1. Two for three dollars(2个3刀)很多人第一次来到美国的超市买东西都会有同样的疑问,它上面写着Two for three dollars 那倒底可不可以只买一个呢?答案是可以的. 买一个会不会比较贵呢?其实一点也不会,如果Two for three dollars 那么买一个就是一块半啦. 但是在快餐店的情况又不同了,像麦当劳或Arby 常会有一些促销活动,如Arby 的2 Sub for 4 dollars, 这种情况就不能单买一个。
2. Buy one get one free(买一送一)这是美国常见的一种促销手法,小至日常用品,大至汽车都有buy one get one free 的优待. 但是由于是买一送一,所以拿二个跟拿一个的价钱是一样的,这跟上面所说的Two for three dollars 是不一样的。
3. Never buying beers without your pictured ID in hand(买啤酒要带pictured ID)美国的法律规定,凡是买酒精类的产品都是要看picture ID 的. (要达到法定年龄才能买酒) 而且各州甚至各郡的规定都不同. 有些地方是可以卖Liquor 的,有些地方则不行. 有些州有些很奇怪的规定,像是Georgia , 规定星期日不得卖酒,(怎么会有这种奇怪的规定) 我第一次不知道,星期日高高兴兴准备要去买了一箱啤酒准备去开party, 结果柜台人员居然不卖给我,还跟我说,Don't you know that? It's law!4. Bring your I.D to the bar, movies and when you write a check(去酒吧、电影院、写支票需要看ID)一般跳舞的酒吧都有年龄的限制,有些规定是18 岁,有些规定要21 岁. 像18 岁的地方,如果你年纪超过21 岁,他会发给你一个手环(bracelet),这表示你可以在里面买酒. 至于电影有些戏院会把普通级和限制级电影分区,没有I.D 的话,是不能进入的. 至于check, 一般我们较不习惯使用支票,但切记在使用支票时,人家也会要看你的I.D 的。
题目二:美国最受欢迎的体育项目是什么?答案:美国最受欢迎的体育项目是美式足球(American Football)。
题目三:美国最大的城市是哪个?答案:美国最大的城市是纽约市(New York City)。
题目四:美国最受欢迎的音乐风格是什么?答案:美国最受欢迎的音乐风格是流行音乐(Pop Music)。
题目六:美国最有名的电影奖项是什么?答案:美国最有名的电影奖项是奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Awards)。
题目七:美国最长的河流是什么?答案:美国最长的河流是密西西比河(Mississippi River)。
题目八:美国最高的建筑是哪座?答案:美国最高的建筑是纽约的自由女神像(Statue of Liberty)。
题目十:美国最受欢迎的旅游景点是哪里?答案:美国最受欢迎的旅游景点是大峡谷(Grand Canyon)。
剛來美國常有叫天天不靈, 叫地地不應的窘況. 高高興興地約了朋友星期天晚上去逛 Mall, 結果所有的店全都關門, 結果最後只能淪落到去逛 24 小時開放的WalMart. 拿著啤酒去結帳, 人家又說, "星期天不賣酒, 先生你不知道嗎?". 這老美到底在搞什麼飛機? 看看這篇生活小常識吧~~
9. Get your emission test for your car every odd year.
各州法律不同, 但應是大同小異, Georgia 的法律規定, 車子每二年要作一次 emission test, 收費是公定價 $25. 如果需要詳細的地點提供 emission test 的服務, Georgia 的居民可以到/這個網站查詢
12. Take advantage of the first courtesy.
所謂的 first courtesy 就是如果你是第一次犯錯, 你可以請求別人( 通常是銀行) 的原諒. 例如你支票跳票被銀行罰錢, 或是信用卡過了時間沒去繳, 被銀行罰錢, 甚至車子被吊.. 你都可以問看看有沒有 first courtesy 的政策. 每家銀行都不一樣, 有些有有些沒有, 如果有的話, 你可以為自己省下一筆可觀的罰金.
小笨霖 9/19
美國的法律規定, 凡是買酒精類的產品都是要看 picture ID 的. (要達到法定年齡才能買酒) 而且各州甚至各郡的規定都不同. 有些地方是可以賣 Liquor 的, 有些地方則不行. 有些州有些很奇怪的規定, 像是 Georgia , 規定星期日不得賣酒, (怎麼會有這種奇怪的規定) 我第一次不知道, 星期日高高興興準備要去買了一箱啤酒準備去開 party, 結果櫃台人員居然不賣給我, 還跟我說, Don't you know that? It's law!
