











3000TA微量氧分析仪介绍1.1、概述Teledyne Analytical Instruments的3000TA微量氧分析仪是基于微处理器的测量气体中ppm级O的分析仪。



1.3、分析仪的主要特点3000TA微量氧分析仪先进而便于使用,主要特点:·两行字符显示,微电子驱动,连续的提示和通知操作者;·大型高亮度显示器,高分辨率、精确的O2读数,从ppm级到25%氧含量;·不锈钢传感器模块;·先进的微燃料电池,专门设计用于微量分析,保用期1年,使用寿命达2年;·通用的宽量程分析应用;·8位微处理器(CMOS),32KB RAM和128KB ROM;·3个用户可定义的输出范围(0-10ppm到0-25%),能最好地与用户的过程设备匹配;·用传统的20.9%作空气标定;·对于给定的测量,自动量程使分析仪自动地选择预置的量程,手动切换允许固定在一个希望的范围内分析;·两个可调的含量报警和系统故障报警;·在启动初期和根据命令进行自诊断,连续的电源监测;·两种RFI防护方法;·4个模拟量输出:两个用于测量(0-1vdc和隔离的4-20mAdc)和两个量程定义输出;·传统的通用的钢制盘装或架装机壳,带有滑出型电气抽屉。





意大利克莱门特中央空调W3000用户手册C0240101-07-04-GB1.摘要1.摘要 (1)2.使用用户界面 (2)3.菜单描述 (3)3.1符号 (3)4.机组信息 (4)5.机组ON 和OFF开关 (4)5.1机组开/关 (4)5.1.1开/关按钮 (4)5.1.2开/关参数 (4)5.1.3外部数字量输入的开/关命令 (4)5.1.4定时调节设定 (5)5.1.5监控协议 (5)5.2设定操作模式 (6)5.2.1参数 (6)5.2.2外部数字量输入夏季/冬季选择命令 (6)5.2.3外部数字量输入选择热回收功能 (6)5.2.4监控协议 (7)5.3设定点设置 (7)6.输入和输出的数值和状态 (7)7.时钟 (7)7.1定时调节设定 (7)8.用户程序 (9)8.1调节 (9)8.1.1分段调节模 (9)8.1.2快速自整定调节模式 (11)8.1.3螺杆式压缩机的连续调节模式 (16)8.2热回收 (17)8.3节能制冷 (18)8.3.1节能制冷启动百分比 (18)8.3.2节能制冷低温控制 (18)8.3.3风扇分步的节能制冷调 (18)8.3.4风扇连续控制的节能制冷调节 (18)9. 工厂程序 (19)10.报警 (19)11. 附件附件A报警表W3000控制终端软件由电子签名掌控, 换言之该软件只能在克莱门特公司提供的平台上进行操作.2. 使用用户界面两种用户界面可供选择W3000W3000紧凑型根据安装的用户界面不同,控制空调机组及获取系统信息的功能键也会有所增减.KeyDescriptionW3000, W3000 baseW3000 compact[MENU key]: 进入主菜单.[UP key]: 滚动任务单设定控制参数数值[DOWN key]: 滚动任务单设定控制参数数值[ENTER key]: 确认数据设定[ESC key]: 如果操作处于任务栏深层栏位的话返回上一级,或者 返回系统控制界面[ALARM key]: 显示警告并复位它们--- [SETPOINT key]: 直接进入设定菜单---[ON/OFF key]: 启动/关闭W3000还有以下的显示灯:SymbolColourDescriptionGreen如果指示灯持续显示表示压缩机正常工作,闪烁表明压缩机有启动需求Red压缩机因压缩机或回路警告暂定工作 Green 压缩机处于制冷状态 Green 回路处于节能制冷状态 Green 压缩机处于热泵状态Green 如果指示灯持续显示说明回路处于热回收状态,闪烁时表明存在热回收警报Green如果指示持续显示表示回路处于除霜状态, 闪烁表明处于除霜结束前的吹干水滴状态显示面右侧红色指示灯亮表明存在一个警告3 菜单描述进入任务表的树形图如下:菜单简要描述如下:“Unit Menu”菜单包括温度,压力和回路状况.“Setpoint menu”菜单用来设定各种可用功能的功能键.“I/O menu”显示数字量输入的状态和模拟量输入数值.同时也显示数字量输出的状态和提供给模拟量输出的电压值.如果有扩展板的话(取决于结构参数),模拟量输入/输出也会显示. “Clock menu”菜单中,存在时钟板的情况下可以设置日期和时间.“User menu”菜单中设定和显示与客户程序相关的参数.“Manufacturer menu” 菜单中设置和显示重要的的系统参数.3.1 符号符号描述Off 机组/回路关闭Ch nr 制冷回路没有响应调温器的降温需求Ch 制冷回路响应调温器的降温需求Ch + R 制冷回路及热回收系统响应调温器的需求Hp nr 热泵回路没有响应调温器的需求Hp 热泵回路响应调温器的需求R nr 仅热回收系统回路没有响应调温器的需求R 仅热回收系统响应调温器的需求Pd 回路处于Pump-down状态Defr 回路处于除霜模式Drip 回路处于吹干模式Bands 定时设定功能激活Fcool 系统处于节能制冷模式Limit 能量限制功能启动(要求限制)4. 机组信息机组菜单包含了关于机组与回路的信息该信息诸如温度,压力及回路状态等将在下文中详细阐述.5. 系统启动与关闭用户可以在主菜单进行机组的启动与关闭.5. 1 机组启动与关闭注意:机组于开机前需连接电源八小时以上,如若不然,不能享受保修待遇启动/关闭机组的方法有以下几种:5.1.1 ON/OFF 按钮z启动: 按下启动/关闭按钮z关闭: 按启动/关闭按钮5.1.2 ON/OFF参数“Com: On/Off”参数信息显示于”main task”(主菜单)上. “Off”表示系统已关闭, “On”表示系统已开启.z开启: 按“Enter”(确定)键进入“On and Off”参数控制菜单,按“Up”(上)和“Down”(下)键直至“On”出现. 按下“Enter” (确定)键进行确认.如果“On”持续显示则表示系统已经开启。



