

学术英语学院名称:材料科学与工程学院学生姓名:***学号:**********专业班级:新能源材料与器件1312015年 6月16 日The current development of genetically modified crops ofChina and its safety issuesZhang Qingfei(College of materials science and engineering, Nanchang University, 10001) Abstracts:GM technology as a new, highly efficient genetically modified technology, already widely used in the cultivation of new varieties of field crops. China's transgenic technology started earlier, China's current GM technology level in the forefront of the world, especially made great achievements in the cultivation of new varieties of crops. In this paper, the status quo using gene transfer on Chinese agriculture and safety of transgenic technology are introduced, and the resolve of GM safety issues some thought. On this basis, I made some new ideas of transgenic technology and application of transgenic technology development prospects were discussed.Keywords: GM technology; GM crops; GM safety issues; ChinaIntroduction:As the core of the biotechnology giant leap .Transgenic technology is known as the second "green revolution." In 1983, the world's first strain of transgenic tobacco plants marks the arrival of the era of gene transfer plants. In the ensuing decades, genetically modified crops developed rapidly. In 2014, there are 28 countries in the world planted GM crops, the planting area has reached more than 180 million hectares, Chinese genetically modified crops planting area is 3.6 million hectares. With the widespread planting of genetically modified crops, the impact of transgenic technology in agriculture is growing. As the research of GM crops, China has made great achievements in the research of rice and cotton.The development of anything will not be smooth. With the development of GM technology, its security deposit issues also be exposed. The safety of genetically modified crops has been disputed by people, opponents argue that GM crops have great potential risk, it should be resisted. What is more, some people exaggerate the risk of genetically modified crops. Aroused people's fear of genetically modified. In this paper, the people of GM crops concerns, the status of the development of GM crops were elaborated. Besides, security problems of genetically modified crops and their solutions will be discussed.The current development of genetically modified crops in chinaGM refers to the Technology that use molecular biology method to transfer the artificial separation and some modified biological gene to other species and change the genetic characteristics of the species .Plant transgenic technology is the genetic transformation of plants, making plants to meet human needs in aspects of shape, nutrition and consumer quality.China's biotech crop improvement research began in the 1980s, during the past 30 years, Chinese agricultural and biological high-tech has been developing rapidly. At present, China's hybrid rice, cotton and other advanced in the world. GM technology Applied on cotton, rice and other crops on behalf of China's development status of GM crops.As a cotton producing countries, the industrialization of Chinese insect-resistant cotton has brought huge economic and ecological benefits to Chinesesociety. Since the 1990 s, China's major cotton producing areas often suffered insect outbreaks and the effect conventional control is poor. In 1994, under the impetus of the country, Bt gene was successfully imported into The main plant cotton species .China has become the second country with the independent development of insect-resistant cotton.In 1999, China began to commercial cultivation of cotton. In 2010, gm cotton planting and product in China reached 3.45 million hectares, accounting for 69% of the total cotton planting and product. The planting of insect-resistant cotton have effectively controlled the damage caused by the cotton bollworm .The insect-resistant cotton also reduced pesticide use, protect the farmland ecological environment.Cotton yield and growth of calendar year in China:China's research on genetically modified (gm) rice have got rich achievements. In August 17, 2009, the Ministry of Agriculture promulgated transgenic rice security certificate for the two anti-lepidopteran pests transgenic rice -----"Hua Hui 1" and "Bt Shan You 63" .In addition, China has produced the anti-amino phosphonic herbicide Bar gene rice lines, the new salt tolerance strains which represented by T22-77. Compared with ordinary rice, these transgenic rice has unmatched superior properties .It will bring huge economic benefits to Chinese farmers if these rice be planted on large-scale .For example, each 667m2 planting salt-tolerant transgenic rice can increase the income of 100 yuan. Transgenic rice can reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers, which is benefical to the environment.GM soy is the world's first commercialization, promotion and application of the fastest growing GM crops .Dates from Agropages shows that show in 2012 , global soybean acreage reached 107 million hectares, of which GM soybeans accounted for 79 percent (84.5 million hectares). As the world's first four major soybean producing countries, China is planting soybeans which are non-GMO soybeans. The transgenic soybean was still in the research stage, failed to achieve commercial GM soy production and large-scale demonstration.Analysis about safety issuesGM technology could efficiently improve crop yield, quality and resistance to meet growing human material needs. Transgenic technology is a double-edged sword, both its positive and beneficial side, also has its negative, the negative side, The biggest potential hazards of transgenic technology is the escape of target gene and gene pollution. With the genetically modified plants wide spread around the world ,the gene of interest may vary pollen spread to other species, or spread into the environment, which may causing unpredictable results. Canada's "superweeds" event and Mexican’s “corn genetic pollution” incident has sounded the alarm for us. Besides, certain genetic traits like instability of some transgenic plants are instability, transge nic plants’ good traits will become weaken over time. Another possibility is that some transgenic plants will produce some harmful variations which will endanger human health.Effects of transgenic expression products on humans is a problem that people are most concerned about. Some of the transgene expression product will make people allergic to. But for the most expression product we are lack of direct evidence to affirm their effects on human health and the environment.In order to verify the impact of Bt proteins on animal health. Since 1999, scientists feed white mouse with genetically modified food which containing the Bt protein for many years, the results showed that mice genetically modified agricultural products containing Bt protein is safe to the mouse. However, in the short-term animal feeding trials data can not prove the Bt protein is safe to us.Because human is the long-term consumer of rice. Recently, Canadian scientists discovered, Bt proteins can enter any place of the body. Even the in baby's umbilical cord blood were also found the Bt proteins. Therefore, this discovery had to let the people worried about the safety of transgenic Bt crops.Since the transgenic technology used gene beyond the conventional sexual hybridization gene scope, and for the problem that whether transgenic plants will affect human health and the environment or not we are also lack of systematic knowledge and experience .By the current level of science ,we can not be completely accurate prediction of the results of an outer genes in the new genetic background would cause.Currently, the safety evaluation of transgenic plants primarily relates to environmental safety and food safety aspects. The core issue of environmental safety assessment is after transgenic plants released into the field, whether it will evolve into weed, whether the genes will transfer to wild plants drift or not ; whether it will destroy the natural environment and break the original biological populations homeostasis ; whether it will destroy biodiversity, and so on. Ecological effects of GM crops may arise mainly in the gene flow, non-target effects, the target pest resistance evolution, etc.ConlusionFor security issues, by taking the right measures and scientific management system is able to solve these problems. We can improve the safety of transgenic plants from the following aspects:(1) Carrying out propagandas about genetically modified technical and transgenic plants.Cultivating people’s objectivity awareness of security issues to genetically modified(2) Improving the legal system transfer plant genes and their products;(3) The establishment of transgenic crop management technology system and risk assessment system; and(4) Using food processing technology to process raw materials of transgenic food, remove the transgene expression product that exist in the raw materials of transgenic food.In addition to cultivation of crops, we can also use transgenic technology to cultivate some asexual reproduction and non-food plants. This concept have two advantages .On the one hand, it is a good solution to the genes escape and genes pollution problems. Because the escape and contamination of genes mainly through plants’ pollen s, and asexual reproduction plants will not produce pollen. On the other hand, people do not worry about the transgene expression products will affect human health, because these transgenic plants is not food crops. Transgene expression products don’t enters the body. For example, we can cultivate forestry trees which with high resistance; foliage plants which can glowing; Aquatics which can absorb the harmful heavy metals in water and so on. These plants will bring great benefits to humanity. Prospects of transgenic technology is unlimited, as long as strengthen supervision and follow scientific methods, can be avoided completely turn the negative effects of human gene technology may bring.Reference:[1] Deng Xu, Wei Bin, Hu Zhang Li. Transgenic Chlamydomonas resistance to heavy metals and enrichment of cadmium ions. Biotechnology, 2007 ,17(6):66-68[2] Li Ligong ,Ye Weijun, Guo Longbiao. The research progress and commercialization of transgenic rice prospect analysis. Chinese Rice., 2012, 18(6):1-4[3] Wangren Xiang. The development and application of gm cotton in China. Crop Research , 2001 , Cotton Album:6-9[4] Yu Yongliang, Liang Huizhen, Wang Shufeng, Lian Yun, Wei Yanli, Wang Tingfeng. The research progress of transgenic soybeans and its industrialization in China. Soybean Science, 2010, 29, (1):143-148[5] Zhuyan Tao, Xu Hong, Guo Aiguang, Li Dianrong. Plant transgenic technology and contemporary social development. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2008, 24(4):509-522。

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Title Authors and Address Abstract Key words Where do I start?