2、美国宠物文化Hi guys. I’m Hank. Today I’ll tell you something about pets in the U.S. Culture. To Americans, pets are not just property, but a part of the family. After all, pets are people, too.嗨,伙计们,今天我来谈谈美国的宠物文化。
对美国人来说,宠物不仅仅是私人财产,更是家庭的一部分,也就是说,宠物也是“人”啊!2、山姆大叔Hi guys. I’m Hank. Today we'll talk about "The Uncle Sam”. In 1917, "I want you", the famous words, are used in the recruiting poster by James Flagg. This sets the image of Uncle Sam Firmly into American impressions.嗨,伙计们,我是汉克。
今天我们来谈谈山姆大叔,在1917年,詹姆斯弗朗哥在山姆大叔的形象中加入了“I want you”这行字来作为征兵海报,从此这一形象就深深的印入了美国人的脑海。
3、小费文化Hi guys. I’m Hank. Today we'll talk about Tipping Culture. Tipping is not mandatory in most of the U.S states, but it's expected in many circumstances for services, especially at almost all sit-down restaurant.嗨,伙计们,我是汉克。
美国移民生活五问五答 助您美国安家顺畅无忧
三、在美国租房该找谁帮忙和买房不同, 在美国租住房屋的过程和手续并不繁杂。
要租住公寓, 首先可浏览城市内服务华人社区的报纸及信息黄页, 查询相关租住信息, 也可登录美国知名的租住信息网站查询目的城市可供租住公寓的位置、价格及房屋平面图。
只需亲临或致电这些服务公司, 告诉他们你对于公寓的价位、地理位置及装璜方面的要求, 他们会打印出符合你租住标准的公寓清单供你选择, 让租客不用漫无目的的四处找房, 节省大量时间。
这些服务人员的服务费用大都来源于公寓的出租方, 所以对于租客来说服务都是免费的。
1.美国最小的国家公园只有一棵树,名叫“Tree Rock National Park”。
2. 世界上最古老的活体生物是一棵名为“希罗姆”(Methuselah)的柏树,已经有约4,800岁。
3. 美国国家气象局曾经计划用核弹头来改变飓风的路径。
4. 一些研究表明,长期处于夜班的人更容易患上癌症。
5. 南极大陆上有一座名为“智利比萨”的山峰,其形状像一块比萨饼。
6. 龟的耳朵位于它的下颚。
7. 美国的一项研究发现,听古典音乐可能会让蚊子远离。
8. 一个人的嗅觉可以分辨超过1万种气味。
9. 一只蜜蜂一生中只会制造出约1/12茶匙的蜂蜜。
10. 伦敦塔桥曾经被误解为伦敦塔的一部分,但其实它是一座独立的桥梁。
11. 绿色的苹果在熟透之前是黄色的。
12. 一些蜥蜴可以在没有水的情况下存活数月,因为它们可以吸收海绵状的水分。
- 1 -。
1.In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?The Puritans believed that governments should enforce God's morality. They strictly punished drunks, adulterers, violators of the Sabbath and other religious believers different from themselves. Roger Williams, one of the Puritans who protested that the state should not interfere with religion, was driven out of Massachusetts. In 1635, he set up Rhode Island colony, which guaranteed religious freedom and the separation of church and state. The Puritans also have left rich cultural heritage to future Americans. The American values such as individualism, hard work, respect of education owe very much to the Puritan beliefs.(1) The puritans hoped to build “a city upon hill‟- an ideal community. Since that time, Americans have viewed their country as a great experiment, a worthy model for other nation. This sense of mission has been very strong in the minds of many Americans.(2) New England also established another American tradition- a strain of often intolerant moralism. The puritans believed that governments should enforce god‟s morality. They strictly punished drunks, adulterers, violation of Sabbath and other religions believers different from themselves.(3) The puritans also have left rich cultural heritage to future Americans. The American values such as individualism, hard work, and respect of education owe very much to the puritan belief. (4) Thanksgiving has become one of the National holidays, which comes from white-Indian cooperation in New England.2.What were some of the causes of the American Revolution? Explain the Declaration ofIndependence.With the rapid growth of economy in North America, the American colonists were increasingly expected to separate themselves from British‟s oppression and exploitation. However, British only treated America as its material origin and commodity market and don‟t want to see its financial independence. The conflicts aggravated when the British began to impose heavy taxes upon sugar, coffee, textiles and other imported good after the French and Indian war, which would make local trading more difficult. What‟s worse, British citizens in the American colonies paid taxes but had no representatives in the British Parliament. So the colonists refused to obey the British law, and then British soldiers were sent to Boston to stamp out the revolt. In 1773, a group of patriots responded to the tea tax by staging the “Boston Tea Party”, which directly led to the revolution. The American Revolution lasted for 8 years from 1775 to 1783 and ended in American victory against the British.3.What are some of the major powers of each of the three branches of the US government? Howare the three branches supposed to check and balance each other?The legislative branch can make federal laws, levy federal taxes, declare war or put foreign treaties into effect. The centre of the executive branch is the