chimes
clay / to light electric
pottery the house light
metal, possibly
bronze or music
Its name What it was made of
3. stone/ stone/ jade jade axe
4. What did they use for doors? The archaeologist thinks they may have used animal skins.
5. What did they eat? They ate animal meat, such as tigers and bears, and fish from the lake nearby. They also picked fruit when it was ripe.
and shells travelled to the s_e_a_s_id__e
on their journeys.
II. Answer the following questions after a careful reading.
1. Why have the English students come to the Zhoukoudian caves? The students want to find out about how early people lived. There are no such sites in England while the Zhoukoudian caves provide an excellent example of a site where early people lived.
clay / to light electric
pottery the house light
metal, possibly
bronze or music
Its name What it was made of
3. stone/ stone/ jade jade axe
4. What did they use for doors? The archaeologist thinks they may have used animal skins.
5. What did they eat? They ate animal meat, such as tigers and bears, and fish from the lake nearby. They also picked fruit when it was ripe.
and shells travelled to the s_e_a_s_id__e
on their journeys.
II. Answer the following questions after a careful reading.
1. Why have the English students come to the Zhoukoudian caves? The students want to find out about how early people lived. There are no such sites in England while the Zhoukoudian caves provide an excellent example of a site where early people lived.
Unit5 Meeting your
Read thentify acute ripen
Interrupt sharpen category
Do you know about The Zhoukoudian Caves?
It is on the Longgu Mountain,Fangshan District,Beijing.It is famous for Peking Man, a complete Skull (头盖骨)of an apeman(猿人)dating back to 600,000 years.
2.Do the related exercises.
用微笑告诉别人,今天的我,比昨天更强。瀑布跨过险峻陡壁时,才显得格外雄伟壮观。勤奋可以弥补聪明的不足,但聪明无法弥补懒惰的缺陷。孤独是 每个强者必须经历的坎。有时候,坚持了你最不想干的事情之后,会得到你最想要的东西。生命太过短暂,今天放弃了明天不一定能得到。只有经历人生 的种种磨难,才能悟出人生的价值。没有比人更高的山,没有比脚更长的路学会坚强,做一只沙漠中永不哭泣的骆驼!一个人没有钱并不一定就穷,但没 有梦想那就穷定了。困难像弹簧,你强它就弱,你弱它就强。炫丽的彩虹,永远都在雨过天晴后。没有人能令你失望,除了你自己人生舞台的大幕随时都 可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。能把在面前行走的机会抓住的人,十有八九都会成功。再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双 脚也无法到达。有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。我成功因为我志在成功!再冷的石头,坐上三年也会暖。平凡的脚步也可以走完伟大的行程。 有福之人是那些抱有美好的企盼从而灵魂得到真正满足的人。如果我们都去做自己能力做得到的事,我们真会叫自己大吃一惊。只有不断找寻机会的人才 会及时把握机会。人之所以平凡,在于无法超越自己。无论才能知识多么卓著,如果缺乏热情,则无异纸上画饼充饥,无补于事。你可以选择这样的“三 心二意”:信心恒心决心;创意乐意。驾驭命运的舵是奋斗。不抱有一丝幻想,不放弃一点机会,不停止一日努力。如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪个码头, 那么任何风都不会是顺风。行动是理想最高贵的表达。你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。勇气是控制恐惧心理,而不是心里毫无恐惧。不举步, 越不过栅栏;不迈腿,登不上高山。不知道明天干什么的人是不幸的!智者的梦再美,也不如愚人实干的脚印不要让安逸盗取我们的生命力。别人只能给 你指路,而不能帮你走路,自己的人生路,还需要自己走。勤奋可以弥补聪明的不足,但聪明无法弥补懒惰的缺陷。后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪,后悔是 比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误,所以,不要后悔!复杂的事情要简单做,简单的事情要认真做,认真的事情要重复做,重复的事情要创造性地做。 