Unit 2 Personnel Management





As Jess Alef, First Chicago Bank的头领和执行副总裁。






为什么它是持久的?什么因素导致了公司把更多的注意力放在了HRM上?Randall Schuler 和Dave Ulrich,在SHRM理论的发展上最杰出的两个人,认为大量的因素结合在一起增加了公司有效管理人这个因素的重要性。

Schuler 识别出很多在要求增加HRM关注的公司的运作中,基本的经营环境发生了很大的变化。

·快速变化·对于基础经营环境的高度不确定性·增加的成本·快速变化的技术·变化的人口统计状况·关于高培训员工的更多供给限制·快速改变的政府立法和规章·工业的全球化增加在他1997年的书《HR实务》中,Dave Ulrich认为公司经营环境的改变带来了大量竞争挑战,这与公司早期所面临的截然不同。




正如,Jeff Alef’s的说法所表明的,在过去,持续的竞争优势可以通过找到更好的、更便宜的金融资金的渠道来获得,或者是营销一个新产品,发明一些新的专利。



Achieving Strategic Fit
Michael Porter
– Emphasizes the “fit” point of view that all of the firm’s activities must be tailored to or fit its strategy, by ensuring that the firm’s functional strategies support its corporate and competitive strategies.
© 2005 Prentice Hall Inc. All rights reserved.
Business Mission and Its Vision
– A general statement of its intended direction that evokes emotional feelings in organization members.
Three basic challenges
– The need to support corporate productivity and performance improvement efforts. – That employees play an expanded role in employers’ performance improvement efforts. – HR must be more involved in designing—not just executing—the company’s strategic plan.
• Cost leadership: the enterprise aims to become the low-cost leader in an industry. • Differentiation: a firm seeks to be unique in its industry along dimensions that are widely valued by buyers. • Focus: a firm seeks to carve out a market niche, and compete by providing a product or service customers can get in no other way.

商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources Management II

商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources Management II

Why do people make the difference?
Diversity provides an advantage by: – enabling organisations to better respond to pressures for change and performance – securing the best talent – fully tapping the potential of the best talent.
What is strategic human resource management?
Human resource management
– Involves attracting, developing and maintaining a talented and energetic workforce to support the organisation’s mission, objectives and strategies
– Although Australia and New Zealand have similar industrial relations systems, processes are quite different in other parts of Asia.
What is strategic human resource management?
What is strategic human resource management?
Diversity management includes: – Literacy and numeracy skills
– Career and life-stage issues



Implements HR plan as
plans and career paths in line
approved by top management with HR plan
If a company grows rapidly with little retrenchment, employment expands.Growth objectives are a key part of an organization’s overall strategic plan. Almost all strategic plans deal with the size the company wishes to be in the future.
There are four main determinants of the labor supply:the size, age, sex, and educational composition of the population; the demand for goods and services in the economy; the nature of production technology and the labor force participation rates.
2.1 Introduction of Human Resource Planning
Geographic and Competitive Concerns Employers must consider the following geographic
and competitive concerns in making HR plans: net migration into the area; other employers in the area; employee resistance to geographic relocation; direct competitors in the area; impact of international competition on the area.

商务英语视听说Unit 2

商务英语视听说Unit 2
Task 2 Listen to three department managers describing their job responsibilities and complete the table below. (Page 16)
Part II Listening & Speaking
Job Description
Financial Director
Be responsible for all accounting, financial and taxation matters; Help different departments with annual budgeting and spending
Task 1 Listen to a conversation and fill in the blanks. (Page 15)
1) I haven’t seen you for years. 2) what do you do now? 3) I’m in the Research and Development Department. 4) I knew you’d do something very challenging and
1. personnel management 2. developing markets 3. planning 4. execution 5. sales targets 6. team performance
9. selecting, developing and managing
10. cost-effective 11.on time 12.of good quality 13.human and material resources


de-layer-ing noun.
* Occupation:职业
* Post:岗位、职位
* Position analysis questionnaire (PAQ):

* Questionnaire:调查问卷 后缀-aire表名词
* Reengineering:流程再造 前缀re-表示“再…、重新…”
* Successor:后任 反义词 Predecessor 前任
* Person characteristics:个人特征
Characteristics – 特征、特性
Staffing tables:人员配置表 * Retention plan:(核心人员)保持计划
* Replacement charts:替换表 v. replace, n. replacement 替换、替代 * Outplacement counseling:重新谋职咨询
adj. 功能的、职能的 n. function
* Guidelines:指导方针
* Human capital:人力资本 * Human resource information system (HRIS):
* Human resource management:人力资源管理 * Human resources planning (HRP):人力资源计
* Team leader training:团队领导培训 * Training administration:培训管理 * Training outcomes :培训结果 * Web-based training:网上培训 * IT (Information Technology) :信息技术



