
一、破解长难句四招——阅读满分的要领 阅读理解得分低, 主要是因为文章看不懂, 句子太
长或者句子结构复杂, 句子除了主干之外还包含了一 些附加部分, 如插入语、同位语、分隔现象、各种从 句或较长的非谓语动词短语等。
第1招 寻谓语, 找主干 一般情况下, 一个谓语形式的动词对应其动作的发
出者(主语), 可以根据谓语动词的意义来确定其主语。 而且, 如果一个句子中出现两个或两个以上的谓语形式 的动词, 则该句可能是并列句或复合句(并列谓语动词 的情况除外)。
【句意】在进行了数百次测试之后, 研究人员注意到, 猴子们选择更高值的次数超过一半, 这表明它们正在进 行一次计算。
第2招 提主干, 去枝叶 一般情况下, 一个句子中的主句所表达的信息为主
要信息, 从句、状语和定语等所表达的信息为次要信息。 若句子的主干提炼不出来, 就不能完全把握句子的核心 意义, 从而导致思维混乱, 主次不分。
第一篇 阅读技能探究 专题一 阅读理解
第一部分 解题技法总论
【考情透析】 1. 总体稳定, 稳中求变 高考阅读理解一直保持总体的稳定性, 在题材、体裁、 考点、词数和难度等方面均体现了高考试题的稳定性 和发展性。预计2020年高考阅读理解文章的选取仍将 以原版的英文材料为主, 在语言、选材、思想等方面会
【策略点睛】 1. 速读全文寻主题 高考要求的阅读速度大约是每分钟60个词, 考生必须在 有限的时间内运用略读、扫读、跳读等技巧快速阅读, 浏览文章的标题、开头和结尾等部分, 搜寻关键词、主 题句, 捕捉情节、人物、观点, 理清文章脉络, 把握语篇 实质, 掌握文章大意。
2. 细读细节理脉络 各个体裁的文章都有脉络可循, 如记叙文多以人物为中 心, 以时间或空间为线索, 按事件的发生、发展、结局 展开故事; 议论文包含论点、论据、论证三大要素, 通 过解释、举例等阐述观点。考生可根据文章的特点, 详 读细节, 理清文章的脉络结构。
【创新设计】(广东专用)高考英语 大二轮总复习测试 阅读理解专题 专题一 拨云见日 巧解事实细节类题目

第四部分阅读理解专题一拨云见日——巧解事实细节类题目Ⅰ.体验高考体裁:记叙文话题:人物故事时间:6分钟(2014·广东卷,A)Samuel Osmond is a 19-year-old law student from Cornwall,England.He never studied the piano.However,he can play very difficult musical pieces by musicians such as Chopin and Beethoven just a few minutes after he hears them.He learns a piece of music by listening to it in parts.Then he thinks about the notes in his head.Two years ago,he played his first piece Moonlight Sonata(奏鸣曲)by Beethoven.He surprised everyone around him.Amazed that he remembered this long and difficult piece of music and played it perfectly,his teachers say Samuel is unbelievable.They say his ability is very rare,but Samuel doesn't even realize that what he can do is special.Samuel wanted to become a lawyer as it was the wish of his parents,but music teachers told him he should study music instead.Now,he studies law and music.Samuel can't understand why everyone is so surprised.“I grew up with music.My mother played the piano and my father played the guitar.About two years ago,I suddenly decided to start playing the piano,without being able to read music and without having any lessons.It comes easily to me —I hear the notes and can bear them in mind—each and every note,”says Samuel.Recently,Samuel performed a piece during a special event at his college.The piece had more than a thousand notes.The audience was impressed by his amazing performance.He is now learning a piece that is so difficult that many professional pianists can't play it.Samuel says confidently,“It's all about super memory—I guess I have that gift.”However,Samuel's ability to remember things doesn't stop with music.His family says that even when he was a young boy,Samuel heard someone read a story,and then he could retell the story word for word.Samuel is still only a teenager.He doesn't know what he wants to do in the future.For now,he is just happy to play beautiful music and continue his studies.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文,记述了Samuel Osmond一个音乐天才的人物故事。

