The 8051 microprocessor embedded in the FX1 family has 256 bytes of register RAM, an expanded interrupt system, three timer/counters, and two USARTs. 4.2.1 8051 Clock Frequency
24 MHz Ext. XTAL High-performance micro using standard tools with lower-power options
• • • • • • •
• • •
— Supports multiple Ready (RDY) inputs and Control (CTL) outputs Integrated, industry standard 8051 with enhanced features — Up to 48-MHz clock rate — Four clocks per instruction cycle — Two USARTS — Three counter/timers — Expanded interrupt system — Two data pointers 3.3V operation with 5V tolerant inputs Smart SIE Vectored USB interrupts Separate data buffers for the Setup and DATA portions of a CONTROL transfer Integrated I2C controller, runs at 100 or 400 KHz 48-MHz, 24-MHz, or 12-MHz 8051 operation Four integrated FIFOs — Brings glue and FIFOs inside for lower system cost — Automatic conversion to and from 16-bit buses — Master or slave operation — FIFOs can use externally supplied clock or asynchronous strobes — Easy interface to ASIC and DSP ICs Vectored for FIFO and GPIF interrupts Up to 40 general purpose I/Os Three package options—128-pin TQFP, 100-pin TQFP, and 56-pin QFN Lead-free
QSAN XCubeSAN快速安装手册说明书
感谢您购买QSAN XCubeSAN 存储系统设备。
此安装手册将会指引您快速上手并适用于以下型号:XS5224 XS5216 XS5212 XS5226 XS3224 XS3216 XS3212 XS3226 XS1224 XS1216 XS1212 XS1226此手册之其他语言版本可至QSAN 网站下载:https:///m5jzpd打开磁盘托盘的手柄- 打开LFF 磁盘托盘手柄:将托盘手柄按钮由右向左移动; 托盘手柄将会自动弹出。
- 打开SFF 磁盘托盘手柄:将托盘手柄按钮由上往下移动; 托盘手柄将会自动弹出。
XCubeSAN 快速安装手册1 开始之前内容物QSAN XCubeSAN 机型包括:可选配件:- 4端口16Gb/8Gb 光纤信道子卡SFP+(型号:HQ-16F4S2)- 2端口16Gb/8Gb 光纤信道子卡SFP+(型号:HQ-16F2S2)- 4端口10GbE iSCSI 子卡SFP+(型号:HQ-10G4S2)- 2端口10GbE iSCSI 子卡RJ45(型号:HQ-10G2T )- 4端口1GBASE-T iSCSI 子卡RJ45(型号:HQ-01G4T )- BBU+Flash 模块: - 电池备份模块 + 闪存模块(型号:C2F-BM128G ) - 超级电容模块 + 闪存模块(型号:C2F-SP128G )- 滑轨套件(型号:SLR-RM3640)- USB 液晶屏显示模块(型号: LCM-U162)准备安装在安装您的存储系统之前,强烈建议您参照我们的准备工作表。
您可以在以下QSAN 的网页下载此工作表: https:///zk6ucs纪录系统信息在配置工作表上- 系统名称- 管理员密码- NTP 服务器地址- 控制器1的管理IP 地址- DNS 服务器地址其它的信息如下有关其它硬件手册、软件手册或兼容性列表(包括HDD 、SSD 、HBA 和交换机要求),请参阅QSAN 下载中心: https:///download1LFF : Large Form Factor / 3.5” 磁盘 2 SFF : Small Form Factor / 2.5” 磁盘2 安装磁盘解锁磁盘托盘- 磁盘托盘基本上是上锁的,以防止运输过程中损坏。
• • • •
料筒清料 使用清料混合物可缩短清洁时间 如果清料混合物不适合,则使用天然(无色)原料 如果以上均不适合,则使用新颜色的原料
优化换色流程 • 将注塑速度增加至系统允许的最大值 • 将保压时间和冷却时间缩短至最低水平 • 将料筒温度降低20°C(68°F)至30°C(86°F) • 将分流板和主喷嘴温度升高20°C(68°F)至30°C(86°F) • 将注嘴温度升高20°C(68°F)至30°C(86°F)
84 螺栓固定式分流板系统 84 概述 86 安装参考
89 服务 89 模流分析 90 翻新 92 Altanium®温控器基本信息 92 温控器概述 94 主要优势 99 FTO(快速交货) 100 尺寸 101 操作界面 101 数字输入/输出选件 102 Delta3和Matrix2硬件概述 103 高级功能
注嘴 类型
浇口开孔尺寸(mm [in])
Ultra 250
[0.49"] [0.2756"]
7.6 [0.30"]
3.4 [0.13"]
Ultra HT-DX 12.5
250 HT-TX [0.49"] [0.2756"]
Ultra 250 Ultra 350 Ultra 500 Ultra 750 Ultra 1000
ThinkSystem DM系列全闪存阵列说明书
ThinkSystem DM 系列全闪存阵列通过全闪存 NVMe 转型加速您的业务挑战解决方案为了满足企业存储要求,ThinkSystem 全闪存DM 系列系统提供高性能、出众的灵活性和一流的数据管理能力,还具备行业首款完整的端到端NVMe 功能。
ONTAP 数据管理软件在DM 系列上运行,为客户提供跨块、文件和对象工作负载的统一存储。
它可加快业务发展,同时改进您IT 运营的效率、灵活性和可靠性。
DM 系列全闪存系统是一款功能丰富、响应快速的存储平台,可满足并超出您对存储系统的所有期望。
当您使用NVMe over FC 协议时,您可以将延迟缩短50%,并且不会像其他系统那样在闪存存储超过网络速度时引起带宽瓶颈。
借助Lenovo 的全闪存DM 系列系统,您可以:加快业务速度,同时提高运营效率:使用DM 系列全闪存阵列系统,在一个集群中实现高达500万的IOPS 。
利用端到端 NVMe over FC 基础架构将延迟降低 50%。
将SSD 上的冷数据分层,以降低成本对象存储,从而优化闪存性能。
加速您的数据ThinkSystem DM 系列支持您轻松、无风险地过渡到全闪存。
客户可以将DM 系列混合与闪存以及多代际系统集合在一起,确保实现绝对的投资保护。
显卡芯片:GeForce RTX 4080
插槽类型:LGA 1700
主芯片组:Intel Z690
音频芯片:集成Realtek 7.1声道音效
内存类型:4×DDR4 DIMM
CPU系列:酷睿i5 13代系列
一种基于Zynq UltraScale+的HDMI 4K高清视频会议终端的设计与实现
信息通信INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS2020年第8期(总第212期)2020(Sum. No 212)一种基于 Zynq UltraScale+ 的 HDMI4K 高清视频会议终端的设计与实现蹇清平(天地阳光通信科技(北家)有限公司,北京100000)摘要:文章针对高清视频会议系统的视频图像传输应用,基于赛灵思ZCU106开发板设计并实现了 一种嵌入式的多路传 输视频会议终端,该系统实现双路4K2KHDMI 输入输出,一路4KDP 输出的高清视频会议终端,同时可通过千兆网 RTP/UDP 实现远程视频传输,视频編解码算法H.265/H.264采用赛灵思专用的VCU 核实现,編解码速度最高可达到 4K2K60HZ 。
该系统体积小、实时性好、稳定性高,达到预期设计目标,音视频流畅,处理时延小于100ms,能够满足高清视 频会议系统的性能要求。
关键词:高清视频会议;VCU ; H.265/H.264; 4K2K60HZ ;千兆网RTP/UDP 中图分类号:TN919.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-1131( 2020 )08-0137-03Design and Inqiknientation of H DMI 4K H D Video Conference Tenniiial based on ZynqUMraScale +Jian Qingping(Beijing Tiandi Sunshine Technology Co., Ltd., BeyinglOOOOO)Abstract:This article aims at the video image transmission 皱plication of h igh-definition video conference system, The designand implements of an embedded multi-channel transmission video conference terminal is base on Xilinx ZCU106 develqim^it board, the system realizes the dual 4K2K HDMI input and output, one channel 4K DP The output of the high-definition videoconference terminal. And can also realize remote video transmission through Gigabit network RTP / UDP. The video codec al gorithm H.265 / H.264 is implemented by Xilinx's dedicated VCU core, and the codec speed can reach 4K2K60HZ. The systemhas small size, good real-time performance and high stability. It achieves the expected design goals, smooth audio and video,and processing delay ofless than 100ms, which can meet the performance requirements ofhigh-definition video conference sys tems.KeywordszHD video conference;VCU;H.265/H.264;4K2K60HZ;Gigabit RTP/UDP0引言随着科技的发展,在商业、教育、安防以及人们生活的方 方面面对高清视频的需求越来越旺盛,在远程办公的应用上 尤为突出。
NVIDIA全系列显卡对照表显卡型号核心频率显存频率显存位宽显存传输率像素/时钟同期Direct XGeForce 4 MX 440 AGP 8x 275 MHz 512 MHz 128位8.1 GB/s 2 7GeForce MX 4000 250 MHz ★32位、64位或128位★2 7GeForce FX 5200 250 MHz 400 MHz 64位or 128位3.2 GB/s or 6.4 GB/s 4 9.0 GeForce FX 5200 Ultra 350 MHz 650 MHz 128位10.4 GB/s 4 9.0GeForce FX 5600 325 MHz 550 MHz 128位8.8 GB/s 4 9.0GeForce FX 5500 270 MHz 400 MHz 64位or 128位3.2 GB/s or 6.4 GB/s 4 9.0 GeForce FX 5600 Ultra 500 MHz 800 MHz 128位12.8 GB/s 4 9.0GeForce FX 5700 LE 250 MHz 400 MHz 128位6.4 GB/s 4 9.0GeForce FX 5700 425 MHz 600 MHz 128位9.6 GB/s 4 9.0GeForce FX 5700 Ultra 475 MHz 900 MHz 128位14.4 GB/s 4 9.0GeForce FX 5800 400 MHz 900 MHz 128位14.4 GB/s 8 9.0GeForce FX 5800 Ultra 500 MHz 1 GHz 128位16 GB/s 8 9.0GeForce FX 5900 XT 390 MHz 680 MHz 256位21.7 GB/s 8 9.0GeForce FX 5900 400 MHz 850 MHz 256位27.2 GB/s 8 9.0GeForce FX 5900 Ultra 450 MHz 850 MHz 256位27.2 GB/s 8 9.0GeForce FX 5950 Ultra 475 MHz 950 MHz 256位30.4 GB/s 8 9.0GeForce PCX 5300 325 MHz 650 MHz 128位10.4 GB/s 4 9.0GeForce PCX 5750 475 MHz 900 MHz 128位14.4 GB/s 4 9.0GeForce PCX 5900 350 MHz 500 MHz 256位17.6 GB/s 8 9.0GeForce PCX 5950 475 MHz 900 MHz 256位30.4 GB/s 8 9.0GeForce 6200 300 MHz 550 MHz 128位8.8 GB/s 4 9.0cGeForce 6200 LE 350 MHz 550 MHz 64位4.4 GB/s 2 9.0cGeForce 6200 (TC) 350 MHz 666 MHz ★32位or 64位2.66 GB/s or 5.32 GB/s ★4 9.0cGeForce 6500 (TC) 400 MHz 666 MHz ★32位or 64位2.66 GB/s or 5.32 GB/s ★4 9.0cGeForce 6600 300 MHz 550 MHz ★64位or 128位4.4 GB/s or 8.8 GB/s ★8 9.0c GeForce 6600 DDR2 350 MHz 800 MHz ★128位12.8 GB/s ★8 9.0cGeForce 6600 LE 300 MHz ★64位or 128位★4 9.0cGeForce 6600 GT 500 MHz 1 GHz 128位16 GB/s 8 9.0cGeForce 6600 GT AGP 500 MHz 900 MHz 128位14.4 GB/s 8 9.0cGeForce 6800 LE 300 MHz 700 MHz 256位22.4 GB/s 8 9.0cGeForce 6800 325 MHz 600 MHz 256位19.2 GB/s 12 9.0cGeForce 6800 AGP 325 MHz 700 MHz 256位22.4 GB/s 12 9.0cGeForce 6800 GS 425 MHz 1 GHz 