1.Management(通过与他们一起工作并协调他人的工作来实现组织及其成员的目标)The application of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling functions in the most efficient manner possible to accomplish meaningful organizational objectives.anizational structure(组织结构:组织中正式确定的使工作的易分解组合和协调的框架体系)Five traditional methods for grouping work activities:1.Departmentalization by function 功能部门化2.Departmentalization by product 产品部门化3.Departmentalization by geographical regions4.Departmentalization by process5.Departmentalization by customer4.Managerial Roles(经理人角色)A role is a set of expectations for a manager’s behavior.5.management skills(管理技能:概念、人际和技术技能) Conceptual Skill (概念分析能力:管理者对复杂情况进行抽象和概念化的技能)-what companies look for in managers?Human skill 人际技能Technical skill技术技能2.The Four Management Functions(管理的职能:计划、组织领导和控制)(PPT-6)Planning (计划:确定要达到的目标并事先确定实现目标所需的正确行动)Defining goals for future organizational performance & deciding on the tasks and use of resources needed to attain them.Directional plan(指导计划): flexible plans that set out general guidelines.Specific plan(具体计划): plans that are clearly defined and leave no room for interpretationSWOT analysis a planning to identify:Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses•Strengths: manufacturing ability, marketing skills•Weaknesses: high labor turnover, weak financialsEnvironmental Opportunities and Threats•Opportunities: new markets•Threats: economic recession, competitors(ppt-12)The 2 forms of planning1)strategic (long-range) planning战略规划2)Tactical (short-range) planning短期规划operational planning: work standard,schedules (运营规划)3)Contingency planning应急计划Organizing (组织:对人力、财力、物质、信息和其他实现目标所需资源的分配与协调)Directing or Leading(领导:激励人们成为绩效杰出者,即领导、激励和与员工个人或全体的沟通)The use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals.2 Types of Leading:1)Autocratic leadership(专制型领导): the close style of supervision, means providing subordinates with detailed jobinstructions.2)Democratic/general leadership(民主型领导): the manager consults with subordinates about job activities, problems, andcorrective actions.Controlling (控制:核查计划执行情况,对出现的偏差)Five basic steps in the process of controlling1.Set clear standards for time, quality, quantity, and so on.2.Monitor and record actual performance (results).pare results against plan and standards.municate results and deviations to the employeesinvolved.5.Take corrective action when needed.anizational structure(组织结构:组织中正式确定的使工作的易分解组合和协调的框架体系)Five traditional methods for grouping work activities:6.Departmentalization by function 功能部门化7.Departmentalization by product 产品部门化8.Departmentalization by geographical regions9.Departmentalization by process10.D epartmentalization by customer3.Managerial Roles(经理人角色)A role is a set of expectations for a manager’s behavior.4.management skills(管理技能:概念、人际和技术技能) Conceptual Skill (概念分析能力:管理者对复杂情况进行抽象和概念化的技能)-what companies look for in managers?Human skill 人际技能Technical skill几乎技能。

