



俄罗斯实行注册资本实缴制度,股东需实 际缴纳出资。
申请人需向商业登记部门提交申请,获得 批准后进行银行开户、税务登记等手续。
俄罗斯主要公司形式包括有限责任公司、 股份公司和合伙企业。
俄罗斯对公司设立的监管措施相对较为宽 松,涉及多个部门的审批和监管。
俄罗斯对金融行业实施较为宽松的准入制度,外资进入 俄罗斯金融市场需获得俄罗斯联邦中央银行的批准。
俄罗斯对互联网行业实施较为开放的 政策,允许外资进入,但需在俄罗斯 设立公司并获得相关许可。
俄罗斯对能源行业实施严格的保护政 策,外资进入需经过严格的审批程序 。
中国公司的设立制度相对较为灵活,而俄罗斯公 司的设立制度相对较为严格。
中国公司设立的注册资本要求相对较低,而俄罗 斯公司设立的注册资本要求相对较高。
中国公司设立的程序和门槛相对较低,而俄罗斯 公司设立的程序和门槛相对较高。
中国公司设立的监管环境相对较为宽松,而俄罗 斯公司设立的监管环境相对较为严格。
负责公司的战略决策和管理层的聘 任与监督。
负责公司的日常经营管理,对董事 会负责。
中俄公司治理结构在整体上较为相似,都设有股东会 、董事会、监事会和经理层等基本治理结构。
具体细节上存在一些差异。例如,俄罗斯公司治理结 构中,股东的权利和地位相对较高,对公司重大决策 的影响力较大;而中国公司治理结构中,董事会的权 力相对较大,对管理层的控制力较强。此外,俄罗斯 公司治理结构中强调对董事和高级管理人员的监督, 防止其损害公司和股东利益,而中国公司治理结构中 ,对监事会的职责和权力的重视程度相对较高。



FEDERAL LAWNO. 14-FZ OF FEBRUARY 8, 1998ON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES(with the Amendments and Additions of July 11, December 31, 1998, March 21, 2002, December 29, 2004, July 27, December 18, 2006, April 29, December 22, 30, 2008, July 19, August 2, December 27, 2009, July 27, December 28, 2010, July 11, 18, November 30,2011)Adopted by the State Duma on January 14, 1998Approved by the Federation Council on January 28, 1998GARANT system commentThis Federal Law shall be applied with taking account of provisions of Federal Law No. 175-FZ of October 27, 2008On specific issues of the application of this Federal Law see Decision of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Plenary Session of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 90/14 of December 9, 1999Chapter I. General ProvisionsArticle 1. Relations Regulated by the Present Federal Law1. The present Federal Law defines the legal status of a limited liability company, the rights and duties of its partners, the procedure for the creation, reorganisation or liquidation ofa company in conformity with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation2.The specific features of the legal status, the procedure for the creation, reorganisation or liquidation of a limited liability company in the spheres of banking, insurance, private security guarding and investment, and also of the agricultural production shall be determined by federal laws.GARANT system commentOn the peculiarities of the creation of credit organisations, see the Law on Banks and Banking Activity in the wording of February 3, 19963.Relations connected with making by foreign investors, or a group of persons that includes a foreign investor, transactions in shares constituting the authorised capital of a limited liability company which is of strategic importance for ensuring the country's defence capacity and state security and with institution of control over such companies by foreign investors or by a group of persons which includes a foreign investor shall be regulated in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Procedure for Making Foreign Investments in Economic Companies Which Are of Strategic Importance for Ensuring the Country's Defence Capacity and State Security.Article 2. The Basic Provisions on Limited Liability Companies1.As a limited liability company(hereinafter referred to as a company) shall be deemed a business company established by a single person or by several persons whose authorised capital is divided into shares; the company participants shall not be liable under its obligations and shall bear the risk of losses associated with the company's activity to theextent of the value of the shares in the company's authorised capital they hold.The company's participants who have made not paid in full for their shares shall bear joint responsibility under its obligations within the limits of the value of the unpaid part of the shares in the company's authorised capital they hold.2. The company shall own isolated property booked on its independent balance, may acquire and realize property and personal non-property rights, bear duties, sue and be held liable in court.The company may enjoy civil rights and bear civil duties necessary for the performance of any kind of activity that is not banned by federal laws, unless this contradicts the subject-matter and purposes of activity defined by the company's charter.The company may engage in certain kinds of activity, the list of which is determined by federal law, only on the basis of a special permit (license). If the terms of a special permit (license) provide for a definite kind of activity as exclusive, the company shall be entitled during the period of the validity of the special permit (license) to carry out only such activity as provided for by this special permit (license), and related kinds of activity.3. The company shall be deemed to the established as a legal entity from the time of its state registration in the procedure stipulated by the Federal Law on the state registration of legal entities.GARANT system commentOn the state registration of legal entities see:The Civil Code of the Russian FederationFederal Law No. 129-FZ of August 8, 2001 on the State Registration of Legal EntitiesA company shall be set up for an indefinite period unless otherwise stipulated by its charter.4. The company shall have a round stamp containing its full firm's name in Russian and indicating its location. The company's stamp may also contain the firm's name in any language of the peoples of the Russian Federation and/or in a foreign language.The company shall have the right to have stamps and letter heads with its firm's name, its own emblem, and also its trademark registered in the statutory order and other means of individualization.Article 3. A Company's Liability1. A company shall bear liability for its obligations to the extent of all the property that belongs to it.2. The company shall not be liable for the obligations of its participants.3.In the event of the company's insolvency (bankruptcy) through the fault of its participants or of other persons who have the right to give instructions binding on the company or in any other way determine its actions, subsidiary responsibility for its obligations may be attributed to the said participants or other persons, if the company's property is insufficient.4.The Russian Federation, its subjects and the municipal entities shall not bear liability for the company's obligations, just as the company shall not bear liability for the obligations of the Russian Federation, its subjects and municipal entities.Article 4. A Company's Trade Name and Its Location1.A company shall have a full name and may have an abbreviated trade name in Russia. The company may also have a full and/or abbreviated trade name in the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation and/or in foreign languages.The full trade name of a company in Russian shall contain the full name of this company and the words " limited liability". The abbreviated trade name of a company in Russian shall contain the full or abbreviated name of this company and the word "limited liability" or the abbreviation 000.The official designation of the company in the Russian language and in the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation may contain foreign borrowed words in the Russian