president. The president can proposelegislation to Congress, can issue regulations and directives regarding the work of the federal government‟s many departments and agencies, can veto bills passed by Congress, appoint federal judges, the heads and senior officials of the executive branch agencies as well as ambassadors and other officials. He also is commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The judicial branch applies and explains the laws. Federal courts have jurisdiction over cases arising out of the Constitution, laws and treaties of the US; maritime case; issues involving foreign citizens or governments; and cases in which the federal government itself is a party. The Supreme Court determines whether congressional legislation or executive action violates the Constitution. The Supreme Court can declare a law passed by the Congress or an action by the President to be unconstitutional. The President can veto a law passed by Congress. Congress can pass a law overriding the President's veto. The President appoints Supreme Court justices. Congress can refuse to confirm appointments and ratify treaties made by the President.4.What are the two political powers in the United States? Do you think they are fundamentallydifferent?The Democratic Party and the Republican PartyThey are different in some specific policies, but they‟re not fundamentally different. (1) It is general considered that the Democratic Party is more liberal and more center-left; The Republican Party is more conservative and center-right. For example: in economic policies, the Democrats believe that the government should be active in alleviating poverty and social injustice, and it also supports progressive taxation and social service; the Republican Party places more emphasis on private enterprise and individual initiative, and it supports tax cuts. In social policies, the Democratic Party is divided on the subject of same-sex marriage and focus on methods crime prevention; The Republican Party, however, opposes the legislation of same sex marriage and favor capital punishment.(2)Despite those differences, they are not fundamentally different. Firstly, both of them advocate the basic American values like individualism and capitalism and are on behalf of the bourgeoisies. Secondly, both of them advocate the political party system. Neither of them wants to change this political system. Thirdly, the aims of both parties are the same. They all want to win the president election and to form a majority in the congress. In this regard, the two parties are tools for election. Finally, as new conservatism and new liberalism emerge in recent decades, the parties tend to be more and more alike in their ideology. They keep absorbing new ideals from each other which they think are beneficial to thewhole country. So, fundamentally speaking, they are the same.5.It is known to all that buying and selling stocks is a risky business. Why do you think thereare still so many people involved in it?In order to invest, individuals do not have to have a great deal of money: they can buy just a small portion of a business—called a share. The business of buying and selling shares in enterprises has become so big that offices have had to be set up where the selling of shares, or stock, can take place. These places, located in many cities in the United States and around the world, are called stock exchanges. The best-known is perhaps the New York Stock Exchange, located in the Wall Street area of New York City, the nation's largest city and a major business center.Firstly, the corporations can raise money for expanding businesses by selling stock. Besides, when people buy stock, they become part owner of the company. If the company makes a profit, they receive a share of it. Likewise, if the company losesmoney, the shareholders will not make a profit or the value of their shares will drop. If that happens, they lose money. In addition, high risky means high profit. So, people like involving in it.First, America has the economic freedom of capitalism, which many prefer to call free enterprise. And the stock trading practice was greatly increased in the vigorous free-market climate of the young United States. Second, in order to invest, individuals don‟t have to have a great deal of money; they can buy just a small portion of a business------called a share. So in general, individual stocks are rather low-priced, and many working Americans buy them in order to make a profit.6.What is the current economic situation in America? How did the Great Recession begin?What does is show?