只有那些能耐心把简单事做得完美的人,才能获得做好困难事的本领。生活就像在飙车,越快越刺激,相反,越慢越枯燥无味。人生的含义是什么,是奋 斗。奋斗的动力是什么,是成功。决不能放弃,世界上没有失败,只有放弃。未跌过未识做人,不会哭未算幸运。人生就像赛跑,不在乎你是否第一个到 达终点,而在乎你有没有跑完全程。累了,就要休息,休息好了之后,把所的都忘掉,重新开始!人生苦短,行走在人生路上,总会有许多得失和起落。 人生离不开选择,少不了抉择,但选是累人的,择是费人的。坦然接受生活给你的馈赠吧,不管是好的还是坏的。现在很痛苦,等过阵子回头看看,会发 现其实那都不算事。要先把手放开,才抓得住精彩旳未来。可以爱,可以恨,不可以漫不经心。我比别人知道得多,不过是我知道自己的无知。你若不想 做,会找一个或无数个借口;你若想做,会想一个或无数个办法。见时间的离开,我在某年某月醒过来,飞过一片时间海,我们也常在爱情里受伤害。1、 只有在开水里,茶叶才能展开生命浓郁的香气。人生就像奔腾的江水,没有岛屿与暗礁,就难以激起美丽的浪花。别人能做到的事,我一定也能做到。不 要浪费你的生命,在你一定会后悔的地方上。逆境中,力挽狂澜使强者更强,随波逐流使弱者更弱。凉风把枫叶吹红,冷言让强者成熟。努力不不一定成 功,不努力一定不成功。永远不抱怨,一切靠自己。人生最大的改变就是去做自己害怕的事情。每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的 路。社会上要想分出层次,只有一个办法,那就是竞争,你必须努力,否则结局就是被压在社会的底层。后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪后悔是比损失更大的 损失,比错误更大的错误所以不要后悔。每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易:被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨。与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。 生命之灯因热情而点燃,生命之舟因拼搏而前行。世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路。不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。骐骥一跃,不 能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍。锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。赚钱之道很多,但是 找不到赚钱的种子,便成不了事业家。最有效的资本是我们的信誉,它小时不停为我们工作。销售世界上第一号的产品——不是汽车,而是自己。在你成
Read thentify acute ripen
Interrupt sharpen category
Do you know about The Zhoukoudian Caves?
It is on the Longgu Mountain,Fangshan District,Beijing.It is famous for Peking Man, a complete Skull (头盖骨)of an apeman(猿人)dating back to 600,000 years.
2.Do the related exercises.
用微笑告诉别人,今天的我,比昨天更强。瀑布跨过险峻陡壁时,才显得格外雄伟壮观。勤奋可以弥补聪明的不足,但聪明无法弥补懒惰的缺陷。孤独是 每个强者必须经历的坎。有时候,坚持了你最不想干的事情之后,会得到你最想要的东西。生命太过短暂,今天放弃了明天不一定能得到。只有经历人生 的种种磨难,才能悟出人生的价值。没有比人更高的山,没有比脚更长的路学会坚强,做一只沙漠中永不哭泣的骆驼!一个人没有钱并不一定就穷,但没 有梦想那就穷定了。困难像弹簧,你强它就弱,你弱它就强。炫丽的彩虹,永远都在雨过天晴后。没有人能令你失望,除了你自己人生舞台的大幕随时都 可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。能把在面前行走的机会抓住的人,十有八九都会成功。再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双 脚也无法到达。有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。我成功因为我志在成功!再冷的石头,坐上三年也会暖。平凡的脚步也可以走完伟大的行程。 有福之人是那些抱有美好的企盼从而灵魂得到真正满足的人。如果我们都去做自己能力做得到的事,我们真会叫自己大吃一惊。只有不断找寻机会的人才 会及时把握机会。人之所以平凡,在于无法超越自己。无论才能知识多么卓著,如果缺乏热情,则无异纸上画饼充饥,无补于事。你可以选择这样的“三 心二意”:信心恒心决心;创意乐意。驾驭命运的舵是奋斗。不抱有一丝幻想,不放弃一点机会,不停止一日努力。如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪个码头, 那么任何风都不会是顺风。行动是理想最高贵的表达。你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。勇气是控制恐惧心理,而不是心里毫无恐惧。不举步, 越不过栅栏;不迈腿,登不上高山。不知道明天干什么的人是不幸的!智者的梦再美,也不如愚人实干的脚印不要让安逸盗取我们的生命力。别人只能给 你指路,而不能帮你走路,自己的人生路,还需要自己走。勤奋可以弥补聪明的不足,但聪明无法弥补懒惰的缺陷。后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪,后悔是 比损失更大的损失,比错误更大的错误,所以,不要后悔!复杂的事情要简单做,简单的事情要认真做,认真的事情要重复做,重复的事情要创造性地做。 只有那些能耐心把简单事做得完美的人,才能获得做好困难事的本领。生活就像在飙车,越快越刺激,相反,越慢越枯燥无味。人生的含义是什么,是奋 斗。奋斗的动力是什么,是成功。决不能放弃,世界上没有失败,只有放弃。未跌过未识做人,不会哭未算幸运。人生就像赛跑,不在乎你是否第一个到 达终点,而在乎你有没有跑完全程。累了,就要休息,休息好了之后,把所的都忘掉,重新开始!人生苦短,行走在人生路上,总会有许多得失和起落。 人生离不开选择,少不了抉择,但选是累人的,择是费人的。坦然接受生活给你的馈赠吧,不管是好的还是坏的。