NB-IOT Notes










1.3参数查询、修改命令及关联参数的注意事项➢参数查询:LST PDSCHCFG: LocalCellId=XXX,;➢参数修改:MOD PDSCHCFG: LocalCellId=XXX, ReferenceSignalPwr=322;➢修改是否中断业务:否(且不影响空闲模式UE)1.4参数修改验证效果暂无2、小区最小接入电平2.1参数简介:➢参数中英文名称:最低接收电平QRxLevMin➢参数含义:该参数表示同频E-UTRA邻区重选需要的最低接收电平。


在LTE10M带宽时,带内部署一个 或者两个eMTC载频,根据优先级 联合调度LTE与eMTC的资源,NBIoT采用Guard Band方式部署
新疆电信NB-IoT LTE800M部署计划---全疆城区、县城、农村扩大+重点村叠加
依据 竞争对标:新疆移动将在2018年所有县城及
以上区域和农村重点区域部署NB网络 聚焦业务发展:城区、县城及部分农村需具
根据传输速率的不同,可将物联网业务进行高、中、低速的区分: 高速率业务:主要使用3G、4G技术,例如车载物联网设备和监控摄像头, 对应的业务特点要 求实时的数据传输; 中等速率业务:主要使用GPRS技术,例如居民小区或超市的储物柜,使用频率高但并非实时使 用,对网络传输速度的要求远不及高速率业务; 低速率业务:业界将低速率业务市场归纳为LPWAN(Low Power Wide Area Network)市场, 即低功耗广域网。目前还没有对应的蜂窝技术,多数情况下通过GPRS技术勉力支撑,从而带来了成 本高、影响低速率业务普及度低的问题。 也就是说目前低速率业务市场急需开拓,而低速率业务市场其实是最大的市场,如建筑中的灭 火器、科学研究中使用的各种监测器,此类设备在生活中出现的频次很低,但汇集起来总数却很可 观,这些数据的收集用于各类用途,比如改善城市设备的配置等等。 而NB-IoT就是一种新的窄带蜂窝通信LPWAN(低功耗广域网)技术,可以帮助我们解决这个问 题。
相对于传统产业,物联网的产业生态比较庞大,需要从纵向产业链和横向技术标准两 个维度多个环节进行分析。
对于低功耗广域网络,从纵向来看,目前已形成从“底层芯片—模组—终端—运营 商—应用”的完整产业链。
中国电信正在积极跟进NB-IoT技术发展,并正式立项对NB-IoT关键技术、 终端和业务开展研发。在具体部署方案上,将基于全覆盖的800M LTE网络部署 NB-IoT;基站同时支持LTE和NB-IoT与800MLTE基站共享基带、射频及天馈资源。 同时,为了规避可能的频率干扰,并考虑LTE800后续演进的灵活性,优先考虑独 立工作模式。




NB-IOT是窄带物联网(Narrow BandInternetof Things)的简写,为了和现在的移动网络兼容,主要基于LTE技术(3GPP Release 13)。







什么是eDRXDRX(Discontinuous Reception),即不连续接收。


AIner" .="margin-top: 30px; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">eDRX/PSM功耗示例如图所示,DRX的是不连续的去接受信号,大部分时间休息。



NBiot教学大纲NB-IoT(Narrowband Internet of Things)是一种低功耗、宽覆盖、低成本的物联网通信技术,它为物联网设备提供了更稳定、更可靠的连接。



















nb iot开发指导手册

nb iot开发指导手册

NB-IoT开发指导手册1. 物联网简介物联网(IoT)是一个广阔的概念,它指的是通过网络互连各种物理设备,这些设备可以收集和交换数据,以实现智能化决策和自动化操作。


