
练习题一一、单词互译 (每空1 分,共 20 分)A英译汉共10题每题一分1、Automobile2、Classification3、Combustion4、Chamber5、Circulate6、Crankshaft7、Antifreeze8、Carburetor9、Mechanics10、Air–fuel mixtureB 汉译英共10 题每题一分1、连杆n.2 、点燃n.3 、简洁地adv.4 、(使)旋转v.5 、发动机n.6 、要求v.7 、输送v.8 、活塞n.9 、系统n.10、气缸n.二、词汇和语法(每小题1分,共20分)1、The ______ of piston movement is called TDC (top dead center).A、upper limitB、lower limitC、limit2、The ______ of piston movement is called BDC (bottom dead center).A、lower limitB、upper limitC、limit3、A _____ is piston movement from TDC to BDC or from BDC to TDC.A、strokeB、stageC、state4、The _____ is rotated as the piston is pushed down by the pressure above it.A、crankshaftB、crankpinC、break5、The actions ______ can be divided into four stages, or strokes.A、taken place in the engine cylinderB、taking place in the engine cylinderC、take place in the engine cylinder6、In other words, the piston completes a stroke _____ it charges its direction of motion.A、every timeB、each timeC、each times7、”Stroke” ______ piston movement.A、refer toB、refers toC、prefer to8、A stroke occurs _______ the piston moves from one limiting position to the other.A、whileB、whenC、which9、By the time the piston reaches TDC, the mixture ________ to as little as one-tenth of its originalvolume, or over less.A、had been compressedB、has been compressedC、compressed10、When the air-fuel mixture is compressed, ________ does the pressure in the cylinder go up, ______the temperature of the mixture_______ increases.A、not only…but alsoB、not only…but andC、not…but11、The cylinder pressure ________ as much as 3-5 Mpa or even more.A、go upB、increasesC、add12. But as the higher pressures is called upon to withstand very much greater stresseshigher pressures in cylinders.A. becauseB. because ofC. due to13. The diesel engine is more efficient, because it higher compression ratio.A. haveB. hasC. had14. This advantage prevents the diesel engine replacing the gasoline engine in some automobilesand airplanes.A. toB. forC. from15. In any internal combustion engine burning fuel heats air consequently.A. whichB. thatC. when16. We all know that diesel engines ( ) work in the same way as gasoline engine do.A. in principleB. in other wordsC. in turn17. Up to 40 per cent of the chemical energy of the burning fuel changed into mechanical energy.A. will beB. would beC. may be18. As it were, into waiting charge at the required instant.A. aB. anC. the19. It has more substantial construction and is thus heavier.A. to be ofB. to beC. to be that20. The same series of events take place again and continue the engine runs.A. whenB. asC. as long as三、阅读与理解(20题,每题2分,共40分)Part 1The actions taking place in the engine cylinder can be divided into four stages, or stroke. “Stroke” refers to piston movement; a stroke occurs when the piston moves from one limiting position to the other. The upper limit of piston movement is called TDC (top dead center). The lower limit of piston movement is called BDC (bottom dead center). A stroke is piston movement from TDC to BDC or from BDC to TDC. In other words, the piston completes a stroke each time it changes its direction of motion.Where the entire cycle of events in the cylinder requires four strokes (or two crankshaft revolutions), the engines is called a four-stroke-cycle engine, or a four-cycle engine. The four piston strokes are intake, compression, power, and exhaust.1.What do we see from the paragraphs? ( )A. What is stroke?B. What is engine?C. What is cylinder?2. Which one Statement is true according the above first paragraph? ( )A. A four-stroke-cycle engine means that four strokes is required when it finish the whole cycle.B. A stroke is not piston movement from TDC to BDC, but from BDC to TDC.C. The lower limit of piston movement is called TDC (top dead center).3. What is BDC in the term of automobile industry? ( )A. Bottom dead center.B. Top dead center.C. Neither of A and B.4. Which one Statement is TRUE according the last paragraph? ( )A. The four strokes occur in two crankshaft revolutions.B. The four strokes occur in four crankshaft revolutions.C. The four strokes occur in one crankshaft revolutions.5. Which one Statement is TURE according the article? ( )A. The four piston strokes are intake, compression, power, and exhaust.B. The four piston strokes are intake, compression, power, and inhauls.C. The four piston strokes are intake, combining, power, and exhaust.Part 2Power stroke: As the piston reaches TDC on the compression stroke, an electric spark is produced at the spark plug. The ignition system delivers a high-voltage surge of electricity to the spark plug to produce the spark. The spark ignites, or sets fire to, the air-fuel mixture. It now beings to burn very rapidly, and the cylinder pressure increases to as much as 3-5 Mpa or even more. This terrific push against the piston forces it downward, and a power impulse is transmitted through the connecting rod to the crankpin on the crankshaft. The crankshaft is rotated as the piston is pushed down by the pressure above it.6. Which topic is fit with the paragraph? ( )A. Power strokeB. Compression stroke.C. Exhaust stroke.7. Which one Statement is TURE according the article? ( )A. The terrific push against the piston forces it downward.B. The slight push against the piston forces it downward.C. This little push against the piston forces it downward.8. Which word or phrase can change the word “i gnites”? ( )A. sets fire toB. shoots atC. charges9. Which one Statement is TURE according the article? ( )A. The ignition system delivers a high-voltage surge of electricity to the spark plug to begin the spark.B. The ignition system delivers a low-voltage surge of electricity to the spark plug to defend the spark.C. The ignition system delivers a constant-voltage surge of electricity to the spark plug to produce thespark.10. When the air-fuel mixture beings to burn very rapidly, how much does the cylinder pressure increase to? ( )A. As much as 3-5 Mpa or even more.B. As much as 3-5 bar or even more.C. About 3-5 Kpa.Part 3We all know that diesel engines, in principle, work in the same way as gasoline engines do. Both kinds of engines are internal combustion engines, but each of them has its characteristic features.Now let us compare the diesel engine with the gasoline engine. Firstly, the explosive mixture of the gasoline engine is provided by a carburetor, but in the case of the diesel engine the supply is affected by an injection or “jerk” pump which f orces a “shot” of fuel into each cylinder in turn according to the correct firing sequence. Secondly, the fundamental difference between gasoline and diesel engines is that in the gasoline engine the source of the heat for igniting the charge, namely, an electric spark, is generated outside the engine, and is taken, as it were, into the waiting charge at the required instant. In the diesel engine the source of heat for igniting the charge is created within the engine by compressing pure air to a degree that will initiate combustion and then injecting the fuel at the right time in relation to the movement of the crankshaft.11. What do we see from the first paragraph? ( )A. Diesel engines work in the same mean as gasoline engines do.B. Diesel engines don’t work in the same way as gasoline engines do.C. Either of A and B.12. Which one Statement is true in the article? ( )A. the explosive mixture of the gasoline engine is provided by a carburetor.B. the fuel supply of the diesel engine is affected by an injection or “jerk” pump.C. both of A and B13. What is the fundamental difference between gasoline and diesel engines? ( )A. In the gasoline engine, an electric spark plug is required in a cylinder.B. In the diesel engine, an electric spark plug is required in a cylinder.C. Both of A and B.14. Which one Statement is true in the term of diesel engines in the article? ( )A. the diesel engine the supply is affected by an injection.B. the diesel engine the supply is affected by or a “jerk” pumpC. Both A and B.15. Which topic is fit with the article? ( )A. Diesel engine operating features.B. Gasoline engine operating features.C. Jerk pump operating features.Part 4Both classes of engines are of very similar construction. But as the higher pressure is called upon in cylinders, it has to be of more substantial construction, and is thus heavier. In general, the diesel engine may weigh about 9.25 kilograms per kilowatt. The most important advantage of the gasoline engine is its lower weight per kilowatt. The gasoline engine for automobiles may weigh about 6.17 kilograms per kilowatt, and gasoline engines for airplanes may weigh as 0.77 kilograms per kilowatt. This advantage prevents the diesel engine form replacing the gasoline engine in some automobiles and airplanes.In addition, the engine runs cooler than the gasoline engine. This advantage is especially obvious at lower speeds. Diesel oil is not only cheaper than gasoline, but also safer to store.16. Which one Statement is true in the term of engines in the article? ( )A. Both classes of engines are of very similar construction.B. Both classes of engines are of a little similar construction.C. Both classes of engines are NOT of similar construction.17. How many kilograms per kilowatt may the diesel engine weigh generally? ( )A. about 9.25B. about 0.77C. about 6.1718. What is the most important advantage of the gasoline engine? ( )A. its lower weight per kilowatt.B. its higher weight per kilowatt.C. neither of A and B19. What advantage is especially obvious at lower speeds for diesel engines?. ( )A. the diesel engine runs cooler than the gasoline engine.B. the diesel engine runs hotter than the gasoline engine.C. the diesel engine runs harder than the gasoline engine.20. Which one Statement is true in the term of engines in the article? ( )A. Diesel oil is cheaper than gasoline.B. Diesel oil is safer to store than gasoline..C. both of A and B.四、句子英译汉(每小题5分,2小题,共10分)1、“Stroke” refers to piston movement; a stroke occurs when the piston moves from one limiting position to the other.2、The cylinder pressure increases to as much as 3-5 Mpa or even more.五、句子汉译英(每小题5分,共10分)1、换句话说,活塞每完成一个行程,就改变一次其远动的方向。

