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As we know, people are starved for love. They watch endless numbers of films about happy and unhappy love stories and listen to hundreds of trashy songs about love, yet hardly anyone considers that there is anything that needs to be learned about how to win love.
Franklin had said that:” If you would be loved, love and be lovable.” I think he want to tell us that if you are going to love a boy or a girl, you must do two things, to love with your heart and to know how to be lovable.
Generally speaking, you should make yourself attractive and lovable, since love usually starts from physical attraction. To achieve this goal, you may develop pleasant manners, interesting conversation, to be helpful, modest and inoffensive. For further relationship, you must know that love is respect, wanting to help that person in any aspect of his or her live. You should make your lover feel safe with you, be proud of being with you and share hopes and dreams with you. That is to say, you will be together with your lover no matter what and continue on until the day you pass away. May love live forever!
Love will build your heart with its dreamy songs and create a magical world for you to live in. How will you ensure that they whom you love so much will love you? How will you be certain of winning love?
Undertake this visual. Enjoy this constant pleasure that it will bring you. And feel for yourself how wonderful your love life has become.
You are in love with someone. You want that someone to love you too. What do you do? Simple! Visualize! Remember, love has everything to do with your heart and mind. If you can keep your heart healthy and in good relation with you, then you can have all the love you want.
Picture your heart. You may visualize it like am actual biological heart, or it may even be a symbolic valentine heart.
Go ahead and ask your heart about how it is feeling today. Is it feeling sad? Lonely? Disappointed? Understand the way it is feeling. Hear what it has to say to you. Then tell your heart that you are trying to make it feel better.
What is the condition of your heart? Is it sad? Or is it youthful. Does it look healthy? Or is it torn or wounded? Is it wounded? Now repair your heart. You have all the tools required. If it is torn at places, stitch them. If it is w ounded, then treat it’s wound. When your heart looks healthy, fill it to the brim with light. Imagine the shining light flow into your heart and reach it’s every nook and corner. Your heart is not only healthy now it even feels alive. Listen to your heartbeats?
Make it feel good. Thank your heart for keeping you alive. Applaud its tireless performance. The more you thank your heart, the healthier it gets.
Now that your heart is healthy and happy, you are now ready to win love. Picture the person you love or whom you desire the most. See the person clearly? How does she/he look? What color is the hair? What kind of clothes he/she is wearing? How tall is the person? Is there any gesture that is distinctively his/hers?
Let the person appear in front of you. How far is the person? Bring him/her closer to at the most five feet away from you. Now, picture your healthy heart connected to
his/her heart. You may use any material you like for connection. A rope, chain, satin ribbon – it can be just anything. It can be even imaginary. The goal is to connect love to love, so a sense of energy flows between you both.
Once you have connected love, visualize yourself doing something loving to the person you love. Do anything that people who love each other does. Walk hand in hand, go for a dance, sit across for some ice cream, love each other, hug each other –you may even kiss each other.
The more you visualize the person you love in the way described above, the stronger the love flows between you both. Until one day, you really embrace and kiss the person to say how much you love her/him.
And if ever you feel that love is beginning to fade, go through the visualization again. Let LOVE live forever.
1.How to win love
The youth frequently ask how to win love. In my opinion, before planning to win love, you have to understand exactly the meaning of true love. It is impossible to gain some thing whose meaning you don’t know. So, what is the authentic love?
The most centre meaning of love is to tolerate imperfection. As we all know, there is no perfect thing in the world, hence, nobody is perfect but God. You must be aware of many sides of the other person, including his/her limitation, inconsistencies and flaws. In a love relationship there are times of boredom, real strain etc., besides happiness. Someone says that love comes into an imperfect world to make it livable. Therefore, to know the person from whom you are going to win love is the first step. Then, enduring rough times when you feel like giving up and experiencing an impasse.
Additionally, love is independence-not excessive dependence on the person for your meaning and survival. Love is freeing, so, please give more space for you and the person you love to develop.
Simply put, you will win love, if you completely understand Fromm’s words: Mature love is union under the condition of preserving one’s integrity, one’s individuality. In love this paradox occurs that two beings become one and yet remain two.
2.The Fourth Millennium in My Eyes
Technology has shrunk the globe and stretched our lives and our minds, and, this situation will continue as long as human society exists. What will the fourth millennium look like?
In my eyes, a thousand years later, there will be great changes in many areas. But, the future will not be utterly foreign, because human nature will not change. Taking education, new electronic equipments and new modes of education will be popularized, such as on line schools. All the revolution, however, will not make the
schoolroom obsolete, for the interactions among students and teachers are essential to the students’ forming characters. As for computer, it will be used in all kinds of fields to serve us—not control. Blooming virtual society, for instance e-community, will increase communicating convenience and ways of entertainment. Yet, virtual reality will never make us permanent antisocial shut-ins. Because, being social species, humans have instincts to communicate by face-to-face contact.
All in all, People in the world of 3000, I think, will live in the world in which technology will enrich rather than dominate human lives.
3.The Organic Foods
Are organically grown foods the best food choices? The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated.
The organic foods are purely natural products without using chemical agent, such as chemical fertilizer or pesticide, during the growing process. Many people believe that such foods are safer and more nutritious than the foods produced on a large scale by traditional methods. That may be right, for the natural nutrients are not destroyed in their growth cycles. Nonetheless, it is pity that there is no scientific evidence to support it. On the contrary, I know that some natural products, for instance some bee products, which are poisonous in themselves, have to be processed for diet. The key forming the view, I think, is that the organic foods are more delicious and tasteful. Comparatively speaking, the organic foods are too costly and inefficient, for their long growing time and inadaptability to mass production, to meet needs of population growth.
