Section H
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Deparment 课 2.2.2 all the returns must be done before inventory and any broken goods must be thrown away after recording before the physical inventory. 所有的退货最迟须于盘点前退出,不可退货之损坏商品须与盘点前登录后丢弃。 2.2.3 department heads must make sure all the items which in the store and storage have been listed in the computer. (item list by structure) 课长必须确定所有在店内,仓库及外仓之商品都已列入单品表中。 2.2.4 department heads must check the cost of each item if the same with the last purchase price, and also check selling price in the store. 各课课长必须检查电脑中所有单品之成本是否与最后一次进价相同并检查单品之 售价。 2.2.5 print-out item list by structure and item list by structure. (reference) 列印单品表及单品参考表。 2.2.6 general principle for inventory taking is “one item; one place”, but for two exceptional situations as follows, it is possible to have two places for 1 item and to add one inventory card for them. 1. T.G 2. outside storage 原则上盘点时,同一商品应置于同一处所。但有下列情形时,得加一张盘点卡: 1 有促销台 2 有外仓时
现代官衔职称的翻译1正职头衔翻译法1)用Chief表示的职衔总司令COmmander-in-chief总编辑EditOr-in-chief总参谋长Chief of General Staff总工程师Chief Engineer总会计师Chief ACCOUnt总建筑师Chief ArChiteCt总裁判Chief Referee图书馆馆长Chief Librarian首席法官Chief JUdge检察长Chief PrOCUratOr (PrOCUratOr ate 检察院)总裁/ 首席执行官Chief EXeCUtiVe OffiCer (CEo)首席财务官Chief FinanCiaI OffiCer (CFO)首席记者Chief COrreSPOndent首席谈判代表Chief NegOtiatOr部MiniStry司厅/ 局/处/科长Chief/Head of the DePartment/Bureau/DiViSion/SeCtiOn县/ 区/ 乡/ 镇长COUntry/District/TOWnShiP/Town Chief/Head 2)用general表示的职衔总书记General Seeretary检察长Procurator-general审计长Auditor-general秘书长Seeretary-general总领事Consul-general (consulate 领事馆/ambassador 大使/embassy 大使馆)总经理GeneraI Manager3)用head来表示的职衔总教练Head Coach总厨Head Chef护士长Head NUrSe村长Village Head列车长Head Of a Train CreW4)用PreSident表示的职衔国家主席PreSident中国科学院院长PreSident Of the ChineSe ACademy of SCienCe最高人民法院院长PreSident of the SUPreme People ' COUrt(大学)校长PreSident中国人民银行行长PreSident/Governor of the ChineSe People ' Bank协会/ 学会/ 理事会会长PreSident of an association/SOCiety/council5)用Chairman 表示的职衔人大常委会委员长NPC Chairman政治协商会议主席CPPCC Chairman中央军委主席Chairman Of the Central Military CommiSSion政党主席Chairman of a Political Party公司董事长Chairman of the Board of DireCtOrS大学系主任Chairman/Dean/Head of a department6) 用director表示的职衔总政治部主任DireCtOr of the GeneraI Political DePartment 办公厅主任DireCtOr of the GeneraI OffiCe亚洲司司长DireCtOr of the DePartment of ASian AffairS 人民日报社社长DireCtOr of the People 'Daily编译局局长DireCtOr of the Compilation and TranSlationBUreaU研究所所长DireCtOr of a research inStitute博物馆馆长DireCtOr of a muSeumT)用COmmiSSiOner 表示的职衔行/公署专员COmmiSSiOner自治州州长COmmiSSiOner公安局局长Police COmmiSSiOner8) 用COmmander 表示的职衔执行主席EXeCUtiVe Chairman行政/ 执行秘书EXeCUtiVe SeCretary9) 用SeniOr表示的职衔高级工程师SeniOr Engineer高级编辑SeniOr EditOr高级讲师Senior LeCtUrer10)用executive表示的职衔执行主席EXeCUtiVe Chairman执行秘书EXeCUtiVe SeCretary11)其他总理Premier (中);Prime MiniSter国务委员State COUnCilor (State COUnCiI 国务院)部长MiniSter省长PrOVinCiaI GOVernOr顾问AdViSOr2副职头衔翻译法1)与前缀ViCe 搭配的头衔(PreSident, Premier , Chairman, minister,governor …)副主席ViCe Chairman副总理ViCe Premier副部长ViCe MiniSter副领事ViCe Consul副省长ViCe GOVernOr副校长ViCe PrinCiPaI2)与前缀DePUty 搭配的职衔(chief, head, mayor , director)副市长DePUty/Vice Mayor畐U书记DePUty SeCretary畐U秘书长DePUty SeCretary-general副检察长DePUty Chief PrOCUratOr副参谋长DePUty Chief Of Staff副处/ 科长DePUty DiViSion/SeCtiOn Chief3)与前缀ASSOCiate搭配的职衔副教授ASSOCiate PrOfeSSOr畐U研究员ASSOCiate ReSearCh Fellow3兼”代理”名誉”的翻译方法1)兼"的翻译方法:在主职和兼职之间加上and COnCUrrentIy上海市委书记兼市长Party SeCretary and COnCUrrentIy Mayor of Shanghai 2)代理"用acting代主席ACting PreSident3)名誉"有时用honorary ,有时用emeritus (荣誉退休的)名誉主席Honorary Chairma n名誉校长EmeritUS PreSident中国古代官职1品到5品翻译一品丞相the Prime Minister相国the Premier大司马Great Minister Of War大将军Great General大都督Commander in Chief 太尉Grand Commandant 太傅Grand PreCePtOr 大司空Great Minister of PUbIiC Works 大司徒the Chief Minister of the Interior 二品骠骑将军General of the Flying CaVaIry 车骑将军General of ChariOtS and CaVaIry 镇东大将军Great General Who GUardS the EaSt 镇南大将军Great General Who GUardS the South 镇西大将军Great General Who GUardS the WeSt 镇北大将军Great General Who GUardS the North 征东大将军Great General Who ASSaiIS the EaSt 征南大将军Great General Who ASSaiIS the South 征西大将军Great General Who ASSaiIS the WeSt 征北大将军Great General Who ASSaiIS the North 光禄大夫ImPeriaI Minister of State 卫将军General of MartiaI Might 中军大将军Great General of the Central Army 上军大将军Great General of the UPPer Army三品光禄勋Chief of PaIaCe Administration 太常MaSter of Ceremony 尚书令Chief of SeCretariat 执金吾Chief of the CaPitaI GUard 安东将军General Who StabiIiZeS the EaSt 安南将军General Who StabiIiZeS the South 安西将军General Who StabiIiZeS the WeSt 安北将军General Who StabiIiZeS the North 平北将军General Who PaCifieS the North 平东将军General Who PaCifieS the EaSt 平南将军General Who PaCifieS the South 平西将军General Who PaCifieS the WeSt 前将军General of the FOrWard Army 后将军General of the Rear左将军General Of the Left右将军General of the Right中领军Commandant of the Central Army四品御史中丞ImPeriaI Minister中坚将军General Who is the Core of the Army骁骑将军General of Valia nt CaVaIry游击将军General of Guerrilla Warfare积弩将军General in Charge of the PrOdUCtiOn Of CrOSSbOWS积射将军General in Charge of the PrOdUCtiOn of Bows城门校尉Commander Who GUardS Gate典军中郎将Chief ImPeriaI Corps Commander积弩都尉Commandant in Charge of the PrOdUCtion Of CrOSSbOWS持节都尉Commandant Who Holds Tallies副军中郎将DePUty ImPeriaI Corps Commander典铠都尉Commandant in Charge of Amors抚军中郎将ImPeriaI Corps Comma nder Who UPIiftS the Army 武卫中郎将ImPeriaI Corps Commander of the MiIitary GUard五品符节令OffiCer in Charge of Tallies鹰扬将军General Who DiSPIayS Owl ' Might折冲将军General Who OPPreSSeS the Enemy With FerOCity 伏波将军General Who OVerCOmeS AdVerSity破虏将军General Who Eliminates Barbarians横海将军General Who CrOSSeS the OCean楼船将军General in Charge of NaVy复土将军General Who ReStOreS TerritOry牙门将军GarriSOn Commander偏将军ASSiStant General裨将军DePUty General。