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NDD----New drug discovery 新药发现 NDC----New drug candidate 候选药物 LC---Leading compound 先导化合物 HTS---High-throughput screening 高通量筛选 NCE---new chemical entities 新颖化学实体 Me-too 模仿类药物 IND---Investigational new drug 申请作为临床研究新药 NDA---New drug application 申请作为注册新药 CRF----Case report form 病例报告表 ICF----Informed consent form 知情同意书 IB-----Investigator’s Brochure 研究者手册 CRO---Contract research organization 合同研究组织 QC-----Quality control QA----- Quality assurance TCM----Traditional Chinese Medicine OTC----Over The Counter 非处方药
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学位名称、专业名称及主要课程中英文对照各学院(原系)中英文对照生物技术学院College of Biotechnology生命科学学院College of Life Science资源环境学院College of Environment and Natural Resources资源环境学院College of Resources and Environment林学院College of Forestry经济贸易学院College of Economics and Trade经济管理学院College of Economics Management工程技术学院College of Polytechnics工程学院College of Engineering农业工程系Department of Agricultural Engineering理学院College of Sciences信息学院College of Information人文学院College of Humanities公管管理学院College of Public Management农学系Department of Agronomy园艺系Department of Horticulture蚕桑系Department of Sericulture艺术设计学院College of Art Design动物科学系Department of Animal Science动物科学学院College of Animal Science兽医学院College of Veterinary Science食品科学系Department of Food Science食品学院College of Food艺术学院College of Arts水利与土木工程学院College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering各学位名称对照农学士Agriculture工学士Engineering理学士Sciences哲学士Philosophy经济学士Economics管理学士Management文学士Arts各专业中英文名称对照工商管理Business Administration金融学Finance and Banking经济学Economics会计学Accounting农林经济管理Agricultural/forest Economy Management社会工作Social Work英语English生物技术Biotechnology机械设计及其自动化Machine Design & Manufacturing and Their Automation 信息管理与信息系统Information Management & Information Systems电子信息工程Electronic and Information Engineering农业机械化及其自动化Agricultural Mechanization And Its Automation农业电气化与自动化Agricultural Electrification and Automation土木工程Civil Engineering交通运输Traffic and Transportation应用化学Applied chemistry计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology植物保护Plant Protection土地资源管理Land Resources Management农业资源与环境Agricultural Resources and Environment土地资源管理Land Resources Management农学Agronomy茶学Tea Science食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering园艺Horticulture木材科学与工程Wood Science and Engineering森林资源保护与游憩Forest Resources Conservation and Recreation林学Forestry园林Landscape Gardening动物科学Animal Science动物医学Veterinary Medicine蚕学Sericulture法学Law食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering服装设计与工程Apparel Design and Engineering管理信息系统Management Information Systems土壤与农业化学Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry土地规划与利用Land Planning and Utilization农业环境保护Agricultural Environment Protection木材加工Wood Processing经济林Economic Forest农业经济与管理Agricultural Economics and Management贸易经济Trade Economics企业管理Industrial Management国际金融International Trade农业机械化Agricultural Mechanization机械设计Design and Manufacturing汽车运用工程Mobile Application中国社会主义建设Chinese Socialist Construction作物遗传育种Plant Genetics and Breeding果树Pomology动物营养与饲料加工Animal Nutrition and Feed Processing畜牧Animal Husbandry农业工程Agricultural Engineering家具设计与室内装饰Furniture Design and Room Decoration市场策划与营销Market Planning and Marketing土地经济与房地产管理Land Economics and Real Estate Management 精细化工Fine Chemistry财务管理与计算机Financial Management and Computer经贸英语Business English公共关系与秘书Public Relation茶叶加工与贸易Tea Processing And Trade花卉与庭园工程Floriculture And Gardening丝绸与贸易Silk And Trade养禽与禽病防治Poultry Raising And Disease Control微生物发酵技术与贸易Microorganism Fermentation And Trade各学院(原系)主要课程中英文对照生物技术学院(College of Biotechnology)生命科学学院(College of Life Science)化学除草原理与技术Principles and application of weed chemistry control 种子生理Seed physiology组织培养技术Technology of tissue culture果蔬保鲜原理与技术Techniques in preservation of fruit & vegetable植物学Botany酶工程Enzyme engineering植物显微技术Botanical microtechnique细胞生物学Cell biology农田杂草Farmland weed普通生态学General ecology药用植物资源利用Resources and utilization of medicinal plant生物化学研究技术Techniques in biochemistry researches分析与检测技术Technology of test and analysis动物生物化学Animal biochemistry基因工程Genetic engineering文献查阅与综述方法Document searching and reviewing植物生物化学Plant biochemistry蛋白质工程Protein engineering分子生物学Molecular biology植物生物化学实验Plant biochemistry experiment遗传(基因)工程导论Introduction to genetic engineering辐照基础与应用Basis and application of irradiation technology辐射生物学Irradiational biology免疫学Immunology同位素示踪原理及其应用技术Isotopic tracer technique reason and appliance 同位素应用技术Application of isotopes生物电子显微技术Electron microscope and preparation of biological specimen 仪器分析Instrumental analysis现代仪器分析与食品检测Modern instrumental analysis and food inspection农业与温室气体(排放)Agriculture greenhouse effect gases电镜技术Electron microscope technique植物生理学Plant physiology生物物理学Biophysics生态学Ecology核素应用技术The application of nuclide农业电子技术The electronic technology of agriculture食品科学系Department of Food Science食品学院College of Food Science普通微生物学General microbiology农业微生物学Agricultural microbiology食品微生物学Food microbiology环境微生物学Environmental microbiology微生物学实验技术Experimental technique in microbiology食品微生物学实验Microbiological test of food发酵工艺学原理Principles of fermentation technology微生物遗传育种Microbial genetics and strain improvement食品生物化学Biochemistry of food products食品添加济Additives of food products食物酶学Enzyme engineering of food食品分析Food analysis食品营养学Food nutriology食品工艺学Food technology果蔬加工学Processing of fruit and vegetable食品工厂设计The design of food factory乳品学Dairy science &technology蛋品学Egg science & technology肉品学Meat science & technology食品工程原理Principles of food engineering农产品加工学Agricultural products processing technology食品机械与设备Food machinery and equipment食品包装学Food packaging动物科学系Department of Animal Science动物科学学院College of Animal Science动物生理学Animal physiology家畜行为学Ethnology of domestic animals饲料卫生学Feed hygienic配合饲料工艺学Technology of formula feed单胃动物营养学Nutrition of unistomach animals反刍动物营养学Ruminant nutrition饲料检测技术The technique of feed checking and analysis饲料生产学Feed production饲料添加剂学Feed addition家畜饲料学附饲料分析Livestock feeding and feeds analysis饲料原料及加工贮藏Feed ingredients and processing and storage动物饲养学Animal feeding动物营养学基本原理The basal principle of animal nutrition配合饲料技术The technique of formular feed普通畜牧学Animal husbandry淡水养鱼学Culture of fresh-water fish动物学Zoology家禽学Poultry science珍禽学Science of rare birds家畜育种学Poultry breeding家禽孵化学Poultry hatching家畜环境卫生学Livestock environment hygiene牛生产学Cattle production家兔生产学Rabbit production猪生产学Swine production畜牧家畜育种学Animal breeding数量遗传学Quantitative genetics动物遗传学Animal genetics生物统计附试验设计Biological statistics养犬与养猫Canine and feline production家畜繁殖学Animal reproduction动物遗传育种Animal Genetics & Breeding动物生产学Animal production动物医学系(Department of Veterinary Medicine )兽医学院(College of Veterinary Medicine)家畜解剖学The anatomy of the domestic animals禽病学Diseases of poultry家畜病理学The pathology of the domestic animals动物组织学与胚胎学Histology and embryology of the domestic animals 家畜解剖学及组织胚胎学家禽普通病学General diseases of poultry中兽医学Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine兽医临床诊断学Clinical diagnosis of veterinarian家禽传染病学Avian infectious diseases家禽内科学Internal medicine of domestic animals家禽药理学Poultry pharmacology兽医药理学Veterinary pharmacology家畜寄生虫学Parasitology of domestic animals家禽病理学Pathology of poultry兽医产科学Veterinary breeding家畜外科学Veterinary surgery兽医应用免疫学Veterinary applied immunology动物性食品卫生学Animal food hygiene家畜传染病学Infections disease of domestic animals兽医学Veterinary medicine兽医药理学的毒理学Veterinary pharmacy toxicology理学院(College of Science)计算机关系数据库Relationship database计算机应用基础Fundamentals of computer application 计算机应用基础Computer applicationC语言程序设计Programming in C物理化学Physical chemistry有机化学Organic chemistry分析化学Analytical chemistry普通化学General chemistry化工仪表Chemical engineering and meter化学实验Experiment in general chemistry大学物理College physics应用电子技术The application of electronic technology概率论Probability theory线性代数Linear algebra高等数学Advanced mathematics必修课The required courses选修课Optional courses限选课Limited optional courses实践课Practical courses军训Military training专业劳动Work in specialty and for production教学实践Practice in the course生产实习Training for working毕业论文(设计)The thesis or designing for graduation 物化胶化Physical colloid chemistry人文科学学院(College of Humanities)法律基础Fundamentals of law社会主义人生实践The socialist practice in one’s life形势政策教育The education of situation and policy马克思主义原理The course on Marxist theories中国革命史The history of Chinese revolution中国革命的理论与实践The theory and practice of the Chinese revolution社会调查研究理论与方法Theory and method on social investigation and research 中国社会主义建设China’s socialist construction国际贸易International trade经济法学Economic law中国社会主义市场经济概论An introduction to china’s socialist market eco nomy政治经济学Political economics西方经济学Western economics行政管理学Administration management应用写作Practical writing思想教育Ideological education自然科学方法论The methodology of natural science逻辑学Logic农业文献检索Agricultural literature indexing专业英语Special English体育Physical training毛泽东思想概论An introduction to Mao zedong thought邓小平理论概论An introduction to Deng xiaoping theory教育学Pedagogy思想道德修养Thought & moral training教学法Teaching method应用写作Practical writing农业史Agricultural history经济贸易学院(College of Economics and Trade)乡镇企业管理学院(College of Rural Enterprise Management)宏观经济学Macroeconomics微观经济学Microeconomics政治经济学Political economics发展经济学Development economics农业经济学Agricultural economics外国农业经济Foreign agricultural economics中国经济地理Economy geography in China经济法学The law of economics国际商法International commercial law管理信息系统Management information system农业会计学Agricultural accounting消费经济学Consumption economics电算化会计原理Computer accounting成本会计Cost accounting统计学原理Principle of statistics商品流通统计Accounting in commodity circulation金融统计Financial statistics会计学原理Principle of accounting商品流通企业会计Business accounting in commodity circulation 财务会计学Financial accounting审计学Auditing银行会计Bank accounting农业政策学Agricultural policy管理学原理Principle management企业学原理Business management房地产经营管理Administration and management of real estate 银行经营管理Administration and management of