2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 (湖南卷)英语第一部分:听力(共三节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.What will the woman probably do tonight ?A.See a film . B.Go to a concert . C.Do some shopping . 2.Where does the conversation take place ?A.In an office B.In a hotel . C.In a bedroom . 3.What time is it now ?A.2:30 B.2:20. C.2:10.4.What did the man buy yesterday ?A.Shirts . B.Shoes . C.Trousers .5.What does the man suggest the woman do ?A.Study at home . B.Go to school . C.Come back early .第二节(共12小题;每题1.5分,满分18分)听下面4段对话。
6.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers ?A.Clerk and guest . B.Nurse and patient . C.Manager and secretary . 7.What can we learn from this conversation ?A.The man can‘t smoke in the office .B.The man‘s living-room is full of smoke .C.The man can‘t get a non-smoking room .听下面一段对话,回答第8至10三个小题。
2005年湖南省普通高等学校对口招生考试电子电工专业综合知识试题一、填空题(每空2分,共60分)1、a、b、c为电场中的三点,将q=2×10-6C的正电荷从c点移到a点,电场力做功为1×10-5J,则U AC=__________V;设b点电位为零时,V A=10V,则V C=_______V.2、C1=0.5μF、耐压100V和C2=1µF、耐压200V的两个电容器串联后两端能加的最高安全电压为______________V.3、一个2000匝的圆环形线圈,通以1.8A电流,测出其中的磁感应强度为0.9T,圆环的截面积为2cm2,则线圈中的磁通为_____________wb,线圈的自感系数为__________H.4、电压u=311sin(314t+300)V的最大值是_________V,有效值是________V,当t=0时电压的瞬时值是________V.5、有一对称三相电源,其U相的相电压是220V,初相位是00,则V相的初相位为_______,W相的初相位为___________;U、V两相间的线电压为________V,初相位为_________.6、变比n=10的变压器,原绕组接上E=100V的交流电源,副绕组连接负载电阻R L=20Ω,那么,原绕组的等效电阻为__________Ω,副绕组两端电压为__________V,副绕组通过的电流为________A.7、晶体管和场效应管是具有受控作用的器件,场效应管属于_________________式器件,其G、S间的阻抗要_______________晶体管B、E间的阻抗.8、在调谐放大电路中,三极管集电极负载为______________,为了较好地兼顾通频带和选择性,双调谐回路的耦合程度最好处于______________状态.9、将十进制数(43.625)10转换成二进制数___________________________.10、利用对偶规则写出表达式F=(A+B )(A +B)(A +C)(B+C)的对偶式F ′′=________________. 11、时序逻辑电路按工作方式可分为______________和__________________.12、正弦波振荡电路振幅平衡条件是______________,相位平衡条件是______________.13、用CMOS 或非门实现反相器功能时,或非门的多余端应接__________________.14、文氏桥式正弦波振荡电路如图1所示,R=12K Ω,C=0.03µF,电路满足__________________的条件参数时,电路方能起振;电路的振荡频为_______________________.15、用一个集成功放LM386组成的功放测试电路如图2所示,当把电位器R P 的滑动头调到顶端位置时,用示波器在输出端可观察到不规则的输出波形,说明该功放存在________________现象,为消除该现象,可调整电路中______________参数.二、单选题(在本题的每一个小题的备选答案中,只有一个答案是正确的,请把你认为正确的选项填入题中的括号内.多选不给分.每小题3分,共60分)1、分别将两个阻值相同的电阻串联后和并联后接在相同的电池上组成回路,设每个电阻的阻值是电池内阻的4倍.则电阻串联时和电阻并联时,电路中的总电流之比是……( ) A. 1∶2 B. 1∶3 C. 1∶4 D. 4∶12、“220V40W ”和“110V40W ”的A 、B 两个灯泡并联后接在110V 的电压上,A 、B 两灯泡的电功率之比为……( )A. 1∶1B. 2∶1C. 1∶4D.4∶13、如图3所示,已知C 1=2C 2,C 1充过电,电压为U 1,C 2未充过电,如果将S 合上,电容器C 1两端的电压为…………( ) A.21U B. 31U C. 321U D. U 1 4、相同长度、相同截面的两段磁路a 、b. a 段为气隙,磁阻为R ma ;b 段为硅钢,磁阻为R mb .则…………………( )A. R ma >R mb B . R ma <R mb C. R ma =R mb D. 条件不够,不能比较5、如图4所示三个线圈,同名端是端子………………( )A.1、3、5B.2、3、6C.2与3、2与5、3与5D.1与4、1与6、3与66、一交流电动机的额定电压为10V,电流为1A,功率为8W,则其无功率为……( ) A.2var B.6var C.10var D.8var7、一收音机的调谐回路的品质因数Q=78,当回路输入的信号电压为2μV 时,其输出电压为………( )A.39μVB.80μVC.156μVD.76μV8、三相四线制供电线路中,当三相负载对称时,中线电流为………………( ) A. 0 B. 一相电流的3倍C. 一相电流的3倍D.一相电流的2倍9、在变比n=4的变压器原线圈上加u=1414sin100πtV 的交流电压,则在副线圈两端用交流电压表测得的电压是 ( ) A 220V B 250V C 353.5V D 500V10.电路如图五所示,S 闭合前,电容器C 未充过电,那么,S 闭合瞬间,电容器两端的电压和通过的电流是: ( )A 0V 和0AB 20V 和0AC 0V 和2AD 10V 和2A11.如图六所示为一线性整流电路,当u i <0时, ( ) A .D1 D2截止 B .D1 D2导通 C .D1截止, D2导通 D. D1导通, D2截止12.若在一正常工作的桥式整流滤波电路中,滤波电容由于某种原因断开,这时负载上的直流电将: ( )A.增大B.减少C.不变D.基本不变13.在OTL 功放电路中,在输入电压不变的情况下,增大电源电压,输出功率和效率将( ) A.都减少 B.都增大 C.功率增大,效率不变 D.效率降低,功率不变.14.如图七所示共射放大电路中,当R p滑动头往下移动时,在输出端观察到U0将( )A.增大B.减少C.不变D.与R b1的大小有关,所以不能确定15.在多级直流放大电路中,产生零点漂移的主要原因是: ( )A.放大器放大倍数过大B.电路参数随温度的变化而变化C.极间采用了负反馈D.输入信号过大16.比较TTL门电路的平均传输延迟时间为: ( )A.t与非门>t与门>t异或门B.t与门>t与非门>t异或门C.t异或门>t与非门>t与门D.t或门>t与门>t与非门17.寄存器的功能为( )A.接收信息、存放信息、传递信息、计数B.接收信息、存放信息、计数C.接收信息、存放信息、传递信息D.存放信息、传递信息、计数18.RS触发器的功能是: ( )A.置0、置1、保持、计数B.置0、置1、保持C.保持、计数 C.置0、置1、计数19.要使集成译码器74LS138正常工作,使能端S A、S B、S C的电平信号是: ( )A.100B.000C.011D.11120.某门电路的输入信号A和B、输出信号L的波形如图八所示,该门电路是:A.与非门B.或非门C.异或门D.同或门三.计算题(每小题10分,共60分)1.电路如图九所示,E 1=20V, E 2=40V,电源内阻不计.R 1=4Ω,R 2=10Ω,R 3=40Ω.试用支路电流法求各支路电流.(10分)2.如图十所示,在磁感应强度为2×10-2T 的匀强磁场中,一个匝数为500匝、面积为40cm 2矩形线圈,在0.1s 内线圈从线圈平面与磁力线方向平行的位置转过90°到与磁力线方向垂直的位置.求(1)线圈中的平均感应电动势(8分)(2)指出线圈转动过程中a 、b 两端的极性(2分)3.某负载上的电压为u=14.14sin314tV,电流为i=2.828sin(314t-60°)A,问:(1)该负载上消耗的功率是多少?(3分)(2)该负载与电路进行能量交换的功率是多少?(4分)(3)该电路呈感性、容性还是电阻性?(3分)4.电路如图十一所示,设运算放大器是理想的.试求: (1)u01=? (2分) (2)u02=? (2分) (3)u0与u i的关系表达式.(6分)5.共集电极放大电路如图十二所示,U BE=0.6V,β=100,r be=1KΩ,试求: (1)静态工作点I BQ、I CQ、U CEQ(8分) (2)输入电阻R i(2分)6.化简下列逻辑函数(每小题5分,共10分)(1)用代数法化简函数L=(A·B+A·B+A·B)(A·D+A·D+B·D)(B·C+B·C)(C·D+C·D)D·E(2)用卡诺图化简函数L=A·B·D+A·B·C·D+A·B·C·D+ A·B·C·D+ A·B·C·D+A·B·D四.综合题1.实验验证戴维宁定理(15分)(1)列出实验器材(4分)(2)写出实验原理(1分)(3)画出实验电路图(4分)(4)写出实验步骤(6分)2.分析并回答(10分)如图十三所示直导体CD在匀强磁场中在重力作用下由静止开始沿金属导轨E、F(电阻不计)无摩擦下滑(1)线圈A、B中是否有感应电流?如有,方向如何?(5分)(2)直导线ef和pq之间是否有作用力,如有,方向如何?(5分)3.分别指出下列情况属于哪种触电方式(10分)(1)站在铝合金梯上一手碰到插座的相线桩头.(2)站在干燥的木梯上,一手碰到灯头的相线桩头,另一手碰到中线桩头.(3)站在干燥的木梯上,一手碰到U相的相线,耳朵碰到V相线.(4)高压线掉在地上,人畜在电线接地点近处行走触电.(5)修理电视机时,手碰在高压包上触电.4.请用实验验证RC串联电路中总电压U和U R、U C的关系.(10分)(1)画出实验电路图.(3分)(2)列出实验器材的名称、规格、数量.(3分)(3)写出实验步骤.(2分)(4)列出U和U R、U C的关系式.(2分)5.电路如图十四所示,试分析:(8分)(1)A1的反馈组态是______________.(2分)(2)说明级间反馈的极性、组态、作用.(6分)3.输入输出表达式(令R2=2R1,R4=2R3,R7=2R5)6.用JK触发器实现T触发器的功能.(10分)7.电路如图十五所示,设初始状态为零,试列出在CP脉冲作用下该电路的状态表,并分析其功能.(10分)8.下图十六是一个能左右循环的彩灯控制器.(17分)(1)试连线2、3、4、5、6、7脚,要求只能每次亮一盏灯.(6分)(2)已知W1=1M,R1=100K,C2=4.7μF,试求振荡频率范围.(4分)(3)试列表分析置数、左移和右移的工作过程.(7分)74LS194真值表五.专业选作题(每小题30分),根据自己的专业选作一题,如两题都做,只计第一题分数) 专业选作题一(30分)写出下图十七所示电路的名称、图中各零件名称和电路的工作原理.(1)电路名称:(2)零部件名称QS:FU1:FR:FR1:FU2:SB1:SB2:KM1:KM2:KM3:(3)写出启动和停止两个过程的工作原理.。
2005年高考试题详解--语文(湖南卷)一、(18分,每小题3分)l.下列词语中加点的字.读音全都正确的一组是A.娴熟(xián) 辗转(niǎn) 踽踽独行(yǔ) 信手拈来(niān)B.惬意(xiá) 延宕(dàng) 通衙广陌(mò) 掎角之势(qǐ)C.膏腴(yú) 围歼(qiān) 矢志不渝(yù) 斐然成章(fěi)D.拓本(tà) 饯别(jiàn) 鸠形鹄面(hú) 并行不悖(bèi) 【答案】D【解析】“辗转”应为“zhǎn”“踽”应为“jǔ”;B“惬意”应为“qiè”,“掎角”应为“jī”;“围歼”应为“jiān”,“矢志不渝”应为“yú”。
A. 爱岗敬业
B. 诚实守信
C. 廉洁自律
D. 客观公正
A. 合同资产
B. 交易性金融资产
C. 银行冻结存款
D. 持有待售资产
A. 15%
B. 20%
C. 25%
D. 50%
A. 企业承担的现时义务
B. 未来流出的经济利益的金额需要估算
C. 由企业过去的交易或者事项形成的
D. 预期会导致经济利益流出企业
A. 重要性
B. 可比性
C. 相关性
D. 实质重于形式
会计等式是反映会计要素之间数量关系的等式,最基本的等式是:资产= 负债+ ______。
-----必须加强身心修养(三)具有较为扎实的教育和文化科学知识(1)必须了解和掌握幼儿教育的基础知识和幼儿教育发展动向与最新研究成果,树立正确的教育观、儿童观;(2) 需要有比较广阔的多学科知识和教育艺术,才能满足幼儿发展的需要,才能胜任幼儿园工作。
2005年湖南卷高考真题英语试卷-学生用卷一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷第21题1分2005年高考真题湖南卷2018~2019学年10月陕西西安碑林区西北工业大学附属中学高二上学期周测第70题—It's cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella.—.A. Yes, take it easyB. Well, it just dependsC. OK, just in caseD. All right, you're welcome2、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷2005年高考真题湖南卷第22题1分2018~2019学年广东深圳福田区深圳明德实验学校高二上学期期中(香蜜湖校区)第64题1分2014~2015学年北京西城区北京市第四中学高二下学期期中第22题2017~2018学年广东深圳龙岗区深圳科学高中高二上学期期中第48题0.5分in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.A. DressedB. To dressC. DressingD. Having dressed3、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷第23题1分2008~2009学年北京高一上学期期中2010~2011学年北京高一上学期期中2011~2012学年北京西城区北京师范大学附属中学高一下学期期中2015~2016学年广东广州高一上学期期中模拟第13题1分Allow children the space to voice their opinions,they are different from your own.A. untilB. even ifC. unlessD. as though4、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷2005年高考真题湖南卷第24题1分2015~2016学年广东深圳福田区深圳市高级中学高中部高一下学期期中语法单选第54题1分2007年北京朝阳区高三二模—Lucy doesn't mind lending you her dictionary.—She. I have already borrowed one.A. can'tB. mustn'tC. needn'tD. shouldn't5、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷第25题1分2005年高考真题湖南卷2008~2009学年北京西城区高二上学期期中He suddenly saw Sue the room. He pushed hisway the crowd of people to get to her.A. across; acrossB. over; throughC. over; intoD. across; through6、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷第26题1分2015~2016学年广东深圳福田区深圳市高级中学高中部高一下学期期中单词和短语第66题1分I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson.A. cut inB. cut downC. cut outD. cut up7、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷第27题1分2005年高考真题湖南卷Frank's dream was to have his own shop to produce the workings of his own hands.A. thatB. in whichC. by whichD. how8、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷2005年高考真题湖南卷第28题1分We went to Canada to travel and my cousin as our guide.A. playedB. showedC. actedD. performed9、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷2005年高考真题湖南卷第29题1分I can't remember when exactly the Robinsons left city. I only remember it was Monday.A. the, theB. a, theC. a, aD. the, a10、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷第30题1分—If the traffic hadn't been so heavy, I could have been back by 6 o'clock.