一、1.Power Train: 动力传动系, 动力传动机构2.Suspension:悬挂3.Cylinder: 气缸4.Transmission: 变速器5.Gasoline: 汽油6.Final Drive: 主减速器7.Leaf Spring: 钢板弹簧8.Piston: 活塞9.TDC: 上死点(Top Dead Center);10.Lubrication: 润滑11.Muffler: 消音器12.Planetary Gear: 行星齿轮13.Disc Brake: 盘式制动器14.V enting System: 透气系统15.Hybrid: 混合(动力)二、1.Today’s average car contains more than 15000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can be grouped into four major categories: body,engine,chassis and electrical system.今天的普通汽车由超过15000个独立的、单个的的零部件组成,这些零部件必须一起工作。
2. Gasoline and Diesel are called heat engines, the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to incr ease its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the power train.汽油和柴油叫做热力发动机,燃烧燃料产生热使得缸内压力增加并且提供动力驱动动力系统传动轴.3. An automatic transmission performs similar functions to a manual transmission except that gear selection is controlled either htdraulically or electronically. 自动变速执行的功能和手动变速器相似,只是选档选择由液压或者电气控制。

汽车专业英语复习题名词翻译:1、活塞环 piston ring2、电控系统electronic control system3、里程表speedometer4、发动机排量engine capacity5、自动变速器automatic transmission6、机油表oil gauge7、方向盘steering wheel8、做功冲程power stroke9、exhaust gas废气10. electric current电流11. high gear高速档12. automobile dealing汽车贸易13. sports car 跑车14. instrument panel仪表板15. accelerator pedal加速踏板16. physical property 物理性能17、电子燃油计量系统electronic fuel metering system18、减速slow down19、刹车蹄brake shoe20、General Motor 通用21、wheel drum 车轮毂22、TDC 上止点23、BDC 下止点翻译(中译英):上海汽车工业总公司已与德国大众和美国通用两大汽车公司建立了合资公司。
The Shanghai Auto Industry Corportion has established joint ventures with German V olkswagen and American General Motors.四冲程发动机—曲柄旋转两圈做功一次。
Four stroke —a power stroke every other revolution of the crank.液体冷却系由水泵、水套、发动机风扇、散热器等组成。
The liquid cooling system consists of water pumps,water jackets,engine fan ,radiator and so on.在仪表板上,我们能看见几个显示发动机运转情况的仪表。