256位32 GB/s 12 9.0cGeForce 6800 GS AGP 350 MHz 1 GHz 256位32 GB/s 12 9.0cGeForce 6800 GT 350 MHz 1 GHz 256位32 GB/s 16 9.0cGeForce 6800 Ultra 400 MHz 1.1 GHz 256位35.2 GB/s 16 9.0cGeForce 6800 Ultra Extreme 450 MHz 1.1 GHz 256位35.2 GB/s 16 9.0cGeForce 7100 GS (TC) 350 MHz 666 MHz ★64位5.3 GB/s ★4 9.0cGeForce 7300 SE (TC) 225 MHz ★64位★4 9.0cGeForce 7300 LE (TC) 450 MHz 648 MHz ★64位5.2 GB/s ★4 9.0cGeForce 7300 GS (TC) 550 MHz 810 MHz ★64位6.5 GB/s ★4 9.0cGeForce 7300 GT (TC) 350 MHz 667 MHz 128位10.6 GB/s 8 9.0cGeForce 7600 GS 400 MHz 800 MHz 128位12.8 GB/s 12 9.0cGeForce 7600 GT 560 MHz 1.4 GHz 128位22.4 GB/s 12 9.0cGeForce 7800 GS 375 MHz 1.2 GHz 256位38.4 GB/s 16 9.0cGeForce 7800 GT 400 MHz 1 GHz 256位32 GB/s 20 9.0cGeForce 7800 GTX 430 MHz 1.2 GHz 256位38.4 GB/s 24 9.0cGeForce 7800 GTX 512 550 MHz 1.7 GHz 256位54.4 GB/s 24 9.0cGeForce 7900 GS 450 MHz 1.32 GHz 256位42.2 GB/s 20 9.0cGeForce 7900 GT 450 MHz 1.32 GHz 256位42.2 GB/s 24 9.0cGeForce 7900 GTX 650 MHz 1.6 GHz 256位51.2 GB/s 24 9.0cGeForce 7950 GT 550 MHz 1.4 GHz 256位44.8 GB/s 24 9.0cGeForce 7950 GX2 ★★500 MHz 1.2 GHz x2 256位x2 38.4 GB/s x2 24 x2 9.0c GeForce 8800 GTS ★★★500 MHz / 1.2 GHz 1.6 GHz 320位64 GB/s 96 10 GeForce 8800 GTX ★★★575 MHz / 1.35 GHz 1.8 GHz 384位86.4 GB/s 128 10NVIDIA全系列显卡对照表补充说明下面对上页表格中部分内容作一补充说明表中以“★”标注的显卡,NVIDIA允许显卡制造商可使用与默认参数不同的显存频率或显存位宽,因此,其最终的显存传输率也会相应地变化,与GPU出厂默认指标有所区别。
I L1 =
Po U in η
I L1 p =
Po U T + in S D U in ηD 2 L1
2.1.3 电流临界连续模式
I g = Io =
U inTS N1 U 2T 2 F D(1 − D) = in ON S 2 L1 N 2 2 LU 1 o
其中 I g 为临界连续电感电流。 对(2-15)求极值,可得当占空比 D=0.5 时,临界连续负载电流达到最大值 I g max :
I g max =
1.1.1 有损 RCD 箝位电路
RCD 箝位电路是加在变压器原边两端,而加在开关管两端的称为 RCD 缓冲,两 者可以组合使用。
N2 C
R C1
N1 C1
Hale Waihona Puke U inD SU in
图 1-1
RCD 箝位电路
图 1-2
RCD 缓冲电路
本文重点研究了 RCD 箝位反激变换器稳态原理、参数设计准则及小信号特性, 其次研究了双管反激变换器稳态原理及其参数设计方法,还研究了电流控制技术。其 主要内容分为以下六章: 第一章 分析了中小功率开关电源的理想拓扑,概述了反激变换器发展与现状。 第二章 分析对比了反激变换器三种工作模式及 RCD 箝位电路的设计。 第三章 研究了双管反激变换器稳态工作原理与设计。 第四章 研究了反激变换器小信号特性。 第五章 详细论述了基于电流控制 15W 27VDC/+12V(1.0A) 、-12V(0.25A)RCD 箝位反激变换器机内稳压电源( CCM 模式、 DCM 模式)与 1080W 270VDC/180V(6A)双管反激变换器开关电源的设计过程,给出了试验 结果,并与理论分析进行了比较。 第六章 对本文的工作进行了总结,提出了进一步工作的设想。
AMD E2 A4 A6 A9 APU处理器说明书
PERFORMANCEProcessorProcessor FamilyAMD E2 / A4 / A6 / A9 APUProcessorOperating SystemOperating SystemWindows® 10 Home 64••FreeDOS•No operating systemGraphicsGraphics[1]Notes:Integrated graphics information and onboard video ports information are not applicable for all models without integrated graphics (for 1.the details, please refer to processor section)Monitor SupportMonitor SupportSupports up to 2 independent displays via onboard ports (VGA + HDMI)ChipsetChipsetAMD SoC (System on Chip) platformMemoryMemory Type•DDR4-2400•DDR4-2666Memory SlotsTwo DDR4 UDIMM slots, dual-channel capableMemory ProtectionNon-ECCMax Memory[1]Up to 16GB DDR4-2666Notes:1.The max memory is based on the test results with current Lenovo® memory offerings. The system may support more memory as the technology develops.StorageStorage SupportUp to 2 drives, 1x 3.5" HDD + 1x 2.5" SSD3.5" HDD up to 2TB2.5" SSD up to 256GBRAIDNot supportStorage TypeRemovable StorageOptical•DVD burner (DVD??RW), SATA 1.5Gb/s, slim (9.0mm)•NoneCard Reader7-in-1 card reader (SD, SDHC, SDXC, MMC, MS, MS-Pro, MMC plus)••No card readerMulti-MediaAudio ChipHigh Definition (HD) Audio, Realtek® ALC662 codecPower SupplyPower SupplyDESIGNInput DeviceKeyboard•Lenovo Calliope Keyboard (USB connector), black•Lenovo Calliope Keyboard (USB connector), silver•Lenovo Calliope Wireless Keyboard, silver•No keyboardMouse•Lenovo Calliope Wireless Mouse, silverLenovo Calliope Mouse (USB connector), black••Lenovo Calliope Mouse (USB connector), silver•No mouseMechanicalButtons•Power buttonOptical drive eject button(for the models with ODD)•Form FactorSFF (8.4L)Dimensions (WxDxH)90 x 297 x 344mm (3.54 x 11.69 x 13.54 inches)Weight4.3 kg (9.5 lbs)Case ColorBlack••SilverBays•1x slim ODD bay•1x 2.5" disk bay•1x 3.5" disk bayExpansion Slots•One PCIe 2.0 x16, low-profile•One PCIe 2.0 x1, low-profile•Two M.2 slots (one for WLAN, one for SSD)CONNECTIVITYNetworkOnboard EthernetGigabit Ethernet, 1x RJ45WLAN + Bluetooth™•802.11ac 1x1 Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 4.0, M.2 card•No WLAN and BluetoothPortsFront Ports[1]•2x USB 2.0•2x USB 3.2 Gen 1•1x headphone / microphone combo jack (3.5mm)•1x microphone (3.5mm)Optional Front Ports1x card readerRear Ports[2]•2x USB 2.0•1x Ethernet (RJ-45)•1x HDMI 1.4•1x VGA•1x microphone (3.5mm)•1x line-in (3.5mm)•1x line-out (3.5mm)•1x power connectorNotes:1.The transfer speed of following ports will vary and, depending on many factors, such as the processing speed of the host device, file attributes and other factors related to system configuration and your operating environment, will be slower than theoretical speed.USB 2.0: 480 Mbit/s;USB 3.2 Gen 1 (SuperSpeed USB 5Gbps, formely USB 3.0 / USB 3.1 Gen 1): 5 Gbit/s;USB 3.2 Gen 2 (SuperSpeed USB 10Gbps, formely USB 3.1 Gen 2): 10 Gbit/s;USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 (SuperSpeed USB 20Gbps): 20 Gbit/s;Thunderbolt™ 3: 40 Gbit/s;FireWire 400: 400 Mbit/s;FireWire 800: 800 Mbit/s;For video ports on discrete graphics, please see graphics section 2.SECURITY & PRIVACYSecurityBIOS Security•Power-on password•Administrator passwordHard disk password•SERVICEWarrantyBase Warranty•1-year depot or mail-in service•1-year limited onsite service•2-year depot serviceCERTIFICATIONSGreen CertificationsGreen Certifications•ErP Lot 3•GREENGUARD®•RoHS compliant。
联想ThinkSystem DE2000H混合存储阵列产品指南说明书
Lenovo ThinkSystem DE2000H Hybrid Storage Array Product GuideLenovo ThinkSystem DE2000H is a low-cost, hybrid entry-level storage system that is designed to provide performance, simplicity, capacity, security, and high availability for small to large businesses. It delivers enterprise-class storage management capabilities with a wide choice of host connectivity options, flexible drive configurations, and enhanced data management features. The ThinkSystem DE2000H is a perfect fit for small offices and remote and branch offices of large enterprises that run a wide range of workloads, including big data and analytics, video surveillance, technical computing, backup and recovery, and other storage I/O-intensive applications.ThinkSystem DE2000H models are available in a 2U rack form-factor with 24 small form-factor (2.5-inch SFF) drives (2U24 SFF) or 12 large form-factor (3.5-inch LFF) drives (2U12 LFF) and include two controllers, each with 8 GB memory for a system total of 16 GB. Host interface cards provide 12 Gb SAS, 10/25 Gb iSCSI, or 8/16/32 Gb FC connections.The ThinkSystem DE2000H Storage Array scales up to 96 drives with the attachment of Lenovo ThinkSystem DE120S 2U12 and DE240S 2U24 SFF Expansion Enclosures. It also offers flexible drive configurations with the choice of 2.5-inch (SFF) and 3.5-inch (LFF) form factors, 10 K rpm SAS and 7.2 K rpm NL SAS hard disk drives (HDDs), and SAS solid-state drives (SSDs).Figure 1. Lenovo ThinkSystem DE2000H 