(1) In late 2007 the US economy suffered a severe recession. It was a crisis that began in America but soon turned global. Millions of people in America and all over the world lost their homes and jobs. It has resulted in the collapse of large financial institutions, and downturns in stock markets around the world,(2) Many economists believe that the problems are revealing defects in the free market system and US government financial policies.(3) Question the soundness of this country's economy and even the appropriate shape of a capitalist system.Severe economic crisisMillions of people in America and all over the world lost their jobs and homes because of the defects in the free market system and US g overnment‟s financial policies.The financial crisis was triggered by a liquidity shortfall in the US banking system. It has resulted in the collapse of large financial institutions, the bailout of banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets around the world. In many areas, the housing market has also suffered resulting in numerous evictions, foreclosures and prolonged vacancies.7.What promotes the diversity in American religion?1) The United States has always been a fertile ground for the growth of new religious movements. Frontier America provided plenty of room to set up a new church or found a new community.2) Many religious communities and secular utopias, or experiments in new forms of social living, were founded in 18th and 19th century America.3) Americans with different religions live together under the same law.4) The religious beliefs of Americans continue to be strong with social progress.5) In the United States every church is a completely independent organization, and concerned with its own finance and its own building.6) Continuous immigration.8.What are some of the features in religion that are particularly American? What are some of themajor differences between American religion and religion in Europe?First of all, Americans with different religions live together under the same law.Secondly, the religious beliefs of Americans continue to be strong with social progress.Thirdly, in the United States every church is a completely independent organization, and concerned with its own finance and its own building.Features of religion in American1) The freedom of religion and the separation of state and church are guaranteed in theconstitution.2) The religion beliefs of American continue to be strong with social progress3) In America, despite all the social and economic changes, religion has remained a constant factor.4) Every church is a completely independent organization and concerned with its own finance and its own building.5) There has been little concentration on doctrine or argument.Differences1) Many people believe that American religion comes from English. That is definitely wrong. American is built up by immigrants came from different continents, therefore, its culture and religion must be various than Europe. The major religion in American is Christianity. It includes Catholicism, Orthodox and Protestantism.2) With the development of science and economy and material prosperity, religious observance is declining in Europe, but in American, it has a strong trend of progression.3) Europeans are not going to church frequently now. For example, in England, just four fifths of the people go to church than less a month.However, in American, going to church is a necessary thing just like eating.4) Americans are enjoying more religious freedom than Europeans. They have a more strong desire about religion than Europeans.9.What is the goal of education in the United States? Discuss the similarities and differences inGreat Britain, the United States and China concerning the education.The goal is—and has been since the early decades of the republic—to achieve universal literacy and to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote both their own individual welfare as well as that of the general public. Though this goal has not yet been fully achieved, it remains an ideal toward which the American educational system is directed. The