2. 硬件设备选择在开发NB-IoT应用时,选择合适的硬件设备是关键。



3. 软件开发环境配置在开始编写代码之前,你需要配置一个适合你的开发环境的工具链。



4. 数据传输协议了解并使用适当的数据传输协议对于实现有效的数据交换至关重要。

对于NB-IoT,常用的协议包括MQTT、CoAP和RESTful API。


5. 设备远程管理为了方便设备的远程管理和配置,你需要实现一个设备管理平台。


6. 数据安全保护数据安全是物联网开发的重要部分。



7. 云平台集成为了存储和处理大量设备生成的数据,你需要将你的应用与一个云平台集成。





Table of Contents1.Emerging Market for Low Power Services and Applications 41.1IoT development & Growing Demand for LPWA 41.2NB-IoT Use Cases & Market Potential 5 2Emerging Low Power Technologies 62.1Introduction to NB-IOT (Best Solution For LPWA ) 62.2The NB-IOT deployment scenarios 72.3Low band, an excellent choice for fast deployment 83.Shaping the Business model 93.1Value Chain and Partnerships 93.2Business Potential & Revenue model 103.3Summary 10 4IOT Use case 114.1IOT Public 114.2IOT Industry 134.3IOT Appliance 154.4IOT Personal 16 5Operator Reference Cases 185.1Smart Parking 185.2Smart Metering 195.3Pet Tracking 20 6Glossary 22Executive SummaryThe LPWA market has existed for about 10 years; it’s not a new thing. The current technologies (solutions) supporting this market are fragmented and non-standardized, therefore there are shortcomings like poor reliability, poor security, high operational and maintenance costs. Furthermore, the new overlay network deployment is complex.NB-IOT overcomes the above defects, with all the advantages like wide area ubiquitous coverage, fast upgrade of existing network, low-power consumption guaranteeing 10 year battery life, high coupling, low cost terminal, plug and play, high reliability and high carrier-class network security, unified business platform management. Initial network investment may be quite substantial and superimposed costs are very little. NB-IOT perfectly matches LPWA market requirements, enabling operators to enter this new field.NB-IOT enables operators to operate traditional businesses such as Smart Metering, Tracking, by virtue of ultra-low-cost ($ 5 ) modules and super connectivity (50K / Cell), also opens up more industry opportunities, for example, Smart City, eHealth.NB-IOT makes it possible for more things to be connected, but also managing the commercial value of the resulting Big Data is a big task, operators can carry out cooperation with related industries, in addition to selling connections, they can also sell data.1.Emerging Market for Low Power Services and Applications1.1IoT development & Growing Demand for LPWAThe Internet of Things – IoT – has moved from fiction to reality. By 2020, there will be over 14 billion network-enabled devices, according to the International Energy Agency. This compares to approximately 3.2 billion people using the internet. IoT dramatically widens the internet’s scope from people-operated computers towards autonomous smart devices. Often, these devices are connected to the internet for remote diagnostics & control, leading to cost savings. In addition, innovative IoT hardware & services can generate new revenues – for example, connected glasses used for industrial applications, more efficient logistics serving new market segments, or industrial appliances sold in a per-usage business model. In many cases, business users & private users can control their IoT application through existing smartphones and tablets, through mobile applications that interact with web servers which the connected objects connect to.Many mobile operators have set up dedicated IoT/M2M business units in order to serve the growing number of companies looking to embrace the business benefits that mobile IoT brings. Larger operators have even made acquisitions so that they can serve a wider part of the value chain and capture revenues beyond pure connectivity. As the market grows, it is becoming obvious that there are many mobile IoT use cases for which existing cellular networks are not suitable.The reasons are simple: Coverage, battery life and device cost. First, coverage: Existing cellular networks already offer very good area coverage in mature markets. However, many potential “connected objects” are located in vast remote areas, far away from the next cellular base station. If there is coverage, it is often weak which requires the device transmitter to operate at high power, draining the battery. In addition, cellular networks are not optimized for applications that occasionally transmit small amounts of data. A battery life of several years combined with an inexpensive device cannot be realized on existing cellular standards, as they do not support the required power saving mechanisms.The third aspect is device cost: Mobile devices working on GSM, 3G and LTE are designed for a variety of services, including mobile voice, messaging and high-speed data transmission. However, NB-IoT applications do not utilize any of this; they just require low-speed but reliable data transfer, and an appropriate level of reliability. Therefore, using cellular devices for NB-IoT applications means using devices that are too expensive for the application. Many of the NB-IoT use cases require a low device price, not just in order to have a positive business case for the service operation, but also due to practical aspects such as ease of installation or risk of theft.In summary, there are strong market trends pointing at growing demand for NB-IoT applications, while the networks that can efficiently serve such applications are not in place yet. This whitepaper examines trends in the market for NB-IoT applications and discusses technology options that operators can choose from in order to enter this new business.1.2 NB-IoT Use Cases & Market PotentialThe strong growth in the NB-IoT market has motivated many analyst firms to create forecasts showing the expected numbers of connections as well as the revenue potential. Generally, the global IoT market is expected to be worth trillions of dollars by 2020. The NB-IoT market is a subset of this, and it is important for operators to understand the revenue potential in the countries they operate in. Before looking into specific countries, we need to identify the industries or verticals where NB-IoT can add value. Figure 1 below shows nine industries where we see major market potential for NB-IoT services:Figure 1: Target Industries for NB-IoT Services Huawei’s business case analytics is designed to evaluate the NB -IoT business for specificindustries, countries or regions. Based on our deep country-specific research which includes social and demographic data evaluation, we have modeled how the adoption rates for different NB-IoT applications will develop during the next five years.Our forecasts are based on use cases; distinct NB-IoT applications that will often be deployed in more than one industry. The model currently includes over fifty use cases, covering many service categories such as:∙Smart metering (electricity, gas and water) ∙Facility management services ∙Intruder alarms & fire alarms for homes & commercial properties ∙Connected personal appliances measuring health parameters ∙ Tracking of persons, animals or objectsAgriculture Health Care /E-Health Retail Safety and SecurityAutomotive &LogisticsEnergy &Utilities Manufacturing Smart City Smart Home∙ Smart city infrastructure such as street lamps or dustbins∙ Connected industrial appliances such as welding machines or air compressors.Figure 2 below shows as one output example of five-year revenue forecast (connectivity only) by Huawei for Germany divided by nine industries: Figure 2: Five-year NB-IoT revenue forecast for GermanyThe overall sum of 1.67 billion USD for five years equals a per-year NB-IoT revenue of 334 million USD. This would equal to a revenue uplift of 2.2% for the existing German operators thanks to the launch of NB-IoT services. This show, just as starting point, that already with conservativeassumptions, NB-IoT is a promising new business area which operators should invest into now, if they do not want other players to capture this attractive market. 2 Emerging Low Power Technologies2.1 Introduction to NB-IOT (Best Solution For LPWA )As mentioned earlier services that leverage low power wide area networks mainly require deep / wide coverage, low power consumption and massive connections. There are several inherent characteristics of the NB-IOT technology that makes it the best for LPWA deployment.15922518011778175227276233Overall Revenues:1.67 bn USDFigure 3: Inherent capabilities of NB-IOTMoreover low power consumption is a prerequisite for almost 80% of all LPWA use cases, ranging from applications like smart meter, smart parking, and wearables to smart grid. Additionally, with the availability of massive connections it is possible to make everything around us smart.To realize this, it’s ideal to have about 50K devices per cell; this is possible assuming there are the household density per every sq m is 1500 with 40 devices in every household.When we compare inherent capabilities of NB-IOT with other LPWA technologies like e-MTC, SigFox and Lora, NB-IOT offers better performance. Furthermore, when we look at all the technologies in terms of network investment, coverage scenario, uplink and downlink traffic and network reliability we realize that NB-IOT is the most suitable technology.Additionally from a performance point of view, NB-IOT guarantees 20+dB coverage, ~1000x connections, ~10 years using only 200 KHz bandwidth whereas the other technologies like eMTC, SigFox offers far less in terms of performance.NB-IOT has quite an extensive ecosystem mainly because of its support from many global top operators. Most importantly unlicensed solutions can’t guarant ee reliability and security.2.2The NB-IOT deployment scenariosThe recently 3GPP agreed technology for LPWA deployment NB-IOT will offer three deployment scenarios; these are, Guard Band, In Band and Stand Alone.Standalone deployment is mainly utilizes new bandwidth where as guard band deployment is done using the bandwidth reserved in the guard band of the existing LTE network, In Band on the other hand makes use of the same resource block in the LTE carrier of the existing LTE network.Figure 4: Three deployment scenarios of NB-IOTIn summary, it becomes clear that the Standalone and Guard band deployment options tend to offer the best performance in terms of improved indoor coverage, FDMA (GMSK) also offers about 20% power consumption saving and lower cost.2.3Low band, an excellent choice for fast deploymentLow band is quite known for its excellent performance in terms of coverage; furthermore leveraging the inherent characteristics of this frequency band in deploying NBIOT offers several benefits. It is widely known that several operators around the globe use the 900MHz frequency band for GSM voice deployments because of its extensive coverage capability. This is possible because such low frequency bands have excellent propagation characteristics and this generally improves the indoor penetration.Deploying NB-IOT in frequency bands like 700MHz, 800MHz, and 900MHz is a great choice because they provide an already large and established ecosystem since quite a number of operators select them; it also offers benefits in terms of site number. There is quite a substantial number of commercial networks both UMTS and LTE that are currently running on the 900MHz frequency band. Analyst firms recently confirmed that there are about 14 LTE 900MHz commercial networks as at July 2015.A few examples of such operators can be found in the Czech Republic and Sweden. There are other operators in South Korea with commercial LTE networks on the 800MHz frequency band. For mobile operators who are already running GSM 900MHz, it is possible to just upgrade, some operators might also be running on LTE 800MHz, there is a clear upgrade pathway to NB-IOT for such operators too.3.Shaping the Business model3.1Value Chain and PartnershipsAs shown in the NB-IoT business study for Germany, already connectivity is a valuable contributor to the operator’s bottom line. Partnerships with IoT technology providers and alliances with chipset manufacturers are helping the operators to secure this part of the value chain as we see it today for some of the NB-IoT solutions, e.g. smart metering, smart parking and pet tracking. At the moment we see connectivity platforms already in the cloud in many markets where operators have deployed IoT services.But there is more in than just connectivity. Operators have a chance to go further up the value chain by taken over more responsibilities than pure connectivity.Figure 5 : Telco business models for NB-IoT along the value chain Consequently the next step towards an integrated offer would be the incorporation of more functionality which points towards a setup, where the operators can offer the full NB –IoT Network as a service in the cloud to end to end service providers which are either private or governmental entities, according to the addressed industries