—What a pity! Tina here to see you.A. isB. wasC. would beD. has been11、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷第31题1分2005年高考真题湖南卷The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him I did.A. as much asB. as long asC. as soon asD. as far as12、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷第32题1分2005年高考真题湖南卷Since I won the big prize, my telephone hasn't stopped ringing. People to ask how I am going to spend the money.A. phoneB. will phoneC. were phoningD. are phoning13、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷2005年高考真题湖南卷第33题1分You will find as you read this book that you just can't keep some of these storiesto. You will want to share them with a friend.A. itselfB. yourselfC. himselfD. themselves14、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷第34题1分2005年高考真题湖南卷I send you 100 dollars today, the rest in a year.A. followsB. followedC. to followD. being followed15、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷2005年高考真题湖南卷第35题1分2019~2020学年广东珠海香洲区珠海市第一中学高一下学期期中第38题1分I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize silly mistakes I had made.A. whatB. thatC. howD. which二、完形填空(每小题1.5分,共30分)16、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷第36~55题30分(每题1.5分)2017~2018学年北京西城区北京市第四中学高三上学期期中第36~55题30分When I was thirteen, my family moved from Boston to Tucson,Arizona.1the move, my father2us in the living-room on a freezing January night. My sisters and I sat around the fire,not3that the universe would suddenly change its course. "In May,we're4to Arizona." The words, so small, didn'tseem5enough to hold my new life. But the world changed and I awoke on a train moving across the country, I watched the6change from green trees to flat dusty plains to high mountains as I saw strange new plantsthat7mysteries yet to come. Finally, we arrivedand8into our new home.9my older sisters were sad at the loss of friends, I10explored our new surroundings.One afternoon, I was out exploring11and saw a new kind of cactus(仙人掌). I crouched(蹲)down for a closer look. "You'd better not12that." I turned around to see an old woman. "Are you new to this neighborhood? " I explained that Iwas,13, new to the entire state."My name is Ina Thorne. Have you got used to life in the14? It must be quite a15after living in Boston." How could I explain howI16the desert? I couldn't seem to find the right words."It's vastness, " she offered. "That vastness17you stand on the mountains overlooking the desert --- you can18how little you are incomparison with the world.19, you feel that the possibilities are limitless." That was it. That was the feeling I'd had ever since I'd first seen the mountains of my new home. Again, my20would change with just a few simple words. "Would you like to come to my home tomorrow? Someone should teach you which plant you should and shouldn't touch."A. DuringB. UntilC. UponD. BeforeA. gatheredB. warnedC. organizedD. comfortedA. hopingB. admittingC. realizingD. believingA. goingB. movingC. drivingD. flyingA. goodB. simpleC. bigD. properA. pictureB. groundC. sceneD. areaA. suggestedB. solvedC. discoveredD. explainedA. settledB. walkedC. hurriedD. steppedA. IfB. AfterC. OnceD. WhileA. bitterlyB. easilyC. proudlyD. eagerlyA. as wellB. as usualC. fight awayD. on timeA. moveB. digC. pullD. touchA. of courseB. in factC. after allD. at leastA. desertB. cityC. stateD. countryA. luckB. doubtC. shockD. dangerA. foundB. examinedC. watchedD. reachedA. whyB. whenC. howD. whereA. proveB. guessC. senseD. expectA. HoweverB. OtherwiseC. ThereforeD. MeanwhileA. ideaB. lifeC. homeD. family三、阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分)17、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷(A篇)第56~58题6分(每题2分)We were on tour a few summers ago, diving through Chicago, when right outside of the city, we got pulled over. A middle-aged policeman camp up to the car and was really being troublesome at first. Lecturing us, he said, "You were speeding. Where are you going in such a hurry? "Our guitarist, Tim, told him that we were on our way to Wisconsin to play a show . His way towards us totally changed. He asked, "Oh, so you boys are in the a band (乐队)? "We told him that we were. He then asked all the usual band questions about the type of music we played, and how long we had been at it.Suddenly, he stopped and said, "Tim, you want to get out of this ticket, don't you? " Tim said, "Yes."So the officer asked him to step out of the car. The rest of us, inside the car, didn't know what to think as we watched the policeman talk to Tim. Next thing we know, the policeman was putting Tim in the back of the police car he had parked in front of us. With that, he threw the car into reverse(倒车), stopping a few feet in back of our car.Now we suddenly felt frightened. We didn't know if we were all going to prison, of if the policeman was going to sell Tim on the black market or something. All of a sudden, the policeman's voice came over his loudspeaker. He said, "Ladies and gentleman, for the first time ever, we have Tim here singing on Route 90."Turns out, the policeman had told Tim that the only way he was getting out of the ticket was if he sang part of one of our songs over the loudspeaker in the police car. Seconds later, Tim started screaming into the receiver. The policeman enjoyed the performance, and sent us on our way without a ticket.(1) The policeman stopped the boys to.A. put them into prisonB. give them a ticketC. enjoy their performanceD. ask some band questions(2) The policeman became friendly to the boys when he knew they.A. had long been at the bandB. played the music he lovedC. were driving for a showD. promised him a performance(3) The boys probably felt when they drove off.A. joyfulB. calmC. nervousD. frightened18、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷(B篇)第59~62题8分(每题2分)Collections were the inspiration (灵感)for a project at Thomas Tallis School, which formed part of the Imagine Children's Literature Festival last autumn. Each child (aged 12-13) beautified a box and wrote a story on the subject of collections to throw inside it. The boxes were spread within the Royal Festival Hall's Ballroom. Some were left empty to encourage visitors to write their own stories.The subject chosen by Lauren was an imaginative one. "It's a sort of Cinderella (灰姑娘) story, " she told me, inspired by a collection of letters from her cousin. In the story these become love letters, burned by a cruel stepmother. Lauren's best friend Charlotte is the stepmother. "I'm in Charlotte's story, too, " says Lauren, "and I get run over." Charlotte's tale was inspired by the girl's coin collection. "We've collected foreign coins for years-since our families went on holiday to Tenerife, " she explains. "That was before the Euro, so we put TAL#NBSP pesetas in." Lauren continues, "I find a coin in the road, go to get it and get run over. I'm in hospital and then I die." Charlotte adds, "Or she might not die. I haven't decided yet."Millie Murray, who is a teen-novel author, thinks that setting the subject of collections was a useful inspiration to their creativity rather than a restriction(限制)."In the beginning I thought, 'Will the children be able to do it? '" she says. "But it's been fruitful. Some have their own collection, some have parents who do, and some have written complete stories. It's made them think about something they wouldn't have otherwise, which can only be a good thing."(1) What were the children asked to do in the project?A. To meet friends at Thomas Tallis School.B. To write stories on the subject of collections.C. To encourage visitors to write their own stories.D. To have their friends for characters in the stories.