现在很痛苦,等过阵子回头看看,会发 现其实那都不算事。要先把手放开,才抓得住精彩旳未来。可以爱,可以恨,不可以漫不经心。我比别人知道得多,不过是我知道自己的无知。你若不想 做,会找一个或无数个借口;你若想做,会想一个或无数个办法。见时间的离开,我在某年某月醒过来,飞过一片时间海,我们也常在爱情里受伤害。1、 只有在开水里,茶叶才能展开生命浓郁的香气。人生就像奔腾的江水,没有岛屿与暗礁,就难以激起美丽的浪花。别人能做到的事,我一定也能做到。不 要浪费你的生命,在你一定会后悔的地方上。逆境中,力挽狂澜使强者更强,随波逐流使弱者更弱。凉风把枫叶吹红,冷言让强者成熟。努力不不一定成 功,不努力一定不成功。永远不抱怨,一切靠自己。人生最大的改变就是去做自己害怕的事情。每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的 路。社会上要想分出层次,只有一个办法,那就是竞争,你必须努力,否则结局就是被压在社会的底层。后悔是一种耗费精神的情绪后悔是比损失更大的 损失,比错误更大的错误所以不要后悔。每个人都有潜在的能量,只是很容易:被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨。与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。 生命之灯因热情而点燃,生命之舟因拼搏而前行。世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路。不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。骐骥一跃,不 能十步;驽马十驾,功在不舍。锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。若不给自己设限,则人生中就没有限制你发挥的藩篱。赚钱之道很多,但是 找不到赚钱的种子,便成不了事业家。最有效的资本是我们的信誉,它小时不停为我们工作。销售世界上第一号的产品——不是汽车,而是自己。在你成
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5reading PPT课堂课件(23页)
![人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5reading PPT课堂课件(23页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/67b43ce1a32d7375a5178068.png)
Topic2:__W__h_a_t_w__e__c_a_n_l_e_a_r_n__f_ro__m__a_ needle
Topic 3:___W__h_a__t_w__e__c_a_n__le__a_r_n__f_r_o_m___a_ necklace
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5readi ng PPT课堂课件(23页)(精品)
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
clay lamp Chinese chimes
stone axe
death mask
Unit 5 Reading
Read the explanation and speak out
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5readi ng PPT课堂课件(23页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
Listen to the tape carefully and answer the following questions.
1. Why have the English students come to the Zhoukoudian caves?
the word it explains.
1.Intelligent and quick to notice and
understand things; very serious or
adj acute
2. Stop (sb.) from speaking, etc
vt & vi interrupt
Topic 3:___W__h_a__t_w__e__c_a_n__le__a_r_n__f_r_o_m___a_ necklace
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5readi ng PPT课堂课件(23页)(精品)
If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
clay lamp Chinese chimes
stone axe
death mask
Unit 5 Reading
Read the explanation and speak out
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5readi ng PPT课堂课件(23页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
Listen to the tape carefully and answer the following questions.
1. Why have the English students come to the Zhoukoudian caves?
the word it explains.
1.Intelligent and quick to notice and
understand things; very serious or
adj acute
2. Stop (sb.) from speaking, etc
vt & vi interrupt
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5Reading PPT课堂课件(37页)
![人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5Reading PPT课堂课件(37页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9d0712f3ccbff121dc36837c.png)
1. Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.
