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1.It’s good to have_______sleep after_____lunch every day.

A.a;/ B.a;the C.the;a D.the;/

2.Many people like to enjoy_______in the sunshine on Sundays.

A. theyselves B.themselves C.himself D.theirselves

3.The project is designed to provide young people________work.

A.for B.at C.with D.by

4.Some animals can even see things_________in the dark.

A.quietly B.carefully C.badly D.clearly

5.一How was the weather there yesterday?

一The fog was so_______that we couldn’t drive.

A.thick B.thin C.dirty D.dark

6.The plants are________, but the animals are ___________now.

A.in danger; out of danger

B. in the danger;out of the danger

C.in danger ous; out of dangerous

D.out of a danger;out of danger

7.We have _________fresh air to breathe because of the air pollution.

A.less and less B.fewer and fewer

C.more and more D.most and most

8.We should learn to_______ourselves when we are away from home.

A.take care B.1ook for C.1ook up D.1ook after

9. He lives _______ in a __________village,but he doesn’t feel_______.


B.alone; lonely;lonely


D.alone; alone; lonely

10. There are _________people in Sichuan than that in Shandong.

A.much more

B.many more

C.a little more


11. We can _________ some movie posters on the wall of our cinema.

A. put out

B. put off

C. put in

D. put up

12. There are not many giant pandas_________in the world.


B.to live



13. ___________ news report about saving the wild tigers!

A. What useful

B.What a useful

C.How useful

D.How a useful

14. They got up earily this morning ____________be late for school.

A.in order to

B.in order to not

C. in order don’t to

D.in order not to

15. The girl with glasses _________be Tim’s sister! She never wears glasses.





16. Simon, Kitty says she _________a comic book in your home yesterday.





17.There an exciting softball match on TV this evening.

A. will have

B. are going to have

C. are going to be

D. is going to be

18.Shanghai is bigger than______in Jiangsu and bigger than______in China.

A. any city, any city

B. any city, any other city

C. any other city, the other cities

D. any city, any other cities

19.If she ________up, she ________the early bus.

A.don’t hurry; won’t catch

B.doesn’t hurry; will catch

C.doesn’t hurry; will miss

D.hurries;will miss

20.- John didn't play well in the final, right?

- Well, _______ .But I think he is still a very good basketball player.

A. I agree

B. it's hard to say

C. I'm afraid not

D. that's not true



Do you hope to do a lot of homework every evening? Are you interested in your English classes? 1 do you want to teach you? Maybe you have lots of questions to think about 2 school starts.

Well, I want to give you some good suggestions on these problems. First, don't worry about all the questions you have. Put yourself into learning, and you can find 3 you are interested in. Do it actively.

Second, try your best to finish your homework 4 . Don't spend a lot of time on it. Do more reading or writing in English. Think about the problems you have and work out them at once. Don't 5 up late, or you can't study well the next day. Third, invent something instead of copying or repeating. If you can 6 the words in your way, you can tell your 7 you don't like the way of copying them again and again. Be sure that you must 8 the test. I thi nk your teachers will agree with you. Instead they can give you some 9 work to do.

School is really a good place for us to learn. 10 in your teachers and yourself. You are the best one and you can do everything well.

1.A. What B. Which C. Who D. How

2.A. after B. before C. when D. if

3.A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something

4.A. quickly B. correctly C. honestly D. carefully

5.A. get B. wake C. stay D. pull

6.A. remember B. read C. put D. write

7.A. parents B. classmates C. teachers D. friends

8.A. take B. finish C. have D. pass

9.A. more B. interesting C. exciting D. busy

10.A. Join B. Trust C. Fit D. Believe

