



感恩节英语小故事带翻译:一只感恩的老鼠The Grateful Mouse感恩的老鼠A lion was sleeping in the field. Suddenly, somethingfell on the lion's body.一只狮子睡在野外。


"who dares to wake me up from my sleep?"“谁敢把我从睡梦中惊醒?”The lion jumped up and looked around. However, there was only a small mouse trembling.狮子一跃而起,四处张望。


The lion held the mouse with his paw.狮子向老鼠举起他的爪子。

"you little mouse, you dare to wake me. I'll swallow you up."“你这只小老鼠,你敢来吵醒我,我要吃掉你的。

”The mouse trembled and said,"Mr.lion, please forgive me .I slipped......"老鼠颤抖着说,“狮子先生,请原谅我。

我滑倒......”"quiet!"“安静!”"If you spare me ,l'll repay you. The lion was surprised.“如果你饶了我,我会报答你的。


"ha, ha,ha,how will a little mouse like you repay me?"“哈,哈,哈,像你这样的小老鼠将如何报答我?”"I meant it, I'll repay you."“我的意思是,我会报答你的。



感恩节英语小故事篇一:感恩节英文故事Halloweenoctober31st(westerncountries) Halloweenisoneoftheoldestholidayswithoriginsgoingback thousandsofyears.Theholidayhashadmanyinfluencesfrommanyculturesove rthecenturies.FromtheRoman'sPomonaday,tothecelticfestivalofSam hain,tothechristianholidaysofallSaintsandallSoulsdays. HundredsofyearsagoinwhatisnowGreatBritainandnorthernFrance,livedthecelts(凯尔特人),whoworshipped(崇拜)natureandhadmanygods,withthesungodastheirfavorite.Theycelebratedt heirnewYearonnovember1stwhichwasmadeeveryyearwithafestivalandmar kedtheendofthe”seasonofthesun”andthebeginningof”theseasonofdarkness andcold.”onoctober31stafterthecropswereallharvestedandstoredfor thelongwinterthecookingfiresinthehomeswouldbeextinguished(消失).Thedruids,thecelticpriests,wouldmeetinthehilltopin thedarkoakforest(oaktreeswereconsideredsacred).Theywouldlightnewfires andoffersacrificesofcropsandanimals.astheydancedaroundthefires,theseasonofthesunpassedandtheseasonofdarknessw ouldbegin. whenthemorningarrivedthedruidswouldgiveanemberfromtheirfirestoeachf amilywhowouldthentakethemhometostartnewcookingfires.Thesefireswouldkeepthehomeswarmandfreefromevilspirits. Thenovember1stfestivalwascalledSamhain(pronounced”sow-en”).Thefest ivalwouldlastfor3days.manypeoplewouldparadein costumesmadefromtheskinsandheadsoftheiranimals.This festivalwouldbecomethefirstHalloween. Thecelticswouldcarryalantern(灯笼)whentheywalkedontheeveofoctober31.Theselanternswerecarvedoutofb igturnips(大头菜)andthelightswerebelievedtokeeptheevilspiritsaway.children wouldcarvefacesintheturnips.Thesecarvedturnipswerecalled“jack-o-lanterns.itissaidthatthe”jack-o-lantern”gotitsnamefromastingy(吝啬的)andmeanoldman,namedJack,whowhenhediedwastoomeantogetintohea ven.whenJackwenttohellhewasmeetbythedevilwhogavehimapieceofburni ngcoalandsenthimaway.Jackplacedthe burningcoalinaturniptouseasalanterntolighthisway.The legendsclaimthatJackisstillwalkingwiththelanternlookingforaplacetostay. whentheearlysettlerscametoamericatheyfoundthebigroundorangepumpkin .Beinglargerandmuchmorecolorful thanturnips,thepumpkinmadegreat”jack -o-lanterns”.Eventuallythepumpkinwouldreplacetheturnip.EventuallytheP umpkinwouldbecomethemostwidelyrecognizedsymbol(象征)oftheHalloweenholiday.Thehistoryof”Trick'o'Treating”canbetr acedback(追溯)totheearlycelebrationsofallSoul'sdayinBritain.Thepoorwouldgob eggingandthehousewiveswouldgivethemspecialtreatscalled”soulcakes”.T hiswascalled”goinga-souling”,andthe”soulers”wouldpromisetosayaprayer forthedead.overtimethecustomchangedandthetown'schildrenbecamethebeggars. astheywentfromhousetohousetheywouldbegivenapples,buns(圆形的小甜面包),andmoney.duringthePioneerdaysoftheamericanwest,thehousewiveswo uldgivethechildrencandytokeepfrombeingtricked.Thechildrenwouldshout ”TrickorTreat!”