人力资源管理专业英语 Unit1-Unit4 翻译

人力资源管理专业英语 Unit1-Unit4 翻译

Unit1An Overview Of Human Resource Management组织需要一些有效率的东西:物质资源、金融资源、营销能力和人力资源。



在《人的竞争优势》这篇华丽的文章中,Jeffrey Pfeffer 举了西南航空公司这个例子。













商英Unit 2 Management答案

商英Unit 2 Management答案

Unit 2 ManagementManagement is important. The success or failure of business organizations, government institutions and public sector services, voluntary and non-profit organizations, sports teams, and so on, often depends on the quality of their management. This unit includes a discussion of the qualities required by managers, a definition of management, consideration of the role of the meetings in management, a critical view of the management of one large American multinational company, and an interview with the manager of a British department store, who discusses his job.Before the discussion on the qualities required by managers and the definition of management, maybe we can discuss the cartoon. What’s the joke? We can assume that Mr. Farvis runs this company (his name is on the door). What can we say about his managerial skills, or his apparent lack of them?Discuss in pairs for two minutes what exactly managers do, concerning organizing, setting objectives, allocating tasks and resources, communicating, motivating, and so on.1a DiscussionWhat is management? Is it an art or a science? An instinct or a set of skills and techniques that can be taught?Management is a mixture of innate qualities and learnable skills and techniques.What do you think makes a good manager? Which four of the following qualities do you think are the most important?Being decisive: able to make quick decisionsBeing efficient: doing things quickly, not leaving tasks unfinished, having a tidy desk, and so on Being friendly and sociableBeing able to communicate with people -----Being logical, rational and analyticalBeing able to motivate and inspire and lead people -----Being authoritative: able to give ordersBeing competent: knowing one’s job perfectly, as well as the work of one’s subordinates ----- Being persuasive: able to convince people to do thingsHaving good ideas -----Are there any qualities that you think should be added to this list?Which of these qualities can be acquired? Which must you be born with?There are clearly no definitive answers as to which of these skills can be acquired.1b ReadingPeter Drucker, the (Austrian-born) American management professor and consultant, is the author of many books about business. This text summarizes some of Peter Drucker’s views on management. It paraphrases the extended definition of management he gives in one of his management textbooks. As you read about his description of the work of a manager, decide whether the five different functions he mentions require the four qualities you selected in your discussion, or others you did not choose.What is management?Drucker’s first point (setting objectives and developing strategies) presumably requires qualities J, H, E and A (not necessarily in that order). The second point (organizing) presumably also requires H, E and J. The third point (motivation and communication) embraces F, D, I and probably C. The fourth point (measuring performance) probably requires H and E. The fifth point (developing people) might require H, F, D and J. But all this is clearly open to discussion.1c VocabularyComplete the following sentences with these words.Achieved; board of directors; communicate; innovations; manageable; performance; resources; setting; supervise1.managers have to decide how best to allocate the human, physical and capital resources available to them.2.Managers -- logically –have to make sure that the jobs and tasks given to their subordinates are manageable.3.There is no point in setting objectives if you don’t communicate them to your staff.4.Managers have to supervise their subordinates, and to measure, and try to improve, their performance.5.Managers have to check whether objectives and targets are being achieved.6.A top manager whose performance is unsatisfactory can be dismissed by the company’s board of directors.7.Top managers are responsible for the innovations that will allow a company to adapt to a changing world.1d VocabularyThe text contains a number of common verb-noun partnerships (e.g. achieve objectives, deal with crises, and so on).Match up these verbs and nouns to make common collocations.Allocate resources (or people)Communicate information (or decisions)Develop strategies (or people or subordinates)Make decisionsMeasure performanceMotivate peoplePerform jobsSet objectivesSupervise subordinates2 Meetings‘One can either work or meet. One cannot do both at the same time.’(Peter Drucker: An Introductory View of Management)What do you think Peter Drucker means by this comment?Drucker obviously believes that work is largely something that is done individually, and that meetings are not ‘work’, but merely preparation for it, or consolidation after it.2a Reading p18Read the computer journalist Robert X. Cringely’s description of the management style at IBM.Is he positive or negative about IBM’s working culture?Robert Cringely’s history of the personal computer industry is very informative, in places very critical, and also very funny. In this extract, he is extremely negative about IBM, saying that they put much too much effort into management and worrying about the possibility of making bad decisions, and not enough into producing good, competitively-priced products.2b ComprehensionExplain in your own words exactly what Robert Cringely means in the following sentences.1.Every IBM employee’s ambition is apparently to become a manager.It seems as if the people who work for IBM are more interested in being regarded as a manager than as a computer designer or technician2.IBM makes management the company’s single biggest business.IBM’s corporate culture seems to place more emphasis on management than on developing and selling the company’s products.3.IBM executives manage the design and writing of software.IBM’s managers don’t actually do the work of designing and writing software themselves, butorganize and supervise the people who do it.4.IBM products aren’t often very competitive.IBM products are rarely as good or as dheap as similar products made by their competitors5.The safety net at IBM is so big it is hard to make a bad decision.There is an extensive hierarchy and a system of checks and controls which ensures that bad decisions are generally avoided (but good decisions also take a very long time to make).6.This will be the source of the company’s ultimate downfall.The slowness of IBM’s decision-making process (and the consequent lack of competitiveness of their products) will eventually destroy the company.2c Vocabulary p18Find word in the text that mean the same as the words or expressions below.1.seemingly apparentlyputer programs software3.work, time and energy effortputers (and other machines) hardware5.young workers still learning their jobs trainees6.knowledge and skill expertise7.levels or strata layers8.to make certain that something is true verify9.corrected or slightly changed amended10.collapse or failure downfall3 The retail sectorYou will hear part of an interview with Steve Moody, the manager of the Marks & Spencer store in Cambridge, England.What do you know about Marks & Spencer?M&S, as many people call them in Britain sell clothes, household goods and food. They have branches all over Britain, and are expanding into continental Europe.3a Listeninglisten to part One, in which Steve Moody describes the role and responsibilities of a store manager.Tapesript Part OneSTEVE MOODY so, as the store manager in Cambridge, which is probably the fortieth largest of the 280 stores we have got, I am responsible for the day-to-day running of the store. All the product is delivered to me in predescribed quantities, and obviously I’m responsible for displaying that merchandise to its best advantage, obviously I’m responsible for employing the staff to actually sell that merchandise, and organizing the day-to-day logistics of the operation. Much more running stores is about the day-to-day operation. And ensuring that that’s safe, and obviously because of the two hundred people that we would normally have working here it’s ensuring that they are well trained, that they are well motivated, and that the environment they work in is a pleasant one, that they are treated with respect, and that they are committed to the company’s principles.Which of the following tasks is he responsible for?1.designing the store and its layout2.displaying the merchandise3.employing the sales staff4.ensuring the safety of staff and customers5.establishing the company’s principles6.getting commitment from the staff7.increasing profits8.maintaining a pleasant working environment9.motivating staffanizing the day-to-day logistics11.pricing the merchandise12.running 40 out of 280 stores13.selecting the merchandise14.supervising the day-to-day running of the store15.training staff3b ListeningListen to Part Two, and answer these questions.Tapescript Part TwoINTERVIEWER How much freedom do those people have within their jobs to make decisions themselves? How much delegation is there of responsibility down the chain?STEVE MOODY We would , as a business, like to encourage as much accountability and delegation as possible. Of course that does depend on the abilities of the individuals, the environment in which you’re working, and the time of year. With 282 stores we have a corporate appearance in the United Kingdom’s high streets. It is quite important that when customers come into Marks & Spencer’s Cambridge they get the same appearance and type of looking store and the same level of service that they would expect if they went into Marks & Spencer’s Edinburgh in Scotland, for example, and it’s very important that we have a corporate statement that customers understand. So, there are obviously parameters and disciplines that, you know, not only the staff but supervision and management would follow. Within that, in terms of development and training, training is obviously an investment for all staff. If staff are trained to do their job well and they understand it, they will feel confident in what they’re doing, that in turn will give a better service to the customers, obviously from Marks & Spencer’s point of view it could well lead to increased sales.1.Why are Marks & Spencer’s store managers limited in giving accountability to their staff and delegating responsibilities?Although marks & Spencer ‘would like to encourage as much accountability and delegation as possible’, they have a corporate appearance for all their stores, in all of which customers should get the same level of service. This limits the freedom of individual mangers to change the stores: there are ‘parameters and disciplines that not only the staff but supervision and management would follow’.2.What do they concentrate on instead?Instead, they concentrate on staff development and training.3c listeninglisten to Part Three, and answer the following questions.Tapescript Part ThreeINTERVIEWER Do you have meetings for members of staff where they can express views about what’s going on in the store?STEVE MOODY We have a series of meetings, management and supervisory every week we have something which Marks & Spencer’s call a focus group, which is members of staff who get together regularly from all areas of the store, so from the food section and perhaps the menswear section, from the office who do the stock and accounting, and indeed the warehouse where people receive goods. They have meetings, they discuss issues, they discuss problems that they feel are going on in the store. They also discuss suggestions of how they can improve that we run the store, and they discuss that amongst themselves first. They will then have a meeting with members of management and obviously myself, and we will discuss those issues and work together to try and provide solutions. However, Marks & Spencer’s philosophy, I suppose, is that meetings should not be substitute for day-to-day communication and therefore if problems do arise in terms of the operation, or an individual has got a problem in their working environment, or indde their immediate line manager, or indeed if they have a problem outside, which might be domestic, or with their family, we would like to discuss that as it arises and would like to encourage a policy that they will come and talk to their supervisor or their manager, to see what we can do to solve the problem.Steve Moody mentions two kinds of regular meetings. The first is weekly meetings for management and supervisory staff.1.What is the second kind of meeting called?A focus group.2.Who attends them?Members of staff from all areas of the store (e.g. the food section, the menswear section, the stock and accounting office, the warehouse, and so).3.What are they designed to achieve?Staff can discuss problems in the store, and make suggestions for improvements. After this, they will meet with members of management to discuss those issues and try to provide solutions.4.What kind of problems cannot be dealt with by meetings?Individuals’problems with their work or their line manager, or even family problems5.How are such problems dealt with?Individuals are encouraged to discuss such problems with their supervisor or manager.3d DiscussionAfter reading and hearing about management, do you think you have the right skills to be a manager? Would you be able, for example, to set objectives, motivate and coordinate the staff, and manage a department store, or a computer manufacturer?Some learners may decide that they have the necessary abilities to become a manager or even a top manager; others may envisage more specialized careers in a particular function such as marketing, finance, computing, accounting, and so on, which will not involve managing and coordinating a large number of people and operations.New words in this unit 02Allocate, banker, board of directors, chairman, competitive, customer, director, distributor, function, hardware, innovation, investor, logistics, manageable, management, manager, measure, meeting, merchandise, motivate, objective, organization, pay, performance, promotion, resources, software, staff, strategy, subordinate, supervise, supplier, tactics, team, top manager, trainee.。