bank商业企业经营管理Business administration and management涉外企业管理Foreign business management资源经济学Resource economics农产品贸易学Agricultural products trade国际贸易International trade进出口贸易实务Practice in import-Export trade市场营销学Marketing国际市场营销学International marketing财政学Public finance国际金融International finance证券投资Investment on securities公共关系学Public relations货币银行学Economics of money and banking投资经济学Economics of investment国际结算International settlement银行信贷学Bank credit财政金融Public finance and monetary economics期货交易理论与实务Theory and practices of futures土地经济学Land economics乡镇企业经济管理The economic management of tow’s enterprise 经济计量学Economical estimate审计学audit农学系(Department of Agronomy)农学院(College of Agriculture)制茶学Manufacture of tea作物育种学(各论)Crop breeding作物育种学(总论)Crop breeding (general discourse)种子学原理Principles of seed science农业管理学Agricultural management农产品综合利用Comprehensive utilization of crop products耕作学Cultivation science经济作物学Industry crop science农业气象基础Agrometeorology遗传学Genetics茶树栽培学Tea cultivation茶叶审评与检验Tea tasting and inspection试验设计与统计分析Experimental designs and statistical analyses农业生态学Agroecology农业自然资源利用及农业区划Utilization of agricultural resources and agricultural regionalization 茶树能种学Tea plant breeding粮食作物学Food crop science茶叶生物化学Biochemistry of tea农业推广学Agricultural popularization农业环境保护Agricultural environmental protection作物栽培学与耕作学Crop cultivation & geoponics蚕桑系(Department of Sericulture)艺术设计学院(College of Art Design)蚕桑综合利用Silkworm-mulberry multipurpose utilization茧丝学Cocoon silk science养蚕学Seri cultural science蚕体解剖生理Anatomy and physiology of silkworm桑树栽培及育种学Mulberry cultivation & breeding桑树病虫害防治学蚕种学Silkworm egg production家蚕遗传育种Silkworm genetic of thremmatology遗传学Genetics蚕病学Silkworm pathology蚕桑学Sericulture园艺系(Department of Horticulture)园艺学院(College of Horticulture)插花艺术Art of floweral arrangement蔬菜育种学Vegetable breeding花卉园艺学Floriculture园艺商品学Marketing of horticultural product园艺设施栽培Horticultural facilities culture植物显微技术Plant microtechnology园艺通论General horticulture园艺昆虫学Horticultural entomology园艺植物育种学Plant breeding in horticulture果树生理学Fruit tree physiology园艺研究法Horticulture studies果树栽培学总论Pomology园艺产品贮藏保鲜学Techniques in preservation of horticultural products园艺植物病理学The pest control of horticulture plant花卉保鲜学Techniques in preservation of flowers & plants园艺植物生理学Horticulture plant pathology蔬菜栽培学Vegetable culture盆景艺术Pruning采后生理Post harvest physiology果树抗性育种专题Special topic on fruit tree resistance园艺植物的生物技术The biotechnique of horticultural plant园艺概论An outline of horticulture蔬菜学Olericulture果树学Pomology工程技术学院(College of polytechnics)工程学院(College of Engineering)建筑电工Architectural electrotechnics电工学Electrotechnics工业电子学Industrial electronics材料力学Strength of materials建筑力学(结构力学部分)Mechanics of structure理论力学Theoretical mechanics机械设计Machinery design机械原理Theory of machine and mechanism画法几何学Drawing geometry机械制图Engineering drawing工程制图Engineering drawing园林工程制图Landscape drawing建筑制图Building drawing液压技术2 Hydraulic technique 2机械工程材料Materials of mechanical engineering机床夹具设计原理Theory of jig design for machine tool冷冲工艺及冷冲模设计Punching technology and punch die design金属切削原理与刀具Principle of l cutting and cutting tool金属工艺学l technology机械制造工艺学Manufactural technology of machinery金属工艺学l technology液压技术1 Hydraulic technique 1汽车维修理论Theory of automobile service汽车运输学Transportation of automobile互换性与测量技术Interchangeability and technical measurement汽车构造Construction of automobile汽车运用工程Automobile application engineering热工基础Fundamental of thermo-technology食品干燥工艺与设备Food drying technology and equipment食品包装机械Food packaging machinery农业机械学Agricultural machinery食品工程原理Theory of food process engineering食品加工机械与设备Foot processing machinery and equipments砼与砌体结构Reinforce concrete建筑构造Structure of building建筑材料Constructional material建筑施工技术与施工组织Technology and planning of building operation单层工业厂房排架结构设计The design of single-factory building with d structure 高层建筑结构设计Design of high rise building民用建筑设计原理Design of civil architecture农业系统工程及管理工程Systems engineering and management engineering资源环境学院(College of Resources and Environment)环境监测Environmental monitoring土壤农业化学Agrochemistry analysis生产布局学原理Principle of productive distribution城镇建设用地管理Management of land urban construction城市规划原理Principle of urban planning资源经济学Resources economics经济地理Economic geography土地资源调查Land resources survey地图绘编Map establishment遥感技术基础Fundamental of remote sensing technology土地信息系统Land information system地籍管理Land management土地规划学Land planning science土地管理学Land management土地经济学Land economic房地产管理Management of real estate房地产估价Appraisement of real estate固体废物的处理与处置Treatment & disposal wastes城市污泥的农业再循环与生态环境The agricultural recycling of municipal sludge and the ecological environment 大气污染控制工程Air pollution controlling engineering环境质量评价Environmental quality assessment环境化学Environmental chemistry水体污染控制工程Water pollution controlling engineering环境生态Environmental ecology土壤污染与防治Soil pollution环境保护概论Introduction of environmental protection农业环境保护概论Introduction of agricultural environmental protection无土栽培原理与技术Theories and techniques of soilless culture农业化学总论Introduction of agrochemistry作物施肥原理Principles of crop fertilization作物营养研究法Methodology of plant nutrition土壤物理学Soil physics土壤学Pedology环境土壤学Environmental pedology土壤化学Soil chemistry土壤粘粒矿物Mineral of soil clay fration土质学基础Basis of geology土壤地理学Soil geography区域土壤学Regional pedology土壤资源调查Soil resources survey茶树病虫害(病害部分) Tea disease and pest (disease section)植物检疫学Quarantine for pests植物病毒学Plant virology果树病理学Fruit tree pathology果蔬病害Fruit and vegetable diseases植物免疫学Plant immunology普通昆虫学General entomology真菌资源及利用Fungal resources and their utilization除草剂毒理学Toxicology of herbicides植物病害生物防治学Biological prevention and control of plant diseases害虫生物防治Biological control杀菌剂毒理学Toxicology of fungicides植物病害流行学Epidemiology of plant diseases农业螨类学Agricultural acarology害虫综合防治Integrated pest management生物统计学Biometrics城市昆虫学Civil entomology作物抗虫育种原理及应用Principle and application of resistant plant breeding 植物病原细菌学Plant bacteriology植物病理学Plant pathology真菌分类学Taxonomy of fungi植物线虫学Plant nematology农业植物病理学Agricultural phytopathology普通植物病理学General phytopathology果蔬昆虫学Fruit plant & vegetable entomology果蔬贮运病害Fruit and vegetable diseases during storage食用真菌学Edible fung林学院College of Forestry数理统计Mathematical statistics遗传学Genetics树木育种学Forest tree breeding树木育苗学Tree seeds and nursery stock science自然保护区学Science of nature reserve造林学Silviculture林业技术经济学Forestry technology economics森林经营学Forest management林业经济管理学Management of forestry economics林业政策与法规Policies and laws of forestry会计学原理Fundamentals of accounting树木病理学Forest pathology测树学Forest measuration测量学Surveying森林生态学Forest ecology森林土壤学Forest soil science森林经理学Forest management森林昆虫学Forest entomology树木学Dendrology机械设计基础Fundamentals of mechanical design厂内运输Equipment of transit in factory胶合板制造学The manufacturing of plywood木材加工企业管理Forest products management胶粘剂与涂料Adhesive and paint木材学Wood science木材干燥Timber drying木制品生产工艺学Tec manufacturing of wood products纤维板制造学Fiberboard manufacturing technology刨花板制造学The manufacturing of particleboard木材切削原理与刀具The principles of wood cutting and tools木工机械Wood machinery土壤学Soil science经济林育种学Economic forest breeding经济林昆虫学Economic forest entomology经济林病理学Economic forest pathology经济林栽培学Economic forest culture园林设计Parks and gardens design造型艺术Plastic art城市绿地规划City open spaces planning园林树木栽培养护学Garden tree cultivation园林树木学Ornamental dendrology园林专业绘画课Painting of landscape architecture城市规划基础Fundamentals of city planning城市园林绿化经济管理Economic management of urban landscape gardening 风景园林设计初步Elementary landscape architecture design园林植物病理学Ornamental plant pathology园林昆虫学Ornamental plant entomology园林史History of landscape architecture园林工程Landscape architectural engineering土壤学Soil science城市生态学Urban ecology森林保护学Forest protection。

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Research status on teachers’adaptation to the new junior middleschool biology textbooksJingxin HeGuangzhou University colleye of life science,Panyu,Guangdong,China916822016@Jingxin HeKeywords: Biology teachers, New textbooks, Adaptation.Abstract. This article briefly introduced research survey of biology teachers’ adaptation for the new textbooks at internal and abroad.The results indicated that the research on teachers’adaptation to the new junior middle school biology textbooks has great theoretical and practical significance.初中生物教师对新教材的适应性研究现状何静欣广州大学生命科学学院,番禺广东,中国916822016@何静欣关键词:生物教师; 新教材; 适应性中文摘要.本文简要介绍了国内外在生物教师对教材的适应性研究概况。

浅谈化学生物学专业英语课程教学∗刘姿;刘祥;叶明富;马亮【摘要】To accommodate the ability-oriented applied undergraduate talents training, and according to the highly cross of the newly established Chemical Biology major in our school, the characteristics of English course for Chemical Biology and the emerging teaching problems were summarized. Based on these problems, the teaching for English course of Chemical Biology was discussed in three aspects:teaching contents, teaching methods and the exam ways, which were showed asfollows:arranging the teaching contents scientifically, applying the diversified teaching methods such as flipping class and reforming the exam way, in order to improve the teaching quality and teaching efficiency and lay a foundation to the further reform of this professional English course.%为了适应以能力为导向的应用型本科人才培养的要求,根据我校新建化学生物学专业高度交叉的特点,综述了化学生物学专业英语课程的特点及存在的教学问题,并针对这些问题从教学内容、教学方法和考核方式三方面出发,初步探讨了化学生物学专业英语课程教学,主要体现在合理安排教学内容,采取翻转课堂多样化的教学方法及改进考核方式,以提高课程的教学质量和教学效果,为进一步本专业英语课程的教学改革奠定基础。