transcription or in the transcription of the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the terms and abbreviations reflecting the company organisational-legal form.Different demands on the company official designation shall be established in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.2. The location of a company shall be determined by the place of its state registration.Article 5. A Company's Branches and Representative Offices1. A company sets up its branches and opens representative offices by decision of a general meeting of the company's participants, adopted by a two-thirds majority of votes of the company's participants, unless its charter provides for a larger number of votes for the adoption of such decision.Branches shall be set up by the company and its representative offices shall be opened on the territory of the Russian Federation with the observance of this Federal Law and other federal laws, and beyond the confines of the Russian Federation also in conformity with the legislation of the foreign State on whose territory branches are set up or representative offices are opened, unless otherwise stipulated by the international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation.2.A company's branch shall be an isolated subdivision which is located outside the company's whereabouts and which discharges all its functions or a part thereof, including the functions of its representative office.3. A company's representative office shall be an isolated subdivision which is located outside the company's whereabouts and which furthers the interests of the company and protects them.4. A company's branch and representative office shall not be legal entities; they shall function on the basis of regulations approved by the company. The branch and the representative office shall be vested with property by the company which set up them.The managers of the company's branches and representative office shall be appointed by the company and shall act on the basis of a power of attorney.The company's branches and the representative offices shall carry out their activity on behalf of the company that set them up. The responsibility for the activity of its branch and representative office shall be borne by the company that set them up.5.The company's charter shall contain information about its branches and representative offices. Data on changes in the company's charter of information about its branches and representative offices shall be presented to the body that carries out the state registration of legal entities. The said changes in the company's charter shall take effect for third persons from the time of the notification of the body which effects the state registration of legal entities about such changes.Article 6. Subsidiary and Dependent Companies1. The company may have subsidiaries and dependent economic companies with the status of a legal entity, which are set up on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the present Federal Law and other federal laws and beyond the confines of the territory of the Russian Federation also in conformity with the legislation of a foreign Stateon whose territory a subsidiary or a dependent economic company has been set up, unless otherwise stipulated by the international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation.2. A company shall be recognized as a subsidiary, if another (principal) company or partnership by virtue of the predominant participation on its authorized capital or in conformity with an agreement concluded between them, or in any other way, is able to determine decisions to be adopted by such company.3.The subsidiary shall not be liable for the debts of the principal company (partnership).The principal company (partnership), which has the right to give directions binding on its subsidiary, shall be liable jointly with the subsidiary for transactions concluded by the latter in pursuance of such directions.In the event of the insolvency (bankruptcy) of the subsidiary through the fault of the principal company (partnership), the latter shall bear subsidiary liability for its debts, if the subsidiary's property is insufficient for this purpose.The participants of the subsidiary shall have the right to demand compensation by the principal company (partnership) of the losses caused through its fault to the subsidiary.4. A company shall be recognized as dependent, if another (prevalent, participating) company has over 20 percent of the former company's authorized capital.A company which has acquired over 20 percent of the voting shares of a joint-stock company or over 20 percent of the authorized capital of another limited liability company shall be obliged to publish information about this in the press organ that publishes data on the state registration of legal entities.Article 7. A Company's Participants1. Individuals and legal entities may be participants of a company.A federal law may prohibit or restrict the participation of some categories of individuals in companies.2.State bodies and local self-government bodies shall not have the right to be participants of a company, unless otherwise stipulated by federal law.A company may be established by one person, who becomes its sole participant. Subsequently a company may become a company with one participant.A company may not have another economic company consisting of one person as the only participant.The provisions of this Federal Law shall extend to companies with one participant inasmuch as this Federal Law does not stipulate otherwise and inasmuch as this does not contradict the substance of appropriate relations.3. The number of a company's participants shall not be more than 50.If the number of the company's participants exceeds the limit established by this item, the company shall be transformed into a public company or a production cooperative during one year. If during the said time the company is not transformed and the number of the company's participants does not diminish to the limit fixed by this item, it shall be liquidated in due course of law at the demand of the body which carries out the state registration of legal entities, of other governmental bodies or local self-government bodies that have the right to make such demands on the basis of federal law.Article 8. The Rights of the Company's Participants1. The company's participants shall have the right:to take part in the management of the company in the Procedure prescribed by this Federal Law and the company's rules;to receive information about the company's activity and to study its account books andother documents in the Procedure established by its rules;to take part in the distribution of profit;to sell or in any other way to alienate its share in the company's authorized capital or a part thereof to one or several participants of this company in the procedure prescribed by this Federal Law and the company's rules;to withdraw from the company by way of alienation of its share to the company, if such possibility is provided for by the company's rules, or to demand