SCA3000 Assembly InstructionsSCA3000 Series3-axis accelerometerTABLE OF CONTENTS1Objective (3)2VTI's Molded Interconnection Device Package (MID) (3)3SCA3000 Package Outline and Dimensions (5)4Tape and reel specifications (6)5Printed Wiring Board (PWB) Level Guidelines (8)5.1Land Pad Design (8)5.2Solder Paste (8)5.3Stencil (9)5.4Paste Printing (9)5.5Component Picking (9)5.6Component Placement (9)5.7Reflow Soldering (9)5.8Moisture sensitivity level (MSL) classification (10)5.9Inspection (10)6Rework Guidelines (12)7Hand Soldering Guidelines (13)8Environmental Aspects (14)9References (15)10Document Revision History (15)1 ObjectiveThis document describes guidelines for Printed Wiring Board (PWB) design and assembly of theSCA3000 Component. It aims to help customers achieve the optimum soldering process.It should be emphasized that this document serves only as a design guideline to help develop theoptimal assembly conditions. It is essential that users also use their own manufacturing practicesand experience to be able to fulfill the needs of varying end-use applications.2 VTI's Molded Interconnection Device Package (MID)The housing of the SCA3000 component is relatively new packaging concept, which is called amolded interconnection device (MID), which is a modified Dual Flat-pack No-lead package (DFN).The MID housing is leadless component as well as DFN package. The SCA3000 component is asurface mount plastic package with leads located at the bottom of the package, see picture 1.Figure 1. 3D pictures of the SCA3000 component. The SCA3000 component leads are located atthe bottom of the package.MID-technology offers a variety of benefits including reduced lead inductance, a small sized "nearchip scale" footprint, thin profile, and low weight. The MID component is an injection molded plasticsubstrate, and the conductive circuit pattern is manufactured on its surface. The SCA3000component housing is manufactured by the LDS (Laser Direct Structuring) MID-process. Theprocess flow of LDS - MID package is presented in figure 2.1. Molding of package2. Laser structuring of areas to be metallized3. Cu-plating of lasered areas4. Final plating over copperFigure 2.Manufacturing process for the LDS – Molded Interconnect Device.The solder pads of a MID package are rougher than the pads of traditional lead frame packages. A photo of a MID package solder pad is presented in figure 3. The rougher surface of the solder pad can produce more voids in the solder joints, which is also observed in guidelines of this technical note.Figure 3. Photo of a MID solder pad. Surface is rougher than with traditional SMD components. Because the MID platform represents the latest in surface mount packaging technology, it is important that the design of the printed wiring board, as well as the assembly process, follows the suggested guidelines outlined in this document.3 SCA3000 Package Outline and DimensionsThe outline and dimensions for the SCA3000 MID package are presented in figure 4.0.55 (18x)7.000.800.808 x= 6.400.43 (18x)2.03 (4x )1.93 (4x )0.69 (14x )0.76 (14x )°1.800.10Figure 4. Outline and dimensions of the SCA3000 component.4 Tape and reel specificationsPacking tape dimensions, unreeling direction and SCA3000 component orientation are presented in figure 5, table 1 and table 2 below (dimensions are in millimeters [mm]).Table 1. SCA3000 packing tape pocket dimensions [mm].Direction of unreelingPin #1 of SCA3000 component (top view, carrier tape picture not in right scale)Figure 5. SCA3000 packing tape and component orientation on tape. A0B0KO7.2 ±0.1 7.4 ±0.11.9 ±0.1Table 2. Dimensions for SCA3000 packing tape [mm]. Parameter Min Nominal MaxF 11.40 11.50 11.60 E 1.65 1.75 1.85 W 23.90 24.00 24.30 P2 1.90 2.00 2.10P0 3.90 4.00 4.10 10P0 39.80 40.00 40.20D0 1.50 1.50 1.60 D1 1.50 1.50 1.75 T 0.272 0.292 0.312 P 11.90 12.00 12.10The reel dimensions are presented in figure 6 and table 3 below (dimensions are in millimeters [mm]).Figure 6. Reel dimensions.Table 3. SCA3000 Packing reel dimensions [mm].A N W1 W2max M330 100 24.4 30.4 ∅ 13.0±1 +2.0 -0.2/+0.5Both tape and reel are ESD materials and they are suitable for baking for 24 hours at +125°C.5 Printed Wiring Board (PWB) Level Guidelines5.1 Land Pad DesignTwo types of land patterns are used for surface mount packages:1) Non-Solder Mask Defined Pads (NSMD) 2) Solder Mask Defined Pads (SMD).NSMD pads have an opening which is larger than the pad itself, and SMD pads have a solder mask opening that is smaller than the metal pad on PWB. NSMD is preferred since the copper etching process has tighter process control compared to the solder mask process. The specific PWB land pattern for the SCA3000 component is presented in figure 7.Figure 7. Recommended PWB pad layout for SCA3000 component.VTI's SCA3000 packages can be soldered on commonly used substrates, e.g. FR-4, ceramic etc. The pad metallization should be solder wettable in order to assure good quality solder joints. For fine pitch assembly, the quality of plating is important. Generally used circuit board finishes for fine pitch SMD soldering are NiAu, OSP, Electroless-Ag and Electroless-Sn.5.2 Solder PasteThe SCA3000 package can be soldered with lead-free SAC (tin-silver-copper) solder. The SACsolder paste composition should be near eutectic. The melting point of lead-free SAC solder can vary between 217–221ºC, depending on the composition of solder alloy. In order to guarantee full RoHS compatibility lead-free solder should be used for the soldering of VTI's SCA3000 component. Also traditional eutectic SnPb solder can be used for soldering the SCA3000 packages if a lead-free process is not required. With the eutectic SnPb solder, the melting point is 183°C.A no-clean solder paste is recommended, since the SCA3000 package has very small stand off and the effectiveness of cleaning process is therefore low. Ultrasonic agitation wash is notallowed. The solder paste which is used must be suitable for printing it through the stencil aperture dimensions. Type 3 paste is recommended (grain size 25-45m m).7.25 mm Pitch 0.976 mm2.25 mm0.55 mm0.25 mm (minimum recommended clearance) Component lead (gray) PWB land (green)0.10 mm (extension of PWB land towardscenter of the package)0.15 mm (extension of PWB land towards outside of the package)0,025 mm (extension ofPWB land on both sides)5.3 StencilThe solder paste is applied onto the PWB by using stencil printing. The stencil thickness andaperture determines the precise volume of solder paste deposited onto the land pattern. Stencilalignment accuracy and consistent solder volume transfer are important parameters for achievinguniform reflow soldering results. Too much solder paste can cause bridging and too little solderpaste can cause insufficient wetting. Generally the stencil thickness needs to be matched to theneeds of all components on the PWB.For the SCA3000 MID-package the recommended stencil thickness is 5mils (127µm).Stencil apertures in general should be 1:1 to PWB pad sizes, or stencil apertures could even bereduced by 1mil (25.4µm) from all sides in regard to the PWB land pad size. This reduction ofaperture size can reduce bridging between solder joints.5.4 Paste PrintingThe paste printing speed should be adjusted according to the solder paste specifications. It isrecommended that care be taken during paste printing in order to ensure correct paste amount,shape, position, and other printing characteristics. Neglecting any of these can cause open solderjoints, bridging, solder balling, or other unwanted soldering results.5.5 Component PickingThe SCA3000 component can be picked from the carrier tape using either vacuum assist ormechanical type pick heads. Typically a vacuum nozzle is used. Pick up nozzles are available invarious sizes and shapes to suit a variety of different component geometries. It is recommendedthat different pick up nozzles are tested to find the best one. The polarity of the part must beassured in taping process. The polarity of the part on tape is presented in figure 5 on page 4.5.6 Component PlacementSCA3000 MID packages must be placed onto PWB accurately according to their geometry.Positioning the packages manually is not recommended. Placement should be done with modernautomatic component pick & place machinery using vision systems.Recognition of the packages automatically by a vision system enables correct centering ofpackages.5.7 Reflow SolderingA forced convection reflow oven is recommended to be used for soldering SCA3000 components.IR-based reflow ovens are not generally suitable for lead-free soldering. Figure 8 presents ageneral forced convection reflow solder profile and it also shows the typical phases of a reflowprocess.The reflow profile used for soldering the SCA3000 package should always follow the solder pastemanufacturer's specifications and recommended profile. The typical ramp-up rate is 3°C/secondmax. The reflow max. peak temperature (measured from the component body) should not exceed260°C.The ramp down rate should be 6°C/second max.Figure 8. Typical convection reflow soldering phases and profile.The process window for lead-free soldering is narrower than for traditional eutectic SnPb solders.Thus, caution has to be taken care when adjusting the reflow profiles. The reflow profile should bemeasured using a thermo-couple measurement system. It is recommended that at least threethermo-couples are used, depending on the application. As a general guide, one thermo-coupleshould be placed under a component having the largest thermal mass, one next to the smallestcomponent, one should be in contact with SCA3000 component's solder joint, and others to theappropriate spots on a circuit board, e.g. corner, center, bottom of the board etc. The reflow profileshould be adjusted according to the measured data so that each solder joint experiences anoptimal reflow profile. The temperature gradient should be as small as possible across thecircuit board and the components. Extreme caution has to be taken if the circuit boardcontains components with vastly different thermal masses.5.8 Moisture sensitivity level (MSL) classificationThe Moisture Sensitivity Level of the SCA3000 component is Level 3 according to the IPC/JEDECJ-STD-020C. The part is delivered in a dry pack. The manufacturing floor time (out of bag) at thecustomer’s end is 168 hours. Maximum soldering peak temperature for the SCA3000 is260°C/40sec, measured from the package body.5.9 InspectionOptical and visual inspection of solder joints can be done only partly, since the solder joints arelocated underneath the component itself. Therefore inspection of the solder joints with conventionalAOI (automatic optical inspection) system is not recommended. Figure 9 show photos of how thesoldered component on PWB looks from different directions.Figure 9. Solder pads, component leads and the solder joints are located under the component itself.X-ray inspection is a recommended inspection method for being able to check the complete solder joint area for solder bridges or short-circuits between solder pads. The X-ray inspection systems vary from manual to fully automated optical inspection systems. X-ray can be used for sample based process control, but it can also be implemented as an automatic in-line control. X-ray inspection can also be used to establish and optimize the component assembly process parameters.Cross-sectional analysis is also an approved method to inspect how well solder has wetted thepads of component. Cross-sectional analysis is not used for production inspection, but if required, it can be used to establish and optimize the component assembly process parameters. Cross-sectioning is a destructive inspection method. An example of a SCA3000 solder joint cross-section in presented in figure 10.Figure 10. Wetting of solder is different on the inner and outer surface of the solder pad.Outer surface of solder padInner surface of solder pad6 Rework GuidelinesThere are several rework systems on the market. Some will heat solder joints directly from thesides of component package, while others will direct heat on the top of component. Occasionally,very rough rework methods are used such as hand placement and heating with a soldering iron.However, these rough methods are not suitable for VTI's MID components. The heat flow of hot-airconvection should be directed at the edge and under the component body directly to the solderjoints and component pad areas. The package has a limited thermal conductivity and thus, ahorizontal flow method, a conduction method, or a conduction heating from the top of the packageto the solder joints should not be used.Prior to the rework process, PWBs and components should be free from moisture. If necessary,baking and drying processes should be performed.The reflow profile for the component removal should be similar to the initial reflow. A carefullyadjusted reflow profile is essential for the successful rework operation. A proper reflow profileshould be measured with thermo-couples. During the reflow profiling, at least the solder joints, thetop of the component, and the bottom of the PWB should be monitored. If there are othercomponents near the component to be reworked, the temperatures of those should also bemonitored. The bottom side heating of the PWB is recommended in order to reduce the PWBwarpage during the rework operation.Once the solder joints have been fully melted, the component can be carefully removed from thePWB. The common rework methods for the component removal can be used, i.e. a vacuum nozzleetc. It is absolutely necessary to ensure the complete melting of the solder joints before thecomponent lifting. If the solder joints are not fully melted before the lifting operation, pad damagemay occur on the PWB and the component.After the component is removed, the pad areas of the PWB should be cleaned using commonrework methods. These include the applying of a rework flux, an excess solder and flux removalusing a vacuum solder removal tool or a solder wick and a soldering iron with a wide chisel tip, andthe cleaning of solder pads with alcohol and brush. The PWB cleaning process should beperformed gently as too high force or a scrubbing motion can cause pad lifting and trace damage.If the component reuse is desired, it should be carefully inspected for a potential damage, solderresidues should be removed, and the pads should be cleaned. Prior to the placement of areplacement component on to the reworked PWB, a solder paste should be applied on the cleanedPWB pads. Suitable methods for applying the solder paste are the usage of a micro-stencil or thedispensing of the solder paste. If the micro-stencil is used, it should be cleaned after each pasteapplication to prevent clogging. For the solder paste and the stencil, the same guidelines as for theinitial reflow process should be used.The accurate alignment of the component is an important process step thought the surface tensionof the solder during the reflow step will help with the self-alignment. The use of a split-visionalignment system is recommended to ensure the precise alignment of the component to the PWB.The "Z" placement force should be carefully controlled in order to prevent the solder bridging.The same reflow profile, as for the component removal, can be used for the re-attachment of thereplacement component as long as all solder joints will fully melt and properly wet the contactareas. Otherwise, a new and proper reflow profile must be developed and measured from thesolder joints. The reworked PWBs should be allowed to cool to the room temperature. The PWBsand the components should be inspected after the rework process for possible defects. The use ofX-ray inspection techniques can be used to verify the success of the rework process.It should be noted, that the performance and the reliability of the reworked component may havedecreased due to the rework operation.7 Hand Soldering GuidelinesHand soldering of the SCA3000 MID package is not recommended. For proto-uses of the SCA3000 component, VTI can provide pre-assembled component on a PWB.For hand soldering of the SCA3000 component, VTI recommends eutectic tin-lead solder paste due to the lower melting point compared to lead-free solder pastes.Soldering is possible by applying solder paste onto PWB land pads and then using reflow heating or soldering iron to melt the paste and achieve the soldered joint.To make the manual hand soldering with soldering iron easier, VTI recommends increasing the PWB land pads length toward the outside of the package by up to 1mm, as shown in Figure 11 below. This extra area is helpful when soldering iron is being used. The hand soldering method is presented in more detail below.Figure 11. Recommended PWB land pad lengthening for and soldering.Narrow signal traces to component PWB soldering pads to optimize the conduction of heat to solder paste and component leads. See figure 12 for details.Figure 12. Narrowed PWB signal traces and use of soldering iron.1 mm pad extensionComponentleadPWB soldering Narrowtracesoldering iron PWB signal trace1. Apply the solder paste onto the PWB land pads. The paste can be applied by two differentmethods.- Manual solder paste printing through a stencil with normal openings designed for the SCA3000 component.- Needle dispensing of solder paste manually onto the PWB pads. VTI recommends use of a microscope in manual solder paste dispensing. Dispensing needle tip size can be0.12"-0.16".2x amount of solderpaste compared tosmaller PWBsoldering padsFigure 13: Solder paste (grey) on PWB land pads.2. Place the component gently on top of the solder paste. To avoid solder bridging, push only verygently on top of the component.3. i) Melt the solder paste by putting the part through reflow oven or ii) by using soldering iron.When using soldering iron, do not touch the package plastic body, soldering iron should touchonly the extension in the PWB's land pad through that the heat should be conducted to melt thesolder paste and then form the solder joint to the component lead. See figure 11 above fordetails.8 Environmental AspectsVTI Technologies respects environmental values and thus its MID packaged pressure sensors arelead-free and RoHS compatible. VTI Technologies’ sensors should be soldered with lead-freesolders in order to guarantee full RoHS compatibility.9 ReferencesJEDEC / Electronic Industries Alliance, Inc. Moisture/ReflowSensitivity Classification for Non-Hermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices (J-STD-020C).10 Document Revision HistoryVersion Date Change DescriptionRev. A 30.06.2006 First releaseRev. B 27.09.2006 Rework guidelines added. Corrections to reel dimensionsRev. C 13.02.2007 Corrections to reflow solderingVTI Technologies reserves all rights to modify this document without prior notice.。