1.2对象文件1.2.1 介绍本部分描述了ABI对象文件格式,也称之为ELF。
有三种主要类型的对象文件:1. 可重组(relocatable)文件包含了适合用来链接其他对象文件的代码和数据,从而创建出可执行或可共享的对象文件;2. 可执行(executable)文件包含了用于执行的程序,该文件规定了exec如何创建一个程序的进程映像;3. 可共享对象(shared object)文件包含了用来在两个上下文之间链接的代码和数据。
后一部分也描述了对象文件,集中在程序执行所必须的信息上。 文件格式在程序链接和程序执行过程都涉及到对象文件。
ELF header位于文件的开始处,其用来描述文件的组织结构。
如果存在Program Header table的话,其将告诉操作系统如何创建进程映像。
用来创建进程映像(执行程序)的文件必须包含program header table。
JOB DESCRIPTION 工作描述Position 职位: HV AC Section Head空调主管Division 主管部门: ENG 工程部Job Category 职别: 1Immediate Super 上级: Chief Engineer 总工Effective Date 生效日期: Department 部门: ENG 工程部Section 分部门: ENG工程部Dept No. 部门编号:MAJOR FUNCTION 主要功能:Ensure the refrigeration system of air-conditioning is in proper working conditions.确保空调制冷系统正常运作。
MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES 责任概要:In charge of the air-conditioning and mechanical sections. Assist Chief Engineer and Director of Engineering; assign tasks for Air-con & Mechanical Supervisors. Ensure all concerned works are carried out smoothly and efficiently.负责所有相关空调机安装,检修,维护等工作。
SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任务:1. Assist and provide support to the D.O.E & C.E to ensure progress of the project andproject quality.为工程总监及总工程师提供工作支持,确保工程进度及质量。
2. Analyses Engineering materials and prepare progress report.分析工程用材料及准备进度报告。
我国正职头衔通常以“总……”,“首席……”,“……长”,“……主席”,“主任”等,一般用chief, general, head, president, chairman, director, commissioner, commander, executive, senior等词。
请参考以下:1.用chief表达:总司令/总指挥-Commander-in-Chief总编辑-Editor-in-Chief总参谋长-Chief of General Staff总工程师-Chief Engineer总会计师-Chief Account总建筑师-Chief Architect图书馆馆长-Chief Librarian总裁判-Chief Referee首席法官/审判长-Chief Judge检察长-Chief Procurator(也可Procurator-general)首席记者-Chief Correspondent首席谈判代表-Chief Negotiator司/厅/局/处/科长-Chief/Head of the Department/Bureau/Division/Section县/区/乡/镇长-County/District/Township/Town Chief/Head2. 用general表达:总书记-General Secretary秘书长-Secretary-general审计长-Auditor-general总领事-Consul-general总监(政府机构)-Inspector-general/Chief Inspector (企业里一般用“Director")3.用head表达总教练-Head Coach总厨-Head Chef护士长-Head Nurse村长-Village Head列车长-Head of a train crew代表团团长-Head of a delegation4.用president表达中国科学院院长-President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences最高人民法院-President of the Higher People’s Court特别法庭庭长-President of a special court北京大学校长-President of Beijing University中国人民银行行长-President/Governor of the Chinese People’s Bank协会/学会/理事会会长-President of an association/society/council5.用chairman表达人大常委会委员长-NPC Chairman政协主席-CPPCC Chairman中央军事委员会主席-Chairman of the Central Military Commission政党主席-Chairman of a political party(注:国家主席应该用president)公司董事长-Chairman of the Board of Directors大学系主任-Chairman/Dean/Head of a department6.用director表达大多的“主任”一词表达采用该词亚洲司司长-Director of the department of Asian Affairs人民日报社社长-Director of the People’s Daily编译局局长-Director of the Compilation and Translation Bureau研究所所长-Director of an Research Institute博物馆馆长-Director of a Museum医院院长-Director/President of a hospital美国学中心主任-Director of the American Studies Center7.用commissioner表达行/公署专员-commissioner自治州州长-commissioner公安局局长-Police Commissioner。
土木工程师 文书打字兼秘书
Computer Engineer
Deputy General Manager
Electrical Engineer Engineering Technician
English Instructor/Teacher Executive Secretary Export Business Rep. Export Sales Manager Export Sales Staff
用head 表示的头衔
村长 Village Head
列车长 Head of a Train Crew
代表团团长 Head of a delegation
(4)用president 表示的头衔
国家主席 President 中国科学院院长 President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 最高人民法院院长 President of the Higher People’s Court
Administrative Clerk
Advertising Staff
Assistant Manager Assistant Production Manager
副经理/经理助理 副厂长
Business Controller
Business Manager Buyer
Accountant Accounting Manager Accounting Supervisor Administration Manager
SGS面料检验操作规检验前1.在公司进行资料的审核从Section.Head 处得到全部相关资料和样板,审核资料,如有疑问要与Section.Head澄清,离开前带上资料以与必备的检验工具。
2.工作现场验货前的准备工作-- 穿好制服、带上胸卡。
-- 同工厂负责人或代理人联系,递交公司廉正通知,简述工作流程。
-- 要求工厂提供实际装箱单或码单。
-- 要求工厂提供包装资料等等。
抽检时对于色差缸号(Dye Lot)的要求:注意:如果工厂已经把色差缸号在码单上注明,则检验员必须抽到所有的缸号并比较颜色,如果缸号数多于抽检的卷数,检验员必须抽出所有的缸号卷数并对不检验布面质量的布卷抽取匹头样进行颜色的比较。
[中英文对照]职衔职称 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
食品伙伴网 (2005-04-10) 进入论坛
