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安徽师范大学2010―2011学年第1学期 《新编英语语法教程》 试卷(A 卷) 第一大题: (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) I. Fill in each of the blanks with the proper form of the word given. (20%) 1 The merchandise ___( have) arrived undamaged. 2 The clippings of the hedges ___(be) usually burnt. 3 All means _____ (have) been tried to increase agricultural production. 4 Politics ____ (be) the art or science of government. 5 His morals ____ (be) above criticism. 6 The secretary and treasurer ____( have) been shot. 7 There ___ (be) more than one answer to your question. 8 The Alps______ (cover) an area of 200,000square kilometers. 9 A series of accidents ___(have) been reported recently . 10 The team ____(be) having bath. 11 Several ____(Japanese) were caught in the village. 12 No one except two girls ____ (be) late for dinner. 13 They were frightened to find some ____(man-eater) near the church. 14 What about ___(we) starting earlier? 15 He thought more about the family than ____ (we) both. 16 I _____(wonder) if I could keep this till tomorrow. 17 I ’d rather you ____(go) with us immediately . 18 He ordered that the books ____ (send) at once. 19 Hainan Province has too much ____(summer). 20 There are a great number of _____(mouse) in the rotting house. 第二大题:(共12小题,每小题1分,共12分) II. Correct errors, if any, in the following sentences. (12%) 1 I don ’t like this kind of apples. 2 Where do you know his remains was buried? 3 Before he was 18, he might not leave home without his father ’s permission. 4 The president is believed to visit that small country next month. 5 I wanted to go there, but I was prevented by the heavy rain. 6 Y ou can understand the theory if you have read through this book. 7 I will support whomever is chosen. 8 He lives with his parents at the moment.

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9 I am leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. Do you have anything to take to your son?

10 Take an umbrella with you because it can be raining this afternoon.

11 Nobody but her can do it.

12 They often gather together to exchange experiences.

III Complete each of the following sentences with the item chosen from A, B, C and

D. (40%)

1 There is ___ iron in this mine than in that one.

A much

B a great deal of

C less

D a lot of

2 A: Which of these two novels would you like?

B: I don’t like ____ of them. I am interested in neither one.

A both

B either

C neither

D two

3 ____ recommendation has so far been made by the technicians.

A Several such

B No such a

C Such no

D No such

4 The customs examined all _____ at the airport.

A these luggage

B this luggage

C these luggages

D this luggages

5 There is _____ water in the cup. Y ou can have some.

A a great number of

B little

C a bit of

D any

6 ____________, I should rely on you.

A Was I to do it

B Were I to do it

C If I am to do it C all of the above

7 When the ship was sunk, all the sailors were drowned, ____ one of them.

A. every B each C no D any

8 ___ third sister of ____ is really a spitfire.

A The...him B That...him C That...his D The (i)

9 Suppose they ____ it, how should we convince them?

A don’t believe

B believe

C did n’t believe

D believed

10 If there ____ something wrong, dial this number.

A is

B was

C were

D be

11 She is alive! She ____ but the man ____ in and saved her just in time.

A drowned…dived

B was drowning…dived

C was drowning… was diving

D drowned…was diving

12 The congregation ____ not numerous that night, but___ seemed to be listening

attentively to my lecture.

A was…it

B were…it

C was…they

D were…they

13 This is the third time you ____ here. What exactly _____ for now?

A come, did you come

B came, did you come