ESD3000 - 模块化手持检测器 电静电ichtet 测试说明书

ESD3000 - 模块化手持检测器 电静电ichtet 测试说明书

Accredited CalibrationQuality at EMC PARTNER is based on an ISO 9001 manage-ment system. This is the foundation for an ISO 17025 accredi-tation verified by the Swiss Calibration Service (SCS). SCS No. 146 is the accreditation number of EMC PARTNER AG. Locally accredited but recognized worldwide through affiliation with the ILAC organisationTHE ESD TESTING SOLUTIONPOWER AT YOUR FINGER TIPSElectrostatic Discharge (ESD) is the most common test procedure applied toany electronic or electrical equipment. Used extensively to test:›Commercial products›Industrial systems›Military electronics›Automotive electronics›Fuses and detonators›Railway electronics›Avionic equipment qualification›Telecom equipment›Electronic componentsThe easily changeable and fully calibrated discharge networks, quickly adaptESD3000 to the requirements of any new application.Light and easy to use.3EASIL Y EXPANDABLEESD3000 is designed with the user in mind. The modular design allows configuration ac -cording to customer wishes, addition of more networks when adding applications and easy extension from 16kV to 30kV using the same generator. Automatic network recognition means ESD3000 is always ready.ESD3000 + DMx ESD3000 + RM32 + DNxIncludedRechargable Long-life battteriesUp to 3 test tips (Sharp, Round, Corona)Charger & Firmware update cableHandy, robust carrying case4Discharge Modules (DMx)up to 16kV Air / 10kV Contact Discharges ESD3000 required Discharge Networks (DNx)up to 30kV Air- and Contact Discharges DM1 (150pF, 330 Ohm)DM2 (330pF / 2000 Ohm)DM4 (100pF / 1500 Ohm)DM6 (100pF / 1500 Ohm)DM7 (200pF / 0 Ohm)ESD3000 & RM32 required DN1 (150pF / 330 Ohm)DN2 (330 pF, 2000 Ohm)DN3 (150 pF, 2000 Ohm)DN4 (500 pF, 5000 Ohm)DN5 (500 pF, 500 Ohm)DN6 (330 pF, 330 Ohm)Available Extensions Available ExtensionsAVAILABLE MODULESCommercial & IndustrialIEC 61000-4-2 / ITU-T K.44ESD3000DM1 (150pF, 330 Ohm)ANSI / IEEE C63.16ESD3000 DM16A-C63H (150pF / 330 Ohm)ESD3000 DM16C-C63H (150pF / 330 Ohm)UL 991ESD3000DM32A-UL991 (100pF / 1000 Ohm)Component TestIEC 61340-3-1 / JEDEC 22-A114 / MIL-STD-750DESD3000DM6 (100pF / 1000 Ohm)IEC 61340-3-2 / JEDEC 22-A115ESD3000DM7 (200pF / 0 Ohm)AutomotivePSA B21 7110ESD3000DM2 (330pF / 2000 Ohm)ISO 10605 / SAEJSSI-IS/FORD AB/AC /GMW 3097ESD3000DN1(150pF / 330 Ohm)ESD3000DN2 (330pF / 2000 Ohm)ESD3000DN3 (150pF / 2000 Ohm)ISO 10605ESD3000DN6 (330pF / 330 Ohm)JASO D 001-94ESD3000DN32-CAR1 (150pF / 500 Ohm)Renault 32-10-001/D and 32-10-035/AESD3000DN32-CAR5 (330pF / 0 Ohm)MilitaryMIL-STD-883 / GR78-COREESD3000DM4 (100pF / 1500 Ohm)STANAG 4239 / ISO 14304 / MIL-STD-1512ESD3000DN4 (500pF / 5000 Ohm)MIL-STD-331C / MIL-DTL-23659D / STANAG 4239ESD3000DN5 (500pF / 500 Ohm)MIL-STD-1576ESD3000DN32-MIL2 (400pF / 150 Ohm)ESD3000DN32-MIL3 (500pF / 0 Ohm)5The original 30kV battery powered generator with a unique system of changeable modules. Flexibility and power combined.UNIQUE FEATURES Long life standard battery. Up to 8 hours on full battery charge. Readily available in any store.AA battery powered Add calibrated modules to maintain the system value. Unique modules and accessories for special applications. Extend testing capability Single key press switches polarity before and during the test.Electronic polarity changeErgonomic hand held tester without additional base unit. Program directly on generator.Compact solution6Technical Specifications7ESD3000 MODULES ESD3000M a i n f r a m e D M 1D M 2D M 4D M 6D M 7R M 32D N 1D N 2D N 3D N 4D N 5D N 6C A R 1C A R 5I N D 1M I L 2M I L 3A -C 63HC -63H U L 991IEC 61000-4-2✓✓✓ITU-T K20✓✓PSA B32 7110✓✓MIL-STD-883✓✓GR78-CORE ✓✓IEC 61340-3-1✓✓JEDEC 22-A114✓✓MIL-STD-750D ✓✓IEC 61340-3-2✓✓JEDEC22-A115✓✓✓ISO 10605✓✓✓✓✓✓DO-160 S25✓✓✓✓MIL-STD-461G CS118✓✓✓✓ GMW3100✓✓✓✓✓✓GMW3097✓✓✓✓STANAG4239✓✓✓✓ISO14304✓✓✓MIL-STD-1512✓✓✓✓MIL-STD-330C ✓✓✓✓JASO D 001-94✓✓✓Renault 32-10-001/D ✓✓ABD0100.1.2✓✓✓Special MIL ✓✓✓MIL-STD-1576✓✓✓ANSI C63.16✓✓✓UL991✓8ACCESSORIES FOR DIFFERENT MODULES ESD3000M a i n f r a me D M 1D M 2D M 4D M 6D M 7R M 32D N 1D N 2D N 3D N 4D N 5D N 6C A R 1C A R 5I ND 1M IL 2M IL3A -C 63HC -63HEARTH CABLE ✓IEC IECESD-VCP50✓IEC IECESD-TARGET2✓IECESD-TARGET2 DN ✓ISO ISO ISO ISOESD-VERI-V ✓✓O O O ✓O O ✓✓O O O ✓✓✓✓ESD-STAND ED2✓O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O ESD-HCP-AUTO ✓ISO ISODM-EXT ✓MIL MILSAFETY-S ✓MIL MILTC-MIG24 ED ✓MIL MILESD3000 CNH12✓O O O O O OOPTOLINK ✓O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O TEMA ✓O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Overview ESD3000 | Modules | Accessories 91. ESD3000 MAINFRAME AND MODULES1.1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ESD3000 MainframeTo be used with modules all modules from this document are compatible Construction fully portable, no additional basic unitControl LCD and 6 menu buttons, 1 trigger button Maximum voltage 16 kV or 30 kV, depending on modules chosen Voltage steps 100 V - testDischarge polarity positive, negative, alternatingDischarge modes contact discharge (CD) and air discharge (AD)Discharge frequency CD max. 20 Hz, (pulse every 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 … 99 s)Discharge frequency AD ≥ 30 Hz or more, for ex. with DM1, DN1, other Counter pre-selectable, 1 to 29999Discharge detection selectable, count pulses or count discharges Holding time ≥ 5 sTrigger manual, automatic, remote Ramps voltage, polarityReporting with TEMA automatic report sequence, amplitude,polarity Dimensions for ex. withDM1 and tip 340 x 130 x 70 mm Weight mainframe 730 g, w/o battery pack and module Weight equipped 1050 g, with battery pack, DM1 and AD tip Power supply 10 x AA rechargeable batteries or mainsIncluded 10 batteries, mains adapter, ground cable 2 m, 3 test tips (AD, AD2, CD), carrying case, RS232 cable, E3Loader for remote control Requires at least a DM module, or a DN module + RM32ESD3000DM1Standards IEC 61000-4-2 (latest), ITU-T K.20,Other standards MIL-STD-461G CS118, DO-160 Section 25Storage capacitor 150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor 330 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 0.2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 0.2 – 10 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω0.8 ± 25 %First I peak into 2 Ω CD 7.5 A @ 2 kV – 37.5 A @ 10 kV (± 15 %)Current at 30 ns 4 A @ 2 kV – 20 A @ 10 kV (± 30 %)Current at 60 ns 2 A @ 2 kV – 10 A @ 10 kV (± 30 %)Optional ESD-TARGET2Overview ESD3000 | Modules | Accessories10ESD3000DM2Standards PSA B32 7110 up to 16 kV / 10 kVStorage capacitor330 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor2000 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD0.2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD0.2 – 10 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω0.7 – 1 nsFirst I peak into 2 Ω CD7.5 – 30 A ± 10 %RC time constant600 ± 130 nsESD3000DM4Standards MIL-STD-883, GR78-COREStorage capacitor100 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor1500 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD0.2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD0.2 – 10 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω<********–8kVI peak into 2 Ω (CD) 2.66 A @ 4 kV, 3.33 A @ 5 kVESD3000DM6Standards IEC 61340-3-1, JEDEC 22-A114,MIL-STD-750DStorage capacitor100 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor1500 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range CD0.25 – 8 kV ± 10 %Current rise time into 2 Ω2–*********–8kVRC time constant150 ± 20 nsESD3000DM7Standards IEC 61340-3-2, JEDEC 22-A115Storage capacitor200 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor0 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range CD0.1 – 2 kV ± 5 %Current into short circuit 1. 7 A – 35 A ± 15 % into short circuit (< 1 Ω)Current waveform as per IEC 61340-3-2 into SC (< 1 Ω)Current ringing frequency11 – 16 MHz @ 0.1 – 2 kV into SC (< 1 Ω)ESD3000DM32A-UL991Standard UL991, paragraph 15.2.2Storage capacitor100 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor1500 Ω ± 5 %Discharge mode AD only, consists of DM+ and DM- modulesVoltage range AD 4 – 30 kV ± 5 %Rise time at 4 kV, 20 kV< 5 nsRC const. at 4 kV, 20 kV150 ns ± 20 %Overview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories1130 KVThese Extensions need the Module ESD3000RM32ESD3000DN1Standards IEC 61000-4-2,ISO 10605Other standards MIL-STD-461G CS118, DO-160 Section 25Storage capacitor150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor330 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 1 – 32 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 1 – 30 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω0.8 ± 25 %First I peak into 2 Ω CD7.5 A @ 2 kV – 112.5 A @ 30 kV (± 15 %)Current at 30 ns 4 A @ 2 kV – 60 A @ 30 kV (± 30 %)Current at 60 ns 2 A @ 2 kV – 30 A @ 30 kV (± 30 %)Requires ESD3000RM32Included in ESD3000RM32Detachable module for faster tr (<700ps)Optional ESD-TARGET2 DN, ESD-HCP-AUTOESD3000DN2Standards ISO 10605, GMW3100, GMW3097Storage capacitor330 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor2000 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω0.7 – 1 nsFirst I peak into 2 Ω CD7.5 A @ 2 kV – 112.5 A @ 30 kV (- 0 / + 30 %) RC time constant600 ± 130 nsRequires ESD3000RM32Optional ESD-TARGET2 DNESD3000DN3Standards ISO 10605, GMW3100, GMW3097Storage capacitor150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor2000 