.篇二:百度知道集中感恩节的英文祝福语、故事、作文感恩节的英文祝福语HaveaFULLThanksgivingdaywarmwishesatThanksgiving ThanksgivingwishesforyouandyourfamilyFromallofustoallofyouatThanksgivingilovetoeat,soiloveThanksgiving Thanksgivingisthebestholidayoftheyear Thanksgivingisagreattimetotellyouthatweloveyoukids感恩节英文介绍ThanksgivingdayisthemosttrulyamericanofthenationalHolidaysintheUnite dStatesandismostcloselyconnectedwiththeearliesthistoryofthecountry.in1620,thesettlers,orPilgrims,theysailedtoamericaonthemayflower,seeking aplacewheretheycouldhavefreedomofworship.afteratempestuoustwo-mont hvoyagetheylandedatinicynovember,whatisnowPlymouth,massachusetts. duringtheirfirstwinter,overhalfofthesettlersdiedof[1]starvationorepidemics .Thosewhosurvivedbegansowinginthefirstspring. allsummerlongtheywaitedfortheharvestswithgreatanxiety,knowingthatthei rlivesandthefutureexistenceofthecolonydependedonthecomingharvest.Fin allythefieldsproducedayieldrichbeyondexpectations.andthereforeitwasdec idedthatadayofthanksgivingtotheLordbefixed[2].Yearslater,Presidentofthe UnitedStatesproclaimedthefourthThursdayofnovemberasThanksgivingday everyyear.ThecelebrationofThanksgivingdayhasbeenobservedonthatdateu ntiltoday. ThepatternoftheThanksgivingcelebrationhasneverchangedthroughtheyears .Thebigfamilydinnerisplannedmonthsahead.onthedinnertable,peoplewillfi ndapples,oranges,chestnuts,walnutsandgrapes.Therewillbeplumpudding,mincepie,othervarietiesoffoodandcranberryjuiceandsquash.Thebestandmo stattractiveamongthemareroastturkeyandpumpkinpie.Theyhavebeenthemo sttraditionalandfavoritefoodonThanksgivingdaythroughouttheyears. Everyoneagreesthedinnermustbebuiltaroundroastturkeystuffedwithabread dressing[3]toabsorbthetastyjuicesasitroasts.Butascookingvarieswithfamili esandwiththeregionswhereonelives,itisnoteasytogetaconsensuson[4]thepr ecisekindofstuffingfortheroyalbird.Thanksgivingtodayis,ineverysense,anationalannualholidayonwhichameric ans ofallfaithsandbackgroundsjoinintoexpresstheirthanksfortheyear'sbo untyandreverentlyaskforcontinued[5]blessings.感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,而且它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。



感恩节的小故事英文版【篇一:英语故事】mothers day history 母亲节的由来origin of mothers day goes back to the era of ancient greek and romans. but the roots of mothers day history can also be traced in uk where a mothering sunday was celebrated much before the festival saw the light of the day in us. however, the celebration of the festival as it is seen today is a recent phenomenon and not even a hundred years old. thanks to the hard work of the pioneering women of their times, julia ward howe and anna jarvis that the day came into existence. today the festival ofmothers day is celebrated across 46 countries (though on different dates) and is a hugely popular affair. millions of people across the globe take the day as an opportunity to honor their mothers, thank them for their efforts in giving them life, raising them and being their constant support and well wisher.......参考译文:母亲节的起源可以追溯到古希腊和罗马时代。



感恩节小故事英文版:感恩节的由来Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,而且它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。

In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.1620年,一些朝圣者(或称为清教徒)乘坐"五月花"号船去美国寻求宗教自由。


During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today.在第一个冬天,半数以上的移民都死于饥饿和传染病,活下来的人们在第一个春季开始播种。