Descriptions of the relics
Caves Fireplaces in the They might have hung
1)__c_e_n_te_r_ of the animal 4)__s_k_i_n_s_ at the
Step 2 Scanning
Read the text again and write down the three ways in which the life of early people differs from modern ones.
Homes 1)_C__a_v_e_s_, perhaps with skins to keep out the cold.
Tip2: Try to find related words in the question and then read the relevant part
2. Answer the following questions after a careful reading.
1. Why have the English students come to the Zhoukoudian caves? The students want to find out about how early people lived. There are no such sites in England while the Zhoukoudian caves provide an excellent example of a site where early people lived.
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading PPT课堂课件(19页)
![人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading PPT课堂课件(19页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dafb3b5fd0d233d4b04e6942.png)
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading PPT课堂课件(19页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading PPT课堂课件(19页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
Appreciation for beautiful expression
1. If only it could be just like last year!
to describe
to narrate
sentence patterns
spuabrjtuicnicptlievse mood (pav(cuivc虚l分isediln拟ee词gxrap语t结trhee气rs;构osaiu)or)ngreshs;t; be s…cooped up by…;
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading PPT课堂课件(19页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
surroundings grasslands wolves caves
preparations feelings
A major theme
Writing techniques (写作手法)
Inference: work division between men and women in the primitive society
Men’s tasks
Women’s tasks
1. Making and repairing tools
2. Fishing
1. Collecting nuts, melons and fruit
from harm
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading PPT课堂课件(19页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
Appreciation for beautiful expression
1. If only it could be just like last year!
to describe
to narrate
sentence patterns
spuabrjtuicnicptlievse mood (pav(cuivc虚l分isediln拟ee词gxrap语t结trhee气rs;构osaiu)or)ngreshs;t; be s…cooped up by…;
人教课标版高中英语选修8Unit5 Reading PPT课堂课件(19页)( -精精品品P) PT课件
surroundings grasslands wolves caves
preparations feelings
A major theme
Writing techniques (写作手法)
Inference: work division between men and women in the primitive society
Men’s tasks
Women’s tasks
1. Making and repairing tools
2. Fishing
1. Collecting nuts, melons and fruit
from harm
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①He failed to lift the rock _i_n__sp__it_e_o_f___ all his
②Our club is open to everyone _r_e_g_a_r_d_l_e_s_s_ofage,
sex or educational background.
2. Workers work day an night to accelerate the progress of the project.
3. to
TlohoekNaehweaYde. a_r__is_c_展o_m_望_in_未_g_,来_a_n_d_n_o_w__i_s_t_h_e_t_ime
8. Hurry up, or you will have not ample time to get changed and be late for the party.
Group discussion & presentation on usage of important words and phrases
4. It's a matter of great significance. ________重__要__的_____________
5. Few people realized the significance of the discovery. _____这__个__发__现__的_重__要__性_______
Group 1 Group 2 Group3 Group4 Group5
1. alternative 5. if only 3.assume 4. regardless of 2. interrupt
1. alternative n. [C]可能的选择 adj.供选 择的;其他的
…的替代品 __th__e_a_l_te_r_n_a_t_iv_e__to_______ 有做…的选择 _h_a_v_e _th_e__al_t_er_n_a_t_iv_e_o_f_d_o_ing sth 除……之外别无选择, 只好做… _h_a_v_e_n__o_a_l_te_r_n_a_t_iv_e__b_u_t_t_o/ do sth
用…打断 ____in_t_e_r_r_u_p_t_…___w_i_th______
不间断地 _w__it_h_o_u__t _i_n_t_e_r_rturb的适当形式填空。
①It's bad manners _t_o__in__te_r_r_u_p__t_others while they
6. Assuming that it is true, what should we do now? _______假__设_/__假__如__这__是__真__的__。_。。
7. I am really fed up with such a hot and humid weather. __受__够__了___________________
④__I_n_s_p_it_e_o_f_/D__e_sp_i_t_e the bad weather, they still went shopping.
5. if only 课文原句:If only it could be just like
last year.
1. He was____f_e_d_u_p__w_i_th_______the service at this hotel and decided to change to another one.
2. He _____l_o_ok__a_h_e_a_d______in the distance and saw a river in front.
_________________________/_____ have no choice but to do sth
there is no alternative but to do sth
即学即练 ①The way was blocked,so we went by
an _a_lt_e_r_n_a_ti_ve road.