考点1 细节推断题
细节推断题要求考生根据语篇内容,就某具体细节进行推断,如时 间、地点、人物关系、人物身份、事件等。一般可根据短文提供的信 息,或者借助生活常识进行推理判断。一般题干中经常会出现六个动 词:infer(推断),indicate(象征,暗示),imply(暗示),suggest(暗示), conclude(得出结论,推断出)和assume(假定,设想)。
(1)What's the writer's attitude towards…? (2)What is the author's opinion on…? (3)What does the author think/feel about…?
1.文章作者或文中人物对某事物所持的观点或态度往往隐含在文 章的字里行间或流露于修饰词之中,注意文中作者或人物的措辞。
(2023·全国乙卷B) Living in Iowa and trying to become a photographer specializing in landscape(风景) can be quite a challenge, mainly because the corn state lacks geographical variation. Although landscapes in the Midwest tend to be quite similar, either farm fields or highways, sometimes I find distinctive character in the hills or lakes.To make some of my landscape shots, I have traveled up to four hours away to shoot within a 10-minute time frame.I tend to travel with a few of my friends to state parks or to the countryside to go on adventures and take photos along the way.


Ⅰ.体验高考(2014·安徽)Recordings of angry bees are enough to send big,tough African elephants running away,a new study says.Beehives (蜂窝)—either recorded or real—may even prevent elephants from damaging farmers' crops.In 2002,scientist Lucy King and her team found that elephants avoid certain trees with bees living in them.Today,Lucy wants to see if African honeybees might discourage elephants from eating crops.But before she asked farmers to go to the trouble of setting up beehives on their farms,she needed to find out if the bees would scare elephants away.Lucy found a wild beehive inside a tree in northern Kenya and set up a recorder.Then she threw a stone into the beehive,which burst into life.Lucy and her assistant hid in their car until the angry bees had calmed down.Next,Lucy searched out elephant families in Samburu National Reserve in northern Kenya and put a speaker in a tree close to each family.From a distance,Lucy switched on the pre-recorded sound of angry bees while at the same time recording the elephants with a video camera.Half the elephant groups left the area within ten seconds.Out of a total of 17 groups,only one group ignored the sound of the angry bees.Lucy reported that all the young elephants immediately ran to their mothers to hide under them.When Lucy played the sound of a waterfall (瀑布) instead of the angry bees to many of the same elephant families,the animals were undisturbed.Even after four minutes,most of the groups stayed in one place.Lucy is now studying whether the elephants will continue to avoid the sound of angry bees after hearing it several times.She hasn't tested enough groups yet to know,but her initial (最初的) results were promising enough to begin trials with farmers.She has now begun placing speakers in the fields to see if elephants are frightened away.【语篇导读】本文讲述了科学家Lucy King和她的团队发现大象害怕发怒的蜜蜂,并且做实验来证实这个事情的故事。
《高考领航》2018-2019高三英语二轮复习题型攻略课件:专题1 第1节 拨云见日——巧解细节理解

经典案例全景剖析 典题在线知能提升
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胜券在握 话策略
38.How is Paragraph 1 mainly developed? A. By analyzing causes. B.By showing differences. C. By describing a process. D. By following time order.
详读第一段可知,文中用连词 while,but,and 巧妙地将作者和凯特的不 同进行了对比。确定本段内容运用了对比手法,由此可知应该选择 B 项。 本题考查了语篇(段落)结构。
胜券在握话策略 名师点拨技能提升 经典案例全景剖析 典题在线知能提升 首页 上页 下页 尾页
胜券在握 话策略
2.找准主题句,确定中心思想 每篇文章均讲述一个主题,不管它有几个段落,它们都围绕着一个中心 思想。确定了中心思想,即抓住了关键。随后搜寻关键词、主题句,捕 捉时空、顺序、情节、人物、观点,并且理清文章脉络,把握语篇实质。 速读全文对于主旨大意题的解决尤其有效,能快速抓住主干、确定好答 案。
得阅读者得高分 阅读是语言文字学科最突出的特征之一,阅读理解是考查英语阅读能力 的最基本方式。深入分析近几年的阅读理解题目可以发现有如下特点: 一、文章选取:体裁多元化,题材丰富化 体裁以记叙文、说明文、议论文为主,以应用文为辅;选材多源于英文 报刊、网络媒体等,以社会文化、科普知识、人物传记、时文报道、史 地常识、生态环保为主,间有饮食健康、广告宣传、文学作品、逸闻趣 事、情感人生等主题,贴近实际生活。