感恩节的小故事英文A Thanksgiving Story 感恩节的故事It was the day before Thanksgiving the first one my three children and I would be spending without their father, who had left several months before. Now the two older children were very sick with the flu, and the eldest had just been prescribed bed rest for a week.那是感恩节的前一天---孩子的父亲在几个月前离开了我们,这将是我和三个孩子在没有他们父亲陪伴下度过的第一个感恩节.现在两个大的孩子患了重感冒,而且医生还要求最大的那个孩子必须卧床休息一周。

It was a cool, gray day outside, and a light rain was falling. I grew wearier as I scurried around, trying to care for each child: thermometers, juice, diapers. And I was fast running out of liquids for the children. But when I checked my purse, all I found was about $2.50 and this was supposed to last me until the end of the month. That's when I heard the phone ring.这是个寒冷,灰暗的日子,窗外还飘着细雨.我四处忙碌着要照看好每个孩子:测量体温,喂食,换尿布我感到越来越疲惫.而且给孩子们喝的东西也马上要彻底地用完了.但是当我打开钱包,所能找到的只有2.5美元左右--可我还得靠这点钱支撑到月底啊。



怎样幽默地用英语“感恩”感恩节到了,想要对帮助过你的人表达谢意,干巴巴的Thank you是不是有点拿不出手?下面这些幽默地表达感谢的方式会让你的感恩节祝福瞬间与众不同哦。

1. If it wasn’t weird, I would have sent you a picture of myself. Because I look totally grateful.要不是怕太怪的话,我真想给你发一张我的照片:好让你看看我充满感激的脸。

2. Thank you (not sent from my iPhone).谢谢(不是发自我的iPhone)。

3. You score phenomenally high in the kind-o-meter. Seriously, I checked.你在好人榜上得分高得令人震惊。


4. Thanks so much for putting up with our direct mail. But even more, thank you for responding.非常谢谢你能忍受得了我们的推销邮件。


5. You = awesome. Me = grateful.你真是牛人。


6. Move over Gates and Buffett, there’s a new philanthropist in town.你已经超越盖茨和巴菲特,成为咱们这儿的大慈善家。

7. Our clients have started an unofficial fan club. You should start practicing your autograph.客户们已经组建了非官方粉丝俱乐部。


8. Do you practice being so wonderful? Thank you kindly for your gift.你是练过吗?怎么可以这么厉害?谢谢你的礼物。




小编精心收集了关于感恩的英语短故事,供大家欣赏学习!关于感恩的英语短故事篇1Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country.感恩节是美国国定假日中最地道、最美国式的节日,而且它和早期美国历史最为密切相关。

In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.1620年,一些朝圣者(或称为清教徒)乘坐"五月花"号船去美国寻求宗教自由。


During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year. The celebration of Thanksgiving Day has been observed on that date until today.在第一个冬天,半数以上的移民都死于饥饿和传染病,活下来的人们在第一个春季开始播种。



英文感恩节的小故事Once upon a time, in a small town in the United States, lived a young girl named Emily. She was a diligent student who loved learning English. Despite the challenges she faced in a predominantly non-English speaking community, Emily was determined to improve her language skills. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, Emily saw an opportunity to express her gratitude in a unique and meaningful way.Emily decided to organize an English storytelling event for her friends and neighbors. She spent weeks preparing, selecting a variety of short stories that embodied the spirit of Thanksgiving. She carefully translated each story into Chinese and rehearsed her delivery to ensure that she would be understood by everyone in attendance.When the day of the event arrived, Emily greeted her guests with a warm smile and a heartfelt welcome. The room was decorated with handmade posters displaying the theme of gratitude. As the evening progressed, Emily took the stage and began to captivate her audience with the first story.The story she chose was about a young boy who, despite his poverty, found joy in giving back to others. Emily exquisitely narrated the story, emphasizing the importance of kindness and compassion. She used vivid descriptions and expressive gestures to bring the characters to life.As Emily shared more stories throughout the evening, the audience became engrossed in the tales. They laughed at the humorous anecdotes and their eyes welled with tears during the more emotional ones. Emily's passion for storytelling touched the hearts of everyone present, and they felt a deepsense of gratitude for the young girl who had devoted her time and effort to create such a special event.After the storytelling session, an elderly woman approached Emily and expressed her gratitude. She explained how she had recently lost her husband and was struggling to find a reason to be thankful. However, listening to Emily's stories reminded her of the importance of appreciating the small blessings in life. This encounter deeply moved Emily and reinforced the power of storytelling to bring people together and inspire gratitude.Word of Emily's event spread, and the following year, even more people eagerly awaited her English storytelling tradition. Teachers from the local schools began incorporating Emily's stories into their lesson plans, and the community as a whole became more interested in learning English. Through her passion for storytelling, Emily had not only shared the spirit of Thanksgiving but also created a lasting impact on her town's cultural landscape.Looking ahead, Emily hopes to continue her English storytelling events and expand her reach to other communities. She dreams of establishing a platform where people from different backgrounds can share their stories of gratitude. Emily envisions a world where language barriers are broken down, and individuals can connect through the power of storytelling, fostering understanding and appreciation for one another.Emily's journey of using English storytelling to celebrate Thanksgiving demonstrates the transformative power of language and the impact one person can have on an entire community. As we gather with loved ones tocelebrate this season of gratitude, let us remember the importance of sharing our stories and expressing our appreciation for the blessings in our lives.。