③Those kind-hearted donators would like to set up a special school for these disabled children,re_g_a_r_d_le_s_s_o_f__ their educational levels and backgrounds.
if only表:___但__愿__;__要__是__…__…__就__好_了___之
If only I ___w__e__r_e_____ (be) a doctor now. 我现在要是个
If only I __h__a__d__s_a__i_d__ (say) nothing at that time.我当
为) stress is caused by too much work.
②__A__s_s_u_m_i_n_g__t_h_a_t____ (假如)the weather is
favorable,farmers will have a good harvest.
③His __a_s_s_u_m__e_d_____ that they would win
3. We__h_a_d__n_o_a_l_te_r_n_a_t_iv_e_b_u_t__to_____ go on
4. _A_s_su__m_i_n_g_t_h_a_t_ it rains, what shall we do?
5. They continued to work _r_e_g_a_r_d_le_s_s_o_f___ the fact that it was raining.
Task 2、重要短语回顾与巩固 翻译下列短语
不管;不顾_____re_g_a_r_d_l_es_s_o_f_____ 受够了;厌烦;饱受_f_e_d_u_p__w_i_th__________ 认为…(+从句) _____a_ss_u_m__in_g__th_a_t____ 向前看;为将来打算__lo_o_k__a_h_e_a_d_________ 别无选择只好做…h_a_v_e_n_o_a_l_te_r_n_a_t_iv_e_b_u__t _to do 但愿,要是··就好了____if_o_n_l_y___________
英语选修八 Unit5 Meeting you ancestors
Language points
Words bank:理解下列句子,写出下划线部分 的中文意思
1. Hearing the wonderful speech, the audience
all stood up to applaud the speaker.
6. I always dream that it will be great __i_f_o_n_ly______ I were a millionaire
各小组,用本节课所学知识y完ou成rs下elves! 面小作文, 并背诵成文。
假如一个人知道学习的重要性, 他就会有充足的 时间学习。(assume; significance)
他 许对 多每困天难to做,o那但th么他er多知g练道ro习他u非不ps常得a厌不n烦d加,l快et尽复’s管习他的遇步到伐了 (pacde)e。ci(dbeefeodnuwp whiitchh; reggraorudlpessdoof)the
这条路被挡住了,因此我们走了另一条 路。
②I h_a_v_e__n_o_a_l_t_er_n_a_t_i_v_e_b_u_t____(别无选择, 只好) to accept the offer.
2. interrupt vt.& vi.打断……讲话;打 岔;暂时中断或中止
___in_t_e_r_r_u_p_t_io__n____ n.中断,打断
are talking.打断别人说话是不礼貌的。
②Let's go somewhere where we can
③Her son's illnessd_is_t_u_r_b_e_d_ her,and she felt upset.
proved wrong.
④A lot of people _m__a_d_e__a_n__a_s_s_u__m__p_t_io__n__/
____a_s_s_u_m__e____ (认为) that poverty only exists
in the Third World.
4. regardless of+ n. 不管;不顾
④I'm sorry to i_n_t_e_r_r_u_p_tthe meeting,but there is
an urgent long-distance call for Mr Zhou.
⑤If you get up early, try not to __d_i_s_t_u_r_b______
②Our club is open to everyone _r_e_g_a_r_d_l_e_s_s_ofage,
sex or educational background.