学位名称、专业名称及主要课程中英文对照各学院(原系)中英文对照生物技术学院College of Biotechnology生命科学学院College of Life Science资源环境学院College of Environment and Natural Resources资源环境学院College of Resources and Environment林学院College of Forestry经济贸易学院College of Economics and Trade经济管理学院College of Economics Management工程技术学院College of Polytechnics工程学院College of Engineering农业工程系Department of Agricultural Engineering理学院College of Sciences信息学院 College of Information人文学院College of Humanities公管管理学院 College of Public Management农学系Department of Agronomy园艺系Department of Horticulture蚕桑系Department of Sericulture艺术设计学院 College of Art Design动物科学系Department of Animal Science动物科学学院 College of Animal Science兽医学院 College of Veterinary Science食品科学系Department of Food Science食品学院 College of Food艺术学院 College of Arts水利与土木工程学院 College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering各学位名称对照农学士 Agriculture工学士 Engineering理学士 Sciences哲学士 Philosophy经济学士 Economics管理学士 Management文学士 Arts各专业中英文名称对照工商管理 Business Administration金融学 Finance and Banking经济学 Economics会计学 Accounting农林经济管理 Agricultural/forest Economy Management社会工作 Social Work英语 English生物技术 Biotechnology机械设计及其自动化 Machine Design & Manufacturing and Their Automation 信息管理与信息系统 Information Management & Information Systems电子信息工程 Electronic and Information Engineering农业机械化及其自动化 Agricultural Mechanization And Its Automation农业电气化与自动化 Agricultural Electrification and Automation土木工程 Civil Engineering交通运输 Traffic and Transportation应用化学 Applied chemistry计算机科学与技术 Computer Science and Technology植物保护 Plant Protection土地资源管理 Land Resources Management农业资源与环境 Agricultural Resources and Environment土地资源管理 Land Resources Management农学 Agronomy茶学 Tea Science食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering园艺 Horticulture木材科学与工程 Wood Science and Engineering森林资源保护与游憩 Forest Resources Conservation and Recreation林学 Forestry园林 Landscape Gardening动物科学 Animal Science动物医学 Veterinary Medicine蚕学 Sericulture法学 Law食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering服装设计与工程 Apparel Design and Engineering管理信息系统 Management Information Systems土壤与农业化学 Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry土地规划与利用 Land Planning and Utilization农业环境保护 Agricultural Environment Protection木材加工 Wood Processing经济林 Economic Forest农业经济与管理 Agricultural Economics and Management贸易经济 Trade Economics企业管理 Industrial Management国际金融 International Trade农业机械化 Agricultural Mechanization机械设计 Design and Manufacturing汽车运用工程 Mobile Application中国社会主义建设 Chinese Socialist Construction作物遗传育种 Plant Genetics and Breeding果树 Pomology动物营养与饲料加工 Animal Nutrition and Feed Processing畜牧 Animal Husbandry农业工程 Agricultural Engineering家具设计与室内装饰 Furniture Design and Room Decoration市场策划与营销 Market Planning and Marketing土地经济与房地产管理 Land Economics and Real Estate Management 精细化工 Fine Chemistry财务管理与计算机 Financial Management and Computer经贸英语 Business English公共关系与秘书 Public Relation茶叶加工与贸易 Tea Processing And Trade花卉与庭园工程 Floriculture And Gardening丝绸与贸易 Silk And Trade养禽与禽病防治 Poultry Raising And Disease Control微生物发酵技术与贸易 Microorganism Fermentation And Trade各学院(原系)主要课程中英文对照生物技术学院(College of Biotechnology)生命科学学院(College of Life Science)化学除草原理与技术 Principles and application of weed chemistry control 种子生理 Seed physiology组织培养技术 Technology of tissue culture果蔬保鲜原理与技术 Techniques in preservation of fruit & vegetable植物学 Botany酶工程 Enzyme engineering植物显微技术 Botanical microtechnique细胞生物学 Cell biology农田杂草 Farmland weed普通生态学 General ecology药用植物资源利用 Resources and utilization of medicinal plant生物化学研究技术 Techniques in biochemistry researches分析与检测技术 Technology of test and analysis动物生物化学 Animal biochemistry基因工程 Genetic engineering文献查阅与综述方法 Document searching and reviewing植物生物化学 Plant biochemistry蛋白质工程 Protein engineering分子生物学 Molecular biology植物生物化学实验 Plant biochemistry experiment遗传(基因)工程导论 Introduction to genetic engineering辐照基础与应用 Basis and application of irradiation technology辐射生物学 Irradiational biology免疫学 Immunology同位素示踪原理及其应用技术 Isotopic tracer technique reason and appliance 同位素应用技术 Application of isotopes生物电子显微技术 Electron microscope and preparation of biological specimen 仪器分析 Instrumental analysis现代仪器分析与食品检测 Modern instrumental analysis and food inspection农业与温室气体(排放) Agriculture greenhouse effect gases电镜技术 Electron microscope technique植物生理学 Plant physiology生物物理学 Biophysics生态学 Ecology核素应用技术 The application of nuclide农业电子技术 The electronic technology of agriculture食品科学系Department of Food Science食品学院College of Food Science普通微生物学 General microbiology农业微生物学 Agricultural microbiology食品微生物学 Food microbiology环境微生物学 Environmental microbiology微生物学实验技术 Experimental technique in microbiology食品微生物学实验 Microbiological test of food发酵工艺学原理 Principles of fermentation technology微生物遗传育种 Microbial genetics and strain improvement食品生物化学 Biochemistry of food products食品添加济 Additives of food products食物酶学 Enzyme engineering of food食品分析 Food analysis食品营养学 Food nutriology食品工艺学 Food technology果蔬加工学 Processing of fruit and vegetable食品工厂设计 The design of food factory乳品学 Dairy science &technology蛋品学 Egg science & technology肉品学 Meat science & technology食品工程原理 Principles of food engineering农产品加工学 Agricultural products processing technology食品机械与设备 Food machinery and equipment食品包装学 Food packaging动物科学系Department of Animal Science动物科学学院College of Animal Science动物生理学 Animal physiology家畜行为学 Ethnology of domestic animals饲料卫生学 Feed hygienic配合饲料工艺学 Technology of formula feed单胃动物营养学 Nutrition of unistomach animals反刍动物营养学 Ruminant nutrition饲料检测技术 The technique of feed checking and analysis饲料生产学 Feed production饲料添加剂学 Feed addition家畜饲料学附饲料分析 Livestock feeding and feeds analysis饲料原料及加工贮藏 Feed ingredients and processing and storage动物饲养学 Animal feeding动物营养学基本原理 The basal principle of animal nutrition配合饲料技术 The technique of formular feed普通畜牧学 Animal husbandry淡水养鱼学 Culture of fresh-water fish动物学 Zoology家禽学 Poultry science珍禽学 Science of rare birds家畜育种学 Poultry breeding家禽孵化学 Poultry hatching家畜环境卫生学 Livestock environment hygiene牛生产学 Cattle production家兔生产学 Rabbit production猪生产学 Swine production畜牧家畜育种学 Animal breeding数量遗传学 Quantitative genetics动物遗传学 Animal genetics生物统计附试验设计 Biological statistics养犬与养猫 Canine and feline production家畜繁殖学 Animal reproduction动物遗传育种 Animal Genetics & Breeding动物生产学 Animal production动物医学系(Department of Veterinary Medicine )兽医学院(College of Veterinary Medicine)家畜解剖学 The anatomy of the domestic animals禽病学 Diseases of poultry家畜病理学 The pathology of the domestic animals动物组织学与胚胎学 Histology and embryology of the domestic animals 家畜解剖学及组织胚胎学家禽普通病学 General diseases of poultry中兽医学 Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine兽医临床诊断学 Clinical diagnosis of veterinarian家禽传染病学 Avian infectious diseases家禽内科学 Internal medicine of domestic animals家禽药理学 Poultry pharmacology兽医药理学 Veterinary pharmacology家畜寄生虫学 Parasitology of domestic animals家禽病理学 Pathology of poultry兽医产科学 Veterinary breeding家畜外科学 Veterinary surgery兽医应用免疫学 Veterinary applied immunology动物性食品卫生学 Animal food hygiene家畜传染病学 Infections disease of domestic animals兽医学 Veterinary medicine兽医药理学的毒理学 Veterinary pharmacy toxicology理学院(College of Science)计算机关系数据库 Relationship database计算机应用基础 Fundamentals of computer application 计算机应用基础 Computer applicationC语言程序设计 Programming in C物理化学 Physical chemistry有机化学 Organic chemistry分析化学 Analytical chemistry普通化学 General chemistry化工仪表 Chemical engineering and meter化学实验 Experiment in general chemistry大学物理 College physics应用电子技术 The application of electronic technology概率论 Probability theory线性代数 Linear algebra高等数学 Advanced mathematics必修课 The required courses选修课 Optional courses限选课 Limited optional courses实践课 Practical courses军训 Military training专业劳动 Work in specialty and for production教学实践 Practice in the course生产实习 Training for working毕业论文(设计) The thesis or designing for graduation 物化胶化 Physical colloid chemistry人文科学学院(College of Humanities)法律基础 Fundamentals of law社会主义人生实践 The socialist practice in one’s life形势政策教育 The education of situation and policy马克思主义原理 The course on Marxist theories中国革命史 The history of Chinese revolution中国革命的理论与实践 The theory and practice of the Chinese revolution社会调查研究理论与方法 Theory and method on social investigation and research 中国社会主义建设 China’s socialist construction国际贸易 International trade经济法学 Economic law中国社会主义市场经济概论 An introduction to china’s socialist market economy政治经济学 Political economics西方经济学 Western economics行政管理学 Administration management应用写作 Practical writing思想教育 Ideological education自然科学方法论 The methodology of natural science逻辑学 Logic农业文献检索 Agricultural literature indexing专业英语 Special English体育 Physical training毛泽东思想概论 An introduction to Mao zedong thought邓小平理论概论 An introduction to Deng xiaoping theory教育学 Pedagogy思想道德修养 Thought & moral training教学法 Teaching method应用写作 Practical writing农业史 Agricultural history经济贸易学院(College of Economics and Trade)乡镇企业管理学院(College of Rural Enterprise Management)宏观经济学 Macroeconomics微观经济学 Microeconomics政治经济学 Political economics发展经济学 Development economics农业经济学 Agricultural economics外国农业经济 Foreign agricultural economics中国经济地理 Economy geography in China经济法学 The law of economics国际商法 International commercial law管理信息系统 Management information system农业会计学 Agricultural accounting消费经济学 Consumption economics电算化会计原理 Computer accounting成本会计 Cost accounting统计学原理 Principle of statistics商品流通统计 Accounting in commodity circulation金融统计 Financial statistics会计学原理 Principle of accounting商品流通企业会计 Business accounting in commodity circulation 财务会计学 Financial accounting审计学 Auditing银行会计 Bank accounting农业政策学 Agricultural policy管理学原理 Principle management企业学原理 Business management房地产经营管理 Administration and management of real estate银行经营管理 Administration and management of bank商业企业经营管理 Business administration and management涉外企业管理 Foreign business management资源经济学 Resource economics农产品贸易学 Agricultural products trade国际贸易 International trade进出口贸易实务 Practice in import-Export trade市场营销学 Marketing国际市场营销学 International marketing财政学 Public finance国际金融 International finance证券投资 Investment on securities公共关系学 Public relations货币银行学 Economics of money and banking投资经济学 Economics of investment国际结算 International settlement银行信贷学 Bank credit财政金融 Public finance and monetary economics期货交易理论与实务 Theory and practices of futures土地经济学 Land economics乡镇企业经济管理 The economic management of tow’s enterprise 经济计量学 Economical estimate审计学 audit农学系(Department of Agronomy)农学院(College of Agriculture)制茶学 Manufacture of tea作物育种学(各论) Crop breeding作物育种学(总论) Crop breeding (general discourse)种子学原理 Principles of seed science农业管理学 Agricultural management农产品综合利用 Comprehensive utilization of crop products耕作学 Cultivation science经济作物学 Industry crop science农业气象基础 Agrometeorology遗传学 Genetics茶树栽培学 