车辆工程专业英语复习资料1.The four-stroke spark-ignition engine cycle consists:induction stroke (intake stoke), compression stroke, power stroke, exhaust stroke.(四冲程点燃式发动机行程包括:进气行程,压缩行程,作工行程,排气行程。
)2.内燃机:internal combustion engine 外燃机:externalcombustion engine3.The lower the gear ratio selected, the higher the torquetransmitted.(选择的齿轮齿数越少,传递的扭矩越大)4.Different gear 差速器drive shaft 传动轴 final drive 主减速器 universal joints 万向节 steering box 转向器5.These parts can be grouped into four major categories:Body ,Engine, Chassis and electrical system.(这些部件可组成四个主要部分:车身、发动机、底盘和电路系统)6.the purpose of the complete suspension system is to isolatethe vehicle body form road shocks and vibrations,which will otherwise be transferred to the passengers and load.(整个悬架系统的目的是分离车身来自路面的冲击和振动,否则会被传递给乘客和货物。
)7.tube tires 有内胎轮胎 drum brakes鼓式制动器 discbrakes盘式制动器8.most modern lighe vehicles have either disc brakes on thefront wheels and drum brakes on the rear or disc brakes on all 4 wheels大多数现代光车是前轮采用盘式制动鼓上的所有4个车轮后面或盘式制动器制动器9.the electrical system supplies electricity for thestarter,ignition,lights and heater电气系统为起动机、点火系统、照明灯具、取暖器提供电能10.the sparks must be supplied at the right time and theysufficient energy over a range of conditions to ignite the charges火花必须在正确的时间提供足够的能量,他们在一系列的条件下点燃的指控11.distributor分电器 spark plug 火花塞12.Energy is used to produce power. The chemical energy infuel is converted to heat by the burning of the fuel at a controlled rate.(能量是用来产生动力的,燃料中的化学能通过控制其比例进行燃烧可转化成热能。

汽车专业英语复习题汽车专业英语题型⼀、Translate the following expressions into Chinese.⼆、Choose th e ONE answer that best completes the sentence.三、Translate the following sentences into Chinese.四、Identify the English names according to the picture.⼀、Translate the following expressions into Chinese.1. gasoline engine2. intake stroke3. combustion chamber4. piston5. cylinder wall6. injector7. throttle valve 8. fuel pump9. cold start 10. radiator11. air-fuel ratio 12. battery13. water jacket 14. firing order15.spark plug 16. diesel engine17. exhaust stroke 18. bearing support19. heat dam 20. rod journal21 push rod 22. rocker arm23. valve spring 24. ignition timing25. oxygen sensor 26. compression ratio27. flywheel 28. oil pump29. vacuum advance 30. distributor ⼆、Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1. what do almost all cars use to convert gasoline into motion?A. one-stroke combustion cycleB. two-stroke combustion cycleC. three-stroke combustion cycleD. four-stroke combustion cycle2. Which component forms a guide for the piston and acts as a container for taking in, compressing, firing, and exhausting the air-fuel charge?A. valve guideB. camshaftD. Engine block3. which component is used to seal the pressure of compression and power inside the cylinder?A. piston landB. compression ringC. oil control ringD. Engine block4. The connecting rod is attached to the piston by the .A. rod capB. piston pinC. cap boltsD. cap bearing5. Which car company uses VTEC engines?A. HondaB. FordC. ToyotaD. V olkswagen6. Electronic fuel injection system can be divided into basic sub-systems.A. twoB. threeC. fourD. five7. What is the name of the sensor that monitors the pressure of the air in the intake manifold?A. the mass air flow sensorB. the exhaust oxygen sensorC. the manifold absolute pressure sensorD. the throttle position sensor8. The cylinder head contains for cooling in the assembled engine.A. oil passageB. water jacketsC. a fanD. an oil cooler9. The oil pan is located on the of the engine.A. upB. high10. The on an internal, combustion engine provides the spark that ignites the combustible air/ furl mixture in the combustion chamber.A. stating systemB. cooling systemC. ignition systemD. fuel system11. A car uses a four-stroke engine. The four strokes areA. intake, compression, power and exhaustB. injection, rotation, ignition and exhaustC. injection, carburetion, rotation and exhaustD. intake, rotation, injection and ignition12. Generally, an automobile is operated by combustion engine.A. internalB. dieselC. gasolineD. cylinder13. The connecting rod transmits the up-and-down motion of the piston to thewhich changes it into rotary motion.A. crankshaftB. camshaftC. cylinderD. piston14. These passageways allow _________ to circulate throughout the cylinder area to keepthe engine cool.A. fuelB. oilC. coolantD. water15. The radiator consists of top and bottom tanks, and aA. impellerB. thermostatC. coreD. cap16. Most pistons have ___________ ring grooves at the top.C. threeD. four17. Camshaft’s function is to ________ the engine valves positively and timely, in adefinite sequence, and to control their closing against the return action of the valve springs.A. openB. closeC. chargeD. back18. The push rods transmit the force from the ________ to the rocker.A. springB. valveC. camshaftD. tappets19. Engine lubricating systems are divided into two types:_________ and pressure feed.A. splashB. touchC. sparkD. ignition20. The oil indicator light goes on when oil pressure is _______ than a certain value.A. higherB. lowerC. upperD. larger三、Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1、Generally speaking, an engine contains one engine block, two assemblies and five systems. One engine block means that this assembly has a cylinder block, one or two cylinder heads (if it is a V type engine) and a crankcase. Two assemblies mean an engine crankshaft and connecting rod assembly and a valve train. Five systems mean the fuel supply system, the lubrication system, the cooling system, the ignition system and the starting system.2、The valve train provides timely admission of the fresh charge into the cylinders and exhaust ofspent gases from them.3、An engine is mainly composed of two mechanisms and five systems.4、The crankshaft and connecting rod assembly mainly consists of the engine crankcase and cylinder block, the piston and connecting rod, the crankshaft and flywheel.四、Identify the English names according to the pictures.答案:⼀、Translate the following expressions into Chinese.(2’×15 = 30’)1. 汽油机2.进⽓⾏程3. 燃烧室4. 活塞5. 汽缸壁6. 喷油器7. 节⽓门8. 燃油泵9. 冷起动10. 散热器11. 空燃⽐12. 蓄电池13. ⽔套14. 点⽕顺序15.⽕花塞16. 柴油机17.排⽓⾏程18. 轴承座19. 隔热槽20 连杆轴颈21. 推杆22. 摇臂23. ⽓门弹簧24. 点⽕正时25. 氧传感器26. 压缩⽐27. 飞轮28. 机油泵29. 真空提前30.分电器⼆、Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. (2’×10 = 20’)1、D2、C3、B4、B5、A6、B7、C8、B9、C10、C 11、A 12、A 13、A 14、C 15、C 16、C 17、A 18、A 19、A 20、B三、Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (14’)1、⼀般说来,发动机包括⼀个发动机机体,两个机构和五个系统。