立法机关 LEGISLATURE 中华人民共和国主席/副主席 President/Vice President, the People’s Republic of China 全国人大委员长/副委员长 Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People’s Congress 秘书长 Secretary-General 主任委员 Chairman 委员 Member (地方人大)主任 Chairman, Local People’s Congress 人大代表 Deputy to the People’s Congress 政府机构 GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION 国务院总理 Premier, State Council 国务委员 State Councilor 秘书长 Secretary-General (国务院各委员会)主任 Minister in Charge of Commission for (国务院各部)部长 Minister 部长助理 Assistant Minister 司长 Director 局长 Director 省长 Governor 常务副省长 Executive Vice Governor 自治区人民政府主席 Chairman, Autonomous Regional People’s Government 地区专员 Commissioner, prefecture 香港特别行政区行政长官 Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 市长/副市长 Mayor/Vice Mayor 区长 Chief Executive, District Government 县长 Chief Executive, County Government
QRA Lab section Head工作职责
QRA Lab section Head工作职责QRA Lab section Head(质量风险分析实验室负责人)在公司中扮演着至关重要的角色,主要负责实验室的核心任务,管理和监督实验室的工作进展,保证实验室的工作质量和效率。
以下是QRA Lab section Head的详细职责。
1. 实验室管理:作为QRA Lab section Head,首先需要管理实验室的日常运营,包括人员、设备、资金和材料的管理,确保实验室的正常工作和运营。
2. 工作计划:QRA Lab section Head需要制定科学合理的工作计划和项目时间表,以确保项目按计划推进。
3. 招聘和培训员工:QRA Lab section Head需要与人力资源部门紧密合作,参与实验室人员的招聘、培训和评估工作。
4. 收集信息:QRA Lab section Head需要定期收集、分析和评估与实验室工作相关的信息和数据,以确保实验室的工作质量和可持续发展。
5. 质量控制:QRA Lab section Head需要制定优秀的质量控制标准和标准操作程序(SOP),确保实验室的工作质量和有效性。
在公司中,QRA Lab section Head的职责可以有所变化,但他们的工作都是为了保证实验室的高效运营和高水平的质量风险分析。
因此,QRA Lab section Head拥有各种技能,例如领导力、决策力、沟通能力和计划能力等,这些都是确保实验室正确运营的不可或缺的能力。
section和div的区别section和div的区别篇(1):div、section、article的区别和使用div、section、article 的区别和使用,有需要的朋友可以参考下。
sectionh1文章章节小标题/h1p 文章章节内容/p/section(3)article:表示独立的自包含内容,如:一篇文章。
文章中可包含标题、内容、脚注articleheaderh1文章标题/h1/headerp文章内容/p/article2、示例articleheaderh1文章标题/h1ptime datetime="2014-03-28"发表时间/time/p/headerp文章正文/psectionh2文章评论/h2articleheaderh3发表者:lanyf/h3ptimedatetime="2014-03-28"10:13/time/p/headerp评论内容/p/article/section/article注:1、header:定义文档的页面(介绍信息),如文章标题,发表时间2、article和section是可以嵌套使用的3、为什么在section中可以嵌套使用article,拿示例中的代码来解释(1)评论是文章的一个节,所以使用section(2)而每一个用户的评论是相对独立的内容,所以每一个用户的评论用articlesection和div的区别篇(2):HTML5中div、article、section的区别及使用介绍点评:div, section article这三个标签的基本概念想必大家对其不是很了解下,语义是从无到有,逐渐增强,下面有一个简单的网页,供大家参考,希望可以对html5的结构有所熟悉最近正在学习html5,刚接触html5,感觉有点不适应,因为有一些标签改变了,特别是div, section article这三个标签,查了一些资料,也试着用html5和css3布局网页,稍微有点头绪了,下边还有一个我刚刚布局好的一个简单的网页,供大家参考,先看一下,最起码心里对html5的结构有些概念。
JOB DESCRIPTION 工作描述Position 职位: Decoration Section Head 装饰主管Division 主管部门: ENG工程部Job Category 职别: 1Immediate Super 上级: Chief Engineer总工程师Effective Date 生效日期: Department 部门: ENG工程部Section 分部门: ENG工程部Dept No. 部门编号:MAJOR FUNCTION 主要功能:Promise equipments system work safely.保证所属设备系统的安全运行。
MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES 责任概要:Lead the associates to complete work sheets and do maintain work everyday.带领员工完成工单和日常维修保养工作。
SPECIFIC DUTIES 工作任务:1. Responsible for maintenance of whole guest rooms, restaurant, public area (the decoration, furniture, carpet, tile, marble, wallpaper, road.) and building.负责全酒店客房、餐厅和公共区域(包括装饰品、家俱、地毯、地砖、大理石、墙纸、道路)和建筑物的维修保养。
2. Responsible for face-lifting for the guest room, restaurant and public area.负责客房、餐厅、公共区域装修的翻新。
3. Responsible for making wooden vessel, furniture etc. new product.负责制作木器,家俱等新品。
section在html中的用法【最新版】目录1.HTML 中的 section 元素2.section 元素的用途和特点3.使用 section 元素的注意事项4.示例:如何在 HTML 中使用 section 元素正文在 HTML 中,section 元素是一种用于定义文档中的节的元素。
所谓“节”,就是指 HTML 文档中的一个独立区域,通常包含一组相关的内容。
section 元素可以用来创建文章、页面、区域等,是一个非常灵活的元素。
section 元素的用途和特点section 元素主要用于以下场景:1.创建独立的内容区域:section 元素可以用来创建独立的内容区域,以便更好地组织 HTML 文档。
每个 section 元素都可以包含一组相关的内容,这些内容通常是围绕一个主题或一个目的的。
2.增加文档的可读性:section 元素可以帮助作者创建更具有可读性的文档。
通过使用 section 元素,作者可以将文档划分为不同的部分,从而使读者更容易理解文档的内容和结构。
3.提高文档的 SEO 效果:section 元素还可以帮助作者提高文档的SEO 效果。
因为 section 元素可以包含关键词和描述,这些关键词和描述可以被搜索引擎识别,从而提高文档在搜索结果中的排名。
使用 section 元素的注意事项在使用 section 元素时,需要注意以下几点:1.每个 section 元素都应该包含一组相关的内容,这些内容应该围绕一个主题或一个目的。
2.section 元素不应该用于定义 HTML 文档的结构。
HTML 文档的结构应该由 html 元素、head 元素和 body 元素来定义。
3.section 元素不应该用于定义文档的样式。
section 元素只用于定义文档的结构和内容。
示例:如何在 HTML 中使用 section 元素下面是一个示例,展示了如何在 HTML 中使用 section 元素:```html<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>HTML 中的 section 元素</title></head><body><section><h1>第一节:HTML 基础</h1><p>在这一节中,我们将学习 HTML 的基本语法和结构。
但是,这些主页制作工具对于主题部分去没有一个很好的办法(建议DW和Fp加个插件),所以需要了解一些平时制作工具生成不了或生成不全的东西!一、Head元素Meta 它记录当前页面的信息,例如字符编码、作者、版权和关键字等。
Attribute 指定Meta标签是否包含Name (页面描述信息)或HTTP Equiv (HTTP标题信息)。
还可以指定其它任意值,如:creationdate(创建日期) 、documen t ID(文档编号)和level(等级)等。
Keywords 许多流行的搜索引擎可自动阅读Meta标签中的Keywords内容,并使用该信息在其数据库中建立对该页面的索引。
Description 与Keywords具有相似的功能。
ET_EXEC 2 Executable
ET_DYN 3 Shared
ET_CORE 4 Core
ET_LOPROC 0xff00 Processor-specific
ET_HIPROC 0xffff Processor-specific section header table?特殊的section index
某些section header table index是保留的,对象文件中的section不应该占用这些特殊index。
SHN_UNDEF 该值标明了一个没有定义的、丢失的、或者没有意义的section引用,例如,一个“已经定义了”的符号引用了SHN_UNDEF section序号的,则该符号实际被当作为未定义符号。
如果存在Program Header table的话,其将告诉操作系统如何创建进程映像。用来创建进程映像(执行程序)的文件必须包含program header table。可重组(relocatable)文件可以没有该信息。Section header table包含了用来描述文件section的信息。每个section在该表中都有一个对应的表项,每个表项给出了诸如section名称、尺寸等等信息。用于链接的文件必须有section header table,其他的对象文件可有可无。