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω0.7 – 1 nsFirst I peak into 2 Ω CD7.5 A @ 2 kV – 112.5 A @ 30 kV (- 0 / + 30 %) RC time constant300 ± 60 nsRequires ESD3000RM32Optional ESD-TARGET2 DNOverview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories12ESD3000DN4Standards STANAG4239, ISO14304MIL-STD-1512, MIL-STD-330Storage capacitor500 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor5000 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %I rise time into 2 Ω CD0.7 – 1 nsRequires ESD3000RM32Optional ESD3000 SAFETY-S, DM-EXT,TC-MIG24EDESD3000DN5Standards STANAG4239, MIL-STD-1512, MIL-STD-330Storage capacitor500 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor500 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %I rise time into 2 Ω CD0.7 – 1 nsRequires ESD3000RM32Optional ESD3000 SAFETY-S, DM-EXT,TC-MIG24EDESD3000DN6Standards ISO 10605, GMW3100Storage capacitor330 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor330 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Current rise time into 2 Ω0.7 – 1 nsRC time constant300 ± 130Requires ESD3000RM32Optional ESD-TARGET2 DN, ESD-HCP-AUTOSPECIALESD3000DN32-CAR1Standard JASO D 001-94Storage capacitor150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor500 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 30 kV ± 10 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 10 %I rise time into 2 Ω CD0.8 ± 25 %First I peak into 2 Ω AD< 5 nsRC time constant300 ± 60 nsRequires ESD3000RM32Optional ESD-TARGET2 DNOverview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories13ESD3000DN32-CAR5Standard Renault 32-10-001/DApplication testing airbag initiatorsStorage capacitor330 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor0 Ω ± 10 %Source impedance Rt< 30 ΩVoltage range AD 2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Requires the module is already integrated in RM32 ESD3000DN32-IND1Standard ABD0100.1.2, IEC801-2Storage capacitor150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor150 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %I rise time into 2 Ω CD0.7 – 1 nsRC time constant30 ns ± 30 %Requires ESD3000RM32ESD3000DN32-MIL2Standards special military requirementStorage capacitor400 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor150 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %I rise time into 2 Ω CD0.8 ± 25 %Requires ESD3000RM32ESD3000DN32-MIL3Standard MIL-STD-1576Storage capacitor500 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor0 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range CD 2 – 30 kV ± 5 %Requires ESD3000RM32ESD3000DM16A-C63HStandard ANSI C63.16 (AD requirement)Storage capacitor150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor330 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range AD 2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Requires-Overview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories14ESD3000DM16C-C63HStandard ANSI C63.16 (CD requirement)Storage capacitor150 pF ± 10 %Discharge resistor330 Ω ± 10 %Voltage range CD 2 – 16 kV ± 5 %Requires-1.2. POWER, CLIMATIC CONDITIONS, SHIPPING WEIGHT, DIMENSIONSESD3000 mainframeMains adapter95 – 250 V (50/60 Hz)Power consumption ON < 20 VA, standby < 5 VATemperature range15 – 35 °CHumidity30 – 60 % non-condensingAir pressure86 – 106 kPaShipping weight 2.4 kg plus selected modulesCarrying case dimensions46 x 41 x 17 cmIncluded in deliveryUser manual with conformity declarationCalibration certificate factory calibration for selected modules2. ACCESSORIES FOR ESD30002.1. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSEARTH CABLEApplication connection of HCP or VCP to ground planeImpedance 2 x 470 kΩLength 2 mConnectors 2 x banana plugsOverview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories15ESD-VCP50Application indirect ESD application as per standardSpacer in between10 cm wooden spacerCoupling plane50 x 50 cmApplication points one on each sideDimensions50 x 50 x 10 cmWeight8 kgIncluded 2 m earth cable (with 2 x 470 kΩ)ESD-TARGET2Standard IEC 61000-4-2 latestApplication current target for calibration of ESD generator Input impedance 2 ΩInput voltage max. 10 kV CDFrequency range± 0.5 dB up to 1 GHz, ± 1.2 dB up to 4 GHzCurrent range0 – 50 A standard, could be extendedTransfer function0.2 V / 1 A with 20 dBDiameter70 mmThickness40 mmWeight398 g including attenuatorFixing8 x M3 screws, included in deliveryIncluded20 dB att., 50 Ω coax. cable (1 m) with BNC out ESD-TARGET2 DNStandard IEC 61000-4-2 latestApplication current target for calibration of ESD generator Input impedance 2 ΩInput voltage max. 30 kV CDFrequency range± 0.5 dB up to 1 GHz, ± 1.2 dB up to 4 GHzCurrent range0 – 120 A standard, could be extendedTransfer function0.2 V / 1 A with 20 dB, 0.02 V / 1 A with 40 dB Diameter70 mmThickness40 mmWeight398 g including attenuatorFixing8 x M3 screws, included in deliveryIncluded40 dB att., 50 Ω coax. cable (1 m) with BNC out ESD-VERI-VApplication target for ESD DC voltage measurementInput impedance20 GΩ || 3 pFInput voltage range0 – 32 kVOutput voltage range0 – 1.6 VOutput connector BNCDimensions17 cm height, 5.5 cm diameterWeight433 gIncluded earth conductorOverview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories16ESD-STAND Ed2Application stand for supporting ESD gun, fixed point testHeight50 – 180 cm, adjustablePosition360˚ adjustableDimensions64 x 17 x 12 cm (packed)Weight 4 kgIncluded cable holder for calibrationESD-HCP-AUTOApplication coupling plane as per ISO 10605 annex FLength1500 mmInsulation distance50 mmTest level8 – 20 kV, as per standardDimensions180 x 120 x 5 cmWeight 2.2 kgIncluded EARTH CABLEESD3000DM-EXTApplication 1 m extension cable for ESD3000 modulesCompatibility DM and DN modulesCable length 1 ± 0.05 mWeight0.5 kg including accessoriesCan be used with DN modulesESD3000 SAFETY-SStandard MIL-STD-1512Application safety switch for testing explosive devicesVoltage max. 30 kV CDDimensions20 x 16 x 12 cmWeight 2 kg including accessoriesIncluded mains adapterTo be used with ESD3000DM-EXT, TC-MIG24 EDTC-MIG24 ED for testing explosive devicesApplication test cabinetVoltage insulation max. 36 kVEUT dimensions max. 30 x 30 x 20 cmEUT weight max. 5 kgSafety circuit door interlockSignal lamps red and green lamps built-inControl of signal lamps for example with ESD3000 SAFETY-SDimensions47 x 43.5 x 25.4 cmWeight8 kgIncluded connection cable 25pol/ESD3000 SAFETY-SOverview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories17ESD3000 CNH12Application Magnetic field loop for ESD3000 test system Loop diameter12 cmLoop current allowed> 100 ADischarge mode selection contact discharge (CD)Current at 15 kV setting50 A, with RM32 and DN1Current at 30 kV setting108 A, with RM32 and DN1Dimensions33 x 13 x 1 cmWeight0.2 kg including accessoriesRequires ESD3000RM32, ESD3000DN1or other DNESD3000-OPTOLINKApplication(insulating) optical cable ESD3000 - computer Length10 mInterface RS232, requires USB adapterBaud rate9600 bpsWeight0.2 kgIncluded tranceiver with mains adapterRequires USB-RS 232 ADAPTERUSB-RS232 ADAPTERApplication adapter between RS232 and USB interfac-esAdapter type Passive, no power supplyInput RS232 maleOutput USBCable length0.35 mWeight0.2 kgTEMAApplication control software for ESD3000 systemLicense 1 license for 1 generatorCapabilities with ESD3000Sequences, reporting, remote controlCompatibility Windows XP, 7, 8, 10Requires ESD3000-OPTOLINK, USB-RS 232 ADAPTEROverview ESD3000 | Modules|Accessories18THE EMC PARTNER PRODUCT RANGE Find further brochures on our website /brochures or contact your local representative for a hardcopy.LIGHTNING TESTSImpulse test equipment and accessories for aircraft, military and tel -ecom applications. Complete solutions for RTCA / DO-160 and EURO -CAE / ED-14 for indirect lighting on aircraft systems, MIL-STD-461 tests CS106, CS115, CS116, CS117, CS118 and Telecom, ITU-T .K44 basic and enhanced tests for impulse, power contact and power induction.COMPONENT TESTSImpulse generators for testing; varistors, gas discharge tubes (GDT),surge protective devices (SPDs), X / Y capacitors, circuit breakers,electricity meters, protection relays, insulation material, suppressor diodes, connectors, chokes, fuses, resistors, emc-gaskets, cables, etc. EMISSION MEASUREMENTSMeasurement of Harmonics and Flicker in 1-phase and 3-phaseelectrical and electronic products according to IEC /EN 61000-3-2 and 61000-3-3 . HARCS Immunity software adds interharmonic tests, voltage variation according to IEC/EN 61000-4-13, -4-14.IMMUNITY TESTSTransient Test Systems for all EMC tests on electronic equipment. ESD, EFT, surge, AC dips, AC magnetic field, surge magnetic field, commonmode, damped oscillatory and DC dips. According to IEC and EN 61000-4-2, -4, -5, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, -13, -14, -16, -18, -19, -29.SYSTEM AUTOMATIONA full range of accessories enhance the test systems. Test cabinets, test pistols, adapters and remote control software, simplify interfacing with the EUT. Programmable PSU, EMC hardened for frequencies from 16.7Hz to 400Hz. PS3-SOFT-EXT complies with IEC / EN 61000-4-14 and -4-28.SERVICEOur committment starts with a quality management system backing up our ISO 17025 accreditation. With the SCS number 146, EMC PARTNERprovide accredited calibration and repairs. Our customer support teamare at your service!。