019年秋学期科目题库建设课程名称汽车专业英语教学章节及知识点第一章:Automobile Structure 、The Introduction to Engine适合班级17秋中汽1/2班、17春中汽1/2班、18秋高汽班题库8-9月份题库内容(提交时间:26日以电子档形式发送至专业组处,职教科收取时间为:28日)选择题10个(30分)填空题10个(30分)判断题10个(20分)简答题2个或实训成果2个(20分)一、选择题1、The heart of automobile is .A、engineB、bodyC、chassisD、electric system2、An engine is mainly composed of two mechanisms and systems .A、oneB、fiverC、fourD、six3、holds all the main components and parts together .A、engineB、bodyC、chassisD、clutch4、The power train carries from the engine crankshaft to car wheels .A、powerB、bodyC、engineD、clutch5、In 1886 ,Karl Benz the first car in the word .A、findB、composeC、builtD、buy6、Today, more and more modern car are equipped with a variety of devices .A、powerB、electronicC、switchD、transmission7、Engine is a self-contained unit vehicle .A、powerB、bodyC、engineD、device8、The engine has of other parts .A、eightyB、ninetyC、sixtyD、hundreds9、The intake stroke begins with the piston at the .A、BDCB、MBCC、TDCD、CMP10、Just before the bottom of power stroke , the exhaust valve .A、upsB、downsC、closesD、opens二、填空题1、火花塞2、汽车3、上止点4、上止点5、做功行程6、汽缸盖7、vehicle 8、piston9、ignition 10、chassis三、判断1、The engine is a self-contained power unit witch converts the energy of fuel into mechanic energy for moving the vehicle .()2、The majority of engines in motor vehicles today are five-stroke piston engine.()3、To provide a more even and continuous flow of power .automobiles have engines with six,eight,twelve or fourteen cylinders.()4、For identification purpose,manufactures classify automobile engines just by their cyinder arrangement.()5、Just before the bottom of power stroke , the exhaust valve closes。
《汽车专业英语》试题库 期末测试 2 汽车专业英语考试题答案2

第 1 页 共 2 页2. coolant3. combustion4. torque5. lubrication6. thermostat7. suspension8. airbag9. tachometer 10.inflator二、 短语英汉互译及缩写词汇,请写出缩写词全称及汉语意思(15×1=15分)12. 电磁阀 13. 制动盘 14. 分电器盖 15. 碰撞传感器 16. brake fluid 17. shift lever 18. connecting rod 19. pitman arm 20. timing belt21. Revolution Per Minute 每分钟多少转 22. Electronic Stability Programme 电子稳定程序 23. Bottom Dead Center 下止点24. Supplemental Restraint System 辅助约束系统 25. Alternator 交流发电机三、 选择题, 36~40题根据画线词汇选择表意正确的答案(15×1=15分)31~35. CBBDD 36~40.ABBCC 四、 句子英汉互译(21分)(2’)42. 如今轿车的手动变速器中采用同步器可以消除“两脚离合”。
(2’)43. 发动机为汽车行驶提供动力。
(5’) 44. 水套是发动机体内部与汽缸体外部的之间中空的部分,冷却液流经此处。
(2’) 45. Cars should be washed once every month at least.(2’)46. Fuel supply system is composed of fuel tank, fuel pressure regulator, fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel line, etc. (2’) 47. I still have to look around and make a decision after seeing some other models.(2’) 48. A: I’m afraid cash are not enough, maybe I need to choose Banker’s Transfer.(4’) B: Of course, we have installment payment. The down payment is 1/4 of the sum.一、 补全单词(10×1=10分)第 2 页 共 2 页49. The function of the driving axle assemblies is to decrease the speed and increase torque that come from the universal joint, then distribute the power to the drive wheel.50. The oil provides a film between all moving engine parts to reduce friction and wear.The oil absorbs shocks between bearings and other engine parts, and forms a good seal between piston ring and groove against these high pressure and blowby.六、 阅读理解(5×2=10分)七、 填图题(9分)1).flywheel 2). clutch disc 3). pressure plate 4). cover5). clutch pedal 6). linkage7). release bearing 8). release lever 9). release fork八、 写作:根据信息制作名片(10分)Omit。
汽车工程专业英语(考试专用资料 部分)

Chapter 1 Automotive Basics(汽车基础)(1) Today s average car contains more than 15,000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can be grouped into four major categories: body, engine, chassis and electrical equipment 。
1.1 Body(车身)(2) The body is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable. The body styling provides an attractive, colorful, modern appearance for the vehicle.车身的设计要保证乘客安全舒适。
1.2 Engine(发动机)(3)The internal combustion engine is most common: this obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine: gasoline and diesel . Both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the transmission .内燃机是最常见的,其动力来自气缸里液体燃料的燃烧。