e_phoff 该成员包含了program header table的文件偏移地址(按字节),如果该文件没有program header table,则该成员为0。
e_shoff 该成员包含了section header table的文件偏移地址(按字节),如果该文件没有section header tables,则该成员为0。
CD FORMATION/TRAINING SCHOOL 民防单位训练学校 1st CD DIVISION 民防第⼀分区 Commander 司令 Deputy Commander 副司令 Head Ops/Training Branch ⾏动/培训科科长 Head Personnel Branch ⼈事科科长 Head Public Affairs Branch 公共事务科科长 Officer-in-Charge Signal Unit 后勤科科长 Head Logistics 讯号单位组组长 OC Central Fire Station 中央消防局局长 OC Alexandra Fire Station 亚历⼭⼤消防局局长 OC Clementi Fire Station ⾦⽂泰消防局局长 OC Bishan Fire Station 碧⼭消防局局长 OC Jurong Island Fire Station 裕廊岛消防局局长2ND CD DIVISION 民防第⼆分区 Commander 司令 Deputy Commander 副司令 Head Ops/Training Branch ⾏动/培训科科长 Head Personnel Branch ⼈事科科长 Head Public Affairs Branch 公共事务科科长 Officer-in-Charge Signal Unit 后勤科科长 Head Logistics 讯号单位组组长 OC Geylang Fire Station 芽笼消防局局长 OC Changi Fire Station 樟宜消防局局长 3RD CD DIVISION 民防第三分区 Commander 指挥官 Deputy Commander 副指挥官 Head Ops/Training Branch ⾏动/培训科科长 Head Personnel Branch ⼈事科科长 Head Public Affairs Branch 公共事务科科长 Officer-in-Charge Signal Unit 后勤科科长 Head Logistics 讯号单位组组长 OC Sembawang Fire Station 三巴旺消防局局长 OC Ang Mo Kio Fire Station 宏茂桥消防局局长 OC Sengkang Fire Station 盛港消防局局长 4TH CD DIVISION 民防第四分区 Commander 司令 Deputy Commander 副司令 Head Ops/Training Branch ⾏动/培训科科长 Head Personnel Branch ⼈事科科长 Head Public Affairs Branch 公共事务科科长 Officer-in-Charge Signal Unit 后勤科科长 Head Logistics 讯号单位组组长 OC Jurong Fire Station 裕廊消防局局长 OC Tuas Fire Station ⼤⼠消防局局长 OC Woodlands Fire Station 兀兰消防局局长 OC Bukit Timah Fire Station 武吉知马消防局局长 BASIC RESCUE TRAINING CENTRE 基本训练中⼼ Commander 司令 Head Ops/Training ⾏动/培训科科长 Office-in-Charge Ops Section ⾏动组组长 Office-in-Charge Ops (NS) Section 培训(战备)组组长 Head Personnel ⼈事科科科长 Office-in-Charge Personnel NSmen Section ⼈事组组长 Office-in-Charge Finance Section 财务组组长 Office-in-Charge Trade Training 职业培训组组长 Head Training Management 培训管理科科长 Head Admin ⾏政科科长 Office-in-Charge Personnel Section ⼈事组组长 Office-in-Charge Admin & Finance Section ⾏政及财务组组长 Office-in-Charge Security Section 保安组组长 Officer-in-Charge Rescue Training Wing 拯救技术培训组组长 Office-in-Charge Construction Vocation Training Wing 职业建筑培训组组长 CIVIL DEFENCE ACADEMY 民防学院 Director 院长 Deputy Director 副院长 Chief Instructor 总教官 Head Training Development Branch 培训发展科科长 Head Training Management Branch 培训管理科科长 Head Instructional Technology Branch 资讯科技科科长 Head Admin ⾏政科科长 Head Personnel Branch ⼈事科科长 Head Corporate Affairs Branch ⾏政事务科科长 OC Command & Staff Training Wing 指挥及参谋培训处课长 Head Senior Officer Training Branch ⾼级民防官培训科科长 Head Junior Officer Training Branch 初级民防官培训科科长 OC Specialist Training Wing 专科培训处课长 Head Fire Fighting Specialist Branch 消防专科科长 Head Hazmat Specialist Branch 危险物质专科科长 Head Urban Search and Rescue Specialist Branch 都市搜寻与拯救专科科长 OC Vocational Training Wing 职业培训处课长 Head Admin Vocation Branch 职业⾏政科科长 Head Driver & Operator Vocation Branch 职业驾驶科科长 Head Medical Vocation Branch 职业医务科科长 Head Comms Vocation Branch 职业通讯科科长 Head Shelter Vocation Branch 职业防空壕科科长 OC Fire Fighting & Rescue Training wing 消防及拯救培训处课长 Head Fire Fighting Training Branch 消防培训科科长 Head Ship Fire Fighting Branch 船舱消防科科长 OC Unit Training Wing 单位培训处课长 OC Physical Training Wing 体能培训处课长 Head Physical Training Branch/Chief PTI 体能培训科科长 Head Testing Branch 监考科科长 Commander Service Support Unit 服务辅助单位司令 Dy Comd Service Support Unit 副服务辅助单位司令 SUB-Unit 附属单位 Commander Central Supply Base 中央供应基地主任 Commander Central Maintenance Base 中央维修基地主任 OC CD Provost Unit 民防纠察组主任 Commandant CD Detention Barracks 民防拘留营司令 DART UNIT 灾难拯救队 Comd DART 灾难拯救队队长 CIVIL DEFENCE HERITAGE GALLERY Officer-in-Charge PRISONS DEPARTMENT 监狱部 Director, Prisons 监狱总监 Deputy Director/Chief of Staff 副总监/参谋长 Quality Service Manager 优质服务经理 STAFF 参谋 Cluster Management Team 群集管理组 Assistant Director, Cluster 群集助理处长 Head Operations, Cluster 群集⾏动主任 Head Corporate Services, Cluster 群集⾏政服务主任 Head Staff Development, Cluster 群集职员发展主任 Head Intelligent, Cluster 群集情报主任 OC Ops Control, Cluster 群集⾏动控制主管 OC Security & Provost, Cluster 群集保安及纠察主管 OC Programme, Cluster 群集项⽬主管 OC JO/SO, Cluster 群集JO/SO主管 OC Training/Welfare, Cluster 群集培训/福利主管 OC Corporate Support, Cluster 群集⾏政辅助主管 OC Logistics, Cluster 群集后勤主管OC Processing, Cluster群集处理主管 SO Processing, Cluster 群集处理⾼级执⾏员 SO Technology 科技⾼级执⾏员 SO Finance & Planning 财务及策划⾼级执⾏员 SO Ops, Cluster ⾏动⾼级执⾏员 SO Cluster Management 群集管理⾼级执⾏员 SO Transition Planning Secretariat 过渡策划秘书处⾼级执⾏员 Research and Planning Branch 研究及策划组 Head Research and Planning 研究及策划主任 SO Research and Planning 研究及策划⾼级执⾏员 Manager, Statistics Unit 统计组经理 Senior Statistics Officer ⾼级统计员 Statistics Officer 统计员 Prisons Department Intelligence Branch 监狱情报组 Head Intelligence 情报主任 Deputy Head 情报副主任 OC Collection 情报收集主管 OC Processing 情报处理主管 OC Technology & Development 科技及发展主管 Analyst 分析员 Public Affairs Branch 公共事务组 Head Public Affairs 公共事务主任 Public Affairs Officer 公共事务员 Assistant Public Affairs Officer 公共事务助理 OPERATIONS DIVISION ⾏动处 Assistant Director Operations 助理⾏动处长 SO Operations Development ⾏动发展⾼级执⾏员 Operations Control Branch ⾏动⽀配组 Head Operations Control ⾏动⽀配主任 Deputy Head Operations