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• 这篇小说揭露了美国“民主政治”的虚伪。一个正派、清
白的老实人在竞选中成了最不正派、最不清白的“罪人”, 这就告诉人们资本主义的所谓“自由竞选”、“民主政治” 不过是资产阶级政客争权夺利、残酷倾轧的遮羞布。小说 也暴露了资本主义“言论自由”的虚伪。资产阶级的所谓 “言论自由”实质就是用谎言来诬蔑、攻击、陷害对方, 来蒙蔽欺骗人民群众。小说还撕开了资本主义国家“两党 制”的画皮。资产阶级政党在本质上都是一样的,都不能 反映广大人民的意志。这篇小说的思想意义远远超出了它 所产生的那个时代,今天,它依然是我们认识资产阶级民 主的虚伪和欺骗性的好教材。
Major work
• 《卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》(1867)、《傻子国
外旅行记》(1869)、《艰苦岁月》(1872)、《镀 金时代》(1873,与查尔斯·达德利·沃纳合写)、 《汤姆·索耶历险记》(1876)、《国外流浪汉》 (1880)、《王子与贫儿》(1882)、《密西西比河 上》(1883)、《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》(1884)、 《亚瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美国人》(1889)、 《傻瓜威尔逊》(1894)、《贞德传》(1896)。他 去世后出版的作品有:《神秘的来客》(1916)、 《马克·吐温的笔记本》(1935)和《自传》(1959)
The£ 1,000,000 Bank- Note
The£ 1,000,000 Bank- Note
• 《百万英镑》讲述了一位美国穷小子亨利·亚当斯
在伦敦的一次奇遇。伦敦的两位富翁打赌,把一 张无法兑现的百万钞票借给亨利,看他在一个月 内如何收场。一个月的期限到了,亨利不仅没有 饿死或被捕,反倒成了富翁,并且赢得了一位漂 亮小姐的爱情
laughter," such as ruined Herdlein Fort and liberty, of thee, it is black
• 从内容上说,他的作品批判了不合理现象或人性的丑恶之
处,表达了这位当过排字工人和水手的作家强烈的正义感 和对普通人民的关心;从风格上说,专家们和一般读者都 认为,幽默和讽刺是他的写作特点。作品风格:熔幽默与 讽刺一体,既富于独特的个人机智与妙语,又不乏深刻的 社会洞察与剖析,既是幽默辛辣的小的杰作,又是悲天悯 人的严肃!
• ROUGHING IT is Twain’s personal recollection of his
wanderlust years.It is a wildly humorous adventure yarn that combines hard facts with a-healthy doge of the author’s tinique perspective,one that helped define the course of American literature
America. It tells people that so-called "free run", "democracy" in capitalism is nothing but the bourgeois politicians compete for power. In 2002, Schwarzenegger, Arnold attended the Governor election, he had the almost same experiences just liked Mark Twain had in the story. Although one is a description in literary works, one is a real story; the astonishing fakeness of the place still reminds people of the truth: In American society, the word "War" has actually become the synonym of "Election"!
Agricultural News, that is white humor, simple and obvious nature; The second is the humor in millions of pounds, run for governor,
humor that is green, healthy and beneficial; The third is "Tears of
literary medium in the literary history of America
• 哈克贝利是一个聪明、善良、勇敢的白人少年。
他为了追求自由的生活,逃亡到密西西比河上。 在逃亡途中,他遇到了黑奴吉姆。吉姆是一个勤 劳朴实、热情诚实、忠心耿耿的黑奴,他为了逃 脱被主人再次卖掉的命运,从主人家中出逃。他 们一起漂流在密西西比河上,过着自由自在的生 活,两人成了好朋友。哈克贝利为了吉姆的自由, 历尽千辛万苦,最后得知,吉姆的主人已在遗嘱 里解放了他。小说中,哈克贝利和吉姆姆的性格 鲜明突出,形象栩栩如生。全篇的现实主义描绘 和浪漫主义抒情交相辉映,尖锐深刻的揭露、幽 默辛辣的讽刺以及浪漫传奇的描写浑然一体,形 成了马克·吐温独特的艺术风格。
• Tom lives with his Aunt Polly, his dead mother’s sister,
Tom is a naughty boy who likes making tricks on others but also warm-hearted. He is tired of the monotony life in class. He dreams of having a fresh exciting life and exploring. By a chance Tom and his friend, Huck Finn, saw murder of Dr. Robinson by Injun Joe during a grave robbing attempt. Tom discloses Joe’s guilty and finds a box of gold which is buried by Joe and finally they become heroes in the town.