车辆工程考研英语试卷真题Title: Vehicle Engineering Postgraduate English Exam PaperThe vehicle engineering postgraduate English exam paper is a comprehensive assessment of students' understanding of the principles and practices of vehicle engineering. This exam paper covers a wide range of topics, including vehicle dynamics, powertrain systems, vehicle design, and safety regulations.One of the key areas covered in the exam paper is vehicle dynamics, which involves the study of the movement and behavior of vehicles. Students are required to demonstrate their knowledge of the various forces and factors that affect a vehicle's performance, such as acceleration, braking, and cornering. They must also be able to apply this knowledge to analyze and solve real-world engineering problems.Another important aspect of the exam paper is powertrain systems, which focus on the design and operation of a vehicle's engine, transmission, and other components. Students are expected to have a deep understanding of how these systems work together to provide power and performance to the vehicle. They must also be able to evaluate and optimize the efficiency and reliability of these systems.In addition, the exam paper also covers vehicle design, including aerodynamics, materials, and manufacturing processes. Students are required to demonstrate their understanding of how these factors influence the overall performance, safety, and environmental impact of a vehicle. They must also be able topropose and justify design changes to improve vehicle performance and efficiency.Finally, the exam paper includes questions about safety regulations and standards, which are crucial to ensuring the safety and reliability of vehicles. Students are expected to have a thorough understanding of the various regulations and standards that govern vehicle design, manufacturing, and operation. They must also be able to apply this knowledge to assess and improve the safety of vehicles.In conclusion, the vehicle engineering postgraduate English exam paper is a comprehensive assessment of students' knowledge and skills in the field of vehicle engineering. It covers a wide range of topics, including vehicle dynamics, powertrain systems, vehicle design, and safety regulations. By successfully completing this exam paper, students demonstrate their readiness to contribute to the advancement of vehicle engineering and the automotive industry.。

车辆专业英语试题及答案1. What is the term used to describe the force that resists the motion of a vehicle?A. TractionB. FrictionC. DragD. LiftAnswer: C. Drag2. Which of the following is not a type of internal combustion engine?A. Petrol engineB. Diesel engineC. Steam engineD. Gasoline engineAnswer: C. Steam engine3. What is the primary function of a vehicle's suspension system?A. To provide steeringB. To absorb road shocksC. To increase fuel efficiencyD. To improve braking performanceAnswer: B. To absorb road shocks4. What does the acronym ABS stand for in vehicle technology?A. Anti-lock Braking SystemB. Advanced Braking SystemC. Automatic Braking SystemD. Auxiliary Braking SystemAnswer: A. Anti-lock Braking System5. What is the term used to describe the process of converting the rotational energy of an engine into linear motion?A. TransmissionB. PropulsionC. Torque conversionD. Power transferAnswer: A. Transmission6. Which of the following is not a component of a vehicle's braking system?A. Brake padsB. Brake rotorsC. Shock absorbersD. Brake calipersAnswer: C. Shock absorbers7. What is the purpose of a vehicle's differential?A. To change the direction of power flowB. To allow wheels to rotate at different speedsC. To increase engine powerD. To reduce fuel consumptionAnswer: B. To allow wheels to rotate at different speeds8. What does the acronym CVT stand for in vehicle technology?A. Continuous Variable TransmissionB. Constant Velocity TransmissionC. Controlled Variable TransmissionD. Conventional Variable TransmissionAnswer: A. Continuous Variable Transmission9. What is the term used to describe a vehicle's ability to maintain traction on slippery surfaces?A. GripB. TractionC. AdhesionD. FrictionAnswer: B. Traction10. What is the primary function of a vehicle's steering system?A. To change the direction of the vehicleB. To control the speed of the vehicleC. To improve the vehicle's stabilityD. To regulate the vehicle's brakingAnswer: A. To change the direction of the vehicle。

汽车专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is NOT a component of an internal combustion engine?A. CylinderB. PistonC. Spark plugD. AlternatorAnswer: D2. What is the primary function of a carburetor in a vehicle?A. To cool the engineB. To mix fuel and airC. To ignite the fuelD. To lubricate the engineAnswer: B3. What does the acronym ABS stand for in automotive technology?A. Anti-lock Braking SystemB. Automatic Brake SystemC. Advanced Braking SystemD. Auxiliary Braking SystemAnswer: A4. In a four-stroke engine, what is the term for the process where the piston moves down the cylinder to draw in air and fuel?A. Compression strokeB. Exhaust strokeC. Intake strokeD. Power strokeAnswer: C5. What is the purpose of a transmission in a vehicle?A. To generate electricityB. To control the speed and torqueC. To cool the engineD. To increase fuel efficiencyAnswer: B6. What is the term used to describe the ratio of the number of rotations of the drive wheels to the number of rotations of the engine?A. Gear ratioB. Speed ratioC. Drive ratioD. Torque ratioAnswer: B7. Which of the following is NOT a type of suspension system used in vehicles?A. Independent suspensionB. Dependent suspensionC. Semi-independent suspensionD. Non-suspensionAnswer: D8. What does the acronym HVAC stand for in a vehicle's climate control system?A. Heating, Ventilation, and CoolingB. High Voltage, Air ConditioningC. Hot Water, Ventilation, and CoolingD. Heavy Vehicle, Air ConditioningAnswer: A9. What is the main purpose of a catalytic converter in a vehicle's exhaust system?A. To reduce noiseB. To increase fuel efficiencyC. To reduce harmful emissionsD. To improve engine performanceAnswer: C10. What is the term for the system that helps a vehicle to stop by converting kinetic energy into thermal energy?A. Power steering systemB. Braking systemC. Suspension systemD. Engine cooling systemAnswer: B二、填空题(每空1分,共20分)1. The main components of an engine include the _______,_______, _______, and _______.Answer: block, head, crankshaft, camshaft2. In a vehicle, the _______ is responsible for converting the linear motion of the piston into rotational motion. Answer: crankshaft3. The _______ is a safety feature that prevents the wheels from locking up during hard braking, allowing the driver to maintain steering control.Answer: ABS4. The _______ is the system in a vehicle that provides power to the electrical components when the engine is not running. Answer: alternator5. The _______ is a type of suspension system where each wheel moves independently of the others, allowing for better handling and ride comfort.Answer: independent suspension6. The _______ is the part of the engine that controls the flow of air and fuel into the combustion chamber.Answer: intake manifold7. The _______ is the process by which a vehicle's engine converts the heat energy from combustion into mechanicalenergy.Answer: power stroke8. The _______ is the system in a vehicle that controls the temperature and quality of the air inside the cabin. Answer: HVAC9. The _______ is a device that reduces the amount of harmful gases and particulates released into the atmosphere by the vehicle's exhaust.Answer: catalytic converter10. The _______ is the system that allows a vehicle to change gears, adjusting the engine's speed and torque to match driving conditions.Answer: transmission三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. Explain the function of a radiator in a vehicle.Answer: A radiator in a vehicle is responsible for cooling the engine by dissipating the heat generated during combustion. It circulates coolant through a network of tubes and fins, allowing the coolant to absorb heat from the engine and then release it into the atmosphere, thus maintaining the engine at an optimal operating temperature.2. Describe the role of a differential in a vehicle's drivetrain.Answer: The differential is a gearbox located between the transmission and the drive wheels. Its primary role is to allow the wheels to rotate at different speeds when thevehicle is turning, as the outer wheel travels a greater distance than the inner wheel. This ensures that the wheels maintain traction and reduces wear on the tires, while also providing a smoother ride. Additionally, the differential can distribute torque between the wheels, which can be beneficial in situations where one wheel may lose traction,。