(2) The underlined word "pesetas" in Paragraph 2 is a kind of.A. storyB. collectionC. inspirationD. foreign coin(3) From the stories by Lauren and Charlotte, we know that.A. Charlotte hurt herself when getting a coinB. both of them developed their imaginationC. both of them will die in each other's storiesD. Lauren's cousin posted her some love letters(4) Millie Murray thinks.A. collections could inspire writing creativityB. it was good for parents to have collectionsC. inspirations were very useful in writing storiesD. setting collection subjects restricted inspirations19、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷(C篇)第63~67题10分(每题2分)Paula Radcliffe, chasing(角逐) a third London marathon title(冠军), says she has become a stronger person after her terrible experience at the 2004 Athens Games.Radcliffe, who failed to complete the Olympic marathon and the 10000m last August, said: "Athens made me a stronger person and it made me careless about criticism(批评).""In the past I wanted to please everyone, but now I am going to listen even more to the people around me."She didn' t care about criticism made at the weekend by Liz McColgan, who felt Radcliffe should have rested and let her body recover after her failure in Athens."Liz is someone I look up to but she hasn't spoken to she would have contacted(联系)me."Instead Radcliffe won the New York City marathon just 11 weeks after Athens."In New York I wasn't in my best state but I did know I was good enough to win the race."Radcliffe insisted her only goal in Sunday's race would be winning a third title and not chasing world records.However, Radcliffe has not ruled out(排除) in the future chasing her "final" world record time and questioned sayings that marathon runners have the ability in their career to produce only four or five world-class times."I don't think that—although TAL#NBSP I can't put a number on it, " said Radcliffe. "That changes from person to person."Radcliffe is sure she can better her winning London 2003 performance at some point in the future. Following a successful three-month training period in the United States, the 31-year-old will chase a third title on Sunday after her first victory in 2002 and again 12 months later.Radcliffe clocked a time of 2: 18: 56 in her first 42.2- kilometre race three years ago.Afterwards she set a "mixed course" mark of 2:17: 18 five months later in Chicago before lowering that to a time of 2: 15: 25 in the 2003 London event.(1) Radcliffe's failure in Athens made her.A. develop respect for LizB. love people around her moreC. rest for five monthsD. face criticism calmly(2) Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Radcliffe broke the world record in the New York City marathon.B. Radcliffe didn't fully recover before the New York City marathon.C. Radcliffe won her first marathon title in the New York City marathon.D. Radcliffe had a 3-month training before the New York City marathon.(3) By saying "I can't put a number on it" Radcliffe means she's not sure.A. if she has the ability to set a new world recordB. if she can win another race though she has won many timesC. how many times a marathon runner can set the world recordD. if she has the ability to produce four or five worldclass times(4) According to the text, Radcliffe has won London marathon title(s).A. fourB. threeC. twoD. one(5) What can we learn from Radcliffe's story?A. Practice makes perfect.B. Well begun is half done.C. A friend in need is a friend indeed.D. Where there is a will there is a way.20、【来源】 2005年高考真题湖南卷(D篇)第68~71题8分(每题2分)From Mr. Ward Hoffman.Sir, I was halfway through Professor Raj Persaud's article "What's the tipping point" (Financial Times Weekend, April 9-10)when it occurred to me that what I was reading was not ironic(讽刺的). If Prof Persaud wants to know why Americans tip in restaurants, he need only ask the first American he meets in London.Americans tip in restaurants for one reason, and one reason only: we tip to supplement(补贴) the salary of restaurant workers. Quality of service does not enter into it, beyond the fact that one may tip a bit less for poor service, or a little more for good service.Not tipping at all in a non-fast-food restaurant is not a choice. In the US, one used to tip about 15 per cent for dining in a family-style restaurant or in an upmarket(高档的)restaurant. Here, in San Francisco Bay area restaurants, we are encouraged to tip 20 per cent or more, to help restaurant workers live in this very expensive area.After eating at an Italian restaurant in my city, I left a tip of 20 per cent on the non-tax part of our dinner bill. It was expected. There is nothing more complicated (复杂的) than that about Americans tipping in restaurants.Ward Hoffman,Palo Alto, CA94306, USFrom Mr. Philip McBride Johnson.Sir, I agree with most of Raj Persaud's opinions about the doubtful value of tipping, but with one exception(例外). Tips can be very useful when one is a repeat customer or diner.It is only when the tipper is a stranger and likely to remain so that the system does not work to his or her advantage. But frequent a hotel or a restaurant, always tip a bit more, and the difference in service and treatment will be easily felt.Philip McBride Johnson,Great Falls, VA22066, US(1) What can we learn from Hoffman's letter?A. Quality of service determines tipping in the US。
2005-2013年对口高考英语真题练习词汇与语法05年高考题21. Every party member should write a ______ article within a month.A. three-thousand-wordB. three-thousand-wordsC. three-thousands-wordD. three-thousands-words22. ____all his efforts he failed.A. Because ofB. ThoughC. Instead ofD. In spite of23. I prefer reading in the classroom ____ chatting in the dormitory.A. inB. toC. thanD. for24. Do you think _____ necessary for us to deposit the money?A. thatB. itC. weD. them25. The company ____ at the good news that the contract with Microsoft had been made.A. were excitedB. was excitingC. were excitingD. was excited26. Beijing is ____ that wee can hardly visit all the beautiful parks in two or in three days.A. so a large cityB. such large a cityC. so large a cityD. a such large city27. Since there were so many audiences in the hall, the speakers had to ____ his voice.A. ariseB. riseC. raiseD. increase28. Seldom ____ any mistakes during his past five years of service here.A. did he makeB. he madeC. he could makeD. would he made29. The problem ____ the quality of the products in good or not has been settled.A. thatB. ifC. whetherD. which30. The lecture will held in ______ this Friday afternoon.A. the Room 208B. Room 208C. 208th RoomD. Room 208th31. The harder we practice speaking English, the ______we will make in our spoken English.A. more progresserB. more progressC. much progressD. most progress32. Our professor has many books ____are about English and computer.A. whomB. most of themC. most of whichD. whose33. Both Mr. Zhang and his business associate ______ to the opening ceremony.A. were invitedB. was invitedC. invitedD. will invite34. ____ the USA, China is a developing country.A. To compare withB. Compared toC. Comparing toD. Compared with35. The general manager came in, ____ by his assistant.A. followingB. followedC. to followD. is followed36. Without your help, we _____the design on schedule.A. couldn’t have finishedB. will finishC. will have finishedD. haven’t finished37. He has the ability to _____ calm in an emergency.A. becomeB. keepC. haveD. make38. They have produced ____cotton this year as they did 10 years ago.A. as twice as manyB. twice as muchC. as twice muchD. twice more39. China is large than _____ in Asia.A. any other countryB. other countryC. all the countriesD. any country40. We arranged to meet at the airport at 7:30, but he failed to ______.A. turn offB. turn onC. turn upD. turn down2006年高考试题21. Hot weather usually ____people’s health.A. effectsB. affectsC. helpD. build22. He told me the news two days _____.A. beforeB. afterC. agoD. late23. ____will come to visit us this weekend.A. My father’s one friendB. One my father’s friendC. A father’s friend of mineD. A friend of my father’s24. My English teacher began to learn French in his _________.A. fortiesB. fortiethC. fortyD. the fortieth25. The railway station is about _____walk.A. a twenty-minutesB. a twenty-minuteC. a twenty-minute’sD. a twenty minute26. When the teacher_____ the classroom, most of the students were putting their hearts __ reading.A. comes into, inB. came to, intoC. came into, intoD. came in, at27. When I was young, I read a book that the earth ____ around the sun.A. movingB. movedC. moveD. moves28. How long ____ you ___ the army before you came to our company?A. did, joinB. have, joinedC. had, been inD. have, been in29. The dictionary ____to