Tea cultivation茶叶审评与检验 Tea tasting and inspection试验设计与统计分析 Experimental designs and statistical analyses农业生态学 Agroecology农业自然资源利用及农业区划 Utilization of agricultural resources and agricultural regionalization 茶树能种学 Tea plant breeding粮食作物学 Food crop science茶叶生物化学 Biochemistry of tea农业推广学 Agricultural popularization农业环境保护 Agricultural environmental protection作物栽培学与耕作学 Crop cultivation & geoponics蚕桑系(Department of Sericulture)艺术设计学院(College of Art Design)蚕桑综合利用 Silkworm-mulberry multipurpose utilization茧丝学 Cocoon silk science养蚕学 Seri cultural science蚕体解剖生理 Anatomy and physiology of silkworm桑树栽培及育种学 Mulberry cultivation & breeding桑树病虫害防治学蚕种学 Silkworm egg production家蚕遗传育种 Silkworm genetic of thremmatology遗传学 Genetics蚕病学 Silkworm pathology蚕桑学 Sericulture园艺系(Department of Horticulture)园艺学院(College of Horticulture)插花艺术 Art of floweral arrangement蔬菜育种学 Vegetable breeding花卉园艺学 Floriculture园艺商品学 Marketing of horticultural product园艺设施栽培 Horticultural facilities culture植物显微技术 Plant microtechnology园艺通论 General horticulture园艺昆虫学 Horticultural entomology园艺植物育种学 Plant breeding in horticulture果树生理学 Fruit tree physiology园艺研究法 Horticulture studies果树栽培学总论 Pomology园艺产品贮藏保鲜学 Techniques in preservation of horticultural products园艺植物病理学 The pest control of horticulture plant花卉保鲜学 Techniques in preservation of flowers & plants园艺植物生理学 Horticulture plant pathology蔬菜栽培学 Vegetable culture盆景艺术 Pruning采后生理 Post harvest physiology果树抗性育种专题 Special topic on fruit tree resistance园艺植物的生物技术 The biotechnique of horticultural plant园艺概论 An outline of horticulture蔬菜学 Olericulture果树学 Pomology工程技术学院(College of polytechnics)工程学院(College of Engineering)建筑电工 Architectural electrotechnics电工学 Electrotechnics工业电子学 Industrial electronics材料力学 Strength of materials建筑力学(结构力学部分) Mechanics of structure理论力学 Theoretical mechanics机械设计 Machinery design机械原理 Theory of machine and mechanism画法几何学 Drawing geometry机械制图 Engineering drawing工程制图 Engineering drawing园林工程制图 Landscape drawing建筑制图 Building drawing液压技术2 Hydraulic technique 2机械工程材料 Materials of mechanical engineering机床夹具设计原理 Theory of jig design for machine tool冷冲工艺及冷冲模设计 Punching technology and punch die design金属切削原理与刀具 Principle of l cutting and cutting tool金属工艺学 l technology机械制造工艺学 Manufactural technology of machinery金属工艺学 l technology液压技术1 Hydraulic technique 1汽车维修理论 Theory of automobile service汽车运输学 Transportation of automobile互换性与测量技术 Interchangeability and technical measurement汽车构造 Construction of automobile汽车运用工程 Automobile application engineering热工基础 Fundamental of thermo-technology食品干燥工艺与设备 Food drying technology and equipment食品包装机械 Food packaging machinery农业机械学 Agricultural machinery食品工程原理 Theory of food process engineering食品加工机械与设备 Foot processing machinery and equipments砼与砌体结构 Reinforce concrete建筑构造 Structure of building建筑材料 Constructional material建筑施工技术与施工组织 Technology and planning of building operation单层工业厂房排架结构设计 The design of single-factory building with d structure 高层建筑结构设计 Design of high rise building民用建筑设计原理 Design of civil architecture农业系统工程及管理工程 Systems engineering and management engineering资源环境学院(College of Resources and Environment)环境监测 Environmental monitoring土壤农业化学 Agrochemistry analysis生产布局学原理 Principle of productive distribution城镇建设用地管理 Management of land urban construction城市规划原理 Principle of urban planning资源经济学 Resources economics经济地理 Economic geography土地资源调查 Land resources survey地图绘编 Map establishment遥感技术基础 Fundamental of remote sensing technology土地信息系统 Land information system地籍管理 Land management土地规划学 Land planning science土地管理学 Land management土地经济学 Land economic房地产管理 Management of real estate房地产估价 Appraisement of real estate固体废物的处理与处置 Treatment & disposal wastes城市污泥的农业再循环与生态环境 The agricultural recycling of municipal sludge and the ecological environment 大气污染控制工程 Air pollution controlling engineering环境质量评价 Environmental quality assessment环境化学 Environmental chemistry水体污染控制工程 Water pollution controlling engineering环境生态 Environmental ecology土壤污染与防治 Soil pollution环境保护概论 Introduction of environmental protection农业环境保护概论 Introduction of agricultural environmental protection无土栽培原理与技术 Theories and techniques of soilless culture农业化学总论 Introduction of agrochemistry作物施肥原理 Principles of crop fertilization作物营养研究法 Methodology of plant nutrition土壤物理学 Soil physics土壤学 Pedology环境土壤学 Environmental pedology土壤化学 Soil chemistry土壤粘粒矿物 Mineral of soil clay fration土质学基础 Basis of geology土壤地理学 Soil geography区域土壤学 Regional pedology土壤资源调查 Soil resources survey茶树病虫害(病害部分) Tea disease and pest (disease section)植物检疫学 Quarantine for pests植物病毒学 Plant virology果树病理学 Fruit tree pathology果蔬病害 Fruit and vegetable diseases植物免疫学 Plant immunology普通昆虫学 General entomology真菌资源及利用 Fungal resources and their utilization除草剂毒理学 Toxicology of herbicides植物病害生物防治学 Biological prevention and control of plant diseases害虫生物防治 Biological control杀菌剂毒理学 Toxicology of fungicides植物病害流行学 Epidemiology of plant diseases农业螨类学 Agricultural acarology害虫综合防治 Integrated pest management生物统计学 Biometrics城市昆虫学 Civil entomology作物抗虫育种原理及应用 Principle and application of resistant plant breeding 植物病原细菌学 Plant bacteriology植物病理学 Plant pathology真菌分类学 Taxonomy of fungi植物线虫学 Plant nematology农业植物病理学 Agricultural phytopathology普通植物病理学 General phytopathology果蔬昆虫学 Fruit plant & vegetable entomology果蔬贮运病害 Fruit and vegetable diseases during storage食用真菌学 Edible fung林学院College of Forestry数理统计 Mathematical statistics遗传学 Genetics树木育种学 Forest tree breeding树木育苗学 Tree seeds and nursery stock science自然保护区学 Science of nature reserve造林学 Silviculture林业技术经济学 Forestry technology economics森林经营学 Forest management林业经济管理学 Management of forestry economics林业政策与法规 Policies and laws of forestry会计学原理 Fundamentals of accounting树木病理学 Forest pathology测树学 Forest measuration测量学 Surveying森林生态学 Forest ecology森林土壤学 Forest soil science森林经理学 Forest management森林昆虫学 Forest entomology树木学 Dendrology机械设计基础 Fundamentals of mechanical design厂内运输 Equipment of transit in factory胶合板制造学 The manufacturing of plywood木材加工企业管理 Forest products management胶粘剂与涂料 Adhesive and paint木材学 Wood science木材干燥 Timber drying木制品生产工艺学 Tec manufacturing of wood products纤维板制造学 Fiberboard manufacturing technology刨花板制造学 The manufacturing of particleboard木材切削原理与刀具 The principles of wood cutting and tools木工机械 Wood machinery土壤学 Soil science经济林育种学 Economic forest breeding经济林昆虫学 Economic forest entomology经济林病理学 Economic forest pathology经济林栽培学 Economic forest culture园林设计 Parks and gardens design造型艺术 Plastic art城市绿地规划 City open spaces planning园林树木栽培养护学 Garden tree cultivation园林树木学 Ornamental dendrology园林专业绘画课 Painting of landscape architecture城市规划基础 Fundamentals of city planning城市园林绿化经济管理 Economic management of urban landscape gardening 风景园林设计初步 Elementary landscape architecture design园林植物病理学 Ornamental plant pathology园林昆虫学 Ornamental plant entomology园林史 History of landscape architecture园林工程 Landscape architectural engineering土壤学 Soil science城市生态学 Urban ecology森林保护学 Forest protection。

课程教学内容提要Lesson one General Biology(一)基本要求:1. 掌握专业英语的特点及学习方法2. 理解专业英语的概念3. 掌握生物专业英语的概念基础。

学位名称、专业名称及主要课程中英文对照各学院(原系)中英文对照生物技术学院College of Biotechnology生命科学学院College of Life Science资源环境学院College of Environment and Natural Resources资源环境学院College of Resources and Environment林学院College of Forestry经济贸易学院College of Economics and Trade经济管理学院College of Economics Management工程技术学院College of Polytechnics工程学院College of Engineering农业工程系Department of Agricultural Engineering理学院College of Sciences信息学院College of Information人文学院College of Humanities公管管理学院College of Public Management农学系Department of Agronomy园艺系Department of Horticulture蚕桑系Department of Sericulture艺术设计学院College of Art Design动物科学系Department of Animal Science动物科学学院College of Animal Science兽医学院College of Veterinary Science食品科学系Department of Food Science食品学院College of Food艺术学院College of Arts水利与土木工程学院College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering各学位名称对照农学士Agriculture工学士Engineering理学士Sciences哲学士Philosophy经济学士Economics管理学士Management文学士Arts各专业中英文名称对照工商管理Business Administration金融学Finance and Banking经济学Economics会计学Accounting农林经济管理Agricultural/forest Economy Management社会工作Social Work英语English生物技术Biotechnology机械设计及其自动化Machine Design & Manufacturing and Their Automation 信息管理与信息系统Information Management & Information Systems电子信息工程Electronic and Information Engineering农业机械化及其自动化Agricultural Mechanization And Its Automation农业电气化与自动化Agricultural Electrification and Automation土木工程Civil Engineering交通运输Traffic and Transportation应用化学Applied chemistry计算机科学与技术Computer Science and Technology植物保护Plant Protection土地资源管理Land Resources Management农业资源与环境Agricultural Resources and Environment土地资源管理Land Resources Management农学Agronomy茶学Tea Science食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering园艺Horticulture木材科学与工程Wood Science and Engineering森林资源保护与游憩Forest Resources Conservation and Recreation林学Forestry园林Landscape Gardening动物科学Animal Science动物医学Veterinary Medicine蚕学Sericulture法学Law食品科学与工程Food Science and Engineering服装设计与工程Apparel Design and Engineering管理信息系统Management Information Systems土壤与农业化学Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry土地规划与利用Land Planning and Utilization农业环境保护Agricultural Environment Protection木材加工Wood Processing经济林Economic Forest农业经济与管理Agricultural Economics and Management贸易经济Trade Economics企业管理Industrial Management国际金融International Trade农业机械化Agricultural Mechanization机械设计Design and Manufacturing汽车运用工程Mobile Application中国社会主义建设Chinese Socialist Construction作物遗传育种Plant Genetics and Breeding果树Pomology动物营养与饲料加工Animal Nutrition and Feed Processing畜牧Animal Husbandry农业工程Agricultural Engineering家具设计与室内装饰Furniture Design and Room Decoration市场策划与营销Market Planning and Marketing土地经济与房地产管理Land Economics and Real Estate Management 精细化工Fine Chemistry财务管理与计算机Financial Management and Computer经贸英语Business English公共关系与秘书Public Relation茶叶加工与贸易Tea Processing And Trade花卉与庭园工程Floriculture And Gardening丝绸与贸易Silk And Trade养禽与禽病防治Poultry Raising And Disease Control微生物发酵技术与贸易Microorganism Fermentation And Trade各学院(原系)主要课程中英文对照生物技术学院(College