搜博 SCA1000 地埋管测温电缆 操作手册说明书

搜博 SCA1000 地埋管测温电缆 操作手册说明书

SCA1000地埋管测温电缆操作手册目录概况 (3)与传统测温电缆对比分析 (3)技术参数 (4)特点 (4)电缆结构 (5)校正与测试 (6)接线及系统组成 (7)使用注意事项 (11)订货须知 (13)概况地源热泵空调系统利用土壤作为埋地管换热器的热源或热汇,对建筑物进行供热和供冷.在埋地管换热器设计中,土壤的导热系数是很重要的参数.而对地温进行长期可靠的监测显得特别重要。









部分加速度计型号参数部分加速度计型号参数加速度传感器MXP7205VF MXP7205VF引脚低成本±5 G带SPI接口的双轴加速度计MXR6500G MXR6500G引脚薄型,低功耗±1.7克双轴加速度计,按比例输出KXTE9-1026 KXTE9-1026引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格LSM320HAY30 LSM320HAY30引脚MEMS运动传感器模块的三维数字加速度计和2D间距和偏航模拟陀螺仪SCA830-D06 SCA830-D06引脚SCA830-D06单轴数字SPI接口的高性能加速度计,KXSS5-2057 KXSS5-2057引脚为±3克三轴加速度计产品规格ADIS16006 ADIS16006引脚双轴±5 g加速度计具有SPI接口的2240-002 2240-002引脚的模拟加速计模块KXP74 KXP74引脚 Kxp74系列加速度计和倾角传感器SCA3000-E01 SCA3000-E01 超低功耗引脚 SCA3000-E01 3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口KXTF9-4100 KXTF9-4100引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格2430-002 2430-002引脚三轴模拟加速计模块KXPA4-2050 KXPA4-2050引脚±2 G三轴模拟加速度计产品规格SCA2100-D01 SCA2100-D01 SCA2100-D01 2轴加速度计,数字SPI接口引脚MXA2050A MXA2050A引脚低成本,±10 G双模拟输出三轴加速度计SCA3000-E05 SCA3000-E05 超低功耗引脚 SCA3000-E05 3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口MXR7150V MXR7150V引脚低成本?7 G按比例输出的双轴加速度计,MXR2010A MXR2010A引脚低成本,±35克双轴加速度计,按比例输出KXSC7-1050 KXSC7-1050引脚±2g的三轴模拟加速度计产品规格SCA3100-D03 SCA3100-D03 SCA3100-D03的3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口引脚MXA6500G MXA6500G引脚低成本,低噪音1 G双轴加速度计,绝对模拟输出SCA3060-D01 SCA3060-D01引脚 Sca3060-D01数位式低功率加速度计非安全关键汽车应用? 2012-002 2012-002引脚的模拟加速计模块MXD6125G MXD6125G引脚薄型,低功耗,±2 G双数字输出三轴加速度计MXR9500G MXR9500G引脚低成本±1.5 G三成比例的输出三轴加速度计KXTE9-2050 KXTE9-2050引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格KXSS5-4457 KXSS5-4457引脚为±3克三轴加速度计产品规格2264-005 2264-005引脚的模拟加速计模块KXP84 KXP84引脚 Kxp84系列加速度计和倾角传感器SCA3100-D04 SCA3100-D04 SCA3100-D04 引脚高性能3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口SCA820-D04 SCA820-D04引脚 Sca820-D04 1轴高性能加速度计,数字SPI接口2460-002 2460-002引脚三轴模拟加速计模块格SCA820-D03 SCA820-D03引脚 Sca820-D03单轴加速度计,数字SPI接口BU-21771-000 BU-21771-000引脚BU系列加速BU-21771-000ADXL202E ADXL202E引脚低成本?2 G,占空比输出的双轴加速度计MXD2020E MXD2020E引脚超低噪声,低失调漂移±1 G双数字输出三轴加速度计KXR94-1050 KXR94-1050引脚±2g的三轴加速度计产品规格SCA3100-D07 SCA3100-D07 SCA3100-D07 引脚高性能3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口MX205Q MX205Q引脚低成本,5.0G,双模拟输出三轴加速度计ADXL202 ADXL202引脚低成本?2 G双轴加速度计,占空比输出MXR7250VW MXR7250VW引脚低成本±5 G双轴加速度计,按比例输出MXR6400Q MXR6400Q引脚超高性能为±1g双轴加速度计,按比例输出KXSD9-2050 KXSD9-2050引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格SCA2100-D02 SCA2100-D02 SCA2100-D02 引脚 2轴高性能加速度计,数字SPI接口ADIS16003 ADIS16003引脚双轴±1.7 g加速度计具有SPI接口的2220-002 2220-002引脚的模拟加速计模块KXD94-2802 KXD94-2802引脚±10克三轴加速度计产品规格SCA3000-D02 SCA3000-D02引脚SCA3000-D02低功耗3轴加速度计,数字I 2 C接口KXTF9-1026 KXTF9-1026引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格2422-002 2422-002引脚三轴模拟加速计模块KXPA4-1050 KXPA4-1050引脚±2 G三轴模拟加速度计产品规格SCA2110-D03 SCA2110-D03引脚 Sca2110-D03 2轴加速度计,数字SPI接口ADXL105 ADXL105引脚的高精度61克到65克单轴iMEMS加速度计与模拟输入KXPS5-2050 KXPS5-2050引脚±2g的三轴加速度计产品规格AIS326DQ的AIS326DQ引脚MEMS惯性传感器的3轴,带有数字输出的低g加速度计SCA3000-E04 SCA3000-E04 超低功耗引脚 SCA3000-E04 3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口? BU-23173-000 BU-23173-000引脚 BU系列加速BU-23173-000ADXL210E ADXL210E引脚低成本?10 G双轴加速度计,占空比MXD6125Q MXD6125Q引脚超高的性能为±1g双轴加速度计的数字输出KXR94-2353 KXR94-2353引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格MXA2500J MXA2500J引脚超低成本,1.0 G绝对值输出的双轴加速度计,SCC1300-D04 SCC1300-D04引脚 Scc1300-D04组合的陀螺仪和3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口? 2010-002 2010-002引脚数字加速计模块MXP7205VW MXP7205VW引脚低成本±5 G带SPI接口的双轴加速度计MXR9150G MXR9150G引脚低成本±5克三成比例的输出三轴加速度计KXTE9-1050 KXTE9-1050引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格KXSS5-3028 KXSS5-3028引脚为±3克三轴加速度计产品规格2260-002 2260-002引脚的模拟加速计模块KXP74-1050 KXP74-1050引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格SCA3000-E02 SCA3000-E02引脚 SCA3000-E02的3轴加速度计,数字I 2 C接口超低功耗? 2440-002 2440-002引脚三轴模拟加速计模块KXPB5-2050 KXPB5-2050引脚±2 G三轴加速度计产品规格SCA830-D05 SCA830-D05引脚SCA830-D05单轴加速度计,数字SPI接口ADXL190 ADXL190引脚低成本6100 G单轴加速度计的模拟输出MXC62020GP MXC62020GP引脚低功耗,薄型±2 G双I 2 C接口的三轴加速度计KXPS5-4457 KXPS5-4457引脚±3G的三轴加速度计产品规格CMA3000-D01 CMA3000-D01引脚 CMA3000-D01的3轴超低功耗加速度计,数字SPI和I 2 C接口MXR7305VF MXR7305VF引脚改进的低成本±5 G双成比例的模拟输出三轴加速度计MXR6150M MXR6150M引脚薄型,低功耗±5g的双轴加速度计,按比例输出KXSD9-1026 KXSD9-1026引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格SCA2120-D07 SCA2120-D07引脚 Sca2120-D07 2轴加速度计,数字SPI接口MXD202 MXD202引脚低成本,2.0G,双数字输出三轴加速度计SCA3060-D02 SCA3060-D02引脚 Sca3060-D02数位式低功率加速度计非安全关键汽车应用? 