一.选择题1.The heart of automobile is( A )A engineB bodyC chassisD electric system2.An engine is mainly composed of two mechanisms and( B )systemsA oneB fiveC fourD six3.( C )holds all the main components and parts togetherA engineB bodyC chassisD clutch4.The power train carries ( A ) from the engine crankshaft to car wheelsA powerB bodyC engineD clutch5.In 1886 ,Karl Benz(C ) the first car in the word .A findB composeC builtD buy6.Today, more and more modern car are equipped with a variety of( B )devicesA pow rB electronic B switch D transmission7.Engine is a self-contained (A )unit vehicleA powerB bodyC engine C device8.The engine has( D )of other parts .A eightyB ninetyC sixtyD hundreds9.The intake stroke begins with the piston at the( C )A BDCB MBCD TDC D CMP10.Just before the bottom of power stroke , the exhaust valve CA upsB downsC closesD open11.The body is designed to keep passengers( B )and comfortable.A lookB safe B like D discuss12.The ( D )provides power to move the automobile.A pistonB transmissionC clutchD engine13.The transmission delivers the power to the ( B ).A engineB differentialC chassisD generator14.The transmission delivers the power to the (C )A twoB threeC fourD five15.Most automobile engines operate on the (B )stroke-cycle principleA easyB primaryC comfortableD leisurely16.The cooling system keeps the engine running at its most (D )temperatureA lowB constantC highD efficient17.The spring of radiator cap determines the (C )pressure in the cooling system.A longB wideC maximumD minimum18.Oxygen Sensor is mounted into the (A )manifold area.A exhaustB intakeC valveD block19.Oxygen sensor is employed in ( C )loop systems to modify the basic pulse width after the factA smallB bigC closedD opened20.( C )on engine parts also provides lubrication for engine start-up.A fuelB vaporC oilD water21.In most cars, the oil pump is in the crankcase (A )the sump.A aboveB onC bottomD in22.The fans are controlled either with a thermostatic switch or by the engine (D )A hintB signalC valveD computer23.A radiator is a type of ( C )ex-changer.A powerB electricC heatD cool24.Most vehicles today use ()injector per cylinder25.The ( A )that the injector is open, the more fuel is injected.A longerB shorterC biggerD smaller二.多选题26.( A ), ( B ), and ( C )are essential forms of transportation.A AutomobilesB trucksC busesD planes27.An automobile body is a sheet metal shell with (B ), ( C ), and a trunk deck built into it.A chairB windowsC a hoodD desk28.At the exhaust stroke, the exhaust valve( B ) and the intake valve ( D ).A closeB closesC openD opens29.The cooling system of a water-cooled engine consists of the engine's water jacket, a , a water pump, a radiator and radiator cap, a ( BC )e c t.A camshaftB thermostatC fanD cylinder30.The engine oil forms a seal between the ( B ), ( C ), and cylindersA wheelsB ringsC pistonsD crankshafts31.Modern cars use one of two common types of oil pumps--the ( B )-type and the ( C )-type.A vaneB gearC rotorD blade32.The oil has many purposes: there are lubricate,( B ),( D ),clean e c t.A heatB sealC warmD cool33.The gasoline engine is mainly composed of (B )mechanism,and ( D ) system.A oneB two B four D five34.Crank-connecting rod mechanism including the (B ),connecting-rod,piston and ( D ) etcA camshaftB crankshaftC pistonD flywheel35.There are two types of cooling systems:( A )cooling and ( C )coolingA liquidB oilC airD vapor三.判断题T 36.The engine is a self-contained power unit witch converts the energy of fuel into mechanic energy for moving the vehicle .F 37.The majority of engines in motor vehicles today are five-stroke piston engine.T 38.To provide a more even and continuous flow of power .automobiles have engines with six,eight,twelve or fourteen cylinders.T 39.For identification purpose,manufactures classify automobile engines just by their cylinder arrangement.T 40.Just before the bottom of power stroke , the exhaust valve closes。

车辆工程考研英语试卷真题一、阅读理解(共20分,每题4分)1. 根据文章,汽车行业面临的主要挑战是什么?A. 技术创新B. 环境保护C. 市场竞争D. 能源危机2. 文章提到了哪些新能源汽车技术?A. 电动汽车B. 氢燃料电池汽车C. 混合动力汽车D. 所有上述选项3. 为什么说车辆工程是跨学科领域?A. 需要机械工程知识B. 需要电子工程知识C. 需要材料科学知识D. 所有上述选项4. 文章中提到的车辆工程研究生课程包括哪些内容?A. 汽车设计B. 汽车制造C. 汽车测试D. 所有上述选项5. 根据文章,车辆工程的就业前景如何?A. 有广阔的发展空间B. 面临行业衰退C. 就业竞争激烈D. 需要出国发展二、完形填空(共15分,每题1.5分)[文章略]6-10. __________三、翻译(共15分,每题5分)11. 请将以下句子从英文翻译成中文:"The development of the automotive industry is closely related to the progress of technology and the demand of the market."12. 请将以下句子从中文翻译成英文:"车辆工程是一个涉及机械设计、电子控制和材料科学等多个领域的综合性学科。
"四、写作(共50分)13. 根据你对未来汽车发展趋势的理解,写一篇不少于300字的短文,题目为“未来汽车的发展趋势”。