the library in a week.A. is returned D. must be returned C. will return D. is to return30. ____your attention, our homework could have been done better.A. GivenB. GivingC. To giveD. Give31. Jack, your books are everywhere. You’d better ____right now.A. to put them awayB. put them awayC. put away themD. to put away them32. The teacher together with the students _____ watching a football match on TV.A. areB. to beC. isD. were33. Teachers should be kind of the students, _____ clever ____ foolish.A. neither, norB. too, toC. only, butD. either, or34. Of the two cars, I certainly choose _______.A. the most beautiful oneB. the least beautiful oneC. the more beautiful oneD. the very beautiful one35. Traveling is _____, but people may often feel____ when they are back from travels.A. excited, tiringB. exciting, tiredC. excited, tiredD. exciting, tiring2007年高考试题21. We have received ten_____ for the job.A. formsB. applicationsC. papersD. bills22. Would you please ____me a few minutes?A. spendB. costC. shareD. spare23. I’d like to _______ your football game.A. joinB. attendC. take part inD. present24. Whatever you do it, do it ______.A. carefullyB. carefulC. carelessD. cares25. During my childhood, I often asked my grandfather to ______ me stories.A. sayB. speakC. talkD. tell26. ____ first of June is _____children’s Day.A. The, theB. The, /C. A, theD. A, /27. A friend of _____ is studying in London.A. meB. myC. mineD. myself28. My computer doesn’t work. I’ll have it ____tomorrow.A. repairedB. repairingC. repairsD. repair29. ____me a little earlier, I would not have made the mistake.A. If you toldB. Had you toldC. Did you tellD. Will you tell30. Mr. Liu _______a soldier before he came to work in our company.A. has beenB. wasC. was beingD. had been31. The 2008 Olympic Games ____in Beijing next year.A. are heldB. will holdC. will be heldD. will be holding32. This is the only dictionary ____ I always take good care of.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. why33. –Will you make a trip to Hainan this summer?--No, and _______.A. neither will my classmateB. neither my classmates willC. so my classmates willD. so won’t my classmates34. I think ____ quite necessary to help each other.A. thatB. whichC. thisD. it35. Ten minutes_____ an hour when one is waiting for an important interview.A. seemB. seemsC. is seemingD. is seemed 2009年高考试题21. ____ water in ___Xinagjiang River is getting cleaner now.A. The, theB. The, /C. /, the D/, /22. I have got a new car of _____ own. Is ____old or new.A. me, youB. my, yoursC. mine, yourD. A, a23. Our country is developing ________.A. quickly and more quicklyB. more and more quicklyC. quickly and quicklyD. more quickly and more quickly24. Last Friday we would have had our spring sports meet, but we had to ______ because of rain.A. put it offB. put it awayC. put it downD. put it out25. Do you know the reason _____she doesn’t like to go there?A. whichB. whatC. whyD. how26. Our environment ______.A. must take good care ofB. should be taken good care ofC. must be taken good careD. should take good care27. People would mind your _____ loudly in public.A. talkingB. to talkC. talksD. talk28. My father often advises me ______ computer games too late at night.A. not playingB. not playC. don’t play D not to play29. A moment ago, a policeman told me that he ____my stolen motor bike in a village.A. has foundB. had foundC. was findingD. will find30. Your ____ car can’t be ____, I’m afraid.A. broke, fixedB. breaking, fixingC. broken, fixedD. breaks, fixes31. The boy felt ashamed _____ himself not having told his mother the truth.A. forB. aboutC. atD. of32. They will visit Beijing ____ in the year of 2010.A. some timeB. sometimeC. sometimesD. some times33. Spend more time on your English study, _____?A. will youB. do youC. had youD. have you34. ____ is clear that you will get a good job because you are good at communication.A. ThisB. ThatC. WhichD. It35. I have no idea if she _____ this Sunday. If she _____, I will let you know.A. comes, comesB. will comeC. will come, comesD. comes, will come2010年高考试题21. Black has got ____ new car. _____car is black.A. a, AB. the, AC. a, TheD. the, The22. _____ twenty minutes enough to finish the work?A. IsB. AreC. HasD. Have23. Study_________ , and you will make a great progress.A. hardB. harderC. hardestD. more hard24. ____ stronger and stronger our country is becoming.A. What aB. How aC. WhatD. How25. She gave up her job as a nurse because she found the children too difficult ________.A. look afterB. to look afterC. looking afterD. be looked after26. –I have never had such delicious Chinese food before.--_________.A. Neither had IB. Neither have IC. So have ID. So had I27. Our library has a large collection of books,______ are in English.A. many of whichB. many of themC. many of onesD. many of what28. He has very sorry _____ her at the airport.A. not meetingB. not to meetC. not to have metD. to have not meet29. I found ____ for me to finish the work by myself.A. his hardB. that hardC. them hardD. it hard30. Mr. Johnson is looking forward to ______ your school.A. visitB. visitingC. have visitedD. having visited05年交际用语41. --How do I get to the nearest post office?--_________.A. It’s very farB. Yes, there is a post office near hereC. It’s about a ten minute’s from here.D. Go down this street and turn left42. – Would you like a coffee?--_______.A. Yes, I prefer tea .B. Yes, please!C. I like coffee very muchD. Thank you very much.43. –What do you like this book?--_______.A. I’ve read it .B. It’s well written.C. It was written by my uncle .D. I bought it yesterday.44. –May I introduce myself? My name is Bill John.--_________.A. I am glad to meet you, Mr. JonesB. I am pleased to see you, Mr. Bill.C. I am very pleased, Bill.D. It’s My honor.45. – Do you mind if I sit next to you?--_______.A. No, not at all.B. Yes, sit down pleaseC. No, you can’tD. Yes, of course完成对话46. –Sorry to trouble you.--______.A. I don’t think so.B. No, I don’t mind at allC. It’s a pleasure .D. Never mind.47. –I’m going to Paris for two weeks.--________.A. Good-bye .B. I like it .C. Have a good time.D. It’s a pleasure.48.--I am pleased that I have passed the Entrance Examination.--_________.A. That’s very good.B. That’ quite OKC. Oh, really?D. Congratulations!49. –You are wearing a nice hat, Mary.--________.A. No, just so soB. Not at allC. Thank youD. I myself don’t think so.50.—Please remember me to your parents.-- __________.A. Yes, I remember.B. Sure, I willC. No, thank you all the sameD. That’s all right06年高考交际用语36. –Would you please pass the book to me?-- ______.A. Here are youB. Here they areC. Here it isD. Here you are37. –Would you like some more dumplings?--________.A. Not at allB. That’s all rightC. No, thanksD. No, I’m not38. –Would you like to come to meet Mr. Smith?-- _________.A.I think that .B. I take it .C. I’m glad .D. I’d love to.39. – Hello, could I speak to Mr. Smith?-- _________.A. Sorry, I don’t know.B. You’re welcome.C. One moment please!D. No, he isn’t .40. –What do you _______ breakfast?--Fresh oranges, milk, bread and eggs.A. have forB. cook withC. pay forD. think of41. –Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the post office?--_____ this road and take the first turning on the right. Then you will find it.A Walk alongB ByC MissD Go42. –May I try it?--_____.A. I like yoursB. it’s very comfortableC. Yes, do pleaseD. You’ll take it.43. –What can I do for you?--________________.A. I want to look for someone.B. I make myself at home.C. I’ll take if easy.D. I’m looking for some shirts.44. –What was the party like?-- Wonderful. It’s years since I ______ so much.A. enjoyed myselfB. Has myselfC. has enjoyed itD. had good45. –Have you finished your work yet?--___________. I think it’ll take another ten minutes.A. Yes, I haveB. No, not yetC. No, I haveD. No, I didn’t完成对话46. --______please. We’ll miss the train.--Really? I think we still have much time.A. Hurry inB. In a hurry C, Hurry up D. Look up47. –You work hard. You are a good worker.--__________.A. No, I am not.B. Thank you very much.C. That’s all right.D. You are the same.48. –Hello. May I speak to Mr. Black, Please?--Yes, ________.A. my name’s Tom.B. I’m Tom .C. this is Tom .D. Tom is me.49. –It’s a sunny day. Let’s go swimming.