《管理学英语》参考译文Unit 2

《管理学英语》参考译文Unit 2

Unite 2. Significance of Management管理的重要性Read the following questions first, which will help you understand the text below better, and then answer the questions after reading the text carefully.先看看下面的问题,这些问题将有助于你更好地理解后面的课文,仔细地读完课文后再回答这些问题。

1. How do you understand the sentence "This interdependence, and the prominent role of organizations in our lives, highlights the importance of management."?你怎么理解这句话:组织的杰出作用和组织之间的相互依赖性突出了管理的重要性。

2. Why do you think management is important for an organization? Please describe the reason in great detail.为什么你认为管理对一个组织是重要的?请详细地描述一下原因。

3. What is the essence of management theory in your viewpoint?你的观点中,管理理论的本质是什么?Simply speaking, management is what managers do. But in order to understand the definition of management, that statement seems too simple. To our great surprise, the variety of approaches to management analysis, the amount of research, and the great number of differing views have resulted in much confusion as to what management is, what management theory and science is, and how managerial events should be analyzed. As a matter of fact, Harold Koontz many years ago called this situation "the management jungle". Though new approaches have developed and older approaches have taken on some new meanings with some new words attached, the developments of management science and theory still have the characteristics of a jungle. Thus in this passage we want to discuss Importance of Management, Definition of Management, and Major functions of Management respectively.简单地说,管理就是管理者所做的事情。



人力资源管理六大模块英文版1. RecruitmentRecruitment plays a crucial role in human resource management. It involves sourcing and hiring qualified candidates for various job positions within an organization. The recruitment process typically includes job posting, screening resumes, conducting interviews, and selecting the most suitable candidates. This module is essential for ensuring that the organization has a skilled and competent workforce.2. Training and DevelopmentTraining and development is another critical module in human resource management. It focuses on enhancing the skills, knowledge, and abilities of employees through various training programs and initiatives. This module helps in improving employee performance, fostering employee growth, and increasing overall productivity. It may include on-the-job training, workshops, seminars, and employee development plans.3. Performance ManagementPerformance management is a module that focuses on evaluating and managing employee performance. It involves setting performance goals, conducting regular performance reviews, providing feedback, and addressing any performance-related issues. This module helps in aligning employee performance with organizational goals and identifying areas for improvement. It may also include performance appraisal systems and performance-based rewards.4. Compensation and BenefitsCompensation and benefits module deals with employee compensation and rewards. It involves determining salary structures, designing employee benefits packages, and administering various compensation programs. This module ensures that employees receive fair and competitive compensation and incentives for their work. It may include salary negotiations, bonus programs, health insurance, retirement plans, and other employee benefits.5. Employee RelationsEmployee relations module focuses on maintaining positive relationships between employees and the organization. It involves addressing employee grievances, managing conflicts, and promoting a positive and inclusive work environment. This module helps in fostering employee morale, job satisfaction, andoverall employee engagement. It may include employee assistance programs, conflict resolution procedures, and employee engagement initiatives.6. HR AnalyticsHR analytics module utilizes data and analytics to make informed decisions and strategies in human resource management. It involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting HR data to gain valuable insights into workforce trends, employee performance, and organizational effectiveness. This module helps in making data-driven decisions regarding recruitment, training, performance management, and employee development. It may include data tracking systems, HR metrics, and predictive analytics.The integration of these six modules - Recruitment, Training and Development, Performance Management, Compensation and Benefits, Employee Relations, and HR Analytics - contributes to effective human resource management. Each module plays a vital role in attracting, developing, and retaining the right talent, ensuring employee satisfaction, and achieving organizational goals.Note: Markdown文本格式是一种简单的标记语言,你可以将以上内容复制到Markdown编辑器中,然后将其保存为Markdown格式的文件。

Unit2 Management

Unit2 Management

As well as organizing and supervising the work of their subordinates, they have to work with people in other areas and functions. (Line 16-17)
-这里的连接短语as well as引起一个次要的成分,因此 可译为:除了组织和监督他们下属的工作之外,他们 还必须与其他领域和职能部门中的人们一起工作。
The value of management - making a group of individual more effective.
Process of Effective Management
Proper Planning of Tasks
Proper Organizing of Tasks Effective Management Proper Communication to Employees about Job Tasks Proper Control of Tasks
Management – an art or a science?
Is management an art or a science?
Management is both art and science. It is the art of making people more effective than they would have been without you. The science is in how you do that.
to perform specific day-today tasks, such as accounting skills to develop financial statements or electrical skills to understand how the wiring of a product is Technical arranged