2. Workers work day an night to accelerate the progress of the project.
3. to
TlohoekNaehweaYde. a_r__is_c_展o_m_望_in_未_g_,来_a_n_d_n_o_w__i_s_t_h_e_t_ime
8. Hurry up, or you will have not ample time to get changed and be late for the party.
Group discussion & presentation on usage of important words and phrases
4. It's a matter of great significance. ________重__要__的_____________
5. Few people realized the significance of the discovery. _____这__个__发__现__的_重__要__性_______
Group 1 Group 2 Group3 Group4 Group5
1. alternative 5. if only 3.assume 4. regardless of 2. interrupt
1. alternative n. [C]可能的选择 adj.供选 择的;其他的
…的替代品 __th__e_a_l_te_r_n_a_t_iv_e__to_______ 有做…的选择 _h_a_v_e _th_e__al_t_er_n_a_t_iv_e_o_f_d_o_ing sth 除……之外别无选择, 只好做… _h_a_v_e_n__o_a_l_te_r_n_a_t_iv_e__b_u_t_t_o/ do sth
用…打断 ____in_t_e_r_r_u_p_t_…___w_i_th______
不间断地 _w__it_h_o_u__t _i_n_t_e_r_rturb的适当形式填空。
①It's bad manners _t_o__in__te_r_r_u_p__t_others while they
6. Assuming that it is true, what should we do now? _______假__设_/__假__如__这__是__真__的__。_。。
7. I am really fed up with such a hot and humid weather. __受__够__了___________________
④__I_n_s_p_it_e_o_f_/D__e_sp_i_t_e the bad weather, they still went shopping.
5. if only 课文原句:If only it could be just like
last year.
1. He was____f_e_d_u_p__w_i_th_______the service at this hotel and decided to change to another one.
2. He _____l_o_ok__a_h_e_a_d______in the distance and saw a river in front.
_________________________/_____ have no choice but to do sth
there is no alternative but to do sth
即学即练 ①The way was blocked,so we went by
an _a_lt_e_r_n_a_ti_ve road.
③Those kind-hearted donators would like to set up a special school for these disabled children,re_g_a_r_d_le_s_s_o_f__ their educational levels and backgrounds.
if only表:___但__愿__;__要__是__…__…__就__好_了___之
If only I ___w__e__r_e_____ (be) a doctor now. 我现在要是个
If only I __h__a__d__s_a__i_d__ (say) nothing at that time.我当
为) stress is caused by too much work.
②__A__s_s_u_m_i_n_g__t_h_a_t____ (假如)the weather is
favorable,farmers will have a good harvest.
③His __a_s_s_u_m__e_d_____ that they would win
3. We__h_a_d__n_o_a_l_te_r_n_a_t_iv_e_b_u_t__to_____ go on
4. _A_s_su__m_i_n_g_t_h_a_t_ it rains, what shall we do?
5. They continued to work _r_e_g_a_r_d_le_s_s_o_f___ the fact that it was raining.
Task 2、重要短语回顾与巩固 翻译下列短语
不管;不顾_____re_g_a_r_d_l_es_s_o_f_____ 受够了;厌烦;饱受_f_e_d_u_p__w_i_th__________ 认为…(+从句) _____a_ss_u_m__in_g__th_a_t____ 向前看;为将来打算__lo_o_k__a_h_e_a_d_________ 别无选择只好做…h_a_v_e_n_o_a_l_te_r_n_a_t_iv_e_b_u__t _to do 但愿,要是··就好了____if_o_n_l_y___________
英语选修八 Unit5 Meeting you ancestors
Language points
Words bank:理解下列句子,写出下划线部分 的中文意思
1. Hearing the wonderful speech, the audience
all stood up to applaud the speaker.
6. I always dream that it will be great __i_f_o_n_ly______ I were a millionaire
各小组,用本节课所学知识y完ou成rs下elves! 面小作文, 并背诵成文。
假如一个人知道学习的重要性, 他就会有充足的 时间学习。(assume; significance)
他 许对 多每困天难to做,o那但th么他er多知g练道ro习他u非不ps常得a厌不n烦d加,l快et尽复’s管习他的遇步到伐了 (pacde)e。ci(dbeefeodnuwp whiitchh; reggraorudlpessdoof)the
这条路被挡住了,因此我们走了另一条 路。
②I h_a_v_e__n_o_a_l_t_er_n_a_t_i_v_e_b_u_t____(别无选择, 只好) to accept the offer.
2. interrupt vt.& vi.打断……讲话;打 岔;暂时中断或中止
___in_t_e_r_r_u_p_t_io__n____ n.中断,打断
are talking.打断别人说话是不礼貌的。
②Let's go somewhere where we can
③Her son's illnessd_is_t_u_r_b_e_d_ her,and she felt upset.
proved wrong.
④A lot of people _m__a_d_e__a_n__a_s_s_u__m__p_t_io__n__/
____a_s_s_u_m__e____ (认为) that poverty only exists
in the Third World.
4. regardless of+ n. 不管;不顾
④I'm sorry to i_n_t_e_r_r_u_p_tthe meeting,but there is
an urgent long-distance call for Mr Zhou.
⑤If you get up early, try not to __d_i_s_t_u_r_b______