--Sorry, I can’t swim.--_________.A. Not at allB. With a pityC.That’s rightD. All right50. –We really enjoyed ourselves at the party. Thanks again, Mr. Williams.--________. Just drop in whenever you fell like it.A Thank youB Not at allC All right.D No thanks补全对话A: Hello, My I speak to Mr. Green?B: Speaking.A: 51 . This is Liu Wei from the Traveling Agency.B: Good evening, Mr. Liu.A: I wish to tell you that a visit to Zhangjiajie has been arranged. 52 .B: Certainly, I’ve been looking forward to it. 53 .A: Tomorrow morning at 7:30. 54 at twenty past seven. Please try to be ready before. B: I will. Thank you. Is that all?A: 55 . Goodbye.B: Goodbye.B: Good evening, Mr. Green.C. We’ll gather at the gate of the hotel.D. I wonder if you’d like to go.E. What time are we leavingF. Anything do you want to know?07年高考36. –How is everything with you?--______.A. Good morningB. Glad to see you, too.C. Fine, thank youD. How good it is37. – Who’s the short man over there?--_________.A. This is my good friend, TomB. He is my good friend, TomC. That’s my good friend, TomD. Really, he is very short38. –I never thought The Last Emperor would be so interesting.--_______.A. Yes, so it wouldB. So did itC. Yes, it didD. Neither I would39. –Which do you prefer, black tea or black coffee?--__________.A. I have a cup of teaB. Yes, I like itC. Sure, I [prefer themD. I prefer black coffee40.—It’s my birthday tomorrow.--_______.A. Good luck to you.B. May you succeedC. Congratulate you on you workD. Happy birthday41. –Do you think it will be fine tomorrow?--________.A. It’s hard to sayB. Yes, it’s OK.C. Yes, it isD. No, it’s Friday42. –Good morning, Mr. Smith. I’m very sorry for being late.--________.A. You are welcomeB. Never mindB. It’s OK D. Don’t say so43. – How about going to the Chinese restaurant?--_________.A. I don’t think soB. No, I don’tC. It’s not mineD. Good idea44. – How long have you been like this?--_________.A. It’s half past seven.B. About two daysC. Twice a weekD. Three days ago45. –What do you think of the story?--_______.A. It happened in 1979B. It cost me five yuanC. I read it last nightD. It’s very interesting补全对话A: I’m calling to invite you to my sister’s birthday party. Lots of friends will come. I thought you’d Like to join us.B: 51 I’d really like to. But I have other plans. I’m sorry I can’t come.A: 52 Maybe you will come to my birthday party.B:53A: Good. Hope to see you on Christmas Day.B: 54 I’m looking forward to it.A: Bye.B: 55 .A: Goodbye.B: That’ll be nice of you to invite me.C. OK, and thanks again for inviting me.D. Sounds great.E. That’s OK.F. Nice to meet you.09年高考36. --Excuse me, sir. Could you please tell me the way to the nearest bank?--________.A. That’s rightB. You’re right.C. Of course.D. Good idea.37. –We are going to make a trip. How about tomorrow?--__________.A. Sorry, I am afraid not.B. Yes, it isC. Yes, we doD. Sorry, I’m not38. –Would you like to come to our party?--________A. Yes, I likeB. Yes, I doC. Yes, I’d likeD. Yes, I’d like to39. –Mike, you’d better not do it again.--________A. Yes, I doB. No, I won’t.C. No, I am not.D. Yes, I can.40. --Let me carry it for you.--__________A. I have a good idea.B. No, thank you.C. You are welcomeD. I’m afraid not.41. – Hello, 88776543, who’s that?--________A. I don’t know you.B. I’m Jim. C This is Jim. D. That’s Jim.42. –How long may I keep the book?--_________.A. That’s over there.B. It’s a nice bookC. Sorry, you can’tD. Half a month43. –Could you look after my pet cat?--________.A. You’re welcomeB. With pleasureC. Yes, it isD. Yes, here you are44. –Would you please lend me your camera?--________, but you’ll have to buy some film yourself.A. No problemB. Don’t worryC. I’m sorryD. Never mind.45. –My watch doesn’t work. ________--It’s half past eleven.A. What’s it?B. What’s your watch?C. How about your watch?D. What time is it by your watch?专项训练1. --Do you feel like going to the cinema again?--________A. Nothing specialB. Yes, that’d be lovely.C. Yes, pleaseD. I don’t think so2. –What do you think of Beijing?--__________.A. I’ve been there twiceB. Yes, it is goodC. It’s a wonderful cityD. Yes, I remember3. –Who’s calling now?--_______.A. I’m MaryB. This is Mary speakingC. HelloD. Let me see4. --_______________?--It’s rather hot.A. What’s the weather like in HainanB. How hot it isC. Do you like the weather in HainanD. Do you like Hainan5. – How is you manager?--_________.A. He is a doctorB. He is twentyC. He is quite wellD. He is John6. –Would you mind my smoking here?--___________.A. I’m afraid you’d better notB. Yes, you mayC. I don’t knowD. No, you wouldn’t7. –Would you like another cup of beer?--____________.A. I won’tB. I’m sorryC. Excuse meD. No, thanks8. --Would you please turn down the radio a little?-- ________.A. That’s all rightB. No, you won’tC. All rightD. It doesn’t matter9. –May I have that pair of compass, please?--Yes, _______.A. here they areB. here you areC. it is hereD. they are here10. – Would you like to come to the party?--__________.A. No, I don’t likeB. Quite wellC. Yes, I’d love toD. Sure, that’s right11. –May I look at your new camera?--____________.A. CertainlyB. No, you can’tC. Yes, you canD. You’re welcome12. --How are you getting on with your school?--________.A. That’s rightB. Yes, thanksC. That’s greatD. Just fine13. –Which season do you prefer, spring or autumn?--_______.A. I think soB. I prefer springC. Yes, I like springD. The autumn is to dry14. –How was the food?--_______.A. SorryB. I agreeC. GreatD. No, I don’t like it15. –Shall I have dinner together and go to the movies?--______.A. Let me seeB. That sounds a good ideaC. Oh, noD. Just fine16. –What about having a cup of tea?--______.A. SureB. WellC. NoD. Why17. –Would you like to help me?--_______.A. With pleasureB. RightC. That’s OKD. No, I am busy18. –Do you mind if I sit here?--______A. No, not at allB. Yes, sit hereC. No, you can’tD. Yes, of course19. –May I speak to Mr. Green?--______.A. No, I can’tB. Who are youC. I’m Mr. GreenD. Sorry, he is out20. –How are you?--I’m not quite _____ today.A. myselfB. yourselfC. for myselfD. better21. –May I borrow your car, John?--________. Here you are.A. Yes, you mayB. Oh, noC. No problemD. Certainly not22. –Would you speak a little louder, please?--_________.A. That’s all rightB. That’s rightC. All rightD. It doesn’t matter23. –Would you like some more cakes?--_________. I’ve had enough.A. I won’tB. I’m sorryC. Excuse meD. No, thanks24. --_________?--I enjoyed it very much.A. What’s the novel likeB. What’s the novel aboutC. How much do you like our schoolD. How did you like the novel25. -- ____________?--Fine, thank youA. How do you doB. Is everything OKC. What’s the weather like todayD. Would you like a cup of tea26. – Could I speak to your father?--___________.A. Sorry, the line is busyB. Speaking, pleaseC. I am afraid you’ve dialed the wrong numberD. I am his father27. – Can I borrow a book from you?--Certainly, ________.A. here it isB. You are hereC. here you areD. it’s here28. --__________--It’s rather cold.A. How much do you like our weather?B. How do you like our weather?C. How cold it is!D. Do you enjoy the weather here?29. –Hi, Mike! How are you?--________. I’ve got a bad cold.A. Very wellB. Not so wellC. Excuse meD. All right30. –Which would you like to have, tea or coffee?--_______.A. Sure, I wouldB. Yes, pleaseC. Yes, bothD. Neither, thank you31.-- I’m very grateful to you for coming to meet me.--_______.A. All rightB. OKC. Of courseD. You’re welcome32. – You look very beautiful in the red dress.--_______.A. No, not very beautifulB. Thank youC. That’s not sureD. Sorry, I’m old33. –We’ll have the final exams next week.--_______.A. Take it easyB. Just so soC. No needD. Too early34. – Thank you for the wonderful meal.--____.A. The same to youB. I am glad you enjoy itC. Thank you all the sameD. No, it’s really all right35.-- I am afraid I must leave now.--_______.A. Never mindB. See youC. No problemD. Step slowly36. --I’m sorry I have broken your bike.--_________.A. It doesn’t matterB. You are welcomeC. Don’t mention itD. Oh, it that so?37. –Thank you for inviting me.--__________.A. You are rightB. No, nothingC. Don’t mention itD. With pleasure38. --Your oral English is very good.