考点3 数字计算题
考点2 间接细节题
考查间接信息题时,正确选项一般都会在原文基础上进行改造。常 用方式是同义词替换或释义,即把文中语言(词汇和句式结构)改头换 面,或者把文中信息整合归纳,来表达相同的意思。
在做间接细节理解题时,要根据所找信息,分析选项,对比其中所 用词汇,以及表达方式,最后确定选项。
(2023·全国乙卷C) What comes into your mind when you think of British food? Probably fish and chips, or a Sunday dinner of meat and two vegetables.But is British food really so uninteresting? Even though Britain has a reputation for lessthan-impressive cuisine, it is producing more top class chefs who appear frequently on our television screens and whose recipe books frequently top the best seller lists.
Jacqueline Felice de Almania (c.1322) highlights the suspicion that women practicing medicine faced.Born to a Jewish family in Florence, she moved to Paris where she worked as a physician and performed surgery.In 1322 she was tried for practicing unlawfully.In spite of the court hearing testimonials (证明) of her ability as a doctor, she was banned from medicine.

考点3 写作意图题辨明题类通常情况下,作者在文中不直接陈述自己的意图,而是通过文中所列事物使读者感受到其所传递的想法。
设问形式常有:1.整篇文章的写作目的/意图(1)The writer writes this passage in order to .(2)The purpose of the text is to .(3)What is the main purpose of the passage?(4)The writer of the story wants/intends to tell us that .2.某处细节的写作目的/意图(1)The writer uses...in the first paragraph to .(2)The writer uses the example of...to .(3)The author writes the last paragraph in order to .技法点拨通常可依据文体特点来推断作者写作意图:1.记叙文:通常会在首段或尾段出现高度概括性语言,且往往有一定的哲理性,所有叙述都围绕该哲理展开。
真题体验(2021·全国乙卷C)You've heard that plastic is polluting the oceans—between 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes enter ocean ecosystems every year.But does one plastic straw or cup really make a difference? Artist Benjamin Von Wong wants you to know that it does.He builds massive sculptures out of plastic garbage, forcing viewers to re-examine their relationship to single-use plastic products.At the beginning of the year, the artist built a piece called “Strawpocalypse,”a pair of 10-foot-tall plastic waves, frozen mid-crash.Made of 168,000 plastic straws collected from several volunteer beach cleanups, the sculpture made its first appearance at the Estella Place shopping center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.Just 9% of global plastic waste is recycled.Plastic straws are by no means thebiggest source (来源)of plastic pollution, but they've recently come under fire because most people don't need them to drink with and, because of their small size and weight, they cannot be recycled.Every straw that's part of Von Wong's artwork likely came from a drink that someone used for only a few minutes.Once the drink is gone, the straw will take centuries to disappear.In a piece from 2018, Von Wong wanted to illustrate(说明)a specific statistic: Every 60 seconds, a truckload's worth of plastic enters the ocean.For this work, titled “Truc kload of Plastic,” Von Wong and a group of volunteers collected more than 10,000 pieces of plastic, which were then tied together to look like they'd been dumped (倾倒)from a truck all at once.Von Wong hopes that his work will also help pressure big companies to reduce their plastic footprint.29.Why does the author discuss plastic straws in Paragraph 3?A.To show the difficulty of their recycling.B.To explain why they are useful.C.To voice his views on modern art.D.To find a substitute for them.【解题示范】第一步:阅读题干,把握出题意图:Why discuss,plastic straws;第二步:通过题干中的Paragraph 3迅速定位第三段,该段讲的是“全球只有9%的塑料垃圾被回收。