of the company acquisition of the shares thereof where it is provided for by this Federal Law;to receive, in the case of the company's liquidation, that part of the property that has remained after settlements with creditors or its monetary equivalent.The company's participants shall also have other rights provided for by this Federal Law.2. In addition to the rights stipulated by this Federal Law the company's charter may provide for order rights (additional rights) of the company's participants. The said rights may be provided for by the company's charter at the time of its establishment or may be granted to the company's participants by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants taken by all the participants unanimously.Additional rights granted to a concrete participant the company shall not pass to the acquirer of the share or a part of the share in the event this share or a part of the share has been alienated by.The termination or limitation of the additional rights granted to all the company's participant shall be effected by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants, adopted by all its participants unanimously. The termination or limitation of the additional rights granted to a concrete participant of the company shall be effected by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants, adopted by a two-thirds majority of votes of the company's participants, provided that the participant who has such additional rights has voted for such decision or has given his written consent to this.The company's participant to whom additional rights have been granted may surrender these rights by sending a written notice about this to the company. The additional rights of the company's participant shall cease since the time of the receipt by the company of the said notice.3.The company's founders (participants) are entitled to make an agreement on exercising the rights of the company's participants under which they undertake to exercise their rights in a certain way and/or to refrain from exercising the said rights, in particular to vote in a certain way at a general meeting of the company's participants, to coordinate their voting with other participants, to sell their shares or parts of their shares at the price fixed by this agreement and/or upon the emergence of certain circumstances or to refrain from alienation of their shares or parts of their shares pending the emergence of certain circumstances, as well as to take concerted actions connected with the company's management, with the establishment, activities, re-organisation and liquidation of the company. Such agreement shall be made in writing by way of drawing up a single document to be signed by the parties thereto.Article 9. The Duties of a Company's Participants1. A company's participants shall be obliged:to pay for shares in the company's authorised capital in the procedure, at the rate and at the time which are provided for by this Federal Law and the agreement on the company's establishment;to abstain from disclosing the information on the activities of a company in respect of which it is established that is not to be disclosed.The company's participants shall have other duties provided for by the present Federal Law.2.Apart from the duties stipulated by this Federal Law, the company's charter may provide for other duties (additional duties) of the company's participants. These duties may be stipulated by the company's charter at the time of its establishment or allocated to all its participants by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants, taken by all its participants unanimously. Additional duties shall be imposed on a specific participant by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants, taken by a two-thirds majority of votes of the company's participants, provided that the company's participant on whom such additional duties are placed has voted for the adoption of such decision or has given his written consent.Additional duties allocated to a specific partner of the company shall not pass to the acquirer of the share or a part of the share in the event of the alienation of the share or a part of the share of this participant.Additional duties may be terminated by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants, taken by all its participants unanimously.Article 10. The Expulsion of a Participant from the CompanyThe company's participants whose shares in totality make up not less than 10 per cent of the company's authorized capital shall have the right to demand through legal proceedings the expulsion from the company of a participant who grossly neglects his duties or by his actions (or inaction) makes the company's activity impossible or substantially hampers it.Chapter II. The Establishment of a CompanyArticle 11. Procedure for a Company's Establishment1. A company shall be established by decision of its founders or founder. The decision on a company's establishment shall be adopted by a meeting of the company's founders. Where a company is established by a single person, the decision on its establishment shall be adopted solely by this person.2. The decision on a company's establishment shall reflect the results of voting of the company's founders and the decisions adopted by them in respect of the company's establishment, endorsement of the company's rules, election or appointment of the company's managerial bodies, as well as forming of the inspection commission or election of the company's inspector, if such bodies are provided for by the company's rules or are obligatory in compliance with this Federal Law.When establishing a company, the founder or founders thereof may approve the company's auditor and, if the legislation provides for obligatory auditing in respect of the company, the founders or founder are obliged to adopt such a decision.Where a company is established by a single person, the decision on the company's endorsement shall define the amount of the company's authorised capital, procedure for and time of its payment, as well as the amount and nominal value of a founder's share.3. Decisions on a company's establishment, endorsement of its rules, endorsement of the value in monetary terms of the securities, other articles or property rights, or other rights assessed in monetary terms contributed by the company's founders as payment for shares in the authorised capital thereof shall be unanimously adopted by the company's founders.4. A company's managerial bodies shall be elected, the inspection commission shallbe formed or the company's inspector shall be elected and the company's auditor shall be approved by at least a three fourth majority of the total number of votes of the company's founders.If by the time when a company's managerial bodies are elected, the inspection commission is formed or the company's inspector is elected and the company's auditor is approved the rate of shares of each of the company's founders is not defined, each of the company's founders when voting shall have one vote.5.The company's founders shall make