--________.A. No, not so goodB. Many thanksC. Just so soD. Don’t mention it39. –We are leaving for Shanghai.--________.A. Wish you safe all the wayB. Have a good tripC. Good luckD. Both A and B40. –I’m glad that I have found a good job--___________.A. That’s very goodB. Oh, reallyC. CongratulationsD. Quite OK41. –Congratulate you on your success.--____________.A. Thank youB. You are welcomeC. All rightD. The same to you42. –Let’s drop in for a cup of coffee or something.--____________.A. I’m very sorry I can’t.B. Yes, sureC. Let me seeD. No, I can’t43. –Show me your passport, please.--________.A. OK, here it isB. Sure. Here you areC. Thank youD. Both A and B44. --I forget about our appointment yesterday.--_________.A. It really doesn’t matterB. You are welcomeC. At your serviceD. With pleasure45. –We are going to have an oral English test.--___________.A. That’s OKB. Good luck to youC. Yes, thanksD. Just fine46. –This is the hottest day we’ve had so far this summer.--____________.A. I quite agree.B. SorryC. Don’t worryD. Thank goodness47. –It is said that he had a car accident and broken his arm.--______.A. Is that soB. What a pityC. I’m sorry to hear thatD. Pardon48. --Anne and I are going to get married next wee.--________.A. Yes, sureB. I’d love toC. GoodD. Congratulations49.-- I’m sure I can run much faster than you.--Don’t _________.A. too proudB. think soC. be so sureD. believe it50. –Excuse me for interrupting you.--________.A. I seeB. Never mindC. You are rightD. Certainly51. --Jim was killed in a traffic accident.--____.A. Is that soB. What a pityC. PardonD. Sorry to hear that52. –Merry Christmas to you.--____________.A. Thanks a lotB. The same to youC. You will, tooD. You have it53. –Come over and have dinner with us in this evening.--_________.A. Yes, pleaseB. It’s very kind of youC. Not at allD. I don’t think so54. –Sorry to trouble you.--_________.A. It’s quite all rightB. All rightC. I don’t think soD. No, I don’t mind at all55. –You are late again for the class.--________.A. It doesn’t matterB. I’m terrible sorryC. It’s not my faultD. I don’t think so56. –Sally, you should not talk during the class.--_______ I need a ruler.A. I am sorry, butB. No, I don’t talk.C. OK.D. Thank you.57. –we’ll have the exams next week. I’m really worried.--___________.A. Just so-soB. Take it easy B. No need D. Too early58. –You look young for your age.--_____.A. That can’t be trueB. I hope soC. I can’t believe itD. Thanks59. –I’d like to invite you to a Christmas party.--_________.A. Yes, I willB. No, I won’tC. Thanks for your invitationD. Of course60. –What a fine day, isn’t it?--____.A. Yes, it isB. No, it isn’tC. Yes, isn’t it?D. No, isn’t it?补全对话(1)A: Have you ever met a foreigner?B: 1 I know only a little English.A: I asked if you have ever met a foreigner?B: What do you mean the word “foreigner”?A: 2B: No, I have never met a foreigner before. 3A: Foreigner. F-O-R-E-I-G-N-E-R.B: Please say if again more slowly. 4A: OK. Foreigner. Oh, you don’t pronounce the letter “g”B: 5 .A: That’s right.A. I want to write it down.B. I am sorry I can’t follow you.C. Can you take it up in a dictionary?D. You mean it’s a silent (不发音的) letter?E. It’s not so difficult.F. I mean a person from another country.G. How do you spell that word?(2)A: I hope I am not late.B: Not at all. I am so glad you have come.A: 1B: Please be seated, and make yourself comfortable. May I offer you some beer?A: 2 The doctor advised me not to have too much beer.B: 3A: I feel quite at home here.B: 4A: Thank you. 5A. Would you like something to eat?B. It’s very kind of you to invite me.C. Would you like some more steak?D. I’m not feeling hungry.E. Just a little, please.F. I’ve had enough.G. Please help yourself to anything that you like.(3)A: I’m not familiar with this new place. 1B: It’s in the next village.A: 2B: Yes, you need to take a bus. It goes every hour.A: I’ll go there now. 3B: Yes. 4A: How many do you want?B: Two dozens. 5A: OK, see you later.B: See you later.A. I’ll make some cakes for the party.B. Is it far from here?C. Why are you moving to your new house?D. I’d like some eggs.E. Would you carry the box for me?F. Do you want anything?G. Where’s the nearest supermarket?(4)A: Did you enjoy your dinner?B: Yes, I enjoyed it very much.A: 1B: 2 but I’m busy tonight.A: How about tomorrow evening?B: OK. That’s all right. 3A: The Sound of MusicB: Really? 4A: I heard it won an Oscar.B: 5 But it is very famous.A. That’s great.B. I’m afraid not.C. Would you like to go to the cinema with me?D. I am not sure about it.E. But what’s on?F. I’d love to.G. Are you free tonight?(5)Betty: Mr. Green let me introduce Miss Paula White to you, she’s the new secretary.Mr. Green: 1Miss White: How do you do, Mr. Green?Betty: 2 .Mr. Green: Well, I am glad you’re joining us, Miss White. (Turn to Betty) But does that mean you will be leaving us?Betty: I’ve been accepted by London University.Mr. Green: Well, congratulations! 3 .Betty: 4 . By the way, I shall write to you when I’m in London.。
湖南省2005年普通高等学校对口招生考试数学试卷时量120分钟,满150分一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合要求的)1.满足关系{1,2}{1,2,3,4}A ⊂⊆集合A 的个数共有 ( )(A )2个 (B )3 (C )4 (D )5个2.若p:a>b 且c<0,q :ac<bc ,则p 是q 的 ( )(A )充分条件 (B )必要条件 (C )充要件条 (D )不充分不必要 3.若lgx=b+lga ,则x= ( )(A )b ×10a (A)a+10b (C)b+10a (D)a ×10b4.若数列a 1+a 2+a 3+……+a 2005=0且10a ≠,则 ( )(A )a 1+a 2005>0 (B )a 2+a 2004<0 (C )a 3+a 2003=0 (D )a 4+a 2001=05.化简AB AC DC BD -++= ( )(A )零向量 (B )AD (C )BD (D )AC6.函数cos()cos sin()55y sinx x x x ππ=-+-的周期是 ( )(A )4π (B )π (C )2π (D )5π7.已知sin cos αα+=tan cot αα+= ( )(A )4 (B )3 (C )2 (D )18.若不等式250ax x c ++>的解集为(2,3)则a+c= ( ) (A )7 (B )-5 (C )-7 (D )59.设直线l 1过点A(3,0)、B(0,-4),直线l 2为2x-y-2=0,则 ( )(A )两直线垂直 (B )相交不垂直 (C )重合 (D )平行10.二元二次方程4x2-y2+8x+4y-4=0所表示的曲线是 ( )(A )双曲线 (B )椭圆 (C )抛物线 (D )两条平行线 11.命题:(1)与三角形两边垂直的直线垂直于第三边;(2)与三角形两边平行的平面平行于第三边;(3)与三角形一边垂直的平面垂直于三角形所的在平面。
湖南省2005年对口升学文秘专业综合知识试题一、选择题1、某大学拟增设一门新专业,向省教委行文,应选用的文种为(B )A、报告B、请示C、函D、通报2、下列标题不属于总结的是(D )A、我们是怎样实行计件奖励的B、学习的秘诀C、读报剪报30年――我积累知识一种方法D、MP3的使用与维修3、某局准备召开年终表彰大会、局长、副局长及上级主管领导将出席会议,主席台上局长的座位应该安排在( A )A、首位B、首们左侧位C、首位右侧位D、最左端或最右端4、缮印《关于表彰吴XX同志枪救落水少年英勇事迹的通报》一文的版心尺寸应为( B )A、100mm×200mmB、156mm×225mmC、200mm×400mmD、256mm×325mm5、在制发《XX市关于解决电信设备问题的请示》一文是,负责签发的应是(A )A、该单位主要负责人或主持工作的负责人B、该单位办公室主任C、该单位收发人员D、该单位缮印人员6、将《行政监察工作中国家秘密及其密级具体范围的规定》一文的复印件作为正式公文使用时,应当加盖。
(B )A、国家保密局印章B、行政监察局印章C、国家密级章D、复印机关证明章7、下列文件不需要归档的是(C )A、上级领导对本机关的指示B、本机关干部任免材料C、上级机关征求意见的未定搞D、本机关成立的相关材料8、某省地方税务局2004年度统计报表的保管期限为(A )A、永久B、长期C、短期D、中期9、照片档案保存的适宜温度为(C )A、—10 0С~8 0CB、00C ~8 0CC、140C ~240CD、240C ~340C10、实现档案集中统一管理的根本途径是( A )A、档案收集工作B、档案整理工作C、档案鉴定工作D、档案统计工作二、多选题1、“本品具有:清热解毒、抗菌消炎、火眼目晕、头痛肚痛、防痢止咳之功能。
此品不但能治多种疾病,同时能补营养、益身心的优质产品”,这段说明文字存在的问题有(ABCD )A、夸大事实B、逻辑混乱C、语句不通D、语义含混E、结构严谨2、秘书的专业知识由两部分组成,期中业务知识主要包括(ABCD )A、秘书学B、秘书写作学C、秘书心理学D、文书学E、传播学3、中国古代档案的载体主要有(ABC )A、甲骨B、纸张C、金石D、磁盘E、影片4、档案提供利用的主要方法有(BCD )A、档案归类B、档案借阅C、档案展览D、档案咨询E、档案销毁5、受双重领导的某商学院向上级机关行文时,应当定明(AB )A、主送机关B、抄送机关C、平行机关D、下级机关E、抄报机关6、某县财政局在审批带有具体事项的公文时,主批人应当明确签暑(ABC )A、意见B、姓名C、审批日期D、地点E、年龄三、填空题(40分)1、会议纪要正文的写法跟会议记录不同,分会议情况概述与会议内容述要两个部分。
2005年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试理科综合能力测试本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回.第I 卷(选择题 共24分)注意事项:1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。
以下数据可供解题时参考: 相对原子质量(原子量):C 12 O 16 Na 23一、选择题(本题包括13小题。
每小题只有一个选项符合题意)1.人体神经细胞与肝细胞的形态结构和功能不同,其根本原因是这两种细胞的( )A .DNA 碱基排列顺序不同B .核糖体不同C .转运RNA 不同D .信使RNA 不同2.在光照下,供给玉米离体叶片少量的14CO 2,随着光合作用时间的延续,在光合作用固定CO 2形成的C 3化合物和C 4化合物中,14C 含量变化示意图正确的是 ( )3.镰刀型细胞贫血症的病因是血红蛋白基因的碱基序列发生了改变。
检测这种碱基序列改变必须使用的酶是( )A .解旋酶B .DNA 连接酶C .限制性内切酶D .RNA 聚合酶4.将小麦种子分别置于20℃和30℃培养箱中培养4天,依次取等量的萌发种子分别制成提取液Ⅰ和提取液Ⅱ。
结果是 ( )A .甲呈蓝色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈无色B .甲呈无色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈蓝色C .甲、乙皆呈蓝色,丙呈砖红色D .甲呈浅砖红色,乙呈砖红色,丙呈蓝色5.为了保护鱼类资源不受破坏,并能持续地获得量大捕鱼量,根据种群增长的S 型曲线,应使被捕鱼群的种群数量保持在K/2水平。
由题设知OA=3,OO1= ,O1C=1,
所以 ,
从而 ,又O1E=OO1·sin30°= ,
所以 即二面角O—AC—O1的大小是
19.解:(I)因为函数 , 的图象都过点( ,0),所以 ,
即 .因为 所以 .
又因为 , 在点( ,0)处有相同的切线,所以
所在直线分别为 轴、y轴、z轴建立空间直角坐标系,
B(0,3,0),C(0,1, )
O1(0,0, ).
5.06 万元),故选B.
[解析]:由题意圆方程为:(x-1)2+y2=4.圆心(1,0)直线2x+3y+1=0的斜率 所以AB垂
直平分过圆心(1,0).且斜率为 .
则方程为: 即3x-2y-3=0.
设 ,点P( ,0)是函数 的图象的一个公共点,两函数的图象在点P处有相同的切函数 在(-1,3)上单调递减,求 的取值范围.