2U24 SFF (top) and 2U12 LFF (bottom) enclosuresDid you know?The ThinkSystem DE2000H scales up to 1.47 PB of raw storage capacity.The ThinkSystem DE2000H offers block storage connectivity with support for 10/25 Gb iSCSI SFP28,8/16/32 Gb FC, or 12 Gb SAS, or 1/10 Gb iSCSI RJ-45 technologies.Click here to check for updatesFigure 2. ThinkSystem DE2000H and DE240S 2U SFF enclosures front viewThe front of the ThinkSystem DE2000H and DE240S 2U SFF enclosures includes the following components:24 SFF hot-swap drive baysEnclosure status LEDsEnclosure ID LEDFigure 3. ThinkSystem DE2000H and DE120S 2U LFF enclosures front viewThe front of the ThinkSystem DE2000H and DE120S 2U LFF enclosures includes the following components:12 LFF hot-swap drive baysEnclosure status LEDsEnclosure ID LEDFigure 4. Rear view ThinkSystem DE2000H 2U controller enclosure with two Gen2 controllers installed The rear of the ThinkSystem DE2000H 2U controller enclosure includes the following components: Two redundant hot-swap controllers, each with the following ports:One slot for a host interface cardNote: The DE2000H Gen2 controllers no longer offers base portsTwo 12 Gb SAS x4 expansion ports (Mini-SAS HD SFF-8644) for connections to theexpansion enclosures.One RJ-45 10/100/1000 Mb Ethernet port for out-of-band management.Note: The Ethernet port (P2) next to the GbE management port is not available for use.Two serial console ports (RJ-45 and Micro-USB) for another means to configure the system.One USB Type A port (reserved for factory use)Two redundant hot-swap 913 W (100 - 240 V) AC power supplies (IEC 320-C14 power connector) with integrated cooling fans.Figure 5. ThinkSystem DE240S or DE120S 2U expansion enclosure rear viewThe rear of the ThinkSystem DE240S or DE120S 2U expansion enclosure includes the following components:Two redundant hot-swap I/O Modules; each I/O Module provides four 12 Gb SAS x4 expansion ports (Mini-SAS HD SFF-8644) for connections to the controller enclosures and for connecting the expansion enclosures between each other.Two redundant hot-swap 913 W (100 - 240 V) AC power supplies (IEC 320-C14 power connector) with integrated cooling fans.4C57A14367B4B8Lenovo ThinkSystem DE2000/4000 HIC, 12Gb SAS,4-ports 24C57A14369B4BA Lenovo ThinkSystem DE2000/4000 HIC, 10/25GbE iSCSI,4-ports 24C57A14368B4B9Lenovo ThinkSystem DE2000/4000 HIC, 32Gb FC,4-ports 2SFP+ options for 10 Gb iSCSI / 16 Gb FC host interface card / 32 Gb FC host interface card 4M17A13527B4B2Lenovo 10Gb iSCSI/16Gb FC Universal SFP+ Module 8SFP28 options for 10/25 Gb iSCSI host interface card 4M17A13529B4B4Lenovo 10/25GbE iSCSI SFP28 Module 8SFP+ options for 32 Gb FC host interface card4M17A13528B4B3Lenovo 32Gb FC SFP+ Transceiver 8OM4 cable options for 16/32 Gb FC and 10/25 Gb iSCSI SW SFP+/SFP28 optical transceivers4Z57A10845B2P9Lenovo 0.5m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable 44Z57A10846B2PA Lenovo 1m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable 44Z57A10847B2PB Lenovo 3m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable 44Z57A10848B2PC Lenovo 5m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable 44Z57A10849B2PD Lenovo 10m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable 44Z57A10850B2PE Lenovo 15m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable 44Z57A10851B2PF Lenovo 25m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable 44Z57A10852B2PG Lenovo 30m LC-LC OM4 MMF Cable 4OM3 cable options for 16/32 Gb FC and 10/25 Gb iSCSI SW SFP+/SFP28 optical transceivers00MN499ASR5Lenovo 0.5m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable 400MN502ASR6Lenovo 1m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable 400MN505ASR7Lenovo 3m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable 400MN508ASR8Lenovo 5m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable 400MN511ASR9Lenovo 10m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable 400MN514ASRA Lenovo 15m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable 400MN517ASRB Lenovo 25m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable 400MN520ASRC Lenovo 30m LC-LC OM3 MMF Cable 4DAC cable options for 10 Gb iSCSI SFP+ host connectivity (iSCSI HICs)00D6288A3RG 0.5m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable 490Y9427A1PH 1m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable 400AY764A51N 1.5m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable 400AY765A51P 2m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable 490Y9430A1PJ 3m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable 490Y9433A1PK 5m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable 400D6151A3RH7m Passive DAC SFP+ Cable4DAC cable options for 25 Gb iSCSI SFP28 host connectivity (iSCSI HICs)7Z57A03557AV1W Lenovo 1m Passive 25G SFP28 DAC Cable 87Z57A03558AV1XLenovo 3m Passive 25G SFP28 DAC Cable8SAS host connectivity cables: Mini-SAS HD (controller) to Mini-SAS HD (host)Part number Featurecode DescriptionMaximum quantity per controller enclosure00YL847AU160.5m External MiniSAS HD 8644/MiniSAS HD 8644 Cable 400YL848AU171m External MiniSAS HD 8644/MiniSAS HD 8644 Cable 400YL849AU182m External MiniSAS HD 8644/MiniSAS HD 8644 Cable 400YL850AU193m External MiniSAS HD 8644/MiniSAS HD 8644 Cable 4UTP Category 6 cables for 1/10 Gb iSCSI RJ-45 connectivity and 1 GbE management ports00WE123AVFW 0.75m Green Cat6 Cable 600WE127AVFX 1.0m Green Cat6 Cable 600WE131AVFY 1.25m Green Cat6 Cable 600WE135AVFZ 1.5m Green Cat6 Cable 600WE139AVG03m Green Cat6 Cable 690Y3718A1MT 10m Green Cat6 Cable 690Y3727A1MW25m Green Cat6 Cable6Part number Featurecode DescriptionMaximum quantity per controller enclosure * Factory-installed only.Expansion enclosuresThe ThinkSystem DE2000H supports attachment of up to three 2U expansion enclosures (ThinkSystem DE240S 2U24 SFF, ThinkSystem DE120S 2U12 LFF, or a combination of the ThinkSystem DE240S and DE120S). Intermix of 2U24 SFF and 2U12 LFF expansion enclosures behind a 2U24 SFF or 2U12 LFF controller enclosure is supported. The expansion enclosures can be added to the system non-disruptively.The following table lists the relationship models of the supported ThinkSystem DE Series expansion enclosures.Table 5. ThinkSystem DE240S and DE120S relationship modelsDescriptionPart numberWorldwideEuropean UnionJapanLenovo ThinkSystem DE240S 2U24 SFF Expansion Enclosure 7Y68A000WW 7Y68A004EA 7Y681001JP Lenovo ThinkSystem DE120S 2U12 LFF Expansion Enclosure7Y63A000WW 7Y63A003EA 7Y631000JPThe following table lists the TopSeller models of the supported ThinkSystem DE Series expansion enclosures.Table 6. ThinkSystem DE240S and DE120S TopSeller models: Brazil and Latin AmericaDescriptionPart numberLatin America Brazil Lenovo ThinkSystem DE240S 2U24 SFF Expansion Enclosure (TopSeller)7Y681002LA 7Y681002BR Lenovo ThinkSystem DE120S 2U12 LFF Expansion Enclosure (TopSeller)7Y631001LA7Y631001BRFigure 6. DE Series expansion enclosure connectivity topologyThe following table lists ordering information for the supported expansion enclosure connectivity options. Table 8. Expansion unit connectivity optionsDescription Part numberExternal MiniSAS HD 8644/MiniSAS HD 8644 0.5M Cable00YL847 External MiniSAS HD 8644/MiniSAS HD 8644 1M Cable00YL848 External MiniSAS HD 8644/MiniSAS HD 8644 2M Cable00YL849 External MiniSAS HD 8644/MiniSAS HD 8644 3M Cable00YL850DrivesThe ThinkSystem DE Series 2U24 SFF enclosures support up to 24 SFF hot-swap drives, and the 2U12 LFF enclosures support up to 12 LFF hot-swap drives.The following table lists supported drive options for the 2U24 SFF controller and expansion enclosures. Table 9. 