Control ⾏动⽀配副主任 SO Operations Control ⾏动⽀配⾼级执⾏员 Operations Development Branch ⾏动发展组 Head Operations Development ⾏动发展主任 SO Operations Development ⾏动发展⾼级执⾏员 Contingency Planning Branch 偶然情况策划组 Head Contingency Planning 偶然情况策划主任 SO Contingency Planning 偶然情况策划⾼级执⾏员 Assistant Contingency Planning Officer 偶然情况策划助理 Operations Planning Branch ⾏动策划组 OC Operations Planning ⾏动策划主管 SO Operations Planning ⾏动策划⾼级执⾏员 SO Special Projects 特别项⽬⾼级执⾏员 SPEAR Force 监狱特遣部队 Commander SPEAR 监狱特遣部队司令 Adjutant SPEAR 监狱特遣部队副官 SO Doctrine 训导⾼级执⾏员 Chief Warder Training 狱卒长(培训) Chief Warder Logistics 狱卒长(后勤) Chief Warder Operations 狱卒长(⾏动) SPEAR Duty Officer 监狱特遣部队值勤员 Programme Branch 囚犯改造计划组 Head Programme 囚犯改造计划主任 Deputy Head Programme (Incare Planning & Development) 囚犯改造计划副主任(狱内照顾策划及发展) SO Programme (Incare Planning & Development) 改造计划⾼级执⾏官(狱内照顾策划及发展) Deputy Head Programme (Aftercare Planning & Development) 改造计划副主任(出狱后改造策划及发展) SO Programme (Aftercare Planning & Development) 改造计划⾼级执⾏官(出狱后改造策划及发展) SO Programme (Preventive & Education) 改造计划⾼级执⾏官(预防及教育) Assistant Programme 改造计划助理执⾏官 Information & Referral/Panel Counselling Section 资讯及转介/刑事辅导组 Officer-in-Charge 主管 Deputy Officer-in-Charge 副主管 Counsellors 辅导员 Classification Unit 归类组 Officer-in-Charge 主管 Deputy Officer-in-Charge 副主管 Rehabilitation Classification Officer 改造归类员 Prisons Aftercare Supervision Section 监狱督导组 Officer-in-Charge 主管 Prisons Aftercare Officer 监狱督导官 STAFF DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 职员发展处 Assistant Director Staff Development 助理处长 Personnel Planning Branch ⼈事策划组 Head Personnel Planning ⼈事策划主任 Personnel Planning Executive ⼈事策划执⾏员 Personnel Planning Executive(Policy Development) ⼈事策划执⾏员(政策发展) Deputy Head Training and Development 培训及发展副主任 Head Sos Section ⾼级⼈员组主任 Staff Development Officer 职员发展员 Management Support Officer 管理辅助员 Head Junior Officers Section 初级⼈员组主任 Head Personnel Affairs Section ⼈事事务组主任 Head Civilian Services ⽂职服务组主任 PNSF Assistant Liaison Officer PNSF助理联络员 Head Personnel Services Salary ⼈事服务薪饷组主任 Personnel Services Executive ⼈事服务组执⾏员 OC Personnel Registry ⼈事档案主管 Prison Staff Welfare Section 监狱职员福利组 Head Welfare 福利组主任 Welfare Officer (Planning & Policy) 福利员(策划及政策) Welfare Officer (Implementation & Review) 福利员(执⾏及检讨) Welfare Officer (Project & Implementation) 福利员(计划及执⾏) Assistant Welfare Officer 助理福利员 Recruitment Branch 招募组 Head Recruitment 招募组主任 Recruitment Executive (Planning) 招募组执⾏员(策划) Recruitment Executive (JOs) 招募组执⾏员(初级⼈员) Recruitment Officer (JOs) 招募员(初级⼈员) Recruitment Executive (SOs) 招募组执⾏员(⾼级⼈员) Recruitment Officer (SOs) 招募员(⾼级⼈员)Prison Staff Training School 监狱职员培训学校 Commandant 校长 Adjutant 副官 Head Training 培训主任 Head Doctrine 训导主任 Head Field Training 户外训练主任 OC Development Training 发展培训主管 OC Basic Training 基本训练组主管 Senior Instructor ⾼级指导员 Programme Co-ordinator/Trainer 课程协调员/教练员 Trainers 教练员 Course Administrator/Trainer 课程⾏政员/教练员 NCO Ops/Logistics ⾏政/⾏动⾮委任官 NCO Admin/Operations ⾏动/后勤⾮委任官 Librarian 图书管理员 Provost Branch 纠察组 Head Provost 纠察组主任 Senior Provost Officer ⾼级纠察员 Provost Officer 纠察员 CORPORATE SERVICES DIVISION ⾏政服务处 Assistant Director, Corporate Services ⾏政服务助理处长 SO Corporate Services ⾏政服务⾼级执⾏员 SO Special Project 特别项⽬⾼级执⾏员 Infrastructure Development Branch 基础设施发展组 Head IDB 基础设施发展组主任 SO Infrastructure Planning 基础设施策划⾼级执⾏员 SO Project 项⽬⾼级执⾏员 Assistant Project Officer 助理项⽬员 Prison Logistics Branch 监狱后勤组 Head Logistics 后勤主任 OC Building Management 建筑管理主管 OC Logistics Planning 后勤策划主管 OC HQ Estate Management 总部产业管理主管 SO Logistics Planning 后勤策划⾼级执⾏员 OC Procurement & Contracts Management 采购及合约管理主管 OC Equipment Management 配备管理主管 OC Prison Transport 监狱运输主管 SO Building & Budget 建筑及预算⾼级执⾏员 SO Building & Property 建筑及产业⾼级执⾏员 SO Building & Maintenance 建筑及维修⾼级执⾏员 SO (Procurement Management) 采购管理⾼级执⾏员 Procurement Officer (Quotations) 采购员(报价) Procurement Officer (Tenders) 采购员(投标) Assistant Logistics Officer (Quotations) 助理后勤员(报价) Assistant Logistics Officer (Tenders) 助理后勤员(投标) Assistant Logistics Officer (Supplies) 助理后勤员(供应) Assistant Logistics Officer (Equipment) 助理后勤员(装备) Assistant Logistics Officer (Store) 助理后勤员(仓库) Assistant Transport Officer 助理运输事务员 Technology Branch 科技组 Head Technology Branch 科技组主任 Deputy Head 副主任 InfoComms Technology Manager 信息通讯科技经理 Security & Electronics Technology Manager 保安及电⼦科技经理 Technology Planning Officer 科技策划员 OC IT Support 资讯科技⽀援主管 OC Applications 应⽤主任 SO IT Applications 资讯科技应⽤⾼级执⾏员 SO Applications 应⽤⾼级执⾏员 IT Consultant 资讯科技顾问 SO IT Support 资讯科技⽀援⾼级执⾏员 SO Network & Infrastructure 络及基础设施⾼级执⾏员 SO Security & Electronics Technology 保安及电⼦科技⾼级执⾏员 SO Comm & Support 通讯及⽀援⾼级执⾏员 MSO Comm & Support 管理辅助员(通讯及⽀援) JO Comm Support 通讯⽀援初级职员 SO Admin & Audit ⾏政及审计⾼级执⾏员 Prison Staff Inspectorate 监狱职员稽查处 Head Prison Staff Inspectorate 监狱职员稽查处主任 Staff Officer 执⾏员 Prison Medical Services Branch 监狱医药服务组 Head Medical 医务主任 Higher Nursing Officer 中级护⼠长 Psychological Services Branch ⼼理服务组 Head Psychological Services ⼼理服务主任 Psychologist ⼼理学家 Finance Branch 财务组 Head Finance 财务主任 Accountant 会计师 Finance Executive 财务执⾏员 Finance Officer 