感恩节的故事(英汉对照)Early in the 17th century, a group of people called the pilgrims wanted to reform and purify England's churches.17世纪早期,被称作清教徒的一群人想要改革并净化英格兰教会。

As a result of their efforts, they were persecuted, so they sailed to the Netherlands; also known as Holland, seeking religious freedom.他们努力的结果却是遭到了迫害,于是他们横渡到了尼德兰,也被称作荷兰,去那里寻找宗教自由。

点击查看源网页After 12 years in Holland where they struggled to make a living felt threatened by the permissive Dutch society, the Pilgrims decide to seek refuge in a place where they could create a society that matched their religious ideals.在荷兰生存了12年后,他们挣扎求生。


In exchange for seven years of work the puritans persuaded a London stock company to finance their journey to the New World.清教徒说服一所伦敦证券公司,以七年工龄换来了他们去新世界旅行的资助。



1、Good use of cry 哭的妙用The parents with their three-year-old son went to see film.When they walked into the cinema, the attendant said to them,“you’ll have to go out if your son cries. But we’ll refundyou the tickets.” About half an hour later, the husbandasked his wife, “What do you think of the film?”“I’ve never seen such a boring film.” His wife answered.“It’s not worth seeing.”“I don’t think much of it, either.” The husband said.“Wake the child up and let him cry.”一对夫妇带着他们3岁的儿子去看电影。







”2、What a Smart Wife家有笨妻A newly married woman was sitting on a chair,looking vexed, when her husband came home."What's up? Why do you look so troubled?"the husband asked. The woman replied,"I'm so sorry. I was ironing your new suit andburned a hole in your trousers." And the man said,"That's all right. I have another pair that is exactly the same.""Thank God you do. I used it to mend this pair,"the wife responded.有一个刚结婚的太太,坐在椅子那边,看起来很懊恼,她先生回家看到她这个样子,就问:‘嗨,你怎么啦?为什么看起来这么懊恼呢?’太太说:‘很抱歉,你那件新做的西装裤被我烫坏了,烫成一个洞了。


傍晚,儿子在电话中兴奋地说:“爸爸,告诉你个好消息,我被录取了。”我一阵惊喜,忙问:“这是怎么回事?”儿子告诉我,他刚刚又接到了“你被录取了”的短信,很激动,但莫名其妙,就打电话询问。原来这些短信也是复试的一个步骤,参加复试的3人上午都接到了同样的短信,只有儿子的回复让招聘方满意,所以就录用了。 我问儿子:“你们都是怎么回复的?”儿子说:“一个没有回复,一个回复‘拜拜’,我回复了‘谢谢’。”
In exchange for seven years of work the puritans persuaded a London stock company tofinance their journey to the New World.
Half a year before graduation from college, my son began to seek a job. Due to the financialcrisis, fewer companies would like to employ new staff while potential employees were floodingthe job market. Therefore, the competition was ever-fierce. My son targeted a company thatwas located in a coastal city. It was intended to employ only one person while there were morethan twenty candidates filing their resumes, among whom was my son. I said to my son, “It ismore difficult to get into this company than take the college entrance exam. You should notharbor too much hope for fear that you would feel terribly disappointed when you fail.” Hesaid to me, “I am not afraid of disappointment. As long as I try, there will always be hope!”