2U24 SFF drive optionsPart number Featurecode DescriptionMaximumquantity per2U24 SFFenclosure2.5-inch 12 Gbps SAS hot-swap HDDs4XB7A14112B4BY Lenovo ThinkSystem DE Series 1.2TB 10K 2.5" HDD 2U2424 4XB7A14113B4BZ Lenovo ThinkSystem DE Series 1.8TB 10K 2.5" HDD 2U2424 4XB7A88046BW12Lenovo ThinkSystem DE Series 2.4TB 10K 2.5" HDD 2U2424 2.5-inch 12 Gbps SAS hot-swap FIPS HDDs (SED HDDs)4XB7A14114B4C0Lenovo ThinkSystem DE Series 1.8TB 10K 2.5" HDD FIPS 2U2424 4XB7A88048BW13Lenovo ThinkSystem DE Series 2.4TB 10K 2.5" HDD FIPS 2U2424 2.5-inch 12 Gbps SAS hot-swap SSDs (1 DWPD and 3 DWPD)4XB7A74948BKUQ Lenovo ThinkSystem DE Series 960GB 1DWD 2.5" SSD 2U2424 4XB7A74951BKUT Lenovo ThinkSystem DE Series 1.92TB 1DWD 2.5" SSD 2U2424 4XB7A74955BKUK Lenovo ThinkSystem DE Series 3.84TB 1DWD 2.5" SSD 2U2424 4XB7A14176B4RY Lenovo ThinkSystem DE Series 7.68TB 1DWD 2.5" SSD 2U2424 4XB7A14110B4CD Lenovo ThinkSystem DE Series 15.36TB 1DWD 2.5" SSD 2U2424 2.5-inch 12 Gbps SAS hot-swap FIPS SSDs (SED SSDs)4XB7A14107B4BV Lenovo ThinkSystem DE Series 1.6TB 3DWD 2.5" SSD FIPS 2U2424Power supplies and cablesThe ThinkSystem DE Series 2U24 SFF and 2U12 LFF enclosures ship with two redundant hot-swap 913 W (100 - 240 V) Platinum AC power supplies, each with an IEC 320-C14 connector. The Relationship and TopSeller models of the ThinkSystem DE2000H 2U24 SFF and 2U12 LFF, DE240S 2U24 SFF, andDE120S LFF enclosures listed in Controller enclosures and Expansion enclosures ship with two 1.5 m, 10A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 rack power cables.The CTO models require the selection of two power cables.The following table lists the rack power cable and line cord options that can be ordered for the DE Series 2U24 SFF and 2U12 LFF enclosures (two power cords per enclosure).Table 12. Power cables for DE Series 2U24 SFF and 2U12 LFF enclosuresDescription PartnumberFeaturecodeRack power cables1.0m, 10A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable00Y3043A4VP 1.0m, 13A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable4L67A08367B0N5 1.5m, 10A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable39Y793762011.5m, 13A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable4L67A08368B0N62.0m, 10A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable4L67A08365B0N4 2.0m, 13A/125V-10A/250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable4L67A083696570 2.8m, 10A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable4L67A083666311 2.8m, 13A/125V-10A/250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable4L67A083706400 2.8m, 10A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C20 Rack Power Cable39Y79386204 4.3m, 10A/100-250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable39Y79326263 4.3m, 13A/125V-10A/250V, C13 to IEC 320-C14 Rack Power Cable4L67A083716583 Line cordsArgentina 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to IRAM 2073 Line Cord39Y79306222 Argentina 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to IRAM 2073 Line Cord81Y23846492 Australia/New Zealand 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to AS/NZS 3112 Line Cord39Y79246211 Australia/New Zealand 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to AS/NZS 3112 Line Cord81Y23836574 Brazil 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to NBR 14136 Line Cord69Y19886532 Brazil 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to NBR14136 Line Cord81Y23876404 China 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to GB 2099.1 Line Cord39Y79286210 China 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to GB 2099.1 Line Cord81Y23786580 Denmark 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to DK2-5a Line Cord39Y79186213 Denmark 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to DK2-5a Line Cord81Y23826575 Europe 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to CEE7-VII Line Cord39Y79176212 Europe 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to CEE7-VII Line Cord81Y23766572 India 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to IS 6538 Line Cord39Y79276269 India 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to IS 6538 Line Cord81Y23866567 Israel 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to SI 32 Line Cord39Y79206218 Israel 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to SI 32 Line Cord81Y23816579 Italy 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to CEI 23-16 Line Cord39Y79216217Italy 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to CEI 23-16 Line Cord 81Y23806493Japan 2.8m, 12A/125V, C13 to JIS C-8303 Line cord 46M2593A1RE Japan 2.8m, 12A/250V, C13 to JIS C-8303 Line Cord 4L67A083576533Japan 4.3m, 12A/125V, C13 to JIS C-8303 Line Cord 39Y79266335Japan 4.3m, 12A/250V, C13 to JIS C-8303 Line Cord 4L67A083626495Korea 2.8m, 12A/250V, C13 to KS C8305 Line Cord 39Y79256219Korea 4.3m, 12A/250V, C13 to KS C8305 Line Cord 81Y23856494South Africa 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to SABS 164 Line Cord 39Y79226214South Africa 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to SABS 164 Line Cord 81Y23796576Switzerland 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to SEV 1011-S24507 Line Cord 39Y79196216Switzerland 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to SEV 1011-S24507 Line Cord 81Y23906578Taiwan 2.8m, 10A/125V, C13 to CNS 10917-3 Line Cord 23R71586386Taiwan 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to CNS 10917-3 Line Cord 81Y23756317Taiwan 2.8m, 15A/125V, C13 to CNS 10917-3 Line Cord 81Y23746402Taiwan 4.3m, 10A/125V, C13 to CNS 10917-3 Line Cord 4L67A08363AX8BTaiwan 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to CNS 10917-3 Line Cord 81Y23896531Taiwan 4.3m, 15A/125V, C13 to CNS 10917-3 Line Cord 81Y23886530United Kingdom 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to BS 1363/A Line Cord 39Y79236215United Kingdom 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to BS 1363/A Line Cord 81Y23776577United States 2.8m, 10A/125V, C13 to NEMA 5-15P Line Cord 90Y30166313United States 2.8m, 10A/250V, C13 to NEMA 6-15P Line Cord 46M2592A1RF United States 2.8m, 13A/125V, C13 to NEMA 5-15P Line Cord 00WH5456401United States 4.3m, 10A/125V, C13 to NEMA 5-15P Line Cord 4L67A083596370United States 4.3m, 10A/250V, C13 to NEMA 6-15P Line Cord 4L67A083616373United States 4.3m, 13A/125V, C13 to NEMA 5-15P Line Cord4L67A08360AX8ADescriptionPart number Feature code Rack installationThe individually shipped ThinkSystem DE Series 2U12 enclosures ship with the ThinkSystem Storage Rack Mount Kit 2U12, and the individually shipped ThinkSystem DE Series 2U24 enclosures ship with the ThinkSystem Storage Rack Mount Kit 2U24/4U60. The rack mount kits are listed in the following table.Table 13. 