考点3 数字计算题辨明题类既然是阅读理解题,数字计算题并不是真正考查考生的数学计算能力,主要仍是考查考生对文中涉及一些数字的某部分和题干的理解能力,数学计算方面是很基础的,简单的。
真题体验(2023·新高考全国Ⅰ卷A)Bike Rental & Guided ToursWelcome to Amsterdam, welcome to MacBike.You see much more from the seat of a bike! Cycling is the most economical, sustainable and fun way to explore the city, with its beautiful canals, parks, squares and countless lights.You can also bike along lovely landscapes outside of Amsterdam.Why MacBikeMacBike has been around for almost 30 years and is the biggest bicycle rental company in Amsterdam.With over 2,500 bikes stored in our five rental shops at strategic locations, we make sure there is always a bike available for you.We offer the newest bicycles in a wide variety, including basic bikes with foot brake (刹车), bikes with hand brake and gears (排挡), bikes with child seats, and children's bikes.PricesHand Brake, Three Gears Foot Brake, No Gears1 hour 7.50 5.003 hours 11.00 7.50 1 day (24 hours) 14.75 9.75 Each additional day 8.00 6.00The 2.5-hour tour covers the Gooyer Windmill, the Skinny Bridge, the Rijksmuseum, Heineken Brewery and much more.The tour departs from Dam Square every hour on the hour, starting at 100 pm every day.You can buy your ticket in a MacBike shop or book online.22.How much do you pay for renting a bike with hand brake and three gears for two days?A.15.75.B.19.50.C.22.75.D.29.50.【解题示范】第一步:阅读题干,找出题干关键词:pay for renting a bike with hand brake and three gears for two days;第二步:根据文中信息源:Prices。

第二部分专题一第1讲A(2023·甘肃省酒泉市高三一模)Get involved with our researchSome of our research projects depend on how generous people like you are.Whether it's using your home PC, taking part in a medical experiment or simply volunteering your time for a study, you may be able to help some of the creative projects which make the University of Oxford a world leader in research.Watch this space for ways in which you could get involved.Seeking poor sleepers for sleeplessness researchTrouble sleeping? We are looking for poor sleepers between the ages of 18 and 65.The activity will involve spending overnights in the sleep laboratory at Oxford, testing your sleep/wake cycle, and completing the tasks on the computer.If you are interested, please contact the research team at sleeplessness@ndcn.ox.ac.uk.Volunteers with lazy eye(弱视) wantedWe are looking for volunteers aged 18—45 with a history of lazy eye to take part in our brain scanning (扫描) study.You will also be asked questions about your medical history to check if you are suitable for an MRI (核磁共振) scan.Call 01865 223622 for more information.Oxford Vaccine(疫苗) GroupThe Oxford Vaccine Group is an independent medical experiment group.OVG works towards the goal of developing new and improved vaccines for the prevention of infection in adults and children.To get more information, please see the OVG website.Oxford experimental lab for the Social SciencesThe Oxford Internet Institute, together with the Business School, needs some people to participate in computer-based experiments involving online surfing behaviour as well as something about economy and politics.We treat our subjects well, there are no special skills required and you don't have to come to the lab in person.Contact us at socialscience.study@ox.ac.uk for more information.1.How can you get more information about the project “Volunteers with lazy eye wanted”?A.By calling 01865 223622.B.By seeing the OVG website.C.By surfing the website: sleeplessness@ndcn.ox.ac.uk.D.By referring to the website: socialscience.study@ox.ac.uk.2.What should you do if you volunteer for sleeplessness research?①Have your brain scanned.②Finish the tasks on the computer.③Have your sleep/wake cycle tested.④Spend overnights in the sleep laboratory.⑤Answer questions about your surfing behaviour.A.③④⑤B.②③④C.②④⑤D.①④⑤3.What will be involved in the project “Oxford experimental lab for the Social Sciences”?A.Medical history.B.Examining your eyes.C.Vaccines for prevention of infection.D.Finance and politics.【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。
【精选】大二轮高考总复习英语:第02部分 专题01 第01节 拨云见日——巧解细节理解题