在此店铺为你整理了关于英语的感恩小故事,希望能帮到你!关于英语的感恩小故事(1)There was an earthquake in one city。

Rescue work is intense。

Three days later, rescue workers vaguely heard a "help! Come and save my child ah!" Along the voice search, found to be coming from a ruin。

Unplug the ruins and found a young mother with all her arms and legs propped up on her back and arched her shoulders against the broken beam, while under the block of space she had a baby, hiding under him, asleep。

The mother kept saying:"Save my child!Save my child!" After rescue workers rescued them, she first asked: "How is my child?My child How about?"Medical staff told her:" Your child is good,no danger。

"When she heard her children safe,no danger, a loose, fainted。










圣诞之夜,人们围着圣诞树唱歌跳舞,尽情欢乐英文版:It is said that there was a farmer served a poor boy on a cold windy Chrismas Eve and gave him a big chrisemas meal. The boy cut a Fir tree's branch and inserted it into the earth.He said, "every year this time. there will be many presents in this branch. I wish I can pay back to your favor by this beautiful Fir tree. " After the boy left, the farmer discovered that the branch had grow up as a big tree. Then he realized that the boy was an envoy of the god. This is the origin of the chrismas day. In western countries, Whatever you are, everyone will prepare a chrismas tree to increase the happiness of the chrismas day. Chrismas trees are made of evergreen tree like Fir trees and they represent the long lives.People put candles,flowers,toys,stars on the tree and they put chrismas present on the tree. On Chrismas Eve,people sing and dance happily and they enjoy themselves around the tree.感恩节的故事英文版【2】英文版:Chrismas Father was the descendant of a deity called Odin. It's also said that Chrismas Father comes from San Nichola, so he is also called St.Nicholas. He was the bishop of Asia Minor city of Rafah and he was called a man of God after his death. He is an old man in red clothes and he wears a red hat.He has white mustache. He comes from the north on a blowmobile every Chrismas Day. He went into people's houses by the track and he put the presents into children's socks. So in western countries,parents put the gifts to their kids in kids' socks and put them on the head of the bed on Chrismas Eve. On the second day, the first thing after kids wake up is to find the presents from Chrismas Fathers.中文版:圣诞老人为奥丁神后裔。



幼儿英文图书:The First ThanksgivingHi,I'm Mary Chilton, and I am one of the original pilgrimswho survived the year of famine to celebrate the firstThanksgiving in the New World.After arriving in the New World,the first thing we needed to do was to write a documentthat would guide our living in this new society.The men gathered together and wrote The Mayflower Compact.Every man aboard the Mayflower signed the compact onNovember 21,1620.Soon after The Mayflower Compact was signed,the men went exploring to find a place where we could build our new homes.After several days, they returned to the Mayflower.They brought some corn they had found with them."We think we will find a place to settle soon.”"Really! Oh, thank the Lord.""Really! Oh, thank the Lord."After six weeks of exploration,our men sent wordthat they had found a place to settle.December 31,1620 was our first chance to see the place we would call home.We named it "Plymouth."The weather in January was bad, but the men worked hard to cut logs for the settlement. First, the men built a common house to store our tools,furnishings, and supplies. Then they built houses.The work went slowly because many people were ill,and nearly half died in the Great Sickness that winter.My family was one of the hardest hit.I lost both my father and my mother.My father was the oldest pilgrim to make the voyage to the New World,and he died very quickly.My mother was a very strong woman, but she also died.I know in my heart she died because she wanted me to live.She always made sure I ate first.She would give me some of her food becausethere wasn't really enough food for all of us to eat.By the end of the winter, more than half of us who had crossed on the Mayflower had died, but the older women were the hardest hit.Only 5 of the 18 original married women aboard the Mayflower survived.Although I was now an orphan with no mother yr father,the other pilgrims took me in and treated me with kindness.With so many women dead, I found myself busier than ever.I had to help do the cooking and the laundry for the men andboys who had Iost their wives or mothers.In March of 1621,a Native American came to our village.His name was Samoset. He walked into the village shouting: "Welcome! Welcome! Englishmen!" Even though it was a very cold and windy day,Samoset was naked except for a cloth around his waist and moccasins on his feet.The men talked to Samoset for a Iong time.Samoset left the next day and he said he would soon return.After several days, Samoset did return with another Native Americanwho amazed us all with his flawless English.His name was Squanto, and he said he was the last surviving member of the Patuxet tribe. Squanto stayed with us that whole spring and summer.He taught our men how to hunt and how to fish.He taught the women how to plant and cultivate corn,squash,and beans.We learned that our seeds from England did not grow very well in the New World,but Squanto showed us that if we planted our seeds with herring,then they would grow. Squanto helped us to make friends with the neighboring tribes.With his help, we signed a peace treaty with King Massasoit.Squanto and other Native Americans also helped us with our crops.With their help, our corn, squash, and beans did very well that next year.To celebrate our bountiful harvest, we invited the greatKing Massasoit and his advisors to our viliage.The feast lasted for three days.We ate duck, turkey, deer, clams, lobster and many kinds of fish.There were lots of berries, nuts, and several kinds of fruit.But the best dish of all was an Indian pudding made from pumpkinand sweetened with the syrup from a maple tree.We thanked God for the success of our harvest and for the kindness of the Native Americans who taught us the skills we needed to survive.第一个感恩节嗨,我是玛丽·奇尔顿,我是在饥荒年活下来的来庆祝在新世界的第一感恩节的朝圣者之一。