or verticals .This will create for the operator the opportunity to lever its asset as security, billing and big data into that domain. Quality of service assurance and service level agreements are common in the telco space and could be leveraged into the NB-IoT Network as a service business model Following this idea even more, operators themselves can enter the IoT business as an end to end service provider by adding customer management and system integration functionalities on top. The operator as e2e business owner can also outsource certain parts of the e2e domain to its partners, sharing effort and revenues, and to expand the operators own experience in the OTT domain. However competing in the OTT domain is not comm on to most of the today’s opera tors and could be quite challenging.3.2 Business Potential & Revenue modelThe business is scalable and can be grown by demands by orienting the service introduction and go to market strategy on use cases which are profitable at a given point of time and contributing to the operator’s bottom line allowing further business expansion. As the operator can reuse his exi sting sites, no specific investment in towers or acquisition of sites are needed.Figure 6 : NB-IoT “time to market” and number of primary use casesThe selection of use cases can be different per operator, country and region or per addressed market. Huawei’s business modeling framework is able to address those challenges and advise on the right mix of investment, use case deployment and business model selection.3.3 SummaryThe opportunities for operators to enter business in NB-IoT domain are reflecting the huge potential of NB-IoT. Operators can choose from three basic setups according to their strategy per country or region:Connectivity: For the Internet of Things a reliable connectivity is required, but there are more business opportunities as just to engage in connectivityNB-IoT networks can be deployed by usingthe existing sites 1 Year 3 Year5 YearSmart ElectricitySmart WaterMeteringAlarms in Single-Family Houses Motor VehicleTrackingConnected StreetLamp………..Connected BloodPressure Meter Smart GasNB- IoT NW as a Service: Carrier grade solutions with security, billing, big data integration and QoS assurance allow the creation of new businesses and improvements to existing ones on a solid technological basis. NB-IoT Network as a service is supporting the global trends of network virtualization and cloud based service provision.End to End service provision: Operators may choose to extend into the e2e service provider domain for specific IoT solutions, but this needs careful planning, technology and business partnerships with players in the industry, including outsourcing and revenue sharing models.4IOT Use CaseIn this section, the various services and applications supported by LPWA has been classified under four categories; IOT Appliance, Personal, Public and Industry.Figure 7: Four use case categories for NB-IOT4.1IOT PublicAs the name suggests, IOT public focuses on LPWA applications that serves the general public; below are a few examples.i.Smart meteringSmart metering helps saves manpower by remotely collecting electricity, water and gas meter data over the cellular network. This is gaining quite an amount of momentum with most of the top European MNOs taking an interest in this topic mainly due to the market opportunity it presents. Smart metering will consequently help cut down cost generated from manual meter reading andchanging of meter batteries, which seems to be the two major cost drivers for conventional metering. Smart metering includes smart meters for water, gas and electricity.Figure 8: Smart metering use caseii.Alarms & Event DetectorsSecurity has always been a very important aspect of human living , people at all times want to be guaranteed of home safety. Alarms and event detection will help to rapidly inform that user about a detected home intrusion. This system will not only offer inteligent protection from intrusion but will also offer intelligence for detected events that can lead to a fire outbreak like a sudden increase in home temperature or smoke. Alarms and events detectors will make use of sensors placed devices in ideal locations in the home that constantly communicates with the LPWA network, this use case will make use of a very low data throughput and battery life of the devices will be ultra critical.Figure 9: Alarm & Event Detectorsiii. Smart garbage binsGarbage bins in city are not built by demand, and most of time the collecting trucks routes and schedule are fixed which is not optimal for a smooth collection. Smart garbage cans can signal to the waste management agent when the garbage can is full and in need of service, the best collection route will be calculated and delivered to the drivers. Historical collection data can provide optimized routes and guide on the right-size garbage can for each location. Charging for this service can be done on sensor amount or on monthly fee basis.Figure 10: Smart garbage bin4.2IOT INDUSTRYIOT Industry mainly delivers low power wide area applications that help to improve general enterprise and industrial efficiency; here are a few examples;iv.Logistics trackingLarge volumes of sensor data sent from tracking devices on shipping containers are aggregated and taken into an analysis to ensure that real time tracking of the location of shipments can be made possible. Alerts and optimized service recommendations are sent to technicians on their iPads, so that they can take preemptive actions in -real time. Charging model for this application can be done on a monthly payment or postpaid basis.Figure 11: Logistics tracking use casev. Asset trackingAsset tracking mainly deals with monitoring methods of physical assets made possible by a module on the asset broadcasting its location. Assets are usually tracked using GPS technology. This service is best leveraged in the logistics and transportation management industry, where through the use of sensors in modules sending information over the cellular network it is possible to gather and manage data relating to the current geographical location of assets. Asset tracking helps the owners of the assets to detect and preemtively react to unexpected events.Figure 12: Asset tracking use casevi. Smart agriculture NB-IOTTracking ApplicationSatelliteFarming industry is a sector with slim margins, and the way to survive in this industry is to optimize the general agriculture production including crops and livestock.Developing a sensor function to ensure the feeding of cattle has an optimized mix of nutritions to improve the yields from farming, and to reduce the waste of cattle feed. Installing sensors in the farming equipment that mix the cattle’s feed, through sensors measurements the variation in the cattle diet can quickly be identified, assessed and corrected. Charging model for this application can be done on a monthly payment or postpaid basis.Figure 13: Smart agriculture4.3IOT ApplianceConventionally, smart home application are deployed on short range technologies like Z-Wave, Zigbee but a home gateway is needed. In the case, where the appliance is embedded with an NB-IOT chipset the benefits are surprising. For example, management becomes more efficient through improvements in big data analysis. IOT appliance mainly comprises of LPWA applications that aims to provide intelligence for the user through sensors and devices that are found in the local area. Below are a few examples;Figure 14: IOT Appliance use cases4.4IOT PersonalIOT personal largely features LPWA applications that create a personal area network for the purposes of information exchange for the user. Below are a few examples;vii.WearablesConnected wearables in the past few years have taken center stage and increasingly becoming a lucrative industry as it is an application that mainly revolves around health, fitness and wellness. According to Cisco, there will be 177M connected wearables by 2018. Its market value is estimated at $250M in 2015 and is set to rise to $1.6B in 2022. A report released by Research&Markets and Berg Insight also estimated that global shipments of connected wearables in 2014 was 19 million and this figure is set to hit 168.2million by 2019 growing at a CAGR of 74.8%. Some of the few products that are making inroads in this industry are JawBone, GoPro & Nike just to name a few. While smartphone giants like Apple, Sony and Samsung are more linked to smartwatches.Figure 15: Wearables use caseviii. Smart bicycleFor bike rental companies it is vital to keep track of where the bike is at the moment, especially if it gets stolen. A bike rental company in Holland has embedded an M2M SIM card into the bike’s frame, and in this way the bike rental company can always find the bike. The M2M SIM is embedded into the bike in a non visible placeIf the bike is not returned to the rental company then the bike is positioned via the SIM. The rental cost for bikes can be reduced since the number of stolen bikes dramatically decrease. Stolen bikes can easily and quickly be located by the police via the SIM. Charging model can be done on a monthly payment or postpaid basis.Figure 16: Smart bicyclei.Kids monitoring use caseThe world’s population is aging, and senior people living alone at home need care in an easy and affordable way. Also parents have a great interest in being assured about their wellbeing andactivities. This use case provides realtime tracking of kids and the elderly. The information about their activities to the cloud. Real-time insights about the their status can be received on the users smartphone or other device.Figure 17: Kids monitoring use case5Operator Reference Cases5.1Smart ParkingParking can be a challenging issue, especially in urban areas where 30 % of all traffic congestion is caused by drivers circling around to find a parking space. Smart parking provides parking information to citizens in real time to enable better parking management. Huawei and a top operator are working on a smart parking project. Operator expects tens of millions of devices to be connected with this smart parking service. Another collaborator in this project is Neul, who provides the platform.Figure 18: Smart Parking reference caseIn this service, sensors that are placed under cars will communicate with the parking server through the cellular network to gain parking information. The operator and Huawei completed field trials for the smart parking project in July 2015 with Proof of Concepts already done. The commercialization of this project is expected in the second quarter of 2016.5.2Smart MeteringSmart metering as mentioned earlier enable the automated collection of utility meter data (Electricity, Water & Gas). Huawei and another operator are collaborating on an end to end smart metering solution. During Mobile World Congress 2015, Huawei and the operator unveiled this partnership on end to end smart metering project. Other players like Neul, Veolia, Kamstrup and Ublox are all collaborating efforts on this project that is planned to be launched in the first half of 2016.Figure 19: Smart metering reference caseProof of Concept for the smart metering project have already been completed, Huawei and the operator are looking forward to conducting field trials in November mercialization of the smart metering project is expected in the third quarter of 2016.5.3Pet TrackingHumans and their pets share a good bond, unfortunately many users often face issues regarding lost or stolen pets. Pet tracking use case is one application that helps the user to keep track of its pets activities and most importantly location at all times. A small lightweight device placed around the neck of the pet embedded with an NB-IOT chipset helps to send tracking information to its user’s device. This NB-IOT devices collects and sends location information leveraging GPS and Location Based Services and this can be done either periodically or in real time based on the users’ preferences.Figure 20: Pet tracking reference caseThe user can then receive the information with a tracking route that is already integrated with the map. Furthermore, this device is embedded with several forms of alarms that can alert the user when the device battery is running low .Huawei is collaborating with other industry players and another operator on the pet tracking application.6GlossaryNBIOT- Narrow Band Internet of ThingsPSD – Power Spectral DensityLPWA-Low Power Wide AreaGMSK – Gaussian Minimum Shift KeyingCAGR – Compound Annual Growth RateSC FDMA – Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access DL – DownlinkUL – UplinkeHealth – Electronic Health3GPP – Third Generation Partnership ProjectTTM – Time to MarketdB – DecibelGPRS – General Packet Radio ServiceMNO – Mobile Network OperatorPoC – Proof of ConceptKHz – Kilohertz2017。