• ...
• When can you see a play in Hebrew? • A.On Saturday 28 April. B.On Sunday 29 April. • C.On Tuesday 22 May. D.On Tuesday 29 May.
• 3.“同义互释”定选项
• 细节题答案选项的表述通常不是用文章的原话,而是使用与 义或近义的词语来表达。如:把lose one’s job换成out of work; important换成of importance。考生一定要回到文中找出与答题内容相 的词语和句子,在理解原文的基础上从备选项中找出与原文意思相 相近的词或短语。
• 【典例1】(2017·全国卷,A)
• ...
• Habima National Theatre Tel Aviv Hebrew
• The Habima is the centre of Hebrew-language theatre worldwide.Founded in Moscow after the 1905 revolution,the compan eventually settled in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s.Since 1958,they have b recognised as the national theatre of Israel.This production of Shakespe The Merchant of Venice marks their first visit to the UK.
(全国通用)高考英语二轮复习 第三部分 专题一 第1课时 拨云见日-巧解事实细节类题目练习-人教版高

专题一第1课时拨云见日-巧解事实细节类题目题组一体验真题Passage 1体裁:应用文话题:语言学习词数:289 时间:6′(2015·安徽卷,A)WelcometotheElectronicVillagetoexplorenewwaysoflanguageteachingandlearning .Electronic Village Program (Thursday,June 18,2015)Nearpod9:00 am to 10:00 amRoom 501Nearpod is a software program that creates a rich context (语境) for students to learn vocabulary. The presenter will show how to use it.TEO2:00 pm to 3:00 pmRoom 502Our students come from different backgrounds but have the same desire to learn on-line. The presenter will use examples from his first on-line class to explain how any teacher can begin teaching on-line with TEO.Kahoot10:30 am to 11:30 amRoom 601Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a network. It can provide students with instant feedback (反响), including reports aboutPrezi3:30 pm to 4:20 pmRoom 602Uses of Prezi in listening and speaking courses draw students' attention to speaking more fluently. The presenter will show how students can use Prezi to confidently present on a variety of topics,including introducing family,【语篇解读】该篇文章是一篇广告。
高考英语 大二轮总复习测试 阅读理解专题 专题一 拨云见日 巧解事实细节类题目

第四部分阅读理解专题一拨云见日——巧解事实细节类题目Ⅰ.体验高考体裁:记叙文话题:人物故事时间:6分钟(2014·广东卷,A)Samuel Osmond is a 19-year-old law student from Cornwall,England.He never studied the piano.However,he can play very difficult musical pieces by musicians such as Chopin and Beethoven just a few minutes after he hears them.He learns a piece of music by listening to it in parts.Then he thinks about the notes in his head.Two years ago,he played his first piece Moonlight Sonata(奏鸣曲)by Beethoven.He surprised everyone around him.Amazed that he remembered this long and difficult piece of music and played it perfectly,his teachers say Samuel is unbelievable.They say his ability is very rare,but Samuel doesn't even realize that what he can do is special.Samuel wanted to become a lawyer as it was the wish of his parents,but music teachers told him he should study music instead.Now,he studies law and music.Samuel can't understand why everyone is so surprised.“I grew up with music.My mother played the piano and my father played the guitar.About two years ago,I suddenly decided to start playing the piano,without being able to read music and without having any lessons.It comes easily to me —I hear the notes and can bear them in mind—each and every note,”says Samuel.Recently,Samuel performed a piece during a special event at his college.The piece had more than a thousand notes.The audience was impressed by his amazing performance.He is now learning a piece that is so difficult that many professional pianists can't play it.Samuel says confidently,“It's all about super memory—I guess I have that gift.”However,Samuel's ability to remember things doesn't stop with music.His family says that even when he was a young boy,Samuel heard someone read a story,and then he could retell the story word for word.Samuel is still only a teenager.He doesn't know what he wants to do in the future.For now,he is just happy to play beautiful music and continue his studies.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文,记述了Samuel Osmond一个音乐天才的人物故事。
高考英语二轮限时专题精测:3-1 拨云见日-巧解事实细节类题目