To sum up the above arguments, the organic foods are not the best food choices, but they can serve as a complementary to others.
4.Young People without an Education
As we all know, education, of young people especially, plays an important role in human development. Some say that the issue of youth education has to do with the survival of a nation. According to relative statistic data, there is still a relatively large group of young people who do not complete a youth education. Why?
One of the main causes of the social problem has something to do with family background. Poverty plays some part in it. But experts in youth education claimed that parental influence greatly affects children’s attitude of learning. Parents fail to offer parental guidance for different reasons: Some are busy with their own work and neglect their children; some are not aware of the importance of education--they don’t view youth education as the preparation for the youth to become potential leaders, etc.
Furthermore, the forms of education on offer cause partly the problem. So far, in china, the education is mostly examination-oriented, which leads to tea chers’ blind cramming. Some children are sick of this form of education and give up learning.
To conclude, about the issue young people without an education, I quote experts’ saying that there are no problem children, only problem guardians.
5.Individualism vs. collectivism
Individualism and collectivism are quite different in some aspects. Are they conflicting?
Generally speaking, individualism is formed in the western societies, and collectivism in the eastern societies. In the west, the focus is on the individual, in the east, the focus is on the relationship between individuals. The western value evolves from Hunting Societies, in which the accent was autonomy and individualism. The eastern value comes from Planting Societies- from which comes the notion of interrelation, interconnection and interdependence- in which suppression of individual impulses is required. From these different values evolved very different ways of doing business, and different ways of conducting ourselves within our society. To the extent, individualism and collectivism seem to be conflicting.
With economic development, neither individualism nor collectivism can meet the demands of the global community alone. Pushed to the extreme, individualism has created tremendous indifference and cynicism, and, collectivism has caused patronage. One man’s meat is another man’s poison, so, they are complementary. I believe combining them is the best policy in the new economic environment.
6.Which one is Gold, Silence or speech?
Conversation is one of the major means of communication. But an old saying goes: ’Silence is gold, and speech is silver.’ Do you think this idea is as applicable today as it was in the old days? Write an essay to state your opinions.
Which one is Gold, silence or speech? There is an old saying: silence is gold, and speech is silver. That is to say, silence is more important than speech. I don’t think so. Because both speech and silence have their own advantages.
Silence has many advantages, for instance, it gives you more chances to listen others’ words so that you can get more useful information and knowledge, and, it can avoid unwanted arguments. Compared with speech, silence may protect yourself, because, the more you speak, the more mistakes you make, the more you betray yourself. It seems that silence means everything. But, sometimes, keeping silence makes you misunderstood by others. They may think that you have nothing in your mind, or that you are reluctant to be involved in the talk.
Similarly, speech also has many advantages. In a group interview, speech allows you to assertively show your talent to grasp the opportunity. Speech is a power to persuade others to follow your ideas, when you prepare for implementing your new plan in your company. Also, speech breaks the ice among the strangers, to liven up the party. But, in some circumstances, speech makes you have no chance to be a good listener, hence it may be hard for you to establish a good relationship with others.
To sum up, which one is Gold? It depends.
7.Two Sides to China’s WTO Membership
There is an old saying that every coin has two sides, so it is with China’s WTO Membership.
Pessimist argued that putting them in a battleground, WTO membership would destroy money-losing state-owned enterpri se and shatter China’s banks at a time of high unemployment, hence domestic economy would be attacked fiercely. Yet, experts in management claimed that threat implies opportunity. At the broadest level, while increased competition from foreign companies would undoubtedly cause economic pain, they could also prompt much needed corporate reform—becoming more proactive in developing new products, improving services and bringing down costs. For example, confronting competition from Japanese, China’s consumer-appliance makers have been pushing Japanese firms from domestic market. And, much the same phenomenon is at work in the computer industry. An economist says that if China enters the WTO, Falling trade barriers would also provide domestic companies with better access to technology, efficient machines and markets. And that would make the companies better positioned to export. The textile industry would benefit tremendously from the removal of quotas by western governments. Furthermore, besides Chinese exports, thanks to lower import tariffs, companies that import components and raw material would extremely benefit from WTO membership. Additionally, to consumers, it would mean better quality products with lower price and more goods choices.
So, WTO membership would initially be painful for the Chinese economy, however, in the longer term, the economy as a whole would benefit if Chinese companies turn the new pressure from growing competition into impetus. All in a word, the advantages outweigh the disadvantage for WTO membership.
4,Technology cannot change the condition of humanity
I agree with that technology cannot ultimately prevent us from harming one another。

In so far as there is no technological solution to the enduring problem of war, poverty, and violence, for the reason that theystem fromcertain aspectsof human nature-such as aggression and greed.
But twentieth-century technological innovation has enhanced the overall standard of living and comfort level of developed nations. The advent of steel production and assembly-line manufacturing created countless jobs, stimulated economic growth, and supplied a plethora of innovative conveniences. More recently, computers have helped free up our time by performing repetitive tasks and have made possible universal access to information.
Of course, such progress has not come without costs. One harmful byproduct of industrial progress is environmental pollution and its threat to public health. Another
is the alienation of assembly-line workers from their work. And, the Internet breeds information overload and steals our time and attention away from family, community, and coworkers. Nevertheless, on balance both the modern-industrial and computer revolutions have improved our standard of living and comfort level; and both constitute progress by any measure.
In sum, if we define "progress" more narrowly-in terms of economic standard of living and comfort level-recent technological innovations have indeed brought about clear progress for humanity.。