浅析NB—IOT物联网技术及应用1. 引言1.1 物联网技术的发展物联网技术的发展已经成为当今科技领域的热门话题,随着社会信息化的不断推进,物联网技术也日益成为各行各业的发展趋势之一。







1.2 NB-IOT技术的介绍NB-IOT技术,即窄带物联网技术,是一种基于蜂窝网络的低功耗、广覆盖、低成本的物联网通信技术。







2. 正文2.1 NB-IOT技术特点NB-IoT技术是一种适用于物联网设备的低功耗广域网络技术,具有以下特点:1. 低功耗:NB-IoT技术采用窄带宽度和深睡眠技术,能够大大降低设备的功耗,延长设备的电池寿命,使设备更加节能高效。

NB-IoT 技术介绍及应用

NB-IoT 技术介绍及应用

汇报人:日期:•NB-IoT 技术概述•NB-IoT 技术原理与架构•NB-IoT 技术的应用场景•NB-IoT 技术的发展趋势与挑战目•NB-IoT 技术对物联网产业的影响•NB-IoT 技术未来展望录NB-IoT 技术概述定义:NB-IoT(Narrowband Internet of Things)是一种基于蜂窝网络的窄带物联网技术,旨在为大量低功耗设备和传感器提供可靠的无线连接。








与Wi-Fi技术的对比NB-IoT 与其他技术的对比NB-IoT技术起源于2014年,由华为和Vodafone共同提出,旨在解决物联网设备的连接问题。



发展现状NB-IoT 的发展历程NB-IoT 技术原理与架构NB-IoT 技术基于现有的蜂窝网络进行部署,可以充分利用现有网络基础设施,降低部署成本。

基于蜂窝网络窄带传输覆盖增强NB-IoT 技术使用窄带传输技术,能够在有限的带宽内传输更多的数据,同时降低了传输功耗。



NB-IOT 协议接入说明文档Version: 1.01、资源模型介绍1.1协议介绍OneNET提供了采用LWM2M+CoAP协议接入设备的说明文档,用户可以下载学习相关的具体内容,其中包括:LWM2M协议的介绍LWM2M是OMA组织制定的轻量化的M2M协议。

LwM2M定义了三个逻辑实体: •LWM2M Server 服务器;•LWM2M Client 客户端,负责执行服务器的命令和上报执行结果;•LWM2M 引导服务器Bootstrap Server,负责配置LWM2M客户端。

在这三个逻辑实体之间有4个逻辑接口:•Device Discovery and Registration:客户端注册到服务器并通知服务器客户端所支持的能力;•Bootstrap:Bootstrap Server配置Client;•Device Management and Service Enablement:指令发送和接收;•Information Reporting:上报其资源信息。

图1-1 LWM2M协议栈•LWM2M Objects:每个对象对应客户端的某个特定功能实体。

LWM2M 规范定义了以下标准Objects,比如o urn:oma:lwm2m:oma:2; (LWM2M Server Object);o urn:oma:lwm2m:oma:3; (LWM2M Access Control Object);o每个object下可以有很多resource,比如Firmware object可以有Firmware版本号,size等resource;o Vendor可以自己定义object。

•LWM2M Protocol:定义了一些逻辑操作,比如Read, Write, Execute, Discover or Observe等。

LWM2M协议的具体内容和消息格式可以参考OMA的网站CoAP协议的说明CoAP(Constrained Application Protocol)协议是IETF提出的一种面向网络的协议,采用了与HTTP类似的特征,核心内容为资源抽象、REST式交互以及可扩展的头选项等。



nb-iot协议NB-IoT(Narrowband Internet of Things)是一种低功耗、广覆盖的物联网协议。


























类型构建贴近现实的 功耗模型; b)终端电池自放电情 况测试; c)在不同的环境条件 及业务模型下终端整 机耗电测试; d)为降低终端耗电所 采用的终端休眠机制 测试等
同时接入的最大用户数 目; b)基于给定上行业务模型 的上行连接数目/容量极限 测试; c)基于给定下行业务模型的 下行连接数目/容量极限测 试; d)基于给定上下行混合业 务模型的连接数目/容量极 限测试;
15K Hz OFDM symbol with 10Ts CP
15K Hz OFDM symbol with 9Ts CP
• NB-IoT的上行物理信道
火灾自动报警 特点:终端位臵固定,上行延时敏 感的小数据包业务 类似场景:燃气泄漏报警、电梯故 障报警、老人急救
NB-IoT 概述

大连接,接入能力 增强

低功耗、低成本设 计

支持海量的低吞吐量 终端
每小区支持用户 5万+
• 5万用户为小区内部署的终端 数,并发用户数较少
• 基站通过SIB2广播配臵最多三组重复等级以及每组重复等级的RSRP门 限,: • 终端根据RSRP门限选择合适的重复等级进行随机接入 • R13 NB-IoT只支持竞争的随机接入,过程与LTE相同
NB-IoT NPUSCH format 1
• 用于传输上行业务数据的物理信道 • 仅支持RV0和RV2两种冗余版本 基站调度子载波间隔不同 的UE在一个上行子帧进行 传输时会产生互干扰



NB-IOT什么是NB-IOT?NB-IOT(Narrowband Internet of Things)即窄带物联网,是一种为物联网(IoT)设备提供低功耗、广覆盖、较低成本的无线通信技术。