湖南省近9年普通⾼等学校对⼝招⽣考试电⼦电⼯类专业综合知识试题2湖南省近9年普通⾼等学校对⼝招⽣考试电⼦电⼯类专业综合知识试题(电⼯部分试题分类汇编)第⼆章直流电路⼀、选择题:1、(2003年)图七中,等效变换后的电压源的E和R是:()A、30V 10ΩB、-30V 10ΩC、30V 3.3ΩD、-30V 3.3Ω2、(2004年)将图3所⽰电路等效成⼀个电压源,等效电压源E和内阻R为:()A、18V和9ΩB、14V和2ΩC、7V和9ΩD、7V和2Ω3、(2004年)将图4所⽰的有源⼆段⽹络等效为⼀个电压源,等效电压源的电动势E0和内阻R0为:()A、12V和1ΩB、15V和2 ΩC、16V和1ΩD、9V和2Ω4、(2005年)分别将两个阻值相同的电阻串联后和并联后接在相同的电池组上组成回路,设每个电阻的阻值是电池内阻的4倍。
则电阻串联时和并联时,电路中的总电流之⽐是:()A、1:2B、1:3C、1:4D、4:15、(2005年)“220V40W”和“110V40W”的A、B两个灯泡并联后接在110V的电压上,A、B两灯泡的电功率之⽐为:()A、1:1B、2:1C、1:4D、4:16、(2006年)如图3所⽰,三个电阻R1=200Ω,R2=300Ω,R3=100Ω,串联后接到U=12V的直流电源上,则Upo为:()A、12VB、8VC、2VD、1V7、(2006年)有两个电阻R1=1Ω,R2=2Ω,把它们并联后接到电流为12A的恒流源上,通过它们的电流分别为:()A、4A,8AB、8A,12AC、8A,4AD、12A,4A8、(2007年)图11所⽰电路中电流I等于:()A、未知B、6AC、0D、-6A9、(2007年)与图12等效(对外电路⽽⾔)的电路是:()10、(2008年)如图6所⽰电路中,正确的结论是:()A、有5个节点B、有5条⽀路C、是⽆分⽀电路D、只有⼀条⽀路11、(2008年)如图7所⽰,已知电位器滑⽚C在AB的中点,则电路中DC两端的电压是:()A、12U AB B、⼩于12U AB C、⼤于12U AB D、U AB12、(2008年)电路如图8所⽰,正确的关系是:()A、I4R4+I2R2+E2+U CA=0B、I1R1-E1=I3R3+E2-I2R2=0C、I5R5+I3+E2-I2R2-I4R4-U AB=0D、U AB=I4R4+I1R1-E1-I5R513、(2008年)在图9所⽰电路中,I1、I2和I3分别是25mA、15mA和10mA,I5是:()A、5mAB、-5mAC、0D、不确定14、(2009年)如图1所⽰,检流计的读数为0,则Ux为:()A、8VB、1VC、4VD、2V(2009年)如15、图2所⽰电路,U ab与I0的数值应为:()A、U ab=0,I0 =0B、 U ab ≠0 ,I0 ≠0C、、U ab=0,I0 ≠0 D 、U ab ≠0,I0 =016、(2009年)⼀个⼯业配线系统的简化电路模型如图3所⽰,则电路中包含:()A、四条⽀路B、未知电流的最⼩数⽬是4个C、五个闭合路径D、8个节点17、(2011年)如图2所⽰的电路中标⽰了电压源、电流源的实际⽅向,当R1增⼤时,则:()A、I2增⼤,I3减⼩,I4增⼤;B、I2减⼩,I3增⼤,I4不变;C、I2不变,I3不变,I4减⼩;D、I2不变,I3不变,I4不变。
每小题2分,共60分)1.操作系统的主体是()A.程序B.数据C.内存D. CPU2. 在Word 中,下面方法不能用来新建空白文档的是()A.单击“文件”菜单的“新建”命令B.单击工具栏上按钮C.按[Ctrl+N]组合键 C.按[Ctrt+M]组合键3.在空白幻灯片中不可以直接插入()A.文本框B.文字C.艺术字D.Word表格4.以下扩展名不是图形图像文件的是()A.MP3B.BMPC.GIFD.JPG5.在微型计算机中,不能插入在主板上的卡是()A.显示B.声卡C.网卡D.充值卡6.一颗CPU的标示为“P4C 2.4G,”其中“2.4G”代表的是()A.存储容量为2.4GBB.主频为2.4GHC.主频为2.4GB C.速率为2.4Gbps7.在Windows中若要删除文件或文件夹,选定要删除的文件,然后按()A.Alt键B.Ctrl键C.Shift键D.Dle键8.若想在Windows启动时自动启动一个应用程序,可将应该用程序添加到()A.“控制面板”中B.“启动”中C.“文档”中D.“程序”中9.在Excel中,如果某单元格显示为若干个“#”号,这表示()A.公式错误B.数据错误C.行高不够D.列宽不够10.计算机病毒的主要危害是()A.破坏数据,损坏CPUB.干扰电网,破坏数据C.占用资源,破坏数据D.破坏键盘,破坏鼠标11.ISO颁布的开放系统互联参考模型简写为()A.IEEEB.TCPC.OSID.IP12.通信双方均可收发数据,但同一时刻只允许在一个方向上传输的通信方式称()A.单工通信B.半双工通信C.全双工通信D.单向通信13.基带传输是()A.数字信号传输B.模拟信号传输C.频带传输D.数模混合信号传输14.万维网的网址以http为前导,表示遵循()A.超文本传输协议B.纯文本协议C.TCP/IP协议D.POP协议15.网络类型按通信范围分为()A.局域网、以太网、Internet网---internet网是资源共享式网络B.局域网、城域网、广域网C.电缆网、光纤网、电信网—根据传输介质D.有线网、无线网—根据传输介质分类16.工作在物理层的网络互联设备()A.交换机(数据链路层)B.网桥(数据链路层)C.集线器D.路由器(网络层)17.将物理信道的总带宽分割成若干子信道,各子信道传输一路信号,称为()A.同步时分多路复用-- 根据时间分割B.码分多路复用→码片(把时间分成码片)C.异步时分多路复用—同aD.频分多路复用→载波宽带分成不同的子信道18.计算机网络的通信传输介质中速度最快的是()A.同抽电缆--可达10Mbps。
湖南对口高考 电子电工 专业试卷 A20
XX 职业中专学校XXXX 届高三年级月考试题(第20套)电子电工类专业综合知识试卷〖第X 次月考试卷 时量150分钟,满分390分〗班级:____________ 姓名:____________一、选择题:(各小题均只有一个选项是正确的,请将答案填写在题后的表格中。
)01、如图所示,电阻R 1的阻值增大时,则( )。
A 、恒压源E 产生的电功率将减少B 、恒压源E 产生的电功率将增大C 、恒压源E 消耗的电功率将减少D 、恒压源E 消耗的电功率将增大题01题02题0602、如图所示, R 1=3Ω,为了使S 闭合时R 1、R 2获得的总功率与S 断开时R 1获得的功率相等,则R 2应为( )。
A 、3Ω B 、1.5Ω C 、0.375Ω D 、0.333Ω03、两个电容器C 1与C 2串联,且C 1=2C 2,则C 1、C 2两极板间的电压U 1、U 2间的关系是( )。
A 、U 1=U 2B 、U 1=2U 2C 、2U 1=U 2D 、以上答案都不对 04、下列说法不正确的是( )。
A 、磁感应强度随磁场强度变化的关系曲线叫磁化曲线B 、使剩磁为零的反向磁场强度叫做矫顽磁力C 、如果某一截面的磁通为零,则该处的磁感应强度不一定为零D 、回路中感应电动势的大小跟穿过该回路中的磁通的变化成正比 05、正弦交流量的三要素是( )。
A 、有效值,周期,频率B 、振幅,角频率,初相位C 、最大值,频率,相位差D 、最大值,周期,相位06、如图所示正弦交流电路中,已知R =X L =10Ω,欲使电路的功率因数cos φ=0.707,则X C 的值 为( )。
A 、20ΩB 、10ΩC 、5ΩD 、14.1Ω07、提高供电电路的功率因数,下列说法正确的是( )。
A 、减少了用电设备中无用的无功功率B 、减少了用电设备的有功功率,提高了电源设备的容量C 、可以节省电能D 、可提高电源设备的利用率并减小输电线路中的功率损耗2 I SR 2RX L08、若保持三相对称负载相电流不变,则作三角形联接时负载取用的功率是作星型联接时的( )。
湖南对口高考 电子电工 专业试卷 B01
湖南省普通高等学校对口招生考试电子电工类专业综合知识试卷〖基本训练试卷B01 时量150分钟,满分390分〗一、选择题:(在本题的每一小题的备选答案中,只有一个答案是正确的。
)01、如图所示电路,a 、b 之间串接一个灵敏电流计G ,电路所有电阻值均为100W ,c 、d 之间接上10V 的直流电源,则该电流计读数为( )。
A 、1A B 、0A C 、2A D 、0.5A题01题02题0302、电路如图所示,外加直流电U ab =10V ,则有( )。
A 、I 1=2A ;I 2=0AB 、I 1=0A ;I 2=2AC 、I 1=2A ;I 2=1AD 、I 1=1A ;I 2=2A03、如图所示,导线垂直于匀强磁场场强的方向做平动,则下面关于感应电动势描述正确的是( )。
A 、产生感应电动势,b 端为高电位B 、产生感应电动势,a 端为高电位C 、不产生感应电动势D 、无法确定04、已知小磁针方向如图所示,电源极性及线圈内磁感线方向是( )。
A 、电源极性左正右负,磁感线从左到右B 、电源极性左负右正,磁感线从左到右C 、电源极性左正右负,磁感线从右到左D 、电源极性左负右正,磁感线从右到左题04题0605、已知网络N 的输入电压u 50sin(314t 45)V =-°,输入电流i 20)A =+°,则该网络的电路性质为( )。
A 、电阻性B 、电感性C 、电容性D 、无法判断R 2 L 206、如图所示的电路,R 1≠R 2,若要I 1与I 2同相位,则( )。
A 、L 1R 1=L 2R 2B 、U L1与U L2反相C 、L 1R 2=L 2R 1D 、U L1与U L2同相 07、对一般三相交流发电机的三个线圈中的电动势,正确的说法应是( )。
A 、它们的最大值不同B 、它们同时达到最大值C 、它们的周期不同D 、它们达到最大值的时间依次落后1/3周期 08、变压器的工作原理基于两耦合的线圈( )。