an agreement in writing on the company's establishment defining a procedure for their exercising the joint activities aimed at the company's establishment, the rate of the company's authorized capital, the rate and nominal value of the shares of each of the company's founders, as well as the rate, procedure for and time of making payment for such shares in the company's authorised capital.The agreement on a company's establishment shall not be the company's constituent document.6. The company's founders shall be jointly liable under the obligations connected with the company's establishment and arising prior to the state registration thereof. The company shall be only held liable under obligations of the company's founders connected with the establishment thereof, if their actions are subsequently approved by a general meeting of the company's participants. For this, in any case the amount of the company's liability may not exceed one fifth of the company's paid authorised capital.7. The specifics of establishing a company with participation of foreign investors shall be defined by federal law.8. Data on the rate and nominal value of the share of each company participant shall be inserted in the comprehensive state register of legal entities in compliance with the federal law on the state registration of legal entities. In so doing, data on the nominal value of shares of the company participants when it is being established shall be determined on the basis of the provisions of the agreement on the company's establishment or of the decision of the company's sole founder, in particular if these shares are not paid for in full and are to be paid for in the procedure and at the time provided for by this Federal Law.Article 12. A Company's Rules1. A company's rules shall be the company's constituent document.2. The company's charter shall contain:the full and abbreviated trade name of the company;information about the company's whereabouts;information about the structure and competence of the company's bodies, including in matters comprising the exclusive competence of the genera meeting of the company's participants, about the procedure of the adoption of decisions by the company's bodies, including in the matters in which decisions are taken unanimously or by a qualified majority of votes;information about the size of the company's authorized capital;paragraph six was abrogated from July 1, 2009;the rights and duties of the company's participants;information about the procedure and consequences of the withdrawal of a participant from this company, if the right to withdraw from the company is provided for by the company's rules;information about the procedure for the transition of a share or a part of the share in the company's authorized capital to another person;information about the procedure for keeping the company's documents and about the procedure of submission by the company of data to its participants and other persons;other information provided for by this Federal Law.The company's charter may also contain other provisions which are not inconsistent with this Federal Law and other federal laws.3.At the request of a company participant, auditor or any interested person the company shall be obliged to provide them in reasonable time with the possibility of acquainting themselves with the company's rules, including amendments to them. The company shall be obliged to give copies of the effective rules to a company participant at his request. The charge collected by the company for granting the copies may not exceed the expenses on their production.4. Amendments to the company's rules shall be introduced by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants.Amendments introduced to the company's constituent documents shall be subject to state registration in the order prescribed by Article 13 of this Federal Law for the company's registration.Amendments introduced to the company's constituent documents shall acquire force for third persons from the time of their state registration and in cases stipulated by this Federal Law from the time of notifying the body that carried out state registration.5.Abrogated from July 1, 2009Article 13. State Registration of a CompanyA company shall be liable to state registration with the body that carries out the state registration of legal entities in the procedure established by the Federal Law on the State Registration of Legal Entities.GARANT system commentOn the procedure for adoption by the Bank of Russia of the decision on the state registration of credit institutions and on the issue of licences for the performance of banking transactions, see Instructions of the Central Bank of Russia No. 135-I of April 2, 2010 Chapter III. A Company's Authorized Capital. The Propertyof a CompanyArticle 14. A Company's Authorized Capital. Shares in a Company's Authorized Capital1.A company's authorized capital shall be formed from the nominal value of the shares of its participants.The amount of the company's authorized capital shall not be less than ten thousand roubles.The amount of the company's authorized capital and the nominal value of the shares of the company's participants shall be expressed in roubles.The company's authorized capital shall determine the minimum size of its property that guarantees the interests of its creditors.2.The size of the share of a company's participant in its authorized capital shall be determined as a percentage or in the form of a fraction. The size of the share of the company's participant shall correspond to the ratio between the nominal value of his share and the company's authorized capital.The actual value of the share of the company's participant shall correspond to the value of the company's net assets that is proportional to the size of his share.3. The company's charter may limit the maximum amount of the size of its participants' shares. It may limit the possibility of a change in the correlation of the company's participants. Such limitations may not be established for particular participants. Said provisions may be。


一、宪法和基本法律1.1 俄罗斯宪法的基本原理1.2 宪法对公民权利和义务的规定1.3 宪法对政府组织和权力分配的规定1.4 基本法律对司法系统的规定1.5 基本法律对军队和安全机构的规定二、刑法和刑事程序法2.1 刑法对犯罪行为的界定2.2 刑法对刑罚的规定2.3 刑事程序法对刑事案件的处理程序2.4 刑事程序法对被告人权利的保护2.5 刑事程序法对证据的规定三、民法和商法3.1 民法对合同和财产权的规定3.2 民法对婚姻和家庭关系的规定3.3 商法对经济活动的规定3.4 商法对公司法律关系的规定3.5 商法对知识产权保护的规定四、劳动法和社会保障法4.1 劳动法对劳动合同和劳动条件的规定4.2 劳动法对工资和福利的规定4.3 社会保障法对社会保险制度的规定4.4 社会保障法对退休和失业保险的规定4.5 社会救济法对弱势群体的保护五、环境法和资源管理法5.1 环境法对环境污染的规制5.2 环境法对自然资源的保护5.3 资源管理法对能源和矿产资源的开发和利用5.4 资源管理法对土地和水资源的管理5.5 环境监测和评估的法律要求总结本文概述了俄罗斯的法律、法规和政策体系,并详细讨论了宪法和基本法律、刑法和刑事程序法、民法和商法、劳动法和社会保障法,以及环境法和资源管理法等五个大点。


国际经济法律代理人有限责任公司(俄罗斯, 远东行政区, 哈巴罗夫斯克市) 关於在俄罗斯注册登记公司, 大概情况是如下: 外商可以在俄罗斯设立独资公司或者合资公司, 或者分公司或者代表处. 各国习惯不一样. 比如, 日本人更习惯设立代表机构, 但是公司法人也有不少. 中国人, 美国人更愿意设立公司法人,不想设立代表处因为代表处不能做生意.
外商可以在俄罗斯设立贸易公司(国内, 对外), 也可以设立生产性公司, 可以搞商店, 商场, 饭店, 宾馆, 大中小型工厂, 服务类公司, 搞加工. 在俄罗斯注册的外商公司不能从事武器与类似业务.
在俄罗斯要注册公司, 外商主要应该提供下列档:
1. 营业执照
2. 银行证明书
3. 公司章程
4. 主管部门(董事会等)决议书(为什麼呀在俄罗斯搞公司, 目的是什麼)
5. 将来公司的领导人委托书
以上档先必须在中国(香港)境内通过国内公证人公证复印件与译文(俄文或者中文); 然后在省级(行政区级)外事办确认; 最后在俄罗斯驻中华(香港)大使馆或者领事馆确认.