progress which has been made is notable both for its scope and for the educational methods which have been developed in the process of achieving it.The purpose of the British education system is to teach children practical skills and socialize them. Children learn practical skills, and the rules and values they need to become good citizens, to participate in the community, and to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy. The purpose of the Chinese education is to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society. In china, people think school is just about teaching children what are often called” the three R‟s---“reading, writing and …arithmetic”(reading, writing and arithmetic).10.What do you think some of the characteristics in education that are particularly American?A: A local matter: each of the 50 states in the United States has its own laws regulating education. From state to state, some laws are similar, others are not.B: Americans have a strong tendency to educate their children about major public concerns. Responding to public pressure, boards of education in different areas often add courses on various relevant issues to the elementary and secondary school curriculum.C: In the postwar world, American blacks and other minority groups demanded educational opportunities equal to those of whites.D: Schools were asked to help students ask their own questions about it. The “inquiry” method of learning, focusing on solving problems rather than memorizing facts, became popular.E: The 1944 “GI Bill of Rights” promised financial aid, including aid for higher education, to members of the armed forces after the end of WWII.F: US colleges and universities are also enrolling a higher percentage of non-traditional students--students who have worked for several years before starting college or students who go to school part-time while holding down a job.11.What were the major social movements of the 1960s? And what was the historical backgroundof the social movements of that decade?1、The Civil Rights Movement2、The Youth Anti-War Movement3、The Women's MovementAmerican Negroes experienced different lives in the South and outside the South of America. Young people resented traditional white male values in US society. Women experienced different lives during and after World War II. All these three kinds of people were dissatisfied with their lives.Many people who believed the government and the society were wrong joined one or more of the social movements. Black and white young people worked in all the movements, as did many middle-class white women and some men. Those who worked in the civil right movement included older, usually male, Negro leaders; black and white young people, some white professional men and women, and some white housewives.12.What are the basic characteristics of a social movement?A: People work together to change government policies and society.B: There must be one or more organizations (Structure) and people‟s act ions should come from themselves (Spontaneity).C: A social base of people who can communicate with each other about the same problem.D: A “message” or ideology that names a problem and shows how to solve it. E: The ability to spread the message and get more supporters.All in all, social movements need ideas for social change, collective action to make the change, and organization to direct the action and attract supporters.Or:What is a social movement? There are many definitions of “social movement”. One professor argues that “a social movement is a type of behavior in which a large number of participants consciously attempt to change existing institutions and establish a new order of life.” In other words, people work together to change government policies and society. ? Another professor says all social movements have two basic characteristics: “structure and spontaneity.”13.Draw analogies between the black revolution and the woman‟s movement. What commonassumptions do they share?The women activities were most in the civil rights and anti-war movements before. They believed the male leaders of these movements were discriminating against women in the movement just like White‟s discrimination against black men. They became known as the "women's liberation" group, or "women's lib", used radical tactics and received a great deal of bad publicity. This group found strong support among large numbers of young activists from other organizations.e examples from this text to support the author‟s argument that American society is astratified one, in which power, wealth and prestige are unequally distributed among the population.书P152~15415.Discuss the origins, development and current situation of the black-white relations in theUnited States.书P152~154。