商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources Management人力资源管理

商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources Management人力资源管理

1、通用电气公司对员工 的价值观是什么?它如何 对待员工?
2、分析通用电气公司的 人力资源管理策略,并 谈谈对你的启示。
3、分析韦尔奇的人才 观及启示。
企业文化与价值观 是企业管理中最模糊的 领域,也是最具挑战性 的一环。它关系到如何 指导组织行为,有着难 以言传的价值和意义。
员工不满意 基本现象
虽然薪酬水平普遍高于当地企业的平 均水平 不满意的主要原因
■企业的经营绩效和员工报酬之间缺乏有机的结 合,没有形成组织——员工利益工同体。员工认 为企业是老板的,干得再好也不能得到相应回报。 ■现行的薪酬体系是建立在惩罚的基础上,介缺 乏有效的绩效管理机制。员工不能够体会到由于 绩效改善所带来的满足感和相应回报。 ■组织内部薪酬缺乏一致性和公平性。在不同业 务单位之间承担相同性质、内容和工作量的职位 之间的薪酬差异较大。例如销售部门的会计的薪 酬水平比生产单位高出20%。
• • • • 无论站还是坐,不能摇动和抖动 对话时目光不能游弋不定 要控制小动作 不要为掩饰紧张情绪而散淡
• 最优雅的礼仪修养是体现自然
• 必须首先学会面对的一种结果----被拒绝
• 仍然感谢这次机会,因为被拒绝是面试后的两种结 果之一。 • 被拒绝是招聘单位对我们综合考虑的结果,因为我 们最关心的是自己什么地方与用人要求不一致,而 不仅仅是面试中的表现。 • 不要欺骗自己,说“我本来就不想去”等等。 • 认真考虑是否有必要再做努力。

商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources Management人力资源管理共45

商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources Management人力资源管理共45
商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources Management人力资源管

16、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走 完。 17、一般情况下)不想三年以后的事, 只想现 在的事 。现在 有成就 ,以后 才能更 辉煌。
18、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须 充满光 明。 19、学习的关键--重复。
20、懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的 人只能 引为烧 身,只 有真正 是奢侈 。——CocoCha nel 62、少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学 ,如日 中之光 ;志而 好学, 如炳烛 之光。 ——刘 向 63、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 ——孔 丘 64、人生就是学校。在那里,与其说好 的教师 是幸福 ,不如 说好的 教师是 不幸。 ——海 贝尔 65、接受挑战,就可以享受胜利的喜悦 。——杰纳勒 尔·乔治·S·巴顿


• Solution: Developing job analysis-based employment tests
• How the use of job analysis-based employment tests enhanced competitive advantage
– Individuals who did well on the tests performed their jobs much better than those who did poorly.
• The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it.
Job Analysis Decisions
• When conducting a job analysis, the organization must determine:
Performance Improvement Programs
Linking Job Analysis Practices to Competitive Advantage
Competent, Motivated Employees With Positive
Job Attitudes
Effective Job Analysis
• What type of information will be collected?
• How will the information be collected? • How will the information be recorded or