另外, 还有一些档可以直接来到俄罗斯之后办理:
1. 将来公司的章程
2. 注册登记地址担保书
3. 办理注册手续俄罗斯代理公司合同与委托书
4. 将来总经理的护照通过俄罗斯的公证人公证译文
5. 外经委申请书(申请注册公司)
6. 在俄罗斯的银行开帐户
7. 在俄罗斯的本地税务机关, 移民局,海关, 统计,保险机关办理所需要的证件.这些档俄罗斯的代理公司就可以办理).。


要: 在现代 企业形式 中, 有 限责任公 司是一种最 为重要 的企 业制度 形式 。由于兼具 “ 资合 ” 与“ 人 合”
的双重属性 , 有限责任公 司的股权 转让有着 自己的特点 。与 中国相 比, 俄 罗斯的有限责任公 司股权 转让制度存
在一 些普遍 的共性制度设计 , 例 如股 东的优先购 买权 、 股权 变更登记等 。但 受英 关法的影响 , 俄 罗斯的 有限责
1 3・
西伯 利亚 研 究
2 0 1 7年 第 2期 或 公 司 以外 的其他 人 。但 为 交易 的 问题进行 了特别 的限
定 。此外 , 《 银 行法 》 《 保 险 法》 等 专 门 法对 相 关 领
域 的股权 交 易制度 做 了专 门规 定 。
关键词 : 俄 罗斯 ; 有限责任公 司; 股权
中图 分 类 号 : F 4 5 1 . 2 l 文献标志码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 8~ 0 9 6 1 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 0 2—0 0 1 3— 0 7
为 了创 设 一 种更 为灵 活 、 能够 满 足 中小 企 业
股 东之 间的信 赖 关 系 , 公 司 股 东 与 公 司具 有 优 先
受 让权 。在股 权 转 让 时 , 转 让 标 的既 可 以是 出让
根据 《 民法典 》 和《 有 限公 司法 》 的规 定 , 有 限
责 任公 司是 指 由一 人 或 多 人 发起 设 立 的 、 注 册 资 本 划分 为若 干份 额 的经 营 实 体 , 股 东 仅 以其 出资 额 为 限对 公 司债 务 和经 营活 动产生 的损失 风险 承
任公 司股权 转让制度又有着 自己鲜 明的特 点, 例如给 予公 司章程广 阔的 自主空间 , 将股权 交易纳入 强制公证事 项等 。我 国投 资人 在与俄 罗斯的有 限责任公 司实施 股权 交易时 , 必须要 对公 司章程 、 公 证事 项、 变更登记 以及

俄罗斯 公司资本制度


安佳木业(俄罗斯)国际有限公司章程1、总则1.1根据俄罗斯公民法第一款及1998年2月8日通过的关于开办《有限责任公司》的若干规定及其他有关规定,旨在创办安佳木业(俄罗斯国际)有限公司,以下简称“公司",1.2 公司创办人为中国公民,以下简称“股东”。
1.4公司全名:安佳木业(俄罗斯)国际有限公司1.5 公司股东可以是外国法人和自然人.1。
2.2 公司的主要经营范围森林采伐、木材收购、木制品加工、进出口贸易、家具制造及销售、化工产品、钢材、纸及纸制品、矿产品、日用百货、纺织品、粮油食品、畜禽产品、水产品、农副产品及其它俄罗斯法律允许的经营范围。
2.3 公司经营期限为5年。
4 公司享有公民权,开展俄联邦法允许的任何经营活动时,履行自己的义务。
2 公司可取得刻有公司全名及地址的圆形印章.3.3 公司有权取得印有公司名称的印章及印有公司标志的公函纸,并根据法定程序注册商标。
1 公司对自已的私有财产承担债务。



作者感谢NES 和CEFIR的同事、CEFIR和CEMI论坛的参加者和莫斯科公共科学基金会会议的参加者。
1NES, E-mail:olazareva@nes.ru2CEFIR, E-mail:olazareva@cefir.ru3CEFIR, NES, Email:arachinsky@nes.ru4IET, E-mail: tsukhlo@iet.ru(1)俄罗斯工业企业的所有权高度集中。
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FEDERAL LAWNO. 14-FZ OF FEBRUARY 8, 1998ON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES(with the Amendments and Additions of July 11, December 31, 1998, March 21, 2002, December 29, 2004, July 27, December 18, 2006, April 29, December 22, 30, 2008, July 19, August 2, December 27, 2009, July 27, December 28, 2010, July 11, 18, November 30,2011)Adopted by the State Duma on January 14, 1998Approved by the Federation Council on January 28, 1998GARANT system commentThis Federal Law shall be applied with taking account of provisions of Federal Law No. 175-FZ of October 27, 2008On specific issues of the application of this Federal Law see Decision of the Plenary Session of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Plenary Session of the Higher Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 90/14 of December 9, 1999Chapter I. General ProvisionsArticle 1. Relations Regulated by the Present Federal Law1. The present Federal Law defines the legal status of a limited liability company, the rights and duties of its partners, the procedure for the creation, reorganisation or liquidation ofa company in conformity with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation2.The specific features of the legal status, the procedure for the creation, reorganisation or liquidation of a limited liability company in the spheres of banking, insurance, private security guarding and investment, and also of the agricultural production shall be determined by federal laws.GARANT system commentOn the peculiarities of the creation of credit organisations, see the Law on Banks and Banking Activity in the wording of February 3, 19963.Relations connected with making by foreign investors, or a group of persons that includes a foreign investor, transactions in shares constituting the authorised capital of a limited liability company which is of strategic importance for ensuring the country's defence capacity and state security and with institution of control over such companies by foreign investors or by a group of persons which includes a foreign investor shall be regulated in compliance with the provisions of the Federal Law on the Procedure for Making Foreign Investments in Economic Companies Which Are of Strategic Importance for Ensuring the Country's Defence Capacity and State Security.Article 2. The Basic Provisions on Limited Liability Companies1.As a limited liability company(hereinafter referred to as a company) shall be deemed a business company established by a single person or by several persons whose authorised capital is divided into shares; the company participants shall not be liable under its obligations and shall bear the risk of losses associated with the company's activity to theextent of the value of the shares in the company's authorised capital they hold.The company's participants who have made not paid in full for their shares shall bear joint responsibility under its obligations within the limits of the value of the unpaid part of the shares in the company's authorised capital they hold.2. The company shall own isolated property booked on its independent balance, may acquire and realize property and personal non-property rights, bear duties, sue and be held liable in court.The company may enjoy civil rights and bear civil duties necessary for the performance of any kind of activity that is not banned by federal laws, unless this contradicts the subject-matter and purposes of activity defined by the company's charter.The company may engage in certain kinds of activity, the list of which is determined by federal law, only on the basis of a special permit (license). If the terms of a special permit (license) provide for a definite kind of activity as exclusive, the company shall be entitled during the period of the validity of the special permit (license) to carry out only such activity as provided for by this special permit (license), and related kinds of activity.3. The company shall be deemed to the established as a legal entity from the time of its state registration in the procedure stipulated by the Federal Law on the state registration of legal entities.GARANT system commentOn the state registration of legal entities see:The Civil Code of the Russian FederationFederal Law No. 129-FZ of August 8, 2001 on the State Registration of Legal EntitiesA company shall be set up for an indefinite period unless otherwise stipulated by its charter.4. The company shall have a round stamp containing its full firm's name in Russian and indicating its location. The company's stamp may also contain the firm's name in any language of the peoples of the Russian Federation and/or in a foreign language.The company shall have the right to have stamps and letter heads with its firm's name, its own emblem, and also its trademark registered in the statutory order and other means of individualization.Article 3. A Company's Liability1. A company shall bear liability for its obligations to the extent of all the property that belongs to it.2. The company shall not be liable for the obligations of its participants.3.In the event of the company's insolvency (bankruptcy) through the fault of its participants or of other persons who have the right to give instructions binding on the company or in any other way determine its actions, subsidiary responsibility for its obligations may be attributed to