4-post rack mount kitsDescriptionFeature code Quantity Lenovo ThinkSystem Storage Rack Mount Kit 2U12B38X 1Lenovo ThinkSystem Storage Rack Mount Kit 2U24/4U60B38Y1When the ThinkSystem DE Series enclosures are factory-integrated and shipped installed in a rack cabinet, the rack mount kits that support Ship-in-Rack (SIR) capabilities are derived by the configurator. The SIR-capable rack mount kits are listed in the following table.Table 14. 4-post SIR rack mount kitsDescription Featurecode QuantityLenovo ThinkSystem Storage Rack Mount Kit 2U12B38X1 Lenovo ThinkSystem Storage SIR Rack Mount Kit (for 2U24 enclosures)B6TH1The following table summarizes the rack mount kit features and specifications.Table 15. Rack mount kit features and specifications summaryAttribute Screw-in fixed rail with adjustable depth2U122U24/4U602U24 SIRFeature code B38X B38Y B6THEnclosure support DE2000H 2U LFFDE120S DE2000H 2U SFFDE240SDE2000H 2U SFFDE240SRail type Fixed (static) withadjustable depth Fixed (static) withadjustable depthFixed (static) withadjustable depthTool-less installation No No NoIn-rack maintenance Yes*Yes*Yes* Ship-in-rack (SIR) support Yes No Yes1U PDU support Yes Yes Yes0U PDU support Limited**Limited**Limited**Rack type IBM or Lenovo 4-post,IEC standard-compliant IBM or Lenovo 4-post,IEC standard-compliantIBM or Lenovo 4-post,IEC standard-compliantMounting holes Square or round Square or round Square or roundMounting flange thickness 2 mm (0.08 in.) –3.3 mm (0.13 in.)2 mm (0.08 in.) –3.3 mm (0.13 in.)2 mm (0.08 in.) –3.3 mm (0.13 in.)Distance between front and rear mounting flanges^605 mm (23.8 in.) –812.8 mm (32 in.)605 mm (23.8 in.) –812.8 mm (32 in.)605 mm (23.8 in.) –812.8 mm (32 in.)* The majority of the enclosure components can be serviced from the front or rear of the enclosure, which does not require the removal of the enclosure from the rack cabinet.** If a 0U PDU is used, the rack cabinet must be at least 1000 mm (39.37 in.) deep for 2U12 and 2U24 enclosures.^ Measured when mounted on the rack, from the front surface of the front mounting flange to the rear most point of the rail. Physical specificationsRack cabinetsThe following table lists the supported rack cabinets.Table 17. Rack cabinetsPart number Description93072RX 25U Standard Rack (1000mm)93072PX 25U Static S2 Standard Rack (1000mm)7D6DA007WW ThinkSystem 42U Onyx Primary Heavy Duty Rack Cabinet (1200mm)7D6DA008WW ThinkSystem 42U Pearl Primary Heavy Duty Rack Cabinet (1200mm)93604PX 42U 1200mm Deep Dynamic Rack 93614PX 42U 1200mm Deep Static Rack 93634PX 42U 1100mm Dynamic Rack93634EX 42U 1100mm Dynamic Expansion Rack 93074RX 42U Standard Rack (1000mm)7D6EA009WW ThinkSystem 48U Onyx Primary Heavy Duty Rack Cabinet (1200mm)7D6EA00AWWThinkSystem 48U Pearl Primary Heavy Duty Rack Cabinet (1200mm)For specifications about these racks, see the Lenovo Rack Cabinet Reference, available from:https:///lp1287-lenovo-rack-cabinet-referenceFor more information, see the list of Product Guides in the Rack cabinets category:https:///servers/options/racksPower distribution unitsThe following table lists the power distribution units (PDUs) that are offered by Lenovo.Table 18. Power distribution unitsPart number Feature code Description 0U Basic PDUs00YJ776ATZY 0U 36 C13/6 C19 24A 1 Phase PDU N Y Y N N N N N N Y Y Y N 00YJ777ATZZ 0U 36 C13/6 C19 32A 1 Phase PDU Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y 00YJ778AU000U 21 C13/12 C19 32A 3 Phase PDU Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y 0U Switched and Monitored PDUs00YJ783AU040U 12 C13/12 C19 Switched and Monitored48A 3 Phase PDUN N Y N N N Y N N Y Y Y N 00YJ781AU030U 20 C13/4 C19 Switched and Monitored 24A 1 Phase PDUN N Y N Y N Y N N Y Y Y N 00YJ782AU020U 18 C13/6 C19 Switched and Monitored 32A 3 Phase PDUY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y 00YJ780AU010U 20 C13/4 C19 Switched and Monitored 32A 1 Phase PDUY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y1U Switched and Monitored PDUsA N ZA S E A NB r a z i l E E TM E AR U C I S W EH T KI N D I A J A P A NL AN A P R C4PU7A81117BNDV1U 18 C19/C13 switched and monitored 48A3P WYE PDU - ETLN N N N N N N N N N N Y N4PU7A77467BLC41U 18 C19/C13 Switched and Monitored 80A3P Delta PDUN N N N N N N N N Y N Y N4PU7A77469BLC61U 12 C19/C13 switched and monitored 60A3P Delta PDUN N N N N N N N N N N Y N4PU7A77468BLC51U 12 C19/C13 switched and monitored 32A3P WYE PDUY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y4PU7A81118BNDW1U 18 C19/C13 switched and monitored 48A3P WYE PDU - CEY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y 1U Ultra Density Enterprise PDUs (9x IEC 320 C13 + 3x IEC 320 C19 outlets)71763NU6051Ultra Density Enterprise C19/C13 PDU60A/208V/3PHN N Y N N N N N N Y Y Y N71762NX6091Ultra Density Enterprise C19/C13 PDUModuleY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1U C13 Enterprise PDUs (12x IEC 320 C13 outlets)39M28166030DPI C13 Enterprise PDU Plus Module (WW)Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 39Y89416010DPI C13 Enterprise PDU Module (WW)Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1U C19 Enterprise PDUs (6x IEC 320 C19 outlets)39Y89486060DPI C19 Enterprise PDU Module (WW)Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1U Front-end PDUs (3x IEC 320 C19 outlets)39Y89386002DPI Single-phase 30A/120V Front-end PDU(US)Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y39Y89396003DPI Single-phase 30A/208V Front-end PDU(US)Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y39Y89346005DPI Single-phase 32A/230V Front-end PDU(International)Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y39Y89406004DPI Single-phase 60A/208V Front-end PDU(US)Y N Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N39Y89356006DPI Single-phase 63A/230V Front-end PDU(International)Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1U NEMA PDUs (6x NEMA 5-15R outlets)39Y89055900DPI 100-127V NEMA PDU Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Line cords for 1U PDUs that ship without a line cord40K96116504 4.3m, 32A/380-415V, EPDU/IEC 3093P+N+G 3ph wye (non-US) Line CordY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y40K96126502 4.3m, 32A/230V, EPDU to IEC 309 P+N+G(non-US) Line CordY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y40K96136503 4.3m, 63A/230V, EPDU to IEC 309 P+N+G(non-US) Line CordY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y40K96146500 4.3m, 30A/208V, EPDU to NEMA L6-30P(US) Line CordY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y40K96156501 4.3m, 60A/208V, EPDU to