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2005年湖南省普通高等学校对口招生考试电子电工专业综合知识试题一、填空题(每空2分,共60分)1、a、b、c为电场中的三点,将q=2×10-6C的正电荷从c点移到a点,电场力做功为1×10-5J,则U AC=__________V;设b点电位为零时,V A=10V,则V C=_______V.2、C1=0.5μF、耐压100V和C2=1µF、耐压200V的两个电容器串联后两端能加的最高安全电压为______________V.3、一个2000匝的圆环形线圈,通以1.8A电流,测出其中的磁感应强度为0.9T,圆环的截面积为2cm2,则线圈中的磁通为_____________wb,线圈的自感系数为__________H.4、电压u=311sin(314t+300)V的最大值是_________V,有效值是________V,当t=0时电压的瞬时值是________V.5、有一对称三相电源,其U相的相电压是220V,初相位是00,则V相的初相位为_______,W相的初相位为___________;U、V两相间的线电压为________V,初相位为_________.6、变比n=10的变压器,原绕组接上E=100V的交流电源,副绕组连接负载电阻R L=20Ω,那么,原绕组的等效电阻为__________Ω,副绕组两端电压为__________V,副绕组通过的电流为________A.7、晶体管和场效应管是具有受控作用的器件,场效应管属于_________________式器件,其G、S间的阻抗要_______________晶体管B、E间的阻抗.8、在调谐放大电路中,三极管集电极负载为______________,为了较好地兼顾通频带和选择性,双调谐回路的耦合程度最好处于______________状态.9、将十进制数(43.625)10转换成二进制数___________________________.10、利用对偶规则写出表达式F=(A+B)(A+B)(A+C)(B+C)的对偶式F′′=________________.11、时序逻辑电路按工作方式可分为______________和__________________.12、正弦波振荡电路振幅平衡条件是______________,相位平衡条件是______________.13、用CMOS或非门实现反相器功能时,或非门的多余端应接__________________.14、文氏桥式正弦波振荡电路如图1所示,R=12KΩ,C=0.03µF,电路满足__________________的条件参数时,电路方能起振;电路的振荡频为_______________________.15、用一个集成功放LM386组成的功放测试电路如图2所示,当把电位器R P的滑动头调到顶端位置时,用示波器在输出端可观察到不规则的输出波形,说明该功放存在________________现象,为消除该现象,可调整电路中______________参数.二、单选题(在本题的每一个小题的备选答案中,只有一个答案是正确的,请把你认为正确的选项填入题中的括号内.多选不给分.每小题3分,共60分)1、分别将两个阻值相同的电阻串联后和并联后接在相同的电池上组成回路,设每个电阻的阻值是电池内阻的4倍.则电阻串联时和电阻并联时,电路中的总电流之比是……( ) A. 1∶2 B. 1∶3 C. 1∶4 D. 4∶12、“220V40W ”和“110V40W ”的A 、B 两个灯泡并联后接在110V 的电压上,A 、B 两灯泡的电功率之比为……( )A. 1∶1B. 2∶1C. 1∶4D.4∶1 3、如图3所示,已知C 1=2C 2,C 1充过电,电压为U 1,C 2未充过电,如果将S 合上,电容器C 1两端的电压为…………( ) A.21U B. 31U C. 321U D. U 1 4、相同长度、相同截面的两段磁路a 、b. a 段为气隙,磁阻为R ma ;b 段为硅钢,磁阻为R mb .则…………………( )A. R ma >R mb B . R ma <R mb C. R ma =R mb D. 条件不够,不能比较5、如图4所示三个线圈,同名端是端子………………A.1、3、5B.2、3、6C.2与3、2与5、3与5D.1与4、1与6、3与6 6、一交流电动机的额定电压为10V,电流为1A,功率为8W,则其无功率为……( )A.2varB.6varC.10varD.8var7、一收音机的调谐回路的品质因数Q=78,当回路输入的信号电压为2μV时,其输出电压为………( )A.39μVB.80μVC.156μVD.76μV8、三相四线制供电线路中,当三相负载对称时,中线电流为………………( ) A. 0 B. 一相电流的3倍 C. 一相电流的3倍 D.一相电流的2倍9、在变比n=4的变压器原线圈上加u=1414sin100πtV 的交流电压,则在副线圈两端用交流电压表测得的电压是 ( ) A 220V B 250V C 353.5V D 500V10.电路如图五所示,S 闭合前,电容器C 未充过电,那么,S 闭合瞬间,电容器两端的电压和通过的电流是: ( )A 0V 和0AB 20V 和0AC 0V 和2AD 10V 和2A11.如图六所示为一线性整流电路,当u i<0时, ( )A .D1 D2截止B .D1 D2导通C .D1截止, D2导通 D. D1导通, D2截止12.若在一正常工作的桥式整流滤波电路中,滤波电容由于某种原因断开,这时负载上的直流电将: ( )A.增大B.减少C.不变D.基本不变13.在OTL功放电路中,在输入电压不变的情况下,增大电源电压,输出功率和效率将( )A.都减少B.都增大C.功率增大,效率不变D.效率降低,功率不变14.如图七所示共射放大电路中,当R p滑动头往下移动时,在输出端观察到U0将( )A.增大B.减少C.不变D.与R b1的大小有关,所以不能确定15.在多级直流放大电路中,产生零点漂移的主要原因是: ( )A.放大器放大倍数过大B.电路参数随温度的变化而变化C.极间采用了负反馈D.输入信号过大16.比较TTL门电路的平均传输延迟时间为: ( )A.t与非门>t与门>t异或门B.t与门>t与非门>t异或门C.t异或门>t与非门>t与门D.t或门>t与门>t与非门17.寄存器的功能为 ( )A.接收信息、存放信息、传递信息、计数B.接收信息、存放信息、计数C.接收信息、存放信息、传递信息D.存放信息、传递信息、计数18.RS触发器的功能是: ( )A.置0、置1、保持、计数B.置0、置1、保持C.保持、计数 C.置0、置1、计数19.要使集成译码器74LS138正常工作,使能端S A、S B、S C的电平信号是: ( )A.100B.000C.011D.11120.某门电路的输入信号A和B、输出信号L的波形如图八所示,该门电路是: ( )A.与非门B.或非门C.异或门D.同或门三.计算题(每小题10分,共60分)1.电路如图九所示,E1=20V, E2=40V,电源内阻不计.R1=4Ω,R2=10Ω,R3=40Ω.试用支路电流法求各支路电流.(10分)2.如图十所示,在磁感应强度为2×10-2T 的匀强磁场中,一个匝数为500匝、面积为40cm 2矩形线圈,在0.1s 内线圈从线圈平面与磁力线方向平行的位置转过90°到与磁力线方向垂直的位置. 求(1)线圈中的平均感应电动势(8分)(2)指出线圈转动过程中a 、b 两端的极性(2分)3.某负载上的电压为u=14.14sin314tV,电流为i=2.828sin(314t-60°)A, 问:(1)该负载上消耗的功率是多少?(3分)(2)该负载与电路进行能量交换的功率是多少?(4分) (3)该电路呈感性、容性还是电阻性?(3分)4.电路如图十一所示,设运算放大器是理想的.试求: (1)u 01=? (2分) (2)u 02=? (2分) (3)u 0与u i 的关系表达式.(6分)5.共集电极放大电路如图十二所示,U BE =0.6V,β=100,r be =1K Ω,试求: (1)静态工作点I BQ 、I CQ 、U CEQ (8分) (2)输入电阻R i (2分)6.化简下列逻辑函数(每小题5分,共10分)(1)用代数法化简函数L=(A·B+A·B+A·B)(A·D+A·D+B·D)(B·C+B·C)(C·D+C·D)D·E(2)用卡诺图化简函数L=A·B·D+A·B·C·D+A·B·C·D+ A·B·C·D+ A·B·C·D+A·B·D四.综合题1.实验验证戴维宁定理(15分)(1)列出实验器材(4分)(2)写出实验原理(1分)(3)画出实验电路图(4分)(4)写出实验步骤(6分)2.分析并回答(10分)始沿金属导轨E、F(电阻不计)无摩擦下滑时,(1)线圈A、B中是否有感应电流?如有,方向如何?(5分)(2)直导线ef和pq之间是否有作用力,如有,方向如何?(5分)3.分别指出下列情况属于哪种触电方式(10分)(1)站在铝合金梯上一手碰到插座的相线桩头.(2)站在干燥的木梯上,一手碰到灯头的相线桩头,另一手碰到中线桩头.(3)站在干燥的木梯上,一手碰到U相的相线,耳朵碰到V相线.(4)高压线掉在地上,人畜在电线接地点近处行走触电.(5)修理电视机时,手碰在高压包上触电.4.请用实验验证RC串联电路中总电压U和U R、U C的关系.(10分)(1)画出实验电路图.(3分)(2)列出实验器材的名称、规格、数量.(3分)(3)写出实验步骤.(2分)(4)列出U和U R、U C的关系式.(2分)5.电路如图十四所示,试分析:(8分)(1)A1的反馈组态是______________.(2分)3.输入输出表达式(令R2=2R1,R4=2R3,R7=2R5)6.用JK触发器实现T触发器的功能.(10分)7.电路如图十五所示,设初始状态为零,试列出在CP脉冲作用下该电路的状态表,并分析其功能.(10分)8.下图十六是一个能左右循环的彩灯控制器.(17分)(1)试连线2、3、4、5、6、7脚,要求只能每次亮一盏灯.(6分)(2)已知W1=1M,R1=100K,C2=4.7μF,试求振荡频率范围.(4分)(3)试列表分析置数、左移和右移的工作过程.(7分)74LS194真值表五.专业选作题(每小题30分),根据自己的专业选作一题,如两题都做,只计第一题分数) 专业选作题一(30分)写出下图十七所示电路的名称、图中各零件名称和电路的工作原理.(1)电路名称:QS:FU1:FR:FR1:FU2:SB1:SB2:KM1:KM2:KM3:(3)写出启动和停止两个过程的工作原理.。