第三部分阅读理解专题一拨云见日——巧解类题目Ⅰ.体验高考(2018·安徽卷)Recordings of angry bees are enough to send big,tough African elephants running away,a new study says.Beehives (蜂窝)—either recorded or real—may even prevent elephants from damaging farmers' crops.In 2002,scientist Lucy King and her team found that elephants avoid certain trees with bees living in them.Today,Lucy wants to see if African honeybees might discourage elephants from eating crops.But before she asked farmers to go to the trouble of setting up beehives on their farms,she needed to find out if the bees would scare elephants away.Lucy found a wild beehive inside a tree in northern Kenya and set up a recorder.Then she threwa stone into the beehive,which burst into life.Lucy and her assistant hid in their car untilthe angry bees had calmed down.Next,Lucy searched out elephant families in Samburu National Reserve in northern Kenya and put a speaker in a tree close to each family.From a distance,Lucy switched on the prerecorded sound of angry bees while at the same time recording the elephants with a video camera.Half the elephant groups left the area within ten seconds.Out of a total of 17 groups,only one group ignored the sound of the angry bees.Lucy reported that all the young elephants immediately ran to their mothers to hide under them.When Lucy played the sound of a waterfall (瀑布) instead of the angry bees to many of the same elephant families,the animals were undisturbed.Even after four minutes,most of the groups stayed in one place.Lucy is now studying whether the elephants will continue to avoid the sound of angry bees after hearing it several times.She hasn't tested enough groups yet to know,but her initial (最初的) results were promising enough to begin trials with farmers.She has now begun placing speakers in the fields to see if elephants are frightened away.【语篇导读】本文讲述了科学家Lucy King和她的团队发现大象害怕发怒的蜜蜂,并且做实验来证实这个事情的故事。

专题一阅读理解训练1 事实认定A(导学号)If you are a traditional traveller who believes cameras are irreplaceable,here are some things you should pay attention to when looking for the perfect camera.Sensor sizeAlong with the megapixel (百万像素) count,the size of the sensor dictates the general image quality as well as the camera's performance in low also determines whether the camera can electronically put the details it captures bigger enough to see—which is what makes the pictures not clear enough to see when you view the photos on a bigger screen.Portability“The important thing is that the camera isn't too big or heavy,and that you have a good zoom (变焦距镜头) range for both wide-angle and telephoto shots (远距摄影照片),”Atherton told good choice would be a slim,light pocket camera with a high-qualified built-in optical zoom.“These are very popular for travel as they are light,but built with a telephoto lens that can zoom up to 60 times,”Atherton said.Zoom and shutter (快门) speedFor action or crowd shots,a fast shutter speed is a key factor.“When dealing with anything that's active—wildlife or people in action on the street—faces change within a tiny part of a second,”said Arnold,“a fast shutter speed is helpful in shooting the several hundred photos you might need to get that single winning shot.”【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了旅行者在选择适合旅行的相机时应该注意的一些事情,和该类型相机的特点。

⊙怎么解 做这类题一般采用寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问题快 速阅读文章,找出与问题有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进 行分析对比,找出答案。另外,在题干中寻找线索词,并注意 题干中的名词、动词、形容词等实词。注意线索词在文章中的 位置,并标出实词的出处。 解答此类题目有时还要注意细读全文,变通理解,多方 归纳,综合事实细节选定答案。
【语篇解读】 这是一篇应用文。主要介绍了四则广告,涉及
1.Who can help you if you want to have your music produced?
A.Jules Skye.
B.Gee Whizz.
C.Charlotte Stone.
Riverbend Music Theater :6295 Kellogg rge outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover (piece difference).Big name shows all summer long! Phone : 232-6220.http : ///. 【语篇解读】 本文是几则广告,主要介绍了五支乐队的表演 地点、时间、联系方式等信息。
3.What do we know about Simon’s Workshop? A.It requires membership status. B.It lasts three hours each time. C.It is run by a comedy club. D.It is held every Wednesday. 答案 D [事实细节题。根据第三个广告中的Wednesdays at Victoria Stage可知,Simon’s Workshop的表演是在每个周三进 行。B项与5:00 pm.—7:30 pm.不相符。]
【K12教育学习资料】高三英语二轮复习 题型攻略 专题1 阅读理解 位高“分”重 第1节 拨云见日