Chapter 2: Equal Opportunity and the LawMultiple Choice1.Every time you advertise a job opening, interview, test or select a candidate orappraise an employee, you should be aware of:a.equal employment opportunity lawb.anti-discrimination lawc.criminal lawd.both a and be.both a and c(d; moderate)2.The _____ Amendment to the US Constitution states, “no person shall bedeprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law.〞a.Firstb.Fifthc.Tenthd.Thirteenthe.Fourteenth(b; moderate)3.The _____ Amendment to the US Constitution makes it illegal for any state to“make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States.〞a.Firstb.Fifthc.Tenthd.Thirteenthe.Fourteenth(e; moderate)4.Which Amendment to the US Constitution is generally viewed as barringdiscrimination based on sex, national origin, or race?a.Firstb.Fifthc.Tenthd.Thirteenthe.Fourteenth(e; moderate)5.In the US, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based onall of the following characteristics except _____.a.raceb.sexual orientationc.colord.religione.national origin(b; moderate)6.In the US, the _____ made it unlawful to discriminate in pay on the basis ofsex when jobs involve equal work, require equivalent skills, effort, and responsibility, and are performed under similar working conditions.a.Title VIIb.Equal Pay Actc.Executive Order (US President)d.Age Discrimination in Employment Acte.13th Amendment to the US Constitution(b; moderate)7.Which of the following factors is not an acceptable basis for different pay forequal work under the US Equal Pay Act?a.genderb.seniority systemc.merit pay systemd.quality of productione.all are unacceptable factors(a; moderate)8.The US EEOC guidelines define sexual harassment as:a.unwelcome sexual advancesb.requests for sexual favorsc.verbal sexual conductd.physical sexual conducte.all the above(e; moderate)9. In the US, when is sexual harassment a violation of sex harassment law?a.when such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interferingwith a person’s work performanceb.when such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating,hostile, or offensive work environmentc.when a crime of violence is motivated by genderd.both a and be.all of the above(d; moderate)10. In the US, _____ exists when an employer treats an individual differentlybecause that individual is a member of a particular race, religion, gender, or ethnic group.a. Disparate treatmentb. Disparate impactc. Unintentional discriminationd. Adverse impacte. Prima facie(a; easy)11. In the US, _____ refers to the total employment process that results in asignificantly higher percentage of a protected group in the candidate population being rejected for employment, placement, or promotion.a.disparate treatmentb.disparate impactc.unintentional discriminationd.adverse impacte.prima facie(d; easy)12. In the US, employers primarily use bona fide occupational qualification(BFOQ) as a defense against charges of discrimination based on _____.a.raceb.sexual orientationc.aged.gendere.all of the above(c; easy)13. In the US, religion may be used as a BFOQ if _____.a. a religious organization requires employees to share its religionb.an employer does not want to honor an employee’s religious holidaysc.hiring a person to teach in a nondenominational schoold.all of the abovee.none of the above(a; moderate)14. Which of the following characteristics could serve as a BFOQ depending onthe nature of the job requirements?a.ageb.genderc.national origind.religione.all of the above(e; easy)15. Organizations can measure diversity by using _____.a.equal employment hiring metricsb.employee attitude surveysc.management and employee evaluationsd.focus groupse.all of the above(e; moderate)16. Diversity management includes the following step(s):a.provide strong leadershipb.assess the situationc.provide diversity trainingd. a and be.a, b and c17. In providing strong leadership in diversity management, the CEO of acompany musta.take a personal interestb.become the role modelc.talk to every workerd. a and be.a, b and c(d; moderate; )18. In a company, the tools to measuring diversity include the following:a.equal employment hiring and retention metricsb.employee attitude surveyc.employee evaluationd. a and be.a, b and c(e; moderate)19. The objectives of diversity training include the following:a.make employees aware of value differencesb.build self esteem of the different ethnic groupsc.create a friendly atmosphere in the companyd. a and be.a, b and c(e; moderate)20. In Australia, employees are protected against discrimination at the workplaceby laws at the:a.federal levelb.state levelpany leveld. a and be.all of the above(d; moderate)21. In Australia, employees who have been discriminated against by an employermay complain to the:a.Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commissionb.Ministry of Laborc.Prime Ministerd.Parliamente.All of the above(a; easy)22. In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance covers the following:a.work situationb.non-work situationc.special situationd. a and be.a, b and c(d; easy)23. In Hong Kong, the Equal Opportunities Commission provides employers witha code of practice on:a.job advertisementsb.job titlespensationd.promotione.all of the above(e; moderate)24. In Indonesia, under the employment law, pregnant women have the followingrights:a.they cannot be dismissedb.they can return to their job after maternity leavec.they can have six months of maternity leaved. a and be.a, b and c(d; moderate)\25. In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits the following:a.discrimination based on nationalityb.discrimination based on creedc.discrimination based on social statusd. a and be.a, b and c(e; easy)26. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices encourages self-regulation on the part of employers in:a.recruitmentb.selectionc.appraisald.traininge.all of the above(e; easy)27. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices recommendsthat employers should not discriminate employees based on:a. raceb. religionc. aged. gendere. all of the above(e; easy)28. In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices is recommendedby:a. Singapore National Employers Federationb. Singapore Business Federationc. National Trades Union Congressd. The governmente. a, b, and c(e; moderate)29. Candidates for employment should be selected based on the following:a.meritb.experiencec.capabilityd. a and be.a, b, and c(e; easy)30. Selection criteria should be consistently applied to the following aspect(s) ofemployment:a.recruitmentb.trainingc.appraisald. a and be.a, b, and c(e; easy)31. In South Korea, the Labor Standards Act prohibits employers fromdiscrimination against workers by:a.genderb.nationalityc.religiond.social statuse.all of the above(e; easy)32. In South Korea, under the Aged Employment Promotion Act, it isrecommended that companies with over 300 workers should have a minimum ____ percent of their workers in the above-55 age group.a.Threeb.Fivec.Tend.Fifteene.Twenty(a; moderate)33. In Malaysia, under the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Handling ofSexual Harassment at the Workplace, the Ministry of Manpower has:a.special division to deal with harassment casesb.the power to jail any person accused of sexual harassmentc.the power to fine any person accused of sexual harassmentd.the power to compensate the victim of sexual harassmente.all of the above(a; easy)34. In Thailand, under the Labor Protection Act, women may:a.sue employers for passing sexist remarksb.sue colleagues for passing sexist remarksc.seek compensation from the governmentd. a and be.none of the above(d; easy)True/ False35.Managers in non-U.S. companies must be aware of equal employmentopportunity laws in the US and in countries where they do business. (T; easy) 36.U.S. citizens working overseas for U.S. companies do not have the same equalemployment opportunity protection as those working within U.S. borders. (F;easy)37.In the U.S., equal employment opportunity laws were only introduced a fewyears ago. (F; easy)38.Managing diversity means maximizing diversity’s pot ential advantages whileminimizing the potential barriers that can undermine the functioning of a diverse workforce. (T; easy)39.Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because oflegal requirements. (T; easy)40.Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because ofglobalization. (T; moderate)41.Equal employment opportunity practices have become necessary because ofchanges in workforce demographics. (T; moderate)42.In most countries, the workforce consists of people from different ethnic origins.(T; moderate)43.Global companies actively recruit and maintain a diverse workforce to tap thetalents from different ethnic groups (T; moderate)44.Managing diversity implies that companies are exploiting workers fromdifferent ethnic groups (F; difficult)45.Managing diversity involves only compulsory management action. (F;moderate)46.Managing diversity involves only voluntary management action. (F; moderate)47.Managing diversity involves both compulsory and voluntary management action.(T; moderate)48.Managing diversity involves more than just employing workers of differentethnic origins. (T; difficult)49.In most countries, there are laws to prevent discrimination at the workplace (T;easy)50.Diversity management training should include inter-group conflict managementskills. (T; moderate)51.In diversity management practices, supervisors must be trained to deal withinter-group conflict. (T; moderate)52.Training foreign workers in their own language will help them to be moresensitive to ethnic differences. (T, difficult)53.Teaching foreign workers how to speak English will help them to be moresensitive to other cultures. (T; difficult)54.Having employees from different backgrounds helps the company to understanddifferent customer preferences. (T; moderate)55.Having employees from different ethnic groups helps the company to project amulti-cultural image. (T; moderate)56.It is expensive to maintain a multi-cultural workforce. (F; moderate)57.Workplace diversity makes strategic sense. (T; easy)58.Equal employment opportunity is the same as affirmative action. (F; moderate)59.Equal employment opportunity means giving every person an equal chance toget a job. (T; easy)60.The objective of affirmative action is to eliminate past effects of pastdiscrimination. (T; moderate)61.Affirmative action implies giving privileges to some protected groups. (T;difficult)62.Managing diversity is voluntary. (T; moderate)63.Affirmative action programs are mandatory. (T; moderate)64.In Australia, there are laws to ensure that only Australians are not discriminatedagainst in the workplace. (F; easy)65.In Australia, employees who have been discriminated against by an employermay complain to the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. (T;easy)66.In Australia, non-Australian employees are not protected against discrimination.(F; difficult)67.In Hong Kong, advertisements that specify gender or marital status are barred.(T; moderate)68.In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance deals only with discriminationbased on the grounds of sex. (F; moderate)69.In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance deals with discriminationbased on the grounds of sex, marital status and pregnancy. (T; moderate)70.In Hong Kong, the Sex Discrimination Ordinance covers only work situations.(F; moderate)71.In Hong Kong, it is illegal to have different titles for men and women doing thesame work. (T; moderate)72.In Hong Kong, the Family Status Ordinance protects persons who areresponsible for taking care of their family members. (T; moderate)73.In Hong Kong, the Equal Employment Commission has to power to investigatenon-compliance with the law. (T; easy)74.In Indonesia, there are no anti-discrimination laws for female employees. (T;easy)75.In Indonesia, as there are no anti-discrimination laws, employers may dismisspregnant workers. (F; moderate)76.In Japan, the Equal Employment Opportunity Law provides equality inopportunities concerning recruitment, payment, promotion and training between male and female workers. (T; easy)77.In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits only discrimination in wages andwork hours. (F; moderate)78.Singapore is a multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural society. (T; easy)79.In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices helps employersto promote responsible employment practices. (T; easy)80.In Singapore, the Code of Responsible Employment Practices is issued by the81.In Singapore, employers may be jailed for not complying with the Code ofResponsible Employment Practices. (F; difficult)82.In Singapore, workers may sue their employers under the Code of ResponsibleEmployment Practices. (F; difficult)83.In South Korea, under the Aged Employment Promotion Act, all companiesmust employ some workers in the above-55 age group. (F; moderate)84.In South Korea, under the Employment Promotion Act for the Handicapped, allcompanies must employ some handicapped workers. (F; moderate)85.In South Korea, the Labor Standard Act prohibits employers fromdiscrimination against workers by gender, nationality, religion or social status.(T; easy)86.In Malaysia, the Code of Practice for the Prevention and Handling of SexualHarassment at the Workplace provides a mechanism for redress. (T; moderate) 87.In Malaysia, the Ministry of Human Resources has a special division to handlesexual harassment cases. (T; moderate)88.In Malaysia, the government encourages trade unions to include sexualharassment clauses in the collective agreements. (T; easy)89.In Thailand, women are protected under the Labor Protection Law. (T;moderate)90.In Thailand, women workers may sue their colleagues for making sexist remarksat the workplace. (T; moderate)91.In order to attract the best candidates, employers should adopt non-discriminatory HR practices. (T; easy)92.Employers should apply non-discriminatory criteria only for some aspects ofemployment. (F; easy).93.Criteria and terms of employment should be made known to all employees. (T;moderate)94.There are business situations where a person’s race may be a requirement for t hejob. (T; difficult)95.There are business situations where a person’s national origin may be arequirement for the job. (T; difficult)Chapter 2: Equal Opportunity and the Law Essay/ Short Answer96.What are the five sets of voluntary organizational activities that support thesuccess of a diversity management program? (moderate)Answer: The activities are to provide strong leadership, assess the situation, provide diversity training and education, change culture and management systems, and evaluate the diversity management program.97.Several Asian countries have introduced anti-discrimination laws that make itunlawful to treat a person unfairly because of certain attributes. Give two examples.Answer: In Japan, the Labor Standards Law prohibits discrimination in wages, work hours and other labor conditions because of nationality, creed or social status. In South Korea, its Labor Standard Act prohibits employers from discrimination against workers by gender, nationality, religion, or social status.98.What is the purpose of introducing the Code of Responsible EmploymentPractices in Singapore?Answer: To help employers promote responsible employment practices regardless of race, religion, age, gender, marital status, disability or factors which are not relevant to the job.99.In some business situati ons, a person’s race, nationality or religion may be arequirement for a job. Give some examples.Answer: a) When the employee is recruit to deal with clients of a specific language group. b) When the employee has to handle food or products that are not permitted by some religions (e.g. Muslims are not allowed to handle pork;Hindus do not eat beef).29。