IEC 309 2P+G(US) Line Cord N N Y N N N Y N N Y Y Y NPart number Featurecode Description ANZASEABraziEETMEARUCIWEHTKINDIAJAPALANAPRC40K96176505 4.3m, 32A/230V, Souriau UTG Female toAS/NZ 3112 (Aus/NZ) Line Cord Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 40K961865064.3m, 32A/250V, Souriau UTG Female to KSC 8305 (S. Korea) Line CordY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YPart number Feature code Description For more information, see the Lenovo Press documents in the PDU category:https:///servers/options/pduUninterruptible power supply unitsThe following table lists the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units that are offered by Lenovo.Table 19. Uninterruptible power supply unitsPart number Description55941AX RT1.5kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC)55941KX RT1.5kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)55942AX RT2.2kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC)55942KX RT2.2kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)55943AX RT3kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (100-125VAC)55943KX RT3kVA 2U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)55945KX RT5kVA 3U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)55946KX RT6kVA 3U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)55948KX RT8kVA 6U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)55949KX RT11kVA 6U Rack or Tower UPS (200-240VAC)55948PX RT8kVA 6U 3:1 Phase Rack or Tower UPS (380-415VAC)55949PX RT11kVA 6U 3:1 Phase Rack or Tower UPS (380-415VAC)55943KT†ThinkSystem RT3kVA 2U Standard UPS (200-230VAC) (2x C13 10A, 2x GB 10A, 1x C19 16A outlets)55943LT†ThinkSystem RT3kVA 2U Long Backup UPS (200-230VAC) (2x C13 10A, 2x GB 10A, 1x C1916A outlets)55946KT†ThinkSystem RT6kVA 5U UPS (200-230VAC) (2x C13 10A outlets, 1x Terminal Block output)5594XKT†ThinkSystem RT10kVA 5U UPS (200-230VAC) (2x C13 10A outlets, 1x Terminal Block output)† Only available in China and the Asia Pacific market.For more information, see the list of Product Guides in the UPS category:https:///servers/options/upsLenovo Financial ServicesA N ZA S E AB r a z i E E TM E AR U C I W EH T KI N D I A J A P A L AN A P R CTrademarksLenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. A current list of Lenovo trademarks is available on the Web athttps:///us/en/legal/copytrade/.The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both:Lenovo®Flex SystemLenovo ServicesSystem x®ThinkSystem®TopSellerXClarity®The following terms are trademarks of other companies:Linux® is the trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.Excel®, Microsoft®, Windows Server®, and Windows® are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.Lenovo ThinkSystem DE2000H Hybrid Storage Array31。
DS-2CD5526G0-IZ(H)S K 2 MP VF Dome网络摄像头说明书
•1/1.8” Progressive Scan CMOS•1920 × 1080 @ 60fps• 2.8 to 12 mm/8 to 32 mm motor-driven lens •Color: 0.002 Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON)•H.265, H.265+, H.264, H.264+•140dB WDR•3D DNR• 2.8 to 12 mm lens: IR range up to 30 m, 8 to 32 mm lens: IR range up to 50 m •Five streams and up to five custom streams • 6 behavior analyses, 3 exception detection, and face detection•Built-in microSD/SDHC/SDXC card slot, up to 256 GB•Alarm I/O•IP67, IK10•Anti-IR reflectionSpecificationsCameraImage Sensor1/1.8″ Progressive Scan CMOSMin. Illumination Color: 0.002 Lux @ (F1.2, AGC ON) 0 Lux with IRShutter Speed 1 s to 1/100,000 sSlow Shutter YesDay & Night IR Cut FilterDigital Noise Reduction 3D DNRWDR 140 dBAngle Adjustment Pan: 0° to 355°, tilt: 0° to 75°, rotate: 0° to 355°LensFocal length 2.8 to 12 mm/8 to 32 mmAperture 2.8 to 12 mm lens: F1.2 8 to 32 mm lens: F1.6Focus Auto, semi-auto, manualFOV 2.8 to 12 mm, horizontal FOV 103.3° to 38.6°, vertical FOV 54.2° to 21.9°, diagonal FOV 124.2° to 44.3°8 to 32 mm, horizontal FOV 42.5° to 13.4°, vertical FOV 23.4° to 7.7°, diagonal FOV 49° to 15.3°Lens Mount Integrated IRIR Range 2.8 to 12 mm lens: up to 30 m IR 8 to 32 mm lens: up to 50 m IRWavelength 850 nm Compression StandardVideo Compression Main stream: H.265/H.264/H.265+/H.264+Sub stream/third stream/fourth stream/fifth stream/custom stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGH.264 Type Baseline Profile/Main Profile/High ProfileH.264+ Main stream supportH.265 Type Main ProfileH.265+ Main stream supportVideo Bit Rate 32 Kbps to 16 MbpsAudio Compression G.711/G.722.1/G.726/MP2L2/PCMAudio Bit Rate 64Kbps(G.711)/16Kbps(G.722.1)/16Kbps(G.726)/32-192Kbps(MP2L2)/32Kbps(PCM)Smart Feature-setBehavior Analysis Line crossing detection, intrusion detection, region entrance detection, region exiting detection,unattended baggage detection, object removal detectionException Detection Scene change detection, audio exception detection, defocus detectionStatistics CountingFace Detection YesRegion of Interest 4 fixed regions for main stream, sub stream, third stream, fourth stream, and fifth stream, and dynamic face trackingImageMax. Resolution 1920 × 1080Main Stream 50Hz: 50fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720) 60Hz: 60fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720)Sub Stream 50Hz: 25fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480) 60Hz: 30fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480)Third Stream 50Hz: 25fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480) 60Hz: 30fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 960, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480)Fourth Stream 50Hz: 25fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480) 60Hz: 30fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480)Fifth Stream 50Hz: 25fps (704 × 576, 640 × 480) 60Hz: 30fps (704 × 480, 640 × 480)Custom Stream 50Hz: 25fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 704 × 576, 640 × 480) 60Hz: 30fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 704 × 480, 640 × 480)Image Enhancement BLC, HLC, Defog, EISImage Setting Rotate mode, saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, AGC, and white balance are adjustable byclient software or web browserTarget Cropping YesSVC H.264 and H.265 encodingDay/Night Switch Auto/Schedule/Day/Night/Triggered by Alarm InPicture Overlay LOGO picture can be overlaid on video with 128 × 128 24bit bmp formatNetworkNetwork Storage microSD/SDHC/SDXC card (up to 256 GB), local storage and NAS (NFS,SMB/CIFS), ANRAlarm Trigger Motion detection, video tampering alarm, network disconnected, IP address conflict, illegal login, HDD full, HDD errorProtocols TCP/IP, ICMP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP, RTCP, PPPoE, NTP, UPnP, SMTP, SNMP, IGMP, 802.1X, QoS, IPv6, UDP, BonjourSecurity Measures Password protection, HTTPS encryption, IEEE 802.1x port-based network access control, IP address filter, basic and digest authentication for HTTP/HTTPS, WSSE and digest authentication for ONVIFGeneral Function One-key reset, anti-flicker, five streams, custom