NB-IOT的特点1. 低功耗和长电池寿命NB-IOT采用了很低的功耗策略,使得设备使用低功耗模式时能够持续运行多年。


2. 广覆盖范围NB-IOT利用现有的LTE网络基础设施,可以实现广覆盖的无线通信。


3. 较低成本相对于其他物联网通信技术,例如4G、5G等,NB-IOT的模块成本相对较低,这使得NB-IOT成为物联网项目的首选通信技术之一。

4. 支持海量设备连接NB-IOT支持大规模的设备连接,可以同时连接数千个设备,这使得NB-IOT非常适用于物联网场景中大规模设备的管理和监控。

NB-IOT的应用场景1. 智能电表NB-IOT可以应用于智能电表,实现远程抄表和电表的实时监控。


2. 环境监测利用NB-IOT技术,可以实现对环境中温度、湿度、污染物等参数的实时监测。


3. 智能停车通过在停车场中安装NB-IOT设备,可以实现对停车位的实时监测和管理。


4. 物流跟踪利用NB-IOT技术,可以实现对物流运输中货物的实时跟踪。





NB-IoT学习总结窄带物联网(Narrow Band Internet of Things, NB-IoT)成为万物互联网络的一个重要分支。



NB-IoT 支持待机时间长、对网络连接要求较高设备的高效连接。


在本课程的学习过程中,我们学习到了许多的关于NB-IoT 的知识。






NB-IoT使用License 频段,可采取带内、保护带或独立载波三种部署方式,与现有网络共存。



《物联网NB-IoT开发与实践》第一章 NB-IoT简介

《物联网NB-IoT开发与实践》第一章 NB-IoT简介

第1章 NB-IoT简介
早在1982年,科研工作者就提出了智能设备网络的概念,卡内基梅隆大学改造的 可乐自动售货机成为当时第一台连接互联网的设备。这台可乐自动售货机能够报告 其库存及新装饮料的冷却状态。
2014年5月,华为提出了窄带技术NB M2M,为物联网通信增加了一种王牌技术。
2017年9月,华为在华为全联接大会上面向全球企业市场提出了“平台+连接+生态” 的企业物联网战略。基于华为对企业客户的深度理解,华为希望成为企业物联网 领域的“智能平台的搭建者、多种连接方式的创新者和物联网生态的推动者”。
典型的有线通信方式有因特网、RS-485、控制器局域网络总线、LIN等;典型的无线通信方式 有Wi-Fi、蜂窝网络、NB-IoT、远距离、Sigfox、Weightless、ZigBee、蓝牙等。
NB-IoT ( 窄 带 物 联 网 ) 是 可 与 蜂窝网络融合演进的低成本、高 可靠性、高安全性的电信级广域 物联网技术。
设备管理平台的主要作用是实现对物联网终端的远程监控、配置调整、固件升级、 故障排查、生命周期管理等功能,如重启、关机、恢复出厂设置、查看实时数据等。
连接管理平台可以实现对物联网SIM卡的管控,用户还可以通过该平台进行账单查 看、SIM卡套餐更改等操作。
一种无线技术标准,可实现固定设备、移动设 备和楼宇个人域网之间的短距离数据交换,蓝 牙使用的2.4~2.485GHz的波段。
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第1章 NB-IoT简介



NBIOT技术介绍及应用NB-IoT(Narrowband Internet of Things)技术是一种用于低功耗广域物联网的无线通信技术。

它是3GPP(第三代合作伙伴计划)针对物联网应用而制定的标准之一、NB-IoT技术在底层使用了现有的GSM、UMTS 和LTE网络,以实现低功耗、广域覆盖以及高密度连接的物联网通信。















定义:窄带物联网(NB-IoT)是一种新兴的无线通信技 术,通过在授权频段内使用窄带频谱来提供物联网连接服 务。
低功耗:NB-IoT设备具有超低功耗,可延长设备使用寿 命。
广覆盖:在地下停车场、地下室等信号难以覆盖的区域, NB-IoT技术仍能实现良好覆盖。
大连接数:NB-IoT技术可支持大量设备同时连接,实现 大规模设备间的数据传输。
芯片模组环节是nb-iot产业链的核心基础,其发展推动了nb-iot技术的进步和 广泛应用。
随着nb-iot技术的不断发展,网络设备环节需要进行技术升级和设备更新,以满 足更高的传输速率和更低的功耗需求。
随着物联网应用的不断扩大,nb-iot技术将需要进一步增 强其大规模连接的能力,以应对日益增长的设备数量和数 据传输需求。
未来的nb-iot技术将更加注重设备的功耗问题,寻求更低 功耗的解决方案,以延长设备的使用寿命和降低运营成本 。
未来的nb-iot网络架构将更加灵活,能够适应各种不同场 景的需求,同时支持更高效的设备管理和数据传输。
nb-iot基站主要负责无线信号的收 发和转换,以及与核心网的通信。
核心网主要负责数据路由、协议转 换和业务处理。
采用窄带无线频段,降低 设备复杂度和功耗,提高 信号质量。
基于ip协议,实现设备的 互联互通。



NB-IoT(低速) 频谱带宽:200KHz 技术特点 覆盖能力:20dB 下行峰值:226.6Kbps 上行峰值:250Kbps 典型速率:几k到几十K 1.4MHz 15dB 半双工:<375Kbps 全双工:<1Mbps 典型速率:几十K到几百K eMTC(中速) 20MHz 0dB 下行峰值:10Mbps 上行峰值:5Mbps 典型速率:几百K到几兆 Cat1(高速)
速率 单用户测试上行最大速率为 14~15kbps (理论上行 15.6k ), 下行最大速率为18~21kbps(理论下行21.25k) 时延 业务态下移动,脱网重搜时延20~30s,测试表明NB不适合 移动态数据传输 定点ping包时延10s以内,测试表明NB固定场景时延较好, 可满足抄表类业务需求
依据 竞争对标:新疆移动将在2018年所有县城及 以上区域和农村重点区域部署NB网络
C网总体 1694 809 184 393 221 354 463 1150 351 786
城市 中心城区 1403 113 102 152 65 60 171 304 84 57 县城 0 175 0 19 43 80 27 158 40 164
800M重耕,7省开展外场测试,2017年 上半年商用部署