of Biotechnology)生命科学学院(College of Life Science)化学除草原理与技术Principles and application of weed chemistry control 种子生理Seed physiology组织培养技术Technology of tissue culture果蔬保鲜原理与技术Techniques in preservation of fruit & vegetable植物学Botany酶工程Enzyme engineering植物显微技术Botanical microtechnique细胞生物学Cell biology农田杂草Farmland weed普通生态学General ecology药用植物资源利用Resources and utilization of medicinal plant生物化学研究技术Techniques in biochemistry researches分析与检测技术Technology of test and analysis动物生物化学Animal biochemistry基因工程Genetic engineering文献查阅与综述方法Document searching and reviewing植物生物化学Plant biochemistry蛋白质工程Protein engineering分子生物学Molecular biology植物生物化学实验Plant biochemistry experiment遗传(基因)工程导论Introduction to genetic engineering辐照基础与应用Basis and application of irradiation technology辐射生物学Irradiational biology免疫学Immunology同位素示踪原理及其应用技术Isotopic tracer technique reason and appliance 同位素应用技术Application of isotopes生物电子显微技术Electron microscope and preparation of biological specimen 仪器分析Instrumental analysis现代仪器分析与食品检测Modern instrumental analysis and food inspection农业与温室气体(排放)Agriculture greenhouse effect gases电镜技术Electron microscope technique植物生理学Plant physiology生物物理学Biophysics生态学Ecology核素应用技术The application of nuclide农业电子技术The electronic technology of agriculture食品科学系Department of Food Science食品学院College of Food Science普通微生物学General microbiology农业微生物学Agricultural microbiology食品微生物学Food microbiology环境微生物学Environmental microbiology微生物学实验技术Experimental technique in microbiology食品微生物学实验Microbiological test of food发酵工艺学原理Principles of fermentation technology微生物遗传育种Microbial genetics and strain improvement食品生物化学Biochemistry of food products食品添加济Additives of food products食物酶学Enzyme engineering of food食品分析Food analysis食品营养学Food nutriology食品工艺学Food technology果蔬加工学Processing of fruit and vegetable食品工厂设计The design of food factory乳品学Dairy science &technology蛋品学Egg science & technology肉品学Meat science & technology食品工程原理Principles of food engineering农产品加工学Agricultural products processing technology食品机械与设备Food machinery and equipment食品包装学Food packaging动物科学系Department of Animal Science动物科学学院College of Animal Science动物生理学Animal physiology家畜行为学Ethnology of domestic animals饲料卫生学Feed hygienic配合饲料工艺学Technology of formula feed单胃动物营养学Nutrition of unistomach animals反刍动物营养学Ruminant nutrition饲料检测技术The technique of feed checking and analysis饲料生产学Feed production饲料添加剂学Feed addition家畜饲料学附饲料分析Livestock feeding and feeds analysis饲料原料及加工贮藏Feed ingredients and processing and storage动物饲养学Animal feeding动物营养学基本原理The basal principle of animal nutrition配合饲料技术The technique of formular feed普通畜牧学Animal husbandry淡水养鱼学Culture of fresh-water fish动物学Zoology家禽学Poultry science珍禽学Science of rare birds家畜育种学Poultry breeding家禽孵化学Poultry hatching家畜环境卫生学Livestock environment hygiene牛生产学Cattle production家兔生产学Rabbit production猪生产学Swine production畜牧家畜育种学Animal breeding数量遗传学Quantitative genetics动物遗传学Animal genetics生物统计附试验设计Biological statistics养犬与养猫Canine and feline production家畜繁殖学Animal reproduction动物遗传育种Animal Genetics & Breeding动物生产学Animal production动物医学系(Department of Veterinary Medicine )兽医学院(College of Veterinary Medicine)家畜解剖学The anatomy of the domestic animals禽病学Diseases of poultry家畜病理学The pathology of the domestic animals动物组织学与胚胎学Histology and embryology of the domestic animals 家畜解剖学及组织胚胎学家禽普通病学General diseases of poultry中兽医学Traditional Chinese veterinary medicine兽医临床诊断学Clinical diagnosis of veterinarian家禽传染病学Avian infectious diseases家禽内科学Internal medicine of domestic animals家禽药理学Poultry pharmacology兽医药理学Veterinary pharmacology家畜寄生虫学Parasitology of domestic animals家禽病理学Pathology of poultry兽医产科学Veterinary breeding家畜外科学Veterinary surgery兽医应用免疫学Veterinary applied immunology动物性食品卫生学Animal food hygiene家畜传染病学Infections disease of domestic animals兽医学Veterinary medicine兽医药理学的毒理学Veterinary pharmacy toxicology理学院(College of Science)计算机关系数据库Relationship database计算机应用基础Fundamentals of computer application 计算机应用基础Computer applicationC语言程序设计Programming in C物理化学Physical chemistry有机化学Organic chemistry分析化学Analytical chemistry普通化学General chemistry化工仪表Chemical engineering and meter化学实验Experiment in general chemistry大学物理College physics应用电子技术The application of electronic technology概率论Probability theory线性代数Linear algebra高等数学Advanced mathematics必修课The required courses选修课Optional courses限选课Limited optional courses实践课Practical courses军训Military training专业劳动Work in specialty and for production教学实践Practice in the course生产实习Training for working毕业论文(设计)The thesis or designing for graduation 物化胶化Physical colloid chemistry人文科学学院(College of Humanities)法律基础Fundamentals of law社会主义人生实践The socialist practice in one’s life形势政策教育The education of situation and policy马克思主义原理The course on Marxist theories中国革命史The history of Chinese revolution中国革命的理论与实践The theory and practice of the Chinese revolution社会调查研究理论与方法Theory and method on social investigation and research 中国社会主义建设China’s socialist construction国际贸易International trade经济法学Economic law中国社会主义市场经济概论An introduction to china’s socialist market eco nomy政治经济学Political economics西方经济学Western economics行政管理学Administration management应用写作Practical writing思想教育Ideological education自然科学方法论The methodology of natural science逻辑学Logic农业文献检索Agricultural literature indexing专业英语Special English体育Physical training毛泽东思想概论An introduction to Mao zedong thought邓小平理论概论An introduction to Deng xiaoping theory教育学Pedagogy思想道德修养Thought & moral training教学法Teaching method应用写作Practical writing农业史Agricultural history经济贸易学院(College of Economics and Trade)乡镇企业管理学院(College of Rural Enterprise Management)宏观经济学Macroeconomics微观经济学Microeconomics政治经济学Political economics发展经济学Development economics农业经济学Agricultural economics外国农业经济Foreign agricultural economics中国经济地理Economy geography in China经济法学The law of economics国际商法International commercial law管理信息系统Management information system农业会计学Agricultural accounting消费经济学Consumption economics电算化会计原理Computer accounting成本会计Cost accounting统计学原理Principle of statistics商品流通统计Accounting in commodity circulation金融统计Financial statistics会计学原理Principle of accounting商品流通企业会计Business accounting in commodity circulation财务会计学Financial accounting审计学Auditing银行会计Bank accounting农业政策学Agricultural policy管理学原理Principle management企业学原理Business management房地产经营管理Administration and management of real estate银行经营管理Administration and management of bank商业企业经营管理Business administration and management涉外企业管理Foreign business management资源经济学Resource economics农产品贸易学Agricultural products trade国际贸易International trade进出口贸易实务Practice in import-Export trade市场营销学Marketing国际市场营销学International marketing财政学Public finance国际金融International finance证券投资Investment on securities公共关系学Public relations货币银行学Economics of money and banking投资经济学Economics of investment国际结算International settlement银行信贷学Bank credit财政金融Public finance and monetary economics期货交易理论与实务Theory and practices of futures土地经济学Land economics乡镇企业经济管理The economic management of tow’s enterprise 经济计量学Economical estimate审计学audit农学系(Department of Agronomy)农学院(College of Agriculture)制茶学Manufacture of tea作物育种学(各论)Crop breeding作物育种学(总论)Crop breeding (general discourse)种子学原理Principles of seed science农业管理学Agricultural management农产品综合利用Comprehensive utilization of crop products耕作学Cultivation science经济作物学Industry crop science农业气象基础Agrometeorology遗传学Genetics茶树栽培学Tea cultivation茶叶审评与检验Tea tasting and inspection试验设计与统计分析Experimental designs and statistical analyses农业生态学Agroecology农业自然资源利用及农业区划Utilization of agricultural resources and agricultural regionalization 茶树能种学Tea plant breeding粮食作物学Food crop science茶叶生物化学Biochemistry of tea农业推广学Agricultural popularization农业环境保护Agricultural environmental protection作物栽培学与耕作学Crop cultivation & geoponics蚕桑系(Department of Sericulture)艺术设计学院(College of Art Design)蚕桑综合利用Silkworm-mulberry multipurpose utilization茧丝学Cocoon silk science养蚕学Seri cultural science蚕体解剖生理Anatomy and physiology of silkworm桑树栽培及育种学Mulberry cultivation & breeding桑树病虫害防治学蚕种学Silkworm egg production家蚕遗传育种Silkworm genetic of thremmatology遗传学Genetics蚕病学Silkworm pathology蚕桑学Sericulture园艺系(Department of Horticulture)园艺学院(College of Horticulture)插花艺术Art of floweral arrangement蔬菜育种学Vegetable breeding花卉园艺学Floriculture园艺商品学Marketing of horticultural product园艺设施栽培Horticultural facilities culture植物显微技术Plant microtechnology园艺通论General horticulture园艺昆虫学Horticultural entomology园艺植物育种学Plant breeding in horticulture果树生理学Fruit tree physiology园艺研究法Horticulture studies果树栽培学总论Pomology园艺产品贮藏保鲜学Techniques in preservation of horticultural products园艺植物病理学The pest control of horticulture plant花卉保鲜学Techniques in preservation of flowers & plants园艺植物生理学Horticulture plant pathology蔬菜栽培学Vegetable culture盆景艺术Pruning采后生理Post harvest physiology果树抗性育种专题Special topic on fruit tree resistance园艺植物的生物技术The biotechnique of horticultural plant园艺概论An outline of horticulture蔬菜学Olericulture果树学Pomology工程技术学院(College of polytechnics)工程学院(College of Engineering)建筑电工Architectural electrotechnics电工学Electrotechnics工业电子学Industrial electronics材料力学Strength of materials建筑力学(结构力学部分)Mechanics of structure理论力学Theoretical mechanics机械设计Machinery design机械原理Theory of machine and mechanism画法几何学Drawing geometry机械制图Engineering drawing工程制图Engineering drawing园林工程制图Landscape drawing建筑制图Building drawing液压技术2 Hydraulic technique 2机械工程材料Materials of mechanical engineering机床夹具设计原理Theory of jig design for machine tool冷冲工艺及冷冲模设计Punching technology and punch die design金属切削原理与刀具Principle of l cutting and cutting tool金属工艺学l technology机械制造工艺学Manufactural technology of machinery金属工艺学l technology液压技术1 Hydraulic technique 1汽车维修理论Theory of automobile service汽车运输学Transportation of automobile互换性与测量技术Interchangeability and technical measurement汽车构造Construction of automobile汽车运用工程Automobile application engineering热工基础Fundamental of thermo-technology食品干燥工艺与设备Food drying technology and equipment食品包装机械Food packaging machinery农业机械学Agricultural machinery食品工程原理Theory of food process engineering食品加工机械与设备Foot processing machinery and equipments砼与砌体结构Reinforce concrete建筑构造Structure