汽修专业英语试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the term used to describe the process of removing carbon deposits from the combustion chamber of an engine?A. DetonationB. DecokingC. IgnitionD. Combustion答案:B2. Which of the following is not a type of engine coolant?A. WaterB. Ethylene GlycolC. OilD. Propylene Glycol答案:C3. What does the abbreviation "ABS" stand for in automotive technology?A. Anti-lock Braking SystemB. Automatic Brake SystemC. Advanced Braking SystemD. Auxiliary Braking System答案:A4. What is the primary function of a radiator in a car?A. To cool the engineB. To heat the interior of the carC. To circulate the engine oilD. To clean the engine答案:A5. What is the term used to describe the process of adjusting the valves in an engine?A. BalancingB. TuningC. TimingD. Valve Lapping答案:D6. Which of the following is not a component of a car's suspension system?A. Shock absorbersB. SpringsC. StrutsD. Carburetor答案:D7. What does the abbreviation "ECU" stand for in automotive technology?A. Engine Control UnitB. Electrical Control UnitC. Exhaust Control UnitD. Engine Cooling Unit答案:A8. What is the purpose of a catalytic converter in avehicle's exhaust system?A. To reduce harmful emissionsB. To increase engine powerC. To improve fuel efficiencyD. To enhance the sound of the exhaust答案:A9. What is the term used to describe the process of removinga damaged or worn part from a vehicle and replacing it with a new or refurbished one?A. RepairB. OverhaulC. ReplacementD. Reconditioning答案:C10. Which of the following is not a type of fuel used in internal combustion engines?A. GasolineB. DieselC. ElectricD. Propane答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The _______ is responsible for converting the kinetic energy of the engine into mechanical energy to drive the wheels.答案:transmission2. A _______ is a device used to control the amount of air and fuel entering the engine's combustion chamber.答案:carburetor3. The _______ is a safety system that prevents the wheels from locking up during hard braking.答案:ABS4. The _______ is a device that converts the high-pressure fuel in a diesel engine into a fine mist before it enters the combustion chamber.答案:fuel injector5. The _______ is a type of engine that uses a spark toignite the air-fuel mixture.答案:spark-ignition6. _______ is a type of fuel injection system that uses electronic sensors to control the amount of fuel injectedinto the engine.答案:EFI7. The _______ is a device that helps to reduce the noise and vibration caused by the engine.答案:muffler8. _______ is a type of engine that uses compression toignite the air-fuel mixture.答案:compression-ignition9. The _______ is a safety feature that prevents the engine from starting if the brake pedal is not pressed.答案:brake safety switch10. _______ is a type of fuel that is used in some hybrid vehicles to provide additional power and range.答案:electricity三、阅读理解题(每题3分,共30分)阅读以下短文,回答问题。

汽车专业英语试题(含答案)一、单词互译(英译汉)1、 Automobile2、 Classification3、 Combustion4、 Chamber5、 Circulate6、 Crankshaft7、 Antifreeze8、 Carburetor9、 Mechanics10、Air–fuel mixture(汉译英)1、连杆n.2 、点燃 n.3 、简洁地 adv.4 、(使)旋转 v.5 、发动机n.6 、要求v.7 、输送v.8 、活塞n.9 、系统n.10、气缸n.二、词汇和语法1、The ______ of piston movement is called TDC (top dead center).A、upper limitB、lower limitC、limit2、A _____ is piston movement from TDC to BDC or from BDC to TDC.A、strokeB、stageC、state3、The actions ______ can be divided into four stages, or strokes.A、taken place in the engine cylinderB、taking place in the engine cylinderC、take place in the engine cylinder4、 This advantage prevents the diesel engine replacing thegasoline engine in some automobiles and airplanes.A. toB. forC. from5、 In any internal combustion engine burning fuel heats air consequently.A. whichB. thatC. when6、In the case of the diesel engine the supply is effected by anA. injectB. internationalC. injection7、The fundamental difference gasoline and diesel engines isin the gasoline engine the source of the heat for igniting the charge.A. both, thatB. between, thatC. between, which8、Both kinds of engines internal combustion engines, eachof them has its characteristic features.A. is, butB. are, butC. are, and9、Let us compare the diesel engine the gasoline engine.A. onB. aboutC. with10、The mixture of the gasoline engine is provided by a carburetor.A. explosiveB. expensiveC. expands三、阅读与理解Part 1The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels go around and the car move. The automobile engine is an internal combustion engine because the fuel (gasoline) is burned inside it.The burning of gasoline inside the engine produces high pressure in the engine combustion chamber .This high pressure forces piston to move, the movement is carried by connecting rods to the engine crankshaft. The crankshaft is thus made to rotate: the rotary motion is carried through the power train to the car wheels so that they rotate and the car moves.1.What do we see from the first paragraphs? ( )A.The engine is source of power for a car.B.The engine can not make wheels go around.C.The engine is resource of oil.2.Which one Statement is true according the above first paragraph?( )A.The automobile engine is an international combustion engine.B.The automobile engine is an external combustion engine.C.The automobile engine is an inner combustion engine3.What do we see from the second paragraphs? ( )A.High pressure is source of power inside a engine.B.Crankshaft is rotated without any force.bustion chamber is not a part of the engine.4.Which one Statement is true according the above second paragraph?( )A.The movement of piston is carried by connecting rods to the enginecrankshaft.B..This lower pressure forces piston to move.C.Both of A and B are true.5.Which one Statement is true according the last sentence in the article?( )A.The power train is required for a car moving.B.The rotary motion of crankshaft is enough for a car moving.C.Both A and B are false.Part 2The engine also needs a cooling system; the combustion of theair-fuel .The mixture in the engine creates a very high temperature (as high as 2000℃ to 2700℃). The cooling system takes heat away from the engine by circulating a liquid coolant (water mix with antifreeze) between the engine and a radiator .The coolant gets hot as it goes through the radiator. Thus, the coolant continually takes heat away from theengine, where it could do damage, and delivers it to the radiator .Air passing through the radiator takes heat away from the radiator.6.What do we see from above paragraph? ( )A.a cooling system is must for the engine .B.The engine don’t need a cooling systemC.The engine might need a cooling system.7. How much will be created the temperature of the mixture in the engine? ( )A. As high as 2000℃ to 2700℃.B. As high as 1300℃ to 2000℃.C. Not higher than 2000℃.8. What is liquid coolant? ( )A. water mix with antifreezeB. water used by the cooling system.C. Any liquid used by the cooling system.9. What do we see from above paragraph? ( )A. The coolant gets HOT as it goes through the radiatorB. The coolant gets COOL as it goes through the radiatorC. Both A and B are false.10. Which one Statement is true in the article? ( )A. Air passing through the radiator takes heat away from the radiator.B. Air passing through the radiator gets MORE heat.C. Both A and B are false.四、翻译A 英译汉1. Reducing fuel consumption, lowering exhausted emissions and reducingengine noise.减少耗油量,降低废气排放以及降低发动机噪声。