拨云见日巧解细节理解Passage A(2016·高考河南八市重点高中联考)The Global Times reports that two online videos showing children telling their parents“I love you” have gone viral in China.The first,filmed by an Anhui TV station,shows a number of college students telling their parents they love them.The responses are mixed.“Are you dru nk?” asked one parent.In another similar video,shot by a Shanxi TV station,a father responded even less patiently—“I am going to a meeting,so cut the crap.”Why don’ t Chinese families use those words?Theories revolve around the nature of Confucian te aching.“The parents’ responses show that many Chinese are not good at expressing positive emotions,” Xia Xueluan,a Sociologist from Peking University,told the Global Times,“ They are used to educating children with negative language.”This isn’t the first time that China has done some soulsearching about familial love—last year China Daily asked a crosssection of people if they said“I love you” to their parents,spouses,and children.“I have never said‘I love you’to my family,and I don’t think I will i n the future,” one 56yearold told the paper.“Saying it aloud is embarrassing for me.”Still,that doesn’ t mean that love can’ t be expressed.In a separate article,China Daily spoke to Zhao Mengmeng,a 31yearold woman who said she had never told her father she loved him facetoface( “I find it a bit odd” ).Sometimes actions speak louder than words,however,Zhao gave her father a photo album featuring photographs of them together on almost every one of her birthdays in June 2012.The pictures went viral online,being forwarded hundreds of thousands of times on Weibo.“I didn’ t sleep the night I heard about it,” her father told China Daily after the story attracted mainstream attention.“ I have now memorized some of the comments on the collection of pictures.”1.Why don’t Chinese parents say“ I love you” to their children?A.Because they can’ t express it.B.Because they are not good at expressing it.C.Because they think it unnecessary.D.Because they think it should be done only by foreigners.2.Zh ao Mengmeng expressed“I love you” to her father by ________.A.giving him an album containing their photosB.kissing her father’s face and telling him by wordsC.speaking it out bravely in a TV programD.writing out the three words in a letter3.What’s the author’s attitude towards the statements about“I love you” ? A.Positive. B.Objective.C.Critical. D.Indifferent.1.解析:选B。
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3.What do we know about Simon’s Workshop? A.It requires membership status. B.It lasts three hours each time. C.It is run by a comedy club. D.It is held every Wednesday. 答案 D [事实细节题。根据第三个广告中的Wednesdays at Victoria Stage可知,Simon’s Workshop的表演是在每个周三进 行。B项与5:00 pm.—7:30 pm.不相符。]
5.Which number should you call if you want to see opera?
答案 A [细节理解题。只有第一段是opera的演出。根据此
段最后一句中Phone: 241-2742.http://.可
Байду номын сангаас
答案 A [事实细节题。根据第一个广告中的最后一句话可
知,Jules Skye可以告诉你怎样找到合适的人。所以如果你想
制作自己的音乐,应该找Jules Skye。]
2.At which place can people of different ages enjoy a good laugh?
A.The Cyclops Theatre B.Kaleidoscope
College Conservatory of Music (CCM):Performances are on the main campus(校园)of the university,usually at Patricia Cobbett M organizes a variety of events , including performances by the well-known Lasalle Quartet , CCM’s Philharmonic Orchestra , and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music.Students with I.D.card can attend the events for free.A free schedule of events for each term is available by calling the box office at 556-4183.http: ///events/calendar.