商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources Management人力资源管理共45

商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources Management人力资源管理共45

60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头。 ——左
13、遵守纪律的风气的培养,只有领 导者本 身在这 方面以 身作则 才能收 到成效 。—— 马卡连 柯 14、劳动者的组织性、纪律性、坚毅 精神以 及同全 世界劳 动者的 团结一 致,是 取得最 后胜利 的保证 。—— 列宁 摘自名言网

56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 57、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿
商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources
11、战争满足了,或曾经满足过人的 好斗的 本能, 但它同 时还满 足了人 对掠夺 ,破坏 以及残 酷的纪 律和专 制力的 欲望。 ——查·埃利奥 特 12、不应把纪律仅仅看成教育的手段 。纪律 是教育 过程的 结果, 首先是 学生集 体表现 在一切 生活领 域—— 生产、 日常生 活、学 校、文 化等领 域中努 力的结 果。— —马卡 连柯(名 言网)

商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources Management-Managing People For HR Staff (1)

商务英语实训课程unit 2 Human Resources Management-Managing People For HR Staff (1)

Charisma 个人魅力 Integrity 诚实 Strive for excellence 追求卓越 Maintain team spirit; concern for others 维持团队精神;关心他人 Continuous learning and developing oneself 持续学习与提升自我
Managing People / Pulse 11
Team Members’ Roles 团队成员的角色
6. Standard setter: Uncompromising in upholding the group’s values and goals. 标准的维护者:坚持组织的价值与目标时永不妥协. 7. Detail specialist: Considers the facts and implication of a problem even minor issues. 细节专家:考虑事实与问题,哪怕是很小的一些事情的影响. Questions: 问题: Which role is your preferred team role(s)? 你所欣赏的团队的职责是什么? Consider the members of your work-team, which are their preferred team role? Please note, some people may adopt more than one role, or several people may take on the same role. 想一想你工作团队中的成员是哪一种角色?注意,有些人可能充当不 止一种角色,也有可能好几个人充当同样的角色.
Managing People / Pulse 10

高教社马工程人力资源管理教学课件unit 2

高教社马工程人力资源管理教学课件unit 2
PEST 分析法: Politics 政治; Economy 经济; Society,
社会;Technology 技术; 人力资源管理者常通过这四个因素来评
价组织所处的外部环境,指导战略制定。 其意义在于帮助组织和管理者系统地认 识组织所处环境,分析和预测未来可能 出现的情况,判断外部环境变化时,组 织该采取哪些措施。
人力资源规划的程序可以分为五个阶段:调 查分析阶段、预测阶段、制定阶段、实施阶 段和反馈调整阶段。但在实践中,人力资源 规划的程序是多样的,其时间长短和具体步 骤会因组织内外部环境的差异性和组织的自 身发展需求而发生变化。
1、确保组织发展过程中对人力资源的需求 以长期来看,大多数组织处于不稳定的发展状态,其 内部人力资源的结构会因政策、市场、科技和经济等 多种环境因素的影响而发生改变,因此组织对人员需 求的数量、质量和特性也会相应随之改变,从而满足 人力资源需求量和供给量的动态平衡。 人力资源管理部门必须动态分析人力资源需求与供给 之间的差距,制定切合实际的各种规划来满足组织对 人力资源的需求。
确定了人力资源管理战略方案后,下一步的重要工作是如何将其付诸实施。大致来说,战略 实施包括以下步骤和方案:
战略传达,形成共同推动战略实施的组织文化 将战略目标进行分解和细化,并融入日常的组织管理过程 改善组织运行机制,使其与人力资源战略相匹配 定期检查和反馈战略方案的实施情况 实现绩效管理与战略方案之间的有机连接
核查组织现有人力资源 预测组织人力资源需求 预测组织人员拥有量 确定人员净需求量 制定人员需求平衡规划政策 确定实现人员供求平衡的执行计划 执行反馈和控制 评估人力资源规划
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- This inventory allows management to assess what talents and skills are currently available. assess: vt. a) To determine the value, significance, or extent of; appraise. e.g. assess sb.'s efforts b) To estimate the value of (property) for taxation. e.g. assess a tax on sb.'s property assessment n. assessable • • • Pre-reading Activities In-reading Activities Difficult Language Points Post-reading Activities Consolidating Exercises
PrePre-reading Activities
Potential candidate Job analysis Job holder Human resources Job description Current assessment Job specification Human resource inventory 人力资源 现状评估 工作规范 工作分析 潜在求职者 人力资源状况表 在职者 工作说明
- In contrast, a job specification focuses on the person. in contrast: 对照,相反 e.g. Red berries stand in vivid contrast against the snow focus on: To converge on or toward a central point of focus; be focused. e.g. They focused all their attention on finding a solution to the problem
- The job specification keeps the manager’s attention on the list of qualifications necessary for a person to be able to perform this job and assists in determining whether or not candidates are qualified. assist in: To give aid or support. e.g. We all assisted in mending the roof.
• Individual work: listening to the sample dialogues • Pair work: translating expressions and patterns
• Individual work: practicing sentence patterns • Pair work: role-playing the sample dialogues • Pair work: role-playing
Unit 2 Personnel Management
• • • • • • • Field Work Reading A Reading B Simulated Writing Listening Speaking Presentation
Field Work
• Search the library or the Internet for information about personnel management. • Make a list of questions and use them to interview entrepreneurs about personnel management. • Write a report about what you have found and prepare for an in-class presentation.
- It states the minimum acceptable qualifications that a jobholder must possess to perform a given job successfully. qualifications: n. A quality, an ability, or an accomplishment that makes a person suitable for a particular position or task e.g. He fulfilled the qualifications for registering to vote in the presidential election. What qualifications have you got to have for this job? qualify: v. to make competent or eligible for an office, a position, or a task.
Group No. Topic Conclusion comment
Consolidating Exercises
Reading A
• Individual work: dictation • Match work
Difficult points in Reading A This is typically done by generating a human resource inventory. generate: vt. a) To bring into being; give rise to e.g. generate a discussion. b) To produce as a result of a chemical or physical process e.g. generate heat.
Reading B
• Individual work: finding out the difficulties • Pair work: reviewing the expressions • Group work: getting the ideas
Simulated Writing
• Pair work: identifying the elements of a fax • Individual work: translating the sample fax into Chinese • Group work: writing a fax
• Brainstorm a list of topic-related words
Personnel manager, interview, job hunter, job seeker, interviewee, interviewer, applicant, candidate, recruitment, job hopper, job vacancy, advertisement...
InIn-reading Activities
• Individual work: finding out the difficulties • Pair work: reviewing the expressions • Group work: getting the ideas
PostPost-reading Activities