财务员 Administration Branch ⾏政组 Head Administration ⾏政主任 OC Registry 档案处主任 Specialist Unit 警⽝组 OC Police Dog Unit 警⽝组主任 PENAL INSTITUTIONS 刑事监禁所QUEENSTOWN REMAND PRISON ⼥皇镇押候监狱 Superintendent 狱长 Head Operations ⾏动主任 Head Intelligence 情报主任 Head Administration ⾏政主任 OC Records & Reception 档案及接待处主管 OC Programme 计划主管 OC Security & Provost 保安及纠察主管 Duty Operations Officer ⾏动值勤员 RRO Criminal 档案及接待员(刑事) RRO Remand 档案及接待员(押候) Classification 归类员 Visit Officer 探访事务员 Chief Warder 狱卒长 Staff Development Officer 职员发展员 Photographer 摄影员 Medical Officer 医⽣ Nursing Officer 护⼠长 Management Support Officer 管理辅助员 Corporate Support Officer (Store) ⾏政辅助员(仓库) Security Control Officer 保安控制员 CHANGI PRISON 樟宜监狱 Superintendent 狱长 Deputy Superintendent 副狱长 Head Operations ⾏动主任 Head Administration ⾏政主任 Head Intelligence 情报主任 OC Records & Reception 档案及接待主管 OC Programme 计划主管 OC Security & Provost 保安及纠察主管 Duty Operations Officer ⾏动值勤员 RRO Condemn 档案及接待员(死囚) RRO Review 档案及接待员(检讨) RRO CLDs 档案及接待员(刑事犯) RRO General 档案及接待员(⼀般) Logistics Officer 后勤员 Visit Officer 探访事务员 Chief Warder Inspection & Control/Shift Commander 狱卒长(稽查及控制/换班主任) Staff Development Officer 职员发展员 Psychiatrist ⼼理学家 Corporate Support Officer (Store) ⾏政辅助员(仓库) Guard Commander Gurkha Contingent 辜加警察队守卫司令 Security Control Officer 保安控制员 Duty Operations Officer ⾏动值勤员 TANAH MERAH PRISON 丹那美拉监狱 Superintendent 狱长 Head Operations ⾏动主任 Head Intelligence 情报主任 Head Administration ⾏政主任 OC Collection (Intelligence) 情报收集主管 OC Records & Reception 档案及接待主管 OC Programme 计划主管 OC Security & Provost 保安及纠察主管 Duty Operations Officer ⾏动值勤员 RRO Criminal 档案及接待员(刑事) RRO CLD 档案及接待员(刑事犯) RRO Reception 档案及接待员(接待) Visit Officer 探访事务员 Chief Warder Inspection & Control 狱卒长(稽查及控制) Staff Development Officer 职员发展员 Logistics Officer 后勤员 Medical Officer 医⽣ Nursing Officer 护⼠长 Senior Officer ⾼级执⾏员 Corporate Support Officer (Store) ⾏政辅助员(仓库) Security Control Officer 保安控制员 CHANGI WOMEN'S PRISON 樟宜⼥⼦监狱 Superintendent 狱长 Head Operations ⾏动主任 Head Intelligence 情报主任 Head Administration ⾏政主任 OC Records & Reception 档案及接待主管 Records & Reception Officer 档案及接待员 OC Programme 计划主管 Counsellor 辅导员 OC Security & Provost 保安及纠察主管 OC Collection/Intelligence 情报收集主管 Duty Operations Officer ⾏动值勤员 Senior Officer ⾼级职员 Logistics Officer 后勤员 Visit Officer 探访事务员 Chief Warder Inspection &。
工廠常用英語翻譯(機械、模具)总经理办公室General manager’s office 模具部Tooling department 项目部Project department品质部Quality department计划部 Plan department制造部Manufacture department产品部Keypad departmentIMD 产品部 IMD department五金部 Metal stamping department设计科 Design section冲压车间 Stamping workshop电镀车间 Plating workshop物控科 Production material control section 计划科 Plan section 仓务科 Warehouse section商务科 Business section品质规划科 quality plan sectionIQC科 IQC sectionIPQC科 IPQC sectionOQC科 OQC section检测中心 measurement center项目规划科 Project plan section项目XX科 Project section XX试模科 Mold test section成本科 Cost section设备科 Facility section采购科 Purchase section综合办 General affairs office 编程科 Programming section模具工程科 Tooling engineering section模具装配车间Mold assembly workshop文控中心 Document control center(DCC)注塑车间Injection workshop喷涂车间 Spray painting workshop装配车间Assembly workshop总经理General manager (GM)经理managerXX部门经理Manager of XX department原料库 Raw material warehouse半成品库 Semi-finished product warehouse成品库 Finished product warehouse科长 section chief 主任 chief 部门主管 department head主管, 线长supervisor组长Foreman, forelady秘书secretary文员clerk操作员operator助理assistant职员staff陶瓷ceramics合成纤维synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion车架automotive chassis悬架suspension 转向器redirector 变速器speed changer 板料冲压sheet metal parts孔加工spot facing machining车间workshop工程技术人员engineer气动夹紧pneuma lock数学模型mathematical model画法几何descriptive geometry机械制图Mechanical drawing投影projection视图view 剖视图profile chart 标准件standard component零件图part drawing装配图assembly drawing尺寸标注size marking技术要求technical requirements刚度rigidity内力internal force位移displacement 截面section 疲劳极限fatigue limit 断裂fracture塑性变形plastic distortion 脆性材料brittleness material刚度准则rigidity criterion 垫圈washer垫片spacer直齿圆柱齿轮straight toothed spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮straight bevel gear 运动简图kinematic sketch齿轮齿条pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮worm and worm gear 虚约束passive constraint曲柄crank摇杆racker凸轮cams共轭曲线conjugate curve 范成法generation method 定义域definitional domain 值域range导数\\微分differential coefficient求导derivation 定积分definite integral不定积分indefinite integral曲率curvature偏微分partial differential毛坯rough游标卡尺slide caliper千分尺micrometer calipers 攻丝tap二阶行列式second order determinant逆矩阵inverse matrix线性方程组linear equations概率probability 随机变量random variable排列组合permutation and combination气体状态方程equation of state of gas 动能kinetic energy 势能potential energy机械能守恒conservation of mechanical energy 动量momentum 桁架truss轴线axes余子式cofactor逻辑电路logic circuit触发器flip-flop脉冲波形pulse shap数模digital analogy 液压传动机构fluid drive mechanism 机械零件mechanical parts淬火冷却quench淬火hardening 回火tempering调质hardening and tempering磨粒abrasive grain结合剂bonding agent砂轮grinding wheel。