1. 礼仪:在欧美社会,礼仪非常重要,例如要遵守餐桌礼仪、不要随地吐痰等。
2. 入乡随俗:在不同的国家和地区,人们的文化和习惯都有所不同,所以要尽可能地了解本地的文化和风俗,避免冒犯他人。
3. 沟通技巧:英语是欧美常用的语言,要尽可能学好英语,并且学会与本地人交流,讲话时要注意语调和表情。
4. 尊重他人隐私:在欧美,人们非常注重个人隐私,不要在公共场合大声讲电话或谈论别人的私人事务。
5. 节日习俗:欧美有许多不同的节日,例如圣诞节、复活节、感恩节等,了解当地的节日习俗,能帮助我们更好地融入当地社会。
6. 公共交通:欧美国家的公共交通比较发达,例如地铁、公交车和出租车等,可以方便我们出行。
7. 饮食:欧美国家的饮食文化多样,人们喜欢尝试不同的口味和食材。
8. 购物:在欧美购物,要留意价格和品质,不要被商家的宣传所欺骗。
9. 医疗保险:在欧美国家,医疗保险非常重要,如果需要就要及时购买。
10. 环保:欧美国家注重环保,不要随意乱扔垃圾、节约用水和用电等,以保护环境、促进可持续发展。
买东西结账之后要和他们说haveaniceday,也许他们说在你前头,那就说thankyou,youtoo 吧。
美国社会与文化知识问答1.What is the government of the US composed of?p312.the three branches can break and counteract the powers ofthe other two through a system of ____checks _____ and ___balances ________.3.Congress is composed of two houses: __the senate ____ and_____the house __of __representatives______.4.what requirement(s) for a Senator candidate?p325.请注意以下表述的中文: the Department of State国务院, theTreasury Department财政部, the Department of Justice司法部, the Department of the Interior,内政部the Department of Agriculture农业部, the Department of Larbor劳工部, the Department of Commerce商业部, the Department of Health and Human Services卫生与公众部, the Cabinet-level Department of Housing and Urban Development住房与城市发展部, the Department of Transportation交通运输部, the Department of Energy,能源部6.The judicial branch of the US government is the system of_______federal courts ________.7.The Supreme Court consists of one ______chiefjustice________ and eight______associate with __________.8.请注意以下表述的中文:make counterfeit money制造假币,imitate others’ trademarks模仿他人商标, the circuit court, 巡回法庭defendant, prosecutor, the court-martial; the first three articles provide a system of “checks and balances”. The purpose is prevent any of the three branches of government --- legislative, executive, and judicial --- from becoming too powerful; bipartisanship; different views often lead to bitter factional strife between liberals and conservatives;9.what contributed to the successes of American Economy?10.请注意以下表述的中文:internal tariffs, Puritan ethic,Protestant ethic, skilled artisans, regular insurance premiums, profit margins, fringe benefit11.____________________ persuaded Congress to establish aprotective tariff?12.the second development of American economy was the___________________, which originated in ____firearms____ industry___________ about 1800.13.its third development was the application of __newtechnologies______________ to _______industrial___ tasks________.14.its fourth development was the emergency of ____n ew formsof business ______organization________, notably ____the bank_________ and ______corporation_________.15.___John__Adams the new president_________ ordered thegovernment to be transferred from Philadelphia to the permanent capital, Washington, D.C.16._________New York_________ is the headquarters of theUN.17.Wall Street is a famous place of ____NewYork________________ (city name).18.______Chicago___________ is called the “Great Cente rMarket of the U.S.”since where farm products and manufactured goods are often exported.19.the American historical things closely associated withBoston: _ The Boston__Massacre__, __The Boston Tea Party___, ___The fight at Concord and Lexington __ and ___T he Battle of Bunker Hill______________.20.Philadelphia has long been a major center of __________,_______________, _______________ and _____________.21.the fifth largest in the US, ____________ is also the sitefor NASA.22._____________ is named the famous “Motor City”.23.请注意以下表述的中文:the Pentagon , theAmerican armed forces ,; New York City is the show-window of and a gateway to the U.S. ; boroughs;metropolitan area,24.请大家注意scenic spots章节将全部以翻译的形式出现。
美国人最常用的25个英语口语问答1. How are you doing?(你好吗?)2. I'm doing great。
)3. What's up?(出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?)4. Nothing special。
)5. Hi. Long time no see。
)6. So far so good。
)7. Things couldn't be better。
)8. How about yourself?(你自己呢?)9. Today is a great day。