the said participants or other persons, if the company's property is insufficient.4.The Russian Federation, its subjects and the municipal entities shall not bear liability for the company's obligations, just as the company shall not bear liability for the obligations of the Russian Federation, its subjects and municipal entities.Article 4. A Company's Trade Name and Its Location1.A company shall have a full name and may have an abbreviated trade name in Russia. The company may also have a full and/or abbreviated trade name in the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation and/or in foreign languages.The full trade name of a company in Russian shall contain the full name of this company and the words " limited liability". The abbreviated trade name of a company in Russian shall contain the full or abbreviated name of this company and the word "limited liability" or the abbreviation 000.The official designation of the company in the Russian language and in the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation may contain foreign borrowed words in the Russian transcription or in the transcription of the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the terms and abbreviations reflecting the company organisational-legal form.Different demands on the company official designation shall be established in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.2. The location of a company shall be determined by the place of its state registration.Article 5. A Company's Branches and Representative Offices1. A company sets up its branches and opens representative offices by decision of a general meeting of the company's participants, adopted by a two-thirds majority of votes of the company's participants, unless its charter provides for a larger number of votes for the adoption of such decision.Branches shall be set up by the company and its representative offices shall be opened on the territory of the Russian Federation with the observance of this Federal Law and other federal laws, and beyond the confines of the Russian Federation also in conformity with the legislation of the foreign State on whose territory branches are set up or representative offices are opened, unless otherwise stipulated by the international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation.2.A company's branch shall be an isolated subdivision which is located outside the company's whereabouts and which discharges all its functions or a part thereof, including the functions of its representative office.3. A company's representative office shall be an isolated subdivision which is located outside the company's whereabouts and which furthers the interests of the company and protects them.4. A company's branch and representative office shall not be legal entities; they shall function on the basis of regulations approved by the company. The branch and the representative office shall be vested with property by the company which set up them.The managers of the company's branches and representative office shall be appointed by the company and shall act on the basis of a power of attorney.The company's branches and the representative offices shall carry out their activity on behalf of the company that set them up. The responsibility for the activity of its branch and representative office shall be borne by the company that set them up.5.The company's charter shall contain information about its branches and representative offices. Data on changes in the company's charter of information about its branches and representative offices shall be presented to the body that carries out the state registration of legal entities. The said changes in the company's charter shall take effect for third persons from the time of the notification of the body which effects the state registration of legal entities about such changes.Article 6. Subsidiary and Dependent Companies1. The company may have subsidiaries and dependent economic companies with the status of a legal entity, which are set up on the territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with the present Federal Law and other federal laws and beyond the confines of the territory of the Russian Federation also in conformity with the legislation of a foreign Stateon whose territory a subsidiary or a dependent economic company has been set up, unless otherwise stipulated by the international treaties and agreements of the Russian Federation.2. A company shall be recognized as a subsidiary, if another (principal) company or partnership by virtue of the predominant participation on its authorized capital or in conformity with an agreement concluded between them, or in any other way, is able to determine decisions to be adopted by such company.3.The subsidiary shall not be liable for the debts of the principal company (partnership).The principal company (partnership), which has the right to give directions binding on its subsidiary, shall be liable jointly with the subsidiary for transactions concluded by the latter in pursuance of such directions.In the event of the insolvency (bankruptcy) of the subsidiary through the fault of the principal company (partnership), the latter shall bear subsidiary liability for its debts, if the subsidiary's property is insufficient for this purpose.The participants of the subsidiary shall have the right to demand compensation by the principal company (partnership) of the losses caused through its fault to the subsidiary.4. A company shall be recognized as dependent, if another (prevalent, participating) company has over 20 percent of the former company's authorized capital.A company which has acquired over 20 percent of the voting shares of a joint-stock company or over 20 percent of the authorized capital of another limited liability company shall be obliged to publish information about this in the press organ that publishes data on the state registration of legal entities.Article 7. A Company's Participants1. Individuals and legal entities may be participants of a company.A federal law may prohibit or restrict the participation of some categories of individuals in companies.2.State bodies and local self-government bodies shall not have the right to be participants of a company, unless otherwise stipulated by federal law.A company may be established by one person, who becomes its sole participant. Subsequently a company may become a company with one participant.A company may not have another economic company consisting of one person as the only participant.The provisions of this Federal Law shall extend to companies with one participant inasmuch as this Federal Law does not stipulate otherwise and inasmuch as this does not contradict the substance of appropriate relations.3. The number of a company's participants shall not be more than 50.If the number of the company's participants exceeds the limit established by this item, the company shall be transformed into a public company or a production cooperative during one year. If during the said time the company is not transformed and the number of the company's participants does not diminish to