感恩节英文感恩节的小故事每年 11 月的第四个星期四,是美国的感恩节。





























感恩节英语故事:鱼之报恩,大白鲨以身相许报恩渔夫"Arnold Pointer a professional fisherman from south of Australia set free from a certain death a big female White Shark that was caught in his fishing nets. Now the fisherman has a problem: He says: "It's been 2 years and she doesn't leave me alone. She follows me everywhere I go and her presence scares all the fishes. I don't know what to do anymore."Arnold Pointer是一位来自南澳大利亚的职业渔夫,他以前将一只落入渔网的雌性大白鲨放生。




”It is hard to get rid of an almost 17 feet long shark since the White Sharks are protected by the wildlife conservation, but a mutual affection established between Arnold and "Cindy".因为大白鲨受到野生动物保护条例的保护,我很难摆脱这只17英尺的鲨鱼,不过Arnold和“Cindy”之间早已“情愫暗生”。

Arnold Says: "Once I stop the boat she comes to me, she turns on her back and let me pet her belly and neck, she grunts, turn her eyes, and move her fins up and down hitting the water happilly..."Arnold说:“只要我一停船,她就会游过来,还把肚皮跟脖子给我摸,凝视着我对着我露齿大笑,欢快地扑腾着海水。



【关键字】感恩节英文感恩节的小故事A boy and a apple tree 小男孩和苹果树A long time ago, there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to come and lay around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the apples, took a nap under the shadow... He loved the tree and the tree loved to play with him.很久很久以前,有一棵又高又大的苹果树。



Time went by... the little boy had grown up and he no longer played around the tree every day. One day, the boy came back to the tree and he looked sad.后来,小男孩长大了,不再天天来玩耍。


“Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. “I am no longer a kid, I don’t play around trees anymore.” The boy replied, “I want toys. I need money to buy them.”苹果树要和他一起玩,男孩说:“不行,我不小了,不能再和你玩,我要玩具,可是没钱买。

”“Sorry, but I don’t have money...but you can pick all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy was so excited. He grabbed all the apples on the tree and left happily. The boy never came back after he picked the apples. The tree was sad.苹果树说:“很遗憾,我也没钱,不过,把我所有的果子摘下来卖掉,你不就有钱了?”男孩十分激动,他摘下所有的苹果,高高兴兴地走了。