电了燃油喷射 节气门位置传感器选择 I. The four-stroke cycle operates in which order _________ B ____ .A. intake, exhaust, power, compressionB. intake, power, compression, exhaustC. intake, compression, power, exhaust2、 _____________________________________________ With the piston at the bottom of the cylinder, the B valve _________________________________________ to allow the burnedexhaust gas to be expelled to the exhaust system.A. intake, closesB. exhaust, closesC. exhaust, opens3、 _______________________ A car engine's job is to BA. Convert fuel into heatB. Convert fuel into motionC. Convert fuel into exhaust4、When the crankshaft completes four revolutions for a four-cycle engine, each cylinder will have gone through __________ B ______ intake stroke (s )-A. oneB. twoC. three5^ ____ C _____ is the life-blood of the engine.A. gasB. water C ・ oil6. What is the core of a car’s engine _____ C ____A. The spark plugB. exhaustC. The cylinder7、 W hat determines the size and the placement of the engine block? CA. The number of spark plugs B ・ The number of pistons C. The number of cylinders 8^ In the standard engine, each cylinder has ____________________________ A ______ .A. four valves B ・ two valves C. one valve9^ A crankshaft^ job in an engine is to _C ______A. Deliver fuel to the cylinders B ・ Keep cylinder heads in placeC. Change linear motion into rotational motionI0> The ______ C ______ system on an internal combustion engine provides the spark that ignites thecombustible air/fuel mixture in the combustion chambe 匚A. startingB. fuelC. igniting二、填空题。
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12.The solenoid allows battery current to flow directly from the battery to the starter motor,which in turn cranks the engine.
19.The manual transmission mainly consists of a housing ,an input shaft and gear,an output shaft and gear, an idler shaft, a reverse gear ,a cluster of gears and a gear shift mechanism.
18.When the clutch pedal is depressed,the throw-out bearing moves toward the flywheel,pushing in the pressure plate's release fingers and moving the prissure plate's fingers or levers againse prissure plate spring force.
20.There are two kinds of brake systems:service brake system and parking brake system.The service brake system is the main braking system used to slow down or even stop the car that's running at a high speed and guarantee the safety of passengers.It is foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal.A parking brake system can prevent the auto slipping away from its parking place,even if it is parked on a steep slope.
10.It contains two basic electrical circuits:the primary circuit(low-voltage circuit)and the secondary circuit(high-voltage circuit).The primary circuit consists of the battery,ignition switch,resistance wire,ignition coil primary winding,distributor contact point and connecting wiring.The secondary circuit consists of the ignition coil secondary winding,distributor cap,distributor rotor,spark plug and spark plug wire.
7.the exhaust pipe is the connecting pipe between the exhaust manifold and the muffler or catalytic converter
9.A basic ignition system consists of the battery,low-tension coil and cables,the ignition coil,the distributor,high-tension coil and cables,spark plug ables and spark plugs.
11.The purpose of the ignition switch is to connect and disconnect the ignition system with the battery, so the engine can be started and stopped as desired.
4.Valve mechanism includes valve group and valve driving group.The valve group includes valve,valve seat ,valve guide and valve spring.The valve driving group includes camshaft,lifter,push rod,rocker arm,timing gear and so on.
13.If the cooltant temperature falls below this pri-set temperature,the thermostat blocks the coolant flow to the radiator,forcing the water instead through a bypass directly back to the engine.
6.Moreover to limit the transmission of frame distortion to the tank giving rise to squeking as the metal parts get rubbed together.rubber or felt pads are often fitted between the mountings and the tank
2. This terrific push against the piston forces it downward ,and a power impuise is transmitted through the connecting rod to the throw on the crankshaft.
16.FR(front engine,rear wheel drive)前置后驱 FF前置后驱 RR后置后驱 MR(middle engine,rear wheel drive)中置后驱
17.The main parts of the clutch include the flywheel,clutch disc,cover assembly,pressure plate,release bearing,and clutch linkage.
21.With the drum brake,the fluid is forced into the wheel cylinder which pushes the brake shoes out so that the friction linings are pressed against the drum, and cause the wheel to stop.
1. In a work cycle of the engine ,each piston goes through four-stroke processes:intake stroke ,compression stroke ,power stroke and exhaust stroke.
5.In order to strengthen the tanks as well as to prevent surging of fuel when the vehicle roundsa curve or suddenly stops,baffle plates are attached to the inside of the tank