)10. Are you making progress?(有进展吗?)11. May I have your name, please?(请问尊姓大名?)12. I've heard so much about you。
)13. I hope you're enjoying your staying here。
)14. Let's get together again。
)15. That's a great idea!(好主意!)16. Please say hello to your mother for me。
)17. I'm glad to have met you。
)18. Don't forget us。
)19. Keep in touch。
)20. I had a wonderful time here。
)21. Have a nice weekend。
)22. Same to you。
11.What is the essence of the Protestant heritage?The value of self-improvement is the essence of the Protestant heritage, self-improvement includes the achievement of material success, hard work, self-discipline and improving oneself by helping others.12.How does business competition reinforce other basic American values?Business competition protects the freedom of the individual by ensuring that there is no monopoly of power. Competition in business is also believed to strengthen the ideal of equality of opportunity. Business competition is also seen by most Americans as encouraging hard work.13.List three American wedding customs.Before the wedding, American people will hold a party to have fun or relax themselves and the party means “say goodbye to the single life”,The wedding often is held in the church or some other quiet places.After the wedding, the couple will choose a good place as the honeymoon to start their happy journey.14.What are the three branches of the federal government and their responsibilities?Congress, the legi slative or lawmaking branch of the government.The president, or chief executive, heads the executive branch, which has responsibility to carry out the law.The Supreme Court and lower national courts make up the judicial branch. The judicial branch settles disputes of the exact meaning of the law through court cases. It both interprets the law and determine whether the law is constitutional. 15.Why do some people de scribe American culture as a “salad bowl”?The salad bowl concept suggests that the integration of the many different cultures of United States residents combine like a salad. In the salad bowl model, various American cultures are juxtaposed---like salad ingredients ---but don’t merge together into a single culture. Each culture keeps its own distinct qualities.16.What are the characteristics of the dominant American culture?17.What are the three values that are traditionally associated with the frontierheritage?Individualism, self-reliance, and equality of opportunity have perhaps been the values most closely associated with the frontier heritage of America.18.What could be the qualities of a “well-rounded” student under Americaneducation system?American students are encouraged to ask questions, think for themselves, and express their opinions in class, a reflection of the American values of the individual freedom and self-reliance. They know how to learn and how to help themselves reach their maximum potential.19.Why did the American Constitution adopt the policy of “separation of church andstate”?20.How do you understand the saying “What’s above the ground is more importantthan what is beneath the ground?”Frontier people were fond of saying this, because so little attention was paid to a person’s family background, the frontier offered a new beginning for many Americans who were seeking opportunities to advance themselves.21.What are the major differences between public schools and private schools?In American,there are more public elementary and secondary schools that private ones, while private colleges and universities outnumber public ones. Public schools are supported by American taxpayers. 90%of American students attend public schools. Private schools are run by churches, synagogues and other religious groups. The other 10% attend private schools and pay special attendance fee. Religious teaching is a part of the curriculum.22.How does business competition reinforce other basic American values?23.What are three American engagement customs?24.What are the two major political parties in the United States? What is the maindifference in their beliefs?Democratic Party and Republican PartyDemocratic Party is a more liberal party. Democrats believe the Federal government and the state government should be active in providing social and economic programs to those who need them, such as the poor, the unemployed students who need money to go to college.Republican Party is more conservative. They place more emphasis on private enterprise and often accuse the Democrats of making the government too expensive and creating too many laws that harm individual initiative.25.Why do some people describe American culture as a “salad bowl”?26.What are the characteristics of the dominant American culture?。