幼儿园感恩节英文故事In a cozy corner of a small town, there was a kindergarten named Sunshine Garden The children in this kindergarten were always full of joy and curiosity One day, as Thanksgiving was approaching, the teachers decided to tell the children some special English stories to help them understand the meaning of gratitudeTeacher Lily stood in front of the class and began to tell the first story "Once upon a time, there was a little bear named Benny Benny was a very kind and friendly bear One day, when he was walking in the forest, he saw a little bird that had fallen from its nest The little bird was hurt and couldn't fly Benny carefully picked up the little bird and took it home He gently bandaged the bird's wound and gave it food and water Day after day, Benny took good care of the little bird Finally, the little bird recovered and could fly again The little bird was so grateful to Benny It chirped happily and flew around Benny to show its thanks"The children listened attentively, their eyes wide with wonder Teacher Lily asked, "Why do you think the little bird was grateful to Benny?"Little Emily raised her hand and said, "Because Benny helped the little bird when it was in trouble" Teacher Lily smiled and noddedThen, Teacher Tom continued the story time "There was a little girl named Lily She loved to draw pictures One day, she lost her favorite color pencils She was very sad But her friend, Tom, noticed her sadness and spentthe whole afternoon helping her look for the pencils Finally, they found them under a bench in the park Lily was so happy and grateful to Tom From then on, they became even better friends"The children began to discuss among themselves "I would be grateful if someone helped me find my lost things," said little Jack "Yes, and we should also help our friends when they need us," added little Mary Teacher Alice then told another story "There was an old man who lived alone in a small house One winter day, it snowed heavily and the old man's roof started to leak A group of children from the neighborhood came to his house They brought tools and helped the old man fix the roof The old man was very touched and grateful He gave each child a big hug and some homemade cookies"The children were silent for a moment, imagining the scene Teacher Alice said gently, "When we help others, we not only make them happy but also feel good ourselves"After listening to these stories, the children understood that being grateful was not only about saying 'thank you' but also about doing kind things for others and showing care and loveAs Thanksgiving Day arrived, the children decided to make thankyou cards for their parents, teachers, and friends They used colorful pens and stickers to express their gratitude Some drew pictures of their families having a big dinner together, some wrote simple words like 'Thank you for loving me' and 'I'm grateful to have you as my friend'In the kindergarten, there was a warm atmosphere of gratitude The children learned that even the smallest acts of kindness could make a big difference and that being grateful could make the world a better placeAt the end of the day, when the children went home with their thankyou cards, they couldn't wait to share the stories and their feelings of gratitude with their families And that was how the spirit of Thanksgiving was passed on, one story and one card at a time。







难道是因为我们混的太差了?helloeveryone.mynameisAlice.I’mdesperatelycrazyaboutsnacks.Ihaveaverybravefather,hisnameisRobert.Daddy,whyshouldalofusshipout?罗伯特:因为我们在这里会有坏人想要害我们,所以我们得离开这里,去寻找新的家园了,我们快上船吧becauseTheresbadguyshere.sowehavetogetoutofhere,tof indanewhome,weshouldgetonboardnow.旁白:大家坐船离开了英国,决定前往北美了,航行中遇到了很大的风暴ThesepeopleleavetheuKtonorthAmericabyship.unfortuna tely,theymeetastormduringthevoyage.爱丽丝:额(翻白眼状)不行了,不行了。



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Thanksgiving 感恩节
Mr. Hunter calls his son in Boston. The old man says,“Son,
I hate to bring you the bad news…… but your mother and I,
we are getting a divorce.”The son is surprised, “What?? You can’t!”


Mr. Hunter says, “I’m sorry, son! Forty-five years of misery is enough! Now, I am sick of talking about it, call
your sister and tell her!” And he hangs up.

The son, nearly in tears, calls his sister in New York, “Sis,” he says, “You’re not going to believe this! Mom
and dad are getting a…… a…… divorce!”
“What?!” she shouts on the phone. “Oh, n o. They
aren’t!You stay put. I’ll call you right back!” And she hangs up.




The sister calls the parents in Los Angels, “You two are not getting a divorce!”
Mr. Hunter says, “Honey, listen……”
The daughter says, “No, you listen! You are not getting a divorce! You know what? You don’t do anything! I’m calling brother back. We’ll be there tomorrow! Don’t do anything.”
And she hangs up.


Mr. Hunter hangs up calmly, looks at Mrs. Hunter, and says, “Well, they are coming for Thanksgiving and are paying their own fares. What shall we tell them on Christmas?”