跟踪标准,2017年下半年开展试点, 已经开展终端与网络的测 适时启动商用 试,具备商用条件
NB-IoT DO DO LTE 5M 1019 37 78 119 eMTC 1X 1X
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NB-IOT Notes3GPP TSG-RAN WG2 Meeting #92 DRAFT_R2-157014Anaheim, USA, 16th – 20th November 2015Agenda Item: 13.3.4Source: Mediatek Inc. (Session Chair)Title: Report of the LTE breakout session (NB-IoT)Document for: Approval7.16 WI: Narrowband IOT(NB_IOT-Core; leading WG: RAN1; REL-13; started: Sep. 15; target: Mar. 16; WID: RP-151621)Time budget: N/AOverall: The mindset should be that Requirements in TR 45.820 shall be fulfilled. Please note that high level proposals are difficult to trea t, e.g. “do the same as eMTC”, “do the same as eDRX”, “do the same as in 45.820”, “do the same as in LTE”. For such proposals, please also explain in more detail what the proposal means.7.16.1 GeneralOrganization, Requirements, Overall CP/UP aspects, Running Stage-2 CR incl outcome of email disc 91bis#07, Coverage levels incl outcome of email disc 91bis#48, whether to reuse LTE stage-3 specifications or not, other. Incoming LSR2-156027 LS on Agreements on CIoT architecture for NB-IOT (S2-153695; contact: Intel) SA2 LS in to: RAN2 Rel-13 FS_AE_CioT- Docomo would like to clarify what is the meaning of mandatory for the network. Nokiawonders if it means that we need to upgrade the networks.- Vodafone think the meaning is as for UE. Point is that we should support the control planesolution. Vodafone thinks that we don’t need the UP solution inRel-13.- Ericsson thinks that we specify the UE behaviour as usual and that is it.- ZTE thinks it doesn’t imply priority. We need to specify both solutions. Ericsson agrees.- LG think optionality is only for UE., We aim to specify both solutions in Rel-13. This can be revisited at RP., Optional mandatory refers to the UE from RAN2 specifications point of view.R2-156873 LS on new security work item for NB-IoT (S3-152582; contact: Vodafone) SA3 LS in to: RAN2 Rel-13, NotedRunning Stage-2 CR for information from last meetingR2-155007 Running 36.300 CR to capture agreements on NB-IoT Huawei DraftCR 36.300Coverage level changeR2-156755 Report of the email discussion [91bis#48][NB-IOT] Coverage level Huawei Tech.(UK) Co., LtdreportP1:- Nokia thinks that indication is not needed, but this is part of UE RACH resource selection.- Qualcomm think that we need to wait for physical layer design tobe specific.1 / 15P2:- Whether S1 context release can be used depends on UP or CPsolution.P4- Intel think that option B is sufficient and that this isconsistent with email discussion. Mediatekand Ericsson agrees. QC think that the UE should have the option to update coverage level.- Vodafone think that maybe we should keep it a bit open whathappens when UE changes cellbelonging to different eNBs.- Ericsson think that mobility is even less for NB-IOT than for eMTC.- Huawei points out that according to the GERAN study there arepower consumption benefitswith updating coverage level.Agreements1: RAN node can determine the UE’s coverage level from random access procedure. How thisis done depends on RACH design of physical layer.2: The original eMTC design, e.g. by using S1 Context Release message to indicate coveragelevel can be used as the baseline, at least for the UP solution.3: CN may include coverage enhancement (CE) level information, Global Cell Id and PagingAttempt Count IE in Paging message to indicate related information to RAN node., CB: Potential agreement, For UE in idle mode, UE do not make specific access only to reportcoverage level change.OtherR2-156131 Scheduling considerationsGemalto N.V. discussion- Intel has some sympathy for these proposals. Intel would like to optimize for fixed location.Ericsson agrees, and would not like to optimize for the scheduling part. Vodafone think thisrequires study, and would be better considered for rel-14. This was not considered in theGERAN study. Mediatek also do not see clear benefits for the scheduling optimization.- Intel would like to look at this for rel-13. LG is not interested in this.- Chair points out that keeping UE in connected mode for long times is not part of any of theagreed SA2 solutions.- Not enough support for rel-13., NotedR2-156426 NB-IoT UE capability profile NTT DOCOMO INC. discussion - Vodafone think that NB-IOT devices are specifically low cost devices. Docomo thinks thereare benefits in reusing what we have today from functionality perspective.- Samsung wonders what the use case for the different capabilities is. Docomo think that theuse cases for NB-IOT is currently very narrow and think that they will increase. QC points outthat NB-IOT use cases are limited by the limited bandwidth. Huawei don’t think that twoprofiles are needed in this release.- Docomo want to address more use cases., Noted7.16.2 Control Plane7.16.2.1 Radio Resource Control - RRCAccess Control, Need for RRC connection re-establishment, Need for redirection, Applicability of RRC connection reconfiguration, signalling enhancements in the S1 architecture, otherAccess ControlR2-156385 Access control for roaming UEs in NB-IOT TeliaSonera AB discussionmoved from 7.16.1 to Samsung wonders why we need to discriminate.- TS explains that roaming may happen due to a competitor network having problems, i.e.abnormal cases.2 / 15- Nokia think we should have the same support as in EAB wrt roaming UEs.- Vodafone point out that we need traffic priorities, e.g. three different priorities, in the accesscontrol mechanism. CMCC agrees, and think that NB-IOT, The access control mechanism for NB-IOT shall be able to discriminate betweendifferent roaming UEs, i.e. the same roaming differentiation as for EAB.R2-156136 Access control for NB-IoT Ericsson discussionmoved from to Neul wonders if the proposal is based on the assumption that value tag is in the MIB or SIB1.Neul then wonders how the UE knows that barring is ongoing. Ericsson think there is a bit inSIB1 telling if barring is ongoing.- Intel wonders if this is EAB except for the notification. Ericsson confirms. - Docomo wonders how this applied to access classes. Docomo understands that barring shallbe applicable for Access classes as today. Ericsson agrees. One bit represents one AC. - How to handle MO signalling? Ericsson did not go into this detail.R2-156315 Analysis of NB-IOT access control mechanism China Mobile Com. Corporation discussion Updated in R2-156867R2-156867 Analysis of NB-IOT access control mechanism China Mobile Com. Corporation discussion - LG point out that ACDC can be used with bitmap approach too.- CMCC think this is future proof.- Ericsson wonders how the categories are configured. LG clarifies that this is supported byCT1.- Docomo wonders whether this is required. ZTE does not think this is required.R2-156521 Access Control in NB-IOT LG Electronics Inc. discussion Barring bitmap per AC, ACDC, LTE-ACB?- Do we need service granularity or not?- CATT supports ACDC. QC points out that ACDC requires more broadcast information, andwould not like to introduce it unless needed.- Ericsson point out that for prioritization we only have identified two priorities, not differentservices so far, also in the GERAN study.- Vodafone think we don’t need ACDC, but that we do need some prioritization.- Ericsson think that ACDC involves handling of application ID etc. Intel points out that withACB we can discriminate between different classes e.g. signalling data etc. - Huawei think we should keep ACDC as a candidate solution. Ericsson think this would addcomplexity.- QC think that we need to progress more before sending a LS, as the other groups may not beup to date on NB-IOT., We need some priority discrimination, We assume that the priority discrimination classes can be hard-coded in thespecification, normal reporting, high-priority/alarm/exception report. This need to beprovided by NAS. The final classes are FFS., CB: offline discussion on details, way forward (LG)Barring bitmap (e.g. per AC), random draw LTE-ACB- Nokia, Sony, Vodafone, Intel Ericsson, Neul, QC, Huawei supports barring bitmap , We use barring bitmap, We assume that NB-IOT doesn’t support SSAC and ACB-skip.Details- Neul think that value tag is updated when barring information is used. Ericsson clarifies thatthe intention is that value tag is only updated when barring is started and stopped, not formodifications.3 / 15- Neul wonders why we can’t follow the modification period. Ericsson think that we change thebarring bitmap faster than then normal modification period allows. Intel are not sure this isneeded.- Ericsson clarifies that it is indicated in SIB1 that this barring SIB is transmitted, and then theUE has to check it.