streams, heartbeat, password protection, privacy mask, watermark, IP address filterAPI ONVIF (PROFILE S, PROFILE G), ISAPI, SDKSimultaneous Live View Up to 20 channelsUser/Host Up to 32 users, 3 levels: Administrator, Operator and UserClient iVMS-4200, Hik-Connect, iVMS-5200, Hik-CentralWeb Browser IE8+, Mozilla Firefox 30.0+, Google Chrome 31.0+, Safari 8.0+ Plug-in free live view supportedInterfaceAudio 1-ch 3.5 mm input (line in), 1-ch 3.5mm output, mono Communication Interface 1 RJ45 10M/100M/1000M Ethernet portAlarm 1-ch input, 1-ch output (up to 24 VDC 1A or 110 VAC 500 mA) Video Output 1Vp-p composite output (75 Ω/CVBS)Power Output 12 VDC, max. 200mA (supported by 12 VDC, 24 VAC and PoE) On-board storage Built-in micro SD/SDHC/SDXC slot, up to 256 GBBNC CVBS analog output (4CIF resolution), internalReset Button YesAudioEnvironment NoiseFilteringYesAudio Sampling Rate 8 kHz/16 kHz/32 kHz/44.1 kHz/48 kHzGeneralFirmware Version 5.5.50same time.Available ModelDS-2CD5526G0-IZS/K (2.8 mm – 12 mm), DS-2CD5526G0-IZHS/K (2.8 mm – 12 mm) DS-2CD5526G0-IZS/K (8 mm – 32 mm), DS-2CD5526G0-IZHS/K (8 mm – 32 mm) *-H: heater supportedDimension140.3[5.52]46[1.81]6-ø4.5 [0.18]3-M 4Ø131.4[.17]Ø162[6.38]Unit: mm[inch]Operating Conditions -IZS: -30 °C to 65 °C (-22 °F to 149 °F), humidity 95% or less (non-condensing) -IZHS: -40 °C to 65 °C (-40 °F to 149 °F), humidity 95% or less (non-condensing) Power Supply12 VDC ± 20%, two-core terminal block PoE (802.3at, class 3): 42.5 V to 57 VPower Consumption and Current -IZS: 12 VDC ± 20%: 0.7 A, max. 8.5 W, PoE (802.3at, class 3): 42.5 V to 57 V, 0.1 A to 0.2 A -IZHS: 12 VDC ± 20%: 1.1 A, max. 14 W, PoE (802.3at, class 3): 42.5 V to 57 V, 0. 3 A to 0.4 A Protection Level IP67, IK10 Material Aluminum AlloyDimensions Camera: Φ162 × 140.3 mm (Φ6.4″ × 5.5″)With package: 251 × 215 × 189 mm (9.9″ × 8.5″ × 7.4″) WeightCamera: 1450 g (3.20 lb.)With package: 1950 g (4.30 lb.)AccessoriesDS-1471ZJ-155 Wall Mount DS-1473ZJ-155Pendant MountDS-1475ZJ-SUSIndoor HousingDS-1476ZJ-SUSOutdoor Housing20180404。
西门子 S7-1200 功能安全手册 - 设备手册说明书
SIMATICS7S7-1200 功能安全手册设备手册Siemens AGDigital IndustriesⓅ 10/2022 本公司保留更改的权利 Copyright © Siemens AG 2022. 保留所有权利法律资讯警告提示系统为了您的人身安全以及避免财产损失,必须注意本手册中的提示。
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Axis AXIS M3106-L Mk II 隐蔽式4MP视频监控与内置红外照明功能摄像机说明书
表数据AXIS M3106-L Mk II Network Camera隐蔽式4MP视频监控与内置红外照明功能AXIS M3106-L Mk II是一款价格实惠的隐蔽式迷你型固定半球摄像机,具备可抑制反光的平面设计。
Axis Zipstream技术可降低带宽和存储要求。
>内置红外照明>四倍高清/4MP视频>宽动态范围(WDR)>Axis Zipstream技术>智能设计可实现便捷灵活安装AXIS M3106-L Mk II Network Camera 摄像机图像传感器1/3"逐行扫描RGB CMOS镜头M12支架、固定光圈、固定对焦2.4毫米,F2.2水平视野:130°垂直视野:73°日夜自动可拆卸式红外截止滤光片最低照度颜色:50IRE F2.2条件下为0.3lux黑/白:50IRE F2.2条件下为0.06lux在红外照明开启的情况下为0lux快门时间1/31500s至1/5s摄像机角度调整水平转动:±180°垂直转动:0°至60°(0°=透镜与摄像机底座呈直角)旋转:±95°可以调整朝向各个方向并能看到墙壁或天花板视频视频压缩H.264(MPEG-4Part10/AVC)Main和High ProfileH.265(MPEG-H Part2/HEVC)Main ProfileMotion JPEG分辨率2688x1520至320x240帧速率高达25/30fps,电源线频率为50/60Hz视频流提供多个可单独配置的H.264、H.265和Motion JPEG格式的视频流基于H.264和H.265格式的Axis Zipstream技术可控制的帧速和带宽VBR/MBR H.264/H.265多视点视频流全帧速下多达2个可独立裁剪的视点区域平移/倾斜/变焦数字PTZ图像设置压缩、颜色、亮度、锐度、对比度、白平衡、曝光控制、WDR:高达100dB,具体取决于场景。
Transition Networks产品目录:传输设备、扩展器、NIDs说明书
Transition Networks • Media Converters, Extenders, & NIDs Catalog | 62Power Supply Included To order the corresponding country specific power supply, add the extension from the list below to the end of the SKU; Ex: SGETF1013-110-NA -NA = Country Code -NA = North America -LA = Latin America -EU = Europe -UK = United Kingdom -SA = South Africa -JP = Japan -OZ = Australia -BR = Brazil Specifications Standards IEEE 802.3ab IEEE 802.3z 6-position Switch SW1: Remote Fiber Fault Detect (Down=Enabled) SW2: Symmetric Pause SW3: Asymmetric Pause SW4: Transparent Link Pass Through (UP=Enabled) SW5: Fiber Auto-Negotiation (Down=Enabled) SW6: Loopback (Down=Enabled)Status LEDs PWR (Power): Steady green LED indicates connection to external AC power RXF (Fiber receive): Flashing LED indicates reception of data on fiber link LKF (Fiber link): Steady LED indicates fiber link connection RXC (Copper receive): Flashing LED indicates reception of data on copper link LKC (Copper link): Steady LED indicates copper link connection Dimensions Width: 3.25” [82.55 mm] Depth: 4.8” [121.92 mm] Height: 1" [25 mm]Power Supply External AC/DC required; 12 VDC, 0.8A min Output; 120-240VAC input Environment Operating: 0°C to 50°C Humidity: 5% to 95% (non-condensing) Altitude: 0 – 10,000 ft. Weight 2 lbs. [0.90 kg]Compliance Safety: Wall Mount Power Supply: UL Listed, cUL Listed (Canada); FCC Class A, CISPR22/EN55022 Class A, EN55024, EN61000, CE Mark Warranty Lifetime Migrate to Gigabit Ethernet in a cost-effective manner. Used in conjunction with lower cost 1000Base-T switches, companies can take advantage of the high bandwidth Gigabit Ethernet offers without all of the higher costs. Transition Networks 1000Base-T to SX/LX converters allow users to extend the bandwidth to thoseusers outside the reach of the 1000Base-T standard (up to 125 km).Features• Auto-MDI/MDIX• Copper & Fiber Auto-Negotiation• Transparent Link Pass Through• Automatic Link Restoration• Pause• Remote Fault DetectSGETF10xx-110 SeriesStand-alone Gigabit Ethernet Media Converter 1000Base-T to 1000Base-SX/LXOrdering Information SGETF1013-110 1000Base-T (RJ-45) [100 m/328 ft.] to 1000Base-SX 850nm multimode (SC) [62.5/125 µm fiber: 220 m/722 ft.] Link Bud-get: 7.0 dB [50/125 µm fiber: 550 m/1804 ft.] Link Budget: 7.0 dB SGETF1024-110 1000Base-T (RJ-45) [100 m/328 ft.] to 1000Base-SX 1300nm Extended multimode (62.5/125 µm fiber only) (SC) [2 km/1.2 mi.] Link Budget: 7.0 dB SGETF1039-110 1000Base-T (RJ-45) [100 m/328 ft.] to 1000Base-SX 850nm multimode (LC) (via TN-SFP-SX) [62.5/125 µm fiber: 220 m/722 ft.] Link Budget: 8.0 dB [50/125 µm fiber: 550 m/1804 ft.] Link Budget: 8.0 dB SGETF1014-110 1000Base-T (RJ-45) [100 m/328 ft.] to 1000Base-LX 1310nm single mode (SC) [10 km/6.2 mi.] Link Budget: 10.5 dB SGETF1040-110 1000Base-T (RJ-45) [100 m/328 ft.] to SFP slot (empty)Single Fiber Products SGETF1029-110 1000Base-T (RJ-45) [100 m/328 ft.] to 1000Base-LX 1310nm TX/1550nm RX single fiber single mode (SC) [20 km/12.4 mi.] Link Budget: 13.0 dB SGETF1029-111 1000Base-T (RJ-45) [100 m/328 ft.] to 1000Base-LX 1550nm TX/1310nm RX single fiber single mode (SC) [20 km/12.4 mi.] Link Budget: 13.0 dB Optional Accessories (sold separately)SFP Modules Wide Input (24 - 60 VDC) Power Supplies SPS-2460-PS Piggy Back Power Supply SPS-2460-SA Stand-Alone Power Supply Mounting Options E-MCR-05 12-Slot Media Converter Rack RMS19-SA4-01 4-Slot Media Converter Shelf WMBD DIN Rail Bracket 5" [127 mm]WMBD-F DIN Rail Bracket (flat, small) 3.1” [79 mm]WMBL Wall Mount Bracket 4" [102 mm]WMBV Vertical Wall Mount Bracket 5" [127 mm]SGETF1013-110。
检查或安装时,在触摸印刷电路板前注意保护措施(静电放电)。 在下列环境条件下使用变频器:
环境温度 湿度 气压 储存温度 安装场所 海拔, 振动
- 10 ~ 50 ℃ (无冰冻) 90% RH 或更低 (无凝露) 70-106 kPa - 20 ~ 65 ℃ 无腐蚀性气体,可燃性气体,油雾或灰尘 最大海拔高度 1,000m 以下,最大 5.9m/sec2 (0.6G) 或更低
感谢您选购 LS 变频调速器!