2210-002 2210-002引脚的模拟加速计模块KXD94 KXD94引脚 KXD94系列加速计和倾斜计SCA3000-D01 SCA3000-D01引脚SCA3000-D01低功耗3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口KXTE9-4100 KXTE9-4100引脚±2g的三轴数字加速度计产品规格ML8953 ML8953 的3轴加速度计的数字量输出引脚数据KXR94-2283 KXR94-2283引脚,多项数据表为±2G三轴的加速度计产品规格2420-002 2420-002引脚三轴数字加速计模块KXP94 KXP94引脚 Kxp94系列加速度计和倾角传感器SCA2120-D05 SCA2120-D05引脚 Sca2120-D05 2轴加速度计,数字SPI接口ADXL05 ADXL05引脚 61 G 65 G的单芯片加速度计与信号调理2470-002 2470-002引脚三轴模拟加速计模块KXPS5-1050 KXPS5-1050引脚±2g的三轴加速度计产品规格AIS226DS AIS226DS引脚 MEMS惯性传感器的2轴,低g加速度计的数字量输出SCA810-D01 SCA810-D01引脚 Sca810-D01单轴加速度计,数字SPI接口BU-23842-000 BU-23842-000引脚BU系列加速BU-23842-000MMA7455 MMA7455 MMA7455引脚 3轴加速度计模块ADXL50 ADXL50引脚单片加速度传感器与信号调理MXD6025Q MXD6025Q引脚超低噪声,低失调漂移±1 G双数字输出三轴加速度计KXR94-2050 KXR94-2050引脚±2g的三轴加速度计产品规格MPXY8300 MPXY8300引脚根部分号码汽车压力范围卡车轮胎压力范围压力范围压力传感器精度* Z-轴加速度计测量范围Z-轴加速度计精度X轴加速度计测量范围X轴加速度计精度AcceleMXA2500G MXA2500G引脚改进,超低噪声1.7克双轴加速度计具有绝对的输出SCC1300-D02 SCC1300-D02引脚 Scc1300-D02组合的陀螺仪和3轴加速度计,数字SPI接口? ADXL210 ADXL210引脚低成本?10 G双轴加速度计,占空比1221L-002 1221L-002引脚的低噪声模拟加速度计引脚 1.5克MMA7368L MMA7368L三轴低g微机械加速度计LIS2L06AL LIS2L06AL引脚MEMS惯性传感器的2轴- + / - 2g/6g超小型线性加速度计ADXL327 ADXL327引脚小尺寸,低功耗,3轴±2 g加速度计MMA7330L MMA7330L引脚4克,12克三轴低g微机械加速度计MMA7341LC MMA7341LC引脚 3G,11克三轴低g微机械加速度计4203 4203引脚型号4203加速度计MMA2300 MMA2300引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计MLX90308 MLX90308引脚可编程的通用传感器接口MMA1220KEG MMA1220KEG引脚低g微机械加速度计LIS3L02AS5 LIS3L02AS5引脚 MEMS惯性传感器3轴- ?2g/6g 线性加速度计MMA3201D MMA3201D引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计MMA6261Q MMA6261Q的引脚 Mma6261q加速度传感器MMA8452Q MMA8452Q,,引脚 3轴,12-bit/8-bit,,数字加速度计3031-050 3031-050引脚型号3031加速度计4610-020-060 4610-020-060引脚型号4610加速度计MMAS40G10D MMAS40G10D引脚微机械加速度计SCA610-CAHH1G SCA610-CAHH1G引脚SCA610-cahh1g 1轴模拟测斜仪MAX1459 MAX1459引脚 MAX1459 2线,4-20mA的智能信号调理KXRB5-2050 KXRB5-2050引脚,多项数据表为±2G三轴的加速度计ADXL335 ADXL335引脚小尺寸,低功耗,3轴±3 g加速度计MMA1270KEG MMA1270KEG引脚飞思卡尔半导体技术资料MMA2204KEG MMA2204KEG引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计LIS2L01 LIS2L01引脚,多项数据表的惯性传感器2axis/1g线性加速度计MMA2204D MMA2204D引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计HMR3400 HMR3400引脚数字罗盘解决方案QA-1400 QA-1400引脚加速度计具有成本效益级惯性传感器ADXL213 ADXL213引脚低成本±1.2克双轴加速度计4655-020 4655-020引脚型号4655加速度计4801A 0010 4801A-0010引脚型号4801a加速度计MMA1212 MMA1212引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计BMA145 BMA145引脚 Bma145数据表B Bma145三轴模拟加速度传感器LIS344AL的LIS344AL引脚MEMS惯性传感器的3轴超小型线性加速度计ADXL150 ADXL150引脚 65克到650克,低噪声,低功耗,单/双通道轴的iMEMS?加速度计MMA2260D和 MMA2260D引脚 1.5克X-轴微机械加速度计MMA2301KEG MMA2301KEG引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计LIS352AX的 LIS352AX引脚 MEMS惯性传感器的3轴- ±2g的绝对模拟输出加速度计1203-1000-10-072X 1203-1000-10-072X引脚型号1203加速度计MMA1212D MMA1212D引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计MLX90308CAB MLX90308CAB引脚可编程传感器接口52M30-2000-360 52M30-2000-360引脚型号52m30加速度计ADXL323 ADXL323引脚小尺寸,低功耗,2轴±3 GI MEMS加速度计MLX90308CCC MLX90308CCC引脚可编程传感器接口MMA7341L MMA7341L引脚 3G,11克三轴低g微机械加速度计LIS2L02AQ LIS2L02AQ引脚惯性传感器2axis - 2g/6g线性加速度计ADXL345 ADXL345引脚三轴±2/4/8/16g数字加速度计MMA2244EG MMA2244EG引脚低g微机械加速度计MMA6341L MMA6341L引脚 3G,11克两轴低g微机械加速度计LIS302SG LIS302SG引脚 MEMS运动传感器的3轴- ?2G模拟输出短笛加速度计4000A-020-060 4000A-020-060引脚型号4000A加速度计MMA1201P MMA1201P引脚微机械加速度计ADXL193 ADXL193引脚单轴,高g,公司的iMEMS加速度计MMA7660FC MMA7660FC引脚 3轴方向/运动检测传感器LIS3L02AQ3 LIS3L02AQ3引脚 MEMS惯性传感器的3轴- 2G /6克线性加速度计ADW22035 ADW22035引脚精度±18 G Single-/dual-axis iMEMS加速度计MMA7360L MMA7360L引脚 1.5G,6克三轴低g微机械加速度计MAX1166 MAX1166引脚低功耗,16位模拟数字转换器,并行接口MMA6851QR2 MMA6851QR2引脚单轴SPI惯性传感器NJU7029 NJU7029引脚低噪声,轨至轨输出双通道CMOS运算放大器4602-010-060 4602-010-060引脚型号4602加速度计MMA6270Q MMA6270Q引脚 R1.5 G - 6 G双三轴低g微机械加速度计SCA610-C23H1A SCA610-C23H1A引脚的 SCA610-c23h1a单轴模拟加速度计ADIS16355, ADIS16355引脚三轴惯性传感器ADXL312 ADXL312引脚三轴,±1.5g/3g/6g/12g数字加速度计MMA2202KEG MMA2202KEG引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计LIS3L02AQ LIS3L02AQ引脚惯性传感器3轴- 2g/6g线性加速度计MMA2202D MMA2202D引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计BU1511KV2 BU1511KV2引脚事件数据记录系统LSIQA3000-030 QA3000-030引脚的 Q-Flex QA-3000加速度计ADS8201 ADS8201引脚 2.2V至5.5V,低功耗,12位,100ksps时,与PGA和SPI?接口的8通道数据采集系统3058-010-P 3058-010-P引脚型号3058加速度计4623-025-060 4623-025-060引脚型号4623加速度计XMMA1000P XMMA1000P引脚微机械加速度计LIS244AL LIS244AL引脚 MEMS运动传感器的2轴- ?2克超小型线性加速度计KXPS5 KXPS5引脚加速度计和倾角传感器ADIS16354 ADIS16354引脚高精度三轴惯性传感器MMA7261QT和 MMA7261QT引脚 2.5G - 10G三轴低g微机械加速度计MMA6222AKEG MMA6222AKEG引脚模拟双轴微机械加速度计“惯性传感器LIS3L02AS LIS3L02AS引脚 3轴- 2g/6g线性加速度计MMA1210D MMA1210D引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计HMC1055 HMC1055引脚 3轴罗盘传感器集QA-700 QA-700引脚加速度计的经济温度补偿传感器ADXL320 ADXL320引脚小而薄的±5 G iMEMS加速度计834M1-2000, 834M1-2000引脚型号834m1加速度计MMA2260 MMA2260引脚 1.5克X-轴微机械加速度计LIS332AR LIS332AR引脚 MEMS运动传感器的3轴±2 G模拟输出超小型加速度计LIS3LV02DL LIS3LV02DL引脚 MEMS惯性传感器的3轴-2G /??6克数字输出低电压,线性加速度计MMA1270D MMA1270D引脚低g微机械加速度计MMA2244KEG MMA2244KEG引脚低g微机械加速度计LIS33DE LIS33DE引脚 MEMS运动传感器的3轴- ±2克/±8G智能数字输出“纳米”加速度1207F-1000 1207F-1000引脚型号1207f加速度计MMA1200D MMA1200D引脚表面贴装微机械加速度计邢树村整理:TEL:189********。