- Intel has concerns on the power consumption for reading of SIBs and would like to check. - CATT think that UEs will be paged before any change of access control and this will spreadthe load. QC wonders whether the intention is to page every UE inthe Cell. Chair points outthat we may have paging cycles of 1h. Nokia supports the Ericsson proposal to not usepaging. LG think this will depend on the mechanism to inform the UEon the barring change. - Docomo think that we need further work toidentify which establishment causes we need. - Vodafone think we have a third priority class, this can be addressed later if needed. - Huawei point out that exception reporting has a time requirement of 10s., The barring bitmap is transmitted separately from other system information and onlywhen access control is enabled., It is FFS whether change of bitmap will trigger SI changeindication., It is FFS how to spread the load after un-barring / barring change., The barring bitmap check is applicable to normal reports., A separate flag is broadcasted which indicates if exceptionreports are subject tobarring bitmap check or not.Connected Mode MobilityR2-156172 NB-IOT - Measurements in connected mode Ericsson, China Mobile Com. Corporationdiscussion- Ericsson explains that measurement reporting may depend on indication from the network,e.g. a broadcast indication.- Mediatek wonders if this will impact battery life. Ericsson explains that this is indeed onlyabout reporting measurements that are done in Idle for RRM.- Intel are ok with the UE reporting such measurements, if they are done in Idle mode. - Vodafone don’t think tha t measurements are needed, and think that measurements cannotbe sent unciphered and are thus not applicable to solution 2. Vodafone think that we shouldnot discuss this.- Nokia supports this. Gemalto think that there may or may not beany measurements to report.This may also bring new requirements for security. It need to be clear that this do not bringoverhead. Ericsson believes that this do not cause overhead and is best effort. Sony pointsout that we have the same mechanism in UMTS, and would be ok, but think we should becareful about the size.- CATT are ok with the proposal, but would prefer that they are not reported in separateadditional measurement report message.- Docomo support the proposal.- Intel would like to keep agreement general for both solutions.- Vodafone think that the only use case is location.- Samsung think that we need to know more about location technologyto be used. - There is significant support, but doubts on the usefulness. No agreement. Proposal 2:- In tel think we don’t know how the physical layer works. Neul agrees. QC think we need a RLFcriterion based on own cell quality., RAN2 assumes that there is at least one RLF criterion, It is FFS if NB-IOT device performs radio link monitoring on theDL to trigger RLF.4 / 15Signalling Enhancements TR 23.720R2-156425 RRC aspects in NB-IoT HTC Corporation discussionR2-156348 General RAN impacts due to SA2 agreements on NB-IOT Intel Corporation discussion - Vodafone wonders if data is treated assignalling in solution 2. Ericsson thinks that NAS-PDUshould be MO-data. Intel agrees.- Nokia wonders how it is determined what solution is used. Intel think that this is discussed inSA2. Intel think that until there is a response from the CN the RAN should assume that thesolution 2 is used.- Nokia think that eNB should decide which solution to be used. Docomo think that we need toconsider the case that a UE connects to legacy network. Neul points out that SA2agreements is only for NB-IOT.- CATT thinks that for solution 2 there would be a dedicated CN. The eNB need to know beforeresponse from CN, in order to select CN node.- Docomo is concerned about the scenario where a NB-IOT UE connects to a legacy LTEnetwork and the NB-IOT UE assumes that solution 2 need to be supported. We postpone thisdiscussion until we get input from SA2.Proposal 3 (HTC)- The intention is only to align with LTE.- Nokia think we might need to segment. We need to establish the connection first and thensend the data. Neul think we can already do this. Intel think we can agree this as a baseline. - Nokia does not like to segment RRC connection setup complete and would not like topiggyback NAS message if it is too large. Sony agrees. Ericssonthink that we can use MACmultiplexing. CATT think this is not a very big problem.- Sony think that NAS carrying Data could be transferred by UP bearer.- Ericsson thinks that we should limit the solution 2 to small data.Proposal 5 (HTC)- Ericsson think that maybe measuremnts need to be supported andthat security may beneeded also for solution 2. QC point out that the whole point of solution 2 is to avoid securitysetup. Nokia proposes to send a LS to SA3. CATT think that SA2 already has discussed thiswith SA3. QC point out that security activation is clearly not part of solution 2. Proposal 10 (Intel)- LG wonders if same NAS is used for NB-IOT as for LTE. Neul expects that there will besignificant differences, For solution 2, a data radio bearer (DRB) is not used in NB-IOT., As a baseline agreement, At most one NAS signallig message or NAS messagecarrying small data can be piggybacked in RRCConnectionSetupComplete in the RRCconnection establishment procedure for solution 2., A UL NAS signalling message or UL NAS message carrying small data can betransmitted by a UL RRC container message for solution 2. A DL NAS signaling or DLNAS small data can be transmitted by a DL RRC container message for solution 2. , We assume that AS security is not needed for NB-IoTsolution 2. This can be revisitedif need for AS security is found., We assume that for solution 2, there is no need to differentiate between the differentdata types (i.e. IP, non-IP or SMS) in the AS level. For UP solution, PDCP headercompression may be used for IP type traffic., We assume that for solution 18, a data radio bearer (DRB) is established in NB-IOT. , To take as baseline assumption that LTE UEradio capabilities concept is alsoapplicable for NB-IOT (i.e. UE can share UE radio capabilities upon network request);details FFS., There is an RRC establishment cause., We assume that the following values of RRC establishment cause may be applicablefor NB-IOT: mt-Access, mo-Signalling, mo-Data,mo-Exception-Data; FFS if differentcause values should be used for CP and UP solution., Draft LS to CT1, SA2, SA3 on NB-IOT progress (Docomo Wuri)5 / 15- attaching the running CR, asking for feedback ono RRC establishment causes.R2-156971 Draft LS to CT1, SA2, cc: SA3 on NB-IOT progress NTT Docomo LSoutR2-156502 RRC procedures for solution 2 in TR 23.720 Neul Limited discussion- No need to discuss that the Paging procedure is supported for notification of MT call, This isclear from earlier.Proposal 3.4:- Neul clarifies that this proposal refers to RRC connection reject.- ZTE thinks it is too early to decide and it should be revisited when access control is moreclear. Ericsson supports the proposal and think that wait timeshould also be in RRCconnection release.- Vodafone thinks there may not be a release message.- Nokia think we may have two wait times, Sony think we should only have one. Proposal 4.1:- Ericsson think that RRC connection reconfiguration might be used. Nokia agrees. - Vodafone think there is nothing to reconfigure, and proposes that this procedure is simply notsupported. Qualcomm think we should question every possible overhead. Ericsson thinkreconfiguration may be needed for control in enhanced coverage.- Gemalto points out that RRC connection reconfiguration may be usedat SW update / largerdata transfer.- RRC connection reconfiguration is supported for UP solution.Proposal 5.1- Neul clarifies that we may support both timer and explicit message.- CATT think there is a risk that the timer expires when the UE has data for transmission. - Sony think that it is better to not have a timer, as message is faster. The message basedapproach is anyway timer based.- Nokia have concerns on how to start the timer, see no benefits,and think it is sufficient tosupport message.- Ericsson think that the default is a message based release.- Docomo think that this causes complexity.- Vodafone would like to have a system that is optimized andsupports this proposal. Vodafonethi nk we don’t have a RRC connection release message at all.- Fujitsu are concered about possible UE network desynch. Intelshares this concern. - Blackberry think we cannot decide now. Gemalto would prefer both message and timer. - Nokia think we have alreadydecided to have the RRC connection release message. - We will revisitthis at next meeting, we may go with the majority view. Proposal 5.1 - Nokia wonders if we need UL information transfer. Neul respondsthat we need this at leastfor ACK on higher layers.Proposal 6.3- Sony wonders what mechanism this refers to. Neul think that we don’t need to limit to aspecific mechanism.- Chair wonders how reliable such indication need to be.- Ericsson think that we don’t have this interaction between AS and NAS today.