下面的问题都是以往的同学在来美国之前问的, 我尽量概括一些比较重要的. 如果你们看了以后还有其他的问题, 欢迎给我发邮件.Q: 我准备带我的双币卡, 那么到了美国我还需要开银行帐户么?A: 我建议还是开, 你可以把带过来的现金存在这边的银行里, 有需要的时候也可以让父母给你电汇. 当你以后工作了, 你的工资可以直接打入银行里. 你的公司是一定不会把钱打到你的双币卡的. 大部分双币卡都有手续费, 我建议带着可以在紧急情况时使用.请注意: 在美国无论那里开的银行卡都是全美通用的, 不存在异地取款等的收费. 不过如果你在A银行开的卡, 到B银行的提款机取钱, 那么是要被收费的.* 1月17日的下午会有银行来到学校帮你们开户.并且是会说中文的.Q: 我办了国际漫游, 那么还需要在美国办个电话么?A: 国际漫游也许方便你跟国内的家人和朋友之间的沟通, 但你在美国要生活一年, 办个这边的是很必要的. 你打算让你在这边认识的人都给你打国际长途吗? 可以, 但估计没人会找你了. 我听说淘宝上有卖美国电话公司的sim卡. 以前有些同学是这样做的. 大部分都是来了美国以后才去办的,都是很方便的事情.请注意, 在美国无论那个电话公司, 打电话和发短信都是双向收费的. 但你可以办套餐, 详细可以咨询电话公司.Q: 我可以买iPhone 4s么?A: 可以在苹果买裸机. 既然你要用iphone,就需要考虑你每个月电话费的问题. 不带上网套餐,你的电话发挥不了, 带上网套餐每月话费也不少. 自己衡量吧.Q: 怎样打电话回国?A: 你可以在超市或者在网上买IP电话卡. 用你的办的手机大打. 也可以办手机的国际长途套餐, 但请确保你明白他们的收费方式和条款.Q: 上学坐公车, 可以买套票吗?A: 你可以在办理学生卡以后在学校购买Semester Pass, 从一月到五月都可以使用.Q: 我们可以在上学的其间在美国打工吗?A: 国际学生都不允许在学校以外打工. 如果被抓住了是要被马上遣返回国的.学校里面的, 我不建议你们去做. 钱赚不了多少, 可以学习的也没有什么, 耽误了你的课程还累了自己. 加上你们是刚到美国的学生, 各方面都不熟悉不了解. 还是争取更多的机会享受在这边的日子计较理智.Q: 我可以买隐形眼镜吗?A: 在美国配眼镜和隐形眼镜都需要这边医生的处方, 建议在国内准备好. 隐形眼镜的水在这边是可以买的.Q: 需要在国内先检查牙齿吗?A: 是的. 由于你们的医疗保险不包括牙科,而且在美国看牙的费用很高, 所以建议在国内找信的过的牙科做预防检查.Q: 我的手机能否带过来用?A: 一般三频及四频的手机都没有问题, 特别是大厂的. 如果你的手机是国产的, 那么很有可能是用不了. 在这边办手机的时候都可以用比较便宜的价格换购一支手机,但当然不会是最新的型号了.Q: 我很怕晒, 怎么办?A: 在圣地亚哥你是躲不了阳光的. 以前的同学都会把伞带来挡, 然后发现自己是街上唯一一个打伞的, 也就放弃了. 如果美白对你来说很重要, 那么你们需要做好心理准备. 不过你们很快就不会在意的了.Q: 我觉得我的英文不好, 怎么办?A: 首先, 不要害怕. 别人说话的时候要用心去听, 如果不懂就多问, 请别人说慢一点. 平常多找机会说英文, 多参加国际学生或美国学生举办的活动. 有语言环境自然就会进步.Q: 有华人超市吗?A: 有的. 但不在学校的附近.以后认识多一点朋友, 都可以摆脱别人带你去. 有些寄宿家庭也会带你们去的.Q: 我可以考加州的驾照么?A: 可以. 有一些地方允许25岁以下的人租车, 你们需要的时候也可以租个车到处去玩.。
所以说,学语言的最高境界不是掌握了它的表达形式,而是习得语言背后的文化思想!那么学英语学到现在,乃对美国文化究竟了解了多少?问题一:What do you think is an American way to show friendship? 你认为美国人是如何表现友情的呢?有些童鞋想,这种问题到谷歌里搜一下不就行了,那么我们来看看大家都搜到了怎样的答案捏?、在一个名为"List of Best Ways to show Friendship"的榜单中,排名首位的竟然是少儿不宜内容(大家懂的吧= =),这叫人情何以堪。
别以为谷歌一下就有正确答案了啊!谷歌也有胡说八道让人想哭的时候啊!答案:In the US people usually build up friendship through things like spending time together and making caring phone calls. 其实美国人民也就是通过共度良辰、致电问候等方式建立起友谊的啦。
问题二:What would most American girls probably think of a good-looking guy who slips her his phone number at a restaurant? 饭店里,如果一个帅锅装模作样把自己的电话号码扔给美国女孩子,美国女孩会咋想?让偶来猜测一下,你的回答很可能素这样的:美国女孩会想帅锅是不是看上自个儿了,是不是请自己约会来着……好吧,这个答案只是我们合理的逻辑推理,请深入到思想态度上,你觉得美国女孩会对这个帅锅有啥看法?他很酷?别以为你可以轻而易举猜透美国人民的思想,人家的想法终究与咱不一样,答案或许会让你大跌眼镜的说~~答案:Girls would probably think he's a loser because he doesn't even have the courage to make conversation with the girl. 美国女孩会觉得这个帅锅很失败,竟然连跟女孩子说话的勇气都米有!问题三:Supposed you're shopping for clothes with an American friend. She's trying on a dress which is a bit too tight. How can you tell her the truth without hurting her feelings?假设你跟一个美国朋友一起买衣服,她试了条裙子但是太紧了,你要怎么跟她说才既没有骗她又不会戳痛她?这个问题很现实吧,你绝对遇得上吧,处理不好会难堪的吧!别以为说一句“朋友之间应该坦诚相对”这样漂亮的话就解决问题了,说实话是没错,但是要注意说话方式,要是一不小心用了不该用的词,也许人家表面还对你露出阳光般的微笑,内心早就如千里冰封,脑内着如何把你千刀万剐了。
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问题一:What do you think is an American way to show friendship? 你认为美国人是如何表现友情的呢?
有些童鞋想,这种问题到谷歌里搜一下不就行了,那么我们来看看大家都搜到了怎样的答案捏?、在一个名为"List of Best Ways to show Friendship"的榜单中,排名首位的竟然是少儿不宜内容(大家懂的吧= =),这叫人情何以堪。
答案:In the US people usually build up friendship through things like spending time together and making caring phone calls. 其实美国人民也就是通过共度良辰、致电问候等方式建立起友谊的啦。
问题二:What would most American girls probably think of a good-looking guy who slips her his phone number at a restaurant? 饭店里,如果一个帅锅装模作样把自己的电话号码扔给美国女孩子,美国女孩会咋想?
答案:Girls would probably think he's a loser because he doesn't even have the courage to make conversation with the girl. 美国女孩会觉得这个帅锅很失败,竟然连跟女孩子说话的勇气都米有!
问题三:Supposed you're shopping for clothes with an American friend. She's trying on a dress which is a bit too tight. How can you tell her the truth without hurting her feelings?假设你跟一个美国朋友一起买衣服,她试了条裙子但是太紧了,你要怎么跟她说才既没有骗她又不会戳痛她?
答案:There are some words we should avoid using when commenting in this situation. Words like "fat", "ugly" are considered to be rude. We could say things like "The dress hits you in the wrong places." "fat""ugly"神马的太粗鲁了,这种场合下千万不要用。
我们可以说"The dress hits you in the wrong places."(要表达衣服完全合身可以说"The dress hits you in all the right places.")