SCA610/620 互 换
SCA610-CAHH1G 单±0.5g
SCA610-CA1H1G 单±1g
比 例 电 压 封装,水平测量,
SCA610-C21H1A 单±1g
非线性 40mg,频响
双±15° 0.003° 0.01 0.000 RS232 或 较常用, 内置温度补偿
°或 1 ° / RS485 数字 属于高精度系列
0.015 ℃ 输出
三维电子 罗盘 0.1 - 3Gauss
RS232 和 RS485 数字 输出,提供 相关校核 程序
三维磁阻传感器测量平面地磁场,双轴 ±60°倾角补偿,精度 1°磁场测量精 度 100uGauss,外壳防水,无磁,温度 性能好。100mm×76mm×40mm
优点: 工作温度带宽,性价比好,测量精度好,高速高精度 A/D 转换
部滤波功能,以实现在振动场合测量倾角目标,可实现 360°倾角的测量。



7) 灵敏度温度误差={[Count(+1g)-Count(-1g)]/2-灵敏度}/灵
12) 12)安装误差小于 1%FS
图 2 感应方向和封装尺寸,单位:mm(50um 公差)
图 3 SCA3000-D01 测量模式频响
图 4 SCA3000-D01 旁路测量模式频响
SCA3000 第 2 页
上海朗尚科贸有限公司 Shanghai Lamshine Co. LTD 上海浦东新区东方路 428 号 509 室 200120 Tel:+86-21-58796509 58765633 hover@ sales@
低能耗三轴加速度计 SCA3000-D01
1) 电源电压 2.35v—3.6v,数字 I/O 电压 1.7v—3.6v
2) 量程±2g
3) SPI 数字串口通信
4) 频响可选
5) 64 组缓冲存储器记录数据,在系统一级上面,有先进的性能和有效节能方式。
6) 非常低能耗(2.5v,480uA 典型)
标准电压范围 2.35-2.7v 最小 标准 2) 最大
2.35 2.5
1.8/ 2.5 2.7
-2 -20
300 ±0.5
+2 +20
灵敏度校准误差 灵敏度温度误差 7) 非线性 8) 横轴灵敏度 9) 带宽 10)
-40 - 85℃
测量模式 旁路测量模式
噪声 11)
输出数据速率 温度输出
启动时间 12)
输出负载 SPI 时钟速率 注释:
上海朗尚科贸有限公司 Shanghai Lamshine Co. LTD 上海浦东新区东方路 428 号 509 室 200120 Tel:+86-21-58796509 58765633 hover@ sales@



n e w
目录 NICE3000new电梯一体化控制器用户手册简易版
前言 (1)
第1章产品信息 (3)
1.1 产品命名与铭牌信息 (3)
1.2 安装尺寸 (3)
1.3 NICE3000new系列一体化控制器型号与技术数据 (5)
1.4 制动组件选型与配置 (6)
1.5 端子分布与接线说明 (8)
第2章使用说明 (12)
2.1 小键盘使用及参数说明 (12)
2.2 一体化控制系统电气接线示意图 (14)
2.3 井道位置信号的安装 (15)
2.4 系统调试 (18)
第3章功能参数表 (27)
第4章系统应用 (49)
4.1 停电应急运行方案 (49)
4.2 两台梯并联方案 (53)
4.3 贯通门使用说明 (56)
4.4 VIP功能使用说明 (60)
第5章故障信息及对策 (61)
5.1 控制器的保修说明 (61)
5.2 故障类别说明 (61)
5.3 故障信息及对策 (62)
版本变更记录 (71)
3PH AC380~440V 36A 50/60Hz。



通力3000无机房电梯LCE指示灯解释指示灯--亮灭注解Emergency alam(红色)--有警报--没有警报--按选择/输入按钮重置Lift in fault(红色)--有故障,电梯不能启动--电梯正常--Cpu running(黄色)--Cpu正在运行--CPU不在运行--CPU运行时指示灯闪烁Inspection(黄色)--42:DS位于检修位置--42:DS位于正常位置--42:DS在轿顶Rescue drive(黄色)--RDF开关在RECALL运行方式运行--RDF在正常位置--开关在控制柜Car communication OK(绿色)--LCECPU与LCECCB间信息交流正常,软件版本2.3以上--2.3以前版本应是灭的,2.3以后版本若灭,则信息交流有问题--检查接线Shaft comm..ok(绿色)--LCECPU与楼层板间信息交流正常--LCECPU与楼层板间信息交流不正常--检查接线+24V controller OK(绿色)--24V控制柜供电电源正常--24电源不正常--检查保险丝F4+5VcontrollerOK9(绿色)--LCECPU5V电源正常--5V电源故障--如果24V指示灯亮,则更换LCECPU板+24V Car&shaft OK(绿色)--24V轿厢,井道供电电源正常--24V电源故障--检查保险丝F5 Change bord(红色)--LCECPU板烧毁--LCECPU板正常--更换新板Speed>0.1m/s(黄色)--正在加速,速度大于0.1M/S--正在减速,速度小于0.1M/S--Start pemit(黄色)--主继电器都激活(201:1,201:2,201:4)--主继电器都释放--如果灯不灭,可能有继电器阻塞(XD1/3POS379)Main contactor(黄色)--LCECPU主继电器激活指令有效--指令无效--Shaft door contact(黄色)--所有层门都已关好--层门未关好--XH2/3终端POS.379Close door command(黄色)--关门命令有效--关门命令无效--从LCE到ADVDrive needed(黄色)--控制系统认为需要启动--不需要启动--呼梯,泊梯.自动平层等V3F OK(绿色)--驱动系统可正常运行--驱动单元有故障--Safety input(绿色)--到轿门触点前的安全回路正常--到轿门触点前的安全回路有问题Open door command(黄色)--开门命令有效--无命令--从LCE到ADVphotocell(黄色)--光眼光束受挡--光束未受挡--XB29/2及XB31/2POS.379Open button(黄色)--轿厢内开门按钮按下--未按下--Close force limiter(黄色)--关门力限制器申请重开门--不需重开门--XB28/8及XB30/8POS806Drive up(黄色)--向上运行指令已送往V3F25--无效--77:u(黄色)--轿厢在上部减速区--轿厢不在上部减速区--77:U断开61:U(黄色)--轿厢在61:U区内--轿厢不在61:U区内--地坎以上5MM,以下145MM30(黄色)--轿厢在门区内--轿厢不在门区内--地坎以上150MM,以下150MM61N(黄色)--轿厢在61:N区内--轿厢不在61:N区内--地坎以下5MM,以上145MM77:N(黄色)--轿厢在下部减速区--轿厢不在下部减速区--77:N断开77:S(黄色)--77:S开关断开或无此开关--轿厢不在上下端站--只在终端楼层间距短的时候Drive down(黄色)--向下运行指令已送往V3F25--无效----以上仅供参考----。