Gee Whizz 8:30 pm.—10:30 pm. Comedy at Kaleidoscope Come and see Gee Whizz perform.He’s the funniest stand-up comedian on the comedy scene.This joyful show will please everyone,from the youngest to the oldest.Gee Whizz really knows how to make you laugh! Our bar is open from 7:00 pm. for drinks and snacks(快餐).
4.When will Charlotte Stone perform her songs?
A.5:00 pm.—7:30 pm.
B.7:30 pm.—1:00 am.
C.8:00 pm.—11:00 pm.
D.8:30 pm.—10:30 pm.
答案 C [事实细节题。根据第四个广告中的8:00 pm.—
C.Victoria Stage
D.Pizza World
答案 B [事实细节题。根据第二个广告中的8:30 pm.—
10:30 pm. Comedy at Kaleidoscope和This joyful show will
please everyone from the youngest to the oldest.可知,在
⊙怎么学 平时阅读训练时,注意作者描述人物、物体等细节的常 用写作手法与技巧,以及反映句子之间逻辑关系的词,如: because,since,for,as等表示因果关系;after,first,next, later , meantime 等 表 示 时 间 关 系 ; above , below , behind , in front of等表示方位关系;but,on the contrary,on the other hand等表示转折或相对关系;furthermore,what’s more等表示 递进关系;for instance,for example,such as等表示例证关系。 这些表示逻辑关系的词语能为考生解答细节题提供重要的线索, 从而为快速、准确地选择答案打下坚实的基础。
11:00 pm. Pizza World可知,Charlotte Stone将在晚上8:00
pm.—11:00 pm.之间演唱。]
【典例剖析2】 体裁:应用文 话题:乐队广告 词数:201 时间:6′
(2016·全国卷Ⅲ,A) Opera at Music Hall:1243 Elm Street.The season runs June through August , with additional performances in March and September.The Opera honors enjoy the Arts membership discounts.Phone:241-2742.http://.
Chamber Orchestra:The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street , which offers several concerts from March through June.Call 723-1182 for more information.http : . Symphony Orchestra:At Music Hall and Riverbend.For ticket sales,call 381-3300.Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer at Riverbend.http : ///home.asp.
专题一 阅读理解
第1课时 拨云见日——巧解事实细节类题目
⊙怎么考 事实细节理解题考查原文提到的某事物、现象或理论, 题干针对原文具体叙述本身发问。一般包括直接理解题(在原 文中可直接找到答案,常用who,what,when,where,why和 how等提问)、语意转化题(需要将题目信息与原文相关信息进 行语境上的转换,两者存在表达上的差异,有时需要进行加工 或整理后方能得出结论)、数字计算题、排列顺序题、图表图 画题等。
No Image
【典例剖析1】 体裁:应用文 话题:娱乐、休闲广告 词数:289 时 间:6′
(2016·全国卷Ⅱ,A) What’s On?
Electric Underground 7:30 pm.—1:00 am. Free at the Cyclops Theatre
Do you know who’s playing in your area?We’re bringing you an evening of live rock and pop music from the best local bands.Are you interested in becoming a musician and getting a recording contract(合同)?If so,come early to the talk at 7:30 pm. by Jules Skye,a successful record producer.He’s going to talk about how you can find the right person to produce your music.
Charlotte Stone 8:00 pm.—11:00 pm. Pizza World Fine food with beautiful jazz music; this is a great evening out.Charlotte Stone will perform songs from her new best-selling CD,with James Pickering on the piano.The menu is Italian,with excellent meat and fresh fish,pizzas and pasta(面食).Book early to get a table.Our bar is open all day,and serves cocktails,coffee, beer,and white wine.
Simon’s Workshop 5:00 pm.—7:30 pm. Wednesdays at Victoria Stage This is a good chance for anyone who wants to learn how to do comedy.The workshop looks at every kind of comedy,and practices many different ways of making people laugh.Simon is a comedian and actor who has 10 years’ experience of teaching comedy.His workshops are exciting and fun.An evening with Simon will give you the confidence to be funny.