the limit fixed by this item, it shall be liquidated in due course of law at the demand of the body which carries out the state registration of legal entities, of other governmental bodies or local self-government bodies that have the right to make such demands on the basis of federal law.Article 8. The Rights of the Company's Participants1. The company's participants shall have the right:to take part in the management of the company in the Procedure prescribed by this Federal Law and the company's rules;to receive information about the company's activity and to study its account books andother documents in the Procedure established by its rules;to take part in the distribution of profit;to sell or in any other way to alienate its share in the company's authorized capital or a part thereof to one or several participants of this company in the procedure prescribed by this Federal Law and the company's rules;to withdraw from the company by way of alienation of its share to the company, if such possibility is provided for by the company's rules, or to demand of the company acquisition of the shares thereof where it is provided for by this Federal Law;to receive, in the case of the company's liquidation, that part of the property that has remained after settlements with creditors or its monetary equivalent.The company's participants shall also have other rights provided for by this Federal Law.2. In addition to the rights stipulated by this Federal Law the company's charter may provide for order rights (additional rights) of the company's participants. The said rights may be provided for by the company's charter at the time of its establishment or may be granted to the company's participants by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants taken by all the participants unanimously.Additional rights granted to a concrete participant the company shall not pass to the acquirer of the share or a part of the share in the event this share or a part of the share has been alienated by.The termination or limitation of the additional rights granted to all the company's participant shall be effected by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants, adopted by all its participants unanimously. The termination or limitation of the additional rights granted to a concrete participant of the company shall be effected by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants, adopted by a two-thirds majority of votes of the company's participants, provided that the participant who has such additional rights has voted for such decision or has given his written consent to this.The company's participant to whom additional rights have been granted may surrender these rights by sending a written notice about this to the company. The additional rights of the company's participant shall cease since the time of the receipt by the company of the said notice.3.The company's founders (participants) are entitled to make an agreement on exercising the rights of the company's participants under which they undertake to exercise their rights in a certain way and/or to refrain from exercising the said rights, in particular to vote in a certain way at a general meeting of the company's participants, to coordinate their voting with other participants, to sell their shares or parts of their shares at the price fixed by this agreement and/or upon the emergence of certain circumstances or to refrain from alienation of their shares or parts of their shares pending the emergence of certain circumstances, as well as to take concerted actions connected with the company's management, with the establishment, activities, re-organisation and liquidation of the company. Such agreement shall be made in writing by way of drawing up a single document to be signed by the parties thereto.Article 9. The Duties of a Company's Participants1. A company's participants shall be obliged:to pay for shares in the company's authorised capital in the procedure, at the rate and at the time which are provided for by this Federal Law and the agreement on the company's establishment;to abstain from disclosing the information on the activities of a company in respect of which it is established that is not to be disclosed.The company's participants shall have other duties provided for by the present Federal Law.2.Apart from the duties stipulated by this Federal Law, the company's charter may provide for other duties (additional duties) of the company's participants. These duties may be stipulated by the company's charter at the time of its establishment or allocated to all its participants by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants, taken by all its participants unanimously. Additional duties shall be imposed on a specific participant by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants, taken by a two-thirds majority of votes of the company's participants, provided that the company's participant on whom such additional duties are placed has voted for the adoption of such decision or has given his written consent.Additional duties allocated to a specific partner of the company shall not pass to the acquirer of the share or a part of the share in the event of the alienation of the share or a part of the share of this participant.Additional duties may be terminated by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants, taken by all its participants unanimously.Article 10. The Expulsion of a Participant from the CompanyThe company's participants whose shares in totality make up not less than 10 per cent of the company's authorized capital shall have the right to demand through legal proceedings the expulsion from the company of a participant who grossly neglects his duties or by his actions (or inaction) makes the company's activity impossible or substantially hampers it.Chapter II. The Establishment of a CompanyArticle 11. Procedure for a Company's Establishment1. A company shall be established by decision of its founders or founder. The decision on a company's establishment shall be adopted by a meeting of the company's founders. Where a company is established by a single person, the decision on its establishment shall be adopted solely by this person.2. The decision on a company's establishment shall reflect the results of voting of the company's founders and the decisions adopted by them in respect of the company's establishment, endorsement of the company's rules, election or appointment of the company's managerial bodies, as well as forming of the inspection commission or election of the company's inspector, if such bodies are provided for by the company's rules or are obligatory in compliance with this Federal Law.When establishing a company, the founder or founders thereof may approve the company's auditor and, if the legislation provides for obligatory auditing in respect of the company, the founders or founder are obliged to adopt such a decision.Where a company is established by a single person, the decision on the company's endorsement shall define the amount of the company's authorised capital, procedure for and time of its