图 3.2-1 安装板固定示意图
控制器 的固定螺孔
417 437
图 3.2-2 3000 火灾报警控制器安装板安装尺寸图
固定螺钉:将控 制器挂好后,拧上 固定螺钉(厂家提 供)
图 3.2-4 控制器的安装固定示意图二
330 390
Tyco Fire & Security
执行 回授 故障
启动 停止
执行 回授 故障
启动 停止
执行 回授 故障
执行 回授 故障
执行 回授 故障
图 3.2-3 控制器的安装固定示意图一
445 575
378.5 389
后视图 图 3.1-1 3000 控制器机箱尺寸
固定螺母 (厂家提
供) 将进线孔 对准建筑 物的预埋 出线孔
tyco3000 火灾报警控制器(联动型)
版本:1 . 1 日期:2005 年 4 月
3.1 控制器尺寸
3.2 安装说明
4.1 主要功能
4.2 额定使用条件及主要技术性能
5.1 面板布置
5.2 内部电气原理
5.3 内部电气连接
安装板上,见图 3 . 2 - 4 。
主机运行 手动允许 编辑 联动
主电运行 备电运行 屏蔽 消音

Multi N C 3000 TOC 分析仪中文操作手册说明书

Multi N C 3000 TOC 分析仪中文操作手册说明书

1 简介 1.1 用户注意事项
multi N/C 3000 只允许看过本少册的有资格的人员操作。除非有合同许可,否则 multi N/C 3000 的安装由本公司的代表处执行。
本设备是有抑制噪声的装备,遵循德国的相关法规(BMPT Vfg. 243/1991)和欧洲标准 (EN55022 Class A)。 1.2 安全注意事项

目录 1 简介……………………………………………………………………………………..4 1.1 用户注意事项…………………………………………………………………………4 1.2 安全注意事项…………………………………………………………………………4 1.3 使用的符号……………………………………………………………………………4 2 概述……………………………………………………………………………………..5 2.1 TOC 分析仪的应用……………………………………………………………………5 2.2 扩展选项………………………………………………………………………………5 3 测量方法…………………………………………………………………………………5 3.1TC 分析…………………………………………………………………………………5 3.2 TIC 分析………………………………………………………………………………..5 3.3 TOC 分析……………………………………………………………………………….5 3.4 NPOC 分析……………………………………………………………………………..6 3.5TNb 分析………………………………………………………………………………...6 3.5.1 用 CLD 分析 TNb…………………………………………………………………….6 3.5.2 用 CHD 分析 TNb…………………………………………………………………....6 3.5.3 用 NDIR 分析 TNb…………………………………………………………………..7 4 操作原理…………………………………………………………………………………7 4.1 水样的消解……………………………………………………………………………..7 4.2 催化剂…………………………………………………………………………………..7 4.3 干燥……………………………………………………………………………………..7 4.4 CO2 测量……………………………………………………………………………….7 4.5 数据处理:VITA 技术…………………………………………………………………..7 5 系统设计………………………………………………………………………………….8 5.1 总体设计特征…………………………………………………………………………...8 5.2 安装要求………………………………………………………………………………...9 5.3 技术参数………………………………………………………………………………...9 5.4 材料要求………………………………………………………………………………...9 5.4.1 试剂……………………………………………………………………………………9 5.4.2 耗材和备件……………………………………………………………………………9 5.5 组件的相互连接………………………………………………………………………...9 5.5.1 基本单元……………………………………………………………………………..10 5.5.2 PC 计算机…………………………………………………………………………...10 5.5.3 自动进样器…………………………………………………………………………..10 5.5.4CLD 化学发光检测器……………………………………………………………….10 5.5.5 泵单元(CLD)…………………………………………………………………….10 5.5.6 打印机……………………………………………………………………………….10 5.5.7 HT 1500 高温模块…………………………………………………………………...11 5.6 控制计算机……………………………………………………………………………11 5.7 基本单元……………………………………………………………………………….11 5.7.1 基本单元的设计……………………………………………………………………..12 5.7.2 计量进样泵…………………………………………………………………………..13 5.7.3 管路系统……………………………………………………………………………..14
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SCA3000-E01SCA3000-E01 3-AXIS ULTRA LOW POWER ACCELEROMETER WITH DIGITAL SPI INTERFACEFeatures•2.35 V –3.6 V supply voltage, 1.7 – 3.6 V digital I/O voltage • ±3 g measurement range • SPI digital interface• Selectable frequency response • Ultra low power consumption(2.5 V, 120 µA typ)• 64 samples/axis buffer memory for outputacceleration data and advanced features enable significant power and resource savings at system level• Interrupt signal triggered by motion andfree fall• Size 7x7x1.8 mm• Proven capacitive 3D-MEMS technology • High shock durability• RoHS compliant / lead free solderingApplicationsSCA3000-E01 is targeted to battery operated wrist and hand-held devices. Typical applications are but not limited• Motion activated functions in mobileterminals and antitheft systems • Gaming input devices• Inclination sensing in digital inclinometers • Tilt compensation in electronic compass • Hard disk protection• Pedometers and activity monitorsFigure 1 SCA3000-E01 Block DiagramData SheetPerformance Characteristics 1)Typical supply range 2.35 – 2.7 V Extended supplyrange 2.7 – 3.6 V ParameterConditionMin Typ 2) Max Min Typ 2) MaxUnitsAnalog and digital Vdd 2.35 2.5 2.7 - 3.3 - V Digital I/O VddVdd ≥ Digital I/O Vdd 1.7 1.8 / 2.5 2.7 - 3.3 - V Operating temperature ** -40 - 85 -40 - 85 °C Current consumption * Reset 3) - <7 - <9 - µA Active - 120 - 150 - µAMotion Detection mode- 120 - 150 - µA Acceleration range * 4)Nominal -3 - 3 - ± 3 - g Offset calibration error * Z-axis +1g position -40 - 40 - ± 100 - mgOffset temperature error ** 5)-40 ... +85 °C - ±0.8 - ±0.8 - mg/°C Sensitivity * 6) -1000 - - 1000 - Count/g Sensitivity calibration error *-1 - +1 - ± 1 - % Sensitivity temperature error ** 7)-40 ... +85 °C -±0.01-±0.01-%/°CNon-Linearity ** 8) - ±1 - ±1 - % FS Cross-Axis sensitivity ** 9)- ±3 - - ±3 - %Bandwidth ** 10) Measurement mode 28 35 42 - 35 - HzNarrow band measurement mode7 9 11 - 9 - HzNoise ** 11)Measurement mode - 9 - 9 - mg RMS Narrow band measurement mode- 5 - 5 - mg RMSOutput data rate ** Measurement mode 80 100 120 - 93 - Hz Narrow band measurement mode40 50 60 - 45 - HzTurn on time ** 12)Measurement mode - 35 - 35 - ms Narrow band measurement mode- 200 - 200 - msOutput load ** - - 35 - - 35 pF SPI clock rate ** - - 325 - - 325 kHz* 100% tested in production** Qualified during product validation1) The product is factory calibrated at 2.5 V in room temperature. 2) Typical values are not guaranteed.3)Includes the current through the internal 400 k Ω pull-up resistor connected to digital I/O Vdd.4) Range defined as g z y x 3222≤++. The measuring range is tested on sensing element level. FS = 3g. 5)Offset temperature error = {Count(0g)-Offset} / Sensitivity [ g ]. Sensitivity = Calibrated sensitivity.Offset= Calibrated offset.6) Sensitivity = {Count(+1g) - Count(-1g)}/2 [Count/g].7)Sensitivity temperature error = {[Count(+1g)-Count(-1g)]/2 - Sensitivity} / Sensitivity x 100% [%].Sensitivity = Calibrated sensitivity.8)From straight line through sensitivity calibration (+1g, -1g) points.9)The cross-axis sensitivity determines how much acceleration, perpendicular to the measuring axis, couples to the output. The total cross-axis sensitivity is the geometric sum of the sensitivities of the two axes which are perpendicular to the measuring axis. The angular alignment errorbetween X, Y and Z axis is included into the cross axis sensitivity. 10) Frequency responses according to Figure 3 and Figure 4.11)Average noise/axis over the measurement bandwidth defined as )222(31z n y n xn ++, where nx, ny and nz arethe measured signal's standard deviation due to noise in x, y and z directions. 12)Settling error less than 1% of FS.Figure 2 Sensing directions and package dimensions in mm with ±50 µm tolerance.Figure 3 Frequency response of SCA3000-E01 in Figure 4 Frequency response of SCA3000-E01 in measurement mode narrow band measurement modeFigure 5 Application schematicPin # Name Function1 NC Notconnected2 XRESET External reset, active lowoutput3 INT Interrupt4 CLK Digital groundground5 DVSS Digital6 DVDD Digital supply7 DVIO Digital I/O supply8 CSB Chip selectconnected9 NC Not10 NC Not connected11 SCK_SCL SPI serial clock (SCK)12 MISO_SDA SPI data out (MISO)13 MOSI SPI data in (MOSI)14 AVDD Analog supplyground15 AVSS Analog16 AVSS Analog ground17 ATSTIO Notconnected18 NC Not connectedTable 1 Pin descriptionsDocument Change ControlRev. Date Change Description1st official releaseA 21-Apr-06A.01 13-Jun-06 Dimensions updated。