• The Adventures of
Tom Sawyer is about
the unusual life of a young boy living in a Mississippi River town during a summer in the 1840s.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
narration of a little illiterate boy
• Colloquial style: a very important contribution of this novel to
American literature
• Features of the language used in the novel: mostly Anglo-Saxon in
• The novel talks about the adventure of a pour
guy named Henry Adams who came from America, which happened in London. It was about a bet between two moneybags, they lent Henry a cheque of one million pounds which can’t be cashed, and they wanted to see how would Henry deal with that cheque in a month. To their surprise, Henry was not died of hunger, nor did he be arrested by the policeman until the deadline of one month. He became a millionaire instead, and won over the love from a beautiful lady!!
• When refer to Mark twin's humor, there are three levels: first, the
laugh from heart.
• such as Jumping Frog of Calaveras County famous, How do I Edit
Running for governor
• As one of America' s first and foremost realists and
humorists, Mark Twain usually criticizes some social
problems in his works. In his novel Running for the governor he exposes the hypocrisy of democracy in
origin, short, concrete and direct in effect;
• Sentence structure is mostly simple or compound; • Repetition of words: ungrammatical elements • Mark Twain made the colloquial speech an accepted, respected
• 《苦行记》是马克·吐温的一部半自传体著作,写他1861
年——1866年间在美国西部地区的冒险生活。全书由几百 个妙趣横生的故事组成,有的叫人捧腹,有的令人哂然。 《苦行记》是马克·吐温的第二部成名之作,书中有不少 抒情、明快、幽默的篇章,突出反映了作者早期的写作风 格。
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
• 《汤姆•索亚历险记》描写了十九世纪密西西河畔一个小
镇人民的生活,可以说是当时美国社会生活的一个缩影。 本书的小主人公汤姆•索亚是一个成长中的孩子,他调皮,喜 欢恶作剧;却又善良可爱乐于助人。他讨厌教堂里老师干 巴巴的说教,他不喜欢整天在学校里干燥无味的生活,他向 往成为绿林好汉,他希望加入海盗,过新鲜刺激的生活。一 天,他约好朋友哈克夜间去坟场玩耍,目睹伊江杀人的惨 案,经思想斗争揭发了伊江的罪恶。伊江企图杀害汤姆, 结果失足坠入深谷而死。汤姆和哈克发现了伊江埋的一箱 金子,两人平分,都成了富翁.
• 马克•吐温的幽默有三个层次:第一层是“开怀的笑”,
如《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》、《我怎样编辑农业报》, 那是白色幽默,浅显自然;第二层是“会心的笑”,如 《百万英镑》、《竞选州长》,那是绿色幽默,健康有益; 第三层是“含泪的笑”,如《败坏了赫德莱堡的人》、 《自由之邦》,那是黑色幽默,乐定思痛。
The adventures of Huckleberry Finn
• Theme: humanism will finally win • The novel used vivid details from actual life successfully. • Special point of view: serious social problems discussed through the
Work feHale Waihona Puke Baiduture
• Mark Twain's use of sarcasm is his central characteristic; another
literary trick of Twain's was his use of slang and regional dialect rather than use flowery language: Twain often wrote the way that people spoke. his works often expresses criticism of the ugly nature of the Department and the social inequality . Humor and irony are the main characteristics of his writing.