- QC think we should wait until we know more about the physical layer.- CATT wonder what is the upper layer. Neul clarifies that upperlayer is NAS. QC think thatupper layers could be anything., The RRC Connection is established for small data transfer for solution 2. , There will be a “wait time” in the RRC connection reject., We assume that RRC connection reconfiguration is not required for short RRCconnections for the solution 2 when the connection is used for small data transfer. , It is FFS if RRC connection reconfiguration is neededfor solution 2. , It is FFS how RRC connection is released., DL information transfer and UL information transfer messages are supported to carrysmall data and carried over SRB1 in solution 2.6 / 15Data over NAS - solution 2R2-156438 NB-IoT small data transmission encapsulated in RRC message Nokia Networks discussion - Already covered, notedR2-156349 Discussion on control plane based solution of data overNAS for NB-IOT Intel Corporationdiscussion- Ericsson think that eNB should know if there is signalling or data.- Intel think that RRC connection establishment cause is the only means for differentiation. - Docomo wonders if the scheduler needs to differentiate between signalling and data. Intelthinks not.- Nokia think that NAS signalling should have higher priority than data. Intel point out that weonly have a single HARQ process so there will not be prioritizationin a UE. - QC think it can be handled sequentially., RRC connection establishment cause can be used for differentiated handling, e.g. ofdata and signalling, in AS. It is FFS if anything else is needed.R2-156238 RAN aspects of Solution 2 in TR 23.720 CATT discussion- Largely already treated.- Asus think that it is useful for the AS to know the contents, in order to release the RRCconnection.- Neul think that optimized RRC connection release is triggered by NAS, but not by ASknowing the contents of NAS message., notedAS context caching - solution 18R2-156424 Work on user plane based solution with AS information stored in RAN NTT DOCOMO, INC.discussionR2-156395 RRC Connection Suspend and Resume Ericsson discussionR2-156350 Discussion on user plane based solution of AS contextreuse for NB-IOT Intel Corporationdiscussion- Vodafone wonders what happens when a UE changes eNB in Idle mode.- Docomo think that the main scenario is low mobility. SA2 has discussed this. - Ericsson think that the RRC resume can fail or trigger context fetch.Proposal 1- Neul comments that the suspend state seems more like connectedthan Idle state. Ericssonclarifies that this was the agreement from SA2. Main point is that Idle procedures apply. Sonythink Neul observation is correct. Intel think that this is indeedan enhanced RRC idle state.Blackberry agrees, but think that there should be a differentiation in the naming. - CATT think we can use L1 procedures instead of RRC procedures, which would give lessoverhead. Ericsson think that L1 signalling cannot be used for state transitions. Chair pointsout that the L1 signalling is not reliable. There seems to be very little support for this. - Ericsson confirms that the main difference is in the state transitions and the access. - Chair think we need to be very careful to not introduce new states. We can bringcontributions for next meeting if we want to modify this.- Neul like the proposal to have new procedures compared to reuse existing ones, for clarity, - Docomo think we can reuse existing procedures.- Vodafone would like to more clearly define what is the AS context. Ericsson clarifies that tiisbasically what we forward at HO prep.Proposal 2- QC wonders if C-RNTI would be cleared when UE goes to Idle. Ericsson think it is cleared,also when the AS context is retained. Intel think C-RNTI can be used. Docomo think that theresume ID is not needed, because S-TMSI and eNB ID can be used.- QC has concerns on security for sending S-TMSI in clear text.- CATT asks if C-RNTI can be valid if UE changes cell.7 / 15- Chair think that over X2, UE context can today be identified by<eNB-ID, C-RNTI, timestamp> - Ericsson think that C-RNTI values can be exhausted.- Nokia would like to use C-RNTI as it is used also in reestablishment.Proposal 3:- Nokia and Intel think it is too early to agree.- We postpone agreement.Proposal 7- Ericsson clarifies that DRB may not always be resumed, e.g. for TAU. Docomo and Intel hasdoubts that this is needed.Proposal 8:- Intel think we should wait until we know better how this procedure works. - Ericsson clarifies that the intentiton is to state that we can do mac multiplexing and haveseveral messages.- Huawei wonders how the eNB could know which TB size to allocate. Chair points out that forLTE there is a method already although it does not allow for vert fine greaned resrouceindication.Proposal 10- Neul wonders how the eNB could know which TB size to allocate, and if data is ciphered.Ericsson clarifies that the bearer need to be resumed.- Vodafone wonders what would be the cause value.- Qualcomm wonders if the request can fail and then how data can be sent. - Ericsson think that if there is a failure the data will be dropped.Docomo Proposal 2:- Neul think that SA2 is working on this. The chair thinks that the alternative is that all eNBs inan area handled by the CN supports the UP solution. Vodafone assumes that all eNB in a TAwould have the same support. Sony support the docomo proposal. Ericsson think that alsoCP solution-allowed bit should be broadcasted. Nokia think that this can slo be handled in theconnection establishment phase.- Intel think we should wait for SA2, until we know more., Agree that the UE may retain the AS context in RRC_IDLE mode for UP solution. RAN2 assumes that this enhanced RRC_IDLE state is referred to as RRC_IDLE but this may be revisited., Introduce a RRC Connection Suspend procedure which is used at transition fromRRC_CONNECTED to RRC_IDLE state and where the UE stores the AS context; , We assume that at suspend – resume, security is continued. It is FFS how this is done. , Introduce a RRC connection resume procedure which is used at transition fromRRC_IDLE to RRC_CONNECTED and where previously stored information in the UE aswell as in the eNodeB is utilized to resume the RRC connection., The RRC suspend procedure and the RRC resume procedure may be new procedures with new messages, or may be implemented as new IEs in existing LTE procedures. This is FFS., In the message to resume, the UE provides an Identifier to be used by the eNB to access the stored information required to resume the RRC Connection. Identifier FFS , If the resume procedure fails, e.g. if the AS context is not present, we assume that the UE initiates connection setup. It is FFS if this is done in an optimized way or not. , It is FFS if DRB can be multiplexed with connection resume request if the granted transport block size permits.R2-156421 Compatible S1 architecture with eMTC and normal UEs NTT DOCOMO, INC. discussion - Vodafone think this should be discussed in theeMTC session. Neul agrees. - Docomo explains that the reason is that the solutions were initially done for NB-IOT. - Sony point out that this was discussed in RP, and it was not agreed to add it to eMTC, but it could maybe be done in NB-IOT.- Ericsson agrees that it would make sense that this is applicablefor other UEs. Ericsson thinkthat UP solution does not require CN updates and is thus suitable to be used by non-NB-IOTUEs.8 / 15- Neul point out that NB-IOT should be very optimized and would be connected to aspecialized CN.- Docomo would like that we state that there is no technical problem with the proposal.- The chair think that there will be some extra work, and it is not clear how much. Suchproposal need to be clarified at RP., NotedOtherR2-156437 RRC connection re-establishment for NB-IoT Nokia Networks discussion R2-156394 RRC Connection Control for NB-IoT Ericsson discussionR2-156547 RRC Connection Control for NB-IoT SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. discussionlateR2-156504 Timer-based connection release Neul Limited discussion R2-156222 RRC Functionality to Support SoftwareUpdate/Reconfiguration FUJITSU LIMITEDdiscussionR2-156428 Further discussion on NB-IOT functionalities HTC Corporation discussion R2-156446 RRC connection management for NB-IOT small data transmission ASUSTEK COMPUTER(SHANGHAI) discussionR2-156558 Consideration on PSD Boosting in In-band NB-IoT Sony discussion System InformationSI Contents – incl outcome of email disc 91bis#46 , SI Scheduing –incl outcome of email disc 91bis#47, SI Change. SI contents R2-156351 Email discussion report on [91bis#46][NB-IOT] System information content Intel CorporationdiscussionRecommendation 7- Ericsson think that presenceAntennaPort1 may be needed.Recommendation 7- Intel explains that category0Allowed-r12 should be moved to removed.Agreements:。