正职头衔翻译法:我国的正职头衔通常以“总...”,“首席...”,“...长”,“...主席”,“...主任”等方式出现,英语一般用chief, general, chairman, director, commissioner, commander, executive, senior 等词来搭配,但究竟选择哪个词应根据英语的表达习惯和汉语的约定俗成来加以确定。
(1)用chief 表示的职衔:总司令,总指挥:Commander-in-chief总编辑: Editor-in-chief总参谋长: Chief of General Staff总工程师: Chief Engineer总会计师: Chief Accountant总建筑师: Chief Architect图书馆馆长: Chief Librarian首席法官,审判长: Chief Judge检察长: Chief Procurator总裁,首席执行官: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)首席记者: Chief Correspondent司/厅/局/处/科Chief/Head of the Department/Bureau/Division/Section(2)用general表示的职衔总书记:General Secretary检察长:Procurator-general审计长:Auditor-general秘书长:Secretary-general总领事:Consul-general总监:Inspector-general; Chief Inspector 总经理:General Manager(3)用head表示的职衔总教练:Head Coach总厨:Head Chef护士长:Head Nurse村长:Village Head列车长:Head of a Train Crew代表团团长:Head of a delegation(4)用president表示的职衔:国家主席:President中国科学院院长: President of the Chinese Academy of Science最高人民法院院长:President of the Higher People’s Court北京大学校长:President of Beijing University中国人民银行行长:President/Governor of the Chinese People’s Bank协会/学会/理事会会长:President of an association/society/council(5)用chairman表示的职衔人大常委会委员长:NPC Chairman政协主席:CPPCC Chairman中央军委主席:Chairman of the Central Military Commission 政党主席:Chairman of a political party公司董事长:Chairman of the Board of Directors大学系主任:Chairman/Dean/Head of a department (6)用director表示的职衔总政治部主任:Director of the General Political Department办公厅主任:Director of the General Office人民日报社社长:Director of the People’s Daily编译局局长:Director of the Compilation and Translation Bureau研究所所长:Director of an institute医院院长:Director/President of a hospital工厂厂长:Director of a factory(7)用commissioner表示的职衔:行/公署专员:commissioner自治州州长:commissioner公安局局长:Police commissioner(8) 用commander 表示的职衔:军区司令员:Commander of a military region军/师/团/营/连长:Corps/Division/Regiment/Battalion/CompanyCommander(9)用executive表示的职衔:执行主席:Executive Chairman行政/执行秘书: Executive Secretary二.副职头衔翻译法英语表示副职头衔的词主要有:vice, deputy, associate和assistant 等。
OTS=off tooling samples 即全工装状态下非节拍生产条件下制造出来的样件.用于验证产品的设计能力.(用于验证设计出来的产品是否符合客户要求,同时也是对生产工装的验证) 同时OTS也可以叫模具样品,LH 要求汇总书(一个项目的所有资料)TPB 产品技术描述(图纸、技术供货条件等等)DKM 数据控制模型(汽车形状1:1的基准样车)P P认可=计划认可(决定投入批量生产)B B认可=采购认可(对生产手段的投资认可)D D认可=零件生产和供应认可(为零批量)BMG 产品工程性能认可EM 进行首批样件检验的首批样件,首批样件检验也称首批样件认可。
EMPB EMPB=首批样件检验报告(供货商对其样件检验的文件)2TP 两日生产(供货厂的批量预生产,用来验证批量能力)PVS 生产试制批量0S 零批量(在批量生产条件下的总演习)SF 批量认可(对批量生产的产品认可)EPF (批量供货)计划认可KAF 集团路试验收(质量方面的批量认可)SOP 生产启动(批量生产启动)ME 市场导入(提供给销售商)CAD 计算机辅助设计COP 沿用件(与先前车型通用的零件)CKD 全部拆散SKD 部分拆散HT 自制件KT 外购件(外部供货厂生产的零件)KD 售后服务OTS 用批量生产的模具生产的零件TE 技术开发部PE (合资厂中的)产品工程部TL 技术供货条件TS 产品零件表ZP 检查点ZSB 总成AEKO (产品)改动的控制组织常用英文缩写对照表汽车行业英文缩写(2009-05-06 14:34:33)OSM- Outside of MaterialOTC Over The Counter 非处方药,可在柜台上卖的药PA Program Approvalpallet n. 托盘Passenger Vehicle 乘用车PAT- Program Attributes Team 产品属性小组PDL Product Design LetterPH Proportions&HardpointsPIPC- Percentage of Indexes with Process Capability 能力指数百分比PIST- Percentage of Inspection points Satisfying Tolerance 检测点满意工差百分比PMT- Program Moudle Team 产品模块小组PO Purchase OrderPPAP- Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序PPSR Production Preparation Status ReportPQA Process Quality AssurancePR Program ReadinessPre-Launch 试生产price-driven costing 价格引导成本Production Preparation-Final Nissan - PT2/Renault - PPProduction Preparation-Initial Nissan - PT1/Renault - PPP3Production Trial Run 试生产Prototype 样件QFD Quality Funtion Deploy质量功能展开QFTT Quality Functional Task TeamQR- Quality Reject 质量拒收QS Quality StandardRAN Release Authorisation Numberreverse 倒车档RFQ Request For Quotation询价RKD Reverse Knock DownRLQ Receiving Lot QuantityROC Rate of ClimbROI return on investment 报酬率ROP Re-Order PointRTO Required To OperateSAIS Supplier Assessment & Improvement SystemSC Strategic Confirmation/significant Charac’teristicsSDS- System/ Design Specifications 系统/设计说明second gear 二档SFMEA System FMEAShipping Date 出货日、Invoice Date 发票日或On Board Date 装船日Side Windshield 侧窗玻璃SJ Strategic IntentSNP Standard Number of Parts1PP- First Phase of Production Prove-Out 第一次试生产3C Customer(顾客导向)、Competition(竞争导向)、Competence(专长导向)4S Sale, Sparepart零配件, Service, Survey信息反馈5S 整理,整顿,清理,清洁,素养8D- 8 DisciplineABS Anti-lock Braking SystemAIAG 美国汽车联合会ANPQP Alliance New Product Quality ProcedureApportionment 分配APQP Advanced Product Quality PlanBacklite Windshield 后窗玻璃Benchmark Data 样件资料bloodshot adj.