危险 注意
在本说明书中,全篇使用以下两个图标以使你能明白安全注意事项。 在某些确定的条件下可以识别导致人身伤害的危险。 由于危险电压可能已出现,所以应有意识地特别注意。
扰。 如果输入电压不平衡,需要安装交流电抗器。来自变频器的潜在高次谐波可能会引起电力电容
器和发生器变热与损坏。 参数初始化后,在运行前需要再次设定参数。当参数被初始化后,参数值又重新回到出厂设
置。 变频器可以容易地设定为高速运行,在运行前先检查一下电机或机械设备的容量。 使用直流制动功能时,不会产生停止力矩。当需要停止力矩时,安装单独设备。 当驱动 400V 变频器和电机时,用绝缘整流器和采取措施抑制浪涌电压。由于在电机接线端子
不要使用绝缘层已经破损的电缆。 否则,你可能受到电击。
不要使电缆受到擦伤 挤压 过电压或超负荷。 否则,你可能受到电击。
变频器要安装在不易燃的表面,附近不要放置可燃性材料。 否则可能发生火灾。
New FX-100系列 数字光纤传感器 说明书
转换 外部输入 基准值追踪周期设定 GETA ECO 显示反转 余量显示 复制
化,可在任意周期确认入光量,自动再次设定基 ଉ
12~24V DC±10% 脉动P-P10%以下
通常时:720mW以下(电源电压24V时,消耗电流30mA以下) ECO模式时:600mW以下(电源电压24V时,消耗电流25mA以下)
<NPN输出型> NPN开路集电极晶体管 • 最大流入电流:100mA • 外加电压:30V DC以下(输出和0V之间) • 剩余电压:1.5V以下(流入电流为100mA时)
简 备有2个数字画面,可以同时确认基准值、 使用的连接器为通用连接器,因此可大大降低传感器购买后的连接器加工费和加工所需的传
易 接 线
入光量,以及进行各种设定时,发挥极强的 操作性。 只需按下 △ (UP按钮)、 (DOWN按钮)便 可直接调节基准值。可类似于调节式传感器
重量 附件
主体重量:约15g 包装重量:约35g
CN-24A-C2 CN-24A-C5
长2m 适用于一端带M8插入式连接器型 长5m 电缆外径:φ 4mm
AMD推土机FX处理器最新架构详细解析第1页:Bulldozer FX处理器最新架构解析在加州举行的年度高性能处理器研讨会Hot-Chips 23上,IBM、Intel、AMD等各大巨头都没有公布全新的产品或者技术,而是继续翻出老一套进行深入宣传和“布道”,AMD最重点的当然就是“推土机”了。
做为对比,32nm Gulftown六核心为240平方毫米,32nm Sandy Bridge 四/双核心为216/149平方毫米,45nm Phenom II X6/X4分别为346/258平方毫米。
推土机处理器全部核心缩微图从图上可以清晰地看到推土机的四个模块(八个核心)、四组2MB二级缓存、四组2MB 三级缓存、四条HT总线、DDR3内存控制器、北桥模块、I/O输入输出等等。
推土机处理器核心其中一个模块缩微图一张架构图和架构特性简介:推土机的家族编号为Family 15h,是AMD K8以来的首个全新设计处理器架构,最大特点就是每两个整数核心加一个浮点核心组成一个模块,进行资源的共享。
第2页:Bulldozer FX处理器采用新平台首先,推土机处理器代表的是一个新的平台,它的桌面版本Zambeizi将改用新接口Socket AM3+,可支持低电压内存,为HT 3.0每个链接提供了最高2.0A ILDT电流,从而将HT总线速度提升到最高5.2GT/s,IDDR电流也增加到最高4.0A。
主板Socket AM3+插座具备向下兼容性,即新主板仍可安装Socket AM3接口的Phenom II/Athlon II系列处理器,但反过来不行,也就是AM3插座的主板无法使用AM3+推土机处理器。
PCI106E运动控制卡硬件手册Version 1.1版权说明本手册版权归深圳市正运动技术有限公司所有,未经正运动公司书面许可,任何人不得翻印、翻译和抄袭本手册中的任何内容。
目录PCI106E运动控制卡硬件手册 (1)第一章控制卡简介 (1)1.1连接配置 (1)1.2安装和编程 (2)1.3产品特点 (2)第二章硬件描述 (3)2.1PCI106E系列型号规格 (3)2.1.1订货信息: (3)2.2PCI106E接线 (4)2.2.1CAN和IO电源接口(J201): (5)2.2.2EtherCAT总线接口(J701): (5)2.2.3通用输入输出以及编码器接口信号(X1): (6)第三章可选配件 (9)3.1转接线(ZP72-02) (9)3.2屏蔽电缆(DB37-150) (9)3.3接线板(EXDB37M-37) (10)第四章常见问题 (10)第五章硬件安装 (11)5.1PCI106E安装 (11)5.2驱动程序安装 (12)第一章控制卡简介PCI是正运动技术推出的PCI运动控制卡型号简称。
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– Bi-Directional Interface between Two Levels: 1.1V and 3.6V – Fully Configurable: Inputs and Outputs Track VCC Level – Non-Preferential Power-up; Either VCC May Be Powered-up First – Outputs Remain in 3-State until Active VCC Level is Reached – Outputs Switch to 3-State if Either VCC is at GND – Power-Off Protection – Bus hold on Data Inputs Eliminates Need for Pullup Resistors (Do NOT Use Resistors on the A or B Ports) – OE and CLK IN are Referenced to VCCA Voltage – Packaged in 16-Terminal DQFN (2.5mm x 3.5mm) – Direction Control Not Needed – 80 Mbps Throughput Translating between 1.8V and 2.5V – ESD Protection Exceeds: – 12kV HBM (B port I/O to GND) (per JESD22-A114 & Mil Std 883e 3015.7) – 8kV HBM (A port I/O to GND) (per JESD22-A114 & Mil Std 883e 3015.7) – 1kV CDM (per ESD STM 5.3)
Function Table
Control OE
LOw Logic Level HIGH Logic Level
3-State Normal Operation
Power-Up/Power-Down Sequencing
FXL translators offer an advantage in that either VCC may be powered up first. This benefit derives from the chip design. When either VCC is at 0 volts, outputs are in a high-impedance state. The control input (OE) is designed to track the VCCA supply. A pull-down resistor tying OE to GND should be used to ensure that bus contention, excessive currents, or oscillations do not occur during power-up / power-down. The size of the pull-down resistor is based upon the current-sinking capability of the device driving the OE pin. The recommended power-up sequence is the following: 1. Apply power to the first VCC. 2. Apply power to the second VCC. 3. Drive the OE input high to enable the device. The recommended power-down sequence is the following: 1. Drive OE input low to disable the device. 2. Remove power from either VCC. 3. Remove power from other VCC.
Pin Description
1 2 3–7 8 9 10–14 15 16
A-Side Power Supply A-Side Input A-Side Inputs or 3-State Outputs Output Enable Input Ground B-Side Inputs or 3-State Outputs B-Side Power Supply
General Description
The FXL2SD106 is a configurable dual-voltage-supply translator designed for both uni-directional and bidirectional voltage translation between two logic levels. The device allows translation between voltages as high as 3.6V to as low as 1.1V. The A port tracks the VCCA level and the B port tracks the VCCB level. This allows for bi-directional voltage translation over a variety of voltage levels: 1.2V, 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, and 3.3V. The device remains in 3-state until both VCC reach active levels, allowing either VCC to be powered-up first. Internal power-down control circuits place the device in 3state if either VCC is removed. The OE input, when low, disables both A and B ports by placing them in a 3-state condition. The FXL2SD106 is designed so that OE and CLK IN are supplied by VCCA. The device senses an input signal on A or B port automatically. The input signal is transferred to the other port. The FXL2SD106 is not designed for SD card applications. The internal bus hold circuitry conflicts with pull-up resistors. SD cards have internal pull-up resistors on the CD/DAT3 (1) Outputs 3-STATE Outputs Active (An) Outputs Active (Bn, CLK OUT) DC Input Diode Current at VI 0V DC Output Diode Current at VO 0V VO VCC DC Output Source/Sink Current DC VCC or Ground Current per Supply Pin Storage Temperature Range
© 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FXL2SD106 • Rev. 1.8.1
FXL2SD106 — Low-Voltage Dual-Supply 6-Bit Votlage Translator with Auto-Direction Sensing
CLK OUT 3-State Output
© 2008 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FXL2SD106 • Rev. 1.8.1
FXL2SD106 — Low-Voltage Dual-Supply 6-Bit VoltageTranslator with Auto-Direction Sensing
VCCA, VCCB VI Supply Voltage DC Input Voltage I/O Port A I/O Port B OE, CLK IN
–0.5V to +4.6V –0.5V to +4.6V –0.5V to +4.6V –0.5V to +4.6V –0.5V to +4.6V –0.5V to VCCA + 0.5V –0.5V to VCCB + 0.5V –50mA –50mA +50mA –50mA / +50mA ±100mA –65°C to +150°C
Ordering Information
Order Number
Package Number
Package Description
16-Terminal Depopulated Quad Very-Thin Flat Pack, No Leads (DQFN), JEDEC MO-241, 2.5mm x 3.5mm