of building建筑材料Constructional material建筑施工技术与施工组织Technology and planning of building operation单层工业厂房排架结构设计The design of single-factory building with d structure 高层建筑结构设计Design of high rise building民用建筑设计原理Design of civil architecture农业系统工程及管理工程Systems engineering and management engineering资源环境学院(College of Resources and Environment)环境监测Environmental monitoring土壤农业化学Agrochemistry analysis生产布局学原理Principle of productive distribution城镇建设用地管理Management of land urban construction城市规划原理Principle of urban planning资源经济学Resources economics经济地理Economic geography土地资源调查Land resources survey地图绘编Map establishment遥感技术基础Fundamental of remote sensing technology土地信息系统Land information system地籍管理Land management土地规划学Land planning science土地管理学Land management土地经济学Land economic房地产管理Management of real estate房地产估价Appraisement of real estate固体废物的处理与处置Treatment & disposal wastes城市污泥的农业再循环与生态环境The agricultural recycling of municipal sludge and the ecological environment 大气污染控制工程Air pollution controlling engineering环境质量评价Environmental quality assessment环境化学Environmental chemistry水体污染控制工程Water pollution controlling engineering环境生态Environmental ecology土壤污染与防治Soil pollution环境保护概论Introduction of environmental protection农业环境保护概论Introduction of agricultural environmental protection无土栽培原理与技术Theories and techniques of soilless culture农业化学总论Introduction of agrochemistry作物施肥原理Principles of crop fertilization作物营养研究法Methodology of plant nutrition土壤物理学Soil physics土壤学Pedology环境土壤学Environmental pedology土壤化学Soil chemistry土壤粘粒矿物Mineral of soil clay fration土质学基础Basis of geology土壤地理学Soil geography区域土壤学Regional pedology土壤资源调查Soil resources survey茶树病虫害(病害部分) Tea disease and pest (disease section)植物检疫学Quarantine for pests植物病毒学Plant virology果树病理学Fruit tree pathology果蔬病害Fruit and vegetable diseases植物免疫学Plant immunology普通昆虫学General entomology真菌资源及利用Fungal resources and their utilization除草剂毒理学Toxicology of herbicides植物病害生物防治学Biological prevention and control of plant diseases害虫生物防治Biological control杀菌剂毒理学Toxicology of fungicides植物病害流行学Epidemiology of plant diseases农业螨类学Agricultural acarology害虫综合防治Integrated pest management生物统计学Biometrics城市昆虫学Civil entomology作物抗虫育种原理及应用Principle and application of resistant plant breeding 植物病原细菌学Plant bacteriology植物病理学Plant pathology真菌分类学Taxonomy of fungi植物线虫学Plant nematology农业植物病理学Agricultural phytopathology普通植物病理学General phytopathology果蔬昆虫学Fruit plant & vegetable entomology果蔬贮运病害Fruit and vegetable diseases during storage食用真菌学Edible fung林学院College of Forestry数理统计Mathematical statistics遗传学Genetics树木育种学Forest tree breeding树木育苗学Tree seeds and nursery stock science自然保护区学Science of nature reserve造林学Silviculture林业技术经济学Forestry technology economics森林经营学Forest management林业经济管理学Management of forestry economics林业政策与法规Policies and laws of forestry会计学原理Fundamentals of accounting树木病理学Forest pathology测树学Forest measuration测量学Surveying森林生态学Forest ecology森林土壤学Forest soil science森林经理学Forest management森林昆虫学Forest entomology树木学Dendrology机械设计基础Fundamentals of mechanical design厂内运输Equipment of transit in factory胶合板制造学The manufacturing of plywood木材加工企业管理Forest products management胶粘剂与涂料Adhesive and paint木材学Wood science木材干燥Timber drying木制品生产工艺学Tec manufacturing of wood products纤维板制造学Fiberboard manufacturing technology刨花板制造学The manufacturing of particleboard木材切削原理与刀具The principles of wood cutting and tools木工机械Wood machinery土壤学Soil science经济林育种学Economic forest breeding经济林昆虫学Economic forest entomology经济林病理学Economic forest pathology经济林栽培学Economic forest culture园林设计Parks and gardens design造型艺术Plastic art城市绿地规划City open spaces planning园林树木栽培养护学Garden tree cultivation园林树木学Ornamental dendrology园林专业绘画课Painting of landscape architecture城市规划基础Fundamentals of city planning城市园林绿化经济管理Economic management of urban landscape gardening 风景园林设计初步Elementary landscape architecture design园林植物病理学Ornamental plant pathology园林昆虫学Ornamental plant entomology园林史History of landscape architecture园林工程Landscape architectural engineering土壤学Soil science城市生态学Urban ecology森林保护学Forest protection。

从写作到发表,历时约⼀年半,IF ⼤概 3 点多。
假如你的导师是⾏业⼤⽜或者在某个领域很优秀,他⾮常有可能收到 SCI 杂志的邀稿去写关于他领域的综述。
如果你的导师对你说:⼩ X 同学,要不要锻炼⼀下⾃⼰,写个某某⽅向的综述?个⼈觉得,但凡有时间,都应该去做。
因为邀稿嘛,基本百分百能发表,虽然过程可能⼏易其稿,但也算是天上掉下来⼀篇 SCI,何况⽼师⼀般也不会让毕业季的学⽣去⼲这个。
⼏年前我的导师接到邀稿,杂志的影响因⼦接近 10,博⼠师姐就去写了这篇⽂章,真是好⽣羡慕。
我强烈推荐硕博连读的学⽣(5 年制博⼠)进⾏英⽂综述写作。
因为培养时间长,在学期间综述发表的可能性很⼤,最好在接触课题后 1 年内即进⾏写作。
对 3 年制的硕⼠和博⼠⽽⾔,我觉得在⼀年级下学期就可以着⼿了。
因为不少同学在上学期上课期间就已经把课题⽂献读了个遍,我⾃⼰(3 年制博⼠)是在 15 年 7 ⽉成稿并开始投稿,直到 16 年 12 ⽉才正式接收,所以如果没有充⾜的时间及⾜够的⽂献储备,还是不要轻易尝试。

生物学专业英语期末考试知识点总结一、化学元素符号(31个)H Hydrogen ['haɪdrədʒ(ə)n] 氢 B Boron ['bɔːrɒn] 硼Be Beryllium [bə'rɪlɪəm] 铍 C Carbon ['kɑːb(ə)n]碳N Nitrogen ['naɪtrədʒ(ə)n] 氮O Oxygen ['ɒksɪdʒ(ə)n] 氧F Fluorine ['flʊəriːn] 氟Na Sodium ['səʊdɪəm] 钠Mg Magnesium [mæg'niːzɪəm] 镁Al Aluminum [əˈluːmɪnəm] 铝Si Silicon ['sɪlɪk(ə)n] 硅P Phosphorus ['fɒsf(ə)rəs] 磷S Sulphur ['sʌlfə] 硫Cl Chlorine ['klɔːriːn] 氯K Potassium [pə'tæsɪəm] 钾Ca Calcium ['kælsɪəm] 钙Cr Chromium ['krəʊmɪəm] 铬Mn Manganese ['mæŋgəniːz] 锰Fe Iron ['aɪən] 铁Co Cobalt ['kəʊbɔːlt] 钴Ni Nickel ['nɪk(ə)l] 镍Cu Copper ['kɒpə] 铜Zn Zinc [zɪŋk]锌As Arsenic ['ɑːs(ə)nɪk] 砷Se Selenium [sɪ'liːnɪəm] 硒Mo Molybdenum [mə'lɪbdənəm] 钼Ag Silver ['sɪlvə] 银Cd Cadmium ['kædmɪəm] 镉Au Gold [gəʊld] 金Hg Mercury ['mɜːkjərɪ] 汞Pb Lead [liːd] 铅二、数学符号a2 a square or a squaredb3 b cube or b cubed[kjuːb] 立方c4 c (raised) to the fourth (power)f-1 f to the minus one 0.4 zero (or nought) point four [nɔːt]零0.01point (or decimal) nought one ['desɪm(ə)l]小数10.34ten point three fourμ micron ['maɪkrɒn] 微米mm millimeter ['mili,mi:tə] 毫米mm2 square millimetermm3cubic millimeter ['kjuːbɪk] 立方的cm centimeter [ˈsentɪmiːtə(r)] 厘米cm2square centimetercm3cubic centimeter dm decimeter ['desɪ,miːtə] 分米dm2square decimeterdm3cubic decimeterm meterm2square meterm3cubic meterkm kilometerkm2square kilometermL milliliter ['mili,li:tə] 毫升L liter ['li:tə] 升a acre ['eɪkə] 英亩ha hectare ['hekteə] 公顷g gramme [ɡræm] 克mg milligramme ['miligræm] 毫克kg kilogramme ['kiləuɡræm] 千克t tonne [tʌn] 吨三、期刊杂志全称与简写英文全称英文缩写中文全称Annual Review of Biochemistry Annu Rev Biochem 生物化学年刊Cell Cell 细胞Annual Review of Cell Biology Annu Rev Cell Biol 细胞生物学年刊The Journal of the Federation of AmericanSociety for Experimental BiologyFASEB Journal (FASEB J )美国实验生物学联合会刊European Molecular Biology Organization EMBO Journal (EMBO J)欧洲分子生物学杂志Trends in Biochemical Sciences Trends Biochem Sci 生物化学科学进展Molecular and Cellular Biology Mol Cell Biol 分子与细胞生物学杂志Journal of Biological Chemistry J Biol Chem 生物化学期刊Plant Cell Plant Cell 植物细胞Molecular Pharmacology Mol Pharmacol 分子药理学DNA Cell Biology DNA Cell Biol DNA细胞生物学Journal of Molecular Biology J Mol Biol 分子生物学期刊Biochemistry Biochemistry 生物化学Cell Growth and Differentiation Cell Growth Differ 细胞生长与分化Methods in Enzymology Method Enzymol 酶学方法Molecular Microbiology Mol Microbiol 分子微生物学Journal of Neurochemistry J Neurochem 神经化学杂志Progress in Biophysics & MolecularBiologyProg Biophys Mol Biol 生物物理和分子生物学进展Advances in Microbial Physiology Adv Microb Physiol 微生物生理学进展Molecular Biology and Evolution Mol Bio Evol 分子生物学与进化Journal of Cellular Biochemistry J Cell Biochem 细胞生物化学杂志Molecular Biology and Medicine Mol Biol Med 分子生物学与药学Federation of European BiochemistrySociety FEBS Letters ( FEBS Lett)欧洲生物化学学会联合会杂志Plant Molecular Biology Plant Mol Biol 植物分子生物学Journal of Molecular Evolution J Mol Evol 分子进化杂志Analytical Biochemistry Anal Biochem 分析生物化学Molecular Immunology Mol Immunol 分子免疫学Neurochemical Research Neurochem Res 神经化学研究Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry Mol Cell Biochem 分子与细胞生物化学Molecular Biology Report Mol Biol Rep 分子生物学报告Proceedings of National Academy ofsciences USA PROC NATL ACADSCI USA美国国家科学院院刊四、作文1. Topic or title or head.2. Authors and their institutes.3. Abstract4. Introduction5. Materials and Methods6. Results7. Discussion8. References or literatures cited.How to write a report or paperA paperconsists of 8partsEnglish description英文叙述Chinese narrative中文叙述Part1.Topic or titleor head.(主题/标题/头)Concise and informative 简洁而信息量丰富Part2.Authors and their institutes. (作者及其所在研究机构)The name(s) of the auther(s)The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the auther(s)The e-mail address,telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding auther作者姓名作者的隶属机构和地址通讯作者的电子邮件地址,电话号码以及传真号。

6)cyan, cyano
蓝,青紫色,氰 蓝藻纲; 蓝细菌; 氰化物; 金色
金霉素; 金藻淀粉; 菊花; 金沙石; 镀金;
cyanophyceae cyanobacteria cyanide 7)aur, glid, chrys
aureomycin chrysose chrysanthemum glid stone glid
Lesson 1 Introduction
4.1 词汇特点
a. 专业术语多 专业文献含有大量专业术语,阅读时要求对该领域的 专门词汇和知识有一定了解。 b. 广泛采用名词连用形式 cell wall target cell
titration curve
side effect drug tolerance
3、副词 The air outside pressed the side in . 外面的空气将桶壁压得凹进去了。
The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted. 产生的热量等于浪费了的电能。 5、定语从句 To make an atomic bomb we have to use uranium 235, in which all the atoms are available for fission. 制造原子弹,我们必须用铀235,因为轴的所有原子都会裂 变。
4)intra, intro, inter
intra-allelic interaction 等位基因内相互作用; intracellular (细)胞内的; Interurban 城市之间 5)centri, centro, medi, mid 中心,中央,中间

生物与制药工程专业英语期末考试学院: 姓名:____________________班级: 学号:一、Translate the following terms into Chinese(1)agrochemical (6)fluidisation 农业化学的流态化(2)cytotoxic (7)periplasmic细胞毒素的原生质外的(3)pharmacognosy (8)cardiovascular生药学心血管的(4)toxicological (9)hepatic毒理学的肝脏的(5)bead (10)adaptability珠子,水珠适应性二、Translate the following terms into English(1)浓度(6)杂质concentration impurity(2)中性(7)成分与性状neutrality discription(3)极易溶解(8)药理作用very soluble phamacological actions(4)定量分析(9)气相色谱quantitative analysis gas chromatography(5)等当点(10)离子色谱equivalent point ion chromatograph三、Word Building(答够十个得满分)anti-antibiotic antibiotic抗生素;抗菌的antifoam 消泡剂antitussive止咳药antihistaminic抗组胺剂antineoplastic抗肿瘤的antidepressant抗抑郁剂antianginal抗心绞痛antibody抗体anticoagulant抗凝血剂antifoaming防沫的antifungal抗真菌的anti-infectives抗感染药物antioxidant抗氧剂antithrombin抗凝血酶antitode 解毒剂等四、Translate the following sentences into Chinese(1)Biologists and chemists divide compounds into two principal classes, inorganic and organic.生物学家和化学家将化合物分为两类,无机和有机。

第二讲 词义选择及词义引伸