充血的, 有血丝的BMW Bavarian Motor WorksSOW- state of work 工作申明SPC Statistical Process ControlSQA Supplier Quality AssuranceSREA- Supplier Request for Engineering Approval 供应商工程设计更改申请ST Surface TranferSTRS Supplier Test Report SystemSubcontractor 分承包商Sunroof Windshield 天窗玻璃SUV Sports Utility VehicleTAG Test Aptitude GraphiqueTCO Total Cost of Ownership 总持有成本TCRA Total Cost Reduction ActivityTGR Things Gone RightTGW Things Gone WorstTM Techinical ManualTPM Total Preventive MaintenanceTTO-Tool Try Out 工装验证UOM Unit Of MeasureVES Vehicle uation SystemVO- Vehicle Operation 主机厂VPP- Vehicle Program Plan 整车项目计划VQA Vehicle Quality AssuranceVTTO- Vendor Tool Try-Out 供应商工装验证WERS- World Wide Engineering Release System WVTA Whole Vehicle Type Approval凹坑 concave车床 lathe抽查试验spot check test出厂试验delivery test次品defective product调幅amplitude modulation (AM)调频 Frequency Modulation断差 offset对讲机 interphone法平面normal plane翻车rollover返工 re-doing防滑地板 no-skid floor仿真emulation副作用side effect改装厂 refitting factory隔热板heat shield后围侧板 rear wall side cover划痕 scratchC.P.M Certified Purchasing manger 认证采购经理人制度CB- Confirmation Build 确认样车制造CC- Change CutOff 设计变更冻结CCSC- critical/significant characteristicCCR Concern & Countermeasure RequestCCT Cross Company TeamCharacteristics Matrix 特性矩阵图COD Cash on Delivery 货到付现预付货款(T/T in advance) CP1- Confirmation Prototype 1st 第一次确认样车CP2- Confirmation Prototype 2nd 第二次确认样车Cpk 过程能力指数Cpk=Zmin/3CPO Complementary Parts OrderCraftsmanship 精致工艺Cross-functional teams 跨功能小组CUV Car-Based Ultility VehicleD1:信息收集;8DD2:建立8D小组;D3:制定临时的围堵行动措施,避免不良品流出;D4:定义和证实根本原因,避免再发;D5:根据基本原因制定永久措施;D6:执行和确认永久措施;D7:预防再发,实施永久措施;D8:认可团队和个人的贡献。
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Molecular Biology
Cloning vectors
H4 Eukaryotic Vectors
1. Shuttle vectors 2. Yeast episomal plasmids (Yeasts) 3. Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti plasmid (Plants) 4. Baculovirus (Insects) 5. Mammalian viral vectors (Mammalian)
H1-2 A plasmid vector for gene expression
Expression vectors: allowing the exogenous DNA to be inserted, stored and expressed.
1. Promoter and terminator for RNA transcription are required. 2. Intact ORF and ribosomal binding sites (RBS) are required for translation.
Molecular Biology
H4 Eukaryotic Vectors
1. Replication form (RF, dsDNA) of M13 phage can be purified and manipulated like a plamid. 2. Phage particles (ssDNA): DNA can be isolated in a single-stranded form . DNA sequencing. . Site-directed mutagenesis.
λ replacement vector
. Replace the nonessential region of the phage genome with exogenous DNA
high transformation efficiency (1000-time higher than plasmid)
Molecular Biology
H2 Bacteriophage vector
ProteiΒιβλιοθήκη coatFig. 2. Cloning in a λ replacement vector.
Molecular Biology
H2 Bacteriophage vector
Plaques: the clear areas within the lawn where lysis and re-infection have prevented the cells from growing.
Molecular Biology
H4 Eukaryotic Vectors
Shuttle vectors
Molecular Biology
H4 Eukaryotic Vectors H4-1 Yeast episomal plasmids (YEps)
Vectors for the cloning and expression of genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Molecular Biology
M13 mp18 vector
Molecular Biology
Cloning vectors
H3 COSMIDS, YACs AND BACs . . . . . Cloning large DNA fragments Cosmid vectors YAC vectors Selection in S. cerevisiae BAC vector
H2 Bacteriophage vector
Molecular Biology
λ phage
.viruses that can infect bacteria.
.48.5 kb in length .Linear or circular genome (cos ends) Lytic phase (Replicate
Molecular Biology
H3 Cosmids and YACs
Molecular Biology
H3 Cosmids and YACs
H3-4 Selection in S.cerevisiae
Selection for the presence of YACs of other vectors in yeast is achived by complementation of a mutant strain unable to produce an essential metabolite, with the correct copy of the mutant gene carried on the vector.
Fused proteins
Individual proteins
Molecular Biology
H1 Design of Plasmid Vectors
Fig. 4. A plasmid designed for expression of a gene using the T7 system
and release)
Fig. 1. (a) Phage λ and its genome; (b) the phage λ cos ends.
Lysogenic phase (integrate
into host genome)
Molecular Biology
H2 Bacteriophage vector
Molecular Biology
Molecular Biology
Section H Cloning Vectors
Molecular Biology
Cloning vectors
Recombinant l DNA may be purified from phage particles from plaques or from liquid culture.
Molecular Biology
H2 Bacteriophage vector
H2-2 M13 phage vector
Molecular Biology
H3 Cosmids and YACs
H3-2 Cosmid vectors
Cosmids use the λ packaging system to package large DNA fragments bounded by λ cos sites, which circularize and replicate as plasmids after infection of E.coli cells. Some cosmid vectors have two cos sites, and are cleaved to produce two cos ends, which are ligated to the ends of target fragments and packaged into λ particles. Cosmids have a capacity for cloned DNA of 30-45 kb.
Molecular Biology
Formation of a cosmid clone
Fig. 1. Formation of a cosmid clone.
Molecular Biology
H3 Cosmids and YACs
H3-3 YAC vectors
Yeast artifical chromosomes can be constructed by ligating the components required for replication and segreation of natural yeast chromosomes to very large fragments of target DNA, which may be more than 1 Mb in length. Yeast artifical chromosome(YAC) vectors contain two telomeric sequences(TEL), one centromere(CEN), one autonomously replicating sequence(ARS) and genes which can act as selectable markers in yeast.
Molecular Biology
Cloning vectors
H1 Design of Plasmid Vectors
Fig. 1. (a) Screening by insertional inactivation of a resistance gene; (b) replica plating.
Molecular Biology
H3 Cosmids and YACs
H3-1 Cloning large DNA fragments
(Eukaryotic Genome project)
Analysis of eukaryotic genes and genome organization of eukaryotic requires vevtors with a larger capacity for cloned DNA than plasmids or phage λ .