payment, as well as the amount and nominal value of a founder's share.3. Decisions on a company's establishment, endorsement of its rules, endorsement of the value in monetary terms of the securities, other articles or property rights, or other rights assessed in monetary terms contributed by the company's founders as payment for shares in the authorised capital thereof shall be unanimously adopted by the company's founders.4. A company's managerial bodies shall be elected, the inspection commission shallbe formed or the company's inspector shall be elected and the company's auditor shall be approved by at least a three fourth majority of the total number of votes of the company's founders.If by the time when a company's managerial bodies are elected, the inspection commission is formed or the company's inspector is elected and the company's auditor is approved the rate of shares of each of the company's founders is not defined, each of the company's founders when voting shall have one vote.5.The company's founders shall make an agreement in writing on the company's establishment defining a procedure for their exercising the joint activities aimed at the company's establishment, the rate of the company's authorized capital, the rate and nominal value of the shares of each of the company's founders, as well as the rate, procedure for and time of making payment for such shares in the company's authorised capital.The agreement on a company's establishment shall not be the company's constituent document.6. The company's founders shall be jointly liable under the obligations connected with the company's establishment and arising prior to the state registration thereof. The company shall be only held liable under obligations of the company's founders connected with the establishment thereof, if their actions are subsequently approved by a general meeting of the company's participants. For this, in any case the amount of the company's liability may not exceed one fifth of the company's paid authorised capital.7. The specifics of establishing a company with participation of foreign investors shall be defined by federal law.8. Data on the rate and nominal value of the share of each company participant shall be inserted in the comprehensive state register of legal entities in compliance with the federal law on the state registration of legal entities. In so doing, data on the nominal value of shares of the company participants when it is being established shall be determined on the basis of the provisions of the agreement on the company's establishment or of the decision of the company's sole founder, in particular if these shares are not paid for in full and are to be paid for in the procedure and at the time provided for by this Federal Law.Article 12. A Company's Rules1. A company's rules shall be the company's constituent document.2. The company's charter shall contain:the full and abbreviated trade name of the company;information about the company's whereabouts;information about the structure and competence of the company's bodies, including in matters comprising the exclusive competence of the genera meeting of the company's participants, about the procedure of the adoption of decisions by the company's bodies, including in the matters in which decisions are taken unanimously or by a qualified majority of votes;information about the size of the company's authorized capital;paragraph six was abrogated from July 1, 2009;the rights and duties of the company's participants;information about the procedure and consequences of the withdrawal of a participant from this company, if the right to withdraw from the company is provided for by the company's rules;information about the procedure for the transition of a share or a part of the share in the company's authorized capital to another person;information about the procedure for keeping the company's documents and about the procedure of submission by the company of data to its participants and other persons;other information provided for by this Federal Law.The company's charter may also contain other provisions which are not inconsistent with this Federal Law and other federal laws.3.At the request of a company participant, auditor or any interested person the company shall be obliged to provide them in reasonable time with the possibility of acquainting themselves with the company's rules, including amendments to them. The company shall be obliged to give copies of the effective rules to a company participant at his request. The charge collected by the company for granting the copies may not exceed the expenses on their production.4. Amendments to the company's rules shall be introduced by decision of the general meeting of the company's participants.Amendments introduced to the company's constituent documents shall be subject to state registration in the order prescribed by Article 13 of this Federal Law for the company's registration.Amendments introduced to the company's constituent documents shall acquire force for third persons from the time of their state registration and in cases stipulated by this Federal Law from the time of notifying the body that carried out state registration.5.Abrogated from July 1, 2009Article 13. State Registration of a CompanyA company shall be liable to state registration with the body that carries out the state registration of legal entities in the procedure established by the Federal Law on the State Registration of Legal Entities.GARANT system commentOn the procedure for adoption by the Bank of Russia of the decision on the state registration of credit institutions and on the issue of licences for the performance of banking transactions, see Instructions of the Central Bank of Russia No. 135-I of April 2, 2010 Chapter III. A Company's Authorized Capital. The Propertyof a CompanyArticle 14. A Company's Authorized Capital. Shares in a Company's Authorized Capital1.A company's authorized capital shall be formed from the nominal value of the shares of its participants.The amount of the company's authorized capital shall not be less than ten thousand roubles.The amount of the company's authorized capital and the nominal value of the shares of the company's participants shall be expressed in roubles.The company's authorized capital shall determine the minimum size of its property that guarantees the interests of its creditors.2.The size of the share of a company's participant in its authorized capital shall be determined as a percentage or in the form of a fraction. The size of the share of the company's participant shall correspond to the ratio between the nominal value of his share and the company's authorized capital.The actual value of the share of the company's participant shall correspond to the value of the company's net assets that is proportional to the size of his share.3. The company's charter may limit the maximum amount of the size of its participants' shares. It may limit the possibility of a change in the correlation of the company's participants. Such limitations may not be established for particular participants. Said provisions may be。