3、注意英、汉语的搭配习惯 In modern reciprocating steam engine, condensation problems have been practically eliminated. 在现代往复式蒸汽发动机中,冷凝问题实际上已经解决了。 4、注意在逻辑关系中选定词义 Allow the water to cool for ten minutes and then take the temperature.(测量温度) 5、注意词的发展词义 An engineer named Trevithich introduced the steam locomotive in 1804.(创造了蒸汽机车)
第二讲 词义选择及词义引伸
2-2 词义引伸法 所谓词义引伸就是在原来词义的基础上,把词义适当加 以引伸,从而达到确切表达原文精神实质的目的。只有 在原有词义会造成误解时,才可作词义引伸处理。 词义引伸的方法有两种: (1)词义扩展或转译;(2)借增词而引伸词义 Force and distance measure the amount of work. 通过力和距离可算出做功的量。 Heat given by the boiler comes to the exchanger through pipe line. 锅炉产生的热量经管路送到换热器。
第二讲 词义选择及词义引伸词汇
6、词性转换 Wrought-irons behave differently from iron which contains a lot of carbon. 熟铁的性能不同于含碳量多的生铁。(转换成名词) Rapid evaporation at the heating surface tends to make the steam wet. 加热面上的迅速蒸发,往往使蒸汽的湿度增大。

生物医学工程专业词汇医用电子学 Electronics for Medicine生物医学信号处理技术Signal Processing for Biology and Medicine人工神经网络及应用Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications环境生物学 Environmental Biology水域生态学 Aquatic Ecology环境工程 Environmental Engineering环境科学研究方法 Study Methodology of Environmental Science 藻类生理生态学 Ecological Physiology in Algae生物医学材料学及实验 Biomaterials and Experiments生物材料结构与性能 Structures and Properties of Biomaterials 医学信息学 Medical Informatics组织工程学 Tissue Engineering生物医学工程概论 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering高等生物化学 Advanced Biochemistry图像分析 Image Treatment数据处理分析与建模 Data Analysis and Constituting Model药物化学 Pharmaceutical Chemistry功能高分子 Functional PolymerInternet/Intranet(英) Internet/Intranet医学电子学 Medical Electronics现代仪器分析 Modern Instrumental Analysis生物医学光子学 Biomedicine Photonics激光医学临床实践 Clinical Practice for Laser Medicine生物电化学 Bioelectrochemistry药物化学研究方法 Pharmaceutical Chemical Research Methods 废水处理工程 Technology of Wastewater Treatment生物与化学传感技术 Biosensors & Chemical Sensors现代分析化学研究方法 Research Methods of Modern Analytical Chemistry神经生物学 Neurobiology动物遗传工程 Animal Genetic Engineering动物免疫学 Animal Immunology动物病害学基础 Basis of Animal Disease受体生物化学 Receptor Biochemistry动物生理与分子生物学Animal Physiology and Molecular Biochemistry分析生物化学 Analytical Biochemistry学科前沿讲座 Lectures on Frontiers of the Discipline微生物学 Microbiology细胞生物学 Cell Biology生理学 Physiology电生理技术基础 Basics of Electricphysiological Technology 生理学 Physiology生物化学 Biochemistry高级水生生物学 Advanced Aquatic Biology藻类生理生态学 Ecological Physiology in Algae水生动物生理生态学 Physiological Ecology of Aquatic Animal 水域生态学 Aquatic Ecology水生态毒理学 Aquatic Ecotoxicology水生生物学研究进展 Advance on Aquatic Biology水环境生态学模型 Models of Water Quality藻类生态学 Ecology in Algae生物数学 Biological Mathematics植物生理生化 Plant Biochemistry水质分析方法 Water Quality Analysis水产养殖学 Aquaculture环境生物学 Environmental Biology专业文献综述 Review on Special Information分子生物学 Molecular Biology学科前沿讲座 Lectures on Frontiers of the Discipline植物学 Botany动物学 Zoology普通生态学 General Ecology生物统计学 Biological Statistics分子遗传学 Molecular Genetics基因工程原理 Principles of Gene Engineering高级生物化学 Advanced Biochemistry基因工程技术 Technique for Gene Engineering基因诊断 Gene Diagnosis基因组学 Genomics医学遗传学 Medical Genetics免疫遗传学 Immunogenetics基因工程药物学 Pharmacology of Gene Engineering高级生化技术 Advanced Biochemical Technique基因治疗 Gene Therapy肿瘤免疫学 Tumour Immunology免疫学 Immunology免疫化学技术 Methods for Immunological Chemistry毒理遗传学 Toxicological Genetics分子病毒学 Molecular Virology分子生物学技术 Protocols in Molecular Biology神经免疫调节 Neuroimmunology普通生物学 Biology生物化学技术 Biochemic Technique分子生物学 Molecular Biology生殖生理与生殖内分泌 Reproductive Physiology & Reproductive Endocrinology生殖免疫学 Reproductive Immunology发育生物学原理与实验技术Principle and Experimental Technology of Development免疫学 Immunology蛋白质生物化学技术 Biochemical Technology of Protein受精的分子生物学 Molecular Biology of Fertilization免疫化学技术 Immunochemical Technology低温生物学原理与应用 Principle & Application of Cryobiology 不育症的病因学 Etiology of Infertility分子生物学 Molecular Biology生物化学 Biochemistry分析生物化学 Analytical Biochemistry医学生物化学 Medical Biochemistry医学分子生物学 Medical Molecular Biology医学生物化学技术 Techniques of Medical Biochemistry生化与分子生物学进展Progresses in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology高级植物生理生化 Advanced Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 分子进化工程 Engineering of Molecular Evolution生物工程下游技术 Downstream Technique of Biotechnology仪器分析 Instrumental Analysis临床检验与诊断 Clinical Check-up & Diagnosis药理学 Pharmacology(基因工程专业英语词汇)A腺苷脱氨酶缺乏症 adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA) 腺病毒 adenovirusAlagille综合征 Alagille syndrome等位基因 allele氨基酸 amino acids动物模型 animal model抗体 antibody凋亡 apoptosis路-巴综合征 ataxia-telangiectasia常染色体显性 autosomal dominant常染色体 autosomeB细菌人工染色体 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) 碱基对 base pair先天缺陷 birth defect骨髓移植 bone marrow transplantationC癌 cancer后选基因 candidate gene癌 carcinomacDNA文库 cDNA library细胞 cell染色体 chromosome克隆 cloning密码 codon天生的 congenital重叠群 contig囊性纤维化 cystic fibrosis细胞遗传图 cytogenetic mapD缺失 deletion脱氧核糖核酸 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)糖尿病 diabetes mellitus二倍体 diploidDNA复制 DNA replicationDNA测序 DNA sequencing显性的 dominant双螺旋 double helix复制 duplicationE电泳 electrophoresisEllis - van Creveld syndrome酶 enzyme外显子 exonF家族性地中海热 familial Mediterranean fever荧光原位杂交 fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) 脆性X染色体综合征 Fragile X syndromeG基因 gene基因扩增 gene amplification基因表达 gene expression基因图谱 gene mapping基因库 gene pool基因治疗 gene therapy基因转移 gene transfer遗传密码 genetic code (ATGC)遗传咨询 genetic counseling遗传图 genetic map遗传标记 genetic marker遗传病筛查 genetic screening基因组 genome基因型 genotype种系 germ lineH单倍体 haploidhaploinsufficiency造血干细胞 hematopoietic stem cell 血友病 hemophilia杂合子 heterozygous高度保守序列 highly conserved sequenceHirschsprung病 Hirschsprung's disease纯合子 homozygous人工染色体 human artificial chromosome (HAC)人类基因组计划 Human Genome Project人类免疫缺陷病毒 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/ 获得性免疫缺陷综合征 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)huntington舞蹈病 Huntington's disease杂交 hybridization免疫治疗 immunotherapy原位杂交 in situ hybridization继承的 inherited插入 insertion知识产权 intellectual property rights K敲除 knockoutL白血病 leukemia库 library键、连接 linkage部位、场所 locus优势对数评分 LOD score淋巴细胞 lymphocyte畸形 malformation描图 mapping标记 marker黑色素瘤 melanoma孟德尔 Mendel, Johann (Gregor)孟德尔遗传 Mendelian inheritance信使RNA messenger RNA (mRNA)[分裂]中期 metaphase微阵技术 microarray technology线立体DNA mitochondrial DNA单体性 monosomy小鼠模型 mouse model多发性内分泌瘤病 multiple endocrine neoplasia, type 1 (MEN1) 突变 mutationN神经纤维瘤病 neurofibromatosis尼曼-皮克病 Niemann-Pick disease, type C (NPC)non-directivenessRNA印记 Northern blot核苷酸 nucleotide神经核 nucleus寡核苷酸 oligo癌基因 oncogenePParkinson病 Parkinson's disease专利权 patent血系/谱系 pedigree表型 phenotype物理图谱 physical map多指畸形/多趾畸形 polydactyly聚合酶链反应 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 多态性 polymorphism定位克隆 positional cloning原发性免疫缺陷 primary immunodeficiency引物 primer原核 pronucleus前列腺癌 prostate cancer蛋白 protein隐性 recessive逆转录病毒 retrovirus核糖核酸 ribonucleic acid (RNA)核糖体 ribosomerisk communicationS序列标记位点 sequence-tagged site (STS)联合免疫缺陷 severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) 性染色体 sex chromosome伴性的 sex-linked体细胞 somatic cellsDNA印记 Southern blot光谱核型 spectral karyotype (SKY)替代 substitution自杀基因 suicide gene综合征 syndromeT技术转让 technology transfer转基因的 transgenic易位 translocation三体型 trisomy肿瘤抑制基因 tumor suppressor geneV载体 vectorW蛋白质印记 Western blotWolfram综合征 Wolfram syndromeY酵母人工染色体 yeast artificial chromosome (YAC科技英语翻译四组(注:本资料素材和资料部分来自网络,仅供参考。

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Scope of field in Biology
Anatomy The branch of morphology concerned with the gross and microscopic structure of animal, especially humans
Biochemistry The study of the chemical substances that occur in living organisms, the processes by which these substances enter into or are formed in the organisms and react with each other and environment, and the methods by which the substances and processes are identified , characterized,and measured ( Chemical processes associated with living things. )
photosynthesis (光合作用) microtubule (微管) microfilament (微丝) Electrophoresis (电泳) DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核 糖核酸) CoA (Coenzyme A) UV (Ultra-violet) AIDS ( acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
长句多(可使句意表达严谨); Biology is such a broad field, covering the minute chemical reactions inside our cells, to broad scale concepts of ecosystems and global climate change.
English for Biology 生物学专业英语
教学目的 教学重点 教学难点 教学手段
一 教学目的
(一)掌握生物学专业英语的应用及其语言特点。 专业英语教学的主要目的是培养学生科技文献 的阅读能力和初步的科技论文写作能力。其教 学的重点即阅读 与写作。
自改革开放以来,与国外的交流越来越多,特 别是我国加入WTO之后, 意味着全面的对外开 放,与国外进行全方位的交往.在这样的条件 下,只有懂外语的人才是远远不够的,只有既 懂外语又懂专业的人才能适应全面的对外开 放,而这种复合人才的培养必须进行专业外语 的学习。
1 专业英语的重要性
4 5
使用英文原版教材的要求 国家教育部为使我国高等教育与国际接 轨,适应当前科技迅猛发展的形势,提出 今后部分专业使用英文原版教材。 中学双语教学的需要 专业英语的学习与基础英语的学习是相 辅相成的 学好基础英语有利于专业英语的学习,认 真学习专业英语又会促进词汇量的增长 和阅读能力的提高.
名词性词组多;分词使用频繁;介词短语 多(可使语言精练); 专业术语多;缩略词多;合成词多;插图, 表格,公式,数字所占比例大;
多(2)二次技术词汇多(3)特用词多(4)功能 词如:介词,连词,短语,代词多 专业词汇的构词法中以派生词最多,合成 词其次,有一定量的转换词.
经过大学三年的专业课程学习和基础英 语的学习之后,我们要进入到生物学专 业英语的学习。大学英语教学大纲规
定,大学生在修完基础英语后,必 需学习专业英语。按大纲规定,我们生
物学专业的学生就应当学习生物学专业 英语。
1. 基础英语的学习是对学生语言能力的培养
2. 专业知识传播少不了专业英语
( 三 ) 为专业英语课程的有效学习提供相关文献 资料,从而扩大阅读范围和提高阅读能力。
二. 教学重点:
生物学专业英语的特点(语法特点、词汇 特点) 生物学专业英语不同于基础英语
三 教学难点:
四 教学手段
以讲授为主,利用多媒体及网络进行互动 教学 学时数:36学时
4 生物学专业英语的学习方法
(1).识记专业词汇,扩大阅读范围 (2).巩固英语语法基础,掌握科技英语的 语言特点 (3).针对应用文体加强翻译、写作练习
5 生物学专业英语参考资料
<<科技英语语法新编>>新时代出版社1 BA (Biological Abstracts);Science (USA);Nature (GB.) 英汉生物学词典(第三版) 英汉大学生物学词汇 金山词霸 On-Line Biology Book /faculty/farabe e/BIOBK/BioBookTOC.html
3 生物学专业英语的内容
(1)掌握构词法(派生,转换,合成), 扩大词汇量。 (2)阅读英文原始文献资料,扩大知识面, 掌握生物学专业英语的语言规律,提高 阅读,写作,翻译水平以及实际应用生 物学专业英语的能力。 (3)巩固英语基础知识,提高应用英语的能 力(大学英语教学大纲要求大学生修完 大学英语基课程后必须学习专业英语。)
2 专业英语的特点
一、专业英语语法特点: 主要体现科技英语的特点(语言精练,逻辑性 强,描述客观,其中语言精练是其风格,描述 客观是其本质)。
Because most plants are able to undergo photosynthesis, they do not depend on other organisms for energy.
It has been found experimentally that the ratio of the amounts of adenine(腺嘌呤) to thymine(胸腺 嘧啶), and the ratio of guanine(鸟 嘌呤) to cytosine(胞嘧啶), are always very close to unity for deoxyribose nucleic acid (DNA)